The wild wacky world of beer and brewing is replete with innocuous terms that appear meaningless for the average consumer. Lager vs. Ale or Pilsner vs. Urine for example. There is one, however that to my understanding has not been covered yet, so I will pull one from the archive…
This is my review of Carlsburg Unfiltered
We’re heard the old commercial for Miller Genuine Draft. It includes the phrase “cold filtered”, which is pretty much meaningless given the product being peddled. Filtering beer is a similar process to filtering any other liquid:
There are two basic types of filtration: depth and surface. Depth filtration, also called powder filtration, uses a convoluted labyrinth of channels in the filter media to trap particles. The media can be diatomaceous earth (DE), Perlite, or other porous media.

Adjust for beer accordingly
Depth filtration works similar to a pool filter. Where the pump simply pulls water from the pool to a tank filled with either sand or diatomaceous earth (DE). The filter media creates a path that is smaller than the dissolved solid the user desires to not be in the water. The pump puts pressure on the water through the filter media, which gets trapped in the tank on top of the filter media. The result is clean water flowing back into the pool.
Surface filtration uses a thin film material with pores smaller than the particles to be removed. Particles remain on the surface of the filter while clarified liquid flows through. If the pores are of a defined size (for instance, up to 5 μm), filtration is said to be “absolute” to the pore size. Membrane and cross-flow filtration are examples.
This is more like reverse-osmosis. It produces a cleaner end product but as one might expect is a more cost intensive process.
In both circumstances the desired substances to be removed from the beer include hops, dead yeast and other microbes that in high enough concentration can result in unpalatable beer. In the case of commercially produced pilsners, a crystal clear appearance is also highly desired by both the brewer and consumer. So why then do so many seem to obsess over unfiltered beer?
Some will say filtering removes too much from the finished product, leaving it with a “sterile” flavor. Others will go on and on about “mouthfeel” when the words “texture” and “body” have an almost identical meaning and does not bring connotations related to fellatio. There are even specific styles that happen to be unfiltered by tradition, Hefeweizen and Belgian Abbey ales for example, where some would prefer not to be made any other way.
In the above example, I had at a fine dining establishment in Northern Ireland and I pretty much had Guinness with every meal for about a week so I wanted something different. I can’t really say it went well with my braised duck but it was rather nice on it’s own. I recommend it over regular Carlsburg, which in of itself is nothing to write home about. Carlsburg Unfiltered: 3.2/5
Random question – any glibs in the vicinity of Columbia, MO? I’m heading out to visit some friends there for Memorial Day weekend – but IIRC, neither of them are very interested in alcohol. Just pondering the possibility of hanging with a glib familiar with the local brewery scene one evening.
Not me
I don’t get the joke behind the misspelled name
What name?
Carlsberg with a “U” instead of an “E”.
I see, but the difference, there is none……
Would you prefer Carl’s Medieval Fortress?
I had this last night, very sour, very cloudy, Marionberry? A fine brew indeed
Nice writeup on filtration MS
Bitch set him up.
Wait…did I miss Easter, Katlick Lent boy?
Or was that before Lent started?
…so I will pull one from the archive…
It was before.
*sets down lightning bolt*
I like Pilsner, although it doesn’t seem very popular among the local brewers.
That’s because it’s not an IPA or sour.
Bent Paddle has one
You can probably get it there. It’s pretty good.
I’ll check it out. For some reason, I’ve never had any Bent Paddle. Even though I go to Duluth every fall for work. I need to rectify that.
Have you had Summit’s Keller Pils? I like it.
I haven’t. I’ll give it a shot.
Up here I’ve only ever seen it in a sampler pack, but closer to the source maybe you can get it in 6’s or 12’s. Although, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it in a sampler, either. Summit has become one of my favorite breweries. They really put out a lot of good beers.
And I just had Schell’s Keller Pils last week. It is also pretty good. Again, up here it’s in a sampler pack. Again, all of them are good. Schell’s is another great brewery.
We’re lucky where I am that there are a few local and semi-local breweries that do other stuff. Jailbreak, which is really, really close, does a good pilsener called Czech the Technique. Feed the Monkey is pretty good to, a hefe. Fordham does some decent stuff. Devil’s Backbone isn’t too far off in VA so we get a lot of their stuff, too, and IIRC they do a very nice black lager.
There’s multiple reasons for that. First, it requires the ability to lager (which not all breweries want to set up to be able to do), it ferments slower then an ale (and requires a lower temperature then ales), and it’s requires a lot of attention to detail. Any flaws will stand out, so if you don’t nail it, you may hurt your name in the local community.
