Celebrating me!
No flippin’ way am I going to bring it like Spud did yesterday…or SP does … or SugarFree…or OMWC, or, well, anyone else. So I have decided the Links this morning will be ME. ME linking to my hobbyhorses and such. Probably not great links, but they are MINE!!!! First things first… Need to make sure the Links Control Room is secure. OK boys, line ’em up!

“Ein, zwei. Ein Zwei!”
There, now on to the Links!

Hobbyhorse? No, it is a War Horse!
- Trial of the Century Update – “Stop Resisting!” Needless to say the turmoil in Catalonia has had some negative consequences. Looks like it is time to fight, or roll over, Catalans.
- This is shocking! Only in that I thought they would be higher.
- And also from the foreign correspondence desk – This would signal the end for Algerian dictator. Insert Borat Joke Here.
OK, this time you get a music link….right in line with today’s theme. Me.

How Now, Swiss Brown Cow?
OK, must be a slow news day Swissy, cause them links are, erm…. weak?
Du hast mich!
End Product…
Melted bananas?
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.
Is that a rack for stretching little people?
Japan’s Melt Banana.
Better than Hand Banana.
Yes, he does have you.
You should have had a link about the first super moon of the spring equinox in 19 years to really panic the folks…
That seems more Not Adahn’s territory.
There is a rather profound portent in next week’s Horoscope (if you’re a Libra)
*nods sagely*
What’s gonna happen to the Libra’s? They going to be forced to moon people?
It’s gonna have us all out of balance
You’ll have to tune in on Sunday at noon…
But no, no compulsory mooning.
Global warming. Never happened when I was a kid.
Looks to me like Algeria needs some help in learning about democracy, the old fashioned way.
/Bolton smiles knowingly, grins impishly/
“AH-64 Democracy”
Hellfire, APKWS 70mm rounds, or just old fashioned 30mm shells?
Democracy is best imposed by hosing a compound down with the 30mm.
I am a fan of the MLRS system, or barring that some MOABs.
Too expensive, too impersonal.
Need ’em to see Democracy coming at ’em.
That special feeling that it is all personal, huh?
Winning hearts and minds, one at a time.
Bunker Buster Democracy
Do you want a great socialist system where everyone gets all the free shit they want, or one where evil capitalist ways allow a select few to swim around in pools full of money, live it up on their yachts, snort cocaine of the back of purdy hookers, and live large while you have to drink two day old soda and eat crappy Subway sammiches? Huh? HUH?
That’s the lead question for that survey is my guess.
Tax the rich. This is troubling because it means we have gotten to the point where large groups have decided it is easier to loot than to try and produce themselves. Bastiat says “I told you so”.
It’s not that they see it is easier to loot – looting is always easier – it is that they feel no shame in admitting they want that. I have never felt entitled to anything someone else had, but it seems a lot of people feel they are….
I often ask people how it is that they feel entitled to other people’s stuff.
I’ve told people that I’d have more respect for them if they hit me over the head and stole my wallet than having the gov’t do it.
It’s outsourcing so you can lend the veneer of legitimacy to the criminal act.
I hope that personalizing might help. You want free childcare, free college…..well why do I have to pay for for your kids?
Because they are our future!
Besides, from the story linked below about the female police officer that left her child to die in the car while she was busy banging her boss, it is evident people are not qualified to be parents and the only viable solution is to have a collectivist state look out for them…
Obama helped with his whole, “You didn’t build that” bit, as if the more money you make the more you’ve used publicly-funded services like roads. Or maybe if your house is bigger the fire could be bigger, so you need more of the fire department? Not sure, really.
Of course, the problem is that a.) the “rich” have already paid taxes, b.) the poor typically don’t, at least not income tax, c.) use taxes are baked into stuff like fuel taxes and sales taxes, and d.) public services are used by *everyone* and owned by *everyone*, and theoretically *paid for* by everyone, so while the wealthy may not have built “that”, they sure as hell paid for it and it belongs as much to them as anyone.
In other words – Piracy. At least old fashioned pirates, caravan raiders, and Vikings were willing to commit the necessary violence themselves rather than try to outsource it to the state.
Ragnar Danneskjöld?
More like Ivar the Boneless.
I would need to know the average price of a half and half in Switzerland in order to properly answer that question. The article didn’t say.
I was approached in Zurich in 1997 with an opening price of 100 CHF for … undisclosed activities. I demurred, and left the bar I was at … weaving and stumbling back to my hotel room.
I just looked it up. A swiss franc = a us dollar. Interesting
Hell, it was $50 in Munich in ’69
40 Marks in Frankfurt ($1 = 1.7 Mark) in 1997 – as my buddy from Chicago keep mentioning. I was somewhat newly married, and he was gleefully single. My bar bills and his red light district bills might have been equal, over the whole year.
Newly married, drinking heavily.
I find this . . . plausible.
In Thailand in 2004, it was about $30.
That calls for a narrowed gaze,
This just cost me $18. Cost more if I miss my last train again.
You should link us some of those “train activities” you engage in, man…
With a heave, and a ho
But I just couldn’t tell her so, no, no, no?
“Not only did people say they were not getting their fair share given what they paid into the system”
That explains the error in the thinking of people who are for taxing the rich more. It doesn’t work that way, dummies.
Do these knot heads think they are investing in a magical no-risk mutual fund?
They are to stupid to understand investment. All they know is that they want free shit, and if they are not getting far more of the things they feel are valuable to them personally than they pay into the system, that the system is not good enough. These are the idiots that would love them some Ponzi schemes is my guess.
All of them are witnesses requested by the public prosecutor or Spain’s solicitor general.
According to defense sources, they took part in the raids ordered by Spain’s judiciary of Catalan public buildings and also private companies aimed at dismantling the logistics for the referendum.
“We are very sorry. We were given the wrong address for the raid by an informer. Also, sorry/not sorry about the Sheepdog and the Great Pyrenees…they were coming right for us.”
Mmmm…delicious alt-text. Danke.
Imma have to throw a narrowed gaze at that cows alt text.
Be careful narrowing your gaze at the cow’s butt – lest the cow’s butt gaze back at you!
I challenged the cow, and see what I got???
Nay. The Pope is declaring that Swiss links are Holey.
Sweet Baby Jesus Holey?
Sweet Baby Cheesus Holey
Is this now part of the cannon, his hole-y-ness?
Must be grape shot.
Hey, I may be a few minutes late tomorrow but go ahead and start with out me, ‘Kay?
No worries. I’m going to be a bit late too. I sent the gang an email about it.
Which one of you is Spanky? Which one Alfalfa? And of course, which one of you is Buckwheat?
I’m Buckwheat.*
*from waist down, if you know what I mean 😉
You are hung like a 12 year old?
Back in those days a lot of black 12 year olds were hung.
Sing for us Buckweeeze!
Herodotus was right.
Many idiot historians had doubted that Herodotus ever visited Egypt.
Well, to be fair, Herodotus did report a great many things that were complete bunk as well.
But isn’t that mostly stuff he reported other people as reporting. His first hand stuff is probably accurate.
His lack of fact-checking hurt his credibility.
He was relaying the only other facts in existence, what was there to check against?
Funny how we keep finding evidence of so much shit that the historians were so sure were not so, huh?
Historians rank Obama as the 8th greatest President.
Or was it 12th? I forget. Who cares? Still too high.
Give it time so we get some historians that actually might review the effects of the numerous criminal activities the Obama admin committed at his behest to chime in. Of course, if the donkeys succeed in remaking the electorate, we might end up having to worship the guy or face a visit to a camp.
Better than Carter, Nixon, Johnson, FDR, Hoover, Wilson. Prolly tied with Kennedy, Bush Jr, and Bush Sr. So somewhere slightly below mid-pack.
Carter was horrible, but his administration was not as criminal as that of Obama. Neither was the Nixon admin for that matter. The guy got run out of office for asking agencies to do what became routine under to Obama admin as we are now finding out. And I have a soft spot for Johnson. The guy once accused an opponent of being a sheep fucker simply because he knew that merely saying it was so was damaging. Takes some special kind of mad skillz to go there. Hoover and Wilson suck, but so did JFK in my opinion. If they had not shot him, I suspect eventually we would have had a dead hooker in the WH from a cocaine overdose story.
Obama was a hack as we’re finding out.
Below Kennedy for sure IMHO.
The slow trickle of the deep-state shit he and his DOJ was involved in will continue to push him down the list for a generation.
I’m thinking there’s a lot of pent-up anger for Obama from the liberals get the bullet too wing of the Democrat party. Frustration that the much glorified first black president wasn’t all that transformative, was in fact a standard-issue incrementalist progressive and just as much a crook as anyone coming out of Chicago politics. Omar’s only the first to give it voice.
Carter was harmless and ineffective and lasted one term, and so was much less worse than Obama.
As someone who spent many many hours in gas lines, remembers hyperinflation and high unemployment, still lives with the damage and expense of the Department of Education, ditto the Department of Energy, and watched what happened in Iran, I would not say “harmless.”
For a one term guy, he left an impressive trail of wreckage.
At least half of that was directly attributable to Nixon’s administration, not that Carter was helping.
And Canadians helped save Americans during the Iran hostage crisis.
And when somebody talks about how great Reagan was, I like to bring up that the Department of Ed was created under Carter and Reagan campaigned heavily on getting rid of it. Of course, when he got elected, that promise was completely forgotten and and the DOE actually expanded in scope instead.
