Part 1 – The Shibari Scene
The kink scene has changed a great deal since I first became involved in the 1990s. And it had changed dramatically from the early 60s and 70s. The straight kink scene was largely inspired by the gay leather scene. And public play was almost entirely focused on controlled, sexualized violence that ranged from spanking, flogging, whipping, caning to various types of rough body play. Bondage usually involved leather or metal cuffs, hoods, restraints or all sorts of creative furniture inspired by medieval dungeons. Rope, to the extent it was used for fetish purposes, was western style. Think Betty Page and Nell Fenwick from Dudley Do Right. Using cheap nylon rope to tie someone up immobile on the floor or to furniture. That all changed about ten or fifteen years ago, give or take.

Old school.
Shibari began to gain popularity in the west coast kink scene(s) about that time and has exploded in popularity since. The last 3-5 years have seen it grow to the point that there is now a dozen or so kink conventions focused purely on learning more about shibari. Almost no one bothers to do “western” style rope any longer. Generally, western is looked down upon. And while there are practitioners here in the US that have been doing shibari far longer than a decade, they were mostly isolated up until the popularity boom.
For those of us that don’t speak Japanese, shibari means ‘tie decoratively’. It’s another way of describing the same techniques also referred to as kinbaku which means ‘bind tightly’. Either word is accurate as far as it goes. And there are many folks in the US who use the words interchangeably. Others will happily get into a slap fight over which is the/correct/ word to use to describe a style of Japanese rope bondage. These people are morons and are basically kink weeaboos and so should at the least be safely ignored, if not gagged and tied western style with poly rope. But I digress.

The shirt says “Han Shot First”
There is a natural human tendency to take things that are foreign, see them as exotic, and elevate them with meaning that isn’t there in the home culture from which they are derived. Especially with Japan. In action/adventure media it is the superlative nature of a katana or the profundity assumed to come from Buddhism, or the way the Chinese perceive any well-known American brand as having cache’. People find depth and significance in the practices of other cultures. We appreciate that which is different and can value it because of that. I think it is rooted in the fundamental decency of people and part of why humans are pretty damn good at exchange and trade.
In the kink scene, it should come as no surprise, that impulse doesn’t change. There are numerous people in the west who see shibari as a profound Japanese art form that happens to be both art and sado-masochistic. In part it is a way of expressing the idea that our own culture can be too uptight about sex and pleasure, particularly around things which are seen as deviant. A way to say, ‘I’m not a pervert! This whole culture finds deep meaning in these things my home culture finds disgusting or strange’. I think it can also derive from a desire to make sacred the things we do that matter to us. And a desire to go from being an outcast to mainstream, or even a desire to be better than the mainstream.
The idea that shibari is on the same shelf with the Japanese Tea Ceremony is bullshit of the rankest odor. While the roots of it go back to hojojutsu, or Samurai techniques for binding enemies, and there are lineages and styles like various martial arts, the former is more inspiration and the latter is a phenomenon of western interest making it possible for nawashi (lit: string maker, fig: rope masters) to make a living teaching people how to do shibari. The truth is; modern shibari was born in underground Japanese sex clubs and pornography in the post-war era. So it’s a bit like if Seka or John Holmes had ‘schools’ for dick sucking or blowing massive wads. I imagine Japanese resident Glibs can confirm that shibari is as out of the mainstream as those vending machines that dispense worn school-girl panties.
I don’t hold shibari in much reverence in that regard, despite putting in 10-12 hours a week doing rope. I do think it is a metric shitload of fun though and I can understand the popularity of it in the kink scene. There are three reasons for why it has grown so astronomically popular. First, it looks pretty damn amazing, particularly suspensions. (shibari has essentially two modes. Tying on the ground and suspensions which means using uplines to shift the CoG such that most of the weight is dependent on the uplines for support). Second, it is performative. It started in small, underground sex clubs as a way to titillate and arouse and even in the most intimate types of rope, there’s a performative aspect that is fun to watch. Even people who aren’t necessarily kinky will sometimes enjoy watching it. Third is a consequence of the second. Because it is performative, it draws attention at public kink events. And women especially seem to be drawn to it. It looks graceful when both the top/rigger and the rope bottom are experienced and in-sync. Because women want to experience it, men want to learn how to do it. Because it will get them laid
Unlike many, maybe even most other kink activities, shibari takes a great deal of practice to get good at. I’ll discuss more in part two about that. It’s also an extremely high-risk activity, possibly the riskiest thing that people regularly do in kink. The risk particularly comes in with suspensions. Every time someone goes up in the air there is a potential for nerve damage, both sensation and functional nerve damage. There is a lower likelihood of it happening on the ground, but it is still present. Joint injuries and broken bones can happen from a botched suspension. There are even a few deaths from up-lines being tangled and strangling someone or someone being dropped on their head. The danger only adds to the allure.
