Good Morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone but the corporate news media as Nunes appears to have plans to sue everybody.

I’m suing all ya’ll.
Ukrainians perplexed as to why US prosecutors have no interest in evidence of Democrat collusion.
Trump shaking things up. Shake up blamed on that Jewish “white nationalist” Stephen Miller.
Democrat presidential candidate’s battle to out leftist each other continues apace.
Man who saw his father kill his mother as a young child, finds her remains in the backyard of his childhood home.
Autopsy of 99 year old woman discovers that her organs were backwards.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Back masted keyboards?
Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke to Farmers: Give ‘Fair Share’ of Crops for Climate Change
Agricultural central planning has always worked really well in the past.
American farmers are going to be really pissed if they’re reduced to just getting a fair share.
Stalin made it work at its best. Ask the 20 or so million Ukrainians that didn’t make it through the state imposed diet….
Think of how thin they got though! A cure for obesity!
“Warning: Side effects may include cannibalism and death.”
Maybe just 1/10th of their crop…
Gleaners, corners of fields, you know how this works.
“Not to be dramatic, but literally, the future of the world depends on us right now here where we are.”
The world depends on Iowa doing the right thing.
So, as much corn subsidy as possible?
Good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Beto can’t wait for the next Holodomor.
Nunes appears to have plans to sue everybody.
I’m sure that’ll work
Dextrocardia is usually harmless, since everything works normally, just mirrored from typical location.
Okay, okay, I was wrong, she had a different condition.
Are you sure about that? I read that most people with this problem, because of the medical complications, ended up toast long before they turned into adults.
No, I’m not sure.
I am very much not a doctor.
I like playing one with pretty ladies….
Uffa. You mean like her real organs? I skipped that link because I thought it was about an old lady who was into anal.
Yes. You know, liver and stomach having swapped places, The left lung being bigger than the right instead of vice versa as with normal bodies.
Maybe she was Vulcan. Did she have green blood?
I think she was just Australian, honestly.
RE: (((White nationalists))).
I guess (((we’ve))) made the big leagues now; same way that Israel is a Nazi state.
Logic and common sense are not things in great abundance with the crowd peddling this shit.
“Ukrainians perplexed as to why US prosecutors have no interest in evidence of Democrat collusion.”
The weaponized old guard from the Obama era, the donkeys in congress, and the lame stream media might not be interested in this, but according to an interview I saw this past weekend there are people now under order from the current WH to find this stuff and go after the perps. I suspect they are keeping quiet and will start the bitch slapping right around election time to maximize the negative impact to the people that tried engaged in all manner of criminal activities not just to rig an election and spy on the opposition candidate without proof of any crime, but to get all the people that when they realized they lost the rigged election tried to commit a coup, as well.
Dumb Ukrainians don’t know that Democrats are pure and can’t do any wrong – so why look into it?
That’s one way to look at it, I guess. What is baffling me is that the democrats know this is coming, but are acting as if they are not going to suffer any consequences from it. That is either some serious level of delusion, or they really believe they are above the law and will get the Hillary Clinton treatment from the investigators.
or they really believe they are above the law and will get the Hillary Clinton treatment from the investigators
So far there has been no reason for them to question that belief.
Why would they worry about consequences? Is the FBI really going to pursue it? Is the mainstream media going to bother even mentioning it? They are above the law – ask Jussie.
RE: Slavery reparations.
I get that these clowns have to go bonkers to try and get the extra-chromosome vote in the primaries; but how do they expect this to play out in the general?
I’ve never owned slaves. I’ll pay those Zero people I’ve been responsible for enslaving. Nobody else.
That’s now how they intend to set up the rules if their heist, brah…
Guilty or not, they want to steal your cash, and they will find a way to lend it that veneer of legitimacy they do for every one of those robberies they perform to get vote buying cash.
It’s just another cash grab by the 1%. They know that they will get the reparations money right back when it gets invested in rims, bling, and KFC.
I remember a comedy skit about this from the 90’s, though not very well.
The Chapelle Show.
Heh, back when humor existed.
Their game plan seems to be that they will sue the shit out of every corporation alleged to have profited and grown rich from slavery.
I’ve heard Wachovia and Norfolk Southern mentioned as targets. Forget the fact that these companies (or predecessors of them) were wiped out in the Civil War. Also, if slavery was economically unprofitable, then can they argue that the slaves were overpaid and their descendants owe them reparations?
Wachovia was bought up by Wells Fargo, and I assume that’s who you mean?
Black shareholders hardest hit.
how do they expect this to play out in the general?
Like this
I can only hope the kids involved realize that their parents were morons.
Everyone hates Drumpf, Q. Also, they are going to re-fight 2016, which means they’ll be flying into Wisconsin every weekend in October. I personally think that absent a giant economic slowdown, Trump cruises to victory with 38-40 states, but I also thought the Clinton machine was strong enough and smart enough to guarantee a win in 2016. I was shocked to find out that voters still chose the President.
not looking forward to next year.
Is there a way you can have your phone only allow calls from contacts? All other calls will provide no notification, only if a message is left?
Short answer maybe. Longer answer, it depends on what type of phone and what type of number.
I’m holding out for the medium answer.
Miss Cleo again?
– a whole lot of “vote harvesting”
How did CA end up with 117,000,938 votes cast????
That is suspicious – we fabricated at least a quarter of a billion votes for them.
Yeah, I guess they could cheat better, but I don’t think they’re smart enough.
They have not had to worry about covering their cheats or working to hard to make it an effective cheat with all the help they got from the media in the past, and have not yet realized those days are gone…
From your lips to God’s ear, but I’m a bit cynical about that.
Based on the fact that they got away with the big cheats during the midterms, I don’t think those days are actually gone.
They had the advantage that the people that would come after them were distracted during the mid terms, plus team red really fucked the pooch with that Obamacare thing. I think the cover they had is gone, that the people that can come after them now no longer have enough distractions to prevent them from doing so, and actually have started this work, and that as the info comes out most non-rabid leftists will realize that what happened needs to never be allowed again (if only because the opposition can then do it to them as well), and this goes ugly.
I am moderately positive that the 5-D chess player wants blood now that he knows what was going, and he will get it, but by doing it in the most damaging way to the political machine (which includes team red never-Trumpers).
I’d be in favor of reparations for every person who could prove they were actually enslaved. 7 generations ago doesn’t count. Neither do weird Hollywood bondage sex cults.
If and only if those are paid by the people who actually enslaved them.
You don’t believe my lived experience of genetic slavery??? Racist!
It’s about people who were never slave owners having to give money to people who were never slaves.
Really, that’s it.
So, what we’ve already been doing for the last half-century of Great Society™ with no measurable improvements – only harder.
It’s marxian class struggle applied to more intrinsic characteristics. The socialists realized quite quickly that people don’t really identify with proletariat or bourgeoisie. It’s really hard to have a workers’ revolution when everybody sees themselves as a temporarily disadvantaged capitalist. Instead, they focused their division on immutable characteristics. Race, sex, ethnicity, etc.
Hat tip FA Hayek.
Reparations have been going on for a long time:
–racial admission/hiring quotas
–set-asides for minority owned business
In Florida, there is an annual appropriation every year specifically for HBCUs (12.5 million in this year’s proposed budget).
Nunez isn’t getting anywhere, as far as I can tell. And frankly it’s just as bad when the conservatives in office sue the press as when the liberals do it.
Crazy is as crazy does.
Crazy or not, team red needs to start playing by the same rules the democrats do (prison fights), or they will forever be fucked. I am hoping that these pols will eat themselves eventually.
“playing by the same rules the democrats do”
” I am hoping that these pols will eat themselves eventually”
That’s not how it ever works. The pols fight and fight and then the common honest man is ducked.
Duck you, autocorrect!
How is that different than what we have now? Cause I was being “ducked” a lot by these marxist douchebags.
I don’t think entreating evil with evil will result in either justice or victory.
Letting your opponent fight you by any means they choose while you handcuff yourself by adhering to rules which they do not hold to, will only assure your own defeat and failure.
Something something gain the whole world something something loses his soul.
All’s fair in love and war.
But, there’s definitely a space in politics for someone really principled. Look at Ron Paul, he may not have been immediately successful, but his consistency resonated with people and earned him a large following.
Never change Donny Shortfingers.
We usually go with “wingnut” around hear.
Seriously? I’m pretty sure he’s been called worse in his time.
That’s a fairly Stalinist definition of “allow”
Iowafarmers are gonna get some extra government money for growing or not growing something, they’re all in!I shall allow you to comply fully to everything I demand of you!
