What’s shakin’ today? I’m tired and I want to take a nap. Will I get one? Signs point to no. I found out today that no matter how annoyed you are at your wife sleeping in and leaving you to handle all the kid stuff in the morning, one wrong way to accept her apology is: “You gonna be sorry every week?” I should probably buy her some flowers or wine.
Inevitably, every time something bad happens to a group of Muslims, someone is gonna blame the Mossad.
Oklahoma gets $270M from maker of OxyContin. States are going to get a bunch of money. But not actually prohibit anyone from using it.
Is Australia the Antipodean Florida, or is Florida the Northern Australia? Now we just need to import the snakes that eat the cane toads… I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before.
Robot authors? They’re already in what passes for the sci-fi market today.
We live in an incredibly rich society when you can get a seeing-eye dog for your dog.
Jews were told not to show up to the mosque that day.
Not a single victim was a Jew. How can you believe it’s just a coincidence?
Connect the dots, people!
OT: https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/22/18277624/neon-genesis-evangelion-netflix-release-date
But why? 😉
No announcement of a US release of 4.44?
Like it’s going to be that different…
Kidding aside I was shocked Utada Hikaru did the music for one of the movie reboots.
I haven’t watched this since the 90’s. I loved it. I assume that this was largely a product of the fact that it was the 90’s and i was a disaffected teenager in the 90’s.
So I don’t think I’ll be watching it again.
Also, I’m considering instituting a rule that I’ll only watch mecha Anime if the most commonly used weapon is a drill. It goes well with my rule that I only watch fighting anime if all the fights are bread-baking contests.
Well, frankly you can’t go wrong with Gurren Lagann….it’s just a fact.
Tried and failed, despite my enjoyment of about 50% of Trigger’s works.
Well that was a direct reference to the “drill weapon” from Leap.
So you liked “Darling in the Franxx”?
I wasn’t a huge Evangelion fan, but thought it was actually a nice homage. Still preferred Trigger’s “Kill La Kill”, however..
I think it holds up very well, story-wise.
What it does NOT hold up well against is the modern way of viewing (i.e. binging)
NGE benefits greatly from there being some space between episodes, allowing you to WANT to know wtf is going on, and to think about it. I was fortunate in that when I watched it, I was young and couldn’t afford to rent more than two episodes at a time (ADV DVDs from the comic book store). It’s amazing how well it communicates without you knowing exactly how it communicates.
It also benefits from non-binging by making the transition between the real world and the story world more pronounced. When I watched Twin Peaks as it was broadcast, I thought it was the weirdest thing I had ever watched. When I watched them all back-to-back at a marathon in college, the constant immersion made me desensitized to the strangeness.
The last 2 episodes of the original series is still absolute trash – in no way improved by End of Eva. The remastered movies on the other hand are pretty solid and flesh out the universe better in general. Although a lot of the behind the scenes stuff is still difficult to follow adequately, and I’ve never seen anything to suggest that Hideaki Anno fleshed things out much more in a manga version (as opposed to Trigun Maximum for instance).
Interestingly enough — my LCBS didn’t have the last two episodes, so I had to buy a copy of a Taiwanese broadcast bootleg to see them — and they were the second version (25′ and 26′) I didn’t see 25 and 26 until after I saw the movies when they were released as the final non-upgraded version by ADV. I can see why they were unpopular — not as good as the primes, but they made sense (though maybe only because I had seen the films.)
I have four versions of the series on DVD and/or Blu-Ray. I may be a bit of a fanboi.
It cracks me up that Hideaki Anno followed up with this:
And better yet got into creative differences with the author. It’s definitely got his touch despite the genre.
You really need to look up Anno’s live action adaptation of Cutie Honey. The man’s got some “interesting” ideas – fun movie but after Eva and that…you gotta wonder. Satoshi Kon he ain’t.
Yeah Adahn, – bought the initial DVD releases by ADV as they came out, then sold them and bought the ADV box set – also End of Eva and Rebirth/. Waiting till the full movie series is done on blu-ray before I buy them.
Satoshi Kon was a loss. Surprised he actually got an obit in the NYT.
So by some coincidence, I just binged the series for the first time a couple of months ago and I thought it absolutely held up even then. Lot of good. I’ve working my way through the other media (just finished 1.11, waiting for time to watch 2.22).
I’m a little irritated that I bought 1.11 (or 1.01???) on DVD when it first came out and then they put out the 1.1 or 1.2 (whatever) a few months later. Just waiting for a blu-ray box.
I thought the Mossad used sharks for this sort of action?
Love the sidebar, or interbar, whatever – you know, the clickbaity stuff they interrupt your reading with:
Yeah, that’s not at all inflammatory.
Rising? So I should get in now then?
The story about the seeing-eye puppy is weird. It seems they got a puppy to replace their dying old dog but they are trying to fool themselves into thinking it wasn’t selfish.
“Charlie, an 11-year-old golden retriever, was suffering from severe glaucoma in 2016 when his owners were forced to have doctors remove their friend’s left eye.”
Having had a moment to ponder this, I think I’d prefer to have my partially working eye instead of nothing, thanks.
Even if the eye has gone blind, I’d rather not have it removed unless we’re putting in a full, working cybernetic replacement.
Glaucoma can become quite painful. Sometimes removal of the eye you can barely see through anyway is preferable.
About 1987 the dog I’d had since I was a baby went blind and then deaf. In late 1986 we had gotten a puppy (unrelated to that). Until the older dog died, he’d follow the puppy everywhere, nose-to-butt.
I do that to my wife, which is why we can’t both work from home on the same day.
Dang, you people are in a mood today. I thought it was endearing.
Why do Glibs hate disabled dogs, R C?
I’m not sure that we hate truly disabled dogs. What urinates us off are all the dogs who fake an injury to get a handicap tag that allows them to get priority access to the hydrant right outside the door of a store.
It make me sick when you see some obviously healthy dog smelling the fuck out of some other dog’s butt while it has one of those tags hanging from its collar. Meanwhile, like a chump, I’m circling the block looking for somewhere to tie up my healthy dog.
Our society is done. Too many shyster dogs faking injuries for parking, disability payments and a pot card.
It was endearing, and the picture was cute, but the article was over-hyping it: the little dog is really a companion animal, not a seeing eye dog.
He has an eyes and he can see!
Chicago lets Smollett off the hook.
Denny Green reacts to the news:
Smollett was who we thought he was!!
Meh, I don’t know…it’s a coin toss.
CNN is surprisingly treating this as a straight news story, and giving it lots of coverage. I’m going to avoid cynicism about the fact that they have their top half-dozen articles on the topic at the one time when they should be covering the Russia story that they’ve been flogging for 2.5 years.
Anyway, Chicago PD and Rahm are pissed. They are straight out saying that this stinks to high heaven and calling it a whitewash.
Lots of weirdness… The prosecutor recused herself last month “in an abundance of caution” and his attorney was just named a co-conspirator in a wide-ranging investigation of Avanatti.
More of a gaywash, but whatever …
I kid, I kid.
Shakedown for OxyContin cash.
Seriously. This is going to reach tobacco-settlement levels of shakedown.
The people cheering this on are the same ones always complaining about how medicine costs too much in this country.
There is already a glut of labor available in the writing market. Automation isn’t going to gain anything but uniformity.
I would like to know how you do this.
WTF New York?
I mean seriously, who’s going to be checking every single person under 18, in every single public place, to see if they’re vaccinated?
Do they ever even think about things before they do it? Like, you know, is it even possible to even do this?
They could set up checkpoints to check papers. Or maybe hand out armbands.
Mark the unvaccinated with some sort of symbol?
What if they just concentrated them all into one or a few camps so it would take fewer people to prevent them from moving around freely?
Is this the sort of thing that a shower can fix, or do they need a different solution?
Maybe a large oven, too.
Ah that makes sense to me. But how can get that many people to these “camps” in a timely and efficient manner?
The best type of transportation I know of is trains.
This is a problem that could be solved with trains. Perhaps even high speed trains.
They say cattle cars are the best solution for that.
Might be able to herd them buy setting a couple skyscrapers on fire.
Rockland County doesn’t have much in the way of skyscrapers, or trains (two spurs from from NJ) for that matter.
Maybe we could also put these young people to work doing something valuable for their community that they would be endangering by moving about freely? I hear work is very freeing.
Something to get them off our dole queue!
How dare you stand in the way Utopia? The only thing in our way is simply the will and the correctly written law to do it.
Article doesn’t say if they are banned from public schools.
I should probably buy her some flowers or wine.
Coffee and an alarm so she gets up on time in the future.
I’ll spring for a comfier couch when I do that.
Rebel, you going to take Brett in if he takes your advice?
I recently came into possession of a spare bedroom…
Your bedroom closet is not actually a “spare bedroom”
My closet? There’s no radiator in my closet to handcuff Brett to.
I should probably buy her some flowers or wine.
Just make certain you serve it in the proper glasses.
I ice mine in a small tumbler.
You know it’s bad when Rahm Emmanuel flies off the handle when a gay, black man gets let off the hook in Chicago.
Rahm’s just trying to impress Jussie with his acting chops.
I heard a weird conspiracy theory on Limbaugh about this it’s so preposterous.
I gotta know, what’s his theory?
