Now hit my mother f’in THEME music!
Slightly NSFW.
Ah, I love that guitar solo.
The sounds of my misspent youth. That came out my sophomore year in high school.
They got a bad rap-that whole album is pretty damn good.
I agree. Strangely, it was all about the angst of teenage sex.
Here you go although I’d guess you’ve already seen it. A great live version of Heartbeat. They could play:
Heartbeat live
I was really expecting Don Johnson.
I thought about that, but couldn’t find a live version on Youtube.
#metoo! The Cars broke at the same time.
Now The Cars were not quite my cup of tea. I like them much more now than I did in high school.
Spud, is this more up your alley?
What instruments do you play?
Some Cars stuff is quirky or bubble gum, but it’s hard to imagine many guitars who don’t have at least some time for Elliot Easton: tasteful, rockabilly licks uniquely on a fat guitar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdl6_k2U6Jw
I wasn’t a huge fan but it was everywhere that Summer. Like you I like them more now than I did when I was fourteen. Nostalgia, I suppose.
ugh; meant: it’s hard to imagine many guitarists who don’t have at least some time for Elliot Easton
I can take Hillbilly in small doses.
Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin were my go to’s. And it’s been long enough now I can deal with the shame, Boston.
Believe it, or not, I played Alto Sax for seven years.
I was more of a song guy, as opposed to a band guy. Which also explains why I really wasn’t part of any cliques but we all knew each other.
Don – I know what you mean. Easton was economical – he didn’t waste notes and all of his solos I can remember actually made the song better.
Spud – don’t feel bad. I once played in a cover band. The drummer (and de facto leader) thought I sucked until we did Piece of Mind. Playing that song note for note, with its’ moving bass line, actually convinced him I could play.
I didn’t stay in that band too long.
Sorry, Peace of Mind. I still remember a couple songs off the Iron Maiden album, however.
Ah Boston… I had my first under-the-bra grope while slow dancing to “More Than A Feeling’!
Brawless with nipple showing through the tank top look needs to make a comeback, I say.
Tube tops. That is all.
Maybe try to get kids to snort heroin?
Superior version:
Fun fact. When Weird Al started out, he was recording in the mens bathroom at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
Even better:
For some reason I’m fond of this version:
You sure you didn’t mean this track?
Venezuela: They just had the wrong people pulling the levers of power. If they had the right central planners things would be going great.
Chainsaw tricycle: not a band name.
I wonder how many women he was able to pick up with that.
“Woman scares away a moose by tossing a cat at it”
I use that method for Jehovah’s Witnesses and it works great.
You toss a moose at the Jehovah’s Witnesses? Ahhh-ahhh, I won’t be able to make the meet up at your house. Something, ah, came up unexpected. Yeah, that’s it, something came up. I’ll be at the Russian Orthodox Church, calling bingo.
I’m fairly certain that if you can toss a moose, no one is arguing with you about not listening to them.
I would throw moose testicles at the JWs. It’s a more nuanced message.
A woman in Oktyabrsky, Russia, scared off a wild moose using an unusual tactic: throwing a live cat at it. While the experience probably wasn’t good for the kitty, the moose was persuaded to depart.
The moose was smart.
I was reminded of this.
She could have tried interpretive dance instead.
Terry Pratchett is always relevant.
Since the rape jokes are already out of the way…
A pedophile and an 8 year old walk into the woods…
The 8 year old says,”I’m scared.”
The pedophile says, “you think you are scared… I have to walk back alone!”
What did the pedophile say when he was released from prison?
“I feel like a kid again!”
Well there goes the fucking family friendly rating.
What’s more family friendly than a guy who loves your children?
So I saw this band last night. It was very good, I recommend checking them out.
HÆLOS – Dust (Live on KEXP)
Just a couple weeks until I have to suffer in the decadence of Viva Las Vegas.
Of course.
I prefer this version.
That’s an odd definition of “suffer”.
It’ll be tough, but I think I can make it though a weekend of drinking, rockabilly, pinups, burlesque, classic cars, and gambling.
If you don’t, you’ll go smiling.
