Welcome to the first recap of Woke Charmed! Or should I say… welcome to your doom.
The episode starts with a woman offscreen creepily whispering, “This is not a witch hunt.” Then we cut to slutty youngest sister creeping down a dark hallway in a way that supposed to seem like a horror movie, but in actuality, she’s trying to sneak out of the house for a Greek theme party. She’s quickly busted by bitchy lesbian older sister, who is angry at her for stealing her boots for the theme party. Sisters, right? That’s a thing sisters do! Always borrowing each other’s clothes, always being mad about it. Dialogue is a thing we can write! Stereotypical banter ensues: “The Greek system is an oppressive misogynistic homophobic institution of cisnormative hedonism”; “Wah wah you just don’t want me to have any fun.”
Their arguing is interrupted by the sound of their mother on the phone yelling about how this isn’t a witch hunt, it’s a RECKONING!! It turns out the sisters’ mother is a Women’s Studies professor who is trying to get another professor ousted because, surprise, he is a rapist! Or a harrasser. Or something. #MeToo relevancy. But nobody believes her, of course, because she is a WAMAN, and on top of it, his victim is unable to testify because she’s in a mysterious coma.
After hanging up the phone, their mom proceeds to give them a stereotypical “I’m so proud of you, never forget that you’re sisters” peptalk for no apparent reason.
Then the girls go out for the evening. Bitchy older sister (Mel) texts her girlfriend to get naked. Right now. Right this second. No foreplay. Get fucking naked.
(Side note: This is probably supposed to be a surprise when it’s revealed that she is a lesbian, but she acts so much like America Chavez that literally no one is surprised.)
Meanwhile, slutty younger sister (Maggie) is annoyed because her ex-boyfriend doesn’t want her walking through Rape Woods alone in the dark in a miniskirt and crop top. It’s so patriarchal of him to try to police her body and practically accuse her of asking for it by dressing like a whore and walking into the woods in the dark by herself! How dare he try to white knight her, following her to “protect” her, offering her a ride to the party, as if she’s not a strong waman who can take care of herself!
Both the girls’ fun evenings out are soon interrupted by a panicked text from their mother telling them to come home immediately because she’s about to get murdered by a bunch of crows. A murder of crows, in fact. Or it might be an unkindness of ravens, but the crow pun works better. As they swarm about her, she screams, “Hear this, I have three!”
The girls don’t make it home in time to help their mom, though, because Maggie is too busy trying to impress Regina George so she can join her sorority. Because, of course, this is TV, therefore the sorority is filled with stereotypical Mean Girls — you can’t expect a show about feminism and sisterhood to not shit on women’s clubs that emphasize sisterhood! Mel, having de-nakified in record time, shows up to drag her sister home, but not before getting in a good screech at the fraternity boys about rape culture. (This is not a joke — the words “rape culture” are literally used. She turns to a couple making out on the couch on their way out the door and says to the girl, “Remember, when it comes to consent, you can change your mind at any time!”)
When the girls finally get home, they find their mother dead on the ground outside the house. It looks like she’s committed suicide by jumping out the third-floor window, but we know better than that.
The title card pops up, and then on-screen text that explains three months have passed. Now we meet a Beautiful Black Woman named Macy who is looking for a house to rent with her “friend.” They walk past the house of Maggie and Mel, and Macy has a moment. Friend(zone) assumes that it’s because she saw the house on the news, but we know better than that.
Later, in a generic lab where everyone wears white coats and does Science, Macy researches the news story about the house on her laptop and freaks out when she sees the photo of the dead woman. However, she is interrupted by a creepy old white guy who looks like a wax museum figure of Tim Conway. This is the professor that Dead Mom was trying to get fired, but now that she’s gone, he has been reinstated and absolved, and the patriarchy lives on. He creeps on Macy, sending a chill down her spine, then rolls away — I’m not entirely sure whether he’s in a wheelchair or if he actually is just rolling in his desk chair like a weirdo.
Some people aren’t happy that he’s been reinstated and absolved, though. Mel is angrily posting flyers all over the campus demanding his removal. In the midst of her flyering, she is approached by a British man whose audacity in daring to speak to her makes her grind her teeth loud enough to be heard from five feet away. He tells her he enjoyed her article in the latest issue of Critical Inquiry, which made him feel, quote, “As though my penis had been torn from my body.” This pleases her, but unfortunately, it turns out that this man has replaced her mother as head of the Women’s Studies department, and therefore she hates him because he is a cis male. He defends himself by pointing out that he’s had articles published in twelve reputable feminist journals, and that one of his articles was retweeted by Roxane Gay, but she remains unimpressed.
I want you to know that I am quoting all of this verbatim. None of this is made up or exaggerated.
After leaving British Guy standing awkwardly in the hallway, Mel goes outside where she begins stapling walls of flyers to every flat surface. A men’s rights activist — no, I’m not kidding — comes up and tells her that by flyering without a permit she’s committing vandalism. She tells him to fuck off, and then he starts smugly arguing that Professor Rapey McRaperton is innocent because he had a hearing and was cleared of all charges. She screeches at him that he couldn’t be exonerated when the main witness against him was in a coma and therefore couldn’t testify, and the MRA starts bullet-point listing all the things that you would expect a feminist to expect an MRA to say: “blah blah due process, blah blah he-said she-said, blah blah the victim is clearly unstable,” etc.
We are 10 minutes into the episode.
Mel winds up punching the MRA and gets in trouble with the cops. It turns out that her naked girlfriend from the beginning of the episode is actually a detective with the Hilltowne PD. She looks like she is approximately 23 years old, a perfectly normal age for someone to be a detective and not a rookie cop working swing shift at the jail. She is also apparently now Mel’s ex-girlfriend, because they broke up because Mel went psycho(-er?) when her mom died. After the cops leave, Maggie comes in and gives Mel the stereotypical “you’re losing it” speech and announces that she has been rushing Regina George’s sorority for the last month and is going to be moving into the sorority house. This leaves me with a lot of questions:
- MONTH-long recruitment?
