- STEVE SMITH NEED GO UK AND VISIT PEOPLE THAT SAY “‘Border Force has a duty to enforce the law and stop the unlawful import of controlled substances into the UK.’ ” BY VISIT, MEAN RAPE. AND HIT ON HEAD WITH BIG ROCK.

I have mixed feelings about the first story. The UK are a bunch of dicks for confiscating her CBD oil, but she knew it was illegal when she tried smuggling it in. Lousy story all the way around and her daughter is the one that suffers.
Now hit my mother effin’ THEME music!
It smells a bit of purposely looking for publicity.
Why was an activist waiting for her at the airport? And she said many people on social media knew what they were doing before they did it. I feel terrible for the daughter, and think those asshole drug warriors should burn in hell, but c’mon. Just keep your mouth shut and do what you gotta do and there’s a real good chance that little girl has her meds right now.
If she set up her daughter as a prop, then I hate everybody involved, except for the kid.
Oh…and the mail was there to record it all. This stinks. That poor little girl.
Nice choice, potato-head.
Have some Jack White as a counter-offer.
Me likey.
The melody is almost a rip-off the the Bobby Dylan song Isis, but if anyone can make a Dylan song less strident or boring, more power to em’
Jimi Hendrix died for doing it you monster.
He was awesome in “It Might Get Loud” with Jimmy Page and the edge. All in one room, talking guitars and trading rifs. I have the blu-ray, but Amazon has it digitally.
Seconded. I came out of that doc with more respect for all three of them.
Creative people are groovy.
Maybe it’s just my dislike for U2 but I thought Edge came off as an ass. Page is breaking down Link Wray and White is building a guitar out of wire and a nail, Edge plays two notes through a wall of electronics. And then there’s the bit where Jimmy is showing how he plays Kashmir (or something (it’s been a while)) Jack is on the edge (no pun) of his seat watching exactly what Page is doing and Edge might as well be polishing his nails for all the fucks he gives.
It might be, because I didn’t think much of him before that. You know, technical skill is only a part f the process. Some of my favorite bands are barely better than some of the peeps here.
I got dragged to see the Police once. Elvis Costello opened and was a brazillion times better than the Police.
Ha, my wife dragged me to see Sting and Annie Lennox opened and totally stole the show.
That is not a surprise. She is fantastic.
Not a fan of White but that was really good.
“The way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you,” he said at an Obama Foundation town hall event in Berlin, Germany. “And that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want.
And when you don’t, remember your pen, phone, media and spy apparatus.
And use the pen with the special ink that makes your Executive Orders perpetually binding.
Watching the local team USL soccer game online. One of the sideline refs is a smoking hot brunette. Idk when hot, female refs became a thing, but I approve.
Now that hockey is effectively done and the Euro leagues are winding down, I look forward to watching more of those. It looks like I get all of them on ESPN+.
Turned out to be a good purchase when I subscribed to that. I get most/all of my alma maters football/soccer games and I get mls/usl.
It’s crazy worth it. 50 bucks for a whole year. If you’re into tennis they cover all the courts at a lot of tournaments, too. And that’s not even scratching the surface of all the other sports I don’t care about, there’s tons.
I paid $20 for MLB At Bat (to listen to games while I’m puttering around the house).
Given how the Royals are doing, I don’t know why.
Have you met my cincy Reds? I was stunned last year when I gave up on them by Memorial Day, since I usually stick with it till July 4th. This year may set a new record.
I don’t remember when I gave up last year. We have no bullpen.
Ha ha, Red Sox fan here. They’ve given up close to 2x the average runs of MLB teams so far.
Good luck with that, guys.
8 games in and only 6 games back. Return of the Big Red Machine.
Go Twins! 1st place!
At my last job working with lots and lots of Germans, I could always start a lively “discussion” at a happy hour by telling them that taxation is theft.
No matter where they were on the political spectrum, the Krauts would blow their lid at that statement. They would go on and on about how those taxes paid for so much good stuff.
I almost wish I still was working with them to poke them with this rent story. Because you know that shitlord who wanted to kick everyone out to build luxury apartments had to agree to set aside a few of those fancy apartments for refugees. Fuck we do that in the US, so in Germany, I’m sure it is much worse.
* If I was feeling extra ornery, I’d tell the Germans that of course they felt that way because all the liberty minded Germans left there a hundred years ago to move to the US. They were all descended from the Krauts that learned to eat shit and smile.
Not only that, they can kick you out of your rental and give it to a refugee. Too lazy to dig it up, but an example of this was widely reported a year or two ago.
Außerdem ist die Miete verdammt zu hoch!
Damn, I’m following Mojeaux’s advice and getting an old copy of PS on eBay. Adobe won’t get any money, I can stay off the ‘Cloud’, and instead of this unfunny writing, I could have a pic of Jimmy McMillan waving a German flag.
I already told you, photohsop CS2 is ‘free’ on the adobe site, you just have to pinky swear you have a licence.
CPRM, I want the whole suite – I need video editing for what I’m trying to do. I don’t want to pay monthly rent on it, or have my stuff on the cloud, however. Unless they have Premiere Pro for pinky swear, it’s a deal breaker.
That said, I appreciate your advice (and Mojeaux’s)
Premiere is in the suite, it’s just one from circa 2003, if you pinkie swear you bought a for real copy.
As well as After Affects, from that same period, pinky swear.