Oh, do tell!
I can’t even convey/articulate it. Something about how the police chief and Emmanuel are just play acting. It was actually a caller from Chicago who explained it and Rush entertained and kinda saw the logic in it.
Rahm figures he needs to stay on the good side of the cop union, is my theory.
Why he’s leaving.
Actually kind of surprised he isn’t running for President with the other panoply of candidates.
belated, but well-earned [GOLF CLAP]
Titty Tuesday rocks n’ rolls.
So hips. Much THICC.
7, 9, and 33
We live in an incredibly rich society when you can get a seeing-eye dog for your dog.
No accompanying Xzibit meme?
Here you go.
She back! I was getting worried. Our long national nightmare is finally over.
It’s been exactly one month.
Do you mark it on a calendar?
That’s not weird.
You must have a government grant to study this question, considering how long you’ve been pondering it despite the copious amount of data on the topic. More research is always needed, amirite?
Robert Duvall is one of my all-time favorite actors. His range of characters is vast. Man, he really shined in Apocalypse Now.
I love The Great Santini.
+1, Sports fan.
He frequently is a ray of light in otherwise crappy movies, like Days of Thunder, Gods and Generals, Gone in 60 Seconds, Jack Reacher
The combo of him and Tommy Lee Jones in Lonesome Dove was just brilliant.
Yep they were both great, I have the DVD set somewhere, need to watch it again.
YES! Absolutely captured the characters chemistry from the book, too.
My go-to movies of his are THX 1138 and Falling Down.
Plus he got to be in Peckinpah’s worst movie.
The Apostle was his vanity project. It is excellent, start to finish.
Best treatment of evangelical Christians I’ve ever seen. Not a caricature, not a glowing portrayal. A great story about flawed people, wonderfully cast and acted. Worth your time.
But, he wasn’t in Jaws!
Can you imagine? I don’t think the viewing public could have handled Jaws being even better with Duvall in it.
Last night I watched Seattle is Dying on Youtube. Their contention is that drug use is a the driving a lot of the problems. A crazy thought came to my head. What if cigarettes weren’t so darn expensive? Would people end up getting their fix from nicotine rather than starting on the harder stuff like opiates and meth? Has the war on Big Tobacco been contributing to the homeless problem?
I’m thinking the war in Afghanistan drove the price of opiates down had more to do with it.
Lot’s of opiates come in from Mexico. Econtalk had a good episode on this.
If the cigarettes were what hey wanted, they’d get some from the reservations, or via Canada. Easier to buy than drugs, and a lot less jail time if you are found out.
According to the video there are no consequences to being found out now, which is why the city has so many people shooting up openly on the streets.
Going to the reservation or Canada is more inconvenient than going to the local 7-11. It’s not that cigs are unavailable, it’s just that they are damn expensive. You can get more bang for you buck from the harder stuff. For those already hooked it’s probably too late, but I’m thinking more about the people who haven’t started yet.
Anyway, like I said it was a crazy thought, but I can’t help but wonder about the unintended consequences of high cigarette taxes. And of course the same applies to marijuana.
OK, let me be clear here.
Reservations (at least up here in Canada) have ridiculously low prices. They are also only allowed to sell to “status Indians.” But as if by magic, these cigarettes find their way into cities miles and miles away from the nearest one. These cigarettes are (IIRC, since I don’t smoke) 50%-75% cheaper than the store ones of the same brand.
All of this is safer, easier and faster than bringing in drugs from Mexico or Colombia or Afghanistan, or growing your own pot out in the boonies. If the drug users wanted to use cigarettes over drugs, smuggling in cigs would be a bigger business than it is already (which “costs government $3 billion in lost revenue”, and taxes are in the 70ish% of the total cost of a pack).
Reduce the taxes and you’ll see increase in sales at the stores, but you’ll see a corresponding decrease in sales from the smugglers (this actually happened in Ontario some years ago – when govt. changed, taxes went up, legal sales went down, illegal sales rose to compensate).
Not every problem has a “lower taxes and done!” solution. Smoking has become socially unacceptable top to bottom, other drugs at least have a counterculture cachet.
I don’t know but I am noticing more attention being paid to the differences between West Coast and East Coast homeless with respect to the differing ratios of druggies, gutter punks, and crazies that typify each population. It’s more than just “the poors are being priced out of a home” that the media has mostly been running with for decades.
There is also voluntary homelessness vs involuntary* homelessness. Voluntary – often a veteran with mental health issues who may have a monthly income but can’t handle the complexity and commitment of renting and chooses to only minimally engage with programs leading out of homelessness. Involuntary – the example of the single mother with the deadbeat boyfriend who gets evicted, because complex reasons.
(*)I’m using the normative societal definitions of voluntary/involuntary here, not the ones we would use.
At least we can relax in the knowledge that the solution to all of it is to just throw more money at it.
The things driving homeless issues on the West Coast is a combination of factors:
1. You get more of what you reward. Oregon, Washington, and Cali all make it possible for anyone who has a PO Box to claim various benefits like food stamps, etc. the residency requirements are virtually non-existent.
2. They essentially don’t allow the cops to roust bums in any meaningful way, and they treat any crimes committed short of murder or rape as unimportant.
3. There are numerous homeless charities that do things like make sure no one dies from the heat or the cold, provide free meals, and other services to get homeless folks on those sweet GimmeDats.
4. The elites in these towns rarely have to deal with the issues day-to-day.
5. Nobody wants to be “mean” and treat the homeless like the roving locust-rats that they are.
Reading this and replies to this comment, it is clear that you have not regularly done drugs.
A smoke is a smoke, and some people need a fix (I’ve smoked for over ten years and have never experienced any cravings), but harder drugs are completely different.
If you want some blow and can’t get it, having a Marlboro isn’t going to help. What you’re saying is very much like “If they could get a glass of water more easily, maybe they wouldn’t be so hungry.” Does not compute.
Yeah, smoking and drugging are completely different fixes. But – most people who smoke are hooked on it. That is why the taxes are so high on it, in fact.
I will confess, the only drugs I’ve done are alcohol and caffeine and a little pot a long time ago. I don’t think that someone already using will be satisfied with a cigarette. I’m just thinking that having cigarettes available more cheaply might keep some of them from starting down that road to begin with. I’m not saying I’m right here. Just putting the idea out there.
We’ve always been at war in
East AsiaNorth AfricanExactly 233 years ago this week, two of America’s founding fathers documented their first exposure to Islamic jihad in a letter to Congress; like many Americans today, they too were shocked at what they learned.
Context: in 1785, Muslim pirates from North Africa, or “Barbary,” had captured two American ships, the Maria and Dauphin, and enslaved their crews. In an effort to ransom the enslaved Americans and establish peaceful relations, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams — then ambassadors to France and England respectively — met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Britain, Abdul Rahman Adja. Following this diplomatic exchange, they laid out the source of the Barbary States’ hitherto inexplicable animosity to American vessels in a letter to Congress dated March 28, 1786:
“We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the grounds of their [Barbary’s] pretentions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation. The ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise”
Ugh, North *Africa
Throughout history, people use religion to excuse their atrocities against other humans. News at 11.
That’s why Tlaib using Jeffersons Quran to be sworn in on was so heinous. He had that book printed for every member of Congress to warn them about the dangers of Islam. Her using his copy to be sworn in was an “in your face” to the whole country.
Linky? I always heard it was from his personal library and he had it since he was a youth. Never heard he had them printed. a quick Googling and I got nothing, of course Google might be gaslighting me.
Damn! I need to do the opposite of CNN and print a retraction. She changed her mind and used her own Quran. But Keith Ellison used it in 2007.
I had heard that a few years ago. Google is confounding me too.
In a significant shift, the Trump administration says the entirety of the Affordable Care Act should be struck down in the courts. Previously, the administration had pushed to remove the law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions but had not argued in court that the whole law should be struck down.
The change was announced in a two-sentence letter from the Department of Justice to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which said that the ruling made in December by a district court judge in Texas “should be affirmed.”
In that case, District Judge Reed O’Connor declared the ACA unconstitutional. He ruled that a 2017 change in federal tax law eliminating the penalty on uninsured people invalidated the entire health care law.
“The Department of Justice has determined that the district court’s comprehensive opinion came to the correct conclusion and will support it on appeal,” Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement. The letter said the DOJ will further explain its position in a brief to be filed later.
Nuke it from space just to be sure.
I’m not going to mention any names but… McCain. That is the McCain legacy, the jackass who saved Obamacare.
I think they are allowing some other states(?) to take over the defense of the ACA.
So, according to the prosecutors, Smollett’s charges were dropped because he had already done community service. Well… guess where he did the “community service”?
Wait for it…..
Jesse Jackson’s race baiting Rainbow Push coalition.
Un Fucking Believable.
There’s a song about it!
I was expecting this:
Stroke of genius. The media will love him for it.
Ho-lee shit. This case could very well be the weirdest spectacle I’ll ever experience in my life. If you’d have described something like this to me just five years ago, I would have called you a hack writer and recommended keeping your day job.
Miracle of miracles that no one who witnessed him performing this “service” wasn’t excited enough by it to make it public and instead we’re just hearing about it now.
Rainbow Co is famous for race-baiting shakedowns… and political connections….
