I’m sliding in sideways on this. Work went on too long.
Florida Man, meet Baker Act.
Big rocket going up tonight. You think its a good idea to shoot off those things around Florida Man?
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Posted by Brett L | Apr 10, 2019 | Daily Links | 386
I’m sliding in sideways on this. Work went on too long.
Florida Man, meet Baker Act.
Big rocket going up tonight. You think its a good idea to shoot off those things around Florida Man?
Big light in sky to appear in east. Sonic boom scares minority groups in Sector G. And there’s hamburger all over the highway in Mystic, Connecticut!
Those are the headlines- now the rumors behind the news.
Yay! I was hoping someone would know the reference.
Don’t crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers?
For a short time, I used Nino the Great Mind Boggler as my handle on Hit & Run.
And specifically Hour of the Wolf News. On You TV- for you, the viewer.
The Howl of the Wolf Movie (bad wolf howl)…..with stories of honest working people as told by rich Hollywood stars!
You boys fight it out among yourselves.
Adam 1-3’s incipient Negritude will come as a pleasant surprise to his honorary aquarium parents, Ralph Bunche and Ida Lupino.
Dogs flew spaceships!
The Aztecs invented the vacation!
Men and women are the same sex!
That made me choke on a piece of cheese.
Oh, also, our forefathers took drugs and Indians invented the wire recorder.
Why does dog need a starship?
The hamburger on the highway was in my neck of the woods.
Giant bbq
Please tell me the firefighters ate some
How do you think they managed to even launch them in the first place. Nasa was very careful to censor it, but their unofficial motto was “Hold my Beer”
(Yes, I know SpaceX is firing off this one, but the same principle applies)
I was home from school when Challenger went up. I went out to watch the launch, and I remember thinking “wait, that’s not right.”
One of the teachers at my school was Christa McAulliffe’s sister and my french teacher was the brother of the guy who exposed the whole O-ring cover up
The Challenger was a pretty big deal at our school for a long time both before and after the launch
but their unofficial motto was “Hold my Beer”
That reminds me of a joke I’d thought up once while reading about the early history of NASA. Apparently, there were an unusual number of engineers in the matter whose background would bluntly be described as “redneck”. So, the proper launch sequence would have been “3…2…1…Hold my beer!”
National Geographic Channel used to air a show called “Rocket City Rednecks.” Five NASA / DOD guys with a dozen or so advanced degrees between them doing things like making a functioning Iron Man suit out of beer cans.
That show was friggin awesome
Florida Man
Florida Man at lunch
Lo fucking L.
HE smashed HIS head into a partition in the police car.
Ha ha ha ha aha …….breathe
“A Florida man who reportedly bought an $8 million island a week ago was arrested over the weekend after he allegedly conned Kmart for $300 in household items, police say.”
That’s no sense, besides happening in Florida.
$300 worth of stuff from Kmart? Did he take the entire store?
Amazongly, he managed to fit the building in his back pocket.
There are still Kmarts open?
Now there’s one fewer.
The nearest one to me is in Lake Havasu….wow.
One is less than a 10 min drive for me. And it draws customers.
There are 5 in NYC.
There is only one in Minneapolis and the City is trying to get it to leave.
Where I live KMart is the big store.
The county has regulations making it effectively impossible for a Wal Mart or Target to move into the county. There is a Target over in Annapolis about 15 miles away and the nearest Wal Marts are about 25 miles away and here on the Island we got one of the few profitable KMarts cause they got a captive audience
As God is my witness I saw Russell Wilson in that Target last summer, I want to say July. My wife and I were standing in line at the little Starbucks stand and I heard people muttering, “Is that Russell Wilson?” I looked over and sure enough there he is at the self-checkout with a boogie board. He walked right past me. I gave him like a little wave and a quick guy nod, and he kinda gave me a sheepish head nod. I found out later that apparently he has family in Virginia and was in town to meet them for something.
He didn’t get rich by paying for light bulbs.
Florida Man strikes my burg.
Back story. It enrages me that the city Treasurer, the one who’s supposed to, you know, guard the treasure, fell for this so easily. And gets to keep her $250K+ job.
I read that as “Florida Man strikes my bung.”
How do you think he got so rich?
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
Ph’nglui you too, man!
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In the spirit of the Lovecraft mythos and my insane love for anime, I’d like to introduce you to Nyarlathotep and Cthugha as anime girls (and Hastur as a girlish-looking anime boy) in a harem anime! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yose5jKIIVY. In which all the gods of the Lovecraft mythos are actually alien species. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yose5jKIIVY
I… didn’t think I copied the link twice?
For a country that builds some of the best musical equipment, they make some awfully lousy music.
I watched the opening and have questions, but I’m not entirely sure what those questions are.
Kana Asumi played the lead.
And who played Miyu Matsuki is such a sad story. Dead at 38.
That should read Matsuki-san who played Kuko.
I have the strangest erection.
Does it look like this?
“sharp looking, and yet bent back on itself at the tip, like a murderous fuck harpoon.”
I’d like to introduce you to Nyarlathotep and Cthugha as anime girls (and Hastur as a girlish-looking anime boy) in a harem anime!
Two thoughts:
1. I’m not surprised that this exists, but I wish I were.
2. No thanks, I’m fine.
Okay, I’ll give the HuffPo writer credit for knowing Lovecraft.
