Show us on the doll where the PV system touched you.
A few weeks ago Suthenboy expressed a strong opinion on the effectiveness of photovoltaic (PV) power systems, or solar electricity[1]. Reading between the lines I surmise he had a bad experience with one once.
I cannot deny Suthenboy’s lived experience but I can present an alternative experience. I’ve been living in my off the grid[2] PV-powered cabin for over 20 years.
I’ve designed four off the grid PV power systems: two for cabins and two for recreational vehicles. The largest is a one kilowatt PV array for a neighbor’s camp. All four systems work perfectly except for my neighbor’s because he doesn’t maintain his battery bank. He’s probably going to install utility power this summer which doesn’t bother me because he’ll certainly make me a good offer for his big PV array.
How It Works
If you were promised there would be no math then you can skip the next paragraph.
A PV array is composed of several photovoltaic panels. A PV panel is composed of several photovoltaic cells. When illuminated by bright sunlight each PV cell produces about 0.5 volts[3] of electromotive force with an amperage[4] proportional to the cell’s area. My cabin’s ancient PV array consists of eight panels. Each panel has 33 cells. The cells are connected in series so the voltage adds up to (33 cells) * (0.5 volts) = 16.5 volts. Each cell puts out about 2 amps of current to a single panel provides (16.5 volts) * (2 amps) = 33 watts[5] of power. With eight panels my PV array puts out (8 panels) * (33 watts) = 264 watts. My cabin’s PV array is tiny by modern standards. These days you can get a single PV panel with more power than my entire array.
But you can ignore the details and think of a PV array simply as a free source of battery bank charging power because a PV system of the type I’m describing is more accurately called a battery bank system. The battery bank extends power into the nighttime. The battery bank expands the consciousness of one’s energy usage. The battery bank is vital to the PV system.
The battery bank is composed of one or more deep cycle batteries. My battery bank has two that look like car starter batteries but are designed to be charged and discharged (cycled) many times. Car starter batteries aren’t designed to be cycled and won’t last long in a battery bank application.
In a modern PV system the battery bank powers a single device: the inverter. The inverter converts low-voltage DC[6] power from the battery bank into high-voltage AC[7] power like the kind that comes out of a wall socket. A modern inverter can be plumbed into a home with standard AC wiring without having to make any wiring changes.
How It Works II: The Diagram
This diagram can be used as an actual schematic for a PV system because all the parts and connections are shown. Power flows from right to left. Blue lines are AC power. Black and red lines are DC power, black is negative (minus) and red is positive (plus). The equipment to the right of the battery bank is the “charge” section from which power comes. The equipment to the left of the battery bank is the “load” section to which power goes. The independent charge and load sections mean half the system still works while the other half is down for whatever reason.
At the upper right corner is a PV array consisting of two PV panels wired in parallel. Simple PV systems use 12-volt deep cycle lead-acid batteries and PV panels sized to charge such batteries. More panels can be added to the array as long as they’re wired in parallel, plus-to-plus and minus-to-minus.
The PV array is connected to a PV Charge Controller which ensures that the PV array doesn’t overcharge the battery bank.
The PV array is usually not the only battery bank charging source. Nearly all PV systems have a backup generator for long stretches of cloudy weather. A gasoline generator and a battery charger are shown in the lower right corner. My backup generator is a 1KW Honda.
If the site has sufficient wind then a windmill is an excellent additional charging source. Windmills come in AC and DC varieties; the one on the diagram is DC. A windmill needs its own charge controller.
The plus outputs and minus outputs of the battery charger and charge controller(s) are connected together to make a single positive/negative wire pair. The positive wire is connected to a fuse (or breaker) that prevents the battery bank from exploding in case of a short in the charge section. The negative wire is connected to a current shunt that is used by the “Charge Meter” to calculate the amperage coming from the charge section.
A modern DC electric meter shows voltage, amperage, wattage, and cumulative watt-hours. This PV system design has two meters, one for the electricity coming in from the charge section and one for the electricity going out to the load section.
The other sides of the charging section’s fuse (plus) and current shunt (minus) are connected to the battery bank.
In the middle of the diagram is a battery bank consisting of two lead-acid batteries wired in parallel. Like the PV array, additional batteries can be added as long as they’re connected in parallel, plus-to-plus and minus-to-minus. The battery bank includes a desulfator which is a clever circuit that puts a high-frequency pulse over the battery bank leads. The pulse encourages any sulfur crystals that may be forming on the batteries’ lead plates to dissolve back into the acid. A desulfator increases a battery bank’s life many times.
The load section is a mirror-image of the charge section. A fuse and a current shunt are connected to the battery bank. The other sides of the fuse and current shunt are connected to the inverter which in this design is the only DC-powered device. The inverter turns low-voltage DC power into high-voltage AC power. The AC output of the inverter is wired into the household AC distribution box.
If the house has utility power then a special synchronizing inverter is required. A synchronizing inverter synchronizes its AC output with the AC output of the utility. A synchronizing inverter will also turn itself off if the utility power is out. This is a safety measure so that linemen working on the utility wires outside won’t be electrocuted by unexpected sources of battery power.
Modern PV systems often don’t have a battery bank and dump excess power on the grid. This runs the electric meter backwards, effectively using the grid as a battery bank, storing power during the day and drawing it back again at night.
A PV system is remarkably stable. There’s little that can go wrong.
If a PV panel is well-built and the cells protected from the elements then the panel will last a long time.[8] I bought my panels used in 1990 and they were about five years old at the time. They still work fine.[9] The only maintenance is sweeping snow off of them in the winter.
A well-maintained battery bank can last a long time too. Thanks to the desulfator my first set of batteries lasted 20 years before they simply refused to take a charge. My batteries have always been the sealed maintenance-free type.
One time my generator battery charger stopped working so I replaced it.
My neighbor’s camp is at the top of a hill in a clearing and he has had instances of his charge controller and inverter getting fried by nearby lightning ground strikes. Lightning protectors work by shunting the power into the ground. I don’t know of a way to protect equipment when the lightning surge is coming up from the ground.
[1] Electricity is really hard to describe. An approachable, but bad, conceptual model is “Electricity is the movement of electrons through a conductor (wire).”
[2] The “grid” is the telephone and electric companies’ wiring and infrastructure. A location enjoying these services is “on the grid”.
[3] Voltage (volts) is a measure of force. Electrons are compelled to move along a conductor when they’re subject to a voltage differential. The higher the voltage the faster electrons move.
[4] Amperage (amperes or amps) is a measure of flow. From an amperage, one can calculate the number of electrons per second passing a point on a conductor.
