Birthdays today include whackadoodle Jew-hater Cynthia McKinney; a three named and all-around fun guy John Wayne Gacy; Stormy “Horse Face” Daniels; the anchor of the Baltimore Orioles, Chris Davis; and an actual good guy, more about which later. In the meantime, let’s see what’s hit the news feeds:
The dignity and probity of politicians and activists should set an example for us all.
“And here’s Uncle Joe, and he’s movin’ kinda slow at the Junction.”
Is she or isn’t she? Only her ER docs know for sure.
Someone from The Who who didn’t pickle his brain cells and die young. Good on ya, Rog.
I have my own way of dealing with this sort of thing.
Nigeria is not a nice place. One might even say a shithole.
This story should gladden Sloopy’s heart.
Fuck California. With rusty barbed wire.
And the good guy birthday I alluded to before was Nat King Cole. And just to remind everyone how amazing he was as a musician, here’s today’s Old Guy Music as proof.
Balloons popping! Run, hide, fight!
‘Hiding in a bathroom please please pray for us,’ one student wrote on Twitter.
Save us the effort and give yourself the swirly.
Now hold on just one damn minute. This vapid imbecile is hiding in a bathroom from what he thinks is an active shooter, and his first reaction is to tweet about it?
What kind of backwards-ass reasoning is that?
Social credit is more important than life itself.
Sad but true.
It seems like most people these days live for what they can put on their social media accounts. If its not on your socials it didn’t happen, and all that matters is what you can put on your socials. Its why people take pictures of their breakfast for Instagram, or tweet about active shooters, or livestream their criminal activity on Facebook.
If you outlaw balloons,only outlaws will have balloons
Worlds most unlikely hero, fighting the good fight
Thank you for that. I had not encountered that particular Hank Johnson bit of brilliance.
Much gas. Very noble.
“Imagine a world without helium balloons, with no comedians inhaling to make that high squeaky voice we all hold so near and dear to our hearts.”
Won’t need any other comedians as long as you keep speaking, Congressman.
After a sleepness night of SF’s picture posting it’s such a relief to hear/see Nat King Cole pounding out some refreshing tunes.
As I was growing up I always enjoyed a Nat or Johnny Mathis song. I was woke before I knew what woke was.
Here you go.
Love the hair. 🙂
see Nat King Cole pounding
Enough with the euphemisms….
Biden is too old by far to play the coquette.
Thread fail. I’m disoriented from having clicked on Sug’s article pre-coffee.
That was my exposure too. I think I might skip the coffee and go straight to the Irish whiskey.
Why not the both?
I clicked on that, at work, with a woman sitting next to me. I hope to god she didn’t see it. As a side note, “my close windows as fast as i can” game is on point!
Part of me wants to see him win. The hair sniffing would be amusing.
So was Mary Pickford, but that didn’t stop her.
You are old, Ted S.
I think I’m younger than you….
You even said it was SF. Why the he’ll did
Cole also sang the version of Autumn Leaves that shows up over the movie’s opening titles instead of the instrumental version with the ridiculous piano glissando.
I can hear that in my memory. Mrs Fourscore has her father-daughter CD of the Coles so we get to enjoy that as well
Natalie was underrated too
I have been listening to this version of Autumn Leaves a good bit lately.
This version this version of Autumn Leaves
The Kiwis are going full 1984 over this:
I watched a video about the end of the sengoku period. One of the things they did was disarm the peasants to make it harder for individual warlords to raise an army, or for peasants to revolt…. And then they forbade peasants from leaving the land they cultivated, or moving out of their social caste.
– Something I heard someplace
They stink on ice!
It would be surreal to be watching a video made by a psycho with a gun and have psychos with guns and body cams barge into your house.
What’s the reasoning behind this? Are they afraid of copycats or something?
IMO, anyone who’d want to watch such a thing has deeper issues anyway. But this is some Orwellian shit.
Shooters, while mainly white-wing extremist they also want fame, so you can’t use their name or likeness or show their videos/manifestos etc. ‘You get more of what you reward’ mentality.
Interesting rational, though still not strong enough to imprison someone for possession. Though if you are watching that there is a lot wrong with you.
What if you are a historian or journalist trying to confirm exactly what happened?
The authorities will tell you what happened. No need to get confirmation beyond that.
I believe that horse has already left the barn.
It was a significant event. As I said before, if Zapruder were alive today, all his accounts would get banned.
They did the opposite to Zapruder. The family ended up suing to get compensation for the video because it was taken from them placed in the public domain.
St. Patrick’s Silicone Sunday will have you popping your balloons and running for cover.
14, 19 (pure perfection), 35 is thicc, 42. Thanks and bless, Q.
31 is sexy slim thicc. 35 is damn nice, as are over a dozen more.
I was expecting St. Paddy’s stuff.
Look at them through the side of a green beer bottle.