And to give my comments symmetry, I read Hat and Hair just now, and I remember thinking “that’s not right.”
But it was much funnier than the Challenger explosion.
Musical link
Don’t know if it’s been mentioned but the last of Doolittle’s Raiders died yesterday.
103 years old, not a bad run.
A great story
Doolittle, who initially believed that the loss of all his aircraft would lead to his court-martial, received the Medal of Honor and was promoted two ranks to brigadier general.
Reminds me of Eisenhower writing an apology letter for DDay failure. Now it would be some PR flack writing BS.
Yes, a life in full.
I hope HM was on this flight.
That’s an example of someone who doesn’t know how to code-switch.
It would be Spirit.
I read this story this morning. As soon as I read the the route I knew the airline.
The only worse airline that immediately comes to my mind would be Ryanair.
The only worse airline that immediately comes to my mind would be Ryanair.
In fairness, you get what you pay for.
*logs into LinkedIn to accept friend request*
*first article is about “equal pay day” *
*immediately logs back out*
If legal wasn’t so damn LinkedIn dependent, I’d have deleted my profile years ago.
The pestilential onslaught of neoliberalism; is there nothing it cannot destroy?
The dominant system of political thought in this country, which produced both the creeping privatisation of public health services and this astonishing attempt to stifle free speech, promised to save us from dehumanising bureaucracy. By rolling back the state, neoliberalism was supposed to have allowed autonomy and creativity to flourish. Instead, it has delivered a semi-privatised authoritarianism more oppressive than the system it replaced.
Workers find themselves enmeshed in a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, centrally controlled and micromanaged. Organisations that depend on a cooperative ethic – such as schools and hospitals – are stripped down, hectored and forced to conform to suffocating diktats. The introduction of private capital into public services – that would herald a glorious new age of choice and openness – is brutally enforced. The doctrine promises diversity and freedom but demands conformity and silence.
Much of the theory behind these transformations arises from the work of Ludwig von Mises. In his book Bureaucracy, published in 1944, he argued that there could be no accommodation between capitalism and socialism. The creation of the National Health Service in the UK, the New Deal in the US and other experiments in social democracy would lead inexorably to the bureaucratic totalitarianism of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
His ideas, alongside the writings of Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and other neoliberal thinkers, have been applied in this country by Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron, Theresa May and, to an alarming extent, Tony Blair. All of those have attempted to privatise or marketise public services in the name of freedom and efficiency, but they keep hitting the same snag: democracy. People want essential services to remain public, and they are right to do so.
If you hand public services to private companies, either you create a private monopoly, which can use its dominance to extract wealth and shape the system to serve its own needs – or you introduce competition, creating an incoherent, fragmented service characterised by the institutional failure you can see every day on our railways. We’re not idiots, even if we are treated as such. We know what the profit motive does to public services.
I’ve heard this song before. “They never should have broken up AT&T. Phones are too complicated, now.”
What are the odds such a thing as a “smart phone” would ever have been brought into existence, in a world in which a “public utility” controlled the way we communicate? You might as well assume the Mandarins of China would have invented the word processor.
I swear to you, I got to the end of the first quoted paragraph and said to myself: “This has to be Monbiot”
Competition, oh NO, we can’t have THAT!!!!!!
Aside and a day and a half late: WAHOOWA
Abso-fuckin’-lutely. I will be at the official celebration at Scott on Saturday with my son. Should be a blast.
That is going to be a good time! Great game, amazing story for this team.
What do you have against Minitel?
“Instead, it has delivered a semi-privatised authoritarianism more oppressive than the system it replaced.”
Isn’t this blaming the host for not being more robust in combating the parasite?
Someone longs for the glory-days of seventies Britain.
The glory-days of seventies Britain.
>>Workers find themselves enmeshed in a Kafkaesque bureaucracy
unlike the government?
I corporate BS is well, BS, but godammn it’s easy to skip and ignore without losing my job.
Beg to differ.
Le Sigh.
The time has come again to do a hardware refresh of my home computer. I forget how many years ago I last replaced the motherboard. I am not looking forward to trying to convince windows not to break when swapping motherboards.
Then I go and buy the enw hardware, which get snarled because my payment processor decided I was trying to defraud myself – just because I don’t tend to buy large chunks of stuff from these vendors.
10? The bf did that a year ago and had no problems. Apparently now that they’re moving to OSaaS they aren’t as hardcore about keeping people from using it.
Windows 7.
I Hate 10 and want to avoid it.
10 is fine and 7 is at the end of its support window.
10 is unacceptable. It’s bad enough when I have to fight with it on a work computer. I don’t want to suffer through it at home.
Eh, I think with the next update they’re walking back the coercive update policy. I’ve had no more issues with software compatibility or performance than I’ve had on any other version of Windows (except for the one time I decided to put 3.11 on a much newer machine). I dislike the layout of some of the settings, but you get used to it.
This. ^ I think I’m starting to see a pattern; Many of the people who are sure they hate 10, actually hate 10 as their work IT department has it set up.
I do own one Win10 Machine at home. It is not allowed on the internet.
I have yet to get the interface into a state that is even tolerable, let alone acceptable.
I don’t use 10 at home enough to have invested the time and effort required to get it into a state that isn’t still a major PITA to use. It’s really, really poorly thought out.
