Link to somewhat amusing story.
Link to Daily Fail. Not thicc, or weird tabloid story.
Link to a story about another foreign mess.
Link from a city newspaper. Very local.
Music link.
Have a good day.
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Posted by Glib Staff | Mar 22, 2019 | Daily Links | 595
In my younger years, before the lottery was a thing, the only way to really win large sums of unearned…
[caption id="attachment_38407" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Glibs sponsored debate?[/caption] We aren't sure, but it seems either a meth addled giant python or…
No Deal! No Deal!
I like it.
This Morning Links has about as much sex appeal as woman’s underwear bought at K-mart.
Look, friendo, it has been a tough couple of weeks. Cryptids seizing the Links Control Room, meth benders and Beto campaign emails spamming the in box. You all are lucky we managed to get anything out. Whew!
Do you need someone else to step up for link duty? I am not nominating myself, just asking the question.
Oh, now that we have secured….cooperation… with the cryptids, I think we are OK.
I wonder what STEVE SMITH is doing with his share of Elon Musk’s money?
It depends on the body it’s stretched over?
Someone obviously didn’t spend their teen years with enuff trailer park girls.
Good lookin’ women in men’s white Fruit of the Looms is sexy AF.
Whatever gets your engine revvin, amigo.
You mean tighty whiteys? Yeah, sure, whatevs.
FWIW, they are now making TWs for women – marketed as “boy shorts” with a little (presumably) fake fly.
“(presumably) fake fly”
^^^Transphobic bigot confirmed
Research challenge for you, Q. For science, and all.
Wasn’t it K-mart who had those commercials?
“I shipped my underwear!”
If I click on one generic link is it similar enough to say I clicked on all of the generic links?
That was not a generic no. #stayincharacter
Generic links?
*Clicks link. Has seizure*
I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow morning with a Linkstacular.
You guys don’t need to make up anymore than you already on. Ya’ll rock.
on = have
…because it’s fuck it Friday
Kmart sucks
Can one of the mods please remove a reply to #51 in the last thread?
Sorry, I should have used pastebin or something.
You have been REDACTED!
Aww…I didnt have time to see what it was, either.
/kicks rocks
Meh, unless you were planning on signing him up for Ore-Ida catalogs, it wasn’t that interesting.
Wow, that is H8ful. What if some of those tots had been relatives?!
Send you a draft when the sun sets and then rises again. *Hates calculating time differences*
I just gave up and have both time zones on the clock on my PC. And I work with numbers for a living.
Too confusing to remember if I’m DST or not…
I use UTC to do the calculations. I find it much easier.
Too late! I saw when I checked the dead thread under my post.
Glad you enjoyed “Plastic Love”!
1. Define ‘diversity’
2. What would you do to change that? Not what TD would do
Then I might, might be willing to engage in a conversation
1. “Not white people”
2. Quotas.
Define “equity”.
Call me any name you’d like, but that ad would make me seriously consider becoming a TD customer.
When you’re downtown but your debit card isn’t.
Easy fix. No offenses and dumb interpretations of words and their mysterious threatening racist and harmful meanings.
Huh. Imagine that, he had the money on hand.
Isn’t it amazing how that family went from living under bridges to playing polo with the Rothschilds?
Scammed by an 80 year old. Just the wrong geezer.
Bernie is only 79, right?
Not a Boston-ite, but I fail to understand how stating the geographic location of a debit card is racist.
/tragically un-woke
“When you’re in Mid-town and your bank card is in Harlem.”
What self-respecting transsexual negress crack-whore takes debit anyway?
I thought the same thing.
Last 4 digits of the card are 1350?
I laughed at the sign because I lived in Boston.
You’re only allowed to lose your debit card in white neighborhoods?
If you listen to the dog whistle, it clearly says that some black guy stole your bank card.
Morning links put me in a “Repo Man” vibe. The Rick-roll is the cherry on top! Such passive-aggressive! Much shame-spiral!
I wonder if that video is monetized. 540M views.
Speaking of Boston….Amherst College pulled a good one.
I have lost my ability to can.
Also loving the fact that their prexy’s name is literally “Biddy.”
Also, good call on the homonationalism.
I oppose the nationalization of homosexuals. They should remain privately owned.
Tonio really wants to seize the means of production IYKWIMAITYD.
*bear-oh’s glaze*
(I’m hardly awake, work with me here)
Well played, Q.
“Amherst College President Biddy Martin…”
Cool story although Amherst is about as far from Boston as you can get and still be in Massachusetts.
(I grew up in MA – and everyone says “oh, Boston!” Sure, that’s a city in the state, a hour away from my town.)
Yes we know. You’re a Bruins fan. /Lionel Hutz shudder.
It’s the same deal in B.C. Everyone assumes Vancouver.
See, in real states, that would still be inside the city limits (see also Chicago, Houston, et. al.)
An hour without traffic…
I keed.
Actually, my radio station is consistantly full of news concerning “Western MA” which seems to all be variants of “Give Springfield Moar Munneez”
My son was accepted to Springfield College. A perfect fit for what he wants to study.
He probably will go somewhere else because he hated the town (rightly so).
I live within an hour of Nashville.
But I aint in Tennessee.
Not everyone.
When my sister and her husband moved to MA, they lived in Westboro Ugh, and then moved to Lester on the other side of Woostah.
Westborough is where I grew up. It was small apple-orchard suburb of Worcester when I was a kid. Different place these days – I still have family there, I hate it now.
I live close to Worcester and work a stone’s throw from Westborough. I get a real stuck-up vibe from westborough, like they really want to be a suburb of boston, and not worcester.
And as someone who is not native to MA, i gotta say we have some of the weirdest spellings for cities based on their pronunciation.
When I was a kid, Southborough was the richest, snobbiest town around. Maybe it still is. Westborough was more farmers and working-class. Lots of my friends’ Dads worked at the factories in the middle of town (now a shopping mall) or places like the Wyman-Gordon plant in Millbury (where my grandfather worked).
+1 “Nooo… New York City is eight hours away.”
My apologies all great and all powerful
masterscryptids. I just figured this was the kind of news we could use on a Friday. Glib meetup in Wichita? Cincinnati works as a second choice.I’ve never been to a city where I couldn’t find a cheap watering hole.
Yeah, it’s expensive there, but it’s always on the company’s dime SO WHO CARES!
I’ve been to a few where the risk made the cheap places seem too expensive.
Same here. When the entire bar turns and looks at you as you walk in, it’s going to wind up a story one way or another.
Ditto on that. When I was 22, a friend told me to meet him at a this bar he’d found. He gave me the address and said he’d meet me there at 9pm. It was in the sticks outside of Denver and when I pulled up I noticed a row of Harleys. Alright, I’ll have one and wait. Walked into the dive by myself and slithered into a table off to the side. Total dive filled with bikers. Some giant dude filled with tattoos kept eyeballing me from the bar. At 9:15 I realized my friend had just been fucking with me and was ready to split when the giant dude strode of to my table. “I know you!” Almost shit my pants. “You gave me a ride when my car broke down a couple years ago.” He bought me a few drinks and I left unscathed.
That …is… FANTASTIC!
You are lucky the friend didn’t tell you to ask for “Chief” and his bar services?
The Paul Harvey moment:
“And that’s how I ended up in a box in Zed’s basement.”
“And now you know…The Rest Of The Story!”
There’s an old west-of-downtown watering hole that we visit every once in awhile; a place that hasn’t changed since the 1970s. Even the food seems to be priced dirt cheap, like a $3.50 hamburger with fries. But yeah, when you walk in, all the old-timers there swivel on their chairs to take a long stare at the intruders to their “private” drinking club. And I get ID’ed there, even though I’m no spring chicken, it’s just that I look younger (and less booze damaged) than the regulars.
I’m even cheaper. I buy at the liquor store and drink at home.
Saves me from ever having to worry about a DUI.
Indeed – I will knock back a couple of pints at my local – but if I am going to fire for effect…home.
Either drinking at home, DD, or Lyft/Uber. Those Beerfests aren’t going to run out of beer without my help.
Some people end up drinking cheap wine from a brown paper bag in an alley, I started out there.
Even on TOS, I suggested a meetup at the Cincinnati Hofbrauhaus. Which is in Newport, KY.
Actually, I think I suggested Hofbrauhaus and the Creation Museum.
We have some stuff that isn’t embarrassing!
BengalsRedsHarambeDudes taking 15 year olds to FloridaA massive scandal where 5 of our Council Members were conspiring to avoid the open meetings lawsAn airport (that is out of State)The Creation MuseumLemme get back to you when I think of somethingI once took a flight from Cincinnati to Louisville. It felt so so dumb.
The airplane basically just taxied down I-71.
I had to do this once on my way to Houston. Thereafter I just booked flights out of Louisville or Indy and drove the first leg. Cheaper and faster.
Mine was Madison to Cincy to Louisville, so didn’t have a car in Cincy for that leg.
I once had a 7 hour layover in Chicago flying back from Vegas to Cincinnati. The people I was with refused to renta car and drive so we ended up sleeping in Midway Airport. I do not recommend.