I think this is the link, I’m drunk.
Thx, CPRM. I did actually buy a copy of the suite at that time, so I can say so.
When all else fails, follow Mojeaux’s advice. LOL
Except for home purchasing (ruefully looks up at water spots on ceiling of ten year old home).
True ’nuff, but I don’t give advice on that because I am not qualified.
I enjoy getting Germans to admit that college isn’t free, that they pay taxes to support it, and that a much smaller percentage of people in Germany go to college because of it.
As far as the liberty minded Germans leaving 100 years ago, I wouldn’t be so sure. A lot of them left after the 1848 revolutions and ended up in Wisconsin.
*raises hand* My grandfather’s family was one of those. They were Baptists, and Baptists were not especially popular in their area of Germany at the time (I think there was also military recruiting going on that they also wanted no part of, IIRC). But of course being somewhat desperate and dumb, they bought the words of a charlatan recruiting for the UKRAINE. “Land of freedom! You can worship all you want!” * fine print: But you will be serfs.
so family and a bunch of co-religionists trotted off to the Ukraine, stayed about 20 years and then my ancestors said, fuck this, why aren’t we in Wisconsin with everyone else? and left for America. But this odd immigration left behind Baptists that managed to outlast the Soviets and remain in the Ukraine.
That’s part of my family, but they went earlier and further east.
How did they reply to everyone with a spine leaving a century ago?
“Nationalism, particularly from the far right, has re-emerged,” he said. “And we know where that leads. Europe knows better than anyone where that leads.”
I don’t seem to recall the far right being the cause of most of Europe’s troubles over the last century or so but whatevs.
Nazi’s are far right
Funny, but I watched a Zeihan video that specifically mentioned the vulnerability of Brazilian ag exports to the infrastructure (roads) getting those products to ports. This is long, but damn, he is interesting – or at least I find him so.
Doing taxes, got stuck on some stupid form I don’t even know if I need to fill out and decided I deserved a Moscow Mule for getting so close to done.
Now I think I’ll have some rye to celebrate finishing the mule.
He poured a drink down his other throat with the plan that it would head the previous one off at the pass, join forces with it, and together they would get the second one to pull itself together. Then all three would go off in search of the first, give it a good talking to and maybe a bit of a sing as well. He felt uncertain as to whether the fourth drink had understood all that, so he sent a fifth to explain the plan more fully and a sixth for moral support.
+1 Douglas Adams
That is great. And likely descriptive of my night.
To my regret this morning, it is descriptive of last night.
Rye and Mule together should have some catchy name. Rhymule? Mulery? Rhywun & More? What is your suggestion?
Ryle? Mye?
Ryule. Pronounced rule.
R’lyeh m’yule
Shouldn’t that be “Wyn’er”?
Oh yeah!
It’s like a map of Middle Earth.
One of the languages he invented WAS based on Welsh….
I heard a Gaelic station when I was in Wales and I could not stop laughing. It sounds just like it looks on the street signs, but I couldn’t imagine it being spoken when I saw the signs.
Irish or Scots? Welsh is not Gaelic.
I don’t really know. I just saw some gibberish looking street signs and then flipped through the radio dial and stopped on a Gaelic station. This was in 1998 or so.
Just wanted to confirm that “Gaelic” refers specifically to a language spoken in either Ireland or Scotland. Welsh is related to those, but more distantly.
Yeah, I’m mis-remembering. I just assumed it was Gaelic based on what I knew. The intertubes hipped me to your point. Thanks, always wanna know the real deal.
My pleasure – it’s not often around here I get to show off some of the useless information stored in my brain pan.
Met a French girl once and tried to talk to her about how the original Britons were pushed into Cornwall and Whales and how that shaped European history…Her ‘free’ college apparently didn’t cover that…
Ask her what she thinks of the Bretons.
She didn’t even get the connection between Brittany and Britain, but sadly one of the more educated women I’ve met…maybe my celibacy makes more sense now.
‘And with strange aeons, even death-dealing hangovers may die.’
” I deserved a Moscow Mule”
Deservin’s got nothin’ to do with it, son. More like owin’ it to yourself.
Taxes done. To celebrate, I started rye #2 and beer #3
Awesome. I’m on red wine #2, and the spaghetti sauce is on the boil. About halfway through browning the meat.
Some Saturday evening mellow:
Here’s some more. Proof that hippies used to be a lot more friendly to freedom:
This reminded me of a riddle book I had in elementary school:
Q: What’s big and red and eats rocks?
A: A Big Red Rock-Eater.
As you might have imagined, much hilarity should then ensue.
The riddle book I borrowed from the elementary school had the following:
Q: What are the three fastest forms of mass communication?
A: Telephone, television, tell a woman.
(This is why there are no female libertarians….)
I’m still kinda giggling, which should explain a lot about me.
Q: What do call an illegally parked frog?
A: Toad
Q: Why dont cannibals eat clowns?
A: They taste FUNNY
Q: Why wont cannibals eat divorced women ?
A: They’re too BITTER !
/be here all week
Q: How do you titillate an ocelot?
A: Oscillate its tit a lot.
I don’t remember that one from the elementary school riddle books.
My son just told me this joke this morning, we gave him those old riddle books.
How do you keep a dog off the street?
You put him in a barking lot
Y’all been readin’ Laffy Taffy wrappers.
