Not really Swiss Servator
*hobbles in on cane, narrows gaze*
That…was not a good week. I don’t have to tell all of you how hard it is to get a painkiller prescribed in this country. I do not think the doctor was impressed by my claim of being flung by an angry rapesquatch either.
So, forgive me if I just leave the post open to all of you, instead of links. The cryptids are off spending their sudden riches. I hate to think we owe some shadowy government agency for getting our Links Control Room back…but whatever they did, it worked.
Go knock out all the comments, links and such as you want.
*hobbles out of room, demanding a snifter of kirschwasser*
This post is full of holes.
And it smells.
Like bad cheese.
And it hordes Nazi gold, too!
*pokes head back in room, narrows gaze at Spud*
Dick Dale died.
RIP, King of the Surf Guitar.
Sad. He showed how fast a guitar could go.
Uh no, but thanks for playing……
What? You don’t love the opening song from Pulp Fiction where the guitar sounds like a speeding car whipping around bends?
Link that shit, bro! https://youtu.be/mKpsuGMeqHI
Pioneer of the ‘wet’ sound.
I think I saw him live about 12 times. I was a huge fan. I was just looking at his show dates on his web site last week.
With all due respect KK…..fuck you directly in the ass. That stupid geoguesser tried to steal my soul and take over my life.
/goes back to looking around the middle of Nebraska
Ha I knew to stay away
LOL sorry man. I’ve managed to rack up 2 25k games. Stay away from Ayrshire, IA. You’ll never be able to read any of the signage anywhere in the area.
What if she likes getting fucked in the ass?
I was on GeoGuessr at least 8 years ago. Great and fun time waster.
I can’t imagine how poor the image quality was 8 years ago. I still haven’t figured out what the ruins are that I wound up in last week (posted in a long-dead linx thread).
Then I wound up by some waterfall with German signage where I could only go a couple steps forward & back.
That explains his getting played all day on the college station, well, until two when “Nuttin but the Blues” starts on the other college station anyway. Bummer he had his last wipeout. He ripped it up.
tone and sense of humor
Condolences. Want we to beat the shit out of Tres?
Or, you know, me?
No links? No raclette for you!
He only wants some oxy anyway.
Say…would you happen to have some? Asking out of academic curiosity only…
*ruffles stack of CHF*
I don’t know man, you kind of look like a narc with those lederhosen.
How could this look suspicious?
They’re listed on C/L around here. I wouldn’t buy them there ( or ever partake in illicit substances, for that matter.) I knew a guy who showed me some ads. Couldn’t believe it.
It must be some sort of trap.
Spring ball: watching/carding a ton of PHI, MIA, WSH, TEX, and my STL. There’s a little less drama this year than usual as there are few open spots in STL.
Special treat on the 25th is the whole system convenes in MEM on the 25th to play an exhibition. They’ve done this three times before, but one was rained out. I buy a row and reward the fiercest STL fans I know for putting up with me with a seat (and another evening of my company).
New rules for 2020 will eliminate the 40-man fall roster (hurrah!), and there’s no hint of the DH for the NL yet (hurrah!).
New rules for 2020 will eliminate the 40-man fall roster (hurrah!)
Yes, God forbid a fifth-place team in September might get a chance to see how their AAA players might do in the majors, really the only reason to watch in September once your team is out of it.
Given all the contracting rules and the limitations on total options up and down to the parent club, reducing the roster just gives the teams more long-term control over their players without being tempted to call them up in the last month of the season. So, oh joy, we’ll instead get to see disillusioned veterans barely putting forth an effort the last few weeks of the year.
We seldom disagree but today’s the day.
how their AAA players might do in the majors
I’d look at it another way entirely: you can bring up whomever you wish and DFA anyone with options with the 25 as is (will be 26 then, BTW). The consequences are whatever they are for everyone, so it’s still a fair horse race. Large rosters create an infinitely larger problem: they let rich clubs fiddlefuck the entire season year after year.
long-term control over their players
Why mourn people’s being held to contracts they freely signed. Of course, going back to Cuba is also an option; so is starting your own league. FWIW, I was looking for a Curt Flood jersey yesterday and was a Teamster for years in my youth.
we’ll instead get to see disillusioned veterans barely putting forth
Bench those guys, designate some others, and bring up whomever you please. Options are there for a reason; like booze, there’s a best way to enjoy them and too much is probably not a great idea.
Shouldn’t the alt-text read, “I think he is narrowing his gauze”?
*narrows gaze *
[*golf clap*]
Spud comes clean:
Okay, I’m intoxicated and tired enough that I feel okay sharing my current situation with my fellow Glibs. Probably a mistake.
I am seldom serious when I post here because I have dealt with a lot of human tragedy in my lifetime. It takes a lot to get me worked up. Unfortunately, retiring apparently didn’t signal the end of that experience. My dear wife, at the ripe old age of 57, is transitioning into the “severe impairment” stage of Alzheimer’s. And that Al Zeimer guy that has invaded my home is a motherfucking cock bag.
We both busted our asses in life and in our own ways, were successful. We retired a few years before we intended and moved into our new home in an upscale neighborhood in Idaho, ready for a new life enjoying the fruits of our labor. But about six years ago, I started noticing that something wasn’t quite right. Because of her age, dementia never entered our thoughts, and the doctor thought it had to do with the hormonal changes of menopause. As the years passed, it got worse, not better. It took me two years to finally convince her to go see a neurologist. So last April, the devastating news was delivered. Even though I was pretty sure about what was going on, it was still a gut punch. To her, it was a slow motion death sentence.
Fast forward to today, and it’s been a slow, steady, downward spiral. My wife, who was an SVP with a global bank and had almost 300 employees around the world, who jumped horses over fences competitively for fun and entertainment, has problems getting dressed in the morning and can’t remember how to set the table for dinner. She stopped driving about six months ago.
She still is quite active and can do a lot of things independently, but my life is Groundhog’s Day. From the moment we wake up, until the time she is finally asleep in bed, I am on duty. It is my responsibility to shepherd her through her twilight years and make sure she’s happy and healthy. And in that cause, I have no problem putting my life on hold. But it is still a monumental effort that leaves me mentally and emotionally exhausted at the end of the day. That’s why I fall asleep in my chair every night, and that’s why most days, I’m not really active here until evening rolls around. That’s my time.
