Le Diable est Trans? Who knew les Marseilles were so woke?
Fucking MERCURY RETROGRADE. Even when you know it’s there, there’s only so much you can hedge against it. My trip to Austin was supposed to be enhanced by a visit from a beautiful and newly-dumped long term… friend. But then her daughter decided that she wanted to come home for spring break. Oh well. I guess by getting more sleep, I probably experienced the rest of the visit more fully or something lame like that. While I was there, I decided to pick up a copy of The Key to the Tarot from Book People, a delightfully cruel full-price bookstore that gets away with treating its employees like shit (both wage and hours-wise) by letting them think that they are intellectuals and influencers by writing “reviews” on 3″ x 5″ cards and taping the cards to the shelves. Isn’t it fascinating how Austinites succeed in monetizing hippiedom (I’m looking at you Whole Foods). Anyway, Book People has traditionally fielded an occult section better than most universities, and obviously curated by someone who took it seriously (heavy on the classics, light on the pop/FOTM). That person must have finally gotten sick of eating ramen, since that section is now only one-sixth of what it used to be. They didn’t have The Key to the Tarot. But they did have this. A Tarot book written by an authentic crazy-pants? Yes please!

I’ve only read the first dozen pages or so, but it’s like listening to a Jodorowski interview — this is gonna be great. Plus, there is a non-zero chance that it was actually written by a woman, but the credit stolen by a man, which is exactly what happened with the Rider (publisher) Waite (designer) deck. The actual artist of the deck (Pamela Smith) isn’t credited.

Lay out the cards in three dimensions? MIND. BLOWN.
Anyhoo, let’s get on with the prognosticating:
There isn’t much in the skies this week, but what there is hints at chaos, disorder, drinking, and fighting. Obviously, that cock-blocking MERCURY RETROGRADE is still in effect, so be prepared with contingencies. Mars and Venus are aligning themselves around the Sun, Which indicates a wild time, full of celebration and fighting, especially on SUNday. In an unrelated alignment, Luna-Terra-Jupiter tells us that if you want to avoid said violent celebration, you should stay at home.
The moon is in Cancer. This puts two water signs together, indicating instability, change, moodiness, and drunkenness. Mars is in Taurus, with all the belligerence that implies. And Saturn (ending) is in Capricorn (wisdom), with the obvious implication being amnesia, possibly alcohol-induced. MERCURY RETROGRADE is bipping along in Pisces for even more chaos, also those of you who do ropework will find that knots will not stay tied properly. And noodling is very risky this week, put it off for a while. Venus in Aquarius brings more of that water/drinky-drinky, but while the moon in Cancer is more cold water/crashing against rocks, Venus in Aquarius is more like a jacuzzi; so, happy. And finally, Jupiter in Sagittarius indicates that if you manage to stay upright, you’ll be ok. Now for the cards:
Pisces: 5 of Swords, reversed – Degradation, destruction, infamy, dishonor, loss, burial
Aries: Page of Coins, reversed – Prodigality, dissipation, luxury, unfavorable news
Taurus: Death – Death, ending, finito
Gemini: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, sickness, pain, loss, disaster, persuasion
Cancer: 5 of Wands, reversed – trickery, contradiction, litigation, disputes
Leo: 2 of Cups – love, passion, concord, sex, relationships blessed
Virgo: King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, vice, scandal, injustice
Libra: King of Swords – Power, authority. I don’t know why we keep seeing this card.
Scorpio: Judgment – Change of position, renewal, finality
Sagittarius: Ace of Wands, reversed – Fall, decadence, ruin, impotence. We seem to draw this one a lot too.
Capricorn: 2 of Swords, reversed – imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty, vengeance (especially misguided)
Aquarius: 10 of Coins – Gain, riches, family, home, unrecognized influence, wisdom skipping a generation
Ending to my garage looking like shit, and ending my allowance of XY tax deduction to run loose in it.
