Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.
White People Are Acknowledging Their Privilege on Twitter. But for What Purpose?
Prompt Twitter is back at it again. On Saturday, Twitter user @freeyourmindkid asked white people to share “the most outrageous thing that you’ve gotten away with as a white person that you know damn well a black or brown person would have never gotten away with?” and asked respondents to tag their stories with #MyWhitePrivilege. The tweet went viral, trending over the weekend and garnering almost 10,000 replies as of the time of writing.
You know why, Slate. Starts with a “V” and ends with an “irtue signaling.” Being dumb and playing dumb actually works at cross-purposes.
Study Linking Autism to ‘Male Brain’ Retracted, Replaced
The authors of a study that claimed to find a link between typical male brain anatomy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have retracted it and replaced it with a dramatically changed version after finding an error in their methodology.
The article, published in April 2017 in JAMA Psychiatry and reported by Medscape Medical News at that time, contained “serious errors,” writes lead author Christine Ecker, PhD, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in a letter published in the journal today.
The study authors “found that the vast majority (79.6%) of women with ASD were allocated to the category of phenotypic male individuals.”
The original paper concluded that the findings “highlight the need for considering normative sex-related phenotypic diversity when determining an individual’s risk for ASD and provide important novel insights into the neurobiological mechanisms mediating sex differences in ASD prevalence.”
Men are still diagnosed with autism 4 times as often as women. [I retract nothing! Nothing!]
Speaking of soft brains…
House Reps. Liz Cheney and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clashed on Twitter over each other’s understanding of the Constitution.
Cheney, R-Wyo., took issue with a comment Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made during a recent MSNBC town hall event in which the freshman congresswoman talked about Democrats being in control of Congress in the 1930s and 1940s.“When our party was boldest, the time of the New Deal, the Great Society, the Civil Rights Act and so on, we had, and carried, supermajorities in the House, in the Senate. We carried the presidency,” she told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
“They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure (President Franklin D.) Roosevelt did not get reelected,” Ocasio-Cortez continued.
(Reminder, FDR died in office in 1945; the 22nd Amendment came in 1947)
In response to Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks, Cheney tweeted: “We knew the Democrats let dead people vote. According to AOC, they can run for president too.”
Is it after lunch for everyone yet?
Real Products That Exist: Earthworm Jerky
Earthworm jerky? What is this, food for ants?
Yes, actually.
Since you seem to have such a handle on this product UCS, is it also OK for uncles?
This is my favorite thread on Glibs.
Earthworm Tractors
Lizard snacks?
There’s no farting cows, let them eat worms. /Gulag Barbie
There is a good reason people are repulsed by eating shit, worms, snails, slugs etc.
This repulsion is instinctive, a product of evolution. People who didn’t have it died off. Seriously, there are some horrible fucking pathogens and parasites that can be caught from bugs. Grasshoppers come to mind and the kid that died from eating a slug on a dare.
Rat lungworm! The slug-eater. Migrated to his brain, I believe. Nasty business, endo parasites.
there are some horrible fucking pathogens and parasites that can be caught from bugs
what? we still eat chicken and eggs even though there’s salmonella, and pork even though there’s trichinosis (USDA says not really at the moment, but still…), and prions from beef, lamb and squirrel. The French eat snails, a bunch of cultures eat crickets, grasshoppers and locusts (locusts are halal and in some cases Kosher). We have a taboo against eating bugs here but it isn’t universal.
One could argue under a loose definition (glowers at Switzy) that shrimp are sea bugs.
You can pry my skrimps from my cold, dead, greasy fingers.
Skrimp? Is that like a prawn?
Yet we don’t have taboo against eating clams, crab, or lobster, which from an evolutionary standpoint are similar or lower than insects.
Just because something stayed in the sea doesn’t make it less evolved than a primitive land-critter.
Where did I say that?
Lobsters are morons. 97% of them voted for Bernie.
No one needs 23 kinds of candidate!
At least lobsters clean their rooms.
ATHROPODA, are you telling me this lobster bisque is made with sea spiders!?
*drains bowl, goes back for seconds*
One could argue that decapods (ten-footed critters) like skrimp and lobstahs, are more complex than mere six-legged insects.
I eat clams. Hard shell, soft shell, razor, manilla, but the best kind is bearded.
I don’t eat sea bugs. Not a fan.
Have you not had chapulines, mamón? Your loss, I guess. More for us browns.
There is a good reason people are repulsed by eating shit, worms, snails, slugs etc.
This repulsion is instinctive, a product of evolution. People who didn’t have it died off. Seriously, there are some horrible fucking pathogens and parasites that can be caught from bugs. Grasshoppers come to mind and the kid that died from eating a slug on a dare.
… If literally anyone else had posted this I would not be necroing the thread to reply. Suthen, you eat ditch bugs. You frequently talk about gathering them and eating them. Crayfish are as unclean and nasty in their habits as any bug, far worse than snails. I have eaten and enjoyed both but am disgusted by bivalves. It isn’t some genetically driven defense mechanism, it’s violations of the food taboos of your tribe.
Uffda. Amazon suggested I also buy assorted bugs – INCLUDING SILK WORMS! with the jerky.
The reason I’m alarmed is that I am allergic to silk worms (broke out in hives when I ate beondagi in Korea). I bet my kids are too. And those stupid schools have not created a silk worm free zone! How will my genes live on if my kids all croak. Those peanut kids will rule the world!
Spritz your kids with peanut oil before sending them to school.
God. I managed to make it to my last night in Korea without having 번데기. My last night out our bartender found out I hadn’t had that or Gamja-tang (감자탕) “pig-spine soup” She closed the bar early to take me out and make sure I covered those bases. The beondagi wasn’t bad, but the smell was awful.
The only thing my bartender finds out is my drink order.
I found silkworm to taste like roasted peanut custard.
That sounds about right. They had an…earthy smell though that you’d pick up a block away in the right wind.
How To Eat Fried Worms
True classic
I remember that book!
Apparently the key is a spiced marinade.
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I guess….
“Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.”
Obviously, you’re guilty of appropriating Roman culture.
I only appologise to people who’ll accept it and shift to “how do we move forward from where we are now?”
For people who respond to apologies with a feeding frenzy, the can go fuck themselves.
I’m sorry.
What broke this time?
He added salt to taste while cooking instead of doing it tableside.
Whitey keeps making it all about them.
[golf clap]
That is exactly what they are doing.
LOL. Seriously, though… people like these always have a personal “white savior” story handy. It can be very cringey.
I once walked into a room full of wypippo and nobody gave me a funny look. #MyWhitePrivilege
I practiced my white privilege by not being safe in south central L.A. all through the eighties and nineties. Black folk were deprived of that kinda thing everywhere throughout the city. (full disclosure, I actually went down there a few times back then to buy cars. Wad of cash handy. Never at night, and always very nervously of course)
Liz Cheney vs AOC
I hope they both lose.
I call for a caged death match. Lizzie had better watch out for them teeth.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Liz Cheney disagree on Twitter over knowledge of 22nd Amendment, Constitution
These are questions of fact, not opinion. It’s not a disagreement; one of them is flat out wrong.
Mo-ral au-tho-ri-tay, Ted.
She was morally correct
…or what Tonio said.
You expect the unattainable given the current state of journos or people in general.
Fun fact, after passing the House and Senate, it went to the States for ratification that were still for the most part…wait for it…Democrat held legislatures with Democrat Governors.
All but OK ratified. So totes a republican scheme to rid us of FDR.
Even better, it was the party that was out of power (relatively speaking) that sought to limit the power of the presidency at that time.
Ah, but you must examine the context of their language and the words chosen in order to fully deconstruct the heritage of their statements. Only then can you come to the conclusion that we will all die someday.
Facts are so passé, what’s important is Miss Ocasio-Cortez means well.
The Amendment specifically excluded the sitting president. Maybe Cato can send AOC one of those little pocket constitutions – it’s right in there. (Psst, Sandy: near the end.)
What is revealing is that AOC can’t simply say, “sorry I mispoke”
Nope, she is going to dig deeper and deeper into the hole.
And misspoke is in itself dishonest. “I was wrong (period),” or GTFO.
It is clear that she will never admit to being wrong, however wrong she gets.
It is easier at this point to list those times she was right.
The list as I know it –
Passive-aggressive is her schtick and she’s gonna stick with it.
Mrs. TOK is in the midst of a falling out with her relatives. As relatives are the main reason we continue to live in NW Indiana, we’re now tossing around the idea of moving. She wants somewhere warmer (no more Chicago winters). I want someplace close enough that will allow us to come back for visits, and also near a metro area where I can find a job and play sled hockey. I’m thinking Nashville or Florida. Any more suggestions?
or Florida
Will you change your handle to Florida Kevin if you do?
The Other Florida Man?
The Other Other Florida Man
Nashville is way more specific than Florida, but do check out Orlando and Tampa/St. Pete.
Yep. Melbourne or Cocoa Beach, even. There are three different “Floridas” – North, Central, and South. Central is the best, by far IMHO.
Florida North is, ironically, the Deep South. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but you might as well live in rural Mississippi for a lower cost of living. Florida South is pretty close to living in California. Florida Central has a few big cities with their amenities, and if you don’t give a shit about those, you can find a place like Lake County, in a place like Tavares or Mt. Dora where the costs are lower.
/Orlando area resident.
Ugh. I’d say central is the worst. All the bad stuff (swamp heat, bugs, tourists) and none of the good (beaches, ocean breezes, and babes in bikinis).
Florida Man is unfortunately endemic to all regions.
‘tourists’ Good point – stay away from South Orlando.
If you missed the rest, I’d say you’ve never been to the beaches like Cocoa Beach, Melbourne, or St. Pete beach, I can assure you, FB, from personal experience, that beaches, breezes, and babes exist in good measure.
(Admittedly, we don’t have beaches in Orlando, but still have babes, and to a much lesser extent, breezes. AC is now a thing, however.)
I grew up right next door to Cocoa Beach. It is slightly less touristy than some other beach towns.
Just don’t get it confused with Cocoa.
All these years and we coulda been friends?
I had an uncle in Melbourne and we vacationed a few times there.
Boring as sin though.
You’d be the best one to research sled hockey. What type of work do you do?
Finding a sled team is the easy part. Nashville and Tampa both have good teams. Two of my teammates are moving to Nashville this summer. Both are Paralymic medalists so Nashville is going to be #1 next year.
I am a software developer. .NET, JavaScript, SQL.
‘NET, JavaScript, SQL.’
You’ll find a job in the Tampa area.