You guys have a decent art museum. The girlfriend and I went down there when they had the Terracotta army on display. You’ve also got some solid breweries (Rhinegeist, Urban Artifact, Taft’s, MadTree, Fifty West, Brink). Join those of us in Cleveland by embracing the embarrassing parts of your city. “Yeah, our river caught on fire once, here’s a beer named after it.”
“The name of the city was changed just so it would fit on a newspaper’s masthead. Here’s a brewery named after it.”
“Yeah, we have celebrity chefs. They do BBQ, Ramen, and Burgers mainly.”
Why are Dorchesterians sensitive? What’s racist about it? Curious to those not in the know.
Dorchester is rich, and primarily whitey – so that Bostonian is yapping because racissss.
I thinks it has been gentrified since I left. 30 years ago it was neither rich nor very white.
In the 70’s and 80’s Dorchester was the place you REALLY didn’t want to be after sundown especially if your skintone was anywhere lighter than Colin Kapernicks. These days it is pretty gentrified but still has a sizable minority population and a lot of the reputation as a minority neighborhood remains
Knowing none of this, I really thought the sign just meant “you left your wallet at home”.
“Glib Staff”
We have an intern?
Though shall not speaks It’s name!
It’s name is It. It puts the lotion on its skin.
No, it’s a penis.
You know who else generated a lot of memes…
(from last night but too good)
Tiger Woods?
Letter: Can we please stop comparing everyone we don’t like to Hitler?
That’s something that only Hitler would say.
You know who else compared8&IUglihnm
Maybe we should compare bad people to Jordan Peterson?
New Zealand Bookstore Bans Jordan Peterson’s Self-Help Book Following Mosque Shooting… But Still Sells Hitler’s Mein Kampf
Telling people that they should own their problems and not expect others, but especially the nanny state, to solve it for them is totes racist/evil.
Info Rum?
I could use a drink.
Twitter account from guy who made a stink about the ad.
‘Abolish Ice’ is part of his bio.
“Imani Gomes Sao Vicente
Nope. It’s an issue. Ads like this depend on folks like you, to dismiss it as a “let’s not make a thing of it”. The good thing: it’s generating conversations and hopefully educating folks who don’t get the racist, stereotypical sting of this kind of advertising.”
Imani is a cocky one. ‘Folks like you’. Outstanding.
Notice the media jumping on this like vultures to what sounds like another hysterical reaction.
These people are fucking insane. And they are the ones driving the social narrative.
Doomed, we are.
“Abolish Ice”
So he supports global warming?
*golf clap*
We must not allow an offended gap.
A special treat for my favorite group of deviants.
Prepare to retire to your bunk.
>A vision in red
Aunt Flo is coming to visit?
Like chewing on a handful of pennies.
and afterward it looks like you recreated that scene from Se7en.
Who most likely slept with Mel?
Flo, Vera or Alice? Alice probably the least.
Generally I’m not into red hair, but I would make exceptions for the following:
*23 should be 24. It’s hard to type with my left hand, you see…
#10 seems to be a member of a new race of humans. One that I am eager to hybridize with.
+1 rishathra
Redheads don’t usually do anything for me. Since this collection didn’t fire me up, found two redheads on duckduckgo that I think are sexy:
and here
Posted by Glib Staff
A tacit admission that no one wants to take ownership of the quality of links.
Am I the only one who liked the layout?
Morning links put me in a “Repo Man” vibe.
“Ordinary fucking people. I hate ’em.”
*Cracks BEER opens can of FOOD*
Mrs. Maddox: Put it on a plate, son. You’ll enjoy it more.
Otto Maddox [blankly]: Couldn’t enjoy it any more, Mom. Mm, mm, mmm.
I must have watched that movie at least twenty times.
Plate, or shrimp. Or Plate of Shrimp.
John Wayne was a fag; that’s right, you boys.
Brass Balls Award
In 1973, The Harvard Lampoon, a satirical paper run by Harvard University students, invited Wayne to receive The Brass Balls Award, created in his “honor”, after calling him “the biggest fraud in history”. Harvard Square had become known for leftist intellectualism and protest throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Wayne accepted the invitation as a chance to promote the recently released film McQ, and a Fort Devens Army convoy offered to drive him into the square on an armored personnel carrier.[116][117] The ceremony was held on January 15, 1974, at the Harvard Square Theater and the award was officially presented in honor of Wayne’s “outstanding machismo and penchant for punching people”.[118] Although the convoy was met with protests by members of the American Indian Movement and others, some of whom threw snowballs, Wayne received a standing ovation from the audience when he walked onto the stage.[116] An internal investigation was launched into the Army’s involvement in the day.[
Alright, now I want to go get sushi and not pay.
See, an ordinary person spends his life getting out of tense situations. Repo man spends his life getting INTO tense situations.
What are you, some kind of fuckin’ Commie? I don’t want no Commies riding in my car!………No Christians, either!
You read that book I gave you? Diuretix, the Science of Matter over Mind? That book’ll change your life. I found it in the back of a Maeserati in Beverly Hills, know what I mean?
I may have seen Repo Man a few times.
New Video Game — As Trump you Disgustingly Shoot Minorities at Planned Parenthood
4-Chan nation. Pepe, white power symbols, torturing Shia… There should be a Glib enrollment drive over there.
Wake up
Thank the Lord I’m not a lib
Eat breakfast consisting only of bacon to own the Muslims
watch Fox News at full volume with my windows open to own libtard neighbors
Head to bank in my lifted truck, rolling coal, to own the snowflakes
Wear my ICE hat to own any illegal wetbacks who might be waiting in line at the bank
Get my paycheck in 20s to take home
Spend rest of day marking “Donald Trump lives here” on all my money
Eat more pork for dinner
Jack off while imagining our stunning first lady and our ruggedly handsome new president.
Polish off a fifth of Jim Beam in my American flag boxers to toast another day of owning the libs
+1 > mfw
Life is good, anons
Seems kind of redundant to be shooting minorities at a Planned Parenthood.
It’s offensive because it defames the good work of Margaret Sanger killing minorities.
Now Brussels takes control
They never lost control.
They’ll never allow an insurrection to sprout.
*narrows gaze*
Expected and deserved. Please Sir, may have another?
Don’t waffle
San Francisco leadership working hard to turn the city into a slum.
San Francisco’s leaders prepare to site a large homeless shelter in the heart of the city.
West Coast cities in about five years time – https://youtu.be/grbSQ6O6kbs
Guess I will no longer stay at the Hilton San Francisco Financial district.
Employed people?
They’ve cleverly sited it such that posing any opposition makes you a racist/heartless gentrifier, probably even a Trump voter.
They already have a large homeless shelter in the heart of the city. It’s the city.
They were camping in tents in front of City Hall when I lived there a couple decades ago.
The makers of the game play coy with their intention. When asked about making Hitler a playable character, they replied, “Hitler is not featured in this game. You may be referring to our fictional character Dolf who you may have assumed is Hitler because he is Austrian and has a moustache, in which case you have offended the entire Austrian moustache community.”
Too coherent. Needs moar jargony word salad.
New Zealand, more fascist than the old Zealand
Ardern announced a ban on military-style semiautomatics, certain gun parts, and “high capacity” magazines, among other things. The Arms (Military Style Semi-automatic Firearms) Order 2019 defines such guns as:
A semi-automatic firearm that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine (other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges) that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges.
A semi-automatic firearm that is a shotgun and that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges.
Ardern also suggested there are “loopholes” in New Zealand gun laws that remain and must be addressed. She said, “On Monday, cabinet will receive and consider further amendments to our gun laws.” She assured gun owners that the amendments would go through a more rigorous debate process than the gun ban did
That’s nice.
She summarized the actions undertaken by the New Zealand government, saying, “This is just the beginning of the work we need to do.”
Oh, I’m sure it is.
I had no idea that ahem, citizens could buy guns in NZ – assumed it was already well down the path that the UK went.
NZ had probably the most lax laws of any former commonwealth country. No longer.
It’s as if the political leadership was just waiting for a good reason to go all full-gun ban on them.
They just needed a pile of bodies tall enough to stand on to draw attention to their cause.
“Ardern also suggested there are “loopholes” in New Zealand gun laws that remain and must be addressed”
Like continued private ownership?
I guess this guy just proved that mass murder is an effective way to get your policy proposals adopted.
That’s the worst part. He stated his goal as gun control. Though I think it was primarily in reference to the US, they are still giving him what he wanted.
(other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges)
IOW, the rimfire version of the 5.56 that the AR-15 shoots… because AR-15s are too high powered.
Yup. Nice for the kiwis to spur new cartridge development.
No need.
Kel-Tec better start cranking out a lot more PMR30s though.
Unfortunately, Lehigh doesn’t seem to make anything in .22 WMR.
As someone else stated yesterday, it’s curious that these measures were ready for roll-out in less than a week, almost like they were just biding their time, waiting for an opportune moment..
“A semi-automatic firearm that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine (other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges) that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges.”
There is a major opportunity being opened up here for the design of a .22 rifle with a 500 round drum magazine.
Very Scandinavian. Nice.
