Good morning, Glibs and Glibettes. And any of you non-binary whatevers. We’ve been in a celebratory mode, what with SP passing her first midterm exam with what is, for her, a barely acceptable score (99/100)- but you know the old joke about what you call the guy who graduates last in his medical school class. In any case, a bottle of New Mexico’s finest Champagne has been sacrificed, and I’m raiding the nearby orange grove to gather raw materials for Screwdrivers. So in this brief interlude of sobriety, I’ll drop in a few links.
First, some selected birthdays, and there’s a lot to choose from. Those of us who admire the genius of the US Constitution and sorely wish our politicians would read it every once in a while mark the birthday of its architect and defender against statist pieces of shit like Adams and Hamilton, James Madison; the original #Resist, Georg Ohm; my spirit animal, Henny Youngman; star of two of my all-time favorite TV series, Leo McKern; and legend of real football, Ozzie Newsome. Oh, and someone to be named later.
But next up, some curated news items.
Trump accidentally says something true. Outrage ensues.
And another black child killed by white supremaci… oh, wait.
Creepy Ignoramus’s creepy behavior quietly swept under the rug. Next: Bill Nye’s penis complains about his hand.
“Rebecca Drago, Cunningham’s spokeswoman, said he wasn’t aiming for technical accuracy.” No. No, he wasn’t. But that’s not what politics is about. Not that it matters, the world will come to an end in 12 years.
Unfunny AND unoriginal is no way to go through life, son.
The stupid lash out at the retarded. Popcorn, please.
In the same vein… I can’t decide who’s stupider, Louie Gohmert or the Twitter howler monkeys. You tell me.
Bernie’s campaign dooms itself in a most delightful way.
Snopes beclowns itself again by demonstrating a lack of understanding of what a “metaphor” is. Sigh, that was once a useful site.
Old Guy Music, with a short story. The birthday boy I didn’t mention is the great pianist Tommy Flanagan. And he played on one of the most revered of all jazz recordings, the original Giant Steps. GS is easily the most deceptively complex and difficult jazz piece ever written, with two key changes per measure and totally non-intuitive progressions. John Coltrane, as was his habit, came into the studio with the charts and recorded the song with essentially no prep by his band. Famously, Tommy Flanagan struggled with it, and this song is still the basic test of aspiring jazz musicians. Years later, Flanagan had his revenge and recorded it with his own band- after working on it for years- and vindicated himself with absolutely incredible solos. But you judge.
I hate autoplay.
I also hate Daylight Savings Time, and okra. But at least no tries to force me to eat okra. Although, I can’t imagine why someone would do so willingly.
“You can either eat this okra, or hit yourself in the nuts with a pipe wrench.”
“Then hand me the wrench.”
It’s the sliminess I don’t care for.
“Hey, I just discovered this vegetable from Africa.”
“Watermelon is pretty good, but it’s not a vegetable.”
“Oh, this is totally different! It has the texture of a cat’s tongue, covered in snail slime, and tastes like lawn clippings.”
“I’m going to murder your family.”
Sliced, breaded, pan-fried. Not slimy, and delicious.
I do like breaded and fried clams with cocktail sauce.
“President Trump says white nationalism is not on the rise across world, ‘it’s a small group’ of people”
Anyway, that’s true. White nationalists, and white supremacists, are vastly outnumbered by the people caterwauling about a nazi under every bed.
Sure, no one I know has ever seen a white nationalist, but surely to make such a claim, they’d offer ironclad evidence.
An all time high? 100% bullshit.
It’s definitely not a transparently political hit on a Republican administration, accomplished by increasingly fluid definitions of the term “hate group”.
The SLPC is counting the * number * of groups that meet their fluid definition of hate groups, not the number of people in said “hate groups”. A lone whacko hermit in a shack in the wilderness = one hate group, the KKK in their heyday = one hate group. Totes comparable.
Yes, an all-time high.
Called it.
*thunderous applause*
Yeah, I’m thinking the 30’s-50’s era would be far more likely. It wasn’t just All Klan, Everywhere, All the Time.
STONER SMITH has trouble with snow.
(linked below also, but I called him SMOKE SMITH)
1 guy with a swastika tattoo and his buddy
“1 guy with a swastika tattoo and his FBI informant”
Fixed it.
I think it is high because of the way they are counting. In the 30’s-50’s era, there may have only been two or three Klan groups, each with tens of thousands of members. Now there may be 500 Klan groups across the country, each with maybe 10 members. By SPLC logic, there are more hate groups now then there were before. There may be less actual Klan members, but that is not what the SPLC is counting — primarily because it would hurt there fundraising.
The internet has created a massive opportunity for the grifters. Every troll at 4chan is a potential Nazi now.
Nobody you know has ever seen a Republican?
Everyone voted for Goldwater, popular vote, man. I think he is the rightful president today or else one of his kids/grandchildren.
In my timeline Goldwater was president for 24 years. He was not followed, once he retired we abolished the office of president because our new pocket constitution and complete laws of the United States, being only 8 pages long including commentary, and 35 person Federal Government no longer require a full time President. Congress is made of of 1236 people with pagers who meet on January 12 to pass the 3 page large type budget, which will be paid from the surplus on deposit from 1982 for at least 12 more years, and get summoned when needed for emergencies. The last time was in 1984 when the North Koreans applied for admission as a protectorate.
Go on…
*goes to get change of pants after creaming this pair*
I was thinking about this while making coffee. Sure, the shooter was insane, but it’s not as though crazy people are immune to social influence. Imagine you are young and white, and every day of your life — in school, the media, entertainment, and even sports — you kept hearing how being white is bad, and everything is your fault for being white. Nonstop gaslighting. Some might give into it and try to atone for their sins by joining the cult of “social justice”. Others might develop stronger interests in other pursuits to be able to ignore it. A few might might have the looks, verbal acumen, social skills, or sense of humor, to fight against it through new media. Or become alt-right shitposters. But there is always going to be rare individuals predisposed to violence who react by shooting people and blowing things up. Which should surprise no one, including the people constantly going on about colonialism and white privilege. They must know that their words will inspire violence, so they must want violence. They want to be able to point the shooter and say, “see I told you whiteness is bad”. This is demonstrated by their often blaming racism for crimes that had nothing to do with race, and faking crimes motivated by racism. Look at the constant barrage hate hoaxes. There aren’t enough white supremacists in reality to support their narrative. So they want to create them, regardless whether they are real or imaginary. And they couldn’t care less if it results in innocent people getting killed.