Having driven past Nashville twice for Spring Break last week. Fuck that city.
I did that too. I’m hoping things are better off the major highways.
You mean the women there are highly fuckable?
Yes, yes they are.
You can’t get off the freeway to find out.
Yes, yes, yes! Fuck Nashville
– Ex-Memphis resident
Nashville has been a great place to live for me. Downtown is fun, and there is a variety of outskirt towns to choose from. You can live in uppity areas, historic areas, industrial, family, etc. Lots of lakes, rivers, hiking. Almost 4 seasons.
Last month I was in Nashville on business for a couple of nights and posted here asking if we had any Glibs living in town. Got zero responses. Hey, I would have bought you dinner, or at least a bunch of drinks. Perhaps no one saw my posts or perhaps it was because it was me *stifles sobs*
Sorry we missed you. I’ve been a little busy to peruse the links (and have been meaning to drop Plisade an email) but yes the traffic sucks, and what Plisade says. We could be better organized for fellow Glibs, but let’s be honest, we’re Glibs.
It sounds like you tolerate densely populated areas better than I do.
When we were searching for a house:
Realtor: Mr. Suthenboy, what are you looking for in a house?
Me: I want to stand on the back porch naked, take a piss and then shoot my rifle and no one is bothered by it.
Other than to the woods I dont like to get out much but when I do it reminds me why I dont like to get out much.
Tallahassee it is.
Note to self, avoid Southen’s back porch.
At least wear shoes when visiting
and sunglasses.
Welding helmet
It is safer if he’s holding his gun and not his rifle.
One is for fighting and one is for fun.
Just move left to right as you leave, he tends to miss behind on those shots.
And the what did the Realtor say?
“That will help us to narrow your options, Mr.Sutheboy, thank you.”
Western Kentucky. Centrally located in the US (east of the Rockies part), fairly good weather and low cost of living.
How can anyone survive in NW Indiana? Much less an entire extended family? With so many guns piling up, waiting for their turn to jump the border to IL, you would think that they’d be shooting innocent bystanders every couple seconds.
Sorry to hear about the family stuff Kev. My wife’s family has been having a high amount of drama for a year or so. It totally sucks.
Do you have kids? My wife and I really liked Memphis, but we couldn’t see raising our kids there because the schools are so bad (yes, yes, yes that is why I was able to squeak through college there).
We have three. One is out of the house living with some in-laws. The other two we’ll take with us. One is graduating high school this year, and she’s going to a community college. The other is starting high school next year. So we’d need to consider schools.
One summer in the 1980s I was dating a girl in Merrillville, and after we broke up, got to tap her neighbor a few weeks later. Also was intimate with two different gals who attended Valparaiso College in subsequent years. Fond memories of NW Indiana here.
Central AZ. Like, as in Cottonwood, Jerome, Camp Verde, Prescott. None of the PX heat and none of the Flagstaff snow. Lots of woods and mountains. People’s Valley is way cool, too. Plus damn good gun laws and many other decent laws/taxes. It’s where I’d go, if I was free to.
“the most outrageous thing that you’ve gotten away with as a white person that you know damn well a black or brown person would have never gotten away with?”
Using the word ‘nigger’? Do I win one internets?
Look, if I were to use the racist classification of the people making these statements, I’d have to point out that the non-white people I know are also non-citizens for the most part. They’d risk their visas if they started acting out.
I know the racists will also be appalled that my co-workers went through legal processes then got a job and didn’t just hop the border and go on welfare. But I just don’t give a damn.
Asking for directions while high? Where is 3rd street?
“There isn’t a third street. What city do you think you’re in right now?”
What kind of city only has two streets?
I stopped at a gas station in Cincy once to ask for directions because we were actually lost. There was no cell phones or GPS back then. My cousin volunteered to go in and ask. A couple of minutes later, I looked toward the station entrance and there is my cousin talking to a cop who had just pulled up in his car. We were all higher than fuck and drunk too. I guess the cop gave him directions and told him go home and get some sleep. That was in better times by some measures.
Just after Spring st. where it turns into Sprung St.
giving directions while high
When I was a freshman in high school I called a black kid a nigger. Then he punched me in the face. I hit him back. This continued until we got sent to the principal’s office. Except we just kept on walking right out of the school and I drove us to Bojangles. I feel like this would end up different in 2019.
No, today the social media outrage mob, the media, and the cops would have been involved.
Did he dance for you in worn-out shoes?
The best (and first) version
What a great version! I’ve never heard it. His talking about his time with JJ in the middle was a special treat.
the right woman, at the right time, in the wrong place. And her husband, the bartender…
D’oh! I’ll refresh next time.
Bill “Bojangles” Robinson was a native of Richmond, VA. There is a statue of him downtown.
We only get a section of highway named after Peg Leg Bates.
The song is about a (white) homeless guy in New Orleans.
It’s really about his dog.
Its about a homeless guy in jail telling a story about his dog.
That’s the story in the song, the ‘plot’ if one will, the song is ‘about’ the love of a man for his dog.
k. You win.
The just kept walking part is brilliant. Assume you got away with it?
This continued until we got sent to the principal’s office. Except we just kept on walking right out of the school and I drove us to Bojangles.
You took him to eat fried chicken? Racist!
Also, tasty.
There used to be a recurring catch phrase at TOS which went “…..also, fried chicken.” Never knew the origin or what it was supposed to refer to.
There was a discussion about fried chicken and I think commenter Tarran added it at the end of a comment, sort of as a restatement about the awesomeness of fried chicken. Other commenters agreed with the awesomeness of fried chicken, and started to add it at the end of comments; because fried chicken is delicious.
Also, fried chicken.
I’m pretty sure black people get away with that most of the time.
That was sort of my sarcastic point.
That’s not how irony works.
Who would have thought? It figures.
Buying suntan lotion?
Flesh colored band-aids?
I’ve never gotten away with anything for being white.
Looksie here, we got us one them racist.
That just means you’re so #unwoke you don’t even recognize your privilege.
I survived the hell that is April Fool’s Day!! Us phenotypical dudes with ASD hate April Fool’s.
phenotypical dudes with ASD who hate April Fool’s are The White People Of phenotypical dudes with ASD
Wouldn’t have known it was 1 April other than a couple random articles I saw on twitter. One decent thing about working in a “serious” gov’t joint.
U of Chicago law student: Look at this terrible Islamophobic thing that happened at the law school! Federalist Society!!!!
Correction: Every thing written in the article was a lie.
Well, they are maroons, after all. Perhaps ultra-maroons.
What a maroon.
Is it possible not to hear those words in Bugs Bunny’s voice?
I can’t do it.
I think hear it in my dad’s voice, trying to sound like Bugs Bunny, because he’d say it a lot.
Womp, womp.
Look at ‘ol Lightning Digits, here.
Alright, which of you was commenting over there?
Fact-checking is violence.
Best music link ever.
I thought this was just comedy, but apparently white people really do behave like this. I really need to find one of those banks.
What a great old skit. Young Eddie Murphy was the shit.
Back when SNL could find the actual humor in cultural commentary.
This reminds me of when Drunk History used to do silly stories about quirky figures and events from history. Now they just do “woke”, un-funny crap.
The Dollop podcast is the same. The old stuff is great, but since Trump won, they have gone full TDS. Sad.
The DA in Waco has dismissed the last of the remaining indictments from the biker gang “shoot out” a few years back. Not a single conviction.
For some reason they stopped looking for the murderers, though, once they figured out what kind of ammo the deaths were caused by.
Screwed up the URL
Page can’t be found. Oh shit they got to the author!
I think we all called this back n 2015.
Unsurprising, but still maddening.
We need a truth and reconciliation committee for police brutality – tell the truth, the entire truth, omit nothing, cover up nothing and walk free. Lie, omit, deceive and do time for that plus time for anything you covered up.
You know those are the rules of engagement in Waco.
So they’re not even going after the cops?
No (sadly), but there are a ton of civil suits against the cops, former DA, and others IIRC.
So they’re not even going after the cops?
So many cops were shooting there is no way to tie any one death or injury to any one cop.
I watch enough The First 48 to know they always charge the co-conspirators and their dogs with felony murder. But those are almost always the poor, young ghetto residents, so nevermind…
“Hundreds take part in NUDE PHOTO shoot for female empowerment in #Spain ”
thicc ?
Reverse the roles in that photo and people will be screaming bloody murder.
That’s just straight up misandry.
Doesn’t look very empowering since nipples and bush are blurred out. Dirty titty, dirty titty! God forbid some young child should see a breast.
I thought that was from all the day drinking I did..
When people start taking off their clothes in public, it is never the people who you want to be taking their clothes off in public. I remember back when I started going down to Mexico frequently and I was so excited about the clothing optional beaches. First day I was there, the first topless lady I saw was at least 90 years old and the next one at least 400 lbs. My dreams were crushed.
It’s much like when people vote for socialism because they imagine the world is full of richer people than they are. Only after it’s too late does it become clear that the world is full of ugly, poor people.
Yep. My first trip to New Orleans, same experience. “Wooohooo, we’re gonna see chicks flashing us on Bourbon Street!”
And we did see exactly that. Fat, middle-aged chicks with saggy racks.
I wish I were into that. Life would be a dream.
Thanks to the oppressive beauty standards of homonormativity, the gay areas of nude beaches/resorts are usually pretty decent.
I remember a lot of fluorescent zinc oxide in unusual places.
If I may speak for the het-male patriarchy, we’re all happy to be oppressing you, Jesse.
Boundary Waters for me. We were way back in Lac Le Croix and ran into a couple canoes of old hippy gals with no tops on. Even after a week in the boonies none of us were tempted.
It’s like the people who run the Bay to Breakers in SF in the nude. I’ve seen things nobody should have to see.
Commies with tits. Huh. Imagine that.
I assume they’re up for grabs, yeah?
Submitted w/o comment.
* assumes at one of the Glibs will start masturbating furiously to that *
*cough* HM *cough, cough*
“Have you seen this 2017 Jussie Smollett music video? It’s an intersectional BLM/Women’s March/hijab anthem. Seen in video: fake Donald Trump & a noose. The video was directed by Smollett. Makes you wonder. ”
It’s like Jussie’s screaming to the world that he’s a lying asshole and yet, we’re not supposed to believe he is.
*Fake But True*
You shitlord.
Never apologize.
Never explain.
“I’m sorry you’re too stupid to get the joke.”
My privilege has been weighed. It has been measured. And it has been found wanting.
Are your P-Levels low? Do you find yourself lacking in the boardroom?
