Glibs sponsored debate?
We aren’t sure, but it seems either a meth addled giant python or the county sheriff has Brett. So, you get me doing some rather hasty links. I am going to leave the music links to all of you.
- I ran out out of syrup of ipecac, so I used this instead, to induce vomiting.
- I seldom use profanity in place of better descriptors…but the only thing that I can think of reading this is “shitshow”.
- Wanna see the wages of communism? Human trafficking, for reals.
I hope all of your NCAA brackets are surviving.
You’d think they could get better prices in the US.
No demand.
Are you sure?
That pesky 13th Amendment to the US Constitution gets in the way.
Fact check.
There was a popular meme a while ago called “Goats Standing on Things”.
Beto seems to have really taken it to heart.
Beto version: OH GOATSE MY GOATSE!
Maresydotes and Goatsydotes, And Little Lambsydivy; a kiddley divey too, wouldn’t you?
That poem was Whitman’s elegy for Lincoln.
I had no idea Mairzy Doats was about Lincoln.
Beaner O’Rouke?
Beano O’Rouke?
Guero O’Rourke
Hey! Oh, Beto. Carry on.
+1 white hispanic
I wish my kids and their friends would protest for environmental issues when they are in my car.
[mimes golf clap]
That illustration is a thing of beauty. Is that your work, Swiss?
Oh Gawd no. I can barely draw a straight line. Playa Manhattan sent it to me for use.
And here I was about to give you mad props. I refuse to do so for Playa.
I think I would have used a different photo for Kamala Harris, if you know what I mean.
Or on her knees.
No deal brexit will be the best thing for the Brits.
At this point, I think you are correct.
Honestly, any (ok, most of the) terrible effects of Brexit will exit solely because some apparatchik wants to maximize the pain. Compare the government shutdowns under Obama and Trump.
I think I shall refer to any EU tariffs as a “trade war.”
Except the Northern Irish.
I still say that Trump should offer the Brits a zero tariff free trade deal.
The requirements in the Brexit deal would basically keep Britain under the thumb of the EU with none of the “benefits”. No deal would be painful for awhile, but much better for Britain as a whole in the long run.
How is this still going on. Didn’t they vote on this 3 years ago.
Democratic Socialism is FINALLY coming to Chicago!
We’ll show Detroit how it’s done.
Detroit is too poor to ever embrace socialism. Socialism is a fetish for the rich alone nowadays.
+1 already ran out of other people’s money 30 years ago
Oh, ma’am…with you at a/the wheel, imagining will be your constituents’ only option for “good lives”.
Ah-who am I kidding? It will totes work this time!
“That shock number of openly declared socialists set to join Chicago politics comes at a time when socialism is increasingly visible in national US politics, led by the socialist senator Bernie Sanders running for president and socialist New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becoming one the most high-profile politicians in the House of Representatives.”
Guess the Grauniad can call a spade a spade, eh?
It’s a label they wear with pride – not something shameful they feel compelled to defend, like socialist senator Bernie Sanders and socialist New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez do.
This is a relevant addendum to the article. As the middle class declines in a city and the wealthy replace them, socialism grows. Case in point: Seattle was the first city in recent history to have a socialist on its city council. Seattle is also the wealthiest city by median income and per capita, I believe.
At least now people understand why so many in the City were fine with the Daley/Rahm Machine. Because the alternative was so so so much worse.
Pretty much. You were never going to get a Republican elected in Chicago. The last Republican mayor was 1934. But these machine politicians had a rough feeling of how much they could molest the golden goose.
The last Republican that almost won the mayoralty was against Harold Washington in the 80’s and he was a former Democrat who was representing the white ethnics. That was a Machine election between the South side neighborhoods and the north and southwest side neighborhoods.
The City is over now anyways. It’s population keeps bleeding and its finances are a disaster. It’s a shadow of its former self so why not just let the socialists pick away at the carcass? Everyone should be seeking out an exit strategy at this point.
Ah, the good old days of Mirth & Girth.
Mirth and Girth was a social group for gay chubbies and their admirers back in the day.
They’re not winning races in Englewood or other poor communities. No. They’re winning in Wicker Park (hipsters), Irving Park (now yuppies), and Pilsen (yuppies and hipsters now).
They can’t win immigrants (of which there are barely any immigrant neighborhoods left in the City) and they can’t win the poor black wards.
My wife and I are one of the middle class families that left Chicago this past summer and have no regrets at all. I’ve always said that Chicago won’t become Detroit, but like Seattle or San Francisco where only the poor and the wealthiest live.
The best part is that they are proposing rent control which will speed Chicago’s process of turning into a Progressive shithole.
I dont think NYC has more than 10 years left before the whole middle class is gone.
So why did Daley and Rahm support the unsustainable welfare state then?
To buy votes.
The machine Democrats are heavily responsible for the trouble we are in. And today’s Corporate Democrats support Socialized Medicine (see Biden, Pelosi, Clinton and Carter) and only oppose the DSA types due to political expedience not due to any firm libertarianish convictions.
Interesting that wealth leads to more wealth destroying which is the opposite of what classical liberals and libertarians believed.
Did they factor in self-hating trust fund children?
“What we’re advocating for is for people to just be able to have decent lives. That shouldn’t be too much to ask. We need to be able to imagine that. We need to be able to imagine what good lives look like,” Rodriguez said.
it looks like rampant debt and economic fugitives.
Rodriguez won more votes in the February election than Mell, a former Illinois state congresswoman, and is now one of four members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) vying for a city council seat in the 2 April runoff, along with Andre Vasquez, Byron Sigcho-Lopez and Jeanette Taylor.
Two other Democratic Socialists of America members, Carlos Ramirez-Rosa and Daniel La Spata, have already won seats outright.
i assume the Merc’s going to get the fuck outta there once we see what brilliant South American policies these socialists brought with them.
All the exchanges in Chicago have “back up facilities” in TX (maybe FL too?) They can flip a switch and be gone in a day. I presume the threat will be delivered to the Prince of Darkness (Mike Madigan) so the State can preempt any rampant thievery.
Madigan is a POS but he knows who lays the golden egg.
Indeed – graft suffers when there is less to tap.
This guy is right. Good lives under socialism are mostly imaginary.
Dammit…Shoulda kept reading-Fatty said it better.
Great. When NYC finally catches up (left in the dust again!) they’ll only socialism that much harder.
The NYS pols I’ve listened to seem to have a real sense of inferiority v, California. I swear sometimes their prime motivation is to be proggier than Cali.
They have total control now for the first time I think in a couple decades. Let’s see what they do with it. Utopia, here we come!
I feel your pain. The leftist Democrats have a supermajority in my state for the first time. The only thing stopping their agenda is there’s only 24 hours in a day.
I laughed
Democratic socialist Rossana
RodriguezRosannadanna says, “If it’s not one thing ruining great workers paradise, it’s another!”Wait…Maybe Brett is celebrating FSU finally pulling away from Vermont?!
Pictured: Brett celebrating.
It’s k-k-k-kapitalism. It’s c-c-c-coming to k-k-k-kill me!
There’s no mistake that the UK is living in uncertain times. We all anxiously await the fate of Brexit and how the changes will impact our economy, our industries, our friends. But there exists an even graver threat to our daily existence – we are on course to run short of water in 25 years. And it is our economic structures and big corporations that are to blame. The demands of population growth and the threat of climate change have had a significant impact on our water supply. But these effects are exacerbated by the greed of the water industry that has prioritised profit over the people.