Yeah, I’m gonna lose my job if I can’t stop sneak-reading my Nook when I should be doing something productive.
Moje – I just finished the pirate novel and e-mailed you some rabid fangrrl squee. Please forgive me.
GT, I got it and squeed also. I will reply in a bit.
Just know that your email came at a time I needed a huge boost. Thank you.
What are you doing to your garage?
Epoxy floor?
Cleaning it.
For the past 1.5 years I have done very little DIY but allowed my son free run of the garage and my tools, which was utterly stupid. He trashed it and I wasn’t paying attention because I had more urgent things to take care of.
Now, in preparation for some serious DIY this season, I need my garage and everything where I can find it. So I’m pitching, tossing, rearranging, organizing, and generally trying to find out what he lost, broke, or used up. I also have nowhere to put my Christmas decorations.
I’ve been at this for 4 days now and the end is not in sight.
Very anger. Much sore.
Oh and he also collected a bunch of other people’s broken-tool castoffs like chain saws that don’t work, weed wackers that don’t work, etc. Did I mention he’s a hoarder?
My daughter has a husband that doesn’t work but his tools, from the ears up, are limited.
My son is way too smart for my own good but he drives me batshit insane with his hoarding and carelessness.
But too soon they are no longer kids. My youngest grand daughter graduates from college in two months, where has the time gone? She was just here for a week, she said it was the best spring break she ever had. Just R and R
So it’s not weird that I dread the day they leave home?
You are the Mom, the tears will flow but not to worry, they will be back several times before they learn to fly and then you’ll finally miss them.
Just don’t set up play dates for them in college, Mo.
Our youngest heads off to college next fall. I’m seriously wondering if I can find a job that requires me to be traveling a lot for that time period.
My wife had a hard time with the youngest going to kindergarten. I can only imagine how bad college will be.
Oh my goodness gracious. That’s… I’m speechless.
Leo: 2 of Cups – love, passion, concord, sex, relationships blessed
So I got that going for me…which is nice.
*limbers up*
Better head down to the 7-11 for Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill and cinnamon flavored lube.
Virgo: King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, vice, scandal, injustice,
sounds about right and it’s only Sunday
Yusef! I haven’t seen you around much. How’s the new gig going?
It’s good but insane,I’m cleaning up electrical messes, right now Im at the laundry mat, thanks for asking Mo!
Lay out the cards in three dimensions? MIND. BLOWN.
That one dimension kinda looks like a swastika.
Only a Nazi would see that. Nazi.
Spoken like a true NAZI
Prodigality, dissipation, luxury, unfavorable news
No, I did the taxes last week.
Oh shit, I have to get those done…
Ah, fuck…
I’m taking Friday off so I’m doing mine then.
Slackers! I did mine over a year ago.
Supplemental information.
Wifey and I gave a good run on our little St Paddy day festival in Henderson. I failed miserably at the whiskey contest..only identifying 2 of the 5 correctly.
You should have asked for a redo. Then another, if you failed that one.
I wouldn’t suggest a fourth.
It was a 5 buck buy in…cheapest drinks all night
I correctly identified the whiskey I put into my tea just now.
You should also ask for a redo. Since you know the judge, it should be easy.
Good idea. I’ll do that.
Fall, decadence, ruin, impotence.
If I drink enough today I think I can hit these goals.
That one dimension kinda looks like a swastika.
You mean the one that looks like the lizards’ interstellar command center?
Fall, decadence, ruin, impotence.
*scrambles up out of mud*
Ta-daaaah! I totally meant to do that.
Mexicans don’t celebrate St Patrick’s Day I guess,
What?! Have you never heard of Beta O’Rourke?
He would fit in about as well as me around here, lavenderia De Mexico!
I’m cooking a “traditional” Timeloose St Patty’s day pork dish the Irish call Carnitas.
I added a few pork ribs from the freezer left over from last summer. Ribs and shoulder are in the crockpot with tons garlic, Mexican spices, and citrus juices.