Can you name me one government entity that once created was ever done away with? I think Reagan fully believed he would be able to get rid of the DoE only to discover that the democrat controlled congress would NEVER go along with it. Shit based on the level of failure we should have scrapped every government agency by now, but all we do is pour more money into them no matter hoe inefficient/ineffective or corrupt they get.
I wrote a rather thorough debunking of Reagan early in the days of this site. Hope he and Nancy are roasting in Hell.
Reagan has a Team Red congress for two years. Spending and federal power continued to rise unabated. No excuse, Team Red is no different than Team Blue.
Department of War.
Reagan had a team red senate, he didnt have a team red house.
The GOP leadership actually stymied any attempt to get rid of it.
It’s not fully Reagan’s fault, but he bears some responsibility for it.
So you’re saying Trump really is a Reagan Republican, it’s just that we’d rather a Coolidge Republican?
Reagan ran against draft registration, changed his mind in office and his administration prosecuted people for failing to register. Fuck him.
Reagan has a Team Red congress for two years.
Reagan never had a Team Red congress. Team Blue controlled the House from 1955-1994. Of the post-FDR Team Red presidents, Eisenhower had a Team Red congress for 2 years, Bush Jr. for 4, and Trump for 2, and that’s it.
Yeah. When I was a kid, I had to do the siphon starting. Seems like evry cat back then had 4 feet of garden hose in the trunk. You’d see them when you were sneaking into drive throughs.
Still, Obo is worse. Look at the middle east, race relations and the banana Republic sabotage the new guy stuff. Never mind forcing everyone to buy insurance.
On the other hand, Carter gets a huge credit for the craft beer industry.
I don’t know how you blame Carter for things that started happening before he was even inaugurated, like the gas lines and inflation. He most definitely didn’t help.
I’ll give you the departments of energy and education, agencies that produce no energy and educate no one, contrary to what most people probably think.
Back in 2012, I had bumper stickers printed — Obama: Dumber than Carter; Dirtier than Nixon.
And you were 100% right.
Not enough here for a Crackpot’s Corner, so here it goes:
I blame Carter for 9/11
1. The US was an undisputed macho badass world power after WWII
2. Except maybe Vietnam, but that might have been a fluke
3. Except that Carter PROVED (with the response to the hostage crisis) that all you have to do to get the US to acquiesce is to get some horrible pictures in the TV news.
4. Therefore, Carter sealed in concrete the idea that terrorism works (against the US).
5. Thus, 9/11
Letter to the Editor: Socialism has worked well for decades
Stupid is as stupid does…
Someone who thinks that Medicare, SS and Medicaid are working well is someone that can be effectively ignored.
Hey these systems kill fewer people than the old time collectivists used to. And the people they torture keep coming back for more. So, they HAVE to be working fine…
They’re working as intended.
What’s a Medicare Fraud? Never heard of it, not possible with benevolent….ugh, I can’t finish.
He apparently doesn’t know that North Dakota also has a state owned mill and elevator. The bank and the mill and elevator have been cited as proof of “socialism” here in NoDak ad nauseam lately. The part these idiots all miss is that there is no requirement that banks and elevators in the state must be state owned.
Also, everything they cite is state owned; if an individual state wants to become a socialist utopia, I don’t think I’d have a problem with that. It’s these idiots thinking they should get their way on a national level that pisses me off.
“if an individual state wants to become a socialist utopia”
Cali is doing that honor as we speak. They’re going to show us all how to become a socialist utopia. Or an unlivable shithole. One of those two things.
Wait until the states that do this demand the feds bail them out of bankruptcy!
“they are thus all socialist”
“Socialism is siezing the means if production, no one argues for that”
Can’t say both.
Also I like the unspoken assumption that none of those things would exist without government. “You like roads don’t you? You too are a socialist then!”
Not all roads are publicly owned. Parking lots for malls, gated community roads, roads in new housing developments before handed over to the state, etc.
The privately owned roads seem overall to be better than the public ones, and in better repair, IMO. I’m sure they’re cheaper.
They didn’t build those without using the public roads…
There has never been fraud, price fixing, greedy-selfish scams, corruption or crime in “government run and government owned” entities?
Is that the argument?
I will have you know that the great 5 year plans that the USSR had always worked out exactly as intended!
*furiously works to produce more typos*
-1 Big Dig
Wow, what a collection of the worst run parts of our economy.
But we run those shitholes together!
Socialism is another word for the mass starvation we do together.
Ass long as you are also getting ass raped and it looks like it is bothering you terribly, I am OK with me getting ass raped!
/progtard socialism fan
Remember when all those programs were really kicked into high gear? It was called the Great Depression. The socialism made it great.
“These lists are very large. All socialist.”
He says this as if they’re profitable and efficient. They continue to exist regardless of quality because of the endless access to tax dollars that keep them in operation.
They really think they can split hairs on what constitutes ‘socialism’. No one is calling for the take over of the means of production because it’s not the time. But what do you think left-wingers do? They chip away at it through regulations. Payroll taxes, min. wage, etc. all are means to control businesses. Do it long enough and the take over is almost complete. I see it in my business. Another couple of measures, and voila!
They’ll need those guns of yours and that free speech stuff. But it won’t take much longer and we can throw the switch.
Social Security and Medicare are quantum socialism. They either are or aren’t depending on which argument the socialist is attempting to advance.
they are thus all socialist
No, they aren’t. The military is national defense, the police are (ostensibly…) to enforce laws, social security/medicaid/medicare are welfare. USPS is the constitutionally permissible postal service, but it is not the only postal service, nor is it the best, likewise for Amtrak and the public school system.
Just because the government does something does not mean it is “socialist”.
The military is one of the most socialist institutions ever.
If the government owns and controls every aspect of an endeavor, it is socialist.
“The military is one of the most socialist institutions ever.”
Tell that to comrade general..
Oh wait, no that is how socialism works too.
Um, there were no armed forces, houses of healing, means of delivering messages or trains before socialism.
I dunno, the Police exist to impose the will of the State on the populace, that has a tinge of socialism.
I thought socialist stuff is free. That’s part of the reason why it’s do good. If medicare and SS are free, why do I keep paying for it?
‘so good’
Depends on what your definition of ‘works well’ is.
Case in point: all the public school systems
Works really well if turning an entire generation of people into dumb sheep is the goal.
If one beer is good, having 40 beers every day forever has to be even better! The liver disease you have is only because you didn’t start drinking the day you were born otherwise your liver would be used to it and the medical profession would have solved any other associated problems by now.
Dosage is important in everything. Except socialism. That you can never have enough.
TVA and FDR era electrification stole private assets and allow no competition. How is that an example of success, other than its government owned fascism? And shall we bring up why a purported utility company has armed police? My electric coop certainly doesn’t.
SJWednesday: Intersectional Buzzword Bingo For Men
Ooof. That is quite enough word salad for me! *push plate and fork away*
Even some good Greek salad dressing doesn’t help. /no euphemism
How about a little grape jelly?
That’s a differnt kind of salad…
Sir, I present you with a single wafer-thin mint.
healthy masculinity
By which you mean male femininity.
I thought that meant being there to open the pickle jar or kill the spider without expecting sex.
No, it meant you sit down to pee so you don’t get scatter-spray on the seat…
Not going to bother reading the article but I’m guessing that they are sayng they need to teach the men to like taking it up the butt in order to help them overcome their toxic masculinity?
They will want to make the males they will hook up with for convenience to be total betas while they fuck the alphas.
I’m going to have to take a month off work, boss. Sorry, bad case of toxic masculinity flaring up. I’ll be out snorting blow off hookers behinds, drankin, and in general doing stuff that toxic masculinity makes us guys do. But no worries, after that I’ll go to toxic masculinity rehab for a couple of months. I’ll be back in about 3 months, good as new. And you get to pay for that, ain’t our new woke socialist society the bestest?
I was laughing until i realized this was bound to fucking happen…
Sounds like something written by Frost-Muggins Partnership Ltd.
TW: The Guardian
Sex, power, oppression: why women wear high heels
Hey, enough already! Comment 9 was more than enough word salad for this morning! *burp*
I have never heard any man tell a woman what she was wearing was not good enough, but I have experienced too many women commenting or complaining about other women and their attire to know the reason women wear what they wear, put on makeup, and in general torture themselves, is because of pressure that other women put on them. Perceived or otherwise. Us guys like a women that looks good. We however don’t smile at them and then call them skanks or sluts when gossiping with the other yentas.
It makes their calves look good.
Jesus, this isn’t hard people.
Calves? It’s the pushed out ass for me
Ass boosting FTW
Modern high heels were originally a male adornment, appropriated by women:
Doesn’t hurt that it makes you appear taller
All cowboys agree
/Randy Newman
it was the fact that the heels slowed the woman down, giving the man more time to look at her.
Or it makes their legs and asses look tighter.
Longer tighter and more shapely.
So they are taking the word of a friggin gay dude who totally isn’t into women about why heterosexual men find attractive about women?
What’s next? Asking a Lesbian what women find attractive in Jason Momoa?
I’ve been aware for a very long time, probably about as long as I’ve been aware of the female form, the other females look at females more than we guys do. So I don’t know if gay guys look at women that much or not. But it wouldn’t surprise me.
I would likely trust a gay dudes opinion about what clothes/shoes/accessories looked good on a female more than I would trust your average straight dudes. That does not mean that I think for one second that the gay dude is appreciating the same things about the females appearance as the straight dude
*raises hand*
Not at all. They are neither an object of desire nor competition.