Public services like water should be nationalised. That’s what campaigners such as Cat Hobbs from We Own It and more than three-quarters of the British public have been saying for years. Privatisation has failed. Water is the most essential resource on our planet. Our bodies are comprised of 70% water. . Without it, no life on this planet can survive and therefore it must be protected as a basic human right.
Yet during a time when our most precious resource grows more scarce and household bills continue to rise as private firms monopolise the water industry in different parts of England and Wales, they continue to receive tax breaks and windfall profits. According to a study from the National Audit Office, water bills have increased at a rate of 40% above inflation since the industry was privatised in 1989.
Save us, Big Government!
Rain soaked Britain running out of water. Got it. Just wait until the government controls it. Of course I’m willing to bet those monopolies are abetted by the government.
Shush, you.
You know who else worried about our precious bodily fluids?
Joycelyn Elders?
The writers of tampon commercials ?
Nice. I like the minimalist aspect.
You know, I should have left that, Tres.
Still appreciated though.
John Harvey Kellog?
General Jack D. Ripper?
“Ice Cream, Mandrake. CHILDREN’S Ice Cream!”
Winston’s mom?
Maybe they should cut down on immigration then. Or maybe make it easier to build dams. No, it’s capitalism that’s the problem.
please please please nationalize the water utilities!!!!!!!!!!
ever since that election, i’ll hope for anything just to slake my thirst for that schadenfreude high.
the threat of climate change have had a significant impact on our water supply
Come again? The threat has had a significant impact? I’m going to need to see your work.
well they were covered by a glacier until the climate changed.. 10,000 years ago.
“By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people … If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” Paul Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology, September 1971.
Possibly an eviler, wronger Brit than Andrew Wakefield? If we followed Ehrlich’s vision and put Western industries under bureaucratic discipline, we’d have seen famines not even the Soviets or the Chicoms could top.
That was something I thought was funny about Ireland. All the toilets in Dublin and Belfast, when they weren’t just a trough, were all no flow toilets. Odd given it rains there daily.
The rest of the country seemed to be 12 gallons/flush.
Will one need to purchase a water license?
If you stupid motherfuckers want to find out what it means to run out of water go ahead and nationalize it
You will find out quickly
Submitted w/o comment: https://imgur.com/gallery/i4yLuEi
Luz Elena Echeverria
YES please
Is the threat of snapping you in two a turn-on?
Honestly, a little bit.
There’s way worse ways to go, after all.
Death by snu-snu!
Somebody has not been skipping leg day.
Private firms monopolise the water industry in England and Wales. We simply turn on our tap and use water from whatever company operates in our area. That means companies have little incentive to make the service better. They’ve grown greedy and unsustainable as a result – choosing to line their shareholders’ pockets, instead of reducing bills for ordinary people.
Water is a human right and should be accessible to all. That principle is under threat. This is precisely why we must advocate to bring the water supply back into public ownership.
Water should be free and unlimited. What could possibly go wrong?
When I think of responsive, socially conscious institutions, I think of bureaucracies.
So they want to set up a for-reals monopoly? I don’t get it.
We have pressurized irrigation for six months that’s covered by homeowners dues. There are people that water their lawns every day because if they’re paying for it, they’re going to use it. Their adjacent neighbors complain loudly every year because their lawns end up water logged. They don’t care.
Song I woke up singing this, this morning, for some reason.
I don’t know who this person was, but apparently, the gun in his pocket just went off. Like magic.
Still a tragedy.
shot himself in the head.. from his pocket. there is a legit PSA about trigger guards here.
I’m at a loss to the mechanics of this ND.
So he had information on Hillary Clinton?
throwing his shoe at it with the gun inside when it discharged
Darwin didn’t even have to work for that one.
I’m glad I rested the temptation to take Vermont.
When you say “take”, is it a euphemism for “does“?
/asking for
Berniea friendProfanity is the fucking best descriptor, so this shit doesn’t even make any goddamn sense.
Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6mll8rgDSI
Police Pursuit 2: Felony Boogaloo
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘He’s a fraud, liar and deadbeat dad.’ The estranged wife of hard-charging attorney Michael Avenatti claims he owes more than $2M in spousal and child support and has even stopped payments for their four-year-old son’s healthcare plan”
Looks like the kid makes Japanese porn.
Six years of marriage, she EARNED that money.
Married to Avenatti? I’m going to say she earned every penny.
Britain looks like they are going to get the best result forced upon them.
Finally, the science is about to be settled.
Seems legit
There was a popular meme a while ago called “Goats Standing on Things”.
Maybe we can get Beta to try some subway surfing.
*I think that’s what they called it; kids climbing up on the roofs of subway cars in transit. A few got scraped off by low clearance obstacles.
“‘Highly sexual’ 32-year-old virgin – who only eats RAW fruit and vegetables – reveals why she is saving herself for marriage, despite having a long-term boyfriend”
Don’t stick it in crazy. She’s got an abundance of crazy.
cute. borderline butter face.
I rate the veracity of her claim to virginity about as high as I’d rate a breatharian’s claims about his diet.
‘Highly sexual’ virgin?
One is reminded of an old joke…
“Ma, I can’t take being a virgin much longer, my ass is killing me”
I’ve dated the butt of that joke.
Umm. Uhh. Gee.
Okay, that was fucking hilarious.
? Garfunkel & Oates
Sounds crazy but…would.
No way that’s legit. She’s seen more cock than a urinal.
If said cock has been everywhere but in her front butt, she’s still a virgin (at least in her mind).
Beatin’ God on a technicality!
After reading this comment, I clicked… the second link.
“Alt-right poster boy Milo Yiannopoulos releases music video of him singing gospel cover of Christian song about how he values Jesus over ‘Silver and Gold’ – and shows off pictures of his $7.5k bar tab and wild parties with albino pythons”
I thought he was into black pythons.
[actual golf clap]
Speaking of gay black guys:
“Empire sees ratings hit a series low following the arrest of star Jussie Smollett
Fox’s hit drama Empire has suffered a serious ratings blow in the aftermath of the Jussie Smollett drama, with the show hitting a series low.
Wednesday night’s episode, In Loving Virtue, posted a 1.1 rating in the all-important 18-49 demographic, with just under 4 million viewers tuning in, 3.952 million to be exact.
Those numbers represent an 11per cent dip in rating and 10per cent drop in total viewership since last week’s mid-season premiere episode, according to Variety.”
Fellow castmates beat him for free?
Yeah, I’m sorry for his coworkers. I wonder if there’s such a thing as asshole coworker insurance?
If he was just about to get dumped by the show runners, is Smollet really the star of the show, or just a cast member?
I’ll let it slide. They often use ‘star’ to refer to anyone whose name is in the credits.
Musical selection*
*This is Sean’s fault
I got a beer purchase question on that link.
I chose Sierra Nevada.
Oh man. The autoplay served up this gem next.
Whoa. At the end of that video, Eddie flashed the white supremacist sign!
That’s Dave, not Eddie.
Well, he is Swiss.
Also. I believe that’s from his “Just a Gigolo” era.
Don’t forget this Eddie Murphy classic.