I’m going to my freinds house in an hour to hoist a few while it all cooks.
I’ve it gets tender, I’m going to pull it and use the broiler to crisp it up.
Awesome! I just ate some traditional Cơm Tấm Gà Nướng.
Upon first glance, I read this as “St Titty’s”… Trans Diable strikes again!
“King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, vice, scandal, injustice“
Sounds like my week should be fun.
I would prefer to be a Leo this week.
We’ll compare notes to see if the predictions come true.
How’s it hangin’ Bro?
Sorry, guess I shouldn’t have said that.
Damn, I’m glad that my life isn’t this complicated. How do people manage?
Made it 2 paragraphs in. The navel gazing was nauseating.
That’s farther than I got into it, and I like Sugarfree’s stories.
I think I made it to about where the author mentioned the Tea Party.
Well I’ve got great news for the author – Ford’s testimony was later found to be completely false. She can finally let go of her heartbreak! You’re welcome.
It’s kinda scary how little attention was paid to Ford being…let’s just say confused, once that came out.
A man-hating woman who wants to be a man? I can’t even.
I lost all track of what it was.
Of course, you could start by stopping the self identification with a larger collective and defining yourself by such.
Then maybe you should reread Nietzsche and realize the suffering he was talking about was the suffering endured in pursuit of greatness, and not the performative suffering of whinging asses such as yourself.
Tommy should ask Zardoz for advice…and take it.
Skill, diplomacy, sickness, pain, loss, disaster, persuasion.
I would like a new horoscope.
Want half of mine? I don’t think I can use it all in a week.
I could use that prediction to be true (Leo).
You have skillin diplomacy and are persuasive, taking away sickness and pain, and loss isnt disaster feel better?
The Magician is one of the least useful cards for a single draw. Wayyyy too much stuff going on with it.
“Libra: King of Swords – Power, authority. I don’t know why we keep seeing this card.”
Because everybody knows Libras are the best and that Libra is the best sign. Biggly.
Kkkapitalism ruins everything
France is sounding an alarm for the world’s advanced economies: capitalism is tearing them apart.
President Emmanuel Macron and his Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire are using France’s presidency of the Group of Seven to argue that the system fuels inequality, destroys the planet and is ineffective at delivering goals in the public interest. The country has already experienced some of the fallout firsthand in the Yellow Vest movement that erupted late last year.
They’re pushing a reinvention that includes minimum global taxes and higher levies on tech giants like Amazon and Facebook. There are echoes of that in the self-proclaimed democratic socialists in the U.S. and firebrand Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who last week said “capitalism is irredeemable.”
At 49, Le Maire is the youngest finance minister among his G-7 counterparts. His grand ambitions also involve combating income-inequality, empowering governments to intervene in the economy, and forcing companies to be socially responsible and share more of their profits with workers.
Le Maire’s call to arms reflects a panic spreading in Western democracies about voter anger. The next sting could come at European Parliament elections in May, when euro-skeptic politicians are set to make further gains.
It’s not about political power. They have nothing but pure and honest motivations. Their love for the common man sustains them.
I imagine Macron saying it like this.
(Following Ted S’s comment)
Yeah, capitalism, yeah, that’s to blame
That French capitalism is oh so capitalist.
I don’t think the French know what capitalism actually is.
Yea, I’ve heard American lefties hold up France as an example of what we should follow, sometimes even calling it “socialism”. But now all of a sudden when things start to go sour (moreso than before) it’s suddenly Not Real Socialism™.
It never is.
The yellow vest riots were the result of dissatisfaction with capitalism. Sure it was.
I’ll just leave this here. Spending the night asleep in a recliner makes for a rough morning. Just sayin’.
Passed out ≠ Asleep
I wish it were that simple.
I’m getting the impression Capricorns don’t get a break.
