Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except creepy Uncle Joe whose handsy past is catching up with him. I do not know why an old white male like Joe thinks he has a chance, doesn’t he know it is not only a minority woman’s turn but that it is also the #MeToo era?! God bless you, batshit crazy SJWs.
Creepy Uncle’s Joe real problems are beginning to be a lot bigger than his handsy nature.
Representative Ilhan Omar being probed for possible campaign violations.
Say what you want about the Kardashians, how many victims of the drug war have you gotten freed from prison?
The sound of millions of Millennials crying out in terror.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
That is only because the right people aren’t in charge. Next time it will work!!!!
::shakes fist at Indiana::
We might fly over, but we can’t fly away from the Gun Violence.
+1 AAA
That’s why we need to prog harder and ban all weapons, just like the UK!!
Oi! You ‘ave a loicense for that potato peeler m8?
In England they are blokes. Mates are from Australia and that Kiwi place with the idiot politicians next to Australia.
That’s just fine as it’s not about safety anyway.
But just to be safe I locked up a 30 rounder away from any possible foreign made armament that may have escaped the boat accident, thus insuring there could be no collusion between the 2 items in question that would result in a possible compromise of one’s health.
Guten morgen!
It is morning. And I have learned I’ve been added to the On Call rotation. It would have been nice for my bosses to tell me this before hand.
Jó napot kívánok.
>>Avocados could vanish in 3 weeks if U.S. closes Mexico border
oh really? Now we know the real reason why Suthenboy wants to close the border.
What about the ones from Florida? And Cali?
Mind the narrative!
I didn’t realize we are going to close down the ports, too.
The sound of millions of Millennials crying out in terror.
The good news is, we grow shit loads of them in California for export. The bad news is, they’re contaminated with listeria.
“Listeria only grows on food”
I like avocados.
Democrats are right, we need money out of politics.
Then no one will ever run for office. Great idea.
If I heard correctly, NYS is now going with “publicly funded” election campaigns.
Where have all the Hinkleys, Oswalds and Sirhans gone when we need them?
So only the rich can run. They truly want to bring back the aristocracy.
No, get elected, stay in office forever, and never need to even bother with funding your campaign.
I think it’s called “The Eternal Incumbency and Fuck You, What are You Going To Do, Vote For a Republican? Act”
After this they can just pass a law mandating that all votes be cast for themselves.
re Uncle Joe and Ukraine. I never thought of it but I’m sure there are lost of purchase politicians whose family get put on boards as a way to secure some grace from Uncle Sam.
I need to wake up. Lots of politicians*
Purchase politicians works fine
Really, they are more rented.
There are thousands of such cases.
I tell you our politicians are pure as the driven snow.
Related Video – 1:50 mark
America Uncovered did a good even wrap up of the Uranium One deal.
Others have mentioned that it’s interesting that the single largest beneficiary of Net Nuetrality, just so happened to give Obama a producers role.
It’s blatant corruption as far as I’m concerned.
That will be what the Obama administration will be remembered for once the facts come out.
Gosh, I bet there are going to be some really serious repercussions!
You mean like the whole issue getting memory-holed after she starts towing the lion? Like AOC?
I’m afraid to even turn on CNN, the coverage of this will be just too brutal to watch.
She had to give that $2500 back!
It was an honest mistake, how could anyone know about some esoteric rule that says it is bad to make schools that you are in charge of pay you to give your speeches?
“Study: ‘Assault Weapons’ and Magazine Bans Do Not Lower Homicide Rates”
What’s that got to do with anything?
Just proves that they are not enough. We need even more stringent laws
That’s precisely how progs will read this revelation…
“Avocados could vanish in 3 weeks if U.S. closes Mexico border”
*Writes out check to ‘build the wall’ fund*
And no good soda made with real sugar.
There’s other good pop besides just the Mexican Cola. Besides, shouldn’t Passover coke be available now anyways?
Yes (look for the white caps)! Last year there was a tremendous run on Diet Coke in South Florida; we spent 2 days driving around to different supermercados in south Broward/north Dade trying to locate some.
Does it annoy anyone else that the Easter calendar and the Passover calendar aren’t in sync?
I blame the Pope.
I asked about that at my Catholic grade school (where I grew up there wasn’t a big Jewish population, but there were in some of the surrounding suburbs). I don’t recall getting a straight answer from them. And it probably is the Pope’s fault, I mean (((they)))’re good with numbers, right?
The existence of a leap month suggests the answer to your last question is no.
I would prefer Easter to be the 1st Sunday on or after the 14th of Nisan and sync them up.
Vote robc for first Baptist pope!
My old neighbors used to laugh at me for stocking up on the (((coke))) this time of year. Now they do it too.
Sometimes sacrifices must be made.
I have to assume even UCS likes the mild taste of an avocado.
A study on state-level gun control laws in the U.S. shows that bans on “high-capacity” magazines and “assault weapons” do not lower homicide rates.
Fake science.
No avocados?
Trump is still bullying JEB!
Jesus Christ
Yesterday I saw a Chipotle ad where this girl puts about 100 avocados in a giant bowl and mashes them into guacamole with about a half gallon of *retches*….I can hardly say it….cilantr…*retches*…cilantro.
A goddamned crime against nature.
Listen we don’t pick on Louisiana delicacies… well, never mind.
The combination of carrots, celery and onion is, just Ok.
wait, I think one of those is supposed to be bell pepper. if only it wasn’t so forgettable.
Carrots, celery and onion is just mirepoix, the substitution of bell pepper for carrots makes it the trinity. And you can have my Andouille sausage when you can pry it out of my cold dead hands.
The New Statesman thinks central planning is totes awesome:
You didn’t build that: part 7,386,659.
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent article were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone i is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
a timely exhortation to rethink the wisdom that markets always do it better.
OK. I rethought the wisdom and it doesn’t change.
I zeroed in on that last sentence. So bureaucrats will do better? I deal with bureaucrats who now run my industry by stealth. Trust me, they know and understand sweet fuck all. Here’s how it works: The invent an idea at a table over doughnuts, send out a communication saying it is so and we must comply because. See? It works! The problem is dipshits like this guy aren’t around to see the unintended consequences. Sure we make it ‘work’ but that’s in spite of the ‘new rule’ often unnecessary or pointless. It’s wasteful and costly most of the time.
I really loathe such people and people who actually push for this sort of ‘central planning’. They’re illiberal ignoramuses.
As for the state and markets. The original role of the state was to PROTECT merchant traders along trade routes. Under Rome, traders would often be victims of pirates and other criminals so they asked for Roman protection. Now it has morphed into this idea that somehow because the state gives money that without its support there are no markets. Markets arise BEFORE the state.
Bureaucracies are about keeping and growing said bureaucracies. No bureaucracy sets out to fix something and make itself obsolete. That’s why no bureaucracy across this fucking planet has done anything but make shit worse.
Thomas Sowell nailed this years ago.
I am involved in a company that exists solely because of an idiotic, unfunded Federal mandate.
Some guy at the DOT decided that if he had more data about the location and reflectivity of signs he could mine the data. So – for our safety – a rule was promulgated that says any govt entity that is responsible for any road signs needs to capture and store data about their signs. And create a plan to replace signs that are not reflective enough.