What about from a purely aesthetic standpoint, though?
Oh, sure. There’s just no ulterior motive, so to speak.
“A woman in motion, outside of male control, has long been viewed as a problem. What better way to tame these fleeing women than to literally root them to the soil?”
Meh, shoes are expensive. Better to just chain them to the stove barefoot. That way you get nice cooked meals as a bonus. Make that sammich grilled, sugar tits!
Depending on the woman, a woman in motion is not a problem at all.
Swiss, I’m surprised you didn’t link to one of the stories about the Dune board game getting reprinted. It’s been out of print for over 30 years, and was much sought after. From all accounts it’s a great game too.
The dice must roll? (Link is blocked at work, don’t know if the game even uses dice)
No dice to my knowledge, nor according to Wikipedia. Blind bidding, a rock/paper/scissors weapon and defense system, and leader tokens. These games are my Kryptonite, although the girlfriend dislikes them, and they require a major time commitment to play.
Well there goes that joke.
I got it.
I’d only play if I can use a floating chair.
Plus some great victory conditions. If you are the BG and you can predict the turn the game is won, then you win instead.
” although the girlfriend dislikes them”
This is a joke, BTW. My wife isn’t into games outside of Uno and maybe Cards Against Humanity.
We have enough Dune squabbling on this here board. BTW – WBC a couple of years ago…
Nice. I haven’t been there yet. The girlfriend and I are considering PAX Unplugged in the Philly area this year. We’ve both been to Origins in the past (like, mid-90’s past), and a local Con (Concoction) keeps trying to draft me to help out in their board game room.
They used to have a con in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” called Constipation…..
If I was still in a gaming group, I would be all over that.
I waited years for the Wiz-War re-release. As nice as it looks, it was a little meh. Still fun with the right group though.
It does have my favorite game phrase: “it’s called Wiz WAR not Wiz tea.”
That is for when anyone whines.
I have a friend who was all in on Twilight Imperium 3, every couple of years he tries to set up a game of it. We then all have to refresh ourselves on the rules, and strap in for a full day of game play.
I generally prefer shorter games, but every now and again I want to play diplomacy or Dune. Never got into Twilight Imperium.
I can’t imagine playing diplomacy with libertarians.
You’re either gonna get 300 turns of everyone building armies while adhering to the NAP and abiding by their agreements till they all just decide to call it quits, or someone is going to backstab someone else and then the real guns come out resulting in yet another mass shooting for the media to freak out over.
The latter, more likely.
Or you know, people realize its a game and play it that way.
Have you ever actually played Diplomacy? 🙂
Not sure which has caused more physical violence, Diplomacy or Illuminatti
I have played both multiple times.
Neither cause violence with the people I play with, because my friends dont take backstabbing personally.
But do they have senses of humor?
Yes, they do. Well, some of them.
I played Civilization using the NAP — I’d leave the computer players alone until they attacked me, then I’d do my best to take out the offender.
Always wound up holding a massive amount of former enemy cities. The computer kept picking fights it couldn’t win. It’s like the AI couldn’t count the number and effectiveness of each side’s militaries.
F**kn Ghandi
Board games, for crikey sake. Ok, I’m getting off your lawn…
Things seem to be going really great in Germany.
“March 8th was International Women’s Day. In the midst of all the celebrations of gynicity, Heidi Mund — a well-known activist in the German Counterjihad — and her “right-wing extremist” allies staged an anti-sharia rally in downtown Frankfurt.”
Extremist indeed. How else could anyone be anti-Shariah? I suppose those extremists are also against jihad and stoning women? Extremists!
Police officer left daughter, 3, to die in hot car while she had sex with boss
This may be a dumb question, but why does it matter that she was getting laid while her kid was dying? She could have been working in a soup kitchen and her kid would be just as dead.
Serving hobos voluntarily sounds a helluva lot better than banging her boss.
‘What a shame! And she was doing a good thing!’
‘What an idiot! Doing her boss?”
‘What an idiot! Doing her boss?”
But, she’s a hero! The important question here is, did she make it home safely? Yes? Good shoot! Procedures were followed! We’ll do an internal investigation while she’s on paid vacation leave!
well, the four hours is a very impressive detail.
Seconded. I usually need to recharge and re-hydrate in between romps.
It is mostly that she left the kid on purpose and for such a shitty reason. Kids dying in hot cars are usually due to an accident (or murder.)
Totality of circs?
Y’all are missing the big picture. Obviously her boss was keeping her oppressed with his penis specifically to kill the offspring of a competing male.
Toxic Masculinity killed that baby, Officer Loose Lips should be applauded as a National Victim.
“Bucking” for a promotion?
Ride’em Cow-Girl!
It’s this a riddle? The police officer was her mother you sexist!
Are Swiss girls predominantly blonde?
If so, ON TOPIC!
If not, darn.
I still think if we feel the need to flex overseas, Catalonia is as good a place as any.
They seem nice.
It is about damn time we sent our boys someplace with hot civilized women! Those deployments to places were everyone is crazy and the women dress like Klansman is some real bullshit.
I’m pretty sure we send troops anywhere, private scruffy will find the toothless, dissease ridden ones.
Corporal Punishment and Major Trouble would like a work with him.
*word – derp
In the beginning was the word, and the word was derp.
Not bird.
I’m glad I’m an aide to General Confusion.
Lance Corporal Schmuckatelli
Free Catalonia!
My brother just got back from Barcelona. He was there for a Futsal camp/tournament with my 12 year old niece (who incidentally was MVP, won the individual skills gold medal and was on the only US team to win their bracket!).
and thanks Swiss for giving me an on-topic ish opening to brag about my niece.
My SIL is touring Spain this week. They’re in Segovia right now.
They already rebuilt after that Ultron shit?
Say what you want about the NoDak’s, but at least they have a newspaper columnist who consistently calls out LEOs. Even better, he does so on general principle, not because of some particularly egregious action on their part.
Port is generally pretty good.
Good article. He had better watch his back.
Swiss, MC Hammer called and he wants those guards to return the pants they stole from him.
Stop! Swiss Guard Time!
Show us them parachute pants!
::makes sorry white-boy beat box noises::
I’ve actually spoken to MC Hammer on the telephone. He was a good friend of an old boss I had back in the 90’s. Michael Jordan and Curly O’Neil as well. He was a busy guy, so I’d often get his on the court seats for Timberwolves games. Right next to the opposing team.
‘Real sex, real bodies, real people’: Mothers who made porn film say it’s designed to ‘change the industry’s narrative’ of violence against women – and educate children about ‘consent’
“they’d be happy for their children to watch”
These. people. are. SICK.
“95 per cent of online porn was violent towards women”
Citation? And what do you define as “violent”? There are plenty of women who enjoy being choked during sex (not dangerously so) and there is porn that portrays that.
I’m guessing I’ve seen most of the porn on the internet (no, seriously) and I’m going to say it’s less than 5% including BDSM.
I don’t think it’s physically possible for someone to have seen ‘most’ of the porn on the internet. Simply from a logistical standpoint of the amount of time that would take.
You have no idea.
The man is dedicated.
It’s probably a whole hippo…
I’m not sure why I laughed so hard at that.
With the right setup, you can at least keep up with all the white wimmin pr0n
I gave up on American porn.
I now only search out and watch the weird and wonderful world of JAV
+10 for the whinney moans!
They must search exclusively through the most violent porn sites they can find.
I took a look at an aggregator that captures most of the high def porn on the internet, (HDporzo), picked a generic topic (HD), and checked out the top 10 hits. Zero non-consent. Two literally had the word “romantic” in the title. Almost all of them played to men’s fantasies by having the women initiating the sex, over the guy’s objections.
95% violent is total bullshit.
And what do you define as “violent”?
The man seemed to be enjoying himself?
If you define a little ass slap as violent, maybe you could get close to 95%, but even then I doubt it.
‘Ma, you *could* have made your point without me seeing you in action.’
Years and years of therapy to follow…
Mothers who have taken part in a new documentary to make pornography they’d be happy for their children to watch
I guess that’s one way to prevent teen pregnancy.
Yes, their children are going to be way better adjusted now.
You know they could have just gotten them a World of Warcraft subscription
No subscription fee for Your Mom Pron.
I was ahead of my time!
/Pam Anderson
their new film shows the ‘build up’ to intimacy
That’s why God invented the fast forward button.
Good move.
Well, I have always thought it strange that violence in media is more comfortably watched in public than sex. People getting shot in a movie is ok for kids to see, but not so for people having sex. It seems to me that people hurting each other should be less acceptable than people making each other feel good.
I’ve always wondered whether it was more appropriate to blame the Puritans for that or the State.
Puritans = We, the People?
This canard again?
Is it really satire?
Their purity tests are almost as bad as the libertarian’s. Lol
Bah. If you were a real libertarian, you’d know we don’t have purity tests.
I’m the only true libertarian!
Libertarians are mythical. None can exist. In order for a libertarian to exist it would have to either:
1. Be raised as a libertarian. The prerequisites for this possibility are libertarian parents, but
It is known that there are no libertarian women, thus by simple biological fact no one can be born into a libertarian family. It is known that libertarians are self indulgent bastards who work their orphans to death in the toxic monocle mines, th
So you’d have to be raised by a gay couple?
oh so the comment that disappeared while I was typing posted…
it continues:
thus no adoptee can be said to have been raised in a libertarian family.
2. Be converted to libertarianism. Since it is known that libertarians are antisocial autists with a complete inability to persuade, conversion is impossible
There are no libertarians.
