So, I guess we’ve all talked enough about how the Trumpaloes got to Mueller and managed to achieve a Clintonian victory without the body count, right? In more important news, I am standing a solid second in the Glibertariat March Madness Bracket, although those in 1,3,and 4 have more potential upside. Fifteen out of 16 is the best I’ve ever picked. Although I can only get at best 7 of 8 in the next round.
Michael Avenetti just got arrested for trying to extort Nike. He was already on the fast-track to disbarment, but he’s gonna get some prison time with it.
AI brain implants. You’d have to be a moron to get one.
They were gonna stick a camera in his pee hole, but circumcised him instead. The NHS, not only are they lower quality, but you can’t sue them afterwards.
Russkies in Venezeula! Its Red Dawn time. Wolverines!
Mad Scientist had a special musical request.
I don’t think the creepy porn lawyer is gonna do well in prison.
He has a nice career as a jail house lawyer in front of him.
From porn star lawyer to jail house lawyer. My life in anal by Michael Avenetti
If you’re disbarred does the acronym IANAL apply?
I don’t think he will be anything except in front….
They’ll house him with the sex offenders.
The Sun headline was great
You know those headline writers just live for stories like that one.
CNN analyst Mark Geragos
CNN has already cut ties. It’s not clear, so far, if he resigned or got fired.
Trump didn’t collude,
Avenetti, going to jail
Glaciers not receding
Ok either the other shoe is about to drop or Trump really did make a pact with the Devil.
RBG not reported dead yet, so maybe saving that for his October 2020 surprise?
Yea, we shouldn’t jump the
kinked ruggun.Keep in mind, we live in the Best Possible Universe™. That means she will have to wait until next summer.
That would be such a shit-show.
It would be glorious.
Leave Hillary out of this.
That’s an insulting to the Devil.
Are you suggesting Sean have some courtesy, sympathy or taste?
I have taste.
So does dog poop.
Speaking of dog poop.
What a shit head.
What are you doing? Hoping to guess his name ?
It was you and me.
Sure, this is late, but…
*Narrows Gaze*
whoo hoo!
Geragos represented Colin Kaepernick in his deal with Nike.
This kind of gives it a whole new perspective.
Speaking of extortion. You think maybe Avenatti got greedy, or was it all a setup from the start? “Give our client a contract or we’re going to damn your company as racist.”
From the time of the first meeting until the arrest was less than 2 weeks.
Avenatti is bankrupt, and was absolutely desperate for money.
If you read the indictment, it was extortion from the very beginning. He wanted 1.5 million for his “client”, and 15-25 million for himself in “consulting fees”.
Oh, and it wasn’t like “Let’s hammer out a settlement. I’ll give you a few weeks to review it”.
He basically demanded the money the next day, or else.
Sure, but I wonder whether Geragos’ deal between Nike and Kaepernick was extortion as well—“If you don’t sign a contract with my client, we’ll accuse you of being a racist company”—and Avenatti, out of desperation, dialed the scam up to eleven.
And Smollet
SugarFree would be hard pressed to write such bizarre twists, turns, and tie-ins.
Mark Geragos is an unethical shitweasel? To your fainting couches, my friends! It’s the only way we can cope with this shocking development!!!!
Bipartisan idiocy on the feed:
Billy golden
Replying to @AaronBlake
tRump going down his enemies list. Welcome to full on tyranny.”
“lulu hall
Replying to @Bgolden53 @AaronBlake
That was Obama….You are not bright”
The president does not control local law enforcement.
For the record, this is the same dude who defended Scott Peterson. And yes, killers have a right to a vigorous defense.
However, Geragos is a fucking scumbag who suggested that Laci Peterson and her son were alive and well, and just went to live somewhere else without bothering to tell her family. Seriously, that was one of his defenses.
Wasn’t her body, and the baby’s, found in the bay and positively ID’d?
Yes, but it could have been her twin sister who just happened to be pregnant and committed suicide.
It’s weird to read a criminal complaint dated March 24, 2019 that deals with the actions that took place only 3 days earlier.
It was in part to stop him from doing the billions in damage that he promised, but also, there was already another indictment under seal.
Dems Demand Investigation Into Why Trump Didn’t Stop The Last Investigation
Congressman Jerry Nadler, in a statement issued from under a rock, said, “Connect the dots, people. Robert Mueller found there was no Russian collusion and yet Trump did not obstruct his investigation. That means Trump just stood by and allowed the government to waste two years and 30-million dollars looking into something that he knew all along never happened. This is a completely irresponsible waste of taxpayer dollars and we need to get to the bottom of why Trump allowed it to happen.”
Congressman Adam “Tailgunner” Schiff waved a sealed envelope in the air and said, “I have in my hand photographic evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that I continually lied by saying I had seen evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of Trump’s collusion. And yet, while Trump clearly knew I was lying, he did absolutely nothing to thwart my committee from squandering the people’s hard-earned dollars on an absurd witch-hunt. How could Trump even pretend I was sincere? Look at my face. The whole idea of me telling the truth is ridiculous.”