On a slightly different note, today happens to be my wife’s birthday. I got her some nice cards during the week, wrote notes on them and everything…and then walked out of the office on Friday and left them sitting on my desk. *sigh*
Now I have to decide whether to make a run in to school to get them or just wait until tomorrow.
Make the run into school.
That’s the only logical choice.
And the safest.
Safe or Sorry
Video featuring flyers from the band’s shows. I was at some of those shows. I love the internet.
Those are great!
The ones now are either half-assed or too slick. I like yours better.
Biden would be perfect as president. He would restore dignity to the office. He’s no bufoon like Trump.
He’s the right kind of old, white man.
I’d like to see him in his undies at 5 am firing a few shot gun blasts to scare away White House fence jumpers.
Something I wouldn’t want to see but enough about SF
[golf clap]
California hating on the Flinstones, come on leave the house alone. Don’t they have more important pressing issues going on?
And no photo to allow us to judge for ourselves.
I saw some pictures in other articles, unfortunately, it looks nothing like Fred and Wilma’s place. Big pink and purple bulgy thing, ugly as fuck but that’s no one’s business but the owners.
HOA would like to talk to you about that, young man
You know better than that, Raphael. Money quote:
“In October, a code enforcement panel found the changes created ‘a highly visible eyesore and are out of keeping with community standards.'”
It attracts the wrong sort of people who will drive through the neighborhood in their clunkers full of grubby little no-neck children, and even dare to stop for a selfie.
In a different article one woman’s complaint was you could see it from the highway and she didn’t want to have to look at it on her drive. Because scenic highway vistas are a right.
“scenic highway vistas are a right”
And you can blame Lady Bird Johnson for that. She went all cuckoo on interstate highway signs and I believe we’re still stuck with federal laws about that.
That, and the multiflora rose that’s taking over large swaths of highland country.
Our dumbass betters and their plans.
How did I-15 to Vegas become exempt?
It was….. educational….. for my kids.
That place has been there seemingly forever, it always sticks out as you drive by on the freeway because it is on the corner of the top a big hill, next to a valley you cross on a bridge, so it stands out as an unobstructed view for a quarter mile or so. And it always seemed like a harmless milestone along the way. I guess adding the dinosaur sculptures is what really caused the problems.
What they aren’t saying is that the neighborhood is mostly filled with houses costing over $5 million owned by rich tech people, the same ones currently advocating for jamming stack and pack high rise condos into other semi-rural suburbs in the Bay Area, while protecting this one town. The riff raff must be kept in their place, and Hillsborough is definitely not their place, so eliminate anything that might bring the hoi polloi snooping around.
The Fangs should that it’s fueled by anti-asian sentiment. See how many people back down.
The real problem is the sabre tooth tiger keeps putting the husband out the window and he bangs the door all night to be let back in. Noise complaint/quality of life issue
Hillsborough = lots of old money and snobbery. This probably IS their most pressing issue.
It’s not California, it’s Burlingame. But, honestly it’s California anyway.
They had an enforcement binge out in desert parts of L.A. just before the R/E bubble popped and violently raided all the reclusive denizens for having junk in their yards and not removing brush. Mind, these house are interspersed about every quarter mile out there. These people moved there to get away from the cunts at building and safety. There was a guy out in Acton who got sent to jail and had his house demolished forcibly by the state because of refusal to get permits and later refusal to demolish it himself.
Fucking people are cunts. If i wished them what they deserve, Preet’s successor would start proceedings against me.
I’d be shocked if this wasn’t link already, but Wearable penis camera lets you record your achievements
Weighing in at less than an ounce, the camera in Julz’s “stretchy yet tight” wearable ring records up to 90 minutes of 1080p, H.264 video in MP4 format. It features night vision, too, as well as a rechargeable lithium battery.
Well, that might solve some POV problems for capturing porn.
Make a nice body cam for a cop.
Only those achievements you make with your wang out.
What other achievements are there?
“I want the doctor to take your picture
So I can look at you from inside as well”
No longer need the doctor.
I have my own way of dealing with this sort of thing.
All calls go to voice-mail.
But will OMWC condemn Pete Townshend?
THE MAN WAS DOING RESEARCH. My god, will people ever leave poor Pete alone?
Nice to see Daltry give Sky News a good what for regarding Brexit. I’m actually surprised Sky News posted the clip. They spent days after the Brexit vote slamming the stupid rubes who voted to leave the EU.
The Who’s got some good songs, too. I really like the song Lebanese Funk.
They’ve also got a song about one of our merry bunch
There’s only one true Athena. I’m sure you know Jane’s Addiction has a song about a guy named Ted. Just Admit It, Nothing’s Shocking about a song with your name in it, since it’s so common.
Happy Jack?
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, don’t let the cat out of the bag
Those are some quality links. I especially enjoyed the CNBC article on robocalls and dunning.
Having worked at the start of my career running a small business’s AP department I know more about that than I care to know.
Although, anytime you see the term “consumer advocate”, think “government advocate”.
I’d say 9 out of 10 times that’s the case.