Regarding the beautiful 5-year-old girl from Caracas girl referenced this morning:
Her family was super wealthy. Nothing wrong wit that, but she and her sisters rarely saw their parents. She went to boarding school in upstate New York and her sister went to boarding school in Switzerland. In the summers, they would go to summer camps, but not together. As a result, she was a very shy and isolated young woman. At gymnastics camp, unless she was in class, she would keep entirely to herself, but for some reason, she gravitated to me. I used to take a group of kids to Woodward cave every week. It was a break from camp, about a two-mile walk and while we were there we would tour the cave and then roast hot-dogs (no euphemisms). After several tours, it gets pretty boring. She joined the group once and while we were in the cave, which was pretty dimly lit, she said to me what I thought was, “I’d like to leave here.” I said, “Me too as the tour gets old. She said, “No, I’d like to leave here.” It was then that I realized that what she was really saying was, “I’d like to live here.” What 15-year-old wants to live in a cave? What a messed up kid. Her parents really fucked her up. She invited me to go with her to Caracas, but I passed on the opportunity. Now had she been 18…
beautiful 5-year-old girl
*OMWC perks up*
Oops! 15.
*OMWC perks down*
Damn… someone pulled the short straw there.
Girl who chewed out Chelsea?
This is getting really tiresome.
Euphemism? (Ewww….)
Notice how Clinton Jr rolls over. Hand over heart. “I am so sorry.”
Her mother schooled her well in political acting but we all know that other girl is going to come to a bad end someday.
Good catch. Yeh, Chelsea exudes ‘whatever’.
That chick is going nowhere fast.
She crossed a Clinton. That girl is going to accidentally get shot in the back of the head 5 times during a mugging gone wrong.
Or die in a plane crash or commit ‘suicide’.
OT: That kid who smashed an egg on a politician and got immediately smacked out fully and richly deserved it. I find it crazy how the media and people think that jack-off is a hero but hate the Covington kid for standing and doing nothing.
I think he got off lightly – it wasn’t much of a beating
I agree. Kid got lucky it wasn’t someone more efficient with a punch.
That was assault.
If that was my son….he gets slapped around at home.
Sometimes people need to be knocked the fuck out in order to learn their lesson.
People on the Left can do whatever they want even resorting to physical violence, but the moment someone who is to the right of Marx decides to defend themselves, they should have acted with restraint.
*I’m not defending the politician’s views.
I think it was Bill Cosby who said in one of his bits: “a child, upon regaining consciousness, will re-evaluate his or her negative behavior”.
A lot of these teenagers scream and throw tantrums because no one has ever told them no and also, they never had the threat of getting their asses kicked because of the zero tolerance policies in place.
What really grinds my gears is parents who take their babies and little kids to bars and restaurants and dont control them. Because what I need after work while sipping my Guinness is a screaming brat running around the pub.
Saying the egg kid’s violence is OK because the victim has Bad Thoughts is the first step on the slippery slope to saying it’s OK to shoot up a mosque in Christchurch because sharia law is Bad Thoughts.
I hope his ride to the stationhouse was tough.
Google ‘Florida Man’ and your birthday — and see what you get
Florida man set up fake job interviews, collected urine samples
Must be into the urine drinking fad.
Florida man gets head-butted, knocked out by alligator
Florida man in custody after landing helicopter on White House lawn
Half-Nude Florida Man Wearing Underwear Marked “Breathalyzer, Blow Here” Arrested for DUI
Link fail.
Florida man denies syringes found inside rectum are his
That’s amazing.
Fun Fact: They weren’t
The provenance of said syringes seems the lesser factoid of interest here.
C’mon, Rhy–“Why not both?”
/”You’re killin’ me, Smalls!”
Florida man put semen in coworker’s water
Florida Man claiming people were “eating his brains” leads police on insane golf course chase
Florida man who allegedly threatened family with Coldplay lyrics ends standoff after SWAT promises him pizza.
Florida SWAT always involves pizza.
Bravo, Florida.
Naked Florida man chases couple around Chick-fil-A parking lot, deputies say
Joe Rogan & Pat Miletich If Hillary was scrutinized like Trump.
Rogan had Yang on. The comments were horrific. They actually bought his retard.
I was talking to my father today and he, unlike my mother, can’t stand trump. And even he can’t understand how people believe the trump Russian thing but give hillary, who we know took money from the Russians (as well as Bill) a complete pass.
And not just some money, but tens of millions of dollars. In close proximity to big, pro-Russian decisions that she made.
“American gender-fluid sex worker shocks Twitter by filming themself licking an airplane toilet seat”
I think I want out of this timeline.
We’ll stop the planet and let you disembark.
Apparently being a sex worker is not as glamorous as I thought.
Gender fluid is a new one for me. Does that mean they have both Male and female sexy parts?
Trunk people.
Here’s a short documentary that will tell you everything you need to know on this topic.
I never had any confusion about Shirley.
What about Laverne?
Butch Lesbian. Duh.
“After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!”
Happy Purim?
But he’s anti-Semitic.
“ouch, my balls!”
it’s cute this guy thinks “international law” is a thing Trump gives a shit about..
Eugene Gu, MD
Verified account @eugenegu
This is in clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 which calls the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights “null and void.” Trump cannot just make some poop tweet while constipated and change international law. It doesn’t work that way at all.
Eugene Gu is a crazy person.
Note to self: avoid any doctor named Eugene Gu
He is Donald’s number one fan.
The international police will be right over to straighten things out.
Syria will impose sanctions on the US any minute now.
Say, when did a “UN Resolution” become “international law”?
a resolution’s not a treaty???? better check your colonialist privilege.
I don’t think tweets change or enact laws or policy, but I am behind the times
Seems like this would be more useful in Portland.
No, Portland needs exterior blast shutters for the lower floors.
Portland could use another Missoula flood
Woo hoo! More rich top soil!
Gonna need a new ice age and a giant glacier first.
“So liberal #AssLickers at @Time inadvertently make #ComradeCortez look like she’s a victim of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers…”
Looks fine to me.
She’s a millennial. There have to be nudes pics of her somewhere. At the appropriate time, they will be released by the DNC
There is already a crotch shot. No boobs yet.
Huh? SugarFree said she was 70’s down there. I said she was shaved. Turns out I was right.
“God isn’t real. Now go jerk off to my porn.”
WTF? Why isn’t this woman the LP nominee right now?
McAfee/ Whore 2020
Too late.
She’s the best…loved her in Anal Playground 7.
I was lost in the plot, but its my fault for not watching Vols 1-6
“MSNBC’s Katy Tur: It Doesn’t Matter if There Was No Collusion, Mueller Already Has ‘Quite a Bit’ on Trump”
“These process crimes against his associates must add up to something!”
+1 parallel construction
either a meth addled giant python or the county sheriff
You all should be ashamed that nobody has asked “why does this have to be an either/or statement?
The sheriff is a python? That’d be very on-brand for Florida.
A meth-addled python no less. Nobody can convince me he isn’t.
“Sheriff Python promised a statement once he came down from his meth blast”
Cops don’t have giant pythons
Are you sure you want to argue with Jesse about that?
NSFW https://www.porn.com/gay/dvds/bear-fuzz-5097 NSFW
I’m going to pass on that one. Especially with the wife home – there would be some awkward questions.
I shall just assume it’s some Tom of Finland-type stuff.
I just wanted to know what leather bear porn looked like so I knew how best to avoid it! Also does this harness and leather jockstrap make me look beefy or fat?
It makes me look fat.. I mean, I wouldn’t know!
No. That would be your fat that makes you look fat.
I just wanted to give credit to whoever came up with the title “Bear Fuzz”.
I’ll check later when I’m not at at work, but what studio did it?
Pacific Sun Entertainment?
Sounds familiar but I can’t think of anything of theirs I’ve seen. Although it looks like the distribute for other studios.
My single (known) data point on this topic was better than average but not huge.