On CNN, where facts come sooner or later no matter how hard they try to stop them, Brian Stelter spoke to an audience of six guys running to catch a plane in Tacoma, saying, “This president has repeatedly endangered our Constitutional rights by allowing the press to report fake news and wild conspiracy theories until we exposed ourselves as both liars and fools. Trump needs to be investigated immediately before we continue to make a mockery of the First Amendment by moving on to the next phony conspiracy.”
Damn. I thought this was the Babylon Bee.
That was my exact thought.
I am shocked that the same organization that transplanted the lungs of a chain smoker into a person suffering from terminal lung disease would make such a serious mistake.

Dr. Tarran would have transplanted four lungs into the patient.
I like to think of them as “installed spares”.
Would at least two of them be attached to his rectum? So he could comply when people told him to blow it out his ass?
Dr. Moreau would’ve made an entire wolf-man out of hairy lungs! With 75 eyes!
Thanks edit fairy!
Fun fact, Guy Fieri’s real last name is Ferry.
Wait. Wait. WAIT.
Avenatti has a coffee company? Way to bury the lede.
Bought Tully’s with Patrick Dempsey.
That was years ago, and the beginning of his troubles.
As far as I can tell, his grifts were getting bigger and bigger until he had enough cash to flee to Brazil.
Michael Avenetti just got arrested for trying to extort Nike.
The mob dislikes competition.
“The only collusion we found was between Hillary Clinton and her campaign to be really unlikable,” Mueller continued. “And while she really is repulsive to so many Americans, that’s unfortunately not a crime, so I can’t charge her with anything.”
Listening to people.
Trump is guilty. Burn it all down.
It’s crazy the shit I’m hearing.
Maher and his TV.
Bah humbug.
“You’d have to be a moron to get one”
You wouldn’t be a moron anymore. Hackers always seem to be one step ahead. If you got an implant that would raise your IQ to…whatever….wouldnt you be able to defeat whatever they are trying to do? It looks like the mind control cops are stepping on a rake to me.
Suppose the chip raised your IQ 40 points … but hacked your brain chemistry so you were a raving leftist?
Would you “want” to defeat the brain chemistry hack so you could embrace political views that you, as a chipped leftist, hate?
Some pretty bright people argue themselves into some strange beliefs all on their own.
But they’re not arguing; they’re rationalizing and telling themselves they’re too smart to be wrong.
There was a plot point in the Oath of Fealty novel that involved brain/computer wireless interface. However, this was a novel written in 1981, and this would now have been replaced by the smartphone. One of the characters wondered how much value was produced by just having access to that much data with a thought.
Opinion: We Are Not Coming For Your Guns—We Just Want A Sensible Ban On All Automatic, Semi-Automatic, Bolt-Action, Pump-Action, Lever-Action, Break-Action, And Muzzle-Loading Firearms
Two home runs in one day. Yeah, I read the link at 8.
By Patricia Mattingly
Activist, Harry Potter fan
That made me laugh
The second of the three indictments today (the Central District of California one) alleged he stole about $1.6 million from a client. The one sure thing that’s going to get a lawyer disbarred is stealing from a client. On top of the jail time.
We can only hope he hires Mark Geragos to defend him.
Geragos being his (as yet) unindicted co-conspirator in the Nike thing is.. is… it’s just incredible.
The only thing this is missing is Gloria Allred. The day’s not over yet.
She’s just a grifter. I don’t think she’s a criminal one.
Then again, I thought that about Geragos.
She could still represent them, if they have any money left.
Last I heard, she had some pretty serious bar complaints pending. No idea how they’ll turn out.
On top of that, he fraudulently applied for and received $4+ million in loans starting in 2014.
He did so by submitting fake tax returns to the bank with his application. How do we know that they’re fake? Why, he didn’t even file tax returns for those years, which is why he also owes the IRS millions of dollars in back taxes.
Avenatti is incredibly stupid, but great at manipulating the media. He appeared on MSNBC and CNN over 100 times. Suckers.
Credentialed expert!
This is going to put quite the crimp into his presidential plans.
How longer before his law school starts renaming?
That is how you Russian collusion.
I wish it were the planes to evacuate Maduro and friends from Venezuela.
That’s not an impossible scenario, is it? Although I don’t think they have enough gold and baggage to warrant an AN 124. I’m not sure if there’s enough left hauling away in all of Venezuela to load an Antonov.
I do wonder if him heading to Russia is the endgame of this. Both sides get to declare “victory”. Venezuela stays socialist and most things remain the same.
That’s not real collusion.
How are they going to keep those troops fed in Chavezgrad? They definitely can’t live off the land. And once the natives realize that the Ruskies are flying in supplies, I predict a surge in bootleg anti-aircraft guns.