So all of a sudden, there are shit tons of small townships in the Midwest that have no idea how to comply with this mandate. When they talk to big vendors, they want $100K for a license. So we created a stupid system that at least checks the boxes the Feds are asking for.
I am torn about the company. It will make me a bit of money and I didn’t work that hard on it, but if it wasn’t for that Federal mandate, no sane person would need our solution.
Hey, if you’ve created the cheapest system to get the government off someone’s back, I’d say that’s a good thing. If you feel conflicted you can always start a letter-writing campaign to try to get the rule repealed. And until it is you can keep cashing those checks, since the cities have to buy the services from someone so it may as well be you.
“If they were, firms – those islands of cooperation where individuals enter into collaborative partnerships with one another – wouldn’t exist.”
A great example in missing the point? Or just a strawman. Nothing is wrong with planning and voluntary organization. It’s inefficiency brought on necessarily by government setting prices and trying to manage by bullhorn. Also millions of independent decision makers is not the same as one.
“Governments often believe that private firms, battle-hardened by sink-or-swim competition, bring increased efficiency to the public sector”
No. Competition is an interesting aspect, but really a result of the fact that the free market is voluntary. I don’t have to buy your product. And thats what drives efficiency. Voluntary interactions mean that everyone is benefitting.
What drives efficiency is insolvency. The invisible hand smashes more businesses than it uplifts. Markets purely and simply kill off the inefficient ventures. Do something well enough to please the customer and cheaply enough that you can make a profit and you survive. Fail to do both and you don’t.
Government planning is always focused on protecting some enterprise/industry/person. This is nice for the protectee, less nice for those who have to be enslaved or squashed to protect them.
Aaaaaand there it is.
Socialism in a nutshell: *Ocasio-Cortez wakes up in the morning, looks around and says “Hey, see that guy over there? He has stuff. Let’s take it. Oh, and while we are at it we need to make sure he cant do anything about it.”
It’s theft and thuggery, plain and simple. Ask anyone who has lived under communism, fascism or plain ol’ socialism. These people are just low-rent grifters and thugs. If I visit a prison and talk to the convicts every one of them will say they are innocent. I dont listen to them, why would I listen to Hettie O’Brien? She has exactly the same character and exactly the same credibility.
Fuck you Hettie. Fuck you very much.
Oh, and still worth pointing out that all of these pinko rags have killed off their comments sections. I guess they got tired of being called on their bullshit.
“Ask anyone who has lived under communism”
That wasn’t real communism. We’ll get it right this time.
That’s what I am afraid of: this time you will kill off a few billion instead of just 120-150 million that you did in the 20th century….
According to the watermelons, we need to kill off 7.5 billion to sustain the planet.
Yet without the state, many markets wouldn’t exist.
Then explain the “black market”.
The black market exists because of the state.
Why? The Black Market is the most pure example of a market that would not exist without the State’s intervention.
And it’s not perfectly spherical! Checkmate, capitalists!
Creepy Uncle’s Joe real problems are beginning to be a lot bigger than his handsy nature.
Team Blue must not want him to be their chosen one to defeat Bad Orange Man.
Biden’s real problem with the current D party is one he cannot correct. He is a white male the actiivsts base’s version of original sin. I don’t know who they will nominate, but I will bet anything it is not Biden/Bernie/Beto.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Buttjig comes out on top, though.
Gay White Man vs Straight Black Woman, The black woman has WAY more intersectional points than the gay man. The nomination is Kamila’s to lose
Huh, I didn’t realize he was gay. Are you sure “first gay president” doesn’t outrank “first woman president” on the SJW scale?
Maybe he should declare himself a trans-woman. Top that, Kamala!
Well he wasn’t a great leader but those presidential balls were fabulous!
They were the gayest balls of all!
James Buchanan is an obstacle to this.
I see what you did there.
Beto the Faux Latino would be fun.
Bobby O’Rourke is about 100 years too late to be considered a non-white ethnic.
Unless he gets into an altercation with a black teen prowling the neighborhood.
Brexit is going terribly — and so is this nude protest in Parliament
Two nudists appear to have glued their hands, and possibly buttocks, to the security glass. Police using some kind of spray to try and loosen them
Pepper spray?
Why didn’t they just ignore them? Want to glue yourself to the glass? Suit yourself. We will be back in a couple of days to see how you are holding up.
^^This is the best response. Just ignore the idiots.
Will no one think of the window washers?
Could we just leave a bunch of sharpies in front of them and let the public draw dicks all over them?
That would be epic.
And the best deterrent possible.
What about the poor janitor that would have to clean that up?
Can’t the Beefeaters just pull real hard and see what gives first?
Yeah, then they could just scrape the remaining skin off of the glass.
I’m guessing it’s polymer not glass-glass, so this is turning into a whole repolishing thing.
“Fleshing out” an argument
This reminds me of the streaker at church – they were finally able to grab him by the organ!
He observed, “Laws regulating the sale of assault weapons are unlikely to have a large impact on homicide rates, because these weapons are used in only a very small proportion of homicides. The vast majority of firearm homicides in the United States are committed with handguns.”
Nixon was right. Ban handguns.
We discovered yesterday that lever-guns are nearly as fast as semiautos. Time to ban those too.
Ban Jerry Miculek!
But Lena is still ok, right?
Donald J. Trump
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Following Following @realDonaldTrump
Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before, & all their local politicians do is complain & ask for more money. The pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA…
….The best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico is President Donald J. Trump. So many wonderful people, but with such bad Island leadership and with so much money wasted. Cannot continue to hurt our Farmers and States with these massive payments, and so little appreciation!
4:45 AM – 2 Apr 2019
I can’t wait for the hysterical shrieking from the left because Trump dared to tell the truth about the corruption in PR politics.
I’m sure Sloopy can offer more insight into PR than I could; but the week I spent in San Jaun, the word “shithole” kept coming to mind. Or maybe it was the feeling that everyone in SJ was trying to take advantage of yet another tourist.
I don’t get it. People talk as if it’s some sort of paradise. It was okay for us. Nothing memorable. Unless we missed something.
If it was such a paradise we wouldn’t have so many Puerto Ricans coming to the mainland to collect welfare….
They do that in Puerto Rico just fine without moving.
It’s a shame too. Puerto Rico should be one of the best places for US Citizens to visit and instead it’s just a rat infested shithole with far too much corruption.
It’s a beautiful Caribbean island with beautiful beaches, ruined by leftist corruptocrats. So people flee Puerto Rico to US cities where they…vote for leftist corruptocrats.
So open borders…
They are kind of like Scotland or Quebec. They make noises about independence but won’t every do it – because they enjoy the gravy train too much.
Speaking of Quebec Canada wants immigrants to come in and to vote against independence (e.g. Rufus). So being pro-immigration can be nationalistic and pro big-government.
Catalan and Quebecer nationalists deserve each other.
Florida has a bunch of 3rd generation Puerto Ricans via NY. Those I know who fit that category speak no Spanish, and are gun-toting deplorables. One is even a huge Trump supporter.
I lol’d.
That hurricane is the best thing that has happened to Puerto Rico. They were flat ass broke and going down the drain before it hit. It gave them a perfect pretense for having a massive influx of cash. Of course, the same people that stole all of their money before just stole that as well.
We need to cut them loose.
Puerto Rico has the kind of government that the democrats pine for. Obama tried his best to move out government to match that of countries like that (banana republics).
