Is SEA SMITH why the ocean is so salty?
*Cancels trips*
Down here that’d still be an improvement over what’s generally in the water.
Which is why the beach is only for tourists. Whom I thank for me not having a state income tax.
What side of the US penis are you on?
Which side am I on? Let me tell you folks. I’m all for U.S. penis. All for it. The U.S. has the best penis. Huge penis. Huge. Do the Chinese have penis like we do? No. In Europe, do they even have penis? Who knows and nobody cares. Nobody cares. It’s like there’s not even a side. No side, people. That’s it. I’m on the side U.S. of penis. Bigly. I’m all for U.S. penis. You better believe it.
Well, he did build a house near the tip.
Probably just overcompensating after that small-dicked moth was named after him.
I was pretty sure that Pensacola was the taint.
Going to Gulf Shores in July. Does Bama keep the water cleaner?
Which beach is why TN doesn’t have an income tax?
Did you see the Tech football news this morning?
Yes. Fuck Aneurisms
I read “collision” as “collusion”.
Hmmm…I see…a whole lot of wasted money. So, par for the government course.
You better have a lot of empty barrels handy.
You know who else “cable layer”?
Karl Hungus ?
The Atlantic Telegraph Company?
Larry’s wife?
Reilly Brown?
Winston’s Mom?
+1 pegging
Cyrus Field?
“Avocado grower issues recalls in six states after samples of the fruit tested positive for listeria”
Why is this a problem? Listeria is only a problem when it grows on food.
*catches new ball and looks back at batting coach*
Yes, and Listeria kills the germs that cause bad breath.
Pussies. We just had avocado with dinner.
I was under the impression avacados were classified as nuts.
Deez avocados?
No, you are thinking of the people who eat them.
I’ve got a pair of avocados hanging right here.
Next to the foot-long salami?
Can someone tell me the difference between “No reasonable prosecutor” would indict Clinton over emails and the Muller report. Is the outrage that Clinton was not indicted as justifiable as the outrage over the conclusion from the Muller report? I don’t care enough about politics to know whether the two cases are comparable.
Well, there was conclusive evidence of Clinton’s violation of infosec laws. So far, there isn’t anything reported as being that strong in the Mueller case.
So the prosecutor would have to be a lot friendlier in Clinton’s case (so far).
If I might add, those laws are strict liability. No intent required. No “I though I was allowed”. If you mishandle classified info, you go to jail.
Obstruction, on the other, requires proof of intent. That’s impossible in Trump’s case.
“Why did you fire Comey?”
“Because he fucked up the Clinton investigation”.
You cant really claim ‘i didn’t know’ as everyone subject to that law is given formal instruction as to what they are allowed, not allowed and required to do regarding it.
Clinton knew exactly what she was doing. That and her motives are pretty damned transparent. She is as slimy as a person can get and yes, she and everyone involved in the ‘Rooshuns!’ ‘Trumputinitler!’ fever dream should be in prison. If they dont punish this banana republic monkey bullshit it will not go away. A lot of somebodys needs to burn so the rest of them will be warned.
And in fact you are just given that course of instruction once. You have to do annual refreshers.
The real answer of course is “I’m Hillary Fucking Clinton and am immune to your puny laws”. [Which is why any schlup that tried that defense immediately lost because they were not in fact Hillary Fucking Clinton.]
are *not* just given. [of course if I was Hillary Fucking Clinton I wouldn’t have to make that clarification either]
At this point nobody with two firing neurons can miss that they purposefully turned a blind eye and even “colluded” not to charge her, while fabricating charges of collusion in a desperate attempt to overturn the results of an election they thought had been totally rigged in favor of crooked Hillary.
Meh, I don’t think many progs thought it was rigged or even tried to rig it. They were so damn sure it was a slam dunk, they didn’t even think about rigging it. All the Russia stuff came afterwards as they tried to come to grips with their loss.