The Two of Swords is a pretty metal draw. You have a seated, robed, blindfolded woman, like Justice, but instead of a scales and a sword, she has two swords. She isn’t Justice. She is never going to decide to NOT lash out. The big part that gets overlooked id you’ve got the ocean/islands backdrop indicating the unknown, but while everything is visible, it SHOULDN’T be because, it’s night. Those things are illusions.
Plus when it’s reversed, it just makes everything worse.
Interesting (boring) readout of how the thermostat on my sous vide consumes electricity.
What’s that time scale?
+/- 30 seconds
So about a six second cycle. I’m guessing it modulates the width of the on cycle to maintain temp.
Yes. It’s supposed to be accurate to .1 degree, so in the heating cycle, it checks the temp every 5 seconds. In the maintain cycle, it checks the temp every second.
That’s fantastic, how do I do that?
I used it to cut down on my electric bill, and it paid for itself in less than a month. One of the biggest offenders: the coffee machine. Also, leaving the bathroom exhaust fan on all night,.
Interesting. The 32F lower bound kills it for me. Needs better environmental hardening for my garage. And don’t have any free breaker positions at present.
I’m sure there’s a workaround.
Is your panel inside the garage? (mine is on the outside)
BTW, I’m doing your 12 hour corned beef right now.
I meant to do the 24 hour version, but I got drunk last night and forgot.
Nice. I hope ya like it. We’re lunching on shrimp empanadas and chopped pork with extra crispy skin from a Dominican joint nearby.
If I wanted a sous vide cooker, what should I get?
A sous vide cooker, of course.
*tapers stare*
anova at discount
I bought my father a cheap sous vide cooker and it works as well as anything else. My Anova is much quieter though.
I also didn’t like the clamp that was on my the one my father uses. It works perfectly fine for the pot he uses to cook with, but I have a cooler that it wouldn’t work on.
And it seems like Anova has various sales going on all the time.
Any of the sticks. It saves space, and you can use it with any container.
I don’t use wi-fi or bluetooth. Set the temp, and the time.
Looks like Instant Pot makes one now: https://www.amazon.com/Instant-Pot-SSV800-Accu-Circulator/dp/B07898VZN9/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=sous+vide&qid=1552848203&s=gateway&sr=8-6
And, IMO, you don’t need a vacuum sealer and vacuum bags. I gave up on that a long time ago. Ziploc is fine.
Concur on the vacuum sealer.
Almost all our sous vide is done now with just ziploc bags. So much easier and just as effective.
I still might vacuum seal a very good piece of meat or something that is going to spend more than 24 hours in the bath.
I think I’ve used my vacuum sealer just once. Bit of a waste.
I use our vacuum sealer for a lot of other things, so I like having one. I just finally realized that for sous vide cooking it is a waste of time and energy when ziploc works so well.
Good to know that about ziplocks, I was wondering if they would work. I bought an Anova many months ago, but then found out my vac sealer was broken, so have yet to fire up the sous vide. Now I have no excuse.
Relevant: No Vacuum Sealer? Use Water Displacement to Seal Your Food in Zipper-Top Bags
Thanks for the tip.
We were quite patient and scoured the area Bed, Bath, Beyond stores until we found one (a Gourmia brand) in the clearance bin; acouple weeks later a vacuum sealer turned up in a clearance bin. With BBB coupons it was a nice deal.
I have a Gourmia from Prime Day.
It took me a year to figure out how to switch it to Fahrenheit.
switch it to Fahrenheit. – why would you do a silly thing like that?
Because he’s not a communist.
Wirecutter likes the Anova Nano (which I wasn’t aware of). I’ve got the wifi Anova – as Playa says below, you don’t really need that, just set the temp and a timer.
Please let this happen. It would make a real difference in NY and NJ politics.
I’ve never understood it, TBH.
I was always under the impression that a large portion of the Jewish population was very socialist to communist. Kibbutzes being an extreme example of that.
Having a mono culture makes it work a little better though.