So at the end of this, I thank you for letting me come here, throw down some yucks and generally decompress. It really makes a difference. I’m not looking for sympathy, because we’re all dealt cards at the beginning of life that play out over the years, but it is nice to know that there’s a place to go and take your mind off of things. Hug your SO, and cherish every moment together, because you never know when it’s going to be taken away from you.
/Rant off, the house smells like corned beef, and it is good.
Damn Dude. *raises glass of bourbon*
Sir, I salute you.
*snaps to*
Always feel free to vent, rage, laugh or cry here. We are long distance, highly dysfunctional family and friends.
Shit. I know you don’t want sympathy but having a MIL with similar issues I can only imagine. Sorry man. Just know you can vent here any time.
Aye, this is a great place to vent. With %100 more SugarFree stories and Hat and Hair cartoons than a therapist.
Tuesday will be four years
You have my deepest condolences.
That’s real tough. I’ve been through it with my parents and my wife with her mom. Be sure to take care of yourself – it’s can be harder than people realize and she needs you.
Sorry to hear this.
I slowly lost my father to Parkinson’s and am losing my m-i-l to dementia. It is a tough road.
I’m seldom serious here too, mostly because I don’t believe in seriousness. Maybe your wife should squat more?
You have my deepest sympathies. Caring for relatives and loved ones with Alzheimer’s is tough, really tough. It’s the act of love that can’t be recognized by the recipient as they slowly disappear from our lives.
Shit man. That is some heavy shit. I’m seldom serious here either as, even in my relatively short existence, I’ve had to come face to face with the pure horror of existence as well, so I fully understand the escapism. Without getting into too much detail, I’ve had experience with said affliction and it’s hard to imagine a more soul-sucking reality than a life partner, especially at such an early age, declining in such a way. There is nothing that I could type that could even begin to ameliorate what you are dealing with. All I will say is that you are a man of valor for honoring your vows. Most people don’t like to think of the “sickness” part of “in sickness and health”, but it is in such a crucible that the nature of a true mensch is revealed. We are fragile bags of chemicals. Consider prayer; even if religion is the placebo of the masses (not the opiate), a placebo can be comforting.
For your hard work:
mein ttoG!
Hug your SO, and cherish every moment together
Roger that.
There’s nothing more noble than serving your wife, your family. A favorite C&W title for me was “Let’s Fall To Pieces Together” because I always believed that’s the deal (okay, maybe that tune had another point but I’m borrowing it anyway). I passed a first joke on the subject with NewWife last week, four years into our marriage, but as Lady Bath foretold I was sharing a truth in jest.
Groundhog serenity: hope you’re there. I’m switching to A’bunadh in your honor: salute!
I worked in a psychogeriatrics wing of an extendicare facility for some time as custodial staff when I was young, so I know a tiny tiny bit of what you’re going through (though I could always go home at the end of my shift, and your shift never ends). I am so sorry. I have an aunt who’s in the advanced stages of an unrelated dementia with the same symptoms as Alzheimer’s as well.
You’re a good man to stay with her and tend to her needs. Many men wouldn’t.
*raises shitty light beer @ your direction
Does she remember that she didn’t like me or SP?
Rubbish! Everyone loves SP!
Heartbreaking. I am so sorry.
I am overcome with admiration for you. My wife is starting to show some early signs of this and I feel like I’m headed for the same scenario. She’s young for that at 47, but she sometimes tells me a story like it’s new and she just told me it yesterday. She loses everything and blames me for “moving things” then she’ll spring a bill on me that’s going to explode tonight. When I ask her about it, she says she forgot. I don’t know if this is early stages or just some kind of stress, but I’m mentally preparing myself and it’s daunting. Much respect to you.
Hey Spud. You and your wife will be in my thoughts. And a big donation is going to Alzheimer’s research by way of Alan Arnette this Everest climbing season. My parents went through a similar situation just after they moved to their custom-built dream retirement home in NC. I know how tough this is. It’s obvious how much admiration and respect you have for her, which is what any woman wants from a life partner.
I don’t remember where I came across this, but it seems appropriate here: a joy shared is doubled, a sorrow shared is halved.
It wasn’t at all wrong to tell us. These days our communities are strange things – they may be physically close, or psychically so – but this is one, just the same.
It seems to me that getting old is the time for reflection of your life and to smile at all of the old memories. Alzheimer’s takes away your life. It would be my worst nightmare.
Best of luck, Spud. As Swiss mentioned, we’re some weird kind of family here. We’re here to share triumphs and tragedies.
Went through this with my mother, though it was one of my sisters who lived with her until Mom couldn’t live at home any more. The day I brought Mom home from adult daycare (while my sister worked late) and she couldn’t climb three steps to the back door – then couldn’t stand and so sank to the ground – I insisted it was time. Dad had it too (AND Parkinson’s,) but he and Mom were long divorced and we daughters were estranged from him, so we didn’t witness his decline. Fun fact: with that on both sides of my family tree, I find myself lax about getting those routine checkups on various body parts because I’d rather die of anything but Alzheimer’s.
If there are no nearby relatives who could give you a break, I hope you are somewhere within range of some agency who could help you locate respite care. On the airline principle of parents-put-your-own-air-mask-on-first, if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of her.
“I’d rather die of anything but Alzheimer’s”
I hear ya. I would be sorely tempted to give myself a case of acute lead poisoning if I started going downhill like that.
Alzheimer’s is probably my biggest health fear. Trapped within my mind — so to speak.
I had a neurological scare a year and a half back; I can’t tell you how relieved I was when ALS was eliminated (dead opposite of Alzheimers and just as scary).
I think of it not so much as being trapped within my mind – which, at present, I find a reasonably entertaining place in which to be confined – but rather losing that mind, losing my personality, losing everything that makes me me.
If I did find out that I was on the path of either Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s would tidy up my belonging and affects. Then when it became obvious that I would not be ambulatory much longer I would take a trip with two bottles of very good Tequila to somewhere very cold. At the end of one evening, after a nice meal, I would go outside and drink those bottles of Tequila.
Speaking of which, Teijcano, I can’t find that message from you. I’ll be around from March 24~April 1 if you want to get a drink. Kichijoji, Tachikawa or even Hachioji?
Is the address I mentioned correct? (LASTNAME in “country” “standing” at gmail)?
Yeah, should work. You can also just send it to straffinrun@gmail.com
My most sincere and deepest condolences. My grandmother had something similar and my mother had to deal with it. I did not envy my mother and I do not envy you. I agree with Swiss and you can vent, rage, laugh, or cry without any prior permission here.