Rotten to the core
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that President Trump is a “symptom of much deeper problems” that would not go away if he was removed from office.
“As horrific as this president is, he is a symptom of much deeper problems,” the New York lawmaker tweeted.
“Even foreign influence plays on nat’l wounds that we refuse to address: income inequality, racism, corruption, a willingness to excuse bigotry.”
America. What a shithole. We should have a plan to make it a better place in five years.
She’s even dumber than I thought.
It’s not a good time to bloviate when he’s dunking on you and his testicles are hitting you in the face.
“Did you pay your back taxes yet, honey? I could loan you the money if you like.”
Thanks a lot, buddy. Now I have this image in my head of Trump smacking AOC with his mushroom shaped penis.
Hey, maybe that’s material for the next dossier.
It’s going to be in the next episode of Hat and Hair.
““Even foreign influence plays on nat’l wounds that we refuse to address: income inequality, racism, corruption, a willingness to excuse bigotry.”
“But enough about me.”
The Sixty Month Plan by Chairwoman MAO-C.
There’s plenty of time to implement it before we all die in twelve years too.
You think she can multiply 12 x 5 correctly?
Big ups to the dude in Shenzhen with a sense of humor.
With a name like that, it’s got to be good.
In China, dash camera watches you.
Hmmm. Why does this thing want my wifi password?
Nobody needs 23 different models of rear-view mirror camera.
“Meet the 23-year-old Maxim swimsuit model and former figure skater who has become the face of the Republican’s ‘Jexodus’ movement to lure Jewish Democrats to their party”
I thought someone on here came up with that word.
I didn’t know Ivanka was a former figure skater.
Somehow, that’s anti-semitic.
Pipko was born and raised in New York and is the granddaughter of Russian-born Jewish painter Marc Klionsky.
Russian interference.
Not at all relevant.
“Zara is blasted over ‘suggestive’ and ‘inappropriate’ kidswear advert featuring a child model – prompting the brand to REMOVE the photos from social media”
David Hamilton has a sad.
Between WokeHat doubling down and Reason pretending like they were not conspiracy mongering, I’d say cosmos are not taking this well.
Nick Sarwark decided he should argue with Massie about Mueller now, because the LP is a joke.
Thaddeus Russel is spot on:
Thaddeus Russell
Every journalist and politician who pushed the Russia hoax attacked our civil liberties and brought us closer to war. They need to be held accountable.
And what does Amash (L-Deep State) think about the Mueller report?
Amash isn’t so bad, but it’s clear that he needs pre-clearance from his new funders before making any original thought
Thomas Massie
Verified account
5h5 hours ago
Which charges do you suspect they should pursue but aren’t? Or are you just saying this could be the case and we would have no way to know?
1 reply 1 retweet 15 likes
Reply 1 Retweet 1 Like 15
Nicholas Sarwark
Verified account
5h5 hours ago
Obstruction of justice.
The public actions of the President are more than sufficient to get an indictment.
There’s just no political will (and active resistance from Barr) to seeking that indictment and dealing with the fight over charging a sitting President.
Because Twitter rants constitute some sort of obstruction… Isn’t this the same asshole that suggested using the military on citizens who had the audacity to think they have a right to keep and bear arms unrestricted by technological advance?
Sarwak is a douchebag, and I know some people really like him in the party, but he has to go.
Ah the good old Libertarian Party. What a fucking joke.
The public actions of the President are more than sufficient to get an indictment.
Then Mueller was free to issue such an indictment. And for all the BS about how he could have, he didn’t. He punted because he didn’t want to be a laughingstock.
Nicholas Sarwark
Verified account @nsarwark
6h6 hours ago
Do you have a copy of the actual report, as opposed to the four page letter from Barr?
3 replies 1 retweet 18 likes
Allen Womack
5h5 hours ago
Do we really think the man who swatted down a Buzzfeed article in the middle of his investigation would sit idly by in silence as the AG misrepresented 2 years of his work? I really don’t think so.
When you’re that obviously wrong, is there really a point in continuing?
“The error was one of eight “never events” at University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trusts last year”
8. In one year. I don’t know what the comprobale stat would be in the US, but I can’t believe it’s as bad as having 8 mistakes that should never happen in one year.
Uffda. The only way you are going to really get kids to realize – bone deep realize – that there are no consequences at all for disruptive behavior is to start reinforcing the concept early and often.
Pre-school. An entirely optional place. Why don’t parents simply choose a school that doesn’t do suspensions if that is the way they really feel? My guess is that there are a lot of parents of shitty kids who are mad that their kids keep getting booted from pre-school and they have to pay for other daycare.
My kid got booted from two. Sadly, this meant *I* had to deal with him. Da noive.
Many years ago, a colleague and I got a grant to do a series of week-long “STEM camps” for middle school kids over the summer. Part of the grant was money so that parents with financial need could send their kids for free. Biggest mistake of my life. Half the kids who were there had zero interest in science or math, and were signed up by their parent(s) to get them out of the house for a week for free. It was day after day of us playing lion-tamer, with little of substance getting done.
