Happy Hump Day. As Pie (the character not the commenter) reminded us last post. SugarFree would like me to post the following definition: FUPA-ariy. The place (or location) of the FUPA. You’re welcome.
I really respect the ingenuity of the USMC. Its like they built a soapbox derby drone.
Stephen Breyer thinks that not letting federal agencies broadly interpret their own regulatory rules is “the greatest judicial power grab since Marbury v. Madison”. Umm, okay. As long as federal courts are grabbing negative power — that is, the ability to only strike down more regulation — I’m okay with it, I think.
We’ve got Q special — FDA proposes rules for ‘women with dense breasts’.
Theresa May sacrifices her Prime Ministership (Ministry?) in final attempt at Brexit deal. Crazily, she seems to believe that the referendum has given her a clear mission to separate the UK from the EU.
Okay, so now I’m stuck on Ministry.
Something, something, links, Florida Man, something.
Meth, pythons, nudity, trouble with police, gators, manatees, property damage, injury?
This day sucks. Another decent night of sleep, IN BED, and I wake up at eight this morning and puke my guts out. Took a Zofran to get control of the nausea and back to bed. Chills, muscle aches and I just got enough energy to move from bed to the recliner. I’ve had a half a yogurt and several glasses of water.
Damn, Rufus. Way to delight in someone’s suffering. Or are you just excited to know someone is definitely not working today?
Like people work around here.
I hate Canadians.
Don’t we all.
Don’t mess with the Zofran?
The Zordon?
That sucks.
I used to have similar reactions to SugarFree stories. Eventually, you will become inured. Be patient.
Ouch. Hope you feel better man.
yeah but you’re going to be looking svelte when it’s over. assuming you survive of course.
/silver linings guy
I had a brutal case of influenza last month (temp of 104, etc.). I lost eight pounds in 2 weeks. It really works.
*If* it makes you feel better. I just recovered from a two-day vertigo/migraine episode. And boy was it a doozy!
That’s nasty.
At least you hurled. Nothing like feeling the sensation of it but not actually doing it.
Good luck to you sir.
Bummer. Do you take anything? Other than Scotch?
I would take an axe to my head if I could.
Or puncture a hole in head and let it ooze out.
Medieval headache demands a medieval remedy amirite!?
I’ve been wanting to practice trepanation on someone! Lemme sanitize my auger. It’s time to let that shit breathe, Rufus!
I’m willing to try anything.
/flops on couch.
Actually, on a serious note, I’ve read there is a risky procedure for vertigo. But it’s so dicey it can lead to being deaf in one ear. I know someone who did it. Her vertigo was so bad she did the procedure and accepts being deaf in one ear.
That’s horrible. Sorry, dude.
That sucks. I get mild vertigo on rare occasions, I can’t imagine what you’re dealing with.
Last year it was so bad an ambulance came to get me because I had no idea what it was. It was a completely different vertigo I hadn’t experienced. Fucked up.
Meniere’s Disease it’s linked to. But I never went to go do the final diagnosis because…well I’m a guy.
At least I know what Huey Lewis goes through.
Do you want a new drug, one that doesn’t make you sick?
Well, I went through the whole thing (ENT, MRI, Audiologist etc.) only to find out that they don’t know why, how or what to fucking do about it. Only that I’ve had significant permanent loss in one ear, occasionally have issues with Meniere’s and IT’S NOT A TUMUH!
Meclizine seems to help when it starts to get bad.
Am I the only one who read that as Mescaline?
Fucking autocorrect!
It’s alright as long as I’m not stuck with (any of) you.
Tundra, same here. Right ear has significant hearing loss.
My daughter lost her patience with me once after I said ‘what?’ one too many times: Daddy! What the hell?
lol. We hijacked Spud’s misery.
Ugh. Get better, Spud.
Always keep Zofran on hand, even if your insurance won’t pay
Candied ginger works almost as well and is a lot cheaper
Not even close. Zofran will prevent you from vomiting for 4-6 hour, no matter what.
Does it cut down on the nausea too? I’d hate to feel like I need to vomit for 6 hours, but not be able to do it. The worst part is the 30 seconds before you puke.
Completely eliminates nausea too. But don’t be fooled. That doesn’t mean that you should chow down half of a large pepperoni pizza. If you miss the next dose, even by 5 minutes, it’s coming back up.
I learned the hard way. Twice. Once for me, once for my then 7-year-old on his birthday.
He projectile vomited all over the back of my head from his car seat on the way home from the ER, but before we had had picked up a refill from the pharmacy.
Yes, tell the pharmacist you don’t want to use insurance for it. For some unknown reason our health insurance wants to restrict access to Zofran to only 8 per month — I need more than that because I often get queasy from my chemotherapy. So I pay straight cash and get 30 pills for $6. Go figure.
Wow that stuff came down in price.
My wife had really bad hyperemisis when she was pregnant with our twins. So much so that she actually weighed less when she gave birth than she did before she got pregnant and Zofran was the only thing that would let her keep any food down at all and back then it was like $100 a pill. Lucky for us she had good insurance that paid for it with just a $25 copay for a months supply.
My insurance restricts not only to 8 a month, but 4 per prescription.
I’m trying to stockpile, bitches!
So yeah, I pay cash.
Sorry 🙁
Crazily, she seems to believe that the referendum has given her a clear mission to separate the UK from the EU.
No she doesn’t. She’s been trying to sabotage the referendum results, just like much of the British establishment.
Probably so. But to her credit she is falling on her sword in order to get some deal done instead of a no deal Brexit.
The deal is worse than a no-deal Brexit.
More like she’s pretending to be noble and fall on her sword, by making a shitty offer she knows will be declined.
This. GTFO now, UK. You don’t owe anyone Danegeld or Deutschedgeld.
No respect!
Should we be worried that Brett is being responsible about the links? I wonder if he has a fever or is just a bundle of huggy noodles dressed up in a Brett suit.
I vote Brettsuit.
More reasonable than a responsible Brett.
There is no Brett, only Bitey Noodles!
Oh, hey. Can someone handle the links for me on Friday? I’ll be getting a TSA patdown during my usual links manufactory time.
Uh oh, we’ve taught the Brettsuit how to better play Brett, soon it’ll realize that giving us no heads up is the way a real Brett would operate.
TSA pat down = hand job from a tyranny.
H/T Urban dictionary
I have pre-check but I’m travelling with my wife who doesn’t. So we’ll be taking our shoes off like mooks.
Tell her you’ll be happy to wait for her on the other side.
At the bar.
No, no, no. You Pre-check your way through, and tell her you’ll have already ordered her a white wine or whatever it is she drinks and have it ready for her when she finally gets through. THEN drink it and leave the empty glass there, tell her she took too long and it was getting warm and you have to get to your gate anyway, let’s go.
I’m still not crashing at your house when she throws me out.
Spare. Room.
Go for Clear. $85 a year and amazing. You walk in and put your fingers on a scanner, it recognizes you, no need to pull out your drivers license. Then a person takes you to cut in front of the TSA Pre-Check line. Usually takes about 5 minutes total to go through TSA. Best money I ever spent.
The two places I fly mostly (Tampa and Detroit) take me less than 10 minutes to get through even when busy. It usually takes me longer to walk through the the line dividers than to get through security. Now if I flew to/from a busy airport like LAX, LGA, or IAH, I would totally spend the money.
Yeah, just recently I’ve been through MSP, ATL,BNA, CLT and LAX. At each place the trek through the cattle maze took longer than security. Global Entry is the one that blows my mind. Best $100 I’ve ever spent. Literally spent 30 seconds getting through Customs in CLT. It was awesome.