Is it just me or is it always Democrat ex-presidents who do this? It makes me nervous. You don’t need to be talking to any world leaders. You are done now. Go away.
They’re just pals. After all, Clinton and AG Lynch just wanted to chat in private about grandkids and stuff. Alone. On a plane.
And I can only imagine what it cost the taxpayers to send his secret service escort with him.
I believe that lifetime protection service, if continued at all, should stop at the US border. We have no need to support their desire to travel the globe. And besides, if your time in office made you that unpopular overseas you should either stay home or reap what you’ve sown.
I believe Obama will be the first to not have it for life. I thought they dropped it back to a decade or two? Anybody remember this in the news?
According to this: it was changed to 10 years in 1994 but Obama changed it back in 2013.
Christ, what an asshole.
Also; what Rhywun said.
That’s only because he didn’t want to be caught! (for what I don’t know, but it puts the onus on you)
Lifetime protection is BS. If someone is no longer the president, there wouldn’t be much of a reason to kill them, and doing so would not have much of an effect anyway.
Ex-presidents are citizens just like the rest of us. Let them hire their own private security or buy a gun.
I’m of the opinion that even protection for the president in office should be decreased, particularly when it inconveniences ordinary Americans (their bosses) such as shutting down parts of cities or excessive motorcades. Sit in traffic asshole. Or stay in the White House.
The Secret Service has far too large of a budget and is far too fearful of getting blamed for another assassination. Screw that. There’s 300M+ people that can take over the job. Fuck Top.Men. bullshit.
STEVE, I gave up golf more than 19 years ago. I have no regrets.
What fore?
He kept trying to make time to practice more but just couldn’t swing it
“I was stung by a bee, right between the 1st and 2nd hole!”
“Madam, your stance is too wide.”
First time I’ve laughed all day (after a crying jag on Mr. Mojeaux’s shoulder), so I figured I ought to thank you.
If I can’t be handsome, I may as well be handy.
/ht Red Green
+5 rolls of duct tape.
Duct tape:
I could putter around with this subject for quite awhile…
That sounds like him, to a tee.
And you chose to post this….in the links?
Par for the course, man,
What drove a wedge between you and golf?
It was rough.
What do you putter around with now?
Golf Shoes! (Did I do that right? It seems like I didn’t)
*Ruffles CPRM’s hair and gives him an encouraging smile*
That seems like the fairway.
Gee Whiz Granpa, you sure are swell!
I’d hazard to say you did, but it could be a trap.
He wood but then couldn’t iron it out
It’s getting caddie in here tonight.
Yeah, I can’t even golfcart!
I’m a driver!
A Holy Driver?
Idiot driver
To bad the Packers couldn’t hire that evil black scientist who invented white people. He could have combined Donald Driver and Bubba Franks into a 260 lb. unstoppable Captain America.
Yeah, I’m still running a temperature, but I feel better than yesterday.
haha, you must be running a temp if you remember Bubba Franks being good.
Sunday Driver
I’m a Giants fan, but I’ve seen enough Packers games. Not a good rookie year. He wasn’t the best receiving tight end, but ran a good post. However, on the run he hit linebackers and corners like a mid-sized truck. I can’t say that for Jason Witten.
His nickname around here was No Yards Franks, because he only ever caught it on the goal line. Finley was the one who ran the post.
Huh. I had heard you liked to be driven.
By the cart girl.
I’m a really bad person. I don’t think you want to know what the first visual that popped into my head is.
Yeah, we’re both going to hell because I think I know what you’re thinking.
Sick fuck.
What do a golf cart, a strap on, and the phrase, “take it bitch!”, have in common?
None are allowed on a PGA course, but all are allowed on an LPGA course?
I’d have a slice of that but I don’t want to get hooked.
You’ll be fine, just follow through.
Do you drive a caddy?
He can never go back to El Paso – they charged him with murder because they heard he made a whole in Juan.
Holy shit, this guy is an idiot.
“White Nationalists Adopt Clowns as Their Next Racist Symbol (Yes, Seriously)”
Oh, that 4Chan does good work…
It’s ok to
be whitewhite face.ICP hardest hit
Yeah. A-level trolling right there.
Cats and laser pointers…
If cats were as stupid as Jared Holt, lions and tigers would be extinct.
he campaign’s spokesman Rouzbeh Taheri said the movement had radicalised as government measures to cool the property market have failed to work.
“Many say this is a type of class struggle. Yes that’s what it is. But we did not start it. We’re taking defensive measures against the class struggler from the top who has for years been fighting against tenants.”
The “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.” initiative, named after the biggest private player in Berlin, targets companies with more than 3,000 apartments in their portfolios.
I get a déja vu feeling here.
Hmm… The German government is stepping in to take control of private capital to push the market towards a socialist outcome. I think I’ve seen this movie before.
Single payer housing market. Worked well in Chicago. Say, isn’t Chicago where the ex prez was from? He should have used that example nationally.
No comment.
People living in third world shit holes looked at Cabrini Green and thought, “daaamn”.
Well yeah. With crazy assholes like this running around there.
Mikes just became my favorite Nodak. I mean those other two guys are assholes anyway.
“just became”? WTF?
The other two guys in your state made a good case, but you finally beat them
offout.Anyone else work in agriculture?
My prediction: regardless of Brazil’s infrastructure they grow a shit ton of soybeans and are a few dollars a bushel cheaper this time of year since they are in their harvest.
