Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! What a glorious morning it is for everyone including WACO bikers where the remaining 24 indictments regarding the massive cluster fuck that happened almost 4 years ago have finally been dropped. I look forward to the biker’s massive pending lawsuit against the city, former police chief, and former DA.
Ohio teenager arrested for allegedly having made numerous Swatting phone calls.
South Carolina following in Georgia’s footsteps with pending abortion bill.
Is this part of that war on the press that the Dems are always yammering on about?
Chinese woman caught inside Mar-a-Lago, during Trump’s visit, with malware on a thumbdrive.
Do not use this technique when dealing with troublesome co-workers.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
112) The other day my daughter asked me why they like soccer so much in England, and I replied I wasn’t sure, but they also like some real sports too, like rugby and cricket. This earned me a sidelong glance from my wife. It got me to thinking, though, about what it is about soccer that strikes me, and a lot of other Americans, the wrong way. I think I came up with the answer.
The problem is that soccer doesn’t seem like a whole, complete game, in and of itself. It’s like the coach said, “Okay, today you guys practice kicking the ball back and forth and trying to knock it into the net, and next week I’ll show you the rest of the game,” only next week never came. There seems to be a layer missing, some extra complication to add unpredictability and interest.
This really comes through in the arbitrariness of the clock in soccer. Think of the excitement of the clock counting down in American football or hockey, how nailbiting it is when a close game comes down to the wire. Now compare to a typical ending in soccer. “Oh, did the game end? Why? Isn’t the score skill tied?” There needs to be either something else that ends the game, or another aspect to make the end of the countdown really matter.
(I also think basketball could benefit from switching out the clock to a point goal—maybe the first team to a hundred points in the NBA, could be fifty in high school matches, fifteen for the girl’s elementary-age church league.)
Anyway, it doesn’t really matter, since considering how everybody under 25 only reads Harry Potter now, in a generation the official English sport will be quidditch.
soccer that strikes me, and a lot of other Americans, the wrong way. – I to much GMO in the food supply?
If you like 2 hour games with no scoring and twenty six fake injuries…kinda like a bad night out with my friends.
I’ve never understood the soccer hate, but I also only watch during the world cup. Not a compelling TV product. Fun enough in person, though.
I don’t think it’s hate, at least for me. It’s just a mystification of how it could hold somebody’s interest for more than a few minutes.
This. The highlights on ESPN are fun – an actual game is like staring at the wall.
It’s a slower paced version of hockey with less fighting and more flopping.
I dunno. Hockey has its share of flops. Also, have a grown man kick you in the shin as hard as he can sometime. Feel free to wear shin guards. I remember one time playing ultimate frisbee and got kicked in the shin. Totally unintentional, but I couldn’t walk for two minutes.
David Luiz of Chelsea was legitimately knocked out by the ball hitting him in the head recently. He also eventually went back in, probably not good concussion protocol.
Think of the excitement of the clock counting down in American football or hockey, how nailbiting it is when a close game comes down to the wire. – well it is equally nailbiting when your team leads but there are 3 minutes of overtime which end at an arbitrary moment, not after exactly 3 minutes
Soccer is fun to play – if you’re in good shape ::kaff:: but doesn’t have the speed of hockey. Heck I would rather watch lacrosse, which is insanely popular in this town.
I’ve been “forced” to watch a little lacrosse while waiting for college hockey tournament games to start (fuck you ESPN) and I gotta say, I think I could get into it. It is certainly fast paced.
My son (high school senior) decided to play this year. It’s not bad. I’m still trying to figure out when it’s okay and not okay for them to hit each other.
My kid played for a bunch of years. I loved it. If it would have been a thing back in the olden days, there is no way in hell I would have played baseball.
I played in high school. Defense/Long stick middie. I hit everyone at every opportunity.
Lacrosse games have been known to get a bit chippy back in the day.
Dang! Yard sale at 0:22!
23 is a stout dude.
Bam! I thought the upending at 0:18 was good, then the really big hit came.
All three of those sports have the same goals conceptually. Many of the designed plays are exactly the same. Put a goal at the end of an area, the way to attack it is to control the ball/puck and send, then feed, the crossers across the goal horizontally. It’s like soccer and hockey are the same sport, it’s just that you can’t stop instantly in hockey, and the walls constantly come into play. The hockey fans in here will get into it way more than me, but the infrequent times I watch either’s the same concept…and uninteresting to me.
I played both for many years. I still love hockey, but I never watch soccer. It takes too long for the plays to develop – you don’t get the spit-second turnovers and counter-attack that make hockey so fun.
I think the bigger question is not why do Americans not like soccer, but why does the rest of the world like it? While the case of England might be a little different, since they invented it, I think one of the biggest reasons is that poor people can play. Really, all you need is a ball, the rest you can improvise. Most American sports carry bigger equipment budgets, if nothing else.
/cries at cost of having two kids in club soccer.
We always joke about this. The U.S. gets the shit kicked out of it in soccer while we spend $$$ making club owners rich.
The rest of the world likes soccer because American (men, at least) are so terrible at it.
American TV hates soccer because it is not friendly to commercial breaks.
“. Most American sports carry bigger equipment budgets, if nothing else.”
WTF? Baseball requires one bat and one ball. Unless you play that pussified version with gloves and helmets.
Bat? We used random sticks picked up off the ground.
yep, good enough to get a game going.
Reminds of playing field expedient baseball after two weeks of JRTC. I can’t remember what was used for a ball. Rock? Pine cone?
This really comes through in the arbitrariness of the clock in soccer.
It’s not arbitrary. You have a limited amount of time to outscore the other team, just like any other sport. And in scenarios where there must be a winner there is overtime and penalty kicks. Soccer is a fast-paced, endurance and technical skill sport that I played growing up and enjoy watching nowadays. But haters gonna hate.
Fast paced? I can come back every three hours and nothing has changed.
The best way a friend put it is that if you think soccer is boring, put $20 on a team. Then you’ll get interested in every chance and shot. Part of the excitement is that scoring is actually important, and yet difficult, but a good team can still get in attempts fairly often.
The other big complaint is about drawing. But that’s part of the overall game. You still get a league point for a draw. And when (if you are poor enough) you can be relegated for playing poorly, it adds excitement to the whole season.
You could put $20 on a snail race and get similar investment. Might as well take the soccer out of the equation and go to Vegas.
No soccer match lasts 3 hours. That is one of the good things it has going for it. It actually fills a 2 hr time slot for TV nicely.
It was an exaggeration for effect.
Though if you insist – my statement was still 100% accurate by your admission. A half hour before the game and a half hour after the game, the field looks suspiciously similar.
Playing a sport growing up definitely adds to the enjoyment factor. For non-players, there is little obvious strategy going on in soccer or hockey, but I’m sure players pick up on some.
And the WNBA has better fundamentals. It’s better to watch.
Soccer field is too big. Waaaaay too much time getting from one end to the other. By the time they get from one end to the other, I’m already bored. Arena soccer in a hockey rink would be more exciting.
Indoor soccer exists. I played both in HS and played indoor in a church league in my late 20s. I am much better at indoor than outdoor. My skill set (or lack thereof, actually) lines up much better with the indoor game.
I played intramural indoor in college. It was fun.
Indoor is brutal. It’s hockey without the pads. Nevermind the turf burns.
Soccer is not designed to be a spectator sport. Yes the field is as or almost as big in American Football however the action is nearly always concentrated in a small area as the play is constantly reset from the line of scrimmage this makes it easy to follow all of the relevant action. In a sport like Hockey or Soccer the important action can be taking place well away from the ball/puck where it will not be seen by the majority of spectators. The situation is made even worse by trying to watch the game on television as when you pan out to see the whole field the players begin to resemble ants and when you pan in to follow the action it removes the players actions from the context of the rest of the game. Hockey solves a lot of this problem by having the playing surface be MUCH smaller and the pace of the action MUCH higher.
In places outside of the US people overcome Soccer’s shortcomings as a spectator sport because they grew up playing the sport, huge percentages of the populations played at the very least as kids if not into their adult lives. Here in the States a combination of Baseball, Basketball, and to a slightly lesser extent Football is what kids grow up playing, even kids who play soccer generally “graduate” to other sports sometime in middle school for the most part. Without a base of people who grew up playing primarily Soccer it makes it difficult for Soccer to catch on given it’s failings as a spectator sport.
This is a weird take. I can’t get into hockey because I don’t know where the puck is and I need a loud fucking horn to tell me when a goal was actually scored.
Growing up in a non-permafrost part of the country, I couldn’t either until I went to a couple of games and sat near the rink. The physicality of the game as the wall flexes on crashes adds a degree of excitement that isn’t present on tv. Also the Avs Ice Girls.
the field is as or almost as big in American Football
It’s longer and wider.
In a sport like Hockey or Soccer the important action can be taking place well away from the ball/puck
I get this. But this goes for something like American Football as well.
even kids who play soccer generally “graduate” to other sports sometime in middle school for the most part.
There’s a ton of truth to this. I played soccer until my freshman year, but the 20+ team leagues from middle school had been whittled down to 16 players for the 13-14 year old rec league. The kids who cared were all playing travel and the kids who didn’t care were all playing some other sport. I was the kid who cared but wasn’t allowed to play travel, so I played rec soccer until I aged out.
I enjoyed soccer and was somewhat decent at it, but football, basketball, and tennis became priority in Jr high and high school. I think some of that is simply because you can play those sports with a group of 6 or 7. Soccer is a game of chasing the ball with that few people unless you find a field for 4th graders.