- Rushing only one sorority rather than going through the standard Panhellenic all-sorority recruitment?
- What time of year is it?? Recruitment happens at the beginning of the semester??
But of course I shouldn’t expect any answers to these questions, this is a goddamn TV show. I can’t even fault Woke Charmed specifically for this, it happens in everything.
Anyway, while they’re arguing, there’s a knock at the door. It’s Macy! What a surprise! We didn’t see this one coming! They open the door and she announces out of the middle of nowhere that she thinks she is their sister. She shows them a photo of herself as a baby being held by their mother in front of the house. When the other two see the picture, there’s a spark of lightning and the power goes out.
Oh, right — this show is Charmed! I forgot, what with all the feminism, that there’s actually, you know, magic!
Macy explains that she found the photo after her father died. Mel accuses her of being a grifter and tells her to fuck off. Macy runs away, meeting up with Friendzone at a bar. He asks her what her father had told her about her mother. She says he told her that her mother died when she was two, so, obvious lying going on there. When Friendzone tells her he thinks she should try talking to Maggie and Mel again, Macy makes a bottle fly across the bar with her magic rage and then runs out in a panic.
We cut to Maggie on a house tour with a bunch of other girls who are rushing. Regina George informs the rushees that this isn’t just a social sorority — Kappa is woke.
After we finish cringing from that line, Maggie shakes hands with a couple of the sisters and when she touches them she’s able to read their minds. They of course are thinking stuff like, “Ew, she worked in the dining hall last semester!” Which is definitely what people in college think about other people in college. This is completely normal and very realistic. Realizing she’s reading minds, Maggie runs out in a panic.
The last one to get her powers is America Chavez, I mean Mel, who is able to freeze time. She discovers this while on a non-date with her ex-girlfriend, who is concerned that she’s unraveling. The fact that she keeps freezing and unfreezing time at random intervals does little to convince her otherwise. Completing the trinity, Mel runs out of the coffee shop in a panic.
Now that the girls all have their magic, it’s time for kidnapping! British Guy from the beginning of the episode grabs them all and ties them up in the attic of their house. But don’t worry! There is a reasonable explanation! The girls are witches, destined to save the world from impending doom! And he needed to kidnap them and tie them up in the attic of their house in order to tell them that! He is a very excellent male feminist guy!
He explains to them that they are the Charmed Ones, the most powerful trio of witches in the world. Their mother, also a witch, bound their powers when they were babies so that they could live normal lives, but now their powers are awakening. British Guy (Harry) is an advisor to witches, also known as a Whitelighter. He’s also dead, or something. A ghost? He died in 1957? But he’s also the new head of the Women’s Studies department, so non-witch people can obviously see him. IDK?
Harry informs them that their mother was murdered by a demon because the apocalypse is upon us. He gives them the Book of Shadows, which prophesies that there are three signs of the apocalypse:
- The first step of the apocalypse is Trump becoming president. NO, THIS IS NOT A JOKE. THIS IS REAL. THEY REALLY SAID THIS.
- Trump’s presidency starting the ball rolling, the senior witches (such as their mother) begin to fall.
- And then the portal to Hell opens.
Apparently their mom recognized Trump’s election as the portent from the Book of Shadows, so it turns out that she anonymously sent Macy the grant application that got her the job at the Science lab so that she would come to Hilltowne so she could unseal her powers. Upon being told this Macy, a Scientist, explains that there can be no such thing as witchcraft, and that there must be a Scientific explanation. Macy, also being a superhuman prodigy, has also already mastered her witchcraft, even though she doesn’t even believe in it.
Harry gives them the Book of Shadows and tells them that they have 48 hours to choose whether they want to accept their witchly destiny — “Being a witch is a fully pro-choice enterprise.” If they decide not to become witches, they will lose their powers and every thing supernatural that happened over the last two days will be undone.
Mel, believe it or not, is immediately on board because, quote, “Throughout history, strong women were called witches, and they are. We are.” She feels they have a moral duty to take on their role as witches in order to shift the power dynamics of the world. I know you all think I am kidding by now, but I’m not. I am quoting this dialogue verbatim.
Maggie, though, doesn’t have time for this, because she’s too busy rushing Regina George’s sorority. And Macy, being a Scientist, has to go to the lab and do some research about this before she can decide — think of a logical explanation! Science this shit!
However, on the way to the rush event, Maggie is attacked in the woods by a demon dog who drools green slime on her. This being physical evidence that Macy can Science, they have a sisters’ meeting (apparently now they are just cool with Macy being their sister) and Macy puts the green slime on a microscope and determines that it’s some sort of hydrochloric acid. Mel wants to use the Book of Shadows to hunt the demon dog down; Maggie wants to lie low for the next 24 hours, wait for their powers to go away, and go back to living a normal life; Macy wants to use baking soda to counteract the hydrochloric acid because Science.
While Macy goes to raid the kitchen, Harry pops in and informs the sisters that a demon dog must have a demon owner, so they need to be on the lookout for whoever is controlling the dog. Mel and Maggie reason that only people in the sorority knew that Maggie was on her way to the Kappa house, so it must be somebody from the sorority who sent the dog. The obvious choice, of course, is Regina George! That would explain everything, wouldn’t it? Not just an evil sorority, but a demon sorority!
While they all argue about how to deal with this demonic threat, Maggie steps outside and gets a bag put over her head. Two kidnappings in one episode! When the bag is removed she finds herself in the Kappa house, where everyone is dressed like angels, and a row of girls sit in chairs around Maggie while Regina George informs them that they are all now officially part of Kappa. Was this kidnapping their bid day? Their initiation? Who even knows, I can’t figure out how these fake TV sororities work. I will say that if this was supposed to be initiation, frankly, it wasn’t weird enough. I may be willing to defend real sororities and say that they’re not all made up of psychotic Mean Girls, but I won’t lie and say that their initiation rituals aren’t freaky as hell.