Should have been “take from rest of USA”. Missed opportunity.
So now they’ll only mark up 200% instead of 500%.
Why do you want to attract the smelly poors to our nice stores?
I actually had a prog lady I went on one date with tell me she shopped there because she could thus avoid the riff-raff types that couldn’t afford the more expensive stuff (she later admitted she bought most of her stuff elsewhere however since the place was too expensive)… Wonderful people those progs…
Representative Ilhan Omar being probed for possible campaign violations.
Technicalities. Republikkkins just want to muddy the waters and obscure her message of truth and justice.
Republicans Pounce!
The truely ironic thing is the dark money she got came from (((them)))
Rep. Ilhan Omar probed
No one does phrasing anymore.
It’s true, though. Just ask her brother.
And husband.
My parents live up there. They had heard none of the brother-husband or student loan fraud stuff from the local media during her campaign. They thought I was making it up.
Of course not. They probably get their news from the Red Star and MPR, just like my parents.
Or her anti-semitism. That tweet about (((hypnotism))) was from well before the election.
Yeah, the local media has carried a LOT of water for her. I think that is why she is doing so bad nationally. She’s never encountered a press that isn’t 100% in the bag for her.
Good morning, Banjos!
Say what you want about the Kardashians, how many victims of the drug war have you gotten freed from prison?
Nice story. But someone should tell The Donald he’s, like, the worst racist ever.
The sound of millions of Millennials crying out in terror.
Millennials and me. Avos are delicious.
They do grow avocados in California.
And Florida. But those suck.
Them’s fightin’ words! Florida avocados (and mangoes) are the best on Earth. But! I am willing to offer an musical olive branch because the Mould/Grant harmonizing is just so damn sexy.
I apologize.
Lovely. I saw them in ’86 or ’87 at Janus Landing in ST. Petersberg, FL. Just stunning.
We took them for granted. No idea they would flame out as fast as they did.
Mrs. Animal likes them. I can’t bring myself to partake of a fruit that looks like a suppurating testicle.
You know they grow on the tree in pairs, right?
I have despised the idea of avacados nearly my whole life. Then, just 1 or 2 years ago Whataburger fucked up my order and instead of an A1 Thick and Hearty burger, they put an Avacado Bacon burger in my order. Not being one to throw away money, I hate-ate it. I had to change my opinion on avacados ever since and now count as a fan.
Most people I know that don’t like them have never tried them. When well prepped, they are delicious.
Avocados, tomatoes and pears are foods that are absolutely divine if ripe, and worthless if not.
Great on a turkey and toasted/grilled sourdough with a bit of dijon, onion and monterrey jack cheese.
I don’t mind a nice guac. This recent trend of throwing chunks of it on everything, however, ugh I can’t even.
You should try a salad of some ripe avocado & tomato, with some red onion and celery, all chopped small, seasoned with some blue cheese, salt, pepper, olive oil and lime juice….
Puts hair on your chest.
I was at a fine dining restaurant and got the “tomato and avocado salad.” It was 2 slices of tomato with a half avocado fanned on top and a little balsamic vinegar around the edge of the plate. For $23 . And yes, it was worth it. I can only imagine that the produce guy was smug as fuck.
I’m more worried about my Campari tomatoes.
Trump says he wants to follow up on criminal justice reform with efforts that help federal inmates find jobs after they leave prison.
What a monster.
You forgot racist. I’m sure someone will show that there’s a disparity in the racial makeup of federal prisons and state/local prisons.
The sound of millions of Millennials crying out in terror.
Instagram is down?
I got to spend some time with the next generation on Sunday. My nine year old nephew was surprised that I knew things about Fortnite, and had even heard of some of the Youtube personalities he watches. Looks like I’ll be putting together a computer for him and his brother when I upgrade my video card later this year.
They get the handme down computer but first I wanna see 60hours logged on DOSBox.
Nah, the real way for them to learn about computers is the way the gods intended. I provide them locked down accounts in Windows, their parents each get an Admin account, and they need to figure out how to elevate their permissions without breaking Windows. They got a PS4 for Christmas with the Spider-Man game, the younger one has already gotten 100% completion in it. To start them out on PC, I’ve got enough dupes of games between my Steam account and Humble Bundle purchases (and Free to Play games), they should be set for a while. I figure it’ll make a good Christmas present for them.
Now if I want to be really mean, I give them the components, and a Windows DVD for Christmas, and go home without helping.
My five year old is really behind on this. He’s had an account for six weeks and still hasn’t done anything.
Learning computers wasn’t the goal, just instilling some respect for their elders and maybe some more appreciation for their toys.
Do you have a newsletter? I’m not keeping up on computer technical stuff. I’d like to get our pc and devices set up for oversight, as well as getting them to “learn to code” so to speak. Article maybe?
I’m slowly making the switch from android to apple since I found I prefer the contained ecosystem for mobile devices. I ditched Windows myself and use Linux mint on a diy tower, but the wife likes Windows and uses it at work, so we have a laptop for her and the kids with Windows 10 (barf).
I can probably put together a guide as I’m going through it, but the biggest thing (especially for kids) is to make sure the PC is in a public area. Don’t save credit card information in any game platform. Set up different limited accounts for the kids (and for the adults to, proper security isn’t just for kids). If you really want (and I’m considering doing this if the kids get enough cruft in their accounts) you can set up Virtual Machines for the kids, and just take snapshots that you can roll back to.
Web filtering isn’t really worth it in my opinion, but if the parents want to install it, go for it.
Thanks, I mostly need to make it a priority. So much else to do…
The laptop (cheap, barely enough storage for the OS, sloooow) is on the desk in the family room, so definitely public. I think the individual accounts for each kid is a good idea. I started out with a ‘kids’ account on Linux that they shared, but each should have their own.
I’m not going to go VM, but I do worry most about web filtering, so may look into that more. I saw what they were asking Siri on my iPad. Yikes!
I asked my partner to wee on me and now she thinks I’m disgusting
She’s not the only one.
Sounds like he may have pissed her off
This, sir, is no time for toilet humor.
No worries, Swiss will be along shortly to flush this sub-thread.
I don’t think we have plunged the depths of these puns yet.
Why didn’t I sink of any of these?
Trying to come up with puns can be draining.
I know what you mean. Sometimes it makes me feel just wiped.
More are sure to trickle in.
Yes, mind your pees and Qs
Nah, he told me, “Urine charge.”
Related: the name of my fictitious punk rock band was “Urine Trouble”
Alternative: Urine Sane
Hell Toupee is better.
Urine Sane is by far the better name.
Already taken by the best post punk band from the 90s Deep Ellum scene.
Yeah, he may have gone a wee too far.
You guys/girls crack me up. Too early for a hearty laugh but I did anyway. Made my day!
It was probably the Trump mask and MAGA hat that put her off.
Always worth noting one of Canada’s biggest – but not talked about scandals – was the long-gun registry which was supposed to cost around $110 million but ended up being $2 billion. Of course, all under the watch of Canada’s natural scandalous governing party the Liberals who soon after, as if that wasn’t enough, pulled off Adscam. And now we have SNC-Lavalin.
Rat bastards also gave us a carbon tax.
I know. And he did it in under handed fashion because Justin is a commie fuckstain shameless shithead.
Re avocados. But coconut water and milk are safe….for now.