The USDA will put out a report Tuesday telling us we have way more grain than we thought we had or need worldwide and the grain futures markets will shit the bed.
But people are starving to death! Get rid of the cows so we can grow more….western lifestyles are killing the planet….argle bargle!!!!
Vegetable prices will remain high until Summer.
Vegetable prices will remain high until
Summer.the ration is increased from 2 potatoes a day to 1 potato a day.*insert Terri Schiavo joke here*
No, but I’ll throw this in here:
*strongly narrows gaze *
I’ve missed you!
There’s no other way to say it.
Ted, there is.
And better choreography.
Holy time warp.
Did somebody mention Time Warp?
Practice your free throws kids.
Uh, there aren’t free throws in hockey.
Well, not when the ref is looking…
I feel awful for that Auburn kid…F you, ref.
I feel bad for him too but looked like a good call.
Orphan tossing to replace dwarf tossing?
“NATURAL JUSTICE Rhino poacher trampled to death by elephants then eaten by lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa
A game reserve owner says it sends a powerful message to poachers”
“They found what was left of the poacher on Thursday but it appeared he had been eaten by a lion pride.
All that was left to bring back to the camp was the poacher’s bloodied head some clothes.”
Guess he got better than he gave….
They should mount it and hang it in the lion pride’s study.
Maybe I should do an advice column like Zardoz and STEVE SMITH, I’m great with relationships:
Lou Perez
5m5 minutes ago
Tonight I dined alone at a restaurant, struck up a long conversation with an older couple next to me. I was so charming that, without having to say it, I advised the husband to fuck his wife tonight. #Louphrodisiac
1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes
Reply 1 Retweet Like 2 Direct message
Donald Trumputin
Replying to @LOUontheSUBWAY
You dined alone because your wife is dating her other husband who you encouraged to fuck her? Relationships confuse me. This is what the conservatives said would happen if we let da gheys merry.
set and match!
Lou is good people, we banter.
Thirty six points, bitchezzz!
“I never had to come out”…as what? As white man in his mid 30s telling people you’re a virgin these days gets way more guffaws than saying you’re gay.
[✔️] I am not playing your reindeer games.
They had a question about ever being waitstaff/bartender. From 15-17, I was a fucking dishwasher and stocking associate in a grocery store, assholes, Tell me about my privilege.
note: “dishwasher in a restaurant”
My point remains.
Fuck, I was a dishwasher in a restaurant in my mid-twenties.
You should have L
Yeah, I did too, although early 20’s.
But all these assholes would look at us and say “oh, they have their fancy coding/computer skills, it must be privilege.” They never did a real day of work in their lives, never had their hands chapped, burnt or frozen on the job. Never faced a 3 mile walk home after midnight and after an 8-10 hour shift. Never worked to improve themselves at the job they were doing. Effete leftist scumbags.
It’s almost a maxim: whatever leftists decry, they are. See what they hate, and you can almost always turn a mirror on them. If they know about privilege, it’s because it’s all they know.
I must have been super privileged – busboy and dishwasher at same job. Look at us lucky bastards over here.
Livin’ the dream, Dr. Otto, livin’ the dream.
Yeah, tbh I don’t have the social skills for any of those jobs, and they all seem better than any job I had until I was about 30.
Me neither but wouldn’t you know it those were the easiest jobs to get for a kid in college with zero other skills.
66! Pretty darn shitlordy.
46. And it should have been lower, because calling someone, gay, fag, or fairy was common in grade school.
I was a lower middle class white kid who went to ghetto schools and whose best friend for a while was a rich black kid. I would break this fucking test if I tried to take it.
Saying you’re friends with black people makes you racist, so you’re like a triple racist.
I know 🙁
Man, I didn’t even think of that! Have to lower my privilege!
Wait … is that the point? If I didn’t immediately think of someone once calling me a fag in grade school, then I’m a privileged shitlord?
In addition to being a straight white man whose parents are still alive, it seems I upped my score by making responsible decisions.
Did you ever stop to think how that would affect other people?!
40 points Woo
Mainly got that low because trauma patients will call you all the racist and homophobic things that can think of if they are huge assholes
I was called a cracker by the friend of a gang banger I was trying to keep alive after he’d been shot.
Question number 101: have you ever had a bunch of woke scumbags attempt to impute guilt upon you for no other reason than to gain control of your money and votes?
BTW, they gave me a 41 and said I’m safe from the camps… for now.
“never been discriminated against because of my race.”
Straight. white males are the debil. Or at least I am told.
57. I’m not even sure what some of that meant! Probably could have been higher. Higher is better, right?
White bread straight boy from East Oakland – 40 and probably could be lower.
“You grew up with an intersectional, complicated identity, and life never let you forget it.”
This shit is fucking evil.
I was 42 and could have been easily lower.
Sick shit.
Lets see I’m totally straight…been called: fag, dyke, fairly, cocksucker, rectum wrecker, “Hide your cornhole from that guy…”. Have these people not been around groups of men?
Why yes, I HAVE been pursued by women I wanted nothing to do with and just let them come to the conclusion I was gay and not correct them.
No, I paid them off when I was 29. Left unchecked.
Sure. Do I need one?
*chews up antibiotics*
Only if I go a few weeks without shaving. Border Patrol Checkpoints on the other hand…
Score: 36
I haven’t flown in almost 20 years, but being in lines and being in airports makes me nervous….
