Hello and welcome back to “Pie ponders”, in which Pie – that is me, for those who are new – raises questions on various topics of great importance. Today, we talk about the evil of bias.
Talk of bias in hiring, wage gaps, and glass ceilings is all the rage these days. I will take advantage of glibertarians being a safe space and voice an opinion that would be routinely excoriated in a different environment: bias is inevitable and preventing it is no business of government, as long as no aggression is involved.
But what about the wymminz, you ask? Make love to them if they are pretty and to someone else if they are plain, to paraphrase some shitlord from a while back, a different age it was, because no one would say such a thing in our enlightened time. But seriously, I kid, I kid… I would never say anything so crass. Well, about the women or minorities or whatever the answer is simple: a free market will penalize, although not eliminate, bias and bigotry, and will constantly create new opportunities. Beyond that, life sometimes sucks and you cannot prevent that by giving vast powers to bureaucrats.
Something else controversial: bias is inherent in human experience. People are biased in every aspect of their life- it is called subjective preference. Business is an aspect of life like any other. As I said before, the whole economic/social liberty dichotomy complete nonsense. Human life is a continuum of many aspects and you cannot draw clear boundaries between them. But… but… it’s not fair… Well, life ain’t fair, depending on your definition of fair. Some things are unpleasant or sad or unfortunate. That is the way it is. Luck of the draw, as I mentioned in an earlier article. But whatever you view on the fairness of it all, you will not solve it by government aggression. I can tell you that much. Getting back to bias in the economic area of life, in the end it is no different than choosing who you date. You make decisions based on knowledge and personal preference. And, just like dating, it is an issue of skin in the game (and/or superglue).
Let’s say I own a property which I rent using Airbnb. That property is worth money and it is part of my wealth. It also can be damaged, reducing its value. If this happens, I lose money, so I have a direct interest of it not happening. Maybe, based on personal prejudice, I do not want to rent said Airbnb to say… hot Russian women. That is maybe unpleasant for the group of hot Russian women on a girl’s only vacation in Bucharest who really likes that apartment, but it is my right not to rent them my property. But maybe it is not that simple. Maybe in my personal experience – based on the last 3 times I rented to a group of Russian women – Russian women get drunk and mess things up, it is my right and my decision to avoid property damage and, as such, loss of money. I will instead rent it out to that group of Mormon missionaries. It is probably unfair to these 5 nice Russian girls who just want to see the museums and quietly read some books in the evening. It may even be true that statistically, worldwide, Mormon missionaries do more damage to Airbnb rentals then hot Russian women (based on OECD data for 2015). But, in the end, it is my apartment, my experience of damage, my preference and I choose how to best avoid issues, even if it means stereotyping.
And while some groups had significant historical discrimination – imposed by law, custom and oftentimes both, I am sorry to say that this has nothing to do with individuals in the present. Collectivism tries to make it about groups throughout history, but collectivism is full of shit. Each makes choices based on personal experience and has nothing to do with other groups in the past. Furthermore, not unlike minimum wage, I have significant doubts anti-discrimination legislation, at this point in time, helps various groups more than it hurts. There is always a way to get around it.
As a personal anecdote, the first time I left Romania as a kid in the 90s, I went on a trip to Italy, where it was sufficient to go into a store and be heard speaking Romanian for a shop assistant to constantly keep an eye on us, even follow us around, assuming we were there to steal. Was it unpleasant? Yes. Did it enrage my mom? Sure. But in the end, prejudice or experience, those shop keepers had a right to keep an eye on what they decided to be suspicious persons, as unpleasant as that may have been for me.
If I have a business which I start with my work and my money, and I am the one at risk to go bankrupt, I get to choose who I hire, which customers I target, what products I make, where I source my raw materials and every other aspect about running the business. If I believe hiring a good looking employee helps my business, I will not hire someone I consider ugly. Is it unfair? Maybe. Here some people will say you should hire based on merit, and then exclude looks from the merit part. But can you do that? Not always and not in every business. In the end, the employer decides what merit is, based on the position they are hiring for. Hooters hires for different reasons than the local hardware store.