For people who hated capitalism they sure liked to buy fancy suits from capitalists.
People always talk about going back in time to kill Hitler. These three sound like excellent targets to me.
I find that it usually is communists and communist sympathizers that are the most vocal about their want to go back to kill Hitler…
When I tell them I want to go back to kill Engels, Marx, and a lot of the commie cunts that butchered millions they get furious.
That fucking POS Marx was very fond of fine cigars and expensive liquor. He just wasn’t fond of paying for it out of his own pocket. His whole shtick was a scam for getting suckers to pay his way. He really was a socialist and a horrible person, but I repeat myself.
And he still will not go away, after over 100 years, our very own college age youth and the democrats are trying to resurrect his ideas here in the USA.
Stupidity is the second most common element in the universe after Hydrogen.
Big Bang -> hydrogen -> fusion -> light + heavier elements -> life -> photosynthesis -> foodweb -> Derp
Mrs. Teasedale’s wealth was freely given. You back off of Groucho.
And he was able to maintain his eyebrows without a greasepaint subsidy!
This socialist shit came from people that were usually lower upper class members that were pissed that they would have to work real hard to climb the ladder to get to the top and thus preferred to simply just overthrow the people at the top and take power. There is a reason marxism, what the marxist called true marxism, could only come after a bloody revolution.
New York needs money
The so-called mansion tax establishes a new scale of graduated levies, starting at 1 percent, usually paid by the buyer, on all New York City apartments selling for $1 million or more. The rate then increases at $2 million and continues to rise until it reaches a top of 4.15 percent on $25 million. It’s expected to raise $365 million, money that would secure about $5 billion in bonds for mass transit. A previous mansion tax imposed a flat 1 percent rate on all apartments starting at $1 million.
At least we know it will be spent wisely.
It’s expected to raise $365 million
Because we know the new tax won’t change anyone’s behavior to try to avoid it.
…money that would secure about $5 billion in bonds
and avoiding the eventual tax for that too.
I know a lot of connected lefties that constantly get outed for not properly paying their taxes. But god forbid you or I don’t do that. These people will then want us to be flayed alive.
I made the mistake of watching the New York news the other day. Cuomo was breathlessly talking about a “congestion tax” to keep cars out of New York while the state and city were already fighting over who gets to keep the cash. No mention of making the roads better or doing anything to make New York a more convenient place to work or live.
As I look for a new gig, I know I could probably find very lucrative work in NYC quickly – but can’t bring myself to sign up for that soul-crushing commute into a hellhole except as a last resort.
10 more months and I am out. Tick tock
11 more years until wifey retires, then we flee the Rockaways.
Just moments before the world ends according to climate scientists.
What would you do in NYC that couldn’t be telecommuted? They make widgets there?
“Sandwich Artist”
This Colorado sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce a proposed gun law
Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees so much with a gun bill making its way through the Colorado legislature that he’s willing to go to jail rather than enforce it.
“It’s a matter of doing what’s right,” he said.
He’s not the only one who feels so strongly.
The controversial “red flag” bill aims to seize guns temporarily from people who are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others.
Colorado’s state Senate passed the bill Thursday by a single vote, without any Republican support, and the bill is expected to pass the House, possibly this week. With Democratic majorities in both chambers, state Republicans have too few votes to stand in the way.
But more than half of Colorado’s 64 counties officially oppose the bill. Many have even declared themselves Second Amendment “sanctuary” counties in protest.
Failure to enforce a court order to seize a person’s guns could mean sheriffs being found in contempt. A judge could fine them indefinitely, or even send them to jail to force them to comply.
Reams says it’s a sacrifice he’d be forced to make.
hmm… at war with my natural cop hatred.
Sheriffs answer to the people. Kind of.
Good man, regardless. It’s time for pushback.
The responsibilities of a sheriff’s office/sheriff’s department vary around the country, as do the size of counties.
Let’s see him actually go to jail first.
In general – city cops are dicks, rural cops are okay. This seems to fit my working theory.
That is more or less accurate.
Sheriff’s deputy’s job is to campaign for his boss. Municipal cops, not so much. Accountability makes a big difference.
Agreed. I think all municipal police departments should be abolished. There needs to be an expansion of Sheriffs if populations in a county get large enough.
If someone is toting a gun around in the name of government, their employment and direction should be tied directly to an elected official.
My experience has been the exact opposite.
So long as you are a local, maybe. If you’re not you get Mr. Respect Ma Authoritay!
But weed, Mexicans and ass-sex!
I was gonna mention someone’s mom, but decided not to…
I fail to see how this red flag business meets the standard of due process.
Oh. *smacks head* That little FYTW. I keep forgetting about that.
Essentially this. In Heller, SCOTUS said 2A is fundamental right and laws against it are required to undergo scrutiny.
Some circuts (I’m looking at you 9 and 2) decided to pretend they do this but still give government whatever it wants (FYTW)
SCOTUS had refused to intervene.
I bet his oath of office includes upholding the Constitution. Nice to see one of them was paying attention.
Sanctuary counties. I like it.
I can’t wait for the hysterical shrieking from the left because Trump dared to tell the truth about the corruption in PR politics.
Only a racist, etc.
Donald Trump is undeniably funny — and that’s why we should be on our guard
“Why does this big leaguer keep hitting my meatball pitches down the middle out of the park?!”
“how does Trump get away with hostility to democratic norms”
OMG, I, like, totes know! He SAYS all these awful things lol!
It’s not like he’s using phony information from former spooks to dupe FISA courts into issuing warrants to spy on political opponents! That’s just, like, normal stuff. ALL countries use their massive surveillance apparatuses for partisan political purposes. BORING.
Trump says such MEAN STUFF, especially on Twitter! And he, like, banned Muslims and avocados!
“dupe FISA courts”
Only critique, is you give those courts way too much credit. They are more that willing to rubber stamp anything the gov sends to them.
blackshirts and violence in the streets.
But enough about Antifa.
Titty Tuesday offers a delectable dollop of delicious dames.
Uh huh.
Bonus pic is a bit north of the OMWC van neighborhood.
I eat avocados. I don’t eat crayfish.
You may do as you wish.
I don’t eat crayfish.
Same. But they do make excellent smallmouth bait.
They’re too much work for not enough payoff.
Kinda like…
You don’t work Winston’s Mom, Winston’s Mom works you!
I don’t eat fish – except for canned tuna (no euphemism!). Or lobster or any shell fish.
Beef! Beef! Beef! /dies happily
Fish is a nice change of pace, or sometimes just for the halibut.
I saw what you did there, chum!
OK, you really had to flounder around for that one.
If we keep at it, Swiss will get so wound up he could tuna piano.
He’ll need to brush up on his scales first.
Is a narrowed gaze technically the opposite of a walleye?
You are going to take Swiss right past a narrowed gaze and into some serious pike work.
Swiss is always carping about our witticisms
If he could, he’d put punsters’ heads on pikes.
This thread is getting really crappie. Swiss is going to need to reel this in.
People actually get paid to perform studies like these.
1. How the hell is this data even remotely reliable?
2. If you include booze, I’m guessing the number approach 100%.
3. “Chemsex”? Are you kidding me? Let’s invent a term for something utterly ubiquitous to make it sound novel so we get a grant.