Regina George tells Maggie to meet her upstairs because she has something for her. Mel bursts in with a box of baking soda just in time to throw it on Regina, who is not actually a demon. Apparently she was going to offer Maggie a drink from her secret stash. Whoops.
So if she’s not the demon… who is?
It’s Maggie’s ex-boyfriend, of course! The one who was following her through the woods earlier in the episode to protect her from her own slutty clothes. Apparently he knew she was on her way to the Kappa house that night because he’s a stalker. He tries to kiss her, she realizes he’s a demon, and then they have some witty repartee about how consent can be revoked at any stage during the sexual encounter.
But don’t worry, she’s able to fight him off thanks to the magic of Pilates!
Macy bursts in, throwing baking soda on him, which kills the demon and exorcises ex-boyfriend. He and Maggie then begin to make out because reasons. Afterward, the three sisters walk home and rehash the event and Maggie’s taste in men. Macy asks Mel why she didn’t just freeze time after throwing baking soda on Regina George, and Mel reveals that her powers only work when she’s not angry. Everyone laughs because, LOL. Mel? Not angry? So basically, her powers are never going to work.
In the night, Macy, being a Scientist, has an epiphany: she remembers that Harry and the sisters said something about it being cold at the house when their mom died, but it wasn’t cold in the sorority house when Macy threw the baking soda on ex-boyfriend, which means that the demon they killed was not the demon who killed their mom. When she runs downstairs to inform her sisters, she discovers that Mel has already left for a rally taking place at the campus to protest the reinstatement of Professor Rapey McRaperton. Macy then remembers that she felt cold when he was creeping on her at the beginning of the episode, and realizes who the real demon is.
We cut to a scene of the rally, where a group of men’s rights activists are standing on one side yelling, “Not all men! Not all men!” while a group of women wearing pussy hats, led by Mel, yell, “Believe wamen! Believe wamen!” The MRA that Mel punched at the beginning of the episode taunts and winks at her.
Mel doesn’t have time for him, though — her spider sense begins tingling, and she goes into the Generic Science Lab, where the drinking fountain has frozen over and her breath begins fogging up. Professor Rapey McRaperton waits inside, not in a wheelchair, so I guess he really was just rolling around in his desk chair for some reason. Professor McRaperton then turns into Jack Frost from The Santa Clause 3, and the final showdown begins.
As Maggie and Macy race to catch up with Mel, Macy informs Maggie that she found the demon’s profile in the Book of Shadows, revealing that his true name is Taydeus: “He’s an upper-level demon who’s lived for centuries feeding off of strong women, draining their strength.”
This was the point at which I fucking lost it and began howling with laughter so hard that I pulled several muscles and made my cat hide under the bed.
Maggie and Macy burst into the lab where Taydeus is confronting Mel, chased by MRA who for some reason suddenly now works for the lab? When before he had just been an undergrad, not even connected to the science department? He sees the demon and somehow immediately recognizes him as Professor McRapeyton even though he literally looks like Jack Frost now. The demon then impales him with an icicle, because even he can see how horrible men’s rights activists are. You think I’m making this up, but I’m not.
Mel freezes time, and they call for Harry to heal MRA and help them defeat Taydeus. Macy has found the spell in the Book of Shadows, but Harry informs them that it won’t work unless they accept the Power of Three. If they refuse, they’ll have no memory of anything that’s happened over the past 48 hours, including meeting each other — except I thought they met Macy more like 72 hours ago? But okay.
Of course, they accept their powers, join hands, and use the spell to defeat Taydeus, with Harry shouting out instructions at them like goddamn Tuxedo Mask. Before he dies, Jack Frost informs them that he is not actually the one who killed their mother, and “now it’s begun.” Apparently this guy was actually a demon pretending to be a human rather than a demon who’s possessed a human like ex-boyfriend, because he explodes after they kill him. No wonder he looked like a wax dummy in his human form.
After the demon explodes, the MRA stands up and says, “What was that?” Harry says he will wipe his memory, but the girls say no — let him remember. Let him try to tell other people about it. Let him see how many people believe him. Poetic justice.
The girls then strut away in slow motion, protesters behind them holding signs that say things like, “No means no!” and “End sexual harassment!”
The episode ends with a teaser for next episode: Macy moves into the house with her sisters, and Mel emerges from the attic holding a Ouija board. They use it to try to contact their mother, and the pointer immediately starts moving very rapidly. It spells out the words, “Don’t trust Harry.” As they read the words aloud, Harry appears behind them, and the episode ends.
Overall thoughts: This pilot was so incredibly woke that there were parts where I started suspecting that maybe this really wasn’t written by a feminist — maybe this was written by a shitlord trying to troll feminists. There were so many parts that were so on the nose it almost seemed self-aware. Regardless, it provided me with much hysterical laughter, so for entertainment value I gave it an A+.
On a more serious note, for a series that purports itself to be feminist, I noticed that the three main characters had a lot less agency than the original sisters from the 90s Charmed series. In the original pilot, the sisters find the Book of Shadows themselves; there’s no British guy to swoop in and explain everything to them. They awaken their powers themselves, and then they figure out how to use them themselves. Like I said in my intro, I’ve not seen beyond the first season of the original Charmed (I keep meaning to watch it on Netflix, but I never get around to it); I know from glancing on Wikipedia that Whitelighters do show up at some point (I have no clue if their function is anything like Harry’s, though), but when the series is first getting going, the sisters are pretty self-sufficient. The way that these girls needed everything explained to them by some guy seemed like it was undoing the whole “feminist” message. If the showrunner isn’t a secret shitlord, then that’s just one more layer of idiocy to this show.
Thanks for coming along on this woke journey and I will see you all next week with a recap of episode two!