Sorry to hear this. All the best. Rant away.
Damn that really sux, sorry to hear that Spud. That’s true love caring for her now, I hope both of you find peace in her remaining years.
Wow, so very sorry to hear. I’ve treated countless dementia patients, and while it’s never a good age, 57 is way, way too young.
Please joke, decompress, vent here whenever you want, you deserve it, and one of the reasons we’re all here is for each other.
Sorry 🙁
Love your wife and take care of her. It’s gonna get all fucky going forward, but you’ll deal with it. It’s what we signed up for.
You are a man. I’m really sorry, dude. Lots of experience with this so believe me when I tell you that I’m praying for you both.
Damn man, that’s fucking terrible. Feel free to vent if you need to, or just continue to post funny stuff to distract you.
Make sure you don’t burn yourself out, Spud. Sometimes you need to cut the tether for a few hours or even a day or so and get away. Hope you have someone that is helping you out and giving you some relief.
I’m sorry. Please get respite help. It will help you continue to help her if that is what you want.
Very sorry to hear all that. Please feel free to lean on this great, thoughtful, caring community (and if any of you assholes tell anyone I said that about y’all I’ll call you a damn liar) at any time. We’re all in this together.
Sorry about your wife, man. Good on you though for sticking with her and keeping to the vows as best as you can. Hope you can get some help and reprieve and God bless you and your wife.
How can I help?
My brother-in-law has Alzheimer’s and I lost another good friend to it a few years back.
I’m really sorry to hear about your wife, especially because I’ve seen some of what you’re going through.
Keep in touch.
So sorry to hear about your wife’s health. Be sure to take care of yourself. My father passed away last year after many years of progressing dementia/Alzheimer’s. My stepmother dealt with it until a few years ago when she also developed dementia. I live in Ohio and they live in Illinois, so my sister who lived near them took over and became their guardian/power of attorney, while I helped with finances and other things that could be done remotely. So I don’t have the direct experience, but have seen how stressful it can be. I’m 57 and my wife is 56, so it sounds like we’re in the same age range. My heart goes out to you.
Been adjacent to that. I fear both sides. I just hugged my wife.
Spud, As inadequate as it is I extend my best wishes to your wife and yourself. Rant away and I endorse the advice offered by others to seek out respite care so you don’t burn yourself out.
Fucking hell Spud. I can’t even imagine what this must be like for you.
All I can say is that you’re one helluva human being. You and Swiss serve as fine examples of models of men to strive for. I can only hope that I have someone as much on this side of good as you are, when my turn comes.
Rant on as needed, friend; that’s what we’re here for (as well as seeing what Q will come up with next in the way of pics and what fresh hell SF may turn up). Having companions in adverse times may not always be enough, but it helps.
Spud I’m so sorry for what are dealing with. I have a some professional experience with this. Please make sure you arrange respite care and find yourself an Alzheimers support group. You and your wife are on a difficult road. The only way you will be able to care for her for an extended period of time is by also taking care of yourself (to the extent possible.) My prayers are with you.
Spud, I’m really late with this because I had a guest show up yesterday and like a bad penny I can’t get rid of him, I will palm him off on Jimbo and Tundra in a couple days though.
Man, you really have my sympathy and compassion. You have inherited a hand that’s tough to play at any age. Sometimes we laugh and joke about things, only to relieve the tension and pretend that the seriousness of some things aren’t so serious. Every day I am grateful for my own life. I wish there was some way we could ease the burden and stress you are facing.
I have watched several friends, mostly women, with the burden of caring for an Alzheimer afflicted loved one. Even today I have 2 friends whose husbands are in retrograde. The big difference is we are so much older than you and Mrs Spud so its not so unusual. You can knock on my door any time if there is anything we can do here in the woods.
Good luck to you spud. I have a friend going through this with his mother in law – she is in excellent health except for Alzheimers. His father in law is ten years older and he’s getting exhausted taking take of his wife because he literally can’t go to the bathroom with the door closed because his wife may wander off for hours. I’m sure he’s no longer sleeping soundly. She will probably outlive him.
Attention OMWC, SP, MS and other PHX Glibs. I learned something very interesting today.
I dated your new mayor in high school.
We went to Junior Winter Ball and a few more dates. I (unfortunately) did not have sex with her.
You got pics? Glibs will run that town! Black mail her with a #metoo!
What did she look like naked?
Never saw south of the border, boobies were probably 34B or so. Puffy nipples. She was very good looking at 16, from the Wikipedia pic, the (((nose))) seems to have come later on. I always suspected her Mom was a converted shiksa as (I think) she was naturally blonde. I lost interest since there were soccer groupies more likely to put out. I guess I should’ve stayed with her, then I could be your First Man.
Shit, if I had known about the puffy nipples, I would have voted for her.
Now I really wish I had had sex with her so you could go into the voting booth with all relevant information.
Her eyes are kinda asymmetric, but she looks chubby
Wood two.
You went to The Academy?
The two people that I knew who went there were rich kid pretentious assholes.
Nothing personal. . .
I actually went to La Cueva. She and I went to elementary school together (Dennis Chavez), then in middle school she went to the Academy and I stayed in APS. We reconnected through a mutual friend in high school and that’s how we ended up going out.
But yes, Academy people are rich and pretentious.
Manzano rules.
We’ve even got our own theme song.
Random gun pic. Just because.
Random gun pic.
You’re horning in on Q’s territory and I like it.
7.62 is probably a bit snappy in that pistol, no?
I carry one of those
Concealco made the best holsters for IWB for these guns.
But is it as quiet as the steps of a navy SEAL?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
“gorilla” warfare?
Famous copypasta.
I know. I was being silly.
It was also copied in-full to the New Zealand guys ‘manifesto’.
Ha after having seen it here twice I was going to joke about the “manifesto”. I should have known.
I bet the entire fucking thing is copypasta.
I like how he went from Navy Seals to Marine.
You like something from a terrorist’s manifest!? I’m calling the authorities!!!
Could you remember to pick up some hamburger buns on your way home from the day care center. Don’t be late, otherwise we have to pay for an extra hour.
I spent the afternoon drinking green Bud Light and listening to Dropkick Murphys. I’m doing everything right today.
Only joking. But I did spend it drinking Guinness while watching The Boondock Saints.