It’s a skill that takes practice from both sides, and it has that in common with dancing. I could take anyone reading this and teach them how to use a paddle or flogger to have a good scene in about 15 minutes. The mechanics are easy to grasp, and not much harder to master. Shibari, especially to be at a level to do a suspension, requires hours and hours of regular practice on a consistent basis. One has to learn anatomy and physics on a practical level. Drilling over and over on specific ways of tying the rope so that to minimize risk and improve sustainability for the rope bottom. Learning to be able to plan as you go, and how to adjust to circumstances on the fly without worrying about the basics because it is rote. For the sort of person who gets satisfaction from doing something that requires both the mind and the body to function in concert, it is deeply rewarding.
That need for instruction, practice, and the performative aspects of rope have combined with its popularity to spawn a global, if niche industry of performers and instructors. The make their living going around the country teaching others, attending conventions, and performing. There are a those that have full-time jobs making rope to sell to those involved in the scene. A single hank of 9 meters of jute can be anywhere from $5-$40 dollars. And a full kit for suspensions is usually 10-12 lengths of rope. I think this also ties into how natural free markets are, and how ingrained peaceful trade is to people, how natural it is. It isn’t a cheap hobby from a time or expense perspective.
That high level of dedication is behind some of the snobbery, the attempting to infuse profound meaning into what is bondage using rope. Those involved tend to have strong preferences about things and sometimes generalize those preferences to be ‘the proper Japanese way’. For example, the type of rope used. Jute is the most commonly used type of rope for shibari. It’s a natural fiber so it tends to grip itself and has good tensile strength. Hemp is less commonly used as it tends to get too soft with repeated use. And almost every experienced rope enthusiast turns their nose up and any kind of synthetic material. And if you want to see the Platonic ideal of being catty get a couple of rope tops with similar styles together to critique the rope of others. It can be amusing and exasperating. But it helps remind me that no matter how deviant, kinksters are still people and have many of the same tendencies as any other group of folks who are highly invested in a hobby. It’s just our hobby tends to have lots of fucking involved.
It may not be art, but shibari does allow for personal expression. The way I tie is illustrative of my personality and my relationship with the person I’m tying. While some riggers simply ape the style of whoever taught them, the better ones go on to develop their own style and aesthetic all their own. They pour their heart and mind and body into it. It creates intense moments of connection between the rope top and bottom via shared, strenuous experience. I can understand how that encourages people to try to make something transcendental out of what started as a sexual side show performance.
Up next I’ll discuss some basics of risk mitigation and learning to tie. With the background out of the way, the follow-up article will deal more with the basic mechanics. It is not a how-to. But rather a description of what it takes to be able to do some of the things from the photos included in this.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Spudalicious going Irish has been moved to Friday, when he will be available to rebut any and all slanders against him.]
TwoThree thoughts:(1) People are weird.
(2) You do you.
(3) Stuff like this makes this planet more awesome. I love these niches, even when I have no interest in joining.
Second on all of the above.
It’s amazing to me how many sub-cultures there are in the world, not just across the ocean but existing right here among us. My wife plays roller derby, and that has its own culture/community. Once you get into it you realize it’s all over the place. Same with my sled hockey, or Disney fanatics, Spartan racing, power lifting, car racing, guns, all kinds of things. Chances are the person standing next to you is really into something you’ve never even heard of.
I think this is one of the great triumphs of free markets; that it creates an environment where you can have all these crazy sub-cultures and communities that allow people to explore their interests. It’s one of the types of genuine pluralism that really is a strength of the US.
The best thing the internet did is allow these sub-cultures to find out they weren’t so tiny, as people could meet others with the seem interests across the globe.
That aspect was good and bad.