That’s the hope. 🙂
This Brexit stuff is the reason there are no good English wrestlers*. They don’t have a finishing move.
*Don’t even start about the “British Bulldogs”
Fun cultural tidbit: in Australia Red Rover = British Bulldog. Although the rules may be a little different?
It’s probably a god thing that the average English citizen doesn’t have access to a gun. Some democracies are different than other democracies.
My maternal grandpa was a real life poacher who supported his mom and siblings by trapping and killing all sorts of stuff. He passed before I was old enough to hear the real stories, but I do remember him saying that moose were the one thing he really hated running across.
According to him, a healthy moose was so big and mean that it didn’t fear anything and would gladly stomp you to death. He did tell me one story about how he had killed a deer with his single shot rifle and before he could reload a moose had decided he was bad. The only thing Gramps could do better than the moose was corner. So they spent the afternoon running around a tree. Gramps could get to the other side faster than the moose. But he didn’t dare run for it or he would have been trampled.
Who knows how much was French Canadian bull shit, but it is one of those things that stuck with me.
I do know that when his daughter (my mom) won a rare moose license and shot a nice bull in 1980 no one was prouder of her than he was. He was fighting the cancer that would kill him at the time, but he was totally stoked that his kid had reduced the herd of moose by one.
Moose hatred? Russian agent confirmed.
And what about his flying squirrel sidekick?
I hear you. A few years back loyal sidekick Rat and I were out hunting deer and elk when we spotted a big bull moose feeding in a patch of willows about fifty yards into a clearing. “This is great,” I said, thinking it was a teaching moment. “Let’s see how close we can move in on him.”
We snuck in to within about fifty yards. I still have a photo of Rat crouched behind a willow shrub with that big bull in front of him.
As we watched the big guy, I heard a sharp thump from our right. I looked over, and in the treeline was an even bigger bull moose, about thirty yards away. His ears were laid back, and he was picking up one front hoof and dropping it again: Thump. Thump.
“What do we do?” Rat asked.
“Point your rifle in his direction,” I said, “and be read to shoot. Don’t make eye contact. Look down. Back away slowly.”
We managed to get out of there, while the bull watched us go. Later, Rat asked what we could have done had the big guy came after us.
“We’d have had to shoot him,” I said, “…and then gone into town, found a game warden, and told him what happened.”
Moose are nothing to mess with. I should draw a coveted Colorado tag for Shiras moose in the next few years. It will be interesting to see how that hunt plays out. We see them all the damned time.
As I mentioned below, they called off school due to a mama Moose and her calf. I didn’t mention that we saw bear frequently in our backyard. That was no big deal. However, I was so young (and I probably didn’t even glimpse the school’s out moose) that the size of a moose really didn’t make an impression on young deadhead.
However, as a young adult, I heard about a meteor shower and decided to drive out of town to watch it, away from the light pollution. Jemez! As I was approaching San Ysidro (the turn-off to Jemez), it was sufficiently dark that I pulled my chest in toward the steering wheel (ala DWA) and was marveling at all the shooting stars when OH SHIT! There was an elk in the road. In this universe I didn’t hit it, but it did leave a big impression on me…
However, a few years later I was running the Wasatch 100 and I saw a moose. OMG. Jay Ward misled me! And let’s not get started on Hogan’s Heroes.
Town next to me had to shoot a bear with its head stuck in a jar when it wandered into the big Turkey Days street dance.
The Sheriff’s department received death threats from people for killing the bear. Not from locals.
Moose stories always remind me of this. Happened not too far from where I used to live.
I remember hearing about that.
FWIW, I lived in Alaska for the year I went to kindergarten. My sister went to 2nd grade. We never had a single snow day, but the school was dismissed early once. A mama Moose and her calf had strayed onto the school grounds.
I thought northerners were made of tougher stuff, but it appears that they haven’t even tamed nature. Running from mere beasts. A dinosaur size alligator wanders onto school grounds and no one even bats an eye in Florida.
Because Florida parents would be elated if a gator ate their brats.
Do you know the street value of a baby in meth, Pope Jimbo? I don’t think you do.
Nope. How many lutefisks is a meth?