*Birch-slaps Tundra in the saoonaa*
Finns aren’t Scandis. Just ask them and watch their ears turn red.
Uffda. Fucking uppity Finns. The only good thing you can say about them is that they aren’t Swedes.
Give a guy a break! The only Scandahoovians that I knew growing up were Finns. Good drinkers but overall a dour bunch.
Then you didn’t know any Scandahoovians. Just Nords.
A decent overview
I don’t blame the Finns all that much for not wanting to be lumped in with the Norwegians.
TW: The Guardian
My life in sex: ‘I am a female incel. I am desperate for a touch’
There’s no reason she can’t get in shape with proper diet and exercise. Quit feeling sorry for yourself, put down the pasta fork, and hit the gym.
She doesn’t even need to do that. Just show up at any bar around closing time and I’m sure she will find someone willing to take care of her needs.
It isn’t going to be deep. It isn’t going to be special.
But if she just wants some sexy times, it will be that.
If you know of that place, let’s do a glib meet up next time I’m in town.
Sorry Straff.
My advice only works for women. Ugly dudes will go home alone no matter what time they show up at the bar. Unless they are rich.
There is probably a gay bar that would work…
You are just as evil as that guy Peterson’s book! Someone should ban you!
Or, alternatively, just find a chubby-chaser forum on the internet. These days it’s not hard to find someone if you really want to – someone, somewhere, is into your thing.
People are sick fucks (excluding my angelic self – ha!)
“I am a female incel”
“I have a three-baby[…]body”
Immaculate conception three times over! Someone get this lady a religion!
I suspect that “body” might be why the husband is no longer in the picture too? I mean, as we age we can’t keep expecting our partner to look like a model, but we certainly can expect them not to look like Godzilla unless they started off already looking fugly.
Well, we know why her husband left.
Overweight, desperate, needy and depressed. What’s not to love? *Lights John signal*
especially now that hugs from the children are more to humour me than anything else.
Ew. What were you doing with them before?
I’m gonna need pics before I can render a decision.
I am going to assume you are on a diet and looking for motivation why not to eat?
I’m guessing he a chubby chaser.
God bless ’em, I don’t think I could keep it up.
Sorry you are not an incel. You are perfectly capable of getting both sex and companionship at any point that you wish. What you lack is the ability to get those things with the person you would want them from or in the manner you would want to get them but as was stated above you can get sex and a boyfriend at any time. Just hop on Tinder or any other dating app and proactively start messaging guys, it won’t take a week for you to find one willing to hook up with you.
Incels are guys and the occasional female who literally have no ability to get either sex or a relationship with a member of their preferred sex without explicitly paying for it and sometimes not even then. They can go on Tinder and send tens of thousands of messages without even getting so much as a somewhat positive conversation out of it forget having someone willing to have sex with or date them.
You’re not an incel you are just too damned scared to put yourself out there
1. Go on Doublist.
2. Post ad saying “BBW Needs Dick.”
3. Buy new computer because your mailbox exploded.
“I was always unattractive, and now I have a three-baby, gravity-and-comfort-eating shaped body”
Way to sell!
The company apologized and removed the ad.
“We are sorry that an ad that appeared in one of our stores was insensitive to the Dorchester community,” TD Bank said in a statement obtained by the Herald. “The ad, which was removed today, does not reflect our core values around diversity and inclusion.”
“We’re sorry. Sorry you’re such a festering mob of deranged idiots.”
How about, “We’re not sorry. We happen to think Dorchester is a fine community, which is why we picked it – we didn’t think that location would offend anyone. Perhaps our critics should reflect on their own preconceptions and insecurities.”
certain gun parts
We’ll put an end to triggers, once and for all!
Their ultimate target is “That thing that goes up”!
While researching something for you people I came across this delicious post-election whinge from diversity trainers from the loathsome yet hilariously named Kat Chow:
They’re a bunch of grifters just beginning to realize that there’s a backlash to their constant attempts to guilt an entire race into compliance.
“which especially divided the nation on issues of race”
Class, but thanks for playing.
Why the Cayman Islands Are so Prosperous (and Harmonious)
So of course the fucking UN wants to punish them.
I mean, that’s easy enough for them to say as long as nobody cares enough to land a brigade on the beach and topple their government in about 25 minutes.
a few UN secretaries will have heart attacks before that happens.
Indiana Teachers Say They Were Shot “Execution Style” With Pellet Guns in Active Shooter Training
It had to be realistic.
Brooks, who has served as sheriff since January, said his department has conducted this kind of training before and that the teachers should not have been surprised they were shot by the airsoft gun
They’re bitching about being shot in the back with air soft guns. Pussies.
I’ve never heard someone who wasn’t lying say, “I was shot execution style”.
But they got better
My buddy was shot during an armored car robbery. He was laying on the ground and his coworker took one to the head. When they shot him he moved a bit and it grazed his head and blew off his thumb. He was shot execution style and he can tell you all about it.
I hate everyone here.
And Pat, no dogs were shot – so not totally realistic.
Well, that and the cops actually being inside the building at the same time as the shooter.
If you refuse to arms yourselves and/or the school you might as well practice being killed.
With guns imported from where, exactly?
Active shooter drills can go off and die somewhere. Those are one of the stupidest ideas the local PD has ever come up with.
Especially when they do that when the kids are IN school. Just think of your 8 year sitting in a classroom and a plain clothed cop starts shooting off blanks (hopefully) to help train the kids in what to do. ugh
Hold my beer!
Michigan legislature proposes new OUI limit of .05 . . .
whoops :
I had no idea the WCTU was still so active!
Wahabbist Corruption Temperance Union?
“Badasses is burkhas!”
It’s been that way here for ten years. Blow .05 and it’s a seven day impound and license suspension. That’s two beers, people.
Uber drivers rejoice.
It’s going to be a hell of a thing once we’ve fully legalized pot nationally and simultaneously lowered the BAC for DUI to .05.
DUI stops were yielding an insufficient arrest rate.
Grams of crack?
There’s a big fucking difference between .306 and .08 (and .05).
How come you want people to die?
.306 would make most people comatose. Hell, that would kill most people.
What about .30-06?
All I got is this
Yeah, .08 was never the problem.
But what about the CHILDREN!
FFS, your state is following Utah’s lead on something alcohol related. Why in the hell would you follow Utah’s lead on anything dealing with alcohol?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to keep cops out on the road and vigilant for obviously impaired drivers rather than pulling over just anyone to shake them down on suspicion of having had a couple beers?
No cough syrup for you!
A beer and mouthwash will put you over that limit.
Health apps pose ‘unprecedented’ privacy risks
Gee, no shit.
Of 24 health apps in the BMJ study, 19 shared user data with companies, including Facebook, Google and Amazon.
“And the other five lied about it.”
There are no free lunches people…
Indiana Teachers Say They Were Shot “Execution Style” With Pellet Guns in Active Shooter Training
“I just don’t want to get killed for lack of shooting back.”
TIL: You can suck at art but as long as you claim your shitty drawings are “intersectional”, you’ll get celebrated.
Art ceased to be about skill a hundred years ago.
Photographic portraiture turned art into a luxury item. Prior to the mid-1800s the biggest market for art was portraits – whether paintings, drawings or silhouettes.
That and the postmodern drive to elevate politics above all else.
Woman, 21, reveals sex life with her 74-year-old fiance and jokes he ‘doesn’t need Viagra’
This guy has money? A long one? Cause she is a catch….
“I’ve known Mikan all my life, my neighbours and I used to help him when he was sick, that’s when our love was born.”
I threw up in my mouth.
His “San Francisco Making the Playoffs Minnesota 1970 Sports League” hoodie is lit.
it’s simple, but wouldn’t “Beta” be Trump’s nickname for Beto? just don’t emphasize it. say it like you’re possibly mispronouncing his real nickname.
Trump: “The Dem primary is a contest of failed ideas. You have socialists like Saunders, empty suits like Beta..”
NBC Debate Moderator: “Beto”
Trump: “Pardon?”
NBC Debate Mod: “Beto O’Rourke. You said Beta.”
Trump: “Beta?”
NBC Debate Mod: “Beto”
Trump: “Beta.”
Just keep mispronouncing it. “You said Beta.” “Pedo?”
That would be awesome.
All he’s really got to do is blame it on his Queens accent.
Donald Trumputin
Mar 14
I’ll beat Beta. We’ll have the Biggest, Classiest skateboard race ever! Down Suicide Hill, after school! I’ll tell you, I get so much air! The Highest, Most Stupendous air!
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As someone else stated yesterday, it’s curious that these measures were ready for roll-out in less than a week, almost like they were just biding their time, waiting for an opportune moment..
Before the gunsmoke has cleared, you have the international gungrabbers cartel on the phone, saying, “This is what you need to do.”
have to share this trailer for The Head Hunter.
A medieval warrior’s gruesome collection of heads is missing only one – the monster that killed his daughter years ago.
looks awesome.
Prostitution Should Stay Illegal Because Consent Is A Garbage Minimum Standard For Goodness
Arguments for legalizing prostitution hinge on two points: What consenting adults do is nobody’s business but theirs, and freedom requires allowing people to sell sex.