You don’t just suppose that a sizeable contribution to Rainbow Co was made….
And, you know, just by coincidence Rainbow Co just happened to make a donation to a certain “top prosecutor” who recused herself immediately before the charges were dismissed…. ?
He’s on TV claiming he was truthful all along.
What a fucking liar.
The EU made their move to destroy the internet today.
Impossible. The end of Net Neutrality already killed it and me.
Of course it didn’t kill YOU, cracker. Only all wiminz and people of color.
To be sure they were the hardest hit.
Chaos Engine
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” – George Orwell
2 hours ago
OK, these twitterers are on fire today.
“The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.”
― Mikhail Gorbachev
Fuck Europe
Wait, isn’t this literally what the right-wingers threaten Google with all the time – “we’ll treat you as a publisher, not a platform”?
Hilariously, sound cut out for me so I couldn’t hear what the dude’s actual points were. For a moment I was wondering if that was the part of the video, it was certainly effective.
As interesting as the Smollett case is, this is the big news of the day. Companies will either have to kowtow to this law or block access from the EU which they won’t do. It’s going to effect the US in a big way.
If you aren’t actively billing people in the EU, you can probably tell them to fuck off. If you really do business there, you either have to clamp down on links and speech.
So Google will have to clamp down. As much as I don’t like it they’re pretty much the internet.
They’re free to stop doing business in EU, but it’s 30% of their revenue and a nice little low-tax jurisdiction in Ireland, so yeah, they’ll start clamping down while trying to explain to the politicians why this is pissing in the wind.
Particularly since they aren’t even supposed to clamp down on everything. From a BBC Article:
So not only do you need a filter to recognize I uploaded, say, the Congress hearing scene from Iron Man 2, you have to have a filter that recognizes I’m doing as a part of an analysis of Randian influences in popular fiction. Good fucking luck on that.
Best part – this isn’t a law. It’s a “directive”. Now every country has to write laws in which these guidelines are supposed to actually be codified in a manner that is both consistent with the directive and with the national laws.
It’s a “directive”. Now every country has to write laws in which these guidelines are supposed to actually be codified in a manner that is both consistent with the directive and with the national laws.
And if they don’t, what’s the penalty? Does a directive have teeth?
Not a lawyer, but have Google:
Applying EU Law
And if they do?
The other kind of EU law is “Regulation” which is immediately binding upon all nations in the form in which EU Parliament and Commission passed it.
Remember, kids–Brexit is evil!
This Smollett thing makes no sense at all. The prosecution had solid evidence. He was charged with 16 felonies. So they just dropped it? Not even a plea deal?
At least the FBI is still investigating federal charges.
“Cook County prosecutors agreed to drop the charges against Smollett at an unscheduled hearing in the case Tuesday morning. Smollett will forfeit the $10,000 bail he posted after his arrest.
Smollett’s attorney, Patricia Brown Holmes, said there was no agreement with prosecutors, insisting the state’s attorney’s office dropped the charges on their own.
“We believe that it was the correct result in this case. We’re very happy for this result, and we are very anxious for Jussie to get on with his career and his life, and to move forward,” Holmes said. “There is no deal. The state dismissed the charges.”
Holmes said Smollett volunteered to forfeit his $10,000 bail in the case.
The Cook County State’s Attorney’s office issued a statement after the hearing:
“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case,” the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office stated in an email.
Smollett’s spokesperson said his record would be “fully expunged” as a result of prosecutors dropping charges.
“Today, all criminal charges against Jussie Smollett were dropped and his record has been wiped clean of the filing of this tragic complaint against him. Jussie was attacked by two people he was unable to identify on January 29th. He was a victim who was vilified and made to appear as a perpetrator as a result of false and inappropriate remarks made to the public causing an inappropriate rush to judgement,” spokeswoman Anne Kavanaugh stated in an email.
“Jussie and many others were hurt by these unfair and unwarranted actions. This entire situation is a reminder that there should never be an attempt to prove a case in the court of public opinion. That is wrong. It is a reminder that a victim, in this case Jussie, deserves dignity and respect. Dismissal of charges against the victim in this case was the only just result.
“Jussie is relieved to have this situation behind him and is very much looking forward to getting back to focusing on his family, friends and career.”
Smollett’s family also released a statement. “Our son and brother is an innocent man whose name and character has been unjustly smeared. Jussie is a son, a brother, a partner, a champion for human rights, and a genuine soul who would never be capable of what he was falsely accused of. He was the victim of an assault and then falsely blamed for his own attack.”
It’s truly incredible that they didn’t at least require him to make a weak “Ooops, sorry” statement as a condition of this deal.
The whole point was to fix the situation so he would walk away scot-free from this for the low, low cost of at $10K administrative processing fee.
Is there anyone on Earth who believes he’s a victim of jack shit?
Hey, if Sarah Jeong – Harvard graduate and NYT editorial board member – can claim to be oppressed… Why not Jussie Smollett?
Smollett will forfeit the $10,000 bail he posted after his arrest
Ah, there it is. So he didn’t forfeit anything, since he was never going to get that back no matter what. His bond was set at $100K, he posted the $10K D-Bond, and that money is kept by the court regardless.
Oh, so then the two “Nigerians” are going to be up on charges instead?
/Confused as hell
Why was he doing community service (prior to any judgment) if the charges were dropped?
his record has been wiped clean of the filing of this tragic complaint against him
It will be interesting to see if Google memory-holes this, also.
When you’ve lost David Axelrod….
David Axelrod
Unless some better explanation surfaces, here’s the lesson of this weird turn in the Smollett case:
You can contrive a hate crime, make it a national news, get caught and-if you are a well-connected celebrity-get off for $10K and have your record expunged and files sealed.
3:02 PM – Mar 26, 2019
So Axelrod is a racist and a homophobe. Duly noted.
He must be one of those special negroes who can even speak without a negro dialect if he wants to, like Obama.
Record expunged and files sealed – yeah, sure, but anyone with the internet can google that shiznat.
People are going to take that into consideration.
Well, no way I can believe that the cops were guilty of some enormous clusterfuck miscarriage of justice so bad it would tarnish their otherwise squeaky clean image for decades to come, or anything like that. Nope, can’t be that. Aliens?
Doesn’t seem like that is it.
The police are pissed. The mayor is pissed.
The lead prosecutor? Well, she recused herself last month. Because of an abundance of caution. And unspecified relationships.
The celebrity attorney? He coincidentally got named as a co-conspirator with Avanatti the same day.
The Rainbow Coalition? Well, somebody had to collect, launder and distribute the graft…
Well, until the breaking news about Horizontal Harris being spotted in the vicinity…
“Cool. Were you there that night? Smollett’s camp says he was the victim of a hate crime. The police dispute that. There isn’t video of the alleged attack. Thus, we may never know what really happened.”
Christ, what a hack.
Thus, we may never know what really happened.
I thought we had all kinds of evidence that it was staged, including the receipts for the damn rope.
And this is especially rich coming from Stelter, a full-on Russia Truther who is willing to believe that Trump colluded with Russia even though there is no video evidence of that.
A teevee station dug up surveillance video of those two brothers buying rope, bleach, and ski masks, for God’s sake.
He is getting murdered in the replies. Also, Tater is the best nickname I can imagine for him.
He looks like George Costanza to me.
Maybe if George ate Kramer.
I’m gonna start using the Stelter method and use a picture of myself when I was 100 pounds lighter.
+1 OK Cupid
It’s like this. Leftists, and ALL of these people are leftists. I mean we know who they are, are psychopath liars. I mean that’s the only way you can be a leftist because otherwise you would realize everything you believe in is based on lies and you would get cured of it!
I don’t believe he typed that.
That ratio is turning into a bloodbath. I almost feel bad for that pudgy little turd.
Based on zero evidence, you declared the President guilty of collusion.
And despite overwhelming evidence of his guilt, you are defending Smollet.
It is almost like you are a paid propagandist rather than a news reporter.”
Nope. No sympathy for him. Locked in a stuck elevator with him…at least one of us goes to the hospital. Pudgy-Battle On!
House eunuch.
This is too blatant even for Chicago. I think we’ll see a third act to all this.
Only sensible compromise is Trump impeachment.
Forget it Bill. It’s Chi town.
The third act will be when he gets pursued federally for lying about the fake white powder death threat letter.
The third act will be when he gets pursued federally for lying about the fake white powder death threat letter.
Am I a bad person for hoping this is the way it turns out? The larfs watching Smollett trying to court a pardon or commutation from Donald Trump would be enough to give me a hernia.
Federal prosecution of him is also a sticky trap.
He doesn’t qualify for the “no reasonable prosecutor” treatment?
Here’s your third act that you are never going to see, from the Stelter twitter replies:
Accompanied by a photo of the Prosecutor with Kamala Harris. Apparently the photo was originally posted by the prosecutor along with a thank you to Harris for being her mentor and helping her to get her start in politics.
“Accompanied by a photo of the Prosecutor with Kamala Harris.”
Was it in the usual ‘horizontal’ format? Perhaps I should have wrote ‘whoreizontal’?
To paraphrase something said in the previous thread:
I wonder if he was smart enough to recognize beforehand the sticky trap he was setting up for them?
I suspect there was no problem pursuing the “hate crime”. Just a problem when it turned out Smollett was the perp.
