Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except those who were brainwashed by the mainstream corporate media into believing that the President of the United States conspired with a foreign power to win the presidency. The fall out continues apace with many asking how the hell could so many in the media been so dangerously wrong and/ or such lying scumbags. Alex Jones created less damage with the Sandy Hook conspiracies that he propagated years ago and has apologized for a thousand times over and yet he has been banned from polite society while these shitstains are still thrust upon us as being our betters.
The only ones apologizing are the ones who least need to. Sharyl, you’re a rare genuinely real journalist, no need to apologize.
Anyone skeptical and willing to provide an opposing viewpoint to the hoax was banned from CNN and MSNBC.
Meanwhile those who should be begging for forgiveness from the public are writing the typical “Republicans/conservatives pounce” type stories without an ounce of shame.
Trump still finding money for his wall.
This whole case is bizarre. More on it from Cernovich who originally filed the suit to unseal the documents.
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Morning, Banjos.
Scott Adams made a great point. Watch how the media reacts in the next couple of weeks. If they bring on pundit after pundit justifying their believing in COLLUSION!! bullshit, they can be
dismissed. If they bring on psychologists (psychiatrists) to explain why they and others fell for for it and promoted it for 2+ years, then at least they’re onto something semi-honest.
Though I don’t think self reflection is a priority with them.
Also, although I’m not a Glenn Greenwald fan, he is absolutely wrecking people on the twitter thing
Oops sorry threading fail.
I don’t believe you.
Just trust me and walk away, and there will be an end to the threading horror
Come on, they never back down and never apologize. They will triple down or ignore it and focus on the SD of NY.
From what I have seen, the journos – and for that matter several democrat pols too – have colluded to triple down on the narrative, even if this will be the final nail in their coffin.
111) Let’s say there was a murder, and the police have a body and a murder weapon. They suspect a certain person committed the murder, but that person is an important man in the area. While he doesn’t actually intimidate witnesses or stop the investigation, he does make public pronouncements denigrating the way the investigation is being run, suggest that people who cooperate with the detectives are traitors, and generally impede the whole process. Eventually, the police find evidence that exonerates the man, yet because his behavior has cost the investigation valuable time and resources, the actual murderer will never be caught. The local DA decides to charge the important man with obstruction of justice. Makes sense in this case, right?
Now let’s say that this same murder investigation takes place, only this time the police don’t have a body or murder weapon. In fact, it’s really a missing person investigation, but there are rumors it was a murder and that the local bigwig committed it, or ordered others to. A lot of people suspect the bigwig did it, in any case, and his behavior here is the same as well, impeding the investigation. Only this time, the police find the “murder” victim—it turns out he was alive the whole time and just living incognito. Wouldn’t it be silly in this case for the DA to charge the bigwig with obstruction of justice? The man here wasn’t trying to cover anything up, he was defending himself in the public arena against charges he knew were false. I mean, wouldn’t an obstruction of justice charge be thrown out of court in about two seconds—obstruction of what justice? There was no crime in the first place!
Not that this applies to any real world situation, of course….
You left out the third hypothetical where it’s conducted as a murder investigation for the slaying of a person no one can prove even existed and who eventually turns out to not have ever existed, but they go and charge the bigwig with obstruction anyway.
yeah, and the prosecutors are a member of the opposing team with massive butthurt that their chosen one didn’t win. You know the way banana republics have “elections”
No need for a hypothetical, though I realize why you made it. What the media did with Muh Russia makes any analogy look meaningless.
I see what you mean–it’s self-evident how ridiculous this is. I just like taking one-time things like the Russia investigation and putting it in the context of something that occurs more frequently, to see if the conclusions people reach still make sense.
It was not just the media, I remind all. Members of the democratic party, for obvious reasons, kept selling this lie as well. The need to try and hide the corruption and downright criminal activities of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign became so paramount, that they were willing to take the cruise on this obviously sinking ship hoping it would reach the other shore first (they would “get orange man” and then have the deep state end all the activity that would show how corrupt the Obama admin was and how dangerous to a democracy the weaponized deep state he created for Hillary had become).
This is true. Team Blue had sitting congress critters claim that they had absolute proof of collusion. Weasel way to hide behind the amorphous “collusion”.
An auspicious number as it’s also seven in binary. Hi, JATNAS.
“Wouldn’t it be silly in this case for the DA to charge the bigwig with obstruction of justice?”
If the charges were filed after it turned out there was no actual crime, yes it would be clear prosecutorial vindictiveness and might be one of those rare cases where the prosecutor actually faced consequences.
OTOH, if the charges were filed beforehand then it could be a legitimate prosecutorial tool. I’m really uncomfortable with these “obstruction” charges as they are just another of the many unfair advantages which the state wields against its citizens.
The real solution is to roll back immunity of government employees.
“rare cases where the prosecutor actually faced consequences.”
SCOTUS and the courts have given prosecutors Absolute Immunity. They will never be held accountable.
Hi Tonio!
“The real solution is to roll back immunity of government employees.”
I am totally with you on this Tonio, but I am wondering if it is not already too late for this to matter based on the behavior of the criminal state agents and the media.
Nope. An innocent man is just as free to opine on the motivations/heritage of his tormentors as an uncharged/unsuspected one is.
“Makes sense in this case, right?”
No. Being mouthy and uncooperative is not obstruction, as you have every right to do so. Obstruction requires a wrongful act that interferes with the investigation.
look, let me make this real simple for you…..
Did he confess to his crimes in colluding with the Russians?
No, he did not.
Did he resign from office and name Hillary as the rightful winner of the election?
No, he did not.
QED. Case closed. Obstruction of justice, right in your face!
Q. E. D.
No, no it does not. Absent direct intimidation or bribing of witnesses/investigators there is no obstruction of justice. His freedom of speech supersedes your investigation and making general claims about said investigation and those carrying it out or cooperating with it is not a crime. Well ok, should not be a crime, it certainly can be defined as such under a might makes right paradigm.
It’s bullshit in both cases. You have the right to remain silent. It’s not a requirement.
Odds on the creepy porn lawyer going to prison for one of his indictments? He’s facing charges on both coasts.
He’s facing charges on both coasts.
Then the only solution is to flee to the hinterlands.
Women made sick by breast implants, demand FDA action
That makes sense. Breast implants make me sick and I don’t even have any.
They’re lucky they didn’t end up tits up
You said a mouthful.
You guys…
Not really your areola, is it?
I was, and am still to some extent, a boob man. But it’s way more aesthetic than sexual for me these days. I sometimes go to Q’s links but as much for spot-the-implant as for envisioning motorboating.
Huh. I go more to spot the naturals. It’s more challenging!
Some of those boob jobs leave me with bad mammaries.
Yeah, those guys.
*narrows gaze*
A question that you might be able to answer, Swiss (also, any of the gun guys might also be able to know).
I picked up an M9. It’s a sexy, sexy bitch. But why is there/what is the purpose of that external trigger linkage (operating rod?) Did that cause any grief in the field wrt sand? In my case, it makes the gun less-than-ideal for southpaw shooting.
The need to nipple this in the bud!
An incisive comment, to be sure.
Did the FDA ignore mounds of evidence?
They’re looking to rack up the cash
Mornin’ y’all.
So you’re saying y’all want the sweet tea?
My first experience with that nasty concoction was in NC. I innocently ordered an iced tea and damn near spit out my first sip. The dudes I was with thought it was hilarious.
Seriously, how do You People drink that shit?
You People? It tastes like type 2 diabetes.
You People?
Yeah, the tea-syrup drinkers! Not us refined individuals.
I had the same NC experience. That stuff is vile.
No southern hospitality for you!
(But I don’t drink it. I only add lemon to tea.)
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will put the Green New Deal to a vote on Tuesday ”
Hahaha. Awesome. Let’s see who’s serious about the insanity.
In a plan that really backfired the GOP and Dems pass with bipartisan support the Green New Deal, and it was immediately signed by Trump.
At least then we know it’s time to go.
I think there might be a sweet spot for a few years before you slip through the Boundary Waters to Canada. I plan on cashing in on some of that “I don’t feel like working” loot before I leave.
I think lead mining was the traditional job given to those that didn’t want to work in communist Utopias.
I heard some of them were also made to eat radioactive waste…
Yeah, but so far you haven’t told me anything that would be worse than living in Canada and having to slave away for Rufus in his salt & vinegar mine.
They’ll put you to work in the kitchens. Imagine spending all day, every day, being forced to prepare poutine for the masses.
40+ Democrats can’t make the vote because in their home state
having an unfortunate boating accident where all their guns fell overboardmeeting with constitutents, or vote “present”Yesterday I read a guardian article about Democrats not backing down after Mueller. Of course they had the audacity to say that the president and his supporters “falsely claimed” that Mueller gave him a full exoneration.
I live in progville. It’s hilarious how oppressive it is and how enlightened they say they are.
And the Israel vs Muslim vs LGTBQIA+ vs feminists rifts are just warming up. Sweet sweet schadenfreud.
Let’s see:
Claim – Trump colluded with Russia to rig election
Investigation – there is no evidence that this ever happened
Sounds like exoneration to me.
Did Mueller explicitly say there was nothing in those tax returns?
No…. so don’t be so quick to toss around the e-word. Just wait until the committee gets those tax returns. They we’ll have him. Because we will be able to subpoena all of his business records. And all of his emails..
Oooh… yeah. Emails! And if he destroyed even one, then that’s evidence tampering an a coverup!
Don’t worry….. he’s gonna get his… just you wait!
(this parody paid for by the committee to keep doing stupid things in order to unintentionally make sure that Trump gets re-elected)
Roger Waters, commie stooge and world-class jackass.
Man, is he still around? I wish he wasn’t here.
*golf clap*
Waters was always an asshole. Gilmore should have clubbed him with his guitar back in the 70’s.
Someone should do a sequel to Animals, ripping the shit out of Roger Waters.
I have the song titles ready to go:
Work on some lyrics and publish them here.
Still comfortably dumb as a brick
Just another prick in the wall.
Be careful with that sickle Eugene.
Turns out Syd Barrett was the sane one.
these shitstains are still thrust upon us as being our betters.
Speaking of, in between politely raising his middle fingers to would-be censors Tucker Carlson is politely trolling Brian Stelter and CNN. I must say I approve.