What a mensch, out there saving the harlots from themselves.
he just said sex workers are as fucked in the head as someone who lets somebody murder and eat them.
Only a real weirdo eats out a sex worker.
I hear there is a fetish about doing this stuff.. Not a fan.
Incidentally, he’s right inasmuch as consent is a garbage standard for goodness. But it’s a perfectly wonderful standard for legality. The inability or unwillingness to differentiate the two is the worst sort of paternalism.
Nathan Stone is a storyteller who looks at culture, politics, and religion from a different POV on his YouTube channel Nate on the Stone, and who exercises the moral imagination in his writing. A lover of books, music and the outdoors (especially with dogs) he earned a masters in American history from Liberty University in 2016.
Revoke his degree due to irony.
“Storyteller”/”Public Intellectual”. Potato/potato
US gun laws: Why it won’t follow New Zealand’s lead
#1 will shock you!
Why does the BBC care?
All the guns flooding into Britain from Indiana are causing havoc.
*golf clap*
In the same way that parents still worry about their children after they’re grown, our old imperial overlords just can’t stop caring about us.
As long as some country still has armed peasants that can rise up against the global inept credentialed elite cadre, the world is not safe!
All right-thinking people care, Scruffy.
Alt-right thinking people don’t care.
Eyeballs (not the good kind you keep in a jar on the mantel).
They’re scared shitless Brexit will lead to other freedoms.
^This, too.
Because the existence of the US and our relatively (compared to UK) gives people in places like Australia and NZ the idea that they might actually have some sort of natural right to self-defense.
I think you a word.
relatively strong 2A rights (compared to UK) gives people
Needz moar coffees
Because they yearn for the day we are brought down to their level…in any area they can get.
White women are the primary group worried about gun control.
BBC is always interested in things that white wimmin are interested in.
I thought white women were obsessed with the BBC. Can’t get enough of it.
Mutual admiration society.
——————–> Joke
Pope Jimbo?
White women are worried about “gun control”.
White women are also worried about “good schools”.
White women also worried about “property values”.
Not appearing in the article: the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
“Could it change?”
yeah, it could be buttressed against state encroachment.
They actually quoted the text of the 2A, albeit buried under the courts category:
the obstacles are our govt insitutions. no seriously. it’s the courts, the Senate, the Senate filibuster. also making an appearance was the NRA that spent *gasp* $4M in 2016 and another $30M given to Trump’s campaign. and then two amorphous things like gerrymandering and “enthusiasm”.
On a per capita basis, the US is either number 10 or not even in the top ten for mass shootings, including industrialized nations like France, UK, etc. It is still an event that is statistically rare.
Well some Pennsylvania Reps are trying to go full gun control.
Besides creating a handy list for gun confiscation, it seems designed to humiliate, inconvenience and demean gun owners.
Not gonna happen.
Michigan legislature proposes new OUI limit of .05 . . .
And then they finally will have the ability to deal with those career drunk drivers who have multiple arrests with a bac in the teens.
Because magick.
I’d like to believe that there would be some kind of push back regarding this but nope, it’s playing out just like the anti smoking lobby’s crushing defeat of personal liberty.
Well I’m sure this will somehow save some children somewhere so I’m all for it.
They never catch the chronics. Road-side suspensions usually get little Miss Temp that had one glass too many of Chardonnay or Joe Lunch-pail who stayed til the end of the game. It’s a cash grab, just like red light and speed cams. No court, no justice.
When I was auditing the FLDOC’s new electronic intake system about 2006, I’d grab 50-100 new intakes each day for a week at random to make sure all of the particulars were correct. If I had to guess at the makeup of the incoming male prison population of Florida based on those, I would say it is about 40% drug offenses (usually with either theft, theft-by-check, and/or resisting arrest), 30% felony DUI, evenly distributed between causing injury/damage and 3rd or more DUI, and 30% all other crimes.
You made my point for me. Your system weeds out the Florida Men ours is a much wider net with looser mesh. Roadside suspensions are like factory farming chickens compared to what Grandma kept pecking around the yard.
“I like watersports because it’s liberating – you free yourself from all your inhibitions.”
OK, whatever floats your boat…
“Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to try some of my other, stranger kinks yet. I’m really keen on smoke and want to go down on a woman while she smokes a cigarette.”
Hold on there pal, you’re out of bounds!
Apparently, finding a woman to piss on you is NBD, but SMOKING?!? that’s just a bridge too far.
Afterwards, I remember feeling so happy and as if I had achieved something.
Yes, you achieved getting someone else to participate in your kink. Congratulations.
Maybe he’s trying to combine the two and they can’t keep the cigarette lit.
Or if someone tries to tell you it’s raining.
No need to worry unless they start playing “Purple Rain”.
If it is purple you definitely need to worry
My favourite part is when the hot pee drizzles down my erect penis or onto a vagina.
Drizzles? Are you pissing bacon grease?
Basted eggs.
Having gone down on a woman a couple hours after she smoked a cigarette I do not reccomend this. Imagine licking a wet ashtray
Imagine if she had the asparagus at dinner.
Socialist Party Comes Out Against ‘Judaism’
/face palm.
I’m pretty sure Groucho was Jewish.
Look, I’m not saying I hate Jews. I just think they should all be rounded up into camps for their own good.
The UK Socialist Party is largely composed of illiterate morons that still subscribe to the labor theory of value. That they cannot tell the difference between Judaism and the Jewish religion is hardly surprising.
It’s a cop out. They’re evil twits.
Only liars and idiots confuse the two.
That fucking retard Moses, for example.
Projection on their part, no?
(((They))) still try to invoke the plagues against their enemies.
“Only liars and idiots confuse the two.”
Oh. OK then. Thanks for clearing that up.
A dev trained robots to generate “garbage” slot machine games—and made $50K
Developers decided to create the “best crappiest” free to play game they could.
Most interesting part is that they claim they improved google’s filter, because others trying the same thing they did would get filtered out. Eventually all 1500 of their crap games were dropped.
Started yesterday 0/2, finished 13-3. Not bad.
12-4, comfortably nestled in 19th place in the Glibs pool. Lost two s16 teams, too – fuckin’ Frank Howard screwed me.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
Combat bocche tournament.
I’d watch that in a heart beat. No chance anyone here other than me cares, but this was an amazing match today.
I am just waiting for the next Rugby World Cup to see if Japan has that wonderous rolling maul again. @#$%ing work of art.
I assume the WC is union.
Hard pass.
League is touch football. Union is continuous strife.
Union is a punt fest.
Drunken lawn jarts.
Stupid 6/11 and 7/10 teams not breaking my way. Except UF.
Three Children Embark on a Quest to Find Bigfoot, Learns the Importance of Diversity Along the Way
I’m sensing a Founder’s mash-up that would play well to this audience. OMWC, Swiss and SF trade the manuscript back and forth.
As if any of us would dare touch it after SF had his way with it….
Sure, Swiss…https://youtu.be/UD1-oVJlU4M
I think you need to get Rufus involved for the francophonia.
““We must learn the importance of accepting our differences in order to get along in the world,” says Hill.”
What if we are white?
Not sure how this new Minnesoda law update is going to work.
INAL but it seems like Fed law would override any Minnesoda law. Is this the legislative equivalent of a cop arresting you for recording them? You know it isn’t legal, but you do it anyhow and don’t care when it gets overturned later because you already got your way?
The controlling federal precedent may apply only to federal employment law, while the states can pass something more restrictive.
Trump recognizes Israeli claims to Golan Heights after 52 years of occupation.
Next up we’ll recognize the Russians’ claim to the Karelian Isthmus, the Ukrainian claim to Lwów, and the Polish annexation of most of Prussia.
Headlines in sidebar of Bernie/Beto story:
‘Ocasio-Cortex jokes that Trump is a nematode’
‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flips out over mocking of her name’
So it’s okay to call the President a nematode, but don’t you dare call me by only part of my name…got it.
“Got it Ms. Cortez”
“Chiquita Kruschev.”
I like it.
“Nematode”? Somebody used a thesaurus.
You need to keep Trump insults simple. He’s not going to know you’re mocking him unless the insult you use is around a 5th grade level
I mean you have to appreciate the irony of a woman who proposed a plan giving transfer payments to those unwilling to work calling somebody a parasite.
True. But, she should have stuck with “little hands”.
I like how she gets her back up about the pronunciation of her name, as if there aren’t a shitload of white people with names that get mispronounced routinely. No, it’s particular to her because we just can’t handle her white-hot Latinaness. Fucking idiot. I have a friend whose family name is Kolodziej. Somehow he’s managed to live with the fact that virtually no one who isn’t Polish can pronounce that correctly.
All white people have names like “Smith”. All whites are by default WASPs. Spanish, Italians, Polish, and pretty much all of eastern Europe does not exist. The entire map of Europe in her office is stamped “Pssht…white people”
There’s a hard law in progressive circles that Latin names must be pronounced with absolute correctness to the point of parody. NPR is the finest example of this.
+∞ annoying reports from NPR’s Paris correspondent Eleanor Beardsley
“Please meet my friend Siobhán Wojciechowsk”
That hurts my brain.
Pics pls.