If I had crazy levels of cash I’d use it to generate nuisance lawsuits against corporate bullies. Especially things like cable and phone.
For example, Equifax wasted at least 8 hours of my time with their data breech. If I had the funds I’d launch hundreds of individual lawsuits for folks who were harmed and make them individually defend each one.
The usual class action is designed to give the plaintiff attorney a boatload of money and you a 50% off coupon at Denny’s.
“Accounts payable, please hold.”
I’ve started answering all the spam calls. I press the “answer” button on my phone and then I just set it down without saying anything and go about my business.
I wonder if Biden’s handlers explicitly told him, “wait to announce until this #metoo thing has fully died down”.
It shouldn’t surprise me that there are idiots out there who would listen to him speak and excitedly applaud, but it does.
He’s the only guy that the establishment has got. Everyone else is playing socialist long jump.
Didn’t Beta just come out as a capitalist?
Hell no, although he’s not gone full communist yet like the rest of the field, he’s still far to the left of Obama.
I think he actually said he’s a capitalist. Although I think he meant to say gigolo.
Well, he ain’t got nobody…
Only sugar mama…
I woke up this morning and clicked on the SF post.
So much for a relaxing Sunday morning in bed.
So I googled this Ashleigh Ingle loon.
The rabbit hole led me to this.
“Have you ever been in a situation where you have had a problem with flatulence and become a social outcast after just one mistake”
No. But by looking at you I’m guessing you have?
So, is she still collecting fart stories? If so, I will contribute $10 toward having SF write one up and send it to her. Another 10 if she posts it.
This can’t be real, but I really want it to be.
If it isn’t a gag, we’ve crossed over into a new level of absurdity.
Re The Who. My God what a retarded line of questioning. Daltry’s answer was awesome but…..
“Anthony Zacharzewski
19h19 hours ago
Replying to @SkyNews @frasermatthew
Old rich guy doesn’t understand consequences of Brexit, and won’t be affected by it, but supports it anyway. Rock and roll!”
Methinks Anthony is a millennial who missed the point.
Anthony is just a young poor kid who doesn’t understand anything and trusts his betters tell him the truth about everything.
Rock’n’Roll is all about submitting to the bureaucracy.
Anthony won’t get fooled again because he’s smart.
Anthony’s a deaf, dumb, and blind kid, but he sure tweets like a mean ballpeen.
EU are you? EU, U, U, U.
Tell me who the fuck are you?
I have yet to directly reach a person in AP. ???
I should start drinking.
Why did you stop?
The IV drip fell out while he was sleeping
In an effort to end the calls, Hanson agreed at one point to make a onetime payment of $50 to Discover, though she had less than $200 in her bank account.
With that kind of financial decision making, it’s a wonder she isn’t a billionaire! Seriously people, it isn’t that hard. When you’re in a bind, pay for (basic) food, shelter and transportation to your job first. Pay your bills only with what’s left over.
She had $17K in credit card debt , was homeless and had no job.
It’s time to file bankruptcy.
I guess my question is why didn’t she chuck that phone and get a burner?
Meh, bankruptcy over $17k isnt necessary. Get a job making $17 an hour, live in a shithole with 3 roommates and pay off your cc in 2 years. Life sucks for 2 years and then you’re free, hopefully to never get into debt again.
Rock’n’Roll is all about submitting to the bureaucracy.
“Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don’t take it all”
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison quickly condemned Anning’s comments on Friday.
“In his conflation of this horrendous terrorist attack with issues of immigration, in his attack on Islamic faith specifically — these comments are appalling and they’re ugly and they have no place in Australia, in the Australian Parliament,” Morrison said. “He should be, frankly, ashamed of himself.”
Conflating lawful gun ownership with murderous racism, however, is just good sense.
imagine how bad it would have been if there was less gun control in new Zealand
Gulag Barbie blamed the NRA. You can’t even make this shit up.
God she’s a fuckin’ moron. She must have a handler to remind her to blink now and again.
If someone can mow through over 70 of your citizens in multiple locations in a city and they’re met with zero resistance, you have a huge gun problem. It’s just not the problem most people want it to be.
Guns are bad, mmkay. The government is going to give the muslims a big tub of throwing rocks to defend themselves. They can dual purpose for stoning in case some of the wimin folk get too lippy.
Well, honestly, part of the problem is the culture. Homeboy got all his guns legally, at least according to what I’ve read. He was stopped at the second mosque by a guy with a pistol. Now, some people see that shooting and think, “If we make guns illegal, there won’t be as many shootings”, which is fine as far as it goes, but it’s like saying, “If we ban red cars people won’t speed as much.” The most devastating mass killings in American history have involved fertilizer, planes, gasoline…bad people are gonna do bad things, and disarming the victims is backwards reasoning.
Senator Sorority Girl steps up
Toward the end of the more than two-minute long video released on Sunday, Gillibrand, speaking directly to the camera, announces she’s running for president.