This needs to be permanent. Vice squads rape prostitutes and then arrest them. That’s their main function.
Vice “crimes” are just a way for the mafia (aka: govt) to simultaneously moralize and shake people down.
Yeap, it’s total BS.
How are they going to confirm they are dealing with a prostitute unless they bang her and pay her, huh? If they don’t do that she could throw a wrench into the whole thing in court by saying she was gonna bang em for free!
I’m pretty sure they don’t get to keep the money…
“Sorry, that’s evidence.”
AR15 far deadlier than M16 and M14.
We definitely need to take policy advice from people who know nothing about the subject of that policy.
But it is a “weapon of war”? *Clutches pearls*
“…the AR-15 is “more lethal” than the M-14,…”
I took a buddy out shooting once – brought out a couple cinderblocks with about an inch of concrete on one side to show the difference between the M-16/AR-15’s 5.56mm round and the M-14’s 7.62mm round. Shooting the AR-15 left little lead smudges on the surface of the concrete – not even cracks in the face of the structure. Shooting the M-14 chopped big chunks out of the concrete and the cinderblocks behind it. From the sand being kicked up behind it was obvious that the 7.62mm rounds were sailing right through and had plenty of lethality.
There is no comparison between the two rounds.
Military 5.56 will tear up cinder blocks, but not nearly as well as 7.62 military ammo.
And in Joe’s defense, he has to be talking about the AR-10, which was Stoner’s original design, and was lighter than an M-14 and more lethal than an M-16.
It was an m-16 in 7.62.
But fuck him, anyways cause ‘shall not be infringed’.
Great, ban AR-15 and see how fast the weapon of choice becomes the AK platform. Cheap, easy to get, and semiautomatic is all it really takes. I’d imagine a Ruger 10/22 with a drum mag could injure a lot of people and kill more than a couple.
Host Joe Scarborough said he’s a Second Amendment supporter and a gun owner but supports banning so-called weapons of war.
Someone is missing the point of 2a. And I’ll wait patiently for him to explain how any and all weapons throughout history are not, in fact, “weapons of war”.
Never mind that no army on the planet uses ar15s.
It is too bad that at the time of the ratification of the Constitution the 2nd Amendment was understood to include private ownership of artillery up to and including owning private ownership of armed warships capable of rivaling anything owned by a national government.
That means that yes the 2nd amendment technically means you can own Tanks and rocket launchers not just fully automatic weapons
Paul Ryan Just Landed A Brand New Gig
Same as it ever was.
SJWednesday: Eat Shit And Die?
Here’s your cyanide pill comrade. Enjoy!
That should be a thing.
I suggest they just jump off something really tall and spare us the cost of a cyanide pill.
Mopping up the pavement is more expensive than the pill that leaves a single, intact unit for disposal.
What if the something really tall is the cat walk over the blast furnace?
I don’t think Alien 3 gave a realistic presentation of blast furnace construction.
Forgot the attribution.
– Fernando Vallejo, Colombian Novelist
She’s the worst.
Happiness does exist. This person’s existence makes me happy.
I’m convinced the obsession with happiness is the greatest source of despair for many people. I don’t want my emotional state to be the central, defining aspect of my existence. There’s plenty to be unhappy about, and as this person shows, making that unhappiness the foundation of your being inevitably leads to self-destruction.
Well beating off around the bush is a good way to not have kids.
*narrows gaze*
so.. you’re saying you like to watch….
works foe elephants
AR15 far deadlier than M16 and M14.
That was the Morning Joke, wasn’t it? That guy should be forcibly institutionalized, as a threat to himself or others.
Christchurch shootings: Jacinda Ardern calls for global anti-racism fight
Gee, it’s like there isn’t a philosophy out there that advocates treating everyone as individuals instead of members of a collective.
That’s just crazy talk!
root out racist
right-wingideologyAnd then what? Send them to camp?
What race is Muslim?
“The long-term rise in U.S. income per person has been accompanied by several trends adverse (sic) to subjective well-being (SWB): worsening health conditions for much of the population; declining social trust; and declining confidence in government.”
If trusting government is a key part of this metric, than I’d says “World’s Stupidest and Most Naive Countries” rather than “happiest”.
Ignorance is bliss they say.
worsening health conditions for much of the population
declining social trust
declining confidence in government
worsening health conditions for much of the population
I’m thinking more along the lines of them counting the health conditions of the people living further into old age…
declining social trust;
So, I guess they advocate the elimination of group identity politics, which is dividing people into warring tribal factions.
No, the way to increase social trust is to listen to our moral betters while they lecture us on our privilege and attempt to instill a sense of collective guilt.
“declining confidence in government”
But where’s the problem?
Finland’s suicide rate is higher than the US. Tell me again how happy they are.
Yesterday, we enjoyed a bullshit article from City Journal about the dangers of pot legalization.
Today, Betsy McCaughey says “hold my Cosmo!”
Fuck every one of these disingenuous fucks.
To be fair, the legalization evangelists have a tendency to oversell it. And not just a little. There was always a risk of backlash going about it that way. 10 years from now the police will still be militarized, the prisons will still be full, the deficit will still be a trillion dollars, and the deaths from irresponsible assholes getting high will be non-zero. Unfortunately, honest arguments for legalization don’t seem to get much traction.
Hemp is not a magical plant. CBD is not a panacea. THC is not a perfect drug with no downside. Smoking pot does not cure cancer, make you better able to concentrate, make you a safer driver. It should be legal because it is none of my business what you smoke; not because it is wise to spend life stoned.
>> sneaks a break from work >>
Glib bracket: http://glib.mayhem.cbssports.com/e/7e8393fea35ba29ec9c72c50b56c2dc4?ttag=BPM19_cpy_invite_new
19 of us so far, free, just for funsies and bragging rights
Privacy: look to the header and click on options, then set your nom de guerre to whatever and opt to hide your email address
<< slinks back to work
Hey for any Minnesoda Glibs that are brave enough to venture outside, Fourscore is going to be in town tomorrow and a few of us (Tundra, Leap) are going to have a cup of coffee with him and talk smart.
If you are interested in meeting up with us, let me know. It will be in Sunny Maple Grove @ 2:30. (you can reach me at pope @ jimbo.church)
Fourscore has sworn off the demon rum and since he could probably still whup us all, we are going along with his wishes.
Probably? I think it’s a sure thing, amigo.
Muh diversity!
Goldman Sachs said it is boosting its efforts to improve diversity at the storied investment bank, setting goals for the first time for hiring black and Latino associates and saying it will tie top leaders’ pay and promotions to their progress on those goals.
In a memo to employees Monday, CEO David Solomon said the bank was expanding a year-old goal of 50 percent female recruitment in the crop of analysts it picks from college campuses each year. It will now include in that goal people hired laterally into entry-level jobs and set goals for several diverse groups.
In addition to having women make up half of all incoming Goldman analysts and entry-level associates — representing 70 percent of the bank’s annual hiring — the bank aims to have 11 percent of those recruits be black and 14 percent be Hispanic/Latino in the Americas.
That’s nice.
One of the advantages of operating as an unofficial arm of the Federal Reserve is that you can spend your time and money on this kind of ridiculous shit rather than, you know, making money.
So, fuck the Asians. NO QUOTA FOR YOU.
Asians are just slant eyed white people!
/identity politics progtard
For some reason, Asians have never gotten into lacial politics.
I so hope that the HR department sends out some rejection letters to black candidates saying “you would have been accepted because of your qualifications, but unfortunately we already had reached our cap of 11% of black hires”
How on earth doesn’t that pave the way for some righteous discrimination lawsuits?
An EEOC that wasn’t aimed in only one direction would have a field day.
SJWwednesday: Navel-Gazing For The Morally Retarded And Narcissistic
In other words, potentially everything, up to and including your existence.
Gimme what I want, no matter how ridiculous, and shut the fuck up about it!
I’m at the bottom of this game. No reason for me not to be a bigot.
as a woman who has survived African enslavement
So basically, you’re really, really, really old.
Total boner killer for you, amirite?
The only way to solve this is for me to impregnate an elderly, retarded aboriginal lesbian. I’m an ally and willing to share my privilege.
OT: straff – I meant to ask you yesterday in the Bezos dick pic thread. What is the Japanese word for it?
Best I can come up with is ちんこの自撮り.
(If anyone is curious – selfie is 自撮り – jidori the kanji for “self” plus “take” as in the “take for a photo.)
セルフィー. Disappointing, but …
Aren’t all post-1960 Japanese words just English written in katakana?
She was enslaved in Africa?
Sometimes I think we live in the best timeline, and sometimes the worst. I don’t see how this Intersectionality thing is at all helpful.
Pat in comment 25 links to a story about globally fighting racism, but then at the same time they want to make everything about race. Let’s divide people according to race and sex, but then get upset because that division causes conflict. WTF?
That’s the point. Divide and conquer.
“Intersectionality embraces the idea of “all of who I am.””
As long as all you are is a series of surface level characteristics.
as a woman who has survived African enslavement
By other Africans as has occurred and is ongoing?
“as a woman who has survived African enslavement”
How old is this person?
Not that old.
Although nominally abolished in 1981, it was not illegal to own slaves until 2007.
Damn, having all that shit in one’s head must be exhausting. This song popped into my head after reading it…
“Forget your lust for the rich man’s gold
All that you need is in your soul
And you can do this, oh baby, if you try
All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied
And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won’t you do this for me, son, if you can”
I posted that first stanza to facebook one day when someone was bitching about rich people. I got one response someone asking about how rich people got that gold. Some people are unteachable.