Is there a widely available one you like?
Victory Prima Pils is one of my summer go-to beers. Love it.
I haven’t had their Pils, but Victory in general makes good beer so based on that I’d say the Pils is worth trying.
I’ll probably get stones cast at me for this, but Pilsner Urquel isn’t bad.
Kölsch is similar to Pilsner. The differences are pretty subtle. Gaffel, Früh, and Reissdorf are all available in the US. The ones I’ve had here in the States traveled pretty well. I’d be careful of American brewers’ takes on Kölsch, some don’t resemble Kölsch at all. The worst that I’ve had being Newburyport’s Brewing’s Kölsch, which I see isn’t on their webpage anymore.
Nope, no stone throwing here. Worst local idea of a kolsch I had was Bad Tom Smith’s (which IIRC was a homebrew contest winner), then you have good beers like Dogfish Head’s Perfect Disguise which is not a kolsch by any stretch of the imagination, but it is good if you like hops.
Does Pilsner Urquel skunk on the way to the states or something? I’ve always hated it here, but when I was in Plzeň there was quite literally nothing else to drink so I consumed…like…a lot. I loved it. Maybe chalk it up to ambiance and a traveler’s high. I don’t know. But when I came home I picked up some Urquel at the store and it tasted like shit again.
Green bottles don’t protect against UV light as well as brown (or even better: cans). Try it in the cans, or the 12 packs that are entirely packed in cardboard.
The cans of it are great.
There’s several: Oskar Blues Little Yella Pils, Avery’s Joe’s Premium Pils, Sixpoint the Crisp, Troegs Sunshine Pils, Victory Prima Pils, and Left Hand Polestar Pilsner. Listed in no particular order. It’s a style I’m a fan of, and there’s several local breweries that do some solid ones. One thing to check is the freshness date on the container, especially if it’s not popular in your neck of the woods.
I might have had Troegs’ Pilsner. I’ve had several of Troegs’ beers and liked them all.
I like all of these that I’ve tried so I’ll have to check out Avery’s and Troegs to round out the list.
How old is too old?
If it’s got a best before date, stick to that. If it’s got a packaged on date, I generally try to stick to 45 days or less.
Good to know. Is that for all styles?
Anything light (pilsner, blonde, kolsch, etc) or where fresh hop flavor (IPA, IIPA, APA, etc) is important, yes. It’s less important for stronger beers, stouts, or porters. And the reason I’ll stick to the best before date is that’s the brewery standing behind it at that freshness level. If it’s within they’re best by date, and it’s past it’s prime, I put that on them. Same as anything I buy at the brewery.
I see you already answered his question…carry on.
Lagunitas makes a decent Pilsner.
Oskar Blues Mamas Little Yella Pils; New Belgium Blue Paddle, Lagunitas makes a good one too
Thanks, dood!
Belches loudly
I always picture MS wandering the American Southwest wearing one of these
Arizona is good about many things. Open containers is not one of them.
Here’s a good example. TW: TOS
That’s awesome. Here in NoDak they were talking about doing it for spouses of military members. Some of the more libertarian citizens asked “why not everyone?” but if it opens the door for following Arizona’s lead, great.
I know the oil fields have slowed down a bit, but you would think that they’d still be way better off letting anyone who wanted to move there come in and start working right away.
*ads to Amazon wish list*
adds*, even.
There are even specific styles that happen to be unfiltered by tradition, Hefeweizen and Belgian Abbey ales for example, where some would prefer not to be made any other way.
I’ve had some German brewers’ Klar versions of their Hefeweizen. They miss something.
Nice write-up.
I much prefer kristall weizen to a normal hefe. To each their own though.
Klar versions of hefe are an abomination before the bier gods.
Yes. Since “hefe” means “with yeast” a clear version is way up on the stupid list
That’s why it’s called Krystalweizen. 🙂
damn you. (but I spelled it right so there)
Ja, danke.
that’s why they don’t call them that. Kristallweizen means crystal (clear) wheat beer.
My issue with all of these different beers is every bar I go to has different craft beers. If I do find one that stands out then I can only drink it there, or it’ll be gone next time I go there. Plus it’s a pain in the ass to remember which beer I liked at which place.
I find the whole thing annoying in a Bernie Sanders type of way.
I like Guinness so I’ll often ask to taste their stouts. And I’m a sucker for chocolate flavored stouts. But who the hell can remember the names of all of them.