Come by our new Clinic for Whiteys and get your 100% hormone free Privilege Therapy today!
share “the most outrageous thing that you’ve gotten away with as a white person that you know damn well a black or brown person would have never gotten away with?”
I honestly can’t think of anything.
This is why you must be re-edumencated to realize your privilege.
No, I just never got caught.
I know I’ve gotten away with things because I knew the cop or the doctor or whatever, but other than that, I don’t feel like I’ve “gotten away” with much at all.
Me neither.
Probably because I don’t do outrageous things that I need to “get away with”.
Wait, it has to be “outrageous”?
Damn. Now I can’t think of anything.
You’ve never used your White Discount at the Banana Republic?
It’s not the “White Discount” it’s the “Filibuster”.
I thought that was only for Asians.
Thank you for mentioning this. Back in the day, white people shopped either at Abercrombie and Fitch or Aeropostale.
You were supposed to narrow your gaze….
I didn’t know I was Asian. How about that.
I routinely get away with using ethnic slurs. #notwhiteprivilege
I hate the low expectations for enunciation by minorities. skin color doesn’t impact vocal capability.
What does that have to do with using ethnic slurs?
He hates the way they pronounce their slurs.
Wait, you’re talking about the other type of slurring?
Well that changes the whole conversation.
Muh bad. I shudduah axked ya to clarfy firtst.
I smarted off to cop once, an already pissed off cop, and I didn’t lose any teeth.
Denture wearer, are you?
I was just thrown into a wall and menaced with a big black metal flashlight.
go on…
I’m picturing this all in the art style of Tom of Finland.
To be fair, I picture most things in the art style of Tom of Finland.
I have sassed a number of cops in my life without being shot. I will say my mother having to have the “one of these days one will shoot you and then claim you were being violent just because they can” conversation was probably fairly progressive in the ’90s.
“Do you know why I pulled you over, officer?”
Was she hot?
Big dude. Mustache. Looked like a stock photo of a cop. End up chief of police but “retired” after he married a high school student the day after graduation. He was in his late 50s.
Sheeeeiiit, that’s nothing. I put my hand on a cop as he was entering my best friends house (his parents were away so, as was the fashion at the time, he was having a party and his asshole neighbors complained) I even asked if they had a warrant (17 and a budding libertarian) I was told never to touch a cop and they took our beer.
never to touch a cop
Good advice. You don’t know where they’ve been.
Only thing I can think of is that a cop caught me pissing on a building the night before my college graduation, because I couldn’t hold it until I got back to my apartment. Nothing else happened.
The DA in Waco has dismissed the last of the remaining indictments from the biker gang “shoot out” a few years back. Not a single conviction.
I thought the original author linking vaccine to autism retracted it a few years back?
Was this another one that had to also be recanted?
The Lancet paper was retracted and the author lost his medical license
Ah. Grazie. I knew I wasn’t crazy.
Earthworm Jerky
Liz C
1.0 out of 5 stars
Good for my chickens. Huge waste of money.
December 7, 2017
Verified Purchase
I love to try new and exotic foods. This, however, was so far below any expectations I had as to be laughable. For way too much money I got a plastic bag you would expect to see earrings in at a craft show. It tasted horrible, and it wasn’t even chewy. It was so dry I had to pick it out of my back teeth and my throat. It was like eating a popcorn kernel flake.
10 people found this helpful
I cant say I have much sympathy for people that deliberately put worms in their mouth.
For way too much money I got a plastic bag you would expect to see earrings in at a craft show. It tasted horrible, and it wasn’t even chewy.
Is there some sort of new plastic bag technology? All the plastic bags I ever ate were chewy as all get-out.
“the most outrageous thing that you’ve gotten away with as a white person that you know damn well a black or brown person would have never gotten away with?”
I paid two Irish guys that I worked with to pretend to beat me up so I could get attention and sympathy, profit from it and stir up racial hatred.
Why would you have to pay Irish guys to fight you? They’re usually happy to do it for free.
Look, if someone’s willing to pay on top of it all, why turn down the money?
At the office of the French president the phone rings. Mister Hollande answers it and from the other side of the line a voice says: “This is Paddy from Ireland. I am ringing you from The Old Dublin pub to inform you that we officially declare war on you!”
Hollande replies: “Well Paddy, that is indeed important news. How big is your army?”
“Right now,” says Paddy, after a moment’s calculation, “there is meself, me cousin Sean, me next door neighbor Seamus, and the entire darts team from the pub. That makes eight!”
Hollande laughs amused and says: “I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 100.000 men in my army waiting to move on my command.”
“Fuck me!” says Paddy. “I’ll have to ring you back.”
Sure enough, the next day, Paddy calls again. “Mr. Hollande, the war is still on. We have managed to get us some infantry equipment!”
“And what equipment would that be Paddy?”, Hollande asks.
“Well, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and Murphy’s farm tractor.”
Hollande again seems rather amused. “I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 6.000 tanks and 5.000 armored personnel carriers. Also, I have increased my army to 150.000 since we last spoke.”
“Saints preserve us!” says Paddy. “I’ll have to get back to you.”
Sure enough, Paddy rings again the next day. “Mr. Hollande, the war is still on! We have managed to get ourselves airborne! We have modified Jackie McLaughlin’s ultra-light with a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and four boys from the Shamrock Bar have joined us as well!”
Hollande was silent for a minute and then cleared his throat. “I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 100 bombers and 200 fighter planes. My military bases are surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air missile sites. And since we last spoke, I have increased my army to 200.000 men!”
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!” says Paddy, “I will have to ring you back.”
Sure enough, Paddy calls again the next day. “Top o’ the mornin’, Mr. Hollande! I am sorry to inform you that we have had to call off the war.”
“Really? I am sorry to hear that,” says Hollande. “Why the sudden change of heart?”
“Well,” says Paddy, “we had a long chat over a few pints of Guinness, and we decided there is no fucking way we can feed 200.000 prisoners.
And you chastize me for using old jokes?
Angela Merkel is on her way to Warsaw for a G7 summit.
Going through customs she isn’t recognized and the border agent asks her “Occupation?” and she replies “Nope just visiting this time”
Ireland discovers whiskey.
I knew it’d be that one. Love it.
Excellent. Back when I liked that show.
Fecking Americanized Paddys.
Hey! Only once today.
Why would you have to pay Irish guys to fight you? They’re usually happy to do it for free.
You’re not paying them for the fight, you’re paying them to be sober while doing it. You don’t want things to get out of hand during your fake hate crime. Someone could get hurt.
Sober? No, not sober. Just drunk enough to maintain control of their facilities.
Your girlfriend’s cat might get shot.
Patrick Fitzgerald and Gerald FitzPatrick?
Lot of girls at my high school named either Mary Margaret or Margaret Mary. Confusing! My best friend was a Margaret Mary, and her mom was Mary.
A whole bunch of my female relatives on mom’s side, the Irish side, have names that are something plus Rose. Rose isn’t their middle name, it’s all their first name.
autism spectrum disorder
aka “Glib Brain”
the Civil Rights Act and so on, we had, and carried, supermajorities in the House, in the Senate. We carried the presidency,” she told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
“They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure (President Franklin D.) Roosevelt did not get reelected,” Ocasio-Cortez continued.
What is extra stupid about this is who is “they” and how did they get the constitution amended usurping their parties president if they had super-majorities in both houses of congress? Or did many Democrats also think it wrong for a president to serve more than 2 terms?
“We knew the Democrats let dead people vote. According to AOC, they can run for president too.”
Sick burn.
She is either ignorant enough to believe that narrative or thinks her audience is. I am gonna pick both.
the Civil Rights Act and so on, we had, and carried, supermajorities in the House, in the Senate.
Wait, what? The Civil Rights Act was decades after FDR. I seem to recall that a majority of Dems (from the Dem “Solid South” of Jim Crow fame) voted against it.
For a (brief) while, I tried to give She Guevara the benefit of the doubt – an immature 29 year old who flukishly wound up in Congress, a very foreign and high-pressure environment that would be easy to look foolish in while you were getting it figured out.
Nope. She is genuinely ignorant and, unfortunately, rather stupid. Its apparent she’s coasted her entire life in hothouse environment where being a Latinx chick with big bazooms is all you need to get by.
Republicans voted about 80/20 in favor. Dems 60/40. Even though the Dems did indeed have a supermajority, there were almost as many GOP votes in favor as Dem votes.
Thanks. As I typed that, I was wondering if I got it right. I knew the Repubs supported it more than the Dems.
It is a continuing mystery to me why the Dems, the historical party of slavery and Jim Crow, who had significant opposition to the Civil Rights movement, are seen as the party of civil rights, while the Repubs are seen as, well, the party of Jim Crow and the opponents of civil rights.
Repeat a lie often enough…
Because the Dems that opposed the civil rights movement became Republicans. /prog
It’s not much of a mystery. You can do a lot to shape opinions when you have an outsize role in the information and education sectors. Plus, that narrative had a major assist from the election of ’64: Johnson had pushed for and signed the final version of the Civil Rights Act while Goldwater had opposed it.
I guess the dominance of “liberals”/Dem partisans in the media/education complex goes back further than I thought.
The ’64 election dynamic probably did a lot to “set” the new narrative.
And since. Republicans largely opposed various schemes, big and little, that were portrayed as favorable to minorities (affirmative action, busing, set asides, MLK day, to modern day insanity). The Rockefeller wing dried up just as the Yellow Dog Democrats did.
A chunk of the Democrats core, came out of the civil rights movement and have used that to push generally leftist policies and smear their opponents as motivated by racism.
The thing is that the Rs haven’t had constitution-amending super-majorities in over a hundred years, so it is quite obvious that any amendments that have passed in that time frame have been bipartisan. The Rs were super critical of FDR taking turns 3 and 4, and did suggest an amendment during his tenure, but they didn’t vote on one until he had passed and they had a majority. Enough Ds joined them to make it happen, presumably because they could read the writing on the wall and didn’t want to risk a 20-year reign of Ike.
I initially thought the Chats was some obscure Australian New Wave band from the early 80’s. But it was made last year? I found it entertaining.
There oughtta be a law
Lawmakers in South Carolina plan to introduce legislation to require ride-share vehicles to display illuminated signs in the wake of the death of a USC student who got into a vehicle she believed was her Uber.
The bill would attempt to address an issue fundamental to how Uber and Lyft function. Whereas taxi cabs are required to be painted certain colors or have noticeable markings, the appeal of ride-share apps is that drivers can use their own vehicle to make money.