What possibly could go wrong with this idiotic idea?
“A team of researchers modeled the health and economic effects of healthy food prescriptions in Medicare and Medicaid. The study, published today in PLOS Medicine, finds that health insurance coverage to offset the cost of healthy food for Medicare and/or Medicaid participants would be highly cost effective after five years and improve health outcomes.
“We found that encouraging people to eat healthy foods in Medicare and Medicaid — healthy food prescriptions — could be as or more cost effective as other common interventions, such as preventative drug treatments for hypertension or high cholesterol,” said co-first author Yujin Lee, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts.”
I am going to bet that their simulations never accounted for people gaming this idiotic idea and just taking the extra money and buying what they really wanted to eat with it, or they would not be making this ludicrous and idiotic claim. Why not just come the fuck out and tell people that their lives will be micromanaged – for their own good, of course – and that the top men are going to dispense with the idiotic notion that they believe the serfs should have free will.
HHS is jealously looking at the bureaucratic empire the USDA has with SNAP and wants a piece.
Food. Pyramid. Go die, government.
Death by Food Pyramid
Food shelves for the win ! Equality ! We are all individuals!
cost effective after five years
Do you know who else had a 5-yr plan?
Whitey Herzog?
Highly unlikely. Hypertension and cholesterol generics are dirt cheap. And people don’t take this kind of advice, no matter how well meaning. It would have to be forced by threatening to remove their benefits or something, and even then, many would not do it.
I mean highly unlikely that it would be cost effective.
Yeah, my doctor said my cholesterol is high and prescribed me a statin. It’s $2 for a month with insurance. I never took it. Everyone’s cholesterol is high according to the new ‘standards’, unless they are taking statin drugs to get it artificially low. Don’t take that shit, you can lower it by exercise and good diet to healthy levels. The drugs have dangerous side effects, seriously do not take that shit.
Also, I’ve known a couple people on statins who lose their minds. One of their side effects is confusion and behavioral changes.
Really, Moj, don’t try to trick us, we know you’d already lost your mind before… JK!
But seriously, the ones that really worried me are the most common ones. Muscle pain and weakness and liver damage. Those are bad enough.
Dude, I’m a writer. Having lost one’s mind is part of the skillset.
I generally agree. They may be appropriate for people with existing heart conditions (lowers mortality on average for those patients) and certain other conditions that cause unnatural buildup of cholesterol deposits. But I’m pretty convinced that high cholesterol is actually your body’s way of limiting damage from other issues, and those issues don’t go away if you artificially lower it.
I think that’s a brilliant theory.
The idea is never going to happen anyway under our current system. The medical industry has a vested interest in having you stay sick and on medication and up for some expensive surgery. Doctors don’t know shit about diet, they know how to prescribe medication that will cover up the symptoms of your unhealthy lifestyle. That’s why we need to hurry up and get socialized medicine. Then they can just cull the herd without the need for all the hard work keeping you sick, but alive.
As a palate cleanser to Q’s links upthread for those, like me, who are averse to skinny blondes, 6 pics from a duckduckgo search for “big booty brunettes”:
3 (just barely NSFW)
4 (technically SFW, but prolly best to err on an abundance of caution)
Those were skinny?
Prolefeed has specific tastes.
Thicc and dark and big booties pretty much sums it up.
My tastes may be a product of me learning which women historically were most likely to want to have sex with me, and developing an aversion for women who look like those who never said yes. That, and living in Hawaii for a couple decades.
EU fines Google $1.7 billion for ‘abusive’ advertising practices
Now they’re just getting greedy.
Be careful out there hiking folks:
STEVE SMITH converted to Mormonism?
Fuckin’ Kevin. Gave me a hearty laugh and a Gary Dotson flashback.
I thought STEVE SMITH was a lover not a killer.
They got nothin’ on Leakin Park.
Kazakhstan has renamed its capital Astana to Nursultan to honour outgoing leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, who unexpectedly resigned on Tuesday.
The change was announced after Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was sworn in as president, promising to seek his predecessor’s opinion on key decisions.
I assume he’s seeking his predecessor’s opinion so he doesn’t die suddenly of a freak shooting in the back of the head.
‘A gift sent from the heavens’ — Magic beer fridge found in flooded field
A blessing! A blessing unto you!
I think this should be a bar exam question on alluvial rights.
“Proof that god loves you and wants you to be happy”
*cue beer snobbery about the fridge’s contents*
No beer’s as good as free beer.
I will take water over some free beer.
I took MikeS’s comment as a challenge.
As you should. I’m just disappointed that Nephi didn’t take the bait.
Sorry, after the helpdesk talk yesterday, I got two high priority tickets that fell on me today. Stupid work getting in the way of my commenting.
I’ll admit i was surprised at the lengthy conversation my bitching kicked off. I guess it’s because we all have IT stories, even if we don’t work in it. But mostly we work in it. It meaning IT of course.
For one thing, ice cold is probably too cold.
Eurotrash hipster. Beer should be cold enough that it is almost painful to drink.
The most glorious thing I ever tasted was ice-cold Natty light after a few hours of hauling hay bales in hte usmmer.
I recently turned 47 years old and have yet to try Natty Light. I’d like to change that…sometime. I’m in no hurry.
But to your point; Yep, the first COLD beer after working your ass off on a hot summer day is heavenly..no matter what it is.
Sorry, Sandy, Capitalism Needs No Redemption
The net effect of this economic system has been wealth creation such that the world has never seen, a more robust economic marketplace, and the exponential betterment of human well-being. To grasp this doesn’t require an economics degree, but only the most basic understanding of how the principles of supply and demand guide economic progress in a free market of voluntary, reciprocal exchanges of value.
The question is, why would such a system be in any need of redemption, as Ocasio-Cortez suggests it should be?
Because she and her modern-day socialist cohorts eschew the reality of circumstances which lead to such prosperity in order to present a fantastic vision of a reality that they imagine could exist.
The argument for socialism is a moral one, and predicated upon the fantasy that there could possibly exist an equality of economic outcomes for millions upon millions of people for whom there is, as Thomas Sowell argues in The Quest for Cosmic Justice, a “vast spectrum of other inequalities in intelligence, talent, physical appearance, charm, articulation, etc.”
Socialist like to claim the moral high-ground, but socialism is actually quite immoral because it denies freedom and its end result is always misery and destruction regardless of what the stated intentions are.
You only need intentions to establish moral superiority.
How Far Will Teacher Unions Go to Protect Their Racket?
Toni Preckwinkle, a candidate wholly owned by the Chicago Teachers Union, is denying allegations that her campaign had authorized flyers being placed at black churches in order to highlight the sexual orientation of her opponent, Lori Lightfoot. The two candidates are slated for a run-off in April. Both are the preferred candidates of affluent whites along the lake front (if you look at where most of their votes came from), so naturally the two black women are battling for the votes in Chicago’s black wards (before completely ignoring them after getting elected).
“The flyers read: “The Feminist and Gay Movement Have Come Full Circle!” Underneath their picture, they say, “The GAY EQUALITY ACT!!! ITS OUR TURN.” Below that, in red ink, are the words, “1st openly gay woman in City Hall.”
The back of the flyers say Lightfoot is “pro law enforcement,” and add, “All contracts, jobs, and employment newly assigned exclusively to gay people!”
The flyers also say: “With our people in City Hall, I promise to enforce the Gay Equality Act. All churches will abide by the gay marriage laws. All public restrooms will be gender free. All public schools will teach Gay History by mandate. School restrooms must be DE-SEGREGATED.”
So Lightfoot is the female gay euphemism (instead of Lightintheloafers)?
Depends on the language it was translated from
The new version of the Village People will be five neckbeards singing about 4 Chan.
In the 4chan
You can get yourself memes!
In the 4chan
You can see the Web scene!
In the 4chan, in the 4chan, in the 4chan!
Give yourself an opera applause for that.
4chan, 4chan Man
Swiss wants to be a 4chan Man
Just got word we’re moving to a newly renovated office with an open floor concept. Not sure how I feel about this. Most people seem to hate it, and I definitely would have hated it in my previous role. Anyone here work in an “open office” environment?
You will be fucking miserable. Open floor offices are an abomination that scream “This company hates its employees”. You will not be able to hear yourself think, carry on any phone conversations, or avoid anyone else’s attempts to do so, even regarding topics to which you are not a party.
Can’t stand them.
I have trouble enough concentrating. Sitting in the middle of a bunch of people running around talking and jabbering is the absolute worst. You will begin having fantasies of killing coworkers with the phone that they are shouting into from six feet away.
And I only had to work in the open office for about a week a month. Couldn’t figure out how people could do it permanently.
By the way, are you going full in on stupid ideas? Are you going to have “hoteling” so you can’t even have a permanent seat? Or have “war rooms” where people on one project can be jammed into a single room with less space than even the open space pukes have?
You…you have been in my building then?
At my last job, we went through a big office remodel and one yahoo was adamant that we reserve the few meeting rooms we had for “project war rooms”. He was not deterred in the least by the universal vitriol that everyone else threw at his idea.
The kicker was that the guy was a PMO, so he would never have to be in a war room himself. But he was a huge Agile acolyte and was sure that war rooms were the absolute best for collaboration.
To me a war room was always punishment for a team that had been falling behind or failing on a project so bad that they were basically put on house arrest.