That was true with the founding of Israel (the kibbutz model.) Many kibbutzim have folded or moved to a different ownership model.
In the US the affinity for Team Blue goes back to the civil rights movement. Much of what was asked for is aligned with Jewish morality. That was also a time in which “No Jews Allowed” signs, discrimination in college admissions, and exclusion from WASP dominated firms was fresh in (((our))) minds. Voting Democratic made sense. In the succeeding 50 years, not so much.
“Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar”
Yet it is as unexpected as the economic measures under the Obama administration.
Morons. I thought (((they))) were supposed to be smart. What happened to that?
“Jewish voters furious at Democrats’ defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar say they’re done with the party that has held their support for generations.”
I have never been able to figure that out.
I suspect they’re learning it at temple.
RIP Dick Dale
UGH!!! Heartbreaking news. He lived just outside Tallahassee and I would often run into him around town. He was nice fellow.
The good die young
OK, that’s not even a SF’d the link. I don’t even know what that is. You’ve set a new broken link type. Gustave’d the link.
Works fine here. ???
I see this on a white background, nothing else.
Maybe it’s just Chrome?
What did he know – he played his guitar upside down.
Well, that sucks.
Kristin is gonna be devastated.
I don’t believe in this stuff anymore. Capricorn is always shit. It’s some kind of damn conspiracy is what it is.
*raises fist in solidarity*
Libra > every other sign.
Capricorn < every other sign.
I was gonna do stuff but the Jack Benny/Archie Mayo version of Charley’s Aunt just came on. I’m going to enjoy a Teeling Whiskey and a Baltic porter, and get lost in some good ole’ cross-dressing farce.
It’s beautiful out here, but chilly. I walked earlier and now I just kicked the crap out of France in Civ 6. They had it coming. Now I think I’ll invade Canada and lay siege to Toronto. That’s about the extent of my ambition for the day.
If there is a compelling rebuttal to the moral argument for reparations I’ve not heard it. When police and prosecutors fudge evidence to railroad someone into jail, we expect the victim to be compensated with money drawn from our communal tax dollars. It’s unclear why the state-sanctioned exploitation of black Americans over four centuries, which produced gobs of wealth for others, should exist in a different moral universe, one that presumably bends away from justice.
*shakes calendar vigorously*
Someone drank the industrial strength kool-aid.
This is the most dangerous idea – that people exist as racial monoliths across time and place. There is not an aggregate of black Americans, but a singular entity called “black Americans”.
If that’s the case, wouldn’t a white supremacist be perfectly justified in judging all black people as criminals since they are overrepresented among those convicted of crimes?
If there is a compelling rebuttal to the moral argument for reparations I’ve not heard it.
No one living has owned a slave legally under US law. No one living was owned as a slave legally under US law.
Well, you’re preaching to the choir. I doubt the person who wrote that would understand what you just said, due to that person being retarded.
Yeah, I know. I would have left off the caveats but some dumbass would try to include slavery de facto/de jure in other countries or someone held illegally in the US (like Elizabeth Smart, Colleen Stan, or the victims of Ariel Castro).
The author is either a retard grifter that wants free money or is virtue signaling.
*checks author’s profile*
White dude. He is a retard who is virtue signaling. When it comes time to pay these reparations he will come up with some reason why he is exempt from having to pay.
“When it comes time to pay these reparations he will come up with some reason why he is exempt from having to pay.”
Yep. Sort of like this.
Dinesh D’Souza
He needs one of these
Even if we accept this idea of hereditary guilt, there are still a ton of problems with reparations as they are popularly conceived (as money taken from all white people and given to all black people):
– Not all white people owned slaves.
– A lot of white people risked their lives working with abolitionist groups or the US Navy (which patrolled the Atlantic ocean for slave ships).
– Some freed black people owned slaves.
– The majority of white people in the country today are descended from people who came here in immigrant waves in the late 1800s through early 1920s, long after slavery ended.
