’Twas a dark and stormy night, they were all gathered around the campfire; “tell us a story Q!” they cried. And the third installment of Q’s Brain Toilet went like this:
The State of Academic Science
I’ll start with a disclaimer in that I recognize there are other scientists here and their opinions may be vastly different, I’m speaking strictly from my own experience. Simply put, overall it’s not good. This isn’t to say there aren’t people out there doing great work, there definitely are, but while the physical sciences (and to much less of an extent, the life sciences) have been less affected by general campus insanity, they haven’t avoided it completely. The wokification of campus continues its inexorable creep, transforming every nook and cranny and I fully expect even chemistry and physics departments to be teaching the new gospel of racist gravity or patriarchal stoichiometry in the near future. You can see it in biology departments with trans-mania; how many biologists might privately hold unwoke opinions about how many genders there are but would never dream of actually making that argument in public? I’m not even talking research here; I’m talking make an offhand wrongthink comment to someone other than family outside the confines of home. Even tenured professors seem reluctant to openly hold unorthodox (read: non-Leftist) views on a whole host of ideas that would have been utterly non-controversial 20 or even 10 years ago. Non-tenured? Fuggeddaboudit. SJW mobs, harassment, unemployment and unpersoning await those who dare step out of line. Couple that with thought policing by grant funding agencies and you have an atmosphere of enforced conformity that goes beyond mere ideology; perception of reality itself must tow the Party lion. Why bother doing original research at all when the Party tells us everything we need to know? Taken together with the “publish or perish” philosophy that values quantity over quality, you have a giant circle jerk of researchers publishing papers as quickly as possible all saying the basically same things. Don’t you dare question root assumptions or work from different premises; that’s racist and don’t you realize the Nazis did that? Wanna see the future of academic science? Look to meteorology and despair. Fortunately for all of us, the major breakthroughs in medicine and technology in the past couple of decades have almost all come from evil profit driven private research anyway. The campus, as we know it now, I believe will be dead in a couple of generations, and good riddance to it. The last thing we need is more Lysenkoism.
Kids These Days and Their Music, Get Off My Lawn!
This may seem like a trivial or simpleminded conclusion, but I have the answer why modern music always sucks. Time is a glorious crucible that burns away irrelevancy, and the further you get away from a particular era of music, the more the impurities and bullshit get burned away leaving you with the good stuff. I may think that the current incarnation of hybrid hip hop/R&B/electronica is intolerable swill, however there are a few songs and artists among the pile of auditory crap that are not half bad. Perhaps 20 years from now, the ratio of decent/shit will have gone up just due to the fact that “oldies” stations have to try and consolidate an entire era of music in one place. Naturally, they’d want the best of the best. As a late Gen X child of the 90’s, I have always greatly enjoyed grunge, but even at the time there was a fair amount of crappiness. Now, however, if I listen to the Lithium channel on Sirius, it’s all only the best stuff, the crap jettisoned. But no Ariana Grande. Ever. Self-important tweeny boppers that sing like a bag of cats set on fire should be exiled to South Georgia Island.
Advertising, Media, Outrage Porn and Despair
Apologies in advance to any Glibs that may work in the advertising industry, but my personal opinion is that, next to public employee leech-hood, advertising is the most immoral of all industries. Classically, advertising is about informing potential customers about the virtues of a particular product and trying to convince them to buy said product. Simple enough. However, what’s the one biggest motivator for human behavior; bigger than morality, logic, sex, even basic needs like hunger and thirst? Fear. Advertising is about fear. You have to make people scared to not buy your product. Scared that they’ll be miserable without it, that there is some gaping deficit in their lives without it. That’s the most effective advertising there is and, if done properly, it is damn effective. As the art of the ad has gotten more and more sophisticated over the decades/centuries, it would only be natural for other industries to pick it up. The news media has been at it for a long time; so much so that it’s a joke. “Welcome to local news on channel 4. This common household product is something everyone uses all the time. But it’s probably killing you. Stay tuned after this break to learn more.” Look at the dysphoric TDS-gasms endlessly being peristalsed on our collective faces by corporate media. Sure the journalists are lunatics, but man do their hysterics get them eyeballs. Trump singlehandedly saved the New York Times. If Shrillary had been elected, they’d probably already be digital only.
That’s why I think SJW virtue signaling is driven much more by fear than by the delicious frubbles of self-righteous indignation. The self-righteousness is a nice bonus and gives the troo bleevurs the little dopamine shots their barren and wasted lives depend on, but fear is the true motivator. Fear of how others might perceive them, fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of ending up in the outgroup; after all what’s “virtue signaling” if not advertising? It’s right there in the name; “signaling”! As anyone whose life is completely driven by “keeping up with the Joneses” their existence is that of a desperate, empty husk deeply in Kierkegaardian despair. All style, no substance; just endless advertising the existence of a soul that isn’t there.