Don’t get me wrong. I think MS made a ton of missteps in their UI for the first generation of Windows 10, and I get why people tried it and then immediately walked back to 7, but it has improved substantially and while I don’t have particular warm-and-fuzzies for it, it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets.
I went from 7 to 10 without any problems.
I use ten. I keep waiting for an ace, so I can get paid time and a half.
Hey, blackjack! As a biker you might appreciate this. My long time friend’s bike took first place at the AZ Bike Week last week.
That’s totally cool. He must be very proud.
Why would you use windows on a home computer?
Because I play games, and the other options are insufficient for the games I play.
Why would you use Windows anywhere else?
Because work requires it.
Because the majority of CAD/CAM packages will not run on Mac, or Linux, or whatever else.
I wish I could switch to Linux for Cadcam. Autodesk refuses to port Fusion 360 for some reason. I think there’s probably a large audience waiting for something like that.
What do you use?
Because Apple’s OS is so unbelievably horrible and I have no time and patience to learn Linux.
Apple’s OS is so unbelievably horrible
You really should upgrade that Macintosh SE.
My work gave me a MacBook Pro, which I hate with the burning hatred of a thousand Progs at a MAGA rally. Our IT guy sympathizes (“The company owner likes these. Yes, he is computer illiterate.”)
Serious question: why, exactly?
From an IT perspective it’s because MacOS is a square peg jackhammered into a round hole when deployed in any typical enterprise environment. Excluding science labs that might run some esoteric Unix stuff, Macs simply do not belong in the workplace.
From a typical user perspective, however, I really don’t understand some of the hate against MacOS. It does pretty much what most users would expect out of a computing device.
It’s an okay frontend for BSD, but it’s always bundled on overpriced hardware and stuck with a walled-garden of apps which don’t fit my needs.
I have no great hate for this oddity, and don’t see any real reason to give it a second glance. Hate is saved for things that are more difficult to avoid.
It’s a struggle to do simple things involving file management. For example, transferring a video from my iPhone to the desktop was a massively inconvenient process that would have taken two seconds for drag-and-drop in Windows. Oh no, you have to use iTunes or AirPlay, so I had to set up accounts and walk through those processes. Two hours for a two second task because Apple decided that your phone cannot be used as a separate and accessible storage unit like a hard drive or a thumb drive.
The lack of right click means lots of extra keystrokes.
Sound management becomes an exercise in futility, especially when you’re tied to iTunes.
The way our IT guy explains it, Apple wants you to do things in a certain way, to not do certain things that they decided you don’t need to do, and they rigidly set the OS up to enforce that vision.
@Michael, none of my data acquisition or processing apps are available for Apple, so it’s either Unix or Windows. I suspect the suppliers knew what they were doing.
Oh, did I forget to mention how tough it is to attach the peripherals of my choice?
Been on Macs since 2006 and every one of them came with a two-button mouse.
I can’t dispute that. MS is moving in that direction too.
The mouse for the MB Pro (“Magic Mouse 2”) is single button. It also has a weird trackpad function built into it.
OK, it doesn’t have physical buttons, but it does have left and right clicking.
PS. the tracking/gestures rock.
@Rhywun – that actually makes it worse
Image Capture is the program for iphone to OS easy ingress of video and images.
But like like the rest of iOS and the apple environment if you want to do it the Apple way, it is easy.. if you want to do something different you need to be a super-techie.
Back about 10 years they had some attempts at enterprise friendly integrations. With the iPhone and iOS they dropped enterprise for consumer. Mojave was the nail in the OSX server coffin.
As a unix and network IT specialist, the built in unix tools and tight kernel to hardware integration allows support that is not possible from Windows based OS systems.
@UnCiv – how so? It feels exactly like clicking regular mouse buttons.
3,905 Windows desktops
5,299 Macs
1,963 Linux desktops
You most certainly can use Macs in the workplace.
OK, it doesn’t have physical buttons, but it does have left and right clicking.
Only with extra key presses, apparently. I can get a simulation if I use the control key, which is ergonomically less convenient.
No, just click the right side with your middle finger like you would on any mouse.
Nope, that just clicks things normally, not right click.
Check your Mouse settings. You can turn it on and off.
That worked (though totally non-intuitive). Now there’s only 999 other things I hate about this expensive piece of shit. Let me tell you about the keyboard…
Somebody I know compares MacOS to one of those old video games that was “on rails.” You’re constantly being pushed into the “right” (and often one and only) path.
Newegg repeatedly likes to do that to me on major electronics purchases.
What platform / CPU did you decide to use?
Since the current box is running Intel, and I wanted to change as few things, I ordered and i9-9900X.
When did Desktop CPUs start having 10-18 cores?
System76 sells eight-core i9 laptops (although they are thick, heavy things that can fit 4 drives).
I hadn’t gone shopping for computer hardware in a while, last time I bought a CPU, quad core was max.
My last build was about 8 years ago, and they were up to 8 cores on some by then.
You can buy 6 core SBC’s now.
When AMD finally had a competitive multi-core/multi thread alternative it forced Intel to stop artificially constraining lots of CPUs for to create ridiculous amounts of SKUs and needlessly expensive top end parts.