See my comment below on global warming.
“And they couldn’t care less if it results in innocent people getting killed.”
The DO care about that. It’s the part they love the most.
So they can use it as an excuse to increase the power of the state?
I remember when Sandy Hook happened, the gun grabbers were positively giddy.
I’m guessing “White Pride” is on the rise as a backlash against all the anti-white bigotry. If the anti whites push it hard enough they’ll eventually get the White Nationalism they always dreamed of. Then…
Well it’s that now “white pride” has expanded to cover “I don’t believe that white privilege is a meaningful concept” and/or “I don’t buy into the concept of collective guilt or collective pride at all” and/or “It’s St. Patrick’s Day and my great-grandfather was Irish, and I enjoy identifying with Irish culture because I have a genealogical connection to it”.
Go on…
Giant Steps
More giant steps
Still more giant steps.
Damn it, Ted.
Gohmert edges the howler monkeys.
Enough friends for a choir as well
Good morning y’all.
Good morning to you too!
That’s just like your opinion, man.
Sounds like the black sheep of the family.
Mary Jane Smith.
Uffda. I knew I should have read the comments first before posting below (and above).
Looks like refusing to read the links is just gateway apathy. Now I’m not even reading the comments. I have hit rock bottom.
Where have I seen that before? *looks up thread *
“Rebecca Drago, Cunningham’s spokeswoman,
Ivan’s wife?
who also served as Ivan’s spokeswoman…Coincidence, I Think Not.
“Tyson in which he took an interest in her tattoo of the solar system”
On a 1:1 scale
Hamplanet or heavenly body?
A unionized presidential campaign?
That’s gonna be very entertaining.
I wonder if that’ll help during the criminal court proceedings for campaign finance violations…. Who am I kidding? Democrats don’t have those!
‘The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes and groups in the US, has reported the number of hate groups in the US has been on the rise for four straight years and has recently reached an all-time high.’
Considering the source itself had degenerated into a hate group I’ll just have to take their findings with a big fucking grain of salt.
Morning, Glibs. Off to work in an hour and I’m not too happy about it but sometimes shitty weather during the work week makes me play catch up on Saturdays.
*Irishes up the glibetariat’s coffee*
Happy Snake Saturday
Oh, you mean the John Birch Society of the left?
Life’s too short to watch SNL. I can sit through the whole thing without cracking a smile. I’ll take random (or old favorites – Stanhope, Louis CK, Theo Von, Todd Barry) standup acts any day. I usually find new ones I like featured on “This Is Not Happening” on YouTube.
It’s like a bad disney song on repeat…
Look at my virtue. Isn’t it great.
How many triggers can one liberal take?
My coworker listens “This Is Not Happening” on his earphones all the time. Hearing him randomly chuckle and burst out laughing is entertaining for the rest of us. I’ve caught a few episodes myself, pretty good stuff. I should give it another try soon.
A little too early in the morning to see a pic of Chelsea Clinton
Hey, at least it isn’t Chaz Bono.
This is why you only hover over the links.
When is there a good time?
When you have alcohol poisoning and no ipecac on hand?
You don’t find large white teeth and overbites sexy? Queer.
Twitter, it’s stupid all the way down.
Give me back my broken night
My mirrored room, my secret life
It’s lonely here,
There’s no one left to torture:
Liza Minelli is still alive?
She’s Lucille 2!
(and she’s fantastic in AD)
LOL take that!
The NY Post has been furiously pumping this thing up for weeks. Makes me wonder what their angle is – new digs, perhaps?
And NZ announces they will have a semi auto gun ban…
Gunman wins.
And if the one image I saw is correct, he had a pump shotgun, right?
If I recall the crazed murderer that committed the Sandy Hook shooting had a shotgun, an AR rifle and two pistols. He left the long guns in the trunk of his car and carried the pistols in because he couldn’t get the long guns in unseen. He committed that horrific crime with two semi-auto pistols, one chambered in 22LR, yet I have been hearing relentless claims that he committed it with ‘an assault rifle’.
Gun grabbers lie.
He started out with the shotgun and then went to his car and got the AR I think. I’ll just have to take others’ word for it though because I ain’t watching that shit.
“went to his car”
Nice opportunity to take him out.
Oh, wait, gun free zone.
If the world hates millennials so badly, wait until they get a load of this generation:
It’s the teachers doing the organizing. The teens are just puppets.
I heard a snippet from one of the protests yesterday. The kids were screaming hysterically. The AGW crowd really is a cult.
That’s because adults are scaring the shit out of them.
Piece of shit adults.
“I get to walk out of class and bullshit with my friends for a while? Sign me up.”
I am so sad, kids that wear velcro shoes already know what’s best for everyone else. Turn off your smart phone, kiddo, that’s the start. Better yet, throw it away, walk to school, no books, no laptop, no TV, only a teacher and a chalk board and rote memory ’cause there ain’t no pencils or paper. Learn to write in cursive, its the latest code.
*hides velcro shoes*
“U.S. Blocks U.N. Resolution on Geoengineering”
I have become cynical tot he point where I think they know damned well the climate isnt changing significantly so they are going to try and fuck it up so they can say “See! We told you so!”
This is incredibly dangerous
It the beauty of the ‘climate change’ movement. No matter what happens, they win. No matter what happens, they get more control. It’s too hot? Climate change! It’s too cold? Climate change! Too much snow in the mountains? Climate Change! A hurricane during hurricane season? Climate change!
After the controls have been solidified in law and the cronies start getting their fat pay checks, they’ll only ever need more to fix the climate. Are you a climate change denier? Hate Speech! Jail time! You don’t recycle? We’ll get you fined and fired.
It really is like watching a bad movie.
Or reading a book, a particular book and thinking very quietly to yourself, this wasn’t intended as a manual.
If they’re actively changing the climate, then they can accurately claim that climate change is real! Here’s proof! We literally changed it!
Spraying sulpher dioxide throughout the atomosphere? What’s wrong with that? Baily just wrote about this I think yesterday as well.