Part of the reason New Zealand is ability to move quickly, of course, is that it’s a parliamentary democracy, ensuring that the government is controlled entirely by one party or a politically compatible coalition. That’s not the only explanation for why the US has charted a different course, however.
There’s also that sad, sick Commonwealth tradition of believing rights are only created and granted by the King and, since that is true, those rights may be altered or withdrawn at any time.
To which I say,
Watching the Liberals running rough-shod over Parliamentary procedure over the last few days has been disgustingly familiar.
People are dying! Big Pharma!
One brave Minnesoda GOP-er tries to save people, but the other monsters in his party won’t support him.
I wonder why insulin costs have doubled in 4 years. Especially since it doubled after the ACA passed. I thought that was going to solve everything.
I hate wily opponents. Those fuckers are always conniving to keep their ill gotten profits.
Those insulin patients and asthma sufferers are paying for other peoples’ “free” contraceptives. You got a problem with that misogynist?
Howcome you hate women?
Seriously. His Holiness clearly hates women as much as the real pope. Fucking Minnesota.
as the real pope
Get the stake and a lot of firewood we got some cleansing to do.
The “victim” who this bill was named after was forced off his parents’ insurance shortly after his 26th birthday. The horror! Who could have seen that coming?
Also, if my kid was forced off his insurance and needed $$ for insulin, I think I would help them pay for it (and then kick them in the ass to get a real job and figure out how to get their own insurance).
The kid can get insurance. He just didn’t.
Howcome you hate kids?
I find it amazing how far this country has fallen from the mindset of caring for yourself and your kin.
I have an idea! Nobody ever thought of this. Wait for it… A new slush fund run by the bureaucracy! I’m so smart I should be a politician!
Freaky Friday: People suck
Yeah, I linked this the other day as a way to explain why I have trouble turning completely against capital punishment. There simply are certain people who really, really need to be put to death.
And I agree that there is no point in keeping someone like that alive, someone who is clearly guilty of a deliberate rape/torture/murder. But having said that I still am wary about trusting the state with that power because the state will sometimes get it wrong, because the state will abuse the power, etc. Look at the state’s longstanding resistance to testing old DNA evidence with modern techniques.
^This. The death penalty is just another government program that doesn’t work.
I get that. I do, really. I would be for as limited an application of capital punishment as possible. There are cases such as these where there is literally no question as to guilt – people like this or, say, James Holmes, and the crime is so particularly heinous. Someone should just drag such people out in an alley right after the trial and put one behind the ear and be done with it.
Maybe the best punishment for situations like this is declaring a person an outlaw. The state doesn’t kill them, but the outlaw is released and then they are fair game.
The “…reality of what he had done set in…” part tells me that this dude is going to sit in a cell for the rest of his life thinking about what he did, which will surely be unpleasant.
Does she have some neck beard in that pic or am I just seeing things?
That’s a man, baby!
Secret Nazi President strikes again
President Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to promote free speech on college campuses by threatening colleges with the loss of federal research funding if they do not protect those rights.
“We’re here to take historic action to defend American students and American values,” Trump said, surrounded by conservative student activists at the signing ceremony. “They’ve been under siege.”
“Under the guise of speech codes, safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans like those here today,” he said.
Do you know who else believed in freedom of speech?
Evelyn Beatrice Hall?
“I’ll get you next time, Gadget”!
Next tiiiiiiiiiiiime! *shaking spiked fist*
Thomas Jefferson?
Democratic members of Congress are whispering that the Mueller report will be a “dud” (like most people who don’t blindly trust the intelligence community had predicted from the beginning).
What happened here is pretty obvious- Trump (a man who once bragged that he does not read) is such a criminal mastermind that he and Putin hid their nefarious plan so well that two congressional investigations; a special counsel; the entire resources of the corporate press, and the FBI could not uncover any evidence of this so sophisticated plot.
Escalating tensions with a nuclear power to own the cons
Top hide the criminal activity of the Obama administration is more like it…
There should be repercussions but that’s not gonna happen, not in my lifetime, anyway.
I’m so disappointed that our President isn’t a Russian puppet.
Raymond ShawDonald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.The tards are still keeping the faith
Mueller is going to hold out on issuing his findings until after the election. This is an embarrassment for him too, so he’s got to put the best face on it and release the report when people our distracted with other news
I think you are correct, in part because it seems to be common knowledge that the Trump team is preparing to use the nothingburger in the report to their advantage in the upcoming campaign, and they don’t want to hand Trump that cudgel.
Maybe the fact that this fraud was perpetuated for over two years (absent all evidence) will red pill Americans about how the intelligence community operates. One could only hope
Nothing will penetrate the left’s belief that Trump has somehow obstructed justice and gotten away with horrible crimes, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.
And the taxpayers get to keep funding it until then. Woohoo! Nothing like spending millions on 4 years of investigations resulting in prison for a few lackeys.
I often wonder what it must be like to have a game show host living rent-free in yer cranium. I’d pick Sajack, he seems sorta cool…
Citations needed.
Citation and an editor.
Trump will obstruct justice any way he can.
Except for the near 100% cooperation.
He will bring the hammer down full force and leave no doubt the fucking asshole in the Whitehouse must be removed.
This is not going to go the way you think.
I am utterly convinced that the idiot woman who popped up in the lynx earlier in the week, the one with the dog she named after Mueller , will beat that dog savagely when the report is revealed to be a big bowl of nothing.
Nope, she’ll just abandon him out in the sticks. Virtue un-signaled, nothing to see here, Folks.
Trump (a man who once bragged that he does not read)
I fucking love this country.
“I’ve got people for that!”
I love fucking in this country!
“Under the guise of speech codes, safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans like those here today,” he said.
Total red herring; you’re allowed to speak freely on campus, as long as what you say is true. Unfortunately, conservatives are known to be pathological liars.
For you Laker haters out there: the 2019 Lakers’ One Shining Moment
Now LA knows how Cleveland felt during the playoffs before LeBron went off to Miami.
This is how a true champion plays:
Not fair. You can make a montage like for any team in the NBA. It’s just a lot easier to make one for LA.
Mikan, Mikkelson, Pollard, Slater Martin and Bud Grant have been resurrected and they’re moving back to Mpls?
Bud Grant is still alive, so technically he can’t be resurrected just yet.
Trump Didn’t Call Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People.’ Here’s Proof.
I’m sure it will never happen again now that it’s been clarified.
Annnnnnnnd…..he just lost his job with CNN
“How many fingers, Winston?”
You forgot ’s mom.
I didn’t say “how many fists?”
::swallows bile::
Scott Adams was the driving force behind debunking that claim. He’s been pushing hard on Twitter and is being completely ignored by idiots like Stelter.
For any honest person
There’s the problem.
I tried to watch “Hoaxed” today and found it incredibly boring. Absolutely nothing new in it, but I give Molyneux credit for the ending. He’s been unwatchable for years, but he did nail it at the end of that movie.
That’s Molyneux’s movie? I thought it was that one guy with gorilla vitamins or something. Tom Woods interviewed him a couple of weeks back and they were talking about that movie as if it was his.
It’s Cernovich’s movie, but Moly has an appearance at the end that explain’s Plato’s cave analogy. Here.
Let the spin begin.
MSNBC’s Katy Tur dismissed the upcoming results of Robert Mueller’s investigation during her Thursday show because, according to her, the special counsel has already found “quite a bit” of incriminating evidence against President Donald Trump.
Tur made the comment during a panel on her show with Washington Post White House reporter Ashley Parker and senior Politico White House reporter Darren Samuelsohn.
“There were moments all through the investigation when they actually were nervous and they were panicked. When for instance, Michael Cohen that news broke. But right now they’re not super nervous, and there is a sense that it is going to be a bit of a nothing burger,” Parker stated, when asked if the Trump administrations reaction could provide insight into the results of the investigation. “Again, I am not saying that’s what it will be, but that is the sense in the president orbit. And if that’s the case, they do think they can use it as a political cudgel to show Democratic overreach.”
“Let’s just put up on the screen everybody who’s already been found guilty or indicted in the Mueller investigation. Lots of faces, lots of pleas, and lots of indictments,” Tur stated, as a graphic of individuals connected to Trump who have been indicted appeared including Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.
“They’ve already come up with quite a bit, regardless of whether there or not there is direct collusion or conspiracy found between Donald Trump or his campaign and the Russians,” she added.
Kay Tur is such an disingenuous c*nt. Still would.
Hell yes! The more they dig the less credibility the corporate press will have. They’re hovering at about a 30% rate of trust from the public. Let’s see that fall to 15%.
I am certain that any other presidential campaign would survive such a level of scrutiny.
Katy Tur thinks George Washington was a native son of New York. She’s a retard.
I seem to remember Comey laying out in expansive detail the case to be made against Clinton. Not against a Clinton campaign manager or aide for iffy process crimes or crimes having nothing to do with Clinton, but against Clinton herself. Did Tur “not care” about Comey’s subsequent “no reasonable prosecutor” dodge?
according to her, the special counsel has already found “quite a bit” of incriminating evidence against President Donald Trump
And then she pivots to a bunch of indictments that have nothing to do with Trump. Jeebus.