Oof. That’s gonna cost our household some money.
My gf now needs a CZ shadow 2 and I’ve already promised to buy her the shamrock grips.
I am more than a little surprised that every company that uses CNC milling doesn’t have an option to submit your own artwork. I had some embossers and seals made decades ago, why the grip companies haven’t caught up yet I have no idea.
I’m still trying to track down a 1911 trigger for her with tiny shamrocks cut in it like Cabot offers.
Spent the afternoon with great people drinking beers, shots of Patty’s Irish whiskey, and good tunes.
Box wine and making curried lentils.
I don’t think I’m doing this day correctly.
I specifically made it a point to wear my Bayern München cap instead of a Packer cap so I wouldn’t be wearing anything green.
Corned beef and cabbage here. Apparently it is not a dish made in Ireland, but a dish made by Irish immigrants.
Thin Lizzy is the only true Irish rock band, unless you count Gary Moore who was in Thin Lizzy.
Gary Moore:
Loved him on To Tell The Truth
You is very old.
Mmmm…Kitty Carlisle.
C’mon man. I got my St. Paddy’s beer buzz and I’m trying to pick an Irish music fight here! What’re ya’ll, a buncha pussys?
Waiting for the first U2 post. Then I’ll bring out the big guns.
I shall not rise to your U2 bait, but will give you this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDSud7vAH_0&list=RDsDSud7vAH_0&start_radio=1
And MY favorite TL song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quyB8PMTD3o
Not bad. Try this:
That dude’s Irish and same era as T/L
Not Irish rock, but Irish mellow for tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGkQ4mPiyoU
Van Morrison is actually Irish. Not bad.
Van Morison and The Chieftains
Saw Doctors? Waterboys? The Script? The Cranberries?
Why don’t you pick a fight with Linden Arden?
I’m at least somewhat of a V/M fan, after all I was a stoner in the seventies. Beer fueled music fights require one to stick to his favorites and belittle everyone else’s suggestions. I have no qualms belittling the Cranberrys, I don’t have to let them linger. Van is the man, but he’s no Phil Lynott or Gary Moore or Rory Gallagher….just saying.
Meh, Phil and Gary and Rory like the recently deceased Dick Dale were one trick ponies, and not to knock them – those tricks were turned with pride. Van, however, ran the gamut. From British invasionist with Them to hippie singer-songwriter to jazz fusionist to his brief death metal period in the eighties to the elder statesman of the blues, he did it all and he did it all well.
Well, I gotta stand by my assertion. Thin Lizzy is the true Irish rock band. Rory was a rocker, but not really a band. Some of the traditional Irish tunes are cool, and Rhywun had a decent sorta rock-ish new wave choice downthread, but for straight rock and roll, it’s T/L all the way.
Incestuous fornication theme music.
Hey Sean- since you aks’d
Here and also here.
Bit of a tease, but I appreciate the response. ?
What am I looking at?
OK. Caught up from previous lynx. Copulating with her must’ve been a treat.
Well done Tres.
I moved on from that to Jugsy, aka “Half-ton Tonya”
Thanks, Glibbies. You’re good people. Except for a couple of you that are true Shitlords. You know who you are.
I know who you’re talking about.
Hello! Not much posting, my new gig is a nightmare, but it pays well, for now. Wendy and I are getting to move to a motel in a few weeks, a big step up from where we are, I have some ideas for articles, which tells me I’m not falling down anymore
I thought you were moving to AZ Yusef?
New job, weirdness
Is the move on hold? Get out of there man, come back to CO. We need good people like you.
We miss CO. It was great, but the Californians are killing it and housing prices got ridiculous post-2013
They are making great advancements in Realdoll tech, I see.
One of my best friends was dying of illnesses related to breathing dust from the 9/11 building collapses. They took him off of his painkillers because he tested positive for marijuana (to help his pain.)
Even typing this out puts me into a white-hot rage. Drug warriors are evil motherfuckers, every one of them.
It’s bullshit. I wasn’t at that level of misery, but I had my shoulder redone and whatever rubbish they prescribed wasn’t working and the staff nurse at the surgeon’s office looked at me like I was junkie. It’s like, come the fuck on, your boss cut me open a few days ago and you think i’m faking this?
But hey, I did my part for the war on drugs that day. Assholes.
Next on the chopping block are benzos; y’know, the stuff that keeps people in acute psychotic/agitated states from harming themselves or others. I guess a few suicides driven by delusional states are the eggs you need to break to make that omelet.
(NB: What fucking omelet? What does any of this accomplish? WTF is going on?)
(NB PS: 61N, what do you think of Soldotna? I’m reconsidering the Kenai for land)
Nothing wrong with Soldotna. I’d buy outside of city limits so you have fewer development restrictions, not that anyone really cares, and lower property taxes going to the KPB.
There’s a decent chance the state economy is going to tank in the next 4-6 months, so be ready to scoop up a deal.
Oh, the same VA medical center that a decade ago mailed me 120 vicodin and 30 percocets each month wont prescribe anything stronger than anacin now. And when I mention benzos (which I have a legit script for from my non-VA doc) they say “no way”.
“Next on the chopping block are benzos”
They have already started.
Well, I guess if your egg is scrambled? Those thing put me straight to sleep. No fun at all. And, I hear that most O.D.s involve mixing the Benzos with the Opiods.
Most of the overdoses are due to illegal fentanyl.
Yup. It’s almost impossible to kill yourself with oral benzos. When they talk about someone dying of some combination of drugs that include benzodiazepines, it wasn’t those that killed him.
But that fentanyl, wow, super lethal at small amounts. Yet we aren’t hearing nearly enough about fentanyl, it’s all about keeping oxycontin and ativan out of the hands of elderly chronic pain patients who haven’t shown any signs of abuse for years, but the meds are able to make them functional.
Really, why go after the real problem, when you can torment the law abiding? (and how many different things can we say that about?)
A huge chunk of my rage is my impotence to do anything about it. I will never be able to vote for an anti-prohibitionist and I will never be seated on a jury due to my hatred of drug warriors. Glibertarians are the 0.001% of the people in the country that I agree with.
(Crawls back into cave).
If every Glib pulled an FSP and moved to a small city in a low population state, like Rock Springs Wyoming, there might be hope.
Looks like the FSP commitments have until February 3, 2021 to make good and move . . . . wonder how it’s coming.