Reportedly, he also had a semi-automatic rifle.
Anyway, if the UN tries that, the U.S. should shoot down their planes.
Well, it’s the UN. Won’t those planes most likely be ours?
Hey when the average citizen alters the environment that is bad. But these are SCIENTISTS who want to alter the environment. And SCIENTISTS are never wrong or politically motivated.
OT: I was just listening to a podcast where some idiot film director claimed more women are killed for being women than all the people killed in war. How do you even begin to refute such nonsense?
Women kill fetuses for being fetuses?
The only way this could even possibly have a modicum of accuracy is by counting all the abortions of girls in China during the one child policy.
Always steer the conversation back to Chinese communism.
Q: “Where did you get those numbers?”
A: “Out of my ass”
“How do you count the women killed in war?”
Always answer a trick question with another question if you must answer it at all.
Tonio knows how to cross the bridge.
It’s moar important to be morally correct than factually correct. / We f’n love science.
More men are killed in war or in every other conceivable way by other humans than all the woman killed in war and for being woman combined.
“the original #Resist”
The only law I practice and use every day.
I think I knew what he metaphor
For some analogy?
Not exactly, but simile.
“Sigh, that was once a useful site.”
It’s a long list of publications and media outlets. Remember when Scientific American was about science, Teen Vogue was into teen fashion, and ESPN covered sports? You wouldn’t think sticking to a subject would be that difficult.
Then they hired “Social Media Marketing” staff. Clickbait ensues.
Well, there is just so much you can say about those things. They needed new material.
That’s the problem with 24/7 themed stations like cable news. One of the problems I should say.
Got to get those outrage views man.
Tres Sr. has subscriptions to a number of periodicals, and they get passed on to me. Whilst perusing them (usually when Im parked on the shitter), I cant believe what propaganda tools SA, NatGeo, and even Smithsonian have become for the SJW and global-warmistas.
I’m generally happier to read the thrice-weekly Harbor Freight ads.
I instructed my wife to throw away the Harbor Freight and Midway USA flyers that come in the mail before I see them. You cant wave crack under the nose of a crackhead and expect them to turn it down.
+1 router sitting in my basement that I have no room for in the workshop
Luckily for you I do have the room. I’ll be home all day so not to worry.
Do you get wi-fi in the workshop?
I honestly cant tell if the chinese have marginally improved their quality, or if I’ve lowered my expectations. But it’s tough to say NO to a $1.99 led flashlight.
If I see them on sale, 4 for $5, I always get ’em. Seems like I’m giving them away or loaning them out and never see them again but the price is right.
I went to Harbor Freight yesterday.
On a lighter note- I stared watching this show (on Amazon) called “Corner Gas”. It’s about a gas station in the middle of nowhere, in Saskatchewan. Yeah, I know that’s redundant. But here’s the weird part.
It’s actually funny. To me, anyway.
Started? That show ended, like, what eight years ago?
But it is pretty good in a hypnotic way.
Started? He stared.
Rufus — Is Letterkenny accurate?
Ive been captivated by the guy that does the “Zip-Ties & Bias-Plies” channel on YouTube. He’s out in Alberta (Grand Prairie, I think), usually messing with some POS truck, and talks like a foul-mouthed Red Green.
Yesterday I found out one of my clients is from Prince Albert Sask. I was taken aback by the thick prairie accent. I had to squint to understand.
It was like listening to Boomhauer.
Does your client talk like this ?
At the 5:45 mark – priceless. We don’t suck each other’s cocks like Ford guys.
Better check your facts Ram-breath.
I think you got the driving preferences of dick suckers backwards.
So much for the stereotype of Canadians being friendly and polite.
Re Sanders. Remember when Kramer would protect Lloyd Braun from anyone who called him crazy? Come on Jerry have some gum and all that.
That’s the image I get whenever I read about these commie psychos. Sanders accepting the union is such a Lloyd Braun moment.
“We expect this will mean pay parity and transparency on the campaign, with no gender bias or harassment, and equal treatment for every worker, whether they’re in Washington, D.C., Iowa, New Hampshire or anywhere else,” UFCW Local 400 President Mark P. Federici said in an emailed statement.
Of course you do.
“We expect this will mean pay parity and transparency on the campaign,”
Over time, week end shift differential, work over 8 hours we get a paid meal, mileage and uniform alowance
That show ended, like, what eight years ago?
As the man reading the week old paper said, “It’s news to me.”
The apology tour.
Funny stuff. They always eat their own.
What’s great is that he may be the guy with the best shot at beating Trump but he’s automatically disqualified because he’s a white man.
Trump would eat him alive. Kamala is the only one right now who could probably stand up to Trump.
Biden would mop the floor with Trump.
More apologies
To be fair if the things I wrote as a teenager were brought out, I’d probably be embarrassed too. Let’s try and recognize that the Media uses this as a way to place a shifting scale of perfection. If they like you things in your very recent past can be ignored (like say, things you said to get elected last time, tight HRC?) But if they don’t like you they’ll dig up you 9th grade English assignments.
“To be fair if the things I wrote as a teenager were brought out, I’d probably be embarrassed too.”
True. But I would not apologize. I would simply say “once, I was a dumb teenager. You probably were, too.”
So he’s white and hispanic at the same time? I thought that required shooting some black kid.
He’s not Hispanic. His parents just gave him a Hispanic nickname.
I don’t even think it was his parents.
In grade school, my nickname was “Julio”. I’m not Hispanic. I earned my nickname because literally every pack of baseball cards I ever bought contained a Julio Cruz card. I swear I bought packs that had two Julio Cruz cards in them. By the time I was in jr high school I was no longer collecting baseball cards. No one called me Julio.
I’m gonna.
Believe it or not, I’m not Hispanic either.
Empty suit asshole
Before I visit he land of Nod I most assuredly aver that I am not, nor ever have been an Agile Cyborg. Some people have made this gross mischaracturation but I defend myself in no uncertain terms. I am not Agile Cyborg. Good Day to you.
That is a shame.
*sad sigh*
It’s a tough act to follow:
Agile Cyborg|9.5.15 @ 8:34PM|#
Q, I photocopied the starfish of one of my favorite female buttholes and pasted them in the millions all over super black deepness. When they fall, quincy, they will call gently and tightly on your ak-7incher and the bullets released will fire like a million new parallels and your brain will fell you like a fuckton of blizzard suns.
