Narrator Voice: Well, the Hat and Hair are off on their own… tune in again whenever SF has time to find out whether they ever find Ford’s Gold. Or if the Hat will stop to molest a dead rat.
Its good to know that in Italy, DUIs and child molestation charges won’t stop you from driving a commercial vehicle. Good on the Carabineri for getting in there and grabbing those kids.
And another good cop story, this one from Iowa. Is it dusty in here? It always get dusty when little kids get saved from a fire.
Ohio man discovers that abducting and having sexual relations with a 15 year old also illegal in Florida. I can see how he might have thought that was a legal thing here.
I am interested to see how close the Morgan Stanley guys get to their $75/bbl Brent oil prediction. That’s a 12% increase, and optimistic. I don’t think OPEC can afford to cut production enough to make up the difference.
How about some modern blues?
I got….nuthin’
Not even theme music?
Since I squandered too much time this afternoon shopping around for a GMC 4L60E transmission, it may be appropriate to just HIT THIS !
“Detectives said Curtis drove the 15-year-old to Florida from Ohio about one week ago.”
Well, the weather is nicer.
And a Mann Act violation…
Yep. He’s federally screwed.
I thought that was for black guys stealing your white women.
It’s got multiple uses.
Was I in possession of cocaine, amphetamines, amyl nitrate, also known as poppers, at the time of my arrest? In large quantities. Did I have consensual intercourse with two women under the age of 18? Repeatedly. I admit this. Did I violate the Mann Act and transport them across state lines for sexual purposes? Alleged but not proven. And, boy, they tried. They tried.
Makes you wonder what the hell the rest of us are even doing with our lives. Like, have we even lived?
If he would have waited but one more year this kid would have had the vote if the proggies got their way, and then they could just, you know, fight city hall!
Reading the article, it doesn’t like Ohio Man abducted the girl. Not like it makes much difference, but still.
Legally it might not. Morally, it’s a huge difference.
There are a shit ton of people who would beg to differ.
I have it on good authority from my wife that having sex with a willing but too young to legally consent minor is exactly as bad as violently sexually assaulting a random person. To her there are no moral or legal differentiation between any 2 acts which could receive the label rape they are all equally as bad.
+1 Mann Act
So proud to be born and bred in Cincinnati right now!
We have Skyline! And Penn Station !
But not Harambe
Too lazy/busy(!) to go back and link, but there is an infuriating story about Facebook’s “discriminatory” ads. Another successful SJW extortion campaign.
I’m no fan of Facebook, but te whole point of targetted ads is to efficiently serve them up to people who want your product and can afford it.
Back to chipping away at the glacier in my parking area. If i leave it alone, I won’t be able to get any cars inside until June.
As a consumer of “oddly satisfying” videos, having ads (which, by the way, do not target me in any way whatsoever) interrupt a 10-minute video THREE FUCKING TIMES is a sure way for me to not buy that company’s product.
If they’re targeted, they sure don’t know me very well.
That isn’t a kid. It is just a fun-size Iowegian.
You have to pay the toll
Whenever you start to feel sorry for a child, just remember that they grow up to that mouth breathing moron who clogs up the passing lane and takes 5 seconds to realize the light has turned green before they slowly start to accelerate.
But some of them grow up to be a Stig.
*punches nearest little kid in the face*
Passing lane squatters really are the worst.
They are the reason I support the death penalty.
If you are in the fast lane, you better be the fastest moving thing or get out of the way so the fastest can pass your slow ass.
They just passed a law in Minnesota that fines them $120.
Too lenient. Scaphism should be a bare minimum.
They do that in CO too.
They sure don’t enforce it. In my experience, it’s even worse in Colorado than it is in California.
Nothing like traffic laws you can’t enforce.
Best news I’ve heard all day… Minnesota drivers (usually females in SUVs/minivans; e.g., my wife) are some of the worst offenders.
Here’s a song from one of my favorite bands out of Indiana.
Left Lane Crusier.
House fires are always at war with O’Sheana.
Narrator Voice: Well, the Hat and Hair are off on their own… tune in again whenever SF has time to find out whether they ever find Ford’s Gold. Or if the Hat will stop to molest a dead rat.
Make sure to read this mentally in the voice of The Dukes of Hazzard narrator.
I don’t know whether to be happy or sad that you and I are on the same wavelength. Totally what I heard when I wrote it.
[Howard Dean scream]
That’s what I heard too.
I had an Eric Idle as stereotypical walking journalst twist going on.
I was thinking about the narrator from that Goldberg’s show… or maybe Sagan doing his thing…
Waylon Jennings.
Damn, you’re good.
The case for abortion is clear and logical. The Male Gaze must be stopped!
“testosterone exposure” is the prime suspect. So, they mean LITERALLY toxic masculinity
Feminists used the term “testosterone poisoning”. Although I haven’t read it lately.
They shifted to “Toxic Masculinity” because it sounds all science-y and stuff.
Meh…bad branding. Testosterone poisoning sounds way more science-y
Testosterone, what can’t it do?
Make you ovulate?
If it can’t you just need to squat moar until it does.
Did the study look at any impacts on the male twin? Or was this all about the female twin, who cares about the male?
The male twin was fed a diet rich in carbs and had his insulin levels monitored for the next 15 years.
I grew up on a farm. Fuck off you lying assholes.
Three meetings today – and each lasted over an hour. So there was my day.
Now it’s time for burger ‘n’ beer, followed by some rye whiskey.
That’s what Friday is looking like right now for me. It’s funny when you get tasked at meetings to do stuff, but when the next meeting rolls around it isn’t done because you’ve been in meetings the whole goddamn time.
Jim Tom, is that you?
“As he was apprehended, the driver said he was protesting migrant deaths in the Mediterranean, Commander Luca De Marchis told Sky TG24.”
There are fine people in both groups.
Speak not the name.
See, this is what a good epithet is useful for. “That murderous piece-of-shit _______ “. Makes clear your thoughts on him, communicates to teh chirrens that he was no good, and doesn’t try to disappear history.
