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But there are no links. So, FIRTS!
there are no firsts if there are no links because how can there be any first if there are no links?
Fortunately he said FIRTS!
I once had the firts, not pleasant.
firt = fart + squirt
I woke up with the firts couple weeks back, what a shitty morning.
I thought that was a shart?
Close enough?
We all have had it happen. No shame bruh. Firts away.
Alien life was discovered on the next planet over! It’s the news story of the century, and totally not a hoax.
Least surprising story of the century. What is scary about it is the possibility of it being brought back here.
Sample return mission probably not until the late 2020’s.
Fungus from Mars. Would be a band name but too derivative of David Bowie, who is thankfully still with us.
But, I’m seeing a lot of weaselry in that (print) article. The purported “puff-balls” are well known and considered to be the result of geological processes, not biological ones.
That is just the cover story.
It is really Space Smith sperm.
I think you just plotted out the next episode of that.
I read a science fiction novel about intelligent fungi that take over the world once. I’m sure SF knows the title.
Here is your bedtime story for tonight, Scruffster. Note the fungus erupting from the ant’s head.
Myconids are only doing the jobs Americans won’t do.
that kinda describes all the SMITHs under a looser definition of “spore”.
Blood Music?
I don’t think that was fungi, can’t remember.
I remember now, Omnivore by Piers Anthony
Blood Music is by Greg Bear, I think it was his first novel. Almost guaranteed to be better than Piers Anthony.
*hides copy of Xanth Volume 1,492*
*admits when he first came across Harry Potter he thought it was a rip-off of Xanth*
Anthony committed more time and words to character development than Rowling.
I thought the Xanth books were great when I was like 12. I tried to re-read the first book about a year ago and it was enjoyable, but the quality of the second / third book seemed to fall off quickly. I remember feeling the same after book 5-ish when I was a pre-teen.
I read that recently. I think Amazon was selling it cheap on Kindle. It was… It was better than a lot of shit that gets sold now. I was rockin’ and rollin’ with it until about the last third.
Netflix has a new anathology called Love, Death, and Robots.
Animated Sci-Fi with boobies and cussing.
One of the episodes is about a yogurt culture taking over the world (and making Ohio the Capitol).
I enjoyed the binge.
I am unconvinced by the report. I need a second independent investigation is needed. While collusion with Russian may be difficult to prove, there may be collusion with Romania and no one looked for that.
Skepticism is in order. Some years back the Ruskies discovered something…I dont remember what…an algae, fungus, lichen growing on the exterior skin of one of their spacecraft. I have been saying since grade school that the notion that earth is totally special and unique in all of the universe is absurd. Yeah, we are the center of the universe and our totally common star is the only one with planets out of the untold trillions just like it. Right. There is plenty of life out there and I bet earth and mars aren’t the only ones right here in our system.
Still, the evidence they are giving seems a little sketchy to me.
It also occurs to me that it could be some crap we sent there years ago.
Stop sending crap to Romania I live here
Yeah, thread fail. Oops. I haven’t done that for a while.
I thought you were a growth off the crap we sent there.
“She thought she saw an alien once.”
Then I put it back into my pants?
If it looks like Earth life, it’s probably not Martian life. The differences in gravity, atmospheric pressure and hard radiation should push morphology in a different direction.
Interestingly enough, the best place to put a colony for terrestrial life (other than on Earth) would be in the atmosphere of Venus.
They would just be taller with less gravity, and less dependent on oxygen and sunlight. Which makes fungi the ideal candidate.
Not just that — you’d need to change the composition of membranes/cell walls to prevent dehydration. Remember that phase changes are dependent on pressure, and that Mars’s pressure is pretty much at water’s triple point.
Are bacteria influenced by gravity in the same fashion as complex organisms? Arrangements of cells have to support against it (just to remain assembled), but is a single cell floating in liquid physiologically affected by gravity. it’d still be a factor, in buoyancy for example, impacting trophic behaviors, I’m just not sure gravity would directly affect the morphology of a single cell.
I’m getting at the possibility that life would develop along similar lines if the conditions weren’t too dissimilar; the abiogenesis stage could have turned out similar, then self-assembly into cell membranes is almost inevitable. Development of life on the two planets might not have diverged until the demands imposed by multicellular biology.
If mars had a liquid core in the past that produced a magnetic field then the difference in gravity would be the main difference. The atmosphere might have been thicker before exposure to the solar wind resulting in higher atm.pressure than today, though obviously still nowhere near earth’s (unless that atmosphere was a blanket of sulfur hexafluoride). On average the planet would still be cooler than earth, but the parts under a few feet of water would be fairly early-earth-like.
If abiogenesis is a result of the conditions, then I wouldn’t expect similar conditions to produce wildly different results. The extremophiles on earth are likely descendents of the earliest life here, life on mars today could be the the remaining extremophiles hardy enough to survive as mars froze. If contemporary martian life resembles early martian life then it could also bear resemblance to life on earth.
Agreed. Just like we now find water everywhere in space, once we know how to look and what to look for, we’ll find life everywhere.
The next generation of space telescopes are going to be able to directly image exoplanets, which means spectroscopy. Spectrum indicates oxygen or something else that’d be odd to accumulate without biogenic replenishment….could be worth investigating.
Either we find life or some crazy new geological process, win/win.
RAPEPLANETWe’re Gonna Need a Bigger Hoax!
I sure as hell hope the democrats DEMAND the investigation continue. I am worried that unlike the stupid party, they might have learned from their demands that the Hillary email investigation continue when they wanted her vindicated and absolved of her crimes, only to have the investigation produce a ton of new information come that proved she had not only engaged in the criminal activity they were trying to cover up for her on, but had actually worked hard to destroy the evidence that she had broken the law, torpedoing their effort to legitimize her criminal actions, and will decide to bury this. But so far, it looks like the usual idiots are demanding the witch-hunt continue, and nothing will please me more that as it does, the focus shifts to the real criminals involved (the Obama administration and the weaponized government that not only created false evidence so they could spy on a political opponent of the democratic party, but they, after they saw Trump win an election they had rigged for Clinton decided to stage a coup).
I feel the same sickness I did when he won. It’s like he won again.
Proggie tears are so, so sweet!
Leaving no doubt that it was ever about the collusion.
I think they are generally in that stage of brave denial.
This is my last week at my current employer. When the big Reduction in Force came down last week, an Executive Director in another department immediately tried to hire me into an open job he has – and was shot down. All position frozen. I’m not terribly disappointed as I get 22 weeks severance and hope to be working somewhere else at least half of that time.
I like most of the people I work with and I’m trying to make the transition out a smooth one. But it’s Monday morning and people are coming out of the woodwork asking me for shit – and I am rapidly running gout of shits to give.
It happened to me in Feb 2018. Best of luck, man.
Thank you!
I’ve been laid off a few times. It sucked balls each time, but each time I eventually wound up taking a better position at a higher pay rate. Hope it works out the same for you.
Also, I never had anything close to 22 weeks of severance, so that’s nice.
No my first rodeo either. It’s the nature of being a project manager.
I’d invite you to apply here, but then I’d have to hate you.
PMs are (can be) the worst. Just Sayin’.
PM: “So, how long will it take you to complete this item and test it?”
Me: “About 15-20 hours.”
PM: “I’m going to put down 5-10 hours.”
Me: “That’s not enough time at all.”
PM: “Sure it is, you’ll just have to work a little faster.”
****Several weeks later****
PM: “Why isn’t this part done yet?”
Me: “I just got the requirements yesterday, and I need the 15-20 hours it’ll take to build it out and test it.”
PM: “Then why does the project plan say 5-10 hours?”
Me: *sends copies of all the original e-mails*
Oh – I’m not IT PM. No thanks.
@Neph, yup. One guy I work ‘with’ consistently power trips, and seems to think he’s my boss. One project doesn’t even have a budget- “whoever can spend what we have first gets to do so”. Okay, not sure how you think anything is going to get done that way. Any issues arise he just goes to talk to my boss’s boss and then claims I agreed to whatever they decided amongst themselves. Somehow his project has not been a priority for me.
I had a boss that used to tell me all the time that I put too much effort into figuring out this stuff, and that I should just take the estimates from the IT people, divide it in half, then tell them that was the time they got to do the work. The maroon also made it a point of telling people good IT managers had no need whatsoever to understand the technology their people worked with, because it was about understanding how to whip people into working shape.
I repeatedly shut down these idiotic conversation by reminding him that unlike him, I was the technical lead and really knew my shit, I really understood the technology we were using and far more, in the end was responsible for fixing the crap code people like him that thought they were adding value with idiotic trope formulas like he had recommended I used, after straddling me with the lowest possible offshore supplier they could find, and had no interest in spending extra weekday hours and weekend days doing that, and that unlike him, I actually knew what the fuck I was talking about.
I eventually left that company (GE) after finding a new cool job elsewhere and demanding they lay me off. Collected but the layoff money and a pay check for a few months, which was great. Some other people that stayed behind and had to pick up the slack of my departure really suffered before they also chose to run the fuck away.