It is absolutely impossible to have a meth addled python as a sheriff. Criminals would run rampant because the long arm of the law would be completely ineffective.
What you get when you put socialists in charge of your city.
Not sure it’s only socialists who may act like that.
My favorite part of these things is always the elevated dais.
+1 women weaken legs
Was that Horizontal Harris on the campaign trail? I’m pretty sure it was.
When I lived in Illinois a few times I visited the General Assembly
When they were in session, 95% of them weren’t in their seat, they were standing talking with aids, lobbyists, etc. It sounded like a convention hall with all the conversations going.
About the only people sitting/standing in their ‘assigned’ place was whoever was holding the gavel, and whoever presently was speaking.
I’ve also visited a couple committee hearings (which started half hour late I might add) . Same sort of thing, anyone who was not an official lobbyist or guest (prop) of a bill’s sponsor was basically ignored.
I kinda wonder if its the same in Des Moines…4 years and I’ve never stopped in to see how they do business.
I was thinking this afternoon about the recent dust-up about Trump’s criticism of John McCain, and I’ve come to a conclusion that shouldn’t be surprising. I respect Mr. McCain’s service to his country in Vietnam. He accepted torture, rather than betray his fellow prisoners and give the enemy a propaganda victory. And for that he truly was a hero. And I’ll say nothing to take that away from him.
But, as a politician, the best part description of him would be “cynical hack”. And I’ll cite two examples to drive home my point. Mr. McCain appointed Sarah Palin to be his running mate in 2008. I won’t endorse or criticize this choice. Because whether she was a good pick or not is irrelevant. He later chose to concur with his consultants that she was and had always been unqualified for high office, despite her ongoing loyalty to Mr. McCain after the election. But, that leaves only two possibilities. Either she was unqualified when he chose her to be a heartbeat away from the presidency because he was a cynical hack who thought he could leverage a character or he turned his back on a loyal supporter because he was a cynical hack who could save face by doing so.
The second example I’ll cite is his vote on Obamacare repeal. He’d campaigned vehemently that, if elected, he would do away with the law. Then, given the chance, refused to do so, visibly celebrating with his ostensible opposition, offering up the bizarre excuse that a law passed with support from only one party could only be repealed with bipartisan support. But, again, to me, that leaves only two possibilities. Either he thought it was good law in the first place and, as a cynical hack, campaigned on repealing a law he thought right. Or, he was willing to support a bad law that he promised his constituents he’d repeal out of, let’s face it, a fit of pique toward the president.
Also, I listened to what Trump said about McCain, and it doesn’t match the description it’s being given. That, and Trump said much worse things about McCain when he was alive.
During his 30 years in the Senate, McCain was an arrogant ass hat. He was the perfect bookend to Joe Biden.
McCain was a straight up asshole who abandoned his first wife when she wasn’t pretty anymore and married into Arizona politics.
His political decisions were always designed to stroke his own ego.
Trump is a child by any measure.
I despised McCain, but
Trump is just a child.
It’s a weird deal. Goes from Brooklyn to Manhattan and creates a multi-billion dollar global business, 12 years at the top of reality television on his first try, and when he decides he wants to be President, he wins. Many policies and decisions are spot on, yet he acts like he emotionally stopped developing at the age of 12-14. I’m wondering if it’s tied to his parents sending him to military school.
BrooklynQueensEven worse from the view of Manhattan developers.
The whole “Saint McCain” thing is just awful. I can’t stand all the “have you no decency, sir! Have you no decency!!’ garbage.
I get that some of the pundits know the McCains personally, but I don’t know them. I don’t give af about Meghan’s feelings, sorry.
Did they not watch Sleeping Beauty? Not inviting people to things is just rude, and makes people vindictive. This shouldn’t have been a surprise.
I suppose we shouldn’t denigrate Stalin’s memory either, since he’s dead.
McCain couldnt run fast enough to get his ass away from “Keating 5”
I’ll paraphrase Ricky Gervais and say that people who don’t want to be called assholes shouldn’t act like assholes. And McCain lived a long time. He did something heroic when he was young, and then he spent the rest of his life being a shitbird. The former doesn’t give him a pass for the latter.
Excellent even handed post in a world of pithy tweets. Can’t agree with you more.
Another thing is the lefty establishment predictably turned on him hard once he was nominated, loved him again when he lost, and he he went right back to trying to appease them with the Obama care vote. Fuck him
Posted this earlier but if you couldn’t see it, or didn’t watch it, you probably should.
Can we just officially change the name of ‘millennials’ to ‘the fun generation’? I think it’s way past time we do so.
End result of making everything about politics.
That is another one.
The same thing happened during the Bush 2 years. People forget how polarizing it was back then. I had a girl at a party run away from me when a friend who was messing with me told her I was a Republican.
There was am episode of curb your enthusiasm where Larry was about to have sex when he saw a pic of Bush on the woman’s table and ran out of the room.
I briefly dated a College Republican back in Buffalo several decades ago. I was generic liberal/apolitical. But I still probably gave him shit about it. It was never going to stop me, though.
I was apolitical then but always was anti left for some reason it it came up. Never occurred to me to care what politics the girl had. Kids today.
A “gay Republican”??
Hahahahahaha….next, you’re going to tell me there are liberty-minded people living in NYC!
I’ve had conversations with shopkeepers in my neighborhood who rant and rave against the gummint. But this is just a middle-class outpost in Brooklyn, who gives a shit about them.
Yeah, they couldn’t possibly have anything we would want. Except some money, and a vote. Fuck ’em.
/politicians in any location
This is gonna go well.
We got it, comrades
It’s a plot by Wisconsin and Indiana to steal what they can of Illinois’ tax base.
So you are saying it’s Sandy Casio Quartz?
So she’s thin skinned as well
They don’t call her Occasional Cortex for nothing.
OK, I learned something today – I thought her claim that in “Latinx” culture children take both their parent’s names was bullshit. But, checking the name of the Mexican and Brazilian Presidents, it looks like it is a thing.
As to her claim that in Puerto Rico, you hyphenate your last name, I’m not so sure. There’s a few prominent Ricans who don’t have hyphenated names.
It is pretty rude to call somebody with a hyphenated last name by only part of the name, though.
Based on my time in the military, the ‘ricans that come to mind that I worked with (n=about 6) only 1 had a hyphenated last name.
It’s more common in Central America.
Coworker who moved here after the hurricane confirms the PR hyphenation.
His name actually is:
[Typical First name] [Typical last name] [Typical last name]-[Typical last name]
Yes, it’s a thing – in other countries. And usually there is no hyphen, the mother’s surname being omitted except in formal situation.
It’s only a thing in the US when you want everyone to know it’s a thing.
Yes this
I’ve seen the hyphenation in place of “y” in Hispanic names here.
Name and marriage laws here fuck up those naming traditions. For example, state laws usually treat the last name as an indivisible name so you can’t take part of your spouses name or give your kid only part of your last name. You also can’t give your kid both last names (unless both spouses retain their own names).
Post 9/11, the assumption that names are fixed and must have some sort of documentation trail behind it is ridiculous. All it takes is to convince someone doing the typing and you get whatever name you want. Names really are little more than assertions, not unique identies.
My pen name is Moriah Jovan. Clearly I cannot be trusted to choose my own name(s).
I chose “Mortimer Dipthong” for my nomme de plume….never got traction
Made me think of this
I need those jammies
It varies by class and culture.
The King of Spain is Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos. His father was Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias.
The guy who does my landscaping is Jose Perez. His father was some Dominican named “Perez”.
It’s even worse in Germany.
Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland
Kinda makes you wonder if Donald wanted his wife to have sextuplets.
All serial killers have 3 names too
Do all serial killers have three names, or do people simply start using their middle names after the fact?
Think about it.
I’ve been using my middle name all my life. I blame Mom.
Wait until they start finding the bodies.
To be fair, I don’t use my first name.
So – two names. Two!
I’m half Puerto Rican and know a lot of them/us. Nobody I know hyphenates. I have no idea what she’s talking about. That goes for all of the Dominicans, Cubans and Ecuadorians I know as well.
Explained above, I guess it’s a class/asshole thing. Just like rich Hillary Rodham Clinton
Using both your fathers and mothers surnames in Latin culture is a thing. as well as the maiden name and husband’s surname. Hyphenated names from marriage is an American prog thing. Gulag Barbie is just too stupid to know the difference. Really, she is apparently too stupid to know anything.
It’s also a British Upper Class thing as well.
In the South, it is common for upper class women to use their maiden names as their middle names when they get married. Handy for tracking lineage.
upper class?
I assumed it was the default that a maiden name became a middle name when a woman took her husband’s name. Never heard any differently and my family sure as hell isn’t upper class. (Mom was an army brat outside Fayetteville)
It varies. I’ve never seen the practice. My mom had several different last names from various marriages; she kept her middle name each time. The maiden name never made an appearance.
I’d heard somewhere that the Spanish naming tradition comes from the Vandals, who allegedly traced lineage by both the maternal and paternal lines. I don’t know this to be true, it’s just a thing I heard somewhere.
I worked with a guy from Puerto Rico. He went by 1 last name (Rosario.) However, on Facebook he goes by Rosario Maldonado. But he does not hyphenate it.
How about we go with Cortez the Killer, since that’s what her policies will do. Or maybe Kotex the Killer.
I like this cover better
Neil Young is a dirty hippie and lots of people think ‘Powderfinger’ is some anti-gun / violence always ends poorly parable. Me, I’ve always thought it was a great “Fuck you, this is mine/ours and I’m taking a stand even if you have me outgunned” song.
Neil Young takes himself way too seriously. But I love his one note guitar playing.
‘Kotex the Killer’
Hoping this wasn’t a typo.
Was not:)
Hey Swiss? If you’re around, you got that “U WOT M8” pic handy ?
If I remember HM posted it. So maybe you can find it by looking through older threads.
At least he’s being honest, even if his argument is full of holes.
Socialism is already a religion. There’s zero evidence that it works or has ever worked, but every day thousands of followers claim otherwise.
I don’t know how any could read Marx and not walk away thinking of a religious zealot. Hell, go a step further. The guy basically fancied himself a fucking prophet.
I’ve read some academic pieces that place Marx in the context of 18th & 19th century apocalyptic-millennial thinking.
“The guy basically fancied himself a fucking prophet.”
That a thing that a lot of people miss about Marx. He was writing about communism as a inevatable evolution in society more so than an actual political ideology. Of course when that predition didn’t materialize, it was up to the true believers to force it into reality.
Why has nobody ever tried that?! It’s so obvious.
I’ve been idly mulling the idea that the next Great American Religious Revival is already happening and it’s the Social Justice crowd.
Socialism is a religion, and you know what they say about religion and the state…
Regarding Bernie and all the other fucks saying this nation needs to be more like NZ, Australia or whatever other nation has banned guns, this is all I have to say:
Don’t Touch My Guns
Made me think of this song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vZy2XqIT7Sk
I like it! I’ve started to go back into a rock/metal mood lately.
Main reason I like the song I posted is because its very libertarian. I don’t care what you do, just leave me the fuck alone. Oh, and don’t touch my guns!
Cool tune. They’re a local Columbus band. Haven’t seen them yet though.
Just been watching Paul Harrell videos. That guy is awesome with his meat targets. Turns out .410 buckshot in a 3″ magnum is pretty impressive. More so than I would have guessed.
Ideal to have in the house.
I had possession of a friend’s .410 pump for 18-24 months while he was in a position that firearm ownership wasn’t conducive to his “lifestyle”.
It was a joy to shoot.
You had told me this when I was having my firearm meltdown. I need to take my .410 to someone for spiffing up, and to a range to shoot it.
I love(d) my Mossberg 500, before that horrid boating accident where everything was lost.
But it was like a Chevy truck when the .410 was a FIAT, if that makes any sense. I would have loved to gone pheasant hunting with it.
.410 tends to string shot
Yeah, I keep a 12 in the corner but was thinking .410 would be a nice option for the wife. I actually inherited one a while back and still haven’t shot it. Time to break it out.
I’m a big fan of that gauge. I nearly teared-up when I had to give it back to the owner.
I want a 1/2 gauge
The Judge.
Even with .410, I would like to have a little more gun than the Judge. But a .410 slug will get the job done and over penetration concerns are greatly alleviated.
That’s why the .357 I’m going to decimate you with is loaded with hollow points. Less likely to enter the neighbors house. Oh damn, I forgot that fell into the lake with everything else…
.357 has the worst internal ballistics of any popular cartridge.
That only holds true at much longer distances than I would be shooting. Within 10 yards, I’m pretty comfortable with my choice.
He did say decimate. So 1 out of ten.
You don’t know what “internal ballistics” means. Distance is irrelevant.
Well look what I learned on the Glibs today. Thank you for forcing me to educate myself. I had researched “ballistics” instead of “internal ballistics”. I have slightly more knowledge in my brain than I did yesterday.
.357 has the worst internal ballistics of any popular cartridge.
Worst in what way? Wasted power in short barrels? I guess my question is what is the point you are making here, because a .357 is a potent handgun round and it reads like you are saying it is a poor choice.
Wait…we’re talking shotguns?
Sexy – https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/yQ55ig1ARhKTYTbaUHuqPw._M_E3-IA4lQs0cXMR8ofx7
A SPAS is on my bucket list.
That’s a different kind of sexy. Sorta like ass vs tits…
I’ll be in my bunk.
I’ll be back.
Right now my go-to shotgun is wavering between my folding stock Saiga and an MKA 1919 which I have also converted to folding-stock configuration. I prefer my scatterguns to be handy.
I like the MKA 1919 because it has a magazine well – which makes the magazine attachment point more robust than that of the Saiga. But the Saiga has 20 round drums and AK reliability so those are major selling points for me.
Nice. I have an 870 tactical with the breech choke, extended mag, and picitinny scope rail with a ghost ring. I added a van comp sidesaddle and a triple picitinny rail foregrip with a Klarus light on it. Cheap Chinese light mount I need to get some JB Weld on cause it rattles.
I have a nice 870 with 18 barrel, extended magazine, sidesaddle, and a heatshield on the barrel. It isn’t my usual go-to because I prefer semi-auto for serious social situations. The primary reason I keep it is for situations where my vehicle might be susceptible to break-in – I have to leave it parked in public space for an extended period of time.
Have an EOTech I got a good deal oncoming tomorrow for my AR. Ill probably keep it on my 870 since it’s my house gun rather than have it sitting in my safe on the AR. My old eyes will probably prefer it over the ghost ring anyways.
I have run my EOTech on my MKA1919 but I find it a bit bulky and I’m not convinced of its utility for the distances in which I might be employing a shotgun.
Yeah, I suspect it may be a bit much and I really don’t “need” it but I’ll give it a try. May ultimatey end up my .45 Uzi if I can rig up a mount.