“Its the Cooler for you…until you finish Project X!”
honestly, the War Rooms work great here.
Problem occurs-
Someone gets assigned to solve the problem and is given a War Room
Room owner starts asking for the various SME’s
SMEs can now claim they were either at their desk or in the War Room when someone comes looking for them.
War rooms work great if you can limit it to 2 people. Maybe 3 max.
What if you want to have a fight in one?
This happened to our ERP implementation team. They were well behind schedule and things were not looking good. They all (20 + people) got sent to the war room to get it back on track. ERP was implemented on schedule and we are still paying for 3 years later as they ran out a standard package and left us to die and worked on other groups.
Yes, I’m still bitter.
1. You had a 20 person ERP team? Seriously, isn’t erotic role play more of a couples, small group activity?
2. They thought sending the erotic role players off to their own room would help productivity?
I thought everyone has caught on to how terrible they are, so the trend is reversing.
We tried it. It failed horribly. A remodel later and we have doors and soundproofing.
You could build offices using drywall for less than cube walls cost. Not sure why, but those walls are expensive as shit.
Supposedly you can disassemble and move the cubes around cheaply.
Given how many offices some of the cubes have lived in at the state, I think they might outlive the drywall too.
In theory, sure. But, have you ever seen cubes moved around? I’ve never seen it done anywhere I’ve been.
Once they put those walls in, they stay there forever. You might move people and teams around in the cubes, but the walls stay right there.
When I worked in tech, they got moved a lot. It was annoying.
Admittedly, it was so they could do asbestos abatement on the office before putting a different set of used cubes in and moving our seating from the nice new cubes with good views to the shitty thrice-used cubes buried in the hillside.
Nope. The cost to get an estimate to get a rigger’s quote is prohibitive.
The only time I’ve seen cubes moved was when me and two other guys turned our four cramped-cube room into a three dee-lux cube room. Every other place I’ve only ever seen cubes move when the space is abandoned and the office furniture people come back to haul them off.
Open offices not only suck, but they actually inhibit collaboration, which is the primary ostensible excuse for having them.
Which is why you need War Rooms to counteract that effect. It’s like you don’t even productivity consultant bro.
Are you the sensei? (I know, I know)
ΣΣΣΣΣΣ says hi
I guess that should actually be σσσσσσ, but I couldn’t be bothered to get it right, cause it’s trivial bullshit like everything in six sigma
I work remote now, but my last job was open office. It was ok, but I had a good spot, in a corner. My first spot had my back to a hallway, so people were constantly walking past me, tapping my shoulder.
I work in one but always have so I know no other environment.
It is noisy. I don’t mind it much when I am wasting time posting on glibs… It can be annoying when I am in a telco and someone is loud. Or when I am distracted by the stupid conversation I accidentally hear (like the recurring one on how the living standard in the US is soo much lower than Europe which I mentioned here before)
They keep telling themselves that so they might eventually start to believe it.
Open floor plans are an abomination before Man and Nature – they stink in the nostrils of God.
It is absolutely awful. The only people that love them are the officers at the interior design firms that push this garbage onto their clients. Be prepared for every well mannered individual you’ve worked with up to this point going full Lord of the Flies.
My office actually has white noise machines mounted to the ceiling to drown out the din. They were part of the original design plan, so it isn’t as if the idiots responsible for it didn’t know what kind of hell they were creating.
I was in an office with that feature. It was great. Then they shut them off. I don’t need to hear conversations from half the floor away. I still don’t know why they were shut off.
Part of the new green deal to lower carbon emissions…
Micromanagers love them too, it makes it easy for them to stand in the doorway to their office and survey the floor and see that everyone id diligently working.
Or at least diligently looking at something on their monitor and occasionally typing. ie. posting at Glibertarians
Maybe “open floor” means trap doors into shark tanks.
My office is not “open” but I do work in a room that is divided into 4 cubicles. That’s bad enough, I can’t imagine an entirely open office. I’m at the point where I can’t even stand the next guy’s loud typing and munching on potato chips. I used to have an office with a door, but they thought it would be a good idea to have all the programmers together. I got so much more done when I had a door I could close.
I spent 1999-2015 with an office. It was one of the requirements I had anytime I changed a job. I did some stints onsite at customer’s places where I didn’t have an office, but those were temporary.
My last job in 2015 was mostly out of my house, but a week every month was at the corp office that had an open floor plan. Wasn’t too bad because most of that time was in meetings.
My current job, I’m back in a cube. The gal over the wall drives me batty. Every morning, she sniffles and hacks up a pound of flem. Then she proceeds to morning gum chewing. In the afternoon it is coughing. Sigh. Thank doG for headphones.
All I can say is “Welcome to Japan”.
Most of my work environments in Japan have been open office. The only up-side I can imagine is cost.
Exactly. I had no idea what he was talking about.
Yeah, Tokyo was the first place I ever worked at that had an open floor plan. It was even the old school type where the bosses were all at one end of the room facing the drones.
Since my nihongo skillz aren’t so good, it was easy enough for me to tune out the jibber jabber.
My grandfather’s workspace was set up like that: He had a big desk on a dais facing a room full of smaller desks where clerical women performed the tasks now done by a computer.
He wound up running off with one of them and leaving my grandmother. Therefore, this arrangement is bad.
Doesn’t sound bad for Gramps.
Open Office plans are one of the dumbest ideas ever to be foisted on businesses. Yes they certainly have made me more social with my coworkers. In previous jobs I would routinely go weeks without actually speaking to anyone outside of the daily standup, downside is concentration and focus work is damn near impossible and the supposed increase in collaboration is a total myth as all of the collaboration I actually do could just as easily be done over teams/slack (and for the love of god can we get off this shit platform that teams is and go back to Slack? I get that teams is cheaper, it isn’t worth it) and most of the guys I work with are not even located in this office. “Collaboration” generally means me spending time helping and mentoring the more junior members of the QA team instead of getting my own work done.
I’m sure they will suck.
A few years ago, we got new cubes in the office. Same size as the old ones, same height, everything. Only difference was the old cubes were soft-sided, new ones were solid-sided.
Noise volume increased at least 20 decibels, probably more, Productivity plummeted. Layoffs ensued.
Dilbert has a solution
One of the things I love most about my job is that, while I might be a peon making diddly-squat, I have a private office with a door that I can keep closed if I want and a window with a lovely view. I’d end up hanging myself with my belt if we had an open office.
True story:
Mrs. Dean worked at a big national firm in Chicago ages ago. They were quite rigid about who got offices, who got cubes, what size cubes, etc. They ran out of room for cubes, but had some empty offices. So what did they do?
They put a cube in each of the empty offices.
Did they remove the office door, or just forbid the cubican to close it?
I don’t recall.
I’m trying to remember the name of the company – starts with an “M”. They had a really cool midcentury modern office building north of Chicago with the best company cafeteria I have ever seen.
Our open office is exactly why I work from home, even though the office is only 3 miles away. Network guys bellowing at somebody calling from a datacenter isn’t conducive to writing software.
The (thankfully recently retired) old guy who used to fart all the time. Or chew with his mouth open. Or the current guy next to me who drinks from his glass like a man who has been trapped in the desert for six weeks, The inane – often political or cultural – conversations, including the musings of the Born Again Christian.
My headphones, needless to say, are on much of the time.
Has anyone else had a chance to watch the Theranos documentary? As a film it’s mostly a boring slog with little in the way of plot twists or new information that hasn’t been covered in countless articles already. There are a few very telling moments in it though.
One features a behavioral economist (?) that is interviewed describing a controlled study where people were given six sided dice to roll with the promise of winning money commensurate to the value they rolled. The twist was that they were allowed to cheat by reporting having rolled the opposite side, so if they rolled a one they could claim a six and win that amount in dollars. Where it got really interesting was when one group was told that their winnings would be donated to a charity. This group cheated at a far higher rate than the group that got to keep their winnings. The explanation offered was one that should come as no surprise to libertarian types – people’s inhibitions about doing wrong tend to get erased when altruism is introduced to the equation.
The film’s other moment that actually left me a bit frustrated haphazardly told the story of Holmes courting investors. We’re introduced to the likes of Kissinger, Mattis and a whole host of who’s-whos in government that were absolutely falling over themselves to shower her with early investment cash, but we’re never told exactly how this heretofore unknown Stanford dropout came into contact with these people in the first place. Could it have been through her fabulously well-connected DC insider parents? Anyone that is unwilling to perform even the most rudimentary Google search – which I would presume is the bulk of this film’s target audience – will never know.
Could it have been through her fabulously well-connected DC insider parents?
Certainly didn’t hurt, although Silicon Valley VC was so psyched to throw money down the proverbial front hole that they would have made most of those introductions in either case.
I think the wife has enabled the tracker on my phone. How else did she figure out I stopped of for a beer? I’m not supposed to be home for another hour.
Coming home with beer on your breath every night at the same time?
“Coming home”. I’m a hero. Still gonna be sleeping in the genkan.
It is my firm belief that women, but especially wives, can only get a sense of satisfaction if they make the guy in their life as miserable as possible by controlling every act or moment of their existence.
You don’t count. you are a unicorn.
Mojeaux has Hubbyjeaux fitted with marionette strings, don’t let her guilt you into backpedaling your thesis.
You did meet my ex then, didn’t you?
Ah no. Thankfully EF is not like that all; For example she has told me several times to quit my current job since she knows how miserable it makes me. Or she gives me free time away from her and LH Jr, or likes it when I buy more (vinyl) records. And she wanted me to get a car that would make me happy, hence the Mustang over some boring 4-door CUV.
