My oldest son asked to try his hand at baseball about a month or so ago. He’s a bit awkward with a lot of the fundamentals but he’s new at it. I was never great at it either, so I was surprised when the coach asked me to assist. The other day one of the other players asked me a question: ”What does your shirt say?”
”It says, This shirt is made from four plastic bottles.” It was a souvenir I bought at Coca-Cola World in Atlanta in the 50% off bin that I thought was a fun conversation piece. The polyethylene (PET) that made up the Coke bottles was simply repurposed for polyester. It was and is in essence, a regular t-shirt.
This is my review of Dark Horse Pinot Grigio.
Recycling has been in the news recently. The bottom line up front is that nobody is willing to purchase garbage anymore. When local municipalities offer recycling services, like my hometown of Phoenix, they simply have the homeowner separate “recyclables” from bulk trash as a first step. Then a contractor sorts it further and “disposes” of it. What they were actually doing of course, was turning garbage into gold:
Recycling is the globe’s bizarro commodity, created by the richest people on Earth and sold to the developing world. Like all commodities, its price reflects a staggering string of interconnected happenings. Your 2011-era empty Coke bottle wasn’t just worth a lot because of high oil prices—it was worth a lot because Pakistan had suffered devastating monsoons in the summer of 2010. Flooding in the Indus River was one of a cascading series of events that sent cotton, in April 2011, to its highest nominal price since records began in 1870. Jeans were going to be more expensive, Levi’s announced. And so, it turned out, was recycled PET plastic, because for Chinese manufacturers of articles like teddy bears and blue jeans, polyester fibers made from old plastic bottles were a cost-effective replacement for cotton. Cotton was up; plastic was up; recycled PET prices went up. As when cotton hit its previous high price in 1995, the scramble was on for old bottles. Which you, American reader, the world’s leading consumer of soda and bottled water, had in spades.
That is until 2017, when China announced it is no longer purchasing the world’s trash. So where have all the empty bottles gone?
Nowhere. Some cities burn it, some put it quietly in landfills, but mostly it is all just piling up.
As the trash piles up, American cities are scrambling to figure out what to do with everything they had previously sent to China. But few businesses want it domestically, for one very big reason: Despite all those advertising campaigns, Americans are terrible at recycling.
About 25 percent of what ends up in the blue bins is contaminated, according to the National Waste & Recycling Association. For decades, we’ve been throwing just about whatever we wanted—wire hangers and pizza boxes and ketchup bottles and yogurt containers—into the bin and sending it to China, where low-paid workers sorted through it and cleaned it up. That’s no longer an option. And in the United States, at least, it rarely makes sense to employ people to sort through our recycling so that it can be made into new material, because virgin plastics and paper are still cheaper in comparison.
Which begs the question, if China never bought the sorted trash in the first place, would recycling ever be a viable endeavor?
I of course do not have an easy answer as to what to do with this. If I did I wouldn’t be here, I’d be off getting filthy rich. Chances are pretty good somebody will figure something out now that there is an incentive to do so. In the meantime if you want to recycle because it makes you feel good…okay go for it. Otherwise a good way to find out if there is a market for you trash is to put it in front of your house like you would an old couch. Put a sign that says, “free” on it and see if its there the next day.

Need cans for cash, cash for alcohol research
Chances are pretty good a homeless guy knows exactly what will still fetch a few pennies for recycling, and will happily take it off your hands.
I bought canned wine with the intention of aggravating OMWC, but that didn’t work. I’m going to have to make a quesadilla with some Manchego to do that. The wine in a can is fruity, crisp, and has the ever so slight aftertaste of the epoxy liner to keep the wine from reacting with the 100% recyclable aluminum can.
Mmmm, epoxy, is itChiness wine?
Or Chinese…
I don’t know.
We recycle a lot at my work – which is easy since we can regrind plastic and then mold it again.
But there is also a “zero waste” plan in place, with 8 different recycle bins in my office. I’ll have to ask someone in management what is really happening with these “recyclables”.
In Cali they charge 10 cents per can, it’s not recycling anymore,
Here in Michigan pop (or “soda” for you weirdos or “coke” for the real shitlords) or beer cans and bottles have an additional 10 cent deposit each. Adding 10c to three dollars to every purchase price.