I’d do it in a heartbeat but NewWife is a delicate magnolia blosum and would not survive the first September.
Jury nullification!
Of all the GREAT small cities in Wyoming you had to pull Rock Springs out? RS sucks in major ways.
The anti-Q pics for the evening:
Thicc with a booty
thicc af
Ill have 2 to-go, please.
Here is some “science” for you.
I think this might well be accurate.
Silicone Sunday.
18 was my fav
Or, ginormous boobs
That pic reminds me of a waitress I met briefly in a Mexican restaurant in Hawaii. We (a group of co-workers) had stopped in because we heard the food was decent. When the waitress came by for our order I ordered in Spanish so we chatted a bit – found out we grew up right across the border from each other.
Later on my co-workers (no of whom understand Spanish) asked me a bit about what we had been talking about. One asked why she had come to Hawaii from Mexico. I said I hadn’t asked because it was obvious – puzzled looks all around evaporated when I told them “stripper”.
Since nobody has done it, and Blackjack mentioned it…..on St. Patty’s have some PRIDE
I knew it.
What the hell is wrong with you?
At least it wasn’t House of Pain.
I actually like (very) early U2 but then he goes with that garbage. SMDH.
Since there seems to be some sort of theme going on today, here.
Fine, have a palate cleanser.
I know, right? The only song I can stomach anymore is ONE. Any song about a psycho chick is not all bad in my book.
Here in L.A., every fucking radio station, I mean EVERY radio station played them every third song for ten years straight. As soon as the demographic matched it non stop. Fucking pathetic. I could go the rest of my life….. Now, they’re doing it with GNR. I always liked them more =, but I’m pretty done with them now.
New official Glib Commieball team by default.
USL is coming out full guns blazing. I’m glad the nonsense with NASL seems to be over.
For the first time since I acquired the damn thing, I finally had time to play with my bulldozer. I spent about 100 dollars in fuel today to figure it out.
That said, running an 80’s model dozer is a task that involves all your hands and feet. It’s nowhere near as relaxing as tractor driving and there is absolutely no way one can drink beer and operate the machine simultaneously.
So what you’re saying is when you go to use the dozer you say to your wife, ‘Hold my beer’?
Or he needs a cup holder. Obviously not from sconnie…
I watched my uncle drive around his old bulldozer after a few beers a few times. Good hearty Sconnie stock was he.
I also put a new sink in today. I like it. It replaces a stainless steel divided sink. I like the idea of a single bowl. I can clean my roasting pan now.
New sink https://imgur.com/gallery/quJCR3I
Nice. Our sink has got to go. An ancient enamel one that now is stained to hell. Best part is that the drain hole isn’t the lowest point. I agree about the single bowl.
ever drive an old D8? At some point they had a “decelerator” pedal (or that’s what the stupid rednecks I’m related to called it), so the beast rams forward and over everything until throttle down
I don’t think I ever truly learned the nuances of driving that thing
I no equipment operator, but that sounds extremely counter-intuitive.
Well, you’re going really slow at WOT anyway.
Accelerating isn’t really intuitive, either: it’s learned. Thing horses: you give a goose and loosen the reins and don’t do much else unless you need to stop; that was the way of the world for the millennia before Mr Holt came along.
They run the cat with the hand throttle set at one speed and slow down with the decelerator (it is the correct name) when changing from forward to reverse or making hard turns. It is more for when doing long pushes or pulling plow etc.
Never have. I bought an old d5b a few months ago.
I have two handles directly in front of me that that control the clutches to the tracks. At my feet are the brakes to the two tracks.
On my right hand is the 4 way blade control, and at my left is the fwd/reverse/speed control.
So now you know why “equipment operator” is a “skilled trade”.
Because unions?
Don’t get it twisted: unions don’t define a skill- they just monetize it.
Any time the word trade (in the sense of profession) is used, unions are there. Other jobs that take skill aren’t called a trade (except spies, are spies unionized? They must be they’re government, right? Not sure).
Doesn’t it have a “clutch/brake?” So you can slow down the forward movement while throttled up to run the hydraulic pump?
Pro-tip. If you ever have to work on the hydraulics, do a key-on/engine off and run every hydraulic control on it first. Couple of thousand psi of juice is no fucking fun released. I do that AND wait a half an hour before cracking any lines.
And, if you ever even suspect you’ve been hydraulically injected by it, go a hundred miles an hour and run every stop sign to the ER. Every second is more of the limb you’re going to lose. Shit is no joke. Feels like a minor pin prick but you lose your whole fucking hand. Scary!
I have an uncle that took a hudraulic injection to his hand. He no longer has that hand. I understand.
I made the mistake of starting to watch a video about hydraulic injection injuries.
That’s a serious appetite suppressant.
Not traditional, but one of my favorite Irish singers.
Pretty fun, but I find the depiction of mental illness a problematic. I don’t find the dress problematic all, though IYKWIM.
I was going to wait until the new cartoon posted, but I don’t know when they’re going to schedule it:
You can now own your very own Tha Hat! (Tooth not included)
I miss Consuela Lacarina.
Aw, the tooth is the best part.
just a felt square and some hot clue away!
*hot glue*
Also, true story, my design for him was based on a Goofy hat I had as a kid. It I had my druthers Tha Hat hat would have the tooth.
“Hand wash”. No falling for that again.
I’m very upset cafepress doesn’t have a red hat available for designs!
But, I ordered myself a mug, just so I could see it. It’s pretty friggin cool having a real thing with my cartoon on it.
Hit me like a runaway train from the past.
I’m very upset cafepress doesn’t have a red hat available for designs!
Of course, they don’t. If they did, that would mean they are simpatico with Orange Man Bad.
But then I could make MAGA Prime hat. He makes fun of Trump?
Check out Drudge and see that Beto made some “gaffes”. I guess I don’t know what “gaffe” even means.
Ridiculous. Trump is going to walk all over any opposition because he’ll be the only one who doesn’t give a shit.
Right? He’s playing the beta male, “My wife is much better than me!” and he gets shit on for it. So if you can’t be an alpha or beta male because of patriarchy, I guess we get to be the Omega male.
+1 Charlton Heston
When I was still a Masshole people would notice my last name and ask how I celebrated St Patrick’s Day. I’d say I host a Budwieser to my Great Great Grandfather and thank him for leaving the place. That always ended the conversation.