-1 Whiskey Dick
Is whiskey dick worse than drunk chick that pukes on you while on top?
Chemsex sounds like a band that put out an industrial metal album from Wax Trax circa 1996 (with guest vocals by Jamie Duffy; and En Esch; and Chris Connely.)
PS I would buy that album.
Trump really is a terrible racist.
Look out dems, some people are starting to wonder about your actual commitment to the black community.
‘Environmentalists are horny right now’: how to make your sex life more eco-friendly
From biodegradable vibrators to organic lube and vegan condoms, the sex industry is catching up to consumers’ demands for sustainable living
Lol. The two times in 9 years.
Does Eco friendly sex life means taking Tree Hugging to next level of the relationship?
Ole’s father died when he was young and had never gotten the talk about the birds and the bees.
So when Ole and Lena decided to get married, her father Sven had a little talk with Ole. After he told him the basics, he suggested that he practice up on the old stump down by the pond.
On there wedding night, Lena comes into the room in a sheer negligee. Ole pulled out a big stick and started to furiously swat her on the ass.
“Ole what are you doing!?”
“I’m just making sure to get all the bees out of there”
Our resident Rose Nylund.
What do you call women who use the rhythm method?
So not cum dumpsters?
I first read: biodegradable condoms and thought ‘that sounds like a terrible idea’
So how far did you have to read into that before ‘we must destroy capitalism’ slipped out?
I wonder how much she flushes down the toilet.
Toilets don’t empty into the landfill, you cis-sanitation-shitlord.
“How do you have sex?”
I have a pop-up book that taught me everything I need to know.
“All the pop-up tabs are stuck.”
“mmm, keep pulling….”
Say what?
Would that be more reliable in today’s world of Fitbits?
The plastic body is biodegradable, not so much the chassis/magnets/windings of the motor or the disposable batteries (even your recharge-ables).
So now you can throw away even more electronics when the plastic wears out!
“Singer’s insight into the sexual appetites of ethical consumers was gleaned when her shop, Package Free, recently started carrying a biodegradable vibrator. She sold out fast. “People were crazy about them,” she says. “We were so shocked.””
…as in, electrocuted, when the biodegradable vibrator degraded during use.
We discovered yesterday that lever-guns are nearly as fast as semiautos.
Any Chuck Connors fan could tell you that.
forward to 2:22
It is something of which I was already aware. I have a ’94 Winchester.
Should Spain Apologize to Muslims?
In a word, no.
The chutzpah is off the charts: Voice of Europe reported on Saturday that the Ishbilia mosque in Seville, Spain, is demanding that King Felipe VI apologize for the Reconquista, the Christian Reconquest of Spain.
The mosque’s president, Yihad Sarasua, addressed the King in a Facebook post: “Sir, being the King of Spain, I believe that the historical moment has arrived to carry out the recognition of the vileness, plunder, displacement and murders carried out by orders of the Catholic kings and their most direct collaborators, which culminated with the surrender of Granada and the breach of everything subscribed to the Muslim community.”
Sirasua claimed: “Never has existed such a fierce persecution and eagerness to eliminate a religious community, as was carried out by the old Spanish royalty in the times of Felipe II, an extermination that culminated in the War of the Alpujarres subsequent to the Pragmatic Sanction of 1567.”
He concluded: “As a descendant of the aforementioned kings, what a formidable opportunity you would have to demonstrate to the Muslim community your respect and your discrepancy, with the Islamic theses, apologising to our community for so many atrocities and interceding for the recognition of Spanish nationality for the descendants of Al Andalus, as was done with the Sephardic Jewish community.”
And what of the muslim forceful expansion into Spain in the first place?
That was all good because FYTW.
Just wait until the guests wear out their welcome. Total war is a thing and it was never prosecuted just because someone ‘felt like it.’ You don’t half cure cancer.
The Re-conquest…
When they do it, it’s called the “Expansion of Islam”, you know, like it just kind of expands, like totally organic, no swords involved at all.
And what of the muslim forceful expansion into Spain in the first place?
I’ve never been a fan of the term “cucks”. But, it’s pretty clear he takes the Spanish leadership for cucks. I’m not sure he’s wrong.
Europeans are chucks these days… Except for our guy Pie.
They should apologize to the Moops.
That’s a misprint
…is demanding that King Felipe VI apologize for the Reconquista…
That would make about as much sense as Algeria apologizing to France for the Algerian War.
Never has existed such a fierce persecution and eagerness to eliminate a religious community, as was carried out by the old Spanish royalty in the times of Felipe II
That’s over-egging the pudding. It was bad, but was also not exceptional or anywhere close to the worst religious persecution to go down in history.
I do find interesting how this keeps happening. And how many of the very same forces beloved by Tucker are behind it: modern communications are emphazing these issues for young diverse urbanites who consume free-trade products and new technology.
the sex industry is catching up to consumers’ demands for sustainable living
Hand-cranked vibrators?
One of these and cob of corn, freshly shucked?
Don’t forget the butter!
Hand-cranked vibrators?
1. “I think they used to call those dildos”
2. “Isn’t the ‘vibrator’ just getting in the way then”
Following Christchurch Shootings, New Zealanders Have Voluntarily Surrendered a Total of 37 Guns Out of an Estimated 1.2 Million
Suck it, slavers.
Compared to 500,000 firearms lost in boating accidents.
Sounds like the results in Australia.
So it will be continued to be hailed as a success in the US?
As if they care about any facts or logic except disarming the plebes so they can fuck them over even harder without worrying about getting shot.
New Zealand has an estimated 1.2 million guns registered to civilians, according to the 2017 Small Arms Survey. That’s about 1 gun for every 4 people. In the US, it’s estimated there is more than one gun per person.
“Registered” is a problem. And as far as US numbers, I am sure we can do better. I am certainly doing my part.
She assured gun owners that the forthcoming gun law changes were not directed at them.
Yea, sure. That is why it is directed at peaceful people that have not committed a crime.
“She assured gun owners that the forthcoming gun law changes were not directed at them.”
Then who is it directed at?
The idiots who will re-elect her.
Not a lock. She’s the leader of the main party in a coalition government. If the next election fails to give one party a majority, there’s no guarantee that New Zealand First will support Labour again.
The bad people. Are you a bad person?
Bullshit Jacinda. She actually said a few weeks back, something along the lines of “gunowners will be given a chance to voluntarily surrender weapons before the government forces them to hand them over.”
No one wants to take your guns. I’ve heard that somewhere before…
I’ll take, “you can’t please everyone Alex for $1000:
“A women’s rights activist in Iran says her heart broke when she saw New Zealanders wearing the hijab in an attempt at solidarity following the Christchurch mosque attacks…Alinejad, who has lived in self-imposed exile since 2009 and received death threats for her campaigning against Iran’s obligatory wearing of headscarves, told Reuters: ‘I felt admiration that a prominent leader and women in New Zealand showed compassion to the Muslim community, but I also felt that you are using one of the most visible symbols of oppression for Muslim women in many countries for solidarity, and it also broke my heart.'”
Feature, not bug.
If the border closes, why would all the avocados stop coming in? Can’t the products producers just put them on a boat and bring them in by sea?
He’s not closing EVERY border, just the land border with Mexico. It’ll probably increase the cost but it wouldnt stop all trade.
The border isnt going to be ‘closed’. Trade will continue apace through appropriate channels.