It’s only ‘cuz Alaska insists on hoarding all our precious oil that we even bother with it.
There was a school in south Anchorage a few years ago where recess was cancelled for a few days because a mama moose and baby moose were hanging out at the edge of the playground.
I just checked in to MS’s thread. I am sorry y’all are wrong Minnesota drivers are the worst. Never have I lived in a place where so few people check before changing lanes. Turn signal doesn’t mean it’s safe to turn.
I also think the Somalis and Ethiopians contribute to the poor driving. A. Because they learned from Minnesotans B. Because they are not too familiar with driving
Uffda. Sorry to disagree, but I just spent a week driving in southern Florida. They beat us.
I will fully admit that the concept of merging is as foreign to Minnesoda drivers as “duck, duck, goose” but we are a fairly dependable lot. We all drive about the same speed. I am semi-sympathetic to your accusation that we don’t pay a lot of attention to those around us. You have to understand that a lot of us are from places where the concept of “other drivers” is pretty much theoretical.
And instead of adding “Who are the worst drivers” to the canon of divisive libertarian issues (circumcision, pizza, abortion) can’t we all agree that the two worst groups are:
1) Touristas
b) the dumbass in front of me
Nope. Assholes going slowly in the left lane are the worst. If you aren’t passing someone, get back over to the right.
Because that’s the point of the left lanes, to pass the people in the right lanes. And few things will cause me to shout profanities more than two people blocking the freeway by going the same speed side by side.
Tailgaters, people who weave through traffic, and people who force merge are all worse than the guy in the left lane going slower than you. He delays you for a couple minutes, the aggressive jackasses periodically kill someone.
This is a chicken and the egg argument. The oblivious/ignorant fuck getting in everyone’s way and the jackass who thinks he’s Dale Earnheardt go hand in hand.
I simply, like in all aspects of my life, want to be left the fuck alone. Get away from other people on the road as much as possible.
I often disagree with Brochetta, but I’ll give this a second.
Why don’t you simply pass the left lane slowpokes in the right lane? If you are following your own rules you won’t even need to switch lanes.
When necessary I do. But we live in a society damn it!
In several European countries, it is illegal to be in the left lane unless you are in the process of passing someone.
in all reasonable countries
In several European countries, it is illegal to be in the left lane unless you are in the process of passing someone.
Also in some US states, but never enforced.
Ah yes, the ever-popular libertarian argument – ‘It’s the law, that’s why’ with a nice bit of ‘the Europeans do it that way’ thrown in to boot. Who needs NAP or “reasons” when you got the law and the French on your side.
In my fantasy, ever license I sell to use muh roads includes a refundable deposit which clients forfeit for failing to recht fahren
and, it goes without say, there are no speed limits
I haven’t been to FL in a long time, but a high concetration of elderly and NYers is probably a recipe for disaster
It’s really odd but every time I see a variation of the “who are the worst drivers” conversation, all the participants are good drivers and everyone else is bad.
I once ranted that people in the left lane were driving too slow, until the spousal unit looked askance at me and said “Even in the left lane, you aren’t supposed to be driving faster than the speed limit — that’s why it’s called a speed limit. There’s no special dispensation for the left lane.”
Damn, but she’s right.
Nope. It’s the passing lane. There for passing people driving just the speed limit.
Grounds for divorce right there and I can’t believe this notion is being entertained among supposed libertarians.
So speed limits are an imposition on your liberty, but lane use rules are a sacred law that must be followed?
Rules, customs, and traditions > petty laws of soccer moms.
As I keep pointing out to my son, a clear majority of American problems stem from laws to manage things in the public sector that would be solved (would have not even arose in many cases!) in the natural course of property rights if they had remained in private purview and ownership.
In most states you are allowed to reasonably exceed the speed limit when passing another vehicle. Indeed, in NH speed limits are presumed – meaning that if you can prove in court that your speed was safe, then you are presumed not guilty.
Tell your wife to learn how to drive, or do what Allah commands us and prevent her from using any motor vehicle.
Also note Rules of the road:
II. Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
Emphasis mine, the law uses “normal speed” instead of referencing the speed limit.