I’ve live in a lot of places and Massholeistahn is the only place where people would say “Oh, you’re Irish!”
You should see my first name.
I get something similar in Savannah. Funny, they’re potato Catholics who for some reason think being in country for two centuries makes them old school.
I’m wearing orange today: my shitty forebears dispensed with those guys and were already here 100 years before.
DId someone say Irish music?
The Dubliner’s, Navvy Boots
If you need mick music, do it right.
These are both good.
Fuck you! Anti-papist trash!
Well done. I’ve been clicking on all the music links waiting to see if someone would go there.
She used to be talented and sane.
O. M. G. May be my best corned beef, ever. Article to follow. And I’m drunk. I may not be back tonight.
Probably would love it, but not in the mood to watch the whole thing, did they perform their version of 7 Drunken Nights?
And do they surround the house?
I don’t know. I haven’t watched it all (yet!). I saw them on that tour though, on St. Patrick’s day no less (Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA) but I can’t remember last week, much less what a songlist from 33 years ago.
Cafe Lalibela lived up to your hype. Excellent food.
Bad teeth, great song.
The song I want played at my funeral.
American, but easy enough to think of as a red-headed Irish rose.
Rapids up 1-0.
88 min SKC equalizer!
I’ve been asking around about you.
Are you doing ok with the flooding?
In the basement? Yeah, annoying but no lasting damage. Need to dig out the window wells and maybe put in a drain along the side of the house. Biggest annoyance was that we were ripping out our only working bathroom at the time so it just became one more thing to deal with.
In my mind, that’s probably best case scenario. I follow NWS forecasts pretty closely, and it’s…. bad. Occuring+Likely+Possible is almost half of the state.
Glad to hear that things are “ok”.
P.S. What is a basement?
Not to make light of Spud’s problem, but just something it reminds me of. My aunt is 80, her husband is 88. She thinks his mind is worse off than it is because she always mishears what he says. I have to repeat things more to her than him, and he’s the one that has hearing aids he never uses.
yeah: Dad can’t hear, is a complete hillbilly, and now the wheels are coming off. The compounding effects are exponential.
Hearing problems and cognitive problems have a direct correlation.
Say whaaa?
G-d bless Florida.
Thank you… Florida
Did he have dirt on the Clintons?
Clearly a suicide.
Expanding voting rights.
Any suggestions for a provider for our business site. Right now it will be a landing page but I want to grow it to be cross platform and integrated with my wifes Mobile grooming app.
“Mobile grooming app”
Move to the UK, no chance of prosecution.
In seriousness, I’ve heard good stuff about HostGator.
Heh…I’ll check it out…for my own personal reasons that may align with OMWCs
I use Linksky Webhost and have been with them 15 years.
Back when I ran a few affiliate sites, I used Namecheap with good results.
I’ve been w/ Dreamhost for a very long time, but admittedly not for anything serious.
I’ve been with Site5 for a decade+ also nothing serious (anymore) but they’re top-notch.
Cool thanks all for the information!
Long time lurker, first time caller. Starting a new job tomorrow as a grain buyer for a coop, all hail Zardoz.
Fuck off Tulpa
Sometimes I wonder just how many Tulpas are out there.
I guess you’ve never seen “Sparticus”?
Why would he want to see Lucy Lawless naked, me on other hand, wait I just gave away my plans for the night…
I didn’t know ZARDOZ provided internet access to grain slaves.
OT: I snagged a package of what looks like thinly sliced pork belly at the Japanese store. Any idea how this stuff is used? I was looking to make a soup tonight, but I’ve never used this stuff before. Do they brown it up first? Just toss it in near the end of cooking?
Bonus: Finally found some enoki mushrooms too. They’re in a fridge in a back room that doesn’t really look like a customer area, but I guess it is.
Mah Feelz!…
You just got here and you’re Brooksing already?
Welcome, Tulpa!
Wait, but Brooks is Tulpa…
So if Tulpa Brookses, then is that Tulpa Tulpaing?
I’z confoozd…
We are all Tulpa and talking to ourselves.
I can vouch xe hasn’t just gotten here, like xe said, longtime lurker. I’ve seen xer around.
English, learn it.
Gotdamitt bobby
Little experiment if you have time. Read this article first. Next, watch this. Curious to see someone’s take on these two because it’s hard for me to be objective because I watched the video first.
20 min? Later.
For now, would.
I thought it would be an interesting experiment for those that have time to kill. Don’t want to poison the experiment, but I feel like I just watched Rapeshomon.
Get this man a Nobel Prize for Literature.
We need to go drinking sometime.
*looks at link* Using “because” twice in one sentence. *SMDH as he thrusts Nobel prize in air*
Are Canadians allergic to inflection?
My instinct is to retry every situation: my own ruling on the facts. But I don’t have the facts, so my speculation on the rest of it would be pointless.
I want to believe women, but, generally, the way they talk about rapes seldom is direct and clear in the way that, say, a guy would describe a football play: the whole blow by blow is seldom given. There’s often leaps past detail or steps. I’d expect: he hit me in the face repeatedly, I was crying after the first and couldn’t even see after the third . . . I started begging him to stop, I’d give him anything, I just fell back and let him drag off my clothes. Seems like most of what I read is some version of “he made me go down on him” which who knows what that even means.
I believe in reporting: reasonable people accuse their attackers. Then say what you mean.
I’m not researching this case: maybe the details are out there and I’m just lazy. But what I’ve read and heard on those two links would never get me to vote guilty as a juror. And as for he said she said: that’s a place I don’t even get into (I was Pence before Pence was cool); I don’t so much as go into a copier closet with a solo women . . . some men.
” There’s often leaps past detail or steps.”
I would expect that from a real victim of assault, but I wouldn’t expect that in an article reporting on the assault months or even years after the fact. As is the problem with media bias these days, the real “fake news” isn’t so much with what is reported. “Fake news” is more about what is conveniently omitted so the narrative is preserved.
I would expect that
Sure: know what you mean; most testimony is crap. People are just bags of saline swimming of confabulation and defense mechanisms. But at some point after an attack or a wreck or whatever you fill in with pieces of coherent flow or even make up stuff that is obviously wrong (I was standing on the brake but my Saab just kept speeding up).
I sympathize, but they’ve got to help the prosecution, or, in this case, me if I’m asked what I think of it.
Listening to the links in order made no difference to me, and had typed most of my “not proven” stuff before Ottawa PhD started her reasonable conjecture and revealed the kissing and whatnot.
