They sure have some pimpin’ fur wear in the future!
Things to Come – the week of April 8, 2019
Monday will see Animal’s Lever Gun series reach Part 6. And later on, MLW takes us into an examination of Charmed.
Tuesday has Spudalicious going all Irish on us. And MLW dives into the Charmed mess, again.
Wednesday sees the Hat and the Hair continue their adventure below Washington, D.C. And maybe what that wacky USA Hat and the Donald are getting up to.
Thursday we get Pie returning to his pondering.
Friday is a bit unsettled yet – we shall see what comes about. However, you do know it will be a good time.
The Links will continue to anchor our morning and afternoon spots.
Your contributions are always welcome, and they are always needed.
Thanks, and have at it in the comments – it is open, so there is no “OT”!
We will provide a music link, to get things rolling.
Ooooopen post!
So I’ll repost this from the last thread.
She gone.
what did she do?
She just resigned after meeting with Trump. I think she finally had enough.
As I said in the dead thread, she must be low-rated.
Trump’s been frustrated with her for some time. I think she was in a no win situation.
That seems to be true for nearly his entire cabinet.
I think it takes a special kind of masochism for that set of jobs.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Trump overall, but I still think it would be terrible to work for him.
I groaned at that joke the first time 😉
Did you groan that way over Leslie Nielsen’s jokes too?
Ok, then so will I.
She can’t live, if living is without you.
#metoo X 3
That’s a great song.
#metoo – I didn’t know we’d moved on
I was looking for the Ferlin Husky version for the old folks but Joey is a lot more, shall we say, in keeping with the Glibs preference, so it would seem
I’m Gone fer Ferlin.
Probably Floyd Cramer on the ivories to my ear, but I can’t prove it.
Gone back to Raleigh
Um…can’t we just get rid of the entire abomination?
Um…can’t we just get rid of the entire abomination?
Now you’re talkin’ crazy. The ratchet only goes one way.
Have a heapin’ helpin’ of some Lucinda.
Better than the other Lucinda.
My response.
You’re a monster.
My counter.
When it comes to music, I’m the monster.
As long as you’re not the egg-man. Coo-coo cajoob.
How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Have at thee!
That’s not the only thing there’s none of.
Is it this Charmed:
or the reboot I’ve never seen?
I’m just hoping for stories of behind the scenes catfights that involve Jello.
You don’t hate us.
Scroll up.
I was expecting this
Reboot. And it is woke af.
A reboot of Charmed, they really are in a shortage of ideas
There’s also a reboot of Roswell. Apparently it’s better than the original and we should all watch it because “the creative mind behind it is not only a woman, but a Muslim, and we get an ICE stop in the first 5 minutes.”
It probably won’t even have the diner uniforms because of the patriarchy or some shit.
I can’t believe I’m old enough that they’re rebooting shows that I was already too old to give a shit about the first time around.
We need a Dragnet podcast so it can hit for the cycle: radio, tv, movie, cyber
That’s what I was thinking. A reboot of Charmed? Are you fucking kidding? I guess we’re overdue for a third run at 90210. (I think they did a second one, didn’t they?)
Welcome to my world.
Shannen Doherty is from Memphis, but I was never into the skanky hillbilly look. Some are, I hear.
Still would, with no shame.
Ditto. The years haven’t been terribly kind, but she’s still well within parameters.
Thought she’d be too skinny for your tastes.
She had cancer.
I never thought she looked skanky or hillbilly.
I’m an expert on hillbillies; I defer to you on skanks.
She is pretty hot, all things considered. Pretty psycho, but in an attractive way.
1) It is known
2) This is a slogan, or, mantra, or, something…just needs the correct platform
3) If you see this on a female-driven vehicle, run like hell
Sunday Morning
A Month of Sundays
Sunday’s Best
Hm… not sure if I like this or not. I’m leaning towards no, but still may have a place on a playlist somewhere for this summer.
You make it sound like Sunday is every day.
Every Day
Down, down to hell! And say I sent thee thither!