What’s really sad is, there is no way Trump isn’t responsible (directly or vicariously) for any number of legal violations, given the scope and character of his businesses and our “three felonies a day” legal code.. And a crack team of our Top Prosecutors with an unlimited budget and their very own grand jury can’t lay a glove on him. And that doesn’t include the DemOp AGs who are after him. The only thing that I have heard that is remotely plausible as something he might have some responsibility for, maybe, is some shenanigans at his foundation.
Do they really want to dig in that one, while the Clinton Foundation still looms large?
Desperately fanning the dying embers
This moment of political purgatory comes after a turbulent two years packed with revelations about covert contacts between associates of President Donald Trump and Russia, the sight of Trump acolytes being sent to jail after sensational court dramas and a ferocious campaign by the President to discredit Mueller.
When he finally files his report, the special counsel will open a new chapter in the Russia story — even though it could take weeks for most Americans to learn what he learned during his investigation.
Depending on his conclusions, he could either lift the cloud of suspicion over alleged links to Russia that has darkened every day of the Trump administration.
Or if he finds serious wrongdoing, Mueller could trigger a constitutional showdown that puts a presidency in peril.
No, seriously, the Big Reveal is coming. Don’t miss it. It’ll be yuuuge.
CNN is propaganda and should be treated as such
When this turns into another nothing-burger nobody will apologize. They’ll just latch onto the next shiny thing and it will be as if nothing ever happened.
Yep – this will be swept into the memory hole faster than my vomit flushed down the toilet; after reading a SF story.
Is that before or after you climax?
*pictures LH curled up in the shower*
Waffle stomping the effluvia down the drain.
Absolutely. But, I don’t think they can hide this anymore. To their credit, according to polls, the American people have turned against the concept that the Fever Dreams are true. Belief in Fever Dreams has never been a majority position in polling, but now it’s a shrinking minority.
Everyone should remember those who pimped this nonsense concept from the get-go. They should never be trusted again.
It’s gonna be more anti-climatic than Al Capone’s vaultS.
Maybe they should get Geraldo to report it.
The Mystery of Robert Mueller’s Investigations.
+1 glass bottle
+5 Still rockin’ the porn-stache
Mueller will put some wording in that will allow the MSM to claim vindication. We just couldn’t prove it! Or, not illegal, but obviously guilty!
CNN has another howler right next to that one:
“I have no idea whether the special counsel will conclude that Mr. Trump knowingly conspired with the Russians in connection with the 2016 election or that he obstructed justice with the required corrupt intent,” Comey wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Thursday. “I also don’t care. I care only that the work be done, well and completely.”
“I’m taking my ball and going home. I didn’t want to play this stupid game with you guys anyway!”
Shorter Comey
Scientists rise up against statistical significance
Let me guess, statistical significance is racist or white cis-hetero male privilege, or something. Just like logic.
“Gee, why do we have a replication crisis?”
How many times in Stat 101 did they stress that you “fail to reject” the null hypothesis. It doesn’t disprove it.
Get back to me when the rise up against using studies that demonstrate a correlation between 2 different things as having any more meaning than a starting point to looking for a causal link between the two
When the article says that a significant effect and a non-significant effect aren’t necessarily in disagreement, they are absolutely right (see the article for an example). Claiming that there is an effect even if it is not significant (“you can clearly see something is there”) is a little dicier since the human mind is great at seeing patterns that aren’t really there (i.e., meaningful).
In my field, a 3-sigma effect is very interesting and deserves more research, but a 5-sigma effect is needed before people start to believe it.
Chicago appears to be choosing to taking the express line to complete and utter ruin
The replacement of the middle class in cities with the wealthy is directly correlated with an embrace of socialism. If you analyze where these Democratic Socialists are gaining ground it isn’t in the few ethnic enclaves that still exist in the city and it certainly is not in poor black communities. They are winning in areas that have been gentrified.
Socialism is the rich man’s fetish, because he knows it won’t materially impact him. It’s just one giant virtue signal.
In Chicago, this is directly a result of Cook County’s completely fucked up property tax scheme. The city has been boasting about how much business it’s lured in over the past decade or so, but no one ever asks why. Corporate property taxes have effectively been frozen the entire time, and the burden has instead been shifted onto the residents. This squeezes out the middle class and replaces them with people of means that can afford it. What people don’t realize is that if this scheme is ever corrected, Chicago will really be no more or no less attractive to businesses setting up shop than Indianapolis, Davenport or any other Midwest city. There isn’t anything magical about the geography, amenities, culture or climate that makes people flock here otherwise.
But the Chicago educator and community activist may be poised to do just that after forcing a runoff in her 33rd ward aldermanic race against incumbent Deb Mell last month, making her one of six democratic socialists who could potentially join city council this year.
But which takes precedent?
“What we’re advocating for is for people to just be able to have decent lives. That shouldn’t be too much to ask. We need to be able to imagine that. We need to be able to imagine what good lives look like,” Rodriguez said.
How about you just leave people alone.
Several 2020 Democrats to skip AIPAC conference after call to boycott
Several Democratic presidential candidates will skip the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s policy conference this year after a prominent progressive group called on them to boycott the event.
Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will all ditch the conference, the Associated Press reported, and a spokesman for former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, told NBC News that he also will not attend.
Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, will not be going, The Jewish Week reported, and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro also won’t show, according to HuffPost.
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is considering running for president as an independent, will also skip the conference, the Associated Press reported.
Josh Orton, a policy director for Sanders, told NBC News that the senator is “concerned about the platform AIPAC is providing for leaders who have expressed bigotry and oppose a two-state solution.”
Sanders didn’t attend the 2016 conference while he was running in the Democratic presidential primary, but addressed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at length during a speech around the time of the event.
The candidates’ decisions to skip the prominent pro-Israel lobbying group’s conference come one day after liberal group MoveOn.org called on all 2020 presidential candidates to steer clear of the event.
“It’s no secret that that AIPAC has worked to hinder diplomatic efforts like the Iran deal, is undermining Palestinian self-determination, and inviting figures actively involved in human rights violations to its stage,” Iram Ali, campaign director for MoveOn’s political action committee, said in a post on the group’s website. “We asked our members what they think so that we can make more informed decisions — and over 74% agreed that progressive presidential candidates should skip the AIPAC conference. This should also give a clear insight to 2020 candidates on where their base stands instead of prioritizing lobbying groups and policy people who rarely step outside of D.C.”
Democrats have curious bedfellows.
A better one – #jewtoo
Bring on the mobocracy!
Abolishing the Electoral College is a modern-democratic-principles slam dunk: Every vote should count the same, no matter where you live. Absent a baroque defense of hyper-federalization or a nakedly partisan argument dressed in the breeches and waistcoat of blind traditionalism, there is no good case for the Electoral College. Rather, the more interesting question is what to replace it with.
Oh, no, not teh hyper-federalization.
How can we steamroller the hicks with our enlightened one-size-fits-all Beltway wisdom, when this infernal antiquated states’ rights nonsense keeps tripping us up?
Can we replace it with 50 independent nations?
I got into it during family Christmas with some schmuck my sister “adopted” into her family (he’s 30 fucking years old) about the electoral college. I told him that the United States would dissolve if the electoral college was dispensed with. He just plowed ahead with calling everyone not residing in certain select zip codes racists. I had to explain to him where the 3/5 rule came from.
There are a lot of insanely stupid and uninformed people that feel no compunction to keep their mouths shut because they think being woke makes them smart…
We could use a little more federalization, especially considering that the US is supposed to be a federal system.
No, no , no. You people should adopt the Parliamentary system wherein the people vote for a Party and then the insidious machinations within said Party are allowed to choose your Leader. Works bull-spasms for us and the Brits.
Never change, Vox.
Every vote should count the same, no matter where you live.
Its all about defining the scope of “where you live”. Within each state, every vote counts the same.
Now, tell me why somebody in a small state should have their current vote diluted by being bundled up with voters in distant cities. Try not to use the word “fair”, which is a semantic void used to cover up “Because I wanna!”.
Well there’s fair and there’s a Four year-old’s conception of “fair”.
Uh-huh. And the people trying to get rid of it motivated purely by civic mindedness and not partisanship at all. ?
It only looks like partisanship to you because YOU’RE SUCH A PARTISAN!
Every vote should count the same, no matter where you live
It does, dipshit.
The best part about living in a tourism-driven town is that the locals need to do things to bring in the bucks even when the weather is as shitty as it is this time of year.
Hence, Restaurant Week: https://wordpressstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/wp-media/wp-content/uploads/sites/505/2019/02/SaltRestaurantWeek2019.pdf
There’s a group of Cleveland restaurants that do two different Restaurant weeks each year. One is in Spring, the other in Fall. The standard is prix fixe menus for 3 courses at about $35.
And this is why the populist insurgency in the West will not die.
“I think,” my friend said, “Americans spend so much time worried about race they miss what we Europeans understand in our bones. It is class which divide societies. Look at Britain, once nearly 100 percent white, yet a person had to say just a few words before you knew who worked for who by the accent. Or India, where everyone is a POC as you Americans would say, and where they created a caste system that survived the departure of the white people.”