It turns out the sisters’ mother is a Women’s Studies professor who is trying to get another professor ousted because, surprise, he is a rapist! Or a harrasser. Or something.
I read your intro, but please tell me you made this up.
You’re only two minutes into the episode, just you wait.
I really wish we could watch this MST3000 style. It would be epic.
Only if Jordan Peterson is a guest commentator.
On second thought, and having given in actually read the whole thing instead of just skimming – this cries out for Dennis Miller, who has the appropriate meter to keep pace with the insipid and the insane.
Yes. Norm Macdonald would be a good choice, too.
You are a genius Tundra. MST3K is the perfect method.
The girls then strut away in slow motion, protesters behind them holding signs that say things like, “No means no!” and “End sexual harassment!”
Thanks for suffering through this. I’ll be out back punching myself in the face.
I made it 3 paragraphs before my brain melted.
You are a better man than I, Gunga Din. I made it through the first sentence before tapping out.
I skimmed. A lot.
I actually read the entire thing, and I am just stunned to think it isn’t a parody.
I kept thinking, this can’t be real and was waiting for a disclaimer at the end.
Really loved it and look forward to more.
I have to imagine that the commercials are all “mesothelioma”, rent-to-own places, and the network’s own promos. It’s like someone pitched the show as “The audience for this are people who brag they don’t own teevees!”
I appreciate the article, but that’s a hard pass to me on that show.
Palate cleanser…my god-son before his first guitar lesson.
Good looking lad. How did his lesson go? He looks happy and ready. You are a good godfather, better’n Puzo’s.
We’re witnessing, in real time, one of those eras in history that make people say “what the fuck was everyone thinking?”, like the rise of the Nazis or the tulip bulb craze or Chinese foot binding.
They present hedonism as an obvious malevolent force, along with “oppressive”, “misogynistic”, and “homophobic”. It’s almost like they don’t care to conceal their secular Puritanism.
To those who stop reading because you can’t stand the cringe factor, if you stay with it, like a surfer riding a wave, you’re treated to Dave Barry-level commentary on the whole thing.
If they skip out partway through they miss out on the prophecy and that on its own makes the whole episode worth it. ?
Okay, fine, I’ll read it. Jesus you type a lot.
I read about 2/3 of that, then I began feeling a stabbing pain behind my eye, accompanied by a twitch.
Meth related?
This still makes me giggle:
Apparently Albania is giving Mexican weather forecasters a run for their money.
And yeah…I think I found another channel to subscribe to. https://youtu.be/_jBHIQi-My0
Curious if Romanians can understand this.
I think Albanian is its own branch of Indo-European, neither Slavic nor Romance. So no.
Moldovan TV they should be able to.
Yeah, it’s completely unintelligible to everyone around them – and me.
Croatians are hotter.
I feel like Top Gear already covered Albania…https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OyH-351Z_-0
Thanks. Now I need a rusty Albanian submarine.
Is that the Albanian version of a Rusty Trombone?
Lovely. Now all I can hear is “ne të gjithë jetojmë në një nëndetëse të verdhë”
Wow, that’s some dress.
LOL it was exactly at this point that I was like, Oh come on.
Wow. That makes me want to go find all of Piper’s episodes of the original and watch them til I forget. I didn’t want to watch the reboot because I thought it was stupid they were rebooting it at all, but wow I had no idea it was so over the top. Good grief.
Funny that they had to take out Piper from the group. She was the sister who owned her own business and the one who ended up with a family. But obviously a woke show can’t be having THAT!
Piper was also my favorite, she was too good for the reboot apparently.
Thank you MLW, for subjecting yourself to this. I just don’t have the intestinal fortitude to get through this.
Do you have enough intestinal fortitude to get through tomorrow?
“If she says you have to stop after three dick thrusts, the fourth thrust is rape.”
Well, then I’m relieved to know my first time wasn’t rape.
Bahahahahahaha! Joke level: Hedberg
Trump’s of Hazard
I read the whole thing, btw.
Yayyy you deserve a trophy ?
Do you think you can make it through all thirteen episodes? Maybe you should watch it on a phone in the waiting room at a hospital Emergency Department just in case you suddenly need a neurologist.
Or possibly an oncologist — just reading through your synopsis almost gave me cancer.
I fear for you, MLW.
As did I. Least I could do for someone who, purely for my entertainment/enlightenment/education, sacrificed their time and a not insignificant number of brain cells that spontaneously committed seppuku when exposed to this show.
Oh, for the luvva Pete. You can’t even parody these horse’s asses any more.
My thoughts on the subject:
Has anyone seen Glass? Is it any good?
It’s not bad – but better if you’ve seen Split and Unbreakable previously. Nice twist at the end IMO.
I’ve seen Unbreakable a couple times. I don’t think I’ve seen Split.
I just looked. I’ve never seen Split.
Basically an immediate prequel to Glass. I’d recommend checking it out first if you can.
I have seen Unwatchable, unfortunately.
Interesting. Colin Noir seems to be a regular guest on The Tucker Carlson Show these days. Branching out from the gun issue he has made a short film on the Homelessness Industrial Complex.
Just came across one clip randomly in my feed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpyHtpqlCNw Not bad.
“The reason we have these problems is because we are depending on the government to solve these problems.”
Right. But the reason these problems exist is because of the government.
San Francisco, LA, Portland, Seattle. They’ve been warned for decades about where they were headed but greed and power put them where they are. I used to love San Francisco. I will never set foot in that city again and I have no sympathy for any of them for creating the very environment they’ve been warned about. Welcome to the next Venezuela.
Don’t forget Vancouver! Embrace the Lower Mainland suck!
My family is largely from the Bay area. Only a handful are left.
I can’t believe how it’s changed since I was a kid. Sad.
I know, right? but:
Don’t let it bring you down
Thanks. Nice tune, but I’m not down.
Still miss the ranch, though…
Broke my rule and clicked your link.
…This is why I have rules!
Wanna go?