That’s how I took it. I thought it just pertained to immigration.
Of course, without all those avocado mules sneaking backpacks full of the things getting through, the street price of those things are still going to soar.
Weird thoughts I had this morning about “Airplane” (I don’t know why either):
1. Is the “I speak Jive” funny to post-millennials or do you have to know who Barbara Billingsley is?
2. Does the jive part even register with them?
3. How racist would they think that part is?
And finally, is it like Blazing Saddles, I movie that couldn’t be made today?
Yes. Yes. YES. Yes.
Were these weird thoughts before or after your morning “constitutional”?
Fun fact: Airplane grew out of a Canadian TV play by the same guy who wrote Airport and starred Scotty!
Also it aired on Canadian state tv. You didn’t build that!
<a href="" title="It's a near shot-for-shot remake of Zero Hour (1957)” target=”_blank”>It’s a near shot-for-shot remake of Zero Hour (1957)
So, that looked fine in the “Preview”. Apparently the italics format screwed up the link formatting?
The only millenials I know were extremely offended by my use of the term “Jive-ass”. So, naturally I used it at every opportunity.
not really.
I asked a 23 year old at work. It is one of his favorite movies.
He had know idea who Barbara Billingsley was, when I told him, he said that made it even funnier.
col’ gots to be
“Representative Ilhan Omar being probed for possible campaign violations”
I wouldn’t mind probing rep. Omar, IYKWIMAITTYD.
So a new Twilight Zone tv series began streaming last night. I await the inevitable complaints of its wokeness and sjwness since Rod Serling did not try to put his leftist politics into the show. Oh wait…
It’s got to be better then the 80’s reboot, right? And looking at Wikipedia, there was an attempt in 2002 to bring it back as well?
/dusts off his complete Twilight Zone DVD set from the original series.
The ’80s reboot featured a theme song by the Grateful Dead.
So yes, I has to be better than the ’80’s reboot.
From what I’ve heard the first two episodes are on Youtube for free. I’ll probably give them a shot at some point, although it’s a bit disappointing that one of them is yet another version of Nightmare at 30,000 Feet. Yes, it’s iconic. It’s iconic enough that it’s been done to death already.
+1 Monsters on Maple Street
He was ’50s woke – much of it in response to the racism that was still alive and well in the US.
Several episodes would be considered downright right-wing today.
He was socially conscious. I don’t think you could peg him as being on the left or right exclusively.
Invasion of the algorithms
Today, algorithmic pricing is transforming a range of industries, from taxis to retail. In 2012, Amazon changed prices about 50,000 times a day. A year later, they implemented a dynamic pricing strategy — and they began changing prices over 2.5 million times a day. The strategy has pushed its competitors to do the same — and this isn’t just businesses on the Internet. Brick-and-mortar retailers have been adopting electronic price tags so they can also flexibly change their prices.
Most economists believe flexible pricing is good for society, at least when it comes to overall economic efficiency and growth. When companies can tailor prices to people, more trades get done and more stuff gets made. While some consumers have to pay more, others get to pay less. Algorithmic pricing could also help prevent waste by, for example, lowering prices on produce as it gets closer to going bad.
Calvano says there are three schools of thought about how to regulate the use of these new algorithms.
The free-market camp believes it’s not the government’s job to tell companies how to set their prices, and that the market will ultimately fix itself. While companies are gaining more power with these superhuman tools, consumers will also increasingly be able to leverage algorithmic power to make purchasing decisions. Services like Groupon, LivingSocial, CamelCamelCamel, and Honey already exist to help you find bargains. If you use Kayak to buy airline tickets, there’s a simple algorithm that helps you decide whether it’s the right time to buy tickets. It’s sort of a clunky feature, but it’s likely that such algorithms will get better in the future.
A second camp, Calvano says, believes we should create a new regulatory authority that treats algorithms like drugs. It’d be sort of like the FDA, but for algorithms. They would test these algorithms in government computers before allowing them into the marketplace.
Oh, no. Businesses optimize prices. Not fair.
That “third camp” solution sounds an awful lot like the argument against Net Neutrality.
Nothing screams efficiency like government.
Govt: “Oh look, the private sector is doing something awesome. Let’s see how we can forcibly tweak it and then take credit for it. And how can we increase tax revenue by manipulating it?”
The 2020 Jeep Gladiator Is Even Better Than the Wrangler Truck You Dreamed Of
Kind of cool, but it will be annoying to see them all over grocery store parking lots having never ventured off-road.
People are going to throw so much money down that rat hole. The 4 door jeeps are bad enough. These things are going to get even further out of hand.
Everyone I know who owns one absolutely loves it. Therefore, Jeeps command big bucks and hold their value amazingly well.
It’s the free market, man!
I’m not a Jeep guy but I like this truck – given Jeep’s low depreciation it would be another decade before I bought one though.
I have a stock Grand Cherokee as my daily driver. I take it on Easy-Moderate trails. I have an old ’95 Cherokee for trails I don’t care about vehicle damage on.
Soccer moms who drive these and never go anywhere with them should be put in the stocks. Just buy a damn minivan.
We have a minivan, the idea that some crossover like a Pilot or Edge is “cooler” than a minivan is ridiculous.
Uffda. I drive a Pilot and like it. I’ve taken it all over the West to hunt and it has done pretty well.
I also admit that I love driving my wife’s swagger wagon because of how convenient it is. The amount of crap/kids you can stuff in there is awesome.
My parents’ neighbor has what looks like a wrangler with a 2-Door pickup mod on it. It definitely has Wrangler badging all over it and the cab is like a small pickup. Not at all like that. So I assume it is a custom.
I think there was a kit you could order from the Chrysler parts catalog.
Yes, they make an aftermarket conversion kit for the two door JK.
This based on the next iteration the JL.
I just traded my low mileage 12 year old JK in on a new car and they hold their value amazingly well.
Wrongthink! Unperson!
When Google announced an external advisory board for AI projects last week, the company framed the decision as a step forward in accountability. Last year, the company had announced a set of principles for how to build AI tools, and this board, the company suggested, was the next step toward a more transparent Google.
But some members of the new board drew immediate scrutiny, especially Kay Coles James, president of the conservative Heritage Foundation. On social media, some characterized the decision as an attempt to cater to conservatives at the expense of true expertise in the field. By Saturday, one AI expert who was invited to the board had dropped out, vaguely noting that it may not be “the right forum” for the work.
Privately, several Google employees were also livid about the decision to include James, according to sources familiar with the discussions. On internal message boards, employees described James as “intolerant” and the Heritage Foundation as “amazingly wrong” in their policies on topics like climate change, immigration, and, particularly, on issues of LGBTQ equality. A person with James’ views, the employees said, “doesn’t deserve a Google-legitimized platform, and certainly doesn’t belong in any conversation about how Google tech should be applied to the world.”
What a fragile reality they live in, that the mere existence of people who do not agree with them can bring it crashing down.
That company is poison. I have a skillset that would be perfect for their research division and they couldn’t pay me enough to work there. Truly evil.
Flagging bare tiddy pics isn’t a skillset.
But it is lucrative
Yeah, I’d avoid that place like the plague. I know a chick who moved out there to work for them. The pay’s pretty good–not great, mind you, good–and there’s definitely a cachet that comes with living in that area and working for Google, but it’s pretty much a cult. She’s not planning on staying.