The reason soccer isn’t more popular in the US is because baseball and football exist and were already popular before soccer made it here. It’s as simple as that. Same story in other major countries where soccer is a minor sport, like India or Australia.
Glad i scrolled down. This is what I was going to say:
The soccer field is way too big. It’s like watching mini-mite hockey (5 year old) on a full sheet of ice. Takes forever!
Also, the speed of hockey is directly related to being on skates. Men can’t run as fast on the ground as they can on skate on ice. Lacrosse is cool, since it has the physical elements of hockey as well as a smaller field than soccer.
Earlier folks mentioned soccer players getting owies. I don’t want to hear about how tough soccer players are until they take checks and lose teeth on a regular basis, or get stitches and come back out to play the same game, or period. Soccer is like watching basketball on a really big field…boring.
I enjoy watching sports movies more than sports itself – Slap Shot, Goon, The Damned United, North Dallas Forty; or documentaries like The Two Escobars, Senna, or Red Army (about the famed Russian hockey team).
Shaolin Soccer is far more entertaining then any soccer game I’ve watched.
Part of the problem with soccer is that the goal dimensions were designed for 19th century humans, not 21st century athletes. A 6′ 6″ goalie can cover too much of the corners. My suggestion is that they convert to metric goals. Instead of 8 ft tall by 8 yards wide, 2.67 meters tall by 8 meters wide.
Those extra few inches will increase scoring just enough, IMO.
Heck, make it an even 3 meters tall and make the top corners totally unreachable.
You mean to tell me the Metric sport uses real units of measure?
It was invented by the English, so, of course. I am sure FIFA has converted it all in the rulebooks, but it was laid out using english units.
Or use tech… make the goal wider the longer it has been since a goal. Adds urgency to the game.
Maybe have snipers take shots at the goalie is my take. Kind of like the only way to make golf or tennis exciting is to have the player be tackled randomly.
I’ve stated this here before, when I was in my early 20s my NPR-worshipping prog in-laws constantly implored that I must learn to appreciate soccer because it’s the most popular sport around the world (the same logic doesn’t apply to female genital mutilation and central heating by way of burning animal dung, however). I reflexively resisted, along with the rest of their lefty playbook, for several years, but got into it a bit when my son started playing.
The popularity of things among people I have never met nor will never meet is not a factor in whether I enjoy them.
It’s a peasant sport, championed by socialists.
The problem is that soccer doesn’t seem like a whole, complete game, in and of itself. It’s like the coach said, “Okay, today you guys practice kicking the ball back and forth and trying to knock it into the net, and next week I’ll show you the rest of the game,” only next week never came. There seems to be a layer missing, some extra complication to add unpredictability and interest.
What. Corner kicks, free kicks, throw-ins, NOT FOULING IN THE FUCKING BOX, maintaining shape, offsides. Just a few parts that are not just kicking it back and forth.
This. It’s a hard game to play and master. Harder than either football or basketball.
I agree with Rhywun below, but gah, JATNAS set me off with that comment. I should still know better *shakes fist at JATNAS*
Also, yellow cards, red cards, limited to 3 subs… 😉
The problem is that none of it translates to the screen. The wide shots required to capture all the potential action cause you to lose all the detail of ball spin, pass placement, etc.
If football were televised in a way that every single player who will possibly affect the play was in the shot, it would be boring, too. One thing that football broadcasters get right is framing the action at sacrifice of the strategy. Mainly because they can come back to the strategy in between plays. Soccer doesn’t have that luxury.
I think it helps to see how ball and player movement develop and affect the outcome. To each his own, though.
This guy might be the best player in the Premier League right now. What he’s doing is so difficult to do.
TW: Video music is crappy.
Truly grand that you didn’t bother reading any of Banjo’s links before plastering your own material in right away.
Good lord. Sports-war is more tedious than region-war.
I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours and thousands upon thousands of words arguing over sports while getting back nothing in return. Not even joy.
I regret none of it.
That’s probably my #1 issue why I’m not a huge sports fan. It’s just all so pointless. Of course that is true of 99% of life.
“You Live. You Die. And in the middle is a whole bunch of padding.”
True, but I think the main issue in both cases is that people have different tastes and life experience. Throw in a bunch of “my way is best!!” and you suddenly have a stupid argument. If most people simply said, “Cool, you like what you like, and I like what I like, let’s have a beer!” the world would be much better off. JMHO.
Agreed. Now let me tell you why my Chevy pickup is 10,000X better than Tundra’s shitty Ford.
Actually, I just looked at the new Ram.
It’s pretty nice…
Guten Morgen!
We fought a war not to have to speak that language. Ola senor.
Remember the Maine!
What? Not the Alamo?
3rd. It’s may third
Or April, I forget.
“Do not use this technique when dealing with troublesome co-workers.”
I can see why this guy didn’t like his female coworker-she’s an idiot. I mean, if I leave my food unattended my office and come back and it has a strange smell, I’m not eating it.
Anyway, if the poisoning takes several years, is it really worth it? I mean, that’s a long time to still be putting up with your co-worker. There’s gotta be a faster method.
“if the poisoning takes several years, is it really worth it?”
The beauty is that you get to see the person suffer, day after day, in the same manner as he/she made you suffer day after day.
Its like watching your grandchildren inflict the same madness on their parents as your own children had inflicted on you. You don’t even have to say “I told you so”
Revenge can be sweet, especially when there is no legal recourse.
I have to say, I am really looking forward to this. It didn’t take me long to realize why my dad said and did certain things. I wish I could go back and not do all those stupid things that ruined his stuff. I still remember the time we threw snowballs at the snow covered windshield of our old ’72 Suburban woods machine sitting in the back yard (which was really only 10 years old at the time…) and only found out later that each one put a really large spider web of cracks in it. He was NOT happy!!
It’s harder to kill someone these days than it used to be.
I don’t think he had a grasp of just how much would be lethal given that it’s been two years, though.
I watched this show on ID where this dude kept giving his wife poison but she wouldn’t die. He eventually gave her some ridiculas amount that could have killed like 10 men and she still didn’t die. Not sure if her body had built up a tolerance by then, but that time he got caught. He was probably like what the hell.
I don’t recall. I’ve seen quite a few ID episodes on poisoning.
Will someone explain this to JB? I have to go to work.
Princess Bride reference.
It’s inconceivable that he doesn’t know about this.
Give the poor guy a link!
I’ve never seen that entire movie. I have seen that scene before but didn’t remember the reference.
You’re (mostly) dead to me.
Well go ahead and watch it; and try to ignore the crappy Mark Knopfler synth soundtrack. But the sword fight and jokes are most excellent.
Maybe I’ll pair it with Zardoz.
re: the SWATing story. The little shit should be charged with 73 counts of attempted murder. (or murder if any of the cops got shooty)
And 73 counts of attempted snitching. Only foiled by the innocence of his victims.
I’m glad the little shit is metaphorically getting it up the ***. But I wish cops were responsible for their trigger happy actions.
Finally the links are back to the correct hour.
Fuck Daylight Slavings Time
This is how I can tell you’re form Indiana
House Committee on Oversight and Reform chair Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) wrote to former Fox News reporter Diana Falzone last month demanding that she turn over any documents relating to Trump’s alleged extramarital affairs.
Mmmmm, bananas.
I’d like to see this game played on both sides. We’d need a bigger boat, for sure.
Thumbdrive with malware on it to Mar-a-Lago is brutal in Bad Engrish.
If anything qualifies as “depraved indifference” it’s sending a bunch of amped up baboons to invade somebody’s house
Nobody seems concerned that the cops investigate a scene where no crime was committed, no weapons were present and yet still managed to kill a guy. Whatever you tell them, they unstoppably run with. You could even backtrack it and they’ll insist on proceeding as if the call from the 17 yo prankster is good clean info. Fugging retards.
I thought this was funny, fivethirtyeight has started doing interviews with it’s readers on “controversial” opinions this one illustrates how much people have thought about political systems.
They have done one other so far.
FTA: ” but I think I stigmatize people from big families who are not super well educated and from rural conservative Christian towns.”
At least she’s somewhat self-aware of her bigotry.
“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals will believe them.” – Thomas Sowell
And they will murder millions to prove they are right too..
Kill yourself. Then I’ll listen to your arguments.
>>Since I’m also not an expert in government, so why insist that I decide who governs me?
Just give me any ol’ doctor; or any contractor to build my house, or any mechanic to fix my car. I’m sure everything will be fine.
It’s bad example, but they’re is some point there. Why should the average person be allowed to have a say ? Democracy expects an above average understanding of the issues from the average voter.
Switched to just one point in my mind…
Democracy does suck – perhaps, like the old days, voting restricted to property owners. I don’t honestly know an ideal situation though.
I like the idea of having skin in the game.
Yep, but still not a fan of the rule by majority here…
Yes. Democracy is not overrated by people who know what it really is. It’s rating is accurate. It sucks balls.
Voting age should be 30, with a job, a property tax bill and at least one child. Voting day should be the day after tax day. That’s the way you cut nuts.
Taxes should not come out of your check, you get a bill due the day before elections.
I have often said that if we wanted to end this crippling level of taxation, one year of this would be enough to change everyone’s mind.
I’d say you need to come from the other side too. Voting should be limited to issues that are actually in the purview of all the people voting.