Bias will not go away. All people are biased, and sometimes – regardless of how often -with reason. You depend on various heuristics – stereotypes among them- in order to make decisions about unknown things and an unknowable future. Some of this bias can be simply bigotry. Thems be the breaks. But, in the end, when you take the risk of a business, no one without similar risk in it should get to tell you what to do, or who to hire. Because if the business fails, it should fail due to your decisions, not ones imposed by others with no skin in the game. And no one can tell you this or that “has nothing to do with the business”. There are a million ways a business can succeed or fail, and they are not clear or known. Hence all the failures. So the owner gets to decide what they want to do. You can avoid hiring women, if you think they work less overtime or they will inevitably leave to have children, or you are just plain misogynist; gays if you think your customers prefer heterosexuals or they make your best employee uncomfortable, or you are just plain against homosexuality; fat people, if you think they are weak-willed or more prone to miss work due to illness, or just don’t like the fatties. You and only you should get to make those judgments. Because it is your business at play.
While a lot of the talk of various gaps can be proven wrong by looking at the actual data, it would not be a correct conclusion that there is zero bias. Bias in individual companies or people is not the same as widespread bias in every company or person. You will always have people who are prejudiced and make biased decisions due to that, people who are incompetent and make biased decisions due to that, people who have been burned before and make more or less excessively biased decisions due to that. But in a free market situation, there are inherent feed-backs that punish bad decision making, whether the bad decision taking is prejudice or incompetence or simply choosing wrong among various uncertainties.
To give a final example, certain businesses in Romania do not hire people from poor non-EU country like say Armenia or India. This would cause fury among certain circles. But it is a simple calculation. People from these countries want to immigrate to the EU, but not really to Romania, and use Romania as a stepping stone to reach Germany or France or whatever. For a company that has hired such people, who then leave the second they find a job further west, it means the company paid them money in the initial stages when they were being trained and not that productive, and the moment they would become productive they left. This can lead to the company to prefer not hiring these people, based on a heuristic they developed from experience. Maybe some of them think Romania is the country for them, but there is little point in taking such a chance. Alternatively, there was great outrage in Romania when some unreproducible study or other showed that in Sweden, for identical CVs, the ones with Swedish names get a higher rate of interview offers compared to ones with Romanian names. But this makes a sort of sense, for a Swedish company, all other things equal, to prefer a Swedish person, at the very least they speak the language and have more predictable habits.
No one is entitled to a certain job or a certain wage or a certain promotion, so being denied one of those things is not a business of government. Well, what about the social justice side of the issue? Well there is no social justice side of the issues, social justice has no skin in the game and also fuck social justice it is a stupid concept.
“Hello and welcome back to “Pie ponders”, in which Pie – that is me, for those who are new – raises questions on various topics of great importance. ”
Like the sports question you asked in the AM linx?
And where is my first thinggy? I did it in the AM and on this post, on topic… Don’t make me call Preet.
If you want to call Preet, the phone is inside the woodchipper. He screens his calls so randos can’t bother him.
Blame HM, CA, and SF for that?
I suspect the GIFs are primarily a Swiss gift, and I haven’t seen him in the threads much today.
Wait, ‘Great’ importance? This isn’t a seminar on vent covers?
i’ve been using that intro for like 5 articles now you decide to comment on it?
I took him that long to come up with something “witty”.
I was waiting to see if you got around the the HVAC topics I’d signed up for. All public speakers start off-topic as far as I can tell.
“No one is entitled to a certain job or a certain wage or a certain promotion, so being denied one of those things is not a business of government. ”
Are you crazy? How is the political elite class going to get big cash from rentseekers if they are not allowed to pick winners & losers? You and your crazy ideas!
So, I got rejected from the first job I applied for due to sex discrimination. It was a little hole in the wall ice cream shop, and the manager said “the owner doesn’t hire boys, they’re too unreliable” while throwing my application in the trash.
And y’know what I did? I never set foot at that place again. Fuck those assholes with a rusty ice cream scoop. However, it never crossed my mind that that level of idiocy should be illegal.