The eunuch insult is a nasty one to deal with for Stelter. It’s funny and accurate, but he can’t respond to it without either (a looking like a eunuch or (b offending the tranny tyrants.
A eunuch’s life is hard.
… and pointless.
Not a Terry Gilliam fan, eh Straffin?
I have a blindspot in regards to references that encompasses all of Breaking Bad and GoT. Someday I fill those in.
Oh, Straffin…
Life is the only thing that is hard for a eunuch however
The ads on that gave me cancer
Take one of these.
Oooh! Oooh! Me too!
I keep waiting for Glibertarians to sign up for the Brave Bucks thing or whatever it’s called. I’d be happy to watch an ad or two for Valtrex or Mazda so I could throw some bitcash this way.
Is there tampermonkey/monocle support for Brave?
I used it before, but could not find any.
I don’t know, but Brave runs on Chromium and uses the Chrome Store for apps, so I’d assume that if a plugin works for Chrome it’ll work for Brave.
‘Appearing on Stelter’s show over the weekend was Carl Bernstein, who added: “And I think the media, the press has done one of the great reporting jobs in the history, especially of covering a presidency by the most news organizations. Look, let’s look at where disinformation and mistakes and lies have come from. Hasn’t come from the press, it’s come from the President of the United States. And those around him.”‘
Total. Putz.
Doesn’t age well or willful ignorance?
Enough about Obama…
How dare you vote on my proposal? It was supposed to start a conversation! Don’t you know how this works?
/TW: Fox News
Yes, when handed an opportunity to put your political opponants into a no-win situation on the record by their own team, you take it.
And the vote is intended to end a conversation. Fair is fair.
When I watch news or “news entertainment” these days, I find myself trying to decide if the talking head is stupid and evil (believing what s/he is saying) or smart and evil (knowing it’s all lies but say it anyhow). I think most of CNN is in the stupid category. At least several of the MSNBC hosts like Rachel Maddow are smart and evil.
Is she really smart? Crowing on nonstop about tax returns and Roooshans while you have one hand under the table touching yourself where your bathing suit covers doesn’t demonstrate smarts.
On the other hand, she’s parlayed that act to a fat salary. And she wears glasses.
You win, smart.
Rhodes scholar.
A presidency born in scandal and that often struggles to make it to the end of the day without another norm-busting outrage or political disaster is, unusually, breathing pure political oxygen.
Go fuck yourself, CNN
“born in scandal” “breathing pure political oxygen” “struggles to make it to the end of the day”
Are there any journalists who write in plain English any more?
Journolism 101 – how to hide the fact that you’ve got nothing to contribute.
If you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance…
*drops gloves*
*picks up bat to beat CNN with*
You don’t have journalist batting gloves?
“Norm busting.”
Also, let’s get rid of the electoral college, let illegal aliens and 16-year-olds vote, and add 40 supreme court justices!
Good morning, Banjos! I’ve reviewed your lynx with surgical focus and found them to be excellent.
Thanks and have a great day!
Mornin’, lots o news. And I have a feeling that now the report has finally been released, an avalanche is about to come down. It’ll be an exciting year.
Maybe this is the part of me that gets misty eyed on Christmas Eve and thinks he hears the sound of bells and reindeer softly in the distance, but for some reason I have a really strong feeling that this is going to result in a change in the fortunes of the Progressives and the NeverTrumpers.
Hitler’s moustache raised two fingers at modernity
Handlebars or GTFO.
I’ve known some people who went the handlebar mustache route (even 10 years ago). It really didn’t work for them, considering it looked more like the Dali style pornstache. I’ll stick with the long goatee connected to a trimmed mustache.
Sloopy has a sad.
So evil Spock?
The goatee is longer, my ears less pointed, I can’t arch one eyebrow, and a shaved head to go along with it all. So… close?
Gold earring for the full Mr. Clean?
I’d have to shave off the beard and mustache and dye the eyebrows for that… I don’t think that’s going to happen. And I’d have to go with a clean shave for the head instead of a 1/2 guard clipper run over it.
The Penn JIllette?
My goatee is now long enough that I can put ponytail holder in it, much to the chagrin of my wife an the delight of my daughter.
Oh no.
Is that wrong? Should my beard not be that long? I am considering seeing about getting a shave and trimming at the Sau Vecito pop up barbershop at Viva this year.
Wearing a mustache without a beard looks universally abhorrent regardless of style or era. Which is unfortunate, because I can grow a luxurious ‘stache, but my full beard is a patchy.
It’s like you’ve never seen Tom Selleck.
*hands Sean the keys to the Ferrari*
I think Pat’s just butthurt about his beard not growing right.
Now if butt beards ever came into fashion…
Also, while Tom Selleck’s mustache is iconic, I still maintain he looks a bit like a creeper
Or Tesla. The dude invented death rays, cell phones, and the trucker hat that advertised low cost ‘stache rides. Unfortunately, only the third came to market.
You see, this is why I hate Elon Musk. It’s not so much the defrauding the taxpayer, or pushing his crappy cars, it’s smearing the name of Nikola Tesla like that.
Tom Selleck just shakes his head, sadly.
My wife has a strong suspicion of any man that has a mustache only (Tom Selleck excluded).
In the same way she would suspect OMWC of ill intent. IFYKWIMAITYD
How does she feel about Sam Elliot?
Burt Reynolds?
Burt usually has a creeper stache.
I think the totality of Sam Elliot (Got a whole cowboy thing goin’) would make him acceptable.
It’s a cop thing, too, because police departments typically won’t allow full beards. A moustache is the most you can grow and still be in uniform.
Went to the air show at the AF base here in Tucson. It’s a thing with pilots, too.
‘Stache doesn’t interfere with oxygen masks. Firefighters in my area have the option of clean shaven or stache because of it.
Sam Elliott wants to kick your ass
Wow. Only 2 hours after Sean. Damn your nimble fingers, Sean!
or Erroll Flynn.
or Ronald Colman
or Clark Gable
Dressing the part usually helps.
You forgot William Powell, although he cut off his mustache in “Love Crazy” for a memorable scene in which he goes on drag.
I’ve always heard that the reason he did the toothbrush moustache was because the big, full moustaches popular at the time didn’t fit under gas masks. So, yeah, Prussian militarism in a sense, but in the sense that he (and others, presumably) didn’t want to be exposed to mustard gas because of an admittedly-luxurious moustache.
So you’re saying John Stossel would have been the canary in the
coalminetrench?Stossel would be lying in a trench in Verdun, sadly. At least he’d go out with one hell of a moustache.
Tard Tuesday: What Was That About Changing the Statistically Significant Rule?
“The movement to raise the minimum wage across our country has always been a practical one”
Sure, practical at moving much of the lower-skilled population to government support.
“tons of Americans working minimum wage jobs that do not provide nearly enough money to support them or their families”
Correct: High school students, college students, retirees looking to keep busy…
If you’re only making minimum wage, YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE STARTED A FAMILY!!
Employers are not responsible for your bad decisions.
has always been a practical one.
“We are going to practically price the young and unskilled out of the job market.”
Hey Now, there will always be jobs for the woefully under-qualified in politics.
Labor participation is at a 20 year high and increasing. If you can’t find a $15/hr job, either you’re stuck in the sticks taking care of your family, you have a felony conviction or you can’t quit smoking the reefer long enough to pass the workers comp required drug test.
A ton of Americans works out to, what, 10 people?
A Subaru Justy is only rated to hold 650 pounds of cargo and passengers. Ask me how I know.
I have never heard of that vehicle. And why does Subaru Hate Americans?
Little shitbox from the early ’90s. Some had a dreadful CVT.
Bad car.
I was just reading about homeless kids in Minneapolis and the push to get them into stable housing. One example given was single mother, Crystal, has had difficulty finding housing for her and her seven children. Jesus Christ, bitch, why the fuck do you have seven children and why the fuck do I have to cover the cost of housing you and your seven mother fucking kids?
“I have been right from day one, and almost all the other pundits and professors have just been dead wrong,” Dershowitz told Martha MacCallum.
“CNN banned me from their air because I was being too fair. I was trying to assess what the essential issue was, and I wasn’t being partisan. They didn’t want that. They didn’t want that.”
CNN: Facts
First. . .show up eventually despite our best efforts to the contrary.Also, my take from this is that CNN is full of anti-Semites.
As they are the media branch of the DNC, it should come as no surprise.
I keep seeing comments on other boards that are ostensibly pro Trump and they are saying, “(((taps nose))) we know who feed the media this lie.” Lots of cocksuckers all around.
OK Hegel. He made an incomplete statement about the universe. Thanks for filling in an unrelated piece of information there.
Hype isn’t here for you to waste a comment on. Fine. I’ll take your worthless comment instead.
Hey Pie! Do you know this guy?
Uffda. Get Woke grundies
Finally our trans allies can be a slutty as they want.
Stuff I never knew existed.
But it should be noted that there are many male crossdressers who do not identify as women or trans.
Stuff I never knew
existedI wanted FTFYEeeeeeeewwwww!
Eddie Izzard anyone?
Federal Government To Decide Prescriptions?
Hurrrr just smoke weed durrrrrrrrrrrr
If we are on the train that a law-maker can’t make laws unless they have personal experience in the field,
I’m on board with that.Remembers that the fed is full of bankers, and fucks over the masses in favor of the banks.
Remembers that the EPA is full of lawyers, and fucks over the environment in favor of pet projects.
Remembers that the NRC is full of scientists, and scuttles every nuclear power plant proposal.
Because no one needs to use the words “because no one needs … “
“Because no one needs a month’s supply for a wisdom tooth extraction.”
Right….that’s why they don’t give you a month’s supply for a wisdom tooth extraction……
I just had dental surgery two weeks ago. I got 8 5mg pills, of which I only really needed 2. That’s it, no refills. Not even enough to develop a physical dependency, let alone overdose.
I was pleased to see that she got absolutely annihilated on twitter for this one. I’ve never seen a tweet that received literally universal condemnation, apparently from every corner of the political spectrum.
I realize that twitter votes don’t count for legislation, but libertarians are definitely not the only ones who think that government needs to butt the fuck out of pain medication management.
One note for all the nay-sayers….