/cautiously raises hand
/hangs head
Neph, robc, Mexi, DEG?
You give me too much credit. I am a big fan of sour ales. So I know some of the prominent styles and brewers. The other styles, not so much.
I cant remember rhem. I used to go to a bar where I expected anything I ordered I would never see again.
The key os finding a good bartender who knows your tastes better than you do.
True, I have a place like that where the bartender starts pouring a beer for me to taste before I even sit down.
I have forgotten the names of some beers I’ve tried. Beeradvocate remembers better than I can, assuming I rate the beer on Beeradvocate.
Old Rasputin Imperial Stout wants to be your friend
^^^^ The barrel aged versions is pretty awesome too.
Oooh, yeah, that’s pretty good stuff.
So just ask the bartender if they have a good [indert desired style] here? No one brewers IPA, for example, is significantly different than any other.
The ones that really jump out at me are where they combine styles, flavors, etc, and actuslly try to be different.,
Untappd helps with remembering what you like if you don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of what’s available at your local breweries. And rather then remembering specific beers, focus on styles you like, it’s easier to find a coffee stout then it is to find Fat Head’s Bean Me Up. After you find the styles you like, focus on the breweries that you’ve enjoyed their output.
Or ignore all of this, and drink what you like and enjoy.
This is great advice. If you know what style you like, and what styles are similar to your favorite style, you will likely be able to find something you like at most establishments.
I am on Untappd as UNCEric if anyone wants to friend me.
Also ignore the relatively recent drinking history if bud light and pbr I was on a bachelor larty weekend
I do find myself conciously deciding what goes into the long-term memory these days. Random beers at a bar rarely make the cut.
Was at a seminar by the head brewer at Bells discussing filtration techniques, advantages, disadvantages,etc.
He was asked which they used. His reply: None, we dont filter our beer.
This is the right answer.
*picks barley hull out of teeth*
They have a bumper sticker (or used to) that said, “If God wanted us to filter our beer, He wouldn’t have given us livers.”
Yes, I have a few of those. I knew the answer before the question was asked.
He also had the great line: Lock a brewer in an empty room with a cement block. Come back in an hour, the room will have an inch of water on the floor, the block will be cracked, and the brewer wont know how either happened.
Also, when they opened a new facility, a forklift driver put a hole in the wall the first day because the layout was different and he misjudged the distance.
I’ve discovered that some unfilitered beers no longer agree with me. Zwickl especially. This is sad.
Today is one of the days that I just love living here.
Wake up to the sun shining on new-fallen snow.
Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, coffee and house-baked bread toast at the diner.
Set new personal best at the range.
Order an Easter ham from the “local” smokehouse (where local is defined as “drive 30 miles north on I-87 and turn left, you can’t miss it.”)
Come home to find the snow gone and the sun shining on a beautiful 55 degree day.
Read Glibs while enjoying a beverage and watching the birds in the back yard.
That sounds great.
I just woke up (night shift) to a 70 degree day and I am about to bike with the kids in the bike trailer to a bar or brewery
The summer hell is starting to move in here. 80 and intense sun today, 85 tomorrow, 95 on Monday… I’m seeing a trend.
Sunny and 64 here 🙂
But it’s a dry heat.
Hell yea, feelin’ good. Woke up today and it’s 67 degrees; about to go run five miles, then make a giant pot of spaghetti sauce and drink some wine. Maybe watch a new opera tonight.
I applied for a ton of new jobs in the past few days, so maybe I can find one that doesn’t have a ridiculous amount of overtime (need more time to study web development). Feeling very optimistic about life right now.
That’s awesome.
Speaking of beer, os there going to be a spring beer it forward?
I was planning on running one. Going to start writing things up when I get back from Vegas in a couple of weeks.
I have no beer. I need to fix that.
Ride the Lion from Clown Shoes. We’ll see if I can drink the whole bottle. It’s a bit much.
I have beer, and I think i’m going to get into it soon.
I have beer, but am on call. This prevented me from enjoying the first nice (weekend) day we’ve had this year to get a bike ride in, and prevents me from getting too far into the beer. So far I’ve been called once because a server was over 95% utilization on a hard drive. I don’t know why they had to call me for that, but deleting ~6 GB of data from the temp directory fixed it.
I’m working this weekend too. A project I’m responsible for has a tight deadline.
6 GB of data in a temp directory? What? That’s sloppy. On a server you can’t count on a reboot to clear out /tmp or /var/tmp.