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“chillax”, “calm down” and “smoke some weed”
Apparently, Razorfist didn’t take her advice.
She’s got a point.
Does anyone ever ask Blanket what he thinks?
New Mexico’s finest Champagne
Yum, Gruet. I’m a fan.
Yeah, it’s our house sparkler until SP wins the lottery and we can drink Cedric Bouchard every night.
A visit to Gruet is on my list. I also love the story – French guy who visits New Mexico and thinks, “Hot days, cold nights, sandy soil? This is a great place to make Champagne”. That took some balls.
Over at Bloomberg, they’re scratching their chins and thinking about stuff
The most striking thing about this week’s college-admissions scandal has been its wider resonance. The narrow facts of the alleged crimes committed were seen as shocking and yet, in many quarters, not so surprising. What happened, it’s argued, is symptomatic of bigger, broader problems in U.S. higher education.
There’s a germ of truth in that view. For one thing, if even a handful of misguided parents are willing to pay enormous bribes and engage in reckless dishonesty to get their children into elite schools, you have to wonder about the value society as a whole attaches to an elite-school education. Indeed, much of this week’s commentary discusses the great lengths many law-abiding parents go to in gaming the college-admissions system.
That’s certainly true, but it’s a line of inquiry which might not lead where they think it does.
If a few people start to put two and two together, and ask themselves whether “overpriced useless
degreescertificates of completion” might not be exclusive to for-profit institutions, the bubble might spring a slow leak.“Elite” college experiences have always been a big thing for the Lifestyles of the Rich and Useless mob, but hanging that albatross around the necks of a bunch of middle class kids who would ordinarily have formed the backbone of the part of the economy which actually makes things and does things is a bad plan.
+1 Grievance Study Degree
Like, 70% of the benefit of going to those schools is the ability to network with people.
“New Zealand prime minister: “Our gun laws will change” after terror attack on mosques
She doesn’t know how yet, but no politician worries much about the rights of the law-abiding during the spasm of grief after a terror attack. Usually not much after the spasm subsides either.
The best primer on New Zealand gun laws that I’ve found online today is the BBC’s. To put the scale of this morning’s massacre in perspective, click here for last year’s report from the New Zealand police on homicide statistics and scroll down to page 12. Between 2007 and 2016, in a country of nearly five million people, with an estimated 1.2 million guns in circulation, there were 65 murders by firearm. Not quite seven per year on average for the entirety of New Zealand. All told, just one in 10 homicides was caused by a gun, far lower than the rate caused by stabbing/cutting weapons.”
Maybe they’re going to loosen them up due to the guy being driven away from a location when he was shot at by a congregation member who had a pistol.
[catches breath]
I’m gonna have to say no to that one.
Driven away buy somebody who was armed. What a cuck.
(Maybe the most insulting thing you could say to him?)
Be afraid
Islamist terrorists killed hundreds of people in Western Europe and the U.S. between 2014 and 2016, the heyday of the Islamic State. That drew attention away from far-right terrorists, but they have kept on killing: 66 people in 113 attacks around the world between 2013 and 2017, according to the Sydney-based Institute for Economics and Peace.
The Australian think-tank’s count is, however, too low. It includes only expressly politically motivated killings accompanied by white supremacist manifestos or preceded by racist social media posts — like those perpetrated by Norwegian Anders Breivik, who shot 77 people in 2011, or Dylann Roof, who murdered nine black worshippers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015. There are other murders that aren’t always confessed so clearly. They are often mixed in with everyday thuggery and violent psychosis in police statistics.
The U.S. Anti-Defamation League attempts a broader count, stressing murderers’ links with far-right organizations rather than their stated motives. According to the group, right-wing extremists were responsible for 70 percent of the 427 extremist-related killings that occurred in the U.S. in the past 10 years. In 2018, every one of the perpetrators of the 37 extremist-related murders in the U.S. had ties to at least one far-right movement, although one had recently switched to supporting Islamist extremism, the ADL says.
Importantly, the number of incidents of violence perpetrated by the far right is on the rise. The Institute for Economics and Peace noted in its 2018 Global Terrorism Index report that the number of such killings increased from three in 2014 to 17 in 2017.
We are not as obsessed with right wing terrorbombers as we should be. If it takes completely redefining the meaning of right wing, and terror, and threat, then so be it.
“They are often mixed in with everyday thuggery and violent psychosis in police statistics.”
White people in gangs committing crimes is not far-right terrorism.
Macklemore winning a prize for a song is right-wing white supremacy.
And not the numbers for Islamist attacks are much narrower.
Well we don’t count all the Muslims killed by jihadi terrorists in non-western countries.
Or it wouldn’t even be a contest.
The demand for right wing white supremacy among the media and political classes clearly outstrips the supply by orders of magnitude. Consequently, we’re getting a lot of black market counterfeit product being hocked as the real deal.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an increase in violence. The problem I have is that it gets close to question begging. If you say all white supremacists groups are right-wing by definition, you are ignoring that a lot fall under a socialist banner.
Finally, I don’t trust the same people trying to scare me into giving up my guns, wouldn’t also try to scare people Into avoiding being on the “right”
There are a lot of murders committed by past and present members of race based gangs. These gangs usually operate in inner cities dominated by leftists. Using this methodology, all of these murders should be lumped under “left-wing black supremacist” or “left-wing Hispanic supremacist” extremism.
So…if a white person has been on 4chan and then kills an ex-girlfriend that’s right-wing violence, but if a Muslim guns down a club full of gay men after saying that he’s doing it to support ISIS that’s a result of Florida’s gun laws and homophobia, and has absolutely no connection whatsoever to Islamist terrorism.
Bernie’s campaign having a union? Be right back while I laugh my ass off. What’s the over/under for strikes within the next few weeks?
Haven’t heard of Bernie since his crew instituted 4 hour stumping limits.
Wearable penis camera lets you record your achievements:
Women hardest hit!