Yeah, screw that shit. What a bunch of assholes.
This sort of idiocy is only going to get worse. Google has appeased the social justice cadres time and time again. But, each time they go along, standing up to them gets harder. And the social justice mobs know that. And their demands will only get more aggressive.
employees described James as “intolerant” and the Heritage Foundation as “amazingly wrong” in their policies on topics like climate change, immigration, and, particularly, on issues of LGBTQ equality. A person with James’ views, the employees said, “doesn’t deserve a Google-legitimized platform, and certainly doesn’t belong in any conversation about how Google tech should be applied to the world.”
The specific example of her they quoted – i.e. the most awfullest troglo-alt-right-wing thing they could come up with – was something about trannies horning in on real women’s progress. You know, like is actually happening in sports.
These people are mental.
To be fair, her background is in law and administration, not tech. But to play devil’s advocate, she is a Woman of Color, where tah diversitay!?
Most of Google’s actual corporate board is legal and business, not tech.
Those tech fucks are mostly male and many of them white, and they can’t be trusted to have the right opinions.
This is one of the reasons I’m excising Google from my life. Brave uses Chromium, which is the open source core behind Chrome. Duckduckgo is, IMO, now as good as if not better than Google for search. OpenStreetMaps is a good substitute for Google Maps. SpiderOak does a reasonably-priced backup a la Google Drive and is also encrypted.
I interviewed there several years ago. They really do think their shit don’t stink.
The same week I post my crappy high school band, my high school makes national news.
I wish I could take credit for such a brilliant move, but this was the work of some other young visionary.
NB: They blurred the image and it’s already been taken down from Bing. PUSSIES.
At least it wasn’t a swastika.
Also LOL why even bother with the picture if you’re just going to blur it? It’s not like it’s attached to a body.
I’m impressed they could keep it a secret that long.
That’s pretty awesome. Congrats to the pranksters.
In college, some guys in the bio-chem lab mixed up a high-potency fertilizer. They use this to write “Fuck” on some unpleasant prof’s front lawn. He had to mow the lawn every couple of days for most of the summer.
Don’t buy a Jeep Gladiator, if you want four wheel drive.
Get something practical
Speaking of the Memory Hole, what ever became of Bernie’s wife’s bank fraud escapade? Was that another one of those “no reasonable prosecutors” calls?
If you remember Bernie was livid about being screwed in the primary then all of a sudden he endorsed Clinton and I dont remember hearing another peep about his wife after that. I am sure it is just a coincidence.
If he looks like a legit contender, it will resurface. I’m sure there is a manila envelope that will be presented to him if he doesn’t back Kamala/Beto/Booker/whoever.
Bernie is actually far enough left to satisfy the commies who have taken over the democrat party. Biden isn’t. Beto is a mystery at this point. But I don’t see either Biden or Beto towing the proggie lion far enough. The Buttplug guy either. Some are even calling him ‘the centrist’. That just won’t do. So if Bernie rises to the top, I won’t be too surprised.
Beto and Buttchug are furiously bulking up their lefty bonafides with support for that constitutional amendment to eliminate the electoral college AKA Civil War II Electric Boogaloo. I would say Biden is a shoo-in merely for being the least crazy whackadoodle in that bunch, except for that pesky sex and race flaw. So with him out, and the rest of them floating increasingly more totalitarian shit, I predict policy won’t matter. Winner: Harris.
Assuming Hilldawg doesn’t enter.
Federal prosecutors declined to press charges.
Clean technology!
Tesla Inc will pay a $31,000 penalty and purchase $55,000 in emergency response equipment for a California city under a settlement reached with the Environmental Protection Agency over federal hazardous waste violations at its automotive factory, the government said Monday.
The EPA said in a statement that Tesla will take specific steps to properly manage hazardous wastes at its factory after unannounced inspections in 2017 to its Fremont, California factory. The EPA said Tesla had failed to comply with air emissions standards for equipment leaks and management requirements for generators of hazardous wastes.
Do your part to save the earth. Buy a zero emissions car. Maybe two.
The. Dean. of. a. Law. School.
They’ve got turning young minds to mush down to a science.
No. I’ve met people that teach in law schools. They don’t “do science.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the faculty report directly to the university? Who’s in charge here?
The inmates. I thought that was clear.
In a statement to Campus Reform, Chemerinsky said, “Berkeley’s policies are open to all ideas and views. The campus has no discriminatory policies.
Milo Y. and Ben Shapiro could not be reached for comment.
The campus has no discriminatory policies.
Nice little piece of misdirection and question-begging,
I believe the issue is, do they have discriminatory practices.
I wish whenever they proclaim something “unconstitutional” they would specify the article or amendment that it violates.
Article 1 section 8 is usually the part violated. If it isn’t on that list anything the Government does is unconstitutional.
Except the numbskull is claiming that not providing federal funds somehow violates the constitution.
New Left sure can’t keep their hands out of the cookie jar. Doesn’t bode well for the country.
“These bans are most often based on characteristics of guns that are not directly tied to their lethality”
Impossible, the guns lethality is directly proportional to how scary they look to liberal pussies. Just like if you put racing strips and decals on a Pinto, it will go like 1000 mph. Liberals f’n love science and their Top Men are so smart.
Shhhh! Don’t tell them that a wood stock Mini-14 is functionally identical to an AR!
My shooting buddy just bought one. I’m looking forward to shooting it.
I have one and it’s probably the most reliable weapon I own. I’m trying to think of a single malfunction I’ve had in 10 years of shooting it and not coming up with anything.
Excellant. I’ve been been thinking about a AR pistol with a “stabilizing brace”. I saw Ruger just came out with one. May just end up getting a new upper for my Colt A2.
I had a failure to extract on the 1791st round fired through my CZ Shadow 2. I guess that means I should clean it.
Just try a couple squirts of oil first. Lol.
Biden/Ukraine: where’s that investigation?
On Clinton’s server.
It got wiped. Like with a cloth.
We need to hire a special investigator. I hear Mueller is available.
I’m sure he was granted immunity from prosecution while the FBI was investigating them. We wouldn’t want to harm anyone with laws or consequences.
Not with a D behind their name.
Man Behind Fatal ‘Swatting’ Gets 20 Years
Put the cops in there with him.
Yeah, and this.
Of course nothing happens to the cops for killing an innocent person. Swatting is one of the stupidest things ever. I was wondering how long it would be before someone was killed.
IIRC the guy heard a commotion or saw lights and went to the front door and opened it to see what was going on. From the description of what happened it sounds like some jumpy cop had his safety off and finger on the trigger and fired his rifle on accident. Dude just went to the door in his pajamas unarmed and was shot dead on his doorstep with no warning.
And the cop claimed “furtive movement toward waistband” and hey, presto, good shoot!
The gun discharged and someone was hit. It’s just the sort of things guns do.
“Dude just went to the door in his pajamas unarmed and was shot dead on his doorstep with no warning.”
And this is just the sort of thing you should expect might happen if you call the cops. Calling them on purpose with malicious intent is just pure stupidity. I have to agree, 20 years is not enough for that idiot. He needs to be removed from society for good before he gets someone else killed.
20 years is better than nothing but in my opinion not enough. How about he sits in a jail cell until he can put back what he took away? That would work for me.
