Banjos has been a bit tightly strung recently, and has been a bit sharp, so the staff is all trying to even out her temper. But don’t fret, there will still be links. And a special Happy Birthday callout to Banjos’s hero and personal role-model, Rachel Maddow. Fittingly, it’s also the birthday of Phil “Knucksie” Niekro; everyone’s favorite yeoman, Grace Lee Whitney; and the only person who could actually wear a man-bun without looking imbecilic, Toshiro Mifune.
On to the news!
I see Joe Biden’s future here.
Scrambling like Fran Tarkenton.
Trump supporters (which they have to be, right?) as antisemites. And TBH, I’m rather sympathetic.
Why do I think this will make absolutely zero difference?
Unasked question: Why is either of these any concern of “lawmakers?” /searches constitution for the invisible ink part
“What the congresswoman meant was…”
“What the congresswoman meant was…”
Coyote, anvil, tunnel paint, JATO rockets…
Awww, they’re so adorable. And Greta looks like she just ran in the Special Olympics. Give her a hug!
The story does not live up to the headline.
OK, I admit it, this guy’s music just knocks me out. Cross roots and Rahsaan and you have Matt Lorenz.
I think the reason the informal requirements of having to comment on something from the links was to avoid having people drop a ‘First’ or other such remark in a bid for that spot. (Note, I would not regard my comment to qualify under said rules either)
Yeah, I just meant the date. Today is the first. It’s kinda like Turette’s.
Got ’em.
Lighten up, Francis.
No April Fool’s Style linkage?
I blew my wad on that one last year with my “All Rickroll” links post.
I thought AOC had the jokes.
I thought AOC was the joke.
You won the interenets.
Everyone’s life is just a gigantic cosmic joke. Enjoy!
I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors…
I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but can more tech companies act like Microsoft for once?
“Banjos’s hero and personal role-model, Rachel Maddow. ”
: Quiet Gasp, looks at rest of commentariat:
Leon, I suspect he was joking.
Some jokes go too far.
[wet willie’s leon]
April Fools!
No, she really does love Maddow. Has a framed autographed photo in the living room. Sloopy admitted that he fantasizes about her when they’re banging, so Banjos thinks of Maddow as a hero AND a marital aid.
Geez, I hope he doesn’t grab her by the hair and smash her head repeatedly into the headboard
Insight into Banjos’ fantasy:
*slowly backs out of thread*
Have cephalopod, will travel
No TW?
“Banjos thinks of Maddow as a hero AND a marital aid.”
So…. he’s really into double ended dildos?
Maybe thoughts of Maddow keep him from finishing too quick.
“Lie back and think of Lawrence O’Donnell”
Sloopy is AuH20?
I’d be worried about the possibility of birth defects caused by thinking of Maddow when the kid was conceived.
The Nature of Monsters was a pretty good book.
Wait, Rachel is quite literally an April Fool?
*hides in bunker til fallout
I for one believe wholeheartedly that Banjos can knock that dude Maddow the fuck out.
Dear Beloved Reader, we’re going to be real with you. We’re asking you to join our membership program so we can become fully financially sustainable (and you get some cool perks too!) With plummeting ad rates across the media industry, we’re at an urgent risk of shutting down. And we don’t want you to face Trump and his kind without the unique resources we provide. If everyone reading this only gave $12, we could raise enough money for the entire year in just one day. For the price of a single lunch out, you can help save us. We’re an independent feminist media site, led entirely by people of color, and that pays everyone who writes for us. If Everyday Feminism has been useful to you, please take one minute to keep us publishing the articles you’ve come to rely on us for. Thank you!
They seem kind of needy.
I thought they were alread bankrupt. Why not just fire your remaining
journalistsactivists and close the doors?Cause there are still plenty of idiots willing to part with their money when these asshats ask for it?
“led entirely by people of color”
Everyone knows them evil wyt divvils perceive reality through false consciousness and are therefore incapable of reporting on anything.
(not that what they do is reporting)
Women, always trying to Burrow in and bleed you dry…
: Ducks:
Maybe they should have a bake sale
Learn to code?
“and that pays everyone who writes for us”
No, they don’t.
$12.00 = shitty lunch
Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. scrambled on Sunday to contain a quickly growing crisis for his likely presidential bid, putting forward several former female aides and allies to praise his treatment of women
There are montages of all of his creepiness towards women. I don’t see what he expects to gain.
He gave a “men are evil” speech the other day, as if that would suffice. This election season might be the most hilarious ever.
If you wanna be a white Dem politician, number one skill on your resume better be self-immolation.
Does Maxine Waters speak english? I can’t quite tell. She’s like a ghetto Agile Cyborg
That wasn’t very kind.
I can at least get Agiles intent. Maxine sounds like an Alien who is just spouting sounds that make it look like she knows English to other aliens.
“Peach 45!”
Oh, I see, she was a fruit-counting robot taken out of service because she never recognized the 46th peach.
If you wanna hit triple digits, you really need to pick up the pace.
Those peaches ain’t gonna eat themselves.
But, she may have dropped something big – NYT earlier claim was that the full Mueller report was around 300 pages; Waters gave a figure ten times that large, 3,000 – 4,000 pages. This is going to be interesting.
Today is the day all the politicians try to work out their gaffes.
Maybe she also has what Pelosi has…
I think of her as an older, dumber, uglier Aunt Esther.
I, for one, am thankful that I don’t have to live in a world without Sanford & Son video clips on YouTube.
Top five TV theme song, too.
Mammary Monday shimmies, shakes and bursts forth with bountiful bosoms.
Ignore the ridiculously transparent Fyre Festival 2 April Fools’ Day nonsense.
1, 7L, 9, 15, 22.
It’s April First I’m hesitant to click
Seconded. But I can’t look at these at work anyway.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Maybe, but who’s satisfaction?
District judge rules President can bind future presidents.
IANAL, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the district Court really flubbed on this one. But that’s what happens when your suit gets brought to the ‘i can do what I want’ circuit. I don’t see the 9th overturning it.
The president can’t legislate by executive order, and regardless of Barry’s “Intent”, his Authority doesn’t extend past the inauguration of Donald. What can be done by executive order can be undone by executive order. You want to make it so only legislation can undo it, you need to get legislation to do it.
This ruling won’t survive SCOTUS.
You seem to be operating under the incorrect assumption that the Constitution still matters.
It was a bullshit #resist power grab. Don’t worry, there won’t be an repercussions for the judge’s actions.
Well they gave themselves Absolute Immunity.
I’m sure she’s on Betos short list for SCOTUS appointments.
They serve lifetime appointments and can only be removed through congressional impeachment.
Which really should happen more often.
This seems like a prime case. A judge usurping Congress authority and giving it to the executive…
Haha who am I kidding.
I’d probably go one simpler, if you’re a judge, and you have a decision overturned by the Supreme Court unanimously, it starts the ball rolling on impeachment.
Let’s not from forget who makes up Congress.
It is quite horrifying though how blatantly they are willing to ignore the constitution and the law to just do what they want. They don’t even pretend anymore.
What part of “by any means necessary” don’t you understand?
This shit is what the second amendment was actually intended to address.
Which also explains whey they’re so desperate to render it meaningless.
Exactly. Whatever restraint they might still show on rare occasions is not because they realize what they are doing is unconstitutional and bordering on criminal, but that the people they still have not managed to disarm might some day say “enough is enough” and get them for shitting all over the people’s rights.
“He made his law. Now let him enforce it.”
It’s so awful how Trump is violating all our sacred norms!
I guess it’s a win either way for Trump. If the case is overturned, he wins. If not, he now has the power to create binding law, not just policy. Indefinitely constrain his successors from doing something.
That’s different because ORANGEMANBAD.
Yeah, I have a feeling that this judge would overrule her own rulings if someone brought a cause against orange man’s ruling …
Good, send it to the SC and end this discussion forever.
What a bunch of bullshit.
The wording of President Obama’s
Irrelevant. What is done by E.O. can be undone by E.O. If Trump wanted to he could undo any and all that have been made up to the founding of the country.
searches constitution for the invisible ink part
It’s the FYTW clause written on the back in invisible ink that responds to citric acid and heat.
I thought it was uric acid that revealed the FYTW clause.
Mosquitoes don’t like dubstep: Insects that are ‘entertained’ with tune by artist Skrillex are less likely to hang around to bite people, scientists find
That’s funny in a recent study I did on myself, not only does dubstep kill my sex drive, it makes me want to kill myself.