I have a registered, select-fire MAC-10 in 45 ACP with the original suppressor. It’s a really handy package for the firepower and great for indoor applications- but I wouldn’t use it in a defensive situation where a court of law would be part of the aftermath unless I was under full-scale assault by numerous adversaries (a situation I cannot imagine IRL). I can only imagine how a prosecutor would find use of a suppressed submachinegun – legally possessed or not – as a bit over the top. Not that I agree, just that the state might view it as problematic.
You also run the risk of losing the gun into the ‘evidence’ void, and anything NFA is too hard to replace.
Yup, That’s part of it for sure.
One time decades ago I had to “repel boarders” – an attempted break-in I walked in on – and I picked a shotgun over the SMG primarily because I didn’t want that pack of low-lifes to know I had such expensive hardware. I wouldn’t be surprised if they came back later for it.
Maybe get her a 20 or 16 if a 12 is too much?
Here’s the video in case anyone’s interested.
The guy uploaded an hour’s worth of him shooting .2LR and counting the duds.
And yet, I watched.
My attitude is “Go ahead and touch my guns – just be prepared for what happens next.”
And I don’t count “sending somebody in your stead” to touch my guns. The phrase “Molon labe” is very specifically a statement from the “first person” to “second person”. KIng Leonidas was telling Xerxes himself to come and take his weapons – if he could.
Kind of reminds me of what I told the real estate guy who is renting out my current apartment. He insists that according to my lease he can come over and show it whenever as long as he gives me notice. I told him he can try to entry apartment without my permission and see what happens
Did you sign a lease that says he can do that?
It may not matter if the lease specifies it. The owner, and the owner’s representatives likely have the right to access the unit with reasonable notice under State law.
I read Ayn Random Variation’s statement “see what happens” to be fair warning to the real estate agent to be sure that prior notice is more than some BS – “I tried to call you” or “I thought you saw my e-mail”. I wasn’t there and don’t know anything about this RE agent but from my experience some of them just think they can show up at your place un-announced and gain access with minimal (read that “”nearly zero”) warning. They often place their convenience about your right to live in peace and privacy.
Substitute “about” with “above”
Realtors are idiots, but if you shoot one for entering your apartment, after being given notice, the Court is not going to even discuss the reasonableness of the notice being a defense. You might well have a civil case against the owner/agent if they enter with insufficient notice, but that is not the same thing.
As state-licensed “professionals”, real estate agents and brokers get some interesting privileges.
However, the agent/broker relationship is something to consider.
Decades ago in IL, I had an agent my landlord had employed to sell his 3-flat barge into my apartment at all hours without notifying me, or the landlord. She was an idiot. I realized she was an idiot when I discovered she was trying to do an end run around her broker and keep all the commission for herself.
All it took was a call to the broker, and “poof”, there was another agent assigned, who was very, very good about giving notice and accommodating everyone in the building. The building sold soon after.
The “agent” soon wasn’t.
Doing a little research, it seems that courts say they need to give notice, generally 24 hours for something like showing the place.
What I can’t find a definitive answer to is, are you allowed to say “No.”
I can only speak definitively to Ohio, the owner is expected to make reasonable accommodations to the tenant’s needs, but the tenant may not refuse access. In other words, the landlord cannot generally insist on access at midnight, but if he gives the tenant 24 hour notice that he is showing up at 2 pm to inspect/show the unit, he can enter, whether or not the tenant is there or agrees.
You might want to try avoiding jail on this. He’s right.
Yeah, that’s pretty standard for apartments.
OTOH, laws vary widely. He could be right in that they need your permission first.
And this is why we need to get away from ‘the law says’ BS, What should matter is agreement ARV made with his landlord when he rented the place. I don’t give a fig if some judge decided that you should have 48hrs notice. If the contract says the landlord can waltz in like he owns the place at any old time he wants then tuff shit to the renters who signed on. caveat emptor and other Latin phrases.
And this is why we need to get away from ‘the law says’ BS,
I agree with you that the terms should govern, but in most cases when you go to the “law says” it is not because the law trumps the contract, but because the contract is silent on that issue, or is unclear.
There are some things the law forbids/overrules in leases, but usually things like access are decided by the law’s default because the landlord and tenant didn’t specify differently.
fair enough.
Thot Thursday continues!
I really hate the selfie pose. Show me those pretty eyes, not your phone.
Well at least he knows Libertarians are a no. Actually I don’t see red or blue supporting this either.
How about the right not to have more than 10% of your income taken in taxes?
They need an editor.
To be fair, I generally like their stuff. But man…. who has the time?!
Well, I dont agree, but they’re private companies.
And the other citations. They can do what they want.
It certainly throws a wrench into the narrative that Big Tech hates women and refuses to hire them for anything ever.
These companies are tripping over themselves to hire more women, and they summarily fire anyone who criticizes it in the slightest. With a corporate culture like that, I wonder how many other employees have been fired for refusing to go along with this mandatory affirmative action bullshit.
Christ, what an asshole!
What a timeline we live in.
I’m starting to think Amazon is purposely delaying orders to get people to buy their prime bullshit. A year or so ago the “free” shipping was must faster. I just ordered some books and stuff and they said it would arrive by April 5. If they taped the package to the back of a retarded turtle, it would get here faster than that.
I dunno, but I sure get sick of clicking through the various attempts to sign me up for Prime, which change every time I order something such that I have to read every screen very carefully to make sure I get the damn free shipping without the Prime.
VPN can be your friend, my friend
I… don’t see how that’s relevant. A VPN is just a means of connecting; it doesn’t give you a different internet.
All the intertoobz is owned by Alexa, submit and welcome your new overlord!
“I have to read every screen very carefully to make sure I get the damn free shipping without the Prime.”
Same here. It’s as though signing up for Prime is the default setting.
Price, service, availability. Which 2 do you want?
“Price, service, availability. ” – Pick the 2 do you want. We’ll choose which one we’ll try to deliver on.
They had all three before. They are big enough that they can do that.
Nope. They are doing exactly the same thing to long time Prime customers. They’re customer service has just slowly went downhill from the best ever in history over the last couple of years to something more average. Bezos is too busy diddling other people’s whores to pay attention.
Are you sure they were coming from Amazon? Every ‘delay’ I get seems to be from a 3rd party seller. I don’t think Amazon has slipped; I think they have captured so much market share that now everyone is selling through them.
Their customer service has went steadily downhill for the last couple years. Admittedly, when you’re at the top, there is nowhere to go but down.
Afaik, everything I ordered was from Amazon itself.
Sold by Amazon, or a second party vendor? It makes a difference.
Afaik, everything I ordered was from Amazon itself.
Interesting: probably 95% of the stuff I order lately – mostly household goods – is “sold by X, fulfilled by Amazon”.
WTF does Amazon actually sell any more?!
Plenty of things, apparently. Most of my order was books. Which is how they started.
Like, physical books? Ha, I don’t think I’ve ever ordered a book from Amazon.
OK, not true. I’ve ordered really obscure shit that was… again, third-party.
Yes, treeware. I don’t do the kindle thing.
Fiction, I only do Kindle now. Might regret it later in life, who knows.
Typically, the delays I’ve experienced have been from vendors. I have noticed that Amazon is starting to have issues as well. Knowing that I’m paying more for many Prime products, on top of the price for two day delivery, is a sign of a company that has way too much market share.
They now send everything USPS.
*Checks Glibs Brackets* I’m beating a lurker and two people who didn’t fill out their brackets correctly. Ugh.
I’m in the running. I’m sure that will change tomorrow.