I feel like, at this point in time, calling it Trump’s Justice Department is just…demonstrably false.
If there were any mention of Trump in there, Maxine Waters and Schiff would be going ballistic.
Why limit it to just two? The half country would be foaming at the mouth. California would secede in anticipation of the results.
Not to mention when “Trump’s Justice Department” sent more men to apprehend Trump associate Roger Stone than Seals were sent to kill Bin Laden. (h/t humor podcast with Gavin McInnes, I didn’t check his numbers)
So when does Omar start talking about how it was the Jews behind the Holocaust, so that they could take the land from the poor Palestinian.
Titty Tuesday is a plot by (((white nationalists))) to enslave you.
The white nationalist/white supremacist bullshit is going to piss off most of the white population. They’re going to need a lot more immigrants to make up for it.
They had an ironclad strategy, Trump just drove them to distraction and you know what happens when your opponent gets in your head and you start playing angry.
I’m still convinced that they have too many structural advantages though; they’ll eventually get everything they want, and they’ll get it good and hard.
America is not going to return to limited government. It’s a foregone conclusion at this point.
Who could possibly have seen this coming?
If they vote the right way this time, we won’t have to hear about it again.
It’s a woman’s perrogative to change her mind.
When you believe in democracy so strongly that you will hold as many votes as it takes to get the result you want…
There are some reports of people trying to convince the queen to use what is left of royal authority to enforce the referendum result against parliment. It would be a deliciously ironic moment if the monarch better represented the people than their elected officials.
I’m working up an article on slavery reparations (and reparations in general).
Don’t forget that the Romans, Vikings, Normans, and the British Royals all owe be a lot of money for my enslaved, oppressed ancestors.
Honest question I hope you’ll address: Wasn’t there a 40 acres and a mule offer that was effectively reparations? Was that a wholey inadequate payment (likely)? Is it just propaganda from when I was in public school?
I don’t think any or many parcels got, well, parcelled out.
There was a field order to that effect by Sherman which was partially implemented at the end of the war, but was revoked by Andrew Johnson, and official reconstruction ended up taking a completely different form.
Thanks for the replies everyone (Leon too!)
I will try to work that in. For a quick answer, that was a plan the radical abolitionists wanted but was shot down.
I wonder if Booker’s reparations bill will require extra large payments from Italian Americans? After all they are the ones who really fucked over Spartacus.
Tard Tuesday: TDS Is A Hell Of A Drug
I read that and all I see is: Time to get the meds adjusted
Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s
*Wendy’s Savings & Loan
And these are the people that DEMAND they be given the levers of power of institutions that would allow tyrannical shits like this women to play out their personal fantasies against people they “hate”….
Hence the desire to ignore and 2A and infringe on private weapons rights.
Such tolerance. Much inclusion.
Holy cow, I won the Glibertariat NCAA bracket? I did not see that coming. Wait, do I have to marry Don now?
As a resident of Florida you may choose either SEA SMITH or SWAMP SMITH.
And by marry, mean…
Nunes appears to have plans to sue everybody.
Christ, what an asshole.
*Ahem* “Christ, what a litigious asshole!”
My wife and I got the Shingles vaccination yesterday, (I have an uncle in hospice care right now who had his nerve system destroyed by the virus last year)
While I’ve never had any reaction to the flu shot, I feel like I was hit by a truck this morning. As I am currently being paid to not work this wouldn’t matter, if I did not have a 9 am phone interview.
Tard Tuesday: Deny Deny Deny
Well it is VITALLY important to differentiate the radical right wing extremist fascist ideology of Hitler that killed 12 million people from peaceful 20th century leftism that killed 80 million people.
Your numbers are way conservative when it comes to body count there Pat, and being a tad right of Marx, doesn’t make you “right-wing” like the marxist left is desperate to pretend. The Nazis were socialists. Fascism was socialism. The people that rewrote that historical fact need to be beat down and made to look like the evil fucking assholes they are.
Why is it so important? I mean we can all acknowledge that the right/left spectrum is too simple and that two ideologies could be right next to each other on one thing and opposed on another.
Oh yeah because cheap point scoring with the rubes.
They need a right-wing mass murderer to justify Evil = Right Wing, so they made one.
Just once I would love to see a world leader give the correct response to this…
Our old progressive Gov. Mumbles started a program of “Equity Investing” by the state. About $60M has been “invested” into programs to help 50K minorities since 2016. Go figure, some pols have found out that some of that money might not have been used in ways that taxpayers would approve of.
So there were going to be some changes this budget. (NO, cuts were not part of it) The legislature was going to require people that got these “investments” to keep track of how that money was spent and what the outcomes were.
The reporting requirements did not go over well. The DFL has retreated in the face of criticism from the people getting the money.
When I read crap like this, I realize I don’t have what it takes to be a big time grifter. If I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar, it would never occur to me to attack the jar’s owner for sneaking up on me.
I certainly don’t have what it takes. I don’t have the patience or the stomach to lie like that.
Democractic-republics do seem to be tailored to ensure sociopaths obtain the reigns of power
It’s the same pattern that many domestic murderers take, at least according to the shows on ID that my wife watches.
I’ve been thinking about the narrative that the Russians influenced the results of the election. I’m curious how this whole episode will be written about (if at all) in future text books.
Since the text books are written by the leftists who control academia, it’s not too hard to guess.
Then the next round of textbooks after that will read “Those degenerate American pig-dogs were as corrupt as the day is long… [cits examples from now].”
“In 2016, the United States began the dark descent into a resurgent right-wing fascism beginning with the election of Donald J. Trump, which was effectuated by a sophisticated campaign by the Russian state under close Trump ally Vladimir Putin to hack the election results. Even despite this effort, Hillary Rodham Clinton overwhelmingly won the popular vote. However, prior to the ratification of the 28th Amendment in 2022, the president was elected not by a democratic popular vote, but by a start chamber of state electors.”
“And to help remind us to never let this happen again, this is why we have the two minutes hate of Trump every morning after we salute the State.”
” effectuated”
Sorry, not fifth-grade reading level. Try again.
“…Hillary Rodham Clinton overwhelmingly won the popular vote.”
Overwhelmingly??? Maybe if you are considering feeding and housing each of the number of people based on headcount only. But by actual percentages it was minuscule and mostly concentrated in a few boroughs of NYC and a few spots in CA.
And what does that difference become when the fraudulent and harvested votes are removed from the total?
Well he asked how historians were going to write it.
I’m tired of the fetishization of the family farmer. I know lots of farmers and I respect the work that they do, but there is nothing magical about them.
Our farm policy has not progressed from the days when 80+% of the people were farmers. I can’t believe that Big Ag wouldn’t do a better job in most cases than the small farms we have today. Just like Mom & Pop stores can’t deliver goods and services better than Walmart (in general), why would farms be any different?
All we have to do is stop our government from fucking around with farmers and things would sort themselves out pretty well.
Whycome you hate food?
/low-info comment
Pot, meet kettle.
Agreed, they are another type of small business. If they can grow food well and run the business end well good for them. If they can’t they need to find a way to compensate for what they can’t do well. That maybe selling to a big ag, leasing land to someone who can grow, contracting someone to help them buy / sell product.
>fetishization of the family farmer
Something something cumber in your pants or just happy to see us something something.
A lot of Big Ag is family owned.
A respected work mentor suggested every kid get into shooting by starting with a BB gun, then Daisy air rifle, then .22, and on up. My son and I have a Red Rider BB gun and use it to shoot boxes and lubbers. His birthday is coming up. Would something like this be a good step for an increase in firepower and range but still useable in the yard?
I inherited one very much like that from my cousin when I was a kid and had a lot of fun with it. It was an upgrade from my own Red Rider as well. Never made the transition to firearms though. We were city folk.
Wow, that model is still around? I think I had that same one back in 1981.
Yes, it is very underpowered. The current crop of break barrel air rifles are much more powerful.
I discovered that when I dealt with a rodent I otherwise had trouble reaching. Cleaning up splattered mouse bits in the same area was worse than trying to get to the intact, live critter.
Snap traps still can’t be beat after however many hundreds of years it’s been.
It was stuck in a snap trap.
It didn’t die because of where the swin arm hit. I figured I could finish it off, then recover the trap and corpse. (It was positioned where the mice ran, but not a great spot for getting at it with a live critter in place.)