Doubleplus what Tundra said. You might not be doing much international travel, what with two kiddos, but it’s still worth every single cent, even with having to interview with some low-level bureaucrat every five years or so.
Protection money.
I thought Urban Dictionary was supposed to be wrong.
hand job from a tyranny?
Those are the worst. They only want to do it their way. If you try to give helpful hints, they’ll rip your dick off.
Also, they only give hand jobs while in the process of raping you.
¿Se quiere enlaces? Yo tengo enlaces …
Should we be worried that Brett is being responsible about the links?
My guess is he’s up to something. People are often more well behaved when they have something to hide. The only question is, what would a Florida man want to hide, considering how much the type willing does in the open?
The thing about Florida Man is that the defining characteristic is poor impulse control. Florida Man is not sneaky, although he may display a certain animal cunning. Florida Man does not lay an elaborate plan (although that is the hook of my admittedly never written Florida Man Episodes). Florida Man just does shit and let the chips fall as they may. Cool Hand Luke is the archetypal Florida Man.
“Cutting the heads off of parking meters…. I don’t believe we ever had one o’them before. Why in the world did you do that?”
“Seemed like a good idea at the time, Cap’n”
What are you doin’ there fella?
Noted. By process of elimination, I guess that leave’s Jesse’s Brettsuit as the only logical explanation.
That ThinkProgress article is a big steaming pile of shit. It paints the entire argument over judicial deference to the administrative state as one of political partisanship and not one of Constitutional authority.
What I did gather from it is that Roberts is trying to thread the needle again, which means that the outcome will suck.
My own personal opinion is that the failure lies with the legislative branch, which appears to be fully staffed by authority-seeking/responsibility-avoiding morons.
Yes, yes, and yes. Congress needs to reassert its Constitutional authority regardless of who’s in control. But, it won’t.
If you read the article further, it rages against gerrymandered Congress that refused to give The People what they wanted, so Obama used regulatory agencies to do so, and now the conservative court is about to undermine it.
Think Progress shits on your Constitution, your separation of powers and your desire for process. They want their pony by whatever means possible.
“Oh sure, I can edit this by hand hurr durr…”
I really like Stephen Miller. The journalist, not Trump’s adviser.
He and Jon Gabriel host a podcast called The Conservatarians. A good blend of spleen-venting media trash-talking and non-TDS Trump skepticism.
yep. that guy puts out funny content. *intentionally* funny, i strangely feel the need to qualify that remark.
‘i strangely feel the need to qualify that remark.’
I should remind you that Rachael Maddow and Don Lemon exist. Don’t ever feel wrong for qualifying .
McConnell deserves credit for calling it to a vote.
He called their stupid bluff.
I guess we now have 12 years left to live.
I say let’s have an orgy. Who’s in?
Well maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last few months telling her that the fate of the world is hinged on some stupid, unpassable piece of legislation.
Fuck people who ruin their children’s childhoods by giving them anxiety about politics. Let them ride bikes and play with Legos like kids are supposed to do, you fuckstain.
That’s the joke /McBain
We’ve got Q special — FDA proposes rules for ‘women with dense breasts’.
WTF? The FDA has come out against perky boobs?
It’s actually a thing.
My wife has had 2 lumpectomys, and one of them almost didn’t show up on the scan until it was almost too late.
“My lumps, my lumps, my lovely lady lumps,”
Are we sure some govt lab guy didn’t just get pissy and call his colleague a dumb boob? Then some intern who was transcribing notes thought they better smarted that up and all of a sudden we are throwing grant money at dense breasts?
Better use of money than what they usually spend it on.
From think progress:
“Democratic House candidates, after all, won the popular vote in 2012, yet thanks to gerrymandering and similar pathologies, did not win a majority”
That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works. The whole article is about how courts should defer to the executive branch because Congress delegated to them. Plus Obama had to do something, Congress wouldn’t do anything.
Fuck this popular vote nonsense in the neck, with someone’s poop knife (but not with the titanium spork).
It’s amazing the legs this idiotic trope has.
They’ve been insisting it’s a democracy instead of a constitutional republic for decades. It should be no surprise that idiots believe it.
Even the damn Republicans traffic in that tripe.
Sure, they “won the popular vote”, if you ignore the voter suppression — the districts where only Democrats were on the ballot due to Top Two or whatever, the districts where Republicans didn’t turn out because their vote REALLY didn’t matter.
It’s almost as if, after the fact, you parse the numbers until you find a new rule that seems to make you the winner, even though no one campaigned on that fake rule, you might be able to declare victory in your head, even though your side lost.
The other word for doing something like that is “delusional”.
You play three baseball games. You win one 11-0, and lose the other two, 5-3 and 6-2. By their logic, you should have swept the series, because you scored more runs 16-11 over the three games.
Just total up the runs at the end of the season, declare the World Champeens
What the fuck does the “popular vote” have to do with 434 distinct races? Its like saying the Democrat Ag Secretary in Florida is illegitimate because if you combine all the state office votes the Republicans “won the popular vote”. What?
Dude, it’s like you don’t even Parliament.
This is how I Parliament.
I have the same question for them that I have of Earth, Wind and Fire. How do you make any money with that many people on stage?
Admittedly, I was waiting for that.
That particular song?!?
Dang, you are good.
I initially thought you might be linking to this kind of Parliament on Youtube.
That’s how I used to Parliament.
PS. Holy shit how many in that box??
Funny and true story, back around 2000 I ran into Bootsy Collins at a Linens & Things (or maybe a Bed, Bath & Beyond?) in Nashville. He was fully festooned in a dark denim, bell-bottom suit. Dude is awesome.
Yeah, I would have probably violated my ‘leave celebrities alone in real life’ rule.
I panicked and left him alone, thought I regret it. I generally have the same rule as you, though I did fanboy out on Chris Long. He was really nice.
I said hi to Louie Anderson as my daughter and I were boarding a plane. He couldn’t have been a nicer guy. My daughter had a big gymnastics meet the next day and Louie gave her a great pep talk while we were on the jetway. Genuinely sweet guy.
Heh, I had an interaction with Ruben Studdard one time. The guy is an unmitigated asshole who tells admiring kids to screw off.
I don’t know who Ruben Studdard is but I like him already.
I sat a seat over from Bob Huggins on a cross country flight once. He was gruff but funny.
George Clinton used to rent a house in the neighborhood my wife grew up in. I would totally have stalked him until he came outside and then been all white-boy-creepy about telling him how much I loved his music. Despite being born with no funk or soul.
Despite being born with no […] soul.
Wait, you’re a ginger?
I was thinking of this.
I saw Bootsy’s Rubber Band a couple of years ago at a festival. People were really into it.
I had a beer with him at the Mad Frog one night. I didn’t know who he was until a buddy told me the next day.
Bootsy that is.
Getting Clinton into The White House would be pretty funked up.
You have no idea…
I was expecting “Chocolate City”
Thanks, HM.
Clinton in the White House:
They have only themselves to blame. The most extreme gerrymandering is the “Majority Minority” districts that were the result of Democratic gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering doesn’t count when it benefits Democrats.
And the Republicans are too chicken shit to sue when it hurts them.
It doesn’t hurt them. Majority-minority gerrymandering produces districts that are guaranteed to be democratic and usually produce black congress critters.
In exchange, the Pubs get a couple of heavily white districts that tend to go for the Pubs.
So blacks get their representation in congress and the Pubs pick up a few seats they might not carry with a more mixed distribution of voters.
And the gerrymandering is only going to get worse as the country grows and the number of plausibly-adjacent and similarly-hued residents you need to pack together in a single district rises, because the won’t raise the number of representatives.