Bottom line, despite what happened in 2008, HRC was so damn arrogant she was trying to pick up states like Texas instead of just solidifying the swing states. She tried to half-ass some of those states in 2008 and lost to Obama. She learned nothing and tried to do the same in 2016.
I don’t know how many times over the years I watched the video from security that told the story of the high-ranking officer who left the classified file on his desk in the locked office in the secured building and his subsequent loss of rank and security clearance.
I don’t know how anyone who has ever held a clearance could support Hillary’s actions.
In the Clinton case, didn’t the investigators conclude that the law was technically broken but “she didn’t intend to violate the law” and let her off on that basis?
Actually, as we will soon find out, in the Clinton case the DOJ told all investigators (FBI and otherwise) there will NOT be any charges, period… Or else… The rest was all show to lend a veneer of legitimacy to the law that the Obama administration used to get some of their enemies (Patraeus anyone?).
You’d be surprised at how many cabinet officials, congresscritters, US senators, and federal judges completely ignore security and compromise information. Or maybe not.
But had I done anything like that I’d be posting via snail mail from a federal prison.
I was working at the prison right around the time that Clinton email investigation was going on, and there was a psychiatrist who got majorly chewed out for using his Hotmail account for work-related matters (in all fairness, it took their IT department WEEKS just to set up an email account for a new employee).
There was plenty of evidence that Clinton broke the law, but they decided she didn’t intend to. So supposedly “no reasonable prosecutor” would indict her, even though the statute very clearly does not require intent. Prosecutors are just nice that way, you know.
In Trump’s case, there’s no evidence.
The difference is Clinton is an Ivy League law school political elite and Trump isn’t.
Isn’t he a Presbyterian who went to Wharton?
Wasn’t that tape already released under the nom de video “Lemon Party?”
Twitter is such a waste of time, but man is it funny at times;
Compilation of Maddow’s russia obsession, from just one episode:
On a more serious note;
“It will be difficult for Western women who wore hijab on Hijab Day, at the Women’s March, or in NZ to watch this and not feel shame
Listen as @AlinejadMasih explains how you’ve betrayed women”
Between this and Tucker Carlson’s gift of jelly donuts, I’m impressed with the con’s understanding of mu.
From the prior thread:
Meh, as I said above ‘Justice’ isn’t simply proving X did Y, it ‘should’ be about finding Truth. Also, a lot of people seem to think only someone guilty/accused of a crime can obstruct, anyone with knowledge be it damning or exonerating that could help to find that truth can obstruct justice, assuming that the state has a ‘duty’ to discover said truth, that is.
To me the problem is not with obstruction as a charge. It is a perfectly reasonable charge if a witness refuses to cooperate, or lies. The problem is when the target of an investigation is himself charged with obstruction based on actions that are not in and of themselves criminal, particularly when no the underlying charge is never brought. The entire power of the State comes after you and then when you have fended that off they charge you based on your failure to cooperate with their attack?
Obviously some acts should rise to obstruction. Threatening or bribing witnesses for example. But I think such charges should only be brought when the obstructive act is one that is itself illegal. Threatening a witness, Obstruction. Talking over what happened trying to spin it to your favor? Not.
In principle Hyperbole is correct. However, he is naive…as in never had interaction with a prosecutors office…if he thinks the vast majority of cops or prosecutors give the tiniest shit about the truth. What they care about is using their office and the CJ system to prosecute and harass their personal/political enemies, grind an axe, show voters they should be re-elected because they get stuff done.
He is correct. Investigations are supposed to be about discovering the truth and any obstruction of that save availing yourself of your right to counsel and of your fifth amendment rights is technically a violation of the law and it should be. Having said that I have seen plenty of cases where prosecutors have tried charging people for obstruction for people availing themselves of counsel and/or availing themselves of their fifth amendment right not to incriminate themselves. They really are jackals. Like seemingly all public office it attracts a high number of sociopaths.