Two later mice did get offed by the same trap in the same spot, so that one was just unlucky. It’s now been a year without sign nor sighting of mice. (No droppings, no gnawings, no sounds of movement)
Well, shit.
I’ve had a couple rounds of field mice – I live next to a highway and huge expanse of empty desert. There are poison blocks in open-ended PVC tubes on all 4 corners of my house and all 4 corners of my shed. The couple that have made it inside have all died by the old Victor swing arm.
It’s called a boot.
I’m glad you have rediculously tiny feet.
I love the break-barrel ones, and I can tell you from experience that a pellet fired from one will kill a duck at six feet or however far I was standing on the dryer and shooting the fucker wedge behind it on the floor.
It seems rather unfair to force people who never owned slaves to pay people who were never enslaved, never mind all the other issues with determining who/what/when/where/etc and forgetting that everyone enslaved everyone all throughout history.
You are just working from a position of White Privilege, which reparations are intended to partially offset.
Will fairly light skinned Booker owe money to fairly dark skinned Don Cheadle? Inquiring minds must know.
Kamela Harris definitely will – her family owned a plantation in Jamaica.
Only US slavery counts, so Kamala gets a pass.
I have to say that I’m personally in favor of it. One gigantic lottery-style annuity for the next 50 years paying every person who can show any black or native American ancestry more than, say, 1/64th, a stipend of $50k per year. Put the issue to bed. When you’re still hooked on crack and steeped in gang culture or still stuck on the rez after that, go fuck yourself to eternity.
That’s probably 70% of the population.
I don’t think Liz Warren has enough forclosure money to pay that many people.
No problem when you can create money out of thin air. Why not make it a million a year each?
So much the better, let it touch every person who could make any conceivable claim of hardship. Plus just think the of all that delicious stimulus!
Maybe instead of a cash stipend, we could pay off in smokes and booze? People who want cash could sell their stipend to Jr. High kids. The others could have a good time (which would be dramatically shorter because of those smokes and booze).
What if I don’t like Hennessy?
Racist shitlord status CONFIRMED
LOL I recently got into Hennessy – I either forgot or never knew it had that connection.
I really enjoy gin and juice. Something about pine + citrus I just really like. I’m glad that young people are stupid and I don’t have to sit through any Snoop Dogg jokes when I order it any more.
Although I do drink Colt 45 on the reg because Lando told me to.
Works every time!
Well, it’s not the first time I’ve been called racist on this board. At least this time I was actually making a crude racial comment.
That article was actually not nearly as deranged as I thought it would be (at least from skimming).
However, there’s this, which seemed weird to me:
Maybe (certainly) she’s just being sloppy with numbers. But maybe my instincts are off. I would think the entire US population has a spending power like that. But maybe she means lifetime not annual? Maybe it’s just a pie in the sky source?
Those are annual numbers in league with the proportion of the population measured.
Americans, even the poorest of us, are rich.
1.4 trillion over 325 million people would be about $4,300. I have no idea what “buying power” means but that strikes me as low even accounting for kids, retirees, etc.
You both make good points! I didn’t bother to do even rudimentary math. Stupid!
That seems a bit much. I would qualify! My mom just did one of those genetic test things and found out she’s like 8% black, which isn’t that much of a surprise given that she comes from an island in the Caribbean. Also, she’s like 25% native or something I think. Does that mean I would get two checks?
As if it would actually end in 50 years or never get raised beyond $50K.
Never gonna happen. It’s a Pandora’s Box that, once opened, will only serve to increase the size of the government and turn the racial divide into a chasm.
I have no problem with any currently living slaves to be compensated by any of their currently living masters.
Without reading the article, did Booker’s bill lay out how much would be spent? Who was eligible? Any details at all?
McConnel should make them vote on this one too.
Apparently it only calls for a weaselly “commission to study the issue.” No candidate is going to offer any concrete reparations plan before the 2020s.
Ah, a vaunted Blue Ribbon Commission. You would think that any organization or think tank could put together a commission on its own dime to come up with a workable plan.
I’m also sure that the govt commission would work in the basement of some crappy govt building in offices with cheap rented furniture. And no budget for aides or travel either because they are all selfless public servants.
What are the chances that this issue hasn’t already been studied to death and the law already written in advance?
Reparations has nothing to do with recompense. It’s just vote buying. ALL black people can get a big check from the gubment if they vote Democrats into office. Doesn’t matter if you just got here from Africa and your ancestors were slave traders. Going to be interesting seeing them put a dollar figure on it. After it’s paid, come a future election we’ll be told by Democrat candidates that the original amount wasn’t nearly enough so it will be time for Reparations 2.0.
You know I bet genetic testing would prove that the bulk of people whose ancestors really were American slaves have a fair amount of slaveowner dna in them
If we allow farmers to earn a profit in what they grow, if we allow them to contribute their fair share in combatting Climate Change by growing cover crops, allowing the technologies that invest in precision tilling and farming, capturing more of that carbon out of the air is another way in which they can make a profit. Keep those farms together, pass them on to the next generation, and allow them to provide us our food and national security, our independence from the rest of the world, our ability to provide for the rest of the world.
The US is the breadbasket for the world. What are you jabbering about? Just let the farmers farm (and stop subsidizing them…)
Why are we feeding all of them?
*Looks out window at morbidly obese Americans*
Well, at least it’s not like we’ve got a shortage.
“allow them to provide us our food ”
How generous of you, Beto. Fuck off, slaver.
Cop who fed a homeless man a sandwich with dog shit in it gets his job back:
Don’t worry though, he’s still on suspension for a separate shit related incident (no shit).
A rare case when the giant douche is actually the source of the turd sandwich rather than the alternative?
JFC. Is this was a commoner they’d be in jail. Must be nice to be a King’s man.
If I were King, police unions would be outlawed.
Hong Kong ‘Umbrella’ protesters found guilty of public nuisance
Nielsen submitted her resignation Sunday after meeting with Trump at the White House
All the pretty ones are leaving.
Standard remarks about state workers aside, when writing resumes or filling out paperwork, I always manage to draw a blank for describing the job I do. Is this just me?
In my previous career as an engineer, I did whatever was needed at any given moment. I hated the goal setting bullshit, I was a fixer.
“Whatever goals I set for this year will be tossed out the window and forgotten by the end of next week due to pressing issues that came up unexpectedly.”
I was the same way, I was the guy who was sent in to fix broken shit. I left one company because my old boss understood that and would give me a full bonus. His replacement actually told me that I was only going to get something like 60% that year because I hadn’t met any of the goals I wrote down a year ago.
I left that meeting and sent my resume out and had another job in a week. The CEO actually tried pretty hard to talk me out of leaving, but a) once the decision is made it is made and b) you put a guy into management who was that dumb, what makes me think it will be any different in the future?
The whole annual goals things is only ever a tool to justify giving you less money. If I’m not in control of how I spend my time, then why are you pretending I get to allocate time towards these ‘goals’.
Granted, I’m a big advocate of continued learning, and spend a lot of my personal time learning new things.
I think it was Scott Adams in one of his books that said something like “Any time a corporation re-organizes its compensation plan its only purpose is to take money away from you. It is very easy to simply pay you more, it doesn’t take a new plan”
Anyone who has been in sales for any significant time has seen this. Overachieve? Commission restructuring.
Two buddies were recently laid off after having their best years ever. Can’t have someone earning more than the top men, dontcha know.
There’s a local tire chain where the owner was somewhat of a personal tightwad but generous with employees and treating his customers right. His profit sharing system gave more to some of his store managers than he made, yet he kept it because he figured it made the company and him more successful. Sadly and not unexpectedly, it’s declined quite a bit in quality since he died.
What would you say… ya do here?
I don’t have people skills.
8AM-12PM stare blankly at my monitor
12-1 Lunch
1-5 Imagine what it would be like if I won the lottery.
For some reason people give me weird looks when they read that on my resume
You failed to mention your commenting on glibs why would you leave out your best work?
I like to just make a bulleted-list and then winnow it down by grouping like tasks into more general tasks. Mine looks like this off the top of my head:
* Provide architectural and design direction for Azure implementation
* Create, extend, maintain, and monitor data integrations
* Design and code solutions to extend the CRM implementation
I have not heard nice things about Azure. Is it as bad as people claim?
It has gotten markedly better in the year I’ve been responsible for implementing it. I wouldn’t transition my whole enterprise operation there yet, but its going to eat the M$ IT world, so you might as well lube up and get ready. I will say that the SQL DB stuff is a little bit expensive on the smaller side of their scale, but being able to scale up every night to do data loads, and then scale back down is like fucking magic. Also they have put a fuckton of work into the integration component (Azure Data Factory). I was not ready for primetime last year, and now I fucking love it.