*drops gloves*
Yes. *engages in fisticuffs*
How can you not like the Clash?!?”
*spits blood*
Sounds like:
Bad boys
It’s a bad habit.
*spits out tooth and punches back*
I like the Clash, just not that song.
*stops fighting*
Why the fuck didn’t you say so?
Oh, man. Safe European Home is one of my favorite Clash songs.
Still only half-way through, but I have to say – this is taking one for the team above and beyond the call of duty. Bravo.
Done – Bravo!! I’ve “watched” a couple other garbagey shows vicariously – this is going to be just as fun.
Some group of people write this show for a living. Do they write it:
-because there’s a market for this kind of crap tv and they’re just good capitalists?
– it’s pure wish fulfilment i.e. they are writing for themselves and how they wish the world was?
– some nefarious plot to turn young human minds to mush with this nonsense?
Because they know my wife will watch it and they hate me and want me to suffer.
Sigh… Wifey just watched Vanderpump Rules, Summer House, and American Idol. Although, to be fair, she has a similar feeling when I’m feasting upon Forgotten Weapons or C&Rsenal.
I too am not at all convinced this isn’t satire.
Based on this, my theory is that there are secret shitlords on the staff, putting most ridiculous over the top shit in there and daring others to object. But no one dares!
Zoolander = Hitler
As much as I appreciate you doing this, I’m genuinely worried for your health watching this garbage.
Mrs. RM is eagerly awaiting your next installment, MLW. She and I both laughed our way through this one.
Well, laugh-cried.
Yay haha when I came on earlier I was like “crap, everyone hates it and I want to do the whole show”
More, more, more. I’m just an unfrozen caveman lawyer but even I appreciate it.
Yes, more please, this is hilarious.
I need something to cancel out this wokeness.
What happened to the archives?
Chive only works about 1 out of 10 times now. I have cracked open the source code and I can’t figure out why.
I loved the bits you mentioned on Discord but this
The first step of the apocalypse is Trump becoming president. NO, THIS IS NOT A JOKE. THIS IS REAL. THEY REALLY SAID THIS.
I am now in love with this show and am committing to watching at least three episodes come long weekend. With help of some Glenfiddich, of course.
How is Discord?
Imagine an average Glib lynx thread, but more disorganized and ADHD.
I tried it once, but it wasn’t for me.
I tried it once; I couldn’t deal with what looked like 20 different threads and trying to figure out WTF was actually going on. No threading that I could see. Very difficult to parse.
*Meaning, no threading within the individual 20 different threads. It was like following a live twitter feed.
It’s a 90s chatroom, but with no cybersex.
Discord is the reason I barely come on the site anymore, because now when people want to give me derp they can just send it directly to my phone.
It’s gotten a little more refined.
Alright, now you’re just trolling me.
Due process is a male conspiracy to get off rape charges.
Incidentally is it illegal to sell beer in TX after 9 PM (outside of a bar/restaurant)?
“Due process is a male conspiracy to get off rape charges”
You joke but the #metoo squad has made plenty of arguments along these lines.
Was I?
My nieces say this unironically.
Fucking cancer mate.
I have heard some interesting research on Aydin Paladin’s channel that kind of confirms this.
I thought you were supposed to wait a few seasons before jumping the shark.
When the pilot episode starts off with Fonz on waterskis right off the bat, the only way to go is down!
I think it bodes well for your series, if not theirs…
Should be midnight.
Google says everything is closed. Maybe something specific to Galveston?
Maybe so. I don’t hang around there much.
They have some decent beer around here, people are… interesting. Lots of fed gov. pukes.
Galveston is an interesting place with an odd history.
Yeah, up here (WI) towns stop booze sales at 9, even though state law stops at 12, gotta crony for the bars.
NoDak off-sale is the same hours as on-sale (2am). Most off-sale joints aren’t open quite that late (usually sometime between 10-12), but still.
I just checked. Liquor sales stop at 9 but I see nothing that should stop you from grabbing beer and wine at a grocery store or gas station.
Maybe I’ll wander down to check the local gas station.
Yes. For all the “wild west”, and various other “freedom-loving” tropes about us, Texas has waaaay too many damn rules.
Still a great place to live. But…..yeah.
You can buy from a grocery (walmart until 11:55), but all the real beer and liquor places were shut.
Settled for a mediocre beer. Much disappoint. 90% of the v=choices were coolers, the big three and Mexican beer.
Correction: Yes, you can buy beer and wine in non-liquor stores until midnight. Booze stores close at 9P.
I tend to conflate beer as “booze” in a catch-all these days.
OT: I dunno what to make of this kind of thing anymore.
OTOH, she does not deserve all this attention. She is a nobody. A Brownie. A Girl Scout cookie.
OTOH, she is so vile… so venal… it beggars belief. That passive-aggressive schtick presses all my buttons. And it’s what all the kids are doing now. And it needs to be stopped.
She would be hilarious if so many of her peers didn’t take her seriously.
Her peers are tards.
When my proggies start forwarding articles like this, I’ll worry. Mundane progressiveness is scarier.
Exactly this.
My favorite American fascist summed her well
Which American fascist was it? There are just so many. I’d buy Xer a beer if I met Xer….they seem spot on.
Severian of Rotten Chestnuts.
I found him because he had a really good post on Millius’s Conan and stayed for anecdotes from his days in academia, but make no mistake. He may be coy about it, and way more realistic about the odds and strengths, but the man has pretty much said that some form of fascism is what he considers the most realistic outcome. And, of course, being American, it’s racially-tinged. So don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Citation friggin’ needed.
Sure thing, sugartits. That’s exactly what’s driving people to head to the US. It totally isn’t the hand-outs, high standard of living, free education, or anything like that.
I will say this, Mexico and central America has never been know to be a warm climate…sorry, I just can’t keep going.
And the Maya apparently believed hell to be cold and watery.