It’s OK; I won’t mention J****** A*****’s name, either.
You know who else’s name couldn’t be spoken?
How in hell are we supposed to answer that? We are kinda painted into a corner here. The name cant be spoken.
Lack has just asked the ultimate ‘you know who else’ question.
You’re not speaking it; you’re writing it.
Preet Bharara’s?
Beetle breakfast, beetle orange….
FOS. Too soon?
Lawyers with a hankering for sheep?
The guitarist for The Dwarves?
That Russian guy with no vowels in his name?
The artist formerly known as Prince?
Tom Riddle?
“In defence of the internet
Yes, it can get rowdy – but that is part and parcel of the free exchange of views.”
“The main problem on the internet right now isn’t trolls or fake news. It’s censorship. It’s politicians and Silicon Valley corporates laying down rules about what we can and cannot say.”
Remember when Google worked with Chilling Effects? Much has changed in seven years.
So, there is this Bike/Walk civic organization that is giving out free yard signs “Look Out for Pedestrians,” “Drive Like Your Kids Live Here,” “Twenty is Plenty,” etc. I was all like meh until I hit the “Twenty” sign. Speed limit in residential neighborhoods is 25. Am I being paranoid to think that the real goal here is astroturfing for lower speed limits?
If that doesn’t work, they’ll go with speed bumps.
Lowered speed limits generates more revenue than speed bumps. Also lets them charge reckless at 30 mph.
Richmond city government is especially money-hungry at the moment.
And by “at the moment” you mean always, right?
Which neighborhood?
It’s ALWAYS about teh money.
There’s a certain street in a city near here called Palos Verdes Estates. It’s on a long, steep hill, and the speed limit is 25. They had a problem with cyclists speeding on the street (60-70 downhill, I’m not kidding).
They put in speed bumps, and it didn’t end well.
lycra offers little protection.
I laughed at the mental image.
There was a human shaped hole in the rose bushes for almost a year after the first incident.
So did I.
How many cartwheels can you get in before (hopefully) landing in the Pacific?
I laughed, then I remembered a buddy who was thrown from his bike coming back from a day of snorkeling in Okinawa. He not only was throw from his bike and achieved an impressive amount of hang time, but he then tumbled down a rocky hill.
He was fucked up pretty good for about 3 months. But he also ended up with some really impressive scars.
Define “well,” because it sounds to me like it ended hilariously.
I’m surprised. It seems like it would be hilarious.
Isn’t that the same place where the local surfers go all MS-13 on any surfer not from there?
I know the exact street you’re talking about, a good friend lives about halfway up it. We’ve ridden his bicycles down it in the past and you had to ride the brakes to keep yourself below 40. Can’t imagine it with speed bumps.
I hate those things.
About a decade ago, they put a bunch of them on a hilly street in Pacific Palisades. The only way in and out of the neighborhood.
And then…
Someone had a heart attack, and died waiting for an ambulance. The speed bumps were removed.
Speed bumps cost lives due to that. Pedestrians rarely get hit on residential streets, its a tiny number. But every speed bump adds a few percentages to the death rate of stroke and heart attack victims.
Its a classic seen and unseen situation. Only the seen is negligible to begin with.
15 second delay per speed bump.
Just hit them at an angle so only one wheel at a time goes over. Do not attempt with vehicles with limited ground clearance.
Is that not the purpose the pedestrians serve?
I thought that 20 was the speed limit and it’s just bureaucratic discretion that police don’t care so long as you don’t go over 25?
In CA, if there is no posted limit, it’s 25 on a residential street. And 15 in a parking lot.
Speed limits in a parking lot? I thought that was dictated by common sense?
My town’s traffic layout is very poorly designed. The fastest way to get from one busy east-west street to the next is not on highway 1 (Pacific Coast Highway/Sepulveda, the longest street in the United States), but through a grocery store parking lot. I’ve seen people going 30-40 through the lot, and getting airborne on the speed bumps.
You’d think they’d come up with a better solution, but no.
If a kid is so dumb that you can hit him doing 25, you’re going to hit him doing 20 as well. Offing these ones seems like a favor to the rest of us.
I don’t drive 25 in neighborhoods. It’s too fast when there are kids and dogs all over the place. Some of my neighbors, all women I might add, drive like fucking maniacs.
Don’t need a new speed limit, though. I just deploy speed strips when I see a minivan coming at high speed.
Kids are stupid and do stupid things. I’d rather take an extra 5 minutes (high number) than hitting someone with a car. As I don’t want to hurt / kill someone and I don’t want to have to deal with the fallout of hitting / killing someone.
I go out of my way on my commute to avoid any school zones. When I have to go through one, its slow and head-on-a-swivel. I swear, what with kids having their snouts buried in their damn phones, school zones are way worse than they use to be.
No schools on my commute. :woohoo:
It’s 30 here, but people still go 40 down my street and tailgate you for doing 30.
I’ve observed that too. Women tend to be a tad heavy on the pedal in chill areas.
As long as it’s not speed bumps.
The current fad where I live is to install those speed limit signs that use radar to flash your speed as you drive by them. I like it – it’s like a challenge.
In England, they call speed bumps “sleeping policemen”. Which is awesome, but wouldn’t make slow down for them.
Is it like police dogs, where you get arrested for “assaulting an officer”?
Since I mentioned strong towns below, they mock those signs. If you need that flashing sign, then the road was designed wrong to begin with.
Mostly agree with this. The main place I see them are on a highway whose speed limit got changed from 55 to 30 due to some rich kid dying.
Bonus points if you guessed that speed wasn’t a factor in the death, but the driver was also passed out at the wheel.
The founder of argues that all speed limits should be 20 or below or 55 and above.
I think 25 is fine, but he is right about the 35-45 range.
Tucson’s “traffic calming” strategy appears to be to keep the roads in a third-world condition. You don’t need speed bumps, or even really much in the way of speed limits, when the roads are rotten with potholes and bizarre dips and humps.