So…set the Nigerians up as fall guys to take the Federal rap, then maybe extradite them to serve their time in Nigeria?
The “Nigerians” who are American citizens?
Extradite them where? They said they’re Americans.
I’m glad it’s not just me that this confused.
You’ve all got it wrong. Those are Nigerian Americans. Please use the proper pro-nouns, thank you.
“He says the sheriff is near!”
Black/gay privilege?
It makes perfect sense, It’s Chicago. Michelle Obama fixed it with a phone call.
Stealing that!
Don’t need to steal it. Twitter already jumping on the relationship between Kamala Harris and the prosecutor and Jussie Smollett.
Harris was her mentor.
Harris is buddies with Smollett.
Harris famously called it a “modern day lynching” immediately after the news came out, as did her buddy Booker.
Harris immediately introduced her anti-lynching bill.
Dots. All in a straight line. But don’t connect them lest you be branded a kook.
Also, if this wasn’t a hoax, then why isn’t anyone concerned about finding the two white guys that attacked him?
They’re hanging out with the real killer that OJ committed his life to find.
We live in an incredibly rich society when you can get a seeing-eye dog for your dog.
The reporter in the video on that story is named “Ken Molestina”. That’s an unfortunate last name, especially in an industry where it is inevitable that he’ll have to talk about a molester at some point.
Molestina is the spanish word for a female teacher that bangs one of her underage students.
Oh, Nike, just when you nailed Avenati, you get stabbed in the back.
Nike fined by EU for restrictions on football merchandise sales
(emphasis mine)
Well, I may not like the EU but damn, they got some fine tactics for ensuring compliance.
Now that’s how you do extortion.
Man, with Oklahoma and now Europe horning in on its action, the Southern District of New York must be seething today.
Can they get five million cash back when they pay three or more fines at once?
Write that Check
Obama cautions freshman House Democrats about the price tag of liberal policies. Tells them to write that check anyway, because fuck… it ain’t YOUR money!
And as far as the comments go, all caps guy is right. People should be going to prison for staging a coup against a duly elected president, but I think we all know it’s not happening.
Tip your waitress, folks.
Too far right on what, exactly? Traditional Republican policies like tax cuts and underdelivering?
Pretending to make good on long-promised border security initiatives that right-wing extremists like Bill Clinton wouldn’t have blushed to mention a mere generation ago?
Bernie-style trade protectionism?
Oh, oh, is it this newfound habit of dredging up enough backbone to tell lefty agitators to go fuck themselves on Kavanaugh or the collusion debacle?
It’s cool. Obama’s a uniter – he said so himself.
I’ve been saying that about the attempted coup for two years now… and I’m pretty strongly anti-Trump.
This stuff makes Nixon and his crew look like amateurs. Just the publicly available information is way, way worse than anything from Watergate.
This in regards to the Duck, Duck, Goose comment from this morning. My mind, is blown. *Insert Weebay gif here*
You know when you think of something, usually from childhood, that you completely misinterpreted? For example, I thought for the longest time that the Information Highway was an actual road. This was another doozy.
I assumed the ‘duck’ was the kids ducking down. It never occurred to me to think about the animal. I never put that together. It also explains why I didn’t understand the ‘goose’ part either. I just thought it was an arbitrary, childlike placeholder. (Of course it is, but you know what I mean.)
Anyone else have any weird things like that? Something that completely went over your head and you didn’t understand until much later in life?
You want a real mind fuck? You remember that movie where Sinbad (the alleged comedian) played a genie? Go watch the trailer.
It was called Shazam, btw, but you probably remembered that, right?
There was no such movie.
Don’t you mean Kazaam with Shaq?
Sinbad O’connor? The bald one? Is she still alive?
I thought the hair loss was from chemotherapy.
I didn’t know. I thought she was just ahead of the wokeness curve.
I seem to remember she did it herself – I liked it. I don’t remember any chemo.
I think she was assassinated by the Vatican.
The never-incorrect Wikipedia says … her shaved head was initially an assertion against traditional views of women
That does align with my vague memories.
“For example, I thought for the longest time that the Information Highway was an actual road. This was another doozy.”
That’s pretty funny.
When I was a kid, my mom and aunts were talking about colored people who moved near to us. I didn’t have any idea what in the hell a ‘colored people’ was. I didn’t know they just had dark skin, I thought they were going to be all different colors, like green and purple. Seriously. Then one time they were telling me we were going on Sunday to see the preacher. I was like 5 years old. I thought they were saying ‘creature’ and I was terrified about seeing this ‘creature’. I mean like the Black Lagoon and shit you know. Probably eats children or at least their ears and feet.
It’s funny how we can believe anything as kids. I mean they convinced all of us of Tooth Faeries and Easter Bunny, right?
I was born in ’87. In elementary school we were learning about the Internet in its nascency. Obviously grew up with the internet. Flash forward to senior year of high school. We’re having a Socratic discussion that veered into transportation for some reason.
I just pipe in and ask the class “Hey, what was up with that Information Highway thing? That was all I ever heard about when we were growing up. Like you could drive and your car would connect to something and you’d have like a screen that would provide information about whatever? What ever happened to that?”
I was correctly ridiculed. Thank g_d by that time I was popular and the ribbing didn’t last too long.
I think the correct term is ‘Information Super Highway’. But year, I remember that since I was born almost 30 years before you. My daughter was born in 90.
I remember when it was “cyberspace.” The 80s media hyperventilated about cybercriminals who were going to cyberattack you in cyberwar unless you agreed to cybersex with them. Then it became “e-[whatever]” and the whole thing lost its panache.
Remember the ‘Dark Web’ or ‘Deep Web’?
Dark web is still very much around. They love referring to it in TV shows.
The Master Hacker known as 4Chan lives there.
I remember thinking charcoal was the same as coal. I told everyone in school charcoal is made up of old dinosaur bones. I asked my parents if I could bring some charcoal for show and tell so we could find dinosaur bones.
“I thought for the longest time that the Information Highway was an actual road.”
[Moistens middle finger and plots easiest course of attack to Evan’s ear canal. Also surveys wedgie options.]
Followed by the swirlie of death.
Elsewhere in guy with connections skates on charges” news….
“Information revealed in court since then suggested that might not have been a bluff. U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan on Jan. 24 said Cosko allegedly possessed terabytes of information, including Senate data so sensitive that it could not be discussed in open court.”
You know who else possessed sensitive info on unsecured computers?
Histaeus’ slave?
Cosko allegedly possessed terabytes of information, including Senate data so sensitive that it could not be discussed in open court.
And yet they’re giving this bastard a plea deal while Edward Snowden remains in exile.
What the fuck is it with the Justice Department?
DNC handlers are making certain none of that data sees the light of day.
You know it’s part of the Federal Government, right?
Cui custodiet ipses custodiens, bitchez.
Snowden fucked up when he didn’t have himself born into a wealthy politically connected family. Nobody to blame but himself, really.
Tommy “Rubberstamp” Hogan, recently Chief Judge of FISA Court? That Thomas Hogan?
I knew it – he gets immunity in exchange for testifying on Russian collusion.
This ain’t over yet, bois! WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!!!
Last two weeks have been a blur. I’ve kept up with most threads, but haven’t been able to comment much. I’m gearing up to go under the knife tomorrow. It will be nice to get rid of this fucking abdominal catheter, which I’ve had to take along on my job interviews. Going through the TSA with a catheter is about as much fun as you can imagine. The line ended up shutting down behind me at Dulles with 3 TSA agents involved, including two supervisors at the primary agent’s request. It was whatever for me, but I feel really bad for cancer patients and such who have to deal with that on a more permanent basis. At another airport they felt the shit up out of lower region and legs. I’m still unclear why other than punishment.
The good news is I accepted an offer for a 60% increase in salary and still get to work from home. It’s just about what my wife and I currently make combined, so she has the option of staying at home now which is fantastic. The input I got from you guys after venting about my current job was a major factor in changing my mindset to start searching. I really appreciate it. My bosses are going to freak out and extend a counter offer, but too little too late. My promotion was just denied by HR because “we let him work from home, where else is he going to go?” I’m going to enjoy this.
Congrats on both counts.
Good news.
Leave your catheter in your desk when you leave.
He just said he works from home, why would he want to leave that on his home desk?
Ok, so leave it on HR’s desk during the exit interview.
That’s great news.
Congratulations! And enjoy serving up the dish cold.
Semi-Spartan Dad saying goodbye to HR
Congrats, man. There is something so sweet about the expression on the faces of those kind of people who realize they are fucked sideways and it is all their own fault for not recognizing your value.
Really happy to hear it! Congrats on your new adventure!
Oh, and quit fucking around and get better 😉
Sorry to hear about what you’ve went through, but good to hear things are taking a turn for the better. My wife just decided last year to give up on work and be a domestic engineer. She gets bored sometimes, but we bought her a nice car and she has enough money to fly to Europe and South America a few times a year to visit family, so it’s all good.
Hope the surgery goes well and you have hot nurses covering your case
My promotion was just denied by HR because “we let him work from home, where else is he going to go?”
They’re in for a shock when they finally learn that they’re not the only company in the world that lets people work from home. Someone who can work from home can work literally anywhere; one would think they would be considered the most poachable of assets.