Except when the speed limit is immorally low.
I used to be a real ass honking and gesturing when others made a mistake. Then I realized it was petty and mean. I rarely use my horn now and only if another driver could cause a collision.
I honk when someone is going to merge into me, and flash brights only to tell people they can merge in front of me. I’m trying to keep down my Road Rage.
I used to get all worked up and stressed out from driving here in Japan. There was a time when I had to drive 4 hours a day for work and it was wearing me out. Then one day I let some other driver have the right of way – it felt so good to commit that random act of kindness! All the stress just evaporated. I started looking for chances to yield the right of way.
Tried in Mass and people would hesitate like they didn’t trust me – like I was trying to set them up.
“What’s he doing NOBODY EVER gives anyone the right of way.”
I gave up trying it just slowed everything down.
I’m pretty upfront that I’m a bad driver. I try to obey the rules. Especially the important ones, but my ADHD and boredom win out.
That is why if I make fun of your driving, it is a super stinging rebuke.
In all honesty, ADHD should make you a better driver.
Don’t try to diagnose my victimhood!
Not sure what it is, but driving bores me to death. So I start daydreaming.
I’ve also been crippled by years of working out of my house (or my new job a mile away) so I have lost my ability to drive in urban traffic.
To be honest, this is the most important thing I learned from Ross Bentley’s Speed Secrets.
Most people can’t be good drivers because they’re gazing at their own hood ornaments, the brake lights on the next car maybe. Fast driving is simply smart driving; Danny, see your future: it’s right there, 3/4 mile up the road.
I also spend lots of time looking for critters.
A family legend that my kids like to tell is the trip we took to Yellowstone where my wife got very mad at me for spotting an elk a long way away.
Sure we were on a very windy, narrow back road. Sure the reason that the elk looked like an ant was because we were so far above it (we were on the side of a mountain). Sure there might have been a big RV coming the other way (I’m disputing this as hyperbole that the kids threw in to make the story better) .
But there was no reason for my wife to use the vulgar Korean words that she did say.
I once saw a car with NODAK plates backing up on I-35 in Mpls ’cause he missed his exit. I changed lanes without signaling that day. South of Mpls, around the Lakeville exit a car was stopped in the left lane, I skidded to a stop, scared shitless that I was going to get hit from behind. Somehow I changed lanes from a dead stop and probably created a near 40 car pile up of those in the right lane.
Maybe drivers everywhere are generally shitty
Obligatory. I apologize if this has already been posted. I haven’t followed every link (yet).
Wooo! My Texas Tech pick is looking like the only good choice on my bracket…
My bracket was great until the sweet 16, I now have 0 finals teams and 1 final 4 contender still in play.
I’m watching Flash Gordon for some damn reason. God, it’s awful. Still watching though.
But an awesome soundtrack.
Yeah, I’ve pretty much acquiesced to the theme song being my ear worm for the evening.
Flash! AH-Hah!
And speaking of awful…if you haven’t watch the newish Netflix movie Velvet Buzzsaw, don’t bother. It was pure B horror flick tripe with recognizable actors. Just my take.
I haven’t yet. It’s on my list. I’ve just got the girlfriend onto the Order, while I’m watching the most recent season of Santa Clarita Diet.
The thing that bugged me was the not so subtle undertone of Commercialism Evil. As if most fine art throughout history wasn’t made by way of patronage, private or state financed. As an outsider to the art community who still finds paintings and sculptures beautiful and to a degree, well, moving I guess, I find a lot people in the community pretentious and generally just full of shit. Maybe the characters put me off to the film. I don’t know.
You son of a bitch. Crazed Jake Gyllenhall hamming it up as a favor to the guy who wrote Nightcrawler? Now I have to watch this.
Princess Aura alone is worth 2 stars out of 5, or was to teenage me.
Red tights, nice bod’, crazy cat eye mascara, I can see that.
Younger, she had a face that depended on the lighting, I’d say. Along with a case of resting bitch-face.
?But, surprisingly, she aged nicely.
I still don’t trust women with narrow eyes, though.
Wow. Probably at least twenty years older than me but she might still be a ‘would’. Of course, wealth and nice clothing can make anybody look better than us normies.