The video ends with an invitation to join Gillibrand at the Trump International Hotel on March 24, where she plans to deliver “her positive, brave vision of restoring America’s moral integrity straight to President Trump’s doorstep,” her campaign said in an announcement accompanying the video.
“We need to remember what it feels like to be brave,” she says. “We launched ourselves into space and landed on the moon. If we can do that, we can definitely achieve universal health care. We can provide paid family leave for all, end gun violence, pass a Green New Deal, get money out of politics and take back our democracy. None of this is impossible.”
“Americans are brave every day. … And its these brave choices that inspire me to take on the fights others won’t,” Gillibrand says.
Such brave. How salvation.
I’m sold. She says it’s possible, so it must be true.
“Please donate to my campaign to get money out of politics”
Any way you cut it, America is fat.
Randy Newman needs to update that song.
Part of the reason we aren’t accommodated is because there is this inherent social agreement that there is something wrong with us and we did it to ourselves,” she said.
I’m 80 lbs overweight. There is something wrong with me and I did it to myself.
I feel like this about myself though I am just 25 pounds overweight
You may not like being a fat fuck but there is nothing inherently wrong with being a fat fuck. I am slowly sliding towards fat fuckedness my self but I have decided that I’m okay with that.
nothing inherently wrong – bad health clothes don’t fit nice and you are a pain in the ass for the people around you. depending on what fat fuck means. Also I find my lack of self control wrong.
Nobody said it was wrong to be fat. But the point is that your weight puts no moral burden on anyone else either. By the same token, we don’t have to make sewer grates with finer spacing to protect anorexics.
Trashy did.
He said “There is something wrong with me”
Nice try, though.
The “There is something wrong with me” was because he’s fat. He didn’t say he was fat and that he had a problem with being fat, he said the problem was that he was fat. You may wiggle around that but in the context of him replying to the fat lady who said people think there is something wrong with being fat, he was precisely saying there is something wrong with being fat.
I think he’s saying that he isn’t saying that, though.
It’s wrong for me to be fat. It’s all stress eating due to my life and job being out of control. I’m not a happy person when I’m fat. Sure, it may be a symptom, not the root issue, but it’s a damn good barometer.
Yes sometimes its not easy to avoid projecting that on other people too, but I try hard to avoid that. Some fat folks are quite happy and fulfilled. I am not.
Also, there’s confusing the moral sense of the word “wrong” with the meaning that’s closer to “suboptimal”. I’m probably about 30 pounds overweight, and besides the aesthetics it’s hard on my knees and it makes me less mobile. I’m overweight because I consumed more calories than I burned over a period of many years, and as a result my body is not operating at optimal efficiency. There isn’t a moral element to my having developed a habit of crushing a large pepperoni pizza in a sitting or gradually becoming fonder of playing video games than doing laps around the ‘hood, but to pretend that carrying a gut around for twenty years is a life choice without consequences is silly.
There isn’t a moral element to my having developed a habit of crushing a large pepperoni pizza in a sitting or gradually becoming fonder of playing video games than doing laps around the ‘hood
-1 deadly sin of gluttony
“And I deserve to eat in a restaurant and feel like I’m allowed to enjoy my life.” – meh that is up to the restaurant
I would add other people should deserve not to deal with your fatness
I deserve?
Deserve’s got nothin’ to do with it.
“And I deserve to eat in a restaurant and feel like I’m allowed to enjoy my life.”
Enjoy your fat life and you’re ugly too. And you shouldn’t be occupying the exit seat on an airplane, the rest of the passengers deserve a chance to get out the door that you’re stuck in. And don’t hang over into my seat either.
My seat mates (exit row) on Thursday were a petite Chinese chick and a skinny hipster. I felt like God was finally on my side.
Was he hot?
Had his own ashtray?
“Part of the reason we aren’t accommodated is because there is this inherent social agreement that there is something wrong with us and we did it to ourselves”
Businesses don’t care about this. They just want to efficiently serve their typical customers.
Sounds like Beto is a nut case.
Progs sure love crazies.
meh 15 to 18 don’t mean shit
Beto would be funnier as president than most Democratss and voting for comedic effect may have a better outcome than what people do now
Beta is just the shiny new repackaged, now with more skateboard, John Kerry.
Crowd: “Beto, Beto, Beto, you won”
Beto: Looks around wondering, “Now what do I do?”
Go to war with East Asia?
Navarette isn’t a prog, but he is authentic, something Beto isn’t.
Argle bargle derpity doo… Jesus, the Dems are going to tear themselves apart over this shit.
And it will be hilarious to watch.
Shorter Navarette – WAHHHHHH LIFE IS HARD
Ah, so Beto is one of those leftist hackers that I hate so much. The kind that doesn’t understand anarchy is a lack of government instead of an all-powerful wish-granter.
Nat King Cole is underrated as a jazz pianist. Dide can play.
I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Natalie Cole in concert three times. She’s got her daddy’s talent.