I used to have that issue, but my current position has a fairly well defined set of responsibilities.
I always interpreted that question as “describe duties you’ve had to do more than once”
1 – Kiss my boss’s ass
2 – Kiss my boss’s boss’s ass
3 – Attend meeting
4 – Maybe get something done
Alternatively, “I’m a firefighter, I put out whatever is burning the hottest” works.
My last job working for a German company was an eye opener. Everyone working in North America was pretty flexible and willing to work on projects if they could.
The German workers were absolutely rigid in what they did. If they didn’t have something in their job description, there was no way they were going to stick their necks out and help out.
It was pretty amazing to have someone straight up tell you to your face “Yes, I was the DBA for the team that built microservice X, but I’m now working on Project Y. If you want to ask a question about microservice X, you need to talk to that team. It is too bad that they are all on a team building retreat and won’t be back until next week and you need an answer now, but that isn’t my problem.”
I fired a guy one time because he bitched about being reassigned tasks fairly regularly during the day. We rent and sell construction equipment. When the call comes in, we respond. The customer decides what we work on at any given moment, not your mental task list.
a) go to work planning to work on projects One and Two
b) find out that something “broke”, or a user is being an idiot, or some other issue is taking precedence
c) fix issue b
d) put off one and two
e) go home wondering what exactly I do for a living
f) get bitched out 3 months later when projects one and two are running behind
g) get assigned projects three, four, and five that are super urgent and have immediate deadlines
h) receive passive aggressive email about priority of projects one and two
Yeah – and people wonder why my anxiety levels are through the roof.
I keep trying to figure out whether I’m the only one experiencing a ton of anxiety in our department or whether it’s a common issue. Most of the people I talk to say something along the lines of “they’re just artificial deadlines, don’t take them too seriously.”
I’m a naturally anxious person – always looking for tigers in the underbrush – so I’ve never been the kind of guy who can overlook deadlines.
I sent my boss a link to Paul Grahams’ “maker’s schedule” post with a note that said:
a) I have no problem dropping everything to work on production issues
b) I understand that we have to have some level of meetings
c) If you ever want to get this project done, since the client is not going to rent more bodies, it would help me immensely if I had at least two days that were clear of all meetings and obligations after 10:00am
I have a good boss and he got the message.
I did the same thing, but my boss isn’t the primary offender when it comes to poorly scheduled meetings.
I’m trying to get the department to embrace some of the agile principles when it comes to meetings. Namely:
1) meetings are limited to people directly involved in the topic of the meeting
2) people can leave meetings if they are not needed
3) people can request that others take “rat hole” topics offline
4) meetings have a single topic
It worked great when my engineering team abided by those principles. I can’t imagine my current department doing that. Lawyers love to hear themselves talk.
You need your boss to make a policy that says “If I see people in meetings and determine that they aren’t needed there, I will assume you are idle and don’t have enough real work to do. I will work to remedy that.”
Or institute the internal billable hour (snicker)
Or institute the internal billable hour (snicker)
*glares menacingly while trying to figure out which category “fucking around on Glibs” fits in for our time tracking system*
Used to be “Cluster Overhead”.
Then they said we couldn’t use that timecode any more.
We’re not supposed to use the “meetings” code anymore. Makes management look bad.
I got dinged once for not taking notes in a meeting. Not by my boss, but by someone who complained to him after the meeting. He calls me into his office and I explain:
“No action items came out of the meeting. I can’t take notes when I’m leading half of the discussions. Everybody was blue-skying, which is fine since it is a design meeting. Nobody insisted on anything that I didn’t understand or wasn’t blatantly obvious. The only time I take notes is when something is assigned to me and I make a list, or somebody says something I don’t know well enough and I write it down to either enforce it in my brain or work on it after the meeting. I thought I was hired because of the knowledge and experience I had.”
His response: “I totally agree with you. I just thought you should know the bullshit that goes on.”
Shorter IF: “I didn’t take notes because nothing you said was noteworthy.”
I came out of a meeting one day, and a new hire stopped me. He noticed that I don’t write notes in the meetings. I said nothing is official until it is written down. He said, but you don’t write anything down. I said that’s right and grinned.
Inteviewer: How would you describe what you do?
RC: Mostly, dispute termination.
Interviewer: You mean dispute resolution?
RC: *dead-eyed stare, uncomfortable silence* No.
File this under “reasons to never move to CA”
I have a real problem with the State doling out its monopoly on force. The accountability disappears.
Pretty sure I recall hearing about this happening in other states, too.
Truth is stranger than SugarFree fiction, part MCXIV
Fashion Transgender film-maker Jason Barker: ‘I found dressing as a uterus very liberating’
I don’t think the sandals were the problem.
It was the socks under them, right?
Also, incorporating female sex organs in artwork was transgresive a century ago. For my entire lifetime, its been trite schlock relied upon by hacks with an original idea.
And yet drawing dicks on things is considered juvenile.
Housemates from hell – me and my 23-year-old son
Kick him out?
Wrong question.
Somebody doesn’t know how to set boundaries.
Christ, toss him out and let him figure out his own life.
If he can’t afford London, he can either get a better job or fucking move.
Fucking snowflakes.
My 16 year old son talks constantly about moving out. While I sincerely doubt his capacity to survive on his own, I consider it mission accomplished.
Speaking about fucking snowflakes, I have seen some movies in that genre. Maybe these mums, if they are not too unpleasant to look at, can start generating some extra income by creating content for the people that watch that sort of stuff. One of our resident experts should chime in about the business viability of this sweaty mom and son work….
how else would he pay for his trainer habit?
how else would he pay for his trainer habit?
By hooking, of course
And sleeping rough.
Full disclosure: I live with my mom. I cleared out my savings and kicked down about half the cost to purchase this place outright so they’d have somewhere to live free and clear when my dad became disabled and couldn’t work anymore, on the condition I’d move in since I was out of cash. My dad died a couple years later while I was still “rebuilding”, and my mom can’t really afford to keep the place up entirely on her own. And I still feel like a piece of shit for not being more independent.
Since my mom and I are both adults though, we make pretty good housemates. I don’t act like I’m 5 years old, and she doesn’t act like I’m 5 years old.
You shouldn’t feel bad. You are doing literally the opposite of what is going on in this story. You are providing housing for your parents, not vice versa. You are, infact, living out the Mythical Libertarian / Classical Liberal reductio ad absurdum of supporting those you know and care about.
You may feel like a piece of shit for it, but I’m really impressed by it. (also impressed by the fact that any adult can with with their parents, but your mom probably is a little different than my mom…)
Seconded. Good on you, man.
I don’t see the problem.
I cleared out my savings and kicked down about half the cost to purchase this place outright
So you live in your own house?
Don’t get down on yourself. Like the others said, you are doing right by the people you love. And like I said below, families living together was the norm for a long time. The idea that every generation should live separately is pretty new.
There’s a massive difference between failure to launch and taking care of parents in their old age. One is shameful, the other is admirable.
In my case I guess it’s more one than the other, but not entirely binary either. Essentially I wish I was a more ambitious person and had put myself in a better position to take care of both myself and my loved ones. But I appreciate the kind words from all of you.
The fact that you put down money on the house tells me it’s more the latter than the former. This is in direct opposition to my mom, who lives in one of her parents’ houses and works only to get some spending money because everything else is paid for by her parents. Only one of their kids is living unsubsidized at this point, and all three of the kids are in their late 50s.
Wasn’t that long ago that extended families living under one roof was the norm.
When Social Security finally craters, I expect it to become much more common again.
Yeah, and not just for retirement income reasons. Freeish child care, cheaper food costs, etc.
If we allow farmers to earn a profit in what they grow
Go on. If A, then… what? I read that rambling brain fart several times, and I still don’t know what he wants. Other than votes, of course.
The guy is unintelligible.
He wants our money (duh!).
As discussed above, small farmers should be no different than other small businesses. They provide a service at a good price (maybe by changing to a niche market instead of competing with big farms) or sell out to someone who can.
All is proceeding according to plan.
I see at least part of the problem.
Why black people discriminate among ourselves: the toxic legacy of colorism
You cannot separate the often painful stereotypes of colorism from misogyny and the sexual exploitation inherent in American slavery. To combat it we need to speak about it
“the highest levels of microaggressions”
How many microaggressions add up to a full macroaggression?