[5] Power (watts) is calculated by multiplying voltage and amperage. High power applications are measured in thousands of watts (kilowatts) or millions of watts (megawatts).
[6] Direct Current (DC) electricity is produced by a battery, PV array, or the power supply/charger of most common electronic devices. There’s a positive wire and a negative wire. DC electricity is generally low voltage most commonly 24 volts or less.
[7] Alternating Current (AC) electricity is produced by generators large (nuclear plant) and small (gasoline backup) and inverters. AC electricity is distributed on the grid and comes out of your home’s wall socket. AC electricity alternates positive/negative voltage on the two wires quickly, 60 times a second in the U.S. AC electricity is generally high voltage with 120 volts and 240 volts being most common in the U.S.
[8] This article from 2010 is about testing a 30-year-old PV panel of the same model I have in my PV array. My PV panels are a few years newer than the one in the article and not in such good shape:
[9] I recently measured 234 watts coming from my PV array in a high-power use situation. My record is 262 watts in a high-power use situation in 2009. I’ve never done a maximum-power test on my PV array.
Resistance is useless!
*in before crude reference to Seven of Nine’s bazooms is made*
I love you in a totally non-ghey way.
I’ve been binging on ST:VOY lately. They really are quite spectacular.
Did you get to the “Going really fast turns you into a giant horny salamander” episode yet?
Yep, that’s an early one. Janeway and Paris had tadpoles and it was never mentioned again. I’m in season 6 now.
Nephilium must be taking the night off. So, allow me:
Babylon 5 > Voyager
I’ll allow it.
::thumbs up and a wink to Chafed::
She helped give us Obama…
Thank you for pointing that out. I think most people don’t realize that without her Obama never would have become a successful politician, much less President.
I think I mentioned going to a collectibles convention and wanting to win a signed Seven of Nine cardboard cutout. I won a set of Spawn action figures instead.
cs, did the set include Manga Spawn?
If not, GYP!!
At least it’s not futile.
So Green New Deal…
Out of 264W, you carve some out to Glib? That’s dedication.
Also, it is by light alone we set electrons in motion.
Someone needs to do a post on the right shape of a screwhead.
Why? It’s obviously Torx.
I hope you didn’t have to look that up…
They are very common South of the Wall. Like if you go to Home Depot and pick up a box of deck screws, they come with a Torx bit.
What does “South of the Wall” refer to? Mexico?
No, the US. I was wondering why you would have thought that I would need to look up Torx screws, and then I remembered that you’re Canadian. Maybe that type of screw hasn’t passed all the Commonwealth health/safety/environmental/economic/intersectionality reviews required for sale up there, or maybe they aren’t approved by the Royal Canadian Mounted Tradesman’s Association and therefore aren’t as abundant down here.
These very manly screws from Paulin also use Torx bits. As screws go, these are awesome (replace lag screws/bolts in many applications) and rather expensive, but you can buy just what you need in bulk. Never used a better screw in wood, and they do not require pilot holes regardless of the screw’s length.
Square drive or gtfo.
Nothing wrong with the Robertson drive either. Used those screws to build several basements out.
I’ve used a lot of square drive screws but Torx > square drive.
Torx, always.
The least camout of any head design, and best torque handling. We used them almost exclusively in electronics manufacturing.
Pozidriv or go home.
It’s the opposite of whatever the fuck Apple uses. There are all these non-standard sizes, tri-head screws, etc. It’s like Satan got an ME degree.
Those are the fuck you screws. You’re not fixing your own stuff.
I agree they are fuck you screws, but I bought a set of tools just for fixing Apple stuff so could replace the battery and hard drive myself.
+1 diy
Why do faceplates usually come with flathead screws? I mean, if there’s anywhere you don’t want to stick a flathead screwdriver, it’s when it slides off the screw and into the electrical socket.
That’s why you’re supposed to use a table knife, like a real homeowner
Because they look better than a Philips head. And, for the record, the slots should all be aligned vertically.
The slots should be aligned as follows:
1st at 1:15
2nd at 3:37
3rd at 2:11
4th perfectly vertical
5th at 3
This allows you to quickly paralyze vampires and other OCD beings. If your visitor begins to sputter and tries to borrow a screwdriver to ‘fix’ the outlet cover screws, immediately stake it through the heart and cut off its head.
masturbatestakes notes.Obsessive Disorder Disorder? Erisophiliac?
+1 “stroke of the pen”
That reminds me of the early eighties, during my stoner days. when you would buy qualudes, you would bring a piece of glass. You would line up the top part on the glass and then pick it up and look at the bottom. If all the bottoms matched alignment with the tops aligned, they were fake. That meant they were all pressed in one press. Factory ‘ludes would rarely match. I guess guys would press them out of codiene or some other stuff because ‘lude’s were worth 5 bucks a piece. The more you know, right?
So you can open it with a knife. Duh.
Flatheads are harder to over tighten- cracking the faceplate. Also prevents your idiot helper from using a power tool, over tightening and cracking the plate.
I picked up a trick from the guy who taught me painting years ago: he faced all the slots up and down so he would know if he had replaced it/ painted that wall yet/ cracked the faceplate/ etc.
My record is 262 watts in a high-power use situation in 2009
Woodchipper involved?
Orphans + treadmills.
It’s nice to know my computer would max out his system. I’m an energy pig.
Yeah, no idea what my PCs average consumption is, but my power supply is rated for 700W on a mid-range PC that’s 6yrs old.
Excellent! I’ll be reading this in more detail in the morning.
I’m interested in how the balancing of the power generators (panels, windmills, gas generator) works.
I prefer to explain electricity using an analogy to plumbing. It works well enough to get the point across to most customers I deal with.
Electrical lines = Water Pipes
Voltage = Water Pressure
Amperage = Water Flow
I was taught fluid and heat flow using electricity analogs.
Electrical lines = Shaft
Voltage = Vigorosity
Amperage = Facial spread
Try that explanation next time.
Short circuit = bukkake ?
Yeah, I got to “facial spread” and knew somewhere below that was going to be used.
That’s awesome.
(Lady on next bar stool: why is that lonely guy laughing)
Who am I explaining it to?
Winston’s mom
Electrical lines = Shaft
Shut yo mouth!
If that happened she would be doing it wrong
Is it just me? The word “amperage” makes me cringe. I always say “current”.
Plumbing analogies fall apart fairly quickly when you start adding inductors, capacitors, AC, and transformers. The average speed of electrons in a wire (called drift velocity) is really slow. The example they give is for 1 amp in a 12 AWG (typical gage in US for 20 amp circuit) where the drift velocity is 23 μm/s. To put it in perspective, for an electron to travel from one end of a 1 meter wire to the other end would take over 12 hours.