On Tuesday, South Carolina Rep. Seth Rose and co-sponsor Rep. Micah Caskey plan to file the “Samantha L. Josephson Ridesharing Safety Act” bill to make it easier for riders to identify Uber and Lyft vehicles.
You can’t legislate good sense.
Call me crazy but wouldn’t that just make it easier for a rapist/murderer/kidnapper to pose as an Uber driver?
No way. That would be illegal to falsely pose as a ride share vehicle.
Oh silly me you’re right.
Most of the Lyfts that I’ve taken here in SF do have an illuminated sign on them. There have been a couple rapes here that had the same M.O. Drunk women late at nite getting into what thy assumed was their Lyft or Uber.
Not blaming the victim, but…
Unfortunately, many people who have never been victims of violence have a false sense of security. Shit happens, especially late at nite to drunk people. I knew a girl who used to come to many of our shows when I played in a band who had some guy come up to her and flash a badge (she had a drink in hand outside a bar) and got her to come back to his car where he ended up kidnapping and raping her. Fucked up things happen it cities all the time to totally innocent people.
Not blaming the victim, but…
As with anything else, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of therapy. Rapist shit heads deserve every bit of punishment they get, but wholly relying on the goodness of strangers to get your drunk ass home safe at night is weapons-grade stupid, especially when you’re a cute 20-something girl.
My wife and I went to see Fleetwood Mac at Dodger stadium. We uber’d there. As we left our Uber was too dumb to find our corner (right in front of the Dodger stadium sign!) As we were waiting, this straight up gang banger pulled up in a newish Lexus and asked if we were waiting for an Uber. We said yeah, so he told us to hop in. I was pretty lit, but I knew he wasn’t an uber driver. I told him Uber was gonna be 20 bucks and I’ll give him that to drive us home. He agreed and we got in. He put in the raunchiest Rap music I’ve ever heard at full volume and drove like a maniac all the way to my house. My wife and I were cracking up the whole way. Tried a little scamming when we got here, asking if I had any cars he could buy cheap and looking around sketchily. I tried selling him my ’67 leMans and showed no fear, so he finally gave up and left with his 20.00. It was an entertaining end to a great night. Thugs look for victims. Don’t be one and your odds improve quite a bit.
Maybe they should force rideshare companies to give the rider a description of the car, a license plate number and the name of the driver. Oh wait, they already do that.
My God that video. I hadn’t realized, despite geography, how tight the line between a Canadian and an Aussie really is.
We have to destroy the American principle in order to save it.
Our democracy is built on the principle of one person, one vote. It can’t function until we restore that principle. It’s time to abolish the Electoral College.
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) April 1, 2019
1) Not a Democracy.
2) No it wasn’t.
3) It would function if we stuck to the founding charter as written.
4) Have fun a good luck trying to get an amendment passed.
Just get some judges to overrule it.
Strike the entire constitution as being unconstitutional.
The Constitution goes against International Law!
/Notorious RBG
I bet if you look through the White House you will find some discarded scrap of paper with “EC really sucks” in Obama’s hand writing. That is all that would be needed for the judge to rule against the Electoral College.
Since it is a well known fact that whatever an ex-President said can never be changed.
All this absolute ignorance I’ve been seeing in the DNC is flooring and baffling. And they say Dubya was dumb?
They have some plan out there that could work. IIRC, I believe basically it involves enough states forming a compact and promising to award all their electors to the popular vote winner. And I thought I saw a couple days ago that some state just passed a law promising to do just that.
Several states have done it; the laws apparently come into force once enough states with enough electors to total 270 sign it into law.
I question whether they’d stick to it if push came to shove though.
It is like they really believe that no one will every check up on what they said two years ago.
They’re basically voting to have New York, LA, and San Francisco elect the president for them. They may as well campaign with the slogan “Take Away My Say!”
I would suspect emergency sessions of CA/NY/IL legislatures to repeal participation in said compacts if they got enough states to make 270 and the outcome went the ‘wrong’ way.
Speaking of AOC, there is a dearth of Rule 34 for her. Not that I’m into that kind of thing…. okay… just a lonely tear-filled, guilty party of one.
Not even with Warty’s four dimensional dick.
I stand corrected – NSFW
I stand corrected
Indeed. Your mistake was forgetting Rule 35.
The picture of her and Trump was the best.
That’s what my wife said!
That’s a strange fetish, but ok, I can work with it.
You don’t know EF – she makes me look like a choir boy.
You don’t know EF – she makes me look like a choir boy.
Kinky. Does she dress up as a priest?
I’ve seen the stuff you post. I’m pretty sure you can work with anything.
RC Dean posted this is the previous thread.
Hmm interesting that libertarians by supporting social justice end up undermining their own economic policy. If America is so damn racist, sexist, transphobic and homophobic then that includes the economic system as well so why shouldn’t it be totally dismantled?
Also it is interesting to note that in the heyday of classical liberals in places like England the Protestant dissenters were avid businessmen so to them civil liberties and laissez-faire economics were both in their interest since both meant that the Church and the aristocracy would leave them alone. Now that liberalism won out then any attacks on the injustices of society include those very same classical liberal economics.
Social justice is nothing more than tribally-based collective punishment. It is anathema to every single thing that libertarians are supposed to support, as far as I can tell.
The truly astonishing thing is that most of the people pushing social justice are well-off white people, the very people who will be collectively punished. Is there any historical precedent for a group of people supporting an ideology that is quite explicit about putting them in the camps?
And they will go to the camps, shouting: “But I’m one of the good guys!”
I believe you are correct. What’s striking about “social justice” being supported by wypipo is that there is no real pretense of fairness (at least Marxism says “everyone gets treated equally). Social Justice is very much about establishing a new hierarchy by tearing down white people and making them a subjugated class. I don’t even know if Marxism per se call for that (although in practice it works out that everyone joins the class subjugated to the apparat).
Marxism is about upending society, just along the worker/capital axis, which isn’t all that different than the demographics of social justice.
And the intellectuals always get purged once they realize they were really just useful idiots.
White SJWs strike me as very Charles Manson-esque. We need a race war to kill the White Man but the non-whites are too ignorant so once that happens they will need White TOP MEN to rule them. Interestingly enough this is pretty similar to the original progressives who were avid white supremacists.
“the most outrageous thing that you’ve gotten away with as a white person that you know damn well a black or brown person would have never gotten away with?”
I’m not exactly brown but I’m swarthy. Does that get me half a privilege?
Do (((we))) count as white here? It’s hard to tell. Sometimes we are and sometimes we aren’t.
According to you-know-who, no. According to current victimology politics – yes.
I’m gonna need your skull, a set of calipers and a basket of peanut shells to be certain.
I had no idea you were a devotee of the theories of Walther Darré.
Do (((we))) count as white here?
Are you woke?
The answer to the first question is the inverse of the answer to the second.
I think its been made pretty clear by now that, no matter how woke you are, the SJW mob will come for you for the slightest mis-step.
They will come for you if they want to. The mis-step can be invented later.
Hello? Jooh?
Even worse- Jooh that’s been out in the Arizona sun.
So, Arab.
These Are the Drugs People Like to Mix With Sex, According to a New Study
“The researchers, hailing primarily from the UK, looked at data from the 2013 version of the Global Drug Survey, an annual poll of people’s drug habits from multiple countries, including the U.S. and UK. They specifically evaluated the responses of nearly 23,000 people who took the survey that year, which included a question about whether they had taken a drug right before sex.”
Misleading headline. I would guess 1. Viagra, 2 Ecstasy 3. Cocaine if you ran a survive based on the premise of the headline.
*ran a survey* goddamn phone autocorrecting me into stupidity.
I’ve never done coke myself (amazing given that I grew up in 1980s Miami), but isn’t it negatively correlated with the ability to even get it up?
I’ve only done coke – unknown to me – rolled inside of a joint. That was a – uh – interesting drive home. Thanks, Mr. Drug Dealer, for not warning me. /teenage years
Neither have I. I thought the ED came from long term use of Coke not during use. Maybe I’m wrong. Anyone care to correct me?
Long term use, probably. Helps prolong erection for recreational users, or so I’ve heard.
I can attest that it does not have that effect in some individuals.
Did coke once (late ’80s). It was kinda fun, but nowhere near worth the money.
^this. It was $125 bucks a gram back then, and a gram was a decent start for about the first hour. Fuck that. ‘Ludes were 5 bucks a piece and two or three would have you reeling (literally) for a couple of hours, even more if you drank with them. btw, I heard all of this from a friend, of course.
Woman, 47, celebrates her divorce with a sexy photo shoot: ‘Boy bye’
something thunder something thighs
I clicked expecting sexy photos. Where are the sexy photos?! Also no offense to tattooed Glibs. But women and tattoos are a big turnoff for me.
What you don’t like Goth chicks with tats over their entire body and steel shit suck in their nose and tongue? I can’t even understand why.
I’m amazed at how fast body mutilation and permanent ink has seeped across pretty much every strata around here. It’s not just white trash.
It really pisses off those of us who are white trash.
The chick in those pictures might actually be pretty good looking. It’s hard to tell because the image quality is shit.
After three ludes and a Sixpack she’d be upgraded to a maybe, MAYBE!
I’m starting to like Elder Scrolls Online because I’m pretty much level one novice beating the living shit out of everyone and looting galore. I don’t like this, I don’t want to like it. Instead I’d rather focus on Metro Redux 2033, which is turning into a brutal game though. Damn, I need to be perfectly sober to play, even on normal, which is one of only two difficulty levels you can play, it can get overwhelming at times the number of enemies thrown at you all at once. Lighten up, Francis.
Bethesda is getting ready to launch a mobile app of Elder Scrolls.
I can’t even see stuff on a 4″ screen. I need this 34″ monster right in front of my face.
You and me both. I don’t know how people do the shit they do on their phones.
I can barely type on mine, and I have tiny little hands even. How the hell do people put up with that?!
Not to mention not being able to see anything through my hand, and not being able to get a touchscreen to respond properly.
Its from the gloves.
I need this 34″ monster right in front of my face.
This is how you end up with an orca dildo in the annual gift exchange.
Once there was an inflatable sheep. So that’s maybe not so bad.
*note to self: do not exchange gifts with jesse*
I’m a thoughtful gift-giver, but not always a kind one. My sister managed to get married without ever having learned how to cook an egg…she was constantly doing atkins and was going through several hard-boiled eggs a day at the time, but having other people prepare them in advance for her. I went off-registry and got her one of these with a snarky note.
“Thank you, we’ve put away or returned all of the gifts except yours and [someone else’s]. We use it multiple times per week.” And then my mom got petulant that I hadn’t gotten her one as well.
