Birthdays today include whackadoodle Jew-hater Cynthia McKinney; a three named and all-around fun guy John Wayne Gacy; Stormy “Horse Face” Daniels; the anchor of the Baltimore Orioles, Chris Davis; and an actual good guy, more about which later. In the meantime, let’s see what’s hit the news feeds:



The dignity and probity of politicians and activists should set an example for us all.


“And here’s Uncle Joe, and he’s movin’ kinda slow at the Junction.”


Is she or isn’t she? Only her ER docs know for sure.


Someone from The Who who didn’t pickle his brain cells and die young. Good on ya, Rog.


I have my own way of dealing with this sort of thing.


Nigeria is not a nice place. One might even say a shithole.


This story should gladden Sloopy’s heart.


Fuck California. With rusty barbed wire.


And the good guy birthday I alluded to before was Nat King Cole. And just to remind everyone how amazing he was as a musician, here’s today’s Old Guy Music as proof.