Don’t like marijuana, don’t smoke it, but it’s not a valid issue to be voted on.
I’d hate to see what kind of “think of the children!” shit would get passed with that requirement. Get rid of the having a child requirement, add being paid up on your taxes, and I could get behind the rest.
No child requirement and proof you are net tax-payer.
I was going to add in the net tax-payer comment, but I don’t know how to calculate that.
Gross is easy to figure out, but who gets the deduction for military? All equally? Divided by wealth distribution (Buffett gets more benefit than me?). And what if I don’t think the wars in the ME are a benefit at all to me, do I get to not count that part?
And lots of other issues too.
Even if you just divided government spending equally between citizens, the fact that we are running a deficit means the average taxpayer would be net-negative.
I’m honestly not sure about that either.
Government spending has always seemed to exist in three basic levels in my mind:
What the Federal government is authorized to do by the Constitution.
What the Federal government has poked its nose into but still sort of adds benefit to citizens.
Bullshit (wealth transfers. graft, foreign aid, NATO, DEA, etc.)
I’m sure economists can put a price on these.
But I do think the real reform is putting tax day the Monday before election day, and getting rid of withholding. Write a big painful check and then slaughter them at the polls.
I think that 95% of your second category is best done at the state and local level, if at all.
People tend to forget that pure Athenian democracy only lasted about 60 years, and ended in bankruptcy, defeat, and subjugation.
What about the pols themselves? They make decisions and vote on a myriad of extremely important questions and they’re just megalomaniacal lawyers. Most of their decisions are based on increasing they’re own power or reelection prospects. The only answer is to limit government power.
Whether it comes from ignorance or malice those people are straight up evil.
Democracy is pretty overrated. I would be totally content with a benevolent oligarchy making policy decisions for me. – lets magik a benevolent dictatorship while where at it, why oligarchy? Let us get Lord Vetinari for a start. He will at least sort out the Post Office.
I’m not going to read the article, but it seems like/I’d wager the person in question is mislabeling a technocracy as an oligarchy.
He also mislabeled himself as a libertarian-leaning moderate, whatever the fuck that is…
He thinks he likes the words freedom and liberty but the actual concepts frighten and confuse him.
Isn’t he busy growing a beard and practicing field goals?
lacrosse, which is insanely popular in this town.
As it should be.
“Elijah Cummings (D-MD) wrote to former Fox News reporter Diana Falzone last month demanding that she turn over any documents”
Answer: “Fuck you”
That pic of Cummings from the article is hilarious.
Gosh there are a lot of tyrannical shits in government.
She is all on board cooperating regardless, but only in the fuck-Trump sense and not the restriction-on-journalism sense.
There is a war on media and journalism going on. But it just isn’t quite coming from inside the house the left believes it is in its fever dreams.
Fuck you, you totalitarian asshole.
Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are demanding to know why Fox News did not publish a story prior to the 2016 election about an alleged affair years before between porn star Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump.
“None of your business. So kindly fuck off.” – Tucker
*Major Media outlet refuses to act like a rumor mill*
*Senile old congress-critter can’t understand why*
Hmmm, sounds like someone needs to do some poking around in Rep. Cummings’ past.
The problem is they have, but nothing ever comes of it and the people keep electing him regardless.
Hey, while we’re doing some Q&A Rep. Cummings, I’d like to do a story on that mysterious Congressional Sex Abuse settlement Fund. Please tell me everything you know and I’ll report it.
Part of this is, believe it or not, an attempt to create new impeachment grounds. Last year, CATO interviewed some conservatarian who argued that Trump paying off Stormy Daniels constituted interference in the 2016 election – because it denied voters full knowledge of the candidate. As such, this was impeachable.
That opinion does not sound very conservatarian.
News you can use – today!
Oral Sex Appears to Have an Intriguing Link to Miscarriage Risk
If I’ve learned anything from modern “science” it’s that the slightest possibility of causation is enough for many people to want to make said behavior compulsory. I look forward to the impending “Mandatory Oral Sex” legislation.
You have it backwards. Having children is evil. We must ban oral sex.
You’re the worst Suthenboy.
How many Suthenboys are there, and what’s your rating system?
Hail Zardoz
These results don’t show any kind of causation link – true so what is the point?
Grant money.
Well I am convinced. Women need to start swallowing more
See, that’s the next grant. What are the relative miscarriage percentages for women who swallow, women who duck out of the way, and women who take it on the face?
I know this is a though job, but I volunteer to subject myself to the rigors and pain of this study by taking a lot of money to shoot jizz on the ladies…
The point is better safe than sorry – show this article to your pregnant lady friends.
There is actually a point here and the article actually says it. The discovery of a correlation is an inidcator of things that may be useful to study in the future to discover if there is a casual link between the correlated phenomenon.
So first, can the study be replicated. If not that it is a spurious correlation and can be discarded. Second devise a study that can track if there are hormonal changes that could reduce the risk of miscarriage that correlate with higher rates of oral sex. If there are, further study to determine if those hormonal changes cause women to desire/be willing to perform oral more frequently or if they are a result of oral. If there are no hormonal changes look for other possible casual links between the oral and lowered miscarriage rates, for example the exercise from the movements or maybe even some nutritional component of the semen and so on.
Discoveries of correlations like this are of some value in directing future research to discover if there is a casual link but the usefulness ends there.
“These results don’t show any kind of causation link – there is no evidence at all that oral sex is what’s contributing to this reduction in miscarriages. There are multiple other factors at play and this study only looked at one tiny part of a relationship, and only via self reporting.”
In other words, keep the grant money flowing.
I’d be happy to help participate in any future research.
Madeline Albright in edible panties is here to see you.
+ Glory Hole
I ate like four hours ago.
What you meant to say was “this gives me a strange boner.”
Just about everything even remotely sexual gives me a strange boner.
Ah, being young… When even a cold breeze caused a boner to pop up…
I took a lot of zeros in school when asked to go show my great & mad math/physics/chemistry problem solving skillz because of that particular personal problem.
..and I shan’t for the rest of the day.
That is against the Geneva convention man.. Cruel beyond unusual. They wouldn’t even do this to detainees in secret holding facilities…
Doesn’t seem to me many of this crew would care about miscarriage. They look like a pro abortion crowd
Michelle Starr looks like a peach. No personality disorder, poor judgement or emotional disturbance evident there.
There was a study linked on TOS showing a health benefit to a woman swallowing semen in that it led to producing antibodies that weren’t already being produced, and benefited both the woman and any future children. The part of the article to ignore was that it only required one “treatment” to provide the benefit. There wasn’t need for ongoing boosters.
Better safe than sorry, though.
I tell them it has 12 essential vitamins and minerals and i want to help them get their minimum daily requirements..
MAN! you said a mouthful.
Good morning, Banjos!
Love the tune! The chick has beautiful voice and the sparse arrangement is perfect. Nice choice!
Alynda Segarra, she’s a Puerto Rican from the Bronx who took off when she was 17 and traveled the US. Ended up falling in love with the South. She’s my new obsession.
Thanks. I’ll do a little more research!
So back from a few days in Catania, would not recommend. Except to maybe land there and go to other nicer places in Sicily. But overall in the offseason there is not much to do, and in the tourist season it is probably to crowded. Taormina is nice. Siracusa as well but less so. I did not go to the top of Etna as it was still to cold and snowy. I think it is the place to visit in summer and mess about in boats, otherwise there are better places to visit in Italy. I prefer Toscana myself.
The traffic is rather chaotic and I think the key is confidence. If you cross the street with confidence, cars will stop. If you wait patiently on the sidewalk for cars to stop first, they often won’t; also care is needed as they do not fully stop as much as go around rather closely, but you get used to it fairly fast. If you drive with confidence, other cars will yield to you. otherwise no chance.
If you do end up in Catania, Mosaik has decent craft beers, Bohéme Mixology Bar has decent cocktails, the fish is good and there are multiple places with decent to good wine. If you are inclined to cook for yourself, the markets are full of fresh fish, meat and produce.
There’s your problem.
I am polite on the road, especially to pedestrians and kids, but I hate gutless drivers. Discriminating against those who lack confidence is the right thing to do. When I was driving the old beater truck, I’d encounter people who would tailgate for miles but lacked the guts to pass, even when I’d move over in the lane so they could see, and wave them on.
I can’t stand cars who stop out of nowhere to let another car into the traffic. One, it’s fricken dangerous since you have the clear right of way. It’s your duty to keep the traffic flowing. Two, the oncoming car can wait.
I’ve had to honk on a couple of occasions because of the following: Car looking to come out into traffic going the opposite direction. Car in front of me stops to let them in. Then car must wait until some other idiot on the other side of the traffic lane stops to let them in while the car in front of me just waits as if at a red light.
It’s dangerous to the point of disbelief.
What I really hate is when it’s dual lanes both ways, and someone on the near lane stops to let a pedestiran across while blocking their view of traffic in the other lane going the same direction. This used to happen a lot in front of one of my previous work buildings. I so wanted to shout at them “Just move your giant ass SUV so I can wait for an actual pause in cars. Stop trying to get me run over”
I see that a lot too.
That would be valid complaint until the local police started stinging the shit out of drivers not yielding to pedestrians. I miss the days when the rule was wait until it’s clear in both directions then cross, not I’m a pedestrian, I will win over multi ton hunks of metal.
This it drives me insane. I once b had a lady honking at me because I refused to take heed of her act of ‘kindness’ when she stopped in a two lane highway to ‘allow’ me to turn left.