I’ll be so drunk that it won’t matter and I won’t be there by the time she wakes up. Like I was never even there.
Brochettaward is The Drinkubus!
I do steal any and all alcohol on my way out the door.
Brochetta leaving a party.
I consider myself the anti-Jeter.
So what you are saying is that you are short, lily white, clumsy and actually like girls?
The reason is hot women.
And this seems an appropriate song for this motley crew.
I don’t think enough is being made of the fact that while the media is touting New Zealand’s swift (but don’t you call it reactionary, you far-right loons!) passage of new laws following the shooting, that few New Zealanders are actually complying. This despite story after story on how supposedly united the people were to hand over their property and rights.
You got a link? Looking for updates and all I see is the same moral-panic copypasta the MSM has been running with the whole time.
I’m still going off of this, and that gun buybacks have failed everywhere they’ve been tried. Including right next door in Australia.
Yeah, that seems to be the case.
Doesnt matter. Insta-felons with an illegal gun. In a generation or two, people will be calling up the station to pick up grandpa’s dangerous bequest.
Brooksie-ing this comment so it doesn’t get lost.
We may have our differences in this country, but I think we can all agree that drivers in other countries really, really suck.
Koreans are too fast and crazy. Nothing worse than 4 elderly Japanese women at a 4-way stop (you can spend an hour watching mama-san politely gesturing to the others that they should go first)
A German with cerebral palsy could compete in NASCAR.
kein Problem
Are you saying that retarded Germans are made of better driving stuff than retarded rednecks?
False distinction.
Earnhardt sounds German to me.
Jack Earnhardt was my porno name.
But would he win?
Montreal in 1979 was terrifying! Big American cars was all they bought and everyone drove those big boats like their rear end was on fire. For a kid from the boonies it was quite the cultural shock.
Picked up the trailer for the wife…now onto the conversion into a grooming workspace. Electrical is partially ran but have to cut holes for grey water egress.
Ahh, look at that. HM took a selfie.
You’re just jealous of my vintage VW Beetle.
Are you sure that isn’t a Porsche?
It’s terrifying to know with some certainty that he’s just a scout and about fifty of him are going to swarm out that Beetle to rape and eat you…
It’s all for the Greater Good.
/the Greater Good
Tyke of the Silver Surfer.
Doesn’t explain the mustache, which I’m belatedly noticing… maybe he’s trying to balance a caterpillar on his lip.
This is so impossibly 90s, I don’t even
80s broheim, from the creators of Thundercats.
That’s the one that induced seizures in epileptics, right?
No, that was Chimpokomon.
Easton was economical
I’m almost all about taste: tone and phrasing. Don’t get me wrong, speed can be fun: Jerry Reed was the bomb, but that’s not what I want to hear more than two minutes a week.
Some examples:
Russell Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRLehllONGI
Billy Bremner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thu8DWsirJo
Steve Cropper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ6OrrkeVFo
Jesse Ed Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrCLkeYKuEw
I like thoughtful, almost restrained solos, and I love love little fills and turnarounds (grew up too C&W?).
Steve Cropper and Otis Redding….daaamn.
My electrician “BC” had told me he was activated for Cuba. Later he introduced me to someone he “came up in school together through graduating from Messick.
I quickly put that together and asked: you went to school with Cropper? Sure, homeroom for years in the C row; nice guy: Steve never changed.
Jimbo still here? When’d you graduate Tiger High ?
I have a confession. I can no longer shoot liquor straight. I lost the ability years ago. I can still drink excessive, if not deadly amounts of alcohol to a normal human being. But I have to mix it and probably chase it. It’s the source of greatest shame in the man I’ve become. My drink recipes are a lie.
If you can sip you’re okay
I can’t drink hard liquor at all.
Last time I had a shot I had to run right to throw it up, but my daily BAC is probably the ration of a small country.
Same. I drink a lot of beer but I ration it over time. Pesky DUI laws and all.
Yeah, I don’t do shots anymore. Except when I sometimes do and then regret it.