I’d like to think that I haven’t made too many enemies along the way. A lot of what I’ve been doing recently is more like strategic planning and tracking. The owners of the 2 projects I’m currently working on are pretty pissed.
I have had some good PMs, who know enough to help with budget and schedule, and others who admit they are clueless but still want to pilot the ship without any input from the technical leads…
You don’t hate him already?
Maybe I’m not trying hard enough?
Try being more pedantic. Also be sure to point out error’s in apostrophe use.
Do you work for a telecomm provider? I know a PM that just got laid off at one.
Nope – Diagnostic Testing company.
It’s like the Peter Principle of layoffs.
Sorry Drake, and also Slammer. Wishing you luck.
Since there are no links…Right descision, questionable reasoning
According to WGN News, the Deerfield ordinance included a blanket ban on “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines,” two terms that the gun rights groups who challenged the legislation said were inappropriately vague, as well as a ban on “semiautomatic rifles, semiautomatic shotguns and semiautomatic pistols with detachable magazines.” The ordinance fined anyone within the city limits of Deerfield $1,000 per day until they relocated their guns to a gun club or other holding facility outside the city.
The same judge issued an order temporarily halting enforcement of the ordinance almost immediately after it was enacted by the Deerfield city council, and after two Illinois-based gun rights groups filed suit.
The judge, Luis Berrones, issued a final, permanent injunction Friday preventing Deerfield from enforcing the ordinance, finding that the Deerfield gun owners had “a clearly ascertainable right to not be subjected to a preempted and unenforceable ordinance,” according to the Chicago Tribune.
The two gun owners who filed suit contended that Deerfield, Illinois — along with all other Illinois municipalities — had been given the chance to regulate “assault weapons” back in 2013 when the Illinois legislature passed an omnibus gun control bill after being ordered by both the Supreme Court and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to abandon their efforts to completely ban any kind of firearm.
At that time, the legislature passed the Illinois Concealed Carry Act — a heavily restrictive concealed carry scheme that requires hours of training and extensive background investigation — and the Firearm Owner’s Identification Card Act, which requires that any prospective Illinois gun owner register with the state and apply for a license simply to purchase a gun. The legislature added that any municipalities seeking more restrictive gun control measures —including Deerfield — do so sometime before July 19, 2013, when the new Illinois laws took effect.
Deerfield argued that they did not introduce new legislation, but that the ordinance was simply an amendment to their existing rules for Deerfield gun owners. Judge Berrones agreed with the plaintiffs that Deerfield’s assault weapons ban was a separate, new regulation which should have been enacted at the time, rather than just last year after the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
Deerfield officials were, of course, unsatisfied with the ruling.
“This unprecedented interpretation of state legislative action and intent make this case ripe for appeal,” Deerfield village officials said in a statement to media. “We continue to believe that these weapons have no place in our community and that our common-sense assault weapon regulations are legal and were properly enacted.”
Believe whatever you like. That is your right. But you do not have a right or the authority to prohibit the ownership and/or carrying of any particular firearm.
Deerfield argued that they did not introduce new legislation, but that the ordinance was simply an amendment to their existing rules
Bull. Shit.
Well said, sir.
Well, the talking points have been handed down to the national talking heads: OBSTRUCTION!!! OBSTRUCTION!!!….MAYBE!!!…PROBABLY NOT BUT IT’S ALL WE HAVE LEFT TO HANG OUR HATS ON!!!
Between the lines, I think they are just pissed at Mueller for not dragging this farce out for another year and a half.
Mueller did them a favor by wrapping it up now, as it will be old news by election day so Trump will likely get less campaign mileage out of it.
Not to worry, the House investigations are only just tooling up. Mueller might be a canny team player and knows when to gutter the flame, but House Dems are in it for themselves and their little cliques.
I sure hope that shitshow continues, and then, as we get the real criminals investigated, a lot of demcorats end up wearing orange sits, getting laughed at by orange man, and making license plates and big rocks into tiny rocks.
It really puts a damper on the probably already being produced hit pieces/ presidential ads from the democratic hopefuls doesn’t it? Not that they won’t go full Orange Man Bad on all other fronts but that particular arrow lost its fletching. Poor fellas.
Would have been too obvious to drag it out that long.
She said without evidence.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Verified account
Follow Follow @AOC
Gotta love how the same folks who tolerate+ acquiesce to building a medieval wall along the entire US southern border as a (non-evidence based) solution for a “crisis” that doesn’t exist are now suddenly concerned that pursuing a nat’l response to climate change is “unrealistic.”
Gotta love how medieval is a pejorative when it comes to a wall, but not when it comes to the end state of a New Green Deal
That… That’s 1 point for house Slammer.
A few billion for a pointless security gesture, $92 trillion for a complete overhaul of society as we know it resulting in mass poverty, hunger and the loss of any semblance of property rights. Same difference.
Soon we’ll be talking some real money here.
Billion and trillion sound almost the same, so they must be almost the same amount of money.
/math geniuses everywhere
She can’t even analogy right.
She truly is an illiterate of this is the best she’s got.
She doesn’t need your vulgar facts and patriarchal rhetoric, Rufus. She has moral authority, moral authority do you hear?
She’s not the boss of me!
You aren’t proposing civilizational suicide. At least she’s doing something. She’s the Jones of Jonestown. That makes her the boss.
So is she going to defend against that? Cause saying “I know you are but what am I” is a piss poor defense for something so unscientific and destructive.
Especially when what she wants is literally 1000× more expensive.
“Sure I murdered that guy, yer honor, but he once got into a fight as a kid. “
The new spin coalesced last night. All news organizations now agree…
It is not the Attorney General’s responsibility to determine if there was obstruction of justice. That power is reserved for the congress alone.
It took them about 5 hours, but they figured out how to spin a “no bill” grand jury finding into an indictment.
If Trump can’t conclusively prove a negative, he’s obviously guilty.
The people hoping to be able to successfully conclude their attempted coup, sure as hell believe that is how it works…
beatingsinvestigations will continue untilmorale improvesDemocrats take control.He was obstructing justice for an underlying crime that he was exonerated from having committed! TDS is the gift that keeps on giving.
He never committed the crime therefore he obstructed the investigation.
I like where your going with that line of reasoning Scruffy. Post it up on DU and see if it floats.
I dont know what that means, a no bill grand jury finding. From congress?
I know it means they are operating completely outside the law, that’s nothing new.
A metaphorical no bill from a metaphorical grand jury, Mueller’s office.
He said “we decline to recommend any criminal referral on this”, which is pretty much the equivalent of a grand jury issuing no bill.
A prosecutor’s office prosecutes. That’s what they do. If he doesn’t say “this is evidence of criminal obstruction of justice”, it is because he doesn’t believe he’s got a case. If he did, he’d have said, “I am precluded from bringing charges against a sitting president by department policy, but there is sufficient evidence for an indictment” and made a referral to the House.
Which is what is going to happen anyway… they’ve already made that clear.
Every news agency was reporting it as “Mueller punts obstruction to congress” by this morning. Well, except for Fox.
Baaaa! New Zealand, a country of sheep.
These phrases are remarkable for what they do not contain: a promise to find the perpetrator and bring him to justice; any attempt to degrade him; any recognition of his desire to be seen, recognized, and fought. The opposite of terror is not courage, victory, or even justice, and it is certainly not “war on terror.” The opposite of terror is disregard for the terrorist.
Sure. Disregard him by giving him exactly what he wants by denying rights to your citizens.
That’s why they moved so quickly to unperson him. They hope by erasing his name and that video they will kill any debate about how they are playing into him and doing exactly what he said they would.
“War is peace / freedom is slavery [and] ignorance is strength.”
Top headlines:
Exonerated by his own A.G.!! – Huffpo
“Mueller busted crime spree, found no chargeable collusion” – MSNBC
CNN….. “Trump’s Presidency Enters New Era”…. wait, what?
“Trump Team Plans to Slam and Shame the Media”
“Mueller’s Huge Gift to Trump”
“Barr Summation is an Insult to the American People”
Oh, never mind. carry on.
“Next Steps and Big Unanswered Questions as the Nation Moves Into Post-Mueller Era”…. NPR
Huh. Understated. But not focusing on the actual main fact of… oh, wait..”Meuller report is done, but Investigations Will Go On”.
Wow… NBC news with strong contenders:
The NPR newsreader was in near-hysterics during her interview (of Ken Starr?) “But, but, what if Trump knew that Mueller was getting near to an unrelated scandal — that would be obstruction right??? Just a hypothetical I mean.”
Oh, my. Which one? MLK?
One of the younger-sounding wimmenfolk on Morning edition.
Mueller delivers a ‘gift’ to Trump for 2020 election – NBC News
“Why did Mueller Punt on Obstruction of Justice” – NBC News
Robert Mueller Punts to Politics” – ABC news top headline…
next subhead – “Kremlin declines to comment on Mueller Findings” wow, interesting take from ABC News..
And then “Democrats have questions on Obstruction of Justice Findings”
Wow ABC, the primary focus of the investigation doesn’t even warrant a mention. Well done!