One of the young ones at work and a few of us older hands were talking about programming languages. The young one doesn’t like C because he has to manage his own resources. Us older hands mentioned to him, “You learn some valuable lessons when you have to keep track of those things.” and then lamented kids today.
Not even *nix, a Windows box. People were just dumping stuff there, and no one removed it. I’m waiting for the call on Monday that they lost important data that they were keeping there. 🙂
Oh well, packing is almost done for the work trip starting Monday.
Good luck!
Give me garbage collection, or give me death!
Mmm. Beer.
OT: DC United is down by 3 and Wayne Rooney just got a red card. Very ugly game.
Distinctly NOT a product of the NYT editorial board – but I will give them credit for publishing it.
Couldn’t find the Bullshit footage when they used this footage.
Hey, I remember that episode of MythBusters.
Aye, there’s the rub.
People hear the word “nuclear” and freak the fuck out.
We’ve been socially indoctrinated to view anything nuclear as a great evil, with the very next thought entering people’s minds being “radiation”, something else we’ve been indoctrinated to view as a great evil.
Anyone who actually knows anything about nuclear power knows that’s all a load of bull. But ignorance is strength, so people don’t want to know anything more about it.
Its evil and creates that horrible radiation stuff. That’s all I need to know. What good could knowing more about such evil possibly serve? Should we be learning about how Nazi gas chambers worked?
Its sad. We’re throwing away the best method of power generation developed thus far because of misguided negative emotional responses often induced by propaganda from hostile foreign interests, in favor of inferior power generation methods from the past which garner positive emotional responses often induced by propaganda from hostile foreign interests.
But deadly for ten thousand years is carbon-14
He didn’t mention Santa Susana. It was much worse than three miles island. It was also very near a large population center.
His talks about “60 years of nuclear power”. He must be starting his clock one day after Santa Susana.
What bugged me was no comparison in the number of watts produced by nuclear vs. Coal, or others. Not much of a fair comparison if one is producing a lot more energy over that timespan than the other.
Rhywun: NYCFC managed to not get their asses kicked.
I’m having a tallboi Tecate in anticipation of the Rapids dropping their 4th in a row.
We’re not last!
Silicone Saturday bounces on!
I think 18 is a HM homerun. She’s mixed race, thicc, and an amputee.
I have a sort of on topic beer question. Stouts are new to me. I tried an oatmeal stout which I love. Next was a milk stout. It’s okay but the coffee notes are too much. Neither oatmeal nor milk describe the flavor profiles of these beers. How should I know in advance what the flavor profile of different types of stouts will be?
Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout is pretty definitive as a straight stout (no coffee notes for the default version IMO – they have a nitro version with coffee). – smoother/milder than Guiness, but pretty sure the ABV is higher.
Thanks. I’m such a newb I didn’t realize nitro was part of the flavor profile. The milk stout I mentioned is a nitro.
Nitro will have more impact on the mouthfeel then the flavor.
I like what Nitro adds
It depends on the beer, for stouts and porters it can work, but the nitro IPA’s just seem off to me.
I’m not a big fan of nitro. I just find the mouthfeel is lacking.
Would you guys please stop talking about fellatio.
Am I the only one that thinks Ireland’s national airline could also be called “Sky Tongue”?
I don’t drink IPAs. Too weedy.
Milk stouts are just stouts that are sweetened with Lactose (milk sugar, which is non-fermentable). Oatmeal stouts are stouts that are brewed with oats in order to get a specific mouthfeel. Neither will have anything to do with the flavor profile (beyond that milk stouts are generally sweeter). If coffee notes are too much, obviously stay away from Coffee Stouts, American Stouts will have a higher bitterness (but can have chocolate and coffee notes), other then that, the coffee and chocolate notes are in style. Which ones did you have and enjoy, which did you not like? You can also read the description on the bottle/can which will generally bring up coffee or chocolate and try to bring up an idea of what to look for.
Thanks Neph. I had Founders Breakfast Stout. It is terrific. Definitely has chocolate and coffee flavor. Belching Beaver Milk Stout Nitro was okay. I really like coffee but found the coffee flavor in this one to be too much for my taste.
What flavor(s) should I expect in a Russian Imperial Stout?
“What flavor(s) should I expect in a Russian Imperial Stout?”
If I’m interpreting late night talk shows correctly; Trump semen.
Based on Putin’s height, it will probably come up a little short.
Deschutes Black Butte Porter. Coffee notes are suttle. Pretty widely available. Good beer.