Agreed. It was premeditated murder, he just used the cops as the weapon. Life without parole.
The heroes in blue should face manslaughter charges too.
Look, they were just playing army men. Why don’t you want the cops to have any fun? Anyway, that cell phone looked exactly like a gun.
Hapless Hit Men. Speaking of hit men, watched John Wick 2 last night. Was decent.
“Hope everyone is [*inaudible*] happy now”. Lol
I get a lot of false positives on my blind spot lights when it’s raining with my Nissan.
I had a similar problem with the auto brake system on my Honda. Was easily 30 yards behind a vehicle turning right and it decided to slam on the breaks. People around me looked at me like I was a moron. I turned off that feature immediately.
*brakes* stupid autocorrect
Scary. Good thing you weren’t rear ended.
I have to turn off the lane departure warning on my Tuscon before it drives me crazy. ‘I’m not over the fucking line, stop beeping at me!’.
The state DOT has been grooving wake up strip into the pavement. Except now they’re on the inside of the fog line 4-6 inches. Dumbshits. Put it in the outside for when people actually leave the lane, not just moving away from the center line.
They’re just making room for the inevitable bike path coming with the restripe.
I know a guy who drives like a fucking raccoon. Ever been around a raccoon? Their hands are touching everything around them frantically, constantly. This guy touches everything in the car over and over except the steering wheel. His eyes are everywhere except on the road. The last time I rode with him he nearly wrecked twice. Fuck that. I will do the driving from now on. Keep your goddamned hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. You can dig out papers or look at your text messages later.
I may sound a bit harsh but after seeing a dozen people per year dismembered, killed and maimed on the road, it isnt for no reason. You are traveling at a high rate of speed in over a ton of steel. Others lives and your own depend on you being safe. You dont have anywhere to go or anything to do so important as to put that at risk. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
-my point: I will do the driving, not some dipshit computer that was probably programmed by someone who has been alive for less time that I have been driving a car.
Ever been around a raccoon?
But this is the first time I’ve been asked the question. So there’s that.
Dont y’all have shitloads of trash pandas up there in mini-soda? Lots of people here will rescue abandoned babies and keep them as pets. I figured that is the case there as well. They are charming little creatures and damned smart with opposable thumbs…which makes them a super pain in the ass. Like I said…hands always moving, touching etc. They will get in every cabinet, refrigerator, pick every lock and latch in the house. It takes them no time to figure out how to turn the water on in the sinks to drink and then walk off and leave it running.
Super. Pain. In. The. Ass.
We have tons of the little vermin, but I’ve never seen them kept as pets. Seen plenty of garbage cans tipped over, though.
I had a big trash panda on my porch one night, I opened the door and he started to take off, then he turns around and looks at me like I can take this guy and starts walking back towards the trash can. Arrogant little dumbass.
Gets me everytime.
For laughs give one a sugar cube. They like to wash their food in water.
I’ve ridden with a guy who thinks a good driver must always be touching either brake or gas. It causes severe seasickness
This particular driving style makes me nuts, and a lot of people do it. Learn to coast. Driving behind these people can induce an epileptic seizure due to flickering brake lights. Also on the drives-me-nuts list: Folks who use one foot for the gas and the other for the brake. The tell is when the car accelerates and the brake lights are on; the driver must have a foot slightly depressing the brake pedal.
I hate those aftermarket brake light flashers that strobe whenever the pedal is depressed.
I call it the “golf cart” effect that so many automatic transmission drivers have. Well that and the often high amounts of driver inattention.
Bonus: people driving expensive cars with a cellphone glued to their ear. You know there is this thing called “Blue Tooth”.
I thought it was great after learning on a manual. I didn’t have a clutch so I used that newly free foot for the brake. That lasted about three seconds until my dad realized what I was doing and corrected.
My Pilot tells me to brake when there are cars coming at me clearly in the other lane and I hit a small bump. It’s not calibrated correctly.
Beto is a mystery at this point. But I don’t see either Biden or Beto towing the proggie lion far enough. The Buttplug guy either. Some are even calling him ‘the centrist’. That just won’t do. So if Bernie rises to the top, I won’t be too surprised.
Beta just made some sort of call for “breaking up” wealth and privilege.
That should have made for some interesting breakfast-table conversation.
“No, of course not, Honey. Not us, or your Dad. Bezos, for sure, though.”
Jussie Smollet Memes
Best: “We all make mistakes Jussie so dont beat yourself up.”
You’re cool, but are you this cool?
That’s some dedication.
Bet the media will be like this has drug on too long and Trump needs to let it go. Lol.
Why do you think the left will simply not come clean about the whole Russiagate thing being false flag? They are desperate to run out the clock and prevent Trump from showing how corrupt the Obama admin was. It will be devastating for them if they lose this fight.
“collusion between the Democrats and the Russians”
Hmm. I’m skeptical that any of this will actually come out. Guess I’ll believe it when I see it.
And if it does come out the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) will hand wave it away and nothing serious will happen.
Name,names or take a hike.
The Dead Don’t Die.
I hope this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, Steve Buschemi, and on and on.
And a classic song by Love (7 and 7 is).
Smarmy little fascist wants you to know how awesome he is. Obama, too.
While we didn’t get everything right, I came away from the job with some pre-existing views reinforced and some new lessons learned:
Lesson One: As successful as our private enterprise system has been, the auto crisis and, for that matter, the entire financial crisis reminded me that government has an important role to play in overseeing business.
In normal times, capitalism needs supervision to ensure that companies compete fairly, don’t take advantage of workers and produce safe products, to name just a few examples. In extraordinary times, such as when markets fail, government can prudently step in with salutary effects.
That was the case in 2009. Without help from Washington, the collapse in auto sales would have exhausted General Motors’s and Chrysler’s cash reserves, forcing them to close their doors, lay off all their workers and liquidate.
The collateral damage would have been vast; perhaps a million Americans would have lost their jobs, at least in the short run, at a time when unemployment was already nearing 10 percent. Our critics said we should let private capital handle it. But in those terrifying days, not a penny of private money would have been made available to the auto sector.
“Creative destruction” is scary. We must reward our friends for their mistakes, even as we protect them from the inevitable consequences of government industrial policy.
Their solution to companies being “too big to fail” is to create an environment even more hostile to smaller competitors. Why, the unenlightened might almost be forgiven for thinking it was deliberate.
Smarmy is exactly the word for the twink. God, I hate that little fascist.
The housing crisis, car crisis…whole economy collapsing thing was the doing of govt, in particular his party and he fucking knows it.
I like the spike that promptly goes back to a relatively dismal normal when the CARS program ended. That doesn’t look like much of a success to me.
You mean the one that looks just like the spikes in 2002 and 2006?
Without help from Washington, the collapse in auto sales would have exhausted General Motors’s and Chrysler’s cash reserves, forcing them to close their doors, lay off all their workers and liquidate.
Except that’s not in evidence. At all. U.S. bankruptcy law provides a clear orderly means for reorganizing the capital structure of a failed company – Chapter 11. Neither Rattner, nor Obama, nor anyone involved has ever explained why that same process couldn’t have played itself out with GM or Chrysler.
They knew that the PBGC couldn’t afford to take on even 10% of those pension obligations. Any half-assed can-kicking exercise would be better for appearances than letting market reality expose them.