A while ago Shikha Dalmia wrote some nonsense about how rightist identity politics are worse than leftist identity politics.
She also said this:
So we should be diverse but agree on the same thing. And what is this “liberalism” and why should we agree on it? And will we all be forever “liberals”? And why has this not happened in “diverse” “liberal” societies of the past?
I don’t think the modern “diversity” project, which is composed partly of “looks exotic, thinks exactly like us”, and partly of a mishmash of special legal privileges, condescendingly lowered expectations, and calls for outright tribal warfare, bears much resemblance to James Madison’s bulwark against illiberalism.
Since it is profoundly illiberal.
I love how people act as if “liberalism” hasn’t been a shitty ideology since about 1896.
I mean I read a lot about the “liberal world order” of militarism, high taxes, high spending, high regulation, censorship, “green” energy designed to pauperize the masses and TOP MEN ruling us. So liberal.
“A while ago Shikha Dalmia wrote some nonsense”
That could pretty much be anything she has ever written.
Yeah, that doesnt narrow it down much, does it.
Reading this for the first time, the comments say Shriek was banned for posting kiddie open links???
So I’ve been maybe possibly kinda thinking about maybe possibly kinda looking to date again, if the opportunity arises.
I need y’all to talk me out of it and stage an intervention. Because it’s a vicious damn cycle of me being very happy being single, that happiness translating to “maybe I should date men again”, dating, being miserable, becoming single again, being happy again.
I can’t let the happiness talk me into something rash!
The potential for a rash is only 1 argument against dating.
This is the kind of wisdom I come here for!
Get a dog.
Got one o’ those
Hmmm. Get a robot?
Get a bigger one?
Love Newfs & all large dogs. They don’t live long enough.
+1 peanut butter
Maybe you should try dating women.
Thought about it…it’s a no from me, dawg.
I don’t recommend it. Women are notoriously difficult.
That’s what I would do.
“I need y’all to talk me out of it”
If just hanging out with this crew of grouchy, misanthropic misfits doesn’t put you off dating, I don’t see how anything we could say would do so.
Part of the problem is that’s exactly the type I’m attracted to.
And this is why you won’t be talked out of having sex with other people by those of us here. We aren’t opposed to having fun.
That’s not part of the problem, then. It’s most of the problem.
I was told no one liked that personality type.
I was told that if I refrain from my toxic masculinity and become a totes beta, I’ll get more pussy. People lie, it’s what they do.
So, she doesn’t actually want to be friends?
No, she actually does. That’s the problem.
I would have SP tell you about the horrors of dating (and then marrying) a grouchy misanthropic misfit libertarian male.
Hey, OMWC, your auto-correct replaced “delights” with “horrors.”
I get an eye-roll, a sigh, and a “What was I thinking?” about 4-5 times per hour. More when she’s awake.
So, unlike what Hyperion’s wife says, that probably is what she says during sexy-time?
Which is also when she’s asleep.
You mean you aren’t looking forward to having to fill out forms in triplicate detailing under which circumstances your suitor may request to kiss you and how long the kiss will last and exactly how much tongue will be involved? Also, you have to open the door for him, and he’ll pick you up on a bicycle to take you to a Vegan place that serves avocado toast. And he’ll be wearing one of those long-ass down to the knees of his skinny jeans sweater vests. How can you turn that down?
^^This! More off this!
You think we’re actually trying to talk you out of anything?
What? No man bun?
She’s into grouchy misanthropic misfits, yo. It might be worth it for her to meet some gruff biker and have him take her out for a sprout and avocado sandwich though.
Jesse apparently knows where to find orca dildos. Just saying…
To be fair sprouts and guac on multi-gain with dressed tomatoes and artisanal mayo goes great with a Coors after re-stringing fences.
Guac and mayo? You’re basically describing a fat sandwich.
He never said he was eating or drinking any of that.
Oh yeah I forgot: and bacon.
Don’t soil the bacon with that avocado crap.
. . . and bacon.
Ah. It all becomes clearer now.
Bacon and avocado go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Or champagne and caviar. Or over-medium eggs and hash browns. Or Laurel and Hardy.
Of those six items, three (Chocolate, Peanut Butter, hash browns) are edible. Finish cooking the darn chicken egg, and leave the fish eggs be.
I understand the sandwich; you need some flavor to go with the can(s) of water you are drinking with them.
Oh wait…Banquet Beer or that stream water that shares its name? The former is multitudes better than the latter. There’s no fucking way Burt and Jerry woulda made that trip for Coors Light.
Fat, salt, acid, smoke, crunch, cold beer – the best way of replenishing energy and electrolytes.
I used to order a “frisco” burger at Mel’s diner all the time. Grilled sourdough with cheddar, bacon, avocado and mustard. Damn they were good! Then they changed the meat to some low fat content crap, the kind that doesn’t drip juice when you bite it and tastes like cardboard. Now, I just yell at the clouds about how good they USED to be.
Or over-medium eggs and hash browns.
I knew I liked you
You don’t need anyone to tingle you up!
Remember what P. J. O’Rourke said:
That’s the ticket!
Well that didn’t take long to prove me (and PJ wrong) But I’m sure you’d keep it totally classy.
Can’t believe that that snitch on the train fingered her to the police.
I’m teh disappoint at the lack of Earthworm Jim references. Ted made a Joe E. Brown reference of course but not to an old video game?
So, there are things I just do not understand in this world. One being women, of course. My wife tells me ‘You just do whatever you want to do’. Yes, exactly that. Why am I not supposed to do that? I never tell her no about anything and pay for whatever she wants and pretty much treat her like Queen of the world. Why should I not do exactly whatever I want? Because that is never going to change. I don’t sleep with anyone else, that’s the only rule I’m enforcing on myself.
My wife tells me ‘You just do whatever you want to do’.
An excellent example of how Meaning comes from context. There are just so many different things that she could be saying with those words in that order.
I’m pretty sure what she is saying is that I just do whatever I want to do regardless of how it affects her. My thing is, it will affect you a lot less if you stop worrying about it.
So, probably not what she says during sexy-time?
If you can discern female contextual meaning, then you will rule the world. They don’t even know.
Back in the good old days when Sci-fi and entertainment was not political:
I’m not sure if you could really say that the original Twilight Zone wasn’t political…
I think he was being sarcastic.
One of the things that autism does to my brain is that I’m really, really bad at detecting sarcasm. Especially over the internet.
What’s next Star Trek has always been leftist propaganda and that Star Wars has always been an allegory for how Republicans are bad?
The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices – to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill – and suspicion can destroy – and a thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own – for the children – and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is – that these things cannot be confined – to the Twilight Zone.
were not political.
I’m a grammar libertarian.
I’ve been giggling at the grammar libertarian line longer than I probably should. Well played.
I don’t want to have to battle sponsors and agencies.
Since that’s the root cause of what he hated, I doubt having his own show really helped all that much.
This seems like something youse guys would be all over. Is it old news or did I miss it in an earlier thread?
No idea, but it’s not exactly news. She’s merely asking for evidence of a claim.
We’re too busy trying to fulfill other stereotypes you have.
What can I say? When it comes right down I can pigeonhole as well as the rest of you racist and Nazis.
Much irony, many larf.
The National symbol dropping garbage on the most socialist city in the country.
How exactly do you do that? Do you have the eagles sign something?
Nah, just pass a resolution or ordinance against it. Easy-peasy.
Iron [c]law?
At the dump, they can check out, but never leave.
They’ll be harder on the eagles than they are on the homeless who are making a mess all over town.
I hear that the problem is not the homeless, but the Rethuglicans ruling over Seattle. If only the woke had a chance to fix stuff…
Signs are appearing that Seattleites might be getting fed up with the homeless.
Foreseeable consequences are not unintended. Remember when left coast cities were actively attracting homeless with needles, shelters, money etc?
I have no sympathy.
Remember when left coast cities were actively attracting homeless with needles, shelters, money etc?
Not in the past. My area (the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, led by the ever-woke City of Vancouver) does all that right now. There’s more and more “compassion exhaustion” here, too.
People in SF have been saying they are fed up with the homeless for decades, but the problem just gets worse.
Yeah, good point. I suspect things will have to a lot worse before the voters actually do anything about it.
To save the eagles, we must shoot the eagles.
“Anybody that lives within close flying distance of the landfill knows that the eagles deposit this stuff everywhere,” Vogel said. “The eagle population has exploded in the last five years, and why? Because they have a free lunch at the dump.”
The irony burns
“Anybody that lives within close
flyingwalking distance ofthe landfilldowntown knows that theeagleshomeless deposit this stuff everywhere,” Vogel said. “Theeaglehomeless population has exploded in the last five years, and why? Because they have a free lunchat the dump.”Whenever I hear someone ooooh’ing and ahhhh’ing over bald eagles I remind them…it’s just a fucking buzzard with a white head.
I definitely think there are more magnificent raptors out there. Some of the smaller ones are cool AF. We have the occasional red tailed hawk in my neighborhood.
Whenever the red-tailed hawk is on the lamppost, the Squirrels and pigeons are nowhere to be seen.
We have red tail hawks in our willow tree on a regular basis. Lots of other raptors, as well. And an abundance of osprey in the area.
I just saw three ospreys flying from lax to burbank. That must mean trump is in town. Used to see it all the time when BO was pretty, not so much now.
Just checked, yup, fundraiser on the 5th. When the president comes to town, he flies into LAX. Then, three ospreys and two helicopter one’s (or whatever they call them, Marine one?) all fly up to Burbank. Then, they drive to the studios in the tank looking suvs and the ospreys switch to helicopter mode and tail the cars. Leaving is reverse. The path is directly above my house and the ospreys make a very distinctive sound, so I can’t miss it.
Neat!! I see Marine One on training runs several times a week. They use the Beltway and a small stream/river near my house to navigate visually.
I’ve seen a lot of youtubers complaining about the SJWs and wokeness of Hollywood today. While many of their complaints have merit they often strike me as rather ahistorical and reactionary. And by “reactionary” I mean disliking change and preferring older stuff and stuff from when you were a kid.
I saw a guy named Dave Cullen complain about “Hollywood’s anti-marriage anti-family agenda” in New Star Wars as if Hollywood hasn’t been accused of that since the film industry started in 1895. Then this guy from a channel called Nerdrotic complains that Discovery is woke yet ignores the old Star Trek utopianism which is inherently political and also very leftist and very woke,
Political themes of the past are okay since either they agree with them or didn’t notice them or were too young to remember those controversies. I mean Star Trek was always leftist propaganda and often not very subtle about it. Early TNG was very guilty about this with the Ferengi or the Neutral Zone or those allegories for Iran-Contra (Star Trek VI had a character named Colonel West for god’s sake).