– Not all black people in America are descended from slaves.
– Many people are of races that had nothing to do with slavery (e.g. Mexicans or Asians).
– Many people are of mixed race, and this will make for some very confusing grievance accounting.
And there were 3,000 black slave owners.
I once had a neighbor who had a black horse and he named it nigger. True story. And I didn’t do anything. Looks like I’m guilty. Where do I take half my stuff?
It’s about 3% of white Americans who have descended from slave owners.
And I agree with everything else you’ve said.
My wife can trace her ancestry back to revolutionary times mostly in the South. We have a copy of the will of one of her more substantial ancestors (a county in Arkansas is named after him). In addition to the usual land, furniture and livestock the will specifies the disposition of a half-dozen slaves. It felt real strange reading that for the first time.
Doesn’t change what GL said.
My family came here from Norway long after slavery ended.
I don’t owe anyone shit.
You forgot your guilt by association, whitey. /the woke
I remember when I came across an ancestors will from 1812. As I’m reading, I’m thinking “no, please no, ah shit”.
I did mine a ways back and it’s the same thing. Looking through various census forms from the 1800s, my great-great-great-grandfather topped out at seven slaves. He owned a peninsula right outside Gadsden that’s still named after our family, although now there’s a country club and some nicer houses, that kind of thing. He sold it to the city in I want to say the 1850s to buy land further down the river outside Wilsonville, south of Birmingham. There’s no mention of the slaves in those documents, so I assume he took them down to the new place, and I assume they were either freed or sold before the war or freed following the Union victory.
It’s definitely kind of weird to see it in print. Even weirder, my dad got into a car accident years ago, and when my then-step-mother went to go see him in the hospital the woman at the desk kind of gave her a look when she gave his name, then shrugged and took her in to see an elderly black man with the exact same name. My last name is unusual enough that if someone has it, we’re related. Or, of course, because my somethingth grandfather owned his somethingth grandfather. Now that’s fuckin’ awkward.
And before Kirsten Gillibrand or whoever gets all excited any money my family had is gone. Losing a civil war and getting hit by a depression will do that to you.
More of the same commie shit, but with a racial angle. It’s actually very much like Naziism.
Divide and conquer. Straight out of the playbook.
What if instead of cash payments we signed away our rights to our settlement from the Indians?
After all, the money the indians have to give to us for not properly warning us white eyes about the danger and addictiveness of tobacco has to be able to cover a measly slavery rap.
Re-reading through my old stuff, I’d just like to link to one of my old posts from Urkobold: The Dildo of Power
I lol’d, that’s pretty good.
Hyp, Spud, thx. I’ve heard that if you laugh at your own jokes, you’re an idiot. Ah, fu*k, whatever, I’m an idiot.
Update on my flooded basement. Got it drained. after letting it dry out some more changed the fuses and everything is working again, didn’t need to replace the water pump. Yay!
Also my Hat and the Hair mug arrived from Cafe Press!
Awesome on fixing the basement, and double awesome on the mug!
It’s always nice when you find out that something is not as severe as you thought.
Some girl at work called in the other day because her basement was flooded with actual sewage. She described it was a “geyser of poop”. I took the opportunity to tell her, “I heard you had a real shitty day!” Also printed off a picture of the poop emoji and left it on her chair.
I suspect you’ll be hearing from HR this week….
Haha, well thankfully she was a good sport about everything. Other people said, “Oh come on, don’t give her any crap… She’s had enough of that!” Someone else told her, “You might want to get that task done so that it doesn’t spill over and get backed up into next week. That would leave you with quite a mess on your hands!”
That’s good news.
That’s good news!
Rockin’ this:
I call it an Irish Red just to stay in the spirit of things, but it’s really just tasty. The brewery is also right down the street.
Corned beef and cabbage in the Crock Pot, Commieball on the TV, life is good.