More for the heck of it than need I decided to try AMD in part to reward them. I have 2700X that’s fast enough for anything I throw at it – 8 cores and 16 threads.
If you game at greater than 1080p resolution the odds of being CPU bound in most games approaches zero with most new higher end CPUs.
AMD releasing Ryzen really started pushing core counts. The new ones coming out soon (July IIRC) are going to be 16 core / 32 thread.
As the philosopher Byung-Chul Han points out, neoliberal work practices, epitomised by the gig economy, that reclassifies workers as independent contractors, internalise exploitation. “Everyone is a self-exploiting worker in their own enterprise.”
“Save us, Mommy!”
It’s snowing hard in Minneapolis right now and will continue through Friday. Thank G-d! We really need the snow.
*shoots self*
Here in Northeast NoDak, the forecast is for us to get less than a half inch. I’ll be thinking of you all while it is not snowing here.
You know who else only gets half an inch?
Winston’s girlfriend?
Minnie Mouse?
Eva Braun?
It’s a comin fer me next! Aaahhh!!!!
Reposting because I thought it was funny and don’t want the joke to die before its prime.
Pence confronts Venezuelan ambassador at UN: ‘You shouldn’t be here’
Clearly, its because the Venezuelan ambassador is gay.
From the comments:
TDS has both positive and negative polarity.
Retarded yin for brain dead yang
He’s a miracle worker…kinda like Jesus but oranger.
More like Mt. Fashmore, amitrie?
When the haaaaat is in the 7th house and the hair aligns with Mars. Pennnnnce shall guide the planet and Truh-uh-uh-uh-ump will steer the stars.
This is the dawning of the cage of asparagus!
fair enough
Wasn’t the original plan for all presidents? He may eventually be there.
As far as I know, it was only those four, but depicted from the waist up. If it were all of them, why didn’t they start in chronological order, 1, 2, 3, 4…?
I woulda thought it’s cuz he’s from one of them Mexcan countries.
Making Twitter barely tolerable one tweet at a time.
Someones comment about Black Hole Sun is wrong. Not a great song or anything, but far from the most annoying song of all time.
I love Frampton’s cover. Pure guitar.
Music theory on Black Hole Sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOTRoZMAJ0s
It’s snowing hard in Minneapolis right now and will continue through Friday. Thank G-d! We really need the snow.
It snowed here this morning. It has been raining for the last few days. If that water had arrived a snow, there’d be about a foot of it. Maybe more.
Bring back the sun, please.
Bring back the sun, please.
This. Two days ago it was sunny and nearly 70 degrees. This is wrong.
70s Monday, 60s yesterday. Checks calendar, kids soccer games today through weekend including tourney with five games on Saturday. Checks weather. Snow. Rain…
Grabbing a parka, a propane heater, and a gallon of whiskey.
Just a gallon?
We got hit with rain and snow which then froze over and we lost electricity for 36 hours.
I must tip my hat to Hydro-Quebec (and private contractors) field crews. Those guys earn their keeps.
97 here yesterday. I’ll take the snow.
When we were in Vegas/Calif. last summer average temp. was 102f. Fucken retarded.
Give me -10c any day. I have a fighting chance.
Same thing in Nashville. We were melting.
But it’s a dry heat.
Dry cold > dry heat.
Rufus likes random bleeding from skin fractures, noted.
Well he’s made of cloth, so..
My father was from Calabria (God rest his tailor soul). When we visited years ago it was 50c (whatever that is in F) in Reggio. It wasn’t even bearable on the pristine and beautiful beaches of Reggio. That’s what they told us: It’s dry. But still suffocating. When we visited the Hoover Dam it was all like ‘we can handle this. And then we felt like those Germans in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Which is interesting because the environment we’re from is the Canadian shield – ie viciously harsh and cold climate. Our blood is Mediterranean. Yet. I can’t handle the heat. Go figure.
Calabria does look hot.
I was hoping that was the link and was not disappointed.
Jesus…..56 million views.
So’s a convection oven.
I think you’re just a pussy.
No, you’re a pussy, pussy!
Fuck brain.
I think it’s cute that you’re complaining now. I also think it’s concerning you know I have a pool.
And kids!
Doesn’t it suck when you’re pool is constantly down for pump maintenance?
Bring back the sun, please.
I’ve heard that making burnt sacrifices of CO2 pleases the sun god. Maybe try that.
Trump and Pence, stalwarts of democracy. Thank God for both of them.
Sounds like sarcasm, to me.
There are plenty of hard-core Trump supporters who consider him a very sane genius completely ironically.
very stable genius
Ironically or unironically?
that’s what I get by watching Barça-MU live
My very liberal sister – who is very educated and well-read – has no problems with Trump. That’s how much she hates the current progressive left.
I’m guessing she’s not alone on the continent. That is, old world liberals who have had enough of all this moonbat Marxism.
Superprogs like Cuomo and DeBlasio (“we don’t want people like you in NY”) brook no dissent and like to pretend that even old-style liberals don’t exist. You would think that at some point that a critical mass of non-elite liberals would tire of being treated like garbage.
Well, considering Trump is pretty much an old world liberal….
Has anyone linked this yet?
Only $125k
And I’m pretty sure it does not meet any of the specifications to be an ‘assault weapon’, hehe
“We’re gonna need a bigger deer stand.”