I worked from home today and will tomorrow also. I do it about 50% of the time. I met a guy in a bar in Frederick MD a few years ago who works for IBM and he told me he hasn’t been in the office for more than 15 years. So yeah, not that uncommon anymore. I work with a contractor almost weekly who has been WFH for more than 20 years.
I can count on two hands the number of times I’ve been to my office in the last 17 years.
The only reason I go into the office is because everybody who makes promotion decisions expects face time. Most of the people I interact with on a daily basis are 3 time zones away, if not 10. I could easily work from home 5 days a week if not for the backward lawyer mentality of requiring face time. Well, I would probably have to insulate the walls of the home office, but that’s trivial.
60% increase is huge. The biggest I’ve ever received, that I didn’t give myself, is 12%. I have 3 clients at the moment, but one of them is full time with all the benefits. The other 2, I don’t get as many hours, but I set my own rate. I haven’t increased that in about 5 years, so effectively the biggest increase I’ve gotten in the past 5 years is 3 %. Not complaining though, I’m doing pretty well.
60% increase is huge.
No kidding. I took about a 20% cut from my first job to my second, probably another 20% cut to my 3rd, flatlined to my abortive 4th, than maybe a 20% raise to my 5th, probably a 30% raise to my 6th, and maybe 40% or a little more raise to my current job.
When my current hospital told me what they were offering, I honestly thought the first number after the dollar sign was a typo, and just barely didn’t ask them if it was a mistake.
“I’m sorry, but I believe the salary is missing a zero. To the left of the decimal.”
Legal hiring is interesting, because the pay is so transparent at the firms but very hush-hush in corporate. Of course, what they don’t tell you is that the raw number doesn’t mean jack shit until you know how many hours you’ll be working.
That $300k biglaw job is just over $75/hour. That $180k corporate job is also just over $75/hour.
I took the lowest paying offer that I got coming out of law school because it was a 45 hour/week job. Sure, it may take me 5 years to pay off my student loans, but at least I get to see my daughter grow up.
That’s great news!
Wow! That’s awesome!
Since y’all are talking salary… how do you handle when an interviewer asks about compensation? Do you have a number in mind going in, and if so, what do you base it on? Do they even care what you say?
In some training I took/am taking, they say you should politely defer any discussion of it until after they offer you the job. Then you do some research and walk in with a number based on your experience and on what other people are making in similar positions in your town.
I think that’s the right way to handle it.
There’s no reason to take it up before they have decided who to hire. If they are going to decide between their top candidates based on who is cheapest, you don’t want to work there.
I agree with Rhywun that it’s best is to know what you’re worth and what the market is for the area. It’s difficult to defer salary discussion until a job offer. It was discussed up front in every one of my screening interviews so everyone knew if it made sense to continue. I always tried to get the interviewer to disclose the range for the position, but I usually had to go first.
That’s where knowing what you’re worth comes in. I always gave a higher number and hedged it with “this is of course dependent on the comprehensive benefits package and bonus structure”. That gives you room to move in either direction if needed on the actual offer negotiation.
That sucks. I’m about to start my search soon and I hate confrontations like this. On the plus-ish side, if I can at least make them go first, they are sure to throw out a number that’s more than I was making before.
Yea, I wish they would be more transparent. I tend to come in high on purpose but had a screening interview today (before I got the offer) where I said X and the HR recruiter said “fantastic, we are looking at from X to X+10K. I would have left 10K sitting there if that went further.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes and congratulations. I’m looking forward to a new start … and to some propofol tomorrow.
The problem with propofol is that if you take too much you’ll die, then HBO will make a documentary how you molested children.
Versed it is then.
My wife has banned MJ since watching that.
We did advertising work for a machine that dispensed Propofol, then the MJ thing happened and it all went away.
Damn, dude! Congratulations! Savor it because it is well earned!
I’ve got to tell you that your story just lifted my spirits way the hell up. I’m currently in a situation where I hate my job, am not compensated nearly what I should be and have to work extra hard to cover for all of the grifting layabouts that have wormed their way into the company in the past few years. It may seem like an exaggeration, but I’m being completely honest in saying that you’re partially responsible for my motivation to either improve the situation or find something better. Thank you!
Thanks man, and I hope you find something soon. The Glibs’ comments on my vent back a few months ago were a major part of my motivation to start job searching. I had gotten too comfortable at my job and it helped shake me out of it.
We’re not too bad a bunch for such misanthropes. Good luck on improving it or getting out of there!
Congratulations! And good on you for not taking the counter offer. Best to move on when it gets to that point.
Question for TPTB: For some reason I no longer can see the “Unread post” or “hide shit” bar at the bottom of the page. Running tampermonkey and reasonable. When I go to Monocle (I really want Eyepiece!) it says “reinstall” instead of “install.” When I click it I just get the entire source code.
Anyone else? Or is it on my end?
I don’t speak jive.
‘S’mofo butter layin’ me to da’ BONE! Jackin’ me up… tight me!
Col’ gots to be! Sheeeeit!
Leg’er down and smack’em, yak’em
Just you.
There’s a link to Eyepiece somewhere in the menu at the top of the page (Resources, I think). Then you can open Tampermonkey and delete Monocle.
When I click it I just get the entire source code.
I’ve had that happen before. I uninsfalled tampermonkey and reinstalled it to fix the issue.
here’s the Eyepiece install link.
Hey RC
Re to your question about collecting in the minimalism thread. Collecting does fall under the brings joy category. In the netflix documentary a guy asks the mininalists about his book collection. They are all for it because it clearly brings him joy.
For me personally, board games are my collection item. I have about 25, but I have owned more. I sell ones that my wife and I don’t like or don’t get to the table very often. A few games I have for when my kids get older. So for me, a collection is ok, but it should still get a critical eye and be pared down every so often
Thanks for getting back. Collections are so non-utilitarian (unless you count the purely subjective rewards to the collector) that they seem orthogonal to the utilitarian flavor of minimalism.
My 75yo mom called me this morning. She fell last night and broke her arm. She lives with 2 of her sisters, so they took her to the ER, but today she needed me to take her to the doc and set up surgery. Natch, I drop everything and go. Just got home.
Helping her around and watching her try to fill out paperwork through the pain just makes me aware of her age and mortality. I don’t know what I’m going to do when she is gone.
Why didn’t they just do the surgery while she was in the hospital? If somebody comes in to the ED and needs surgery, you call the on-call surgeon, he gets his ass into the hospital, assesses, and does the surgery, bingo bango. Its odd to me that a hospital would discharge somebody who needs surgery. You don’t leave hospitals to get surgery, you go to hospitals to get surgery.
I don’t know. They wrapped it; didn’t even cast it. It didn’t make any sense to me.
Medicare reimbursement rates?
The docs get paid the same regardless of where they do the surgery. Now, a doc can make more money by doing surgery in an ambulatory surgery center that he owns an interest in (which they are supposed to disclose to their patients). But the hospital shouldn’t have let her be discharged if she needs surgery to fix what she came in for. Borderline, if not actual, EMTALA violation.
I’m no expert, but I would think that delaying surgery would not improve her outcomes. The reverse, if anything.
Emergency departments often send people home who need surgery. When my mom broke her wrist, they scheduled a follow up with an orthopedist.
Actually ran into our ED Director just now and asked her about this/ (She would be Q- Approved, BTW). She said it varies, but she had never heard of anyone being sent home with a fracture who needed followup without us setting and casting the fracture. Followups with orthopedists are pretty routine, and they may decide to do surgery after they see the patient. She said it would be odd to send a patient home if we already knew they needed surgery. If its an open fracture (bone is sticking out) and needs surgery, we would absolutely do the surgery and close the wound before we sent her home.
Pro-Tip (and I think I’ve warned you lot before) DO NOT GIS “OPEN FRACTURE”.
Closed nightstick ulna fracture, minimally displaced. They were not sure about surgery last night, I’m told.
In that case, I would have at least expected better immobilization before sending her home.
I’ve seen some nasty ones.
“Helping her around and watching her try to fill out paperwork through the pain just makes me aware of her age and mortality. I don’t know what I’m going to do when she is gone.”
Sorry to hear. But you’re going to do just fine. Because you have to. My mom just passed away in Jan, and I wound up in the hospital in a near death situation, basically the same week. Now my 28 year old daughter who had triple negative breast cancer, is suffering from chronic pancreatitis caused by the treatments. WTF? And I have to take my wife to the local breast care center tomorrow because she found a lump in her breast.
Life sucks, then we survive. For a while.
Oh, I’m so sorry, Hyp.
Jeebus. I call foul for piling on.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry to hear. I have the same thoughts about my parents, fortunately both are in good health at the moment. Good luck.
I’m her executor and we haven’t had The Talk yet. I dread it but it has to be done.
My dad is 89. He’s doing well physically, but he’s been slipping mentally for a number of years now. I worry about him because he forgets stuff so much.
Damn, I’m sorry Mojeaux
Waiting for Domino’s, drinking a Bigfoot Barleywine, stuck in Redding for one more day. This job is easy, but so much little b.s. things, it drives me nuts. I’ll start the travelogue tomorrow, including some local Beer for review, California is become a Shithole
/Sad face
First world problems, Yusef.