Bitch, I can’t see past you into the other lane that’s not stopped so as far as I’m concerned you are trying to get me killed.
We’re the attentive ones and we get honked at.
Some nob in the middle lane laid on the horn because I turned onto the right lane. I gave him an incredulous look when I passed and I really, really wanted to ask whether he is, in fact, a total moron.
The Metabolic Adaptation Manual: Problems, Solutions, and Life After Weight Loss
Quite long read, a few days old but found it interesting
Thank you, I intend to read that later. It looks like a thorough investigation of something I’ve been wondering about for a while.
Its very good. The TLDR is lose weight slowly, take diet breaks, and do refeeds.
You know, all those things I didn’t do when I lost about 100 lbs… and got my ass kicked by metabolic adaptation…
It’s really interesting. When I first did a low-carb thing, I dropped a bunch of weight without trying. But then it never worked the same way again.
Interesting stuff.
Oil’s corrosive impact on democracy is the true socialist gateway drug
So, all-in for nuclear, then? LOL.
That was funny T-man.
I was going to parse that but when I finished reading it I realized every single sentence is bullshit, the underlying premises are bullshit and the conclusion is bullshit. It is an amazing work of art. I am just going to hold my nose, sit back and admire it.
It’s a complete flip of cause and effect. Oil hasn’t caused the downfall, it has caused the Socialist states to survive longer than they would have without sitting on a pile of valuable natural resources.
+ Norway?
We know that our consumption of fossil fuels is the primary driver of climate change.
But do we?
nominally socialist…Venezuela
You’re being disingenuous.
drug to the current crisis in Venezuela, it was oil, not socialism.
They were using oil to fund their socialism and the oil money dried up.
“If there was a gateway drug to the current crisis in Venezuela, it was oil, not socialism”
And there were have it. Socialism would have worked if we just had…
Had better leaders.
Not been embargoed
There been no kulaks
Not depended on oil
I think these socialists are telling us that socialism would work better if all us plebes could go back to the living standards people had around 100 A.D.
MD, NY, MA, IL, &. DC are big oil producers? Huh, never knew.
Shoulda scrolled down.
“We know that our consumption of fossil fuels is the primary driver of climate change”
Do we? Do we really?
It is an article of faith! How dare you be a Denier! HERETIC!
In this week’s episode of Who Wants to Marry an insane Sociopath – Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is getting married.
A lot of people are also shallow and lacking in real backbone themselves so it’s not very hard to ignore those sorts of things.
And she still comes out with money. She’s going to rape that guy of his money.
But first she should be put in jail for a long time.
So iron-clad pre-nup, conjugal visits, and a divorce shortly before her parole?
Well she probably won’t miscarriage.
I had sort of heard about the implosion of Theranos, but didn’t pay much attention. Caught The Inventor: Out for Blood doc this weekend by accident and was floored.
She was treated with kid gloves by the doc makers, but she still came across as a sociopath.
Also, not that hot and her voice was grating
I was in that industry. EVERYONE knew she was lying. What was being promised was simply not possible. But she pulled in a whole bunch of suckers for years.
I wonder what the end-game was in her mind – a miracle break-through that would make that stuff possible? Or, quietly convert to a normal mid-sized lab company? Some combination of the two, then sell it all to a bigger lab?
I’ve worked with some minor league sales people/CEOs who were like her but on a lot smaller scale. I always came away from those gigs with the same question.
How did you expect it to play out? You are smart enough to know it couldn’t work, but you kept at it. Why couldn’t you fold your hand and move on? Nope, you kept throwing in more chips and raising.
My favorite part of the doc was an interview with an engineer who called a meeting to explain that the design specs he was given would not work. He said he started the meeting by saying that the laws of thermodynamics would not allow that many tests to be performed in a box the size that he was given. Then, according to him, he was ignored and the marketing team used the rest of the meeting to argue about what the name of the cloud app to hold patients’ data would be.
I was howling because I have been in that meeting.
Did the Engineer take the opportunity to start sending out resumes?
If he was smart he would have taped their meetings a few times first, so he could later make sure they didn’t blame him…
That’s the thing – in the diagnostic testing industry, there are usually doctors and / or scientists on the Senior Management team if not running the company. At my former employer, a Medical Director would have quashed that meeting on the spot. Our Compliance Department would never approve marketing materials for that kind of bullshit. The whole thing would never have made it past the bad idea phase without scientific proof.
I have to believe all the big players (LabCorp, Mayo, BioReference, etc.) have similar controls.
This. I was part of a medical device startup and the CEO was a surgeon.
However, I have many stories about that and other startups where the engineering team seemed not to understand this thing called the calendar and this other thing called the budget.
It’s incredibly hard to develop a product on time, on budget and with the right set of features for that moment in the market. Better have realists in every part of the group.
You should read the book.
Natsoc Propaganda Radio- still digging
The headline findings by special counsel Robert Mueller delivered a political shot in the arm for President Trump and Republicans, they say — how long it lasts may depend on the full document.
Attorney General William Barr told Congress that Mueller’s office didn’t establish a conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and the Russian interference in the 2016 election, nor did it establish — per Barr — that Trump obstructed justice.
That’s based on Barr’s four-page letter about the report to Congress. The full document is nearly 400 pages, he wrote, and likely contains a great deal more detail about the findings and assessments made by Mueller and his office.
There’s gotta be something in those 400 pages we can use to pry him out of the Oval Office. Democracy is in tatters.
He didn’t use a coaster for his Diet Coke when it rested on Resolute.
‘Peach 45!
Is there such a thing as a thumb drive without malware? I thought they were manufactured that way.
Yes. Buy a new thumb drive. Put it in your friends computer. Format it. Viola a malware free thumb drive.
Sir, I like the way you think.
Ha, good one.
I read the article and the affidavit and can’t find any specifics on the alleged malware. Some malware is merely annoying, ie coupon printers, other malware can be dangerous, ie back door remote control software. Would be interesting to know what sort(s) were found.
It probably mined for bitcoin and bought Russian Facebook ads.
/Fevered newscaster
I heard they also found several AOL install cds in her bag.
She got upgraded to CDs?
Thumbdrives… the STD carriers of the computer world.
An American political scientist found that the states that most depended on the rents from the extraction of oil and gas tended to be the least democratic and the most corrupt.
Of course he did.
Illinois, Maryland, and New York are big oil states?
I was just thinking the same thing. You forgot New Jersey.
They keep banning offshore drilling here although I’ve yet to meet anyone who gives a crap as long as the oil platform isn’t on the beach.
You’d think Oklahoma and North Dakota would be better examples. Texas is not THAT dependent on O/G lease rents, but I can’t imagine what the OK or ND budget would look like without it. Alaska kind of fixed their problem by giving the voters any leftover money.
I was looking at centers of corruption, and the biggest are not oil states with the exception of Commifornia.
Well minus magic Norway.
“Least Democratic”
They don’t hold elections?
The 52 wolves don’t get the tell the 48 sheep what is for dinner, so it is not democratic.
I’m guessing “least democratic” = “too many icky Rethuglicans in charge”
Oh, never mind. They are talking about nation-states.
The United States is supposed to consist of contitutent national level states in a federal coalition. Comparing Georgia to Georgia and Connecticut to Luxenbourg is supposed to be legitimate.
so much hand-wringing over a big nothing.
The Baraboo Nazi Prom Photo Shocked The World. The City’s Response Shocked Its Residents.
That’s a really long way of saying – “fuck you, it’s a bunch of high school kids making a joke”.
Stossel: The Breakfast Myth
Banning Netflix from Oscars could break law, DoJ warns
Netflix still trying to cash in?
Ohh. I don’t have Netflix, but I’d consider dropping. They want to use anti-trust to force their inclusion. This is some bullshit.
I mean, they were willing to use the FCC to force ISP’s into subsidizing their business model before this. So not really a surprise.
The oscars are the motion picture academy (actors and directors) giving themselves unearned plaudits. Check out the consistant disparity between nominees, winners, and what the audience regards as a good movie.
* Unfinished thought
This means that it’s not actually a public event, and they can leave whoever they want out of the awards and ceremonies.
Unfortunately, what gets lost are the technical Oscars which are not glamorous (a tent in a parking lot one year) and covered only by the industry press. These are legit awards for technical innovation and excellence – the sciences part of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Wow, I was wondering how this could possibly run afoul of any federal laws. Anti-trust.
Amazing how fascism sneaks up on you and you look around and ask….how the fuck did we get here?
Trains, Suthen, always trains.
5 bucks says this has something to do with Obama being on board with Netflix.
Not taking that bet.
Re the bikers. Reminds me of the that hilarious scene when Tony Soprano held up a wine bottle (got after robbing a couple of bikers) and said to Christopher ‘We’re the vipers!’
Smut above the rest: Amsterdam opens ‘5D Porn’ sex cinema in its Red Light District that has air jets, water cannons and vibrating seats
No Smell-a-Vision?
Sounds… Vomit inducing.
Each seat has a rotting scallop under it.
You know Adam and Eve were kicked out of paradise, not because of the fact she plucked the apple, ate it, and shared it with Adam, but because she went swimming and made the fish all stink pissing off God, right?
I would swear on a stack of Bibles that was a skit from Kentucky Fried Movie.