NB: I may think advertising is immoral, but I love it. For one, it’s a natural outgrowth of capitalism; can’t have one without the other. Further, it’s very instructive and character-building to learn that self actualization can’t be bought and that skepticism is vital to a healthy existence. Caveat emptor is one of the most important lessons anyone can learn, and it doesn’t apply only to advertising. To that end, thank you advertisers for helping make the beauty of capitalism function and for teaching me important life skillz.
This is Q, signing off. Remember kids, don’t stay in school, it’s dumbed-down government indoctrination. And c’mon people, why would you neuter your pets? Let poor fido keep his balls! How would YOU feel if our alien overlords decided they needed to keep their stray human numbers down and started spaying and neutering like crazy? I don’t think you’d be very happy!
On topic!
Oof. Lotta bunny boilers.
13, 26, 28, 35, 39
1 srsly needs a fashion intervention.
Agreed. She should take that off right now.
I was really hoping that Swiss was going to use his admin powers to post a link to pics of cheeses or chocolates to show you how hurtful shitposting could be.
How will Q ever learn if he doesn’t walk a mile in those teepee creepers?
I thought it was going to be a cat/cow butt first post.
Speaking of academia, I’m in Pasadena conferring with a few colleagues at Caltech. It’s a crying shame that the Progs have ruined this state, I’ve always loved Pasadena.
I understand there’s a thriving used car market there for vehicles only driven on Sundays by little old ladies.
Heh that’s the extent of my knowledge of Pasadena too.
I, for one, appreciate a bit of cheesecake.
Also, I’ll take the girl in the first picture, the rightmost dark brunette in the second, and the third because, well, obvious reasons.
Also also, that’s a comment on the article!
I want them all.. and I can take them all at once too! Maybe…
My ad:
Read Q’s posts! He loves tits and hates paragraphs!
Paragraphs are tools of patriarchal colonial oppression. Just trying to bring some wokification to Glibs.
It’s like the indents are so demeaning, ya know. Like why bother when there’s a better, like way to paragraph!
Oh, this post woke something up, alright.
I may think that the current incarnation of hybrid hip hop/R&B/electronica is intolerable swill, however there are a few songs and artists among the pile of auditory crap that are not half bad.
Personally, I’m inclined to enjoy what I’ll call “alt-folk” (e.g. Frank Turner, Skinny Lister, Mumford & Son) and I’ll admit that I’ve kind of branched off from there to like Celtic punk (e.g. Flogging Molly, the Skels). The truth be told, I think the variety of what’s out there has definitely improved since we were young. And that’s a good thing.
I agree 100%. Spotify and You People have turned me on to a ton of fun stuff.
Agreed that the online “stations” have expanded my horizons.
Zero chance I would have heard Needle elsewhere (stick with it until ~ :50), or Make It To Me.
Been digging the Americana stuff lately. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUltfO2HtfA
That’s good stuff.
Thank you Tundra. Agreed, good stuff.
Dang. That’s awesome!
Good tune. Trampled by Turtles FTW!
Not sure if this is Americana or not, but that’s what I have them under in my Spotify playlist.
The Steel Woods
I don’t vibe with most of your stuff but I’ll admit to grooving on “Everywhere With Helicopters”.
They can really write awesome pop songs.
Like this:
And this:
Yep, but I wish they’d tone down the tremble some for these old ears…
That’s the whole lo-fi aesthetic. I’ve seen them probably 15 times.
I find the Sirius Alt-Rock station consistently entertaining enough for me. I am just flat burned out on “classic” rock, and really almost anything that is more than 20 years old. I’ve just heard the same songs way too many times.
I liked the Sirius Deep Track station for that reason. The problem with deep tracks was that many were deep for a reason. But there is a lots of wheat too.
The two mainstream Rock stations that I used to listen to in my town have identical playlists. I used to listen to them at work and switch back and forth only to find that they were playing the same song by the same band at the same time and I just listen to the weirdo oldie station and the Uni one now.,
The ability to bypass the record labels and get your music out there has exploded in the past couple of decades. I think the first of the real ones was MP3.com starting up back in the day. There were a bunch of random bands that I learned about just from bouncing around that site. Now, you’ve got artists going to various crowdfunding and other ways to reach directly to their market.
I hate to smash your comforting illusions, but all of that is handled in 360 deals by the major labels nowadays. There hasn’t been a legit “viral” self-publishing success in the music industry since probably around 2007. Labels spend a lot of time and money building that perception though. Sign an act to a subsidiary of a subsidiary, and instead of releasing a record right away trickle out a few singles on MySpace (in the olden days) or Soundcloud or Bandcamp to build up the artist’s cred. Pay for reviews by credible “influencers” on social media and niche publications. Publicly announce the signing of the deal you actually made 6 months ago, and release the first album of your organic internet sensation. The labels actually have more control now than they did in the pre-Napster era, because they typically own a (substantial) piece of every part of the artist’s business (merchandising, name, likeness, branding, social media presence, endorsements, etc – it’s not just the publishing and recording rights anymore). A lot of those functions were handled by artists themselves through their agents and business managers in the past, so they got to keep more of the revenue and rights to the non-music parts of their image. These days you’d be very hard pressed to find an artist signed within the last 15 years that didn’t sign away every possible avenue of monetization when they put their name on the first recording contract.