There’s an old church building with stone walls, magnificent stained glass, and big wooden doors about two blocks away from my house. They’re turning it into a brewery/pub. Gonna be AWESOME.
I went to a place like that in Louisville – it was pretty great.
This day is officially written off. Guinness on my left, Redbreast 15 on my right, Players Championship in front of me and my feet are off the ground.
Since we did our dinner earlier in the week…today is a smoked tri-tip that was marinade with raspberry chipotle. Beer is flowing and I smell of cherry wood
Tri tip going on the grill shortly.
I made pastrami sammiches from the flat I smoked yesterday. Point goes into a pot full of Guiness shortly. It’s “brisket, brisket Sunday”.
A good day!
Enjoy, man.
That’s a nice combo.
First time trying it so hopefully it’s good. Gonna smoke the corn and potatoes (for mashing) soon too
Lol. How can it be bad?
The marinade is interesting. I salted it yesterday, then hit it with a sweet/spicy dry rub. Last time I didi this, even my incredibly picky daughter loved it.
I’m just happy my butcher store finally stocks it all the time.
Got the niece and nephew for a while yet, then I can get some celebratory drinks. We watched Darby O’Gill and the Little People.
You are an excellent uncle. Those kids are lucky.
If the older one was here I’d have been able to watch the Quiet Man, but she had to go to work.
Slowly the wifes business is coming together. Purchased our trailer so we can begin converting to a mobile pet grooming salon. All government entities satisfied. Swag created, domain name secured and a plan to be at our local farmers market being secured.
The fact we will have football players (raiders) moving in soon within our neighborhood helps with our outlook of profits. I love a free market and I love this damnable country
Obligatory, since it’s Sunday afternoon.
This was supposed to be at the bottom.
Don’t care. BeauSoleil is good.
I liked it, thanks.
So help me, I still giggle when I think about “knock, knock motherfucker”.
That woman is brilliant.
You NEED this 6′ steel rooster named Beyonce!!!
“At least it’s not towels!”
We are going to make that our theme music even it was brooks’ed…right inside joke?
Yep she is excited. She has 100% control, I’m just supporting her and I know she is going to kill it
That’s great. Gotta love the land of opportunity.
You guys rock! Wishing you massive success!
Thank you! She just hated only getting 50% of the grooms she did…so I laid out the best option. Destroy all competition in the area and dominate the market
If the market is anything like our area your wife picked a good business to get into. Most groomers here have a month minimum wait due to demand.
We actually had to set a limit on our grooms per month because people spend a fuck ton on their pets. She alone can knock out about 100 a month and we will easily make a 30K profit. That’s only doing 5 or 6 dogs a day. Plus she can groom cats which are more pricey..upwards of 100 per cat.
Her desire to own her own came from business owners that were disingenuous and didn’t care for the pets, only for their profits. We care for both.
Sounds like you can’t fail. If you have a decent cash reserve for startup, hiccups, etc.
Good luck. ?
Thank you! It will be nice to not have so many dogs in and out of my garage where they current get groomed
This might be too local and generation-specific, but anyone else who grew up in SoCal in the late 70’s/early 80’s probably remembers this guy:
Tom Hatten Dies: Former ‘Popeye and Friends’ & ‘Family Film Festival’ Host Was 92
Just back in from a nice afternoon ride on the horses with the wife. Nothing fancy for dinner, some leftover chicken thighs and salad. And a couple of these. Last night was her fox-hunting club annual gala (rented a tux) and the excesses needed to be worked off gently.
And….. “Ride on the horses” is a euphemism for?
Straddlin’ the saddle.
+100 cowgirl
Jump the pony?
The baloney pony?
Whoops. Sorry foodies.
*tips hat at juris*
Sounds like a posh affair, old chap!
Two points.
1. As a delayed X-Mas present, I have just checked into an Air B&B for five days. It’s the first My Own Space in over three months, and if you know anything about my pathology/psychology, this an incredibly powerful need of mine. I finally get to sink into an area that’s just for me. All mine. This has made me delusionally giddy. Must remember that I do indeed have some work that needs doin’.