Rapper 50 Cent sells massive Connecticut mansion at 84% loss
Rapper 50 Cent’s sprawling mansion in Connecticut, which has been on the market Opens a New Window. almost 12 years, just sold for a fraction of the original listing price.
So he didn’t even get fifty cents on the dollar.
Basically nickel and dimed…
I thought it is ‘fity cent’.
It is sad really. Amazingly talented people with no money skills.
Mansions rarely sell for anything close to list price. There just isn’t enough demand.
Not in CT. That used to be a tax-haven for New York based stock brokers. Since the state went full-blue wild with wealth taxes, the high-end housing market has crashed as all those millionaires now call Florida home.
Especially for some shithole in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut”. I was wondering if he had some scam going when he bought the property, cause nobody with any business sense wanted to touch that because this state is such a shithole to property owners.
I once heard an interview about how it was pronounced – (paraphrasing, from memory) “if you normally say ‘fiddy’ then call me ‘Fiddy Cent,’ if you normally say ‘fifty’ call me “Fifty Cent.”
How about ‘Curtis’?
My theory with expensive homes – I’ve seen this on the lake shore where multi-millions “cottages” are built by wealthy people – goes like this:
Only a slice of a slice of the population can afford to buy these homes. And most of these wealthy people would rather build their own vision of “perfection” than buy someone else’s. And inheritors want the money, not the house.
Case in point: my parents old house was a rather modest log cabin on Lake Michigan. Two lots to the north of them two radiologists built a massive home with a 5-stall garage, soapstone (?) fireplace on the main floor, separate apartments for all of their kids on the bottom floor, a walkway between the two highest rooms in the house, etc
The husband died … the house went up for sale… and there were no takers for the $2M asking price. Two years later someone made them a $1M offer and the remaining owner refused to sell.
Since my parents’ lucky break – they got a cash offer on their land/house – I haven’t heard anything about that house since.
The ones that tend to do better on the market are located in stable neighborhoods with other similarly priced houses. That one mansion all by itself, the one big house in town, not so much.
Where I live, prices have doubled in the last ten years. It’s pretty high end even for here, but my house is guesstimated at 850,000. People buy similar house and tear them down to build mcmansions.
WaPo is on the case
Who will be held accountable for the deaths of nine people during a biker-club shootout in the middle of a Twin Peaks restaurant parking lot in broad daylight in 2015?
No one, the McLennan County, Tex., district attorney’s office announced Tuesday.
Defense attorneys for the men weren’t the only ones who bashed Reyna for the blanket accusations. As former Harris County district attorney Johnny Holmes told the Houston Chronicle in 2018: “You got to prove who the bad egg is. You can’t just say, ‘I’m going to put all the chickens in jail.’ ”
Ballistics evidence later showed that four of the men who died had bullet wounds from the same caliber rifles fired by police, the Associated Press reported. A grand jury declined to indict three of the Waco officers who were involved.
That little tidbit about the ballistics report is buried at the end of the article. It’s almost as if they intentionally blew the prosecution in order to protect the cops firing wildly into the crowd.
“You got to prove who the bad egg is. You can’t just say, ‘I’m going to put all the chickens in jail.’ ”
four of the men who died had bullet wounds from the same caliber rifles fired by police
If only we had some way to figure out which gun fired which bullet, but alas…
“You got to prove who the bad egg is. You can’t just say, ‘I’m going to put all the chickens in jail.’ ”
Isn’t that covered by the felony murder rule?
“I look forward to the biker’s massive pending lawsuit against the city, former police chief, and former DA.”
In similar news from across the pond (trigger warning for Rhywun): jury cannot reach a verdict in trial of police officer in charge during Hillsborough disaster:
Thing happened 30 years ago FFS. Why does it take so much time?
Two separate enquiries. First one backed the police story; second one didn’t & reported that multiple cops lied & fabricated evidence during the first one. Wikipedia has a decent summary. This is also pretty good:
ESPN’s 30 for 30 about Hillsborough was excellent.
What was done to those people was unbelievable.
For those in the craft beer world, Avery just sold a majority share of the brewery to Mahou San Miguel. From the reports, Avery sales haven’t been doing well in the increased pressure against all of the newer breweries coming into the world. I hope Adam got his payout.
That is the same company that bought a chunk of Founders, right?
That is correct. They had a minority stake in Avery since 2017 as well, as of yesterday they upped the share they held of Avery to 70%. Avery was one of the first to go big with the big beer trend. They had the demon series (which were all over 14% ABV), and the Leaders series (all Imperial beers). I remember hearing Adam talk once that they were about to go out of business until Hog Heaven (their American Barleywine) took off. I think what hurt them was they were heavy into bombers for most of their beers, and it really seems like that format has gone out of favor at the stores.
I have never been a fan of bombers. I like 16 oz cans, but 22 oz is just an inconvenient size. For a big beer it is too much in one setting, and for normal size beers it is less than 2 bottles.
They work for sharing but that is about it.
I’m about 30 minutes north of the pony border. For me, a 22 oz is fine if you’re going to pound it or if it’s below, say, 50F, but it’s useless otherwise.
I drink beer slowly. 12 ounces just start getting warm at the end. 22 would be tepid just over half way. Pounding was back in the eighties for me.
I’ll pour about half the bomber into a snifter (since it’s usually high ABV), stick a stopper in it and put it back in the fridge while I sip through the first one. I still have a bomber of this to work through some weekend.
I like Avery, but they have never “wow”ed me with anything.
Their White Rascal is a travesty, like a hate crime in your mouth.
I like it.
It’s just my hop hate.
Okay UCS, calm down.
How dare you insult him like that?
I just don’t like hops. I have a very wide palate otherwise.
You need a pair of hop handling gloves.
I wonder how open these records are. Six gutsy Minnesodans have already been bounced from the jury pool for the Noor trial.
I say gutsy because some of them expressed anti-Somali sentiments in the questionnaire. If those records are open, I look forward to their lives getting ruined by outrage mobs. “Look I said that shit, so I wouldn’t have to sit on that stupid jury and waste weeks of my time.”
Or, they were following advice on “How to get out of Jury Duty”
Aunt Carol’s Bad Advice on Jury Duty
I don’t know how jury selection works in MN, but why would you be surprised people were ‘bounced’?
Also this:
“Most of the excused potential jurors expressed anti-Somali sentiments or said they’ve already decided that Noor is guilty or not guilty.”
This could mean only one expressed anti Somali sentiment and 3 had pre-judged.
Sorry, I didn’t mean I was surprised that they were bounced from the jury.
I was just wondering if the old tactic of saying outlandish stuff on a juror questionnaire is still valid. Can some slob who doesn’t want to be on a jury that is going to spend weeks in court and then be vilified no matter what verdict is returned get away with writing “I hate those Somalis” in his answers?
The poor guy walks out of court happy he can get back to his life only to wake up the next day to find out that the SJW’s have gotten a hold of his answers and are now calling for his head on Twitter.
I was advised against that tactic when I was in a jury pool recently by my uncle-in-law who’s a circuit court judge. At least in my county judges can and will find you in contempt if they think you’re purposely trying to avoid being selected for a jury. BUT, in my case, having a relative even by marriage who works for the court will often get you out of it. My dad was a sheriff’s deputy in a neighboring county, too, and I have a cousin in the local PD, so I’ve got the trifecta.
My girlfriend’s a judge. You wouldn’t know her, she goes to another court.
You’re not Cal Ripken, Jr., are you? Never mind, you don’t have to answer that.
Just kidding. Apparently he’s involved with a woman who’s an Anne Arundel County circuit court judge and got a place in town to be close. My wife and I try to guess which house he bought on our way to the local.
Didn’t the Orioles hold up starting a game so he could get there on time after he was banging someone else’s wife?
It’s horseshit.
Where the fuck it the anti-Somali shit?
Fuck you, Red Star.
Where the fuck it the anti-Somali shit?
In the secret hearts of most native Minnesodans?
And I see that my rage led me to incorrectly identify the commie media outlet.
The only one of those that fits the media description is the one who already decided to acquit. None of the others are anti-Somali or had decided Noor was guilty.
Most of the excused potential jurors expressed anti-Somali sentiments or said they’ve already decided that Noor is guilty or not guilty.
“Anti-Somali sentiments” like, “I can’t help wondering if that affirmative action hire was really qualified”?
Countdown on how long before this study is used by some lawmaker to propose a law that mandates that employers must allow women to work from home while they are pregnant.
I was thinking about the oral sex / pregnancy article. Employers could start providing private rooms for that activity for the expecting Moms.
Those used to be called your boss’ office.
He was just concerned about the baby’s health.
TW: Vox
The Great Awokening
A hidden shift is revolutionizing American racial politics — and could transform the future of the Democratic Party.
Vox. You clicked on Vox. Then you linked to it.
Y’all realize these commie rags would probably evaporate overnight if they had no hate-readers?
All this might be true as far as it goes, but I’m skeptical about how many people would fall into the “white liberal” demographic in the country as a whole. I think a lot of the reason they’re so visible is because they define themselves loudly and frequently in contrast to a more moderate majority. Also, I realize it’s Vox, but this has been going on for decades. The “far right” politics referred to of late are in large part a response to the long-term, persistent move to the left that the Democrats and media have taken.
“I dont know anyone that voted for Nixon!”