The labels actually have more control now than they did in the pre-Napster era, because they typically own a (substantial) piece of every part of the artist’s business (merchandising, name, likeness, branding, social media presence, endorsements, etc – it’s not just the publishing and recording rights anymore).
Sounds a lot like the movie studios in the 30s and 40s.
Now that you mention it, very much so.
Fortunately, I listen to a genre where selling 100,000 albums in a lifetime makes you smashing success, so no one can afford to go through those gyrations.
There are still independent labels out there, look towards Hellcat and Fat Wreck Chords. Then you’ve got artists like Jonathan Coulton who doesn’t have a contract at all.
Agreed. The main difference I see is that what is actually popular now – like top 40 – is all interchangeable garbage. Seems like there was more variety in what was popular back in the day. I look at top 40 now and recoil in horror at the thought of having to grow up with that shit and god forbid liking some of it.
So yes, there is more out there, but you have to dig harder to find it.
You have to dig harder in the sense that it’s not handed to you in a neat bundle, but it has never been easier to listen to exactly what you want.
Yeah, it is easy to find if you know what you’re looking for.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you want an internet radio with a variety of high quality, ad free music from a variety of genres head over to somafm.com
I donate 50 bucks a year to those guys because they are awesome and am still listening to Secret Agent Radio on it after over ten years.
The app costs $8. Does one have to subscribe as well?
I don’t have the app, the stations themselves are totally free to stream through the internet. I have it on Bluetooth on my receiver all the time and stream for hours.
Cool, thanks. I’ll give it a try 🙂
Catching up on industry news, you may recall a Lara Kollab, D.O, who was dumped by Cleveland Clinic for saying she would give Jewish patients the wrong meds.
Well, she just got booted from Kern Medical’s residency program for submitting “false, misleading, and incomplete information during the interview and match process”. They didn’t say what she lied about. I won’t waste your time with a link to a subscription only site.
Since karma is a HIndu thing, she must have thought Muslims couldn’t get nailed by it. Oh well.
“saying she would give Jewish patients the wrong meds”
What a goodthinking (((progressive))) to do when getting poisoned by a victim class?
I love your brain toilet episodes, by the way.
You’re dead wrong about Fido, though. Oh, and here’s a song:
Care to guess why?
?? excellent ??
And +1 “wrapped up like a douche”
“patriarchal stoichiometry”
This made me laugh.
Brain Salad Surgery
“Get back on the plantation!”
Just stop the flow of fed dollars now.
That would put an end to the horseshit alright. A good way to end global warming as well. Stop that nonsense in its tracks.
He’s swatting at gnats while the rhino is charging.
The campus, as we know it now, I believe will be dead in a couple of generations, and good riddance to it.
From your lips to Allah’s ears, but I doubt it. The university campus is just too culturally and socially embedded. I want to say that the number of high school grads going to college has peaked, but good info isn’t jumping out of the search engine at me. I still think there will be a serious winnowing of colleges before too much longer, but there will always be “elite” schools – they are just too valuable for social sorting and branding.
I think there is an advantage to face-to-face contact that on-line education can’t replace. Also, testing centers aren’t the same as tests.
But I think online education will be a major part of most college experiences. What I think will be interesting if there will be more self paced or one class at a time options.
Well, it won’t happen soon enough for me. I’ll be spending my Porsche money on tuition for a few more years, yet.
It’s actually been fun watching Spawn 1 navigate the college experience. Even at his hardcore engineering school, there are plenty of woke fucks. He’s learning how to maintain shitlord principles in a woke world, so I think there is definitely value there.
Plus weed and hotties.
Tundra – did you get my response to your bass inquiry?
I did. Thanks for that! It’s a Mexi Jazz with a Maple neck, by the way.
Left hand of Radar popped in with a good idea for a local shop.
I falso found a really good video:
He even uses feeler gauges!!
Hey, thanks! Sorry I couldn’t help with a vid. Good bass, BTW. Hope it’s the ‘brown’ sunburst
Unsolicited advice: Be a dad and tell her she needs to learn her scales. Boring as f’n hell, but it will actually help when learning songs. I remember figuring out Rock the Casbah 30 years ago, prior to Internets tab sites. “It’s just a D minor scale!” (It is – the bass line, anyway). Very least, she should know what natural minor, natural major, and harmonic major scales are. That’s 95% or pop / rock / country.
It’s actually Olympic White (her choice), which is exactly the one I used to own!
That’s good advice. She’s a terrific musician. Started piano at 5 or so, became a really good percussionist and taught herself a variety of other stringed instruments. She’s also a damned good alto.
Sickening, really.
Uffda – I bought a white strat copy Squier, because it was what Sam Ash had for cheap. When that gets me down, I just play Clapton’s “Cocaine”. (It looks like the guitar on Slowhand). Still, ugh.