How the hell does that power my wimpy 970 GTX graphics card, then?
The power is transmitted in the form of an electromagnetic wave, somewhere between 50% and 99% of the speed of light.
Your average contractor does not need or want a discussion of permittivities and skin depths.
“I’m interested in how the balancing of the power generators (panels, windmills, gas generator) works.”
Modern charge controllers and battery chargers are smart. They monitor the battery bank voltage and only supply charging power if it’ll do any good. So if two charge sources are active, like on a sunny windy day, generally the source with the most power is charging. The other source sees the battery bank as full and doesn’t charge.
Thanks, this article and the retirement article are making me think my mountain home will be PV at least in part.
What latitude are you in?
Plus a combination greenhouse/trombe wall.
Wait…what does a wall of trombones have to do with electricity?
They are both sorcery?
Correct! And, you framed it in the form of a question. So, technically correct, as well.
Technically correct is the best kind of correct.
45 degrees north. My cabin is in the second-worst area of the U.S. for PV counting by the amount of sun it gets. Even so I can go for months without running the backup generator.
Nice article.
I have a fantasy about building one of these, not because I want to live off-grid but because I actually don’t trust the grid. Criticality, supercriticality and tight coupling are things in power distribution systems, and I’ve got several friends who are employed by power network operators who tell me stuff that makes me very nervous.
Ever since I read this book I’ve been terrified of a country using an EMP on us:
If that’s at all plausible like they seem to be hinting at, why hasn’t it happened y–
/power goes out
I’ve read some stuff on this and I’m convinced it’s why our gov’t is so afraid of new countries having nukes. All you have to do is explode a couple of nukes way up in the atmosphere, spread out across the country, and we’re done. No need to actually nuke a city.
Imagine us without electricity for just a week. We’d be eating each other
+1 long pig
As long as it fries Twitter and FB I think it’s a net gain.
Yes, anything that would fry FB is worth it.
You’ll be seeing 48V batteries from carmakers soon. There is also Li Ion battery systems as well. Li Ion will require much more electronics for battery management and charging however.
What is a “desulpherator”? I use a bunch of deep cycle batteries and rarely get more than 5 years of service, boats and RVs.
I’m surprised he isn’t using AGM.
My current batteries are AGM. The first set were gel cell. Both types are the old-fashioned lead-acid chemistry.
A desulfator is a circuit that puts a high-frequency pulse across a battery bank. The frequency is supposedly tuned to the resonant frequency of sulfur crystals exciting the atoms and encouraging them to dissolve back into the acid solution. It sounds like snake oil but it really works. I’ve given desulating trickle chargers to a number of friends and neighbors and they’ve all commented on how the chargers have revived weak batteries.
PV systems are niche products that are invaluable for installations cannot be practically connected to the grid.
They are useless for large scale installations when the grid is available.
For those wanting to know more about using and abusing batteries. I recommend Battery University. A great web resource.
Oooooooh. A schematic!
el schematico for you
la diagrama esquemático
Sorry to go OT but I got nuffin:
TW: Vox
I have the answers. All taxation is theft and discourages work. Taxes on wealth are both evil and impossible to objectively enforce. Any attempt to implement this will disproportionately hurt the poor and middle class. I’d accuse the author of being mendatious if they weren’t so stupid. I’d accuse them of being stupid if they weren’t so mendatious.
It will never happen. You think the people paying for these commies like AOC will allow a wealth tax?
Oh they’ll allow it so long as the practical effect is it only hits the 99%.
The idea that anything would change for the top earners (other than forcing some to expatriate) is absolutely laughable to me. Economic justice will finally be achieved for those wealth hoarding doctors and business owners as they sort through trash for food like the rest of us.
If I were an AOC campaign strategist, I would do the following: Loudly and publicly push for a wealth tax. Meanwhile, quietly implement a system of tax breaks and subsidies for individuals/companies who do favors* for Leftist front groups (ACORN-like orgs, Planned Parenthood, etc). This would effectively allow them to tax the non-Democrat portion of the wealthy while offering a way for Democrat billionaires to skirt the tax (by doing things that they were most likely doing anyway). And if this scam were ever brought to light, it could be explained as “incentivizing the ultra-rich to give back to the community”. And the media would gladly divert attention from this issue by pumping up some other sensational political scandal.
* The favors would be non-monetary… I’m envisioning things like allowing Democrat front groups to use a building as a meeting place, giving speeches at events, signing “pledges” for Leftist causes that don’t really have any obligations, etc. It would have to be something that does not directly cost very much money but gives an excuse for exempting them from the wealth tax.
Total coincidence that the mafia runs up against the same dilemma when they shake down neighborhood shops.
Didn’t Laffer work this out quite a while ago?
The Laffer Curve is a social construct you white supremacist cis hetero oppressor trumptard
I have described it to Airmen as a bunch of people in a line, handing a series of balls between each other.
Of course I have also described semi-conductors as eating the ball, then shitting out an entirely separate ball for the next guy to eat.
Or thinking really hard about of eating a ball and having it magically appear after going through two or three guys.
QM Tunneling
That euphemism makes me go……”ewwwww!!!!”
I’ve been hearing about semi conductor trains for 30 years. When is this happening
They already have semi-conductors on all government ran trains. They’re semi-able to conduct trains. You happy now?
When you consent.
Common collector = Bukkake
Common emitter = Peter North
So a common emitter just flings electrons willy nilly all over the room?
Fruit sushi is on Kennedy tonight. +1 To be sure.
Do you believe in free speech?
Like, yah, but..
Stop chasing me, socialism
“I just want America to be America,” Li said, “not another Soviet Union, Cuba, or China.”
We can only hope…
Everyone in this country from a commie country say the same exact thing. Yeah, they’re ignored by the left.
““Oh, when I saw the news, I cannot even open [the article],” Zhou said through tears.”
Well, she’s got the American down.
I hope nobody tells her about Twitter.
Check this out in philly. You’ll die.
I doubt I would want to buy, but yeah that would be about 4x higher in a NYC neighborhood that’s probably 45 minutes from Manhattan.
A duplex on the water with 2 terraces, central air and washer dryer? You couldn’t find that anywhere else n the city limits for under 900k
Probably have to up to an uncommutable part of the state
It’s a fucking apartment. People should rent apartments until they can afford to buy houses. For hundreds of thousands, I want some dirt and no common walls with my neighbors, dogdamit!
I don’t want dirt.
And common walls can be done right, such that you don’t hear shit.