Of course. What killed me today was Belmont missing 2 of 3 free throws with 1.3 seconds left. And then to top it off, they miss a wide open jumper at the buzzer.
5th place, bitches!
I have no idea how, though…
How ’bout that Gopher upset!
I didn’t have it, my only miss so far: I did have Florida.
But I know even less than you about hoops.
So of course you’re in first. I played competitively for 15 years and am last.
There is a reason the so called expert handicappers all sell picks rather than just placing bets. It’s the same reason planned economies fail. Expert or dude picking names, once you get past the really obvious ones too much randomness factors in.
As my father counseled: if they had any idea what they were doing they wouldn’t tell you for any amount of money.
Once you realize that REM lead singer won Yahoo’s pickem back in the day…
I think Affleck won a national pickem, too.
*fist bump* I believe you and I are tied for the bottom of the pile, wooo!
This is why I never bet actual money on this stuff, lol.
Also, JERKY MCJERKFACE has the best name, whoever you are.
*Tries to fist bump back, misses, hits self in ear*
Somebody’s got a war boner.
“An America with a ruined internet is Somalia.”
Libertarian moment!
I’m so sick of the entire ‘China’s going to beat us at everything because Trump’ shit. Whoever said that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, was a genius.
Same. And hey, if they think China is going to truly be Numbah 1, why wait? Just skip a few steps and go straight there. Hope they enjoy their heavily censored internet and “social credit” system.
I’ll wait until China can build anything decent on their own.
The socialists that scare me are the homegrown ones. I doubt we will fight Chin directly in my lifetime.
I didn’t see any “because Trump” in that article. FWIW.
I wasn’t referring to the article, but the constant stream of ‘China Fuck Yeah!’ from the media every single fucking day since Trump was elected.
Fair enough. I don’t know enough about any of this stuff to give an opinion. But I do have concerns that the same endumbening that’s affecting all of our politics is also affecting the military.
“endumbening” is a perfectly cromulent word.
Oh, I’m embiggened by it, that’s for sure.
The full quote from my Drill Instructor (No, I don’t think he coined the phrase) was “opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink”.
But is there anyone that licks an opinion?
No, but some opinions seem to be painful enough to require lube for use.
I thought Mariya Takeuchi popped up in my YouTube playlist because of my weaboo music habits. Apparently it wasn’t just me it was most of the internet.
What Happened to Plastic Love? – Tales From the Internet
I’m not sure if I should be relieved or offended.
I’m dancing in my chair, and I’m the least weaboo person here.
Couch, I’m finally finishing up a piece I wrote. Should have it done today. You still up for doing a quick proofread for me? I could send it to you later today or tomorrow.
Thx. Desperately need someone else’s eyes to look at it.
So, I learned from my new healthier version of diet (according to this week’s version of the internets) that rolled oats, or so called ‘old fashioned’ oats, suck fucking ballz and are like eating shredded up newspapers left out in the rain for a week. Seriously, WTF ever made humans eat such a thing? Certain starvation I spose. I actually have been loving the ‘steel cut’ oats. I put bananas and berries in those. Maybe that’s it, the steel. Rolled oats must have been cut with brass. And that totally sucks, man.
Its the fiber, brah. Sucks up some fats and sugars and shit. I dunno.
Ya know the reason why there’s 100 diet books available? Cause not 1 diet works for everyone.
If humans were supposed to eat fiber, god would have put rope in Kraft Mac and Cheese!
Velveeta or GTFO
That’s shells and cheese.
aka Manna
What’s wrong with rolled oats? Chemically, they are the same exact thing as pinhead oats.
Steel-cut oats are great. Rolled oats are the only thing I know of you can use to make skirlie right, at least how my grandmother used to make it for me. You take butter, sautee an onion in it, toss in the oats and brown. Add broth to cover until it’s absorbed, then as needed for consistency. The best version uses drippings from a roast. I’m not sure it’s on any diet recipes.
I do prefer steel cut oats if I’m making actual oatmeal, but due to my emphasis on protein rather than carbs, that’s rare for me. Rolled oats are a lot easier to use as an ingredient in things like oat bread, meatloaf, etc.
Report: Monetary value of Colin Kaepernick settlement released :
Damn, the NFL is racist. No black players at all.
Or they could have gone to trial and reduced that number to $0.
Except, optics.
It’s a far cry from the $60M people were throwing around.
People are stupid.
“the league’s teams colluded to keep them off the field”
That is the essence of their case – “we’re not playing because we’ve been explicitly blackballed by team owners”.
That always seemed tenuous to me w/ Kap; no collusion necessary to pass on a troublesome employee who had year-on-year decline in performance.
He also turned down two different offers to play, first the Niners and then the Broncos. I wonder how much of that 10 million went to lawyers and such.
I assume 30%
Oh oh! Don’t show this Occasional Cortez.
I don’t know. I still like my Gammo pellet rifle.
One shot, one squirrel.
“Annnnnnnd squirrels just went extinct.”
I really wouldn’t want to get shot in the face with that thing.
“Last week a man was arrested in Western Australia for importing and possessing a plastic toy gun that fires nerf foam projectiles at a maximum range of 10 metres, because he imported it (online) for his kids birthday from overseas without all the necessary permits and licences and not booking it in pre arrival for a ballistics report with the Federal Police Department. I kid you not, he is facing up to 25 years in jail. ”
Coming soon to a Murica near you.
25 years for a effin’ Nerf gun? Australia used to be a country to be admired. Apparently, the proggies in charge couldn’t handle the pressure.
I hope the top.men. of NZ/Australia choke on their next Anzac biscuit in shame.
Does he have a link for that?
High bunny boiler potential.
Still would.
That’s ma gurl.
The G11 shot 2000 rounds per minute.
The compassionate #resist crowd at its finest.
He’s a much better man than I. There would have been blood, and it wouldn’t have been mine.
It’s just evil. I don’t know Eric’s position on opioids, but to say that to his face means you’re a POS.
He’s now completely anti-opioids. I give him a pass on that.
The worst part is that it sound like that’s what they were hoping for, with the second cameraman at the ready. Cynical, awful shitbags.
That’s…shitty. And disturbing. It seems like politics is providing cover for the worst instincts and behaviors of people who are looking for excuses to behave badly and be rewarded for it.
It’s that immoral “by any means necessary!” bullshit that the far left has embraced and the refusal of the moderate left to condemn it. Sorry, moderate left, but that makes you zealots, too.
It’s how mass civil unrest starts.
The left should thank their lucky stars that their opponents aren’t anywhere near as evil or violent as they accuse them of. But if they keep pushing, they’re going to get the right wing death squads they see all around them.
Wow. What a raging asshole.
A tardy Happy Purim to all of the (((Glibs)))
Thanks Slumbrew. Fuck Hamen.
My MIL cut back on the number of gluten-free hamentashen she made us this year – “only” two dozen. I have had my one annual hamentash, my wife has had, maybe, 3. Once again, they’re headed to the garbage after they get stale.
My MIL has a baking problem (TBF, she’s excellent at it).
Time to get shitfaced!
Working on it; my drinking was delayed since I had to pick up my wife around 9:30.
I know who is getting denied entry to England.
Neuter the mutts.
I’m at a formal event for my daughter who is a high school senior. The presentation part is over and now there is dancing. Dear Lord dance music sucks.
Maybe you’re just old, unhip, and probably white hetero shitlord?
He used to be with ‘it’, then ‘it’ changed! (Me I was never with ‘it’)
All true.
Last night I mentioned Batman Vs Predator, and after I left someone asked if it was a comic and someone else said it was that fan film. It was both. The comic came out in the 90s.