These are the top headlines on the mainstream news sites. (well, except huffpo)
That is impressive. You’d have a hard time figuring out that a 2.5 year investigation just ended without finding any evidence of their primary mission…
They decided that since they went in for a penny on the lies to help the coup the old Obama admin guard tried to pull, they might as well go in for the pound and keep the charade going. After all, the hysterics have done wonders for democrat politicians campaign contributions…
My fave at CNN Is ‘Late Night mocks Trump/George Conway feud.’
Wa-Po: “Russia joins Trump in post-Mueller report victory lap”
Also Wa-Po: “Mueller did not find the Trump campaign conspired with Russia, also did not exonerate him on obstruction”
If we operate under a presumption on innocence, then how is anyone “exonerated”?
If we operate under presumption of innocence how are we going to take down Orange Hitler? Did you think of that? //sarc
Or worse, how are you officially “not exonerated”.
It sounds like Mueller actually said “not exonerated” in his report, which is a truly strange thing for a prosecutor to say. They aren’t in the business of clearing people, they are in the business of convicting people. They never, as far as I know, make any kind of official statement that someone is exonerated, or not.
I expect Mueller and Barr to be summoned by the House and asked to disclose all the bad things that they found. To do so would be a violation of DOJ policy (and that is actually, I believe what got Comey fired – he broke this rule in his infamous press conference where he listed the bill of goods against Clinton and then said no reasonable prosecutor would indict her because she lacked specific criminal intent not required by the statute, or something).
I fully approve of this Michael Malice tweet
I always assume that basic rights written into the Constitution (minus the 2nd) are similarly guaranteed in at least in the UK and the other former British colonies. Nope. What has happened in the UK and now New Zealand has demonstrated that they are never more than an election away from full-blown Orwellian tyranny.
“Hate speech is not free speech!!!”
The left would love to get rid of the first amendment as well as the second.
Lest anyone imagine this to by fringe-think hyperbole, many of the mainstream DNC candidates have expressed sentiments that the 1st amendment needs revisiting, and that free speech is not a license to say things that the progressive minded might deem offensive.
Nope. And the UK doesn’t even have a proper constitution as do other countries.
The had the Bill of Rights 1689 – but decided not to keep them.
I used to have arguments with Brits over whose ‘constitution’ was better. Naturally they thought theirs was the best ever, but then again, they were lefties, so they probably *do* think their state of affairs best,
Yeah, well I used to think we had a constitution that strictly limited government power and separation of powers to enforce that limitation so that we would have a rule of law, rather than a rule of men.
it would be a shame if people started emailing copies of the manifesto to every single person working for the NZ government
Do it.
It would be funnier and probably more effective to just hang out wherever NZ politicians can be found and randomly start sending it out via AirDrop.
Random Dude would like to share ProofOfTrumpRussiaCollusionNRA.pdf with you.
Decline Accept
This morning the dog got let out – and she proceeded to charge a skunk meandering through the back yard. Dog got skunked – ran back inside and started a merry chase before being locked in the laundry room. We washed her with a mix of Hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and baking soda – as suggested online – and it did a pretty good job. But even at work I can still smell skunk like the odor is stuck in my nostrils. Co-workers say I smell vaguely skunky even though I wore junk clothes while washing the dog and washed my hands multiple times with dish soap. ::sigh::
EF is still at home cleaning.
Gotta love doggos
Try tomato juice. That seemed to do the trick when my brother got skunked many years ago.
Nope, that’s a myth. I tell you this as an experienced dog owner who has dealt with this many times in my life.
Who gives a shit what other people smell?
Huh, you guys always teach me new things.
Wife tried that once. After the dog was drenched it decided it was time to shake. The bathroom looked like an axe murder took place in there.
+1 episode of Dexter.
Natrue’s Miracle/OdorMute
Just say it’s the newest high fashion cologne.
Close to patchouli oil . . . j/k.
After a while all I could smell was not exactly skunk, but almost a burning smell.
I have never smelled skunk (reason #462 why I will never have a dog), but it’s got to be better than patchouli.
What region of the country do you call home? In skunk country, a cross-country drive will often be punctuated by encounters with a lingering skunk odor, left behind from encounters between skunks and motorcars. If you drive into an intense stink that hangs on for about a mile or so, you’ve got skunk. If it hangs on for 5 or 10 miles, you’ve got a paper mill. Or in rare cases, a rendering plant (which makes skunk and paper mill seem like roses and gardenias)
Yep, thankfully few close encounters with skunks in the wild, but you can’t miss their aroma after going up against a car.
#$%&ing Bogalusa, LA paper mill….
Kansas City, Missouri, but I will admit I have not been out to the country for quite a while.
Just take a quick drive to Birmingham and back, particularly if you use 2 lane roads. I’d put the over/under at 6 skunks, particularly if you drive at night.
While skunk is not my favorite Parfum de Paree it’s one of the first signs of spring. Nothing like a road kill in March to remind me that we really do have 4 seasons in MN.
admit it, you smoked a joint in the car on the way in.
Dude – that was Saturday night.
*flashbangs nursery, kicks down door, shoots dog*
“We washed her with a mix of Hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and baking soda – as suggested online – and it did a pretty good job. But even at work I can still smell skunk like the odor is stuck in my nostrils.”
Use tomato juice. Buy a couple of bottles of V-8 and wash the dog and anything that picked up the smell by osmosis with that. You can’t believe how well it works.
My hot take is that skunk odor isn’t as bad as other odors. Of course, I’ve never been hit by one.
They are bad, not because the odor sucks terribly, but because it permeates everything and won’t let up. While the human olfactory system has the ability to tune out certain smells that are constant, the skunk reek is one of the ones it can’t.
I, for one, am shocked and appalled that the president is not a traitor.
Isn’t the SDNY supposed to take him down now for corruption?
And Maxine Waters gonna ‘peach 45!!
I don’t speak jive.
She’s missing a marketing opportunity for a fruity malt liquor.
I just envisioned a Dave Chappelle bit.
Am I also evil for doing that WTF?
Naked effigies of Trump, Hitler, Stalin and Franco torched in Valencia’s Las Fallas festival
Trump, Hitler, Stalin and Franco
One of these things is not like the other…
Well, Generalisimo Francisco Franco is still dead…..
That meme is something of an age test… who among the sub-40 crowd has any idea what that is from?
For the young (and hard of hearing) here’s the answer.
Thank of it.
The Muelller investigation was what we all thought it was and people will keep equating Trump with such monsters.
You should forgive these morons for not knowing better. Their news comes from state controlled sources and CNN, and it is 1984/Brave New World level bullshit. The only other sources most of them have are Hollywood shit and FaceBook. Talk about living in a fucking bubble.
Everything I don’t like is totalitarian. It’s telling that there aren’t people like: Rajoy who stomped on Catalonia, or Zapata,or Castro in the group.
Or Che.
These guys believed in the right kind of totalitarianism: marxism….
Sounds like a bunch of dicks.
Did they also do Napoleon?
Somehow I’m finding progress in the fact that they think Stalin might not have been someone worthy of praise. Baby steps.
They are anti-Stalin because he didn’t kill off enough of the Kullaks and Wreckers to save the evil communist movement.
People wanted to be deceived.
And they were obliged.
Who be da Duke of Fluke?
Me, formerly?
It seems to me that there are different plots within the Dem party that are at odds with one another. Nadler and Schiff don’t seem to want to give up the fight, they ‘know’ something is out there. In the mean time the kids, AOC, Omar and a couple more (including Bernie) are busy cranking up on the left. The old pols, Pelosi and Schumer can’t seem to control all the different directions the individual splits are headed. The agendas are not uniting or supporting the party line.
They are all individuals !
“Nadler and Schiff ”
Tucker Carelson did a round up of the shit they were doing and saying to gin up Russian collusion. The flat out called anyone who showed skepticism agents of Putin. They should be forever ignored and retire and die like McCarthy before them.
Lots of cat herding. Lots of people pandering to their own crowd. Happened a lot on the right and all I heard was that it was because the Right was uniquely corrupt / money grubbing / evil.
I think its just the new normal.
I, for one, am shocked and appalled that the president is not a traitor.
It gives one teh sadz, undeniably.
There’s no way I’m ever going to be able to watch this without thinking of SUSAN SMITH
Yes…yes…it is working!
The rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Actually, she “wavered” as there appears to be no signing of a waiver. But how would we expect a socialist to know that.
Nobody needs 23 different kinds of spelling.
The socalists have been so successful getting their agenda enacted by co-opting the Democratic party, they now think they can actually succeed as an independent third party.
Have at it, numbskulls.
bringing ordinary people into the party en masse
So, socialist outreach to deplorables? I thought they had a lock on the “ordinary people” they wanted.
The thing is people will have a hard time picking between socialism and owning the GOP. Sure your party won’t be full list corporate shills (lol) but you will kill leftist power for at least one or two election cycles. If this were feasible, there would already be more powerful third parties.
a new party for working people.
Do you know who else?
any Catholic organization?
The Beastie Boys?
They are, they comin’ home
They comin’ home
Oh, they comin’ home
To all their fans, they are, they comin’ home
They’re comin’ home, oh, they’re comin’ home
Grave 45?
Heh heh. Movement.