It does seem silly to think a Caucasian on food stamps in West Virginia has more in common with a Caucasian in Los Angeles producing multimillion-dollar movies than a black person on food stamps in, say, West Virginia again. “No, your Democrats are drawing the lines the wrong way,” said the Spaniard. “It is about money, not melanin.” We had to look up the last word from the Spanish melanina.
After driving for a while, we arrived at The Plaza. My Spanish friend paid me for the ride through the Uber app, but with a generous cash tip. Privilege, I guess. I pocketed the $10.**
As I set off to my other job, the idea of money as a dividing line started to make more sense and the idea of POC started to make less. Color masks the lines that really matter, and those lines are all colored green.”
It’s just amazing to me that the working class in the West has achieved “class consciousness” (as Marx would say) and the socialists are on the side of the rich, in opposition to the poor.
You don’t have to be a socialist to realize that trying to kill the job of a coal miner in West Virginia, while subsidizing Elon Musk’s latest business venture is a perverse way to run a society.
Which is not to endorse the populist mentality that we should be subsidizing the coal miner and taxing Elon Musk’s businesses out of existence.
The American middle class was historically too aspirational to be swayed by the classical Marxist class struggle framework, but because we’re the most non-homogeneous nation on earth and spent 600,000 lives debating the relative merits of the African slave trade, that’s the form our class struggle takes by necessity.
The anti-immigrant populists in Europe are just as much to blame as the cosmopolitan rent-seeking elites. Imagine if the dairy farmer in France realized that his opposition to the regressive and confiscatory “carbon tax” was shared by the Muslim immigrant who lives in the suburbs of Paris. Both of them will have their wages stolen from them in order to appease the sensibilities of the Parisian assholes and their perverse doomsday cult.
Solution: Give ’em both welfare to keep them from realizing anything. Claw back the welfare by stealth.
Imagine if the dairy farmer in France realized that his opposition to the regressive and confiscatory “carbon tax” was shared by the Muslim immigrant who lives in the suburbs of Paris.
I think in Europe you’d probably be more likely to see at least short-term strategic alliances for purely economic interests among those groups – although certainly not in opposition to confiscatory taxes – because of their historical adoption of socialist, and in some cases revolutionary communist, ideology. As the (real or imagined) Spaniard in the piece remarks, “we Europeans understand in our bones”. That’s because of being steeped in class conscious ideology in a relatively heterogeneous society for half a century before the cultural and racial front opened up. Since America was a little slow on the uptake with traditional class-struggle Marxism, the form that the ideology took here became cultural and racial instead (“Cultural Marxism” as we all know is a white nationalist conspiracy, so call it the Frankfurt school or whatever tickles your pickle; six of one half a dozen of the other). So our populace is probably less class conscious and more race conscious instead.
American “intellectuals” work overtime to contort classism into a by-product of racism. Poor whites are ignorant hicks who deserve to be poor and poor blacks are all victims of white hicks with money. Only the elites are pure of heart and conscience, chosen either by God or by the electorate, whichever suits their audience.
They divide the poor in this country by class, because they don’t want a factory worker in Ohio to realize that his concerns are shared by an immigrant farm worker in Iowa or a black family on the South Side of Chicago. If they did realize their commonalities then they may disrupt the rent-seeking that accounts for much of the upper classes wealth nowadays.
That’s not dividing by class, that’s dividing by race. The farm worker is a victim of racism, the black family is a victim of racism, the factory worker is a victim of a rich white hick rascist or sexist unless he is a white male in which case he only has his job because he’s a white racist and sexist and is ruining the environment. American elites ended classism, dumb hicks like you see classism because you’re too stupid to see the racism and sexism. Racism and sexism will only be ended when dumb white hick males have their monetary privilege taken away from them.
Americans spend so much time worried about race they miss what we Europeans understand in our bones. It is class which divide societies.
This is sort of true. But, the Marxist conception of class is very weak tea in America. That unemployed Caucasian coal miner in West Virginia and his black compatriot probably share more in common with the guy who owns the coal mine than any of them do with the Hollywood producer. Honestly, I’m not really sure what the proper class lines are, but socio-economic status isn’t it in a country that has always been as economically dynamic as America.
There is a libertarian class analysis that Rothbard wrote about. And it relates to ones relation with the state. Considering that most of the urban elites that push identity politics are employed in industries that either are subsidized by the state (education and healthcare); are protected by high barriers of entry imposed by the state to stifle competition (banking), or are just direct employees of the state, I think class is an interesting thing to consider.
I’m not necessarily saying that it’s right, but voting patterns throughout the West suggests there is something to the argument
Now, that, to me at least, sounds like a much more plausible analysis. Like I said, I just don’t buy the rich-versus-poor analysis.
I agree. And maybe this wasn’t the best article to use to bring up this conversation.
This may have been better: https://www.fff.org/explore-freedom/article/libertarian-class-analysis/
TW: Sheldon Richman
If it were simple rich vs. poor, the deplorables would hate Trump.
This sounds a lot better than the commie clap-trap I was talking about, though incidentally, I think the guy was sort of arriving at the same thesis kind of.
I remember reading something by a commie once who pointed out that social class and economic class aren’t necessarily coincident. The coal miners and mine owner probably all come from a similar social class even though they’re in wildly different wealth situations. The owner very well may have done their job at one time. Whereas the rich Hollywood producer likely relates more closely to the over-educated Starbucks barista who is slumming it for a few years before taking up the mantle of upper middle class soccer mom (or Weinstein jizz rag).
I don’t think I’m explaining this well. Basically your social class can be a lot higher than your economic class and vice versa. Trump belongs to a pretty low social class. An adjunct professor will belong to a pretty high social class. Journalists tend to belong to high social classes, though not economic class. I found the blog post I think, but I’m not suffering through it again in order to verify it. Have fun if you click.
Journalists think they belong to a high class, because they get access, but it is not traditionally true, and those giving them access tend to regard the journalists as fancy servants. This is also true of Lawyers and Accountants. We are useful servants, but not invited to the club.
social class and economic class aren’t necessarily coincident.
That may well be true. But, if it is, that throws off the entire Marxist analysis of class conflict. In the case of our mine owner, the proletariat already, then, owns the means of production. And, if our Starbucks barista waiting for her turn on Harvey’s casting couch is part of the bourgeoisie, well, then it’s the bourgeoisie who are exploited (and perhaps even by a member of the proletariat). I really don’t think the Marxists want to go down that road.
social class and economic class aren’t necessarily coincident.
I think it is true, especially now.
Even in Marx’s day, and for centuries before, you had wealthy merchants and poor aristocrats. I suspect the alignment of social and economic class was tighter back then than it is now. But Marx’s class resentment was outdated when he showed up – it was really resentment of the fading feudal/aristocratic class system.
I think what we are seeing is the attempted emergence of a new “elite” class in the US, defined (as social classes are) by who you know and are related to, but also (and critically) by adherence to a certain ideology. The class predominantly congregates in government, academia, media and NGOs/non-profits (at this point), but as with the aristocracy, bourgeouis wannabes in the “economy of stuff” can be, if not members, then at least fellow travellers by openly subscribing to the ideology and ideally by writing checks to the Right Organizations/People.
*Polite Applause*
Well sure, but the Marxist analysis is garbage.
How was it Milton Friedman expressed it? Something to the effect of: It’s easier to get the top and the bottom to team up against everyone in the middle.
That’s crazy-talk!
/typical progressive American city
That is because the classes as envisioned by Marx were largely a byproduct of failing feudalism and never really existed in America which was always a meritocracy.
Sure we had our rich, middle, and worker classes but there was far more mobility between them and far more opportunity to just say screw it I”m moving out to the Frontier if you were unhappy with which class you found yourself in at any given moment. You will also note that Marx doesn’t really focus too much on the farmers as a distinct class because in Europe they largely were not as they were largely farming land that ultimately belonged to someone else. In the US a farmer might be in any class but they all owned their own land (with obvious caveats for the South).
Then as the Industrial revolution came along on this side of the pond America went and did something Marx never envisioned. we created entirely new classes that were neither worker nor capitalist nor did they fit into the bourgeoisie which was largely academics and technicians. We created the Managerial class. People who were trained to lead workers and shepherd the capitalists investments while not truly belonging to either class. They were wealthy, sometimes as or more wealthy than the capitalist class itself and the worked, often harder than the proletariat class but they were not going out and being the source of investment into new companies, no they ran the companies while the Capitalists were separated from the day to day operations of those firms by securities law.
In many ways today the Managerial class has largely supplanted the capitalist class in terms of raw power and the capitalist class has both been eroded and broadened so that most workers are also partially members of the Capitalist class as well
My Spanish friend paid me for the ride through the Uber app, but with a generous cash tip.
So, you were an Uber driver who picked up your “friend” because he requested a ride. Because I think that’s the only way you can get paid through the Uber app.
The author doesn’t really drive for Uber but his conversation with the Spaniard was real.
So the whole article is based on a false premise? Ima say the whole thing never happened.