I will never again do anything like that. Even if parents only have to pay $20 out of their own pocket, they need to have some investment, otherwise it’s a complete disaster.
I disagree.
Fuck you. You’re no true libertarian. I’m the only true libertarian here.
I thought you and Count Potato were both Tulpa.
And so are we all.
No, you’re not.
If you weren’t a Potato Head you would have said No, your not and gotten a two’fer. You starchy Aristos are the worst.
What’s the plural of Tulpa? Tulpii? Tulpae?
In order to be a libertarian, I think people should have some principle beyond “respectability”. Because the “respectable people” have been wrong an awful lot recently (Kavanuagh is a gang rapist; Smollett was assaulted by a MAGA hat wearing person; Covington, and now Fever Dreams)
Goes both ways though. You have to keep your principle at all times, even if it means you can’t own the libs.
I have to admit that sometimes over the last couple of years I’ve felt really alone in absolutely despising Trump yet shaking my head at everything Team Blue has done as well.
Yeah, agreed.
But the same libertarians who bought Russia Fever Dreams were the same ones who bought WMDs. So it’s no so much “owning” anyone so much as it is conforming with the respectable people. That is what I am saying
I have no time for the Libertarian Party. It’s why I call myself a “small l libertarian” and why I changed my voting registration from the LP to No Party Affiliation.
It’s just that everything seems so polarized: Either ORANGE MAN BAD or MAGA MAGA MAGA and the in-between is either non-existent or just very quiet.
Might I suggest that you’re looking at the Russia investigation from the wrong prism? It wasn’t so much Left v Right as it was Establishment Opinion v Dissenters (much like WMDs). There were just as many Russia Truthers among conservatives as there were among progressives. And likewise, there were as many people on the Left that never believed it as there were people on the Right.
When it comes to foreign policy (which was what the Russia investigation was always about) it never makes sense to look at it from a Left v Right perspective, because it’s always Establishment v Dissenters
I despise virtually every politician out there, but there are degrees of them sucking. Trump’s first SCOTUS pick made me hate him a bit less, plus calling out socialists in SOTU speech.
Pretty much every Democratic politician seems to be unredeemably appalling.
So, “absolutely hate” Trump? Naw. At least compared to alternatives.
Not that I’m gonna vote at all.
Bette Midler
Verified account
19h19 hours ago
#DonaldTrump has forced us to live through war as a nation for the last two years; he has caused depression, despair, confusion and death. We’re not just sick at heart, but literally sick from him; from uncontrollable rage at the thought that he will get away with his crimes.
Who are you again? Some kind of singer or something?
Jerry Seinfeld’s girlfriend was her understudy in the play “Rochelle, Rochelle”. That’s how I know her
Rent “Beaches”…you’re welcome.
(just kidding, don’t)
She’s the wind beneath your pants.
Well, I know when I’m looking for hard hitting social and political commentary, the first place I turn is to the woman sang ‘Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’ 5 decades ago.
Maybe you should seek help, Bette.
Maybe she needs Kramer.
Loved her in that Seinfeld episode. Has she done anything since?
She was really good in Drowning Mona.
I rather like it when people forthrightly admit their mental illness.
#DonaldTrump has forced us to live through war as a nation for the last two years;
What about the eight years of war Barack Obama forced us to live through?
That was different, you racist.
SEA SMITH sighting in the Thames!
On his way to help with the brexit.
It’s SEA SMITH. He is there to ‘help’ with the Brenter.
You fuckers really need to give trigger warnings about links to the S*n. I feel dirty now.
After googling to actually read the article elsewhere, I’m completely unsurprised. It’s what the NHS does. And this is what the “Medicare for All” people want here!
I mean, have we not gotten to the point where they put a barcode on the patient’s forehead and review the procedure with them just prior to wheeling them into the theater? Then scan the barcode in the theater and pull up the notes, with a nurse whose primary purpose is to manage the IT and process.
Then again, I’m assuming they have EMR and integrated operating theater systems.
And I need to learn the art of reviewing my HTML before submitting.
Its reviewing all the way down.
“Today, it was my great honor to welcome Prime Minister @Netanyahu of Israel back to the @WhiteHouse where I signed a Presidential Proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights”
Literally Hitler.
He should do that regarding Gaza. Just for the fun of it.
The thing is, while it’s a good troll, his Israel declarations have been fairly mild in simply accepting their de jure claims to their de facto situation. Israel has only officially annexed Jerusalem and the Golan Heights but has not taken similar action for the other territories, so Trump is just basically looking at what the Israeli government says and going “sure, that”.
In downtown Tel Aviv I saw a giant banner with Trump and Netanyahu shaking hands. That’s how Netanyahu campaigns for his re-election. I’m not accustomed to such things.
Houston police sergeant accused of fatally shooting wife
She was making a furtive movement towards her waist, and he feared for his life. Good shoot. h2h.