“I have never attended any public school, or most private schools.”
50 points. I picked up some discrimination points because I am white and thus was not really eligible for some law prof positions. I’ve also been poor enough to sell plasma to buy ramen.
‘ I’ve also been poor enough to sell plasma to buy ramen.’
Second. Apparently, this doesn’t get you much on the wheel of wokeness.
I can’t sell plasma. My veins are so tiny I only have one good one and it’s in my hand.
Pretty nurses can always find my vein! *sotto vocce* Festus used to have a thing for nurses.
I love the implied assumption that only people of color are physically attacked for their skin color. As if white kids who grow up in non-white neighborhoods wear some kind of suit of privilege-armor.
Yeah, I’ve been attacked for my skin color and I’m lilly white. I answered such.
Those people might as well not exist as far as the type of people who think like this are concerned.
A stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it is real.
No, I have never met Joe Biden.
This happened to me a lot – when I was riding public transport in China 30+ years ago. They had never seen anybody with hair on their arms.
Yikes, 74 here. I might as well turn myself into the concentration camp now.
When I was in Army NCO school I had to “come out” as a former Marine. That was a shameful moment.
Hello Saturday Night Glibs After Dark!
Hiya Kristen!
How are the Vikes looking for next season?
Depends on their ability to get some O-line. The matadors will get Cousins killed. I heard a rumor they are thinking TE at 18.
Who the fuck am I kidding? They are gonna crush our hopes like they always do.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t born in MN so I could have another team to attach to. I grew up in VT and CT, but never could get the hang of the Pats.
Nah. It’s kind of comforting to know that your teams are gonna suck. It lets you focus on productive things!
Louisiana Saturday night, if you wanna play the country game.
Ooohhh…I like that!!
Of course you do, now imagine the Hair’s voice introducing that song and in a smoother and silkier tone, and you know why I get paid to talk.
(He sure has aged since then)
I like Mel McDaniel, but I’ll throw this out here
Finally. Thank you for saving me from posting that.
Damn your gay nimble fingers!
Better version, IMO
*punches Mike*
This guy in the comments says it well:
What the hell is wrong with you?
Where’s Chafed? He’ll back me up (or lose all musical respect he had for me)
Nickelback’s first two albums were good. Leader of Men is great fucking song, fuck you bandwagoneers.
CPRM is right. Nickleback does not deserve the hate they get. And that Saturday Night cover is fucking awesome. One verse is sung by Kid Rock, Dime Bag from Pantera is on guitar. It kicks ass.
Whoa! Mikes, I didn’t say they didn’t suck now, I was just pointing out they didn’t always suck.
Have a version of that concept that doesn’t suck ass.
Same here. I haven’t heard a new song from them in what…15 years? Don’t much care to, either. Just saying their first few albums were fine for what they were; hard pop rock.
Rhy, you linked the wrong song. That obviously does suck ass.
Rhy confirmed as being Literally a Nazi and Mikes confirmed to like this.
Christ. That sounded exactly like some of that new country garbage. Ick.
I’ve got your back MikeS.
Mike, Mike, mike… You’re wrong. Just …wrong.
Yeah, they do, Mike. They really do.
That’s a good one.
Then later that same day…
Saturday night:
Saturday night:
Delicious Spudalicious?
Except I was 16. Fortunately(?), I found cruising, beer and weed. I switched to jean and flannel shirts.
I raise you one Saturday night.
Wow, all these years later, that still caused a brain hemorrhage.
I was waiting for someone to link it. Thanks for enacting my labor.
After dark
10:15 Saturday Night
I prefer specificity.
For Tundra. Dan Wilson: Free Life.
The guy wins Grammys at will, but still can make some beautiful stuff.
Huh. I picked a Dead South YouTube video, and they queue’d up a Local H vid after it.
I actually do like both songs, but it seems a strange segue.
POsted this on the Tweeters as well: a colleague of a close friend was pondering why there aren’t any female libertarians. My friend offered me as an example, Now this colleague wants to go out to happy hour, all 3 of us. Presumably so she can grill me.
So let’s just keep the myth of the libertarian woman going, shall we?
People are the worst. Send them a link to Hat and Hair cartoons and say you’re warshin yer har.
If you promise a certain demographic free stuff and legally enshrined privileges that nobody else gets, you will get a lot of support from that demographic.
The DNC aggressively panders to women. It’s been my contention for a while that the function of feminism is to push for endless entitlements and privileges for women and invent logic to portray this as mere “equality”.
Libertarianism does not promise women anything except the right to do whatever you want so long as it’s not aggression against others. Boooooring.
In short, if you pander to a demographic, you’ll get more of their support. It’s just “bread and circuses” on a demographic level.
mmm…. would it be out of line to ask for pics?
Looking at my Gucci it’s about that time?
Nice reference!
15 wants me bad.
History will not be kind to these people.
When I was 8 years-old I wanted to be a garbageman. My dreams were never realized except tangentially.
I worked on trash trucks for two years. Never really wanted to, as a kid or an adult. Pays well, though.
I’m pretty sure I wanted to be a fire-truck at some point.
Greetings from the not-so-wilds of Connecticut. I am filled with French food and Crémant. I may explore my late father-in-law’s single malt collection next.
It’s the appropriate thing to do.
By “explore” I assume you mean “plunder”?
Indeed. TBF, nobody else drinks it so I have been encouraged to.