This is a trick question, because microaggressions are asymptotic.
Exposure is also asymptomatic.
It’s simple:
1000 microaggressions = 1 milliaggression
1000 milliaggressions = 1 aggression
1000000 aggressions = mega-aggression
It WOULD be fucking metric.
“I learned it from watching you, cracker!”
How much more can we take of this?
I don’t even laugh anymore.
Colorism? Oof.
Aaand, I’m out.
Methinks the jackasses should probably let the MUH RUSHUH CULLOOSHUN stuff go before this gets any worse for them.
Those Russians, they really are rebuilding the Cold War playing fields:
Why The Left Keeps Contradicting Itself About What Kind Of Sex Is ‘Natural’
“When nature is a barrier to total sexual gratification, then it is an obstacle to be conquered. And when nature enables gratification, then it must be sanctified and obeyed. What really matters is that everyone gets off.”
Seems perfectly reasonable if you have built an entire philosophy in which pleasure in general, and sexual pleasure in particular, is the summum bonnum of existence. It was like that dipshit one-hit-wonder a couple years back (don’t remember who) who equated fucking his girlfriend to church and worship.
Sex is great and can be transcendent, but expecting it to provide purpose and meaning in your life is just a fruitless as expecting drugs or work to provide purpose and meaning.
Furthermore: #metoo is just a subconscious (or conscious) attempt by women to get back some of the leverage they gave up during the sexual revolution.
I don’t believe for a second that they’re interested in sexual gratification as a driving purpose. They’re not libertines. They’re martinets. Their driving impulse is control. If that means heaping scorn on Christian traditionalists, driving them out of business, using the state to punish them, that’s what they do. If it means shaming women who subordinate themselves to their families instead of a career, that’s what they do. It’s an unforgivable trespass to disapprove of homosexuality, but if a straight person prefers not to sleep with a trans person, that’s also unforgivable. Sexual preference is something the left gets to decide. Men who take initiative are aggressors and probably rapists, but men who insist on leaving the door open when dealing with female subordinates are conservative throwbacks and who knows probably rapists.
Lefties aren’t sexually laissez faire, they’re more uptight and straight-laced than the most pucker-faced scowling churchlady biddy.
Right. They have very specific rules. They just happen to be very different than the very specific rule that were in place before the actual-libertines in the 60’s and 70’s.
Everything the left does is in furtherance of the centralization of power. Full stop.
No, it derives from the philosophy that reduces every interaction into a power struggle and an opportunity for moral ladder climbing.
I’m on the right. Classifying some sex as “natural” and some as “not” is stupid (unless you mean sexy vampires are right out.) When the author says “natural” what they mean is “comports with my arbitrary definitions of good.” But they retreat into this false objective bullshit about their definition being “natural.”
Is abstinence until marriage “natural?” Be careful. Fucking predates marriage, so if the answer is yes, you are the product of unnatural sex acts.
Is homosexual sex “unnatural?” Then why was it evolved in (or if you must, why was it intelligently designed in?)
There are many, many, many good arguments for life-long monogamy post-dating self sufficiency. The genetic
phalacyfallacy isn’t one of them.Agreed. Human beings are part of the natural world, so by definition any kind of sex the human body is capable of, is “natural”. Other animals use sex for all kinds of things other than procreation (social bonds, etc.)
Arguments against that are based on the rules that we as a society, or as individuals, have decided to accept.
I’m seeing headlines about Trump’s “purge” of DHS. What he should do now is shut it down completely, and then call Barbara Bush and tell her he is dismantling her idiot son’s legacy.
Do the war on drugs next!
DHS is an abomination, but I don’t think it’s going anywhere.
…call Barbara Bush…
That would be a neat trick.
I’m sure Miss Cleo can help.
Any possibility that he can get that done before I have to fly tomorrow? It would be nice to be able to bring a traveler of Jameson in my carry on like the good old days.
Minibottles, yo. They go right through security. They are less than 3oz each.
Yes. Much better than trying to find something on arrival.
Mini-bottles are for sissies and the Navy (but I repeat myself).
I get those 3oz TSA approved plastic bottles and fill them up with Jameson. Cruise right through security. Doesn’t matter how many of them you have. The secret to good security is to make sure that they only are 3oz or less.
I meet Mrs Fourscore tomorrow around noon .30 at the international gate (baggage pickup), if all goes well and the weather co-operates.
Human foot found in pond about a mile from my work. I swear, I was in Florida for most of the last 2 weeks!
I was in Florida for most of the last 2 weeks!
Disposing of the rest?
If you’re trying to vindicate yourself, placing yourself in Florida for 2 weeks is never the way to do it.
“We knew he was guilty as soon as he gave his alibi. Nobody chooses to spend two weeks in Florida.”
If we pay the ransom, you’ll let us go, right?
A California couple charged in the college admissions scandal have agreed to plead guilty and tell prosecutors what they know about others involved in the scheme, according to sources familiar with the case and records reviewed by The Times.
Davina Isackson and Bruce Isackson, the president of a Bay Area real estate firm, are accused of paying a college admissions consultant $600,000 to get a daughter into UCLA and another into USC through bribes and other deceitful moves, court records show.
The agreement does not specify what sentence prosecutors would request, but they could ask the judge to spare Isackson prison time completely.
Under the terms of the plea deal, Bruce Isackson will plead guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud and two additional charges: money laundering conspiracy and a conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service. Davina Isackson will plead guilty to one charge of conspiracy to commit fraud.
I’m still baffled about why you’d send your kid to UCLA, period.
600 grand to get into UCLA, the kid must be dumber than a rock.
Money laundering? Fraud? I get the IRS one.
The real crime was a civil breach of contract between those who accepted the bribes and their employers.
I bet they’d get off if they finger Trump.
You needed to say that one out loud before posting.
I knew what I was anal beads.
Uffda. I’d just send my kid to the local vocational school to learn a trade and then give him $595,000 to start his own plumbing business. How the fuck do you think you are getting $600K of benefits just for sending your kid to UCLA?
*Is UCLA even that good of a school academically? I just hate their athletic teams (for injuring Eric Harris in the NCAA tourney and preventing the Gophs from winning it all that year).
It’s not about actual benefits. It’s signaling. Your kids went to the right school so you’re a better person. God forbid your kid went to Cal State LA or a Jr co.
As far as academics, of course really depending on the major, but yes it has a good reputation (or was before this).
Pac 10 ranked:
UC Berkeley
Oregon St
Arizona St
Washington St
Completely subjective and I get to exercise personal prerogative. Fuck the PAC 12 & that idiot Larry Scott, they’re lucky I didn’t do Pacific 8.
Paula Radcliffe: Transgender runners who identify as female get ‘unfair’ advantage to qualify for Boston Marathon
You just gotta see “Stevie”
Too funny.
I adore this. Even better is watching the jilted female athletes try to walk this tightrope of wokeness after losing when it’s obvious they’re pissed off that men are allowed to compete against them.
Transgenderism may be the straw that breaks the back of the camel known as “white guilt”.
Wow, they aren’t even implementing WADA’s very lax 3 years of female-normal hormones. This is just anyone who “identifies” from the sounds of it.
I have scientific-methodological problems with WADA’s policy (its all based on extrapolation from intermediate markers, not direct observation about if and how much it applies, and it is consistent across all sports, to name the big ones) but at lest it is published for everyone to see and based on falsifiable assertions.
This is just sacrificing athletic competitiveness for short term [outrage avoidance / social signaling, pick one based on how cynical you are.]
I’ve said on this site a couple of times that we should accept and use the gender/sex distinction, and I’ve gotten some pushback. This is the sort of issue that is clarified by the gender/sex distinction. The Boston Marathon is making a rule choice based on
. But the Men’s and Women’s qualifying times are set based on distinction of
. They are based on sex because their priority used to be ensuring competitive athletic contest, which is necessary to be a “good marathon.”
By changing their rules to be about gender instead of sex, it is easy to show that they are giving up on the “good marathon” goal.
As some guy on the internet says “Why don’t people trust our institutions any more.”
By changing their rules to be about gender instead of sex,
That is happening everywhere. People now reflexively refer to gender when they mean sex. The corruption of language is the foundation for corrupting everything.
There is zero legal basis for a gender-based anti-discrimination regime, at least at the federal level (some states have been stupid enough to add “gender” as a protected class). Nonetheless, federal regulatory agencies churn out “guidance” and I think even regulations as if gender showed up in the Civil Rights Act. It does not. Federal anti-discrimination law refers only to sex.