I also know that I’m drawn to believe the girl because I’m attracted to her: my lizard brain just wants to kill all the other men and take her back to my nest.
Humans are very bad machines.
Listening to the links in order made no difference to me, and had typed most of my “not proven” stuff before Ottawa PhD started her reasonable conjecture and revealed the kissing and whatnot.
My little experiment was doomed from the start given people could assume what my take on the story would be and I should’ve assumed people around here would have similar objections as me.
What is killing me is how journalists have completely rejected the concept of curiosity in order to push their agenda. It was bad in the past, but the internet has put the entire process on steroids. Conclusion first>dig up info that fits>get the shit out into ether. No reflection on mistakes, no presentation of info that makes you go “Oh, this isn’t what I thought, but that is still interesting!”. Just pure propaganda 24/7.
I don’t so much as go into a copier closet with a solo women
I should move, but I might… not… move?
Kudos for a Peep Show link. It’s pretty much where I went to when picturing “copier closet”.
One of you glibs mentioned doing corned beef sous vide, so I gave that a shot this weekend — a little over nine hours at 82.5-degrees (C). I threw a bit of coriander, mustard seeds, ginger, ground cloves, sugar, salt, pepper and less than a cup of stout in the bag with the corned beef. I’d say the corned beef came out a * tad * dryer than I would’ve liked (*), but on the whole it was still pretty good. Further, the layer of fat on top was perfect. I’m also left with the leftover au jus from the sous vide bag, which I’m planning to use for a night or two of Italian beef sandwiches.
(*) It’s possible I’ve been spoiled on the corned beef front, though. There’s a place up here in Milwaukee called McBob’s that serves the most-tender corned beef I’ve ever had.
Milwaukee has some bad assed fucking beef in general. I had some of the best steaks ever there in plain looking dive greasy spoon places. Dunno why, but the beef was great every where. Cornfed, maybe?
I dated a guy from Iowa once & I came to the same conclusion.
up here in Milwaukee?
I think you mean down there is pretend Wisconsin.
All I remember is My grandpa lived in Mequon and I asked him how long it would take me to drive to Milwaukee. He said it was about an hour. I started out and saw a bunch of “minimum” speed limit signs and I got there in 20 minutes. That and the steaks were great. Well, maybe there was a bunch of drunk, tall chicks there too.
No need to say drunk when talking about
womenpeople here, it’s redundant.Straff:
What’s the deal with Brazilian-Japanese?
You mean like MMA fighter Lyota Machida? Many Japanese moved to Brazil after WW2. Haven’t looked into the reasons, however.
For the avid commieball watcher, there are many Hafus from Brazil but with Nipponese names.
Marcus Tulio Tanaka
Andre Shinyashiki
George Yonashiro
Daishiro Yoshimura
Sandro Hiroshi
Sérgio Echigo
Rodrigo Tabata
Alberto Fujimori was president of Peru.
Most of us know that, I’m guessing?
Think at 12CDT at KERA.org/listen is a pretty good interview show. The host is particularly well-prepared and reasonably worldly. However, the normal proggy NPRish appeals to government solutions and willful ignorance of markets are common; I find I must put up with that in most of my life and am somewhat immune and tolerant so long as I can hear an intelligent person speak on a subject of their expertise.
Fridays they have started running debates, which I adore.
I’ve slipped into bed and will flip through the C-SPAN channels hoping to find a lecture to drift off during.
Quick Google search shows I was wrong. Wiki says that Japan and Brazil signed a treat in 1907 to address a labor shortage in Brazil.
I seem to recall reading that the Brazilian government offered some kind of subsidy to people who would come and homestead some land, and of course there weren’t a whole lot of prospects in Japan at the time, so a lot of Japanese moved there for a new start.
Seems redundant. Aren’t they both hairless to start with? Or is it Japanese are hairless and Brazillians have a plan to become that way? Or maybe it’s pixelation? I dunno, I’m drunk.
Japanese hairless? Talk about fake news. Their individual hairs have triple the circumference of my Deutschlander hair. I made the mistake of using my wife’s conditioner once and my hair was plastered to my head the entire day. It’s designed to lessen volume.
I’m Deutschland/England stock and my hair is thicc af. I got so tired of it I’ve been buzzing it down to the scalp for a couple decades.
While My Hair Gently Retreats
I don’t actually have that particular problem. OTOH it went all white* by the time I was 35 so there’s that.
*And therefore even thicker and heavier.
I’m the only one of my siblings who hasn’t had a white hair, also the only one without kids or a spouse. Make of that what you will. But I do have the thinnest hair on the top of my head. Grey would probably attract more ladies than the thinning. (I know that’s not YOUR concern)
Any guy with a job and decent shoes can have his way with 1/2 of eligible women. Six foot gets you another 1/4.
Guys suck: they can’t afford to judge by your hair any more.
I haven’t actually tried to use it to my advantage.
I am also single, bigly.
This probably doesn’t said
muchby any sane person, but some nights Rhy you make me wish I were gay, I think we’d have a long lasting stable relationship.lolhawt
And also, Tosh was funny once.
I want some of that conditioner.
LOL, I remember your old avatar. If we ever have a glib meet up, I now know your souvenir.
“Or is it Japanese are hairless and Brazillians have a plan to become that way?”
Brazilian women… OK, I’m not drunk, yet…
Brazil has the biggest population of Japanese outside of Japan. That’s about all I know. One of the few people that I know who lives near me but used to live in Brazil, is half Japanese. I didn’t ask how that happened.
Well, you see, when a man and a woman love each other very, very much…
Brasil didn’t abolish slavery until 1888. Who knew?
They learned that stuff from Estados Unidos. And Trump.
And they didn’t need to have a civil war which killed a generation, concentrated power in the hands of assholes and violated the human rights of everyone to achieve it.
I’ve been sitting here watching Globo News (the Brazil version of CNN) with wifey. They’re doing this Christchurch coverage thing. I’m 100% convinced that not too far in the future when Millennials are the ones in charge, they will have long stopped making shoes with laces. Because there won’t be a single fucking person alive smart enough to tie them.
Lemme guess:
“Bad ppl r bad. Gunz r bad. Bad ppl n gunz makey illeegul.”
In Portuguese of course.
Hogg made an appearance. Need I say more?
Oh my God.