She didn’t make him a sandwich, clean shoot / SCOTUS
She was a real dog.
Dem Sen. Tom Udall announces he won’t seek re-election in 2020
What’s a leppo?
Johnson doesn’t want to have a seat in the Senate. He wants to get attention without actually doing a real job.
But, but, but… that’s what a senate seat is for!
Beat me to it!
I am still pissed at him for walking away from the open seat and running a terrible presidential campaign last time.
I can understand that. After all, he could have scammed his supporters out of the money needed to pay off his debts using a sentate election and reelection fund-raising just as well as for a presidential run.
I figure, though, he thought the scam would have a lower chance of being detected if he was running an irrelevant and quixotice campaign that was destined to go nowhere than if he were winning an election. The senate campaign would have brought him too much scrutiny to allow him to get away with ripping off his supporters.
Why is he running for president too?
Just to get people riled up, here is a story about Minnesoda trying to pass a right to repair bill.
From my past life working in the IoT world, I am fairly sympathetic towards the idea of not allowing companies to use the law to prevent people from repairing stuff they bought. Big Ag is especially notorious for using IP law to go after anyone who tries to reverse engineer their protocols so that they can repair their own equipment.
I am leery, though, of some of the demands that the OEM’s have to sell equipment and manuals. And I would also say that if independent repairmen are allowed to work on equipment, OEM’s are allowed to say that warranties are voided when the hacks work on it.
The NHS thing is bad, but it’s pretty much the same thing if you’re DoD. No recourse to sue for malpractice (unless that’s changed after the bad publicity) even if they cut off the wrong leg, then cut off the right leg….then you die of sepsis, etc, etc.
The best parts of government and healthcare!
“It’s okay. I saved that deleted tweet of CNN hosts partying it up with Avenatti. Why would such a thing need to be deleted?”
“Heya @brianstelter. Think we can have that talk now.”
“Trump may have created the environment in which someone like Avenatti could be taken semi-seriously as a presidential candidate. But Avenatti’s fall also proves there is only one Donald Trump out there.”
Truly, “One of the dumber and least respected of the political pundits”.
“They fucking got Annie Leibovitz to photograph this sack of garbage juice.”
WTF is that doodle on his wall?
That’s a Leibovitz photo? Holy shit, that woman is a hack.
Does he know how to play that harpsichord?
I watched this Japanese movie about this woman who is really a spider but it’s a true story in New Hampshire no joke seriously. She lives in a tunnel near Merrimack and she likes to read the Union Leader and she tries to get you to buy some of her Kratom but we all know it’s bagel seasoning. She spins webs but it ain’t cool like Spiderman. She is wicked and she will put you on YouTube in your underwear bro no fucking joke. Don’t go on Industrial Drive near the Premium Outlets on the outskirts of Thorntons Ferry. She lives there. The spiderwoman is very real. Don’t buy her Kratom.
The more you know!
I’m guessing you bought her Kratom?
Plot twist: he’s the one selling it.
I watched this Japanese movie about this woman who is really a spider but it’s a true story in New Hampshire no joke seriously. She lives in a tunnel
I watched the American version where it was a clown and he lived in the sewer. I think he was on bath salts because he kept eating kids.
Trains will be better then air travel!
/TW: Jalopnik
This is an exemplar of everything the government has a monopoly in.
But Amtrak is private!!! / Wilfully missing the point
In Soviet Russia, time run train on you!
About what I figured…but I still want to do this some day:
I don’t think it’s at Lake Louise, but there’s another hotel stop somewhere around there that’s a gorgeous multi-story all-wood Victorian/Edwardian “castle” – might be at the end of the line. I think we drove by it at one point back in ’98.
There’s a scenic train down here along the Ohio Canal. It’s right along a crushed limestone multi-use trail, and allow you to bring bikes on the train. They also do night time excursions with beer tastings and light food. The one time the girlfriend and I went on one, we got the scenic car, and it was a night full of clouds and rain.
Yeah, because spending 4 days going from San Fran to Cleveland instead of 4 hours is so much fun.
My buddy and I decided to take the train back from the Chicago office once instead of flying. We got one of those sleeper cars and it was at least $140 more for each of us to take the train than to fly Southwest.
I think the total time was something a bit over 9 hours. Flying was 1.5 hours. There is also only one train leaving Chicago per day. You get on that one or wait until the next day. There has to be 20 to 30 flights based if you include all the carriers.
The other thing was that trying to book on Amtrak is one of the worse online experiences ever. It is incredibly hard to determine exactly what ticket you need to buy.
On the plus side, no one batted an eye when we toted a cooler of beer onto the train. It was also sort of cool to see stuff that was 1970’s technology. Every control was an analog dial. Big switches and sliders. No digital displays anywhere.
The best though, was the shower/toilet in our cabin. I chopped out the face of my buddy to spare him the embarrassment of you laughing at his drunken grin as he threatened me with a shower.