Still a nickel here in NY. I only buy in 2l bottles so it’s not even worth returning them. I let the armies of little old Chinese ladies that roam the neighborhood have them.
I use gallon bottles of water (you should see how much iron our well water has). The label says there’s a 5c deposit on them in Maine.
I met a guy who used to gather up the returnables that didn’t get accepted – as his job. Sounds weird. But yeah, he drove a truck somewhere a few times a month full of returnable bottles. He hated that job, and he hated the “bottle bill.”
>>bought canned wine with the intention of aggravating OMWC
Small boxes of wine are the adult equivalent to fruit juice boxes for kids.
I thought that was these. Or are those more of the Capri Sun equivalent?
Maybe. In the meantime I expect eco-nanny pols to get much more active in their harassment of the American consumer. Straw bans and bag fees are just the tip of the iceberg of what’s in store.
Well…they can’t just ship it to New Jersey. It’s full.
Dig deeper!
Need cash for alcohol research
Come over and I’ll buy you 40 of Cobra
It has amusing reviews on BeerAdvocate.
It was a day before payday and I noticed I was down to five dollars in my pocket. Since I realized I couldn’t afford a Sammy, Lagunita, or Dust Bowl I decided to buy a couple of ice cold cobra 40’s. I was two gulps into my second 40 when I suddenly felt the urge to smoke crack and do a drive by. After finishing it I moved from my apartment into an alley and started urinating in public. I’m hooked.
The melting snow has revealed a winter’s worth of king cobra cans preferred by panhandler, bums and other ne’er do-wells.
The melting snow has revealed a winter’s worth of king cobra cans preferred by panhandler, bums and other ne’er do-wells.
And so, it turned out, was recycled PET plastic, because for Chinese manufacturers of articles like teddy bears and blue jeans, polyester fibers made from old plastic bottles were a cost-effective replacement for cotton.
Earth to Slate: plastic is not a direct or acceptable substitute for cotton.
My cleanroom suit is 100% synthetic (99% polyester, 1% carbon fiber) and comfy as hell.
Stupid fucking Americans. Why can’t you be more like the rest of the world who are so much better at recycling?
So many foreigners who come to Japan and learn to sort their garbage usually believe that this means the garbage is being recycled.
In truth, only most of the aluminum is recycled. In some locations the glass – or some small portion of it – gets recycled. Most of it is required to be sorted so they know which garbage to burn and which they can dump in a landfill.
Five different containers for my trash? I dumped my trash into a random one on the streets in Japan and felt good about it.
Because it is not financially viable. There is a reason for that. It takes far less resources (less damaging to ‘the environment’) to make new stuff than to recycle excepting glass and metals.
What’s wrong with Manchego? Obviously you need melty cheese too, but I like Manchego.
Sounds like somebody needs a holiday
Thought it would be this
Not this?
Jeezus. No, not that.
Have another.
Better than Madonna, I guess.
Here’s something kinky.
And of course…
Great tune but I was going for the wine reference:)
Um, uh, yeah, I knew that!
Paging OMWC: Chris Davis just hit a 2-run single!
Our long national nightmare has ended.
How many millions do you think that single cost the Orioles?
$23MM this year.
The unbearable Trumpness of Ivanka
<When Trump won, everything went to hell. According to the source, “We just really didn’t know what would happen, because we were now publishing a book to a community who didn’t like her dad very much.” The silver lining was that the publicity team was flooded with requests for interviews with the first daughter. Then, three weeks before publication, government ethics lawyers weighed in: Ivanka could not do a single appearance or interview to promote the book. Sales were dismal. Women Who Work was widely panned. Reviewers did not just excoriate the book; they excoriated Ivanka. She herself hadn’t changed: She was doling out the same #ITWiseWords she always had—“Prove smart is sexy,” “Seize the moments as they come,” “‘Now’ is the new ‘later.’” But for the first time, Ivanka was unable to disassociate from her father. She was no longer a Woman Who Worked. She was a Woman Who Worked for Donald Trump.
She’s a monster. Blood guilt demands hatred.