Part of that trope:
The GOP Senate wins are a result of gerrymandering.
Breathtakingly moronic.
After being subjected to The View while in a waiting room once I thought to myself “Maybe I shouldn’t have totally dismissed the idea of burkas.”
Or, suffrage.
“pathologies”? Like personality disorders?
As silly as talking about the presidential national vote is, it’s exponentially sillier to talk about a Congress-wide popular vote
They have no perception of their stupidity.
From think progress:
I’ve found that Think Progress is in favor of neither of the two things in their name.
That bullshit still drives me up the damn wall. If it’s Congress’s job to just rubber-stamp everything the president wants, why have Congress at all? Why not just have a dictator who writes all the laws himself?
Meanwhile, Keith Olbermann continues his Holy Reign of Terror Against Nobodies Who Offend Him
Sadly, Devos is cutting money to the Special Olympics so with that option off the table Oblermann’s gonna have extra free time to TwitteRAGE!
“We have spoken to him about not making personal attacks,” ESPN said in a statement.
So fire his ass.
Wait…that nut-job is back at ESPN? They are even stupider than I thought
I watch plenty of sports and I have literally never seen him on my TV before.
*knock on wood*
He is an irredeemable POS.
Somebody linked to a commercial of his. Boston Market, I think.
Many years ago I worked on a commercial for Applebees in which Olberman was the star. It was an overnight shoot at an active Applebees location… on a Friday night… in Times Square! The shoot was a madhouse and Olberman was a raging asshole.
Olberman was a raging asshole.
Is, was and ever shall be, asshole without end, Amen.
In case you weren’t aware that the Greater Cleveland doesn’t have a large Hispanic population. One of the minor league (three if you count the Frontier league) baseball teams is reaching out to them by changing their name for five games. To the Picantes de Lake County, with a flaming chili pepper as a logo.
Cleveland: So bad, illegal Mexicans avoid it!
Of course, we have even less Native Americans, but Chief Wahoo still attracted protesters. Now the only place to get Wahoo gear is at the ballpark (they’re only selling it there in order to retain the trademark).
I read that. I may come out just to buy it on principle.
I’ll probably be going to a couple of games this year, I can easily pick some up for you. Although wouldn’t it be a hate crime mailing it across an international border? Are you guys allowed to wear Chief Wahoo up there?
Lol. You never know with the sleazy, corrupted jerk off PC PM!
I thought Lake County was a Chicago-area team (Indiana). Huh.
Picantes is a better name than Captains.
Back in the 90s, I suggested that U of Louisville should change their name to Papa Johns University and their mascot to the Fighting Pepperoncinis.
Nope, Lake County Ohio (which is where I grew up, so it’s my default when I hear Lake County). The other two teams are the Akron Rubber Ducks and the Lake Erie Crushers (named after the wine history in NE Ohio… seriously).
The Picantes play @ the Hot Rods April 15-17, Jul 27-29, and Aug 28-30. @Picantes (I refuse to acknowledge the Captains name anymore) on Apr 8-11, May 16-19, and Aug 21-23.
The Midwest League-wide schedule sucks. It is an excel document.
Hmmm…9 home games and 11 road games. I don’t know why baseball schedulers struggle so much to maintain a balanced schedule.
There’s two Chicago-area Lake Counties, one in Indiana and one in Illinois, both border Lake Michigan.
The one in Illinois has the highest-priced Chicago suburbs; the one in Indiana has the ghettos of Gary and the areas that used to be steel mills.
Yeah well the one in Illinois has Waukegan and North Chicago while the one in Indiana has Three Floyds.
I hope it is Flea.
Over/under on how spectacularly this backfires, complete with profuse apologies for offending “latinxs”?
Memphis used to have a two-fer outrage team: The Memphis Chicks. Since Chicks was short for Chickasaw they pissed off gals and Indians.
Their logo could have used a shitlord’s touch though.
In the early ’90s the Chicks had a few promotional event nights sponsored by FM 93 where beers were only $0.93. About the time I was leaving in ’94, there was outrage when the promotional night was taken over by FM 102 and beers became $1.02. (not sure of exact stations/prices, but do remember outrage amongst the working poor drunks I hung with that beers were going to be more expensive).
Who Doesn’t Like Sweaters?
45p? is that post-Brexit currency?
Here’s a sweater.
Here’s another sweater.
Ow, my eye…
Sweater puppies.
Dude is totes gay. You will note even the other chick is looking at the sweater puppies but the guys eyes are staying above the neck
“my breasts are down here, mister.”
For the USMC-sponsored glider: So it’s not the Spruce Goose (referenced in the article), but how ’bout Pine Turkey?
“As God is my witness…”
Somehow I knew this would be the first response.
“They’re hitting the pavement like sacks of wet cement!!”
USMC-sponsored glider
I saw that as OMWC-sponsored glider for a split second.
I saw it as USMC-sponsored glitter.
The herpes of the military craft world.
Garry Glitter then works as a name either way.
A glider before it gets wings.
Shaped like a 1984 Ford Econoline with faded paint and FREE CANDY lettering on the side?
You loved the action figure. Now you get to try the sweet nectar of justice!
Sam Adams is releasing a new brew that honors a Supreme trailblazer.
The Ruth Bader Ginsburg-inspired beer will be available in the brewery’s Tap Room in Boston on March 29.
Named “When There Are Nine,” the Belgian Bruit IPA was brewed on International Women’s Day and was inspired by the Supreme Court Justice’s famous response to being asked when there will be enough women on the court.
Tickets are available online to try the IPA. The $20 ticket includes a pint of When There Are Nine, four dumplings from Mei Mei and a donation to the Pink Boots Society.
Five dollars will be donated from every ticket purchased and $1 will be donated from every RBG-inspired drink purchase to the Pink Boots Society. The society encourages women in the beer industry to advance their careers with education.
The specialty drink will be available from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday.
Intoxicating the witness!
“When There Are Nine,”
A real woke Brewer would have talked about packing the courts
They should make beers for each of the Justices. Kavanaugh’s would obviously have the highest ABV, Thomas’s would have to be named “Hi-Tech Lynching”, but no clue what type it should be
Stout, duh.
Thomas’s should obviously be Uncle Tom’s Pale Ale
I like that.
Golf fucking clap for the Scruffster.
Black IPA, obviously.
Kagan’s would be cunt flavored.
Crimson Carpet Irish Red
Kagan’s Harpoon Tang Ale
Red Sea Ale, a red ale. Coppery color and flavor.
Compromise: Uncle Tom’s Black&Tan
I’m Black, he’s Tan. I can’t believe you made that assumption.
Roberts would have to be a cocktail disguised as a beer. Suprema Zima or somesuch.
Schwartzbier, of course
Duh Thomas’s would have to be brewed with pubic hair yeast
Sam Adams is overrated anyway.
Overrated, he says.
Q, you are just too kind.
/Lord, is it awful swill.
Sam Adams is releasing a new brew that honors a Supreme trailblazer.
In what way was RGB a trailblazer? Is that assessment based on something, or just magical thinking? I don’t know much about her, but I know she was not the first woman on the Supreme Court (so more of a trail follower than trail blazer, on that front at least).
Sandra Day O’Connor was a Republican and therefore doesn’t count.
A quick perusal of Wiki- Seems she set a few firsts – woman on Harvard and Columbia Law Review, started some woman oriented groups, And while not the first was one of few women to do many of the things she did. I’d say she deserves some credit for being an early feminist type hero. In the sense that a trailblazer is “a person who marks or prepares a trail through a forest or field for other people to follow” and not specifically the very first to go into the forest or field she fits the bill.