In our part of Hell Valley, the speed limits are 45 just about everywhere, most streets are four to six lanes, and traffic is a breeze. I haven’t seen too many pedestrian corpses.
This is such a happy contrast to my IL commute, which was hours of stop and go to travel 35 miles.
its cute that it’s 80 degrees today and you’re calling it hell now.
I remember how running the AC at full blast for hours in Yuma in the summer MIGHT bring the temperature in our apartment to 80. Sometimes.
The funny thing was how nice and cool that 80 degrees felt when coming inside from a 115 degree day.
This is gonna be fun.
“I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to……OMG did you misgender that person? Someone call the cops!”
– woke Voltaire
The UK sucks
As usual fiction (Airstrip One) falls short.
Maybe they need a ‘That’s not a Mann Act’?
Will they call it a ManDate?
I thought Woke Voltaire was the latest iteration of Cabaret Voltaire. Kind of like how Jefferson Airplane morphed into Starship.
Then the stage was set for the Alan Parson’s Project. Which I think was some kind of hovercraft.
Pip pip and tut tut old chum, misgendering people just isn’t cricket.
“It always get dusty when little kids get saved from a fire.”
Does it?
“Minnetonka’s Andy Steinfeldt, 71, Breaks World Planking Record
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — As we’re about to see first-hand, Final Four athletes are in top physical condition. However, they might find it tough keeping up with one 71-year-old Minnetonka man.
Andy Steinfeldt said he spent his day at the Sabes Jewish Community Center trying to break the Guinness World Record for his age holding an abdominal plank position. According to the JCC, he held the plank for 38 minutes, breaking the previous record of 36 minutes, 58 seconds.
The motivational speaker and extreme senior athlete recently finished radiation treatment for prostate cancer.”
are we sure it wasn’t rigor?
He finally thawed out from our suck winter.
“treatment for prostate cancer.”
which then morphed into prostrate cancer caused by excessive planking
Yay! Don’t let Swiss shame you Fourscore! That was a good one.
He’s feeling it today. You’d better be on your game tomorrow.
“The world is about to get a lot more excellent. Watch this special announcement from your two favorite dudes! 8.21.20 ”
2 was pretty bad.
They look old.
Maybe Keanu’s hair won’t cover his eyes the entire movie this time like it did in number two. Kept driving me crazy, I wanted to reach through the screen and brush it back, but the movie was bad enough without that. Loved the first one, though. Still like So-Krates and Frood Dude, and have even been to the water park that Napoleon took over.
Every time I drive through San Dimas I giggle about that movie.
Does it have a Circle K?
Huh, I thought they were fictional.
Is Bill’s stepmom still hot?
She’s 60
Keanu Reeves is a great human being. I’ll watch almost anything with him in it.
Also, Alex Winter will be playing George C. Scott in the George C. Scott movie.
A brief summation of the websites that have been blocked in New Zealand and Australia since the shooting:
Notice Facebook, the service he used to stream the fucking video live, isn’t one of them. It’s almost like they’re using this incident to squeeze out marketplace competition for the tech giants.
From this vantage point, between the UK investigating people for “word crime” and NZ and Australia censoring platforms and arresting people for avoiding said bans, the West doesn’t seem like a very free civilization. And these social media platforms that we have been continuously assured are subject to market conditions seem like government supported businesses where their competitors are kept at bay by onerous government regulations so long as the existing platforms continue to play ball.
But, that seems to obvious to be true.
Where’s Net Neutrality when you need it?
It always get dusty when little kids get saved from a fire.
OMWC also gets a little misty-eyed over stories about little children.
Not sure it’s his eyes that are misting…..
Just the one eye, Chip, just the one eye.
I watched that Fred Durst porno like we talked about a while ago. Not cool. He should have chose the cookie
Yay! But you can see what I mean about the rear-entry vaginal being a shocking twist in the plot, no?
He was hamming it up for the camera.
I dunno. She looked ready to go for anal.
Doggy style, Jesse. It’s called doggy style.
Doggy style, Jesse. It’s called doggy style.
I’m talking about her b-hole, not her positioning you philistine!
Unless you are a dog. Then it’s just called, “Ruff.”
Is Ruff sex, that violent pr0n that I keep hearing the bitches howling about all the time?
“I watched that Fred Durst porno”
Was it on a dare?
This is the comment thread we’re referring back to
How do you link to a specific comment?
How do you link to comments?
There’s a specific URL embedded in the “Edit” menu, but Monocle Eyepiece has a little [+] thing next to the time info which contains a direct link to the specific comment.
Have you no self-regard?
“Wolfgang Kubicki, the deputy chairman of the opposition Free Democrats (FDP), said Richard Grenell’s repeated interference in German sovereignty should prompt Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to immediately declare Grenell persona non grata.
“Any US diplomat who acts like a high commissioner of an occupying power must learn that our tolerance also knows its limits,” said Kubicki, who is also one of five deputy speakers of Germany’s Bundestag parliament.
Grenell had on Tuesday criticized Germany’s military spending plans within NATO as insufficient, prompting Kubicki to accuse the envoy of “interfering” repeatedly in political issues of a sovereign country.”
You can’t defend yourself militarily and a foreign country has thousands of troops at several bases within your own country. You just realized that you are being occupied? We should broker a deal- we’ll recall Grenell and take the troops with us. win-win
And that’s after closing over 200 (!) installations already.
“How dare he suggest that we live up to our commitments!”
Fuckit. NATO is an anachronism that needs to die. Russia is just another petrostate, posing no military threat whatsoever. WWIII ain’t starting in Europe regardless of whether we are there or not.
Just one more example of how a big-government program will never die. There are two main outcomes:
A) The problem will disappear, but the program will remain. They will invent some other reason that this program has to exist.
B) The problem will continue to exist with no evidence that the program did anything. They will argue that “it would have been so much worse without the program”.
It’s virtually unheard of for anything else to happen.
Just Kubicki theater.