Same coffee, chocolate, and roasted notes just amped up a bit more. If you liked the Founders, then you can look towards other breakfast stouts (almost all of which are at least oatmeal and coffee, most include chocolate as a nod to Founders). The Left Hand Milk Stout (either Nitro or standard) is considered one of the benchmarks of the modern style. You should have access to Firestone Walker Velvet Merlin, Deschutes Obsidian Stout, Oskar Blues Ten Fidy, New Holland Dragon’s Milk, and Avery’s the Czar. All of which are well regarded and solid stouts.
I just got an education. Thanks.
Not a problem, I can talk beer all day long. Even more so if I’m at a brewery or fest.
Those are all excellent beers.
If you like the Oatmeal Stout try Samual Smith’s and New. Holland’s The Poet. I really like Founders Breakfast Stout and Victory Storm King but they do have the coffee notes. I’m not that into the milk stouts.
And Rogue River’s Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.
I’ll have to look for that.
Thanks JB. I’ll see what Total Wine carries.
Sigh. I love the prices and selection at our Total Wine.
I hate, hate, hate the shitty shopping complex that they are located in. Parking is impossible thanks to our glorious urban planners.
Today was especially aggravating because the checkout lines were completely botched. The first two lines I got into became hopelessly stalled as hipster/lumbersexual dudes tried to use some store discount on their phones to get some money knocked off.
WTF? When did dudes start using coupons? And if it didn’t work in the first 10 seconds and you can see that there are 10 people in line behind you, why not just say fuck the $5 and move on?
After I made my way through the third line, one line I got out of was still gummed up by the hipster who wanted some money off on two six packs of fancy beer. The other one had finally gotten going, but I would still have been waiting if I had stayed there.
*For some reason our Total Wines seems to employ cashiers who must have come over from municipal liquor stores. They could care less about moving people through. And I have gotten into spats twice there when the cashier snottily told me to remove my booze from the small basket on the belt. Uffda. What is the deal with that? If they had asked nicely, I might have done it, but the way they asked me was like I worked for them and could expect my next paycheck to be docked for dereliction of duty.
I would kill for a Total Wine here. Hard liquor is all state run stores. I have to scramble for bottles that are collecting dust at most TWs.
Ours are all tiny mom ‘n’ pops. You take what you can get.
We have a local Craft Beer store I hit the other night. Have a Danzig Baltic Porter and a Samual Smith’s Imperial Stout I may break into in a little bit. Polishing off bottle of Redemption Rye on rocks right now. Yummy.
I have yet to try Redemption Rye. How does it compare to some of the others?
It’s excellent. High rye content. Very smooth.
Dang, I hate to recommend it, ’cause it does have coffee notes, but if you get a chance, at least try a can of Ten Fidy and then give a try to Bourbon Barrel Aged Ten Fidy. I got into Ten Fidy because some of the events I attend do not allow you to bring bottled beer in, so I looked around for cans.
Oh, and if you find yourself doing the Tahoe 200 and you want a beer to put you to sleep after every 50 miles, this in the 16 oz. cans worked for me.
Shit. Front coming through. The power keeps going out.
BTW for you snowbirds…hummingbirds are here hitting my new feeders.
Maybe if you put reflective tape on the feeders, they might have a chance of seeing the feeder before they hit it?
Of course, you will probably scoff at the idea of spending a few bucks to save the lives of those hummingbirds like the shitlords who refused to spend a few million to upgrade the glass in their bird death factory in Minnesoda
Probably a few more weeks for hummingbirds here. I’ve been feeding finches all winter. They empty that feeder every five days.
We had redpolls hammering our feeder all winter.
And the doves just showed up. They’re on the ground below the feeder grabbing what they can. Drives my hunting dog nuts but gets him some self directed training.
Nice. They’ll clean up any mess down there.
We haven’t seen any doves yet. Robins came back a couple days ago.
Saw my first doves in the back yard. They are colored differently than I’m used to seeing, but as far as camouflage, it’s perfect.
My feeder has about 75% go to the squirrels in the winter. But I don’t begrudge them it. Feel sympathy to anything that has to soldier through a Minnesoda winter.
And the more that make it, means more that I can harvest from the apple tree in the fall. The circle of life. I turn bird seed into a couple tasty dinners of squirrel.
I had to get a feeder that closes when a squirrel hops on it. There was nothing left for the birds.
The ospreys showed up at their nest yesterday. Just in time for the ice breaking up on the lake
Playing defense for Biden?
Obama finding out first hand it’s a lot harder than he thought to keep that tiger by the tail..
“Particularly”?! Democrats pounce!
So torn about this story.