Every time I go back to visit the kids, it’s a little worse. Dirtier, more crowded, more derp.
The last time I was in California it was 1976. The damned place was heaven on earth. If you had told me then that the proggies would turn the place into a shithole I would called you a bullshit artist. How wrong I would have been.
Damn, Metro Exodus. Sort of unbalanced as my current situation calls for a nice sniper rifle with a scope instead of a fully auto. Although I did mange to kill someone with a single headshot just now at about 50 yards or so. Or maybe I still suck…
This couple feels average on half million dollar a year combined income.
Links to Iowahawk’s thread on the subject, but… $800 a month in clothing? That’s the only item that makes sense to me, and it makes absolutely no sense to me. That’s what you call average?! I may have spent eight hundred dollars on clothing in the last decade, and that not some low-key humble brag, I buy my jeans thrift! Routinely! Why spend retail price when I blow out knees on the regular? Granted, I’m not a family of four, but… Eight hundred a month?!
God… damn… reply bug.
I’m your huckleberry.
I’ve spent $1000+ in a month after buying a nice pair of shoes, two made-to-measure dress shirts, and a made-to-measure suit, but I have a hard time envisioning $800 a month on a regular basis. I mean, if I had it I could definitely do it for a few months, maybe even a year, but eventually you just run out of shit to buy.
Why spend retail price when I blow out knees on the regular?
I assume you can write them off as a business expense.
“Why spend retail price when I blow out knees on the regular?”
Err, um, something, something, less time on your knees, something.
I am trying to catch up. What’s with the Smollet case? Didn’t the guy do an extended interview on national television…CNN?…where he laid out the event in detail including two white guys wearing MAGA hats, bleaching and roping him and saying racist things? Words out of his own mouth on video, right?
Now his lawyer tells a story 180 degrees from that and insists he was telling the truth all along. What the fuck?
10K is chump change. They aren’t letting him off for that. Is this supposed to be some kind of distraction from the Mueller report? I knew they would try to pretend the collusion hoax never happened but this is pretty weak tea.
“What’s with the Smollet case?”
Doesn’t look like it’s what is with. It’s what is ‘horizontal’.
They aren’t letting him off for that.
Yeah, they actually are. Not only that, but if they are to be believed they are actually going to expunge a grand jury indictment from his record, which I didn’t even think was possible.
Apparently, doing one hour of “community service” at Rainbow Push for each felony count was enough.
That piece of shit would have been happy to let some unfortunate bystander take the rap for his supposed lynching. It was just unfortunate for him that the only two people who could testify against him were there ones that got picked up.
He should be serving the minimum term for whatever his assailants would have been convicted on if it were true.
Is this supposed to be some kind of distraction from the Mueller report?
I don’t know if it was intended to be, but it sure is serving that purpose.
I believe in that interview he stated that they weren’t wearing MAGA hats but merely claimed they yelled “MAGA Country”. Apparently he didn’t explicitly claim that white people attacked him but certainly implied it with his remarks about his skeptics.
So what’s Smollett’s story now? That the two brothers are innocent or that they did attack him but not with his knowledge? If the latter then what could be their motivation and why did he not recognize them?
As for the two brothers being labeled Nigerians I believe it was a combination of the fact that the original reports of the police raid on their home described them as being of “Nigerian descent” along with them coming back from Nigeria is what caused that along with the obvious joke about Nigerian prince scams.
Because, Chicago.
The Cooks County AG tried to get the FBI to take over the investigation, at the behest of a friend of the Smollet family, who happened to work for Michelle O in the WH. She then recuses herself.
Six weeks later, when they’re about to nail him to the wall, a deal gets cut. He did 16 hours of “community service” for Jesse Jackson before he ever went to trial, he forfeited the 10K he paid for bail, and the case is dropped and records are sealed.
Because, Chicago.
If Smollett winds up dead, it will just be the icing on the cake.
Does he have dirt on the Clinton’s?
Is this supposed to be some kind of distraction from the Mueller report?
The speculation currently seeping its way in from the outer fringe is that it was a distraction from collusion involving Kamala Harris’ anti-lynching bill. At any other point in history this kind of thing would be dismissed as paranoid tin-foil-hattery, but it’s actually becoming more believable by the minute. I have a feeling that this week is going to end…magnificently.
“New Zealand isn’t just BANNING the shooter’s manifesto. They’re SELLING it.”
Freest country in the world!
Here’s a pic from the inside of Glibertarians.com HQ:

You call that a volcano lair?
Black Couch? White Nationalists Confirmed!
/WordPress head office
Where are the coke-snorting gay Mexicans getting abortions?
Is that the casting couch?
“we’re casting for the role of ‘Female Libertarian’ – I know, stop laughing”
I am so happy that you are the one who recognized it.
Not big enough for Darryl F. Zanuck.
SCP 111-J
It’s hard to forget.
Friction burns?
The rest of us are far too prim to mention it.
No stains, looks like it’s never been used.
Yep, that’s it.
There’s a pressure washer just out of the frame.
Asking for a friend?
That’s a lot more clean and orderly than I expected. I don’t even see any stains of questionable origin.
Black faux leather. A swish of Nature’s Miracle and all is well.
I was actually thinking more about the walls. That is Glibs hq.
Official anthem
Those blinds are tacky though.
How many times do we have to tell you not to leave your Fleshlight on the table. Did you put a side handle on that. Come on man.
I don’t see any potted plants in there, my Weinstein is sad.
I’m confused where you got the picture of my home office from. Did I leave my webcam running?
I see McConnell brought the Green New Deal to the Senate floor.
43 Democrats voted present. 53 Repubs and 4 Dems, including Sinema, voted against it.
Not a single vote in favor. Not one. I think we can stop talking about it now.
They need to do this a lot more often. Take out the trash, so to speak.
So Ed Markey didn’t even vote for his own proposal?
I assume the Dems will go full ancap in 2020 then?
Is Market as dumb as he appears to be?
Is there any motion by which they can recommend the House take it up?
Where the same organization that approved a resolution against “white supremacists” will complain that it’s frivolous trolling.
/something something best of times
What I love about this is that if McConnell didn’t do this then the progs would have spent the next 2 years pilloring him for not brining it to a vote.
I don’t like McConnell much either, but that is fucking epic. I can say one thing though, regarding the guy. That time in the recent past when he got attacked in a restaurant in VA by unhinged progs, I really wanted to be there, so I could help beat the fucking shit out of the attackers. You do not attack a senior citizen like that, fuckheads, unless you want to get your well deserved ass kicking.
Good, I’ll have you on speed dial, just in case
I can’t stand The Turtle but I have to admit he pulled off a good one here.
Good on Mr. Leghorn. Can’t wait to hear the House freshmen Dems weep and moan about how it’s Cocaine Mitch’s fault America won’t approve the GND.
That’s a surprise from Sinema.
She’s just jealous of AOC.
Shouldn’t be. I’d let Sinema ride me all night long.
She’s quite good-looking in person. She looks a trifle pudgy on camera, but is quite trim in person.
She looks like she’s into black guys.
I think I’m 1/1024th. That counts, right?
You’re more Black than Warren is Native American so I think that’s good enough in my book.
And gals.
Cameras add 10 lbs.
Senator Thicc!
Nicely done.
Senator Stripper Shoes has been a bit of a surprise so far.
Our porniest senator. She looks like she stepped out of a Brazzers video. I mean, if I knew what that was.
It’d be nice if she wasn’t the rediculous prog I expect her to be.
Damn, my legs are sore today. WTF? I did drink a lot yesterday, but why would that make my legs sore? It’s only in the front muscle. I told my wife it’s from eating so much pussy last night, lol. Not sure if true or not, could be.
I hope it was hers, otherwise it’s not just your legs that are going to hurt
LOL, of course it was, or I’m sure I wouldn’t be telling her about it…
Fuck that smug, lying douche Smollet.
This whole thing screams of political bribe.
Just blatant lying and influence peddling. Even Emmenual is pissed.
That’s only because he didn’t get a cut.
“He paid $10K and got out? What is this chickenshit?! This is Chicago, a world-class city! Can’t you people do proper shakedown?!”
He somehow has connections to the Light Bringer Obama. He is next to royalty therefore immune. Even the $10K was just symbolic.
So within the last few days we have confirmed that:
1) The deep state is real and will try to destroy any outsider
2) The MSM will try to destroy any non-lefty and not even blink when they are exposed
3) If you have money and the right politics, you can pay your way out of multiple felonies
4) The EU is completely unaccountable
5) the Internet may soon be subject to the type of oppressive controls that Orwell would have come up with if he had been able to conceptualize the internet.
Nothing I didn’t know, but seeing it all in the last few days all at once is disheartening. Any optimist out there want to cheer me up?
American apathy will see us through.
And if you have the right connections like Jessie Smollett, you are above the law. Those laws are for commoners.
Avenatti just read the story from his cell. “So you’re saying I have a chance?”
White male that is accused of domestic violence. I think the Democrats will let him fall.
Are you kidding, Avenatti fucked things up for the Dems during the Kavanaugh debacle. He’s toast.
Yeah, he’s toast. Still, when you’ve got someone like Smollett dead to rights and he gets off, it makes you wonder.