2. My first flame, whom I eventually lost out on because I was such a pussy and didn’t recognize Life spitting on my shoes as it happened, celebrates March 17 as her birthday. I’m well over it, but it’s a bit of trivia that does pop up each year.
Um…. pics?
I get it. In addition to my 1st utility bill as an adult arriving on Feb. 19th, ex MrsTresCool’s initial bout as a boxer was on March 5th.
(I felt she needed a Don King-esque boxers name, so I insisted she was announced each bout as the “Malevolent Malefactress of Malfeasance”)
I’m guessing the ex isn’t thicc. Doesn’t that run counter to your likes?
I think she beat him. Sad.
WAS thicc. Then became a workout/Atkins-diet freak.
Quite. Tell us more Tres. Or pics. Whichever.
As a private school teacher, I dont think she would be appreciative of me sharing her pics with you lot.
Ill see what I can crop out tho.
I remember when I turned 30 and declared I was done with roommates. Aside from a brief stint rooming with a friend when I was in a job transition I’ve stuck to it. I really enjoy having my own space and can understand that overwhelming need. I wouldn’t make it as a total recluse though, I’ve tried the hermit cabin-in-the-woods thing and can’t recommend it much. After a while you get pretty tired of your own company. I’m happiest as a semi-hermit that co.es to town once in a while to yuck it up with friends.
Enjoy your time to yourself, I’m sure it’s long overdue.
NAPCAR strikes again. “I’ll just sit down for a couple of minutes and watch the start of this race.”
“Whoa. Where am i? What time is it?”
Well, by golly. It seems Bowie was right.
SPACE SMITH UPDATE: Uranus Being Probed Deeper Than Ever
My cultural appropriation t shirt for today.
Spud approved.
Sixth! Nice and congratulations!
Thanks. Prolly 3rd. The 1st @ 7:41 min/mile is definitely a mistake. My guess is the 2nd & 3rd are also. Joseph and Matthew both passed me fairly late in the game after I blew up from running to fast early. That’s why “I fuckin’ suck at this game.”.
“to” == “too”. I absolutely hate the new mac keyboards (and by “hate”, I initially typed “hat’).
Pelosi is just too easy to mock.
If be lying if I said I hadn’t done something very similar when I was about 13.
My results were slightly less third degree burnish though.
Same here but better than you I managed to get some 3rd degree burns.
I just lost what little hair I had on my legs.
We had gone a few miles from the house by foot to hunt dove. On the way back we discovered a gasoline tank someone had removed and discarded from a truck. It smelled of gasoline so we decided to set it on fire. Brilliant…I know.
It wouldn’t light so I put a load of shot through it to get some air in there. Then I insisted “Here…let me do it!”
When I struck the lighter near the holes I had put into it an incredible jet of white-hot flame shot out. The skin on my thumb and first two fingers on my right hand were burned to white ash in an instant. The remaining two mile walk home was agony.
Amazingly it healed up with almost no noticeable scarring.
I never fucked around with gasoline again.
I was more into explosives, although there was certainly some gasoline (and homemade napalm!) involved from time-to-time.
Never burned myself, though. Several of my friends did. Odd, that.
Oh yea, I played with fireworks and homemade napalm (was yours gasoline + styrofoam as well?) but I was always more cautious than that. It got me made fun of, but I never seriously injured myself or another person, either. Fuck it.
FWIW, my sister had to paint an eyebrow onto my face for my dad’s second wedding (where I was the “best” man). I don’t want to talk about it (although it involved nitrous and butane). Whee!
Oh, and there was that time my sister set herself on fire and had to go to the emergency room. She told them exactly what she did (buy me a beer, and I’ll tell you the story) and they didn’t believe her. “No, tell me what really happened.” They don’t know us …