“But have you ever noticed they never talk about what‘s causing people to flee their homes in the first place? Perhaps that’s bc they’d be forced to confront 1 major factor fueling global migration: Climate change.”
Even if that wasn’t completely insane, then why wouldn’t they head south?
Meh, it seems to me she just generally synthesizes leftist talking points and re-states them. That doesn’t mean she’s not venal, but she rarely treads new ground. Here’s a BBC report from 2010 saying pretty much the same thing: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/world-us-canada-10770674
Go on…
Okay, come on!
I can verify this one as accurate.
She just make my magic wand activate.
Sorry, I’m on a kick:
A KICK, goddamit!
: ?
Well, sorry,
If I’m wrongWell, sorry,
Lil drunk.
Slightly drunk?
I aint drunk, I’m just drinking:
Goddamn submit buttonAgain
You sure like the colons, man.
My theme song!
Ah, a macho drunk.
Finally a good song. 😉
Hey! Tuxedo mask was awesome, okay.
Thanks MLW. A fun read. Sometimes I think I’m missing out by being totally oblivious to current popular. You’ve cured me of that.
Back to my Prime queue. I think “The Hideous Sun Demon” is up next.
Time is the province of whites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHY1NfpKMJs
Thus Mel stopping time is the biggest blow against the patriarchy.
For my pal Baked Penguin:
Paul Simonon Recalls A Great Moment in P Bass History
Great story behind the cover of London Calling.
Thanks Tundra. Have a great song off of London Calling (well, I think so) in response.
Yup. Confirmed. Great stuff!
So, I was at a bar today after work. Had a nice convo with several of the other patrons + barkeep.
Barkeeps’ gf was at the bar writing in a journal, I asked her what she was writing, and if she’d share it with me- and she did. It was kind of interesting, akin to agile cyborg for kids.
I said as much and asked if she would be willing to share any more. But I think I put her off somehow. I guess she must have thought I was a creeper, but I was honestly just bored with the other people there and interested in her writing. thoughts?
Space jizz?
I might have gone wrong by mentioning that. And the inter-dimensional gaping vulvae.
Gushing the Milky Way in a spasmodic orgasm of nebulaic creation.
I sure hope I’m not Under the Milky Way when that happens.
Luuuv that song
A different kind of love song
Good song. You can tell they were heavily influenced by the Smashing Pumpkins.
+1 My Charona
Now I want to pitch a show about a black transgender woman who is in a wheelchair where she and her Filipino wife
adopthave through artificial insemination 3 bright young girls who are good at everything; one of the girls is Asian, one Latinx and one is Arab. Together the family runs a news website, and each week they take down either a white cis male capitalist or a white cis male politician.*invests his life savings*
Dude, don’t spoil next week’s Woke Charmed synopsis.
A Powerpuff Girls reboot we deserve.
Smash hit
*Keeps joke that popped in my head to self*
OK, now, you’re just screwin’ with me.
/what you did, I see it
by the way, in my mind connon it’s xylophone x sound, so Latinz. So 90s.
Excellent point–hadn’t thought of that. I think went and totally redeemed yourself! 😉
/of course, they could have used a ‘z’ just as easily–whoever ‘they’ are.
Okay, you definitely have a future in TV.
You are going to be very rich.
“Maybe just stick to talking about the 2nd amendment Dana. Speaking as a Jew, Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. You can be a nationalist and Jewish btw.”
Christ, what an asshole.
Guaranteed. Especially when you think mentioning that you work/worked for BuzzFeed is, in any way, a positive point for you.
Thanks so much for this. I’m sure it’s 100% more entertaining than the actual show..
As for the original, we have a running joke about how my MIL was obsessed with it. As I recall it was a fun show to watch, and I do recall lots of cleavage. A shame what they did to the new version.
This. I would never tune the dial to this show, hence missing the opportunity to mock it.
Now have a bad assed song:
Bad Man
I can’t tell whether this is a real thing or if you’re an ingenious parody… parodist… maker funner of person.
Holy hell, the deeper into this I get the more certain I am that you’re serious as a court stenographer. Who watches this? Who makes this who expects it gets watched? Are people really so happy being gladhanded like children watching kids programming?
Thanks, MLW. I think I am actually going to really enjoy this. There’s no way I could watch more than 30 seconds of this show, but the way you relay it makes me laugh instead of the red-hot rage I know I would feel if I were forced to watch an episode.
The write up reminds of some of the things I used to read here: http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/
Now that’s a URL I’ve not heard in a long time…a long time…
And on that note, I now suspect that Scott Shackford of Reason may have been Shack, the poor fucker who got Firefly and American Idol duty on TWOP.
Since the clone wars?
Before the dark times. Before Facebook*.
*or Twitter, depending on your preferences.
In the long, long ago.
No Facebook or Twitter? The good old days™
Ah, yes, that was in my hindbrain too.
“Racial Resentment As Pedagogy
Education researchers seem far more interested in “interrogating whiteness” than in developing methodologies to help black students improve their skills.
This weekend, more than 14,000 academics will gather in Toronto to share their research for the American Educational Research Association’s annual conference. In past years, I’ve documented the focus of AERA academics on matters that seem only obliquely connected to curriculum, instruction, and policy. It looks like more of the same this year, from the symposium on “Liberating Oppressed Ontologies and Cosmologies for Transformational Praxis” to the paper “Queer Evolution: (Re)invigorating Environmental Education through Queer Interpretations of Evolutionary Onto-Epistemological Choreography.” But this year’s conference has especially lofty ambitions. Under the title Leveraging Education Research in a ‘Post-Truth’ Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence, the event’s promotional poster features a lighthouse inscribed with the words “Trust, Integrity, Methodology, and Reliability,” which looks out over a sea of “Post-Truth, Propaganda, and Fabrication.”