I have a memory of reading an early “Aliens vs. Predators” spec treatment, with Colonial Marines caught between the two groups, but my google-fu is failing me.
A spec is a pitch, so no guarantee anything will ever come of it anyway. I could write a spec, doesn’t mean anyone ever considers it.
Oh, I know that, I just remember it being well-done and, maybe?, by someone “of note” – I don’t know why I would have been reading a spec treatment otherwise.
This is really mists-of-time territory.
Are you talking about the really early AvP script? I had that for several year, then lent it to a local, lower-tiered radio personality. I thought it was really cool at first (no USCMC in it that I recall–just a group on an distant planet), but then realized it was written like a 10th grader trying to shoe-horn in any cool concept (through-the-barrel laser sights, etc).
It was where they got the idea for what would be Sanaa Lathan’s character in the AvP movie–a tough(ish), capable female that earns the respect of a Predator, and gets the clan mark on her face with xenomorph blood.
If that wasn’t what you were referring to, then, I got nuthin’.
Huh, maybe I’m misremembering. Maybe it wasn’t Marines but just random humans caught between Aliens & Predators going at it. ISTR it was set on another planet, not Earth.
If we’re remembering the same thing, you are right about the planet–some jungle world, I think.
I used to be into picking up screenplays back in the early/mid ’90s. Especially if they were unproduced in franchises I liked.
Either way, I am pretty sure they Paul W. S. used it as the basis for his AvP movie, and, well….you know how that turned out.
God, I actually had high hopes for it when it was in production.
I believe the NDA I signed is up; so I might as well tell the story, even if it’s not, meh. When I was at UNLV Anthony Zuiker creator of CSI came to give a lecture (He was UNLV Alum). In the whole auditorium he asked who had seen the movie he wrote ‘The Runner’. I was the only one who had. So we had a back and forth. Then he gave us his new movie script and we had to sign an NDA. That movie was never produced, but I still have the script.
That’s really cool. Probably worth Geek money, but not enough to part with such coolness.
Which makes no sense and I just don’t care. Cheers, my favorite group of malcontents, cheers indeed.
That was me. Fortunately, Sir Digby was up to pick up your slack.
So some people here accuse me of not sleeping, and the few hours I do that’s slack?
STOP SLACKING CPRM. Bob Dobbs has not christened you.
Whoa – just had a Dr. Dobbs flashback.
Of the invented church, or the computer programmer? We have to know if you are of the body.
The latter. I didn’t know of this “Bob” character until now. Reading about it on wikipedia, that stuff just slides in one ear and out the other. I have no patience for such nonsense.
Fair enough. I personally don’t know if it’s an actual religion or just a big troll (or both). And honestly don’t care. Funny to pull out at times, though.
I find I have less patience for, well, a lot of things, as I approach the big five-oh. That is one of them.
okay. You might not want to scroll down.
(To be fair, i thought it’d take up less space).
You do need sleep. That was mild ribbing. Get some shut eye and you’ll feel better.
Be somebody!
I guessed wrong. I thought it was going to be W. A. S. P.
Blackie’s not typically in my wheel-house, tbh.
Understood. I love me some metal so that’s where my mind went.
Oh, same here. It’s just…well, I cut my metal teeth (heh) on Stryper, if that gives you any indication of my background. Still enjoy them well enough. But, yeah…
That’s kind of funny. In college I met this sweet Mormon girl who was reluctant to listen to the then popular metal but did listen to Stryper. I mostly wrote them off being young and dumb. 30 years later I gave them a listen. They really can play.
It’s a shame the long rumored Stryper and Slayer tour never happened. That would have been something.
From what I can tell, that was on Slayer’s collective shoulders. By which, I mean that it seems like they (well, KK) were/are the ones to be not interested. I could be wrong.
Funny enough, I think Stryper didn’t truly mature until
Against the Law. Of course, they did so on each album, but they sound quite a bit more refined/professional on it, which was their “secular” outing.Heck, their cover of Shining Star had Mr. Randy “You aren’t going to see Randy Jackson and NOT get his autograph” Jackson on bass. It kicks all kinds of ass, as far as I’m concerned.
I seen Armored Saint open for Stryper in early 1986 at Eagles Ballroom in MIlwaukee. I referred to it as the Heaven and Hell tour. There were hardcore metal heads there with Slayer and Metallica shirts. Then when Stryper came out, all the hardcore Christian kids moved up to the front, some with John 3:16 signs. Stryper even threw mini new testament Bibles into the crowd!
I got a free ticket from a friend and didn’t know a whole lot about either band at the time. I thought Stryper was definitely the better band, and they all matched with the yellow and black outfits. I actually bought one or two of their discs after the show.
Now, that sounds like an excellent evening.
Well, of a sort.
Yeah, Stryper did the mini NT tosses back then. Not sure if they do it now.
Yeeeehaw! Dead last. 🙁
The night ain’t over Straff.
The sun never rises on the Glibertarian Empire.
And, some of us like it that way!
Not bedtime music, but a little Turntablerocker before I turn in. Fond memories of a trip to Germany right around 2000.
I’m so glad my fond memories of a German trip were in the 80’s.
Most of those fond memories are due to a redheaded coworker, the music is more of a sense-memory
Nice save, since the music is complete shit.
Haha, sorry dude, but you know I have to do this:
Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht grad an mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt
Neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man für Ufos aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
‘ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn’s so wär
Dabei war’n dort am Horizont
Nur neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Düsenflieger
Jeder war ein großer Krieger
Hielten sich für Captain Kirk
Das gab ein großes Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fühlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich für schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: “Krieg!” und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hätte das gedacht
Dass es einmal so weit kommt
Wegen neunundneunzig Luftballons
Wegen neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig jahre Krieg
Ließen keinen Platz für Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt’s nicht mehr
Und auch keine Düsenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh die Welt in Trümmern liegen
Hab ‘n Luftballon gefunden
Denk an dich und lass ihn fliegen
If you can’t appreciate Nena and her long string of Riesenschlager, I can’t help you dude.
Me too. 1987. Hefeweisen in Munich and a long afternoon in the Englishergarten. Would love to do it again.
Spent 86-87 there. Can’t believe I haven’t been back.
Gah! 85-86
Time for a Glibs meet up.
Is that where you are? Hell, man, you should move East!
Yikes. I have ten or so more years here and then it’s time to go. Texas is a place I’m considering but that story gives me pause.
Well, we continue to get stories for the area about the odd once-cured diseases making a come-back.
That said, it seems to be happening in many metropolitan areas, and I am left with the impression that they are reported on because it’s so curious/unusual for the area. But, who know how it’ll be in a decade.
There are plenty of fine areas in the state that should still be relatively sane in 10 years. “Relatively” being the operative word.
As for me, I hocked my brains/packed my bags and headed West
Where is home for you?
I’m just north of Dallas (Dallas born and bred), near Frisco. I should be pretty near Gojira, which is why I notice when he doesn’t make appearances.
Speaking of which, you seen him around?
I saw him once, literally, about a month ago. Before that, I’d guess many months.
Well, I hope he’s OK, and not pissed at us, either.
I still can’t believe that wastrel Newsome is governor now. I remember him as a fucking city council nobody when I lived in SF.
He is going to make Jerry Brown look brilliant.
Dear Lord……..
I don’t know who set up the stage but flowers around the drum kit really misses the mood.
this trailer for The Head Hunter checks lots of boxes: no dialogue, violence, monsters, vikings