Star Wars of course had the Ewoks being allegories for the Viet Cong, Palpatine being Nixon and even Darth Vader was originally envisioned as being like Henry Kissinger.
And I’ve made it very clear that the Twilight Zone was vehicle for Rod Serling’s political views so I will throw a fit if anyone bitches about Jordan Peele being too woke or SJW in his new version.
Also having seen plenty of Warner Bros. pre-codes their extremely blatant slobbering over the New Deal is very obvious so I’m not sure where this “apolitical” entertainment idea came from.
And by “reactionary” I mean disliking change and preferring older stuff and stuff from when you were a kid.
Oddly, I don’t have much of a preference for stuff I liked as a kid.
And “disliking change” begs the question of whether the change has been for the better. The notion that movies should deliver socially responsible messages to their audience is not new, but I think you will find that relatively few top-shelf movies have done so. Didacticism and story-telling are difficult bedfellows.
And, of course, the didactics are even harder to swallow when you know that the people delivering them are raging hypocrites.
See this cartoon from 1914
I would like to clarify a few points. Nerdrotic in the same video complained that Discovery is being too woke and later in the same video complained that Discovery is ignoring Trek Utopianism.
And for “change” I get a feeling that a lot of them don’t like change since they feel it is being changed for SJW and woke reasons. Which is probably true…
Being too woke does end up being dystopic, so I’m not seeing a contradiction in principle. Not having seen A: the show or B: the video about the show, I can’t really say more specifically.
“I’ve seen a lot of youtubers complaining about the SJWs”
For some reason I read this as Star Wars…
Appropriate as a lot of them do complain about the new Star Wars movies…
When I said that Hollywood was accused of being anti-marriage since before there was Hollywood I wasn’t exaggerating.
About a 1908 short film:
“Moving pictures is punk” I love that line.
“This blogger drinks her friend’s SPERM every day… and claims it gives her energy
Blogger Drinks Sperm and Does Semen Facials for Health Benefits
Lifestyle Blogger Drinks Sperm To Give Her Energy and Credits Semen Facials For Fresh Complexion”
Dude, I was on this beat like at least a year ago.
I think there was a story in The Sun, but not an explicit video.
She certainly is spunky.
I’d rather give it to her straight from the tap.
I’m thinking of going to the range for the first time sans instructor on Saturday. Every time I shoot the gun, I want to shoot the gun even more. I can’t believe I let 4 months go by between sessions!! Plus I have to get my membership fees’ worth.
“Every time I shoot the gun, I want to shoot the gun even more.”
You just described my life in 14 words.
I once did a rough estimate…over 40 years I burned through…uh…I forget. One or two million rounds…I guess it doesnt really matter which.
I hope to get there. I shot 100 rounds in ~25 minutes with the instructor last week. That’s a lot for me as my arms get very jellified after empty a 10-round mag. The mags for my new Ruger are 15 rounds, so I have to take a break in the middle.
I competed once upon a forever ago. Back then I would lift weights specifically for the movements needed to shoot and kept a hand squeezer excersizer in the car for when I was driving. Drive with one hand a hundred squeezes with the other then switch. I dont think I drove with two hands for ten years.
I say over forty years…thats me starting out at ten years old with a 22 rifle and spending every penny I could get my hands on on ammo. I also had the advantage of living in a rural area where I had many places to shoot at my pleasure.
I may have gotten it out of my system finally. It has only kind of gone away recently. My brother, father, friends have all moved away. I dont have anyone to shoot with anymore so the fun kinda went out o fit.
Sorry to hear that, Suthen. You sound like you’d be a blast to shoot with.
(Er, no pun intended…)
I’m more disappointed you didn’t intend to pun.
I leave the punning to a couple of good friends of mine, who are so skilled at punning that their respective wives have threatened divorce more than once when the two of them really start to flex their pun muscles.
I definitely need to work on smoothing out my triggering (I’m TRIGGERED!!!), so I’ll give the exercise thing a try. I usually try to lift my grocery bags up & down as I’m walking from the car to the house, but I haven’t gotten a full load of groceries in a while.
It sounds like you have stepped in it.
It’s too late for you but maybe we can save someone else.
“Kardashify Your Gun” my new motto!
I like this Colion joint. Apparently I’m the “Wifey” (gag)
similar but more specific:
“My brothers, father, friends have all passed away.”
It just isn’t so much fun shooting alone. A few rounds to check for zero before deer season and that’s about it.
I think I will pretty much only want to shoot alone. It’s like a zen meditation to me. My brain completely empties of everything except breathing and sighting and pulling the trigger. It’s magical. It’s almost as good as a ski run.
You need a rifle with a bipod. ?
Saturdays are my range days. They are also the day I don’t set my alarm, wake up whenever and have breakfast at my favorite diner.
I love Saturdays.
That sounds like a lovely day! I’m going to have to set my alarm to go on Saturdays, I think – it’s 30 miles away, and I want to get there when they first open so as not to risk having to wait.
I envy your not having to deal with magazine cap ban. I wind up having to buy a crapton of magazines to compensate.
I need to get back over there at some point (you shoot at Elite, right?). The main issue for me is finding the time to get over there. Weekdays are nonstarters , and weekends im usually on kid duty. 2 is a little early to start her shooting.
They say summer is their slow time, so you could go on weekend evenings without too much hassle? I usually like having my weekend late afternoons/evenings at home for quiet time. If I do any kind of outing, I need a shitton of time to unwind.
A friend of mine says that Two Silos place near Elite is a good drinking hole.
Two Silos is on our “to try” list once it gets a little bit warmer. I’ve tried Ocelot up north of the Airport (decent beer, not much ambiance), and my wife knows the owners at The Farm Brewery in Haymarket (okay beer, good ambiance). We also like to go to Bull Run winery on occasion, which is right across 66 from Elite.
I’ve been watching a few scambaiters on Youtube recently (they do the Indian call center scams – SSA, IRS, refund, tech support, etc.). I was listening to a livestream of one today and it was a typical SSA “15lbs. of cocaine in a rental car in Texas“.
The scammer said that the scambaiter guy had been investigated for ties to terrorist organizations. The scambaiter (who is a Brit living in the UK), without missing a beat, said “I’m not a terrorist! I’ve never donated to the Democratic Party!”
It’s always nice when you find out the people who entertain you with non-political stuff are sensible and right-thinking 😉
The form of humor is to lead someone down a logical path so they think they know where they are going but the punchline reveals that they are not where they expected to be. It takes cleverness to do that. The purpose of humor it to take offensive, scary, or nasty things and laugh at them. It gives us some power to deal with those things.
Proggies dont get that. They dont get it at all which is why they are decidedly not funny.
I think I would have responded with something like “How else do you think I got my present job?”
Could I trouble one of the redlegs around here to drop a couple rounds on my neighbors? Assholes have their music cranked. If I can hear it inside, they must be fucking deaf.
May I suggest a liberal application of guzzoline around their front and back doors, followed by some sort of ignition device?
Ignition device? You want him to park a tesla there, too ?
What’s a redleg? Are you Josey Wales?
Redleg = Artilleryman
Thank you.
In the olden days they had red stripes on the legs of their pants. And so they were called Redlegs, and it stook.
I will never understand why some people have the psychological need for everyone else to hear noises they make. Whether it’s loud music or cars with intentional loudening devices, I just don’t get it.
I might even consider living under an HOA if it basically consisted only of a restriction on pointless noise.
“Fire for effect”
Hey, guess what? I have a grudge with a former editor of British Vogue. I hate that guy.
Was the gruge instigated by his actionsn a personal or an official capacity?
The dude is fantastically unable to specify and communicate a color palette. How the hell did Anna Wintour put up with him?
Wow. Quite stylish, quincy!
Here’s a song for you!
The lyric “I Believe ya” is exactly the problem here.
“ought to leave ya”
But it probably still works!
Yes. Yes it does.
Unsolicited submission. Why I miss the 80s.
So good! Thanks, Tres!
Fun fact- Terri Nunn did a spread (ha!) for Penthouse under the name Betsy Harris in 1977
Prove it.
Challenge accepted!
regardez-la, ici
Wow, mega #wood from me. Shame I was born way too late.
I was looking for hard evidence…if you know what I mean.
That articles contains “Rich West (later of Stacey Q’s band), ”
Which just leads to this
I always hear that in my head as “2 pop tarts”
Carbs dude. Just say no.
I still have mad cravings, 8 months in
Im strong tho….
‘later of Stacey Q’s band’
For some reason, I thought of Suzi Quatro, but that would have needed some time travel apparatus.
Her greatest role
Incidentally, Loveline and Dr. Drew have ensured I will never find women who sound like little girls particularly attractive, just damaged.
I read that as Nora Dunn.
That song’s not on it but the Atomic Blond soundtrack pushed all my 80s nostalgia buttons.
I hate to be that guy, but I’m guessing unfertilized chicken eggs matter more than fetilized human eggs to them.
Spelling please.
Yes and both positions for the same reason.
Because both cause more power to be accumulated with the state.
Uh oh…supposedly two more women coming out accusing Biden of being creepy.
Just two?
Really, they’re not trying very hard.
It’s still early. Buckle up, it’ll start rolling soon.
I am trying to figure out who they are trying to clear the way for. It’s a mystery.
You’re assuming a common mind-set; I’m not getting that vibe from your Democrats at all.
What Sean said above. They will close ranks, they always do they just haven’t done it yet. Look for late spring/early summer ’20.
“She’s light itself” will come out to slay the Trumputinhitler dragon and save the day.
*keeps fingers crossed*
I’m expecting either Kamala Harris or Uncle Bernie. Spartacus has the charisma of a dead fish, Beto is a tryhard cringemeister, Gabbard isn’t neocon enough.
Good question. From what I’ve heard, Obama machine is behind Bob Frank, Clinton machine is behind Kamala Harris, and Bernie is Bernie.
Who dis?
Robert Francis “Beta” O’rourke.
Ah duh. I can’t imagine why the Obama machine would be behind him, except as a FU to Clinton.
I had to puzzle that one out a bit myself.
Why not? He’s a similar empty suit with an even more misleading ethnic/racial backstory. Perfect sock puppet for an experienced hand.
It would make sense the Carceral Clintons would support Harris.