Does she also get credit for her penchant for basing her decisions on “international law” over the constitution?
Sure, why not.
I would think that when you opened a bottle of RBG beer, a puff of dust would come out and that is it.
OT: I picked up a Sam Adams triple bock in 1998, and I don’t know if it had gone bad or if they wanted it this way, but the taste was maple syrup and Worcestershire sauce mixed together, with a braised copper pipe finish. When we poured it out, the last inch or so in the bottom was super thick, like blackstrap molasses.
I made myself throw up to get the little bit I had swallowed out of my body in case it was toxic.
Never bought anything from them since.
I don’t want to know what it takes for SugarFree to self-induce a vomit.
He intended to order a sandwich to go with that beer, but they didn’t have anything that was forged in darkness from wheat harvested in Hell’s half-acre, baked by Beelzebub, slathered with mayonnaise from the evil eggs of a powerful dark chicken, beaten into sauce by the hands of a one-eyed madman, cheese boiled from the rancid teat of a three-headed fanged cow, layered with 666 separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood.
So you are saying they were out of braunschweiger?
I… I like braunschweiger. We grew up eating it on bagels, every Sunday, after church.
I never loved Eva Braunschweiger.
Theresa May sacrifices her Prime Ministership (Ministry?) in final attempt at Brexit deal.
Bring on Boris Johnson.
Go Rees-Mogg or go home!
It’s amazing the legs this idiotic trope has.
I blame the NEA.
“When There Are Nine,”
Hurry. Soon there will be only eight.
Probably linked somewhere already but I don’t care. We’re going back to the MOON, y’all!!!!!
*buys shares in moon dust miners*
They’ve been saying that ever since the first moon landing. And why, WHY, should we send someone to the moon again, other than to line the pockets of….. Oh. Right.
The reason we did it last time seems timely again.
To give the smart Nazis something to do?
You want to get to the Moon in less than 10 years?
$1 billion dollar prize to the first company to land a man on the moon stay for 48 hours and return him safely to earth. Then watch as ULA, Space X and Blue Origin compete to win it
I can fake it for half of that.
I grew up on Mars 2015. Moon 2024 doesn’t even seem like a consolation prize. Admittedly, landing on Mars is harder than the Moon for manned craft, but FFS. Once you get to a transfer orbit, you’re halfway to anywhere.
Wait, wait a minute, this can’t be true.
I have seen a pastor/marriage counselor suggest that single parents should wait until their kids are grown before getting in another relationship. For this reason and a few others.
It’s been common knowledge for a long time. But don’t you dare mention it among the feminists fighting the patriarchy.
He even acknowledged that that is an extreme position that he doesn’t push, but he has seen so many problems with blended families that he thinks it is probably a good idea.
My wife’s grandmother famously threatened her daughter after my wife was born. She said specifically, “You have a daughter now, you’re going to stay in this marriage because if you don’t, the risks to her are too high and I’ll end you myself.”
Might be a little selection bias there. I know a handful of families that have more or less followed the wait-until-the-kids-are-grown model and each one I can think of is a toxic shithole. I suspect that the things that led to the divorces in the first place (either broken adults or deranged/energy-sapping children) are still in play whether the parents remarry earlier or later.
While there are issues with marriages that end in divorce, the real risk lies with introducing new partners.
In real life, Greg and Marcia would have been boinking each other.
Damn straight
As a million PornHub clips can attest
I think there’s a big difference between staying married until the kids are grown and staying single until the kids are grown in terms of toxicity. We have some friends who are trying to decide whether to stay together or not. They sleep in separate rooms, they basically conduct their married life as a business. Both parents love the kids, but I don’t know if its a good thing for the kids to have their biggest input model to how adults conduct relationships be that.
My wife and I sleep in separate rooms most nights, actually, because she is the lightest fucking sleeper in the world and apparently everything I do at night – breathing, rolling over, etc – wakes her up.
We would, but the wife gets annoyed when I’m not there. At the same time, my snoring drives her nuts. Can’t win.
White noise and a good mattress, dude. King sized.
But do you live in separate rooms? I’m not trying to criticize how people work out relationships, but they are not together.
I meant wait to remarry, not wait to divorce.
Well then you’re just wrong. See my totally anecdotal data!
Well then you’re just wrong. See my totally anecdotal data!
My uncle was this way after his divorce. My cousin was 5 or so at the time. He still dated, but he made it clear from the get go that it was just casual dating for fun and/or sex, that it was never going to be anything more than that, and that his daughter would always have priority over whoever he was dating at the tmoment.
My mom was the opposite. There was always a man in our lives from age 5 or so on, either living with us or us living with him, sometimes with his kids. Some of them hurt her but none of them touched the kids that I’m aware of. The last one, the one who was around from my early teen years until the end, was the keeper. It became clear early on that he had no interest in interfering with my mom’s raising us, and we were fine with that.
Both my son and daughter have blended families. My daughter had two boys (one from each relationship), they survived just fine. My son had two daughters (again, one from each relationship). The oldest daughter from the first relationship was molested by one of her mother’s subsequent boyfriends. He is still doing time in state lockup.
So… put you in the “against” column?
My mother in law has been married 5 times, most while my wife was growing up.
There’s a reason she isn’t in my family’s life anymore.
I think that’s closer to the root cause. People who make bad and desperate decisions out of hurt and loneliness end up unwittingly putting their kids in unproductive situations.
Yep. If you put your own selfishness above the needs of the people who depend on you, bad things can happen.
My wife comes from a family of 5 girls. We talked the highest risk sister out of having kids.
Pro tip: if you’ve ever returned a puppy to the pet store after a few months, parenthood probably isn’t for you.
Social science research is bullshit until it confirms one of my preconceived notions.
Ah, you too have listened to Stefan Molyneux!
While all of this is true these stats are also misleading…
0.01 * 40 = 0.04 children living with non biological parents will be abused.
While the odds of bad things happening are massively increased they are still so low that they should probably not be driving peoples decisions on whether to remarry
Get the fuck out of here with your Bayesian probability and your “prior knowledge of conditions”.
If you follow to the study cited it’s from some number not clear on graph (presumably 14/40) to just shy of 14 in a 1000. You’ll also note that it’s from 1985, so it may not be quite relevant to Current Year.
(I think that link should work, full link is a monster wrapping six lines).
the Brady Bunch was left wing propaganda
I’m named after my father’s step-father. The impact that he made in my father’s life was huge.
My father’s childhood was pretty chaotic and messed up until Grampa Jim came into his life. I think that one of the reasons my father grew up to have a normal life was because of what he learned from Grampa.
As much as I still hate and feel bad my parents divorced when I was 9, I would have felt worse if they had just hid it and kept faking it for 9 more years.
Over/under there’s an investigation into the Smollet thing.
Or will they just ‘ride it out’ and hope it’s forgotten?
I think the city will ride it out. Curious to see what the feds do. Lying to them is dangerous, in some cases more so than the actual crime.
Bah. Black privilege bro.
I really respect the ingenuity of the USMC. Its like they built a soapbox derby drone.
That is cool. An update on the old wooden glider, like they used in WW2. But this time it’s autonomous, so no one has to fly in it (which I would be hesitant to do).
It is a cool idea, but what the hell happened to the K-Max helicopter? It had several virtually perfect deployments with the corps years ago – what the heck happened to that? Politics and lack of connections???
2010: https://www.stripes.com/promotions/2.1066/pilotless-helos-to-replace-supply-trucks-in-afghanistan-1.122467
2011: https://www.stripes.com/news/middle-east/afghanistan/marines-look-to-extend-unmanned-helo-program-in-afghanistan-1.173082
2012: https://www.stripes.com/news/marines-in-afghanistan-tout-unmanned-supply-helicopter-1.219102
I remember some much longer articles in the past as well, but a quick search didn’t bring it up.