It makes me want to kill the people who make dubstep
Woa woa woa WAHHH!
I wish I could’ve walked out of school ‘striking’ for stupid make believe shit when I was in High school. Kind of like the modern ‘college classes,’ it just too easy now.
Me too. I mean I could have, but would have been marked Truant, and missed credit, because it would have been something teachers don’t support. Kids these days don’t even know how to fight the man properly.
Fight the man? They’re on there knees in front of him and they’re doing it with smiles on their faces. This shit is disturbing.
While the PrEP stuff is good, I’d prefer there to be a vaccine.
Also: the homeless chick with HIV, diabetes and stage 4 cervical cancer? I fail to understand how that relates in any way to publicly funded HIV programs; sounds to me like HIV is the least of her worries.
I’m more surprised she’s not dead already.
It is impressive surviving with all of that. Hopefully she had some kids to pass on those genes.
“This president has defined himself as a liar. He has committed over 8,000 lies in two years.
Whereas Auntie Maxine is the bearer of truth.
That idiot wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her in the ass.
TW: Vox
Adolf Hitler was not a socialist
“put Nazi Germany somewhere on the American political axis, where it very much does not belong”
You know who else wanted to put Nazis on the American political axis…
George Lincoln Rockwell?
Yes he and the Nazi’s were, period.
The first obligation of every citizen must be to productively work mentally or physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all. Consequently, we demand:
Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.
In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
We demand the nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.
We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.
We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers, profiteers and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.
We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order.
The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the state must be striven for by the school [Staatsbürgerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the state of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.
The state is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young.
The fact that these people that like the idea of making government pick the winners and the losers are hell bent on pretending Hitler was not amongst the first people to adopt that idea on the collectivist march as a political system, is just sad. There was nothing “right-wing” about Hitler, and people didn’t start peddling that shit until the marxist defined his brand of collectivism as nationalistic, and thus, because if was not full blown communism, not left-wing and him evil.
Reality is that Hitler’s political movement was yet another one of the many flavors of collectivism, and like all collectivism, destroyed and killed those that got in the way of the people that peddled a new power pyramid to the masses driven by envy and jealousy as the solution to all ills.
Remove the references to Germany and re-post it on Vox and watch all the progs use it as the basis of the next iteration of the Green New Deal.
Yup, and don’t forget to replace references to “the Jews” with references to “the 1%”.
This is actually a fantastic idea.
Damn, that is some excellent reference material RS. I agree with the others, a couple minor word substitutions in this and it turns into something that AOC and Bernie tweet on a daily basis.
“And it is woefully, almost hilariously incorrect”
I see this asserted, and while they had “conservative” social policies, I’ve never had anyone explain why the Nazi party platform mirrors the socialists.
The Nazi’s were collectivist scum. The Communists were/are collectivist scum. The Socialists were/are collectivist scum.
They all agree on the basic fundamentals of economic behavior and the necessity of the State to run the economy for the “benefit” of the People. They only really disagree on the method of inspiring the people to go along with it.
The error is that most people equate socialism with Marxims. However, Marxism is a subset of socialism. Hell, the Levelers were socialist hundreds of years be Marx was born.
So while Nazi’s were socialist, they were *not* Marxist. Marxist believe a whole slew of stupid shit beyond just state ownership and/or direction of industry. They have very strong opinions about things like the role of religion, gender relations, and the way to interpret primary historical documents that have nothing to do with wealth distribution. The Nazis also had very strong opinions on the role of religion, gender relations, and the way to interpret primary historical documents that were directly at odds with the way the Marxists saw it.
Nazism, Communism/Marxims, and Liberalism are all the opposites of each other. Kind of like how love is the opposite of hate, hate is the opposite of apathy, and apathy is the opposite of love, Nazism is the opposite of Communism, Communism is the opposite of Liberalism, and Liberalism is the opposite of Nazism.
TLDR – The single axis model of political ideology makes you stupid.
You know who else believed in the Big Lie?
Every national leader ever?
So the national socialists called themselves socialists and had socialist policies but they were…..what? State capitalists?
Sounds legit.
Well, the Nazis were bad, and socialism is good, so the Nazis couldn’t have been socialists! QED!!
Don’t you even logic, bro?!
Let me lay it out for you…
Capitalism = whatever economic system people try that has a bad outcome, especially when it’s actual socialism
Socialism = it’s never actually been tried, but would be totes awesome if we can just get the right people in charge!
Not that bad an article but I think she’s pushing it. Her closing, at least, challenges the ‘Trump is Hitler’ narrative which has to be appreciated.
The bottom line is Nazism falls on the left side of the political spectrum. It’s to the ‘right’ of Marxism/socialism. Nazism (which is German for fascism according to Hitler she seems to argue I guess) and Fascism were invented by two dictators one of whom was a hard core socialist (Mussolini). The Nazis as a party definitely were socialist and I think she realizes that. She’s saying Hitler wasn’t but the party was. I could be wrong.
Authoritarian left and right. They only really differ in their propaganda.
“We” need to come together to fight off the oppressive force. Either the rich keeping the workers who produce the actual wealth down or those outside the state and a few (((other))) groups. Everything is the same except the enemy.
-1 Hayek
RE: (((Anti-vaxxers)))
I do find the subtle implication that those avoiding the Orthos must be anti-Semite Trumpistas highly amusing considering 2 facts:
1. Rockland county has gone Blue in 6 out of the last 7 presidential elections.
2. The Orthos are waaaaaaay more likely to be voting Republican than the average wokified suburban NY WASP.
Note the photos in the article of the avoiders…
There is another site that I go to when I want to hate all of humanity. It’s filled with fartsniffing exemplars of intellectualism. And of all the (((cultural))) NYers there HHAAAAATE Kirias Joel and Sandy Springs.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., might want to brush up on some history after asserting, incorrectly, that Republicans in Congress amended the Constitution to kick President Franklin Delano Roosevelt out of office.
“They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected,” Ocasio-Cortez said Friday during a night hall event with MSNBC with Chris Hayes.
Christ, what a dangerously ignorant asshole. The constitution was changed because FDR was the first president to not follow Washington’s example and step down after two terms. (and FDR was a tyrant.)
IIRC U.S Grant was the first to run for a third term. FDR was second and only successful one.
Learn something new every day.
Hmm, I’m not sure that’s correct. Grant considered running but declined to do so some time before the Republican convention of 1876.
You guys need to make up my mind here.
Your right. Grant wanted to but wasn’t nominated. Teddy is the only other to have run in a General Election for a third term (as Bull Moose Part candidate)
And, one more twist: Grant actually had the most delegates in 1880 but was short of a majority. In the end, all the anti-Grant candidates combined to nominate Garfield. So, there’s little doubt that Grant would have run for a third term if nominated. IOW, he did not want to respect Washington’s precedent.
So if he had won a third term, they would have amended the Constitution earlier and St FDR would be just another 2 term douche?
If only there were portable or handheld devices that could be used to look up historical events…
(and FDR was a tyrant.)
Thus the left’s reverence for him.
RE: Congressional sex committee.
I thought they already had slush funds for whores and/or paying off sexually harassed interns? Whycome we need a committee now?
I think that’s the joke.
“Congressional sex committee.”
Aren’t they all?
“Ewwwww….” [furiously scribbles notes for forthcoming fiction]
Our Toxic-Speech Epidemic
Trump likes his words free, loud, and hateful. Just don’t take him literally.
dead war heroes
Uh huh…
The English language deserves an apology from that person.
Not Hitler but Hitler.
You can’t be a Quasi-Hitler either.
I look forward to the comments when the genius horde who pay for that crap begin to show up.
Hang on. He says stupid things but don’t take him literally but then write as if he’s literal?
I don’t follow.
Don’t try to assume he is a moron and you will be good.
Cue the U Missouri professor calling for some muscle….
You know, I don’t think that imbecile from the Bronx gives a hoot about being factually wrong.
Progressives believe reality and truth are objective, and they can thus make it be whatever they want. I wish we would encourage them to do more of that and removed their safety nets. Darwin awards would become far more difficult to issue as a large swath of these morons would succumb to mother nature’s brutal way of dealing with stupid.
Notice the sign in the article about the teens protesting.
It’s not the first time I see it. I think that’s the whole point of climate change. System change.
Of course it is the point. That’s why they are called watermelons.