The fed is already doing this. I’ve ranted about it here more than once. Doctors can’t prescribe, pharmacies can’t fill and drug manufacturers can’t sell more opiods than the Feds think is appropriate.
Mueller March Madness Bracket
Still better than my real one.
I’m pissed I didn’t have the guts to pick Gonzaga over Duke.
I don’t trust teams ranked #1 who win on the account of luck.
I have to root for ‘Zaga over my alma mater for my bracket’s sake.
So it’s a win-win.
Huh, poor old Cato. Must have been first four out.
Avenetti is the hottest team going into the tourney!
Happy Fucking Birthday!
Chicago SWAT raids wrong home during kid’s birthday party.
Samari said she was playing “Duck, Duck, Goose” right before the handguns were pointed at her.
Not it.
Anyone who thinks it is Duck, Duck, Goose deserves to have thugs terrorize them.
Civilized people know it is gray duck.
Look, Jimbo, claiming to be civilized is unbecoming. “Civilization” is degeneration and collapse. Barbarian is where the vibrance and vitality is at.
Besides, nobody says ‘gray duck’ that just sounds silly.
You are one of those heathens who say “grey duck”?
Uffda, I knew you were a problem child UCS, but I had no idea how deep your deviancy ran.
If you need that extra syllable to give yourself running time, you deserve to lose.
Admit it, Jimbo, it’s ‘Goose’.
Never! You think I’m CNN and you can pressure me into repeating your propaganda because I want those cocktail invites?
If your contention was correct, why don’t you see a “Honk if it’s Goose” bumper stickers on every car?
Because everyone knows it’s goose, and there’s no need to reiterate it.
I was going to offer a compromize and go with Gray Goose, but I have an ongoing embargo against the French.
It’s “goose” you inbred stump humper.
No it really is. Think about it. If you past a duck on the head, it just stands there and waits for you to drop some food. If you pat a goose, the fucker attacks you.
Hence the game.
Yeah, the initial form of the game had the patter run after shouting goose.
Mike, it is your inability to answer basic questions like this correctly that keeps getting you picked up by ICE and deported back to NoDak.,duck%20duck%20grey%20duck
Like in 1984, Minnesota stands alone in being wrong.
“Duck, Duck, Grey Duck” is the Walter Mondale of children’s games.
Sigh. Your only proof that you are “right” is that 98% of states agree? Hmmm, where have I heard that argument before?
Yeah, I’ll be sitting over here loud and proud about my climate/goose denier status.
Yeah, I’m done defending cops. Weed out the shit or you’re just as guilty.
Oh, he very well knows the exact number, but nobody outside of CPD ever will.
This. In school they say professions are supposed to police themselves. As far as I’ve seen professional orgs don’t do shit. It’s the ability to sue professionals for damages that gets them to weed out the bad. Since cops are just shy of having absolute immunity, and never pay, they will not clean it up.
The very best thing I ever saw, and I watched the fight from the inside, was when a former Army colonel took over Florida Department of Corrections. He retired a bunch of wardens, moved a bunch of assistant wardens around to break up the old boy network, instituted top to bottom drug tests (he took the first one and made sure every last person from his administrative assistant to the newest CO was on the random list), and instituted a physical fitness test. He even made a bet I’m not sure he ever had to pay on. If any five COs (they could pick their own group) best PT scores beat his, he’d stand a shift for each of them. You’ll be shocked to know that he fought with the union for two years before he could get either the everyone is on the random test list or the physical standards. Sadly, I don’t think he moved the needle very far. Too much inertia, but he damn sure moved the needle.
The only way to move the needle would be for him to keep at it for 20years. Once a octa/nonagenarian/centenian (centurian?) is still beating them at the physical standards tests the corrupt shitweasels all finally kill themselves from shame and progress will be made.
That’s where I’ve come to. If you’re not cleaning up your shit, you get no support from me in your job.
“In all cases, CPD makes every effort to ensure the validity and accuracy of all information that is used to apply for and execute search warrants. Oftentimes this information comes from community sources and despite the vetting of material through a criminal court and the methodical process to authenticate addresses, errors can occur and we take them very seriously.”
I think the plan on that statement was to keep talking and people would forget what the statement was about by the time they got to the end of it.
Technically, there were only two words in that statement (the 6th and last) that were not true. That’s a pretty good percentage for a government employee immune to civil suit, impossible to fire, and not up for reelection.
Its just one bad apple Tundra. You know the saying, One Bad Apple Doesn’t Impact Any Other Apple In Any Way.
Well, at least the clowns made it to the party on time.
Good thing they weren’t playing red Rover or all those kids would be dead.
“She was coming right at me! I feared for my life!”
Or Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
There has to be a way to sue the shit out of the individuals. A cop dressed up in SWAT gear, showed up on property without a warrant, and pointed his firearm at children.
I’ve been assured that holding individual police liable for their actions would result in a cannibal holocaust within the week.
A Guy Dumped Me Because I Can’t Orgasm
And he’s not the only man who can’t let it go. Should I start faking it?
If you can’t orgasm, you should just be forthcoming about it.
come again?
You’re doing it wrong.
Fake it ’til you make it?
I think there must be a solution to her problems, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
If you try hard enough I’m sure you can get that problem licked
That’s what my wife thought, too. #humblebrag
Um, I’m not going to file this in the shit that never happened folder because I can see ways that it could have. Getting the woman they are with off is a huge ego boost for most guys and inability to do so can be pretty emotionally crushing, sometimes moreso than it is for her. That said lets just say I have some suspicions that you were nowhere near as accepting of your fate in your interactions with him as you seem to be implying. Sure it could just be that he was an immature dude who couldn’t handle what he perceived as your rejecting him when you didn’t get off with him and assuming his words were actually what you report it is a clear indicator that he was more boy than man. On the other hand it would be pretty rare for a guy to break off an otherwise good relationship over this particular issue.
So now what should you do going forward…
No, absolutely do not fake it. Well that is not quite true. Feel free to fake it if you are having a casual sexual encounter with someone you have no intentions of having a long term relationship with and are ready for things to be wrapping up. Do not ever fake it with someone you are in or which to have a serious relationship with. Next, focus on meeting guys who are much more grown up and sure of themselves than the man-children you appear to have been dating. You might want to consider older men who are more secure in their sexuality and have more experience with women as they are much more likely to be able to deal with your inability to orgasm without taking it personally. They are also more likely to have grown into an expanded view of sex that is not just about orgasm which means they will be comfortable spending a lot of time pleasuring you without making it all about making you orgasm which just puts pressure on you to perform short circuiting your ability to enjoy what they are doing
Shorter version of the excellent advice above: Don’t lie about that, or anything else, if you think the relationship will be going somewhere. You actually have a great way to screen out guys with red flags flying about issues that could otherwise take a while to suss out.
And if they get butthurt because they had great sex, and you did too but didn’t cum because you can’t — another red flag.
My issue is the guys I’m sleeping with.
Wrong right out of the gate.
Wearing a mustache without a beard looks universally abhorrent regardless of style or era.
Humbug, I say!
It depends on the girl. What do her tits look like?
Smoky and the Bandit era Burt Reynolds has a sad.
Tell that to Tom Selleck
Gay men using it as a signaling device for potential partners might disagree.
Dude was still an active judge at 96? That seems a tad old, don’t you think?
A new study out of the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health, published on Thursday in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, points to a strong association between increases in the minimum wage and decreases in our country’s suicide rates.
Next up, eating cookies and sex for pay.
There is also a strong association between the rooster crowing in the morning and the sun coming up over the horizon. It could mean the rooster crowing causes the sun to rise.
Him: You must be happy about Trump.
Me: It’s not about Trump.
Him: Come on. He’s guilty!
They truly see this as ‘you only say that because you like Trump’ incapable of considering the bigger picture of what this sort of banana republic investigation does to a country. As far as I can see all this accomplished was to divide and foster conspiracy theories.
There are those who get deceived and learn. The there are those who want to be deceived and want to be believe the deception.
It’s nuts.
Still hoping: Columnist E.J. Dionne today: “We have no idea right now if material will emerge over the coming months that will justify impeachment.”
Suck it, EJ!
Dionne is a world class moron. It’s hard to believe that he still is employed.
Technically, there’s been plenty of grounds for impeachment already, but congress can’t impeach on those grounds because they’re stomping all over our constitutional rights also.
The psychosis that will be (further) induced if Trump wins re-election will be a wonder to behold.
Even more clueless.
Pathetic has-been.
This from the guy who lied about Bush?
/face palm.
Fake but accurate
She’s not a physician. She is not a dentist. She has never prescribed medication. She has never performed a procedure. She has never had a patient in her clinic with intractable back pain after spinal fracture trying to go back to work. She doesn’t have a Drug Enforcement Agency license to prescribe narcotics. It’s at least mildly condescending to assume that such a complex physician-patient decision can be made by one single government decree.
She sat in a chair at the Congressional hair salon while an aide read a (like, totally booooring!) summary of the title page of a study from the DEA. What more do you want.
Talking to a surgeon yesterday, he said that the addiction rate with opioids is highly dependent on the age and sex of the user. Specifically, males aged 14 to 18 are at the highest risk of addiction and he would never prescribe more than 4 days of an opioid for them. Sports injuries lead to a lot of the problems.
This was in a discussion about my wife who was concerned about the painkillers being prescribed for post-op. As he put it, middle aged women don’t get addicted that easily.
woah, woah, what is the nuance and looking at individual circumstances crap?!? We need a hard line for every person and every situation.
Dumbass doesn’t know there is no difference between the genders when it comes to medicine since gender is a fucking social construct.
The Matrix’s male power fantasy has dated badly
Someone is bitter that the nineties weren’t woke enough. Expect to see more of this, the pillorying of any media that offends modern sensibilities.
Red Pills are sexist
Oooh look at me shitting on the classics!!
Fuck off. It’s easily one of the coolest movies ever made.
Yep. I can’t remember enjoying a movie in a theater that much since then.
What I loved was that the commercials gave away nothing.
The effects were amazing, but I always thought the plot was really stupid.
There’s some credible rumors that the Wachowskis stole the plot, and made some changes at the orders of the executives and lawyers. One of the main changes was the battery concept, the machines were originally supposed to enslave human brains to use them as processors, which at least makes more sense.