I hate that stupid song.
Would have expected this from Ted S.:
Well every day is Sunday when you’re unemployed. Great band to see live, they usually come to town once a year or so.
Tell me about it.
Have a Sunday Crisis.
Sunday Morning? Coming Down.
Sunday Afternoon In The Park
slowly perceives the door
Sunday morning
song kinda stings
I choose to read this post as proof SP is alive having survived the Great Migration West.
SP is very, very busy. You can tell when she is not at the helm… we tend to drift a bit.
Only a bit?
Drift? Like a boat in a shark movie?
Like Robert Redford in “All is Lost.”
We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
Or Kon-tiki?
Loved the book and the documentary.
I was delivering the Mpls paper when Kon-tiki ran as a morning serial, about ’51-’52. I could read the whole episode on my morning route. Ran in the spring so the mornings were light enough to read. I was mesmerized as a young teenager.
We had direction ?
Swirling down is not exactly drifting.
Shazam! is a great movie, I recommend it highly.
I couldn’t get to see it this weekend, but I’m hoping to see it next weekend.
The cheesy 70s Saturday Morning TV show was better.
How about the 80s version?
You’re old if you remember this classic.
Vaguely remember. Damn, I’m old.
I knew it before I clicked….
Yup, could only be Gomer.
I still hear Gomer singing Xmas carols on the radio every Yuletide. The guy was a heck of a baritone.
So driving to work Wednesday morning I started having the same symptoms I had when I had a heart attack in 2016. I pulled into a hospital 10 minutes later where they kept me overnight and did everything they could do except a heart cath. They found nothing wrong. Even with all the cool scars on my chest I sometimes forget anything ever happened before. Definitely reset my life alarm clock.
2006, I ended up with chest pain in the ER. When nitro made it go away, I thought to myself “fuck, cardiac”. Spent the night, went through a full battery of tests the next day. Clean as a whistle. After many years in EMS, I learned that nitro can relieve esophageal spasm because it’s a smooth muscle relaxer.
Glad you’re okay.
You know what else is a smooth muscle relaxer ?
Winston’s mom?
That she is.
Well done tulpa.
(well, anyway, it contains oxygen yet is combustible, so it answers an earlier thread)
I mean, you weren’t wrong in that a completely oxidized substance can’t be burnt, but there are so many organic materials that include oxygen that the idea falls apart in a hurry.
However, any of your group I and II meals that are bonded to oxygen probably can’t be burnt.
Yes, I was thinking about oxidized metals. Believe it or not, I spent half my career packaging organic chemicals and my son is a chemist, but another side of my brain was focused on social knowledge (that happens more the older I get).
Long Slow Distance?
Thanks Spud. I’m still concerned because the 1st time they were not sure I had anything wrong and was doing the Cath as an investigation procedure. They packed up shop early because I needed a quad bypass, a valve replacement and a anersism graft. A couple of doctors were going to send me home before the Cath.
I’m blessed with the gift of fucked-up shoulders, my left in particular. When I do something stupid, it reminds me with non-specific chest pain radiating down my arm, and numbness in my fingers. It took a cath to show that my coronary arteries are clean (were 15 years ago) before all my docs scratched their heads and decided I had shoulder pain radiating IN, not cardiac pain radiating OUT. However, given my family history with heart events, I see my cardiologist next month. I expect another cath.
Here’s to the nice fire feeling within that comes with the dye. Damn that shit makes you think you are pissing yourself.
Right? Weirdest thing.
Glad you’re ok!
Thanks Tundra.
Good that you’re OK.
Glad you’re OK. Better go to a hospital, and find nothing, than ignore it, and drop dead.
Hope all is well.
Glad to hear you are good to go.
Better than the original.
Did he sign a Garand in there?
it is open, so there is no “OT”!
OT: Every post is an open post.
*narrows gaze*
I just did pork tenderloin and mushrooms/onions on the grill. It was delicious. But one of my cats got into a piece of the meat on the counter* while the other one watched. He is on my shit-list for the foreseeable future.