Fair point. At least among people who graduated from Annapolis Senior High School in 1996 and smoked in the bathroom, or have been seen with me at local bars during happy hour, most are either apolitical or are not woke, while a slim minority are full-tilt Maddow.
they define themselves loudly and frequently in contrast to a more moderate majority
And they’re vile morality police.
far to the left on questions of race and racism
There is left or right on race and racism. You either are racist or you are not. (and if your world view and self worth are based on your skin pigment and that of others, you are a racist)
I do like the term “Great Awokening”. Perfectly capture the marginal literacy and quasi-religious fervor of the whole thing.
In the past five years, white liberals have moved so far to the left on questions of race and racism that they are now, on these issues, to the left of even the typical black voter.
Those colored folks don’t even know what’s good for them.
CNN’s entire prime time line up garnered 2,474,000 total viewers compared to Carlson’s 3,475,000 total viewers.
Ratings from Nielsen Media Research for 03/25-03/29:
FOX News Tucker Carlson: 3,475,000 total viewers; 625,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic
CNN Cooper: 810,000 total viewers; 203,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic
CNN Cuomo: 875,000 total viewers; 217,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic
CNN Lemon: 789,000 total viewers; 228,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic
Now if Tucker would come around to the freedom side of the marijuana debate.
Unreliable Eunuch
CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter had a unique explanation Wednesday night for why CNN and MSNBC’s ratings are plummeting since the conclusion of the Mueller investigation.
Stelter wrote in his newsletter “Reliable Sources” Wednesday night that viewers aren’t tuning in to CNN and MSNBC because “there hasn’t been much news” since special counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report on Russian collusion to Attorney General Bill Barr. Fox News has not been affected by the alleged slow news week, Stelter reasoned, because Barr’s letter on the Mueller findings is “being celebrated like a sequel to election night.”
“We are going to win so much you are going to get tired of winning!”
He was half right.
Hasn’t been much news, eh? Well, if they sent correspondents anywhere outside the DC Beltway they might accidentally stumble upon some.
In his world, if its not anti-Trump, its not news.
I have not been following the Chicago election, but it looks like the new mayor is a champion of intersectionality (black, woman, gay). Anyone know anything else about her?
What else is there to know?
We’ve got her genitalia, skin color, and what she likes to fuck.
Don’t be so cisnormative, Scruffs. We don’t know what she’s got down there.
She’s got a “D” after her name?
She’s from Massillon, OH; but my morning news brief only mentioned that she was a gay black woman.
Chicago is fucked?
That was true anyway it went.
News at 11….ten years ago?
I was talking to a Realtor(tm) friend the other day. He says it’s hard to find a house in NW Indiana now. They are selling within hours. This is because a) people bought houses when interest rates were low, and are happy where they are, and b) people are moving from Illinois in droves, preferring to work in Illinois but live in Indiana. I can’t imagine that this new mayor will improve Chicago’s financial situation in any way.
Typical lying realtor.
And not lying so much as peddling everything but the number one reason.
Drive through Lansing, Lynwood, Lynwood, Sauk Village… The amount of blockbusting going on just west of the border is staggering. Twenty-five years ago it was Dolton, South Holland, Riverdale, Calumet City. Fifty years ago it was Harvey, Markham, Dixmoor…
Here’s another subtle realtor trick. If you go to and start typing “crown poi” it will popup with “Crown Point, In” in the auto-fill. Click that and the only thing you get is illinois properties within 20 miles of Crown Point. If you replace “Crown Point, In” with “Crown Point, IN” a shitload of houses in Crown Point show up. The autofill NEVER suggests “IN” as the state abbreviation for the northwest Indiana cities you type, but ONLY suggests “IN” for anywhere else in the state. Great way to make it look like there’s a shortage of properties and “Hey, this Crown Point house just came up on MLS – you should probably act fast.”
All I know is that the Chicago Teachers Union is pissssssed because their favored candidate didn’t win. That’s a win in my book.
Will it make a difference?
When it comes to 2020, go West, Democrats
It’s time for Democrats to capitalize upon the opportunity to capture the west.
There was a 1980s conservative takeover of government?
California’s still in the west, right? And Washington? And Oregon? I know climate change is going to destroy the Earth’s magnetic field and stuff so I wanted to check.
myth of frontier individualism
The Democrats need a competing brand
Arrogant, self-righteous, sjw hipster is quite off-putting to many people.
“Tired of being a self-actualized individual? The burden of being successful and high functioning becoming tiresome? Come to socialism and become just another member of the faceless masses…”
Forgot to mention the adventures of feasting on your beloved pet dog or cat. Then when things get real exciting, zoo animals.
Sure we’ll be starving, but it’ll be just one of those things we choose to do together.
I can’t help but notice how often stories like this get printed in respectable journals of opinion like the Washington Post. I can’t recall too many times where writers there offered strategic tips to the GOP, or pushed some hacks vision for the party’s future that wasn’t more of a scolding/attack.
SJWednesday: Won’t You Be My Beast of Burden?
Riiiiiight. Because being blind is no impairment to being a nomadic hunter-gatherer. Because animals with mobility issues do so well in the wild vs other members of the same species. Etc.
Tonio, take the term ‘cave man’ literally. Send the blind to hunt and gather cave critters.
This is leading to Working Legs Privilege, isn’t it?
Breathing Privilege
The social model is the way I prefer to view the world.
I am shocked(!) that you would subscribe to pseudoscience horseshit.
because of all the barriers that are put in our way.
Namely, the physical or mental impairment they have that is unrelated to the social structure
One of the first things I noticed when I took up an adaptive sport is how little bitching my teammates do. We sometimes complain about a problem with accessibility, but that is rare. Mostly we cope by having a very dark sense of humor about our disabilities. Especially the disabled vets, those guys say some stuff you wouldn’t believe.
Our sport is highly competitive, and nobody is feeling sorry for anyone one the ice. The coaches push you and aren’t taking any excuses. I think that’s a much healthier way of going through life. The rehab hospital that sponsors our team is big into pushing people into sports after an injury.
I remember when some jokers were talking about making the BWCA accessible. Some of the loudest opponents were disabled people who went there regularly already.
Yesterday I watched a severely deformed person in a wheelchair order and consume fried chicken fingers and a root beer. It was in a busy food court, during lunch time, filled with office workers. No barriers. Just lunchtime.
Off message
The Australian Senate has formally censured a lawmaker who sparked outrage by blaming the New Zealand mosque attacks on Muslim migration.
Senator Fraser Anning, a far-right independent, made his comments on the day of the shootings in Christchurch which killed 50 people last month.
On Wednesday, lawmakers from across the political spectrum condemned his “inflammatory and divisive” remarks.
Mr Anning said the censure was “an attack on free speech”.
The reprimand, the fifth to be passed by the Senate in the past decade, stated that Mr Anning’s remarks last month did not reflect the views of the parliament or the Australian people.
He had said: “The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place.”
His comments were “shameful” and “appalling”, other lawmakers told the Senate. The censure read that Mr Anning had sought to “attribute blame to victims of a horrific crime and to vilify people on the basis of religion”.
Not fair, blaming the victims instead of white people and gun culture.
Why wont anyone blame the Eco-Facists?!?!
Not part of the usual narrative.
SJWednesday: Get Yerself an Emotionally Close Gender Confidant
My wife must be super woke. She’s never had any problem telling me I’m doing something wrong.
Even when you are not wrong, right?
Add that to the gender pay gap, they aren’t getting paid for this!
Seriously? All I know is I have never lacked for women in my life who felt totally free, nay compelled, to bust my balls on an hourly basis.
SJWednesday: Remedial Woke 101 for College Freshpersons
Excerpts from the Vanderbilt Power and Privileges Handout for Incoming Students
White people;
• Able-bodied people;
• Heterosexuals;
• Males;
• Christians;
• Middle or owning class people;
• Middle-aged people;
• English-speaking people
Me, me ,me…. I’m really close on this one.
I’m all of those… What do I win?
A train ride, dude.
One way.
Get thee to a
nunneryreeducation camp!It’s a good thing I’m not Christian. So that gets me off the train right?
Of course, I’ve never felt oppressed that I’m not Christian. My sister did tell the story of getting stared at by an entire Italian grocery store when she was there last Friday and was buying prosciutto. The deli person offered her a slice, and she ate it, at which point the deli person questioned why she was eating meat on Friday during Lent. My sister’s reaction, “You offered it to me.”
Ah yes, but you’re probably “Culturally Christian” and therefore the recipient of untold and unearned societal benefits.
I was raised Catholic, which means according to some Christians (miss you Jack Chick) I was raised to worship the devil. I did have to explain to someone once why all the fast food places here have fish sandwich deals starting late February/early March (especially places that usually don’t have fish sandwiches).
Well you Catholics do oppose abortion. Not killing fetuses is a totally privileged position to take.
I always considered Friday during Lent “steak night”.
The girlfriend doesn’t believe me that all of us Catholic kids would get served Tuna Noodle Casserole about every other Friday all during Lent. It’s cheap, filling, and can feed a large family pretty easily.
Tomato soup and egg-salad sandwiches — every Friday when I was growing up (before it was cut back to just Lent).
Post Vatican II here, but my dad still had a preference for non meat meals on Fridays even outside of Lent.
Yup! man that sounds good to me right now. Plus some crunchy bread crumbs on top.
Tuna over rice. Catholic family of 7.
ElspethFlashman: I make it about once a year just for the memory. My mom never did the bread crumbs on top, nor did she go the potato chip route. Instead it was Campbell’s condensed cream of mushroom soup, wide egg noodles, and a can of tuna.