This is completely legal — not even an NFA item:
Trust us
On the right, a laissez-faire ideology prefers to blame unions or even praise job losses as the efficient result of global competition rather than admit there might be a place for government. And on the left, the concerns of an urban and highly educated professional class have displaced the interests of blue collar workers. Both sides, in practice if not in theory, treat the decline of America’s manufacturing base as the inevitable price of progress.
Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right framework, ordinary workers can benefit from change rather than suffer from it.
That’s the principle behind the Struggling Regions Initiative, launched this week by the Niskanen Center with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation. By exploring new models for supporting beleaguered economies in Ohio and throughout the country, the initiative aims both to avoid the ugly side of industrial policy and to identify policies that can actually work.
It’s not Washington’s responsibility to micromanage local economies or to pick winners and losers. Yet no one can deny that national policymaking has ripple effects throughout the country. The Struggling Regions Initiative is premised on identifying realistic ways—from trade agreements to the structure of the tax code—to strengthen and diversify America’s industrial economy, and in a way that promotes economic growth and dynamism.
Economic wisdom from the flotsam and jetsam of Bill Kristol’s shipwreck.
Seriously, we’ll get it right, this time, just you watch and see.
You mean taxing the everloving fuck out of their residents isn’t working?!
Niskanen Center…..of course
“Dan Crenshaw blasts Ilhan Omar’s ‘unbelievable’ description of 9/11 attacks
“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,” said Omar, one of two Muslim women serving in Congress.”
“Since its establishment in 1994, CAIR has worked to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America.”
She’s not totally wrong. On 9/11, some people did *something*.
Of course on (present date) some other people did something.
As a matter of fact, I’m doing something right now!
*waggles eyebrows*
That’s nothing, watch this
Oh please do furnish an example of this. We’ll wait.
*I’m assuming she’s referring to her tribe here. Unless she’s referring to PATRIOT, and then she would be right.
Damn your nimble fingers.
She was referring to CAIR’s work. I doubt CAIR has done much to protect your civil liberties, and they sure as hell haven’t done anything to protect mine))).
CAIR = Muslim Brotherhood.
Patriot Act?
She’s at the CAIR conference/talk and she comes out with “CAIR was created in 2001”? did she (or her speechwriter) forget when 9-11 happened? Or is she just a liar?
I don’t know, the evil vs stupid with her is hard to parse.
Consider Germany. Even with high rates of unionization, the country remains dominant not just in automaking, but in manufacturing industries across the board. There are many reasons for this, from an early emphasis on vocational education to Germany’s unique banking system, that the U.S. can’t easily replicate. Nonetheless, there’s still much we can learn from countries that have preserved a robust working class. In particular, they show how smart investments can enable a country to climb the global value chain, to the benefit of both worker’s wages and broader measures of productivity.
Inspired by the German model, the historian Michael Lind has proposed the creation of a U.S. federally chartered development bank, with projects delivered through a decentralized system of mission-driven regional banks. Such banks would issue tax-favored bonds to finance projects, from infrastructure to commercializable R&D, posing minimal costs to taxpayers. We already use this model through the Federal Home Loan Bank System, but there are surely better things government-sponsored banks could subsidize than mortgages.
Fap fap fap.
Just don’t call it fascism. They wouldn’t like that.
Germany is not industrious and orderly because it has unions, but because it is full of Germans.
“A Scandinavian economist once said to Milton Friedman, ‘In Scandinavia, we have no poverty’. Milton Friedman replied, ‘That’s interesting, because in America, among Scandinavians, we have no poverty, either’.”
And when talking about international trade you have to look at neighboring countries. Even today the further away a country is from another, trade drops off exponentially. This means being surrounded by the Frances if the world could be a boon to you.
What a joke.
Maybe his Holiness will weigh in from FL with his thoughts on the oh-so-superior Germans.
Lest we forget how horrible a person Michael Lind is, allow me to point out his argument for what the US SHOULD have done in Vietnam: come up with a maximum casualty rate, fight the war until that number was reached, hen pull out. This would show the USSR that the US was serious.
Of course they are dominant in europe
Look who the competition is
The US already is a manufacturing powerhouse and has an unemployment rate similar to Germany, so this seems like a solution in search of a problem.
Drinking a St-Ambroise Scotch Ale.
My workday ended two hours ago.
^ government “worker” ^
I’ve not had that one. Recommended?
If you like Scotch Ales and all that malt go for it.
7.5% alcohol. So it’s healthy.
Define “work.”
Glibbies? Is this some of you?
Needs moar Mexicans.
Maggie McNeill says it’s pretty awesome.
the country that gave us the All Blacks just voted 119-1 to ban semi-auto firearms.
Now enforce it.
We’ll wait.
Doesn’t matter. All those non-complying are now criminals and be fucked with at will, and in a generation or two, their grandkids will be calling the cops to have them pick up crazy grandpa’s illegal firearms.
Maybe. IIRC the ‘confiscation’ in Australia was less than stellar.
That’s a feature, not a benefit!
A) you can’t use an illegal firearm for any lawful purpose
B) just shows that further measures are “needed”
C) prevents future generations of being able to grow up with lawful firearms.
C is really the clincher. They grow up with firearms as illegal and never having a chance to use one, they’re less attached to holding onto a potential criminal charge.