*glares at Tumblr and other online bastions of the SJW left*
glares at Tumblr and other online bastions of the SJW left
Even that wouldn’t be so bad if they would just keep it there. Talking about model trains (for example) everywhere and all the time would be uncouth, but for some reason no such hesitance is found in those that want to slather SJW on everything. Not everyone is interested in your hobby, thanks.
I would love to play or even get my kid into roller derby, but I’m too old and fat, and she’s too behind on her schoolwork to get any privileges.
“do your schoolwork or mom is going to body check you into tomorrow while on wheels!”
That is funny, my daughter just went to her first Roller Derby a couple of weeks ago and wants to take it up
If you’ve ever seen a game, there are all types of people of all shapes and sizes and ages who play. My wife started playing at age 37. Some of the best players on her team could barely stand up on skates when they first started. Most teams have events where you can try it out, and when you do start, they put you in a “fresh meat” program where you learn all the basics, and you can’t play until you have proven that you have the skills down. While it can be dangerous, they are serious about keeping people as safe as possible.
I would love to play or even get my kid into
*looks at post, experiences some apprehension*
roller derby
Whew. Carry on.
EF was into roller derby for ~2 years. Great fun, great scene – but age and seeing her friends / other members end up bruised and with broken bits ended up being too much.
I thought I was man of the world, ’til I met the Glib community. Seems I’m still the kid that always got chosen last for the basketball game. Oh well, some activities are better as spectator sports. Lots more learning to be done and I’m in the right place for that. Thanks to all the Horsepower and the glibs that make this place diverse, interesting and educational.
That’s impossible. I was the kid chosen last.
A cultural rule 34?
It may not be art, but shibari does allow for personal expression.
Given some of the stuff I’ve seen in art museums, I’ll give you a pass if you want to call this art.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Spudalicious going Irish has been moved to Friday, when he will be available to rebut any and all slanders against him.
That may be sporting, but less fun.
I don’t particularly like riding in a car with somebody else driving. Being tied up while somebody “plays” with me?
That is why men do most things.
Interesting article, but not for me, I’ll stay boring, thank you very much.
Agree 100%
Not my thing, but I still enjoyed the article and I am looking forward to the rest.
Do you all bring your own crash-mats?
j/k Cool article and thanks for sharing your absolutely terrifying hobby!
I do! Well, certain places. I use a 2-inch thick gymnastics mat at home and at certain venues as a relatively simply way to help reduce some of the risk if there is a drop / equipment failure.
Thank you.
You’re very welcome. Even though you took the best pun in the fucking title!
I’m knot happy, I can assure you!
Well! Don’t get so twisted up about it!
I know enough people in the lifestyle and writing some kink romance (don’t know about shibari) that I know not to write any myself.
Good article!
Thanks. I would think writing about shibari/rope bondage for a romance novel wouldn’t be that interesting. Especially trying to describe things.
Sure, but if something went wrong and ex-navy-seal-knot-specialist swoops in to save the day – BAM! Instant romance!
Plot bunny!
(Saves someone from a bad dom.)
It’s been done; I just don’t know how well.
Write about your own kink — everybody has one.
While I hang out with the BDSM crowd quite a bit I have never been into it. I have way too strong of a personality to be a sub and have a hard time being a dominant because I do not derive any pleasure from inflicting pain, would be incapable of being intimate with anyone who wished to be humiliated or degraded, and while I can occasionally do mental domination when the mood strikes me generally needs my partners to be active willing participants. That said I never got those who saw rope play as any kind of sexual activity. I mean sure being restrained as part of sex so you are entirely within the control of the dominant fits but most rope play that I have seen was entirely non sexual and yet both the people doing the tying and the tied up considered it a sexual experience. If it works for you then it is all good but I don’t think I will ever grok it.
For me, it is more foreplay. It is extremely tactile and therefore sensual. I also think you are extremely /focused/ on one another and that can lead to feeling connected. It’s like dancing, in that way.
Yeah, that sounds reasonable. The part that doesn’t fit my personality at all is doing it in public.
Could you expand on that a little?
Yes! I’m going to focus part 3 on that. (This thing has turned into a 3 part) but I’ll try to answer here a little bit.