Been listening to Andrew Yang.
Pompous little dickens for what he’s pimping, eh?
UBI + bans on circumcision?
Not a yang fan but I’m down for a circumcision ban.
Check your foreskin privilege.
Huh, wouldn’t have expected that.
Unless Y Tu Mama Tambien lied to me, it’s an upper-class thing.
I haven’t seen that movie in forever. It came up recently and I’ve been meaning to watch it.
Fired off my resume for a BIM position. *crosses fingers*
I don’t know what it’s like to write an obituary, but it can’t be much worse than updating a resume.
They are depressing.
“I’ve been working for how many years, and that’s it?”
Just remember the golden rule: obituaries should always be in limerick form.
There once was a man on Glibertarians
Who had a thing for big rear ends…
Just preparing HM’s obit if it’s ever needed.
…The Hat (or The Hair)
Said he might like a Pear…
But the big, purple eggplant intrigued him.
What is a BIM?
I’ve got an interview today and a follow-up tomorrow from one on Tues. Hooray poential bidding war and low unemployment rates.
Building Information Modeling. Ideally doing grunt work for architects or engineers who don’t want to be bothered drafting and detailing their designs.
So, you can add secret rooms to the plans?
+1 Ivo Shandor
“Transphobic backlash hits after city cuts funding to Vancouver Rape Relief
VANCOUVER—Trans people and two city councillors have been targeted by hateful social-media backlash following last week’s city council decision to stop funding Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter.
On March 14, councillors voted in a majority decision to cut funding from the shelter because it excludes trans people from many of its services. Councillors argued that to continue sending tax dollars would go against the city’s own policies on equality and inclusion.”
Begun, the Woke Wars have.
“Discrimination Against Women in the Name of Inclusion: A Statement From Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter”
Some memes in the thread showing exactly how SJW’s operate.
Vancouver Rape Relief Society?
I think I’d rather donate to the Vancouver Stopping Rape Altogether Society.
Van Rape?
Paging OMWC.
I assumed that “rape relief” was a cream or something
Ok, lawyer pedant moment. I just got done arguing with a realtor because the idiotic BOR contract in Ohio uses the term “settlement period” as a defined term meaning the period between the Buyer’s objections to items found during the inspection period and the deadline for Seller to agree to fix said items.
Settlement period is a commonly used term in many areas of contract, real estate, and investment/finance to mean the period between contract signing and the ‘settlement’ of the transaction, in other words when the buyer pays and the seller gives ownership. Thus, using that term as a defined term in your idiotic contract to mean some other thing is a source of ambiguity and confusion.
To make matters more irksome, when I asked the realtor to change the language in the amendment in question to clarify that what was being redated was the deadline for Seller’s response to the inspection she argued with me that she wasn’t sure my language would work legally. Bitch, DO NOT make me pull out the “you are not legally permitted to draft amendments because you are neither a principal nor an attorney” card.
That last part sounds like a bad law. Seems like its only purpose is attorney rent-seeking.
I agree in principle that laws against practicing law without a license are bad. That does not mean I won’t play the card.
Also, my objection to such laws is purely philosophical. If you have cousin Bernie draft your contract, or your realtor, or that clever guy at work that reads stuff online, the money you save skipping the lawyer will barely make a dent in the money it costs with the lawyer you pay for the lawsuit trying to undo their mistakes.
Family suing over Grateful Dead mega-fan and pot grower who was crushed to death by police driving a bulldozer
Libertarians love them some killdozer until the law gets ahold of it.
Why is it imperative to catch the guy there and then? You’ve got his friend, presumably you can find out who he is and where he lives. How much jail time are we talking here? Any? You think the guy’s going to go on a killing spree, or go on the lam for years, if you don’t cuff him today?
They have to justify that expensive helicopter somehow.
“What happened next is hotly debated — Pennsylvania State Trooper David Boehm first said Longenecker could not have died in a pursuit because there was no pursuit.”
“An hours-long search ensued, with a helicopter tracking Longenecker’s movements from above and two police departments combing the land”
Sounds like a pursuit to me.
“and two police departments combing the land”
And Tommy Lee Jones leading the way!
You expect the police officers to do police work and not play soldier so they can jerk off to the memories? BLUE LIVES MATTER, asshole.
Yet another example of how every law is ultimately punishable by death
“According to sources who saw Kushner’s plan: Jordan would give land to the Palestinian territories, and “in return, Jordan would get land from Saudi Arabia, and that country would get back two Red Sea islands it gave Egypt to administer in 1950.””
” Kushner’s peace plan ‘includes land swaps with Saudi Arabia,’ book claims
A draft of the plan included an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Gaza, according to newly released ‘Kushner, Inc.’ ”
Saudi Arabia has a section of land 30 times larger than Israel that is literally known as the Empty Quarter. I think it would make a perfect site for New Palestine. Closer to Mecca, under the protection of the Saudis, and filled with exciting challenges that will rapidly bring out the best in the Palestinian people.
They’d resort to cannibalism within the first week.
The Rub’ al Khali
The region is classified as “hyper-arid”, with annual precipitation generally less than 35 millimetres (1.4 in), and daily mean relative humidity of about 52% in January and 15% in June-July. Daily maximum temperatures average 47 °C (117 °F) in July and August, reaching peaks of 51 °C (124 °F). The daily minimum average is 12 °C (54 °F) in January and February, although frosts have been recorded. Daily extremes of temperature are considerable.
I doubt they will last long enough to eat each other.
C’mon now. They’d last at least week by eating the camels first.
The only way to make the mess in the ME worse?
Have the Trump administration come up with a plan that makes some sense and makes a real step forward in figuring out what to do with the Palestinians.
Imagine the shrieking from the left if everyone goes along with this plan. Omar would probably burn her hajib and put on a (((hat))) in disgust with her Muslim brothers selling her out to Trump.