If they really believed the shit they peddle, we would have them demanding this happen. But they want nothing to do with that, because the ONLY solution they want is to upend the status quo and replace it with another tyrannical marxist system.
It’s not about that at all. When they see that they see their chance to control things – and the gravy train that comes with it – evaporate.
It is about the people that hate the fact they lack power, and figure this new green bullshit will allow them to upend the existing power pyramid and then somehow allow them to end up at the top of the new one along with whatever friends they favor. It’s an old story repackaged using the “Saving Gaia” flag to provide it the veneer of legitimacy.
In 1979 Phil Niekro went 21-20.
Modern pitchers are pussies.
He finished 6th in the Cy Young voting with 20 losses. Atlanta went 66-94, so the losses probably weren’t on him.
The 70’s Braves were a team that could score 6-7 runs a game and still lose consistently. So I think that at least some blame can be put on the pitching.
The knuckleball is great when it’s breaking like it’s supposed to. When it’s not, you just serve up a bunch of big fat taters.
TW: The Guardian
Jeremy Corbyn needs to get behind the people’s vote to fight the far right
A second vote is the only way to confront head-on the bigotry and racism unleashed by Brexit
So just to make sure I’m keeping up:
– Voting for independence from unelected corrupt bureaucrats = bigotry
– Overt anti-Semitism = happy unicorn funtime
Also: “hate crime spiked after the first referendum”
Citation needed motherfucker.
Seeing as hate crimes are defined by exercising your free speech while committing a crime, maybe they just assumed it.
The crime of course, being speaking.
The crime is questioning the stupidity of the new marxist/fascist movement hiding behind the social justice slogan.
That’s the great thing about hate crime stats–they can prove anything. Most of them are fabricated, the definition is fuzzy, and there’s no standard for reporting them.
It’s nice to see that the movement is exactly the same all over the world. If for any reason you are against centralized bureaucratic authority, you are a racist and a bigot. Also, this is exactly how you get people who would have enjoyed a healthy dose of schadenfreude if Trump had gone bankrupt before, say, 2015, voting for him in a presidential election, or people voting for UKIP, apparently.
Kudos to whoever here called it immediately after the referendum – they will just keep on having referenda until they get the results they want.
The left has always demanded another vote until they got what they wanted. After that, they made sure nobody could overturn their power grab without the use of force. The 20th century, and now even the 21st one, are replete of examples of this taking place. Brussels exists because they made the Euros vote until they got the EU. After that they have not only fought & undermined any vote against the interests of Brussels, but they actively have tried to punish anyone even pointing out the corruption of the EU system.
Europeans have traded the illusion of security for their freedoms, and as we are seeing here, they will have neither.
And gaslight the fuck out of the public to make it happen.
It feeds off victory
No one likes a loser.
The People’s Vote was held on 23 June 2016.
IMNSHO, there is absolutely NO reason to go to an Ivy or other hoity toity university unless you either plan on becoming a corruptocrat or you’re old money legacy who is already an idler.
I’ve always marveled at the not-so-subtle assumption that biochemistry is somehow different at HAHVAHD than it is at Drunken Sex State U. Do they have special textbooks or something?
The reason used to be the contacts and networking. The shitheads have devalued even that.
And I hope their shenanigans help completely destroy that system sooner than later. At least in the past this club created people that knew they had to deliver to keep the power/perks they demanded because of their credentials. The morons we have today are pissed that people expect them to deliver to keep their power/perks/wealth, and want to curb-stomp the movement that has basically started telling them that failure will have consequences.
Networking is still huge in law. I went to SMU, and could probably have 3 competing job offers by this afternoon if we were to move back there. The guy who sits next to me and went to Georgetown would have a hard time getting that many in a month because his network is here in DC.
In EE it’s completely different. I interviewed for jobs all across the country when I was graduating from Purdue. I could’ve worked in whichever city I wanted.
This afternoon *in Dallas.
I dunno, I went to a small state school for Electrical Engineering, and the number of kids there that seemed to be outraged by the idea of having to do work, or take tests on content we had *just* covered was a major drag on the classes making progress through the material.
I have often wondered if people realized that college was one of the most expensive purchases people made, only to then try to get the least value from that investment, because getting said value meant working hard and giving up on the partying.
It’s crazy how out of whack the whole thing is. My EE degree was my 2nd degree. I went back to school when I was 28 because (shocker!) my degree in writing wasn’t getting much use and I was sick of bartending. I went in trying to learn a profession, and all the kids that weren’t really serious about their education were a constant drag. If they could be bothered to get off Facebook, and just pay attention, it would have been a totally different story.
As one wag once said, “College is the only place where consumers demand less for their money.”
it fits in with Bryan Caplan’s signaling theory.
The perfect example: Students are happy when a professor cancels a class. Why? They aren’t getting a refund and they aren’t learning the material for that class, so why are they happy?
In nearly any of part of life, people would be outraged.
Because they’re there for the credential, and the less effort required for that credential, the better.
My understanding was that the classes were filled with high school valedictorians, so there would be no grading on a curve and the pace would be quicker since you were in a room full of sharks. But that may have changed over the last 30 years.
Hell, Hopkins was all valedictorians and there absolutely was a curve. They were notorious for breaking the spirits of students who thought they were academically invincible.
Of course that was 30 years ago.
My brother is a PhD. Chemist (UCLA and then Columbia post-doc). He was offered a full-ride by Harvard to get his PhD there, but he passed and went to UCLA instead. The work he did with Dr. Cram at UCLA won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in about 1986. He told me that the reason he passed on Harvard was because their program wasn’t all that great unless what you wanted to do was teach.
Thanks to these links, I’ve already used up three NYT articles for the month.
My cat threw up a hairball in the middle of the night.
I’m trying out a new espresso in my machine and it’s a bit fickle.
My GSD woke me up at 4:00 AM vomiting.
I now have to turn off my adblocker to use 4chan
Winston’s mom, something something…
Raised her prices?
No longer accepts food stamps?
Requires a voter ID card with a registration for the Democrats?
I’m self employed and no one scheduled with me today.
I’m eating lunch in the break room and the Weather channel is on.
The balls on these people. (except for Brian Stelter)
“We need to figure out what went wrong with the Mueller report, why — in all fairness to your network, why the media got it so wrong for so long,” Mulvaney said. “How did the media get it so wrong?”
“But I’m not sure what you’re saying the media got wrong,” Tapper responded. “The media reported what — the investigation was going on. Other than the people in the media on the left, not on this network, I don’t know anybody who got anything wrong.”
“We didn’t say that there was conspiracy,” Tapper continued. “We said that Mueller was investigating conspiracy.”
“If that’s your recollection of history, that’s great,” Mulvaney responded. “Face it, come on, the media got this wrong, Jake. It’s Okay. People get stuff wrong all the time, just not at this level. But it’s done now. The report is there. It’s extraordinarily thorough, as you know. I think they talked to 500 people, issued 2,800 subpoenas.”
“And it completely exonerates the president,” Mulvaney added. “There’s no collusion. There’s no obstruction of justice.”
“The media reported what — the investigation was going on”
Nice save, it’s almost like your recollection of what actually happened contradicts your taking point.
““If that’s your recollection of history, that’s great,” === “I’m sorry if you’re upset because of something I said.”
He should have rolled that 4 minute tape of the compilation of breathless reporting by the various news outlets parroting the same lines over the last 2 years.
What the fuck happened with Tapper, anyway? I seem to remember him somewhat approximating a traditional journalist. Now he’s just another CNN shill.
I had a feeling Lebron with the Lakers would not go so well.
James K. Koehler: A history of socialism
That’s some wonderful bullshit right there.
So this cunt is using the same argument the people that were confronted with the evils of marxism, another form of socialism, used: “that was not the real thing!”
Yeah, sure.
Somebody doesn’t know what socialism is.
They literally used marxist language in their platform.
It’s the whole “that was not real
marxismsocialism” trope all over again.Not to mention that basically every politician in Germany was a socialist at the time (according to Hayek I think? Maybe Orwell). There were just competing flavors of the same thing.
Sure sounds a lot like socialism to me.
Those of us that did know a pile of bullshit when we see it.