Photos are static, so you don’t see the work that goes into even a relatively simple tie. The types of motions used to place the rope and the way you do so. Some riggers are extremely efficient and use small motions, others are more performative and use exaggerated, sweeping gestures that send the working ends flying hither and yon. There are those that tie in an aggressive manner with lots of grabbing their bottom, pushing their body around, yanking hard on the rope, etc. And others that are methodical and almost machine like. People do rope that is extremely complex, over-engineering it to make it difficult even for another experienced eye to pick out exactly what’s happened.
Me? I tend to tie relatively simple patterns and use the least amount of rope possible. I like things relatively clean, which I think the photos illustrate. It may not be noticeable in either photo, but my bottom actually has quite a bit of range of motion and ability to shift where the pressure from the ropes are coming from. I like to tie in a way so that my bottom has choices she can make, so that we create shapes and positions that we both find pleasing, but where I still have control. Whether the actual putting the rope on his gentle or aggressive or mechanical depends on the partner and the situation.
Make sense?
Yes it does, thanks.
Thanks for the article!
BTW – 縛る or “shibaru” means simply “to bind or tie”. In Japanese you take the “masu” form 縛ります drop the “masu” and get 縛りor “shibari” This is the noun form of many verbs.
For English I’m not sure what noun form I’d pick here – binding, bondage, etc…
“Knots and Shit”
That’s more German than Japanese.
Ha! See, that illustrates my point. Over here, you hear from folks who should know better it means “to tie decoratively”. I think I am going to start using shibaru. As in, “If you come over tues. I’m going to shibaru the fuck out of you.”
Mostly I wind up using good ole English “rope” or “tying”.
For English I’m not sure what noun form I’d pick here – binding, bondage, etc…
Erotic macramé?
Damn French polluting our language.
Not my bag, but interesting stuff, thanks.
All I can see are sheep shanks.
Ah, a Kiwi are you?
Boy Scout / Sailor
Same diff
More on that in part 2, but I don’t think any of those are sheep shanks, though maybe one of the lock-offs on the uplines is similar. But not a sailor or a Boy Scout.
Almost all of the knots and ‘frictions’ are meant to have the rope tighten on itself under load to keep the rope where you put it.
This lovely lady seems like she might down for some play.
Flight from Orlando to Newark
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that she’s from the Newark area and not Orlando.
It really could go either way.
“Yeah! Come fight me then b—-! Do something! Do something! Oh nothing ‘cuz you’re a p—- a——!”
Definitely got that Jersey vibe.
Could be Florida Woman
I’m guessing Newark because of the come fight me attitude and orange spray tan look. Now if she was missing her teeth and a bag of meth fell out when she mooned everyone, I’d say Florida.
*jots notes on differential anthropological markers of Jerseyites and Floridiots*
After life on Earth is extinct, exploring aliens will be able to to gain a better understanding of our downfall, by reading Florida Man articles.
Reminds me of this *Kind of NSFW depending on how prude your company is*
LOL, it’s like live-action.
So funny. Their celebrity parodies are brutal.
Fantastic article. As others have said, not my scene but I love that you love it and feel comfortable sharing it with us. The knots are rather exciting for me as I am a fanatic devotee of Hervey Garret Smith and have worked my way through The Marlinspike Sailor and The Arts Of The Sailor many times over the years.
OT – Mojeaux, I saw your post last night about being a framer – #metoo! I did 4 years with Michael’s, upselling that Masterpiece Acrylic, and taking advantage of my employee discount to frame everything in our house.
“Is that a marlinspike, or do you just want to untie my knots?”
OMG. You should see the tubs and tubs of framed art in my basement. Not enough walls to put it all on.
I framed a bunch of stuff for my mom, too. She was a little hesitant about stepping out of her staid choices, but she really liked what I did.
If I can get the pictures done, part 2 should give you plenty to look at next week.
One of the endlessly tedious things is that the knots often have names that are some shit some guy made-up because he doesn’t know the nautical name or mispronounced it and it stuck.
Or people who label crossing knots as a munter hitch and vice-versa. I have a friend that is OCD and fucking with him about that is fun times.
Closest I ever got to sub/dom relationship was the wacky goth girl I dated in college. She wanted me to hit/hurt her during sex – I refused.
Beyond a playful spanking – I’m just too damn chivalrous to inflict pain on someone.