AOC gets mad at the guy who called her out for pulling a Hillary when talking to a black audience and blocks him from following her on Twitter.
Normally, I wouldn’t give a shit, but it is pointed out that a judge said Trump couldn’t block people on Twitter because of … well reasons. So if he can’t block them, isn’t AOC also bound by the same rules?
Like I said, I think it was wrong for Trump to be forced to unblock people, so I don’t really want dumb rules applied to anyone else. On the other hand, as we’ve said here a lot, the best way to get rid of dumb rules is to make people have to live by them.
“Precedent” – how does it work?
It’ll probably come up sooner or later, although I don’t think most people being blocked by lefties care nearly as much.
Probably require another lawsuit gumming up the works at public expense.
Remember everyone, letting your kid walk a few blocks to the park is the *real* abuse.
I’m surprised you didn’t see this poster nefore, considering you post a bunch of titty links in *every goddamn comment section*.
Not to worry Q. Once the docs get done juicing all the woke trans girl/boys with testosterone shots those kids will be able to whip any drag queen pedophile pretty easily.
These are the same people that will be pushing to allow pedo-sex. If a 13 year old can decide to have a mastectomy, she’s surely old enough to decide to have sex with a 40 year old.
I’m as pro-trans as anyone, but that is just plain wrong — morally, ethically, medically, and scientifically.
We’d need Jackie Chiles to express just how wrong this is.
And yet, with all this, liposuction isn’t covered as necessary procedure under Obama Care, something that could actually save lives. Not about power at all…
Got the open ditch that supplies irrigation water for the neighborhood cleaned out this morning. Ate pizza and drank a beer with the guys afterwords. Whipped up a batch of granola and I just poured a Milk & Honey and hit the recliner. Onward into a Saturday evening.
Worked out at the gym this morning, watched “Niagara” (Marilyn Monroe technicolor noir) at the Alamo after lunch. Now I’m waiting for frozen pizza to cook while I work on stupid reserve OPORD annexes/appendixes – will probably take all evening.
Looking forward to catching a couple more flicks at the Alamo tomorrow afternoon (“Kiki’s Delivery Service” subbed and “Clue”). I love the special programming our local one has.
MS’s beer reviews are the best beer reviews on the Interwebz. I learn something from them, instead of just reading some pretentious bullshit.
I’m more of a Stalin type of beer guy myself.
But I agree. MS does a good job with his reviews.
Ditto. They are fun
“White Nationalists Adopt Clowns as Their Next Racist Symbol (Yes, Seriously)
Online personalities in far-right and white nationalist online circles are attempting to attribute racism and anti-Semitism to an image of cartoon character Pepe the Frog depicted poorly drawn and as a clown, and that effort has gained notable traction in recent months. Far-right proponents want the broader internet to believe the character directly represents their worldview, but the situation in whole represents an attitude shift in far-right circles online and a slow inching toward even more radical elements of the movement.
The clown render of Pepe the Frog, which KnowYourMeme researchers have identified as being known as “Honk Honk” or “Honkler,” began spreading across the internet last year. In recent months, the meme has gained a foothold in the far-right and is bleeding into racist propaganda. Pepe the Frog, originally from the comic series “Boy’s Club,” was co-opted by an iteration of the white nationalist movement that emerged in 2015 and dubbed itself the “alt-right”—a term created as part of a strategy to obscure the inherent racism and antisemitism of the movement in hopes of making its agenda more palatable among conservatives.
On 4chan, there is an abundance of memes depicting the character lynching black people (depicted in stereotypically racist ways), operating gas chambers, and deploying racial slurs. On February 11, users on 4chan’s “politically incorrect” forum board launched “operation honk,” a campaign with the mission of spreading the character across the internet and boosting its popularity, and then returning the character back to 4chan where it could be associated with racism. The “Operation Honkler” post cited by KnowYourMeme reads: “They will adopt our child, and post Honkler on social media under mainstream memes already in circulation. There will come a time when we must take him back. … Whether of the HONK or not, we must perpetuate this meme to show the world our ideas.””
Nazi propaganda 1942 vs ‘Nazi’ propaganda 2018. Those BASTARDS!
Oh, it’s 2019 now. Oops, now I guess I’M the one who looks stupid.
Ok, I’ve got about 12 beers in me and going off less than 4hrs sleep, what you got glibs? Time to party!
I’ve got red and white wine, a mixer-sixer of craft beers, and about half a bottle of Dewar’s White Label. Party on!
Wow, that sounds like a really bad game of King’s Cup, been there.