Check out the interview with Harmony the sex robot middle of the page. Around the 55 second mark. Lol
Primer for your little Doomsday Cultists
“The climate system that raised us, and raised everything we now know as human culture and civilization, is now, like a parent, dead,” writes David Wallace-Wells in “The Uninhabitable Earth.” Unfortunately, this isn’t another Lanchester-like work of speculative fiction. It’s non-fiction.
Wallace-Wells’s book documents the horrors and chaos that those cutting class on Friday want to avoid: Tens of millions of climate refugees, trillions of dollars of economic damage, deadly heat, fresh-water scarcity (the glaciers of the Himalayas will lose at least 40 percent of their ice by 2100, he notes) and “much more fire, much more often, burning much more land.” A single California wildfire can undo all the emissions gains made that year via the state’s environmental policies, just one of several terrifying climate feedback loops he describes.
Wallace-Wells’s writing is of course more vivid than the conservative, consensus-driven reports produced by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A journalist, not a scientist, he makes no attempt to hide his alarm nor pull his punches about who to blame. Why should he?
It’s like stampeding the cattle through town as a diversion, so you can rob the bank with nobody to bother you. I’ve seen this movie.
Somebody wants to be the next Paul Erlich
Rob the small town Dollar Store on July 4th, all the police are in the parade or directing traffic.
18 spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of first Earth Day in 1970
Same as it always was.
Bonus mention of Ron Bailey:
Interesting juxtaposition with the UN’s prediction of the Earth’s demise in 2030. Who will be right? I know where I’d put my money.
“Tens of millions of climate refugees”
Um…. is that supposed to be a lot? Because it isn’t.
We have hundreds of millions of economic refugees right now. The green new deal will only increase the number. Drill baby drill.
Letters to the Local Rag: Housing Maintained By the Lowest Bidder Who Can Afford to Fill Out the 9,000 pages of Reps and Certs
Gee. I wonder why this problem is localized to a socialized housing program?
snake infestation?
There was a house a few miles away that had a snake infestation. Apparently the listing agent knew about it and concealed the fact. The house listed in the fall I think and when the buyers came to look at it the snakes were all dormant. Then spring comes around and out pop all these black rat snakes.
I did not know that was possible.
And what climate DOOOOOOOM piece would be complete without a shout-out to Public Enemy Number One?
It’s even more reprehensible that some adults are trying to stymie even our insufficient climate-change efforts, by maligning experts and retreating from international cooperation. President Donald Trump, who wants to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, happily expresses his skepticism about the science, but often demonstrates his total ignorance of the subject in the process.
His rise showed the oncoming cataclysm still wasn’t a big enough priority for many Americans of voting age in 2016. If he’s reelected in 2020, the die casting today’s adults as climate villains will have been cast. Three cheers for the kids, then.
Yes, yes, of course. The time bomb, it is ticking. We’re completely justified in cutting the bad guy’s thumbs off with a rusty pair of tin snips to make him talk.
This is hard to square with the resolution against geoengineering.
If climate change is such a genuine threat then every possible solution should be on the table, but they tip their hand by ruling out nuclear power and geoengineering.
“If he’s reelected in 2020, the die casting today’s adults as climate villains will have been cast.”
Horrible. Just terrible wordplay. It doesn’t work cause you have to repeat the word ‘cast’
It takes skill to produce overwrought hysteria without sounding like an idiot.
Letters to the Local Rag: If You Find Obama’s While You’re At it, Let Us Know
The US press is going to mightily reward the entity they’ve been painting as the most powerfully insidious entity in ncev existence today, with the sole exception of ORANGE MAN BAD himself?
How would they even do this? Offer Putin a CNN analyst job?
I could easily see the media doing a 360 on Putin if he released damaging info on Trump. They’d did it just as effortlessly as they did with Comey.
Um…. it’s Obama’s transcripts that are missing, and we all know why.
since I went down the AC wormhole, it’s always tough to pick just one:
Agile Cyborg|9.5.15 @ 11:00PM|#
Sir, I offer you my hand in travel. Mayheart the wists fall upon the particles and I may be ever so lovingly blessed by glutton gleans of star angel pussy farts blowing bubbles outside this fucking thing called earth, lover… I will FUCKING float a pussy fart bubble up to your goddamn fucking craft… but if that doesn’t work, my lover, I think I have a humongous cock under the best national park in the united states called the space cock. I bu8ilt the space cock with grizzly bear anger and wolf meanness and I used wolverine jizz to weld all the shit together, hyp baby, and elk. FIELDS of elk. I entrapped their will to survive and calculated their will to survive and turned it into an engone…. and the blizzards screech I decided to turn into a laser of hell ice…….
yea… bitch,… we can fly out o here…. I plan on FUCKING making the mountains our skin….
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“log in or register to reply”
Not for 2 years. I also throw away all of the junk mail, which is quite frequent.
I wonder what happened to him.
Pretty sure it was this.
Letters to the Local Rag: We Need 444 Pages Of Voter Registration Legislation, It’s An Emergency
“I just received Congressman Wittman’s e-newsletter”
You signed up for a politicians newsletter, and then read it? Have you seen a doctor? That’s not normal behavior?
eh, Wittman’s not that bad. Unfortunately, he’s not my rep anymore, I got gerrymandered into another district. Now I’ve got Luria.
No, it isn’t.
Nothing says ‘strong, independent woman’ like having a sugar daddy pay all your expenses while getting a “studies” degree to then work as an agitator for government handouts.
It’s a voluntary transaction, have at it.
Totally agree, its very upfront for all parties involved. Its just also ironic.
What do you expect when Kamala Harris is a Role-Model in your state?
I mean, it’s kinda gross, but whatever. Sugar daddies have been around for hundreds of years, it’s just now there’s an app for it.
“Drag queen storytime reader once charged with child sex assault
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — Houston Public Library is apologizing after a man charged for sexually assaulting a child was allowed to entertain children at Drag Queen storytime.
The library said Friday that a review revealed the volunteer never completed a background check before he was allowed to participate in the program.
Albert Alfonso Garza, 32, was last seen reading to children at the Montrose Library in September 2018.”
Why the fuck to they have drag queen storytime for children in the first place?
Get Woke, expose children to child molesters?
“once charged”
Means Not Convicted.
I am also wondering what “Eyewitness News” is doing poking around people’s “records”. And what is this “background check” and is it required? Lot of unanswered questions swirling around there.