The only reason to hold onto an illegal firearm are
1) you’re going to use it for something like defense of your own life or family AND you’re willing to go to prison in exchange. One time only
2) you think the ban will be reversed in the future at some time and want to hold onto your property until then
3) you’re ready to rise up and put a bullet into Jacinda Arden, most legislators, the security services, the NZ Defense Forces, and a chunk of your fellow citizens.
Well, we have to protect Jacinda: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=12220880
“Here’s a prediction for you, for what it’s worth.
Jacinda Ardern will be a one-term Prime Minister. Not because she’s no good – quite the opposite – because she’s a rock star who’s ready to move on.
Even if Labour win another term in 2020, my bet is she won’t be at the helm. She’ll be off to greener pastures. Like the United Nations.
Why? Because when you are this young, and make this big of an impact internationally, when you are lauded on the international stage to the degree she’s been this year, you strike while the iron is hot. The spotlight is on her and it’s a good time to be a woman – and a competent one at that.
What is the world desperate for right now? Capable, compassionate women. Box ticked. If the UN aren’t sniffing around her yet I’d be surprised. And if they are, my pick is she’ll go.”
LOL – they think the UN is a step up? Bless their hearts.
For a globalist, the mutant cancer of a proto world government is a step up from mere provincial governer.
And they’re also cancelling some Anzac events because of security concerns. In other news, the sheep population of NZ grew by nearly 5M.
In other news, the sheep population of NZ grew by nearly 5M.
*opera applause*
There was some pushback when one ANZAC service was going to include Muslim prayer for the mosque victims: https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/386328/muslim-prayer-dropped-from-anzac-service-after-threats
The threats, of course, were “online” and their existence was based on one person’s statements. The actual recorded protests against the prayers were:
“Ex-servicemen told RNZ that they didn’t think it was appropriate for the victims of the mosque attack to be acknowledged at an ANZAC service.
Lee Sutton, formerly with the New Zealand Airforce, said the country should not break away from tradition.
“I was, to be quite honest, I was pretty disgusted.
“These people – and again, I’m trying not to be nasty about it because that’s not my intent – but New Zealand has been very, very welcoming for all people’s, all races, all beliefs and all religions which is absolutely fantastic, but we can’t step away from our tradition.”
Mr Sutton said that ANZAC day is about commemorating the New Zealanders and Australians who fought in Gallipoli and he did not want to detract from that.
“A terrible tragedy has just happened and I feel for the people that died but Anzac Day is not that day for them – it is a day for our guys.”
Works the same way here with the bump stock ban.
Federal felony by the way.
No one wants to take your right to effective self defense for your own good.
Does the ban cover all semi-automatic firearms or there are exceptions?
I’ve found the answer:
So only the military and law enforcement will have semi-auto firearms. The revolver market is going to boom.
Hmm. Writer-Director Peter Jackson has a working WW1 artillery piece. It’s not semi-automatic. So, I guess it’s still legal.
Who’s the 1?
I’m sure he or she is being doxxed as we speak.
A reminder to all to stick around, there will be a 7pm post, unless the server ate it.
It doesn’t look like it.
Give it a minute.
Proggies love themselves some Plato’s Cave
Lol. Fox News is vastly superior to CNN or MSNBC.
Probably, but that’s kind of like saying that having to eat a teaspoon full of shit is better than having to eat a bucket full. It’s still shit.
Good grief. I hear they’ve ruined Thanksgiving dinner for everyone, too.
5 guns, $20K stolen from Braves outfielder Nick Markakis’ Atlanta home
They had time to crack open the safe, leave it there, and that is all they stole?
Maybe he doesn’t have a boat?
The buglers were then lost in a tragic boating accident with the guns.
They had buglers? I thought that was more for cavalry charges than B&E.
Jesse misspoke. They stole his Bugles. They’re Markakis’ favorite corn snack.
I loved those as a kid.
I still do. It’s probably the coconut oil.
He still wears Bugle Boys?
God damn it. I wish I could say that was autocorrect, but I got a red squiggle and was distracted while selecting the correction. I’ll leave that there instead of auto-faerieing it and making you look weird.
They stole the whole safe. Which tells me it was a crappy safe and wasn’t bolted down.
I’d own a lot of safes and keep only junk in them, with the good stuff elsewhere, just to troll the burglars.
Let It be known UCS keeps piles of cash in his refrigerator.
I do have $110 Trillion… Zimbabwe Dollars.
I’d own a bunch of horns to troll the buglers.
Talk to me about dry firing a pistol. I need to work on my trigger technique. But someone (*cough*shithead ex*cough*) told me that too much dry firing is baaaad.
I think it has to do with the firing pin hitting the aperture in the chamber base with high force instead of a softer slowdown from hitting the collaping primer.
Not rim fire? Dry fire all you want.
How old is the pistol?
Brand new. Put 100 rounds through her.
(that sounded incredibly euphemistic)
If its new it probably has a steel firing pin. Very rarely they are ceramic and can be damaged. Just aim it in a safe direction, like a potted plant or your ex and have at it.
I should clarify why I asked about the gun’s age. Ceramic firing pins are sometimes found in curios and relics, not new pistols.
Why did they use ceramic? I’m failing to see the upside.
If I have to guess, corrosive primers. Otherwise where’s Animal?