Lol. I thought everyone knew he was creepy
“Not only am I a man, according to the Daily Dot, but I am also a *prejudiced* man for mocking the outrage. @dailydot, @Samideque, this is ridiculous “journalism” from a COLUMBIA JOURNALISM GRAD. She can’t even properly cherry-pick upset men for her viral clickbait piece.”
I wonder if it’s the same person who attacked Robby over that bullshit Rolling Stone article?
In all fairness, it seems she has her dad’s eyes. And jawline. And hands.
And they get upset when they get told to #learntocode. What an asshat.
Ya’ll need to hide yo foals, hide yo mare, hide yo colt, cause they eating every horse up in here
Kansas is now Venezuela ?
Clearly not.
The Venezuelans wouldn’t have left the edible offal lying there on the ground.
Venezuela has reached the point of know return?
Kansas City, Missouri. We’re not heathens here on the Kansas side.
Mojoux calls them fighting words.
Are people in KC that hard up for food?? Or just crazy?
Paging Mojeaux to the white courtesy phone….
She’s already salted it, and socked it away for 1-year plan
Except for one key part
Well our metro area is one of the fattest populations in the US…
If I had that much inexpensive BBQ available to me, I’d look like Jabba the Hutt. So I get it.
Is this the secret to Kansas City BBQ?
Possibly not — but horse fat is the secret to the best Belgian “French” fries.
Damn but they’re good.
Inside the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland
This is a couple days old so it may have already been posted. The proud boys were suckered into the lefts propaganda and they’ll never escape.
I see they became the Goldsteins of Portland. Christ, what a shithole.
I posted it a couple days ago. More here:
Yeah, saw it. Sounds like a classic moral panic to me. Next thing you know, white supremacists will be plying your daughters with smooth jazz and the reefers.
I’m not allowed to listen to Smooth Jazz & The Reefers ever since Pastor told mom about all the backwards-masking on their album Mazes & Monsters – Don’t Do It!
And don’t even think about listening to Hotel California!
*shivers thinking about Satan stealing his soul*
“You’d have to make some kind of metaphorical deal with The Devil. And by Devil, I mean – Robot Devil. And by metaphorical, I mean – get your coat.”
Speaking of the 80s…One Crazy Summer just started. I love that movie, too bad I’ll be calling asleep soon. *hic*
I want to say I’ve seen that movie. Is there a montage where they fix up a house?
It has those animation cut-ins narrated by Cusack every once in a while.
not a house, a boat
“7 USC §7734 & 7 CFR §352.29(b) make it a federal crime to move avocados from Mexico through the United States, unless they come in through a port of entry approved for Mexican avocado shipments.”
Otherwise known as the “Suthenboy Act”
I am Poppy.
It’s like a flashback to a simpler time.
That’s scarier than anything Trump or the Democrats have come up with!
Here I thought you were admitting you didn’t wash your hands after wiping your ass.
Anyone remember Paul Harvey? I heard him do a radio essay from 1965, here,
and it’s spooky because he read our future quite close, or not, I found it interesting
“Good day.”
No, this is like the Spock beard version of Harvey, dark
You wanna know the rest of the story? One of these days they will get around to unpersoning him. There is a street named after him in downtown Chicago; at some point that will have to be changed to Jussie Smollett Way.
I’m going to have another drink now.
So, he already knew…the rest of the story?
Where is the rest of the story?
So, you guys didn’t read the story? Typical non clicking Glibs…….
Read!? Now you’re just not making sense!
No, because it was a video ?
Yeah, we just guess the rest of the story.
That was great, Yussef. Thanks for the link. He really had a gift for recognizing what was going on, what it would lead to, and how to explain it to the average American. Unfortunately, not enough of them listened.
Like I said, bearded Harvey, truth
In all seriousness, I really enjoyed his radio pieces back in the day. He had something the rest of them lack. He is missed.
Paul Harvey rocked.
Darn straight.
Listened to him every day at noon with my grandmother. Such great memories.
Great memories of Paul Harvey? Or of those nooners with Granny?
Mike Rowe bases his “That’s the Way I Heard It” on Paul Harvey.
And I bet Mr. Harvey would (mostly) approve.
I missed the earlier G. Gordon Liddy discussion but I was a regular listener of his radio show for a spell when I had a drive around all day job. He was once asked something like what he would do if his house were burgled while he was sleeping. His response was fun – “I would first grab a firearm… excuse me; belay my last. As a convicted felon, I am unable to own any firearms. I would quickly awaken Mrs. Liddy and ask her if I may borrow one her many, many firearms.“
And then he’d throw gold at them?
That sort of touches on a question I’ve pondered before… I’m legally allowed to own guns and have several in the house. What happens if I marry a convicted felon and she moves in? Am I not allowed to have them in the house anymore?
(not that this is a likely scenario; just wondering)
A fine question. Is a momentary use considered a transfer? Is there precedent on this or agency guideline? Can we please just strike down the NFA et al. and abolish BATFE?
I think the law excepts exigent circumstances. The cops don’t exactly follow this, though.
Here in CA, the guns have to be locked with no access by the felon. The cops abuse the hell out of this. I had an employee who’s girlfriend took a sleeping pill. He found the body and the cops held him for two days trying to charge him with felon in possession. Eventually they let him go, but man how cold could they be. He just found his girlfriends recently suicided body and then had to stay in jail for two days wondering if he’d get a couple of years. Messed up.
Or it was a convenient excuse to hold him while they investigated the death and possibly use it as leverage if it turned out to be a suspicious death.
Felon in possession, not felon in ownership (although transferring to a felon is a separate crime).
The tag line ‘Surprisingly Tame’ (addressing both the absence of horse cock and getting a horse to mount on command)
I believe that’s a book title waiting to happen, C.
That smoldering gaze tho.
That looks like a very young Most Interesting Man In The World
Or perhaps an alt-timeline Jimmy Fallon where he is not an insufferably over-eager, frat pledge?
Well, I did not see this coming.
My mind is too fast for eyes.
I actually got to go to that concert, shit was lit. Thanks for that glorious P5 reminder.
Uffda. How about a Trigger warning?
Oh, go drink some buttermilk.
Roy Rogers fan, eh?
Just because someone doesn’t wear cheese on their head, swill paint thinner and enjoy pseudo centaur pr0n does not make him an effete sissy who drinks Roy Rogers
Here we call it a kiddie cocktail, gotta get them ready for the real drinking, where only the strong survive.
Gene Autry or gtfo!
HM, never stop, you keep us safe from the crazies,
Immunization theory?
He scares them away.
Yeah, it’s a mystery.
From the totally not biased files.
Fuck it, I’m culturally appropriating tonight. Lebanese-style mujadara. I wish I had some Musar to go with it, but Spudalicious and I lost it all in a boating accident.
Your guns had their own wine?
Musar on a boat is exactly the reason all my guns fell into the lake.
I’ve never gotten into podcasts. I prefer listening to music in the car. However, between Yusef Bringing up Paul Harvey, and KK mentioning Mike Rowe, I find myself wanting to listen to Rowe’s podcast…and maybe some old Paul Harvey if I can find him.
So…what’s a good app to do that with? I honestly have no fucking clue. I have a Motorola Android phone.
Soundcloud, iHeart, Stitcher, Spreaker, there’s a number of them.
Yeah, there’s dozens. That much I know. I guess I’ll just have to try some.
Except…iHeart can go fuck themselves. In addition to possibly the stupidest name for a company ever, they are doing they’re level best to kill what little was left of independent radio stations. They’re stated purpose is to make radio stations into “fast food” joints. They think you should hear the same bands and songs on every station (within a small list of genres) no matter where you are in the US. Seriously, every single person who works there should be ashamed.
But thank you for the suggestions, Spud. I will check them out.
The only reason I use iHeart is that I can listen to Rush on my phone. I’m surprised they’re still in business.
Holy shit…I hope you mean Limbaugh.
I hope he means the band.
I want to live in alternate reality where Rush Limaugh is the ‘hype man’ for Rush, who are still totally libertarian and not old fogy I paid into Social Security leftists they are now.
Gustave is a hoser!
+1 The Trees
I wrote a whole children’s play based on ‘The Trees’, and it had superheros, dwarves and tax accountants.
There’s a fire hose cover that someone inked an “R” onto years ago and has never been removed.
Fire hose cover at work.
Nope. I listen to Beck too. And Doc Thompson, before he went jogging and got hit by a train.
I want to live in an alternate reality where entertainers entertain and leave their politics out of it.
Beck is a shitty, over-rated, and over-the-hill pop act at best.
OMWC want’s to erase ‘The Trees’ ‘Red Barchetta’ and ‘Tom Sawyer’ from existence, I oppose this, elect me the next…whatever the hell position OMWC holds here.
Beck has a song that should be OMWC’s theme song, SAD he’s against him.
OMWC needs to go to bed. He’s a pissy bitch and it’s obviously past grandpas bedtime.
*nods head*
Fact check – The Trees: mostly false. As forests age, it’s usually the maples that overtake the oaks since they are more shade tolerant in denser forest environments. Still a good song though.
I always take advice from Mickey Rooney lookalikes that are six drinks in. And who think Beck is a great artist.
It’s amazing, Spud has always been this addled, it’s not just long term alcohol abuse.
Glenn Beck. Retard.
Yes, he is. His audiences are even worse.
Glenn Beck’s only use to the world now is to giver Andrew Heaton a podcast, otherwise, he’s a crackpot. (I did watch him when he was on CNN and anti-Bush and then when Obama won he got shipped to Fox and went off the rails after about a year and half)
As someone whose been following current events since McGovern debated Nixon, I’ve listened to a number of different people. I view them the same as wine critics.
I really like Pocket Casts. Even works with Sonos, so I can switch between my phone & the Sonos.
Just had a recent overhaul, at least on Android, that I’m not certain is an improvement, but it’s still quite solid.
I’ll check it out. Thanks. I’m also going to look into Sonos more.
I _really_ like my Sonos – but once you buy into the system you’ll want more. It’s a closed-system (that’s how they make their money), but they’re very well done.
I’ve got a (1st Gen) Play 5, Play 1 and a Soundbar, all in our small 1 bedroom place – and I still want some more…
We’re friendly with the guy who’s president of Avid (the folks who own ProTools, among other things) and he’s got his whole house wired up with Sonos – the Connect wired into the speakers that the house was installed with. It’s awesome and I’m jealous.
I use Podcast Addict on my old shitty phone. I’m sure it will work on your old busted NoDak technology too.
Pretty simple and it does a fairly good job of getting new podcasts loaded.
Sorry to stay on topic but… I use Podcast Republic. It’s free, easy to use, and has worked well for years on all my Android devices.