So, I got rejected from the first job I applied for due to sex discrimination. It was a little hole in the wall
*moves to edge of seat*
ice cream shop
*sits back, vaguely disappointed*
On review, I should phrased it as “my dick was too big for the hole in the wall”
Oh well, at least I got the caulk joke downthread.
OT: The Avenatti indictment is out. Holy shit. 61 page indictment. Just as an example: He had a client who was made a paraplegic by the LASD. The county settled for $4 million, of which $3.125 million was to go to the client after fees and expenses. Never got a penny of it. Avenatti embezzled it all, and lied about it. Included in those lies were when the renewal of the client’s social security benefits came up; because saying anything would’ve revealed his theft, Avenatti never filed the form, and in addition to having his money stolen, the client lost their SSI benefits too.
What I was not surprised to see was this:
“The new, 61-page indictment unsealed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in Santa Ana alleges that Avenatti for years hid and then completely spent a $4 million legal settlement obtained in January 2015 in favor of a mentally ill paraplegic client, and hid a $2.75 million settlement for another client that Aventatti allegedly used to help pay for the purchase of a private jet.”
He is a democrat after all. he should be allowed to run for POTUS with that rap sheet.
wasn’t he supposedly considering a run?
If there’s a lawyer that deserves to get gang raped and then shiv’d in prison, it’s Michael Avenetti.
Or, better yet, throw him to his victims. My guess is nobody in prison will be nearly so creative in their treatment of Aventatti than the people he fleeced.
And fuck everyone in the media that was happy to give him a platform for years.
But he was one of “them”……
I noticed today that people are having a grand old time tweeting pics of all the CNN talking heads that have posed with this #Resistance superhero. If they had any sense of shame or self awareness I’d bet that would sting like a motherfucker.
And some people are confused as to why this whole social media thing needs to be censored immediately and with great prejudice.
United States Attorneys for the Southern District of New York pounce!!
As the first reply there says, I’ve never seen such a case of self-ownage.
In the reply to Avenatti’s post, however, there are a bunch of people who are convinced this is all a conspiracy by Trump to take down Avenatti. Never mind that most of this happened before Trump was elected.
Yep, bias is part of human nature. Denying human nature is a major factor behind the millions of corpses piling up in various corners of the world during the 20th century.
When you decide to have a salad bottled water, instead of a Big Mac & Diet Coke, you are discriminating against Trump!
I was surprised when I read the fast food thing and well done steak is a germ thing. Trumps thinking is that fast food places are kept pretty clean, and well done steak is safer than meat cooked rarer.
Like that’s just your opinion man.
SJW = Sanctimonious Jackasses and Whiners.
OT: What Medicare for all looks like.
At least now some of us have the ability to avoid the VA. The democrats want to make sure nobody but the elite have that option/choice.
Mrs. A depends on the VA for treatment for her service-connected disability. If you want to set her off on a good half-hour angry rant, ask her about how the Imperial government runs that health care system.
The best thing about VA is the get out of Obama care free card.
+1 Driving three hours to an appointment, “Oh, he’s not here today, come back tomorrow.”
I am just now trying to get into the VA system, not for med treatment but to determine if I qualify for tax payer funded hearing aids. I think I do but I haven’t gotten into the system yet, Some of my friends are walking around, listening to conversations that heretofore have been unheard. The bad part is I won’t be able to ignore Mrs Fourscore anymore, unless I get a case of the dead batteries.
My Doctor upon my last visit: “The only people pushing Medicare are people who have never been on it.”
No shit…X10
Fuck socialists. Fuck them over and over with red hot barbed wire.
works great in Europe.
You Europeans sure as hell like being abused, man…
Freedom of Association was a great idea for a while. Now people go to work with a fake smile and queitly ignore the crap the cat-lady in HR is preaching.
We’ve reached a point in our civilization where one angry spinster can ruin your life.
It’s becoming more pervasive by the day. What, exactly does preaching weekly to me about I&D do? I don’t make hiring and firing decisions. I don’t choose who I work with. I just do my job and go home.
Imagine the fit leftists would throw if I made mandatory “business applications of the core tenets of Christianity” training in a business i owned. There would be lawsuits flying all over the place. However, the religion that worships centralization of power gets a pass.