“She’s got her daddy’s talent.”
She had.
So I have a weird question
I have a friend who likes a local band. This band has a video that gives her far right vibes. I want to glibsource the issue. I will post the video to have the imaginary and translate the lyrics in English. and want to know if it seems fashy to you. The music is bearable sound wise you will not have issues i think. I will just do a literal translation not try to be poetic or anything so no rhymes. The word legion triggers far right thought in Romanians but it can be used in plenty contexts
the song is called prisoners of war
The sun spits fire the Earth trembles
And demons applaud the firebombs
Armies of angles get in formation
And start the hunt for the deserters
The Masons are raising castles toward the heavens
And start their climb to Olympus
But falcons of metal stab them
And turn the to sand and ash
It’s war and the world is crumbling around us two
And we are prisoners of war
The weapons fall silent, the legion salutes
And the clouds reveal he Almighty
The dead hide and hold their breath
The faithful sigh and fall on their knees
I try to carve your face with my words
Bad the savage wind embraces me
I drift on rivers of asphalt
It’s war and the world crumbles around us
Anyhoo fash or religious or apocalyptic or anti system or just plain pretentious gibberish like most music?
Pretentious gibberish just like most music.
I’m gonna call Death Metal Word Salad.
the music does not sound like Death Metal
to be honest, I didn’t watch the video. I modify my vote to just plain pretentious gibberish.
well listen to it
That may be the dumbest music video I’ve ever had the misfortune to watch.
It certainly hints at mental illness.
No offense, but the band was barely shown performing. It was a non-sequiter of black and white images of world leaders past and present. It was a childish concept and an amateur effort. Show the band performing the song.
It wasn’t clever or meaningful in the slightest.
The video just showed a bunch of people with notoriety. That’s it.
It’s exactly what a schizophrenic would have taped up to the wall in his secret war room.
The images interspersed throughout the performance can be effective, but it’s been done a lot.
Like this.
I was expecting this:
Sean: Perfect example. I forgot about that one!
This one too.
I vote bland anti-establishment pap.
That’s a smear.
Teenage angst upon realizing death is the final destination for oneself?
meh, angsty teenage word glop
the author was like 36
And Beta O’Hork is 42, your point?
Sheesh. Almost verbatim.
Did Agile Cyborg co-write that ?
More like Mad Libs: Goth Edition.
That music does not sound fascist at all.
The Masons are raising castles toward the heavens
And start their climb to Olympus
But falcons of metal stab them
And turn the to sand and ash
Castles in the Air
i think that was meant as a reference to 9/11
Could be neo-pythagorean gnosticism, what with the fascination over “armies of angles.”
angels. stupid typo
Haven’t listened, but nothing wrong with lyrics. Something LZ might do.
Apologies for being a little late to the party. Liked the band, loved the guitar solo at the end.
Came across, to me, as a moral/religious message. So right wing only as far as that.
Would have liked to see more of the band.
Speaking of stupid, futile gestures
Washington’s state Senate passed a bill this week that would drop President Trump from the state’s 2020 presidential ballot until he releases his tax returns.
The bill, which advanced Tuesday to the state’s House of Representatives, according to CBS News, would require any candidate on the ballot for president in the state to release five years of tax returns before appearing in a general or primary election.
Senators voted by a 28-21 margin to approve the bill, according to CBS. The state’s attorney general and solicitor told lawmakers in a letter this week that the proposal likely was constitutional, but analysts expect the law if passed to be challenged in federal court.
“The disclosure requirement you propose is likely Constitutional,” the two wrote to lawmakers, according to CBS, adding that the measure “would definitely be challenged in court.”
Democrats who supported the bill said the provision was necessary to force a return to norms surrounding the release of presidential candidates’ tax returns.
Keep your focus on the truly important stuff.
IOW, we got nothing.
You know, it also used to be the “norm” for candidates to release their college transcripts. Then in 2008, one candidate refused to do so, thus creating a new “norm”. Some Irish southerner named O’bama. Huge Crimson Tide fan.
I’ll take Unconstitutional for $1,000 Alex.
So they get his returns from 2015-2020? Most of that would be from his first term as President. What are they expecting to find? A 1099 from the KGB?
Plus, tax returns are supposed to be confidential. But who trusts anything collected by the government to be kept confidential and solely used for its originally stated and intended purpose? Its all about getting a foot in the door.
Trump should troll them by releasing 5 blank Washington State tax returns.
Or, since it doesn’t specify the most recent, 5 years of returns from the 1960s.
The funny part of that would be that the dems would use them as grounds for impeachment, somehow.
voting for comedic effect may have a better outcome than what people do now
*coughs, furtively nods toward Trump*
Mayor Butthead was just on FOX. The fucking guy thinks he’s Joan of Arc. “It’s not that I want to be President. America NEEDS me.”
Send in the men with the butterfly nets.
You’re gonna have to be a little more specific on “Mayor Butthead”.