I think you mean Kushner’s (((plan)))
“Republicans Are Denying Trump’s Completely Open Bigotry Against Muslims
The man who murdered 50 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, has hailed President Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity.” But Trump’s supporters piously deny he is any such thing. “If you find yourself using the tragedy in New Zealand to take backhanded swipes at conservatives in America — many of my colleagues already have — then you really have no shame and you are part of the problem,” complains Texas representative Dan Crenshaw. Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney appeared on Face the Nation to insist, “I don’t think anybody can say that the president is anti-Muslim.”
Anybody? Really? If bald-faced lying were not already a mundane practice for this administration, it would be astonishing to watch its defenders deny such a plainly obvious truth.”
In other news, Jonathan Chait is a complete hack.
Don’t read the comments.
“If the mainstream media won’t call Trump a bigot, there’s no way Republicans will. I’m more interested in why the media protects Trump.”
What alternate reality are these people living in?
The one that I’m which the media has fallen down on the job of getting Trump forcibly removed from the White House and publicly executed?
In their fevered minds, that’s the least the media should do.
The are a bunch of little Robespierre’s after all.
The root cause is illegal fentanyl you stupid asshole.
You know, between her wet panties over the idea of denying college students due process and her desire to see medical patients just have to suffer through pain, I really am inclined to think Senator Gilibrand might just be a garden variety sadist. And to borrow a page out of Jonathan Chait’s playbook, “it would be astonishing to watch its defenders deny such a plainly obvious truth”.
The root cause is whatever psychological issue leads the addict to self medicate with opioids. It has not one fucking thing to do with the supply side of the equation. Supply does not fucking drive demand. Demand drives supply. Good are made or moved to sell. Buyers are not created nor do they move in order to buy.
“As satisfying the feeling is to rail against Big Pharma and unenlightened doctors, the iatrogenic (doctor-caused) narrative isn’t without caveats and shortcomings, which are becoming painfully evident as the government rolls out strategies to rein in the supply of opioids. A recent study out of Stanford that modeled public health policy shows that aggressively controlling the supply of prescriptions, in the short-term, is actually increasing overdose deaths by the thousands. Other strategies to reschedule drugs like Vicodin also backfired, new studies are finding. In a powerful commentary by public health experts, “Opioid Crisis: No Easy Fix to its Social and Economic Determinants,” they argue wrangling the supply of opioids fails to address root causes. Targeting supply is important, the authors of “No Easy Fix” agree, but doing so without addressing people’s pain is one of the reasons things are this bad.”
Shocking!! Do you honestly mean to say that when people are in pain and aren’t allowed to find relief through legitimate channels, they’ll look to the black market to for an alternative, even if those alternatives might be laced with poison?! Unpossible, I say! People will always act in perfect accordance with the wishes of their overlords.
“Prohibition Is the Obvious Cause of Opioid Crisis as CDC Releases Preliminary Casualty Numbers for 2017
Earlier this month the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released preliminary estimates of the opioid overdose rate for 2017. The total overdose rate rose to approximately 72,000, up from a total overdose rate of 63,600 in 2016, an increase of roughly 10 percent. The total overdose rate includes deaths from numerous drugs in addition to opioids, such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and benzodiazepines. The opioid-related overdose rate increased as well, from a little over 42,000 in 2016 to over 49,000 in 2017. This increase occurred despite a 4 percent drop in heroin overdoses and a 2 percent drop in overdoses due to prescription opioids. A 37 percent increase in illicit fentanyl-related overdoses explains the jump in the death rate.”
And a general +1 for the word “Carabineri” itself.
What are your favorite “Sky is falling!!” Overhyped panic themes that have come and gone over the years?
I’ll start: Acid Rain
Ozone hole for one that has literally come and gone
But Ronald Reagan….but “what IF the scientists are right?
Hole in the ozone.
Get out of my miiiiiind
Marginally related.
I hope.
Well you can get into my car, but I am not Billy Ocean, and I always thought in that video he was actually asking the dude in the painter’s cap to get into his car not the chick
A two-fer for you and jarflax
Y2K “bug”
Okay fine….Peak Oil.
Wait I thought Peak Oil was the scare that all our pension funds/retirement plans were doomed because fracking had led to peak quantities of oil and had tanked oil stocks?
My senior capstone course was on it. Some of the students presentations revolved around massive 1970’s style shortages, and apocalyptic wars.
I remember a common bumper sticker in the late ’70s during the Arab-aided oil shortage: “If you get cold at night, burn a Jew.”
I don’t recall seeing those growing up on Long Island, for some reason.
Hmm, I only saw “If you run out of oil, burn an Arab”
You’d think they’d wait until the hit Peak Proven Reserves first before worrying about Peak Oil.
This was 2006. Pre-fracking.
HAH, I remember that shit… My friend’s dad filled up the whole basement with bottled water, canned food, and batteries.
… On the other hand, I guess it’s better to have it and not need it vs. need it and not have it. And I’m sure they used up all that stuff eventually, so it wasn’t really a loss.
The great clown panic of 2015
Global warming. I have to begrudgingly respect a scam of this magnitude.
It’s far from gone.
Look, I make my own rules and I’ll give whatever god damn answer I please.
Ritual Satanic Abuse!!!
I was a kid in a fundamental Baptist Church when that was going on. Fuck all those adults for needlessly scaring the shit out if us kids in the late 80’s. They had me convinced I was going to get kidnapped, raped and sacrificed on a satanic alter.
Lives were ruined
Fuck Martha Coakley for insisting Gerald Amirault stay in jail long after it was clear the conviction was bullshit.
Oh, I’m aware. See my comment below. Same bitch sent people to jail for the crime of having their baby tragically die of SIDS. Evil bitch.
Hey, Jay Carney! My friend worked for him until very recently. That’s actually the business card I keep in my wallet, just in case.
Convicted of anally raping a toddler with a butcher knife. WHEN THERE WAS NO SCAR OR CUT. Those prosecutors make me hope I am wrong and there is a hell. If anyone deserves eternal torment it is them.
Coakley is one evil bitch.
I wouldn’t fault someone for getting even with her.