Agreed, to be clear I was responding to Playas very basic question – Can one obstruct justice when there is no underlying crime? Without breaking it down into the exact details of any particular case I said ‘Yes’ it’s very easy to obstruct justice even if there ends up being no crime. This is not necessarily related to Trump or as Suthen implies below my beliefs about the criminal justice system as it works today, I was merely answering the question in the abstract.
“Newsagent worker is stabbed to death in a robbery as he opened his shop in ‘safe’ Pinner and six more people are knifed in yet another night of bloodshed in London”
How do they know it wasnt a werewolf ?
I was going to be disappointed if it was any other song.
I have never cared for that song.
Perhaps you’ll like this version?
Why not both?
“I have never cared for that song.”
Man. Talk about character flaws. I’ll be you don’t even like beef chow mein.
Beef chow mein has the virtue of looking the same going down and coming up.
Fake news. You’ve never eaten beef chow mein.
Not for those of us who still have our teeth.
NZ’s Privacy Commissioner (“an independent Crown Entity”) doubles down on disgust with social media:
“Privacy Commissioner John Edwards has delivered Facebook another serve as his relations with the social network remain heated.
This morning, Edwards shared an email with the Herald that he sent to a number of Facebook executives on Friday.
It reads: “It would be very difficult for you and your colleagues to overestimate the growing frustration and anger here at Facebook’s facilitation of and inability to mitigate the deep, deep pain and harm from the live-streamed massacre of our colleagues, family members and countrymen broadcast over your network.
“Your silence is an insult to our grief.”
Basically, he’s pissed off with FB for not saying anything or taking action related to the mosque shooting. Now silence is to be attacked.
Didn’t someone on their thousands-strong team of “reviewers” pull it down while it was still in progress? What else are they supposed to do?
Sorry, dude, you’ll have to find someone else to lash out against. Perhaps, I dunno, the killer?
Gun control isnt about crime or safety, it is about taking people’s ability to defend themselves and shitcanning it. I haven’t heard any of those fucktards point out that the reason so many died is because they could not defend themselves. Same at every mass shooting.
The gun grabbers climb on top of the bodies and demand a return to the law of tooth and claw.
The NRA has always had this wrong: you can’t sell normal folk on redneck gun love, not even pink girl redneck love. Piles of (((corpses))) don’t work either because that will never happen here!
They need a campaign that shows grandma defending herself in the parking lot of some huge hospital or grocery: the vulnerable forced into a crazy world. Also show some English couple that has been Clockwork Oranged in their own flat by punks with sticks and chains.
Bingo. There is a huge amount of mendacity on one side but the other side isnt exactly blameless either.
Airstrip 2?
Is there any John Edwards who isn’t a piece of shit?
The preacher?
One of these must be a stand up guy.
Right bastards, all of them.
Every one of those motherfuckers owes me money.
What is the worry about asbestos in the water? It causes issues when it is ground into a dust and the dust is airborne. It isn’t toxic otherwise so why does it matter if it gets in the sea?
Do you want to eat a fish that has gill cancer? I don’t.
Maybe gill cancer tastes like sunshine and rainbows?
Cinnamon and brown sugar, duh.
Gill Cancer. Great band name?.
Maybe country western singer.
Gill Cantor.
Don’t eat the gills. They’re cancerous…
I had heard about this movie but didn’t know what it was about. Tarantino on Manson huh? That should be weird.
Michael Moh is by far the best cast. His Bruce Lee is spot on.
I was led to believe that if you record someone engaging in a sexual act without their consent and post it publicly, it’s called revenge porn, and it’s illegal.
Was I wrong? Is this not a thing?
Some animals are more equal than others.
In this case, it _will_ be revenge, for Kraft not rolling over and taking a plea.
To the letter of the law…yes its revenge porn.
Does that mean the releaser will have to register as a sex offender?