And I’m guessing she knows her scales and modes already, from what you said. I was amazed how quickly I could pick up songs after them. Sounds like you have her on a really good path. (Or she chose a good path by herself, or both).
If she doesn’t know scales, I’d really rec this. As a matter of fact, I lost mine in my last move, so I’m probably going to get a new copy myself.
It’s horrible when your offspring are awesome, huh?
Yeah… right. Ha!
She knows her scales, but I’m a hack. You sold me – I just ordered the book!
And yeah, it’s fun to watch her get good at stuff I love.
The campus, as we know it now, I believe will be dead in a couple of generations, and good riddance to it.
Even if you hold academic rigor and intellectual life in the highest regard, the only option left is to support cutting off the subsidies and letting it die sooner rather than later. What was there is gone. All that’s left is the hollowed out corpse of what once was, serving as the substrate for that which killed it. And that which killed it is actively looking for new hosts.
“That which is subsidized cannot die.”
With strange peons, even academia may die…
“That which is subsidized will not die.”
Changed one word from RC.s.
Unlike my tomato plants
Nice beach.
“tell us a story Q!” they cried
The poor fools.
Just kidding, I enjoyed it.
Time is a glorious crucible that burns away irrelevancy, and the further you get away from a particular era of music, the more the impurities and bullshit get burned away leaving you with the good stuff.
This is quite true. In the car I only listen to the oldies stations, but at home I listen to more modern stuff since I can filter it better than the DJs.
Let poor fido keep his balls!
Are pet vasectomies a thing? If not, they probably will be.
The ultimate in social signaling.
How do completely insane people gain so much power, so quickly.
I’ve said it before, but I still believe it.
There will be some epic malpractice cases filed by people who were subjected to trans hormone therapy as teenagers. Combine the permanent effect of that therapy, the high likelihood that they will be unhappy, and the fact that they could not give effective consent to it, being minors, and its inevitable.
I hope so, but in the meantime these kids are being Mengeled.
Mengele had actual research as an objective.
These kids are just victims of someone else’s social signaling.
“How do completely insane people gain so much power, so quickly.”
Triumph of the will.
I suspect a rise in parental shootings within 10 years.
I also suspect it will be blamed on guns.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The type of person who goes to college for grievance studies is seeking power and positions of influence by any means necessary. They pose a threat simply because they are motivated to gain power over everyone else, whereas the sane people are seeking productive lives instead of said power.
I was unaware of this twist:
Transgender activists are vile and evil.
The only sense I can make out of all of this is that this stuff is being driven by the leftist mob in general trying to pat themselves on the back for being so woke. It’s the same phenomenon as a college campus “anti-racism” rally that’s driven entirely by privileged white people.
One thing becomes apparent the more this issue comes up. It is all centered around suicide. Parents who fear their children will commit suicide, well-heeled busybodies who think children are all about to off themselves, and a general cultural attitude that nobody should face any distress lest they start slitting their wrists. It’s the elevation of a 13-year-old’s inability to cope with adult reality to the level of societal and governmental policy.
At the end of the day, I would be utterly unsurprised if it were to come out that the rates of suicide in transgender youth are unaffected by whether they are in a “gender-affirming” environment or not. But the lack of effectiveness of these practices will likely be used to justify doubling down rather than re-evaluating.
I’ll bet money that the long term outcomes diverge and those who transition fair more poorly.
Maybe. Especially with how it’s being treated like a fad, how it can give children power over their parents, and how the government is dictating the course of action, it’s quite possible that a lot of people who should have received a different kind of treatment will be thrust into transition instead.
“Perhaps 20 years from now, the ratio of decent/shit will have gone up”
I actually feel like this is starting to happen a little. When I go out, I sometimes don’t feel the immediate need to either play the jukebox or leave the cacophony of banel hip hop. I’m not saying modern music has gotten good, just that it no longer makes me quite so angry. Except for Auto Tune. Auto Tuners still need to be shamed out of existence or beaten to a pulp.
I wonder if it’s due to competition. Kids today have easy access to all kinds of music. I’m constantly amazed at how many old songs my kids know.
I’ve also noticed that story telling has been making a comeback in pop music. That makes it more interesting.
+1 Meatloaf.
Social media is the new smoking.
60 years ago, *everyone* smoked. Then we learned what it does to you…
Since our DriveTribe group went quiet, this is it for me. No FB, Twatter, LinkedIn, Insta, blah blah blah.
I think the Spawn are starting to see the light.
You cannot block my shtyle!
+Infinity for “frubbles” and I think you are really on to something in regard to fear as a marketing tool!
Time is a glorious crucible that burns away irrelevancy, and the further you get away from a particular era of music, the more the impurities and bullshit get burned away leaving you with the good stuff.
I’m at the age where a lot of my friends are affixing onions to their belts and complaining about the current state of music and pop culture in general. I think their creeping senility is making them forget the truckloads of shoegaze bands whose total sum output rivaled AOL disks in the nineties.
Any of us Gen Xers have no cause to complain about shit music today. There was a _lot_ of shit when we were growing up. Nostalgia doesn’t make it good.