Of course, the amazing effects and terrible plots also seems to be a trend for the Wachowskis.
Ah, that’s marginally better. “Humans are batteries” is weapons-grade derp.
“I mean, yeah, we’ve got fusion power, but then, like, we’d have to build that shit, and we didn’t overthrow our human slavemasters so we could do work. fuck that noise, back in your jellytube, Coppertop.”
-Advanced Machine Intelligence
enslave human brains to use them as processors
then the Matrix isn’t just the enslavement tool, it’s also the programming interface for the greymatter processing resources. Minds convinced they’re just going about their day actually performing calculations vital to the machines’ interests.
+1 Much Cooler
Why else are so many people sent to cubicle farms to do pointless processes?
Dayum. *exploding hand gesture*
It was not exactly stolen.
The claim it was stolen was dismissed in court as the woman who made the claim failed show up at the trial or present any evidence at all that she had actually written a story and submitted it to the Wachowski’s.
That said it was derived from something else. Back in the early 90’s long before the movie began filming I was a big time Shadowrun player and active in several online Shadowrun communities (IRC, the predecessor to Yahoo Groups, etc.) where the Shadowrun writers and creators were members as well. It was common knowledge in those communies in I believe it was 95 or 96 that a Major Studio was in talks with FASA to bring the short story at the end of this sourcebook…
to the big screen. The story focuses on a Decker (hacker) who is hired to train a young protoge on how to be a Decker in The Matrix. The Decker realizes that something is off with the trainee and eventually figures out that the people who hired him were running an experiment to develop the ultimate Decker by installing a cyberjack into an infant and raising it for it’s entire life in the virtual world of the Matrix.
Now I don’t remember if the Wachowski’s were attached to the project at that point or if someone else was leading the development but at the end of the day the Studio and FASA could not come to terms over creative control and so FASA agreed to allow the Studio to make the story go in the direction they wanted and got rights to use the term “The Matrix” which FASA had trademarked in 89 and FASA was paid an undisclosed consulting fee and we all got what was probably a far superior movie in The Matrix than it would have been if they had kept it a Shadowrun movie.
Great sci-fi, well paced, and asks a few sorta deep questions without overdoing the navel-gazing. What’s not to like.
You know who else dated badly?
I do have a draft how-to article “Tonio’s Boyfriend Buys a Bike.” Was too busy to finish that when the relationship was still a thing, and after it ended (badly) I just didn’t want to deal with that.
Ross? Joey? Chandler?
The woman who can’t orgasm?
That chick that can’t orgasm?
fuck how does refresh work? I’ll just drop this without checking below.
That chick should fly to Thailand. Might help her out?
This column proclaiming the only valid issues that any one should care about will not age well.
not because he is particularly brave,
He saved Morpheus before he had fully developed as The One…
“male power fantasy”
They’re chicks now, so, duh, what would chicks know about male fantasies or power.
“Twenty years on, it’s embarrassing to see a white male saviour with two sidekicks – one black, one female – whose primary task is to assure him how gifted he is.”
There’s this book full of old, dead brown people. The “one black” “sidekick” is modeled on one of those wise old brown people, who, by the way, isn’t a sidekick.
“And, in general, Anderson/Neo is one of those uninspiring heroes who do next to nothing to earn their hero status. He becomes an unbeatable martial artist not by training for years, but by being plugged into a teaching program for a few hours. And he becomes omnipotent in the Matrix not because he is particularly brave, noble or clever, but because, as Morpheus says, he is willing “to believe”.”
I take it then that the author hasn’t ever learned anything about Buddhism, then?
Maybe the author of this hit piece should spend more time learning about world history and less time focusing just one their Eurocentric / Aermicocentric / Anglocentric world view and realize that there is a beautiful tapestry of culture woven by the people she dismisses.
AirAsia’s ‘Get off in Thailand’ ads draw outrage for appearing to promote sex tourism: report
Lighten up Francis
*OMWC logs in for frequent flyer program*
Gary Glitter heartily concurs.
The capitol city of Thailand is actually called “Krung Thep”. The name “Bangkok” is only used by foreigners. They made up the name “Bang Cock” just for the tourists but I guess you’re trying to tell me that’s just a coincidence.
Only a fraction of those “Western Sex Tourists” speak English. “Bang Cock” isn’t funny in French, Spanish, German, Greek, etc
Everyone speaks English, as long as you speak it loudly and slowly enough.
250,000 western male sex tourists visit Thailand every year
A very odd statistic. Why not tally the total sex tourists? This seems very chauvinistic towards all the sex tourists who aren’t either male or western. I’m sure they can tour and sex just as well as their counterparts.
Just back from a road trip around Florida. Observation #1: Americans seem to take pride in dressing poorly. Observation #2: How can hotels afford to give out free breakfasts? The number of land whales scarfing down waffles, donuts, bagels, etc. appears to be at an all time high. Observation #3: don’t waste your $$$ going to Epcot.
Last time I went back to the states I went to Perkins with the family. The obese mom, dad and kid sitting next to use were eating enough pancakes, sausage, bacon and whatever to choke a horse. Of course, the thing that really freaked me out was drinking coke. Who the hell drinks cola in the morning?
Regular cola?
I don’t drink that ever. Tastes like syrup. Diet cola, however, is less caffinated than coffee, and not as harsh a wake-up relative to that brew.
Trying to kill the driving gloves meme by creating a new one? You’re a sly one.
I missed the origin of the UCS glove story. Anyone have a link?
No idea what thread that’s on, but it was about half a year ago or so.
Cola gloves ?
Coke with breakfast is an indulgence I rarely partake in, but the feeling to have one is there sometimes.
Obese people and future obese people. And caffeine junkies.
Snark aside, I bet Coke is no worse (probably “better”) for you than most of the shit they sell at Starbucks and its clones.
Just drink a beer. If they don’t GAF about their health, might as well have fun.
Unfortunately, most of the hotels that offer free breakfast either don’t have a bar area, or they use the bar area for the free breakfast. They haven’t started going the route of bottomless beermosas quite yet (with the exception of the DogHouse).
*raised hand*
I rarely take caffeine in any form now, but when I did, I loved coke with breakfast food.
It really cuts through the 5:30 am Whataburger.
If you looked at or tasted the food, you’d realize it was really cheap, and easily within the margins of the room rate when averaged between those who didn’t partake and those who scarfed.
They also save money by not having to have a restaurant license, or perhaps a very modified one. When you serve pre-made pastries which your customers heat themselves using a microwave or toaster you apparently don’t need a restaurant license. And they buy that stuff in bulk.
Yeah, there’s no way more than 10% of the people eat more than $3 worth of breakfast, including the cleanup. So they just roll the $3 into everyone’s room rate.
And it’s a marketing point to draw in business. Free breakfast is usually found at lower end hotels and hotel chains, with commensurate cheap food.
Hotels with sit down restaurants and made to order rarely have free for everyone breakfasts, except for special bed and breakfast rates or elite status.
The in house breakfast, whether part of the base room rate or a separate charge, is quite handy if you’re on a road trip and want to get going to the next cool thing quickly.
Being able to say to my three kids. “Eat everything until your full and grab something for lunch” is worth anything I’m paying extra for the room.
It’s part of why I’m usually in my next town between noon and three and trying to figure out the best way to spent the time until check-in. Leaves the whole afternoone to start looking around the new spot.
I’ve found that’s not longer true. Lots of upper-end hotels include a full breakfast with every room now.
Most business travelers are price-insensitive because its not their dime, but are very sensitive to amenities because there are usually many options within a block of each other. So an extra $15 of the company dime doesn’t matter, but “Free” breakfast where you don’t need to submit a receipt is a really nice feature.
My wife has a minimum hotel quality starting at Hampton or Fairfield Inn, because anything but super clean is a dealbreaker. That’s also the quality level where either the “free” breakfast goes away, or is a pretty nice breakfast as these things go with fruit and some breakfast meat and omelettes or whatever, instead of the lower end cheap Starch-O-Rama.
Who told you that?
Aww man, Epcot is the best.
It ain’t free. It’s a (usually shitty) buffet the cost of which is built into the room price.
Before we have sex, I let them know that it’s not going to happen for me, so they aren’t expecting me to.
Back in the olden days, this was referred to as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”.
You just need to fuck a lot more random guys as soon as you meet them, Honey. That should help. It probably won’t help you, but it’ll help them.
If she’d make me a sandwich and grab me a beer afterwards I’d marry her tomorrow. I don’t even need to see a pic.
*dies from schadenboner eruption*
not too late to jump on the bandwagon.
You know what pisses me off about Boies? That he was the lawyer for SCO.
As a child he must have been asked what he wanted to be when he grows up and replied, “On the wrong side of history!”
*dies from schadenboner eruption*
“is that his entire skeleton? I’m not cleaning that up.”
I could not be more glad that the American people will have the opportunity to learn precisely where each one of their senators stand on the “Green New Deal”: a radical, top-down, socialist makeover of the entire U.S. economy. – Cocaine Turtle
Uh huh…
The GOP’s whole game of wasting votes in Congress to target others “on the record”, for leg they have no intent to pass, is a disgrace.
Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern. Our jobs aren’t for campaigning, & that’s exactly what these bluff-votes are for. – Gulag Barbie
Part of governing is letting one’s constituents know where one stands on issues that impact their lives. This is your resolution. Time to put your money where your large mouth is. (well, at least time for your colleagues in the Senate to do so for you.)
Don’t even, like, talk to me until you’re ready to, like, pass my bill without voting on it.
Strange that a rep who proposed a bill would criticize someone for bringing it to the floor. If it’s such a great idea she should be happy whether it passes or not.
It was supposed to be out there, ignored, so she could decry obstruction by team Red.
Saw a new one the other day: Chiquita Khrushchev
Nice. But how many people know who that is anymore?
*bangs shoe*
Chiquita or Khrushchev?
We will bury you… in snark!
I think its banana flavored vodka.
Really hasten the vomiting, minimize any alcohol absorption.
“Wasting votes”?
Is there a limited number?
If only….
Nasa’s first all-female spacewalk scrapped over spacesuit sizes
Can’t escape vanity sizing even in space.
Why not just let her use a small mens spacesuit?
And listen to the complaints about how unflattering it is?
Does this jet-pack make my ass look big?