What a poisonous way to live.
What did the world ever do to deserve The Atlantic?
Ivanka should bring out a line of canned wine.
The quality that people say they admire most about Ivanka is her “poise”; I’ve heard the word used about her probably 100 times. And she is poised. Not a word or a hair out of place. When you ask a question, no matter how innocuous, her eyes narrow at each word, as though she is positioning herself on a tennis court to return an opponent’s serve.
Preternaturally composed. Superhuman self restraint.
She’s a sociopath. There can be no doubt.
She drinks the blood of children to steal their essence.
She drinks the blood of children to steal their essence.
From CANS!
Americans aren’t bad at recycling, just particularly good at composting. So good, in fact, that there’s little if any economic benefit to recycling.
Well, recycling metals is useful.
But yeah, it’s another green shibboleth for the most part.
I diligently sort and bring my ‘recyclables’ to the transfer station once a week along with a large garbage can full of the rest. The main reason I make the effort is because the amount of non-recyclables is reduced, thus my cost to dump the garbage is probably about half of what it would be. So I am thankful my garbage disposal is being subsidized by someone (partially by me as I pay taxes to the county and they run the transfer station). I have no idea where the recyclables go, nor where the garbage goes, though likely a landfill somewhere fairly close. Frankly, I don’t care. I also don’t know where the TVs, computers, refrigerators, washers, dryers or other detritus of the sort ends up, though I’ve been told each has desirable parts that get removed. I do understand the waste oil and lead-acid batteries get recycled as they have a market.
I do know that the most popular pile is the metal scrap where you sign a waiver and get to dig through for anything you may consider treasure. I’ve personally removed several items, including a Briggs and Stratton lawnmower engine (didn’t work, but turned over easily), fencing, metal roofing, and a few other things I can’t recall.
That sounds like a reasonable approach. In many places (like mine) there is no incentive to recycle, so why bother? Neither the appeals to Gaia (the carrot) nor the slim (zero, in my case, as an apartment-dweller) chance of some apparatchik snooping through my garbage looking for contraband (the stick) have much effect when there is no direct financial gain from doing it.
Around here, if I pile up some metal junk near the street, it will be gone in a matter of hours. There’s a mentally handicapped man who collects junk metal and sells it for scrap. Nice way for him to make a few bucks, and convenient for people who want to get rid of old metal.
I do know that the most popular pile is the metal scrap where you sign a waiver and get to dig through for anything you may consider treasure. I’ve personally removed several items, including a Briggs and Stratton lawnmower engine (didn’t work, but turned over easily), fencing, metal roofing, and a few other things I can’t recall.
That’s surprising. Places I have lived, “mining” the trash has been strictly verboten. When I moved to Ketchum, there was something of a local controversy in progress, because up until shortly before (early ’90s) there had been a designated drop off area at the
landfilldump where things of potential value to somebody (else) could be put. That had been banned, and there were signs saying not to steal the trash.“signs saying not to steal the trash”
Written in bear language?
The transfer stations and/or landfills in small towns up here have a similar thing where you can throw away actual trash and then things have value, but are unwanted, off to the side and it’s fair game.
I assume that mostly has to do with liability, but the waiver takes care of that apparently. It seems the height of stupidity, and grossly inefficient, to not allow someone to use something they find in the ‘trash’. Let me be clear, there is no chance they let you go down into the compactor/container of the actual garbage to fish anything out. The piles they allow you to remove things from (scrap metal and construction/demolition materials) they explicitly say you are not allowed to climb on and can’t disturb the pile (tear it apart to get at something, though if you ask nicely they may get something for you the next time they are pushing the pile together with the loader). There are also set asides as 61North mentions for things like doors, windows, and various items that work, but may not be in great shape or are of no use to the current owner. For example, I dropped off a working sewing machine that I didn’t feel like putting on the local ‘swap and sell’ website and didn’t figure it was worth much, but also didn’t feel right just throwing it in a landfill.
China underwrote the bulk recycling programs across the Western world. It made the currently established systems profitable, it will take a while for them to adjust simply because their capital investments were oriented towards the Chinese markets.