It’s about making sure you know who calls the shots and getting you to be compliant with that reality…
I will instead rent it out to that group of Mormon missionaries.
Don’t. You’ll be weeks cleaning up the Hi-C and Postum stains.
Erm… what did I miss?
Huh. Never heard of Postum. What’s it taste like?
You’re better off not knowing. Made from grain husks, I think, a WW2 substitute for coffee and caffeine free. Use lots of sugar and cream to block the taste or give it some flavor. It’s still available at a fine grocer near you, I doubt that there is a “Best Used by” date on it because there isn’t any.
Has to be better than instant Folgers, though.
There are Mormons who don’t clean up after themselves???
If I believe hiring a good looking employee helps my business, I will not hire someone I consider ugly.
A properly staffed business is like a mullet: hotties in the front, uggos in the back.
Sem-OT: I’ve gotten to thinking. The social justice cadres suffer under the delusion that all of our social codes, all of our strictures on what we can do to one another are about protecting us from them. It doesn’t occur to them that it just might be about protecting them from us. Unremitting brutality isn’t some sort of exception or oddity in the course of human history. It’s historically been the utter norm. Does anyone think, for a moment, that the men who settled continents, conquered the elements, and defeated any challenger who crossed their path established concepts like individual liberty, rule of law, or private property to protect themselves from bands of marauding purple-haired Women’s Studies and Literary Criticism majors? Or is it maybe a little more likely that we’ve chosen to bury our more vicious and murderous impulses under a set of standards of bourgeois restraint? Now, they’re insisting that that veneer of restraint is unfair. Holy Shit! Have they thought for second about what their own damnation of bourgeois standards and values implies about the what they’ll be facing then?
To borrow a quote from Rorschach from the Watchmen “I’m not locked in here with you; you’re locked in here with me!”
They don’t understand that when you protect the rights of the individual you protect the rights of the group(s) to which the individual belongs.
Oh, I am sure they understand this perfectly, but are actually doing what they are doing to destroy that. This fight isn’t about the rights of the individual or group, but about people that feel they should be able to tell you how you should feel about and interact with them, whether you want to or not (especially if you don’t), as someone mentioned in the morning thread.
You would have to first admit to the existance of the individual as a meaningful concept first.
Since they do not believe that free will exists but what we call free will is just an illusion of mechanistic responses to stimuli that means that what we call individuals are just representative elements of the larger more important concepts of the groups they belong to
I think I’m inspired.
Given how dark what I wrote was, I kind of hope not.
/just kidding
I don’t see it as dark. This is exactly the type of easily understood result that antifa and their ilk will claim to be surprised about when it happened.
“Gee, I thought I could punch someone with a bicycle lock for having a different opinion about politics. I had no idea I might get punched back. No idea at all!”
I had no idea
Imy late son might getpunched backcurb stomped. No idea at all!IMF board approves $4.2 bln financing deal with Ecuador
Hmm what a strange coincidence. Ecuador allows the Brits to arrest Assange on the same day they are approved for a loan.
I guess everyone has a price.
My bad this popped up as new news, it’s from 2 months ago.
Always get at least 1/2 payment in advance 🙂
Talking about biases: Mini-14 vs AR-15. Go!
Why not both?
Because the real question kinnath asked is ‘gas system with piston or dirty blow torch on your bolt face’.
for sure
*Lovingly strokes Stainless mini-14 with synthetic stock. Pops popcorn*
I take it you have a preference.
Honestly, came any kind of donnybrook that involved shooting, I’d hang onto Thunder Speaker. While I have an AR, I know to within a fraction of an inch what I can expect of my old .338, and the idea of being able to place a 225-grain slug on target at 200 yards that’s retaining enough wallop to penetrate any known body armor – well, that’s just downright comforting.
This is the right answer.
If y’all remember I recently had an acute case of ‘I need to be armed’ and wrote an article about it. I looked in the safe and out of everything I had to choose from, which used to be considerable before the canoe capsized, I chose a lever action winchester ’94 in 375 winchester. One shot and everything lays down.
