This morning I had a Hat-and-Hair dream. Fat, orange Trump was wandering around the Oval Office cleaning up cat vomit, bitching at Pie, and not wearing any clothes. At this point, I think I’m going to sue the other founders for mental anguish, put out my eyes, and join a monastery. Thankfully, my youngest son picked that moment to come into our room and wake me up. Otherwise, my soul might truly have been lost.
Its mating season for gators in Florida, so look out for lots of jorts and oyster boots. (For you non-sportzball fans, the University of Florida’s mascot is the gators, and well, they’re just not fashionable people)
Orbital billboards — I guess the Moon was too expensive.
Trump to Whitehouse Correspondants — I’ll go party with the people who are going to make me President again. I’m sure by October 2020, SugarFree will be praying for an upset so he doesn’t have to beat a dead-horse serial for another 4 years.
Dem Presidential Candidate (who isn’t) proposes 2 new Cabinet level agencies – Minitrue and Minikid. Anyone else cynical enough to think the children’s one will end up owning abortion and other “state-paid” infant and child healthcare decisions?
I went searching for hat songs and found… something. The line dancing in the middle part looks like something out of 90s country video. I’m sure that’s culturally insensitive of me.
So did you have to explain the concept of a wet dream to your youngest, or were you able to hide your shame in time?
If you have wet dreams, you’re not masturbating and/or having sex nearly often enough.
I aim for completely empty vesicles by end of day. #lifegoals
I didn’t even know there was such a thing as wet dreams until as a teenager I read “Then Again, Maybe I Won’t” by Judy Blume, sort of the boy’s version of “Are you there God? It’s me Margaret”.
I think having a great porn mag stash at that age meant there was nothing left for the dreams.
What are oyster boots ?
Amazon calls them “Shrimp Boots”. Which makes sense. For some reason they are always white.
Today on I learned….
Walk into any oyster place in North Florida and they’ll be wearing them. Same with the wholesale places where they’re unloading.
Could also be this:
Only on the guys.
Air Boudreaux’s
They’re privileged boots.
“The dinner is so boring and so negative that we’re going to hold a very positive rally instead,” Trump said.
Following Trump’s comments, the White House Correspondents’ Association president, Olivier Knox, said that the organization is “looking forward to an enjoyable evening of celebrating the First Amendment and great journalists past, present, and future.”
Yea, sure…
It’s an orgy to celebrate virginity!
I see you’ve been to a daddy-daughter dance in rural Arkansas
Attendees will be required to use preferred pronouns when celebrating the First Amendment. And no hate speech!
Trump exposing the WHCD for the absurd circle jerk it is makes me have tingly feelings in my no-no place.
I think he’s skipped it every year.
I think the first time they uninvited him and since then he has preemptively made other plans.
All those titty pics, and you think you have a no-no place?
Minitrue should be Minipax
Well fuck.
+1 Nightwatch
Presidential Hopeful Marianne Williamson Proposes Federal ‘Department of Peace Creation’
1) Would. 2) Unnecessary expansion of gov’t.
“We have millions of American children who go to school every day in schools that do not even have the adequate school supplies with which to teach 8-year-old to read. If an 8-year-old cannot read by the age of 8, if they can’t read, the chances of high school graduation, it’s drastically diminished
Clearly the feds need to keep throwing money at it.
It’s just going to take another agency to solve the problem. Look at how well our multiple spy and law enforcement agencies work together!
Who the fuck is this Marianne person and why should I care, she an idjit
Basically Edith Keeler.
Is she related to Edith Bunker?
Oh, Anacrey!
Famous New Age fraudster.
do not even have the adequate school supplies with which to teach 8-year-old to read.
A stack of used books? Here’s $20 and the location of the nearest half-price books.
They have used that line for so long when I hear it it just sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher to me. It’s horseshit.
Until and unless they begin to recognize that there is a difference between the kids who are there to learn and the kids who are there for the free babysitting, there’s no point in continuing the conversation. The kids getting the free babysitting will not learn, no matter how much cash you throw at them.
20% come ready to learn, 60% will get by and learn how to copy successfully. 20% will disrupt the other 80 %
They should give that $20 to the parents so it actually buys books instead of winding up in the teacher pension fund.
^This guy gets it^
I could read when I was three.
I killed me a bar’ when I was only three.
All that alcohol is what stunted your growth.
Same here. My grandfather taught me by reading the Sunday comics with me every week. My daughter’s not quite there, but she’s close. She’ll probably be reading at a basic level in the next few months based on the progress she’s made so far.