I think there’s one named Buttaglione, or Buttafuoco, or something like that.
Today’s Old Guy Music is excellent.
I had out at the local Irish pub for breakfast. Irish Coffee, Irish breakfast, Guinness. The place was already packed. I got there a bit too late to get a bar seat but managed to get a table. I would have lingered except a work project is going to consume many weekends and nights between now and the deadline. My first retention bonus can’t come fast enough.
This morning at the diner was St. Paddy’s Benny: corned beef on fried potatoes topped with poached eggs and hollandaise.
I’ve got FOX on because my reception for Meet the Press is screwy. I think Trumputin is jamming them.
The hair has taken over HAARP and weaponized it against the media.
You’re gonna have to be a little more specific on “Mayor Butthead”.
That guy from Indiana. “Buttgargler” or something along those lines.
Now some chick is saying Biden is the guy who can beat Trump.
If that happens, I’m moving to Pakistan.
I agree with her. Unfortunate but true.
“Court rules gun maker can be sued over Newtown shooting
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Gun-maker Remington can be sued over how it marketed the rifle used to kill 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, a divided Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Thursday.
Gun control advocates touted the ruling as providing a possible roadmap for victims of other mass shootings to circumvent a long-criticized federal law that shields gun manufacturers from liability in most cases when their products are used in crimes. Gun rights supporters bashed the decision as judicial activism and overreach.
In a 4-3 decision, justices reinstated a wrongful death lawsuit against Remington and overturned the ruling of a lower court judge, who said the entire lawsuit was prohibited by the 2005 federal law. The majority said that while most of the lawsuit’s claims were barred by the federal law, Remington could still be sued for alleged wrongful marketing under Connecticut law.
“The regulation of advertising that threatens the public’s health, safety, and morals has long been considered a core exercise of the states’ police powers,” Justice Richard Palmer wrote for the majority, adding he didn’t believe Congress envisioned complete immunity for gun-makers.”
Except the shooter didn’t buy that rifle.
“Still, allowing the lawsuit to move forward means that there will be an opportunity for discovery that would unearth company documents that could be embarrassing for Remington. Since gunmakers have in recent history been shielded from litigation, company officials may have felt emboldened to openly discuss tactics, marketing strategies and other revealing details about business dealings.
Remington filed for bankruptcy reorganization last year amid years of slumping sales and legal and financial pressure over the Sandy Hook school massacre.”
There shouldn’t be a need for discovery.
The “marketing” of the rifle is public, right? Let’s see the ads they’re talking about.
You need to wear the special prog sunglasses to decode the hidden message. There’s a free pair at the bottom of each specially marked government mandated box of Bernie Flakes, part of a
balancedrequired breakfast.There was some hoopla over Bushmaster’s “Man Card” ad campaign around the time of Sandy Hook.
I don’t think Adam Lanza was concerned about his man card.
Not in the slightest.
So, I missed a deer last fall, can I sue Marlin?
Sue the optics manufacturers – for the scope you didn’t have on it.
Double indemnity
I’ve been out of this game for too long, but are gun guys still hating on Marlin?
Gun guys hate on every brand.
Not Korth…but thats mostly because they’ve never seen one.
Those are tasty. But $5k is a little out of my revolver range.
I’m not sure about the hate but I do like my 336. I did miss a deer last fall but caught up the next day. Hard to blame the gun.
I’m not. I bought my gf a Marlin .22 some years ago. Stainless steel with a carbon fiber looking stock. She loves it.
This only means they get out of the starting gate. My guess is Remington files for summary judgement once they have the admission they made a lawful sale.
Never enough
The president tweeted out a link to the anti-Muslim website Breitbart News shortly after the mass shootings, and hours later offered his “warmest sympathy and best wishes” to the victims.
“My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques,” Trump tweeted. “49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”
The statement was widely criticized as inadequate, especially since the gunman claimed Trump and other U.S. conservatives in a lengthy manifesto as an inspiration for his anti-Islam violence.
It was Trump what dunnit, just as sure as if he pulled the trigger himself.
When will our long national nightmare end?
The conservatives he expressly claimed to hate inspired the shooting. Technically right.
You see, Putin controls Trump, Trump controls every angry white person. It’s just the way the world is, it’s
consensusreality.the gunman claimed Trump and other U.S. conservatives in a lengthy manifesto as an inspiration for his anti-Islam violence.
Didn’t that trolltastic manifesto actually claim he was doing it to get the US left to agitate harder for gun bans? And that he was sure to get a Nobel peace prize?
Parsed he said he wanted to get the left to try and ban guns so the right would revolt and start a race war. As for Trump he said as far as policy he didn’t support him, but sees him as a symbol of white supremacy (who coulda given him that idear?). And for conservatism he said “CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD”
“The statement was widely criticized as inadequate”
Look, I can pretend harder than you to be sympathetic. That makes me morally superior.