The funny thing I keep pointing out to our new socialism peddling types is that they are historically illiterate douches. Since redeeming marxism has become night impossible – now that we all know this evil belief killed over 120 million people and condemned close to 3 billion to hell on earth in a period less than 100 years long, and the people that used to pretend the problem was that it was not real marxism are no longer even taken seriously – they have decided to switch to peddling socialism other than marxism. See, new socialism will not follow marxism’s lead and have government just take over everything, in the process generating a two class system where the elite have things and the serfs stand in line for basic necessities and get sent to camps for complaining, like marxism did. Instead, new socialism will give government the power to pick the winners so they can achieve some goal.
Morons that lack actual historical education or assholes with an agenda, will pretend this was/is not what fascism was peddling. Whether it be what was done by Mussolini or Hitler, or what others that followed their ideas until WW2 broke out and then pretended to no longer like that shit did, it is a form of socialism where government colludes with business to pick winners and losers in order to avoid any direct blame when shit goes wrong. Obamacare was a great example of this practice. They rigged it so private insurers would eventually fail, both allowing the assholes in government to blame the private sector for the fail, and then come in with a solution the majority of people would never have accepted otherwise while looking like they are saviors.
Fascism, as I am sure history will bear out, whether it is the old time version from the 1930s, or the new version peddled by the left now, is evil. That is why it needs to disarm the populous and make them sheep.
“It should be clear to anyone having had some high school history that the Nazis were not socialists but a dictatorial, fascist and racist regime that worked hand in hand with Germany’s capitalist industries”
This is an assertion, not an argument. It’s the worst kind to. An appeal to peoples pride. “If you think otherwise your dumber than a highschool student”. Does the guy not know that highschool are notorious for perpetuating falsehoods and half-truths.
Public/private partnerships are a kind of socialism. Less so than full blown communism, but down the scale from laissez-faire capitalism.
Yeah but these are the same people who will argue with a straight face that the economic system in China is capitalist.
Does the guy not know
He is counting on it.
Fascist = Something I don’t like
I despise the dumbing down of America.
Orwell in the 1940s said that was the definition of fascism. So it isn’t just America, and also not a recent thing.
“If you think otherwise your dumber than a highschool student”
*sorry, but I love that grammar violation
They REALLY REALLY split hairs.
Wow, that’s got it all: sloppy thinking, logical fallacies, false equivalencies, appeals to the heart-strings, even personal attacks.
FWIW: when I get to the 20th century in my World History classes, I tend to lump Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and the USSR into one week on “collectivism” and “statism.” It gets students to see the similarities without leading them into socialism/not socialism debates. It also makes it easier to connect some dots to the collectivist policies in the US & Europe both pre- and post-war.
That strikes me as more useful from a historical perspective.
Which is why the left wants none of that….
This whole debate is stupid. As people have pointed out, trying to fit Nazis and Commies on the same access we use for the GOP and Dems is comparing apples and oranges.
The root cause is that the proggies try to hang Nazism around the neck of the GOP. The GOP doesn’t like this much so they point out the socialist economic policies in the Nazi platform and try to throw it back onto the Dems.
I’m just going to come out and say that neither party is Nazi-lite. Trying to make your opponents into the second coming of the Nazis is a shitty thing to do, but I’m not surprised that Team players keep trying to do it.
So when Congress calls a CEO in to testify and basically says accept regulations and do penance or face the full wrath of the IRS, DOJ, FBI, FCC, FTC and SEC investigations, that’s not fascist?
That is one of the most important hallmarks of the fascist system: government picks the winners & losers.
Sure it is fascistic. But I don’t see either party on the verge of running trainfuls of their enemies into camps (yet).
The problem is that neither Team sees anything wrong with hauling business people in for re-education. When they call each other Nazis it is all about death camps and genocide.
“Sure it is fascistic. But I don’t see either party on the verge of running trainfuls of their enemies into camps (yet).”
Why would you need to do so when today you can destroy their ability to make a living, even by leveling false charges at them, and destroy them just as effectively and efficiently?
Dream realized.
Uffda. I have to walk on eggshells today because the guy who sits next to me is a huge St. Cloud Huskies bobo (who took time off to watch the tourney in Fargo).
He is not going to be pleased the Huskies choked to something called American International.
So they choked to Roger Corman?
That was a great game! Too bad we had to be on the losing side of it.
Even if Bigfoot isn’t real, we still need him
The boogieman didn’t get dreamed up out of thin air and there is a reason both human and neandertal’s bones have teeth marks on them.
Now is the best time to be alive and living in the civilized west. Human history is full of horrors.
Just because we don’t have any thing eating humans regularly doesn’t mean the horrors have gone away. These days the perps tent to be other humans that grab power by telling low information people that they can solve all their problems if they let them use the power of government to punish those they don’t like.
Chiquita Khrushchev staffer
The story on misappropriation of funds seems to have been disappeared, hasn’t it?
Yeah, the media has no interest on reporting on that, and the powers that be no longer feel a need to push it.. I would not be surprised we find out Pelosi was behind the story coming out and that she has also issued cease & desist orders now that it achieved what she needed (to remind Karla Marx that she is owned).
For decades, Garfield telephones kept washing ashore in France. Now the mystery has been solved.
Heathcliff was better.
Bill or GTFO
+1 ACK
Then there was that time he ended up with Trump’s brain…
His debut was memorable
I’ll take Garfield phones over amnesiac super-spies.
Especially when they make a moron like Matt Damon try to pass himself off as one of those…
He doesn’t realize the donations were all from republicans who really wanted to see a bunch of democrats driving around with BUTTGIEG bumper stickers.
Imagine how many leftist programs could be funded voluntarily in the free market if they didn’t throw all their money to the politicians.
“Don’t poke the Buttgieg!”
Thanks for pinch-hitting, Old Man!
I liked the musical selection a lot. This one is strong, too.
A lot of sound for one dude.
One for OMWC.
A proper fish is rubber.
Here lies an ex of Old Man With Candy
Died at the age of one hundred and three
For nearly eight years she kept her virginity
Not a bad record for his vicinity
And…desktop background set.
Oh noes, the Administration is going to… enforce the law.
I don’t see the problem.
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Don’t worry, I’m sure a judge will allow Obama to come out of retirement to make an EO taking away power from the president.
“Not only has he defined himself. He has shown us in so many ways, including his choosing of (Paul) Manafort to come and run his campaign. Manafort, who had been working with Putin and the Kremlin as they tried to exercise more power in the Ukraine,” she said.
Waters said “they” did that so Putin could have sanctions lifted so Russia could drill for oil in the Arctic.’
Maxine, you ignorant slut.
Fake or true re: the allegation that 14 months ago, on the night he tore his ACL, ex Knick KP went home, raped a fellow tenant in his building, beat her and called her slave, andohbythewayredusedtopayher68ktokeepherquiet..
Man, that just wasn’t his day.
I’ve torn an ACL. That sounds like way, way, way more physical activity than I’d have been capable of performing hours after seeing my knee bend sideways and fighting off shock, but then again I’m not a professional athlete.
Sounds like way too much effort to get off even with 2 good knees. Particularly by a pro-athlete who probably has no problem meeting willing ladies.
Right? That’s another angle: dude could probably pay any number of women specifically to call them names while he bangs them. There’s probably some pretty, dark-skinned submissive ladies who would be thrilled to make a couple thousand bucks for an evening with a giant Latvian athlete with more money than he can count.
“The 7-foot-3 athlete, who is white,”
Someone get me a rope!
The fuck? We deserve to know the exact words he used while conducting the assault. Everyone knows hate speech makes rape more rapey.
Always tell the women you rape how much you respect their courage and strength. It’s only right.
Stunning and Brave
The Latest Scheme to Turn Gun Owners into Criminals
The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. However, gun control activists are trying to criminalize gun ownership. Their next step is that you are a criminal if you take a gun out in public. If they have to let you own a gun, you can’t ever take it out of its case.
Liberals continue to try to criminalize private ownership of guns, despite losing a key battle in District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783, 2820–2821, 171 L.Ed.2d 637, (2008). Unlike conservatives, left-wingers never quit. They intend to win the war eventually and disarm the American people.
Now they claim that it is illegal to “open carry” a firearm. The mere existence of a gun if anyone else is around now has become the crime of “brandishing” and/or “assault” (which means frightening people, contrary to popular misunderstanding) or both.
In Virginia, in the Fredericksburg General District Court, my client was charged with two counts of “brandishing” a firearm under Va. Code § 18.2-282 and two counts of assault under the all-purpose (vague) Va. Code §18.2-57, for a single incident that took no more than 30 seconds. (In my own defense, I took the case knowing that Virginia statutes are bad and need to be challenged by a campaign of appeals.)