It’s a Ruger SR9…probably steel
If it really concerns you these are inexpensive and solve the issue. AZOOM 9mm Snap cap
Doesn’t concern me – I was pretty sure shithead was full of it.
You are perfectly okay to dry fire your pistol all you want. Competitive shooters dry fire their pistols thousands of times. That amount of ammo can get very expensive.
Snap caps. Snap caps are your friend,
And cheap.
Depends on the gun
Its not a good idea
Buy yourself a snapcap – its a dud round with a springy primer for cushion
Every gun shop should have one
They even sell laser snap caps, so you can practice dry firing while staying on target.
Yeah, I use snap caps for dry firing,just to be on the safe side. I don’t worry about dry firing without them though. I also practice with my iTarget Laser round which is cool too. You get a little more feedback with that.
It’s a good combo so you can see if your trigger pull is moving the muzzle.
The law makes some exceptions. Semi-automatic firearms up to .22 caliber that can hold up to 10 rounds will be permitted
That’s awfully white of them.
.22 WMR sales go through the roof.
So does that mean the FN 5.7 is cool?
HK 4.6×30?
There is a new bartender at my regular watering hole, whom I have dubbed “Hogzilla”. She gives me the screaming heebie-jeebies.
Bah. Now I have to find another place to drink, at least when she is working.
That sounds like you have a crush on her. So cute!
The Brooks and Hogzilla sitting in a tree!
If she kept a full beer in front of me, I’d be good. T & A is a plus.
It’s a Ruger SR9…probably steel
Centerfire 9mm- you should be good.
“EXCLUSIVE: Ken Starr says Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster’s suicide when she humiliated him in front of White House staff and admits he omitted the finding in FBI report because he didn’t want to ‘inflict further pain’ on her”
If Alphabet winds up beginning to unravel because of a 20-something named PewDiePie, I’m gonna giggle my butt off.
I have no idea why anyone would pay $6K for that dress, but it comes off.
Wonder Woman outfit way better..
In other carpentry news,
“Metros on markdown: Americans can live on less than $50,000 a year in these 10 cities – and Springfield, Missouri is the cheapest
El Paso, Texas ranked second on the list, with a needed income of just $34,692.56 – or $2,891.05 per month. The border city has the second-lowest median rent on the list, at $595 a month, as well as low grocery and utility costs.
With a population of 683,600, the city has a lot to offer, including proximity to Mexico and the Rio Grande. It’s also been ranked one of America’s safest cities several times.
The median income is $44,416 – well above the amount needed to live a comfortable life.”
Outside of Lexington would be a possibility for retirement for me. Stayed there one night last fall on the way home from Asheville, NC. Downtown was pretty hopping really.
The Kentucky countryside IS a gorgeous area; I drove through there when I visited the Maker’s Mark distillery. The horse country around Lexington was a great deal more beautiful than the area around Louisville, I think.
Some people in my family are of the belief that the only worthwhile civilizations are located in NYC, Chicago, California, Europe, and Tokyo… I get tired of trying to rid them of their view that the entire state of Kentucky is a backwards shithole populated by cousin-marrying hillbilly morons.
The more people that stay away from the KY/TN Mountains, the better. I don’t like crowds. I think I’m going to do the Bourbon Trail this fall. I’ve been talking about it forever.
Asheville is very nice too, if you don’t mind all the hippies.
The Blue Ridge Parkway is my happy place. Along with the Smokies. The one thing about Hipsters is they like craft beer and are foodies, both of those appeal to me as well. Lots of buskers and a little bit of a homeless problem in Asheville. We were never bothered though. We avoid the weekend there. My youngest daughter lives down there now so they’ll be lots more trips for us.
Shout out if you’re heading down this way. I live in the mountains south of Asheville, and we can meet up at a brewery or something.
Sweet! Will do. Last couple times we did travel South to 276 and up through the Pisgah right before Brevard to check out the waterfalls.
Well, yeah, except Springfield is in Missouri.
OT: Well hot damn… After months of fruitless searching for a new job, I come in to work today and see an email – the manager of another department is offering me a position that is:
– On second shift, the one I greatly prefer over first
– A far more desirable type of work
– No dealing with outside customers
– Monday through Friday, no weekends unless I feel like picking up overtime
– $4.00 per hour pay increase
I think my voice traveled back in time due to me responding faster than the speed of light. I believe I may have to crack open some Rhinegeist for this occasion.
Nice. Congratulations!
Yay you!
Nicely done Akira!
Omedeto gozaimasu!
YouTube TV just upped their prices $15 and added HGTV, Discovery networks and Motortrend. Why can’t we have a TV provider who offers a la cart TV selection? I just want the sports channels, a few random channels, Disney for the kids, and whatever channels my wife wants. I cringe every month knowing part of my YouTube TV subscription payment goes to CNN, MSNBC and the Young Turks network.
I haven’t seen anything on that… Yet
But that’s the whole point. All the entertainment channels and shows exist solely to be bundled with the propaganda in order to ensure it has a revenue source. Any TV service run by Big Prog will be run first and foremost to keep their propaganda channels afloat.
And everyone thought the streaming revolution was going to be a big win for consumers. Silly everyone.
It has been. You can still get your overpriced cable TV, if that’s what you want. But now there are a ton of other options.