Or she gives me free time away from her and LH Jr,
That is just so she can go riding with Captain Whatney
What stays in Whatneyville…
I outkicked my coverage, too. Mrs. Tundra is a cool chick who should have ditched me years ago Great mom and a really good driver (seriously!). Smokin’ hot, even at 50.
You need to stop dating women who attract you. You’ve obviously got a broken picker.
I think they make pills for that.
Yeah, I do end up with some doozies.
Sorry dude, I ratted you out.
Called the bar – “Is he there again?”
But it’s a new bar.
She called all of them…all.
Sure but you are still posting selfies of you and the “hostess”
You calling Yuko a Twinkie?!
My niece is named Yuko. Keep your damned dirty ape mitts off her!
*Turns up charm* “So Yuko, you look like you need a message.”
Quit sending dick picks and offer to massage her already..
Too late. She finally got married a year ago and has now done her part fo the Empire by having a kid.
**Throws $20 on bar**
If my wife calls, tell her you ain’t seen me.
Same way cops do interrogations- make assumption accusations and let the “perps” spill their guilts before they realized it.
“Unintended” consequences
As startups become increasingly rare and industries grow more concentrated, the U.S. central bank is pointing a finger — at itself.
Low interest rates may be driving big companies to buy up ideas, researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia argue in a new paper. Bigger firms are more leveraged, the authors find, which is probably because they operate in more business lines and enjoy relatively stable levels of employment and sales. Diversification boosts creditworthiness, leaving large firms better placed to borrow against future cash flow when they get hold of new ideas.
That financing advantage gives incumbents a big incentive to buy innovative competitors in a low-rate environment, which eliminates startups and leaves the subsuming company with greater market share.
That logic also happens to fit with recent U.S. data. America’s startup rate has been falling sharply and business has become more concentrated since the 1990s, and “the driving force is the decline in the risk-free interest rate over the same period,” Satyajit Chatterjee and Burcu Eyigungor write.
We had to destroy the economy in order to save it.
Yeah. Oops.
Satyajit Chatterjee
Many years ago, I worked for him. Bright guy. At least he’s acknowledging reality.
Exactly this.
When people complain about how mega-corporations are taking over, it is almost exclusively the fault of the Fed and the administrative state. Between record low interest rates and a massively overbearing regulatory apparatus, the deck is stacked against smaller companies.
It has nothing to do with capitalism.
Sarbannes Oxley has contributed too. If you want to go public you need to comply with all that BS. It’s easier just to get bought out.
Beta can’t hang.
Student: So, my question has to deal with campaign finance. You recently pulled in $6.1 million dollars. … You broke all records, which I guess is pretty good. But, my concern is how much of that is coming from a process that’s called bundling. For those of you who don’t know, bundling is a process in which political activists and people in the private sector and lobbyists go to wealthy multi-millionaires and billionaires and basically tell them to give the maximum amount, which is normally anywhere from $2700 to $5600, and basically sort of use it to overinflate a campaigner’s, you know, their first day totals. For example, just one thousand people giving the maximum $5600 that’s $5.6 million right off the bat. Your campaign has not released the number of individual donors you have, nor has it released the average donation.
Now, I’m not accusing you of that, but the fact that your campaign is currently working with notorious mega-bundler Louis Sussman gives me a bit of a clue. In addition, when we look on your website, we don’t really see anything in terms of a solid platform or policies. It’s mostly just platitudes. So I guess two-pronged question: One, are you going to release the number of individual donors and your average donor donation? Because I know your campaign has that data and if you didn’t you’d be running a pretty incompetent campaign and I don’t think you are. You seem like you have yourself together, mostly. And two, when am I going to get an actual policy from you instead of just platitudes and stories?
O’Rourke: So the answer to your first question is, yes, in addition to how much we raised, the fact that we raised from all 50 states, the fact we took not a dime from a single PAC or lobbyist, we will release the average and the number of donors. Your second question about policy, I’m going to try to be as specific as I can. I mentioned our criminal justice system. I’ve called for the end of the prohibition on marijuana and the expungement of the arrest records of everyone who’s been arrested for marijuana. We talked about healthcare, universal guaranteed high-quality healthcare. […] To extraordinary women in which I’ve served in Congress, Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, Rosa Delauro of Connecticut, have introduced a proposal called “Medicare for America,” that ensures that if you have employer-based insurance, and you like it, you keep it, your doctors, your network, what works for you right now. If you don’t have insurance or you don’t like the insurance you already have, you enroll in Medicare.
Student claims civil rights violation after transgender student uses women’s locker room
I feel for her. She is going to be on the receiving end of a lot of hate.
Progressives: Sexual harassment can be as minor as staring at a woman too long. A woman should never be made to feel uncomfortable.
Yep. This is the logical conclusion of the pursuing the ideas popular among Progressives.
“Bravo! The wolves devour each other.”
Come to find out, the MtF teen is a lesbian. Stay tuned…
Are you joking?
Yes. I think? Maybe. I don’t know anymore.
Bet on it.
When you define people by their identity group and rank said identity groups, sooner than later members of one of the top groups that thought themselves immune, will end up fooked when a new higher ranked group is introduced.
Not surprised. I’ve been waiting for these.
True fact: the Civil Rights laws only outlaw discrimination on the basis of sex. The now-pervasive “gender anti-discrimination” regs and general chatter has zero legal basis.
As a matter of sex discrimination, allowing transgender people to use the other bathroom has a disproportionate impact on women. You may not like “disproportionate impact” analysis, but its the law. I think there is a strong argument that, absent some change to the Civil Rights laws, accommodating transgenders by letting them use the bathroom/locker room they would prefer is illegal.
when we look on your website, we don’t really see anything in terms of a solid platform or policies. It’s mostly just platitudes.
“Wow, that’s, like, a totally awesome question, dude. Next?”
That is awesome.
Is that him? Don’t tell me. Made my night.
i’m not sure he could ever ollie even as a kid after watching that.
speaking of.. “Beto can’t skate” ad.
I sort of feel sorry for people who got lakers tickets for the final games this year expecting a playoff team and getting the tank
LeBron can kick back and watch perhaps the best shooting player of all time do his stuff during the playoffs.
I’d say Steph, but Klay is a vastly under appreciated player. If he was on any other team he would get a lot more credit, I like his very low key style. When they are on point it is a thing of beauty to watch.
They are not the same team when Klay isn’t playing. It’s his defense more than his offense.
Evictions are not a part of my job that I particularly enjoy. When they don’t open the door I have to pick or drill it out with four sheriffs breathing down my back with guns unholstered. This morning I have one, and while I won’t enjoy that part, I will be entertained watching this particular shitball get kicked out of his hovel. I’ve had two unpleasant exchanges with him so far, and he has been a total asshole to me and the resident manager. He is in full drug psychosis and has been destructive, at one point throwing a can of soup through his third floor window. Facial tats and plenty of antifa propaganda on his walls round out the picture of a less than well adjusted individual. Bye, bye deadbeat.
I hear livestreaming is a thing…We could all enjoy that scene.
Yeesh. Be careful. (Obviously.) Why’d your manager rent to him in the first place?
I’d have to get a GoPro or something as I need my hands. One day I’ll post some video I do have of a different one that turned into a shitshow (I had a buddy with me that day to help with the sledgehammers). It’s not my building, it’s my customer. Evidently he went south a few months after moving in there. It’s in the Tenderloin, so the hood is a total mess of open hard drug use and sales.
Speaking of which, has NZ banned GoPros and live-streaming video yet?
Yikes. The Tenderloin. You must have some stories.
OT: Can anyone recommend an email client that doesn’t suck? I’m using Windows 10 Mail right now because I like that it hooks into Windows’ notification sidebar thing, but it’s pitching fits over a couple of addresses that I use. Outlook would work, but I want something that’s relatively light and will run in the background, whereas Outlook is a big clonky monster.
I use Thunderbird.
When I wasn’t using gmail, I always preferred Thunderbird.
Thunderbird is the only one that comes to mind, but I can’t offer an actual recommendation as it’s been years since I’ve used it. Last I heard was that Mozilla was going to spin it off but then reversed course. It looks like it’s still supported.
I have no idea about its resource footprint or if it hooks into Windows notifications, so caveat emptor.
It’s got its share of bloatware now. I almost never update.
You can disable Lightning for calendaring.
Don’t have Lightning and don’t use it for calendaring or anything but email. The base email client gets little stuff added to it here and there that slow it down.
I haven’t been on a machine resource constrained enough to worry about Thunderbird for probably a decade. It does eat more RAM than it should on my machine though. But then I have a pretty large set of emails going back to 2004. The base client doesn’t really have that much feature creep though. Search and chat is about it.
I use, and like, Thunderbird. I used to use Eudora back in the day, so there’s that bit of info to determine whether I’m worthy of being listened to. Thunderbird’s bloatware is not annoying to me (I just ignore it). I’m at the point where I believe that all software becomes bloated and there’s nothing I can do to stop the process. Everybody wants bells and whistles, whistles and bells.
I miss Eudora.
1 more for Thunderbird. Been using it for like 12 years. On mobile I use K9 Mail. Evolution used to have a Windows version, but I’m not sure if it still does. That’s a pretty good client as well.
Christ, 12 years ago was only 2007? 15 years or so then I guess…
I have used eM Client in the past – it was decent.