I do them like Russianroulette. Could be good, could be very bad
I can sometimes be talked into a Kamikaze or two which is basically Russian Roulette.
I like your style
I found marathon drinking causes less problems the next day than sprinting. Low and slow is the way to go.
Did anyone else see that Trump has a red USA now? How many damn hats does the man need? How many hat characters can the series sustain?!
You’re missing the forest for the trees here. Evil twins, like split personalities, are magic for any storyline. Have you not watched not watched Days of Our Lives, going 44 years and strong now?
Oh, I got idears, just a matter of how to balance them all.
You’re building a Universe. Just don’t let yourself get bogged down like that fat fuck Martin.
From way back in episode 2, but still one of my favorite gags.
What makes you think all those pictures are from the same timeline?
They’re all the best possible timelines
I’m looking forward to getting a MAGAA hat next year.
Discovered this guy a couple days ago. STOP!!!
Ha. I saw the GSN special they did on him.
I don’t know what you were going for, just made me want to watch this.
You’re going to Bangkok! In Vancouver! Lol. Would Avagina.
It’s a guy who memorized the pattern of their show board, and won himself over a quarter million dollars (2018 dollars).
Oh, yeah, I’ve seen things about him. He’s probably one of us.
Fuck Zuckerberg with a rusty sword.
Followed by feet first into the chipper. What a fucking asshole.
Stronger laws around the world to protect the integrity of elections, with common standards for all websites to identify political actors
We can’t meme, so those are clearly political actors!
What does Mark Zuckerberg want?
to deflect focus of the mindless from him to the government
Enh, he’s just getting it out there ahead of the inevitable government boot-stamping to come.
I’m still not clear how Facebook actually makes money, other than people buying the stock. I mean, sure they sell their research, but based on how poorly I’m ad targeted, they seem to be doing a shit job. Same goes for google and the rest. If I got ads for Transformers Masterpiece figures I’d be bankrupt, but these stupid companies are trying to sell me foot cream and other shit I won’t buy.
I’m allergic to advertising so it always surprises me how much money companies blow on it.
I’m serious though, Mr. Unemployed, if a company could actually fulfill the the idea Hulu had when it started, where content would be ‘free’ and deliver ‘tailored’ ads to the consumer, that’s a goldmine. Unfortunately Hulu’s idea was ‘Do you want this Fabreeze ad or this Fabreeze ad?’ And when that didn’t pan out because it was shit, they went to a subscription service. But if instead of getting 20 minutes of ads for products I don’t want to watch an hour of content I got ads for things I’m actually interested in for about 15 minutes for an hour of content I’d be down and actually do thing advertisers want, buy their product.
Nobody’s going to successfully “target” ads at me online, because I am going to block them. There is literally nothing I am interested in seeing an ad for.
UG! I’m saying it’s a market that can be EXPLOITED! It’s not about you! it’s about the rubes paying money. Let them fill out a survey when they sign up, the like sexdolls, they get sexdoll ads, they collect warhammer figures, sell them warhammer figures. Ad revenue drives content, and everyone is out there trying to devine the entrails of goats, but make it a part of the platform. I buy beer and vape juice, put those ads in front of me! Don’t rely on nebulous ‘data’, give me what I want.
I know how it works, I just don’t get WHY it works. Who the fuck wants to watch ads?! What the hell is wrong with people?
ads pay for content. The current method for ads is scattershot, blast away to get as many people as you can, but what drives ad revenue is ROI, if the ad is targeted directly and tailored to the consumer, they fell like they made that choice, you didn’t sell them anything, you gave them what they wanted.
Example: I like watching movies, but I only enjoy certain types of movies. If there was an ad targeting service that would give me payment free content, but showed me the trailers for my specific tastes, it would generate revenue for the studio. If I’m blasted with every trailer I’ll stop watching. But blast me with the right trailers and sales for that movie will be higher by one.
This is information people are giving away for free on separate platforms, it just has to be brought together. Instead of ‘liking’ A&W, Miller Light and Cheetos on facebook and paying for Hulu, what if Hulu (or to be specific, our Glibs competitor we’re creating) gave you ‘free’ TV and showed you ads for A&W, Miller Light and Cheetos.