*Probably my fault for leaving it out and unattended while knowing that my cats are worse than dogs when it comes to food.
That is in my top five reasons I won’t have an indoor cat.
Possible exception would be a Savannah cat if I ever come into some throw away money.
Heh that would be way out of character for mine. They come running when I open a can of tuna or a bag of cold cuts but that’s about it.
Our cat is 12. She doesn’t make it onto counters anymore.
When my cat hit 14, she got arthritis. I got her a heating pad and put it under the kitchen table. She lived on that thing for the last 3 years of her 9th life. Loved it. Now my friend’s 17 y/o cat has it and he’s the same way, round the clock.
From what I’ve read, cats prefer a room temperature of 80 – 85 degrees.
We had a couple of those plug-in oil-filled radiators over the winter and my cat (18) would sit in front of them for hours, like nose practically inside the radiator fins.
Mine are around 12. Really dreading the “senior” years.
Slammer on April 7, 2019 at 8:01 am
“It’s National Beer Day.”
I did my part with 3 Loose Canons early because I always have beer on days that end with “y.”
But saved room for a couple of shots of Makers 46 to go with the ribs and pig dip. Mmmm… Pork.
Just tried three different texas beers with my cousin in Houston. Good stuff, much better than what I found when I visited Austin 10 years ago.
St Arnold Brown Porter is solid, but I prefer 512 Pecan Porter (Austin).
I’ll look for those around there.
It is yum.
I had a barrel aged stout at a local brewery and bottled a batch of Bruxelles Blonde. On to whiskey.
Speaking of beers, is Unreconstructed around, or any other Galveston glibs? Just checked in, and looking for some dinner, but might go out for a brew or two later if anyone is interested?
I hope to God you get to meet Unreconstructed.
Why’s that?
He is my fraternity brother. Everyone who has met him has an opinion of him. No one has ever thought neutrally of him.
On the more selfish side, I haven’t seen him in a decade, and he is one of those people that you can’t quite figure out how they are going to make their way through life but are certain it will generate good stories one way or another. I have so many stories that I will never tell (unlike Will) about him, and I am hind of hoping that he has continued to break his way through life.
Then again, if I found out that his past caught up to him, I might pay more attention to karma.
His handle here certainly suggests a certain type of folk. Sounds like fun,though.
Are frats hothouses of libertarianism?
* starts to type something
lets it go *
…I don’t know. Politics was ever in the forefront of any of our lives. There were fights and hatreds, but they were never from political disagreements. Which should probably be a lesson — so many other things are more important.
Our particular house was pretty atypical. Unreconstructed was the last class initiated before a hazing scandal that brought the national org down and resulted in an outreach to “non-traditional” pledges (which is what brought me in.) The leader of my pledge class tried to get me thrown out multiple times, but I stuck round out of sheer spite. This eventually lead to some of the wealthy alums developing a grudging respect for me (our house valued bitter endurance and shamelessness).
There is a lesson here re: Swiss and Winston.
I spent a summer renting in a ΣN house: never inferred any guiding principles or even goals from the exposure.
I paid my share of the long distance one month with a check drafted on Reelfoot Bank of Hornbeak TN: their treasurer promptly fell in the floor laughing and could not be returned to his feet for several minutes; I feared for his health, then for his sanity, but never for his liquidity.
Almost all fraternities have lots of stuff encoded in their artwork, tough it’s a lot easier to see if you’re familiar with Freemasonry.
Our house did not have non-ironic prejudice against Jews (as demonstrated by house leadership) but there was a tradition of renaming every treasurer with one of (((their))) names. When I was there, we had Brother Blankenstein and Brother Goldstein in that office. I was so amazingly boring that they never bothered to rename me. The Treasurer got one of the prime rooms in the house and that mofo was mine.
Oh, and as to “a certain kind of folk…”
I never got that impression while I lived with him. We had presidents of both racial and religious minorities. Rebel flags were not flown. And this was before the complete wokefication of campuses.