You know what bothers me the most? All these things were done so incredibly blatantly. The people in power know they will never be held to account and don’t even bother hiding it any more. With 0 evidence, the Russian narrative was used to undermine Trump and the MSM helped every step of the way. Smollett isn’t even hiding he just bribed his way out of jail. The EU completely ignored any input and just passed these laws without anything representing democracy (not that democracy is inherently good, but it is at least something). The laws don’t even hide that they want to crush anything but large corporations and centralize the spread of information into only a few hands making it easier to control.
And all of it done without any pretense.
Fuck I need a drink.
Just saw the news and my gut feeling was that the prosecutors saw how much fun the shitlords were having mocking Smollett and his supporters so they gave them all a the middle finger by dropping the charges.
The Proscecutor is buddies with Harris and the Obamas. It’s straight up Banana Repubic shit.
They left Rahm out in the cold? Or is he feigning outrage too? This is so crazy that it’s hard to wrap your head around.
It sounds like the corrupt state assholes against the corrupt city assholes.
It’s amazing how prevalent that is, even when the state grandee and the city grandee are party-mates. Like Cuomo and Deblasio hating each other guts while simultaneously trying to out-left each other. Just shows they’re really nothing more than gang members protecting their turf.
I think Cuomo and Deblasio should be locked together in a cage, each with a titanium spork taped in a closed fist, and not let out until one of them is dead.
I wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer
400 Quatloos?
Man, they should really switch to the Orlock.
/benefits seem top-notch
This was surprising: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2019/03/john-boch/illinois-circuit-judge-rules-foid-card-unconstitutional-attorney-general-reportedly-appealing-to-il-supreme-court/
Not all of Illinois is proggy land.
If you have money and the right politics, you can pay your way out of multiple felonies with a surprisingly modest sum
Something…Something…Weed, Mexicans, Ass-Sex, and….moments….
Weld and Sarwack say otherwise
But who gives a fuck?
Those at cocktail parties?
Well, like I said in an earlier post, this might be what burning it all down looks like at the beginning. So, maybe in twenty years we look back on the first Trump term as the period in time where the masks came off and the lines in the sand were finally drawn.
“Cardi B says she used to ask men, “Oh yeah, you want to f**k me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s go back to this hotel,” then drug and rob them. Cardi’s confession started #SurvivingCardiB: ”
“#SurvivingCardiB Spreads Online After Rapper Claims She Used to Drug and Rob Men
People on social media tried coming for Cardi B following her impassioned speech on Instagram Live where she revealed that she used to drug and rob men when she was a stripper. “I had to go strip, I had to go, ‘Oh yeah, you want to f*ck me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s go back to this hotel,’ and I drugged n***as up, and I robbed them. That’s what I used to do.””
The entertainment industry always attracts the best people.
What a lovely lady.
She was just looking out for the guys by not letting them stick it in crazy.
Good point, it’s a very effective method of self-selection.
I fully expect CardiB to be found dead in a gutter in a decade. You can take the rat out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the rat and all that.
Kudos to her for coming forward to admit it. Much brave, very honor.
I was propositioned by a stripper during a batchelor party years ago for a little after hours fun. I negotiated the price down, then told her I needed to be paid up front. It took her a moment to figure out what was going on.
I don’t always agree with Allen West but I find little in this I can disagree with:
-lots and lots of Coptic Christians
Yeah, he’s a good guy in general. GatesofVienna was all in for him a few years ago. Not sure why he lost his re-election campaign – wasn’t really following counter-jihad stuff by that time.
The fact I had to confirm to myself that that was satire shows the state of our culture. Onion has a sad.
Mike Lee makes the case against the Green New Deal, with Raptors and Tauntauns!
For a Senate critter, that’s actually pretty damn funny. I especially love that the aide looks like she spent the entire previous evening practicing biting her tongue.
For someone as buttoned up and straight laced as Mike Lee, that was pretty damned funny.
OK, that was funnier than I thought it would be. AOC has no recourse but to call in Kermit the Frog for the rebuttal.
“Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party don’t believe we have to address climate change, the major crisis facing this planet. That is a disgrace. We need a Green New Deal that says we are going to boldly confront climate change and create millions of jobs in the process.”
Then why didn’t you vote for it?
I can’t wait until Uncle Bernie retires, miraculously gets primaried, or becomes irrelevant. That hack can’t leave any sooner.
With how many positions Sanders has changed in the past 5 years, I find it hilarious how many people think “Bernie Can’t Be Bought!”
Somebody got their money’s worth out of him…
I’m having a hard time keeping track of what’s already been posted here about the Smolett case, so much sorries for any redundancy. The nervousness expressed here is fucking amazing.
“…sweeet home, Chicagooo”
But wait, there’s more!
Oh how I wish she would get proscecuted and disbarred for this.
I’m flabbergasted by how brazen and inept this whole thing is. It’s actually kind of scary, because I have this weird suspicion that the identity politics grifters that have been howling for decades might now be doing this stupid shit deliberately to put the results of their efforts to the test. It’s as if they’ve laid the groundwork and are now trying to see what level of completely asinine bullshit they can steamroll through before the public eye without anyone lifting a finger to oppose them because they’re afraid. Either some rational, sound minded adults will finally step in and put a halt to this, or we’re in for a very uncertain future.
I mean, seriously, who will stand up to this? Will the FBI who just spent two fucking years chasing ghosts in a concerted effort to bring down a sitting president step in? Will the Justice Department? What about our hard working and totally impartial national media? Something like this – as idiotic as it is right now – could very well set a dangerous precedent.
The FBI? Are you serious? Read up on Harvey, Illinois. The town who’s mayor is so corrupt the FBI started investigating him and then helped fund his reelection campaign so they could keep on investigating.
People keep saying
“Chicago. This is how it works”.
But this is the first time I’ve ever been paying attention. And wow, just wow.
I’m not seeing anything that couldn’t happen anywhere in America today, TBH.
Big City cynicism? This could not happen in the majority of this country. Not on this scale.
But this isn’t how it works! It never has been! Shady deals like this were always made under cover of the night and away from prying eyes. The old adage about this being how things work around here has always been told with the exasperated sense that we never really got to see it actually happening. Everyone just had a hunch, and a hunch sadly could never be prosecuted. This is pretty much the polar opposite of that.
You don’t need to hide when nobody’s looking.
It might not bother me so much if Smollett isn’t claiming he is completely vindicated and has been completely truthful despite his lawyer’s account differing from any story he has told. I’ve heard he is thinking of suing the Nigerian brothers.
16 fucking community service hours for 16 fucking felonies.
Welcome to elite privilege.
I get that Smollett isn’t necessarily liked around here, but how do you get 16 felonies out of making a false police report? Isn’t that kind of overcharging usually frowned upon by libertarians?
I count maybe three or four. I don’t know where NaE got sixteen.
Sidebar: Ranking Roger dead from cancer at 56. Damn. RIP
Full stop.
That sucks. Way too young.
At the height of his powers
Soundtrack to my teenage years
So great.
And then it rolls right into Planet Claire. It really is like I’m a sophomore in high school again.
Pretty cool video:
Love it
…and even more!
Jussie Smollett Put in 2 Days Community Service With Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Nice thread here:
“”I do not believe he is innocent,” says First Assistant Cook County State Attorney Joseph Magats. The reporter asks then why the charges were dropped:”
That looks like a guy who’s pissed he’s being forced to talk nonsense because his higher-ups told him to, for political reasons.
Oldest is out for sprung break and the OBE household is complete. Makes for fun times.
I briefly read that as “Order of the British Empire”, btw.
If a person has the title of “Lord” and is an OBE, would that make them an…..Earlobe ?
Kudos to whoever was talking up the High West Double Rye (I think there were multiple Glibs).
It’s lovely.
Next you need to try the Rendezvous Rye. Even better.
You’re Jussie sitting at home and sipping a cocktail. You just got away with a nasty little hoax despite everybody knowing it was a hoax. Do you take some time to reflect on this and vow to be a better person or do you get the feeling that you’re invincible?
It’s BS that he gotta away with this, but you can bet that he’s going to do something in the future that can’t be waved away so easily.
Feds haven’t punched out yet – that’s still hanging over his head. He should be concerned.
He should be, but he just dodged one bullet and probably thinks he’s untouchable.
They gain nothing by prosecuting him, and stand to lose a lot of social standing if they do.
The Feds can lose “social standing”?
Sure, look at Comey or Mueller.
If that thing where he tried to throw his brother under the bus is any indication, I doubt he’s going to be doing any “reflecting”.
You’re right. I’m talking about how you’d react if you got away with something and you knew you were wrong.
I’m getting strong vibes of “sociopath” from this one.
I’m getting strong vibes of “Guest shot on at least one of those new Obama-produced Netflix shows.”
I like to believe in the better elements of of human nature, but for this case I’m betting on the latter. This is absolutely disgusting.
And look who is starting to make an appearance outside my window.
Sakura represent!
My wife did the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in DC last year – totally beautiful. I hadn’t realized until then that the cherry trees were a gift from Japan.
In full bloom no less. Nice. I love walking down the street when the petals are falling like a Roman tribute.
I had a good shot down the tunnel of blooming trees, not sure what happened to that.
These euphemisms are getting positively aesthetic.