Joe Biden has zero self-awareness.
28 years ago I chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing, the first of its kind, the Clarence Thomas hearing, the appointment of a lifetime appointed to the Supreme Court, and a brave lawyer, a really notable woman, Anita Hill, professor, showed the courage of a lifetime talking about her experience being harassed by Clarence Thomas. We knew a lot less about the extent of harassment back then, over 30 years ago. But she paid a terrible price. She was abused through the hearing. She was taken advantage of. Her reputation was attacked…
They were a bunch of white guys. No, I mean it sincerely, a bunch of white guys hearing, hearing this testimony in the Senate Judiciary Committee. So when Anita Hill, when Anita Hill came to testify, she faced a committee that didn’t fully understand what the hell it was all about. To this day I regret I couldn’t come up with a way to get a kind of hearing she deserved, given the courage she showed by reaching out to us. The hearing she deserved was a hearing where she was respected, where the tone and the questioning was not hostile and insulting, where the fact that she stepped forward was recognized as an act of courage in and of itself. Because let’s face it, back in 1991 it took a lot of courage to take on a man who was so much a part of the establishment and the power structure…
You all know what the phrase rule of thumb means? Where it’s derived from? In English common law, not codification or common law, back in the late 1300s, so many women were dying at the hands of her husbands because they were chattel, just like the cattle or the sheep, that the Court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths. So, you know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. That’s got to change it’s got to change.
Speaking of modern day attempted lynchings, your hearing regarding asinine accusations against Clarence Thomas.
Biden is every bit as much of a dim bulb I’ve always thought he was – who the hell does he think most of his fans are? The Woke Patrol? Hell no, it’s middle aged mildly liberal white people who don’t much like the New Proggy Generation but don’t like Trump and/or the GOP. This won’t get them fired up, and the twentysomthing intersectional idiots aren’t going to suddenly start liking him if he mumbles some shit in their language now.
“In English common law, not codification or common law, back in the late 1300s, so many women were dying at the hands of her husbands because they were chattel, just like the cattle or the sheep, that the Court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths. So, you know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. That’s got to change it’s got to change.”
Yeah, and I’m sure non-white cultures were super woke in 1300’s : eyeroll:
*looks askance at all of Central Asia and most of the Middle East*
That is bullshit long ago disproved.
Ah, there’s the Joe Biden I want in the debates. I was worried for a second reading the summaries of what he said.
To be fair, the black slavers who were selling other black people into slavery in the 1300s were probably careful to not beat the women prior to the sale, because damaging the merchandise would hurt the selling price.
See? Everyone can play this game of Everyone In The 1300s Was Not Woke, So Pick Any Subset To Villanize People Over Half a Millennium Later!
Except that rule of thumb etymology is bullshit
One would think a brave attorney would be prepared for cross-examination and questioning to determine the credibility of the witness.
“women with dense breasts”
What an excellent segue…
On topic!
19 really going the extra mile with the Circle Game
A collection dense with hot women.
By my standards, 15 is clearly the best
3 is damn fine, too
47 has a hella sexy booty and eyes
Professional journalism
The Senate rejected the Green New Deal on Tuesday, in a decisive 57–0 vote that Democrats decried as a political stunt meant to divide their caucus.
All the Republican senators opposed the measure. They were joined by four senators who caucus with the Democrats—Senator Joe Manchin, from the coal-heavy state of West Virginia, along with Senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, Doug Jones of Alabama, and Angus King of Maine.
Try as I might, I cannot discern what was actually being “voted on”. But those Democrats sure put one over on McConnell. Or something.
ps- Republikkkins hate Gaia.
It was defeated 100 to 0. There were precisely 0 yes votes.
Those who voted “present” were just honoring King Zero’s legacy.
I remain puzzled how “voting for the bill you put forward” is a “stunt”.
I was also thinking, “I have the worst senators”. Markey & Warren. So terrible.
Schumer and Gillibrand.
*drops mic*
I’ll see your Schumer/Gillibrand and raise you Kamala Harris and Diane Feinstein.
Ah yes, the old California vs. New York rivalry over who can prog harder.
“How Fast Should I Thrust During Sex?”
Not so fast that you get relativistic length contraction, the ladies hate that.
Keep it under the “Broken Penis Threshold Speed”
“but don’t women prefer it slower?”
What does that have to do with anything?
Variable? I don’t understand why there would be a single answer to this question.
Paging Zardoz…
Zatdoz has the advice column. Steve Smith gives personal demonstration.
I would also try to keep it slow enough that friction doesn’t start a fire (I know that most women have cleared most of the underbrush now, but still be careful).
Not fast enough to cause a fire?
The perfect speed, illustrated
And you finish with a swirl.
Remember when the Pachyderms were the party of small, limited government and against costly, ineffective programs?
Me neither.
I give them some credit for allowing withdrawal of SS benefits versus a government/employer funding.
Yay, Romney sucks so much. Damn carpet bagger
*Sets urn filled with HM’s Medicare back on his mantle.*
It was never more than empty words, as the events of the past two decades have proven.
Two? More like Seven.
“Small-er. We said small-er! Like how 340lb woman is smaller than 350lb one!”
As someone that appreciates the ‘larger ladies’, can confirm
Real life Bond villain.
He really is.
I already didn’t believe anything they were reporting
I’m surprised MI6 didn’t kill him when he fucked with the Pound.
A few lawsuits should fix that
Well at least they do a great job with everything else.
Extended version. It’s the White Supremists fault.
Yeap, such a good job.
Sensible Republicans want to save Obamacare. What a shock.
The big problem with the Republicans is that their MO of the last 70 years has been “Big Government is Bad but it is politically inexpedient to do anything about it”. How exactly is that different from pragmatic libertarianism?
And the Democrats for the past 120 years have been busy growing government but only slowing down when it is expedient to do so.
Great question.
Wrong place to ask it though…
Well there are purity vs. incrementalism arguments on here as well so I think this is something to think about.
How exactly is that different from pragmatic libertarianism?
Republicans actually have the power necessary to bother with pragmatism, and pragmatic libertarians are just kidding themselves?
Sarwack and that California Board of Supervisors guy have a sad.
Nearly everyone: “There’s no way humanly possible that this Smollett thing can get any dumber.”
Kim Foxx:
I’m wondering if this is the good libertarian sort of Chicago corruption?
I’m now leaning towards “yes” because entertainment value is rapidly overcoming muh purity of government or rage over a shitty little hoaxer getting away with it.
And corrupter.
Soros gave Foxx 408k in the case apparently.
This is savage in its corruption.
Went to Foxx’s Twitter.
People are maaaad.
It would be very stupid of her to tweet anything for a long time.
Also, it appears that R. Kelly truthers are a thing.
He wanted a black gay man to not be thrown in prison. What could be more libertarian than that? /sarc
In 2016.
Dammit expecting me to RTFA! /Triggered
It’s one thing that you need to read between the lines these days to figure out what’s going on (and my childhood skills in a notionally Communist country are certainly getting an exercise there). But usually one reads the lines first.
Someone needs to do a Soros chart of where he donates money.
He’s free to do so but it would be interesting.
I imagine quite a few have…
For sure.
Oh boy does David Horowitz have a site for you!
lol. I’ll be looking at that later!
Soros donated to a Super PAC backing Foxx three years ago so she would let Smollett walk?
Hey, don’t ruin the moment. There’s a Soros-Michelle link to this somewhere.
Also went to Smollett’s Twitter. People are maaaaaad.