He is very much a Texan however. I remember him saying “I have always read about crisp autumn days but I have never experienced one until now”
The Texas gulf coast is pretty much shit, weather-wise.
I was thinking more along the lines of a states rights type, though that was the other option.
Seems pretty nice right now, but I understand it often isn’t very comfortable.
That of course is a matter of opinion.
I sometimes enjoy going year round without having to wear a pair of long pants
Nomi is reviewing the history of the Fed; she is NOT hard to look at.
School district removes doors from bathroom stalls, girls allegedly forced to bring blankets from home for privacy
Seems like an appropriate and effective response, if you’re a moron.
And are we to understand that no male students have a problem with this? I find that unlikely.
Why have stalls? Make it barracks style.
Question: are female barracks the same way?
I called the latrine in basic training (with literally 20 open toilets on either side of the walls) the Halls Of Shit.
You kids. We didn’t have all that fancy running water stuff when me and the boys got called up. I spose you had showers instead of galvanized tubs to bathe in. Kids got it too easy today.
They probably even had electricity. Soft.
Pfft…Ft. Bliss had incredibly ineffective swamp-coolers. Yet we still got handed wool blankets.
Sounds logical, just like when they strip search half the school because of rumors of drugs in someone’s locker.
That opinion from Thomas could truly inspire violence in me toward him, and I don’t even have a daughter.
I ran cross-country and track for 4 years in HS and probably took all my dumps in that locker room without a stall door. Just two crappers and a concrete block divider high enough you couldn’t see over sitting down. Of course, the one rule that was religiously enforced was: Don’t piss in the shitter. You never had to worry about sitting in piss.
Laws, or: how to create new and interesting ways to end-run regulations
assessed value: $549,300 . . . sold to a wealthy Maryland businessman for close to a million dollars
new bureaucracy required ASAP !
“A roiling nationwide college admissions scandal has resulted in federal criminal charges…”
As a complete dipshit with no legal training outside of People’s Court, explain why this is a federal crime (other than the school accepts funding from the gov’t)
I certainly don’t care, but, then again, I don’t use the federal mails or telephony to send lies to misrepresent my kid’s qualifications. As to private schools, it’s their job to show damages if there are any (not a criminal issue at all); as to public schools, they should not exist.
Wire fraud?
Interesting angle.
No idea, just pulling crap out of me arse. I was a bureaucrat for 14 months once 30 years ago, so I’m not without experience.
It’s a fair cop, I suppose. If the feds wanted to get involved. But barring direct offense to the FedGov, I dont know how they can legit stick their noses in it.
I think I heard that the max time was 2o years. Sounds about right. *eye roll*
20-30 years ago pols were selling biographies by the 100s to a donor, wasn’t it some old Texan that got booted/resigned over that scam?
Ann Richards ?
Yeah, that’s the one. Couldn’t remember his name. Oh, oh….
Jim Wright over Reflections of a Public Man
He was from Fort Worth, Speaker, WW2 B24 bombardier, and is buried at Greenwood in Weatherford not far from the grave of the cowboy who died from falling into a cottonmouth boil and was later borrowed as a character in Lonesome Dove.
Getting a real Subaru vibe from the current Rav4 commercials. Paging #Sugarfree!
“Rave” is just too 90’s.
Just because.
I was expecting techno.
Right? Instead you got much better.
There is plenty of good techno, and plenty of awful techno. I used to make techno, then chillout. Never made any money at it, but I played a bunch of parties, and got on the guest lists.
I was just being tongue in cheek. I’m a huge fan of EBM and its various offshoots so you get no argument from me.
Some of us just don’t like Techno. It’s OK, variety makes the world go round. You do you.
So, I take it their demographic is “assholes”?
That’s the number 1 demographic these days.
I also can’t believe that thing is $30K.
Cars are just getting too bloated and expensive. I saw an old Subaru Outback parked next to a new one. It looked three times as big.