I suspect they are unisex.
You suspect wrong (at least as of the time I was working at NASA).
My guess it has something to do with the “waste plumbing”. I believe they are wearing something more than just a Depends under all that.
Apollo era spacesuits had “relief tubes” for astronaut pee. I would assume the underwear mates with the suit, but that each astronaut has his own set of special underwear.
+1 I’ve Got Hurt Feelings
“does this spacesuit make my ass look big?”
Good one.
I dunno, but you can see it from space.
*standing ovation*
Once again, these NASA “scientists” should just tell them gender is a social construct so just put the goddamn suit on.
and if it runs out of air,
Huh, Avi Yemeni, the guy who filmed Jim Jefferies on the sly, has been banned from Facebook and the Jefferies hit piece has been left up:
So, publisher?
I think a lot of this is the amateur progs relentlessly reporting and video or content that offends them whereas the other side doesn’t tend to participate in those types of shenanigans.
Eventually, the other side will adopt the prog tactics, much like Trump did with the media.
That’s the difference between the way I think and the way they think. I’m more of, “Hey, Everybody! Look at what this dipshit said!” But then again, I have many brothers.
And suddenly Facebook, Google et al. will wise up to this alt-right tactic.
I neither know nor care about any of these people.
She’s not, her batshit insanity is just not political. See: Anything she’s ever written on vaccines.
The vaccinees are what made the journos retarded. Plus, it means we can on the libs.
Legalizing Prostitution Is A ‘Faustian Bargain’
“one-third have received death threats from pimps”
Hmmm great I wonder why they don’t report it to the cops. It’s not like they might be afraid of getting arrested.
Just like the war on drugs. It boggles me that people don’t understand this.
Also, all of those stats are false and have been debunked numerous times.
And what is the murder rate at the legal brothels in Nevada?
Well, aren’t 5 out of 4 of them rape survivors?
10 out of 9 Dentists Agree
The world’s oldest profession is also one of the most dangerous.
In the U.S., prostitutes are 51 times more likely to be murdered on the job than liquor store employees, the second deadliest work environment for women.
I wonder if that’s got anything to do with the illegality? You know, like how Anheuser-Busch delivery truck drivers rarely get hijacked and pumped full of lead in 2019, but that happened fairly regularly in 1930?
“the second deadliest work environment for women.”
I wonder where it ranks for men.
didn’t make the Top 20
“I used to be a libertarian, but then my statistical illiteracy convinced me otherwise”
“Then, to quote St. Paul…”
Fuck right off.
“Tell me about it!”
Right on!
*Nods with smug Minneapolis smirk*
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Duke University will pay $112 million to settle a whistleblower lawsuit after federal prosecutors said a research technician’s fake data landed millions of dollars in federal grants, the school and the government said Monday.
The private university in Durham submitted claims for dozens of research grants that contained falsified or fabricated information that unjustly drained taxpayer money from the National Institutes of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies, the U.S. Justice Department said. The school said it is repaying grant money and related penalties.
“Taxpayers expect and deserve that federal grant dollars will be used efficiently and honestly,” local U.S. Attorney Matthew G.T. Martin said in a statement. “May this serve as a lesson that the use of false or fabricated data in grant applications or reports is completely unacceptable.”
The lawsuit was first filed in 2015 by whistleblower and former Duke employee Joseph Thomas. The Justice Department took it over afterward. The suit claims the faked research was conducted by former research technician Erin Potts-Kant, who was supervised by pulmonary medicine researcher William Michael Foster. Foster’s lab experimented with mice, seeking to determine the effects of inhaling diesel exhaust, among other tests. Several research papers by Foster’s team were later retracted.
Never for a moment would I have suspected “prestigious research universities” might manipulate their data in order to obtain grant money.
Or that people might manipulate test data to get in!
Jail time for fraud or it doesn’t count.
Deserve; yes. Expect; hell no.
Private research funding will never be adequate! Corporations will buy research! We need publicly funded research to fight corruption!
submitted claims for dozens of research grants that contained falsified or fabricated information that unjustly drained taxpayer money from the National Institutes of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies
But enough about gun control or the myriad public health bugaboos.
Re: The thread from last night. I am half way thru my ABA therapy article, hope to be submitting it later today. Look for it soon!
And yes, that means that my history of beer in the US and my next SLT article both got pushed back yet yet again. I am the George RR Martin of glibertaria!
Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern.
So precious.
It’s so weird to me that some people will see that and think, “OMG, I love that she clapped back! Take THAT old white guy and your privilege tryin’ to mansplain!” Because I see that and think, “Good lord, just when I think I couldn’t think you’re more of an idiot, here you go, pushing the envelope of inanity.”
Amazon could soon force you to go on a diet, according to one futurist
I like Amazon. There is no way I’m using Alexa though. I’m drawing the line there.
And this?
That’s a big ole NOPE.
I still don’t get why someone would have these devices at all.
Who wants to talk to a machine, and what are they using it for? I’m not understanding the use cases for the homeowner.
The girlfriend tries to use the Google text to speech constantly. Then, when it gets something wrong or it mishears her. She starts trying to correct it like you would a person. This leads to texts like:
“I’m going to the stone. No. Ok Google, start. No. Ok Google, I’m going to the stair.”
It would take less time to hunt and peck it on the touchscreen.
I’m with you. Even if the devices weren’t spy gadgets I just can’t fathom any possible scenario in which I would need one.
You want the ability to change the streaming music you’re listening to, or start or stop it, by saying a few words.
You can actually Stop amazonmusic with voice commands? Because none of the onscreen interfaces (web/droid/PC) offer that option. And no, “Pause” is not “Stop”.
Let me tell you something. It’s coming from everywhere, not just Amazon and Facebook. I work for an electric utility and I learned yesterday, that we now have the capability to tell the make and model of your dishwasher, TVs washing machine, etc. My question is (though I’m not stupid enough to ask it at work) is why do we even need to know that?
I recently went shopping for all new kitchen appliances. The showroom woman was touting the virtues of a refrigerator that has cameras in it so I can see what’s inside from my phone while I’m shopping at the grocery. Yeah, no thanks.
At some point we started confusing data for knowledge. Companies vacuum up everything in the hopes it will be useful. It’s basically hoarders but for data.
Until someone has big enough computers and the right algorithms to turn that data into knowledge.
They are for the same people that, when using the voice assistant on their phones, speak into the earpiece instead of the microphone.
…and Star Trek fans.
Speak into Star Trek fans? That doesn’t seem very effective.
It depends on who’s doing the talking.
Microwave free since Sept. ’17. Don’t miss frozen burritos at all.
That’s how you know you can ignore them.
Let’s hear it for cute audiologists.
*presses button feverishly*
*thinks about daughter in school for audiology*
*narrows gaze at Scruffy*
What’s that? I can’t hear you.
Beep Beep
Agreed. When I went recently I was extremely distracted.
I assume this is related to your ENT visit?
Yeah, little bit of an issue with the right ear, probably due to negative pressure. Otherwise the hairs look good, so probably temporary.
Scruffy just doxed himself!
That cute audiologist is never going to give your disgusting skull infected ass her digits.
That’s not me. I would never use a Q-tip in my ear. Those are for soundings.
If a married woman gave me a hearing test…
*Looks for the “Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever” button*
Maybe you are getting conned Straff? You think it is a hearing test, but it is really an eye test. The eye doc wants to see how far back you can roll your eyes.
*I wonder if eye rolling muscles get stronger or atrophy with age. I know my wife has me on a daily exercise regimen, so I think I can roll them farther and faster than I could as a young man.
Might have been. I thought I aced my first eye test here. “I can read every line. It’s a “C”, right?” Weird eye chart.
“Which direction is the C facing? And we told you not to take your clothes off for an eye exam.”
Sorry, thought you said “brown eye exam”.
That reminds me of my first health check. Couldn’t understand a word of what the nurse was saying. She put me in a room, gave me a cup and left. I just filled it with a little bit of everything. Looked like a parfait.
“Hey, free Chocolate/Vanilla/Lemon Parfait!”
Me to my wife: “I just checked and my brain is still there”
Just got this email from Amazon:
Not a ton, but easy money. Sign up!
And remember, ordering through the app doesn’t send the order through smile. You’ll have to go to the computer, like some sort of prehistoric serf to place your order for the free charitable donation.
You have that backwards, it’s the poor app serfs trapped in the walled estates that are being tied down.
And if you click a link on a web page and it takes you to Amazon, it won’t take you to you Smile page. Although, quite recently it’s been asking me if I want to visit the same page on Smile, so maybe they have remedied that now.
my current Amazon Smile charity is the NRA. it was IJ for a little while.
Mine’s set to F.I.R.E.
They’ve gotten an extra $75 from me, so far.
Gun Owners Foundation for me, and about $14k. I do IJ over at Humble Bundle.
Nannytarian Propaganda Radio knows what’s good for you.
Pediatricians have long warned parents about the risks of consuming too many sugary drinks — including the link to Type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Now, the nation’s leading group of kids’ doctors, the American Academy of Pediatrics, together with the American Heart Association, has endorsed a range of strategies designed to curb children’s consumption — including taxes on sugary drinks, limits on marketing sugary drinks to kids and financial incentives to encourage healthier beverage choices.
“There’s a huge difference between what a typical child is drinking … and what the recommendations are,” Muth says. By one estimate, sweetened beverages account for at least one-fifth of the weight gained between 1977 and 2007 among people in the U.S.
The new statement calls on local, state and national policymakers to consider raising the price of sugary drinks. Muth says taxes on sugary drinks have been shown to be successful. She says taxes are “a great example of a way to increase the price of sugary drinks, which we know decreases consumption.” The AAP and the AHA note that such taxes are already in place in U.S. cities including Berkeley, Calif., and Philadelphia.
The new joint policy statement also called on federal and state governments to support efforts to decrease the marketing of sugary drinks to children and teens. “As a nation we have to say ‘no’ to the onslaught of marketing of sugary drinks to our children,” Rachel Johnson, a professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of Vermont and the former chair of the AHA’s nutrition committee, said in a statement. “We know what works to protect kids’ health and it’s time we put effective policies in place that bring down rates of sugary drinks consumption, just like we’ve done with tobacco.”