M1A Scout in .308, 3X magnified red crosshair sight.
I was sorry to see it go when the canoe tipped over. Sad! Even lost the 20 round mags.
Those are 15-18 round mags.
Although I doubt I’ve ever put more than 18 rounds in one, because the spring is tres stiff and it doesn’t seem worth the effort.
that’s on the list too.
What a strange coincidence – I lost my lovely M1A SOCOM16 in a kayak accident. Shame too – I had just put it in an old military surplus wood stock that fit it to a T. Even with the short barrel, I could put a 3″ group at 100 yards with iron sights. Loved that gun…
It sure is strange how many competent gun owners are such bad sailors.
Hmm… I wonder if we have an ginger beer in the bar cabinet… Moscow Mule may be just the right cocktail for afternoon links making.
Good article, Pie. I agree, the bias against vampires is horrible and unwarranted. There are billions of humans not being bitten every day!
If vampires would just come out in the open, the remains of their feeding could be used as an ethical source for human meat.
They wouldn’t be able to do so during the day brah… Sunlight is not good for the vampire complexion….
Metaphorical open, brah.
Also, the calf muscle is the only dark meat on the human body.
Also, the calf muscle is the only dark meat on the human body.
How, or more appropriately why, do you know this?
Have you read his fiction? This should not be a surprise
It’s even worse for the humans who identify as Vampires. The ongoing battle on whether they should be able to choose coffins or beds has been devestating.
Ignore the bias at your peril. Your suits will simply not hang properly.
or your meat.
Now where is Swissy with a narrowed gaze?
so got most of my clothes and other crap to the attic. Moved all wine and some glasses. Most stuff in the pantry. need to do more but lazy. I don’t know what the renovating people want to start with but i can move more stuff tomorrow.
“Moved all wine and some glasses”
Moved all wine where? Like into your gut?
Hooters hires for different reasons than the local hardware store.
Oooh, a business idea!
*starts search for a hardware store*
Thanks, Pie! You’re a genius!
“Can help me? I wanna screw.”
I think my caulk has gotten hard, can you see if you can get something to come out of the tube?
Seriously. How good would that be?
Is there something wrong with this nut? Would you mind examining it?
Or ‘lay some pipe’.
Terrific article, Pie. As a small company guy my whole career, I have had to make decisions that are probably not what the government and social justice fuckos would approve of.
For instance, I’m not inclined to hire 20-something girls who are recently married. Care to guess why?
Yep, biases suck, but whatchagonnado?
Care to guess why?
They don’t put out as much as the single girls?
Well, that too.
Care to guess why?
More likely to be disappointed with their recent decision and your wife knows where you sleep?
OT Rant: My boss just made my co-workers scrap what they’ve been doing because he thinks the total lines of code count should be ~half of what it is currently. Because it should just be a simple application.
How many lines of code do they have you ask? 1,600. He’s concerned they have too many lines of code at 1,600. He told them it should be the size / complexity of one of our older projects. They opened that up, and guess how many lines of code it was? 1,800.
I really don’t like working here. My pithy statement is that it’s micro-managed, but not macro-managed.
“micro-managed, but not macro-managed.”
That’s a bullseye if I ever saw one.
You have no idea Suthen. He’ll sit there and argue the merits of the smallest, least important, detail, but if you even get a deadline, you’re ahead of the game. No leadership, no organization or coordination. He has no idea what he’s doing. But he’s making pretty good money, so what the fuck do I know.
It’s the ol’ rise to the least level of incompetence plague. Common as pig tracks.
Sorry guys, I misled you. He *owns* the company. He just doesn’t know how to run it. He is exceptionally good at delivering bullshit at 100% confidence though. I even see my co-workers, who should know better, still swallowing it.
So do you work for SpaceX or Tesla?
Thankfully I’m not that bad off.
To give you an idea how great this place is though. Two weeks after I started here I learned the company headquarters is going to move about an hour west of where I live. He didn’t think to mention that in the interview.
My favorite story is, we had customers on site evaluating our core product. We bought lunch (as you might expect), and my boss put the pizzas in the conference room, took slices for himself and went and sat at his desk. He did not, at any point, think to tell our potential customers (or anyone for that matter) that the food had arrived.