Like wanting to do away with the electoral college, do imbecilic Democrats want to do away with law now?
Only when it helps them.
And that has been the case forever. Anything that stands in the way of the glorious revolution is bad and should be ignored. Including that paper that is, like, you know, like real old shit from a hundred years ago or something, and thus not applicable anymore. Especially that second amendment shit.
I thought we were the anarchists.
It’s funny how you go through government schools, and one of the few things everyone learns is that without government everyone is screwed.
They want to change the rules as needed to gain power.
And then be shocked when the other party gets in control and uses that very same change to gain power.
Except they are confident that the Republicans are worthless cowards and will never fight them on their own terms, so they feel safe because they know it’s unlikely to get turned back on them.
They had been correct in that assumption, that is, until orange man managed to win an election they had rigged for crooked Hillary, and then, proceeded to play the game by their rules and ended up stomping on them every fucking time.
Clavin Ball.
You know, Normie, the name of the game is a very interesting….
Is it now…..
I thought they already did.
This should help with the youth vote.
Sure your and adult, but you still have to get daddy’s permission.
There’s one argument from my youth that still resonates loud and clear…. if you are old enough to be in the army and kill and be killed on behalf of the government, you should never be denied any of the rights and privileges of citizenship. Particularly in a world that still contemplates a draft. If you are going to make someone register for the draft, you damn well better not deny him a draft (beer).
Gods damn it DeWine, shut up, sit down, and stop making things worse. It doesn’t help that Cleveland (and a couple of the suburbs) have already raised the age of tobacco (and vaping equipment) purchase to 21.
Things like that are pretty safe bets as historically the youth do not vote in large numbers. Soccer moms do vote in significant numbers.
Sure, lets make the lottery the same age.
The best way to resist the establishment’s pressure is to be part of a party based on social movements and trade unions. A working class party that refuses corporate cash, and is democratically controlled by its members, is the best means through which to make radical public representatives really effective.
Don’t forget the propaganda apparatus. Without a compliant news media banging the drum for your political and economic goals, you’re not going anywhere.
*totally not same as kkkorporate kkkash kkkontributions
I ALWAYS have sex on the first date – it helps to weed out the time wasters
Every guy wishes he could marry a slut who puts out on every first date she ever had.
That’s the part of the equation she’s not considering.
Or maybe she doesn’t care and is just a nympho. She’s probably going to get more first dates now.
Reading the article…nymph.
I dated a Vietnamese girl who was wearing a chastity ring when I met her because she was so sick of having sex with random men on the first date, and them either not calling after or only calling to hook up.
She retired that ring by the third date.
In retrospect I should have fucked her once and then backed away from the crazy, but it’s not always obvious at the time that you’re putting your dick in crazy – until you’ve been burnt once.
That is the problem, right? Sometimes, even when it is obvious you are sticking your dick in crazy, it is good enough that you convince yourself it is not happening, until the humping gets to be boring again and the crazy stands out…
She’ll hit a wall in a few years and things won’t be nearly as fun.
That’s the thing with nymphs, they are seeking a ‘high’ they can never find. I am guessing it is no fun for her now.
Lots of us do.
I’ve been married twice had sex with both of them the first day I met them in person (can’t say the first date because neither resembled a date in any way)
I havn’t read the article but in general I agree with her. If there is chemistry and mutual desire then having sex on the first date is a perfectly fine thing to do because contrary to what all the songs say (looking at you Lady Antebellum) having sex early in the relationship does not in any way shape or form decrease the odds that you will last till death do you part and it drastically increases the odds that you will ditch a bad relationship earlier than later
You know she could… NOT sleep with men on the first date and gather the same data.
Yeah, but then she’d be gathering data without getting laid.
Getting laid + getting data >> not getting laid + getting data.
Top. Men.
Roosh? The rest of the pick-up, pump-and-dump crowd?
That’s a good explanation.
What about Bottom. Men. ?
My life is now complete.
“If a guy is only interested in having sex with you, regardless of whether you do that on the first date or ten dates later, they’re going to disappear.”
Interesting tactic, I’m surprised anyone has ever been able to find someone interested in them without resorting to this.
Teens and 20s me says thank God for girls like these. Current me says no thanks.
I am a slow learner. I went through a bushel basket of them before I figured out that that is not what is important in a long term relationship.
I don’t know. How many can you fit in a bushel basket?
“experts now think having sex on a first date helps to kickstart a relationship”
Don’t they have apps for that?
She looks like she’s had a lot of first-date sex.
do imbecilic Democrats want to do away with law now?
We all know laws are an impediment to justice.
“Survivor’s guilt”?
The Parkland community is appealing to parents of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students to address the threat of suicide after last year’s deadly shooting.
Seventeen people — 14 students and three staff members — were killed when a gunman opened fire at the Florida high school on February 14, 2018. The shooter, who confessed, has been indicted on 17 counts of murder.
A week ago, former MSD student Sydney Aiello, who survived the 2018 massacre, died by suicide.
Her mother told CNN affiliate WFOR Aiello had suffered from survivor’s guilt and been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Then on Saturday, a second student died in what police are calling “an apparent suicide.”
“Even if everything appears to be okay, you need to take that seriously. You need to ask them the questions. Have you thought about killing yourself? Have you thought about ways you might do that?”
Petty said students had been offered a number or resources after the shooting, including counseling options, but said sometimes there are stigmas associated with getting help or that students just pretended that they were OK.
“So unfortunately, some students are not availing themselves of those opportunities and some parents are not understanding that the risks of anxiety and depression in a post-traumatic environment like a school shooting. So our message is parents we have to take this seriously, we have to take this into our own hands,” he said.
” … Regardless of your proximity to the building and whether or not you saw the horrific events of that day that took 17 lives and injured 17 others, you’re part of a school community and that community is suffering.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but encouraging those kids to wallow in misery and depression and guilt while using them as props for the furtherance of political goals might not be the best thing for them.
Also, shit-gobbling attention whore David Hogg has tried to jump back in front of the parade.
Yeah, the “adults” pretty much tied these kids mental state to the success of gun laws.
They could all move to New Zealand. I hear they have common sense gun control now. Hope no one gets stabbed, since they still do not have common sense knife control.
‘Correct me if I’m wrong, but encouraging those kids to wallow in misery and depression and guilt while using them as props for the furtherance of political goals might not be the best thing for them.’
You’re not wrong. It was sickening.
I tried to have the same discussion yesterday. The public at large is not receptive to that thought.
For about 30 years now it has been standard practice to hold “grief counselling sessions” and public mourning activities in the wake of tragic events, particularly at schools. Commemorations and periodic revisitings are also part of the prescription.
I wonder if there is any real science behind this. Like most things in the mental health field, I suspect the answer is no. First, it would be hard to collect real useful data. And second, they don’t do that sort of thing very well. But it would be interesting to see if the eternal wallowing in misery that is the current prescription actually does help people recover from traumatic events better, or if it simply reinforces and deepens the trauma.
It seems that the current prescription was arrived at a-priori, as a simple opinion from an expert working in the field. Notably, it places primary importance on the work of experts working in the field in handling such situations. But I wonder if actual controlled studies with proper follow-up would agree. Because I can postulate a parallel set of reasoning that says that picking at the scab only makes the sore worse.
Did she use a gun?
The news reports I saw said that both of the suicides of the students were by gun.
David Hogg has tried to jump back in front of the parade
Hopefully it runs him over. You know, for the cause.
>Correct me if I’m wrong, but encouraging those kids to wallow in misery and depression and guilt while using them as props for the furtherance of political goals might not be the best thing for them.
Imagine if a sports coach told their team all off season ‘Well, you lost the the big game at the end of last year. You probably are all irredeemably damaged and will never, ever, ever recover from that.’ Would that be what you would call a good coach? Because that’s what the parents of these kids are doing.
We do the same thing for young women who experience sexual violence, btw.
The suicide rate and rates of anxiety among the 25 and under population is sky high, btw.
Survivor’s guilt is a thing. A friend of mine was murdered in college. You’ve probably heard of the case. Lot’s of us wondered what we could have done to stop it and felt guilty that we couldn’t. So it is real, but the media circus exacerbated it.
DU is hilarious this morning. It’s just dawned on them that they are not going to be able to impeach Trump. Dummies. I’m just waiting for the ‘Mueller was just a Trumputin puppet’ to start up.
It already has.
“Is Trump’s flunky going to release a report that might be damaging to his sugar daddy? I don’t think so,” Mystal mused.
“I don’t even know why we think that Barr isn’t the one who stopped the investigation,” he continued, outlining the motive behind a Barr-driven conspiracy within the Justice Department. “This is a 22-month-long investigation, Barr’s been on the scene for a month, and now we’re done? That doesn’t strike anybody as odd? No, I have absolutely no confidence that Bill Barr will do anything other than what is in the best interest of Donald Trump.”
Reid immediately agreed, despite the obvious fact that Trump ally Jeff Sessions served in the position of Attorney General during at least 18 of the 22 months of Mueller’s investigation, and Barr reported that Mueller experienced no interference from the White House or the DOJ while conducting his independent probe.