If some of us were recorded getting a happy ending we would not mind it being posted online. Some want to block the release. Some have small wieners. Some don’t want to see any of it.
I have nothing to add except this:
Don’t walk, but RUN to your nearest movie theater and watch Us. Holy hell, it is good.
Hope all y’allz had a great weekend.
Why would I watch you in a movie theater?
Are public sex acts involved?
Watch it, you’re edging on UCS’ territory there.
i see an Us from ’91 and a TV show Us…got a link?
Found this
Thank y’all.
Noted for some-day home viewing.
Where the hell is Bozcaada? And am I right in guessing that asbestos in the water is the least of their problems?
Turkey. What you should be wondering is ‘how much do they want?’. These environmental crisis’ are always about the money.
Check’s in the mail.
Crazy aside, when does he find the time to practice medicine?
In case anyone is interested, here’s the leaked video of Kraft at the spa.
Lol. No way in hell.
^^ A big ole nope.
Chicken. I clicked on it. Are you afraid?
Judicious = cowardly.
Peer pressure?
*rolls eyes*
Let a fat nigga fuck.
I approve.
It still somewhat blows mind that “Top Chef” person Antonia Lofaso had his baby.
Huh, I don’t remember that coming up during her various food-show appearances.
It was surely mentioned at some point – no way I’d know otherwise.
I have auto-play turned off.
It’s not that bad.
Around here that doesn’t help much/
I know all old white people look alike, but that is clearly Mitch McConnell not Kraft.
Scrub scrub scrub till the water’s
Was hoping for Rick Astley.
In a spa, getting a handjob. Just to be specific.
Saw Death of Stalin last night. Ianucci is still batting 1.000 in our household. Wonderful, wonderful movie.
Agreed. I haven’t talked to anyone outside of this place that came close to getting the point of the movie. Most just thought it was a dumb comedy that isnt funny.
I still haven’t seen it.
I’ll admit I punched out after 45 minutes or so – I think it’s because I lack the history to grasp the nuance between the various Commie assholes scrambling for power.
I love that movie and I enjoy rewatching it again and again.
It’s better than Cats.
Watching it now. Laughing and horrified.
Great movie…
I saw it recently too. Great movie.
I didn’t vote for OrangeManBad but he’s done a number of things I didn’t think he had the balls to do that I approve of. He doesn’t drink, but if I were him today? I would have wandered back to the reporter section on Air Force 1 drinking Cristal out of one of Melania’s stiletto heels and given them an “in your face, bitches!”.
Not once did the big media every ask…why isnt he afraid and why isnt he shutting the inquiry down? Maybe because he knew that egg on their face is much sweeter than being an asshole.
I had a near encounter with RIVER SMITH while stocking trout with my local fish & game club. Sure come on in, water fine – and fucking deep with slippery rocks.
Didn’t wear the felt?
I used to wear last years Converse knock offs for fishing. Then I turned 40 and realized I just wasn’t as quick as I used to be. I now refuse to step in the water without felts.
This beercan is sexy af
Gonna track down a 6 pack just to have for home decor
No alcohol? Miss me with that gay shit.
That’s some thicc chocolate, son!
3 arrested in Tulane dorm room arson fire of YAL-member students
Tolerant left at it again.
If voters keep moving left this shit will only get worse. Leftist pols are thugs at heart and only happy to have an army of thugs intimidate the population into compliance. They are already turning a blind eye in many cases…Boston, Berkeley, a host of universities…
This road only leads one place. How much you press the accelerator only determines how fast you get there, it doesnt change where you go. Look at England and now NZ. They are throwing people in prison for telling jokes, looking at the wrong web page, having the cops investigate people that are overheard mumbling on public buses.
Voters aren’t really moving left. The Congressional Dems just fired a shot across the bow of the progressives making it more difficult to challenge a Dem incumbent in a primary. The lefties are all from districts that wouldn’t swing Republican if Jesus Christ was on the ballot with an (R) and Satan was the (D) candidate. The Dems from all of the newly won swing districts would like to stuff a sock in the yaps of Ilhan, AOC, etc.