Double Negative stout from Bushwick, Brooklyn’s Grimm Ales is quite yummy. Using a splash in the sous vide bag with a corned beef as well.
I miss my youth.
Those are some nice legs.
I was going to make a comment on that, but in this day and age I can’t be sure which sex, or gender or even species those legs belong to.
According to the comments, Annie Shu. She has a nice, er portfolio, from googling.
I was guessing it would be Sonic Youth. Live and learn.
You have something against Collective Soul?! *Punches self in face* You wanna hit me?! *Punches self in face* Go ahead! *Stares Chafed down till he backs away* That’s what I thought!
Thirty years ago, at the height of the bubble economy, white nationalists were riding high in J-pop.
Re horse:
I like my horses in chrome, on two wheels.
Those devil things with hooves and teeth can get BBQd for all I care. That’s the only way I’d like them.
*eyeballs aunt’s 4 horses*
‘On a steel horse I ride’?
One of the things I truly regret in my life is not going on a cross-country motorcycle trip when I was single.
All that vibrating metal between your thighs, responding to your every touch, every slight movement of your hand bring forth unbridled power throttling you. Not sure I see the appeal. (thank me later for that description, I’m sure you’ll get at least 15 minutes of enjoyment from it 😉 )
Misconceptions ahoy.
That be what I do, yo.
A guy I used to work with finally got his wife to go for a ride on his two stroke dirt bike after many years of trying. He stopped after about 20 minutes. She slapped him in the back of the head and said, “don’t you DARE stop now!”.
Hilarious if real.
That it is.
That’s a Ted level hate link.
If you couldn’t tell what it was from the quote, it’s your own ignorance to blame.
I knew damn well what it was. Why do you hate us CPRM?
Fellas!! Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who…
Sorry, wrong scene!
When it comes to horse, I’m going with china white. To hell with black tar.
Faster Horses (I hate the way my job is affecting me)
Even faster, baby.
It was too slow, my horses ran away.
You just lack genius.
You don’t know the depths of my genius, but you’re not as big as a linebacker I take it.
Man, you clearly didn’t get the message.
The needle tears a hole, yadda yadda. (once again, I hate…)
The cover massively surpasses the original. Not common.
Yeah, I can only imagine how Trent Reznor felt when Johnny Cash walked in and said ‘hold my beer’ and that 80 something did more with it than Reznor could in his wildest dreams.
Reznor was cool with it
Yeah, he said that afterward, upon reflection, but I’m just thinking the initial ‘Holy shit! this 80 year old guy did my own song better than me!’
Oh, for sure:
“Hearing it was like someone kissing your girlfriend. It felt invasive”.
But he says the video put him over the hump, which makes sense, as it’s incredibly powerful – real chunks of Cash’s life.
Mom had surgery for her broken arm yesterday. The surgery itself went well, but there are ancillary problems we are now trying to calm down.
Good luck. I hope it goes well.
Thanks, Spud. I will catch up on email tomorrow.
No worries.
I wish your mom the best, Mo’. My mom has surgery to remove a mass (almost certain it’s not cancerous) from her uterus on Thursday at Mayo. She’s in good hands.
Thanks, Mike. Wishing your mom the best also.
Best luck to your mom too Mike. She’s lucky she lives close to Civilization so she can get fixed up
Best wishes. Is that the right thing to say? Sympathy, not a strongsuit…
You got it
Thank you. Much appreciated.
All my wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
Thanks, blackjack.
Uffda. Good luck to your Mom and good thoughts for your serenity.
My parents have both gone through periods where once the docs get a hold of them they keep finding more things to fix. Sucks going through that rollercoaster of emotions.
Thanks, Your Holiness. X fixes Y, but Y breaks Z.
Hope your mom has a nice and speedy recovery.
Word to you mother!
Fingers crossed for her.
Snopes rates AOC’s 22nd amendment comment as a mixture of true and false.
Well, you see, the 22nd amendment happened…so there is the mixture.
Have they found a way to make Obama’s “All 57 states” quote a mixture of true and false?
Well, critics “POUNCED” on her for it. They had to give her a consolation prize.
I’d pounce on her, if you know what I mean.
So lanky and bony though. It would be like coupling with a spider… a unusually stupid spider.
Don’t forget, “a unusually stupid spider–with big-ass nostrils”
Then, once she has stolen her mate’s essence, she hops into her Megaspider and skitters away.
Don’t try to Get Inside my head.
Following a discussion of “Us” yesterday(?), I read the Wikipedia synopsis and it sounds like the dumbest movie ever. Is that just Wikipedia being Wikipedia or is it really that stupid?
I didn’t watch it, but from the RLM review it seems it is that dumb. They said it was enjoyable but dumb, but then they said ‘Get Out’ was good. They’re batting about .75 overall though.
You’re not kidding, it’s…it’s something all right.
In late but nothing will stop Titty Tuesday.
I’m guessing 17 and 19 are a lot of fun.
5, 11, 23, 31. I’m debating if I liked 7, 23, or 29(dat lip play) the most, they’re all gorgeous and comfy. Thanks for the titillating link, Q.
You and Chafed can split the odd numbers, and I’ll take all the even ones.
You are nothing if not generous.
I accept your gracious offer.
Friends often tell me I’m too nice for my own good.
So, it’s just me and Chafed, with Spud lurking…and I got nothing.
How about a look way back to a year ago when I was a fledgling animator. How far I’ve come.
Keep going. Sir Digby is bound to turn up at some point. And Hayeksplosives may come out of the woodwork if you tickle her funny bone.
I got about 20 minutes left in the tank, and I don’t ‘tickle’ married women anymore, ever since ‘The Incident’…
You’re smarter than Biden.
It’s a weekday, and it’s late–you think he’d learn by now….
I mean, what with 600+ comments–I gotta read through them and only skip a few dozen
Amanpour being Amanpour. I didn’t Comey could look like the rational one. I was wrong.
But of course, I bet peoples’ calls for the president to be shot and executed weren’t examples of “hate speech”.
But of course *I bet she thinks*
Amanpour’s a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for “freedom of expression”. I’m guessing that only applies to credentialed journalists from the proper news organizations.
The first amendment only apllies to the credentialed press the same way the the second only applies to the military, so it’s still up in the air, no way to know what the people who wrote it thought, and even so they’re just some old dead white guys.
That’s a safe bet.
Sie DigBy is here! And probably won’t get to this post till I’ve passed out, fuck time zones!
Time zones are the work of the devil.
Is that our official cult doctrine?
That fucking sun, and us moving “around” it….pffft
It can be part of the catechism if you want it to be. Look, the Sun revolves around us and the world is flat. Stop letting NASA lie to you.
You and me, brother…
Alt Right, time to documentary myself to sleep, too late Sir Digby.
Man, we gotta get you on a later schedule!
Yeah, so, it does look like most glibs have buggered off.
It’s like you have to sleep and then go to work, or, something…
Well, if you need something to check out on YT, try the “reddit questions & response” stuff (text-to-voice over reading the responses).
Here’s a great on to start with
“Thanks!” You’ll understand that reference when you get to the story…
I have important drinking to do tomorrow.
Yeah, I can’t do that anymore, unfortunately.
Something is wrong with my interface when it comes to using the buttons here. I specifically used the reply button (twice, actually), and it just made the next post. Dammit.
We few, we happy few. We band of brothers.
Oh, I meant insomniacs. 😛
Glad I;m not the only one.
Imma drink more now. *snoozes*
Im swigging a little wine in hopes of getting sleepy again. I got to bed too early.
Shakespeare really was great.'s_Day_Speech
I recommend Kenneth Branagh’s Henry the 5th to anyone.
Okay, that’s a lie. Jesus, why can’t I get to sleep?
For me, I stayed up waaaaay too late Monday night so I was tired Tuesday night and went to bed at 9 or 10 (pacific). So I pinged awake an hour ago.
I has a ?
“Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!”
OK, I’m (kinda) sorry I wrote that out….
Is there a fat orange cat and a pan of lasagna involved? 😉
Weeeellll….I was actually thinking “Pam“, or, whatever her name is.
And, yes-I envisioned getting the same response
Pam Poovey is my role model.
That’s deeply wrong.
PP is a major ass-kicker. Among many other things.
You could do much worse for a role model.
/I’m almost always disappointed when it’s not Pam Poovey being referenced.
Sir Digby – I’d be more into Pam if it weren’t for the tats.
I hear ya, BP. I wanna say I would be way more into her if she were real, but she’d probably f me up pretty badly.
I mean, it would most likely be the most fun I’ve had since I was 19. But, you know…
Sorry to hear, Hi-X.
I’m drinking cider and boozy seltzer here. It’s 5 in the fucking morning (ET) and I still can’t fucking sleep. Almost ready to hit myself in the head repeatedly with a hammer. Might go see a doc to get sedatives, which would probably be better for overall health.
Why’d they have to outlaw quaaludes? Benzos suck.
Feature/bug situation?
That should be the Gov’s motto: “Your bug is our feature”.
I mean, it’s no “FYTW”. Still…
I would try some RevPsych on you and command you not to fall asleep, but I’m not that much of an asshole.
I just stole one of my hubby’s doxepins.
My fave OTC sleep aid is 50mg diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
I’ve tried using benadryl in OTC form for sleeping (someone around these parts mentioned using Benadryl several months back), but it didn’t work for me.
I have a very low dose muscle relaxant for bedtime that really helps me sleep soundly. I don’t necessarily fall asleep any faster with it, and, I’ve never used a MR prior to this, so I didn’t know what to expect. But, damn if I don’t tend to sleep very solidly when I take it.
/gonna hate when my doc says he won’t prescribe any more.
Fun Fact – I remodeled a NOLA French Quarter bar back in the late 1990s. When we tore out the bar itself, we found about $100 in old dirty currency and a half dozen of the old Flight 747 Disco Biscuits. There was a great deal of blustery bravado about trying them but prudence won out and they were thrown away.
“We’re happy to take a stand,” Councilman Corey O’Connor, who spearheaded the effort, said afterward. “It’s going to be a difficult battle, but we are willing to fight it. . People are starting to change their minds and be more open to some sort of gun control.”
No, we are not. Go fuck yourself Corey.
I seem to recall something about the last time Pittsburgh defied a directive from a higher authority. What was it? Oh yeah, Hamilton federalized the NJ militia, marched them into PA and began shooting farmers.
We’re gonna pass a law, illegally, that we expect to be followed by the criminals. Perfect example of FYTY.
We have “some sort” already. We have all sorts. Go fuck yourself.