And I begin to feel very, very uncomfortable if I’m in situation where I can’t escape from it. Being tied up would drive me nuts – plus I just don’t trust other people _that_ much.
But to each his own.
I waggled some ropes at my wife with a grin one time and she pulled out a knife, only slightly in jest.
There is a saying around my little community of deviants; “Is that a knife? Are you /flirting/ with me?”
It was more Krav Maga and less wink, wink.
So she’s into knifeplay
Sounds like a keeper.
If she is literally asking for it, why not? Just have to set boundaries.
How did bondage photos escape my work computer’s filter?
You’re IT department is so square they don’t even know that bondage exists?
Your filter is into that sort of thing.
They’re family friendly bondage pictures.
Speaking of people who should be bound (and gagged, and beaten with axe handles)….
Hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio is getting a modest amount of attention (including a 60 Minutes profile) for proclaiming that capitalism is broken and desperately needs to be fixed lest we have a revolution. No shit! Let’s evaluate the solution set of the enlightened rich man.
Dalio, who founded the extremely successful hedge fund Bridgewater, is worth more than $18 billion. We are not here to engage in the very easy thing, which is “Wanna solve inequality motherfucker… give away your money!” (Though he should give away his money.)
This is written at grade school level, and his assertion that “socialists” can’t achieve economic growth rests pretty fucking heavily on whether you define socialism as full government ownership of industry or as, you know, having a robust social safety net and fairer wealth distribution, which is what many people mean by it in modern political discourse. But as digestible little aphorisms written by billionaires go, it’s not so bad. (A more standard billionaire aphorism would be “Summon an army of Pinkertons to crack the skulls of the ungrateful striking workers.”)
So for the diagnosis of the problem, we can give Dalio a solid B. He loses points because he possesses a dilettante’s desire to attract supporters from “both sides,” and therefore is unwilling to name the absolutely predatory, self-serving, greedy motives behind Reaganism that set our inequality crisis spiraling out of control. Nor does he deal with race and its weaponization. Nevertheless, he at least gets the basics of what is not economically working in American capitalism more or less right. Compared to his set of peers worth at least $18 billion, this qualifies him as extremely forward-thinking.
Another of the NewJournolism “we’re just sitting here bullshitting at the bar” -style chatty bitch rants. Fuck you, Junior.
It’s douchebag manifestos, all the way down.
Inequality crisis? The poor in our country live like kings in comparison to the rich in many 3rd world nation’s.
Dude, everybody with a degree in women’s studies should be making six figures.
That said, the inequality crisis is primarily driven by the Fed’s easy money policy which drives accumulation at the top and debt at all other levels. But if you dared suggest that interest rates would be naturally higher, I guarantee you that the little Che wannabes would scream bloody murder.
If they really wanted inequality to go away they’d be advocating higher interest rates, mild deflation, and an end to estate taxes.
Of course, they’re really after the centralization of power.
But think how well they’d be living if we could just steal moar from the wealthy and give it to the poorz!
having a robust social safety net and fairer wealth distribution, which is what many people mean by it in modern political discourse.
Steal those bases!
There is no stealing, the bases rightfully belong to the proletariat!
Well, their representatives in the politburo, anyway.
Cuz wealth is a pie!
Got the email for getting my new laptop. Windows 10, here I come. Wheeeeeeeeee
Trump told border agents to break the law but bosses told them to ignore him, report claimsThe Independent Zamira Rahim,The Independent 10 hours ago
You know, I haven’t read the relevant laws, but does applying for asylum mean you have to actually enter the country? Seems I’ve heard stories where people still in their own country were applying for asylum…
If that’s the case, then build the appropriate facilities to manage the waves of so-called refugees and staff them. It’s almost like Congress isn’t doing its fucking job or something.
“Donald Trump reportedly…”
Reported by whom?
Ahhhhh. James Clapper seems to be the source. Clapper the serial liar and rabid sufferer of TDS. Now how the fuck would he know this?
Since there are no piss hookers involved I am not buying it.
I went to a rope meetup group a couple years ago with the future Ms Prolefeed, but she was too shy to strip down to her undies in front of everyone else and get tied up like every other woman in the group.
She was surprised when she found out she enjoyed getting tied up in private, though.
This is an interesting introduction. Thanks!