(hums favorite Gregorian chant set to funky beat)
Since I listen to this all day while I work, I won’t comment further.
I’m a bit of a genre tourist and was too young to be part of the scene when it was current, but were there really that many bands doing shoegaze? I mean it died quicker than Britpop. Puts me in mind of the so-called “landfill indie” of the mid aughts.
Worse yet than the old genre copycats though are the 20 year reunion albums.
I think there are more bands doing shoegaze now than at its height. Only, not one of them is remotely popular. And they probably all have day jobs.
Ride, Adorable, Chapterhouse and MBV are all aces for me. Everything else seems to be pretty much just variations thereof.
It’s probably true that nobody needs 23 different shoegaze bands. But if it’s just a great tune, who am I to resist?
Yeah, that’s not bad at all. I like that they stuck with classic ’90s sounding production as well, a lot of neo-shoegazers end up sterilizing it too much. And they named their debut album after Sealand, so they have to be alright.
That debut album has a very different sound, I’m not even sure you could call it “shoegaze”. Though there are *checks my iTunes* three standout tracks.
Their new album is a return to classic shoegaze, and it’s excellent (I hearted 8 tracks).
Swervedriver was herded into that category, and they were awesome. Their more recent output less so.
Yep. Their first couple albums were amazing to me at the time. Still enjoy them.
Same for the first Boo Radleys album – lots of great wall of sound on that one. Then they went total Britpop.
Perhaps I can help you
“International Socialist Organization from holding a climate-change event”
They are totally not watermelons.
Beautiful women, even if their breasts were a little too big. But what was all the black squiggles in between the pictures?
“even if their breasts were a little too big”
*Tilting head, looking confused*
Honestly, I am of the same opinion.
I, too, am a member of the itty bitty titty committee
Okay, maybe not itty bitty, but a handful is plenty.
a handful is plenty
Yup. B-C is perfect.
Hayeksplosives has a sad
(Not really; to each his own)
They look good on you, though!
Hi-X: this opinion is not universal.
At all.
The last pic is obviously disproportionate, whether due to silicone or photoshop.
*deletes rebuttal pointing out the waist taper*
I don’t want to spoil anybody’s visions of sugarbum fairies and gingers giving head.
Everyone’s entitled to an opinion.
Even if that opinion is objectively and pathetically wrong.
Majority of my GFs have had large breasts – and I’m not a breast man. Weird.
Hottest GF I had was an A-cup though – rest of her body, she was a workout nut and did modeling for art classes, was smoking. I lived with her “deficiency”.
*Looks around, shaking head and shrugging*
I don’t know, I mean it sounded like English but I can’t understand what he’s saying. It’s just like he picked random words and put them together, like “breasts” and “big” but then some of the words didn’t make sense in context, like “too”. Maybe he’s foreign.
If you listen to it backward is says “HAIL SATAN AND SODAK IS BETTER THAN NODAK”.
Wah!?!? Blasphemy, indeed!
That’s worse than a catbutt…
In beer news, Stone brewing has sold their Berlin location to BrewDog.
I want to comment but I fine I don’t care enough to articulate a thought.
Excellent hipster news from the sidebar:
Boozier Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra coming this spring
I was expecting more of a reaction to this story I dropped in last nights links thread. It’s got everything Strawberry Lemonade Natural Light, complaining about the preference of the masses, an unexpected winner in a popular vote… what more could people want to rant about?
Montana Glibs: read and despair.
Yeah, they’re f’d now.
This post is the tits.
It really is the breast post.
I managed to squeeze in some good points.
I’ll commit them to mammary.
He just needs to rejiggle the formatting a little bit.
Glad I could support such a great pair of commenters!
Back at ya, bra!
I think it sucks.
PS: My cat is neutered. I don’t want that insane furball being even more insane and pissing all over my house.
That goes double for the females. A cat in heat is a nightmare to live with.
Off-topic: Remember when this guy was the Democrats’ great and only hope? The slumbering giant who when awakened could slay Trump with a single devastating blow? Remember how many lamented his decision to not run in 2016 because he surely would have outperformed Clinton?
He’s being torpedoed by the far-left. It’s far too well-coordinated and has too much media support to be anything else. To the extra-chromosome wing of the Party, he’s a liability; too bad for them he’s the one with the best chance of actually winning an election.
I’m pretty sure the phrase “I like kids more than people” emerged from his brain pan on his own volition.
Oh yeah. Classic Biden gaffe, in so many ways.
No one needs that many gaffes.
Biden invited children on stage, put his arm around one and said, “By the way, he gave me permission to touch him.” He adds: “Everybody knows I like kids more than people.”
Well, people are assholes. But so are kids. ///getoffmylawn*
*I am glad the neighborhood kids play outside. It’s good for them. But they ride their bikes and run through my yard. It’s fracking ridiculous and needs to stop.
From the thread,
My god, the projection.