/lol @ my ex upstairs neighbor with the cig
That picture with the TV in it makes me think there may be some photo shenanigans going on, or there are TVs with aspect ratios I’m unfamiliar with.
Link the picture and I’ll give an
analcistanalysis.Got bored and found it myself. There looks to be some lens distortion looking at the coffee table. It’s not photshopped though. I would guess it’s a wide lens used and a prick dumb enough to own one of these. It’s a TV built to something close to the ‘Academy Ratio’ which is the ratio used in some movies that still get letter boxed even in 16×9. In the old day they called it panavision. So movies like The Good The Bad and The Ugly won’t get matted, but everything else will look like crap with a matte border.
We need our own answer to AOC by putting one of these people in Congress.
Case in point, the argument I got into over sanctions last week. It put the dude on his heels when the Russian in the room piped up and said, “I lived with the consequences of your sanctions, he’s right, it doesn’t hurt the government, it hurts people who own businesses like my dad”
He had no good comeback to that.
Isn’t AOC the answer to Trump?
The answer to AOC may be Pinochet
An articulate immigrant (minority!) Whom has lived under the policies she has championed and can refute them not only on the facts but on the left’s oh-so-cherished “lived experience” would do well with voters IMO. They aren’t going to win the hearts and minds of true bleebers but might make headway with young mile-wide-inch-deep voters.
If I cared and thought I would live long enough to to see the inevitable result of this, I would be terrified.
It makes me glad I haven’t had kids sometimes. I remain hopeful we might still be able to wright this ship but the cynic in me knows that things are going to have to come to a head as long as 1/2 the country remains convinced it can live off the other.
I feel the same way. I pity my friends with young kids who are all in for free healthcare/child care/college
Two things massively expensive & fucked up by govt meddling, the solution: state control!!
My kids adopted. I plan on him learning self reliance and individual responsibility. He’ll be fine. There will always be commies, socialists and collectivists. There will also always be those who fight them tooth and nail. Don’t not have kids because a bunch of people are assholes, just teach your children not to be assholes themselves. Part of the solution, maybe?
I haven’t had kids because I suck at dating and meeting non-proggy/crazy girls. Not having kids is less of a choice but possibly a silver lining if shit goes south. If I meet the right Mrs. I wouldn’t hesitate to procreate.
Hey, Bob, I think they’re ALL crazy! I just tried to find a kind of crazy I can live with. I often doubt my assessment, btw.
I think I’d be a much happier, or at least better centered, human being, if I’d had kids already. And I can’t think that continuing being a bachelor into the future is going to do much for my mental health.
But yeah, the idea of having kids seems untenable. It used to be a given: I wanted to get my feet under me and I wanted to have a family. Now, I have no idea. It all seems grim.
C’mon commodious, just start poppin out kids willy nilly, the government will take care of the rest.
I’ll tell you what it did to me, but I’m probably older than you. I’m 53 right now and my kid is 6. It made me finally kind of grow up. I dont ride my bike like I can afford to crash anymore. I got a grown up job instead of weathering the feast or famine of self employment. I make a slight effort to take care of myself instead of saying that safety is for sissies. I’m more thoughtful and considerate. I’m fucking tired all the time and the first couple of years were stressful, but overall it’s improved me, I think.
You know, when all I had to do was explain to my son why it’s gay to touch weiners with his friends, it seemed fine. You just accept that your kid is a homo, and the worst part is that his boyfriend will inevitably be judgemental of the housekeeping and decor. But now being gay is the least of your worries. He could be a straight trans woman whose boyfriend is a trans man, and if they have a kid, it’s a minefield of possibly misgendering the poor tyke in addition to probably misgendering the kid’s nutjob parents, one of whom is your daughter/son/other next of kin and the other you’re obligated to accept as an ancillary source of lunacy to an already nutso reality.
And all of this is day one required reading, and if you’re not up on all the amended subclauses and footnotes at every given moment, you might lose your job.
I take a lot of pointers from my brother, who almost overnight went from lifelong bachelor to father and ambitious corporate climber when he knocked up his couple-night-stand not-really-serious girlfriend. He’s the reason I’m climbing out of the rut I consigned myself to. I’m piggybacking on his fatherhood.
The Dems have been coasting on taking-them*-for-granted inertia long enough, that’s for damn sure. I optimistically think they’re setting themselves up for a rude awakening with this hard-left push.
*for multiple values of them.
Gays, asians, jews aren’t enough of the population, but if they lose the black vote they’re screwed.
Anecdotal, but here in Lefty Land where the Dem will win anyway, I’ve never seen so many blacks and Hispanics support a Republican. Especially older ones. Many are offended by the SJW stuff
They don’t have to lose it. If the percentages go from 92-8 to 75-25 they’re fucked. This is one of the things they miss about the Latino vote. Repubs don’t need to win it. They need to split it 65/35 and they’ll be fine.
Except the Rs let some very ugly vote count issues go with only token protests. As long as the Ds have machine control in the cities I suspect the tabulation will stay in the 92-8 realm, regardless of the actual votes cast.
Right. You can’t underestimate the stupidity and pussiness of the other viable party.
You people who have a vested interest in the future are fucked
I think if you add up gays, Jews, and Asians, you’d get close to the number of blacks.
Asians are about half of blacks. Jews are extremely minor and so concentrated they’re practically irrelevant in politics. No idea how many gays there are, but I’d bet most are in Dem states electoral college wise.
But blacks and Hispanics are spread out all over
It’s true that jews are a tiny minority, but I’ve read that they are big donators.
I would have to look up the numbers. I knew an Israeli guy who loved the cock, so there is probably some overlap.
Im pretty sure 5 minutes on google would find a black gay jew. Sammy was straight, right?
Ahh, mid sixties and sun. I was able to wear jeans and a t-shirt today while turning evil little clay frisbees into powder.
By throwing rocks? I understand all your shotguns were lost in a nasty boating accident.
Borrowed one from a friend who doesn’t have access to a boat.
Trump bonked Kellyanne, didn’t he?, LOLOLOLM
He at least got a Clinton.
Brad Parscale is the smartest guy in this.
Conway responded, “I know you are but what am I?”
Conway the Machine
Some Twitter bullshit, I can’t even either.
I deal with electricity every day, the last thing ;Ai want is to have to generate it, while nice enogh, PV doesn’t scale, so, no thanks
Of course it scales. You can add all the solar panels you want, amirite?
Spud’s Reich needs solarraum!
Storage, consistent light, don’t forget backup power, still need the old generator
That’s a joke, son! A joke!
*said in the best Foghorn Leghorn voice*
I know, but do they?