That is literally the same station featured in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” bringing down the Chicken Ranch.
Because any concerns otherwise would be shitlordish.
People are stupid. My apathy towards whether someone wants to be a drag queen, does not mean I approve of the lifestyle. Nor does my disapproval of the lifestyle as probably unhealthy mean that I think they should not be free to pursue their happiness.
I don’t disapprove drag, but it’s an adult thing.
“Why the fuck to they have drag queen storytime for children in the first place?”
You’re obviously a bigot who can’t handle sexual diversity.
Asking the tough questions. That’s what journalism is all about.
Mercer, the global human resources consulting firm, this week released its 21st annual Quality of Living list, which ranks cities around the world based on economic conditions, housing, health care, public services, safety, natural environment and other metrics. For the 10th year in a row, Vienna came out on top, with Zurich, Vancouver, Munich, Auckland, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Geneva and Basel rounding out the top 10. The top U.S. city on the list was San Francisco, all the way down in 34th place. London, the top U.K. city, was at 41st — tied with Milan, the top Italian city. Paris was 39th, New York 44th, Tokyo 49th, Beijing 120th, Baghdad 231st and last.
When I posted some of these results on Twitter, it occasioned lots of fun discussion and debate from people appalled that Ottawa ranked so high (19th) or Seoul so low (77th) or that so many of the cities near the top of the list are so … boring. I also got a bunch of responses, starting with one from Hoover Institution economist (and super-podcaster) Russell Roberts, that effectively asked, “If the quality of living is so low in U.S. cities, why do so many people from around the world keep trying to move here?”
[blah blah blah]
There are a bunch of reasons why these disparities don’t necessarily mean that the quality-of-life rankings are wrong or that Nordic social democracy is a sham. One is that the Americans who would benefit most from Nordic social democracy — poor people — generally can’t afford to go to Europe, and they would have a hard time getting permission to stay there. By contrast, the Europeans who could benefit most from the lower taxes and higher top incomes of the U.S. tend to be well-educated, entrepreneurial sorts who can afford to come here and often are allowed to stay.
Don’t kid yourself. America is a shithole. The trains suck, everybody wants to shoot you, and doctors expect to get paid. All in all, you’d be better off in Brussels.
Yeah, it’s nothing but well-educated, entrepreneurial sorts trying to come to the US. Certainly no poor people would ever think of doing so.
“top U.S. city on the list was San Francisco”
Are we talking SF from 40 years ago, or current day SF? I would think that mountains of human waste and used needles would disqualify a place, but I guess they must be using metric to measure “quality-of-life” (whatever the fuck that means).
It sounds like what they’re really measuring is “cost of living”. Anyway these lists are complete bullshit without a breakdown of criteria that one could use to construct their own list.
Columbus, Ohio is probably more livable than SF in a lot of ways.
OK, I’ve had limited access to this site for the last week. Forgive me if this has been posted before,
But why did Glibs give so much time to the various SMITH family members and shut out SMOKE SMITH?
You think SMOKE SMITH would be the most libertarian cryptid of them all?
That woman doesn’t know how lucky she is to have survived that encounter with her asshole intact
Why don’t they give any column inches to BLACK SMITH?
Pure, unadulterated racism.
FEMINIST SMITH isn’t even invited to SMITH family gatherings. They’re scared of a strong, independent female rape squatch.
To be fair, that strong, independent female rape squatch does show up to family BBQs wearing a strap on made from a cactus.
“strap on made from a cactus”
*lights SugarFree signal*
Typical men. Can give it, but can’t take it.
I still want to see some kind of exposé on STATE SMITH, the most threatening of all the sasquatches.
Albert Alfonso Garza, 32, was last seen reading to children at the Montrose Library in September 2018.”
I withhold my outrage until I know what he was reading to them. If it was The Little Red Hen, I shall be merciful.
Slutty Saturday invites you to rock out with your cock out.
20 looks like she might be nicely thicc, but they cut off the pic to hide that
RE: Gohmert et. al.
I’m trying to figure out what these clowns are arguing over. Gohmert thinks the guy should have sued for the creation of his white ethnostate? Gohmert’s detractors think the shooter took proper action because the courts don’t work properly? I haz confuz.
the actual summary name given is “a bill to expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and for other purposes.”
There’s your trouble.
Smash that into its component parts, and force them to vote, on the record, for each and every “purpose”. The omnibus bill will be the death of us.
I just want them to state for the record who is being unlawfully denied “access to the ballot box”. They won’t, because they can’t.
You mean your neighbor’s backyard?
Close. There’s a walking trail about 100 feet away from the house that passes through several groves. It’s literally a 5 minute walk to good pickin’.
So you are saying you’re a lemon-stealing whore?
Are we talking SF from 40 years ago, or current day SF? I would think that mountains of human waste and used needles would disqualify a place, but I guess they must be using metric to measure “quality-of-life” (whatever the fuck that means).
It reminds them of Amsterdam.
*That jumped out at me, too; San Francisco, seriously? How did they come up with that?
“Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack”
“ICYMI: 120 Christians Slaughtered By Muslim Herders In Nigeria – MEDIA SILENT
As media outlets across the world bring you the minute-by-minute updates of the Christchurch mosque shooting in New Zealand, those same outlets have been mostly silent on the recent mass slaughter of Christians in Nigeria by muslim herdsmen. Those attacks have resulted in 120 dead and 140 homes burned to the ground.”
Obviously it’s Trump’s fault
And the NRA!
In regards to the Chelsea Clinton shenanigans, one of the very few reasons I like Lindsey Graham is because he tells asshats like those protestors to get stuffed. Everyone is crawling all over each other to apologize for imaginary offenses these days.
Bad news for Mike! Looks like Minnesoda Somalis have assimilated enough to grok roads and have used them to migrate to North Dakota.
Roll out the welcome mat for you new neighbors!
Clearly we need more diversity.
Familiarity does, in fact, breed contempt
The 46-year-old conceded the joke was “ham-handed” and that the criticism he got was fully deserved.
“Not only will I not say that again, but I will be much more thoughtful in the ways that I talk about my marriage,” he told the Political Party Live podcast on Friday.
The comment about his wife was not the only joke the democratic presidential candidate cracked on his campaign trail.