I don’t remember what age I learned to read. It was before I went to school though.
Learned at three with the help of Sesame Street, Electric Company (RIP), and the early reader books (I still remember my parents laughing at me pronouncing thermometer wrong). The nursery school I went to was not a fan that I knew how to read, they would hand us kids flyers to have our parents read about things like breakfast with Santa/Easter Bunny/Witch/etc. So the kids would ask me to read the flyers to them, and then bug their parents to go. The parents would then complain to the school about getting bugged about these events.
Kindergarten was optional when I was a yute (late 50’s). I learned to read, count, and the names of colors from Mom and didn’t start school until the First (duh) Grade.
Now we’re getting to the point of mandatory state preschool. Gotta get the indoctrination going early.
If Abe Lincoln can do it by fireside light without a teacher, so can you.
“A stack of used books? Here’s $20 and the location of the nearest half-price books.”
You can learn everything you need to learn through the 12th grade without any books, on the internet. If only you have a little bit of motivation, you can do that. And you can do it a lot faster and cheaper than you can with the non-help of some lazy half retarded Marxism pushing teacher. Public school needs nuked from space and the ashes dumped into the deepest oceanic trench on earth.
I supremely suggest not teaching your kids to read via the internet. “Wannafud” is candy land compared to kids raised by the internet.
Well, for a while I was basically raised by the precursor to the internet, the local BBS’s. And I turned out…
Never mind.
Most people don’t.
Herve Villachaise supposedly learned English by moving to NYC and watching Westerns on TV. You hear about a lot of people learning English just by watching TV and movies.
In westerns everyone talks slowly. It would make sense that would be a good way to learn English.
Every time I watch a foreign language film, it seems everyone is speaking super-fast, so I don’t know if the reverse is possible.
For a real mind-fuck, watch something you know in English, dubbed in the target language, and with that language’s subtitles on.
I was watching ST:DS9 in German and got a real lesson in synonyms because the subtitles were only very loosely connected to what they were actually saying (in German).
Here I was thinking that education was handled by the state & local governments.
Public education is a special needs employment program, for the teachers.
“If an 8 year old cannot read by the age of 8”
What if someone’s syntax comes from the department of redundancy department?
You’re ignoring the likelihood that government will simply add three years to the child’s birth year so they can redefine him as a 5 year old.
“If an 8 year old cannot read by the age of 9 he/she will be recognized as “Progressing well” along with his/her peers”
Or the Natural Guard?
As long as the 8 year old can identify the D on the ballot what more reading skill do they really need?
I think OMWC would rather the kids look for the D in other places. The ballot box is a bit too out in the open.
Did you know AZ has polling privacy curtains that go all the way to the ground?
I was disappointed to discover that NY removed the booths and went to desks and bubble sheets.
And BOY HOWDY, do they get cross when one photographs one’s freshly marked ballot to show a friend’s son that they were my write-in candidate of choice.
Cheeky. I would not have thought to dare that.
I did that and sent it to a proggie friend in Dallas. She had a meltdown.
Yes. It is bullshit, because you can definitely see what people are writing in.
That explains a lot.
They’ll need to also discern which D is the most wokest and far left.
Where are the parents?
Who cares about them?
The parents are already suffering from their own case of retardation from their experience in public school.
“If an 8-year-old cannot read by the age of 8”
Lady, we have people graduating high school who cannot read. And it is ‘because’ of government funded schools, not in spite of them.
TOK News Item #1: A former teammate of mind ran the Boston Marathon this week. This was his first marathon. He did it in just under 5 hours, not bad for a guy rocking a prosthetic leg.
TOK News Item #2: I’ve been looking at “work from home” job boards. Today I applied for a job at a swingers web site. I may need to use some of you as references.
I don’t think you’d want anyone here as a reference to use a swingers website.
…oh wait. You said WORK FOR. Never mind.
What is a swinger’s website?
“Love Voodoo”. I also see there are jobs at
I….uh….well I dont know anything about the swinger scene so, ok. I can tell you this, take the swingers over the proggies. I dont know how much good I would do you but sure…if you can use me for a reference go right ahead.
I just assumed the swinger crowd was mostly underground and all knew each other personally with no need for a website.
I was joking about the references. And I’d definitely work for a swingers site before a proggie site. I thought it was funny that I found the swingers site on a legit job board (We Work Remotely), and that my skill set matches what they are looking for.
Do they want “practical experience” IYKWIMAITYD?