Cat niggas
That was meant to lull us into a false sense of security with your links, wasn’t it?
He just links to cat videos. Seen it a hundred times. No biggie.
OMG Gangsta Party Line was a classic
Did you know Henry Purcell died after his wife locked him out of the house on a cold night? Then she posthumously published his works for a substantial amount of money. Now I ain’t saying was she a gold digger, but she wasn’t messing with no Baroque niggas.
This is all I have to say about that.
Broke niggas got a lol.
I see the Count’s thicc girl is in there not once but twice.
I love sexy girls in sexy lingerie.
Then you’ve come to the right place.
It’s a Honey trap! Run JB! *is shot by FBI agents*
What about non-sexy lingerie? ‘Cause I’m starting to think Shitlord confirmed….
or even, non-sexy girls in sexy lengerie. I think you need both sides to make the equation work, it’s like algebra.
8 and 17. Somebody punched poor 45 right in the mouth.
Wow. That is some really bad plastic surgery.
Is 31 supposed to be a sexy nun? That is really confusing. I can’t hold those two concepts in my mind at the same time.
Times have changed and I GET it. Over the years I’ve sniffed your wive’s panties and children’s undies. Sometimes I’ve even sniffed your boxers while you were at work. My kid had cancer BTW. Oh, and I only pressed those undergarments to my face and inhaled deeply to give encouragement and support to cancer patients and their families. In 2019, this manner of detecting cancer markers can make some people uncomfortable, and I understand and GET it. If you mistook my hands on approach for violating personal boundaries, I GET it and will LISTEN to your concerns.
Thank you.
PS: Your wife’s vagina smells like pickled goldfish.
You (((people))) eat some weird food.
100% kosher.
I give you 2 HM’s out of 5.
That’s a passing grade, right? *skates through like high school*
Dude, I would have easily gone 3, 3.5
Did HM hack Straff’s account?
You’re fired.
I was going to go with that, but decide to pick the other one.
Great minds.
Tough room..
Dominatrix walks in and cracks whip ‘Oh honey, you haven’t even seen the tough room yet.’
The dominatrix sleeps tonight.
I never saw that show. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I watched the Celebrity Apprentice when Penn Jillette was on, my only exposure.
Run through beautiful downtown Pyongyang.
Refreshments provided by enslaved political prisoners.
How many passed out on the route from malnutrition?
Not to worry; they had barbecued forced aborted fetuses for snacks.
The Javelin competition sounds like must watch TV.
Javelin. Firing squad. Potato-potahto.
Kalbi, or Gochujang?
Fermented cat feces.
Losers. Also New cartoon! but the overlords havn’t scheduled it yet.
Sounds like we’re winners…OK, will be winners when posted. Therefore, NOT losers. Just in a holding pattern, is all.
#new character!
YES!!! I knew I could contribute! I mean, I’ll wait to see if I can say “positively”, or not.
Harsh, bruh.
The truth can be.
Maybe you just need some candy…
No, the new character was in the works before you were kind enough to help me, if it were a che hat I’d give you credit. I’m not a monster.
Ah, OK…I think I get it now. Your #new character comment was a statement on the upcoming vid, not a “Eureka!” moment based on what I had just written above it.
I’ll get there…..eventually.
Yes, you got 1/2 the ep I wasn’t sure about, the other half has the new character.
In the meantime…
My Single Daughter Cleaning Kitchen Tools in Morning Routine Cleaning work easy at field.
A smile and a polishing….won’t be single for long.
1.7m views. Asians are pragmatic.
Oh, until I clicked I thought you were putting your daughter on the Glibs auction block.
Yay! Sir Digby is here! (waits 3hrs for him to see this when I’m asleep)
Grrrrr. I haven’t benefited from the tax cut. I pay too much in interest and property taxes. It’s time to think more creatively.
Until the SALT thing came up, I’d never even heard that some high tax places got to write off their property tax. (for me nothing changed, I made under $15,000 and had to work to not have to owe, I know that makes me super rich)
The elimination of SALT deductions was a killer for my left coast dumb ass. Is there really anything one can do without being mega wealthy, i.e. costs of “creative” structures outweighing benefits?