Advertising. It’s just a euphemism for mind control. Nobody can resist it. Government intervention is our only hope.
I smell government grants for needed research.
Throws Kool-Aid man in cell next to Joe Camel.
Kool-Aid Man would break out of that cell in no time flat.
Placing him adjacent to Joe Camel is supposed to impair his cardiovascular performance.
You know, when we were kids in the 60s and 70s, all we drank were sugary drinks, and there was no diabetes issue. Of course we were all pretty skinny from being extremely physically active all day, so maybe it’s not only a matter of sugary drinks.
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan admits he may have had ‘bad information’ regarding President Trump and Russia
“I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
Can you blame him? Trump took away his security clearance.
Mind you, this is the ex-director of the CIA, supposed experts at evaluating intelligence.
What an asshole.
No biggie, it’s not like you were in a position of power where your ability to correctly analyze information was important.
So who was writing his script?
Then, to quote St. Paul, I became a man and put aside childish things, learning an adult lesson: The world’s oldest profession is also one of the most dangerous.
Sounds like something the Federalist would publish.
Trump hosts defending Stanley Cup champion Washington Capitals at the White House. Included there was their captain, Russian native (and yes, Putin ally) Alex Ovechkin.
Raw Story: Trump entertains Russian hockey player and Putin ally at the White House
Obviously Trump should have refused entry, or, at the very least, started a fistfight.
That’s beyond words in terms of lunacy. WTF?
I smell government grants for needed research.
Something something great minds
“I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
You’re more susceptible to “bad information” when you are working backwards from your pre-ordained conclusion.
Or, you’re just a liar.
Or, somebody lied to Brennan to make him look like an ass. Which would be hilarious.
Peak existentialist comics?
Mercantilism was in its infancy in the 16th century, let alone what would eventually come to be described in the 18th century as “capitalism”.
Lights up flamethrower.
In school we learn about how communism is evil because of a famine. – A famine. One famine. That is all.
Let’s ask the Ukrainians.
Or the Romanians.
Or the Chinese. Or the Norks.
Do we have any posting in this thread?
In school we learn how Nazism is evil because some Jew got pushed on a train.
What an asshole.
Question to the Glibs Staff (or anyone else who might know): what is the source of that gif of the guy in a banana costume dancing/cheering in a post-apocalyptic world? I’ve seen that gif on here several times, and I’m curious if it’s from some movie/tv show/sketch.
Sloopy found it – I am merely a user.
Is it me, or does that kinda look like Eli Manning?
Huh. TIL that’s Eli Manning in the suit.
Thanks. It’s a funny gif, but it looked too professional not to be from something, so now I know.
Wait until the Democrats learn about this, there’s going to be a lot of masturbation in DC.
Corporations are already doing that for them unfortunately.
*Thomas Friedman spluges in his pants without touching himself.*
Dunno if this was covered before but damn funny
America should allow other countries to vote in the 2020 election
How would it work, then? If the US were to entertain the possibility of letting foreigners participate in the presidential vote (and again, I’m not holding my breath), how would we make it happen? Does each foreign country get the same weight as each of the 50 states? Surely, that would be giving too much weight to the outside world. Do we restrict the vote to member states of NATO and/or historical allies? This seems slightly more realistic – as realistic as it gets in this purely hypothetical scenario – but also somewhat unfair to those whose voices would be left out.
The rest of the world can vote – they get to select Zero electors.
Do you really want to sit through even more lectures on the evul of the Electoral College? Because having the crazy Dem “win” the popular vote by a couple billion votes, but lose in the electoral college is how you get even stupider lectures on the EC.
I could see Trump crushing some Dem who pulls a Mondale and loses 49 states, but with the world voting for the opponent, the yahoos would still go on and on about how the popular vote is totes more legitimate.
“Sure Bernie only won Vermont, but he won 4 billion to 120million. Why are you disenfranchising the Russian and Chicom voters?”
I think those days of landslide victories are over. Lot of states where Jesus (R) versus Devil (D) is a win for the latter.
I was nine years old when I first seriously pondered the result of a US presidential election. It was 2000
Damn, that’s a rough 28.
the Algerians treat the French poorly.
So a billion Chinese under threat of violence establish the long-awaited Chicom world order? Brilliant plan.
Umm, isn’t that sort of like letting other countries meddle in our elections? Just sayin…
Imagine the amount of money that would pour in from China or Russia trying to get their candidate elected.
Fuck that…sorry Pie, you’re going to have to remain disenfranchised.
In other words: shouldn’t foreign countries have a right to vote in the US presidential election?
In a word, no. In multiple words, no, you ignorant cunt.
How about you find even one country anywhere else in the world that allows foreigners to choose their president / premier and then we can dismiss your stupid idea at more length than “fuck no”?
The Princes of Andorra are selected by the French Electorate and the Catholic Church.
Yeah well, the Andorrans are chumps (my apologies to any Andorrans here).
he said “countRy” not “county”
“shouldn’t foreign countries have a right to vote in the US presidential election?”
Let’s levy income taxes on them first and see how that goes.
In things banana-related, I blame straffin for exposing me to THIS
*which is now seared into my brain
/that was meant WRT Gadfly’s question
One thing I have always missed from Okinawa are the nutty Japanese commercials.
I’ve tried to watch some Japanese TV shows, but I can’t get past how poor the production values are. Like something a group of high school kids might make. But the commercials are amazing, I check them out on youtube from time to time.
Game/variety shows or dramas?
Dramas. I have zero interest in game/variety shows.
My favorite part is all the “fonts”. The Japanese love subtitles on screen and they always have them in multiple ridiculous colors.
That is not from me. I’d never link anything with a SMAP member in it.
Whats a SMAP, and do I need one ?
Enjoy not knowing. Boy band that was hugely popular. Banana man is Shingo from SMAP.
The part with the boss cracks me up.
Well, now I blame you for exposing me to that. Wow.
Titty Tuesday activates your gonads!
#2 is an example of bolt-ons done right.
They frontloaded the ones I liked best (double entendre intended) with 5, 7, and 8.
Not sure 2 isn’t big naturals.
America should allow other countries to vote in the 2020 election
Sounds legit.
Big U-turn: Key melting Greenland glacier is growing again
Weather is not Climate! or something like that.
Dang. Another inconvenient truth!
Well Obama did say the oceans will recede.
I love how they spin it as “well, this just proves we’re right that it’s going to recede even more in the future!”
Totes not a cult.
If that’s true, and we know the planet is getting hotter, whycome the water is about 2C colder in the past few years? It isn’t even addressed, other than the water is colder so the glacier is growing.
We’ve All Just Made Fools of Ourselves — Again
Maybe it’s time to declare a national sabbath. Maybe it’s time to step back from the scandalmongering and assess who we are right now.
The people who pushed the witch hunt were wrong and so were the people calling it a witch hunt. LOL.
It was wrong of us to accuse you of a horrendous crime but it was also wrong of you and your supporters to defend yourselves. We’re all good, right?
Yeah, that is stupid.
“Alex Jones created less damage with the Sandy Hook conspiracies that he propagated years ago and has apologized for a thousand times over and yet he has been banned from polite society while these shitstains are still thrust upon us as being our betters.”
This is absolutely true. And too many people are looking at this from a political perspective. Trump didn’t *win* here- he undoubtedly lost. None of his stated policy changes toward Russia have materialized. Instead we are in a more precarious position with that country. We now have missiles back in eastern Europe (after President Obama removed them); we are arming the Ukrainians (after President Obama declined to do so), and we have permanent sanctions against Russia (the president cannot remove those sanctions- only Congress can).
If you think the same people who peddled the WMD lie and were the main instigators behind Russia Fever Dreams care about whether a president is a Republican or a Democrat, then you’re not paying attention. This investigation would have happened if it was Bernie who won in 2016 and had suggested some radical change to American foreign policy. The foreign policy establishment doesn’t like surprises or abrupt changes and Trump (or Bernie or Tulsi) is the epitome of both.
Prediction: In five years we will be engaged in a proxy war in the Golan heights. With the US naturally backing Israel and Russia backing Syria and its non-governmental allies (Hezbollah).
Shifting the boogie man from Vlad to Jose threatens those juicy weapon contracts.
I agree they don’t care about whichever party wins, but they DO care that a political lifer wins. Bernie would have been no threat whatsoever and any cajoling he needed would have been done behind closed doors because Bernie owes enough favors from being a life-long bureaucrat. You never heard Bernie wanting to drain the swamp, he wanted to make it deeper.
In the end Trump’s threats have been quelled so the deep state isn’t worried at the moment. And Mueller is just a deep state tool. The DNC co-opted the thing out of convenience, and now they’re pissed that they have to come up with their own strategy. All they have since the thing began over two years ago is a double shot of Bern and an Occluded-Cortex chaser.
Maybe. At the end of the day, though, anyone who questions the consensus view on foreign policy would have been saddled with the same “Putin’s puppet” madness. I’m not going to conspiracy monger, because I’m not a “reporter”, but it is curious to me about the timing of the intelligence leaks about collusion. It started around the time that Trump ended the CIA program in Syria that was arming the opposition.
I am not saying the two incidences are related, but Trump ending that program no doubt ruffled some feathers in the intelligence community.
Sloopy found it – I am merely a user.
Is that banana guy from Hobo With a Shotgun?
I just saw part of that a few nights ago.
Odd boron compound gets two nitrogen molecules to link up
I don’t even know why I am sharing this but…
I don’t even know why I am sharing this
I guess you could say you haven’t got a moleclue?
What that 6.02E23 clues?
BTW, I had trouble typing that, as my Nuke training kept coming back and I want to type Avagadro’s number as .602E24.
Was that…
I thought it was interesting….and the “Science Correspondent” is a big WOULD.
Update on yesterdays RFC about a kids-first 22.
Well, it turns out to be a moot point because Thing 1 shoots lefty and neither the Cricket nor the Ruger American Rimfire come in lefty. I decided to get him a Keystone Chipmunk, which does come in left handed. I also got a Savage 64 in lefty. He won’t be touching the semi for a number of years, but the price is right and its not like its going to go bad sitting in my safe and being used by my wife a few times a year (also a left-eye-but-right-hand dominant.)
Nice! A happy birthday for Thing 1!