See, this right here is why I’d like to get that job. The possibilities for entertaining conversations would be endless.
We need a confederate at moveon. And The swingers site might require actual productivity.
Did you put a decorative pineapple out on your porch?
I wonder every time I see one of my neighbors has some sort of pineapple motif decoration on their door.
I learned that here, I am blaming you guys if that ever gets me in trouble.
Today on, I learned…
I once interviewed for a design position at Vivid Video. The woman who interviewed me looked like Brigette Nielsen’s mother and was dressed how you would expect someone in the office of Vivid to dress. Did not take the gig — let’s just say porn design isn’t a resume builder.
A friend from high school was the art director for Score Publications for many years. It was a bit limiting but the pay was fantastic.
Dated an eighties porn star. Actually lived with her and traveled the country with her for a year. Met most of the porn big shots (pun?) circa 1989-ish. Too much crazy for even 23 y/o me.
You owe us an article.
I think my company is still hiring a lot of “field” aka telework jobs – health care paperwork type stuff – contact me and I’ll send a link.
Krugabe is concerned
Economist Paul Krugman says the issue of income inequality is a problem without a simple or clear answer.
“I think the reason to be worried about income inequality is not what it does to GDP. The reason to be worried about income inequality is what it does to people, which is ultimately what we care about,” the Nobel Prize winner says.
Children from lower income families do not receive the same medical care and nutrition as other children. Krugman points out that studies looking at the long-term effects of anti-poverty programs targeted at children show positive results. “They are healthier, more productive, more successful citizens of our society,” he says.
He also responds to critics who say higher tax rates would disincentivize work by pointing out the counter example of New York City where rates are fairly high.
“Does this city out here look to you like a place where people just don’t really work very hard because taxes are too high? It doesn’t strike me that way,” he says.
Game, set and match!
Is Krugabe a full time contributor at the MSNBC Business Channel, now?
Conflating ‘income-inequality’ – i.e., envy – with poverty is some bullshit sleight-of-hand.
+1 spinner rim +1 big screen TV
That is the standard M.O.
When they say ‘inequality’ you are supposed to hear ‘poverty’.
We can pay for the war against space alien invaders with trillion dollar coins?
income inequality is a problem
No it isn’t. And trying to “fix” involves multiple constitutional/rights violations.
responds to critics who say higher tax rates would disincentivize work by pointing out the counter example
I bet he believes sin taxes curb smoking and drinking.
income inequality is a problem
All the “income inequality” measures you see share two things:
(1) The measure pre-tax income.
(2) They don’t include government benefits.
So they inflate income at the top end, and suppress income at the bottom end. Voila, historic inequality! Brought to you by mendacious fucks in the government and academia.
On average, people are far wealthier than they have ever been. In fact, your average middle class worker today is fabulously wealthy compared to even the richest just a few hundred years ago. No king, no wealthy merchant, back then had the amount of good food, medicine, technology, comfort, or many other things, compared to your average middle class American today. And that was all created by markets and capitalism.
Walking through local Walmart yesterday, they had a 65 inch 4K UHD TV with Roku built-in for under $485. Correction, two different models from two different manufacturers at that price point with those features.
That is just astonishing. Prices on a 4k roku box just recently fell to $100. So if you are interested in Roku enough that you would have bought one for your 4k TV, this is like getting a 65 inch TV for under $400.
In 1985 I bought a Sharp 25″ manual dial tube TV for the then-amazing price of $300. This was a couple of hundred less than comparable sized models from bigger names like Sony. That’s $300 actual dollars, not inflation adjusted. Ten years earlier my dad bought a 25″ console TV for somewhere around a grand. And ten years before that I don’t think you could get a color TV of that size at any price.
My son’s magnet school is embedded in a mostly poor, mostly black middle school. The kids all have smart phones in their pocket. A high-definition color screen computer linked wirelessly to the internet, in their pocket… so they can play video games with their friends while they eat their government-subsidized lunches.
Yeah… there’s no doubt about it. “the poor” in the US live better than kings from even more recently than a few hundred years back, in many respects. They wear clothes made from wrinkle-free microfiber fabrics that are finer than the finest silk clothes of any Emperor of China, eat foods that not only come from the world over (an impossible feat even in my parent’s youth for many foods) and are from a food supply chain that is almost completely free of parasites and disease – also impossible in my parent’s youth.