Black Lies Matter
It’s funny how accusations of Soros collusion in foreign countries is treated so much differently than accusations of Russian collusion.
Because he’s one of the good guys, duh.
Agreed, although ‘funny’ wouldn’t be qualifier I chose.
The police union is not letting this go either. They re pushing for Federal intervention.
I hope Michelle is implicated. It would kill any Presidential hopes I would think.
Hey! Did you guys know that the Social Security Administration is located in Sierra Leone? I need to go call them back an give them some information.
And the Zofran wore off, so I got that going for me too.
I was surprised as anyone that they wanted payment via gift cards. This modern world…
It works faster as a suppository. It doesn’t say anything about it on the the directions, but I thought I’d let you know anyway.
I’ve got the tabs that melt on your tongue. I’m already feeling better than a couple of hours ago. This could also be stress. I’ve dealt with something similar in the past.
Should you decide that you need soup….
The best, and I mean absolute best flu recovery soup available at any quick casual restaurant anywhere: Cafe Rio.
Chicken Tortilla soup. It’s heavy on the salt and veggie flavors. Just get all of the fixings on the side, and put in what you want.
There are 5 locations in ID.
My new grill has arrived; I’m torn about assembling it tonight. Going to be dark in about an hour and the temp’s dropping to the high 30’s.
Need maybe two hours to assemble it. Plus, I’d have to go get a steak at some point. Plus the dog needs a walk.
Sadly, I think this is getting punted until tomorrow.
This (and the sweet sweet discount) is why one should only buy floor models.
Dropped off via Amazon, so I don’t think they do floor models.
I don’t mind assembling it, just arrived a little late in the day. My fingers have gotten really sensitive to cold as I’ve gotten older, so that would add to the difficulty – they’d be numb in short order.
Looking at my calendar tomorrow, I’m totally going to assemble this grill while I’m “working”. Maybe a steak for lunch.
Article with pictures.
Eh, wouldn’t be that interesting. 48 second time-lapse of a couple putting together a similar model – mine’s the 3-burner model.
Never. Because they’ve been picked-over and abused by the general public, and shit is always missing.
I don’t mind paying full price for a pristine box, ie one that hasn’t been abused in any way and is not a re-pack.
Meh, the Last grill I bought was a 200$ Brinkmann, got it for 99$ fully assembled. The only thing missing was the manual, and I figured out pretty quick how to but charcoal in it.
Le grill???? What the hell is le grill???
Hah, totally forgot about that episode.
My manager has an encyclopedic knowledge of The Simpsons and can pull up a relevant episode for just about anything.
On a related note, this is pretty great: https://twitter.com/simpsonsfilms
I can do pretty much any episode from Seasons 1-12. A few other commenters can too. Mexican Sharpshooter and Raven Nation, among others.
I stopped around Season 10.
A Twitch Thott.
it’s on the front of a LeCar, duh.
So will the progs who produce/write Law & Order do a Smollett episode?
Of course, they’ll turn him into a conservative villain.
Remember what I said last week about there only being a half dozen high-profile lawyers in the country, the way they keep coming up?
Seagram’s heiress caught up in NXIVM sex cult case is/was being represented in negotiations with prosecutors by… Michael Avenatti. She faints, or pretends to, when asked by about it by the judge.
And there’s Gergagos too.
She’ll appear by video from the hospital, only the judge will be angrier.
She looks much older than 40. I guess sex cults suck it out of you
…sex cults suck it out of you.
So much for the libertarian bonafides of the urban machine Democrats.
Ah yes, one of the original “slum-busters”. How’d that work out?
Dammit I thought the Machine Democrats were the ones to save us from the Progs!
Boss Tom, sorta.
Thinking about how Kim Foxx really ought to spell her first name with two M’s lead down a rabbit hole that resulted in my learning that Whitman Mayo died in a place called “Grady Memorial Hospital”
“Whitman Mayo” is an interesting name for a black man.
Loki is the one true god.
If not for unfortunate implications, symmetry would require her spelling her first name with double K.
See also: The delightful Roger Moore film ffolkes.
Welshmen have a sad.
In case it hasn’t made Glibs yet, have some Stossel.
How Socialism Fantasy Destroyed Venezuela
“We’ve got Q special — FDA proposes rules for ‘women with dense breasts’.”
Speaking of breasts, I don’t want to talk about them for a while. I spent 4 hours at the local breast center today while my wife apparently did every exam known to humans short of an MRI to figure out why she has pain and some sort of lump in one of her breasts. Whatever it is, it’s apparently completely benign and the exams were all 100% clear of anything that could possibly be cancer. Thank the sky gawds, I do not need any more bad news and stress this year. It’s only March for crikey sake. Could cause a man to drink… *grabs cold beer, does NOT think about breasts*
I’m glad she’s in the clear.
Thanks! #MeToo
That’s good news.
Remember to assist with the tissue massage.
Superb news!
Yeah! Suck it cancer, its not you this time!
Glad you got some good news.
Thanks, everyone. I told the very nice lady doctor who saw my wife today, when she came out to talk to me and give me the good news, that I was pretty much 100% sure they were going to find something problematic today. Thankfully, after she did her manual exam, she seemed 100% convinced that they were NOT going to find anything bad on any imaging. And she was right! I guess that’s the difference between a software engineer feeling something in a breast and person who does it every day for a living feeling something in a breast. I’ll stick to code, than you.
Glad to hear it’s good news 🙂
Although I think Q is a software programmer, so that and breast person might have some overlap.
Q is just an knowledgeable enthusiast, not a professional breast person.
Man, even Canadian state broadcaster has noticed the Jexodus.
Once again, HM told us the truth before mainstream got in on it.
What fantasy world does Amash live in?
Well if he is hoping for favorable press coverage he is not going to get it.
U do wonder what those issues might be.
“I do wonder”. Not being snarky there but I hope it’s not the typical “fiscal conservative and socially liberal” nonsense and more than just a “Republican who likes Mexican immigrants”.
Better than Johnson, way below McAffee. Certainly less of a waste of money for #nevertrump donors than, say, Weld.
Is Amash still explaining his reasoning (on Facebook) behind every vote? That was pretty cool. I’d like to see more of that.
Its like they built a soapbox derby drone.
How long until one of them gets loaded up with Semtex as a field-expedient cruise missile?
“Plywood Supply Drone”
Was wondering why Home Depot isn’t developing this? Then read the article. Nevermind.
“Hey Sarge, watch this!”
Okay, so now I’m stuck on Ministry.
This has been stuck in my head since I read that.
I had this 12″ in high school. Their shift in sound was… surprising.
Mid-era Ministry is my favorite, peaking with Land of Rape and Honey.
Good place to put this
_now_ you tell me. That was a week ago, and right down the road.
Watching the trailer – wow, Jourgensen really “keeping it real”, no middle-age mellowing for him.
Footage of the Democrats building then voting on the Green New Deal.
Yikes – just noticed the wine I was about to open for dinner is 16% ABV. Maybe not all four glasses this evening.
20/20 pairs with anything
Hah, this actually stronger than MD 20/20. This is some high-class bum wine.
With a name like “Slumbrew” I wouldnt expect anything less.
It’s really the name of a local brewery. A little ironic, since I rarely drink beer anymore, but it was the first thing that popped into my head when I needed a handle.
Yes… a whole bottle of wine is excessive… not an aperitif…
It makes me sad that the best dishes I make require leftovers from previous dishes.
Last week I made some good chili. I removed the fat off of the top of it when it cooled down, and today I used that rendered chili tallow to coat and roast some Brussels sprouts.
They are the shiznit. #notvegan.