This kind of vicious hatred of the other is something I see almost entirely from the left (am I missing something). It cannot end well. It springs from the same impulse as Hillary’s remark about Trump supporters being “irredeemable”. It is dehumanizing, and once you named someone an untermensch, then morality and ethics no longer apply, and the slippery slope becomes a cliff.
Play your favorite obscure band!
I like it!
Or this?https://youtu.be/sdl41kAfKII
^^^Dedicated to everyone here.
“From hell’s heart I strike at Thee!” and then stabs us with a nerf-noodle.
last one
RIP Adrian
ach – had to add this from my favorite album of all time:
Check the top comment
I want to believe
Last one
No fair! You played something excellent.
I can’t click on any of these at work but if one of them isn’t Avail it damn well should be.
Not sure if obscure?
Mmmmm. Love Tanya.
Nice choice!
Remember this?
Oh yes. Bought that CD when it came out.
That was nice! This is obscure https://youtu.be/WQZegdcTHfc
I hired this guy to play an event for me.
Awesome! Did you you headcount the daughters before and after?
The event is in the future.
Blood Like Lemonade.
There are too may for me to listen to at one sitting. How about we make a youtube channel: Glibtunes…..or Q’s Sound Toilet
From Russia with Love
Not that obscure, but they never blew up as big as I thought they would.
And me playing a 2018 concert instead of a 1988 one is just mean.
The band is more obscure than the members, but being named 1969 and having a song called Ready to Explode really fits a Q article.
Also, the Pimps probably fit here as well.
In the old music store days I could usually pick bands I’d like based on cover art, so I bought some I’d never heard of before or even after, like Flybanger.
It was a different time before the internet – I bought plenty of stuff based on written reviews and cover art. Heck I bought my first Misfits album because it looked cool. A skeleton!! And the Crass double-LP because of the cool art work.
I also got burned – a lot! – by doing this; but also discovered some good stuff.
Wee l0b0t made that mistake regarding Grateful Dead. How could a band which uses such awesome morbid iconography so thoroughly and completely fail to rock?
I’ve often wondered about this. Online learning is going to cut deeply into traditional college more and more as the years go by. I could see colleges almost completely disappearing due to it.
The wildcard is college sports. There are many millions of people out there who have no problem with (or even an expectation that) their and their neighbors taxes should subsidize their favorite sport team. Do you turn the entire system into an intramural or semi-pro system? Do you have a largely empty campus that is basically just a sports complex? It will be interesting to see.
I’m not saying it will happen soon. Maybe not even in my lifetime, but I do think something will happen. Looking back in 50+ years, the NCAA will have gone through a major change and the college sports system will look very different than today.
Even when I was getting scouted the system wasn’t the money churning machine that it has become. You had to have passable grades and go to class at least once in awhile.
Online schools still get little or no credibility in terms of career placement and advancement, and that isn’t going to change for a very long time. As long as there’s a social incentive, people will still attend traditional uni campuses.
Yes, I guess I was thinking more about the traditional schools themselves offering more and more classes online. Many traditional schools offer online degrees, and that number is going to keep growing.
I suspect that’s not the case across all industries. In web stuff I see a lot of people hired with degrees from the University of The Internet, or from non-traditional programs. For that matter, plenty of people with unrelated degrees or no degree at all. Less so the latter, but still a significant number.
For now. But at some point in the not so distant future, the quality of education available online will far surpass anything that could be offered at a fixed campus.
College sports’ popularity is an interesting mix of in-group affiliation, vicarious living, and escapism.
Online learning will definitely cut the legs out from under second and third tier schools and junior college, I believe. But online learning doesn’t compete with “name” universities for what have become their primary service lines:
(1) Lifestyle – poshy gyms and amenities, apartments, dorms, social life. A great place to extend your adolescence and postpone adulthood.
(2) Networking.
(3) Credentials as social signal.
Until the presence of a college degree is no longer used by HR departments as a filter for applicants, the college is not going anywhere. Half of the attendees of any given college may not be thinking about life after, but the societal impetus to send them there is a function of it.
I’ve only read the OP, not the comments. Sorry if any of this is a repeat.
RE: The State of Academic Science
Agreed, if the emphasis is on “Academic.” NICE is taking over the University of Edgestow, and the Profs Hingest of the world are being replaced with the John Withers of the world.
HOWEVER, outside the academy, I think we are living in the dawn of an era of unprecedented scientific literacy among the general population. Play an online RPG, and you probably can’t get through the front door without at least a rudimentary understanding of supply and demand. A sizable portion of the fitness industry is still pitching woo, but there is also a sizable portion of people falling back on objective observation in their habits and planning. Sports fandom has been revolutionized by the introduction of logical rigor where black-magic used to reign.
RE: Bad music
Any musical genre subjected to a homogenizing force is going to be homogeneous. Any music not subject to that force has the potential to be great. Mainstream music hasn’t been good since Grunge, I agree (and I’m the same age as you). But fewer and fewer people listen to mainstream music these days. In my Cub Scout den of 4th graders, almost none of them have the same favorite artists. Most of them haven’t even heard of each other’s favorite song. My son’s favorite band is Rotting Christ. They are Hellenic Black Metal. None of the other scouts even know what Hellenic Black Metal is.