Unfortunately, rather than a renewed commitment to methodologically sound research into education policy and practice, the conference program demonstrates a preoccupation with promoting a virulent new brand of racism. A keyword search of the conference program reveals 422 hits for whiteness—more than for “personalized learning” (16), “school boards” (19), “standardized testing” (20), “high school graduation” (23) “reading achievement” (24), “digital learning” (25), “policy analysis” (31), “early education” (38), “teacher evaluation” (41) “literacy instruction” (42), “bilingual education” (48), and “achievement gap” (75) combined.
Perhaps the most remarkable symposium analyzes fanfiction about “Beckys.” “Becky” is a slur for “a stereotypical basic white girl; obsessed with Starbucks, Ugg boots, and trying to have a bigger butt.” The panel, titled, “Critical Becky Studies: Critical Explorations of Gender, Race, and the Pedagogies of Whiteness,” includes a paper called “Becky Book Club: White Racial Bonding in the Living Room,” which explores the “more insidious workings” of book clubs “laced with white supremacy and surveillance.” Another essay, “Border Becky: Exploring White Women’s Emotionality, Ignorance, Investment in Whiteness,” examines white women who find themselves “at the border between choosing to be a race traitor and repledging their allegiance to white supremacy.”
America’s education system is far from the envy of the world, and academic achievement for black students has lagged stubbornly behind white students for decades. The task of improving literacy, numeracy, and building the skills necessary to help black students advance themselves could not be more urgent—and education researchers have a crucial role to play in developing and disseminating knowledge toward that end. Unfortunately, judging by the AERA program, practical questions about improving teaching and learning appear to be taking a backseat to an increasingly pervasive dogma of racial resentment.”
“Becky” is a slur for “a stereotypical basic white girl; obsessed with Starbucks, Ugg boots, and trying to have a bigger butt.”
Wait, why are they bringing the good name of Sir Mix-a-Lot into this?
I hope he got paid for this:
God, what a
tossedword salad of crap. Seriously–throwing around buzz words just to show off the money they spent on getting a degree, or three. “Ontologies”…”Praxis”…”literacy”….Just…go huff your own farts, please, you eggheads.
Also, in just after 10. Heh.
/no interest in anything Charmed, so nothing to add to that conversation. My apologies, MLW.
If you’re going to do it out of country, why not someplace where it isn’t still winter? (he says as a snowstorm is about to drop 4inches on his house in mid April after last year mid April there was over a foot of snowfall)
Take that you fucking “submit” button! Asking a libertarian to submit! Bitch, please! (also, notice the lack of a colon.)
You have to keep this up. This is awesome.
Agreed. Just read the whole thing. It’s brilliant, MLW! I mean, your recap and commentary is brilliant.
The show itself sounds like a sure fire way to induce suicide.
If Gustave comes along, are you one of the one’s into red heads? She says she listened to S Club 7 and is dissecting Maynard’s singing in a tool song.
Adorable. Solid would.
She looks like my 7yr old niece, creeper! I’m calling the cops!
These kind of cops?
This kind. (I think we’ve had this same conversation before with these same links)
Ha! I think you’re right. Also, I completely forgot that John C. Reilly was in that flick.
Not a ginger worshipper, but I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers. She does seem a bit young for S Club.
Come to think of it, I think she’s been linked here before. The vocal coach part sounds familiar.
‘exclusive content and ensure that your request happens’
*waggles eyebrows*
I think I’ve linked her before.
“Doctors find four bees in woman’s eye, feeding on her tears
TAIWAN (KRON) – What was originally thought to be an eye infection turned out to be something far worse.
Instead of treating an infection, doctors at the University Hospital in Taiwan were shocked to find four bees embedded in the eye of a 29-year-old Taiwanese woman named He.
The bees were reportedly feeding on her tear ducts under her swollen eyelids, according to CTS News.
Sweat bees are small and known for their metallic coloring, mostly in shades of green, blue, and bronze, according to Terminix. These bees are not typically aggressive and a sting usually only occurs if a bee is pressed against the skin.
There are more than 1000 species of sweat bees in the U.S., Canada, and Central America.
Nearly 50 species alone are found in Florida.”
Asians, always on the cutting edge.
Blame the patriarchy for her last name. The pronunciation would be more like
like Heuh
Hue hue hue?
Huh huh huh
Yeah yeah
So not clicking.
“Netanyahu: This is a night of incredible victory
Netanyahu thanked the public “for putting their trust in me…and even greater trust than before.”
“The right-wing bloc led by me will continue to lead Israel for the next 4 years and bring Israel to greater heights,” Netanyahu continued.”
So, what you’re saying is Israel just elected a White Nationalist!?
Wait he used the phrase right wing block? Seems odd somehow.
Yeah, that stuck out at me too. Psssst, you’re not supposed to say it out loud!
Maybe thats the key.
A blast from the past for you.
Youtube reaction videos have gone too far. OMFG.
I thought that was a chick…
The ‘pastor’s son’.
Maynard too though.
If I lived in a liberal place I woulda got chewed out so many times when I was raising my nephew who’s mom wouldn’t cut his hair and only had sisters ‘No, you’re a boy’ (to the mom’s around) ‘He’s a boy, he just has long hair’
Maybe I’m just a shitlord, but I enjoy masculinity.
Me too.
The pastor needs a haircut and a shave too. The castaway/late70’s excess hair look is crap.
He’s a youth pastor, trying to be hip, and reacting to songs that are almost 20 years old, because he’s hip. (I see nothing wrong with his grooming, if anything his beard to kept/hermit)
Uh… hm. Damn.
Agreed. Fucking hippies.
MLW that was fantastic. I was laughing at my dinner table reading it.
Truly, you are doing Derpetologist’work and doing it magnificently.
Pictured, dinner at the Chafed residence.
Wait–Chafed knows Jason?
He’s such an inspiration!
He’s his dad, aren’t you paying attention?!
So….a ‘yes’, then?
BTW, Chafed–I’m in to win tonight (taking a cue from your method of interacting)!