Good for keto, tho
I had the makings for a quick roasted chicken and vegetable soup. Took about 30 minutes total and a mug went to my chair with me.
Has anyone seen straff tonight/this morning? I’m worried that he might become a passenger injury.
“Busty waitress restaurants’ fortunes continue to bounce up and down.”
I was disappointed they didn’t find a way to shoehorn the word “jiggle” in there.
Thank you for reminding me I should pay a visit to one of the establishtments while I’m still here.
You mean the Nyuyaro Ramen restaurant in Tokyo?
straffinrun, sorry for the delays, I should have it done in 24 hours.
In other news, Adobe is run by retarded crooked assholes.
My husband crashed my Tesla last week while I was out of town. It’s back and looking lovely again, but it cost $1600 to fix.
I told him he has to sell some guitars or his motorcycle to pay it off. He seems to think I was kidding.
Am I being too harsh?
hayek confirmed for granola lefty libtard AND a buzzkill.
Hey, man, I drove a proper Gas-guzzling 2000 Fird Expedition for 18 damned years. When I moved to California, the gas mileage didn’t make since.
So I was outside one day pondering what kind of car to get, and realized that I was staring at my 6.5 kilowatts of solar on the roof. Got online, bought the model three sight unseen.
I drive it for fun and for the fact that the sun fuels my car. Workplace offers free charging too.
Husband was warned to behave in the car. He blew it. He pays.
This is why letting women vote was a huge mistake.
Let me just say, if I told my wife she doesn’t have to work (which I did), buy her a bunch of stuff she wants (which I do), she wouldn’t expect me to start resenting it at some point in the future (which I wouldn’t), and to start asking her to pay for wrecked cars (which I haven’t).
Yup, #Repeal19
Jeez, hayek confirmed for just about a millionaire. Drinks on hayek next time we’re out.
Because she bought a $42,000 car?
Did you take into account the guitars?
I have no idea how expensive of a habit that is.
New guitars, medium range, — $1500-2500, high range– $3000-4000.
You can get good sounding guitars cheaper than that.
Anyone who buys something not rent to own is a millionaire in my book.
Quote the appropriate Simpsons episode or be dead to me.
The appropriate episode?
I can think of a few eps with that…
But, considering the topic at hand, I’d go with this, personally.
So it didnt burn to the ground ?
Bug or feature ?
if you’re not otherwise co-mingling your assets, no, you’re not out of line – though I would hope he could come up with $1,600 without having to sell his motorcycle.
Unless he vindictively crashed* it into something, yes, you are being to harsh.
*$1600 to repair a Tesla sounds ridiculously cheap. Couldn’t have been much damage…?
That isn’t even effectively a ‘crash’. More like a fender bender. And how much did the insurance pay of that? Must be a really high deductible if it was $1600 out of pocket. Yep, too harsh.
Well, I’m being harsh anyway because I gave him early retirement because his job sucked, went ahead and funded his guitar habit, bought the motorcycle to bribe him into shutting up the complaints about moving to SoCal.
So yeah, I’m done with being a total putz.
I’m just gonna go ahead and blurt it out; this doesn’t sound like a completely healthy relationship.
Well yeah. Somebody bought a Tesla.
Well, I’m being harsh anyway because I gave him early retirement because his job sucked, went ahead and funded his guitar habit, bought the motorcycle to bribe him into shutting up the complaints about moving to SoCal.
So yeah, I’m done with being a total putz.
So you wanted to move, he didn’t and you overcame that objection by agreeing that he could quit his job, which was likely necessary to move anyway, and now that you are the sole breadwinner you are insisting that he sell possessions to pay for these repairs? reverse the genders here and I think no one would hesitate to call a man out for being kind of an abusive jerk in this situation so, yeah you are being harsh.
Ok, let’s get real then. I let him quit his job 5 years ago because he would come home so angry that he would yell at me and more.
So he’s been on easy street for a while.
In acknowledge that it’s probably difficult for him to have to be at my mercy for where to live and work, but To use your gender-flip analogy, haven’t the men who are the breadwinners generally dictate where the family moves?
In acknowledge that it’s probably difficult for him to have to be at my mercy for where to live and work, but To use your gender-flip analogy, haven’t the men who are the breadwinners generally dictate where the family moves?
Sure, I’m not questioning any of that, but once you agree to let your spouse be stay at home and you to be the sole breadwinner it seems like a bit of a petty power play to then say to them that they must sell possessions to pay a fairly normal expense. I’m not speaking to anything more than that part of this situation. If you don’t think he is pulling his weight that is an issue you definitely should address, I just think this method of accepting the role of money earner and then using the power that role gives you to ‘punish’ him is unhealthy.
I watched my father pull that BS on my mother when she was a stay at home mom and I guess I believe that implicit in the me breadwinner you homemaker thing is the agreement by breadwinner to pay expenses. If homemaker is not doing their part it is an issue, but probably not best addressed in this manner.
Thoughtful take, Jarflax. If I hadn’t specifically mentioned he was gambling with his possessions when he did willfully risky or stupid shit, I’d agree immediately.
The fact that he has had fair warning and close calls before makes me less sympathetic.
Maybe I should jut not let him drive the Tesla anymore.
If you’re interested, I’d be happy to tell you what I see here tomorrow. Bottom line is that there are some deep seated issues, and the discussion/healing process needs to start sooner, rather than later.
It’s a seems to be a truism of human experience that good deeds are quickly forgotten or, worse, somehow twisted around to be some sort of slight. That seems to be a universal complaint.
Adam Carolla points out that somehow he’s the asshole for bringing up the thousands of dollars in “loans” that friends and family have taken but have yet to pay back.
“Well, I’m being harsh anyway because I gave him early retirement because his job sucked, went ahead and funded his guitar habit, bought the motorcycle to bribe him into shutting up the complaints about moving to SoCal.”
Well, sounds like you guys have all these complex deals going on that both of you might have different understanding about how the rules of those deals actually work out when there’s a potential conflict. Wifey and I keep things a lot more simple that that. Basically there are no deals except for stuff like ‘Everything we both had before we married, might not be considered joint property and it’s up to the original owner, but everything we acquired after belongs to both of us, and we don’t sleep with other people’. That’s about it.
Got super lucky: needed new tire and new wheel. Managed to miss body damage (thank goodness) but did catch a nice tree branch to the taillight/charging port door.
“catch a nice tree branch to the taillight/charging port door.”
There’s a “door” on the “charging port”?
*consults anatomy text*
Asking a musician to sell his instruments sounds short-sited. Also, $1600 seems like a large deductible. Motorcycles are often over-insured for liability because they aren’t driven as often and can’t wreak as much havoc as cars, so maybe he could reduce his coverage to pay off the debt.
Try to negotiate a reasonable payment plan with him. Forcing him to sell something he cherishes will just cause resentment.
He resents me plenty for forcing him to leave the frozen North in order to move to paradise.
We will probably need professional help either way.
This incident aside, I’ll attest to the value of professional help, especially if you’re not religious and don’t have a priest/rabbi/whatever. A neutral party you can vent to was incredibly helpful.
Yeah, I’ll look into it. It’s one of the few types of “counseling” one doesn’t have to report to the security clearance folks.
It helps that our councilor more or less agreed with me most of the time 😀
They have people on base for that.
Didn’t you say you moved to SoCal?
I’m so confused!
I visited my cousin in San Diego in the early 2000s, first (only time) I’ve been to a Whole Foods. She was talking about how they don’t sell GMO food there, and I looked at the corn and said that doesn’t look like teosinte. She didn’t really grasp it.
Y’know, I get it. Nice weather. Every day. But I learned long ago I need four distinct seasons to be happy.