You are correct. What I should have said is they will only become more emboldened unless some serious punishment is meted out and it will get worse.
Bike lock thug got a slap on the wrist for planning and executing political violence, recruiting others and arming them up. Incredible.
And what about the deadliest mass shooting in US history? The Paddock shooting was swept under the rug bigger than hell. My suspicions that it was a similar shooting to the recent NZ shooting have not gone away. There were too many squirrely circumstances and shoulder shrugging there to just hand wave it away.
That’s not at all surprising. Jesus was opposed to armed robbery and murder. Which is the basis of Marxism.
Satan is all about tricking people into giving up their soul. So I’m sure he’s already run as a Democrat.
yup: says it right there in “Two Corinthians”
I wake up every morning happy I don’t go to college anymore, especially as of late. What a bunch of asshats.
Before that alleged doxxing attempt, he says signs were posted near campus, calling YAL a racist and misogynistic organization and exposing some of its members.
YAL at my old school had women members. Oh, right, gender traitors, fake women, internalized misogyny, blah blah blah blah.
Paisley and Cobb had Buffalo, so they’ll be backing up. The rest at the top of the board all have Houston (my son’s alma mater) and TxTech. The running order after the first weekend is fairly set.
I was dead wrong: couple of interesting games left. . . . sloppy.
I went mayhem in a chalk year. Oh well.
What a trip
Give an Agile Cyborg a badge…
That doesn’t work if you put it in people’s drinks.
“We should move on” – commenter on teevee regarding Meuller report.
Is this guy nuts? The anti-Trumpers invented the Ruskie collusion hoax out of thin air. They knew damned well all along what the report was going to say. It was harassment, that’s all. They have a back up plan. They aren’t going to quit. They aren’t going to move on. They are going to overplay their hand again and again. Trump will be re-elected but this shit will continue until 2024. Hopefully it will result in the purging of the party of their radical left shitweasels.
Well, now there will be consequences for telling lies – like in that Smollet case – and they don’t want that to harsh their narrative/agenda…
*Rubs sleep out of eyes* I missed all the hot takes and immediate spin that came out. So no collusion with the Russians? Right? Who cares about the rest of the report? I feel like I’m missing something.
The fanatics still insist the full report is the SMOCKING GUN on obstruction of justice.
Yes, it is mocking the smoking gun. Nice John-ism there.
It’s a Trumpism. Could John be Trump? No, his wives have all been too thin for John.
+348029358th attempt at “WE GOTTEM THIS TIME”
My wife accuses me of cheating on her. After going through all my phone messages, she finds out that I may have lied to her when I said I wanted to spend the weekend with the in laws. I don’t think she’s vindicated.
Um…there might be deeper issues.
Hypothetical. I love my in laws.
Missed it by *that* much.
Trying to reverse engineer a news spin cycle is not my strong suit.
The radical left shitweasels are going to be the ones doing the purging. They’re going to double down and press for the obstruction of justice angle.
And dont forget Trump’s tax returns. They are demanding those. That one is really funny. Talk about stepping on a rake.
How about we see all of their tax returns?
Free advice to the left. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it, good and hard.
Based on my observance of the gun show today (again), middle America is tooling up. Bigly. Across racial and gender lines.
I know I plan on getting myself loaded up a bit after I settle back Stateside.
How do gun shows increase the gun population? Isn’t it almost all used inventory sold by minor players (what I’ve seen) . . . that’s just what economists call transaction “velocity.” Tooling up means moving the needle, and that requires new guns being stamped out and bought by someone.
It’s new and used inventory. I see a vast, diverse clientele walking through and buying.
How much new? Ones I’ve attended were easily 80% used.