Have to prove that that paycheck he gets is money wasted on no value add..
Remove all the comments.
No, no, we only count executable lines of code towards the total. Makes it totally legit!
Write the code in a smaller font to save space.
Or widen the margins.
Why didn’t they just pull out all the line breaks and get it down to 600.
My pithy statement is that it’s micro-managed, but not macro-managed.
Mine is that we’re given wide latitude on the front end and micro-managed on the back end.
There’s a lot of “we’ll figure out what’s important along the way” followed up by “we’re presenting to the c-suite, standardize your data to the attached PowerPoint slide by tomorrow”
Not that I hate my job, I work 45 hours/week and mostly get to do my own thing. The alternative is 60+hrs/week in a sweatshop law firm.
Yikes! That sounds kind of awful, but yeah, 45 / week > 60 / week. Unless it’s a company that actually acknowledges all the extra hours in your compensation.
I wish it worked that way. Biglaw is a weird place to work. You make a shit-ton of money (starts at $180k + 5 figure bonus and increases from there) for 5 or 6 years, but they own you for those years. Day, night, weekend. Doesn’t matter. 60hrs/week is baseline, 80 isn’t all that abnormal. 100+ happens on occasion. You get unlimited PTO at some firms because they know you’ll never use more than a few days of it.
Then, at year 6 or 7 or 8, they bounce 90% of your class to the curb and charge the last 10% an exorbitant amount of money to become partners at the firm. Granted, that means you’re making over $1M a year at many of the big firms, but you’re still working obscene hours.
I got out of firms when I looked around and realized “The partners all seem miserable. Why am I killing myself, again?”
One of the nice things about being a GC is that now the law firm partners work for me.
One of the nice things about being a GC is that now the law firm partners work for me.
I’m not a GC ( I want nothing to do with being GC at this company… Hell, I don’t even want my boss’s job) , but it’s so nice to be on the other side.
Related question for you: how did you deal with moving from a specific area of law to becoming a generalist?
I started as a corporate and business lawyer, so I was already pretty much of a generalist. I picked up health care law right when the Stark laws came out and moved in-house in healthcare within a year.
A lot of the specialty stuff I send out (tax, employment, real estate). We mostly do contracts and operations/compliance in-house, which is typical of most in-house departments. For a really big transaction, I will bring in outside counsel (there’s only two lawyers in-house where I work). I would say a general counsel needs familiarity with their industry, a background in corporate, contracts, and transactions, and a handle on whatever industry-specific regs their company needs to worry about. Depending on the size of the legal department, you also need to be an administrator. Which I suck at, but my AGC is good at.
Oh, I took about a 30% cut in pay, I think, when I went in-house. Maybe only 20%. It was a long time ago.
Makes sense. Most of the upper echelons of our department came out of M&A or litigation backgrounds.
Realistically, somebody like me with an IP background is capped at an AGC level, which is perfectly fine by me.
That sounds pretty awful.
Also, why would you pay to be a partner? Aren’t you basically just donating back your salary for the years you’ve worked there? It must work out financially I guess, but it seems kinda deranged.
It’s an ownership share of the law firm.
Oh. Right.
*Puts on dunce cap*
I would never work anywhere that counts lines of code. That’s just retarded.
Oh, and I suppose you think TPS reports are a waste of time too, huh Mister?
The reports are fine, it’s the cover sheets that get ya.
He’s more of a weinas guy.
I’ve been here almost a year now, it’s the first I’ve heard this kind of idiocy. Other kinds yes. This one is new.
Old but still relevant.
In fairness to my boss, these guys aren’t the Mozarts of programming. Not that they’re bad or anything.
the funniest manager thing i encountered in the semiconductor biz was a guy who wanted to judge layouters by how much area they did in a given month … more the better
That’s just….wow.
That’s like rating doctors based on how many patients die (more is better!)
At least LOC is meaningless, rather than counterproductive.
Boy, getting assigned to do die shrinks must be a bitch.
Too many notes?
Does it work?
Are you guys programming 8088’s?