Seasons can fuck off. But I can’t move my house to somewhere with good weather. (sentimental attachment to the house, plus being a place where I can mostly do what I want and no one can see or care.)
I need desolation.
But IMO, CA is the exact opposite of paradise.
You need to get him started on a hobby like livestreaming on youtube or something. Let him rant about comics or movies or guitars and motorcycles. Cheap, fills up your time (tell me about it) and has potential for financial incentives if you meet milestones, etc.
^^^ Wise counsel. ^^^
Yeah, probably. But he knows from past experience I’ll probably let him get away with it.
I’ve told him numerous times when he does something foolish like drive after one too many or turn left on red that if he gets a ticket for that crap, it’s on him to pay for it, and guitars were always the “collateral”
Or he can get a job. I don’t care.
Hayek (if you’re still around):
My two cents is, if it were me in his place, I’d be looking at what I am willing to part with voluntarily. That said, he’s not me, and, I don’t know the full dynamic of yous two’s marriage. Am I correct in my thought that, if he was already prepping to sell off something (being proactive), you might be more open to ‘writing it off’, as it were?
So, I kinda agree with you. I can also see where the others are coming from, cautioning against having him reduce any collection of his. I would caution against saying/doing anything that would come across to him as being parental, since you are partners.
If you are interested in a story that isn’t really like yours, but kinda illustrates what I mean, I’ll share. Otherwise, I’ll shut up now. 🙂
I’ll shut my pie hole, last time I weighed in on my personal thoughts vs my political thoughts to Hyek post she was mad at me for a month. You, Sir Digby, I can call a chicken fucker tonight, and by tomorrow night we’ll be pals again.
Who are you, now–Farva?
A bit of Farva, but mostly trying to wrap the day with a tidy bow:
CPRM on March 27, 2019 at 6:46 am
BLAH BLAH BLAH! Shut yer cake-hole Yoko!!
You been up that long??
Or, just reaching back a day?
Heh, short day, considering I’m up 3hrs earlier on Saturdays.
I don’t know what day it is. Just that it’s better than it was.
I’m also in the OFFICIAL Glib timezone, USA Central, so yeah, that was this morning.
I must say, I wasn’t mad at you for a month. That was probably a little projection on your part.
I did disagree with your point and defended what remains of my honor and figured that was that.
Tell him to pay up or no more motorboating!
I think the death penalty is a little too harsh.
All new UK cars to have speed limiters by 2022 under EU plans
“The speed limiter device, called intelligent speed assistance (ISA), uses GPS data and sign recognition cameras to detect speed limits where the car is travelling, and then will sound a warning and automatically slow the vehicle down if it is exceeding the limit.”
And who will have access to this GPS data?
“However, drivers will be able to override the device simply by pushing hard on the accelerator”
Pretty much confirms the purpose for implementing this isn’t for safety.
I have the automatic break system in both of vehicles. Quickly learned after my car randomly slammed on the brakes, that the technology is still in beta.
Um… Brexit?
Oh, Britain wants this anyway. Yeah, I’m getting the sense they’re done with or without Brexit.
Override for now. V2 will take that away.
And love how the UK will continue to be the UK’s bitch, despite Brexit. Only way to break free is to put the Remainers and the Draggers on spikes.
I just had a motherfucking gnat or whatever winged little fuck fly at my face, indoors, so I declare summer begun. Global warming is getting bad.
Mother fucking gnats in the mother fucking house
A capfull of bleach down the sink drain helps with that. If your housemates bitch about the layer of salt on everything and ban you from handling it with your Bugasalt.
Thank you for that. We’re all picturing our favorite shouty black man yelling that.
Slum knows me so well!
Just wait for the crane flies
It was a real downer today to learn that more than 10 million people have purchased Michelle Obama’s book. Yes, we are “Becoming” a nation of ass-kissers, celebrity worshipers, and pseudo-intellectuals.
Yeah, people are profoundly disappointing. After I came to terms with that, I became a much happier person.
You’ve all proven to be a grave disappointment to me. All except one of you – you know who you are.
Thanks! 🙂
I assure you that less than a million people have purchased that book. I’ll let you kick me in the dick if proven wrong.
I’d say less than 100k, but that’s dick kicking territory.
So do we get to kick Playa in the dick, or not?
I’ve never lost this bet.
Sure you can. Just do it for sport.
Is that similar to ‘Manifest Destiny’?
10 prog think tanks bought 1,000,000 copies each?
Numbers are inflated by the publisher. I doubt it even had print runs that totaled 10M.
But Michelle has 10 million Twitter followers and they’re all real. Explain that.
All purchased from my organic troll farm, comrade.
It would be a fairly easy way to funnel a bunch of money to her legally.
Don’t worry, you’re taking those numbers way too seriously. More than 10 million people voted for Obama just to prove they’re not a racist. And that has way bigger implications that buying a book.
So you’re saying Obama was elected so people could virtue signal, not because they liked his policies? Get out of here! We all know people only vote on policy not silly things like looks.
I think they liked the cut of his jibe, the crease in his pants, the fact that he could totally speak without a negro dialect, and that he gave them a tingle up their leg. But besides that, yeah, only to prove they’re not racist.
Clean and well-spoken.
Great orator, lololol, I tried to keep a straight face while typing that…
Ben Shapiro’s new book just overtook Obama’s according to the NYT bestseller list. Is that the only division of the NYTs that is still honest?
NYT bestseller list honest? Pffftt.
They have this guy there who has some sort of prize. Do you have a prize? No? Do you know how important a person with a prize is? A prize means he won! You’d better take them seriously, missy!
Participation trophy.
I kinda read that as, “patriarchy trophy”.
I was still amused.
Hey, nice to see you.
OT to patriarchy trophies, I sent the manuscript you said you’d like to beta read, but I don’t think it got to you. My emails to people with Gmail addresses seem not to be getting to their intended recipients lately. Did you still want to beta read?
I did get it, and, I’m sorry for not letting you know so. I’m not that far into it, but I am reading it.
I can say that I am intrigued with where you are going with the story, since I didn’t really know much of what to expect.
Are there sister-wives? I loved Big Love.
There are allegations that that’s cooked
I am shocked.
But seriously… I wouldn’t GAF if they didn’t try to lie about it.
That’s an odd thing to manipulate. I guess politics has permeated the place.
Did some video work for my day job, they loved, seems to be getting a good response on social media. Here’s hoping for more hours doing that! (It was work well below my standards, but if the customer is happy, I’m happy)
The customer is always right.
Hat and Hair talk workplace safety?
Hat and Hair on harassment?
Funny, I was just looking at prices for a trip to Atlantis.
I can see why she’s happy.
I can see why I’m happy!
The working on the first episode of ‘The Trial of CPRM’, an all audio video bit, hopefully there is a spot for it to run soon.
Alright, which one of you is this? I thought I was the only WV Glib and I demand a Meetup:
France started this shit with Burka wearing driver’s licences, as always, blame the french.
Oh, what a mind-fuck for the Gizmodo crew.
Bah, who am I kidding? The Gizmodo crew doesn’t have minds.
This story keeps getting better.
Hell, she almost started crying over the ‘no indictment’.
Not very manly…
No winning Powerball ticket for me. Some asshole in Wisconsin won. Guess I have to go to work today. ?
If CPRM doesn’t show up today, we know he’s
wastinginvesting his winnings in hookers and blow.Or he already spent it all and is dead.
My latest fetish and yes they were an actual band.https://youtu.be/yN9UT2zF8c8
Behold the majesty of The Shaggs and their “Philosophy of the World”!
Dagnabbit. https://youtu.be/jQqK1CjE9bA