Instead, Reid, says, it’s very clear that Barr’s letter, which accompanied news of Mueller’s report, demonstrated that the “seeds of a cover-up” has aleady been planted.
“The fact that this investigation takes place within the Justice Department, which Donald Trump essentially controls,” Reid suggested, “and that he got rid of the problem, Jeff Sessions, who––the one decent thing that he did was just recuse himself. This guy is not recused. It feels like the seeds of a cover-up are here.”
Well, we all know that feels are what is important.
What we obviously need is moar investigashuns, with a moar betterer moar independentier special counsel who reports directly to Pelosi. Keep investigating until you find something.
Elie Mystal?
The guy with TWO HARVARD DEGREEZ and no law license?
The guy that Ken White wishes would marry him?
“ally Jeff Sessions” =/= “the problem, Jeff Sessions”
Oh, they could impeach him. That would only require a majority vote in the House. And Trump, like every president and virtually every member of congress, has repeatedly committed impeachable offenses by violating their oath of office to uphold the constitution.
Their problem is the Senate, which won’t convict, and trying to find some grounds for impeachment on grounds not based on constitutional violations that they themselves are repeatedly committing.
TW: The Guardian
No collusion, plenty of corruption: Trump is not in the clear
“It means a year of more congressional revelations”
So, what are the other revelations we’re getting more of? I haven’t heard anyone name even one of those.
‘Populism tends to lose its popularity when the populists are more concerned with personal profit than public service.’
Was Trump gunning for political office to enrich himself? Seemed to be doing fine long before he was elected.
Much progjection.
“The stench of corruption”
Are we talking about Hillary?
It’s fundamentally impossible for Trump to have been corrupt prior to the election since he didn’t hold office. So I assume we’re talking about events that occurred after the election. If so, what are they?
Only fascists expect evidence, you fascist.
populists are more concerned with personal profit than public service
The lack of self-awareness is stunning because that describes every government employee in the big corrupt municipal political machines – Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia…
“With a large field of talented candidates running”
right, right hahahaha
What I remember is that he jokingly asked them to find his opponent’s missing emails. You know, the ones she and her staff deleted. Funny how that part always gets left out.
I thought he was commenting that they already had the emails.
I’ve got some news for you, Shirley
New Zealanders are debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned a 74-page manifesto written by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city of Christchurch.
The ban, issued Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
Chief Censor David Shanks said Tarrant’s manifesto contains justifications for acts of tremendous cruelty like killing children and encourages acts of terrorism, even outlining specific places to target and methods to carry out attacks.
He said that in banning the document, he and his staff worried about drawing more attention to it. But in the end, he said, they decided they needed to treat it the same way as propaganda from groups like the Islamic State, which they have also banned.
Fekkin eejitz
If there is a Muslim act of terrorism, will they similarly ban the Koran and Hadiths?
That would be racist! /duh
Banning it makes it oh so interesting though so they better get busy banning VPNs too.
Speaking of actual fascism. . .
They just effectively banned all guns, so they’re pretty free to ban everything else now. What are the serfs going to do? Rise up with sticks and rocks?
They gotta wait a generation or two, since banning guns is not the same thing as banning boating accidents where all the guns got lost.
They’d have to actually disarm the populace, not just make it illegal to be armed.
Maybe I’m naiive, but it seems like an island nation would be rather easy to get guns into. Maybe a Filipino knows better than I do.
The opposite. Trucks are cheap and easy to rent, and there are a lot of roads leading into a state.
Boats are pricy, and most parts of a coastline are hard to dock and unload a boat at.
That said, if people want something enough, making it illegal won’t stop the supply.
The state takes the easy way most of the time. Coastline is not easy, so it’s practically a guarantee the state won’t be hanging round the parts of the coastline without a freshly paved road close by. New Zealand navy has ten ships and 8 helicopters. The only advantage they really have is there aren’t a lot of small island nations nearby for staging.
But, as you said, prohibition doesn’t work.
“the limits of free speech”
Oxymoron much?
It’s like free speech combined with a pharmaceutical ad disclaimer.
It makes one wonder if the first thing the original Chief Censor did when he took office was to ban the works of Huxley, Orwell, et. al.
Wow. I’ve never seen an entire country go full Streisand Effect.
I’m just waiting for the ‘Mueller was just a Trumputin puppet’ to start up.
Who will be first to call it a minstrel show?
My money’s on the Morning Jokesters.
WokeHat doubles down on madness.
“Trump’s triumphant supporters notwithstanding, we don’t yet know what that means. When a prosecutor says that an investigation “did not establish” something, that doesn’t mean they concluded it didn’t happen, or even that they don’t believe it happened. It means the investigation didn’t produce enough information to provethat it happened. Without seeing Mueller’s full report, we don’t know whether this was a firm conclusion about lack of coordination or a frank admission of insufficient evidence.”
Remember, if you didn’t trust the same people who sold the WMD lie (Kristol, Boot, Frum, etc.) when they spouted Russia Fever Dreams, you are a Trumpist.
Obviously a report on the report is needed.
Honestly I don’t know how this report, and the Dems weird reaction to it, will play out politically speaking. But it’s funny to see the “wonders of government” and “Mueller is playing 9-D chess” crowd, dealing with their disappointment,
Don’t Stop Believin’
Hold on to the feelin’
Conspiracy, obstructing justice
Woah woo woooe
Fuck off Ken.
I, for one, am happy you are no longer a prosecutor since you don’t really believe in the presumption of innocence.
He’s become the worst kind of troll.
Yeah, it’s really a shame to see someone like him succumb to TDS like this. I guess the sunk costs of having devoted so many hours to a podcast that is now almost completely pointless might be too much for him to bear.
I keep hearing that just because the report didn’t find evidence of malfeasance doesn’t mean that malfeasance didn’t occur. Well, sure. Just because I have no evidence that Ken White has conspired with Russian intelligence agents to influence the election doesn’t mean that he didn’t, either. But besides the fact that our justice system is founded on the premise that the burden of proof lies with the accuser, the logic issue is pretty significant there. And while it’s annoying when partisans and dopes miss the fallacy (or ignore it) it’s really, really disappointing when people like Ken White, who should know and be better, do it.
I heard Ken White is a sheep fucker.
Not just that but a lamb fucker. He’s a lamb pedophile, or so I heard.
Ken White is the kind of “civil libertarian” (lol) that reminds you that just because you can’t prove a crime in a court of law, doesn’t mean you can’t pretend like a crime actually occurred, absent all evidence, at your cocktail parties.
Dude suffers from TDS, which needs to be treated like a legitimate brain disease at this point.
What drives me nuts about this whole thing is the frantic exclamations that any “collusion” with the Russians in the election is a serious crime that justifies the investment of tens of millions of dollars and is prima facie evidence of treason……. at the same time that we know for an iron-clad fact that the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC actually paid millions of dollars to the Russians to obtain information about Trump in order to alter the election.
These people are still claiming that simply taking a meeting with a lawyer from Russia who claims to have dirt on HRC (among other topics of discussion) constitutes “collusion” and therefore treason. But cutting a check to Russian intelligence agency operatives is just fine and dandy…
It makes your head spin…..
Not to mention the lawyer they were pimping as a Putin go-between met with Ken Simpson of the self-same Fusion GPS the day before and the day after her Trump Tower meeting. So which is it? Is she Putin’s henchman when she meets with Trump’s campaign or a virtuous ingenue when she meets with a close Clinton contact/Democrat operative?
And this is all in defense of a woman whose family was conducting business with Russian moguls (which may as well be a byword for Russian officials for all the distinction matters) while she worked as SoS. So which is it? Your family does business in Russia which perforce means doing business with Putin capos, but Clinton is a blameless ingenue, but Trump failed to do business in Russia and that proves he’s a stooge for Putin?
That’s another thing, they’re conflating a hell of a lot of separate issues into this idea that Donald Trump is either a criminal mastermind or a Russian plant. The Russian government paying for political ads or sponsoring domestic PACs is not to the best of my knowledge illegal. Or if it is, it’s certainly something we’ve done in the recent past. Private citizens doing the same is definitely not illegal, or else George Soros would be in manacles for life. The DNC emails are a separate thing, and unless getting the nod that Wikileaks was about to dump them on the web is criminal that’s still a non-starter. Nobody seriously believes that the Russians doctored the votes I hope. And then the meeting with the Russian lawyer is, again, not only not a crime but not even unusual for politics even assuming the worst that they can come up with. It’s all just designed to imply the worst things that people who obsess over Trump can imagine without so much as a shred of real evidence. There’s no watchdoggery happening here, it’s just cynical political chicanery.
All the DNC wanted was to have the state waste its time looking into everything but the DNC. The bureaucracy succeeded in its actual, though unstated, goal.
Brexit supporter who egged Jeremy Corbyn admits assault charge
Corbyn deserves far worse considering his support of Maduro and Chavez.
Meanwhile, the egg boy in Australia is celebrated in the press and showered with thousands of dollars in “donations”.
What a world.
It doesn’t occur to them that the process crimes had nothing to do with Trump.
Just yesterday over at DU, they were gleefully predicting that the Mueller report would see the entire Trump family marched out of the Whitehouse in handcuffs. Now it’s this weird silence going on. But no worries, their feverish delusions will reappear and shift gears anytime now.