They have access to health care, contraception and information that allow for nearly consequence free sexual experimentation with multiple partners. They have a life expectancy that even the aristocracy would have been envious of. I have several in-laws that live a hand-to-mouth, sometimes government assistance lifestyle… and they occasionally take vacations that carry them over 1,500 miles. How many kings before the time of Christ could say the same? How many kings could have made that trip in 2 days even 100 years ago?
In most aspects of life, we have access to cheap goods and services that are beyond the wildest dreams of anyone who was alive even as recently as the founding of the US.
Krugabe is being extremetly dishonest when he tries to create the illusion that if there is a tax increase, the wealthiest will pick up that tab. No, they won’t, the middle class, through payroll will pick up almost all of it. All we will do is create more income inequality. Unless he is saying that if we make everyone equally poor, we’ve achieved equality.
“Study after study shows that when we arrest, jail, and convict people for non-violent crimes committed out of necessity, we only prevent that person from gaining the stability necessary to lead a law-abiding life. Criminalizing poverty is counter-productive for our community’s health and safety,” Creuzot said.
Wow, is that infuriating. Maybe people who steal to survive and are jailed for it aren’t interested in a stable, law-abiding life? Why would we make it more attractive to be a thief?
Whatever you say, Javert.
Who denigrates the poor more, the person who wants to prosecute theft, no matter the reason, or the person who assumes that theft is a core identity trait of poor people?
“They are so poor, and they are so black…”
Boston has done this since last December.
Ooof, missed that (not technically in Boston, but that stupidity will overflow here).
I went searching for hat songs and found… something.
Good to see that truly horrible music knows no cultural boundaries.
Watching it on mute just reminded me how smoking hot south Asian chicks can be. I don’t know what it is, but Got Dam son!
It’s a bimodal distribution.
When I learned stats, it was called a Sophia Loren distribution.
Funny, that’s the kind of thing that explains whichever half of that analogy you’re not familiar with.
Yeah and he couldn’t find…Hat song
Or, for that matter….more hat
Presidential Hopeful Marianne Williamson Proposes Federal ‘Department of Peace Creation’
Fuck that. I would change the Department of Defense back to the War Department.
Honesty is the best policy, sez I.
I’ve been calling it that ever since Bush started the Iraq war. It’s not “defense” when you hit someone who has not hit you first.
I guess the Red Army was a Department of Peace Creation?
Department of Benevolent Tyranny.
All the talk here is about Ovechkin clocking the Russian kid.
I see no problem with what happened. Kid said, ‘let’s go’, Ovechkin obliged and PAF!
People piling on Ovie are wrong.
Agree. Welcome to the Bigs, kid. Shut up and skate away if you don’t like fighting.
From the clip I saw, the kid initiated. No obligation to start fighting.
I think Ovi for real slashed him a couple of times. That’s the part I’m talking about “shut up and skate away”. If you’re not ready to fight about “dirty” play, than shut up and skate off.
Ah, gotcha – I was busy watching the Bruins lose.
Can’t agree more. Ovechkin is a beast.
Exactly. That people are screaming ‘he’s only 19!’ and ‘Ovie is a veteran and weighs 40ilbs more!’ is besides the point.
Welcome to the NHL.
Go see clips of Gordie Howe pummelling rookies and get back to me.
The largest Russian sports daily speculated that the Carolina coach goaded Svechnikov into the fight.
Brind’Amour? Why would he do that? Nah.
The readers left hundreds of comments offering their own theories. Russians don’t fight Russians in the NHL–it’s a mystery requiring an explanation.
I’m pretty sure Russians have fought each other since arriving in the 90s.
it was the first Russian vs Russian fight.
Really? Learn something new all the time.
It was bound to happen.
correction: first ever Russian v. Russian fight “in the playoffs”. my bad.
fun factoid: the first ever fight with a Russian was Kasatonov vs Brind’amour
source is a Russian hockey writer:
Brindy had to try something down 2-0.
getting whooped 5-0 (and the reality is that it should’ve been 9-0) is a wake-up call to the Caps. they got really lucky with bounces the first two games and they better start skating.
He didn’t send the kid to fight.
Off all former players turned coaches I highly doubt he singled out a 19 year-old to sacrifice himself to a vet.
Not buying it.
I can see meatheads like Melrose or coaches like Crawford, Hartley and Hitchcock doing that though.
Yeah, upon reflection, telling your players to go get ugly with a team with Tom Wilson is dumb and not something Brind’amour would do.
I just saw the replays this morning on the local sports show. Ovie laid that kid the eff out! Good lord!
he’s not a small kid. 195lbs. has to learn to use his reach better. maybe tuck that chin. also don’t fight angry bulls.