On Thursday, speaking in Keokuk, Iowa, he highlighted the many challenges that face residents in rural communities because of a lack of internet access.
“In Texas, we have a problem with broadband in rural communities,” he said. “You may have that in Iowa as well, where farmers and ranchers and producers literally cannot get online, where people cannot start businesses in their own town or finish their education after high school.”
What a dope.
Yes, Iowa has a shortage of e-commerce corn entrepreneurs.
“My plan is to require that every router and switch in America must be powered by a generator running on ethanol. ”
That would get votes in Iowa.
They just need to breed hogs that serve html.
It would be nice if somebody at one of these events was able to ask him how his plan would be any different from the previous plans that have worked so well.
I would like to know what’s stopping rural people from paying for their own fucking broadband if they need it so badly.
“They [farmers and ranchers] can’t go on Tinder and find a date tonight, to find that special person who’s going to make the difference in their lives. I want to make sure every American has that opportunity.”
That one… floored me.
You’re joking.
You’re not. Hoooooolyyyyyy shit.
I guess I know one person who isn’t going to be rolling in FarmersOnly campaign donations.
* Honestly, I too thought OMWC was joking about that.
I just don’t get it.
“They [farmers and ranchers] can’t go on Tinder and find a date tonight, to find that special person”
‘Cause my wife hides my glasses, doggone it.
Bad Obama cover band.
the difference in their lives that night
That’s a soft troll. He should have said Grindr.
He actually made a funny?
Bernie’s union: this is going to be a de facto company union.
It’s a sop thrown to the unions, particular the one that it’s a part of. No way that union will ever allow anything to be a black eye against the campaign. Being in a union doesn’t guarantee overtime at all. White collar employees can be salaries and still represented. This means any workplace ruled, titles, wages, benefits, and whatever else the campaign wants to control will be set through the union. Want more pay because you’re doing a good job? Hey, sorry hands are tied by the contract. Talk to the union. Want to complain about some workplace problem? Talk to the union. Gee, they won’t file a grievance or they bury it? Oh, sorry. Talk to the union.
I have been using ProtonVPN free version for a while now and I’m looking for a new VPN solution. Do any of you use paid services? Other ideas?
I used NordVPN for a month and wasn’t impressed. I’m using Private Internet Access now and I’m pretty happy with it.
I’ve been using Private Internet Access for a couple years.
I’ve been happy with it. They (claim at least) not to keep logs. Exits all over the world.
They are about to increase the cost by a fair amount, but you can lock in at a lower rate for a couple more days.
“College co-fled: Lori Loughlin’s daughter Olivia Jade skipped her first week of classes at USC and flew to Fiji while gloating about her island vacation”
“Inside Olivia Jade’s former USC college dorm kitted out by Amazon: How admissions cheat influencer partnered with tech giant and showed off her furnished student digs in Teen Vogue”
No, really.
“Teen Vogue”
Did she give her best anal sex tips?
Unfortunately, no.
Nope. Not even a little bit,
You’re looking at an extremely unhappy human being right there. I wouldn’t even want to be in the same room as her.
She’s young, rich, and good looking. How unhappy could she be?
Check back in five years.
I’d find a hot girl who doesn’t sound like a pain in the ass like OJ.
Screeching retards, to the barricades!
Sofia said the effects of a warming climate have become a growing concern for her generation — especially in Southern California, where a prolonged fire season could mean extensive damage.
“It is terrifying,” the sophomore at Los Angeles County High School for the Arts said. “We are never going to get our planet back to the way it was. Everyone — every generation — needs to work together on this now.”
She said she has been inspired by the wave of student activism, especially the work of Swedish student Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate activist who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
At LA City Hall where a few hundred students have left school, they’re joining millions around the globe striking for climate change awareness. #ClimateChangeStrike #FridaysForFuture @KFIAM640
— Kris Ankarlo (@KrisAnkarlo) March 15, 2019
Hugh Thomas, an 18-year-old at Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks, said he also was inspired by Greta, who started the international movement.
“She is the reason we are all out here. She gave us the confidence,” said Thomas, a senior.
He said that while local politicians say they want to address climate change, he thinks their rhetoric is done simply to persuade voters.
He wants swifter action.
“Action”? I’m more concerned about the damage these brainless twerps are going to do, than I am about the so-called Global Warming.
How about this action? Clear the brush from around your house like I had to do when I was a teenager.
“Tommy Robinson’s Verdict – A COMPLETELY CORRUPT SYSTEM!”
“Whether you love or loathe Tommy, you have to admit that what happened to him here is absolutely disgraceful.”
UK is toast. It’s like watching a dystopian non-fiction documentary.
Tommy Robinson’s views don’t justify the state’s treatment of him, that’s for damn sure. There’s some bad shit goin’ down in the English-speaking world, and you can bet it’s going to start up in earnest in this country before too long.
Has Raven Nation been spotted today? I’m seeing a bunch of stuff about floods.
“The Shooter’s Manifesto Was Designed to Troll
The violent rhetoric was written for an audience.
In the hours after the horrific mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, people desperately searched the internet for any sign of a motive or meaning behind the attack. Early Friday, a number of unverified social-media posts surfaced, along with a bizarre manifesto posted to 8chan, rich with irony and references to memes.
Together, the posts suggest that every aspect of the shootings was designed to gain maximum attention online, in part by baiting the media. The shooter live-streamed the attack itself on Facebook, and the video was quickly shared across YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. Before committing the act, he shouted, “Remember, lads, subscribe to PewDiePie,” a reference to Felix Kjellberg, who runs YouTube’s most subscribed-to channel. The phrase itself is a meme started by PewDiePie’s fans, and its goal is to be reprinted.”
How do you pronounce “Kjellberg”?
Be Swedish.
I figured HM or the Minnesota glibs would know.
Shell Berg
The local Volvo dealership is owned by a guy named Kjell Berg. He’s from Norway, though.
Thanks 🙂
I don’t know Swedish but I do know the “kj” is similar to “sh”. There’s probably some weird pitch changes too, because Swedish.
“Why I invented Titania McGrath
spiked columnist Andrew Doyle on his infamous woke Twitter character.”
In case you were wondering.
Aw, no more Titania? 🙁 She was brilliant.