Generally, cardboard and metal are profitable, plastics are a wash, and glass is a loser.
Did the taxes yesterday. We got to keep an extra 1,100 Pelosi crumbs compared to last year on about the same income.
With no mortgage and the higher std deduction we don’t have have itemize. I would have just done them myself. Instead, I bought TurboTax because of the Montana return. Holy fuck, the Montana tax code is a sordid mess of carve outs and indulgences. The form is a mess. Almost makes me yearn for Mass with it’s simple “Multiply adj gross by .0525”. Even with TurboTax is was multiple screens of “Do you qualify for any of the following dozen items?” Since we don’t raise cattle, dig for copper or work on a railroad the answers were all “no”. But, Jeesh.
By way of compensation my morning bike ride looked like
Except for the snow, the morning bike ride looks good.
The Massachusetts non-resident form is a pain in the ass. Back when I did it on paper, the instructions stated you had to sign every page, both sides. It was eight pieces of paper if I remember correctly.
When I switched to using software, the software always considered my interest income which was not earned in MA taxable in MA. I hated fixing that.
I’ve had a good run of not paying MA taxes.
New Hampshire’s income tax form (yes, New Hampshire has an income tax) is pretty easy to take care of except that the payment and the return have to go to separate addresses.
I remember Pennsylvania’s state and local income tax forms not being that bad, but it’s been a long time since I lived there.
Stupid software keeps doubling my out-of-state NJ income and saying I owe thousands, every year, until I fix it.
TurboTax won’t install the latest update unless the Trash is emptied first. Good thing those guys are working to codify their crony arrangement with the IRS.
(SLD, filing taxes shouldn’t require software of any kind)
It shouldn’t, but in NY, it does.
Aw shit, my tax guy never told me I could have gotten a deduction for those!!
It’s how Winston’s mom made her fortune.
Since we don’t raise cattle, dig for copper or work on a railroad
Not even half the livelong day?
MT-MN must have written their state tax laws together. I use Turbo as well, fortunately only the numbers and laws change, I keep track of 1, Turbo the other. I did mine a couple months ago, got my refund and my wife made sure to stimulate the economy. Its the price we pay for “Tyranny of the Majority”.
my wife made sure to stimulate the economy
Enough with the euphemisms.
Did the taxes yesterday. We got to keep an extra 1,100 Pelosi crumbs compared to last year on about the same income.
With no mortgage and the higher std deduction we don’t have have itemize. I would have just done them myself. Instead, I bought TurboTax because of the Montana return. Holy fuck, the Montana tax code is a sordid mess of carve outs and indulgences. The form is a mess. Almost makes me yearn for Mass with it’s simple “Multiply adj gross by .0525”. Even with TurboTax is was multiple screens of “Do you qualify for any of the following dozen items?” Since we don’t raise cattle, dig for copper or work on a railroad the answers were all “no”. But, Jeesh.
By way of compensation this was my morning bike ride.
I pinky swear I only hit “Reply” once!
The squirrels hate Reason’s new format and moved here?
My wife has fully adopted the zero waste movement. I think it’s a little silly, but it’s not too much of an inconvience to me.
My wife and I share a laptop and The last website she had up was some zero waste commentary piece. It was the typical environmental ignorance. “If the world produced waste like the US does we would run out of material and space in X years”
Disregarding both inovation and the market forces on materials. This obviously was not a shock to me
According to the alarmists, we should have run out of everything by now.
I keep losing service. The weather here is shit. Extreme tornado danger and heavy rain.
I will pass the afternoon sipping vodka and listening to Brittany Haas.
If you like pretty girls and masterful musicians you could do a lot worse
Hopefully you weather the storm without a problem.
I like that song. Thanks!
Well, in case you were wondering, Cal won 9-5.
That’s not Motley Crue!
Leave Ilhan Omar alone!
tl;dr- Conor Friedersdorf whiteknights Omar, says, “Get over it, snowflakers.”
I’m perfectly willing to believe she’s just an incoherent blithering imbecile.
As far as I’m concerned, the people who have made a career out of being hand-me-down “9/11 victims” can all fuck off.