Take our word for it
In the 2017 budget year, FBI investigations led to the arrest of about 150 domestic terrorism suspects, according to law enforcement officials. The following year, the figure was about 120.
But because federal law does not designate domestic groups as terrorist organizations, no corresponding terrorism crimes apply to such suspects. And while the number of such arrests fell last year, the senior law enforcement official emphasized that, overall, more domestic terrorism suspects are being arrested.
About one in four counterterrorism arrests are made by state and local authorities — not the FBI, the senior law enforcement official said.
The figures underscore how the majority of the FBI’s counterterrorism work is done under the radar, even in cases which end in arrests. Every year, thousands are investigated. Hundreds are charged with crimes. But the media and public see only dozens.
Domestic right wing terror is where it’s at, man. If you only knew.
That means we can cut the FBIs budget, right.
“Reuters admits they had the story on all of Beto O’Rourke’s old writings and interviewed him about it in 2017 and agreed to sit on the story until after O’Rourke’s Senate run against Ted Cruz. This is why people do not trust the media.”
“Members of the group, which calls itself Cult of the Dead Cow, protected O’Rourke’s secret for decades, reluctant to compromise the former Texas Congressman’s political career.
After more than a year of reporting, Menn persuaded O’Rourke to talk on the record. In an interview in late 2017, O’Rourke acknowledged that he was a member of the group, on the understanding that the information would not be made public until after his Senate race against Ted Cruz in November 2018.”
Not sure much can be made of that. Although I’m sure someone will try. Sounds like normal adolescent non-sense to me. But Beta did grow up finally to become a successful gigolo.
*cough cough bullshit cough cough*
That ass clown knows fuck all about hacking. I 100% guarantee it.
If you got gigolo, you don’t need C#.
He was part of the ‘collective, says he didn’t actually do any hacking. I think he just hung out with them and was ‘in the group’, he posted stuff on their chatboard.
Every team needs a manager, someone in charge…
And they present it as though it’s a strong and brave thing done by the reporter.
I can count on you guys to protect my rep when I run for Senate, right?
I see people comparing it to Fox sitting on the Stormy Daniels/Trump affair story. But the Daily Beast and others also refused to publish that story, for very valid reasons. They didn’t make some deal with Trump to sit on it until after the election.
“??BREAKING: @nzpolice demand **USER INFORMATION** (“IP addresses, email addresses”) from Kiwi Farms regarding the New Zealand attack … USER. INFORMATION. FOR TALKING ABOUT IT. THIS IS AN INFRINGEMENT OF CIVIL LIBERTIES ISSUE NOW”
Just like Sandy Hook, censorship leads to conspiracy theory.
Should I tell my fiance I’m Trans?
“I came out as trans to my parents when I was a teenager. They weren’t supportive, and I was sent to see a psychologist I didn’t feel comfortable talking to. I felt so guilty about the high copays that I claimed it was “just a phase” and even managed to sort of convince myself. I’m now in my early 30s, have a great career, and am engaged to a wonderful woman, but I still experience the desire to transition. My fiancée knows I saw a therapist when I was a teenager, but she doesn’t know the details, and it’s weighing on me. In the last three years I’ve been having recurring dreams where I get to be a woman, and when I wake up, I feel so depressed I can’t even get out of bed. I just want to fall back asleep and dream again. My question is twofold: Do I owe my fiancée an explanation? Do I call off the wedding? I don’t even know where to go from here. Part of me wants to keep things as they are, looking forward to these dreams as they come up and thinking about what could have been. The other part of me wants to scream who I truly am to the world and deal with it, even if that means losing everything.”
“I came out as trans to my parents when I was a teenager.”
How exactly does that work? I mean, I thought ‘trans’ involved cutting things off or sewing them on? What, you just say some magic words now? ‘I’m trans! Me so special, muh privilege, gimme muh privilege!’.
” even if that means losing everything. ”
Have you considered suicide?
Tranny’s have a very high rate of attempted suicide. Like over 10 times that of Cis shitlords, I believe.
I can’t remember the numbers, but it’s very high. Probably because you shouldn’t be pumping unnaturally high levels of hormones into your body, or I dunno, maybe some regrets about cutting your dick off just to get attention.
No, by all means wait until after the vows to share that little niggling detail. I am 100 percent positive she’ll understand perfectly and fully support your physical mutilation in service of your mental health.
Debt robocalls.
A particularly odious example of that in Canada is from a company that shows up as “EOS Canada” on our call display (they’re the Canadian arm of “EOS NCN” in the ‘States). Apparently these dumbasses robocall people who actually don’t owe anyone money but will give you the shpiel that you do, and will even go so far as to register you with TransUnion and Equifax as a debtor, thus screwing up your credit rating.
We started receiving calls from EOS Canada on the 22nd, and we’ve been steadfastly ignoring the calls rather than answer them. I’ve also paid for up-to-date credit reports from both our national agencies, which (surprise, surprise) show no problems with our credit. These pests are probably going to continue for some time, so I’m armouring up just in case.