Idiots. Fools.
Look forward to the first woman winner with a moustache (outside juiced East German women of course).
The counter-argument I hear about this is, “Only a few, genuinely transitioning people will do this. You won’t have men just signing up to compete in women’s sports to get easy records.”
Yeah, bullshit.
Total bull shit. Just like they ‘won’t kill’ healthy babies as Democrats promise with their infanticide bills.
Only a few, genuinely transitioning people will do this.
Then they should have no problem adding standards that specify what it takes to be “genuinely transitioning”.
Everything is fluid, right?
“Vote for me or I’ll nuke you!”
Swalwell Announces Presidential Bid: I’m a ‘Leader Who Is Willing to Go Big’
Do you know who else?
I’ll just go ahead and answer.
If we allow farmers to earn a profit in what they grow, if we allow them to contribute their fair share in combatting Climate Change by growing cover crops, allowing the technologies that invest in precision tilling and farming, capturing more of that carbon out of the air is another way in which they can make a profit. Keep those farms together, pass them on to the next generation, and allow them to provide us our food and national security, our independence from the rest of the world, our ability to provide for the rest of the world.
Where’s the “then”? And why does he keep saying allow when he clearly means compel? Compel farmers to grow what the watermelons want, and compel taxpayers to offer them subsidies to make it plausible.
Hey, jackass, it’s Iowa. Just say “I love the corn lobby” and get back on your plane.
You know the’re burning it rather than making moonshine for drinking, right?
I think what he’s saying is that farmers should get a subsidy based on the amount of carbon their farms “capture”.
Of course, most of that carbon is released again, I believe, in the relatively near future. Annual plants don’t capture carbon for longer than it takes them to decay (or be metabolized).
You know what’s good for carbon sequestration? Lumber. All that captured carbon just sits in the walls of your home, unless it burns down. We should be building more houses. But not in California, that just breeds more Californians.
Submitted without comment.
Spending $7.8K/year on vacations can’t help. There are less expensive options, even in Commifornia. Ditto on that $700/mo car payment. Buy less car. And premium gas? it’s like whoever drew this up never supported themselves.
Over 2k per month for food?
I have a household of 3, and you can easily get by on half of that. I know it is more expensive in SF, but food isn’t that much more.
And make the weekly date night at Dairy Queen for 3 weeks out of the month.
Also, sell your Volvo, by something used for about $4k, and cut out a $700 car payment.
Insurance will go down (maintenance may go up a bit).
I know children outgrow clothes fast, but $500 a month also looks high. I spent $500 this year because I reached a whole wardrobe refresh point (the existing work clothes were reaching the end of their work-acceptable lifespan after years of use, got downgraded to weekend clothes)
We budget $100-150 with a 3 year old who grows like a weed.
Monthly, or yearly?
but I needed that Armani jacket!
One of my luxury areas is food, so I know I spend more than I should there, and don’t want to weigh in on how much is viable. (Though I’m also not living paycheck to paycheck, I’ve got savings! How on earth did I get to the point where I’ve got savings? I’m poor)
Plus daycare expenses are temporary.
You scare off a lot of parents?
All the time. I dress like Friday….from The Flintstones.
Weekly date night, $700 dollars in out of pocket health care a month, by 3 weeks of vacation I assume they mean 3 weeks of airfaire and an upscale hotel in a 1st world metro area, a Volvo, Coach bags, $200/mo to charity is well above median for the blue tribe, 92 octane is a joke in a modern car. You have a 3 bedroom house in the most expensive housing market that doesn’t rhyme with word “bong.” Learn to cook your own fucking food at date nights.
This is not a “middle class” lifestyle. You live in San Francisco. Go fucking camping. Drive a Ford escape. Live in 2 bedroom apartment (and rent your house…) Wear “Amazon Essentials” instead of Coach. Stop giving money to big faceless charities and donate your time (if you have the social capital to make $300k, your time is really valuable).
Without moving, that will probably cut in half food expenses ($1,000) vacation expenses ($325) car payment ($350) clothing ($250) and charity ($200) That’s $2,000 a MONTH with basically no pain.
I was going to do the same, but UP their charity by adding on a 10% tithe to their church.
What is the church attendance rate and percentage of tithe payers within San Fransisco?
>Cities considered: SF, NYC, Boston, LA, San Diego, Seattle, DC, Boston, Miami, Denver, Vancouver, Toronto
>tithe to their church
Uproarious laughter.
Eliminate the shows and sporting events and save a bunch there too.
I’m not entirely sure what they mean by ‘social functions’ but if it means going out to bars or dining out with friends change that to in home visiting with friends.
For the tribe of people this is drawn from, they will forgo medical treatment or going to their mother’s funeral before they forgo “going out” or going to brunch. It is as ingrained with them as going to church was to my Grandmother’s generation (note – Catholic.) And they do it for the same reasons.
$500 a month for clothes?
I think almost all the non-fixed categories can easily be cut in half without a thought.
This thing again?
I believe it’s already been pointed out that they are NOT “living paycheck to paycheck”. They are putting away money and living very comfortably. They could easily choose a cheaper city and the lower income that would most likely come with it.
Lol $500/mo on baby/toddler stuff. We never cracked $200/mo, and we weren’t trying to go extra frugal. Granted, we do icky cloth diapers half of the time, and the sum total of new clothes bought for toddler trshmnstr in 2 years is probably less than $200.
As somebody who lives in one of those high cost of living areas listed, I can confidently say that living paycheck to paycheck on 6 figures means you’ve got a case of the “I deserves”.
The only clothes we bought for our kids in their first two years were outfits my wife wanted because they looked cute. Some friends of ours who were a couple of years ahead in boys gave us a giant plastic tub full of baby clothes, many of the ones for six months and under never worn. We passed off a similar sized box to some friends who were a couple of years behind us. Even after throwing away anything that had the slightest stain, and keeping a small box of things my wife wasn’t willing to part with. We didn’t crack $500/month until we put kids in daycare. We might have been close when we had two in diapers and one in formula.
Nationwide, this is top 3%. Even in California, this is what, a top 10% income?
I rate this, not a middle class budget.
You should read the blog post that this ‘budget’ is based on.
Its very much a demonstration of entitlement.
Why 25000 a year/2100 a month on food. Because you’re tired and takeout is awesome
Food ($25,200): When you are a dual job household with a baby, there’s little time to cook. Further, given the family is living in a city like New York or San Francisco, food is world class, and on demand food delivery is ubiquitous. It makes little sense to spend hours cooking when you’re already tired and want to reserve your remaining energy for taking care of your baby. However, food is where this family can cut expenses if they start feeling a little tight.
Now I will admit that my wife and I (both working) take our family out to eat way more than we ought to (fast food because small town options limited), and yes many times its strictly because we are just feeling lazy. But doing that to the tune of at least $1000 a month. That’s insane.
When you are a dual job household with a baby, there’s little time to cook. . . . It makes little sense to spend hours cooking
I’m sure its not easy, but there are lots of things you can do to cook your own food. Like, say, spend Sunday afternoon cooking for the week. And before you know it, you have a family activity you can do with your kid.
Further, given the family is living in a city like New York or San Francisco, food is world class, and on demand food delivery is ubiquitous.
Just because its easy doesn’t mean its smart, and just because its world class doesn’t you can afford it.
I live within driving distance of world-class “cabin on the lake” summer houses. Obviously, I should spend a $8 on one because of my geographic proximity.
uhhh, $8 million…
I was gonna say, depending on the upkeep, $8 sounds like a bargain.
Meal prep is definitely a time and cost saver.
6 weeks before we had our 2nd kid my wife and I spent two Saturday afternoons making frozen meals.
When baby came, we had about a month’s worth of food in the freezer that we could toss in a crock pot, instant pot, or oven.
Despite the lack of sleep it was absolutely the easiest month we ever had when it came to cooking. No wandering into the kitchen wondering “what are we gonna eat” no giving up and just going out.
For costs, doing it that way we spent just over half of what we do when we don’t plan our meals. Time invested was perhaps 6-8 hours to shop, prep, and pack the food for one month of meals, and 10-15 minutes on reheat/cook day depending on the reheat method and what sides we wanted.
Honestly we need to start doing it again.
This used to be standard practice. Something was lost between the generations, because canning and freezing are now “prepper” activities.
Mortgage ($46,800): Although the payment is $3,900 a month for a $900,000 mortgage at 3.25%, $2,000 of it goes towards paying down principal and building net worth. Therefore, you can add $24,000 a year in forced savings to their $37,000 a year in 401(k) savings.