IIRC the SCOTUS had hinted ( or even ruled?) that Open Cary is a well defined ancient right.
“Brandishing” is equivalent to the various local laws that amount to “acting suspicious”. There seems to be an awful lot of leeway in terms of what exactly constitutes brandishing versus carrying, and if there’s anything a police state loves, it’s poorly-worded law.
One Kiwi stands up to the mob:
“Fishing and Outdoors editor Graham Carter stood by an article in his paper today which called out Ardern and Police Minister Stuart Nash.
“Our Dumb-as-a-Plank New Zealand Prime Minister and lapdog New Zealand Police Minister have announced a ban on assault rifles that are and have been banned for the last ‘thirty-five years’.
“Comments made by our PM are disingenuous and misleading the general public.”
The article, written by John McNab, goes on to say that it was already illegal to fire any rifle which was “full-auto” even if it was a defence force firearm.
“This is what happens when dumb people are put in charge of stuff they don’t understand, and who are too dumb to either admit it, or to listen to facts from people who do understand the stuff in question.
“Then we have all the flower powder puffs coming out of the woodwork who know little if anything about the issues here.”
He’s fucked.
But good on him for pushing back.
Good for him. Little late in the day, though. I won’t be at all surprised if he gets picked up for hate speech or something.
I seem to recall Colorado being open-carry except for Co. Springs, Denver, Boulder, and Pueblo where one was likely to be charged with Flagrant Display.
“Flagrant Display”
That’s what happens when a dood wears spandex at the gym.
Bowie still did it best.
Dance belts are a thing.
He doesn’t mention the name of the Commonwealth’s Attorney. It was purely their decision to prosecute this case.
“They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected,” Ocasio-Cortez said Friday during a night hall event with MSNBC with Chris Hayes.
If that were true, woulodn’t it say, “No dead people”?
Miss me with that gay shit.
Reagan/Coolidge 2024
It has to be climate change, cause otherwise someone might point out it is the corruption that plagues most of these African nations. Especially the ones that flirted with marxism….
Remember when Reagan had the CIA infect Ethiopian crops with AIDS?
Or had the Nicaraguan Contras sell their cocaine as crack to the people in the hood to finance the evil revolution to fight the lawfully elected Nicaraguan marxist government?
True story — when I was in college, there were professors who had sign-up sheets on their doors recruiting students to go and fight the Contras. This was in Reagan-bush era Oklahoma. It blows my mind when people think that Marxists on academia is a new or isolated thing.
The Noor trial is starting and MPR did some fine reporting
Actually most of it is pretty good, but there is a section in there about the racial aspects of the trial and that makes the article worth reading.
So I guess we have to let him off the hook because we let all the white cops off?
Noted supporter of police shootings David Harris, of Pittsburgh, PA…
And this is why BLM didn’t get any measurable change. They focused on race and so only misconduct by white cops can be used to hold police accountable.
This is a weird one, because the Somali community and the AA community aren’t exactly simpatico.
I think he needs to go down for this one. Bad shoot.
Sadly, the one reason I have some hope that he will go down is that the cops in Minneapolis don’t want to work with a knucklehead who is willing to shoot across his partner in a car to kill someone. So they will allow the system to convict him of something.
I’m amazed his partner didn’t club him into unconsciousness at the scene. If I was driving a car and the passenger shot across my face (for any reason) I would not be happy.
Meanwhile, most of the white urban community would prefer to stick their fingers in their ears and yell “Minnesota Miracle” as they autobrainwash themselves into believing there’s nothing wrong with this city.
Things are getting weird again. Should be an interesting summer.
This is what happens when dumb people are put in charge of stuff they don’t understand, and who are too dumb to either admit it, or to listen to facts from people who do understand the stuff in question.
The epitaph of western civilization.
Fishing and Outdoors editor Graham Carter stood by an article in his paper today which called out Ardern and Police Minister Stuart Nash.
He’ll be getting a visit from the Chief Censor in the very near future.
“This publication will cease operation, effective immediately, by order of”
The Heath Ledger is back and faker than ever.
I am not happy to have Biden compared to St. Francis.
Why didn’t you compare him to Favre? Brett and his dick pics seems far closer to Uncle Joe than Fran.
I can’t believe you guys are making fun of AOC. She’s totes right about FDR. If it wasn’t for that amendment to our constitution, zombie FDR would be running a campaign of terror using the CCC as his storm troopers today.
I thought AOC said FDR was a racist? If so keeping zombie FDR from re-election was a good thing.
FDR was a racist
Just against the Japanese, and they are the white people of Asia.
In recent months the science fiction world has grown increasingly political, with dozens of writers contributing stories to anthologies such as Resist: Tales from a Future Worth Fighting Against and If This Goes On. Another prominent example is A People’s Future of the United States, edited by Victor LaValle and John Joseph Adams.
“I wanted to use my position as an editor to try to help magnify the voices of the people that we invited to participate in this anthology,” Adams says in Episode 354 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “To sort of shout back at the Trump administration, and also to try to imagine some new futures that might help us figure out how to get back to normal from here.”
The book draws inspiration (and its title) from Howard Zinn‘s counterculture classic A People’s History of the United States, and like that earlier work, A People’s Future of the United States tries to present a wide variety of marginalized perspectives. Science fiction author Sam J. Miller, who contributed a story to the anthology, was strongly influenced by Zinn.
Another contributor to the anthology, Caribbean-born science fiction author Tobias S. Buckell, feels that many people grew complacent during the Obama years, which allowed ugly rhetoric to proliferate. “As someone who puts diverse characters in my books—and is diverse himself—that background noise has always been a part of my career that I’ve had to deal with,” he says. “In 2013 everyone felt that I was being a little bit worked up, and now it seems like a great deal of the rest of the world has kind of caught up.
Let’s all try to imagine our way to a better world. One in which a selfless heroine with a lifelong devotion to public service won the Presidency and crushed the patriarchy, banished white nationalism, and and made all the scary gunz into sculptures of pretty flowers.
And they keep complaining that the industry isn’t making money. Go figure.
A People’s Future of the United States
Pass. Sounds like misery and death caused by socialism.
We need to RESIST so we can give more power to the State, so people can have less rights, less freedom, and more tyranny.
We truly live in the most fucked up timeline.
I still have this in my range bag. Used to read it when the son was doing the youth classes at the gun club.
WTF does that even mean?
It means it is a lunatic proggie douche.
That was on my news feed. I had blocked it from memory.
Yeah he’s totally right, nobody ever proclaimed their political opposition was racist and that the only reason someone would oppose Obama’s policies was racism. Nobody.
What an asshole.
Someone still has “fuck you” money.
“They said ‘No Jussie Smollett jokes,'” said Rock, presenting one of the awards.
“What a waste of light skin,” the famed comedian mocked. “Do you know what I could do with that light skin? That curly hair? My career would be out of here! I’d be running Hollywood.”
“What the hell was he thinking?” he asked.
“You’re ‘Jessie’ from now on,” Rock joked. “You don’t get the ‘u’ no more. That ‘u’ was respect. You ain’t getting no respect from me!”
The camera panned to the amused audience, notably including “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah, who was completely unable to contain his laughter. Noah and the crew at “The Daily Show” also ripped Smollett, putting out a viral mock sketch of the alleged hate crime hoax soon after the “Empire” star was charged.
It’s pretty tame. But I am glad he did it.
I’m amazed his partner didn’t club him into unconsciousness at the scene. If I was driving a car and the passenger shot across my face (for any reason) I would not be happy.
No kidding. I assume the partner is retired on full disability after that.
I’m not sure the Dems have thought things through sufficiently. Yes, trying to go after Donald Trump as a criminal plays well with their base. I geet that. But, the entire country is not their base. Mueller has investigated Trump. He came up empty. Now, there’s an established study, a study the Democrats themselves endorsed, that says the criminal angle just doesn’t hunt. How do they think continuing the discredited narrative plays with the rest of the country? Do they think it makes them look sane, sober, and credible?
I think it’s one of those things where, initially, it could read as responsible governance. Like, here’s this smoke, here’s all this suspicious stuff around the election, and as servants of the people we’re going to investigate. But the expiration date on that is well past, and they’re obviously losing the support of people who aren’t currently suffering deeply from TDS. I still firmly believe that the 2020 is Trump’s to lose. Which he certainly could, of course, but I think he’s done a workmanlike job of doing a controlled burn of his public image. What are you gonna do, accuse him of saying something offensive on Twitter? The man can’t be shamed because he has embraced not giving a single fuck as a public way of life.