One of the cases (Country Walk) was literally around the block from where I lived. My friend and I were riding our bikes and saw all kinds of police activity in the area and then rode back home (lived next door to each other). Our parents had no clue WTF was going on but didn’t want us out after that, so we just sat in his house and played Atari 2600.
Janet Reno put him in prison. He’s still there. Almost certainly innocent.
I think it bears stating that child molesters do extremely hard time. These completely innocent victims of prosecutorial hysteria and psychological snake oil have almost certainly spent decades being raped and beaten.
Further, the real harm of molestation is not the physical, it is the long term psychological. With implanted memories of fake assaults the kids who were not molested now have the same trauma as if they actually had been. The recovered memory phsrink, I forget her name, that drove all of this is one of the most evil and harmful humans ever to walk the planet.
^This. Aided and abetted by Janet “Hope She’s Frying In Hell” Reno.
I watched an interesting thing about how the same people beating the “recovered memory” drum we’re the same people behind shaken baby pseudo-science. Some rat fuckers just love to send innocent people to jail.
Japanese hegemony of the US. I suffered from this same affliction, but I was 12.
I remember Rising Sun! The novel about how the evil Japanese were going to destroy us. Which came out right after the Nikkei crashed…
Don’t forget the movie. Karate Connery.
Black Rain with Michael Douglass.
That novel and movie are so fucking funny these days. Japanic was absurd.
Dude, those Japanese businessmen were going to consume all of America’s supermodels and real estate, our two most valuable resources.
I was reading it right around the time Trump started screaming about China (before he officially jumped into politics). There were a lot of double takes trying to figure out if I was reading the news or the novel.
I have a soft spot for The Hunted with Christopher Lambert.
Mostly because of Joan Chen, but still.
I love it for breaking the “gaijin gets a training montage, becomes better kenjutsu-ka than a samurai” trope. And doubling down by the gaijin beating his opponent to death with a rock like the barbarian he is.
The Challenge did it better, ISTR.
Scott Glen and Toshiro BMF Mifune, directed by John Frankenheimer and written by John Sayles.
I’m going to have to re-watch that.
The New Yellow Panic is Chinese. They’re buying all our real estate at ridiculous prices! Their goods are flooding American Walmarts!
That reminds me… SMITH family hegemony of the US. And by “hegemony”, I mean…
Here’s a newer one. A Shortage of Phosphorus.
Peak bird shit.
That isn’t new. It is the plot of Dr. No
I thought he was toppling missiles.
Over-population. We’ll all starve.
Good one.
Shark attack!
Killer bees!
Killer bees never really goes away. That, and fire ant migration northward.
Weren’t bees supposed to be extinct by now?
Yeah, because insects that had been around for millions of years have no ability to adapt…
What are they going to do after AGW destroys the planet, smart guy?
Yeah, cuz that’s never happened before, either.
Killer bees pretty much interbred with docile honeybees that it worked out fine in the end.
Another good one.
Fire ants are the devil and I’m in favor of extinction by any means necessary. If genetic plagues were a real thing, I’d cook one up for fire ants.
Yes, they pretty much wiped out the horny toads.
Ooh! Ooh! Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause leukemia in kids!
Cell phones cause brain cancer!!
Eggs are the devil and a heart attack waiting to happen.
The WSJ got punked over this one last week!
I saw the “acktually, eggs really are bad for you” headlines but didn’t click-through. It sounds like that was the correct decision?
I eat four or five dozen eggs per week on average. My good cholesterol was right where it should be; my bad cholesterol was actually way below average. I also eat a ton of steak, shrimp, and other cholesterol-rich foods.
I think the biggest culprit for ill health is an excess of carbs/sugar coupled with a total lack of exercise. And you don’t have to become an Olympian athlete; just a 30-minute cardio session 3 times a week will give you a lot more dietary leeway.
I’m good for 4 a day, most days, so you’ve got me beat but I’m not at all worried about it. My cholesterol tests out perfect every time.
And that’s all that really matters. Some average or correlation does not override an individual instance, but too many people think it does. I don’t know how many times I’ve had this fucking conversation:
Them: You shouldn’t eat so many eggs every day. I read about a study that showed that too many eggs will give you high cholesterol.
Me: My cholesterol is fine every time it’s measured.
Them: But that study showed a correlation between consumption of eggs and having high cholesterol!
Me: I have never had high cholesterol.
Them: But scientists have found that people who eat a lot of eggs have higher cholesterol on average!
(repeat ad nausaeum)
They spend time in school telling you about the scientific method, how to perform a scientific experiment, how to draw conclusions, etc. But I think what they need more than that is a lesson on what science does NOT tell you (or at least, how NOT to interpret the results of a scientific study).
As an 18-24 eggs/week guy I gotta ask how are you eating up to 60 eggs a week?
He didn’t say hen’s eggs. He eats caviar.
He’s busy pouring a double egg-nog.
Frittata for breakfast with 6 eggs (8 if I’m really hungry), up to 6 hard-boiled eggs taken to work as snacks, and if I make gyudon or ramen for dinner, I will use 4 soft-boiled eggs in there.
Correct decision. I was shocked they published it.
West Nile Virus.
Oh, wait.
Bird Flu
Flesh eating bacteria. Brain amoebas.
Those are real.
(IIRC, the CDC “needed” about $1 BN to prevent it)
IIRC, west Nile really did kill off about 2/3 of the mallard duck population in the Great Lakes area and maybe 1/2 the crows.
Still, no danger to humans.
My mom’s boyfriend was paralyzed by West Nile and eventually died from it but, yes, he was a statistical anomaly.
Acid Rain terrified me as a kid. Like every time it started to rain I worried I’d get hurt because of all the acid.
I was just hoping for a good trip.
It’s evil the way they hammer kids with all the supposed gloom and doom. Let them be kids!!
The world will end in 2012.
I was really disappointed when we didn’t live in the Shadowrun universe.