I hate scammers.
The libertarian part of me says no, but the troll part of me says lol.
Only if they put them in vending machines with the beer and weed.
That sounds like a pretty good trade off:)
“Nobody needs an AR-15 to hunt. Nobody needs a semi-automatic rifle to defend their home. But mass shooters NEED these weapons in order to murder as many people as efficiently as possible. And so nobody will miss them when they are illegal – except for the killers.”
Except for all the mass murderers who didn’t use AR-15’s, you stupid asshole.
Does Connecticut produce anything besides insurance and idiot politicians? Can we give CT and MA back to England? Nobody will miss them except the progressives.
So then why do cops use them for home invasions?
If Murphy really gave a shit about gun violence, he would legalize all drugs.
Most diners, she said, simply want their size acknowledged without judgment.
“I’m fat,” she said. “And I deserve to eat in a restaurant and feel like I’m allowed to enjoy my life.”
I can’t decide if this person should be picketing Fatburger, or making commercials for them.
Fat Burger’s ad campaign circa 2001 was that the burgers were actually low on fat.
Doesn’t open for another 2 hours. Jerk.
Gun guys hate on every brand.
Purity tests are a bitch. No one is innocent.
Question for the handy glibs. Handy not handsy. We have a very small deck and stairs leading out to our concrete patio. It’s rotting so I want to replace it but I also want to extend it a few feet so I can install a dog door. The problem I have is the concrete patio underneath the deck is starting to slope and I’m not in the mood to pay for it to be mudjacked or poly jacked. Is there some sort of leveling base I can get for the deck posts or should I just tear out the concrete underneath the deck?
How are the posts connected?
The current deck is just sitting on top of the concrete, only two posts connected to a square 2×6 frame. The other side is without posts, connected directly to the house.
Can’t you cut new deck pieces at an angle?
Can you put an angle support brace in from the outside corner of the new deck back to something solid, like a wall ?
Actually there is a leveling jack that you could use, then as the deck sags crank up the jack a little, ugly, but at least its not too fat
I’d remove it, personally. It’s probably not gonna stop moving. Get proper footings.
Maybe Hyperbole the Builder can weigh in.
Just cut it out where the posts will go. You need a more substantial footer for the post than what the patio will probably support anyway.
Could that create moisture problems?
You don’t wan’t the wood below grade. Get these.
My neighbor had to replace a couple and these things are the bomb.
Install time under 4 minutes:
That would take me hours and a lot of injuries.
I hope that is the company’s HQ where they did the demonstration. Because that thing is never coming out of the ground.
It would be cool if that’s where they anchor their billboard.
Au contraire, amigo!
Why do you think the patio is sinking? do you have a water issue? you mentioned moisture, is the ground around the patio often waterlogged? You may want to address that issue first, while concrete patios do sink and move over time unless you have other problems it shouldn’t move so quickly that building a small deck on one would be a problem. It’s not Ideal but a 4″ thick concrete pad should support a small deck (6’x6′ where half the load is transferred to the house) Alternately instead of two posts you could build a wall along the front to distribute the deck’s weight along a greater section of the patio.
Speaking of purity tests
“This vote today is about racial justice,” Danny Cendejas, a member of the La ColectiVA advocacy group, said, according to WRC-TV. “We have been talking to folks in communities of color, immigrant communities. We have been hearing consistently the concerns about gentrification.”
The Washington Post reported that in response to concerns about increased rents, traffic congestion and school overcrowding, board chair Christian Dorsey said: “I am confident we can manage those impacts.”
Amazon plans to create at least 25,000 jobs over 12 years in the Washington suburb. The state of Virginia has already approved a $750m incentives package for the company.
During the meeting, activists grew outraged after they were not allowed to ask questions to the Amazon officials who had given testimony.
So hate. How outrage.
How dare they put people to work? How dare they provide goods and services to our community?
Appropriate name.
Danny “Pendejas” is a more appropriate name.
Doesn’t open for another 2 hours. Jerk.
Boo fucking hoo. There isn’t a Fatburger within a thousand miles of me.
Fatburger King. Mustard fried on the top of the patty, cheese on the bottom. Onions, lettuce, pickle, no tomato. The perfect burger.—Product-1-June-2018–1-Original.jpg?format=1500w
“It’s sad when you hear the board say they don’t have the resources to help people who are in need now, but then they give out millions and millions to a company that doesn’t need that sort of help,” Otten said. “It’s corporate welfare over social need.”
Yep. The county is delivering dump truck loads of cash to Amazon. But they won’t put up a nickel to provide free housing for anti-gentrification activists. Oh, the perfidy!
They only wish to wet their beaks.
Just conceptualized dinner. Braised pork, cauliflower rice, diced tomatoes, pickled jalapeños, onions, a mountain of shredded sharp cheddar and jack cheese. Baked as a casserole. Served with sour cream and grilled green onions.
Smirnoff with lemon and Perrier.