Short of Epstein releasing photos of Trump cornholeing some 12 year old Cuban girl, I can’t see how. And even then, the majority of Trump fans would take that ball and run with it as evidence of how “alpha” he is.
Both parties can play exclusively to their increasingly radicalized base because they know the demographic of centrists has shrunk considerably. And what are undecided centrists, etc. going to do, vote 3rd party? ROFL HA HA HA!
Kind of where I am as well. The swing votes that actually have any play are down to a handful of counties in Florida and Ohio, right? Everyone else has either picked a team or their vote doesn’t matter because the state they live in has collectively picked a team.
Is the Cuban girl thicc?
Of course!
They are not sane, sober or credible. The whole Russia angle was a bald faced lie and they knew it because they are the ones who invented it out of thin air. Surely they knew it would be discovered sooner or later. The problem of course is that they lied to themselves so much for so long that I think a good many of them actually believed it. That isnt the behavior of sane people.
The reason they went with the lie and can’t stop is simple: after Trump won the election they had rigged for Hilary, the ability to hide the criminal activity of the Obama administration was seriously compromised. Especially with a loose canon like Trump. They hoped that their hoax would allow them to torpedo the Trump presidency, and then allow them to hold that axe over whomever followed’s head to keep the corruption and criminal activity under Obama secret. Their attempted coup failed, and their whole campaign got derailed. Now they are even more desperate to find a way to stop him, because not only have they failed, but they now have a pissed off Trump whom is out for blood.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Trump seriously cleaning house but I’m not sure even he has the stones for trying that. There’d be political pushback like you’ve never seen if he actually does go on the warpath.
The fact that quite a few team red asshats are realizing that Trumps refusal to back down is why he is winning, is IMO why this will play out bad for team blue. It’s payback time, and team red is starting to realize that allowing what was done to stand unchallenged means that they are going to have to accept team blue will never again allow them to hold power. That is why I suspect there will be some consequences.
Will we see Obama and Clinton wearing orange suits and making license plates? Likely not, but a lot of Obama admin people I suspect are not going to get away with the shit they did.
If you think Trump is a blowhard now wait until 2021. He is just sharpening his knives now.
+1 ‘The Night of the Long Tweets’
*opera applause*
*Takes Bow*
*Trump mask and smartphone fall out of jacket*
Do they think it makes them look sane, sober, and credible?
Does it matter?
I’d think, if you’re a political creature, yes, it would.
It would if we had honest news media. When 90% of it is running propaganda for your side I think appearing sane and sober matters less.
Exhibit A: Cory Booker.
The Russia angle is yesterday’s news. They’re going with business shakedown now.
Anyone else sort of upset that Mueller is getting a tongue bath from the GOP now that he returned no indictments?
I keep reading about how this proves how much integrity that he has. No one seems to be worried that he absolutely fucked over several people’s lives in order to try to get someone to flip on Trump. Sure most of them are swamp creatures that it is hard to feel sorry for. But if we are sticking to principles, shouldn’t someone be sticking up for their rights too?
Wait until the pardons get handed out.
I keep reading about how this proves how much integrity that he has.
Leaving aside whether someone with integrity would have taken the appointment at all, he knew within a few months that the Russia angle was bullshit, but kept the investigation going as a perjury obstruction trap for Trump.
The man has no integrity.
Judge to consider banning man from having sex with his wife of 20 years
How is this different from marriage in general?
Only lasts 20 years
During my 4 AM sleep mode malfunction, I watched a pair of Bloomberg idiots interviewing some British Labour politician. It was very enlightening. He explained that the Brexit vote did not actually have anything to do with the EU, and the people who voted “leave” didn’t even know what they were voting for (or against). The whole thing should be chucked, because that is what any mature, sensible person would want. Also, England has been destroyed by Thatcherite austerity, and Labour will right every wrong.
The Bloomberg idiot tossed in his two pence, and said in America, the Republicans represent the few, and the Democrats represent the many, and only a fool would believe otherwise. Why do the hicks vote against their own best interests, and turn away from those who merely want to make their lives better?
Japan is weird?
Yes. But also 4/1
Dear Abby: Couple’s sex life fizzles when husband obsesses over wife’s weight
No fb
DEAR ABBY: I’m almost sure my wife is cheating on me. On her ladies’ night out she has been getting home later and later. Someone drops her off at the corner and she walks to the house. The last time, I hid behind my Harley in the driveway to see if I could determine who is dropping her off. While crouching behind the bike, I noticed a puddle of oil on the driveway. Should I try to fix it myself or should I take it to the dealer? — JIM IN IOWA FALLS
DEAR JIM: Jeez, that one’s older than the hills! As intelligent as you are, I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. Be careful not to slip on the oil while you’re deciding.
Because at your age, he decided to shack up with a 23 year old?
Say what you want about the Cheeto and Chief, the man can troll:
Don’t tease me Trump…
Anyone else sort of upset that Mueller is getting a tongue bath from the GOP now that he returned no indictments?
It just falls under the heading of, “Don’t bother to act surprised if….”
“Rapper Nipsey Hussle seen the day before he was murdered outside his clothing store as it’s revealed he was due to sit down with LAPD to discuss gang violence”
Great news! As of today, the great state of Kansas now it’s peasantry to purchase “full strength” beer at gas stations and grocery stores. Liquor and wine still not allowed. Praise to our Lord and savior the state for allowing me this privilege!
What was sold before? N/A beer? 1/2 strength?
Who makes 3.2% beer? That’s low enough that there is no point drinking it.
I bet that beer had corn syrup in it too…
That’s 3.2 by weight or 4% ABV. There are a lot of fine beer styles that come in a 4% ABV. Not that I drink anything under about 7%.
All the major ‘economy’ brewers make a 3.2% version. Every Utah-based brewery makes it. Sam Adams makes them.
There’s a lot of 3.2 beer out there.
Basically, any light beer is about 3% alcohol. So in effect, light beer replaced 3.2.
So full strength Coors Light and Bud Light then?
Oh and liquor stores can now sell food and cocktail mixers! Praise!
Colorado beat you by about 3 months. We just started allowing more than 3.2 at the first of the year.
Far cry from the Southwest where they have drive-thru heroin stores at 7-11.
You know one of the best things about 3.2 beer joints? Cops usually don’t care too much about kids buying underage from them.
At least when I was a kid that was the case. If you couldn’t find a way to get real beer, there were a couple small roadhouses out in the country that had 3.2 beer licenses and were pretty lax about carding.
Kansas is hardcore they send people into gas stations, restaurants and bars and if they’re not carded, the business gets fined and all employees are forced to take an alcohol serving class.
A “friend” lived in OP in the early 80’s; her parents had to drive to Missouri to get the good stuff.
Occasionally on Sundays if the stock ran dry my dad would make a Missouri liquor store run before the Chiefs game. Now they allow Sunday sales.
To be fair, the time period I was talking about was early ’80s when you only had to be 19 to drink legally in Minnesoda and MADD hadn’t turned underage drinking into a moral crusade yet.
I think that’s more of the norm these days.
Fuck Reagan’s corpse.
Count your many blessings that you happen to live in Kansas and not a place like NJ.
Agree 100%. Kansas isn’t that bad at all just making fun of our old fashioned liquor law’s.
I love Kansas. I’d live there.
I wouldn’t have pegged you as a fan of flat.
So Friday while driving home I was listening to a Tim Pool video on the Jussie scandal and found myself wondering, why exactly is it that so many political heavy hitters tried to interfere in the investigation either directly or indirectly? It is not like Jussie is someone important, it is at best a C list celebrity on a TV show which is designed to be enjoyed pretty much solely by a demographic that makes up less than 20% of the country It also isn’t like he was in any real danger of serious jail time, at worst he would have gotten something like 6 months with a couple years probation and a fine and within a month of his being arrested everyone would have gone back to not remembering who Jussie Smolett is
Then it hit me, What if Jussie was Barry’s Monica and was threatening to spill the beans if they didn’t make the investigation go away? Alternatively what if he was banging Michelle in the side
Obviously idle speculation with nothing to back it up, but it really does fit. Barry and Michelle would have been aware of who Jussie was and he lived in their hometown
Tactical error borne of overconfidence. They’re so used to operating in an echo chamber that they can’t imagine how this fiasco looks to the Deplorables.