Gypsy moths. My crazy mom made me go out and scrape gypsy moth cocoons off the trees.
That one I don’t recall. Were the gypsy moths going to squat on empty lots and set up camps as a base for criminal undertakings or what?
Did they pick pockets or just chew up wool pockets?
They were the Japanese beetles of the 80’s.
I remember the gypsy moth thing.
Rock and roll promotes satanism! And we need warning labels on records!
+1 “Hells Bells”:
Seriously all, if you want to watch some moral panic propaganda claptrap this is the gold standard.
TPTB Note: This one is in good fun and not meant as a warning or threat
You’re about two days too late. Swiss already threw that one down. It was aimed at Ted, so I’m assuming it was a serious catbutting.
They have to spell it out for me or I’ll get all mopey when I’m drunk in the PM thread.
Speaking of….
*Raises glass of Larceny bourbon at cs*
Needles and razor blades in Halloween candy. I can remember my mom hauling me down to a radiology place with my candy bag to have it x-rayed before she’d let me eat it. This was common in the mid ’80s.
My parents didn’t care about me obviously.
Ya beat me to that one… so stupid, and yet still common.
I remember getting home made baked goods that were better than any candy bar.
Backwards Masking
It’s fun to smoke marijuana!
Not mentioned yet (admittedly, some of these haven’t yet gone away completely):
Global thermonuclear war
Adulterated Halloween candy
Old Men With Candy
Swine flu
Killer asteroid
Yellowstone volcano eruption
The last two will almost certainly happen “soon” (on a geologic timeline, which means sometime in the next 100k years or so)
Just in time to save you from the Twitter mob.
How’d we miss that one?
Hey man, I defined a significant portion of my teenage years by adherence to the Rambo code.
I even bought a big knife with a compass on the base of the hilt and matches in the handle.
+1 Red Dawn (brat pack version- still one of my faves)
I was more referring to “RUSSIA!!!” post 2016
Considering they still won’t let me donate blood: Mad Cow disease.
It’s almost as if the media outlets get together to plan the panic of the month just so they can sell copy/clicks/ads…hmm…
The law dramas my husband watches all generally have a “theme of the week.” I don’t know if their writers all get together and decide ahead of time or whether it’s the collective consciousness.
I’m also sure it’s a coincidence that all these panics can all be solved by giving more power over to the government.
The one that will never die: Stranger Danger
Well, bad things can happen when your hand falls asleep…
All these replies and no one mentioned “Global Cooling: The New Ice Age”?
I remember seeing a Time magazine cover on this back when dinosaurs ruled the earth.
I was waiting for that one! I knew someone would come through:)
While an actual tragedy in human lives and oil lost, the Deepwater Horizon disaster was going to poison the Gulf of Mexico for a century; the oil slick would smother fish and other critters, etc.
But a few months later, it was gone. How? Unexpectedly, oil eating bacteria showed up and consumed the oils and broke it down.
It’s like the planet has been through some billions of years and knows how to make it through.
Like Carlin said, the Earth will be fine; it’s the humans who are f@cked.
Right-Wing Militias.
Former PM of Ozzyland was just on the radio saying those are totes a threat and we need to ban Breitbart.
Seriously? As long as this thread is and NO ONE said “net neutrality”?
We couldn’t we were dead
I brought it up (see above) before the question was even asked.
Nostradamus quatrains about nuclear holocausts and some leader in a blue turban.
Just sat down in a hotel room in Chicago (River North) to clear emails, and quickly realized that the building immediately across the street is the ambulance dispatch garage. It’s going to be a noisy night.
Stayed in a place near the airport in Atlanta that had complementary earplugs.
Just drank a bunch, cranked up the pink noise on spotify and slept like a baby.
Lol, I lived across the street from an emergency room in Baltimore for two years.
I eventually got used to the rotating red and blue lights in my bedroom.
Help me I tweeted something about how quickly Devin Nunes’ garbage lawsuit is going to be thrown out and now my twitter mentions are nothing but laudatory comments from the far left.
If they bother to look at the rest of my twitter account I’m in trouble.
Easy. Delete Twitter. You can still see @iowahawk and @titaniamcgrath without an account.
Get off Twitter. That is the help I offer
You big dummy.
Just post something pro-2A. That will put an end to it quickly.
Doesn’t matter, you earned so much social credit with that one!
Live by the tweet, die by the tweet.
I can’t help you.
Lie in it. Your bed is made.
Totally OT — for those who think Rule 34 has exceptions:
The pornstar who most looks like my wife (Thalia Tate)
A pic that approximates me and her
Both technically SFW, but … don’t open either at work. Unless you hate your job and just don’t give a fuck any more.
Pretty much what I expected to see (although that Thalia chick has some major bedroom eyes).
I immediately thought “Kim Fields”, but……ok
When your wife catches you watching porn with starlets that look like her how does that factor in to the reaction? Is it mitigation or exacerbation? Does the type/theme of the porno matter? Do you get the letters to Penthouse “Oh baby you want to do that too?” reaction, or the sad lonely dude sleeping in the garage reaction?
She’s kinda bored by porn, thinks it’s fake. She’s fine with me watching whatever – I showed her a pic of this woman a while ago, and she felt it was a compliment that I’m attracted to pics of someone that looks like her maybe twenty years ago. Then I got her laughing, her nutjob Corgi started barking maniacally, then I tossed his furry behind in the garage and got her laughing and naked and we fucked like moderately horny bunnies.
Bruh, TMI
Sorry about that, chief. Aspiness is a thing.
FWIW, I thought it was cute.
Oh, I kid. Nothing’s out of bounds here.
I could never be with a woman who owned a corgi or several other of the insufferable cat-sized dog breeds.
I may make an exception for terriers.
Then again, I’m not sure I could be with any woman for a period longer than a few hours.
The feeling is mutual, I’m sure.
Everyone loves a guy who hates dogs.
I like other people’s dogs.
Says the woman who hates children.
Psh. Plenty of people don’t like kids, including the wonderful man to which I married and at least half my coworkers and friends.