I think the reason they do it this way is 3 fold:
1) people hate surveys just as much as ads
2) online advertisers take their existing customers for granted.
3) when they go off of hard data on actual buying preferences (i.e. Amazon using purchasing history) things can also get really cringey. No, I don’t want to buy another riding lawn mower 3 days after buying one.
Oh, yeeeash? What’s your shtyle?
So, I take it The Social Network was full of shit when it portrayed ol’ Mark as someone vehemently against authority figures, and being told what he must do.
My kid’s friends spent the week at my house during the day while their parents were at work. School yearstarts in a couple weeks. For lunches, we made curry, hamburgers etc and then I’d take them to the park for the afternoons and set them loose.
The mothers of the kids sent me a message asking me how much lunch cost. They want to split the cost. My first reaction was to be angry. Giving me a couple hundred yen when I was basically responsible for your kids all day seemed like an insult.
I talked with a co worker about it and she said that the mothers thought that paying for the lunch was the least they could do and that by offering that they were showing they appreciate what I had done. I felt like a dick because she was right. Ah well. I’m just glad I didn’t act on my first reaction.
They’re just flirting with you. By “paying you back for lunch” they really mean bow chickie bow wow.
You did right.
They’ve helped me many times in the past (just submitted an article on that) and it’s embarrassing that I ignored that and assumed the worst.
But you took a step back before reacting emotionally. A decent life lesson.
It’s just the Asperger’s. All of us here deal with it.
You sound like a housewife complaining she doesn’t get paid. But you forget how much OMWC will pay for the pics you took a second to snap.
Doood, that housewife point is exactly right. Hearing that stuff for decades and then *boom* my turn to play the card and I was ready. I didn’t play it after talking about it with a third party. Too bad I didn’t have someone who could’ve fed my persecution delusion.
Except for not cleaning, I’d be a great stay at home husband, but for some reason the chicks don’t dig that.
I’d be a fat guard dog with a beer belly if I stayed home.
I’m not a house husband. I just do a lot of work at my home office.
a lot of masturbation gets billed to clients, am I right?
Maybe more of “you’re not wrong”?
That’s actually a pretty hot picture of her..
Nope. Still crazy eyes.
True. As long as I don’t use my real name though.
Whatever keeps her from tracking me down:)
I have a thing for nostril flares. SO much I could with that.
I won’t lie. If she were actually intelligent, she’d be more attractive than any woman I’ve met in the last decade. But, for me, intelligence is a big turn on.
She’s cute but she looks manic in most of her pics, like she’s in the middle of a four day meth bender. Worse than that she’s a harpie. Listening to her talk is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
I’m not saying the product is good, but the packaging is attractive.
Younger me would attempt to make those eyes bug-out. She has her charms.
It’s a hate fuck. Wipe your dick on the curtains when you’re done.
“That’ll excite her!”
I didn’t notice that anyone has Purdue
Does anyone have more than 2 final 4 picks left?
I’m unwinding drinking bourbon and watching Guys Grocery Games. Eric Greenspan is Aaron May’s mini-me.
Whatever gets you off.
This time of night? Mindless drivel. Why do you think I’m posting here?
Im slumming with PBR…Skål!
Slow-cooking a pot roast, drinking local swill and commenting here. Things could be worse.
Unfamiliar with that. But fwiw, SP does an imitation of you and me shopping for tomatoes. It is not flattering.
As a Purdue alum, this tourney run has not been good for my heart health.
Selfishly I have Virginia winning it all so I had to pull for them but tough for Purdue. They played lights out all tourney.
Edwards almost beat them by himself.
The odds of two underdogs winning were remote.
Gut wrenching end, but a super entertaining game!
OT- Racist shitlord update. Where I work there is a young Asian temp that runs hot and cold. One night, she’ll say “Hi!” to me and the next night ignore my presence. I just marked it up to her being a weirdo until Thursday night where I discover that what I assumed was one person was instead two different girls that look fucking near identical. Same height, build, hairstyle and glasses.
I’ve done that before to two Koreans. The issue was both had Lee as a family name. So the one I talked to a few times in the hall was friendly to me as we were in the same division but the other was some other dude named Lee.