Also, there was no Amtrak wifi on the train.
Can confirm. One of the really weird things that happened on our train was that our ticket included a meal, so they had us make a reservation. Then when we showed up (very drunk) they randomly made us sit at a table with two other people. There were plenty of empty tables in the dining car, but they told us that we had to sit with the other people.
I felt bad for them because they seemed very nice and they had to put up with our drunken babbling.
I’ve taken a couple of very long Amtrak trips. One was to enjoy scenery and the other was because I was in college and broker than Michael Avenatti. Amtrak seems to bill the sit-with-other-diners thing as a great way to get out and meet interesting people.
At least you got to sleep with your buddy.
A couple weeks back my wife’s boss took a trip on Amtrak from Kirksville Missouri to Flagstaff
His first clue that he had made a bad choice of the train instead of flying was the layover in Kansas City was 3 hours. He’d have saved time by driving to Kansas City (3.5 hours from our town) instead of Kirskville (2 hours away).
Then of course, the they spent a lot of time parked on the Great Plains because freight has the right of way. I think they were 8 hours late compared to the time they tell suckers who buy a ticket.
His daughter was so distraught over the thought of having to take the train back that they tried to cut the trip short and either fly back, or rent a car and drive.
They ended up taking the train back because it would have been like $900 for a one way car rental, and last minute flights are of course no better.
My wife suggested once that we take the kids on a train trip. Once I caught my breath after all the laughing, I did a quick search and showed her a dozen reviews of the glamour of train travel.
She never brought it up again. If God wanted us to take trains he wouldn’t have given us wings.
A couple times I considered taking the Empire Builder from Chicago to Glacier NP (our favorite place to visit)
We like to camp though and I just don’t think we would have been able to get everything we wanted to bring with us to the train station in Chicago, even if they’d have let us take it all on the train.
Didn’t want to drive our cars that year (both small vehicles) so we ended up renting a minivan (they ran out of Ford Escapes), and probably spent less than the train would have cost + a rental while there in tourist country. Yes, I had to drive 26 hours to get there, and 26 hours back but it was all on our time, and it was comfortable.
My aunt and uncle took the train out to Seattle on one of those passes where you can get on/off a few times whenever you feel like it.
They thought that it was a good trip. They are both retired, so they didn’t mind the long times.
If Amtrak was really interested in long distance rail, they’d have flat cars on each train where you could drive you truck onto. So when you got out west, you’d get your car off the train and you’d be set. It would be great for people who are hunting/skiing or some other gear intensive sport.
They have such as thing down to Florida. It used to be one of the moneymakers.
Last year I escorted my parents by train from my brother’s in the the Midwest to the Bay Area. Someone reported an issue with one of the cars before we arrived in Denver, but Amtrak couldn’t be bothered to check out the problem during our 4 hour layover in Denver. Because of that they had to stop the train shortly out of Denver as we were climbing the Rockies. They had to remove the car from the train which took several hours causing us to go through the Rockies at night missing the scenery. Likewise the delay caused us to go through the Sierra at night. Trains can be a great way to travel and see some scenery if you don’t mind the lack of speed and flexibility, but Amtrak sucks.
My son and I took Amtrak from LA to San Luis Obispo a few years ago to meet my husband (who was already there for a meeting) and then we all drove home together. The best part of that route is the track runs along the water, so it goes right through Vandenberg and you can see all the launch facilities. I wouldn’t want to do a long trip by train, but for that distance it was all right.
Done it cross-country couple times. Nothing to report. But, yeah, it’s a real money-loser. They should cut those routes and concentrate on the short ones.
So, I went on my year-late honeymoon last month to Italy…
High speed trains are awesome. So is just walking aboard without TSA security theater – I’m convinced that the lack of hassle saved me time over a flight on the same route.
But I’ve taken Amtrak, from Dallas to Temple, TX. It was awful. Third world, even. Insanely slow, late, dirty, and uncomfortable.
Yeah, I know about Temple, after living there for a few years but how was the train ride?
But enough about the last few plane trips I’ve taken.
“House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy just called on Adam Schiff to step down from the House Intelligence Committee”
welcome with open arms any nearby asteroid.
“kinda like the reports that say my district is hotbed for terror recruitment. The media’s obsession with clickbait images and headlines is literally putting Muslim lives in danger. My ask of them is, do better!”
“It is. FBI statistics show that Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, represented by you, is the terrorism recruitment capital of America. Related: You used your political power to try to leverage leniency for convicted terrorists.”
To be fair, how many of those terrorists were ‘recruited’ by the FBI themselves.
I think in this case they are legit. They didn’t commit terrorism here, they went to the ME and fought with ISIS
I’m now on hour two of a support conference call for an office going down because the switch was patched last night, and died today. No one is saying the patching is responsible…
I support the phone systems, no network, no phones. Pretty simple from my side.
Why was it patched?