The ones I have attended were more 20% new guns, 10% used guns, 25% AR accessories, 20% ‘tactical as hell’ junk, and 25% over priced knives.
Haven’t been in years: over-priced everything. But I’m happy for others. I bought my SW686 used from a reputable local dealer, but I would never have the guts to buy an auto used unless I ran it pretty good first which is almost never practical in my world. Guns seem cheap to me, so just go get what you need new and don’t worry about what some other guy did to your sear, springs, and loading ramp before he sold it to you.
don’t forget that barrel of twisted Mosins for $800 a throw and crates of Czech .303 ammo (never understood where that came from)
I like old military bolt actions. Not as use guns, just cool collectible history, but prices have gotten silly.
Childhood buddy had an Enfield that could hit anything you could see. I swear it shot 2MOA with iron sites and oddball rounds we found in estate sales. Zulu never had a chance.
Just checked for shows in my area, will definitely put the next on my calendar!
I always wonder what others think when they cruise through doG’s country and see a gun show billboard; probably, oh yeah they have those down here most years. Nope: every month; that billboard will be pasted over with next month’s dates the Monday after this show is over.
“Be careful what you wish for”
They never get that. They never do.
Can you imagine being this particular brand of douchebag?
Comey or Molly Jong-Fast (whoever she is)?
I don’t know how I’d live with myself. Also, it looks like he’s deep in STEVE SMITH territory.
Is she the Molly that Billy Kristol sent to CPAC or the bigot that NYT put on their tech page? I get all these Twitter personalities confused.
A guick search says yes. I’m surprised Kristol, stalwart and principled conservative that he is, would hire a person like her.
He could be heir to the Massengil fortunes, with douchery like that.
Retweeted James Comey
Could not agree more.
See you soon.
Politics is WWE for
smartcredentialed people.Heh, reminds me of this classic:
The Donald vs. CNN will forever be relevant.
That’s awesome.
I still can’t believe that CNN doxxed and threatened someone over a meme.
I’m out. Goodnight y’all…
Take care and good night, Sean.
Don’t look at the front page of Drudge right now if you’re a democrat. You’ll commit suicide before morning.
Are you talking normal suicide or the “two bullets to the back of the head” suicide?
It’s real bad. Chrissy Poo just hung himself with his own pantyhose.
Just saw the front page. Had to clean up my desk after spitting my coffee. This is the best* timeline!
*only possibly better timeline is one where I’m on a nice beach with hookers, booze, and blow.
He shouldn’t have done that. The crease will never look right again.
The Democrats haven’t been this upset since Lincoln ended slavery.
Oh you must read into the links to see the real truth. The Russians are still in collusion with the orange people
“Women’s March leader blames ‘American Jewish Establishment’ for Christchurch attacks
(JTA) — A co-leader of the Women’s March shared a post blaming the “American Jewish Establishment” for its role in the attacks on two New Zealand mosques, and then apologized.
Bob Bland on March 17 shared a post from Jesse Rabinowitz, a social justice advocate, who wrote that: “The same language and hate that folks spew against Sisters Linda Sarsour and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) killed 54 Muslims in New Zealand. You can’t stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and simultaneously disavow Muslim women for speaking their truths. American Jewish Establishment, I’m looking at you.””
Do you know who else blamed the Jews?
Especially that Saul of Tarsus bastard
He wouldn’t be the first self-hater.
Two Jews will split into 3 synagogues.
I see no reason for kink shaming. There’s nothing wrong with being into feet.
The Third French Republic?
Henry Ford ?
Linda Sarsour and Illhan Omar?
My bad
my hopes on tOSU beating Houston
Tres: My son went to Houston; wore their colors to golf this morning. You’d love his quiet house in Neu Braunfels: there’s a new gunshop/pistolrange six miles from town in a cotton patch on the Seguin road.
I haven’t posted anything in the right place all week.
Consistency is a good thing.
Marcia Clark?