And we gave them dogwoods. I think the US got the better of that.
that beige building on the L looks ill af
Condos. Probably run close to half a million dollars for a two bedroom. You pay through the nose to be next to a popular station.
So you’re saying they’re affordable?
(Somerville prices, man)
Nice cherry blossoms. We’re still stuck with dead trees here until at least Golden Week.
The plum trees should bloom before that. Those are more beautiful IMO.
They’re real beauties too, can’t wait for them.
You need 999 more.
Not falling for that “let a thousand flowers bloom” trick again.
You have 999 problems…
? Neunhundertneunundneunzig Luftballons ?
You monster! Now that’s stuck in my head @ 11 pm
Down, down to hell; and say I sent thee thither:
I, that have neither pity, love, nor fear.
I remember listening with bated breath to hear Casey Kasem reveal whether America that week had decided to prefer the English or the German version.
I scoff at your scoffing.
It’s like the great Falco / After The Fire debate. (Falco, obvs – though Vienna Calling is where it’s at
What’s the name in English letters?
I should plant some here at casa trashy. Unfortunately the oaks and hickories would shade them out. Oh well, I’ll have to see them downtown instead.
Everything here is budding out. I sprayed weeds and put down pre-emergent today. I’ll probably do the first mow this weekend.
No allergies? If so, I saw this ad on the train and her expression made me laugh. Love that they do this kind of stuff.
Smile while you flush your sinuses, and then drink yourself silly all night. It’s definitely a different culture. There are some aspects of Japanese culture I would definitely like to experience.
I sneeze and pour drops in my eyes pretty much year round.
Luckily, I rarely get it. Had allergies really bad for one spring about 10 years ago, but never had any symptoms since then. Weird.
I really didn’t have allergies until we moved here. I’m still much better off than friends of mine that have to get shots every year.
I’ve tried the nasal rinse before and I think it helped a bit. But the process just made me shake my head and decide it wasn’t worth it.
Plus, the brain amoebas
I can see maybe half the yard.
Which one of you posted this?
Dudes (and the mythical dudettes),
The world lost a free spirit, an artist, a traveler, a surfer-girl, an adventurer, and a dear, dear fried this weekend. RIP, St. John, you were one great, great broad.
I am sorry to hear of your loss, Hobbit.
I am so sorry, Hobbit.
“Fried”? Crap.
This is a gal who worked at “The Great American Bush Company”, a strip bar in Alaska. She fought cancer for 8 years.
I love everything about that sentence. Fuck cancer.
Fuck cancer. Thanks to all for the thoughts.
Our visits always seemed to help her. We were planning on visiting one week from today. It will be a sad reunion with her husband, instead.
Sorry, Hobbit. It sucks to lose someone close.
Sorry for your loss BH.
There used to be a Great Alaska Bush Company strip club nearby, but not in Alaska. Wonder if it’s still there.
Sorry, Hobbit.
Thank you.
Her fight reminds me that if you fight the devil then grab him by the fucking throat and don’t let go. All in or bail out.
Fuck Cancer in the neck.
Sorry for the loss Hobbit. Have a drink and tell everyone all the great stories you can about her. She sounds great.
I was curious who was getting into the cat food. It isn’t a fully tamper proof container and we have been finding it opened and on its side the past week, much to the cats’ enjoyment.
One of the cats is smart and strong enough to do it, but the obvious first suspect is the trash panda. However, I’ve never actually seen one around here. Not to say that they aren’t here, but the neighbors leave their dogs out at night, so we don’t really get many furry woodland creatures running that gauntlet.
Well, the food container went thump at its normal time, and sure enough, the tell tale beady eyes and fuzzy cheeks of a ‘coon were staring back at me through the window. Dumbass dog was snoozing less than 2 feet from where it was peering into the house.
I don’t know why I’m telling this story, except to say that I’m glad the idiot neighbor dogs haven’t scared off all of the wildlife.
You keep your cats’ food outside…?
Until 10 minutes ago, yes. Technically it was inside the carport, fwiw
To be fair, it took the raccoon 6 months to find it.
“inside” the carport LOL
Yeah, take that shit indoors.
Time to make a Davey Crockett hat.
Raccoons won’t let go of something once they have, that’s the easiest way to trap them. To this I end I had a raccoon find something it wanted in a tree hallow at the end of my driveway about ten years ago. The carcass hung there for over year, a testament to greed. *Theme song for libertarian fairy tales rises*
The trash pandas are motivated and clever
Pretty sure it’s racist to call ’em “coons”…
I’m in a dead pool elsewhere so I scan the Wikipedia current deaths page from time to time to see if my picks turn up. Sometimes come up with some uhm interesting people there like Master Fatman, a Dutch comedian and filmmaker.
“Cook County clerk’s office tells @ABC they were shocked that no written motions were filed with the court in connection with today’s surprising dismissal in the Smollett case. On top of that, the case has been wiped off their database as if it never existed.”
Well that would imply a two tiered justice system and that possibly cant be
And one *DUN DUN DUN* not based on race!
Some good comments about where is my privledge…lol
I really, _really_, hope this turns into one of the “it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up” situations.
The local DA reused herself. What prosecutor dismissed the case?
What case? The case that doesn’t exist?
Some generic turn of the century rock, but it’s good.
Late night Shitlordiness. Elijah Craig Barrel Proof and crackers slathered with duck rilettes. Time to fall asleep in the recliner.
Sweet dreams, Spud. You’re a mensch.
Good night rich grandpa I wish I had!
I’m trying to do a new feature, but by G*D if I don’t get too caught up in technical details no one but me will notice. I’m far from a perfectionist, but I have some standards!
Soooo…. back to arguing with the management company over the city’s inspection. Larry, the assistant manager, said something to the effect that the courts are all about health and safety, not so much about 4th amendment. Took me 30 seconds on the google to prove him wrong. Any lawyers licensed in Colorado want a slam dunk civil rights lawsuit?
I’m not a lawyer, but I could make a funny cartoon? Does that help?
Sure. I’ll post it on my door so the cops know why they’re not getting in without a warrant/ shootout.
At least you’ll die laughing, more gracious than most will exit this life.
BTW, the lawsuit wouldn’t be against the PMC, hopefully could enlist them as co-whatevers. I want to sue the city of Aurora, CO., to cease and desist any further searches without tenant permission unless they have a warrant.
Would you re-explain the issue? For those of us that can’t keep shit straight, please?
The city of Aurora has a mandatory rental unit inspection, for the purposes of health and safety. The management company for the apartment I live in gave notice, I complied for convenience instead of asserting my 4th amendment rights, the city found broken window, etc, that did not exist, management company tries to make me pay for imaginary broken window, i finally get them to admit no such window exists, I’m still fighting them over fees, google says many other cities forced to modify similiar programs, mandatory rental inspections violate 4th amendment, armed and uniformed police inspecting every single rental unit in city without tenant approval/ warrant.
Google “mandatory rental inspections”
Daaaamn. Yeah, I hope you can sue the ever-lovin’ shit out of them.
Fuckin’ lying, thieving shits.
Another poppy song from a band I thought would have some harder songs when I got the album, damn was I wrong.
I’m late tonight. What did I miss Sir Digby?
Me, just getting done reading through the comments.
Why the FUC* does everyone post earlier, instead of waiting til I show up?
I mean, not you and CPRM, of course–you guys rock.
*in rhythm*
Early to bed and early to rise makes trashy less likely to murder a guy
^^ totally not true. I’m not a morning person in the slightest, but I’m forced to be one.
I’m in a similar boat. My natural sleep cycle would not have me up this early.
BLAH BLAH BLAH! Shut yer cake-hole Yoko!!
“In general, nationally, most Americans are vaccinated and it is the pockets of individuals that are unvaccinated,” she said. Sounds like a self correcting problem, and I suspect that Mr. Darwin would agree.
I’m sure Bender would help with the “correcting”, if he’s offered the opportunity.
Why would I want to expand the effort, when lazy humans will do it for me?
I want to quibble on whether or not they are ‘lazy’, but, the math does check out.
So…because I like entertaining anyone who happens to be around, allow me to offer up yet another delightful YT video, regarding reddit Q and A threads:
It’s awesome
Yay! I’m not the only Glib up too early (or too late??)
Hey! It’s the fierce woman!
My employer, with whom I will have a one year anniversary April 2, (after 17 years working for their competitor) is undergoing a reorganization.
I was a bit trepidatious because I didn’t know who my next manager would be, among other uncertainties. But I met with the guy today and it went extremely well. Too well. Enough that he wants me in a higher leadership position now. I’m supposed to be thinking about it but honestly I want to stay with my band of carefully selected merry men who do their damn jobs and have a little fun doing it.
Ugh. I know they need me, but what to do? I’m 70/30 against.
If that is your gut instinct, you should probably go with it. Plus, you have the reasoning of the changes taking place-“I would prefer to let things settle down before possibly taking on something more than what I have now”.
Yeah, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
So apparently, the great nation of Romania uses (used) the old UK DPM pattern for their soldier’s BDUs. I just scored 12 pair of pants (6 woodland pattern, 6 desert pattern) for $5 the pair + surprisingly reasonable shipping off of eBay. Now I really want to go to Romania and drink that plum hooch that Pie has written of and buy a bunch of mil surplus.
Careful, the EU is a dangerous place.