They don’t tell us about those, but if I had to guess, it was a security patch. This is the second office in as many weeks that have been down the day after network patches. Both were revenue generating offices. One was down for a day, this one has been down for at least four hours today.
I hadn’t heard about this, but apparently things aren’t going too well in Turkey:
The culprit, shockingly, might be the government:
And the response is predictable:
But there is hope that people might see through things:
It will be interesting to see how things develop.
Tarran, correct me if I’m wrong, but as I recall, Erdogan didn’t win his first elections because Islam. He won because he was the regulation-cutting, pro-business (particularly small business with no government ties), economy liberalizing candidate. And when he implemented some of the promised reforms, economy took off.
(Then there was a credit bubble, and overheated investment market and shit, as it usually does)
To see how things develop?
To enslave the nation Tyrant destroys the currency thus the economy and the food supply. How many times have we seen this play out?
Oh, and that is what the New Green Deal is all about.
“Owning a car will soon be as quaint as owning a horse”
Socialism is more likely to make that happen than Uber.
When I was a kid I took the bus once. The other kid next to me said, “check this out” and slapped the seat, sending this huge plume of dirt into the air. Which I now find absolutely disgusting.
I’ll take my own car.
Does this bring back memories?
Aw… I just got a cute little pocket Constitution in the mail from Cato. Can someone translate it into modern American for me?
Article 1: we can do what we want.
Article 2: FYTW.
Man, they sure spoke purty in the middle ages. The damn thing is like 40 pages long!
Congress or the President can write all necessary and proper laws, promote the general welfare, and regulate commerce. 1st amendment. FYTW.
Everyone loves the Constitution until it stands in the way of some moral/political objective. I see with both the Left and the Right when the Constitution gets in the way of one of their goals.
From Cato, so it have the most invisible cocktail ink in it?
Plant it and when it grows up it will become a big police state.
Rebelicious: A visit to the Fête de l’Humanité in Paris, a Marxist jamboree
“Che’s face was on posters, drinks, T-shirts, and tattoos, but Castro was invisible. So was Stalin. So, for that matter, was Lenin. Che was the man. The real Che would have executed everyone at the festival.”
That was fascinating. Except for the tiny minority for whom it is a religion, it’s just a social club.
We stumbled onto a Communist Party BBQ in Nice last summer. I should have walked up and taken their food because I was hungry. To each according to his needs and all that. Che was there too.
That was great. The fact that Che, the hammer and sickle, etc have all become branded and marketed to these young numbskulls is absurdly ironic. In reading that I had visions of young hooligans tearing everything apart in the name of their glorious revolution only to survey what they’ve done from the top of the rubble and proclaim “shit, now what?”
“As a result, microaggressions maintain white privilege and create unnecessary stress in Black people. Smith said that the mental and physical stress visited upon people of color as they navigate this racism is not unlike the stress soldiers experience in war. The stress of existing in white spaces is “mentally, emotionally and physically draining” for people of color, Smith argues, and the symptoms often go without being noticed, diagnosed or treated.”
And I love the term: post-traumatic slave syndrome
This article was posted by an acquaintance who gets a new car every two years, lives in River North in Downtown Chicago and has a masters from Northwestern. I wished I had this much time on my hands to think about or create ways that the white man is making me mentally unwell.
Sadly, like most level-headed people, you are stuck spending your time making a living and making the world a better place.
Him and I went to college together and he’s a nice guy but has the two worst aspects of a statist: The arrogance to believe that due to his education, he and others like him can make decisions for the downtrodden and wallows in victimization.
And I feel bad for him because he’s allowed himself to believe this shit with a religious like conviction.
Tell Smith that I said he just needs to smoke a blunt and relax.
Here’s a guy writing to an advice columnist who should have taken the advice of Zardoz: My Wife Is Pregnant With a Child Neither of Us Wants.
I feel like he needs some advice from STEVE SMITH.
even though I was denied the right and choice to do with my body as I pleased when I wanted a vasectomy
How so? Don’t you tell the snip doc to make it so and hand over payment?
His wife needed to hand his balls to the doctor first.
If my wife and I come to an agreement that we want no more children, but is against me getting snipped, then we’re going to have a problem.
Does the wife need her husband’s permission to get the abortion? What about if she decides to ‘transition’ and gets a dick sewn on? Does she need his permission for that? Because I have to tell you, if my wife decided to get a dick, I’d be real upset by that, cause I’m sort of all into that pussy thing. Just sayin.
Many urologists will require a statement signed by both husband and wife. It keeps them from getting sued.
I forgot if I had to but it tickles the back of my mind that I may have had to sign off on it.
They could use the same permission sheet abortionists use.
That whole article is fucking depressing.
Um… there are other ways to not have children, friend.
It’s the fucking Atlantic. Why are they wasting time with this when there’s pant shitting to do over Mueller’s failure to install Hillary as rightful queen?