I thought you’d appreciate small-batch artisinally grown electricity. How have you not become a power snob by now?
Titty Tuesday rolls on!
And Seven of Nine:
Meh, she’s an Obama Borg.
Still would
The only maintenance is sweeping snow off of them in the winter.
Sigh. Do I have to do all the thinking around here? Just hook up some heat cable to the solar thingies, and drape said cable around said solar thingies. Easy.
Thanks Richard, as an old electronics guy (vacuum tube era) I understood your article. Our local power company is doing an upgrade and moving lines, running local distribution underground, etc. The beauty of it for me is that I get all my property right-of-ways back. Plant trees, shooting lanes, gardens, whatever. I’m on the grid and our power is very reliable plus we’re rather big consumers so that’s where we’ll stay. Enjoyed learning about the solar stuff so when the Green people go Venezuela on me I’m giving you a call. You had a tough job but you made me smarter.
If I can ever find myself a piece of land around here to build the sort of oddball house I’m thinking of, I’d certainly take a look at off grid power.
Whether or not I’d go for it depends on how much it would cost to hook the house up to the grid.
If its say 2k to hook up to grid, that’s probably the better route. If its say 10k or more to get hooked to the grid, PV and wind starts to look like it makes more sense long term.
In my current house I average 20kWh a day throughout the year with 30kWh as my daily summer average. I could probably cut a fair amount off of that even.
About 15% of my annual usage is to run a desktop computer, wifi router, modem, etc 24/7. I was kinda shocked at how much it actually consumed.
That’s my plan as well. I’m looking for land around mountains, electricity will need to be run from a road. Depending on the cost, solar with generator back up might be my only option.
If you have other systems for heat and water heating, then your electrical needs should be small, especially with LED lighting.
Ah, had a long comment that got eaten. Stuck with Hacket, windmill generator.
So, today, in my typical day where I had lots of time to think about anything or nothing… such luxuries only afforded by a first world, I think I came to a revelation. It’s not the first time I’ve thought a about this, only the latest time.
I think we are about to enter a new sort of dark age, an unelightenment if you will. What I’d like to gather proof for, is how this has happened in the past, I’m sure it has. And how we survive it this time.
I believe that the only way we have made progress in the past, not the fake prog sort of progress where the meaning has been usurped for political reasons, but real human progress, is to be able to escape from the luddite majority who are dragging us down.
This, I believe has been happening since we walked out of Africa… 70? 100 thousand hears ago? What we have been able to do, is that the ambitious, productive, and enterprising among us, have been able to escape the net drags on progress (today known as bureaucrats, tyrants, and no good for nothing sloths), to achieve our dreams.
But today, we have finally came to a point where there is nowhere else to go, outside of space. America was the final frontier. But it’s over, they’ve finally caught up with us.
I think this is where we really meet the real challenge. Any thoughts?
Article! This would be a great topic!
If only I had the talent to write, but don’t have that like some of you do. But I’m convinced that it’s true. Unfortunately for our species, the end of our being able to expand our frontiers and the resulting freedom to dream and do as we please, is going to be our ultimate demise.
We don’t have to run away. Just push the reset button, no?
The moon is a harsh mistress.
That may be best hope, tovarisch.
Rhywun: regarding ST: VOY – and Jeri Ryan, the one I’d rec to all het-pervs is Day of Honor, I think from the 4th season. this is what they had her wear.
Her moronic congressman husband cheated on her. If she froze him out for weeks and months at a time, okay. Anything less than that, gotta shake your head.
I can’t imagine how they managed to shoehorn her into all those outfits.
I can’t either, although I’d have loved to watch.
Heh no doubt many red-blooded Americans agreed.
Dear sweet Harris, there is no God.
What the Fuuuuuck?!
What’s wrong with your faaaaaaaace?
Alderon got blowed up! That’s home to Jimmy Smits! Princess Laia’s non biological father!
Dude, not every woman (or person) ages well. Considering her age, well, still would.
I’m… not seeing anything objectionable?
For a person 1 year and change older than me.
A high-def candid of any adult is rarely flattering.
She was damn hot in “Bosch” a couple of seasons back.
Eh, just that she hasn’t aged as well as she might have. (I think that’s where they were going) I generally agree with your statement.
I also have more wrinkles than I did in 2002. (or whenever)
Y’all are crazy. She’s fine. If I were into that.
She’s aged reasonably well, IMO. She looks like a well-preserved 50-something.
Check out Kate Mulgrew if you want “didn’t age well”.
Those drunken Irish have issues.
/pours some more whiskey in glass
Damn, I need to be more specific.
I generally agree with your statement.
Oh, that’s an “Ooof!”. Well, compared to her appearance in Throw Momma From the Train.
Unlikable, but yummy.
She’s 63 years old! Tough crowd.
Well, she’s not my…er, cohort, really.
If I remember correctly, his infidelity same by way of him being in kink club; so Creosote Achilles should be the one to answer if he’d wrong a woman that hot just to get his kink on.
First rule of Kink Club: Bang other babes even if you already have a super hot wife.
ISTR she objected to getting with other folks, which he was pushing for.
IOW, “for ever hot chick out there, there’s some dude who’s tired of banging her”.
I’ve no problem with anyone who wants multiples; but if you haven’t already got an agreement with your partner by the time you put a ring on, tough shit. You made an agreement, live up to it, or leave.
Aye. Dropping that into the relationship late? Nope, that’s out of line. If that’s your thing, be upfront about it.
And yes, I think you’re correct, although I have limited motivation to look into it, since I really don’t care.
IRDC…regarding the specific motivation…that is.
The Postman
One second after
In other words,
We are Screwed
“The righteous didn’t suddenly become righteous, they just refused to go over the cliff with everybody else.”
A dark time could be coming, but with the effort of good people, we will be okay on the other side.
That or SkyNet will kill us all.
Agree. Grew up on the west coast and eventually ended up a Masshole. The whole culture was different. Very adverse to risk and facing any adversity. Really had the feeling that the best people had moved west and taken their genes with them. Same in Germany – nice place, but nobody really wanted anything different. The adventurous had all left a few generations ago – or gotten ground up in two wars.
Todos Santos style corporate communities with semi independent governments?
-1 Riders of the Purple Wage.
We’ve finally drilled down to the very core of retardation. We’ve reached peak stupid. Things from here can only get less stupid. We’ll have to transition to relying on other ways of conducting ourselves, less retarded ways, but I trust we’ll manage in a post-stupid world. Certainly, some sectors, like Congress under the management of AOC, will suffer and ultimately bankrupt themselves as stupidity becomes scarcer. But the promise of alternative sources of intelligence surely spells a renaissance for humanity.