None of the other scouts even know what Hellenic Black Metal is.
Nor do I.
A Brief Guide to Hellenic Black Metal
Lots of examples in the link.
NICE is taking over the University of Edgestow, and the Profs Hingest of the world are being replaced with the John Withers of the world.
This is how you do a reference!
CS Lewis was prophetic about the takeover of academia by progressivism. Granted, he was living the first round of it.
Also, I never pass up a chance to post this. It probably belongs in the obscure music thread, but it said “good” obscure music, which this is not.
Nice song. Maiden has a whole album based on that book. For being in the “late career Metal gods” phase, its really solid.
CS Lewis was prophetic about the takeover of academia by progressivism. Granted, he was living the first round of it.
Indeed. CS Lewis was prophetic in the same way that George Orwell was prophetic: they articulated what was happening around them and predicted it would keep happening.
Yes, but its the difference between Lewis / Orwell and, say, Huxley or Giulio Douhet. Huxley and Douhet also looked around and predicted that what they saw would keep happening.
It didn’t
Lewis and Orwell might be the blind squirrel here, but either way they where prophetic in ways that others were not.
It might be a little early to write Huxley off.
There’s some line about Marx that goes like ‘He was so prophetic, his predictions haven’t even come true yet.’
I guess I should also clarify – if we are talking about the Devils of Loudun, Huxley’s hit rate goes way up.
“Predictions are hard. Especially about the future.” – Yogi Berra
Blind squirrel, indeed.
This whole fucking thread is why I love You People.
I will be clicking music links for a week!
*waves goodbye to productivity*
Yeah I’m trying to get some work done so I can clear the f out of here.
Bachelor weekend as EF and LH Jr are heading to Chicago with her side of the family. I plan to uh… spend most of the weekend watching Barnaby Jones.
How times have changed compared to all the parties I used to go to.
But I do plan on a little grass and some G&Ts.
Party slurm!
Plus you can crank up the HiFi without driving everyone in the house nuts.
I liked everything linked.
Words cannot express how alarming, disappointing and depressing I find the news coming out of academia these days. I know it isnt universal but it is pervasive. In my day you would be lynched on the street for saying 1/10th of the shit I see on a regular basis from these commie shitweasels.
The level of stupidity required for this to happen is incredible to me.
+1 Ward Churchill
“The wokification of campus continues its inexorable creep, transforming every nook and cranny and I fully expect even chemistry and physics departments to be teaching the new gospel of racist gravity or patriarchal stoichiometry in the near future.”
A lot of the problems the Soviet scientific community constantly ran into was the mandate (not to be confused with two guys going out on a date that turns sour as jesse shared with us the other day) that all scientific content be formulated in a way that showed its communist bonafides. This led to some ludicrously stupid shit being put out that might sometimes had some scientific value but was wrapped in real shitty word salads, but more often than not, was plain bullshit. The fucking proggie movement of today seems to be reviving that practice.
mandate (not to be confused with two guys going out on a date that turns sour as jesse shared with us the other day)
No, the drink coming out my nose didn’t hurt all that much.
Then you aren’t drinking the right stuff
In the 1960s, North Korea was better off than South Korea. By the end of the South’s military junta in the 1980s, the situation had already begun to reverse. The fact that every aspect of North Korean life has to affirm juche is no small part of the problem.
I see Festus complaining about my musical taste upthread.
Take this!
Yes Festus, she is a hell of a vocalist but then so is he.
You win! No Mas! https://youtu.be/AXW6VIq4LBs
thanks for that.
There are a lot of good, young musicians out there if you look. There are still a few good ones from the past too. At least we still have this guy:
Complain? I loved that! You have misread my intentions, Sir!
You misread mine. I dont know how to do a smiley face thingy but I would if I could.
My 7/8 Scots ancestry makes me an easy mark for mountain music.
“My 7/8 Scots ancestry makes me an easy mark for mountain music.”
Then you will hate this
Plug your ears.
Wow. The singer is the spitting image of my first serious girlfriend. How did you know?
And here is one for Festus. Ok two.
I like this video partly for the old photos but mostly for the music.
I recently acquired a large number of old family photos that is a real treasure trove. I have begun scanning them and sending them out to various family members. Y’all may find this one interesting. Ox riding used to be a thing, not many people know that. You may notice in this photo that the ox has a saddle on. A saddle is no small or cheap thing. That is my great grandmother mounting it. I dont know who the two fellas are because their backs are to the camera but I suspect one is my grandfather. My grandfather used to talk about oxen. They used them for plowing, skidding timber and riding. I have no idea how she was going to dismount when she got where she was going. Look at the size of that fucker.
You know my heart, Suthen. I was recently leafing through some of my old man’s photos and although we were never hillbillies there was always that blood churning underneath. Thanks for that!