Their $1.5M assessed house is a standard 1,750 sqft, three bedroom, two bathroom home on a 2,500 sqft lot. For new homebuyers, only interest on up to a $750,000 is taxable.
Here’s an example of a typical $1.88M home in Golden Gate Heights, one of San Francisco’s best kept secret neighborhoods. As you can see from the picture, it’s a standard middle class house just with panoramic ocean views. For $1.88M, this buyer needs to spend another $200,000 remodeling the house because everything is old.
How do you type that with a straight face?
So, if I’m doing the math, $1,900/month goes for taxes, insurance, and probably mortgage insurance (because I doubt they put 20% down).
Just guessing, but I bet $1,500/month ($18K/year) is taxes.
He has separate line items for tax, insurance, and maintenance. But yeah, he says $1,600/mo for property tax (or, more than my 15 year mortgage payment which includes my property tax and insurance).
Their $1.5M assessed house is a standard 1,750 sqft, three bedroom, two bathroom home on a 2,500 sqft lot. For new homebuyers, only interest on up to a $750,000 is taxable.
So basically, someone else has already reaped the asset growth, and you’re paying the bank a fuckton of money to take all the downside risk. Got it. We just refinanced our house, and I think the assessor gave us a sweetheart deal, but it was about 30% higher than what we paid for it two years ago. The refi was to dump the PMI and pull the term down from 30 years to 20. No cash out. I will pay an extra $50/month to take 8 years off the loan, and pushed $235/month from the “wasted” to the principal.
All of that said, (a) I don’t believe that I could sell the house for what it assessed for and (b) if you think the principal primary residence is ever going to be more than a hedge against inflation that you might have available for your next primary residence, the banks will always be looking for suckers like you.
Of course, the first house I bought lost 40% of its value between purchase and sale. After eight years of paying, I got out without having to pay the bank, and was happy.
Our restaurant budget is $250/month. Spend it all on Chik-fil-A or go somewhere nice once or twice, our choice. But shit, buy a fucking crockpot. Eat pasta or something. Both of my parents worked professional jobs once my brother and I got to school-age. Somehow, mostly mom, but sometimes dad got a meal on the table four nights a week. Friday was pizza night because my dad really loves pizza. You know what? It does suck to go pick up the kids, get home at 5:30 and try to get a meal on the table some nights. We always have spaghetti and sauce, and we often have a couple of frozen pizzas. It might not be as good as the takeout place down the street, but it feeds the family.
When my wife started working full time again, this was our plan:
1) Sunday on the way home from church, stop by the store and get a big ass cut of meat that is on sale / looks good. This is often pork loin, chicken breast, or rarely steak that hasn’t been cut into chops. Buy a bunch of frozen veggies or fresh, depending on the season. Buy a bunch of bulk whole grains or beans.
2) Season, bag, and sous vide the protein. Cook the grain. Store the grains in a tupperware in the fridge. Chill the meat overnight, slice it up Monday. Put it in a ziplock bag in the fridge.
Bam, any night that week, dinner is a few chops heated up on the grill or in a skillet, the grains heated in the microwave, and a bag of streamed vegetable from the microwave or on the grill/skillet with the meat. Total cook time, about 10 minutes.
Also, its really simple to eat healthy, if that’s your goal (it is ours) Stick to lean protein and supplement your fat by putting a jar of mixed nuts on the table with dinner. By the time you fill up on healthy food that is also delicious, the cookies and ice cream don’t seem to make their way onto your plate as often.
Has a leftist ever published a budget breakdown that wasn’t a total fabrication?
Spring has sprung
It was the first warm weekend in Chicago, and just as feared, violence spiked, with 24 shootings across the city and five murders, police said.
The count began Friday at 6 p.m. and ran though Sunday.
While many candidates in Chicago’s mayoral election have called for Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson’s badge, Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot promised a more patient approach, predicting warmer weather would again usher more violence into the city.
“We’re going to be heading soon into the summer violence season,” she told CNN. “After that’s over, we’ll evaluate at that point, but I’m going to be working closely with the superintendent and with his executive team to make sure that we keep our neighborhoods safe.”
Just recently, an idiot with whom I am acquainted made some moronic comment about guns, and how anybody can own any kind of gun. I should have advised him to move back to Chicago, where the magical gun laws keep everybody safe.
>>the summer violence season
Back in my college days, when I lived in a pretty bad neighborhood, winter was the safest time to walk the streets. Muggings and assaults went up drastically in the warmer months.
In grad school I lived in the South Side of Chicago. When the temperature dropped below zero I’d go jogging through some pretty crappy neighborhoods that I wouldn’t otherwise set foot in. My only fear was slipping on some ice and freezing to death.
For the record, since 2013 or 2014 with only three exceptions (magazine limit, residents can’t keep MSRs in city, and laser sights of all things) Chicago firearm laws have mirrored Illinois laws.
State preempted most local ordinances when they were forced to pass CCW.
Granted Illinois is kinda asinine in that you have to have a permission slip (shall issue, no training requirement, $1 a year) just to possess a firearm, though I think I heard that it was recently declared unconstitutional.
Executive team? It’s a fucking police department.
The real crime was a civil breach of contract between those who accepted the bribes and their employers.
The idea that any of these parents could end up in jail is completely horrifying to me. Some sort of financial “restitution” may be justified, but jail? That’s absurd.
*Since the “restitution” will more likely than not end up in the state/federal treasury, that’s a stretch.
Never get between as US Attorney and a high profile prosecution with a built-in media following.
For men aged between 18 and 34, a Boston bib has to be earned with a speedy time of 3hrs 5mins or quicker at the 26.2-mile marathon distance in an official race.
Women of the same age, meanwhile, need to beat a target which is half an hour slower – at 3hrs and 35mins.
Diana Moon Glampers would know how to settle this.
Hard to believe he wrote that to mock the rights claims of the end result of the lefts focus on equality/equity
$500 a month for clothes?
Tuxedo rentals ain’t cheap, and you want to look respectable when you attend Beta’s fundraiser.
I could easily spend $500 a month on clothes… really. And no homo.
Which is why I cruise the sales section of a few of my favorite fashion house websites looking for deals.
You could but your could also refrain from doing so and still be clothed.
But you aren’t (hopefully) spending $500 a month with $0 non-retirement savings. (and if you are, knock if off) (and if you are and don’t know how to to stop, please email me at this name at gee mail docom and I’ll help you learn how to operate with a personal budget.)
I should have said I _could_ but I don’t – too many other priorities.
You should float that offer to the Cali couple. But I bet they’d be a nightmare to coach, the financial equivalent to hoarders.
This reminds me of a Poshmark (Sp?) commercial where a lady says she paid $100 for a certain pair of heels used, where she would have paid $700 for them new. I’m thinking anybody who would pay $700 for a pair of heels is crazy.
I have a friend who’s hobby it is to buy / wear really high-end designer stuff. She wouldn’t bat an eye at $700 shoes. But her hobby doesn’t involve *owning* those things. She buys them used, wears them once, and then sells them again. Depending on your bank roll, you can actually come out ahead if you are willing to invest the time and effort into learning the market well enough to identify deals and sell at market rates. Given that this is something she *likes* doing, that investment in time and effort is all part of the game for her and she takes her 2% Women Who Brunch who just want expensive shit quickly.
The only real risk is if she ruins or degrades something really expensive, so she follows the gambler’s rule of never putting at risk enough $$ that would ruin her.
This is apparently a thing that a fair number of people do and there are whole online communities out there of these people.
So she’s into arbitrage, of a sort, and gets to wear fancy stuff if she’s careful. Capitalism rules!
Yes, that’s exactly what she is doing.
Digital music may not have saved the environment after all
Assumes facts not in evidence (namely that Carbon Dioxide is anything but beneficial plant food)
Sooo, like maybe? But we didn’t do the math. Math is like hard and stuff.
“The publicly available data leaves some questions. It’s not clear that the findings account for savings from reduced transportation costs, packaging and other savings that come when the music doesn’t have to physically travel somewhere. This also doesn’t account for multitasking. If you’re listening to music while you’re already at your computer, for instance, you’re not really using significantly more power than you would otherwise.”
That’s a pretty big oversight there as far as the data is concerned.
Doesn’t matter we’re all going to die in 12 years.
I’m looking forward to Waterworld Part 2.
I could see the guy making a cameo.
Shit, I’m thinking Escape from NY.