It was right after the die-in scene. I didn’t recognize him at first. I kept thinking ‘who the fuck is that punchable face kid?’.
That never gets old.
Lilly the Pink, the savior of the human race.
Just pure propaganda 24/7
I wouldn’t say I read everything now, but that’s close. I don’t watch MSNBC, FoxNews, and CNN went off the deep end when DJT45 was elected. Morning Joe was once amusing in the way that Steven Colbert was funny so long as he pretended to be a conservative, but I have no patience with them now. I’ll listen to anything for a little while if it’s funny even if it’s racist or untrue . . . humor is a very different thing to me than news.
But I do listen to NPR and PBS more than a lilttle; Limbaugh, Oliver, and Beck for comic relief; I read the NYT every Sunday and usually have about seven squares in the crossword I can’t fill. I take the Economist and the New Yorker. I’m deeply disappointed by the posturing, the appeals to government, and the ignorance of economics in most of what I hear. The Economist seems laughingly, frequently at odds with its own stated preference for classical liberalism. The New Yorker is pure craft, wordsmithing. I somewhat trust Reuters and to a lesser degree BBC.
I was through all this, hose most of it off my boots afterward, and try to put together my own notions of what is really going on.
As someone trained by wire service news writing, I’ve never trusted AP. The old tactic of reporting things with omission has long been their play. You read their reports, make sure to look for holes in the story, they’re always there.
This is the mug I bought for myself just to have memorabilia of this crazy experience you folks have given me.
as I was saying about the dearth of economic comprehension:
To my eye this is an excellent argument for people to have zero jobs instead of low-paying jobs, but I’m sure that has never crossed the poster’s mind.
They don’t care, because “the government” will take care of anyone who can’t/won’t work.
“the government” will take care of anyone who can’t/won’t work”
No strings attached. Because only the ‘good’ people will be in charge. Why can’t 6 year olds vote, so we can get this right?
One of thevtwee
One of the tweet replies, discussing business failures because of high minimum wages, said how ridiculous, is the business owner having to choose between his yacht and paying his workers fairly? I’m guessing this was sincere, and people out there assume anyone out there owning a small business is also fabulously wealthy (no doubt from exploring workers).
Those people are, unfortunately, the ones that require human authority to even cope with life. The idea that others struggle in ways they themselves don’t (building a business), or, don’t immediately go crying to Mom to fix everything, is utterly foreign to them.
That shit started right around the time I stopped doing Cracked.com photoshop contests. Some fucks were going on about living wage. I commented that I paid $50 an hour, but only when I had work available, and was told ‘If you can’t pay a full time living wage you shouldn’t be in business’. And the site went down hill quickly with people like that around.
Stop wrecking the place, you hoarder.
I was also told I couldn’t be real, because though I’d pay contract employees $50 an hr I was below the poverty line myself. I was the equivalent of Fake News to them.
Oh, I love that argument. It’s kind of like if I stabbed someone in the gut and then said, “Well if you can’t survive some massive blood loss and peritonitis, you were too weak to live anyway!”
You’re right. It hasn’t. They don’t understand in many businesses that is the alternative.
No, they DO understand. They literally do not care. Remember, they’re pushing for government control.
^Ding. Ding. Ding.
May v Corbin in the House on C-SPAN
Jon Meacham on C-SPAN3
I still find it… amusing? No, not amusing, disgusting actually, that the Brits have apparently been reduced to such a bunch of clowns that they ever believed May was anything other than an EU puppet.
May is exactly like Trump: the only choice the majority feel they had.
As a resident of the city that elected Giuliani and Bloomberg multiple times each, I can totally understand that.
I don’t even remember who’s the mayor of Tokyo. Some chick. Ishihara was mayor for most of my time here. He was in the news constantly for saying anti Chinese and anti women stuff.
Such a shitlord answer. Perfect.
the only choice the majority [Party] feel they had. (remember, the brits have a parliamentary system. It’s like the Speaker of the House becoming president.) The people don’t vote for PM, the Parliament does.
Yeah, because May really pisses off the establishment by getting on her knees and sucking their cock.
I don’t think that’s how it works.
It’s that fag time zone he’s in.
Brokeback Mountain gets it’s own time zone?
Nobody else claimed first, therefore it was still open. It’s not my fault nobody else noticed.
*nonchalantly places finger on side of nose*
Better snorting pressures, amirite?
Think I may have founder the next shooter.
Just load him up with SSRIs and sex change hormones to make sure. We’re having a slow news cycle.
As I read that the ‘likes’ kept going up like a Mario score. I’m scared.
The guy is so woke he completely understands exactly what all white racists believe and why they believe it. Or, he concocted a theory which he knew would give his echo chamber orgasms. It’s a tough call.
I don’t even know what this #eggboy thing is, is it like Egghead from Batman?
This. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-a4joBJMeao
But…that doesn’t answer anything, that’s a kid doing something dumb, not exactly MLK there.
It’s a kid that hasn’t been exposed to enough violence in his sheltered life. That’s worthy of an asskicking on principle alone.
You spelled “and the children shall lead us” wrong.
Malacai was right?
It always leads back to corn.
And, yet “that wasn’t violence”.
If any unrecognized person got that close to me and impacted anything into my head, I would likely be inclined to shoot (if physically still capable), or, to take them down.
Not meant to be a Billy Bad-ass statement, but, a recognition of self-defense.
who, what, when, where, and why?
So wisdom, much profound.
Ok, I’ll pass out now, and probably have a weird dream about eggs.
This guy: All about the huevos.
Because it’s late–
This week on Bedtime Stories: The Manchester Pusher!
/a rather interesting channel, if you’re so inclined
//say, that would be a good Glibs screen name: The Manchester Pusher….
I was expecting an expose of one of the many cretins employed in a Northern football team.
Eeww, no!
/”played” soccer when I was 5. Nevermore.
Wait…you were expecting kick-ball talk after I used the label “Bedtime Stories”?
No, just that “Manchester” is a triggering word. Generally it implies “loathsome twat”.
Well, the story implies there is someone fitting that distinction.
“Murderous, loathsome twat” actually.
If you thought reverse animal rescues was over the line…
Oddly enough, that didn’t have the same impact.
No, no…not THAT.
I’m already numb from the animals vid, and, human agency.
You’re saying animal cruelty is more painful to watch than black babies being thrown into a house fire?
Well, “thrown” is kinda strong…
“Placed”, maybe?