In honor of this week’s alignments, I will be relating no anecdotes.  None.  Which, not coincidentally, is the number of alignments in the sky this week.  To celebrate, get a book in a language you don’t read and use it as a pillow while you listen to 4’33” by John Cage.

Which isn’t to say the sky is empty.  MERCURY RETROGRADE is still fucking around up there (yes I’m still bitter about last weekend) but this is the last week we’ll have to deal with that little bastard.  Sorry Pisces, but it just wasn’t your year.

Very high likelihood of fishing accidents.

It’s Aries turn in the sun, though this week (undoubtedly due to MERCURY RETROGRADE’s influence) you don’t get the double or tripling luck effects typical if it being your turn.  Actually, I was “reading ahead” to see when Mercury direct and Venus would be blessing you, and frankly you got hosed, solar-conjunctionwise.

The rest of the sky hasn’t changed much.  Mars is still in Taurus, Venus is still in Aquarius, Saturn is still in Capricorn ,and Jupiter is still in Sagittarius.  For those of you who don’t remember from last week, that’s bad, good, bad, and conditionally good.

The moon is in Scorpio, which will be amplifying the effects of Venus in Aquarius, so that is good if you are either 1) female or 2) having sex with a female.  It’s not bad news for anyone.

This weeks card draws:

Aries:  4 of Wands – Rest, relaxation, peace

Taurus:  King of Wands – Friendly dark man, countryman, conscientious person

Gemini:  Knight of Swords – Courage, competence, resistance, wrath, destruction

Cancer:  King of Swords, reversed – Cruelty, evil intentions, barbarity, perversion

Leo:  The Hanged Man, reversed – Selfishness, crowds, voters

Virgo:  4 of Swords, reversed – Wise administration, economy, caution, testimony

Libra:  THIS CARD IS BLANK – I am not shitting you.  I drew a card with nothing on the face.  What does this mean?  Should I count the deck?  Do I have 79 cards, or am I missing one?  I don’t think it can be a coincidence that this happened on a week with no alignments.  Notice that the scales of Libra are also empty.  Sky, sign, deck – nothing, nothing, nothing.  This may be the only week in your life that you are completely beyond influence.  Tell us next week how you enjoyed freedom.

Scorpio:  10 of Cups – Perfect fulfillment and contentment

Sagittarius:  2 of Wands, reversed – Surprise, wonder, trouble, fear

Capricorn:  The Magician, reversed – A physician, mental illness, disgrace

Aquarius:  The Tower – Misery, ruin, catastrophe, indigence, adversity, disgrace, deception

Pisces:  2 of Coins, reversed – Simulated enjoyment, enforced celebration, handwriting, correspondence, composition