And they are used to getting away with things like this. None of them has stopped to think that this might actually backfire on them.
As I recall, the Dems stated that they didn’t need the deplorables to win in 2020. And they continue to blame the deplorables for jumping ship, because their deplorable not because the Dems made any mistakes or anything.
It isn’t whether it is an error so much as why would they care? Jussie Smolette is not someone who political operatives should care about one way or the other. It would have made more sense for politicans to come to R Kelly’s defense than Smolette’s. He shouldn’t have been high profile enough to be moving in the same social circles as the Obamas and their aides so their just being friends doesn’t make sense
It’s not about Jussie per se: it is about the narrative about hate crimes the left needs and providing cover to those that believe the narrative. Letting Jussie go is a way to tell people that the law will be made to turn a blind eye to false accusations that help the preferred narrative…
he lived in their former hometown
The story I’d heard is that Smollett’s scam was co-ordinated with Harris and, to a lesser extent Booker. They were pushing an anti-lynching/ hate crimes law in Congress. In favor of that particular conspiracy theory is the fact that Harris & Booker both released statements about the incident that echoed each other almost word for word. Smollett would have threatened to go public with the whole scheme if he wasn’t let off the hook.
I also heard this.
That got explain Emmanuel being upset about the outcome too. If Harris/Booker our outside the Clinton group choice for Prez, then Rahm could be trying to pressure to expose their involvement.
But this is just crazy conspiracy theory talk until something comes out.
Pretend I can write coherently. That was awful.
Well, you were going for crazy conspiracy talk.
INFOWARS just called with a job offer for robc.
Pretty sure Jussie already came out
RE: Biden.
Why is he bothering with harassing political allies on camera? A guy with his cash and name recognition would have his pick of pussy among the Young Socialists crowd and they’d keep quiet about it. That poor judgement alone is worth disqualifying him.
He’s used to being the Big Dick On Campus. I believe that he truly doesn’t understand his behavior.
It’s consultant interviewing time again.
The whole system is set up to create an incentive that favors over-detailed 12+ page resumes to get past the non-technical HR folks slathered in between the technical people and the candidate. So I’m going a bit cross-eyed as the buzzphrases scroll past like magical mantras to placate the guardian spirits and see the Oracle (administrators).
It has been over 18 months that I told the powers that be here where I work I will not interview anyone anymore, because the company’s screening process sucks, and the candidates they bring in are morons with credentials and nothing of value to add.
We get some worth hiring. But the process is, well, arcane even by state standards.
Do you have your interview gloves cleaned, waxed, and ready to go?
HR should recuse themselves from all IT hiring. My previous job was in cyber fraud investigations. Can’t count how many times I was contacted by HR reps wanting to interview me for IT security jobs.
I’ve only been involved in a few hiring decisions and yes, I also hate the super long resumes filled with buzzphrases. And rather outlandish claims, as if the company they previously worked for would have perished within days if it wasn’t for the job-seekers god-like powers. Example of someone who recently got hired: “I saved the company over $200k in consulting fees with this one simple trick.”
Was the simple trick orphans? should we recruit this person?
I am doubting this candidate who lists a one-month tenure (still employed at the position when the resume was filed) actually Designed their database backup schema, given how long the organization in question has existed. I’d have accepted “maintained” or “made recommendations for improvement”
That wasn’t a resume, that was one of bottom of the page ads you see on TOS.
It’s so confusing!!
This is my first post-lay-off weekday. I am rewriting my resume with the guidance of the outplacement consultants. I’ll try to keep it under a dozen pages.
You should include a sampling of your Glibs comments under “Outside Publications”
You should avoid taking our advice. We’re well-known trolls.
It’s strange, when I’m reviewing resumes, it feels like I’m shirking work – despite the fact that it is 100% within my job duties to be handling this.
🙁 I just love when someone thinks half a page of italic text is just A-Okay to send in. Large blocks of Italics are hard to read.
The format that the process incentivizes causes me to be very cynical about the candidates before I’ve even met them. It makes them sound unduly proud of the simplest things because the HR gatekeeping process is rock stupid.
How does one actually get hired as a consultant without having friends in high places?
I’ve done a fair amount of consulting and referred several consultants to orgs over the past several years, but it was always because of personal connections. They knew I’d get their job done (or I knew my referral would do a good job) and sent the work my way. Who actually applies to be a consultant somewhere?
Well, these are IT consultants, which are basically staff that should be in-house but the powers that be don’t want on the headcount. (Consultants are non-personnel expenses) so we send out requests to body shops and get people bid, rate them, interview them, rerate them and recomment to hire X. The contract rate gets paid to the body shop, who pays a lower rate to the consultant. Since we hire a lot of them (upto half the people in a given unit will be staff augmentation consultants) we can’t fill the drudge spots with politically connected people who don’t want the drudge spots anyway. Most of them are H1-Bs, but some are citizens or permanant residents.
I guess the body shops get called because of connections between the owners and people in-house at the state, but it doesn’t trickle down to the people doing the work.
Ah, so its like the ‘government consulting’ industry. Gotcha
Something I am sure many of us suspect.
As he was deliberating last year over replacing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, President Trump told confidants he had big plans for Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
“I’m saving her for Ginsburg,” Trump said of Barrett, according to three sources familiar with the president’s private comments. Trump used that exact line with a number of people, including in a private conversation with an adviser two days before announcing Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Barrett is a favorite among conservative activists, many of whom wanted her to take Kennedy’s spot.
She’s young and proudly embraces her Catholic faith.
Her past academic writings suggest an openness to overturning Roe v. Wade.
Her nomination would throw gas on the culture-war fires, which Trump relishes.
But Trump chose to wait.
Some Trump advisers worried Barrett’s staunch opposition to abortion rights would lose the votes of Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). But there wasn’t consensus; some advisers argued they would ultimately “do the right thing” and vote for Barrett.
Trump came to doubt that “the women” (his shorthand for Collins and Murkowski) would support Barrett, according to sources who discussed the situation with Trump at the time.
Some of Trump’s aides also felt confident about picking up more Senate seats in the 2018 midterms (which they did), meaning a more conservative pick might stand a better chance later.
Clandestine “sources” abound, of course. But this seems believable.
Democrats are now accepting applications for Barrett accusers. Let the show trials begin!
three sources familiar with the president’s private comments
“The barista at my Starbuck’s told me that one of his other regulars knows somebody in the White House . . . ”
This would qualify as a “source”.
Although I wouldn’t be surprised if its true, this story doesn’t give us any real reason to think its true.
People Kill People. But the Bullets Seem to Matter.
something something stopping power
It’s simple, all ammo must have Nerf™ bullets.
More kinetic energy generally means more damage and a higher probability of a fatality when shot? Well I’ll be damned.
I recommend a Carl Gustaf
Let me know when you can get that in a pocket snubbie.
When you start restricting magazine capacity, people go for larger caliber handguns.
Nobody needs more than a .380. In other words, they’ll try to restrict caliber next and they can still claim to be allowing people the exercise of their 2nd Amendment rights. Just think of it all as one big slippery slope that ends with England style restrictions.
It ends with Gulags, England is not at the end yet.
I think England and Sweden end as Islamic Republics in a couple of decades. It’s inevitable without ethnic / religious cleansing on a massive scale.
I don’t think its inevitable, and it would take more than a couple decades, but it certainly can’t be ruled out.
White people aren’t breeding. Christianity is dying – some are converting to Islam. Muslim immigrants breed in large numbers and the waves of Muslim immigrants continue unabated. It’s math.
When they hit 1/3 Muslim the real excitement begins. Much over that and it’s over.
Does the British Monarch convert to Islam (along with the CofE)? Or do they just kneel before the Grand Mufti of Canterbury under that scenario?
Islamic Republics
Is that even a thing?
It’s like a Democratic People’s Republic, only with 100.2% of the electorate voting for the candidate picked by the Mullahs.
Do you even Iran, bro?
It’s inevitable without ethnic / religious cleansing on a massive scale.
Yeah, some cleansing would be nice, wouldn’t it? Get rid of all of the pieces of shit that ruin the place.
I thought you were a Browns fan?
Just stating the facts. Whitey can flee, fight, convert, or accept dhimmitude. The North African and Iberian Goths had the same choices.
Not as long as there’s the Lion of Millwall.
Are you sure? They are tossing people in the clink for telling jokes. Cops are out searching for people who were heard muttering to themselves on buses. I would say they are pretty close.