I’ve been dipping in for enough years that I have added a few bottles to the collection out of a sense of obligation. But, really, it’s essentially my satellite single malt collection at this point. These bottles just last far longer than the ones I bring home.
Blah, blah, blah.
They change their opinion on this kind of shit every couple of years.
I’m sure our increased longevity – where, if cancer doesn’t get you, Alzheimer’s will – has nothing to do with this.
.577 Bland-Pryse Stopping Revolver.
Just in case you’re being charged by an elephant and only have a revolver.
.475 Linebaugh?
Its a Webly on steroids.
Sadly, Saturday is followed by Sunday, and then Monday.
Saturday, I go out to play…..
but you get that Sunday Morning Coming down
mmm… beer for breakfast.
Damn, I love that song.
It’ll help you make it through the night, around here, Mike.
*resists urge to post a cascading list of “Sunday” and “Monday” songs*
How do Mondays make you feel?
I was sure it would be The Boomtown Rats.
What an incredible waste of an impeccable talent.
I refuse to click out of fear that one of those are The Cure.
Oh, mine is way worse than the Cure.
Are you crazy? She sings like an angel!
A hungry angel.
Too soon!
No, I’ll allow it.
I… can’t even.
PS. Count your blessings that Friday is already past.
Haha. You two are funny.
mine is way worse than the Cure.
You’re a monster.
I should have guessed it was that song.
I’ve met them. Tried to stick Susanna Hoffs in the pooper. Epic fail.
Don’t judge!
I went through an Ani phase for a bit, but don’t know that one.
This remains a gem of a song. I am a sucker for horns, so that colors my view.
She’s a hell of an arranger. I don’t dig all of her output but she’s but she has some real gems.
“We are in favour of these things coming under communal control and managed for the well-being of the community, and not for the well-being of the few who want to get rich quickly and ruthlessly.”
What could f’g go wrong.
“Obama: Democrats are having a ‘circular firing squad’ over ‘purity’”
Carry on
Yeah, I’m enjoying the hell out of it.
Biden is getting set up by the Far Left.
Well, it should be, but it was ignored because TEAM. Now they have Trump. Karma has never come around to me, but it has for the Democrats.
Look if you want the Teen Vogue vote you need to skip.the hair smelling and put it right in her butt.
Susanna Hoffs hair smells terrific.
Would sniff
i don’t believe you, please send her over so I can confirm.
Wasn’t Eva Longoria at the Flores event? I AM NOT advocating unwanted touching, but if you’re going to do it, why in hell would you go after Flores over Longoria in that context? I don’t get it. It’s like going to a buffet, and choosing Brussle sprouts over bacon.
Maybe he didn’t want his fall off.
Bacon, dude. Bacon. Some things require sacrifice.
It’s so obvious you’d think someone in the MSM would have notic– oh. Never mind.
Biden set himself up as the sacrificial goat. The lefties want Kamala and they’ll soon get Kamalaed, good and hard.
“Obama met privately with Chancellor Angela Merkel Friday, in what her office called a routine get-together of former international colleagues.”
So he’s still the President of Europe? Bang up job Barackie.
So no European country has an election coming up that he could be seen to be interfering with?
As long as it benefits the “right people” what does that matter?
“Three double blind randomised controlled trials have proven CBD, an element found in cannabis plants, can reduce the number of seizures for those with Dravet and Lennox Gastaut syndromes.”
But someone might enjoy it. Won’t someone think of the children?
WTF, TTU tearing it up.
RE: Tranny treatments on grade schoolers.
At what point do these docs start getting their licenses pulled for violating the Hippocratic Oath?
I’m guessing in 40 or 50 years people will look back on this the same way we look back on Mengele or Unit 731.
No fucking shit, it’s horrific. Doctors and parents need put in jail.
No worries. The mutilated kids will be back.
With guns.
Hopefully they target the guilty and not just a random crowd.
I think you are right about the time frame. I saw a documentary that interviewed former East German women Olympians. I can’t remember the name of it. These women were given ridiculous amounts of anabolic steroids. One of them ultimately opted to transition to male. This former woman didn’t do it because she long felt she was truly a man. She did it because it most closely matched what she had become. It was tremendously sad because he had no idea what had been done to him until many years after the fact.
I didn’t want to post on a dead thread but there is a reason nuclear isn’t popular with some people. Nuclear won’t necessarily force the world to move in a direction they approve of.
They don’t want a solution. They want power.
And money.
As I said, a direction they want the world to move in.
It’s just Team shit. One team has decided to be against it. No further thought required.
Also, the anti-nuke protesters from back in the day can never admit being wrong. That sanctimony dies hard.
Not necessarily. Wifey grew up close to Hanford and she hates the idea of Nuclear power. She’s as centrist as they come but thanks to indoctrination she has a visceral fear of it.
Well concerns about waste were legitimate for quite some time. Technology has improved for a while now though.
Sure. That was forty years ago but the lessons stuck. People don’t respond to logic and science, they respond to fear-mongering.
Or Truth:)
Based on the “Don Escaped…” rule, TTU will win this.
If MSU keeps running and gunning they will for sure.