It was mind-bending because they were working at different sorting stations opposite one another. What can I say? They all look alike to me. Funny thing is that I could always tell the identical sets of twins apart in school. At my high school there were five sets.
Fucking racist! Do em both.
At the same time.
The unfriendly one acts like she’d be handy with a cheese grater. No Thankee!
That’s the Wong one.
In elementary school I knew a girl named Cheryl Wong. She was whiter than even I am.
Well…get her #, anyway. Just in case.
I am late to the game, but for guitar tracks, this is one of my all time favorites:
That was one of the finest things I’ve listened to in a while.
I had a couple of B.B.’s albums on vinyl in my misspent youth. I kinda got tired of the overexposure but seeing that reminded me why I liked that cat in the first place.
This may be showing my weakness, but this will always have a sweet spot in my heart. And I’m happy I’ve gotten to see them when most of them were still alive.
I just finished soldering and then epoxy attaching two speaker crossovers to the bottom of my boom box I’m building. I checked each component and solder joint twice, but I’m neurotic that I ffed something up.
They aren’t coming out if something is screwed up.
Oooo, overthinking it is my nemesis. Just remember that if you fuck it up, buy a bigger hammer, clear away the debris and start over.
I’ll double down.
WTF is wrong with Portland?
I’m not touching that link
I’m at home and the girlfriend has already headed towards bed. So I clicked the link, and you should too.
Just for that, cheer on a 1965 GTO.
This band wins the best first album, and most terrible second album ever.
Drew Carey looked different before he lost all that weight.
OK—I hadn’t planned on clicking. Then, I was fully expecting to see Carey, as I wasn’t expecting a dry delivery joke.
Kudos, Chafed…you crafty mutha
You almost called me Shaft. And I liked it.
“Kinda like Shaft/so you can say I’m shafted”
/mother did say to make sure you were knocked out
“But it’s waffer thin!”
Your loss. It’s worth clicking.
Wifey is watching some Netflix show with Drew Barrymore. It’s weird to see child actresses get turkey-neck. I guess I am getting pretty fucking old…
If it’s Santa Clarita Diet, watch it with her. It’s an entertaining zombie series.
Yeah, it’s got Sheriff Bullock too but I can’t sit still that long. I’ll either fall asleep or get fidgety. Late onset autism.
Wait, she’s getting turkey-necked??
::starts to unzip::
OOHHH…..gotcha. “Turkey-neck”. Damn.
The chicken chasing scene is still entertaining.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say, “not that damn entertaining…”
Standards, man!
/shakes Sir Digby’s hand
Hi, I’m Nephilum. I gave up standards years ago. FFS, I wrote a series for this site!
Wait…I thought that was Standards and Practices.
/yeah, if it wasn’t late night fodder, I almost certainly never saw it.
Hell, I’m outta my element being on on a weekend night.
Good to see you tonight Sir Digby.
Was up, my good man?
Me. Drank coffee too late because I had to drive the youngest child to and from an event.
Pffft…kids: always needin’ something.
“I need to go here!”
“I need some money!”
“I need my insulin!”
Never-ending story, huh?
/not a sire
My brother used to pull the turkey neck out of the carcass, put it in front of his crotch and proclaim “If all else fails this will be Plan B!” and then chase the female guests around the kitchen.
Was it as funny as you make it sound? I’m laughing my ass off at the scene my mind has conjured.
Funnier. Davo was kind of a Jester. I’m the dumb one from the family.
You tell it well, so, I’m gonna figure your family has plenty of talent.
And, perversity. Can’t forget that.
Growing up, his short stories and crudely drawn comics would rival anything from SF or CPRM. Shame he’s such a dick. That encephilitus really scrambled his brain.
Damn. Sorry to hear it. Sounds like he could mostly be at home here, disregarding the issues and whatnot.
The disease got him when he was 13. He used to be mean but then he went super sayin afterwards. in his calmer moments he was a really funny, engaging guy. This is him on guitarhttps://youtu.be/sdl41kAfKII
Fuck https://youtu.be/sdl41kAfKII