It’s not like I can just up and move to a cheaper area. At least the weather is good and the humans are entertaining.
Sounds illegal…
Diversity is worth breaking some eggs, or something like that.
Please note we are working on organizing a short (3 – 4 hour) anti-racism training for the creative team and ensemble…
Only half a work day, where you’re paid SLAVE WAGES! This is time well spent.
Unless you’re a POC.
Struggle sessions should be kept under 2 hours. The dunce cap can cause neck problems longer than that.
I can shorten it – “It is Racist to be paying people different amounts based on their skin color.”
Now make the producers repeat that until they realize I’m talking about them.
Oh, wait, that’s going to take forever.
It is.
Sunday night music from Gilbert.
Did Sullivan take the night off?
That bridge has been burned, nuked, the Earth salted and swallowed into a sinkhole to Hades.
Ohhhh please make Dems openly courting white males a thing that actually happens. Epic lulz.
Watching the cognitive dissonance in action required to pull that off would be delightful. Best timeline by far.
The Democrats’ 2020 presidential primary may feature a historically diverse field of women and minoritie
Top three in polling are all white men.
But one is white man pretending to be a minority, so there!
Just start calling yourself El CPRM; instant POC.
If I were going to appropriate Hispanic heritage I’d go with Don Juan De La Vega.
They should use the strategy: You owe it to minorities to vote for us and step aside to check your privilege. It will totes work
When I was a kid, I knew who politicians were because I was actually interested in politics. I stopped to see my niece and nephew today and not only did I see just how their parents are totally unable to control them, but my sister was making McDonald Trump jokes, which could be funny, but seeing how the kids were being indoctrinated ruined the jokes. Politics is one thing I never broach with children unless they ask, this is why we’re losing. INDOCTERNATE! I can’t even.
I saw ‘broach’ and ‘children’ and though OMWC was up late.
Broach actually makes me think of old ladies. You’re sick!
If the old lady still needs to be broached she probably isn’t giving it up to you.
No, old ladies have broaches, that you can steal from them when you have the state commit them to a nursing home. Totally wrong idea broheim.
This is why the Internet is such a threat to the left. All those years of indoctrination ruined by a dank meme.
Goddamnit Lakers decided to start winning when they should be a tankin. Fuckin Caruso and KCP.
Good morning glibs
I think I need to find some place to go on late Sunday nights… I always get bored and lonely. I don’t think any bars around here are open that late on Sundays. Maybe I can just go sit in Tim Horton’s and try to strike up conversations with the characters who show up late at night.
Never having been even remotely close to a Tim’s, is the coffee really all that? Or, is it covfefe?
Dunno; I’ve never had it. My friends and I used to just hang out in there late at night since that and the Waffle House were the only places open.
Mmmmmmmm…Pecan waffle
Oh, sorry about that. So, does Horton’s not care about only hanging out? Or, did you order other things?
/the internet wants to know
I recall that we often spent time in there without buying anything.
The coffee used to be very, very solid; unfortunately, their recipes have changed and they’re now trying to compete with coffee-shop coffee, which was never their target audience. McDo’s is doing a better job with their McCafe line (which they test-marketed in France first). Many TimmyHo’s are open 24/7 and they’ve got a reasonably varied set of food and drink offerings, so they’ve got that going for them.
Is the McCafe stuff truly that good? I tend to stay away from McD’s, so I haven’t been tempted to try it-even the store line they put out.
I kinda figured that TH wasn’t going anywhere, per se. It’s just that the coffee is what I see/hear about the most.
THIS is the place to get drunk, best virtual bar ever.
Basketball sucks, pussy.
At least it is not fucking baseball, so not completly and totally worthless
Yes, baseball sucks.
BUT, baseball has at least one play, a runner coming into home plate, that can allow some physicality, in basketball you cry for the ref if someone touches your hand when you shoot.
