Work crises have of course eaten my weekend. And then I have to hop on an airplane to go to Miami for the week. Here’s your links and be grateful, you demanding bastards. And of today’s birthdays, I’ll narrow it to the two most important ones: Harry Houdini and the guy I want to grow up to be, R. Lee Ermey.


I hear the Acme Wolf Supply Company may be getting in a new line of anvils. And tunnel paint.


Team Red says, “Hold mah beer.”


No thrill up his leg.


I guess it would be tasteless for me to say I got something in my eye.


This story is bullshit.


Conversations that never happened. At least I dearly hope they didn’t.


Department of Really Terrible Ideas


Whistling in the dark?


Did you ever see a Commie drinking water, Mandrake?


Elvis could have used this.


And now it’s time to say goodnight.


SDNY- the hack lawyers’ best friend.


Old Guy Music! And someone mentioned Mingus yesterday. Yes, we should always be listening to Mingus, especially when Eric Dolphy and Jaki Byard are around.