*Does double take*
Oh, I see now. happy birthday That is appropriate. (my first read was happy ending)
I was worried that Leap was going to have to accept his Father of the Year award from the state pen after he was rung up by the busy bodies in Minnesoda.
this is too late since you bought the Chipmunk but in the future you may want to rent one of these to try:
CZ recently released the 457 Scout to replace their 455 Scout which was their kid friendly 22lr. Too new to have a left hand version yet. I bought the 455 Scout for my kids and it’s smooth, balanced, and beautiful. Retail a few years ago was $312 so nearly double the Chipmunk but this is a legacy rifle.
I’ll keep it in mind when Thing 2 is mature enough to be handed a firearm (may not happen until she’s large enough to handle a standard size rifle, we will see.) She appears to be right dominant.
I don’t even know why I am sharing this but…
Can you makes things stronger and lighter with it?
Why are there 68 teams in the NCAA tournament? Wouldn’t it be 64?
Because at one point there were 30 auto bids and 34 at-large bids. They wanted to preserve the 34 at-large bids and a 31st conference got an autobid.
So they expanded to 65, with the two worst teams playing a play in. A few years later they expanded it to 68, with 4 “first four” games, 2 of which were the 4 worst teams and 2 of which were the 4 worst at-large teams.
There are now 32 autobids and 36 at-large bids.
Shorter version: Yes, it should be 64.
A 68 team tourney is the grey duck of tournaments.
You can honk all you want goose-breath, but you are still wrong.
See my google trends link above, Mondale voter.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind going back to 52 schools like the mid-80s. There are too damned many teams in the tournament now.
64 is perfect, being a power of 2 and all.
My radical remodel is to define the 64 teams (by conference) in advance. Sort of (but I would use a different mathematical model) like the Champions League works in soccer.
So, before the season starts, the ACC would know that they are getting, say, 7 teams in the tourney. The ACC tourney champ is one spot, like now, and the other 6 spots go to the top 6 regular season finishers who didn’t win the tourney.
So, in this case, the 7th place team would get in the tourney as long as either they won the ACC tourney or one of the top 6 won. They would be the bubble team. Everyone above them would be in, everyone below them would be needing to win.
The alternate version is to only define 60 positions this way and keep back 4 for the committee to assign, in that weird year where the American East conference needs 2 bids, but are still only a defined 1 bid league or whatever.
So you’d rather watch a 14-18 Wake Forest squad who lost in the first round of their tournament vs. a 23-8 Evansville squad that lost their championship in overtime on a buzzer beater? Because that’s what would happen if you pre-defined team slots.
4 play in games.
the NCAA hates that term, so I will always use it.
What do they call it?
For a while it was “Round 1”. Now they call it “First Four”.
They hate it because “play in” implies they aren’t really in the tournament, that the tournament is 64 teams.
Which it is.
That’s awfully sensitive of them.
Blaming Prescription Pain Pills For The Opioid Epidemic Is Fake News
And the sheer evil of having people suffer pain, all to stop a small percentage of addicts, is frankly immoral.
Their suffering will be worth it if the neoprohibitionists get to punish the Sacklers.
Chemistry question, how difficult is it for someone to isolate the various components of plant matter trying to narrow down which ones contribute to the known toxicity of the plant?
Technically, the character in the story is only an alchemist, but he’s trying to isolate the poison to develop antidotes or preventatives.
Do we have 20th century chemistry or 16th century chemistry?
16th century.
It would vary. I think a good alchemist would be able via trial and error to separate out the poison.
How many minions/orphans does he have available as test subjects?
He was going to test on rats because the corpses are easier to dispose of, and they don’t take up as much space during testing.
Prisoners are cheaper though, no?
Not for a man with no prisons or courts.
The Skrael farm rats and are liable to sell them for a few pfennig to the gross.
I believe nicotine extraction was done in the 17th century. Alchemy was big on essential oil distillation.
How many tasters does the king have?
I could see a 16th century “scientist” taking various parts of the plant and subjecting them to methods to dissolve, extract, and then concentrate the components. Dry, grind, then dissolve in several different solvents (water, alcohol, others like Naptha), filter out the non dissolving matter, then distill and or dry to concentrate. Test on unwilling subjects for effectiveness and dosing,
You could definitely split the plant into more-toxic and less-toxic fractions. As far as “isolate” or “purify,” that’s not exactly easy to do now.
Florida man calls cops….
Shoulda just choked a bitch.
Donald Trump- accessory to murder!
A lawyer for the man charged with killing a New York City mob boss said Monday that his client had been influenced by “right-wing conspiracy websites” and hate speech.
The lawyer, Robert Gottlieb, spoke to reporters after Anthony Comello, 24, was formally charged with gunning down Francesco “Franky boy” Cali, 53, outside his home in Staten Island, New York, on March 13.
“The truth and the reasons for whatever happened here will become so clear, and will be shown to be directly related to the hate that people are bombarded with every day on the internet and elsewhere,” Gottlieb said.
“Those words matter,” Gottlieb said. “They have an effect.”
Gottlieb added that “certain signals that were picked up” came from “right-wing conspiracy sites” and “politicians, including right at the White House.”
Now they’ve got him. Commence the impeachment.
I would guess that Comello’s chance of making it to 25 is approximately zero?
Had to be right-wing propaganda. What else could provide the motivation for whacking a mob boss?
Trump has brought unprecedented violence to the Italian-American community.
Mob bosses never got whacked before Trump was president!
“For anyone who thinks the Mueller investigation is over, AG Barr’s summary is just his interpretation of Mueller’s findings. It is not definitive. AG Barr was appointed as Trump was looking for an AG to clear him of any wrongdoing. Until the public can evaluate the findings, the issue is open. Republican leadership is actively blocking the release of the report. Reserve judgement until you can read the findings for yourself.”
What an acquaintance posted in their FB status. These people want so bad for Trump to have colluded with Russia. And the beauty of it all is that if they don’t find any definitive proof that there was collusion, they will move the goal post and say that this was a investigation for corruption.
I want to so bad post that his woman lost and he needs to get over it.
AG Barr was appointed as Trump was looking for an AG to clear him of any wrongdoing.
Of all the RUSHUH KELUZHEN!!! talking points that have been made thus far, this one has to be in the top three of the most idiotic. If only these people could see how stupid they look.
That person believes Barr completely and intentionally misrepresented what Mueller sent him? That would be rather short sighted of Barr.
I mean, there’s no way Mueller would speak up and point out that Barr was misrepresenting his report, right?
And also, do these assclowns really want to dig deep into the corruption of the Trump campaign? If they do that, they risk exposing themselves and their corruption.
There’s a good article up at the Federalist that touches on that point. So far the investigation has turned up a lot of small beer on Trump’s end and a hell of a lot of illegal and unethical behavior on the FBI, the DOJ, and the DNC ends. And if the argument is that it proves Trump and his associates are scum, then I’ll see you and raise you the entirety of the mainstream media, especially MSNBC, which has actively pushed unvetted stories, not to mention known-false stories, as fact.
The interesting part about all of this is that the Left always claim to be against the abuse of power from law enforcement agencies and the FBI but have stayed quiet and even condone the use of those same measures against Trump.
That’s why it’s a pipe dream to believe that the Progressives and Libertarians share some sort of philosophy about criminal justice reform. Libertairans argue that these abuses are the result of budding totalitarian state while the Progressives only gripe is that the these abuses are used against minorities.
Absolutely. Progressivism relies on a centralized, powerful state and the absence of individual liberty. I’m not saying that pejoratively, although I believe at least the latter is inherently immoral; Progressive doctrine revolves around technocrats and experts using the power of the state to shape society according to what they decide is best–through research and study, of course–regardless of the wishes of the people who actually make up society. At some point, that will have to involve aggression as defined by the NAP. If being a libertarian means adhering to the NAP, you cannot be both things, and, really, you can’t share common goals because you don’t share common goals.
I want to so bad post that his woman lost and he needs to get over it.
So why don’t you?
and call off the wedding? fat chance.
I think it bears repeating that Trump could have fired Mueller and ended the investigation at will. This is like when my daughter tells my wife she can’t turn Peppa Pig off to watch basketball because it’s not fair. “Honey, everything you can see belongs to us. Now here’s your tablet, momma needs to watch the Terps.”
Here’s hoping that, now that the special counsel is done, Trump goes after the Deep Staters responsible for this. There’s a shitload of people who need to be fired, and a decent number who should be jailed. I think the smart play would have been to let Mueller run out of gas, and then, when there is no more possibility of “interfering with the investigation”, go through the DOJ and the FBI with a flamethrower.
For sure. “You finished? Ok, now it’s my turn.” I think this is what the “clear the swamp, burn it all down” scenario really looks like. The masks are pretty much off now, and the choice becomes accepting the presence of a deep state and letting it behave as a fourth branch of government, kind of like Wee Willy Kristol wants, or deciding that the rule of law and limited government are principles that must be preserved at all costs, even if it means accepting that sometimes people we don’t like will occupy positions of power.
That’s why I could never run for a political office. If I won the Presidency and these assholes tried to pull a soft coup, I would go through each agency involved and burn it all the fuck down.
Like Trump or not, he won the Presidency and for the bureaucrats to not accept the results and try to come up with some collusion bullshit, someone needs to pay. And what’s so frightening about this is that this could have pushed us into some terrible proxy war with the Russians. A weaker President would have tried to use military aggression against the Russians to prove that they weren’t a Russia plant and the same media that pushed those lies would condemn the President for getting us in a costly and stupid war.
A weaker President would have tried to use military aggression against the Russians
Trump did exactly that in the Middle East. Small scale stuff – a “mercenary” unit denied by the Russians got shot to shit, and he blowed up an airfield they were using.
“A weaker President would have tried to use military aggression against the Russians to prove that they weren’t a Russia plant”
He pretty much did just that. Granted he didn’t start a shooting war, but he’s laid the groundwork for one. Trump is a very weak man and he’s too ignorant about his own positions to remain steadfast in them.
Yeah, well, when that happens, get ready for nonstop, 24-hour coverage to the tune of: “Our totalitarian president is jailing his political opponents!”
I had the exact same thought.
Nick Sarwark?
ooohhh snap.
Anyhoo, went to the big air show at Davis-Monthan air base this weekend. Great fun.