I noticed. In future I’ll know comments about boize and Texas light the Sir Digby signal.
Well, this might get interesting.
How can they tell if you’re immune but haven’t been vaccinated?
It’s almost like they pass these things without thinking them through.
If they float…
…down here we all float…
Being NY, I suppose hot lead injections for those trying to force vaccinations is out of the question.
Also, you know who else ordered medical procedures on unwilling participants?
Unit 731?
In this case, ‘hot lead injection > ‘hot beef injection’.
In this case.
Would it not be easier to just vaccinate everyone? Can you put the vaccine in a dart or something and get the National Guard to hit the streets shooting people with vaccine darts?
How is the soft core porn component of this show?
Good morning woke glibs
Aren’t you supposed to be in a coffin if the sun is out?
Thats where he keeps his laptop.
He might be the other kind of Romanian though, I don’t want to ‘other’ him.
Poor bastard. The 80’s were lean times, but, rather good.
Huh, he was in Diggstown, as Diggs…never seen the movie on sale on DVD, but when I do, it’s a buy…awe fuckit let’s spend some of that Patreon lucre.
Oh, yeah–good morning Mr. Sky. Or, Pie…whichever earns more respect.
If you like lesbians with angry eyebrows…
Hmmm……..I’ll allow it.
Go on.
I prefer them with lipstick and lingerie. But I’m flexible.
Lingerie? Shirley you mean “out of lingerie”.
/I’m flexible to. As far as you know.
Look up thread. Q has you covered.
Thinking whether tool, kmfdm or TKK is next… input?
Enact your own labor.
What about The pimps?
I think you are a KMFDM man.
I’m torn, 1…
…or 2?
If you’re taking others’ tastes to heart, I’d pick 2.
I’d much rather.
They brought back Ben Miller for the third Johnny English movie, couldn’t they have brought back her as well?
I barely remember the first, they made 3?
Apparently. I haven’t seen the last one yet. The first one was cringable, but I liked it.
But then relating back to the youth pastor vid, Torn.
And if you going to bring female vocalist breaking the fourth wall in a room, then you have to do this one
motions fingers from my head to yours, ‘Same level!’
Sure. We can also enjoy the musical stylings of her ex.
Dangit–that was for CPRM.
/refresh, dammit…
But he isn’t good looking, I mean to me, you do you…
Well…there isn’t anything to watch in my link. Unless, you like a static picture over the course of a few minutes.
She dated Silverchair?
Well, married what, 1/3 of them. Not sure how she settled on him, though, so you could be right.
Which one did she marry?
Lead singer
Alright, I’m going to go
have wet dreams about Natalie Imbruglia doing Lisa Loebto sleep. I won’t be around for the cartoon premiere tomorrow, but I’ll check in when I get home from work.I saw Lisa Loeb perform (no, not that way) about 15 years ago. Fun show, nice banter, and she stuck around after to meet & greet and sign for everyone that waited. Seemed like a genuine person that would be fun to hang out with.
I think shitlords are running Nippon
The father of Japanese capitalism (on the largest bill, of course), a pioneering women’s educator who opposed radical feminism and female suffrage, and a bacteriologist who worked to identify the causes of actual public health problems and accurate thermometers.
A wise people.
I like money.
Welcome to my tribe.
I think we may be….step-brothers.
I hate almost everyone involved in that movie, but dammit if I don’t love the movie.
At this point, I’m beginning to believe she is just trolling us.
Is she talking about 9/11, or, Patriot Act? I mean, she might as well be flippant about both, considering she’s only deluding herself into thinking she isn’t an authoritarian.
OK-she knows she is, but only towards people who deserve it (not her group).
Gotta swing that pendulum back to the other side!
9/11. It’s pretty incredible there are people still defending. I have to believe the local Dems will primary her in the next election.
I just like the headline
The best timeline is one where Grindr becomes a factor in a presidential election.
I…..I can’t find any flaw in that theory.
I’m sure it was all for the greater good.
WTF? First I’m hearing of any of this.
Well, reporting on this would just help Republicans. Is that what you want?
“Cosko is the Bernie Sanders-supporting son of a millionaire with close ties to California politicians…”
Color me shocked. Shocked.
The picture of the note, list as follows
With a cloth?!?
You can’t make this stuff up.
Upon closer reading, this could be referring to the wiping off of his fingerprints that she did. So, yes.
Maybe Hillary was right in asking the clarifying question, “Like, with a cloth?”.
My world is collapsing.
Eh, what the hell no one’s here anyway:
I’m normally a Fender guy, but this is a beautiful guitar.
They told me that every time I masturbate, a server crashes. Little did I know it was going to be glibs this time.
This is weird, ah well, off to work at 8,
It was awful…. I almost had to work at work. Fortunately, I went down a Wikipedia rabbit hole instead
Wow! This morning really drove home how little I use the Web for anything but reading here (what with the obsessive refreshing and having to do housework).
So we just give up? Not like this. Not like this. *Cyper pulls plug*
So traumatized.
I’ll sue, I tells ya.
I’m watching 40 lbs. of Trouble for the first time and it is fantastic. A cavalcade of my favorite B-list actors.
Is that a young Suzanne Pleshette in that trailer? Wow.
My Glibs came out late and cold. Plus I’m pretty sure this thread is leftovers from yesterday. I’d like to speak with the manager please.
No soup for you!
he overlords are sleeping…..
If ever there was a time to go off topic…
I finally after almost a week of having no time for Glibs, get a morning without a million things on my plate and sure enough it’s the day the server crashes…
“The Greek system is an oppressive misogynistic homophobic institution of cisnormative hedonism”
Yeah? What’s your point?
The Greek system is an oppressive misogynistic homophobic institution of cisnormative hedonism
Only up till beer 6
Thanks for coming along on this woke journey and I will see you all next week with a recap of episode two!
Aaaaand… I’m hooked.
I read the whole thing.
I have no words.