Apparently, there’s some rap song flying up the country charts, I listened to some redneck discussing why it ain’t country and he made the completely rational point that just because you put the word “Horse” in a song it doesn’t automatically become a country song. Fair enough, but then one of the examples the guy uses to make this case is “Wild Horses”, I know that The Rolling Stones are considered a Rock and Roll/Blues act but they do delve into Country and “Wild Horses” is ejemplo numero dos. My question for you musically knowledgable Glibs is this- All the online lyrics for 19th Nervous Breakdown say it’s ‘Sealing wax’ and I always thought it was ‘Ceiling Wax’, you know, a little play on words and to show that the subject of Mick’s scorn came from so very affluent and such idly rich parents that father could waste time on such nonsense. Perfecting ‘Sealing wax’ would be an entirely reasonable thing for certain people, i.e. chemists and such folks, to do, however, no one waxes their ceiling or has need of a perfect ceiling wax. It’s just common sense, isn’t it?
I may not know music, but I know what I like.
And I think debating genre is pointless.
Exactly. Hard Rock is the best and everyone knows it deep down. No need to argue.
That German band you posted a while back was muy bueno.
Glad you liked them…was it Eisbrecher? I forget. They’re my fav, but I’ve gotten into a few others: Oomph!, Megaherz, Stahlmann
But what is hard rock? What is metal? why am I naked?
“why am I naked?”
Visit from STEVE SMITH?
Q titty links.
I warned you to stay away from Diamond Dave but would you listen?
Meh, Country has been pop for a while. Not unexpected.
A sub-genre of modern country has been rap for a while now.
I’m struggling to even conceive what that would sound like. Enh, I don’t want to know.
I’ve heard a very small sampling and it was horrendous. Pop-Country has really gone to shit.
At least Shania had the good sense to have a great set of “producers”…
Not so good at picking husbands…
*giddily takes number and joins the line*
*Lines up behind Festus*
Like this, I assume. I like that, but that’s probably colored by its association with a show I loved.
Actual “country” song now, yuge hit.
Exactly my resignation to go for the full time job I have access to, this shit sucks.
I do believe Trace Adkins would kick that guy’s ass.
I… can’t even.
Needs more product placement, torso, and Jesus poses.
That would make it him standing in his Hanes tighty whities with his arms out…Oh, I see what you did there, with your secret gay agenda!
Horrible, This one is barely tolerable. But hunting, fishing and loving is all right.
Oh I’d totally do him; but I’d still have to tell him afterwards that his music is complete shit.
Sealing wacks is an eskimo term which was appropriated by Jaggar.
Is that like when you get sloppy seconds from your Eskimo brother?
I believe this is the the song. Yeah, I hate people.
Promising start and then I died a little inside. Nu-Metal made the crossover to Bro-Country.
Actual Nu Metal country crossover.
I liked it.
That is a new classic. Bueno and mahalo.
Same theme and a classic.
That just makes me laugh – it’s comedy, right?
Fifteen years too later TB.
#2 on the country charts, #13 on the rap charts.
I remember that.
lol check out this guy he doesn’t even wax his ceiling. *points and laughs at the hyperbole*
I get your point but the answer is sealing wax. When the song was written there was no longer a use for sealing wax so someone spending time perfecting is just the sort of person you described.
That burned me, it was so hot.
Fake News! The one on the left is clearly doing the pelvic retreat which is the anti-scissoring.
Should wear that to the next Women’s March, accented with a jaunty Maga beret.
Meh. Fake lesbos.
Those are best kind. You don’t want to see real lesbos. Lol.
Lol is right. I have many in my life. Not one looks like either of those.
I knew a couple but my best efforts did not turn either of them and that was when I was at the height of my powers.
There are lots and lots of lesbians around where I live – e.g., my dog-walker & her wife. None of the look like that.
These were softball girls and there is something to be said for team sports and pheremones. Ah well, probably would have led to a morning full of regret and months of awkwardness. Just as well that neither pulled the trigger.
I have a story I won’t share…yet.
We’ll just have to wait a few more beers.
The best kind.
I got a Tatu.
I’m so glad women feel free to use their sexuality to get ahead in life. #notsarcasmireallyam.
I didn’t see one boob get grabbed.
More please. Also, please post your subscription information.
Sympathy for the Devil commercial fail
Barack was paying attention! Let the rubes pay for your European vacation.
Maybe he can sell Yellowstone to China.
Congratulations Virginia.
I guess I have to root for Texas Tech on Monday now.
And I Virginia. ///hometeam ///schoolfoundedbymyhomeboyTJ
I can’t root for TTU because they royally f’d my brackets a few years back. #neverforget.
Couples Therapy
He strikes me as a secret gay, we need a gay judge ruling…
Strikes me as over-compensation.
He’s a former Army Ranger. Totally gay.
I thought it was Air Force sergeants who were gay?
You ever been in the military!?
Everyone there is gay.
The judge has ruled.
Damn, so that’s his wife? What happened to the blond? That said, that may be an upgrade.
He had a better blonde after that, but then she went
Bravo. That made me LOL.
That meme never gets old;)
That brunette is adorable.
Although I think her bewbs are fugazi.
I want to believe.
“Hell Yeah, John Cho Is Playing Spike Spiegel in Netflix’s ‘Cowboy Bebop’
The live-action remake will also star Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, and Alex Hassell.
A few months after Netflix announced it was making a live-action version of Cowboy Bebop (for better or worse), the streaming service put out the first of its cast list—and from the looks of this thing, the show’s shaping up to be pretty rad.