I used to pop in over there on occasion just to see what they were crying about on a given day but it became unbearable. I’m convinced half the people at DU need antipsychotic meds.
I’m convinced half the people at DU have been on anti-psychotic meds long-term.
The meds are not working.
What they should be asking is exactly why they wasted 2 1/2 years ONLY to produce a bunch of non-relevant process crimes against people that they hoped to rick-roll into lying about the alleged but non-existing crime they wasted our time with.
And this is the issue with the process crimes. The left thought they actually meant something when the meant nothing and were used to create political prisoners.
Trump would have been a fool to talk to Mueller. It would have almost certainly resulted in an obstruction indictment. Not because he actually obstructed, but because they can turn almost anything into obstruction.
We need to see the whole damn report.
I do not disagree. We should get to see just how far this farce goes.
They’ll never call me crazy again!
And we cannot definitely say that the FBI agents that interviewed Flynn, et Al, did not like on their form 302s, since the FBI doesn’t record their interviews in any manner that would create accuracy or accountability. I’m not saying that it is likely just that it is a possibility.
Funny how that “no reasonable prosecutor” line has lost its zing.
Corbyn was not hurt in the incident and continued with the tour alongside Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary. The Labour leader had left the room to wash himself when he realised he had been struck by an egg.
Corbyn said he was “shocked and surprised” by the attack, which prompted his team to work on increasing his security, Westminster magistrates court heard on Monday.
Who will bring us common sense egg control?
Foghorn Leghorn?
News organizations fear Tarrant will use his trial as a soapbox to promote his white nationalist views, especially after he fired his lawyer and said he’d represent himself.
Obviously, the thing to do is hold the trial in secret. Then kill everyone involved, just to be sure.
The Moronic Midget Weighs In
This despite the fact that Trump himself admitted he fired FBI director James Comey to stop the Russia investigation.
Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but the firing of James Comey initiated the formal investigation. There’s so much bullshit out there it’s hard to tell what is and isn’t the truth anymore.
Comey’s firing was on the recommendation of Rosenstein…the same Rosenstein that appointed Mueller as special prosecutor.
They really are off of the rails.
The same Rosenstein that was going to wear a wire in talks with Trump.
If there was anything at all in that report implicating Trump in any way at all, for anything, it would have been leaked to the MSM 3 minutes after being released.
Trump for trying to impede in the investigation
He literally cooperated with a farce investigation that he, as president and chief law enforcement officer, would have been fully within his authority to stop.
And by “literally cooperated” you mean “funded to the tune of … well, we don’t know, but estimates are $50 million” and “allowed to run wild on fishing expeditions to the tune of 2,800 subpoenas and more than 500 witnesses”.
But if only Trump hadn’t obstructed justice by making public statements that he wanted the thing completed quickly! Then maybe they could have done more than a measly 2.5 years of investigation, spying, wiretapping, coercing testimony, raiding personal lawyers, etc. Then…. Then they would have gotten their man!
The President, the Mueller Report, and Our New Political Normal
When do we get the report explaining why they wasted 2 years worth of tax payer money chasing after unicorns for purely political reasons?
Never? As if these cunts will admit this was a desperate coup attempt that they milked to fleece a ton of idiots out of their money with promises of an impeachment and installation of Clinton while trying their best to prevent Trump from dismantling the state created by Obama using his pen rather than coongress.
Oh my God.
That was a typo!
They used to be called the Congressional Black Caucus, right?
*narrows gaze*
Thanks for narrow gazing me instead of helping a brother from another mother out with an edit feary there Calvin….
Best type-o ever, LOL!
“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
What is “presumption of innocence”?
Something only guilty democrats are afforded?
Andrew McCarthy Lays It All Out
Let’s see everything: all of the memoranda relevant to the opening of the investigation, all of the testimony at closed hearings, all of the FISA-warrant applications, all of Rosenstein’s scope memo.
Seconded. Which is why I hope the donkeys take a page out of team stupid’s manual and keep pushing this crap allowing this all to eventually come out sink them good and hard.
If a Democrat nominee, victorious or not, had been subjected to having their campaign spied upon, wiretapped and infiltrated by not one, but several government agencies at the behest of the White House under the control of the opposing party, you can bet your sweet bippie that things would have played out quite a bit differently.
We would have been told that the country was in the midst of a constitutional crisis and that everyone in that administration would have to do jail time.
Here’s the bottom-line: 1) The full report must be made public. 2) Mueller’s records must be preserved. 3) Congress must have unfettered access to all the findings. 4) Congress must investigate when Barr decided not to charge Trump with obstruction of justice. The American people deserve more than a summary released on a Sunday afternoon.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
“it’s not over until WE say it is” rings true with that group
Take a deep breath, try to calm down and muster up some semblance of the ability to think honestly and logically.
Trump has been seriously talking about running for president for 25 years. In all of that time he has been preparing to do so. He knows very well how campaigns work. Do you think it is more likely that he spent that time keeping his nose clean so that when he did run there would be no dirt to find? Or was he secretly colluding with hostile foreign powers, presiding over KKK meetings and hiring piss-hookers? I will give you a minute to think about it before you answer.
*notices blood leaking from eyes, nose and ears of the lefty press*
the two most surprising things in this entire affair is he only paid off two women and after raiding Cohen’s office there was nothing leaked in regards to Trump shady business dealings. In fact Trump might be cleaner than I originally thought. I’m almost disappointed he wasn’t cutting more corners.
We’ll find it in his tax returns. It’s all there! I mean, presumably nothing illegal, else the IRS would have nailed him on it. You think they don’t have agents combing over every comma and decimal point looking for something chargeable? But there’s surely something unsavory, some disclosure for payment by a Putin bagman.
All they have to do is look for the number of 1099s that went out to someone name Boris or Natasha.
No, dammit, he’s simultaneously too stupid to have done that kind of preparation and too vile to have not engaged the assistance of evil foreign powers, if he didn’t volunteer to become a sleeper agent that is. It is absolutely impossible that someone who can read and tie his shoes might have thought there would be some advantage to not snorting coke off of underage Thai ladyboys’ tits in the lobby of 30 Rock up to and including running for public office.
Although, given some politicians, that might not be that far-fetched.
The more time they spend investigating Party A, the less time they can spend investigating Party B. Even the police figure this out.
Torpedoes fired with a circular search pattern can, and do, double back…
Never let a crisis go to waste.
All extreme weather events are said to be evidence of global warming or climate change, and the only way to prevent the destruction of Planet Earth in the next 12 years is to cede more money and power to the federal government. Anyone in a Trump MAGA hat, even one standing as still as a statue, like Nick Sandman, proves that President Trump is a racist, sexist pig unsuited for public office.
And the periodic mass shooting is the crisis that the left uses to push further gun restrictions on an otherwise law abiding and responsible gun owning public. The recent mosque shooting in New Zealand is the perfect example and is playing out in such a predictable manner as to be a dream come true for the left.
The timing was perfect since the left was losing the narrative and needed a distraction. The Russian collusion hoax is rapidly unraveling with rumors of sealed indictments for deep state tricksters being soon unsealed after Mueller finally released his “no additional indictments” report. Democrat hopefuls announcing their bids for the White House have become a clown show with Robert O’Rourke’s past fantasies of “running over children” to John Hickenlooper’s admission that at age 18, he took his mother to see a hard core porn movie, “Deep Throat”.
For the American Left, gun control is one of their holy grails, after open borders, reparations, infanticide, transgender bathrooms, confiscatory taxes, banning planes and cows, and so on. The New Zealand shooting is a gift to the left, wrapped up in a pretty bow, ready to be opened on Christmas morning.
Here in the US, Democrat presidential hopefuls are jumping on the bandwagon, not letting the NZ crisis go to waste, including Bernie Sanders. Rest assured, the rest of the Democrat clown show will double down on Bernie’s tweet, just as each wanted an even higher tax rate then the other candidates. Expect other candidates to demand a full repeal of the Second Amendment.
The NZ shooter got his wish. He created the crisis that NZ and US leaders bought into hook, line, and sinker. From his manifesto.
Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United states. This conflict over the 2nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.
How convenient. Things are playing out just as the shooter and the American left had hoped. If I didn’t know better, I would say something like, “Do you believe in coincidences?”
The US media is predictably part of the show. The New York Times laments the US not having a leader like NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She personifies crisis leadership, in the eyes of the Gray Lady, reflexively grabbing guns from law abiding citizens after the same government previously investigated the mosque shooter and decided he was worthy to own a gun in NZ.
CNN is on the case
A common refrain from Second Amendment advocates is that the country does not need any new gun control laws; it just needs to enforce the ones already on the books. But the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act is widely seen by those in federal law enforcement as more of a hindrance than a tool, according to current and former ATF agents and prosecutors interviewed by CNN.
“It’s a huge problem,” said Jill Snyder, a recently retired supervisory agent with ATF.
The impact of unlicensed gun dealing would be greatly reduced if every gun sale — not just those by licensed dealers — required a background check on the prospective buyer, law enforcement officials told CNN.