Let’s see if this works — I got it from Facebook so forgive me if it doesn’t. I thought the group would appreciate it.
Interesting name choice for a beer
“This guilt feeds a paternalistic narcissism that is one of the defining characteristics of a certain breed of Western intellectual who are, in Bruckner’s words, “endlessly atoning for what we have inflicted on other parts of humanity.” He continues: how “can we fail to see that this leads us to live off self-denunciation while taking a strange pride in being the worst? Self-denigration is all too clearly a form of indirect self-glorification.” Like a modern-day secular religion, the decolonize movement emerges from a deeper strain within modern identity politics and Western culture: one of endless self-flagellation for sins that ultimately can never be atoned for and makes the West the font of all evil.”
That and technology made colonialism obsolete.
“Milo Yiannopoulos refused entry to Australia again
Controversial commentator Milo Yiannopoulos has once again been banned from entering Australia on tour following his online comments about the New Zealand terror attack. Immigration Minister David Coleman says his comments are appalling, inciting hatred and division. The decision to ban the right-wing speaker marks the third time the government has changed its mind on whether it will allow the controversial commentator into the country for a speaking tour.”
I’m wondering just what those comments were.
I could try to look it up, but whatever he said is no reason to be banned from a country unless he said he was intending to break the law.
Afaik, Lauren Southern is still banned from England for some stupid reason.
I would say even if he said he intended to break the law, unless it was assault, there is no reason to ban him. I mean, if he said he planned on breaking Malaysia’s anti sodomy laws, these types would be cheering him on, no?
Malaysia is a sovereign nation. Even if their laws are stupid, it’s their country.
I didn’t say they can’t, just that they shouldn’t.
In this case though, it seems that Australia is yeeting Milo only because they don’t like his opinions.
They’re too horrible to repeat. Just trust us, they were really, really awful. Seriously. We promise. Let’s not even talk about them anymore.
According to USA Today:
Yiannopoulos, a fierce critic of Islam who was set to visit Australia this year, had said on Facebook that attacks like Christchurch happen because “the establishment panders to and mollycoddles extremist leftism and barbaric, alien religious cultures.”
Well, I hope none of us were planning on visiting Australia.
Alien religious culture:
Well, that’s a stupid thing to say, but I’m not sure how keeping him from stepping foot on Australian soil would alter the fact of his posting it on the Internet.
Grandstanding isn’t just for American politicians.
Here we go again
But a new study published in the medical journal JAMA re-opens a longstanding debate about the risks tied to consuming too much dietary cholesterol.
“What we found in this study was that if you consumed two eggs per day, there was a 27 percent increased risk of developing heart disease,” says researcher Norrina Allen, an associate professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University.
“It was surprising,” Allen says.
Maybe we should ban “diet studies”.
I love eggs, but who eats 2 a day unless you live on a farm?
They sell them by the dozen
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten fewer than three eggs in a sitting.
I usually have 2 or 3 a sitting but not every single day. I would say that it would be rare for me to eat more than 6 in a week myself. I might average 2 or 3 a week.
Ive eaten 3 eggs for breakfast almost every day for the past few months. That and bacon. 2 just wouldn’t be enough.
Two is usually enough for me; three is only if my meal is light on other things. And when I’m working eggs are weekends-only anyway.
No one needs to eat more than one egg per month.
*goes back to sewing red wing patch on vest*
On average, I eat more than two eggs a day, and if my remember, my cholesterol was 139.
I can do a couple AIGS a day, just cause of the diet thing.
I couldn’t find the disclosures, but I’d sure like to see who funded this stupid study.
bullshit. Fuck off.
I am not giving up crawfish and I will bet those assholes aren’t giving up their shrimp.
I mean, if he said he planned on breaking Malaysia’s anti sodomy laws, these types would be cheering him on, no?
You’re not accusing the arbiters of right wing terror of situational ethics, are you, Shirley?
You can call me whatever you want. Just don’t call me Shirley.
Salon looks at the big picture
All of the people charged this week had the wealth and fame it would have taken to get their kids special treatment by university admissions officials. Many colleges actively pursue celebrities and wealthy business people who help to bring attention to their programs and insure their financial health. But these parents weren’t satisfied with a “second look.” It wasn’t enough to have their kids moved to the head of the admissions line. These pashas of privilege wanted guarantees that their children would be admitted to elite schools like Yale, USC, and Stanford.
Putting in the fix necessary for a guaranteed outcome is an essentially authoritarian act of entitlement. You know who else wants guaranteed outcomes? Leaders in dictatorial regimes like Russia and other nations who rig the outcomes of fake “elections” to guarantee they remain in power.
Maybe I’m crazy, but the idea of tossing these parents in the slammer for this is a little unsettling. It’s stupid, and fundamentally pathetic, but I just cannot envision any compelling case for jail time.
“You know who else wants guaranteed outcomes? Leaders in dictatorial regimes like Russia and other nations who rig the outcomes of fake “elections” to guarantee they remain in power.”
Something something DNC.
I agree. Their motives and actions, though misguided, were to look after the interests of their children. I dont think there was any malice or intent to harm. Jail time seems a bit over the top.
A word I didn’t know I needed.
I’m not sure how keeping him from stepping foot on Australian soil would alter the fact of his posting it on the Internet.
Wrongthink is more contagious than measles. It’ll spread through the outback like wildfire.
I don’t think there is very much to be gleaned from the ravings of a lunatic, but it is typical that the media has completely glossed over the fact that the Christchurch shooter called himself an “eco-fascist” and wrote things like:
“Why focus on immigration and birth rates when climate change is such a huge issue?
Because they are the same issue, the environment is being destroyed by over population, we Europeans are one of the groups that are not over populating the world. The invaders are the ones over populating the world. Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by so doing save the environment.”
They somewhat “addressed: it when they did a blitz on him being a “troll.”
Some media – the MSM, not so much. All I’m hearing is “white supremacist”.
Or the whole thing about using guns instead a truck filled with explosives because of how it would give the left more ammo to push for gun bans and trigger a US breakup/civil war.
But it could just be trolling.
“kill the overpopulation and by so doing save the environment.”
A lot of the people gnashing their teeth over this guy have been advocating the same thing for decades.
White woman tells black men to ‘be quiet’