Weird TV show – at the library I saw this BBC DVD set called “Broken”, starring Sean Bean as a Catholic priest in Liverpool. Hey, I said to myself, I’m a big Sean Bean fan, this could be interesting. Maybe a sort of crime drama? Nope!
It was a good tear jerking (no euphemism) series, which only fell apart, story-wise, toward the very end. I’m not even religious but Sean did a good job being the tortured priest who has a messy past that he can’t forgive himself for.
They should make a spin-off about a Bishop in modern day. It could be called “Piece of Shit”.
Seriously, I give this a watch
I trust Bean died at the end?
He rarely makes it all the way to the end of the run time.
But did he die?
He has to, its a rule.
No spoilers!
One does not simply become a priest.
I, for one, welcome our unmanned autonomous overlords.
UMM students caught on hidden camera caught stealing and defacing College Republican flyers.
The college had the obvious response – banning the hidden camera.
Exactly what you’d expect.
Same way my wife fights. I’m upset with you for being upset with me and we need to deal with that and not the fact I screwed up.
Silly-Billy! That’s just “starting a conversation”. “We need to talk” is when you thumb-text your lawyer and clam up.
‘Gulag Barbie’ is becoming less of a joke
The 29-year-old congresswoman tweeted on Wednesday: “Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks w/ #HR8. Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted to get weapons of war out of the consumer market.”
Included in that tweet was a video of liberal New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announcing the new gun control laws.
“This is what leadership looks like,” Ocasio-Cortez added.
“You know, instead of training children, teachers, houses of faith, & concertgoers to prep for being shot, we could just:
-Pass Universal Background checks (#HR8!) -Disarm domestic abusers -Mandate safe storage-Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.
In the words of Mo Wanachuk, “That cunt is no good”
BTW, are the progs still babbling on about how “no one’s trying to take your guns”? Bahahahaha….as if anyone was ever fooled by that lying bullshit.
Every time I see Cortez I am reminded of the titty-bounce scene in Clerks II and then I feel the shame.
I’m reasonably familiar with the movie but I can’t think of a scene. And I’m worried you’re drawing a Cortez/Kinky Kelly comparison.
Since they say that 2A only applies to 18th century technology (because, I assume, certain rights should be limited by technological advance because reasons), surely they will be ok with me stockpiling black powder, lead, a puckle gun and various other artillery pieces that would have been available at the time.
+1 a whiff of grapeshot
See also….
2010: “Are you calling me a socialist? That’s red baiting!”
2019: “Yes, I am a socialist. A democratic socialist.”
Maybe if their instant (and sole) response to these massacres weren’t to trample the rights of law-abiding citizens, usually pushing measures that would have prevented jack shit, they’d find some room for compromise. But then they’d have nothing to push.
I used to think that most of the Left’s positions (here in the civilized world) were just a hold-over from bad cafeteria experiences in middle school but now I think there is something much more insidious at play.
I think they were genuinely surprised that there was no outcry from the right after the Vegas shootings.
They’re not the only ones. Country music fest massacre should have brought all the boys to the yard. Crickets.
They’ve been that way every time. Starting with Sandy Hook, they think every mass shooting is going to be the tipping point at which the rest of us flip to their side, and they hate us with increasing intensity each time it doesn’t happen.
And it’s entirely their own fault for consistently giving into their worst impulses/most extreme activists. It’s the global warming paradox all over: you think you have a existential crisis on your hands, so you’re unwilling to take any half-measure or accept any criticism. But you don’t achieve any progress that way, and the measures you do get end up being ineffective or rife with unintended consequences because you wouldn’t take the critiques seriously.
It almost—almost!—makes them seem like grifters, rather than honest brokers.
In turn, Yulia Tymoshenko has accused her rival, incumbent President Petro Poroshenko, of planting her namesake on the ballot to rob her of votes.
That’s almost exactly the reason I’d urged the NYC Republican party to back my efforts to run as the Libertarian candidate for mayor.
I’m as shocked as you are.
Judicial Watch today announced it received 756 pages of newly uncovered emails that were among the materials former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to delete or destroy, several of which were classified and were transmitted over her unsecure, non-“state.gov” email system.
Hillary Clinton repeatedly stated that the 55,000 pages of documents she turned over to the State Department in December 2014 included all of her work-related emails. In response to a court order in another Judicial Watch case, she declared under penalty of perjury in 2015 that she had “directed that all my emails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or are potentially federal records be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done.”
In 2017, the FBI uncovered 72,000 pages of documents Clinton attempted to delete or did not otherwise disclose. Until the court intervened and established a new deadline, the State Department had been slow-walking the release of those documents at a rate that would have required Judicial Watch and the American people to wait until at least 2020 to see all the releasable Clinton material. The production of documents in this case is now concluded with the FBI being only able to recover or find approximately 5,000 of the 33,000 government emails Hillary Clinton took and tried to destroy.
Judicial Watch obtained the documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on May 6, 2015, after the State Department failed to respond to a March 4, 2015, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)) seeking:
All emails sent and received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her official capacity as Secretary of State, as well as all emails by other State Department employees to Secretary Clinton regarding her non-“state.gov” email address.
This final batch of Clinton emails includes five new classified emails and communications with controversial figures Lanny Davis and Sidney Blumenthal.
Rooshin Collusion!!!!
An undated email
There’s no such thing, unless it has been tampered with.
I’d go to my grave a happier man knowing that those grifters died in some cockroach infested prison infirmary. Maybe the Cleveland Browns will carry my casket?
One of the things that infuriates me about this whole kerfuffle is that she was allowed to produce paper copies of emails instead of the electronic archive. Us little people are not allowed to do that – when we get an “e-discovery” demand, whether its in a civil suit or from a prosecutor, they specify electronic and even the format, and you damn well better turn it over. In a criminal investigation, they take the actual computers and servers, so that they can do forensics on them.
The FBI desperately tried to avoid finding evidence she committed a crime, but the criminality was so pervasive that it was just inevitable. So they had to pass out immunity deals to all of her co-conspirators that we completely unjustified by normal standards, and even invent a bogus “specific criminal intent” standard to avoid having to indict her.
A farce, perpetrated by scum, to protect a sociopath.
All are reasons my blood boils when Her Shrillness and her cohorts suggest that “no one should be above the law”.
Virtue-Sniveling Swedes. They all say they would take a refugee into their homes – then the interviewer produces a swarthy homeless refugee and hilarity ensues.
When I was a teen-aged numb-skull I had a propensity for bringing home stray female friends that were at odds with their parents to stay in our spare room. At the time, I thought that I was a big old ball of empathy but looking back, I’m pretty sure that I just wanted to fuck them. Sweden writ small.
Is there a service for opening your door to disaffected Swedish women?
Sadly that door was bricked over some time in the early 80’s.
I’m pretty sure you can tell them you’re from Syria and they won’t make a big deal out of you opening the doors *of* disaffected Swedish women.
Teenage me used to spend nights with a friend when I didn’t want to go home. I’d hang out in bed with her for hours, mostly chaste, then dutifully go off to sleep in the guest room. Teenage-me was dumb and thought her mom cared. Her mom did not.
The Brexit vote was such a scam. The Remainers would never have allowed a vote had they believed Brexit would pass.
So now they negate the vote by just ignoring the outcome.
What a disgrace.
Democracy but only when it results in things I like.
Well, the British elite were on the losing end of a revolution once or twice already.
Revolution with what? They don’t even have apple peelers any more.
pointy sticks?
Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!
It’s the principle of the thing.
Somebody gets Daffy!
Up-and-coming country singer Justin Carter has died after a gun accidentally fired while he was filming a music video. He was 35.
Carter’s mother, Cindy McClellan, told Fox News her son was filming a music video in Houston, Texas, on Saturday when a gun in his pocket “went off and caught my son in the corner of his eye.”
Stupid is as stupid does. Or suicide. Take your pick.
That’s an old looking 35.
Maybe he was trying to blow himself and took things a little too far?
So, a gun in his pocket accidentally goes off and shoots him in the corner of the eye.
I mean…I’m sorry for his family and friends, first and foremost. I’m just saying, as someone who has pockets, guns, and eyes, I don’t see how that statement actually happens unless he’s taken a loaded, cocked pistol and put it upside-down into his pocket, which seems contrived to put it lightly.
Why would you shoot a music video with a loaded gun?
Why would you have the gun in your pocket where it’s not visible for the video?
Why would you not have the safety on if it was loaded and you were walking around with it in your pocket?
Why would you put it upside down?
You’ve got to do a lot of stupid to get from the moment you decide to take that gun with you to the moment where it accidentally shoots you in the fucking eye.
Not to get all whatever about it, but Occam’s Razor may be our friend here. Which is just to say that, as you say, you’d have to put a lot of effort into making that accident happen…
I carry a gun to work every day. No different here, except mine sits in a holster, not my pocket.
Yeah, my objection isn’t to casually carrying a gun around. I’ve got no problem with that. I guess it’s more like, if you’re casually carrying a gun around, shouldn’t you be comfortable enough with it that you’re not going to accidentally shoot yourself in the eye? I figured it was supposed to be part of the video somehow or something.
Florida man birthday game
My result
I don’t even believe this is real.
Mine is boring