That’s the goal of a bill passed by the House last month. But the prospect of such a measure passing the Republican-controlled Senate, where the NRA holds significant sway, is slim, political observers say.
The statute says anyone “engaged in the business” of selling firearms requires a license. “Engaged in the business” means devoting “time, attention and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.”
The law states that it does not apply to someone engaged in only occasional gun sales or collectors or hobbyists adding to, or selling from, their personal collection.
The law places no set number of transactions that differentiates between a person engaged in the business and one who makes “occasional sales.”
Assistant U.S. attorney Peter S. Duffey, who successfully prosecuted Wince, criticized the law last year at the ex-officer’s sentencing hearing.
“I don’t understand why they couldn’t set a number,” Duffey told U.S. District Court Judge M. Hannah Lauck.
That number, of course, should be one, because “unlicensed” arms dealers are flooding the nation with untraceable guns. They routinely put guns in the hands of homicidal maniacs and cop killers. Wifebeaters know where to go to get a gun. Those dealers are out there on every streetcorner, peddling death from customized SUVs and low riders, with form fitted gun displays in the back. I seen it at the picture shows.
Fuck cops.
where the NRA holds significant sway
The NRA is quite the boogieman for these people. Luckily they concentrate on them and not GOA, SAF, VCDL, etc., which are way more hardcore on 2A.
I’m really, really curious to see the stats on how many ARs or Glocks built from 80% lowers are used in crimes. Even more curious to see how many project-built 1911s are used in crimes. I’m going to guess somewhere between 5 and none annually.
So a cop was illegally selling firearms? The same class of people that are the only ones trusted enough to possess firearms? The ones with almost complete immunity for their actions?
the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act is widely seen
by those in federal law enforcementas more of ahindranceinfringement than a toolShould be struck down, along with the 68 GCA, NFA, and the Brady Act among others.
Offerings to the Glibs Gods
Oh mighty (((OMWC))), accept my tribute and sare your blessings.
sterko 123
1 day ago
I wanna hear boots talking with the voice of Danny trejo
I’d watch it.
Also, Google freaking out about pedos commenting on Youtube videos… let’s be honest, this seventeen year old chick posing as a grade school student from a kid’s cartoon is loads worse.
How many loads?
Well, she won’t be 18 till later this year… which means all or most of the footage, and certainly all of the footage released in trailers so far, will be of a minor. So no loads. No loads are acceptable.
(Really, I don’t care about the pedos or this movie. It’s Youtube fat-fingering the demonitization button for a bunch of innocent content creators because pedos may have commented on their videos.)
Ten. Grand.
f there’s boobs you gotta hold
I’m worth my weight in gold
I’m the bra
I’m the bra
I’m the bra
If there’s tits that need secured
I can keep ’em up for sure
I’m the bra
I’m the bra
I’m the bra
I’m going to be collecting on close to a grand of bets about impeachment. One of my friends is now starting to accept the fact that he will lose, while the other is still in denial.
Next round’s on KSue!
Cheers! You have to make it out of the Calcutta of the West though. Technically, I will have to wait until November of 2020 to collect if they really want to draw it to the last second. I was trying to get one of them to double down a few weeks ago, but he wouldn’t take the bait. “Come on, the report is going to come out soon. You know that they have dirt on him, they’ve just been dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s so it’s an airtight case”.
Speaking of, I had a wager with the girlfriend…
go on…
What is she going to have to do now?
Pay me $50. You think I could have gotten more?
Maybe there is some other way she could pay…
That’s going to cost him a lot more…
At least you are not married and only getting it on birthdays and anniversaries….
You were doing it wrong.
Impeachment, or indictment? Impeachment is not off the table. I could see an economic or national security disaster sinking Trump’s approval, and Dems just shift the impeachment narrative a few clicks one way or another. Probably get enough Senate Republicans to cross over hoping to lose the baggage.
It’s impeachment and removal from office or quitting in disgrace.I shouldn’t do my victory dance quite yet, but I think I’m looking good to collect.
Yeah, you’re looking good on this one. I don’t see a removal from office as a result of an impeachment. Maybe in the worst case scenario he does a bit like Bill Clinton did.
It’s impeachment and removal from office or quitting in disgrace.
Did you specify before the 2020 election?
Ha! Yes, made sure to do that.
Good morning!
Anything happening?
Nah. The the usual caterwauling and circle jerk.
I’m supposed to be working.
They’ve totally got the goods on Trump now, they’re just luring him into a false sense of security so he’ll drop his guard.
[slow clap]
I’m trying to decide if I get Thing 1 a Cricket or a Ruger American Rimfire for his upcoming birthday.
The Cricket seems like it’ll work better for him *right now* but the Ruger should last a lifetime and is compatible with the Ruger mags that are used in a 10/22 that I used to have (it fell in a lake :/ )
Might get the Cricket now and the Ruger in a few years when the Cricket can be handed down to Thing 2.
Ruger American. The Crickets are fun, but Thing 2 can have her own American later.
Mine got a Savage MARK II FVT. I really like it.
Mueller is a chicken shit because he won’t prosecute cases he won’t win.
BTW that anecdote about Comey makes me have him even more. He’s pushing to put people through the ringer, even if they don’t have a strong case.
Well, he could have easily prosecuted Tony Podesta and put him in jail for a long time. For some reason, he decided to give him immunity instead.
“Experts say”
Around three-quarters of US coal production is now more expensive than solar and wind energy in providing electricity to American households, according to a new study.
“Even without major policy shift we will continue to see coal retire pretty rapidly,” said Mike O’Boyle, the co-author of the report for Energy Innovation, a renewables analysis firm. “Our analysis shows that we can move a lot faster to replace coal with wind and solar. The fact that so much coal could be retired right now shows we are off the pace.”
The study’s authors used public financial filings and data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) to work out the cost of energy from coal plants compared with wind and solar options within a 35-mile radius. They found that 211 gigawatts of current US coal capacity, 74% of the coal fleet, is providing electricity that’s more expensive than wind or solar.
In sobering figures released last week, the EIA predicted that US carbon dioxide emissions from energy will remain similar to current levels until 2050, with coal consumption dropping but then leveling off beyond 2020.
Such a scenario, disputed by other experts who argue the transition to renewables will be more rapid, would be compatible with disastrous climate change, causing vast areas of the US coastline to be inundated, the spread of deadly heatwaves, growth of destructive wildfires and food and water insecurity.
The Trump administration has largely ignored scientists’ warnings over these dangers, instead pushing ahead with an “energy dominance” mantra whereby enormous tracts of federal land and waters are opened up for oil and gas drilling.
Yeah, I’m gonna need a little more clarity on those numbers.
“Free electricity from wind generators is cheaper than the lifetime costs of building, maintaining, and upgrading coal fired generation facilities” is what it sounds like to me.
It sounds to me that the people that make a ton of money subsidizing enviable tech like wind and solar have created enough legal hurdles that financially make coal unprofitable (like they have done with nuclear) in order to allow them to keep scamming the tax payer.
You are not “replacing” any significant amount of coal with wind or solar without breaking the bank on batteries.
disastrous climate change, causing vast areas of the US coastline to be inundated, the spread of deadly heatwaves, growth of destructive wildfires and food and water insecurity.
“Scientists” say!
I’m wondering what goes into the “expense” of coal. Is it only direct expenditures, or are they larding it up with indirect costs, like the end of life as we know it due to climate change?
Is the expense of renewables calculated with or without the subsidies? Because subsidies are still an expense to someone. I’m also wondering how they account for the fact that every single watt of renewable needs either a no-downtime backup or massive energy storage facilities. There’s a reason why every country that has implemented renewables in a significant way has had its cost of generating electricity double or triple.
I’m certain the power companies are happy to use the most expensive stuff to create their product because it is so profitable to do so.
The great part is because power prices in most states are controlled by government and shitloads of regulations are attached, the power companies have to spend billions on compliance that would otherwise go into R&D for alternatives. At best – and I am being extremely accommodating here – the R&D gets done via federal grant money which means the taxpayer isn’t actually saving any money from the price controls at all. And knowing how federal bureaucracies work, the last thing they’re going to produce via federal grants is viable energy alternatives that make the grant programs go away.
Local media all giddy today over the start of construction of the new Kansas City airport terminal. The city is adamant that taxpayer money won’t be spent on it and it will be funded by the airlines and builder aka future ticket price increases. Problem is the city council has too much say in the construction and their list of demands is already insane. Cost estimates have been climbing since the airport was approved. I’m waiting for the moment when the builder says we’re not paying for this and the city ends up taking on some of the cost.
Why would you give anyone not paying for a project a say?
I have been through that airport a number of times – it is too small and given the location in the country, it could be a major hub.
The new terminal will be much bigger and better accommodating to connecting flights. They’re also looking to bring in direct international flights. The current terminal is great for locals flying out. Very quick and easy to get in and out.
It WAS until they had to retrofit for TSA.
Getting through other airports and walking a gazillion miles from the gate to the baggage claim was a shock after being spoiled by curbside gates at KCI.
*longs for Midway Airport circa 1998*
Because property rights are essentially non-existent in many cities.