My parents used to get the Atlantic back in the 90s and I was still in MS/HS, but I remember it being well-written and interesting at least through GWB’s first term.
“If the world produced waste like the US does we would run out of material and space in X years”
If we keep mining, the planet will be the size of a golf ball, in __ years!
It’ll get hollowed out like the dark matter planet in Fururama.
What a beautiful day it is in upstate NY today.
Great breakfast, decent shooting (at my Boss’s gun club), ran my mower for the first time (to mulch leaves), now glibbing with beer and snacks.
I mowed my lawn for the first time as well on my push-reel mower. The weather is warmer, I got offered and promptly accepted a far superior position at work, and I’m making good headway on learning web development so that I can get an even better job someday down the road. As for tonight, I’m going to put out the word that there’s brats, sauerkraut, beer, and white wine punch and see who shows up.
Life is looking pretty damn good in both the short term and long term.
I had to go in to work for four hours.
It was raining when I left the house.
It rained overnight, and was stormy until about 9:00 tis morning, but then cleared out.
Purty in the city too, and even the humidity is going down.
Decent day her in Cleveland as well, got my first bike ride of the year in (quick little ~10 mile ride to make sure the bike’s still in good shape). Beginning the packing for Viva, and have steaks sitting out for dinner.
Wonder Dog had a trip to the dog park. She is remarkable in her total disinterest in other dogs, but she immediately spotted my old pals from HnR days, Grand Moff-Serious Man and Kibby, and trotted over to demand hugs and scritches. Which they heaped on her.
“It’s not like Swiss and his pizza, but they seem nice.”
I am still sulking that I never got an invite to their wedding.
Admittedly, I never posted until was created, but still.
SP was originally going to officiate (she’s ordained ULC), but I had to take a business trip to Buffalo that week, so jesse ended up doing it. And apparently did it quite well.
Apparently so since they’re still together.
Speaking of TOS , they’re revamping their site and have added an option to flag comments for review.
how badly would you have to fuck up to be on comment review duty?
Recycle these cans!
Show us your cans!
He hates these cans.
For fucks sake
“Catie Galbraith, a first-year history student and Chickasaw from Fort Wayne, Ind., said family and friends advised her against going to McGill because of the name and the school’s reputation as an isolating place for Indigenous people. (The self-identified Indigenous population of McGill is less than 1 per cent.)
“It’s quite alienating for a lot of people,” she said. “But we have a lot of hope for the future with the name change. I hope to make McGill a better place, a place I’d tell my baby sister to go to.”
Indian warriors used to be so cool. The left is memory holing them.
The fucked up part is that it started out in the same vein as the Syracuse Orange due to McGill having red uniforms, then it was wrongly associated with natives and then it was correctly disassociated with natives back in the 90s. But no, some idiots couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to do something that will make ZERO long term difference on the campus or any of the various shithole reserves across the country.
I’ll be there this fall for a long weekend and I’ll wear my Redmen shirt with pride. Fuck them.
Prediction: in twenty years, the outragistas will paint removing Indian associated names and mascots as a move by evil racist rightwingers, singling them out as the only ones not able to be associated with sports.
And there it is.
I wouldn’t have proudly played a sport with the Redmen jersey for 4 years if Redmen was meant to mock or belittle people based on the color of their skin or ethnicity or whatever.
Near as I can tell it’s never about mocking, even the explicit ones. If one thinks the Redskins are mocking Indians, one is an idiot – pure and simple.
I cannot agree more since it has nothing to do with first nations.
“Fighting Irish”?
Doesn’t seem mocking to me.
Lemme finish this beer and a pint of whiskey, and I’ll meet you in the parking lot to continue this discussion.
I think you’re reading something into it that doesn’t factor in where the name came from, at least according to the various theories I read on Wikipedia.
Wine in a can was something I found out about some weeks ago. Who knew. The boss started selling Mancan at events. I’m not sure the rednecks around here will go for it. These are people who blow their nose with a forced exhale and an index finger.
Wine in a can for most people in that demographic is taking an empty coke can and pouring wine into for stealth drinking. I count myself in that demographic.
How the hell do you do it?
Using my pocket hanky which is a recycled previous days ascot.