Make .32 great again?
They usually say “but muskets”. Muskets were often rather large calibers. A Brown Bess, for instance, is a .75 cal.
As usual gun grabbers have no idea what they are talking about.
That’s sharp
*narrows gaze*
What a beauty.
A musket is specifically a weapon of war. Long barrel , bayonet and heavy, full length stock. It was contrived in the days of single shot rifles to be a deadly weapon after that single shot was expended.
There is no reason we cant build an M-14 in musket configuration.
A musket is specifically a weapon of war
Likewise for any other arm used to fight, which I like to point out to the “weapons of war off our streets” imbeciles.
This is BS. Once you get into standard sd calibers, shot placement is much more important. Given how the 9mm is the caliber du jour and therefore most chosen by novices, gang bangers, and cops with no gun skills, not surprised average shot place placement would be inferior to more experienced shooters with larger calibers. I prefer a .40 and .45 to a 9mm but no there is no doubt about the 9s lethality. Not to mention the .357 magnum.
I remember back in the ’70s a pharmacist in SoCal was being robbed. He pulled out his .25 auto and shot both robbers. One shot each. It was a couple of tough-ass bikers over 250lbs each. They were both dead before they hit the floor.
Shot placement, indeed.
The study set out to test that slogan — and found it wanting.
Because they willfully refuse to comprehend that it is about responsibility and agency.
A few thoughts:
The article refers to small, medium, and large caliber bullets without telling us what they actually are. Presumably .22, 9mm, and .45, but that begs the question of where all the other calibers fall.
They say that .45 are more lethal than 9mm, but I seem to recall hearing that lots of studies on terminal ballistics basically said the two calibers are essentially tied, due to the higher velocity of 9mm v the heavier/wider .45.
I think the 9mm success rate is probably depressed by its popularity. They’re just so common that you get plenty of users who do the spray and pray thing. I’d suspect .45 carriers are probably a little more likely to be practiced shooters, and that probably helps its number.
Tried out a Keurig for the first time this morning. What a silly device.
But it’s a convenient and quick way to make lousy coffee!
The only time I have gotten decent coffee from a Keurig is when I get one of those reusable Keurig pods that you put your own coffee in.
Must be so people can avoid sweeteners in their brew…
We sacrifice a lot for an ever-so-slight gain in convenience these days.
It’s shocking how lazy people have become.
You don’t like paying $80 for a pound of coffee?
We have one because my wife is the only one in the house who drinks coffee.
Not that I’m some tree-hugging anti-materialism watermelon ratfink commie, but it reminds me a bit of the Futurama cookie press.
And what are undecided centrists, etc. going to do, vote 3rd party? ROFL HA HA HA!
“I, Howard Schultz, do solemnly swear….”
This is a few weeks old, and the sample size is small, but it supports the case for Trump’s reelection. Trump’s reelection chance outstrips his job performance polling, and he does even better when paired against likely Dem candidates.
Need advice. If interviewing for a job which had no start date demands in the posting, what would be a reasonable request for a start date. Would 2 months from the offer be unreasonable? I ask because in my current job I have a bonus coming up, which is forfeited if you resign voluntarily before a certain date.
You could tell the new company that tidbit about the bonus and ask if the timetable works for them.
Agree. Treat is as a negotiating point. If they want you bad enough to want you sooner, maybe they can arrange a signing bonus to make up for the bonus you’d miss at the old place.
Not saying you have to “play hardball”, just make it sound like you’re open to discussing options / negotiating.
This is what I’ve done in the past.
“Hey, I have a giant bonus coming up in two months. It is really too much for me to walk away from. I’d really like to make sure everyone is aware of this important date.”
I had one company tell me that they wanted to start so badly that they’d pay the bonus. I just had to show them how much it would be. Other companies were OK with waiting the time period.
Besides the speed at which HR moves, I bet two months would result in them saying “Don’t be so pushy, we can’t have a cube, a laptop and your phone set up that quickly!”
At least one of y’all had a story about spending a week on the clock waiting for a login. Or something like that.
Kibbled K, I believe. On her most recent job change, was stuck for some time unable to do much of anything for that reason.
procedures were followed, approvals were obtained.
Fortunately, any new minions in my department get their credentials on their second day (first day is orientation). I suspect it has something to do with my title and the direct line-of-sight I have on my minions, but hey, whatever works.
Through a scope?
That would be my line-of-sight on HR and IT.
About a month all told here from when I was hired to when I could actually support the company that I was supposed to be supporting.
Not sure but I would definitely add the caveat that it’s negotiable.
I don’t think 2 months is unreasonable. A month’s notice is pretty much the minimum most employer’s want for anything other than a fungible, easily replacable employee. That can go up to 90 days as the “minimum” expected notice for a top-level employee (c-suiters and maybe notch below). They should be understanding of the bonus, and if they are in that big a hurry, they can pay you the equivalent amount as a signing bonus.
I’d bring it up during the interview process (second or third interview), and just mention that you’ll need to give notice to your current employer and would like to know when they are looking to fill this position.
I would just tell them you have a project you want to finish and wouldn’t mind taking a week or two off in between jobs since you haven’t had a vacation in awhile.
I would hesitate to mention the bonus, but I guess it depends on your read on the new company. If they seem reasonable then go ahead. I would just worry some idiot would interpret that as ‘LJW is just a greedy mercenary, screwing his former employer!’ rather than ‘LJW has earned a bonus and just needs to meet the formalities to collect!’
I don’t think anybody is going to ding him for wanting to collect his bonus. Anybody can put themselves in his shoes and see how it makes sense for him to align the timetable to get the bonus.
Is the interview scheduled or are you just applying now? Because two months from application to offer isn’t that long of a period. Also, is the bonus actually paid on that date?
Going on second interview next week.
You can always slow walk the interview process. They’re clearly not in a rush, so no need to move super fast.
Sin taxes “work” at their actual goal, which is feeding the maw of government with tax dollars extracted from easy targets.
I’ve been thinking maybe I should get a 2nd job. Help drive down the unemployment numbers. You know, just do my part for 2020.
How are you going to claw your way into the shrinking middle class (or stay there) unless you’re working two jobs and driving for Lyft on the side? It’s like you don’t even want to pay three grand a month for that 400sqft walk-up on the UES.
I haven’t kept up with the news lately but now I see Trump is trying to get Obamacare tossed entirely. Good Lord, if he pulls that off (unlikely) in spite of all the republican squishes that swore they would do it and dropped the ball there is no way in hell he could lose in 2020.
Trump is trying to get Obamacare tossed entirely.
The declaration by DOJ that they won’t defend it in the current litigation is symbolic. There are lawyers arguing that it should be upheld, working, I believe, for some of the states.
Its a very interesting argument, though, that SCOTUS upheld it as an exercise of the taxing power, but now there is no “tax”/ penalty, so the law has no Constitutional basis. There is a lot of handwaving over severability by its defenders, which I think will provide the bullshit excuse to uphold it.
Prediction: the Court of Appeals upholds OCare, and SCOTUS declines the appeal. The only thing that keeps this from being certain is that this case is going to the Fifth Circuit.
“…bullshit excuse to uphold it.”
Every time I think about John Roberts I can feel my face getting hot.
If the left can file all their lawfare suits in the 9th, why couldn’t the right file in the 5th?
Shopping for the grandchildren. It will be a few years before they are ready but…which one?
I am thinking this one –
But this is a strong contender
I didn’t realize Browning still makes lever action .22s-me likey. CZ makes some nice bolt action rimfires if you don’t want to get quite so spendy.
I am looking at CZ now…their shotguns. I really like a side by side but for the kids I may go with a semi-auto. CZ makes a very nice side by side with multiple gauge options. Very tempting. In the case of semi-auto I may go back and look at the Brownings. I am a big Browning fan.
I’ve heard good things about their shotguns but you should be aware they’re rebranded Turkish manufacture guns (or at least they were a couple of years ago when I was looking) if that’s something that matters to you.
Internet gets woke
(I expect the whiners will make their lives hell)
Nice. Be sure to click through to the explainer video.
I miss the days when it was easy to spot the people who were pulling pranks on the first day of the new fiscal year.
April Fools?
You know it’s really getting bad when you can’t even tell if they’re serious or not.
They’ll probably get a bunch of blowback and end up giving discounted pricing.
Fairness Memorandum and Learning (“FML”)