I’d say that within about 5 years either the pendulum will slow and start to swing back the other way or it will crash through the end of its arc and continue going that direction. Now that the DNC is going full socialist more people are either going to start backing away or we will be in for a rough ride.
I think the pendulum is already swinging the other way. The questions is will it be enough?
Add another dimension to that pendulum analogy: it’s a lava lamp. Globs of people constantly merging and splitting apart. Shit gets too hot it rises until it gets too cool and sinks. As one glob forms and occupies too much space, other globs bounce into it and divide it smaller globs. *Hits bong*
Mind blown.
*reaches for bong*
Is this the part where we buy ourselves a disused oil rig or a couple islands/atolls in the Pacific and make our own country with blackjack and hookers?
I’m in.
The biggest part of that equation is how to make best use of sovereignty to make it an entity which other sovereign states will either encourage or at least not send a navy or an army to eradicate you.
So doomsday device it is.
I was thinking something along the lines of some obscure banking service that established banks shy away from but isn’t technically illegal so nobody would shut you down. The bitcoin world offers many possibilities.
You still need to have enough physical security to ensure no smaller players (pirates, etc.) don’t try a coup – but that’s a feature, not a bug.
I, and others, have had these thoughts. You should google, buy/ liberate, and read, a book titled “Cities in Flight”.
So you live with a max power use of 260 watts? How? Do you have a gas powered refrigerator?
I mean 260 watts is a 7:30 pace 2k on a rowing machine. In other words its the output of a healthy, well conditioned, but decidedly nonelite athlete.
I think the generation is only max at 260W. He can draw more from the batteries when needed.
My house used 21.8 kilowatts hrs. average per day on my January bill, so that is without air conditioning and we have steam heat and gas stove and water heater. Lots of appliances so I can see someone using significantly less but I am having a hard time imagining living with a system that could output 1 kWh in 4 hours of sunshine. Even if you can draw more from the batteries than 260 watts at a given moment, you can’t draw more from the batteries in a day than the panel can charge in the daylight hours, which looks to me like would average 3 kWh a day, assuming perfect sunshine (not even kind of an engineer, but it seems like simple math)
I’m not disputing that the set up is fairly low power, just that it’s output is not limited by the generation of the PV cells max power but the battery storage.
I would need a much larger PV array generating capacity and storage.
I should say the power output at any given time is dictated by the stored energy available.
This is a clear advantage of the volcano lair.
I was thinking of having my own gas well fracked on my property.
No fridge. I got out of the habit of refrigerating stuff a long time ago. You get used to warm beer after awhile.
Great article. This really helps with part of my setup in my wifes grooming trailer.
*Raises finger* uhh, nevermind…
Doesn’t sex reassignment surgery involve procedures that sterilize you? MtF they remove the testicles. FtM I don’t know if they remove the ovaries, but … You know I don’t even want to think this through.
New marketing opportunity. The Shenis condom.
Wouldn’t that just be a condom?
or, wait. Is a shenis what a pre op MtF has? Or is it what a post op FtM has? This crap is harder to talk about than time travel.
You’d have to alter the shape. Maybe SF can provide us a GIF.
I can’t even claim to hate these nutters anymore, despite the fact that they’re advocating for a hateful, specious outlook for liberalism. These are people so thoroughly underserved by what passes for public education, hating them would be like hating a beaten dog for snapping at you. These are broken people.
Beating them would be a start to fixing them. All of this crap comes from sheltering kids from any interaction with actual consequences. No one who has dealt with actual adversity could possibly believe the idea that words, and not even cruel words, just words they disagree with, are violence.
“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but people who say things that ‘hurt’ you should be sent to prison.” Huh, must be that beatnik poetry that doesn’t need to rhyme or have metre.
Quit evading her questions! My favorite: “Should trans people be given standard and routine medical care, like pap smears and breast cancer screenings?”
Well males can get breast cancer.
Well, Shaft got breast cancer, so ok maybe get checked out.
I thought I told you to piss off!
Also, you SF’d your link.
Meh, the link was inconsequential. Just a news story about him having breast cancer. Also, I don’t like your tone Mr. maybe you need to go to the time-out corner!
Who’s saying that trans people should’t be allowed to have medical tests for cancer? Almost all of the questions she asks are directed at maybe 2% of the population.
Either I’m confused about what a pap smear is, or she is.
I see someone read 1984 and got the entirely wrong message.
That’s some weird-ass bubble the supposed human is living in.
Hold on–Am I understanding this correctly? That her entire twattering is about trans shit? I’m not gonna go any further down that rabbit hole (ahem), but, it certainly looks like that’s the only thing she’s interested in posting. Not family and friends shit. Not foodie shit. Not whatever-the-hell girls her age are into…shit.
Just trans shit.
Oh, and a cat pic. OF COURSE.
Thank you for the article, Richard. Very impressive setup and that’s great you are able to live off the grid, especially for such a long period of time.
H/T Riven, via FEE.
Shit, everyone knows that it’s perfectly fine to “destroy liberty”. So many people make such bad decisions using their “liberty”, so we have to step in and fix things.
/AOC (or, one of her lackeys)
Unions are against a plot to “retrofit every building in America”.
We really are living in bizarro-world.
AFL-CIO represents service industry workers (mostly) and hotel staff are their bread and butter. What costs the hotels costs the workers, which costs the union bosses.
I’ve been a hotel union worker. Hated it.
Rhy, you’ve had quite the work experience.
/I was non-union hotel worker
I’ve also been a non-union hotel worker and that sucked too. Could be a pattern there.
The weirdest thing is I frequently have dreams where I’m still working a hotel.
Maybe it’s that I sometimes feel that under ideal conditions, it could actually be a cool job.
But then I wake up and go, WTF?
Same with me and former agencies.
I probably had the same thing with the hotel(s), too; I just don’t recall right now.
How the fuck, under exactly what conditions, could working at a hotel be a cool job? 1990s Bob Newhart excepted.
Newhart is actually my go-to for thinking it might be a cool job. Yeah, I watched too much TV growing up.
“Cool” isn’t the word I would use. That said, it has it’s moments, and can have good perks, depending on the company.
As I recall, the upper management and sales people could make some serious bank in higher-class hotels. So, money.
It’s only “cool” in dreamland. In reality, they’re some of the worst jobs I’ve ever had. Front desk demands a certain personality type that I am not.
*bad john wayne impersonation*
“Basing your living offa TV ain’t much of a living, boy”
Same here.
This is my brother Daryl, and this is my other brother, Daryl.