Doesn’t matter we’re all going to die in 12 years.
Aren’t we down to 11 years and 7 months?
No comrade, extinction is always just 12 years away!
No, it’s still twelve years. What, you thought they’d actual start the clock? And risk having egg on their face in 11 yr 7 mo?
It’s a rolling twelve years.
Like when we’ll have commercial Fusion.
Who cares?
Who turns off the motion sensor in a restroom in an office building? Fucking morons apparently.
It happens here too – probably the same guy.
“someone who wants to set the mood.”
–Larry Craig
“Someone who wants to eat a sleeve of Fig Newtons in secret.”
-Jenny Craig
European Commission ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI
Good luck with that. They even have a line in there about good AI being able to deal with inconsistencies, which means they recognize the problem inherent to their wish-list but like all good bureaucrats want to make someone else find the solution.
You want HAL9000? This is how you get HAL9000.
I don’t see anything in there against not murdering all humans.
Freedom from drudgery
The world’s largest retailer announced Tuesday that it is adding thousands of new robots to its stores. By next February, it expects to have autonomous floor scrubbers in 1,860 of its more than 4,700 US stores. Walmart will also have robots that scan shelf inventory at 350 stores. And there will be bots at 1,700 stores that automatically scan boxes as they come off delivery trucks and sort them by department onto conveyer belts.
Walmart says these “smart assistants” will reduce the amount of time workers spend on “repeatable, predictable and manual” tasks in stores and allow them to switch to selling merchandise to shoppers and other customer service roles.
“The overall trend we’re seeing is that automating certain tasks gives associates more time to do work they find fulfilling and to interact with our customers,” CEO Doug McMillon said last year of the new technology in stores.
I just hope this means there will be more cashiers waiting to take my money, so I can GTFOASAP.
If by cashiers, you mean self service checkout, then yes.
Walmart will also have robots that scan shelf inventory at 350 stores. And there will be bots at 1,700 stores that automatically scan boxes as they come off delivery trucks and sort them by department onto conveyer belts.
Terrific, now they’ll know in real-time that they’re out of half the shit I went there for every damn time I try to do a grocery run.
I just hope this means there will be more cashiers waiting to take my money, so I can GTFOASAP.
They just installed 3 huge banks of self-checkout machines in my local store, which are only really equipped to handle small quantities of packaged goods, and to make space for them they removed half a dozen staffed checkout lines. The result is that nobody uses the self checkout because it sucks balls, and the 3-4 staffed check stands they leave open take about 20 minutes to queue through.
I’m waiting for the RFID checkouts they promised 10 years ago. Pull up to kiosk, see total, swipe card.
I remember hearing that Korea and Japan were already doing that some years back. I don’t know if that’s true, but I want to believe.
Saw the first major chain with self checkouts (Seiyu which is part of the Walmart group now IIRC) about a year ago.
So you have to stuff the four or five extra plastic bags in your bag yourself?
They charge
one yen for each bag now. Most people bring “my bag”.
What? I can’t handle this austerity. I expect my plastic wrapped goods to be individually wrapped in another bag and then placed in yet another plastic bag.
A couple of the Walmarts around here have self checkouts with full belts for unloading an entire cart.
When are they automating away their customers? I’d consider shopping there more often if not for the clientele.
Actually, yes. All brick and mortar retail is trying to figure out how make website shopping + delivery or curbside pickup a popular thing. The store as we know will probably morph into a distribution center with a small kiosk in the front used only by people who what to get their hands on an item before making a buying decision (e.g., clothing fitting room and the like.)
Fuck that. Last thing I want is someone handing me a box of mediocre produce or meat. I want to pick out my own mediocre veggies.
Walmart pickup is the shit.
A fair amount of the food I buy is fresh, and I always have to dig through produce and meat to find stuff that is acceptable. That would be my only reservation about it. Otherwise I’d be happy to use home delivery or store pickup for everything.
Home Depot’s system is pretty good for ordering online and picking up at the store, but here again, if I’m doing a project with wood I like to inspect it and pick through so I don’t get the bowed and splintered trash.
The AI will need some hedonics algorithm that selects product by quality. Drag the slider to the left and you get reject produce at a discount. Slide it to the right for premium cuts.
(And of course this will be regulated away because poor people will buy the lumpy produce for the discount and rich people will pay for the superior uncrooked squash and perfectly ripe avocados.)
Mrs. Dean has been experimenting with delivery from Safeway. She has been quite pleased, even with the veggies. She thinks they pick them in the back room, not on the floor, which means they are picking from what has been delivered but not stocked yet, IOW, the freshest veggies.
My sense is that the supermarkets are *highly* sensitive to this issue and work really hard to make sure the produce and meat you get is up to the really high standards of a suburban soccer mom.
Also, because there is easy tracking of repeat customers, I expect reasonable customers with long purchase histories to get really easy returns as long as they stay rare, like how Amazon does. That’s pure speculation, but if I get a delivery of subpar produce, I expect nothing more than a quick photo and email saying “Is this the quality I should expect?” will be all it will take to get it fixed.
I could see supermarkets going to a produce market layout. Essentially, wall off everything but the produce section. Everything else is inaccessible warehouse.
Feh on that. When I’m at the supermarket I like to read labels, compare products next to each other on the shelf, etc.
Ironically, ROBOCASHIERS aka self-checkout lines have been a thing for, what, 15 years? I don’t particularly like them because I think that they are obviously cost-saving for the store in exchange for more work on my part – I want a 1% discount or whatever. But they usually are faster and should have lower expenses when idle (meaning you can have excess supply compared to a meat-bag cashier.)
The meatbag cashiers are too chatty.
If they think they’re going to turn stockers and cleaners into “customer service agents”, they’re deluding themselves (or us). What they really mean is fire all the grunt workers and mayyyybe hire one or two extra folks out on the floor.
An interesting little tidbit of information:
McMillon often cites Walmart’s (WMT) vast store network as its biggest advantage over rivals, including Amazon (AMZN). Walmart is within 10 miles of 90% of the US population.
I am not part of that 90%. Woohoo.
Neither am I, but I still shop there for bulk goods.
If I have to do self service checkout, I’ll just do it on Amazon. Fuck that shit.
The wheels of justice turned slowly in the case. Finally though, the Alaska Commission for Human Rights voted 5-2 last Friday to suspend Buscaglia for 15 days without pay, starting today, April 9th.
One of the “no” votes said he voted against the sanction because he wanted Buscaglia’s termination.
the dumb bitch is resigning..
Over a sticker? BS. Over using her office and the color of law to threaten the rights of a citizen.
i read she was stupid enough to put in writing an unfounded complaint to his landlord that his work is unsatisfactory. smells like libel.
What a POS. Wandering around the country, lying their ass off and sowing seeds of destruction. Too bad she got away with a resignation.
Bumper stickers and MAGA hats. Leave people the fuck alone used to be considered polite.
leaving them alone is enabling their racism.
Last thing I want is someone handing me a box of mediocre produce or meat. I want to pick out my own mediocre veggies.
I was talking to my mom and dad about that very thing, not long ago. Do you really want to rely on somebody else to pick out bananas for you?
Only if it’s Sysco/other food service suppliers where kitchens will call them to come back & pick up their shit if it’s not good enough. I don’t think that works for individual consumers.
This is why we need EU-style banana regulations so that all bananas are perfect.
I can only say that when we do the Walmart pickup orders, I have yet to get something that I wouldn’t pick. Maybe when they’re not hyperfocused on expanding that market, the quality will go down, but right now, incentives are aligned for you to get the good stuff. Most of the workers I’ve interacted with are the right kind of lazy. They’d rather take 1 extra minute on your order now than have their boss give them shit because they had to replace stuff. I will say that our Walmart may be an outlier in that 70% of the staff are people adding a little extra to their retirement here in Florida.
If “tightfisted old grannies” aren’t the ideal demographic to pick over produce and reject anything that isn’t up to their exacting standards, I don’t know who is.
Obligatory CS Lewis reference for Trashy.
Looks like Ghosn is not going down without a big fight. Maintains he’s completely innocent. The details of the case are way to complex for me to make much of at this point, but there are some people here that would do what he’s saying they did to him. Most of the people here I’ve talked to believe the state’s version of events and so I have serious doubts he’s going to get off.
Looks like Ghosn is not going down without a big fight. Maintains he’s completely innocent.
That whole thing is suspicious. Ghosn was a superhero (maybe he got caught up in his own mythology) for a long time, and then… maybe he stepped on the wrong toes once too often.