Instead it was Campbell’s condensed cream of mushroom soup, wide egg noodles, and a can of tuna
That’s my drunk and hungry go to meal. Easy, no muss no fuss meal, as long as you don’t pass out waiting for the water to boil and the noodles to cook, that is.
Nephilium: My Grandma did the bread crumbs, my mom did not. Hence grandmas was better.
“Privilege is characteristically invisible to people who have it”
How can anyone take this shit seriously?
“It’s a magical force that you can’t see or measure, but it’s constantly making your life better or worse depending on another magical, invisible thing called the victim hierarchy!”
I know Vandy’s a private school, but any educational institution of any sort teaching this should not be getting one penny of public money. This is dark-ages level shit.
The analogy I prefer is that this is the new Middle Ages and the SJWs are Priests of the New Church. Only they can interpret the signs and symbols. Redemption is only found through complete subservience to them.
Privilege == Original Sin
Except with no redemption.
Which is part of why all of this will eventually fail and devolve into tyranny.
Oh, they’re getting public money, and likely tons of it. Student loans and research grants come to mind.
They need those grants to discover that it was just midichlorians after all.
Federally-subsidized student loans and Pell grants are effectively transfers of fed funds to colleges, public and private, and as private schools are generally more expensive, they’re more likely to see that money in the form of big loans.
The Other Kevin may want to reconsider Nashville in his relocation thoughts.
I doubt it is much different at any other school except for Hillsdale.
What I’m getting at is the government influence will come from the “most prestigious” university in the area. The idiocy of Chicago-area government comes directly from the lunacy peddled at University of Chicago. Likewise Harvard, Stanford, etc.
prejudice plus the institutional power
So you’re saying colleges are racist towards white males?
A person of any race can have prejudices about people of other races, but only members of the dominant social group can exhibit racism because racism is prejudice plus the institutional power to enforce it.
This is the most intellectually incoherent nonsense I’ve run across in a good long while. It presumes the non-existence of individual circumstances and that all interactions are those of collective identity. Otherwise, power imbalance between individuals is strictly case dependent (which, in reality, it is). That’s why the “prejudice + power” formulation had to be made up from whole cloth for those disinclined to give the matter any critical inspection.
Nonsense. You have more clout and pull in society than Tyler Perry or Oprah Winfrey.
combination of prejudice and institutional power
So you’re saying that conservative, christian, white males are oppressed on college campuses?
I wouldn’t take issue with something like this being offered as a single elective course. But unfortunately it seem to be a systematic cult-like indoctrination that starts in Kindergarten. Will start in pre-school once public pre-school becomes manditory. The other issue is that they don’t really address actual racism or sexism or other isms, they simply practice them in a different, even more insidious manner.
Individualism is racist.
None of it has the slightest thing to do with racism or prejudice at all. It’s just Marxism applied to identity instead of class. The goal is Balkanization into easily manipulated political groups and, ultimately, the destruction of Enlightenment-era philosophy in lieu of early 20th century critical theory. It’s just the intellectual vanguard of the Communist political movement.
It’s a lot like fundy Islam actually. Shariah is much more than a religion; it’s a political system and a whole way of life. Our K-12 and universities have been transformed into madrassas for progressivism.
I agree and it’s BS. Racism and Sexism are appropriate subjects to talk about in a college course but there is no discussion just propaganda that exacerbates both rather than honestly working towards mitigating.
Mitigation removes the necessity of the New Priesthood. Why would they do that?
Racism and Sexism are appropriate subjects to talk about in a college course
They might be if you’re using honest definitions with universal value. But, this entire schtick is about bastardizing the language to arrive at a pre-ordained a priori conclusion. This is about making kids unable to think critically and blindly accept authoritarian dogma.
Most of the people spouting this tripe are useful idiots who don’t realize this themselves. The ones who do realize it are our cynical political leaders.
“It’s just Marxism applied to identity instead of class.”
So, Nazism?
The various collectivisms aren’t mechanically too different in the long run (meaning, any one of them might situationally oscillate between rudimentary, heavily restricted civil society like fascism or modern day China, or full-on all-controlling police state like the USSR or Mao’s China or the Norks).
Seems like the main difference (and the one that matters the most to debates among collectivists) is which type of collective justifies the kratophilic class’s ability to reign in hell. Workers=Communism. Citizens=Fascism. Ethnicity=Nazism (or whatever the more general term would be). Islamism might be a religious equivalent, but I’m not 100% on that. I was being facetious, but SJW identitarianism is best described as mirror Nazism. If the Nazis wanted to privilege some group, they want to oppress them. If the Nazis wanted to oppress/exterminate someone, they want to legally privilege them. Well, except Jews, where they seem to be on the same page.
which type of collective justifies the kratophilic class’s ability to reign in hell
So its basically the marketing campaign adopted by the sociopaths in charge.
Hey my best friend went to Vanderbilt.
And yes he is:
• White people;
• Able-bodied people;
• Heterosexuals;
• Males;
• Middle or owning class people;
• Middle-aged people;
• English-speaking people
Sounds like a Russian spy to me. Is his name Yuri?
He’s actually an overweight hippie who goes to burning man; often wearing a fringed massive sombrero. Kook is the word. But he sure was fun to be around back in my teen years.
Lol. Sounds like he would be a fun guy.
Middle-aged people
Yes, it’s a total privilege to be middle-aged. Nothing like the onset of infirmity, working your ass off, and paying for everyone else to make you feel privileged.
I’m outraged. How hard is it to turn your phone sideways when you take a video!
Wanton Wednesday features strumpets displaying their big, bouncy wares.
Wrap up 32 to go plz.
100 was worth the scroll
I just love it when people claim Snopes doesn’t have a liberal bias. Compare and contrast.
Pelosi didn’t mean what she said, but AOC meant what she didn’t say.
Snopes has been yet another DNC “fact-checking” org since at least Obama’s first campaign. They only thing they’re good for are apolitical urban legends.
Yeah. They do fine on the “Is this giant talking stone head real?” or “Is a bigfoot like creature raping hikers in the Cascadia region?” type stuff.
>>“Is a bigfoot like creature raping hikers in the Cascadia region?”
For the hops lovers, especially SF and UCS.
or anyone who thinks insane hop levels are a modern American thing.
This is a 1880 British Mild recipe.
Damn. My mild uses 2 Ounces of Fuggles and clocks in at ~3.5%.
Which sounds about right for modern mild. Although, hoppier I think.
I think my mild comes in about 4% with less than an ounce of EKGs.
If I remember correctly, it’s right about the upper limit of the BJCP for IBU’s but it’s definitely not a hoppy beer at all. And yeah, it’s well beyond 5 SRM.
13A. Dark Mild
Overall Impression: A dark, low-gravity, malt-focused
British session ale readily suited to drinking in quantity.
Refreshing, yet flavorful, with a wide range of dark malt or dark
sugar expression.
Aroma: Low to moderate malt aroma, and may have some
fruitiness. The malt expression can take on a wide range of
character, which can include caramel, toffee, grainy, toasted,
nutty, chocolate, or lightly roasted. Little to no hop aroma,
earthy or floral if present. Very low to no diacetyl.
Appearance: Copper to dark brown or mahogany color. A few
paler examples (medium amber to light brown) exist. Generally
clear, although is traditionally unfiltered. Low to moderate offwhite to tan head; retention may be poor.
Flavor: Generally a malty beer, although may have a very wide
range of malt- and yeast-based flavors (e.g., malty, sweet,
caramel, toffee, toast, nutty, chocolate, coffee, roast, fruit,
licorice, plum, raisin). Can finish sweet to dry. Versions with
darker malts may have a dry, roasted finish. Low to moderate
bitterness, enough to provide some balance but not enough to
overpower the malt. Fruity esters moderate to none. Diacetyl
and hop flavor low to none.
Mouthfeel: Light to medium body. Generally low to mediumlow carbonation. Roast-based versions may have a light
astringency. Sweeter versions may seem to have a rather full
mouthfeel for the gravity.
Comments: Most are low-gravity session beers around 3.2%,
although some versions may be made in the stronger (4%+)
range for export, festivals, seasonal and/or special occasions.
Generally served on cask; session-strength bottled versions
don’t often travel well. A wide range of interpretations are
possible. Pale versions exist, but these are even more rare than
dark milds; these guidelines only describe the modern dark
History: Historically, ‘mild’ was simply an unaged beer, and
could be used as an adjective to distinguish between aged or
more highly hopped keeping beers. Modern milds trace their
roots to the weaker X-type ales of the 1800s, although dark
milds did not appear until the 20th century. In current usage,
the term implies a lower-strength beer with less hop bitterness
than bitters. The guidelines describe the modern British
version. The term ‘mild’ is currently somewhat out of favor
with consumers, and many breweries no longer use it.
Increasingly rare. There is no historic connection or
relationship between Mild and Porter.
Style Comparison: Some versions may seem like lowergravity modern English porters. Much less sweet than London
Brown Ale.
Characteristic Ingredients: Pale British base malts (often
fairly dextrinous), crystal malt, dark malts or dark sugar
adjuncts, may also include adjuncts such as flaked maize, and
may be colored with brewer’s caramel. Characterful British ale
yeast. Any type of hops, since their character is muted and
rarely is noticeable.
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.030 – 1.038
IBUs: 10 – 25 FG: 1.008 – 1.013
SRM: 12 – 25 ABV: 3.0 – 3.8%
I bet you mild is darker than 5 SRM too.