Uh…howdy, non-Lakers fan.
/no dog in that fight
I’d love to see Dallas win the Zion lottery. They could be a contender in just one year after sucking balls.
Is that something that gets more (((players))) on the team?
No, it’s how the Bucks sucked for 30 years.
…………..Too many (((players)))?
If Zion is a black Hebrew Israelite, let’s pray his postgame interviews are live.
what is his skill does not carry over to the NBS and he is a bust? Who, will interview him then?
Who knows? Built like Lebron and good skills.
Big Dog.
Lakers still have a 2% shot. But the entire league would scream about it being rigged if that happened.
Acoustic Metal is something that is always awesome, It’s So Clear.
So, if you decide to give this vid a whirl, You will probably come to the same conclusions I did:
1) Russian cops > Russian lawyers [wait for it]
2) Apparently, Dermatology isn’t a subject taught widely in the former USSR.
Poor pacing. Lost interest.
Dude: hot cop alert.
Youtube has RUINED dramatic reading. Many of his peers…saw him as a quiet… THAT IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE READ!
Ehh–I cut the guy some slack on account of his good voice.
I mean, what do I know, he has more views than me. Must mean I don’t don’t know what I’m doing and have shit voice (it’s not just him, this a common thing, even in actual TV shows now.) Makes me not even want to try to do the audiobook version of SF’s hat and hair where I pay a Trump impersonator and get a Morgan Freeman impersonator to read the action.
You know I was agreeing with your point…right?
Yeah, but I needed to vent.
Oh. Well, vent on, dude!
Before I launched the CPRM merch store I asked everyone if they wanted to it, and they said yes, so I worked to make it happen. As far as I know, I’m the only person who has bought anything. I bought this mug just so I knew it worked,
My problem is, I’m a creative cannon, I just need someone to point me in the right direction, and all my life I was told know your weaknesses and surround yourself with people who are good at what you’re not. But, when I try to surround myself with people who are good at what I’m not, they instead think that then makes them good at what I’m good at, by some transitive property, and then everyone else says, just be better at the things you’re not good at!
You know weird people, it would seem.
See, what you oughta do, is….Well, that’s enough for today.
Linguist interested in Celtic history… *backs slowly out of the room, whistling quietly*
Yeah, but, I hear that’s the sign of a cultured person in Russian society.
Medicare for all!
Well, the two oldest known surgeries as carteracts and abortion, and only one ca survive.
Leftists have gotten away with fervently denying that universal healthcare would include any type of rationing, much less a government panel deciding that someone can’t have a life-saving or life-improving procedure. Yet that’s exactly what goes on, and almost nobody is aware of it. It’s a testament to the dishonesty of American media and the phoniness of the Left’s self-proclaimed loyalty to empirical facts.
Bruh, that train left station a long time ago. Hasn’t been seen in a while.
I know it’s not true, but they still say it. They do indeed engage in heavily distorted and biased science (“climate change”) and frequently disregard entire bodies of evidence (gender) but if you ask them, they will claim that they base all their positions on hard science and verifiable facts.
What seems to be lost in this conversation is that rationing isnt the unintended result of socialized medicine…it’s the point.
People don’t realize that in any system resources will be rationed. You might think it’s wrong to ration by willingness to pay, but at least we don’t take the choice and hand it to a third party.
OT: A million poppies gonna make me sleep.
I love Cracker
A great new-ish song from Cracker
This comment 100% linkier than the previous
So we have a regular shoplifter at my store. Every couple weeks, I find a large (105 oz.) container of Downey Fabric Softener and a large (105 oz.) container of Tide Liquid Detergent emptied on the shelf. Someone is coming in and siphoning off 2+ gallons of heavy liquid into some sort of container from home.
Just take one of the empty ones and fill it with sulfuric acid.
In addition to the shoplifter, they do have regular customers too. I don’t know about you, but acid washing is not something I subject my clothes to.
WTF? I never got the laundry product theft. They are willing to go to jail over soap? What is that?