I laughed.
Yup. This is going to backfire on the donkeys now that a lot of team red idiots are realizing that the formula to defeat the left is to follow orange man’s example and play by the same rules the left does (none of the rules they want the other side to follow).
I’m not a Lindsey Graham fan, but he’s been doing some stuff in the absence of McCain of which I heartily approve.
It looks like Graham is trying to position himself for a 2024 run, but he’ll be pretty old. Maybe he wants a cabinet position…
If he brings his red-flag gun-seizure legislation to the floor, he’ll be lucky if he’s still in the Senate then.
Man, that is just perfect. Quality, quality trolling there. And not the in yo face kind, but more subtle.
Lindsay fucking Graham – *drops gloves*
Well, the Cato folks aren’t giving up:
Emma Ashford on Friday: “Seems like a good time to re up my piece arguing that it doesn’t matter what’s in the Mueller report. The foreign corruption is entirely visible.”
And, there’s a whole Twitter feed of double-down from Julian Sanchez who has been a complete ass about this: https://twitter.com/normative
Reminder: cosmos are reflexively conservative (they always follow the narrative) and have always been objectively terrible on foreign policy. They are not “left-libertarian”- they are “conservative” in the original definition of the word as referenced by Hayek. They are the alternative that wasn’t.
The Kochs don’t fund the best. They fund the people whose highest principle is “respectability” above all else.
Half of them fell for WMDs, half of the them fell for Russia Fever Dreams, and half of them will fall for whatever new conspiracy theory the intelligence community cooks up. This is who they are.
The foreign corruption is entirely visible.
Can’t argue. The Clintons were pretty blatant about it.
That’s not foreign corruption, because…. erm, just because!
Global WarmingClimate ChangeTropical Storm Iba formed off the coast of Brazil on Sunday, becoming the first South Atlantic tropical storm since 2010.
The Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center (BNHC) named Tropical Storm Iba on Sunday when it was centered about 500 miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, or just off the coast of the states of Bahia and Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Computer models suggest that this system will move southwestward over the next day or so, then south and eastward. Iba is not expected to become a hurricane and is no direct threat to land.
The name “Iba” was drawn from the single list of names maintained by the BNHC.
A New Understanding of South Atlantic Cyclones
Scientists long thought that tropical cyclones were absent from the South Atlantic, but a pair of climatology studies published in the Journal of Climate in 2012 and 2014 found that subtropical cyclones off the Brazilian coast are actually quite common.
“On average about one of these subtropical cyclones forms each year in the South Atlantic,” said hurricane specialist Michael Lowry. “So in that sense, it’s not that unusual. If it becomes purely tropical, that would be unusual.”
Until recently, it was commonly believed fully tropical cyclones did not form in the South Atlantic Ocean for two main reasons.
First, wind shear is typically too strong there. Wind shear pushes thunderstorms away from any area of low pressure trying to develop, instead of letting convection cluster near the low.
Secondly, while tropical waves – disturbances not yet well organized – can act as seeds of tropical development as they roll westward from the coast of North Africa into the North Atlantic Ocean, no such tropical waves roll west off Africa south of the equator.
The lack of regularly observed systems in the South Atlantic have created somewhat of a confirmation bias for the basin, but research released in 2012 found that 63 subtropical cyclones had actually formed between 1957 and 2012, or about one subtropical cyclone every year.
Contrary to the northern Atlantic, which has a hurricane season defined as extending from June through November, there is no preferred time of year for development in the southern Atlantic.
This difference is somewhat due to the lack of variability in wind shear throughout the year. In the North Atlantic, wind shear drops from July through October, whereas there is little to no change in the South Atlantic.
Entirely OT and mostly for vidya game Glibs:
I picked Europa Universalis IV back up again last night and started a France campaign. Then restarted three times as I learned a hard lesson about getting on Burgundy’s bad side early in the game. For some reason I think I finally understand most of the game’s systems now. Trade nodes and combat width had given me problems for a long time, but I finally found a good explanation for how they work.
Also, conveniently, the Burgundian Inheritance fired right after I kicked England out of Normandy, so now I’m trying to decide whether to stab Provence in the back (he’s excommunicated, but we’ve got a royal marriage), mix it up with Austria and try to take over the HRE, go rough up Aragon, or just lay up in the cut and develop while I wait for a likely target to emerge.
I thought about trying that one, but I assume the learning curve is stupid hard, like the total war games. I’ve been playing Civ 6 because it’s a lot easier to get into. It takes a lot of time to actually be good at it, but you can basically just start playing and learn as you go.
Heh, I go back to Total War because it’s less complicated.
Although, truth be told, the Paradox grand strategy games are easy enough to play without understanding the whole simulation as long as you accept that there isn’t really a “win” state. For instance, in EUIV you can play as Portugal and just kind of hang out and do stuff. There are a lot of choices you can make and switches and levers you can pull, but unless you’re trying to do something really specific you can kind of just figure it out as you go, puttering around in the sandbox.
Crusader Kings II is even more like that, because you can easily just pick some Duke or minor noble somewhere and just sort of try to leave the family in a better position than they started after a couple hundred years. You can’t accomplish as much, but you have less to worry about.
Where Total War becomes more complicated is in the tactics. The Paradox games don’t touch those, really. At the absolute most granular, you’ll tell a regiment to go attack another regiment, but you have no control whatsoever in tactics, and unit variety is minimal. TW you get into what buildings you need where with what tech to make X unit, of which there are a bunch. The game moves a hell of a lot faster, and there’s no serious penalty for roflstomping your way across the map. In EUIV for instance fighting a war without a legitimate casus belli is a good way to turn yourself into a target. Also, you only gain territory as a result of peace negotiations, not directly based on what territory you’re occupying, so it’s entirely possible to occupy all of England, offer peace, and wind up with one or two provinces depending on the “warscore”, which is based on a bunch of stuff.
Which would you recommend for someone with very little turn-based strategy experience?
Total War.
Of the Paradox games? Well, none of them are turn-based, so if you don’t have a lot of experience with those kinds of games you won’t be thrown by that like a lot of people are. Instead the game starts at January 1, XXXX and proceeds until whatever the end year is for that game. You can pause and change the speed, but everything happens at once.
The general consensus is that, in chronological order, Crusader Kings (dark ages) is a dynasty simulator, Europa Universalis (late middle ages to 19th century) is a nation simulator, Victoria (early 19th to early 20th) is an economic simulator, and Hearts of Iron (WWII) is a logistics simulator. Popular opinion is that HoI is the easiest, maybe because the focus is so narrow, but I found CK to be pretty easy to figure out. Vicky’s the hardest because the economic model is the most complex and you have a lot of fine-grained control over it, although if you decide to pretty much let the market do its thing it tends to work out–not sure if that’s a subtle nod from the devs or just what happens naturally given the model.
There are a lot of mechanics that aren’t immediately clear and there’s a lot of stuff in the simulation, but like I say you can pick a small fish in a big pond and spend your time finding interesting ladies for him to marry, deciding whether or not to go on a boar hunt, sucking up to the Pope, stuff like that. There’s a military aspect to the game, but you’re basically playing a family, not a nation, so the emphasis is on building a dynasty rather than expanding a country’s border. It’s also very much in line with the Paradox game style, which is largely about picking your own goals. So a common thing for people new to CK is to pick maybe one of the Irish kings and form the Kingdom of Ireland through a combination of marriage, diplomacy, and war. CK is a good one to start with because you can pick a small fry and still have stuff to do; in most of the other games the easiest countries or factions to play as are also the largest, which means you’re learning a lot of mechanics at once.
Other than that, I’d say EU is a good one, especially if you pick a country like Portugal or allegedly the Ming, because while there are a bunch of systems to learn you can kind of just figure it out as you go if you’re playing a reasonably powerful country that isn’t right in the middle of a hot spot.
Emma Ashford on Friday: “Seems like a good time to re up my piece arguing that it doesn’t matter what’s in the Mueller report. The foreign corruption is entirely visible.”
Don’t confuse me with your “laws” and “evidence”.
My impression: Muelller pretty much realized that he had nothing. So, he put the language about obstruction in the report to save face. If he thought there was a solid obstruction case, he certainly could have could have brought an indictment. He didn’t. He punted and left it to Barr to refrain from doing so. My guess is because he knew it would get laughed out of court. But, Barr declining to indict for obstruction leaves the onus on Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if he put lots of embarrassing but perfectly legal material in the report to make sure that the report stays closed.
Naturally, its just rumor, but supposedly the bill of particulars on obstruction includes Trump’s tweets. Which is what I would put into a report if I wanted any claim of obstruction to have no credibility whatsoever.
Its just all so bizarre.
If he thought there was a solid obstruction case, he certainly could have could have brought an indictment. He didn’t.
If they had found anything, we would have heard about it long before now, via the “Persons familiar with the investigation not authorized to speak on the record” pipeline.
I don’t want to shit up Animal’s fine firearms thread, so this’ll go here instead:
*Nelson laugh*
“Leave the shakedowns to us, kthxbai.”
“Leave the shakedowns to us, kthxbai.”
Wow, no kidding.
“Fucking amateur, that guy.”