SJWednesday: Christian Privilege Explained, Complete With Completely Erroneous Theology
New Years Day – first celebrated as Jan 1 in 45 BC. Not Christian.
MLK Day – While he was a Christian minister, I don’t think that is why we get the day off.
President’s Day – celebrates the state.
Memorial Day – ditto.
July 4th – Ditto.
Labor Day – ugh
Columbus Day – no connection to Christianity
Thanksgiving – sort of a religious holiday, but sort of not.
Christmas – The first real Christian Holiday that leads to a day off, and its date was chosen based on Saturnalia. So, ummm, yeah.
Easter is on Sunday so no national holiday. I guess some people get Good Friday off, so that one would be specifically Christian in nature.
Did I miss any?
Maybe 1.75 days at most (I am not giving Christmas full credit).
There are a good 30+ more that are officially celebrated by the City of New York and for which my union has secured overtime rates. Hmm… I wonder why things are more expensive in The Big Apple? I guess we’ll never know.
Christmas wasn’t scheduled on Saturnalia.
No really.
Christmas being on the winter solstice was inaugurated by the coptic christians. They did it because the celebration of Osiris’ rebirth was on the winter solstice. Basically they synchronized Jesus’ birth celebration with the dominant religion’s analogous celebration.
The celebration spread from there to the rest of Christianity over the following centuries.
So I got the wrong pagan celebration. Cool.
A Coptic Christian church has moved into a building a few blocks from my parent’s house. I thought that was kind of neat. As I was leaving town last Sunday, they were exiting from their service.
I’ve gotten Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur off every year since forever, and not just because I’m Jewish.
A ton of employers (including government ones) give Eid Al-Fitr off.
(I actually agree with the ordering of the days of the week. Not because of any “Christian supremacy”, but because it’s dumb. The week should start on Monday.)
Funny story:
When my daughter was in third grade, the school announced that homework was optional on Rosh Hashanah. They assigned homework, but kids who were Jewish would not be penalized for not getting it done.
Sooooo that night, I come home from work, and my daughter is watching TV with a big grin on her face. I asked her how her homework went.
“Don’t have any! It’s a Russian Holiday so nobody has homework!” she announced cheerfully.
Growing up in public school (and my kid now in a charter school, which follows the public school calendar) Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were always Teacher Workdays. No school at all.
Going to Catholic school in an area with a large Irish population, the High School tried having class on St. Patrick’s day one year. Approximately 40% of the class was out with parental excuses as they were either going to, or marching in the parade. Every year after that it was a Teacher Workshop day.
Russian agent confirmed.
How European of you. *narrows gaze*
The European approach is to start the week on Monday and end it on Tuesday at lunch.
From the ordering of the days of the week
Let’s see…
Oh, yeah, just brimming with Christian iconography there.
Dude, that’s just Norse privilege.
Overlaid on a Roman system originally using Greek astrology names.
insidious disease of white privilege has infected our culture
Replace “white privilege” with “(((them)))”. . .
(Pulling a P Brooks here) @RavenNation
In similar news from across the pond (trigger warning for Rhywun): jury cannot reach a verdict in trial of police officer in charge during Hillsborough disaster:
He was directly responsible for the deaths of 96 people (97 really). Even if he’s not convicted everyone knows this. But it is fucking bullshit that we’re now approaching the 30th anniversary and we still can’t hold him directly responsible.
Justice for the 96.
Don’t buy the S*n.
Not fun, but stupid fact: In the UK, you have to watch what you say about this, because if there’s a bunch of people commenting on the internet about how he’s guilty his defense attorneys can get the case thrown out. This is why the 30 for 30 Hillsborough documentary couldn’t air in the UK until after the 2016 inquiry ended.
In the US, that takes the prosecution shit-talking the case online.
Which was *totally* not on purpose to throw that case. Nope. Absolutely not.
The older I get (I’m 47), the more I jettison libertarianism and embrace full-strength agorism/voluntaryism/anarchism. The state is either immoral from the start or it will inevitably become so.
I’m still a minarchist. I’m not sure if I’ll ever go full AnCap. But then again I’m 5 years younger than you. Maybe I give up and change.
The reason I don’t go ancap is because those evil people who are otherwise occupied mismanaging their petty fiefdoms would then have the freedom to attempt to mismanaged my petty fiefdoms at the point of a gun.
Tyrants gonna tyrant, no matter the government structure (or lack thereof)
Intellectually, I like Moldbug’s thoughts on sovereignty and patchwork but I fear 10,000+ years of civilizin’ has not been enough to temper man’s brutal urges.
When “Civilization” conflicts with the biological impulse, it is Civilization that changes. We will not evolve to fit civilization without something like eugenics being implemented.
I suppose I’m a Monarchist at heart – give me a disease-addled King (or Queen!) who is too busy hunting, or worrying over some piffling court drama. Of course the country would really be run by his (or her!) Minister(s).
Or not.
All forms of government, no matter the safeguards put in place, will eventually have the institutions degrade. Law of bureaucracy ‘n’ all that.
I don’t think there is any question. We would be better off with no government. I just don’t think it’s a sustainable situation. There will be some power structure in place that will be at the very least a de facto government or governments. The idea that assholes of the world are going to indefinitely leave you the fuck alone is naive IMHO.
Why did we liberate them from the Nazis again?
Speaking of soccer, WTF is up with racism in Italy and Spain? Euros claim to be progressive as opposed to the super-racist US, but holy shit there’s a problem there. In yesterday’s Juventus-Cagliari match, Moise Kean (black, born in Italy) was hit all game with monkey chants from the opposing fans. This isn’t the first time this has happened this season in Italy. In Spain there’s been multiple incidents of fans throwing bananas on the field towards black players. It happens in a ton of eastern European countries. A member of Russia’s National Team said black players shouldn’t be playing for Russia.
Blowback against mass migration from Africa. It was bound to happen.
Obviously doesn’t apply to Russia. They’re just being Russian.
Then whycome all the antisemitic shit?
Europe’s favorite shared pastime?
Europe, man.
They hate us cuz they ain’t us.
Given that European antisemitism has been going on since … well, since Christianity became a thing, I’m not sure what to blame it on.
well, since
ChristianityJudaism became a thingFIFY.
Half the old testament is about people hating the Jews an the Jews hating them back.
They hate us cuz they ain’t us.
I do have some antipathy for weeaboos, yes.
It’s always been there. I think that the push to shove multiculturalism down the throats of all Europeans has exacerbated the issue by stoking tensions between cultural groups. In Europe, it’s almost always a war for the benefits of the welfare state. Jews, as always, are an easy target for everyone to agree on.
Yeah, it’s easier to be woke when you live in a homogenous country. It’s like the white high school with one black kid who everyone likes.
It’s not my fault my public schools had an overrepresentation of gang members.
That’s where I was headed which is why we moved. My old friends were bused to the hood and had to gang up to survive. Meanwhile as the new kid, I had to fight white boys every day. Good times.
Not very impressive.
Look, not all white boys are suffer from soy poisoning.
I was bused to the hood from 4th grade on and got picked on maybe two or three times in all those years – by white kids. No ganging up or fights. Not bad for a short, skinny white kid.
Ugh that “grin smile” shit.
Soylent Grin
Meh, I consider it growing pains. It took the US a long time to come to grips with its own “mass migration from Africa”.
And the notion that the team or the league or the stadium is going to “do something” to stop it is laughable.
Did you see this coda to the Kean story:
“Following the game, Bonucci told Sky Sport Italia: “Kean knows that when he scores a goal, he has to focus on celebrating with his team-mates. He knows he could’ve done something differently too.
“There were racist jeers after the goal. Blaise (Matuidi) heard it and was angered. I think the blame is 50-50, because Moise shouldn’t have done that and the Curva (fans) should not have reacted that way.”
Yeah, saw that. At least he’s getting universally bashed for it.
Fuck, if the crowd were making racist chants against me all game and I scored a goal against them, I’d moon them Randy Moss-style and do a double middle finger dance.
You know who else got a little bit cheeky about racism?
Progressive seems to be comorbid with racist.
It’s baked into their DNA.
Russia’s National Team said black players shouldn’t be playing for Russia.
Racism and sexism were alive and flourishing in Moscow back in the 90s. This is not a new problem.
Re: Fox News
I’d tell them to go fuck themselves.
via discount Radley Balko, just the table of contents of the Justice Department’s finding that prison conditions in Alabama violate the 8th amendment is incredible.
Shit. It aint just Alabamy. Make 50 copies of that and change the State’s name on each one. Who the fuck are they kidding.
Theresa May is meeting with Jeremy Corbyn in an effort to break the Brexit deadlock.
“Look, Labour will agree to all of your demands if you add in a provision to kick the Jews out. Deal?”
And allow Maduro to take refuge in Scotland.
Putting Plex on shuffle play is like a magic televisual time machine: Soap, Newhart, Thundaar, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, and Arrested Development, now an episode of Carson from ’84 with George Carlin and Mark Harmon.
I guess The Highwaymen ruffled some feathers for being too masculine and pro-law enforcement. It didn’t lovingly mythologize Bonnie and Clyde, like, you know, a responsibly cynical, subversive movie would.
But it portray Ma Ferguson as a strong female governor, rather than the sock puppet to allow her convicted ex-gov husband to serve additional terms.
Also, since it didn’t get nearly enough screentime:
Behold, the arbiter of masculinity