Not obscure, but one of my favorites:
My taste of music was forged by my brothers – lots of dinosaur / classic rock, later along came ABC, Roxy Music, and the Police.
And my best friend and I were David Bowie fanatics starting at age 10, but we also enjoyed AC/DC.
And then it all went crazy in high school when, via an older skater kid, I got into the Sex Pistols. Which opened up my ears to The Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, 7 Seconds, Black Flag, Dag Nasty, and the Descendents – the last two I saw live when I was 16.
After that, my friend Randy and I started getting into music found via the Forced Exposure ‘zine. He was into really odd music, listening to The Shaggs unironically; along with Beefheart and a whole bunch of acts I can’t remember any more. I tended toward the poppier stuff like The Clean, The Tall Dwarfs, but really loved the darker stuff like The Flesh Eaters, Nick Cave, Lydia Lunch, Rowland S. Howard, John Cale’s solo work.
These days I’ve expanded my tastes quite a bit compared to then – a lot more jazz, especially Chet Baker; but the funky 70s stuff like Dr. Lonnie Smith. And a lot more soul, and even stuff I thought I would never like – Americana (John Moreland!!!) and Country, Neil Youngs 70s output, Pink Floyd, and lots of the 80s “teenage” stuff like Duran Duran.
Randy, by the way, eventually came out of the closet – and proceeded to drop all of his friends like a bad habit. He offered to give me a huge chunk of his record collection but I turned him down, thinking we would renew our friendship again. Never happened. I see he’s a professional potter now, living on the other side of the state.
Stories like this is what makes this site so fucking magical. When we were kids we had to make do with what our older siblings thought was cool so we were almost always behind the times but it made me a life-long fan of the weird and esoteric.
It’s the only explanation for why I know all of the early Barbra Streisand and Barry Manilow hits by heart.
I’ll have to thank my brother for his interest in the B-52’s and Talking Heads.
So your older Brother was in fact my Mother? *mind blown*
You may like these guys then.
Someone the other day was talking about the difference between new country music and good country music.
In a just world, this guy would be on every radio station.
That is good. So much good music out there. I need to bookmark this post for future reference (and not for the tittays…)
Have some racist word salad.
Surveilling for “Black Bodies” I’d presume. Fuck I hate these people.
They are literally “keeping the black man down” with this shit. And then they have the fucking nerve to question why decades of this shit hasn’t improved academics one bit.
Yuh don’t say!
It’s like they have their own little retard planet.
Shorter: ‘Literacy is white supremacy’
They really are slavers in the most literal sense.
So much academic gibberish in that article. Higher education is all about mangling the language these days, it seems.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
Bonus link to Bustle unironically listing a bunch of 1984 quotes and having the point of the thing completely sail over their heads.
OT: Brief History of Socialism
They’re really not even trying to hide the coordination with the DNC anymore.
“No, there have always been two. If there were only one Joe he’d be Joe Unden.”
Voluntary Joe
If they can’t make memes they sure as hell won’t learn to code.
Yeah that one was funny
It’s funny. I can’t play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language but I’m pretty bright, overall. The Left seems to be learning disabled when it comes to satire, it’s either a sledgehammer or an appeal to the Goddess with them. They can’t meme.
Its self imposed learning disabled. They have built this cocoon around themselves to insulate wrongspeak and have self realization that they are the only ones in the bubble
This one’s for Suthen. https://youtu.be/NKBXMzeUnOsr
Calling Pope…
As I mentioned in the mornin links, I sent emails to both my state rep (house and senate) re: the omnibus public safety bills getting ‘red flag’ and universal background checks added since the Republican controlled Senate wouldn’t put the individual bills up for a vote (shitlords!)
Well my house rep (Rob Ecklund-DFL) emailed back and said he would not vote for either bill or any bills containing such language (Yay!) The man is a hardcore union lefty DFLer from the iron Range, but at least they still take their gun rights seriously!
Glad to hear it. I haven’t taken my socks off to count it out exactly, but I think the Urban Blob of the DFL can’t pass gun control without votes from the Iron Range.
My meager and not-so-unique contribution to the music thread.
I think you’ve posted it before. It’s great.
My sad, withered testes just got super-charged. Thanks, Mojo!
You’re so welcome! I wish I had more things to post.
I’m glad you like it.
Generally, my music taste is terribly pedestrian and I’m a little intimidated by the stuff everybody else posts.
Half the musical tastes here are so bad I’ve stopped clicking any music links.
For context I still click HM’s links.
Point being, I doubt you could poat anything as embarrassing as these guys already openly enjoy.
Yeah, well, we don’t like you either!
Have some of this, you liked it last time. I could listen to that song every day. https://youtu.be/-0SmXVrLlZ4
I might present as a snarky butthole but my heart is truly too big for my own psyche. It’s caused a myriad of problems for me and those that I hold dear. I’m trapped in a cube of emotion, as it were.
Manhattan Beach pier. I’ve had some good times there. Beautiful beach. Looks even better with a big ol’ set of boobs in front of it.
I’m late to the thread. Great work Q.
Paging Suthen