Watching Pushing Up Roses talk about Lizzie Mcguire and body dismorphia. I think our politics would clash, but she’s my kinda gal….ANYWAY people always talk about body dismorphia as thin people thinking they’re fat, but I kind of have the opposite problem, when I think of myself in the 3rd person I see Tyler Durden, other people see this.
CPRM at home
That is entirely accurate.
Raise your hand if you sing the Can-Can music in your head when you see this.
Nope, “2001: A Space Odyssey”
bum-bum bum-bum bum-bum…
Hmmmm…I’ll allow it.
/Not bad, actually.
Of course this is what I was referring to.
Personally, I usually sing “Evil Homer”
In late.
Nice article!
There’s definitely applications and locations where solar makes a lot of sense.
I have 6.2 kW of solar on my roof in sunny San Diego and only need grid power at night. Planning to change that soon with a Tesla wall battery. I love having the sun fuel my car up, but I can’t do that at night.
Not sure how much sense solar makes in areas that are often cloudy or dark.
My team at work installed a bunch of solar in our remote off-grid test site in Utah. Helps a bunch to leave the generators off when all we want to do is low power work. Also serves as a ups.
I used to roll my eyes about solar, but in specific situations it’s a great solution.
I’ve never had a problem with ‘renewable’ energy, just the idiots who see it as a panacea for some ‘problem’ that ‘scientists’ say will happen in the ‘future’. As I’ve said before on this fora, the only people I’ve ever seen actually living the lifestyle leftists push for are ‘crazy’ right-wing preppers.
That is something to behold isnt it. That the collectivized group labeled as bad tends to be already doing things they are claimed they dont?
Maybe the close connection with my Grandma who had to ration during WW2 taught me that we dont just throw everything away, turn off lights when not in use, open windows when its mildly warm, bundle up when cold.
But I hate the planet when I use a plastic straw…
Someone who kills is a murder. Someone who kills for God is a crusader/Jihadist. All about the reasons, not the deed.
On a “poor me” note, I am lying in bed in a hotel in Tooele wishing I were home.
Urgent care said it is strep. Ton of unpleasant side effects I didn’t know strep can bring: abdominal pain, constipation, nausea—yuk.
Couldn’t even go to the worksite today (been here since Saturday). Hoping to get well enough to fly home soon.
Very sorry to hear that. Being incapacitated by illness while on the road/away from home is the worst. I hope you recover soon.
*sends thoughts and prayers along not necessarily traceable lines*
Sorry HS. Hope you are better soon.
Where the hell is Tooele?
Utah (I had to look it up, too).
/Would make a great tourism t-shirt or sticker.
Is it a remote area or am I just ignorant of Utah’s offerings?
I didn’t get that far into it. Then again, isn’t most of Utah “remote”?
I would turn it over to hayek, but she is, hopefully, resting.
I woke up again. Tooele is in western Utah. It’s the closest piece of civilization to Dugway Proving Ground, a rather vast site that happens to be where I and my crew are working this week, and our site is about 1.5 hours to Tooele.
At midnight Monday I emailed the test director that there was no way I was joining them Tuesday. Ended up in a cab to Urgent Care . I feel better now but by no means well, so I’m going to skip Wednesday too. I don’t want to be that far from running water and a bed.
Dugway happens to be where the US does chemical and biological weapons testing, though I’m just out here to make things go BOOM.
Look up the Dugway Sheep Incident on wiki if you want to recall how cavalier the US was back in the 60s about such things.
::has a sad::
Poor sheepies…
That ducks. I’m a carrier for strep: could be infecting people right now while i feel fine.
This is confusing. By “big hit” they mean that Yang is mentioned on 4 chan? That would mean that AOC is a “big hit” at Glibertarians.
Big Hit
Wow, that is some bad acting.
Never said it was good acting. Bookeem Woodbine and Mark Wahlberg are perhaps the worst actors still working in Hollywood, Lou Diamond Phillips was coasting at the time. But it’s a good movie.
Sorry, my brotha, but that was one of the few movies I viscerally hated as I left the theater.
Bokeem was funny, but I actually found the movie kinda cruel.
I actively avoid it when it makes the rare cable appearance.
I see it as bad execution of good material. Do you have a problem with the actual story? Or just the execution, which I agree was bad. And (it’s not saying much) but I do think that was Bookeem Woodbine’s best performance (if only because all the rest have been terrible).
I hated the story. Nice guy killer, who isn’t quite so nice, and who’s shit on by people he is supposedly friends with. Might be good in another setting, but not really my cup-o-tea.
And, tail money” target=”_blank” >wrong about that being his best performance.
/can’t go wrong with Capt. Kangaroo Pimp
*DONS KKK HOOD* I couldn’t tell which one was him, they all look the same! *ONLY EXCERPT FROM GLIBS EVER SHOWN BY MS<*
dagummit, ruined joke by typo *MSM*
*Dayum…what happened to my Link Fu?!?
And, no–the joke was spot on ABOUT THE MSM (you bunch of jackals).
If you enjoyed, who cares? I couldn’t even make it through the trailer.
Meh, the movie gets into more territory than the trailer. Basically the main character is a cuck who cares about who is too nice to tell anyone know, and they all shit on him, even though he’s a contract killer. He kidnaps a hot asian girl falls in love with her and grows some balls. I have a film makers eye, so I see it as how it could be, not how it is I guess, the same way I was able to see entirely different movies (which can be found here in my edits) in the Star Wars prequels than the film makers made.
I have plenty of faith, based on what you’ve shown, that you could take elements of the story and do a better job.
That said, straff is correct that, ultimately, what anyone else thinks about the movie is irrelevant.
Hell, you posted it as a lark/play on words, and I might have done the same, had I seen it earlier.
Ironically, of course.
/not a hipster
I think when I was metal head wearing an N*Sync watch I somehow accidentally created hipsters.
Hmmm…the math checks out.
Now, you just have to pay penance.
I hope you accept rubles, that’s how Putin pays me.
And how!
Wow, just re-read my movie summary, that Sir Digby made any sense of that is amazing. I’m not so good at the typing.
Well, you fleshed out my summary (intentionally or not), so it wasn’t difficult.
In other words, you did just fine.
Am I expected to know who that is?
Future President Yang. Or maybe just future Candidate Yang when Trump finds a new nickname for him.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Kang.
+1 long protein strings exchange
“King Yang want’s to tear down all the skyscrapers. If he wins America will fall into a new dark age. It’s true, it’s true. He’s very untrustworthy. I met some generals once that….”
You see, Yang and Kong both end in ng sound, and King Kong climbed skyscrapers. Simple As That.
Got it.