Spring ball is all but over, and rosters are pretty much set.
Cardinals come to Memphis tomorrow for an inter-squad exhibition. We don’t get that every year. Getting to watch my team after a three mile Uber is about as good as a Monday can get. As always, I bought a row of seats and invited all my red-blooded friends to attend.
Manifesto: Anyone but the Yankees. Real pitchers bat. Thou shalt not steal: in Yad we trust.
I really have my hopes on tOSU beating Houston, cause Ive lived for a tOSU v. UK game.
“No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!”
Huh, looks like Dr. Ed is tag-teaming with some other obsessed mouth-breather.
“We’ll git ‘im yet!”
New York attorneys. Circling the wagon. We still have hope. How the fuck can anyone live like that?
Poor Preet must be inconsolable now that he can’t join in the fun. 🙁
Would that… with the capitalizing… am I clutching at pearls or would he be so much better off without doing that? Or is that the secret to his madness?
My Dad does that crap, also the needless (and therefore unhelpful) quotation marks. Dad is a hillbilly who didn’t finish college, prime cannon fodder, no bone spurs or friends in podiatry, so I’m guessing it’s an age thing.
Minor quibble: I keep hearing how Mueller “punted” the obstruction question to Barr and Rosenstein. Shouldn’t it be a “lateral” or even a “handoff”?
Meh, I don’t know. I can see it called a punt because they are going to have to run to make obstruction stick. Only fools think Trump firing Comey is obstruction. 100% of Democrats and 90% of Republicans thought he should be fired until he was fired.
Nice to see ya around.
Please let me know when you send that thing. I don’t check that addy often.
I’m finishing it this afternoon. Send it to you within the next 6 hours.
OK, I probably won’t have a chance to over it until tomorrow evening.
No problem. I’ve been slacking.
No. By punting, he has given it to another team. On the substance, people who say this got it wrong. Mueller had the ability to to indict and the ability to recommend prosecution.
I’d call it a reach-around.
This is a carambola:
“Brian Stelter: You’re going to hear it from the right for the next days and weeks to come, that the press basically made all of this up to take down President Trump. But the press is following a trail that Trump created. Chyron reads: TRUMP ALLIES ARE BLAMING THE MEDIA (AGAIN)”
“It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD
The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it
Nobody wants to hear this, but news that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is headed home without issuing new charges is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media.
As has long been rumored, the former FBI chief’s independent probe will result in multiple indictments and convictions, but no “presidency-wrecking” conspiracy charges, or anything that would meet the layman’s definition of “collusion” with Russia.
With the caveat that even this news might somehow turn out to be botched, the key detail in the many stories about the end of the Mueller investigation was best expressed by the New York Times:
A senior Justice Department official said that Mr. Mueller would not recommend new indictments.
The Times tried to soften the emotional blow for the millions of Americans trained in these years to place hopes for the overturn of the Trump presidency in Mueller. Nobody even pretended it was supposed to be a fact-finding mission, instead of an act of faith.
The Special Prosecutor literally became a religious figure during the last few years, with votive candles sold in his image and Saturday Night Live cast members singing “All I Want for Christmas is You” to him featuring the rhymey line: “Mueller please come through, because the only option is a coup.””
Cecily Strong is going to sic her poodle on the Pentagon?
I thought Russiagate is this generations birtherism. We went to war over WMDs, what’s the equivalent for that?
The average Iraqi probably finds the WMD lie to be a bit worse.
Matt Taibbi getting something right. Whoda thunk it.
“Twitter and Google aren’t run by Nazis. It’s worse than that: they’re run by capitalists.”
Yep, capitalism, that’s totally the problem.
The answer to: “What’s going to be the slur when Nazi has lost all its punch?”
Who is this nobody?
Creative Director at a Mobile Gaming Studio. Duh.
my hopes on tOSU beating Houston
9 points, 8 minutes: bye, tOSU