John Cho will play Spike Spiegel, the intrepid leader and former hitman of the Red Dragon Syndicate, according to The Hollywood Reporter—and thank god for that. For once, Hollywood seems to have gotten the message about whitewashing Asian roles. (Namely: Stop!!!) ”
Spike Spiegel is Jewish, you stupid assholes.
All anime characters are from the country of Asia, you racist!
He’s from Mars.
Asian Mars!
Teeming herds of buggalo
Like, OMG!!!
the intrepid leader and former hitman of the Red Dragon Syndicate
Yeah, she’s never seen the show.
… and Cho is Korean
Aight. Tapping out for the night, rock on Bill and Ted.
But you didn’t read the nice things I said about you above.
I should be tapping out but have a pretty good bourbon buzz going at the moment so not sure I’d go right to sleep.
I’m just getting started. Negroni with a splash of orange blossom water and vanilla is helping to roll things along.
God, Negroni’s are great. So tasty, but so strong. I’ve gotten myself in trouble drinking those more than once.
It is ridiculously delicious. Since I ‘upped my cocktail game’ as someone encouragingly noted recently, I’ve learned the hard way how tasty they are.
And so simple. Campari. Vermouth. Gin. Equal parts.
I had no idea how versatile vermouth is. It’s really been an awakening for me.
Vermouth is starting to get some well-deserved respect in this country. It doesn’t have to be an afterthought, but can be a main ingredient in its own right.
Nice. Can’t find Campari here, just Aperol.
Huh. Campari seems much better known. (I’d heard of it, not the other one.)
Aperol was made as a lower-alcohol version of Campari – it’s Campari’s baby brother.
Aperol has its attractions. Aperol and soda is tasty but won’t knock you on your ass. Good for extended sessions / lunch / whathaveyou.
It sounds like one of those medicines you need to “ask your doctor” about.
Yeah, I can’t find Camparo anywhere and even Aperol only a few places.
Huh. I had no trouble finding it and here in NYC our liquor stores are all mom’n’pops with very limited selection. Maybe it’s a regional distribution thing.
I can’t sleep until about 5-6 in the morning (night shifter). The world is passing me by and I don’t care.
2215. Spud’s out. Night Glibbies.
‘night Spud!
Good night, old man. Hope you wore your adult diapers.
Hot Blooded
That can’t be the original video, assuming there even was one in 1978.
Let us have this one, man.
Yeah, great song, bangable chicks, nothing to complain about.
Careful Rhy.
WODs claims more victims. Steve Smith approves.
I tried to like it but it just seemed so clinical.
Well it’s not a porn site so…
Smuggler’s Blues
Yeah, that’s a good tune.
Nurses still cool. Cops still dicks.
Very cool
I’m listening to Brian Suits on The Dark Secret Place. Apparently grave robbing is making a big comeback in Venezuela due to the grinding poverty. I want to snark it’s another communist victory but this is so sad I can’t.
What are they getting? Jewelry and gold teeth? Sad.
Sadly, that is part of it.
Good lord.
Sean Penn needs to do the walk of shame over this.
Damn. Every story about Venezuela gets a bit worse, it’s been a terrible and predictable slide. When Chavez first took over twenty years ago I told my friend who thought “power for the people” would work out there, that it would fail badly. Some things aren’t that hard to see coming. I spent three years living and traveling throughout South America in the end of 90’s beginning of the 00’s. Never spent time in Venezuela, but most of the other countries down there. It was pretty violent before, but relatively prosperous. I can only imagine how crazy the cities are there right now.
You weren’t breast fed, were you Q.
Easily the winner
Cultural appropriation. Norwegians playing mountain music.*hat tip to Suthen last night*
After I broke with my ex I had a chance with a Norwegian girl here on a student exchange but one of my closest buddies died suddenly from sleep apnea and what with the grief and funeral shit it put me off my game pretty badly. I liked her quite a lot. Her red-headed friend married one of my buddies and is a citizen now.
One time way back before my own student exchange trip, I went to a sort-of weekend camp and fell head over heels for a Norwegian boy there. Then I lost a contact lens and my weekend went tits-up. Doubt he even noticed me. Yay.
Lost opportunity Brothers! We should have a special charm to hang from our respective bracelets.
There isn’t a bracelet big enough.
I hear you Brother. PREACH!
I’ve been trying to sell this tune for awhile
Which one are you?
The chick, obvs.
I’m watching the end of the Blues Brothers. Late night coffee and driving are bad for my sleep. I forgot how many gems it had.
The scene with Carrie Fisher firing an M-16 and Jake talking his way out of death is great. The police dispatcher authorizing the use of gratuitous violence was funny and true. The number of cars destroyed is startling.
Does anyone know if the city blocks where the Illinois Nazis start their car chase is the same part of town Steven Seagal did his foot chase in Above The Law?
I love everything about that movie except for the music. You can disown me now.
I have mixed feelings about the music. Some of it works for me and some doesn’t. I appreciate Ackroyd and Belushi honoring these musicians they clearly loved.
There is that. I saw it in the theater when I was 15. Rhythm and blues do almost nothing for me but I like the blues and most jazz. Don’t get me started on Motown.
Waiting to board my flight. Sadly taking southwest with a sorry boarding number, hopefully I don’t have to sit next to a fatty or check my bag.
You should always check your bag to make sure that your two friends haven’t run off to parts unknown.
I dig this chick. She knows her shit movie-wise and has a powerful message for us that don’t live by the usual clock.
Not right.