No, it’s a multi-core industrial PC with like 32 GB or RAM and whatever TB of disk space. It’s just fucking pointless micro-management.
Also, naturally, he’s totally willing to ignore lines of code in library code. Why would you count that against the total!?
I don’t understand why ANYONE would count lines of code or use it as a metric
String myStr
Array list
String holder
list = {inputList}
holder = list[0]
myStr = holder.trim()
or you could do this
String myStr = {inputList}[0].trim()
6 lines of code vs 1 line of code and they do exactly the same thing and neither is necessarily any more “correct” way to do it than the other. Sometimes is makes more sense to collapse the code to the single line others it makes more sense to expand it but the number of lines is utterly irrelivant
I made sense in the 1980s when we were writing FORTRAN and assembly.
This reminds me…I was supposed to complete my mandatory Harassment and Discrimination Prevention training by April 1. I need to get right on that.
Also overdue: Accommodating Disabilities training, and Tools for an Ethical Workplace.
Two High School students post snapchat pics of themselves at a gun range. Just of them at a gun range. Nothing threatening, no references to the school. The school, of course, suspended them (for “bullying”?). Anyways, it’s so bad that the ACLU is defending them (the students, not the school district). You know how badly you have to fuck up to have the ACLU against you when it has something to do with banning guns? Or even images of guns?
Oh, New Jersey.
You made me click on TOS. I feel dirty.
I’m not going back, but I have to say that TOS has been getting better lately. Robby’s been making all kinds of good free speech posts with nary a “to be sure” to be found.
You’re probably right. Just as you start getting comfortable hanging out there again, Trump will get re-elected, and some old guy will die wanting to hear about how Trump was impeached, and some old lady will die in a third world country because Trump killed them with his abuse of executive authority.
The articles were only a small part of the problem. The comments were a sewer. A sewer full of diapers. And the diapers were filled rotting morons.
I don’t remember when I first started visiting Reason, other than that it was after ‘Fruit Sushi’ but before ‘TireGate’. Those were halcyon days.
I can remember when I stopped visiting Reason. It was right after the Great Glibertarian Diaspora.
That was pretty much when I left too, but then I lurked for a loooonnnnngggg time before making an account. I never had an account at Reason.
Geez man, you were supposed to have at least twelve accounts at Reason.
Your trolling skills are weak.
You aren’t wrong. I’ve thinking lately I need to have my own EF to my LH. Make you people think I’m respectable!
The comments are the reason I’m more than happy we have this place. The comments were a dumpster fire while most of us were still there, and they’ve gotten far worse since.
I remember that people didn’t even read the links before going OT.
Can you even?
[fans self]
Always comes down to a busy body parent that can’t mind their own damn business.
Jesus christ. There is a big poster at our high school advertising the trap team. Dozens of smiling boys and girls – ALL WITH GUNS!!!
Minnesota is bad. But not yet Jersey bad.
Give it 5 more years, and it’ll be a bunch of twinks in french maid outfits.
D.An order granting Plaintiffs judgment and an award of damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
huh? is that normal?
they also ask to have their records indicate they were unconstitutionally punished, attorneys’ fees, and a rewrite of the school conduct policy.
Pie, your article was a confirmation for all of us. We pretend that we are totally free from prejudices (biases) but we can’t deny our choices at the dessert table. I don’t know anything about…but I know what I like. Freedom means more than 50 different breakfast cereals at the grocery. I was lucky enough to find a lady that was willing to lower her standards so I could slip through. Thanks.
And pick up those clothes on your way to the attic, you won’t need them ’til winter
Israeli Beresheet lunar lander crashed on the moon. 🙁
Still, 7th country to orbit the moon and the 4th to actually make it there.
I blame Hitler
Shot it down from the secret nazi moon base?
You know who else was biased towards certain races and creeds…
The people of Rock Ridge?
They came around!
They eventually accepted the niggers, the chinks AND the Irish!
(I probably just got this place banned from the server host didn’t I)
Simply put, because bias is unavoidable it is an extremely attractive and irresistible target for government. It provides a ready excuse for the State to protrude into every aspect of the people’s lives under color of morality.