Thanks y’all. I used Thunderbird in the day but haven’t touched it in years. Honestly I don’t hate Windows 10 Mail–although I think it’s a little _too_ minimalist–I just need something that’s not going to tell me my Lavabit account settings are wrong every five minutes. They aren’t, btw.
One more for Thunderbird here. I like it, but had to give it up when our school enforced multifactor authentication and Thunderbird couldn’t support that. (Now using Outlook.)
Admittedly, this hits all of my 80’s go-buttons
I didn’t even watch the second season. Should I?
Yes! It was just as good as the first.
They added a pig-faced redhead and the biggest asshole with a mullet ever.
Worse than these assholes?
Actually, the character may have been modeled on them.
The Chester Wilson character on Deadly Class is in hot competition for that title.
I’ve read the comics. I’m interested in the show, but I was waiting for it to be finished so I can binge it.
Although, in this firestorm of who is allowed to play what character, I haven’t heard a peep about them casting a Vietnamese girl to play the daughter of a Yakuza boss. I guess all Asians look alike to Twitter.
They sure do.
That guy was awesome.
I enjoyed it.
It was generally good save for a mindlessly non-sequitur plot element they introduced midway into the season. Worth watching regardless.
Looking forward to it.
Submit to the demands of the people’s council
Increasingly, communities are demanding that tech companies bring more to the table than they take. Locals want them to stimulate the local economy and fortify startup ecosystems rather than hire away people and raise housing prices. After all, talent is the most precious resource in the digital economy, and if cities nourish it, the tech firms will come naturally.
There’s plenty to dislike about the way Amazon approached its HQ2 search. Encouraging cities to throw sweeteners at a multinational run by the world’s richest man was spectacularly tone deaf at a time of growing anxiety about inequality. But there is an upside: the HQ2 experiment can still serve as a watershed moment that brings into focus the need for greater corporate responsibility with big tech expansions.
There are lessons here for both civic leaders and tech executives. It’s easy to see why cities jump at the chance of bringing in tens of thousands of jobs, but that has to be balanced against the interests of the city’s homegrown tech companies and existing communities.
Tech companies need to accept that their social license to operate is being called into question as never before and that they need to put more emphasis on public engagement, job creation for local people and infrastructure improvements in their future plans. The aim should be for new players to grow local economies that benefit every stakeholder – not arrive with a splash that destabilizes the communities we need to build.
Amazon and its fellow tech giants must embrace that public good is the best corporate incentive.
Your social license to operate is about to be suspended for reckless driving.
Submit to the will of the Council of Stakeholders. We’ll decide what qualifies as the public good.
Shorter statists: rent-seeking is okay when we do it.
That’s a lot of words being used to dance around the concept of “shakedown”.
“their social license to operate”
As a crusty old boss of mine once said “If it was fun to work here, I would be charging you for the privilege of showing up. The reason I pay you is because no one ‘wants’ to do this.”
Fuck any company that thinks that the purpose it is on earth for is to make their employees happy.
Also as an employee, the best way to make me happy is straight cash, homey.
Fuck perks. Fuck bonuses. Pay me.
Hah, I actually pointed this out once when they voluntold me I had to be in a group that was discussing how to reward employees for doing more than the basics. When i pointed out I was motivated by cash they told me their job was to find non cash rewards. I left the meeting and never went back. these idiots spent a fortune creating this system where employees could exchange pins with each other that cost the company close to a million dollars and it went nowhere. I guess it was cheaper than actually paying people for doing their job above and beyond the expected minimum…
Best place ever for that was a company I worked at that gave each manager a small amount of money each quarter to give out as bonus.
So if you had some guy come in on a weekend to do something, you could give them $25.
It wasn’t a ton of money, but it a) showed you really appreciated their extra work and b) the reward happened immediately so it reinforced good behavior.
b) the reward happened immediately so it reinforced good behavior.
Did the manager scratch them behind the ear and say “who’s a good boy?!?”
if you gave me real money for extra work, you could even convince me to let you scratch my balls… Wait a minute… Maybe not.
$20 is $20
“Locals want them to stimulate the local economy and fortify startup ecosystems rather than hire away people…”
Yeah, the presence of tech giants in the Bay Area sure has hampered the startup ecosystem.
“…and raise housing prices…”
Maybe consider changing zoning rules and regulations that prevent housing from being built to meet the increased demand.
“stimulate the local economy”
LIke they haven’t done this?
After all, talent is the most precious resource in the digital economy, and if cities nourish it, the tech firms will come naturally.
Exactly what “talent”? Honestly, I’m pretty sure Amazon could relocate it’s headquarters to, I don’t know, Bentonville Arkansas, and find no shortage of highly qualified and capable people willing to lend them their talents. Honestly, this crap sounds disturbingly, to me, like the third rate software diversity co-ordinators trying to pretend they’re the key element in the value chain.
Diversity talent!
Not only have I not read the links, I haven’t read the comments.
In the coffee shop this morning one of the baristas had on her t-shirt that I thought was a concert shirt from last night. Nope, it was for Former First Wookie’s speaking tour. And one of the idiot patrons asks her about the thing. I’m ignoring them, waiting on my coffee to be made and my bagel to be warmed up and then this fucking political science super genius suggested that M. Obama should be the running mate for Beta O’Rourke and they’d win easily. Cause having her as the VP would draw huge numbers of people to vote for the Dem ticket. Then she could quit since she doesn’t like politics. I thought, “Well, of all the myriad, plethora of bad Dem ideas to re-elect Orange Man Bad, that’s one of the dumber ones. That may be what they do.”
It’s like these people want to reelect orange man indeed.
Sadly he’s probably right. O’Rourke is nondescript enough for the same morons who voted for Obama twice to project all their Messianic hopes onto him, and 99.8% of America thinks Michelle Obama is second only to the mother of Christ according to polling (for whatever that’s worth).
They really are shallow.
political science super genius suggested that M. Obama should be the running mate for Beta O’Rourke and they’d win easily.
I’m going to pretend that’s wrong. Honestly…
These are funny, especially for this crew:
Cat Butt Coasters
“Please join me at the iconic LGBT Center in NYC on 3/28 for the first EVER #WalkAway LGBT Town Hall with @usminority , @MsBlaireWhite , and more! Because gays and lesbians don’t have to be Democrats.”
Blexit? Jexodus? What’s this called?
“”Morally we do not accept homosexuality as a valid sexual relationship to have.” More state schools in Birmingham, UK have stopped teaching about LGBT rights following uproar by Muslims who say it contradicts Islam & “victimises” them.”
“LGBT lessons row: More Birmingham schools stop classes”
Its pretty well established here and in Europe that Muslims outrank gay people in the intersectionality wars.
Who could have seen that coming?
Maybe this kerfuffle will convince people to support the removal of political indoctrination from public schoo– oh, who am I kidding.
Has there ever been a better case for vouchers (besides all the examples of poor people languishing in failing and poorly staffed school districts)?
I really don’t like how some conservatives have latched on to this incident. We are expected to choose the baddie and I don’t think anyone is bad in this story. Live and let live is a dying concept that people should really embrace again. Let people choose what schools they want to attend and let those schools decide what to teach those kids. The UK is a hellscape. Fuck Europe.
Fantasy Baseball League looking for one more owner (it’s a good team to take over) Let me know in the comments and I’ll share out the link to join. Thanks.
My grandfather’s workspace was set up like that: He had a big desk on a dais facing a room full of smaller desks where clerical women performed the tasks now done by a computer.
That reminds me of the beginning of The Apartment. Jack Lemmon arrives at work, which is a vast open room; about an acre of desks, arranged in rows, with people running adding machines.
Too local?
Our city council (PBUT) passed a city ordinance to restrict the sale of menthol and flavored tobacco to designated smoke shops.
So the gas stations and c-stores have started to build “designated smoke shops” within their stores. It is the perfect fuck you to the city council. I like it
restrict the sale of menthol
Why do they hate black people?
(I’ll see myself out)
I knew two white dudes who smoked menthols, but yeah I remember bumming ’em from my black co-worker back in my high school warehouse work days.
My mother also smoked menthols, back when she smoked. Salems.
My ex BIL was a white menthol smoker. He came from a small town, so I just assumed he didn’t know he was appropriating culture.
Love the pic of the c-store owner with the shit-eating grin.
Sounds like the Sam’s Club I used to go to. The booze was kept in a separate cage, and you had to pay for it separately there.
How many taxes is the government piling on smokers, hmmm? I’d say it’s quite profitable.
Ah, the delightful Duluth jihad against e-cigs continues.
Once you start picking and choosing what’s allowed, that’s a slippery slope you go down
So close to the truth, and yet so far.
So how can you go to this one person and say ‘oh, that’s tobacco, you’re out of here’ and ‘oh wait, that’s not, that’s an e-cigarette so you can stay?’”
Lemme help you out here, toots.
You walk up to the person, and if they are smoking tobacco, you say ‘oh, that’s tobacco, you’re out of here’, and if its an e-cig, you say ‘oh wait, that’s not, that’s an e-cigarette so you can stay.’
Was that so hard?
Well, e-cigs pretty much destroyed the secondary smoke argument, and they don’t bother non-smokers much. But prohibitionists gotta prohibit.
“they don’t bother non-smokers much”
There is a fella who vapes in his car in the parking lot at work. It smells like the cherry pipe tobacco my Grandpa used to smoke.
“Is that clever?” she said. “Or is that just profit over health?”
I want to see Beto nominated, just for the lulz of Trump being the “serious” candidate.