Yeah, I’m looking to make the leap myself, if I can find some combo of hi-speed internet and packages that work for me. Haven’t yet.
NYT Twitter monkey for the crossword account gets into fight with rando over joke about executing journalists. They take themselves SO SERIOUSLY.
Derpiest timeline for sure.
Yeah, I couldn’t even with any of that.
I once constructed crossword puzzles as a hobby. I sold a few to the NYT. One of my last submissions was rejected because Mr. Shortz (or his one of his many assistants) deemed MEAN STREAK as too obscure a phrase. Funnily, he/they made no mention of AUTO EROTIC being an objectionable answer in the same puzzle.
I haven’t tried one of their crossword puzzles in decades. Especially the harder ones, you need some sort of arcane crossword puzzle power to figure out WTF most of the clues mean.
All my puzzles were Fridays. Sorry. In my defense, Mr. Shortz wrote most of the clues.
That’s where the difficulty lies. The same puzzle would be easier on Monday with straightforward clues. By Friday, as I recall – mostly from reading about this, not doing them – the clues got so obscure and full of wordplay you had to either be trained in his methods of madness, or be a mind-reader.
Then again, I wrote some of the clues. I peeped into the NYT Xword chatroom when my first puzzle was published. First post: “Who is [redacted] and why is he being so mean to me?” I never felt so proud in my life. Shortz and me trolled the capital of Earth.
Millennials are sooooooo funny. They just know comedy.
Today was the main sale for Burning Man tickets.
As usual the Burning Man Organization totally screwed the pooch on logistics and tech; almost everyone got tons of errors, was told they were trying to cheat the system and blocked from buying, allowed to buy only 0 tickets, kicked out of the system upon clicking the “buy” button and not allowed back in because you can only make 1 purchase, and even though they sold out hours ago people are still “in line” to buy theirs.
They never manage to make ticketing work. No wonder they rely on participants and free labor to run the event. Whoda thought some hippies stuck in the 70s couldn’t run a business properly?
You have to buy tickets? Isnt it held on public land?
This is the same shit that happened to the Renaissance festivals. They became commercialized. Wife used to love them, now not so much.
the manager of another department is offering me a position
Tell ya one thing, though… I’d love to try some “positions” with the HR lady at that place. She’s of Greek descent judging from the last name; got that jet black goddess hair, naturally tan skin, and a super thicc frame. Looks daaaamn good in leather boots and a skirt.
I’m going to aggressively flirt with the HR lady. I don’t see what could possibly go wrong with this plan.
Report back what happens.
Haha well, the previous HR person (a man) got fired for having affairs with several female employees.
So you mean in the butt?
Pics or you’re a flaming homosexual.
Only a Florida Man would be dumb enough to want to take on Raytheon Corp.
Wow. Interesting beer. Not sure what I think yet. Not much sweetness and a little sour on the finish.
Mmm. Love me some Belgians.
I’m liking it better as it warms up. At 11%, a small bottle is perfect for dinner.
I gotta get me back to Antwerp or Bruges (although Brussels can bite me hard). Can’t get enough of the good Belgian stuff here in the Lower Rainland™, although the hopefully-imminent move to Edmonton will cure that problem (there’s a beer store there that carries over 800 different brands, including a huge whack of Belgians).
I miss good booze stores. B.C.’s offerings pale in comparison to Alberta’s finest.
Launch scrubbed for today. Bummer.
Avenattis made a pretty good living being a dick.
This is so often the case.
Black is beautiful on Wanton Wednesday.
23 and me.
And hello 74
Brexit delayed to Oct. 31
What century?
Two years just wasn’t enough time. I’m sure they’ll have it all figured out by then.
There is no agreement that will be acceptable to the elites because they don’t plan on Brexit ever happening.
A country still in possession of its testicle would be hanging politicians from lampposts right now.
FEE on Buttgeiger.
Buttigieg Or Dukakis? Which is the most scatologically disqualifying name?
A South Bend Buttkakis sounds much worse than a Cleveland Steamer.
It’s the new Santorum
Good stuff.
Booty-gag is still a progressive. Just packaged better.
TCM is airing “Manhattan Murder Mystery” tonite. I used to be a HUGE Woody Allen fan so I thought that I’d give this a try. All I can say is that Alan Alda can fuck up anything that he is involved in.
He did a couple rom-coms I liked when I was a kid in the 80s. Four Seasons, and Same Time, Next Year (I think?).
But yeah.
MASH pretty much ruined my opinion of him.
I remember going to A New Life and thinking that Alan Alda sucked, but his co-stars were pretty hot for a couple of old broads.
The internet:
Pretty much
Funny shit.
Feel good story of the day.
That’s my Ra-cha-cha.
That story is pretty shitty all the way around.
Sweet Christ get a life you failures.
Just heard on Tucker: The drought in Syria caused by global warming is what caused the war there and the mass migration out of the country was the claim made by Kerry and Obama.
Team of climate scientists go to Syria and measure rainfall. They find greater than average rainfall.
*I always thought it stupid that they would claim a drought in a thousands of years old desert but they are progressives. They cant help but shoot themselves in the dick.
I remember when the DemOpMedia squealed like stuck pigs at Trump saying Obama was wiretapping him.
Buckle up – we’re just getting started here.