So, skyscraper=Trump tower=TRUMP!!!°
Solid premise, solid conclusion.
You got it!
I didn’t either until Kmele Foster interviewed him. He is seemed only half way looney during the interview. Since then he’s really turned it up.
Episode 15 I leaked here last week is set for tomorrow night. I’ll be at work when it actually posts, but I’ll be home shortly after. I did 5, count em 5 different voices! As well as all the rest of the technical things.
alt-right sir digby, I gotta be at work in 11hrs, and I suppose some of those should involve sleep. The human machine is inefficient. I’ll be back tomorrow night to see what minor quibbles with my latest cartoon turn into blood feuds.
Pfft sleep. Meth was invented for a reason.
Was “sleep” the reason?
/asking for a
victimfriendMore like for avoiding it days at a time. If there is a drug to avoid, that’s it. The addicts look like they went through a grinder.
There’s corruption in Baltimore! https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2019/03/19/baltimores-mayor-appears-to-be-up-to-some-expensive-shenanigans-with-her-childrens-book-series/
*clutches pearls and faints on couch*
Chicago laughs at your
four windsBaltimore graft.Yeah, there are definitely more pressing issues needing to be addressed in Baltimore (if you give a shit about liberty and smaller government).
That said, it is more proof of how corroded their city is (Life’s fabric is corrupt/shot through with corroded threads).
The big issue here is: How did a woman so concerned about health get to be so sickly-looking. I mean, we’re almost in lich/ghoul territory here.
I don’t know which city is more corrupt. From the outside looking in, it looks like a close race.
And here’s why she looks awful…
A woman in Britain is under police questioning for calling a transgendered “girl” he.
Thank goodness for our founding fathers.
Incidentally, said “daughter” is the youngest teen to undergo sex reassignment surgery.
The Conservative Party has held the UK government for almost 10 years now. What, exactly, makes them conservative?
They haven’t forcibly quartered refugees into Britons’ private homes yet?
They’re looking at jailing this woman 2 years for “hate speech” over a tweet in which she “misgendered” the trans teen. Let that soak in.
How many times did they need to point out that she’s a DEVOUT CATHOLIC in that article? I guess only weirdoes like DEVOUT CATHOLICS could be so wicked.
The face of evil really is banal
Did you say “banal”, or, “anal”?
I said “face”
The operative word is “evil”.
You mean the same Conservative Party led by a woman who’s deliberately sabotaging the movement to detach the country from the supra-national experiment to rob the country of its sovereignty?
Yeah, I’ve been following Brexit; those poor schmucks really thought that their opinion mattered. Before we claim that “it could never happen here”, it’s useful to see what’s happening in the nation from whence we inherited our belief in natural rights and consent of the governed.
Well in the past they liked to imprison Catholics so there’s that…
“Thank goodness for our founding fathers”
We’ll see if we continue to honor those protections enumerated for us. The Vox article I linked above was openly questioning how we could get around that pesky Article 1 section 9 of the Constitution so we can “soak the rich.”
When proponents of stuff like this get applause rather than run out on a rail you gotta wonder how long this’ll last…
Well, it IS difficult to have respect for dead white guys who made it exceedingly difficult for you to have the authority over others you so rightly deserve.
That is, of course, satirical derision towards those people. But, you can imagine how easy it is for them to believe that very idea, considering those founding fathers were all slave-owning shit lords.
Hmm, I hadn’t thought of do-it-yourself PV setups; there are a lot of PV setups around here but they’re all done by the scammy tax-subsidy-dependent solar companies as far as I know. It’d be nice to have a backup power supply that isn’t (entirely) dependent on keeping lots of gas cans or propane tanks around.
Just keep literally tons of dead wood around.
Fat Natalie?
Would have.
It probably was…
Luv Brainstorm.
And Hart to Hart.
Recorded Brainstorm a few weeks ago off of TCM. I’m surprised it doesn’t get talked about as much as…I think it should. Louise Fletcher was fierce!
I saw it the theatre when I was a kid. I got the Natalie thing confused in my head with Louise’s character and thought Fletcher was the one who actually died.
Spoiler alert!
At one point the article had a rant about scammy tax-subsidy-dependent solar companies. I took it out. There are non-scammy PV installers. If I was looking for one I’d start by checking out firms that sell PV parts and seeing if they have a referral program. One outfit I like is backwoodssolar.com.
Damn, we seem to be having some actual late-night glibbing tonight!
Joblessness FTW.
You are? I think that I maybe remember you mentioning it some time back…
I guess I figured you had found something new. How goes the search?
I haven’t really been looking. Yes, I am that lazy.
But a former colleague contacted me this morning about a possibility at the company many of them moved to after we got taken over etc. etc.
I was touched – and it’s kind of a kick in the pants.
Well, if you’ve been getting by without looking, good on ya.
If the other place would be a good fit, here’s to hoping you can get in.
It’s basically the same as my previous company business-wise, maybe a bit bigger and less incompetently managed. Oh and the office is in the same building. Hah.
And it has lots of offices nationwide, should I need to flee.
And, at least you weren’t touched in the pants.
Unless that was what you wanted. I mean, it could be better than being kicked, I suppose.
Either way–good fortune in your job search, whenever it begins.
Thanks, yeah I’m fine with it. No worries – yet. But obviously I need to return to reality sooner rather than later.
“Show us on the doll where the PV system touched you.”
Right here *points to doll’s back right pocket*
I am sorry I missed your article Richard. I see first comment at 7:06. I was in bed by then.
Good info.
I was in bed too. The article’s appearance at the top of the page this morning was quite a surprise.
Suthen in just before the buzzer FOR THE WIN!!
Dammit, that was supposed to be a reply, not its own comment.
What in THE hell happened to my Post Fu???
I’m going with a Shipstone for home power, personally. /obscure reference
Not that obscure, for this crowd.
What was the one where the protagonist had a secret room that you entered via the hottub? ISTR the house had a Shipstone power backup.
If you are still hanging around here, Richard; can you make a very rough estimate about how much you system would cost if one were copy it? I’m just wondering what kind of money it would take. Thousands? Ten-thousands?
12V 100W PV panels are about $100 each. A no-name MPPT charge controller is $80. 12V 100AH deep cycle batteries are about $180 each. The shunt/meter pairs I’ve been recommending are $20 each. A desulfator is also $20. A no-name 3000W inverter is about $200. My Honda generator cost $700. A battery charger might be $50. 12V power applications need thick copper wire, 4ga wire is about $1/foot. There are incidental costs for connectors.
The total depends on the number of PV panels and batteries. Not counting the generator and battery charger my cabin’s system could be replicated for well under $2K.