I do a farmer’s blow 10 times a day. (outside, of course)
Yeah, watch a soccer game and you’ll it dozens of times in the space of 90 minutes.
The trick is to lean forward and turn your head to the side a bit so you don’t get any on ya.
Farmer’s blow is what we always call it.
Real farmers use their thumb. The index finger is for those fancified city folk.
My last SO did it every night, into the bathroom sink. He was the keeper.
That was the first decent link you have ever posted. Congratulations!
“These are people who blow their nose with a forced exhale and an index finger.”
That’s called a ‘farmer brown’ and I do it all of the time. Wanna’ fight?
Don’t have fun
This is why I took a break from the news for a few months. Assholes all the way down.
So the “trolls” were essentially right, but we’re supposed to be mad at them and not the reporters pushing false narratives? And according to an article linked in this one, YouTube’s rewarding of things that are popular makes it bad, proven by an inaccurate video that was inspired by inaccurate reporting which is, presumably, good.
Human interest fluff piece ≠pushing false narrative.
Of course you would say that. ?
Normally you have some truth behind your trolling. Normally.
What? Okay the headline was clickbaity but the story of the gushing young scientist all excited about the photo was pure human interest fluff, and they crossed the T’s and dotted the I’s, making it clear she part of one of many teams that did all sort of work that led to this thing happening. Good god not every single thing on CNN or FOX is part of a global conspiracy to shape the world, sometimes a bit of puff is just a bit of puff.
Which story? I’m not seeing a link to the original not narrative driven story.
The HotAir story isn’t referring to any single fluff-piece story. It’s referring to the narrative pushing on Twitter and Facebook that followed. And that is what led to the Reddit idiots pushing back the other way.
The were pushing back on comments like this:
From the NYT:
But that’s not we were seeing online or in the media. The Washington Post quickly put out a video titled “Meet the woman behind the first photo of a black hole.”
that one.
This is the one linked by trshmnstr right after they announced it:
An algorithm they didn’t even use.
It kind of reminds me of
Big HeadBag Head’s meteoric rise in Silicon Valley. Except the “trolls” refused to play along and ruined it all. (And she obviously deserves some credit, unlike Bag Head.)It seems there are multiple levels here. The stuff from AOC, etc. was way over the top, as usual. Others were essentially puff pieces as Hyp said. And there are the ‘trolls’ who seemed to direct most of their anger at the woman, who pretty much said it wasn’t just me. Unfortunately, she made the mistake of being excited and bubbly about it and shared an off the cuff image that some interpreted as taking credit.
My takeaway is: Go ahead and post to social media if you must. There will be loads of people who enjoy what you posted. Ignore the fuck-sticks who get off by denigrating people. They aren’t worth it.
Anybody who got mad at her personally is an idiot.
Ein Maß Yuengling Oktoberfest.
It will help with doing some work for work.
I hope to make McGill a better place, a place I’d tell my baby sister to go to.
Cthulu save us from people who want to make the world a better place.
I keep hearing this about the latest generation generation or two (Millenials and especially Gen Z). They all want to change the world and they are the first generations who think they actually can. I see it differently. I think previous generations wanted to change the world, but it wasn’t that explicit. They wanted to make life better buy inventing and improving, not by removing and destroying. It wasn’t about some abstract of ‘the world’, but something coherent and real.
Obviously there were people who thought this way even in previous generations, but that mentality seems to have been building since the progressive movement began and has reached full throat. I’m sure there are plenty in the latest generations who feel like those of old. The scientists, inventors, builders, creators. I wish they were given more play than the destroyer types.
TL;DR Don’t build yourself up by tearing others down.
LOL the NYCFC goalkeeper just kicked the ball into his own net. This year just gets better and better.
I saw the headline and expected a review of the Whoop-Ass Energy drink that was, at the very least, made around the year 2000 or so.
Made by Jones Soda company. Of course, I also remember when Circuit City sold cases of Bawls.
Canada fails!
Spring is definitely here. Mucked out the irrigation pump vaults this morning, put the mulching blades on the lawn tractor so I could mow for the second time in three days to get the height down, and put the peas in the ground. Time for a cocktail.