Because they have the massive Boneyard, they had a bunch of planes on “static display”. Got to go inside one of the huge cargo haulers (the Super Galaxy), which is enormous.
Many demos, including a Globemaster, of all things. Incredible maneuverability and short take off and landing, especially for a cargo plane.
Warthog demo, of course. Also as part of a combat search and rescue demo that included helicopters doing mid-air refueling, which is . . . improbable, considering how close the refueling hose comes to the spinny choppy things.
They had an F-35, which really looks like an oversized F-22. The F-22 also did a demo. Ho. Lee. Crap. That thing can do stuff in the air that defies belief.
And the Thunderbirds, which did all kinds of cool stuff. Including a straight vertical ascent to 50,000 feet in about 4 seconds.
I’m seeing stars just thinking about that kind of force applied to me.
Cool – I need to make it to an airshow some day.
When we were in Hawaii this summer, a Globemaster buzzed the boat we were on (between Lanai & Maui) – low altitude, waggling its wings. Really amazing. ANG having some fun, I assume.
The boat crew had never seen that before, so we were just lucky.
Take earplugs. They’re all loud (except the Warthogs), but when the F-22 was doing low-altitude maneuvers, you could feel the sound.
The “Commemorative” air force is just down the road, so they had some WII planes, including a Zero (one of five left in the world). They did a mock dogfight between the Zero and, I believe, a Hellcat.
In my time on the flightline, EA-6s are the loudest damned ones I was ever around.
Lawn Darts, aka F-16’s
Something about that huge single air intake makes them emit a ridiculously loud high pitched scream, they are way louder than the Eagles were.
Then there is the B1. No clue why because our runway was not actually long enough for it to safely land or take off but we had a B1 doing touch and goes at the base one day. The noise was hard to describe because it was so low pitched it didn’t sound loud but it made everything within a half mile of the runway shake like an earthquake every time the pilot stood the plane on it’s tail and kicked in the Afterburners
I should have specified Marine/Navy aircraft, although I WAS by the runway when a B-52 took off from Yuma after the air show. Never experienced F-16s or B-1s. F-18s were pretty bad, but EA-6s were painful even through earplugs.
When I was at Futenma, they landed a C-5 Super Galaxy there somehow for a dog and pony show. Quite the spectacular event.
If I remember correctly they loaded 4 CH-53 Sea Stallions in it.
*Warthog re-enactment
If America is the leader of the free world, it should open up its elections to the rest of the world. I’ll save you some bother and tell you how this muppet reached her conclusion:
And more blather in that vein: Trump heaps doubt on global warming; America shouldn’t be allowed to set its own trade policies; oh, and, uh, the Iraq war and “freedom fries.”
It really doesn’t get any smarter or better argued than that.
Sure, soon as the rest of the world pays taxes and abides by American law, to include all of the amendments in the Bill of Rights–yes, including that one, and is approved as individual states admitted to the union, I don’t see the problem. Hawaii was a foreign country once, too.
“No representation without taxation” has a nice ring to it. Or does she expect a vote with no strings attached?
I am tired of crossing my fingers hoping that American voters will do the right thing
Many of them do the “right” thing…
I am tired of crossing my fingers hoping that American voters will do the right thing
So are we, toots. And, now that you mention it, I’m pretty tired of voters all over the world voting the wrong way.
We should let Iran and Russia choose our leaders? Or do they just mean all the Western countries that will vote the “right” way? Maybe they should just rename this piece: “we want Canadians, the French, Germans, and Australians to vote”
They obviously don’t want the Hungarians, Poles, or Italians to vote
Romanians are right out.
Also, counterpoint: “Bye, Felicia.”
You write opinion pieces for a British newspaper while living in NYC, and you’re complaining about America doin’ it wrong? I’m reasonably sure you could catch a flight to any of the countries you believe ought to have a say in American politics in a matter of hours. You could be living in Spain or France or the UK as an ex-pat within a day. Get after it.
“The U.S. is a racist, sexist hellhole that I can’t seem to not live in. Also, everyone should be entitled to live here.”
You forgot the “full of rape, exploitation and mass murder”
Well, what with the tax cuts and the loss of net neutrality, what did you expect?
Holy shit, even for Chicago this is staggeringly corrupt.
Guess hiring Michelle Obama’s chief of staff paid off handsomely.
I suspect the police are leaking this. It’s probably a preliminary decision being discussed in Foxx’s office and police got wind of it and are now leaking to the press again.
Nope, leaked by Smollet’s attorney.
So somebody in the Chicago Police Department is leaking discussions in the prosecutor’s office to defense lawyers?
Look, Mark Geragos is a busy man. Lots of Democrats need his help.
Yep. All the city wanted was his money. They don’t give a flying fuck about anything else.
I wasn’t aware prosecutors can cut a deal and drop charges without appearing before a judge.
Completely exonerated.
Maybe the Russians put Smollett up to it? I. WANT. TO. BELIEVE.
And out 10 grand, plus attorney fees
He’s out $100K. He would have paid a bail bondsman $10K to put up a $100K bond. But I don’t see how he can agree that the bail bondsman should pay $100K to Chicago on a case that the charges were dropped and no bail is actually due. So, I think he put up the money himself, or agreed to reimburse the bondsman for the full amout.
Of course he did. As soon as I saw the news that he was walking I thought, “He agreed to pay for the time wasted by the cops.” Sounds like that’s what happened, though they chose a weird way to do it. It all stinks of political maneuvering behind the scenes.
No commercial bail bonds in Illinois.
It’s unclear when he actually did that community service.
Lemme guess: the national conversation that he started about how bigoted and hateful Trump supporters are was a community service.
????????? ????
Verified account @WashNews
“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition & appropriate resolution…” Cook County SAO
11:28 AM – 26 Mar 2019
For some reason I am not surprised.
Oh and get this – a judge is sealing the records of the case because, fuck you that’s why.
Conveniently while the current mayor is a lame duck and the successor hasn’t been decided yet. It will all be forgotten when Foxx is up for reelection in two years.
Reminder: Foxx was elected in part because Alvarez refused to charge a nephew of Daley after he beat-up a kid who later died as a result of the assault. The more things “change”, the more they stay the same.
The RJ Venecko case
You exaggerate. Alvarez was booted because of Laquan McDonald. I’m sure almost as many as three dozen voters remembered the Venecko case.
Come back,
ShaneObama!Former president Barack Obama gently warned a group of freshman House Democrats Monday evening about the costs associated with some liberal ideas popular in their ranks, encouraging members to look at price tags, according to people in the room.
Obama didn’t name specific policies. And to be sure, he encouraged the lawmakers — about half-dozen of whom worked in his own administration — to continue to pursue “bold” ideas as they shaped legislation during their first year in the House.
“He said we [as Democrats] shouldn’t be afraid of big, bold ideas — but also need to think in the nitty-gritty about how those big, bold ideas will work and how you pay for them,” said one person summarizing the former president’s remarks.
Obama’s words — rare advice from a leader who has shunned the spotlight since leaving office — come as the Democratic Party grapples with questions of how far left to lean in the run-up to 2020. Most Democratic candidates seeking the presidential nomination have embraced a single-payer health-care system and the Green New Deal, an ambitious plan to make the U.S. economy energy efficient in a decade.
Such wise. How statesman. The longing to be reunited with their true love is palpable.
And, of course, they call it, “the Green New Deal, an ambitious plan to make the U.S. economy energy efficient in a decade“.
They can’t help themselves. “Energy efficiency” isn’t even close to what it’s about.
… who has shunned the spotlight since leaving office
A regular Truman on the midnight train to Independence.
Yeah, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor right there.
… who has shunned the spotlight since leaving office
Just a humble, albeit concerned, private citizen.
He shunned the spotlight… buying a house in DC and signing a deal to make shows for Netflix. Very low profile stuff.
Keep repeating the lie until it sticks.
they dropped the charges obviously b/c he was contrite and humble.
“I have been truthful and consistent from day one,” he told reporters in the lobby of the Leighton Criminal Court Building.
Smollett’s attorney, Patricia Brown Holmes, said the defense reached no deal with prosecutors. Smollett agreed to forfeit his $100,000 bond “so he could go on with his life and get this over with,” she said.
Smollett had to post 10 percent of that — or $10,000. Ordinarily, that money would be returned to him or his attorneys.
For unclear reasons, Judge Steven Watkins ordered the public court file sealed.
Moments after Judge Steven Watkins allowed the dismissal, attorneys for Smollett issued a statement.
“Today, all criminal charges against Jussie Smollett were dropped and his record has been wiped clean of the filing of this tragic complaint against him,” the statement said. “Jussie was attacked by two people he was unable to identify on January 29th. He was a victim who was vilified and made to appear as a perpetrator as a result of false and inappropriate remarks made to the public causing an inappropriate rush to judgement.
I’m thinking he should GTFO of Chicago.
Attention Smollett and Smollett’s attorneys: No one on Earth believes a word of that. At least you didn’t have to go the rehab route.
My money was on the rehab route.
“I have been truthful and consistent from day one,” he told reporters in the lobby of the Leighton Criminal Court Building.”
Well this will certainly make those deplorables shut up about a two tier justice system. Everyone can now see that everyone is treated the same by our justice system.
This gem popped up in my FB feed today. It went unnoticed but it’s one of the funniest things I have ever read in the newspaper.
Smollett’s attorney, Patricia Brown Holmes, said the defense reached no deal with prosecutors. Smollett agreed to forfeit his $100,000 bond “so he could go on with his life and get this over with,” she said.
“Ransom” is an ugly word. Let’s not call it that.
the defense reached no deal with prosecutors
I must have missed the Advanced Shameless Lying class in Law School. If the prosecutors just decided all on their own, no deal, to drop everything, then he would get his bond back. The only way he forfeits the bond is if he agreed to do so. In exchange for something. Which is a deal.
his record has been wiped clean of the filing of this tragic complaint against him
If that is true, then this is truly extraordinary. Charges stay on your record permanently, even if you are acquitted or the prosecutors decide to drop the case.
his metaphorical record has been wiped clean. his literal record is still blemished.
I love how they spin it as “well, this just proves we’re right that it’s going to recede even more in the future!”
Look, if the glacier is growing now, then there’s going to be more glacier to melt in the future.
Do you even Maths, bro?