Monsters don’t like dogs.
He didn’t say he hates all dogs, just the “toy breeds” (aka evolutionary failures).
Corgis aren’t toys. They’re herding dogs and that’s, unsurprisingly, why so many ranchers have them out here.
Gosh, all the time you hear men talk about how big things come in small packages, but when it’s a dog, all of a sudden it’s worthless. Maybe you guys are right. Maybe I’ll spread the word at the next Women’s Meeting. 😉
If you do we will tell them you hate THEIR kids.
Say, uh, just out of curiosity, where do you usually hold these meetings?
Fuck Corgis.
Shiba Inu or GTFO.
Jarflax–they know. Seriously. A coworker just had a baby in October. She knew what I thought of kids before that.
HM–I love shibes, too. The official dogs of the internet. What’s not to love?
I’ll get you a wig, Mad Scientist, and I’ll take you to the next one myself. You’ll have to be blindfolded, of course… And there’s a brief, ahem, “welcoming” ritual for new chicks. You’ll love it, I promise.
OK, I’ll step up and say that I really, really liked my wife’s Shih Tzu.
First and foremost, he was not a “yipper” and, in fact, only barked when there was someone outside of the door (i.e., the thing that dogs are supposed to do)
We often traveled with him and he was always a perfect gentleman. He was also the smartest dog that I have even encountered, cognizant of probably 50 distinct words.
I miss my black lab but I also miss my little buddy.
Aw… They’re all good dogs, Hobbit. The best dogs.
Rhywun on March 20, 2019, 6:41 PM
Bruh, TMI
Hi, everyone. My name’s Mad Scientist, and I love a Chihuahua.
I never thought it would go this far. We just found her as a puppy hiding under a car in our driveway. Then we took her to the vet, got her cleaned up, put up posters, but no one claimed her. A week turned into two. Then three. She snuggled with us on the couch. She snuggled with us in bed at night. She was just so warm and comforting! Now I miss her when I’m not home and everything! [sob] I just [sob] I just never thought this would happen to me!
My poor doggo looks like something from Robocop at this point. She’s a trooper.
Fuck Corgis.
Time to go, motherfucker.
*drops gloves*
What if your usual body dump was closed? Did you think about that smart guy! You might be with her for days!
Yeah, once they stop struggling, all the fun is gone.
I’ve never understood guys with period fetishes, but it’s a living.
WM, we’re eagerly awaiting your next post!
What? She thinks porn is fake? Well now I’ve heard everything.
I can not tell you how many times I’ve delivered a pizza to the house of a hot girl and her best friend who was short a few bucks.
You have difficulty saying the word zero?
Well, to be fair, the pizza was more of a chloroform rag, and they amount of money i took on the way out was a few bucks short of what I had expected, but you get my point.
Actually, many years ago I had a job selling encyclopedias (second worst job I have ever done) and a guy I was splitting a neighborhood with got a Penthouse letters afternoon from this pretty housewife. He was a very good looking clean cut kid, maybe 19, and she was a Mrs Robinson, of maybe 30.
Closest I came was a weird chick in a house dress who listened to my pitch while crossing and uncrossing her legs, and then kicked me out.
Make more me-s.
Are you arguing for the Court to reconsider Loving v. Va.? Cause that is how you get Loving overturned!
Mrs. Hobbit just called to let me know that she’s on her way home and was going to stop for gas. It’s raining out and I was thinking about my beautiful wife standing in the rain dealing with nasty gas hoses.
This got me to thinking about something that I had come up with a long time ago. When I was a teenager in the 60’s many of my jobs were “pump jockeys” the guys who filled your tank, washed your windshield, and checked your oil. Although mandatory in Oregon and New Jersey, I’ve wondered; what it if was voluntary?
What I’m thinking is some gung-ho person who would not be an employee of the gas station but a volunteer who would fill your tank and wash your windshield for tips. You’re more than welcome to do the work yourself but would you give a buck to the guy who did it for you?
I guess the downside of this would be all the “homeless” guys who would hang around the gas station but it might be a source of income for a motivated teen.
Aren’t most gas pumps under some sort of canopy?
Which sort-of works when it’s raining and the wind is blowing.
Work with me, here.
Been tried.
New York learned nothing from 9/11.
Which was my downside, self-serve gas stations inundated with “homeless” people.
File that under “panics” above. Other than this single article, I have seen zero mention of the phenomenon.
No way the gas stations would allow that in this day an age, if the motivated teen got hurt or damaged someone’s car the station would likely be found liable for letting it happen.
Even if he was an “independent contractor”?
Future class action lawsuit for back pay.
I don’t know if they still do it but in my day you could get full-service at Mobil, even when everyone else had gone to self-serve. But sure, if I was feeling lazy I’d definitely want that choice.
I’d sure consider it. I keep a log of fuel, miles, etc. If someone else wanted to pump the gas, retrieve the receipt, and maybe wash the front and/or rear window(s) while I do my stupid logging, I’d probably keep a little cash around just for fueling.
Forgot to mention the cute chick in the pink porthole Thunderbird. My buddy and I washed all her windows, checked her oil, tire pressure, brake fluid, probably even he spare tire just so we could see more of her.
And no, you deviants, it wasn’t what you think.
“Spare tire”… hehe
There are actually plenty of “full-service” (neither windshield washing nor oil check) gas stations around where I live. I don’t understand their business model: the gas is often cheaper than at self-service ones.
Why are full service gas stations allowed and full service massage parlors not?
No happy endings.
Service station where I grew up still pumps gas for people. It’s a locally-owned Sunoco.
One of my proudest moments as a parent was when I caught the two Altar Boys heading out with a broom and a dustpan. They were maybe 9 and 7 at the time. I asked them where they were going and they said their plan was to go up to the local gas station and offer to sweep up the place for some candy.
Heh…Gucci sneakers on sale for $870 per pair and they come pre-dirtied:
Jesus, wrong thread. My drunk ass is going to bed.