Anyway, being as it’s the Atlantic, the people in the article are surely progs. No one who is not a prog would even be reading the Atlantic, be the subject of an article in it, or even know it exists. So, if you guys get that abortion, remember it moves you up in line in the proggy heirarchy. So stay brace, your prog warriors, toe that proggy lion and get special privilege along the way with your abortion.
I agree that they shouldn’t pass on their genes.
Finally finished work. Now time for either Metro Exodus or finishing off France in Civ 6…
Guys… you know, and I mean you fictional libertarian wiminz included… cause fictional people are like real people too, right? You might think today is a good day with Avenatti, famous whorettorney, being arrested and most lefties on suicide watch, but it isn’t. I hate to give the bad news, but…
Krispy Kreme have been found to be Nazis.
It’s the white filling isn’t it.
Duh, they’re based in North Carolina.
Panera too
WTF is Putin up to in Venezuala? Is he gonna make Venezuala a puppet state with Maduro on a string? Why?
To flex on USA? Hopefully our govt doesn’t take the bait.
Maybe for the sweet sweet oil?
Oh I almost forgot they had more oil than anyone in the world. It’s hard to remember that when they have no food or toilet paper. TPTB aren’t going to let that go.
Didn’t I see somewhere recently that Texas shale production was closing in on Saudi production? And didn’t I read here on glibs that Venezuelan oil was particularly crappy? Why the devil would we fight over that?
Monroe Doctrine
My guess is Trump tweets we’re going bomb all of the airports so you might want to get all your planes the fuck home needledick.
I’m surprised it wasn’t China swooping in for the oil.
I think Putin still wants to play the global influence game, even though he’s got fuck-all to back it up with. He’s stuck in the glory days of USSR past, much like Trump is stuck in the glory days of American manufacturing.
Agreed. US just needs to focus on growth and financial stability and let Russia/China over-extend. Of course that would never happen. But then again, I thought trump would never happen either.
“Evacuations of Homegrown Music Festival reportedly sparked by a tattoo
The evacuation of thousands of concert-goers from the Homegrown Music Festival last night was reportedly sparked by a tattoo. Police said on Sunday morning that initial concerns were “to do with a tattoo” however they said the concern “was a mistake”. It has been reported the tattoo was thought to be linked to far-right ideology, however, it turned out it was traditional.”
It’s like Pinocchio where all of the kids start turning into donkeys, except in this case it’s turning into sheep. One wrong bleet and the whole flock panics.
To be fair, the Maori are extremists.
“REMINDER: WaPo, NYT Won Pulitzers For Russia Collusion Reporting
We know there will be no reckoning among members of the media for their contributions to the narrative that Trump would be indicted or impeached following the allegedly obvious evidence that he and his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Those media outlets that did follow the narrative were richly rewarded.
The Washington Post and The New York Times both won Pulitzer Prizes for reporting that bolstered the narrative that Trump and his associates committed treason by working with a foreign government to win an election. The two outlets shared a joint award from the Pulitzer board for national reporting:
“For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration. (The New York Times entry, submitted in this category, was moved into contention by the Board and then jointly awarded the Prize.)”
In its article about receiving two Pulitzers in 2018, the Post bragged that its reporting “helped set the stage for the special counsel’s ongoing investigation of the administration.” That investigation concluded that even though the media repeatedly shouted that “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” there turned out to be no fire.”
CP, I sent you that article. Not sure if I got the address right.
You got the address right, but the file seems corrupted. Try something more portable type such as plain text, rtf, html, pdf, a link to pastebin, etc.
Ugh. I’m on the way to work. I’ll put it in a PDF when I get home.
Yea, that attitude was fucking stupid. The fact that you’re being investigated means you’re guilty? What about all the innocent people who have been completely railroaded by the government just in the past few decades?
What people are you talking about comrade?
You people.
Neph, you’ve mentioned it a few times before, but what specific product do you buy (oxy….) to clean your growlers? Once clean and dry you just keep them sealed shut till you go to fill them again? Thanks
Any of a number of brewing cleansers would be good. I have used over-the-counter OxyClean to strip labels from wine bottles, but they need to be thoroughly rinsed afterward.
“If you refuse to cooperate with the investigation, you can’t claim you were cleared. That’s how obstruction of justice works.”
In other news, Jonathan Chait is a complete hack.
Given the left hates the 1st and 2nd why not add in the 5th
That is not the definition of obstruction of justice at all.
Obstruction of social justice?
I see.
His lived justice.
He gets pretty well torn up in the replies, which is nice.
Defending yourself is obstruction, got it.
Just lie back and think of hilary…
I don’t think even Bill can do that.
A couple days old now, but why not? Because we could all use some more spittle flecked emotive hysteria in our lives:
That entire article is straight-up retarded.
Bullshit, ereryone knows ARs are made to precision shoot people in the forehead at a mile’s distance.
precision shoot people in the forehead at a mile’s distance
Uh… where are… these available for sale? Asking for a friend.