Yeah, take some boxing lessons over the off-season if he’s gonna drop the gloves. Learn how to throw two good haymakers, get in close, and “stumble”.
Seriously. Ovie is an animal.
Kid asked. He got what he asked for. What’s the problem?
Ovi even eased him to the ice. Had he let go after that punch, the kid would have cracked his melon a helluva lot harder.
You noticed that too, eh?
Did you see the punch is slow-mo?
Yup, not seeing the problem with it.
Criminalizing poverty is counter-productive for our community’s health and safety,” Creuzot said.
What if we stop criminalizing job creation?
…and raise the minimum wage…
Yes because cutting spending is a “non-divisive” issue.
Nothing says “libertarian” like “globalist elite”.
Ihe’s not mad at the world but Trump is destroying the world and things are fine yet we need drastic changes…
“elite” – come again?
He is from a family of Boston Brahmins.
Elitist, not elite.
Amash is talking similar stuff about libertarianism is a “moderate” position. Where the hell did they get this idea that libertarian economics is some uncontroversial idea that the Democrats and the MSM really don’t mind?
For people that support “Social progress” they sure seem to be stuck in the 1960s.
Economically, they’re stuck in the 1920s. Socially, they’re stuck in the 1960s. Intellectually, they’re stuck at about 3 billion BC.
There is a reason I spent so many years there yet walked off in disgust.
‘Globalist elite’ = commie rat-bastard.
What? They aren’t plugging Johnson again?
Gillespie seriously is claiming that open borders might be the only issue worth debating and said that the Jacobin might be good ideas on that front.
Of course he did. The whole open borders insanity is the only issue they care about. I remember Shikha ‘a billion immigrants’ Dalmia and Ron ‘doe eyed orphans and widows’ Bailey. It is absurd.
Then there was the embarrassment of the Johnson campaign.
Jesus my grammar stinks.
“the Jacobin might be good allies on that front”
I wonder if they honestly think that or if their rich backers think that way or at least a good wedge issue.
Wait, I thought it was (((globalist elite))). Did I miss a memo or something.
Why does anyone care what a guy who hasn’t won an election in over two decades does?
His running-mate will be Hillary. And if they win he won’t last a week in office.
Weld is a tool.
But will he survive the arc of time?
He might have enough spark.
If he does, future generations will heap braze on him.
His relevancy is in flux.
I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing OpenBordersLiberal-tarian over here – they remain note-perfect with the parody.
*approving nod*
OBL might be parody but his (her?) posts sound pretty much like what your average proggie actually has to say.
I can’t believe he’s been at it for years now.
The derp mines run deep. Watch out for the Balrogs.
Quite. I find OBL amusing because that could be a legit post. Much like Titania McGrath, people fall for OBL’s posts all the time.
I was hoping Paul would primary Trump.
“Sure, we have worked well together and we will again if he can beat me. But he has gotta prove it first.”
Paul’s got too much political acumen to try that. With Trump holding 85% approval rating in his party, it would be a political suicide mission that simply engenders bad feelings among the same constituents who could vote him out of office in his own primary. Furthermore, I don’t think there’s ever been a successful primary challenger who has gone on to unseat an incumbent president and then win the general, so the mission is futility from the get-go.
Titty Tuesday presents Nazi Untertitten!
I bet he believes sin taxes curb smoking and drinking.
I’d like to ask Krugabe how many people he estimates would be willing to move to NYC to take a job paying $50k.
To be fair, there are a shit load of interns and wannabe artists (some of whom will succeed) who would love to be offered $50K. But they do what they’ve always done if they don’t have rich parehts: work service jobs and live in shitty places to have a chance to meet the right people.
My niece just started a job in NYC making somewhere just over that (I think closer to $60k, but the first number is a 5). As a first job out of college, its not a bad situation.
Took me a decade in NYC to earn that much. And in the following decade wages went up much more slowly. If you’re young and willing to have a roommate, you can get along on that just fine.
For everyone who was saying earlier that the Vatican owned Notre Dame and would likely take care of the restoration, apparently that isn’t actually the case. Also, it was apparently uninsured.
Since I am (well, my hospital is) in the global property risk pool, I am very happy to hear it was uninsured.
“As of Tuesday afternoon, some $790 million had been pledged, the Wall Street Journal reported. The repair costs have been estimated to be somewhere in the range of $8 billion, according to Reuters.”
Trump should step in and offer to do it for $2 billion and have it done in 3 months.
He could probably do it if it weren’t for French government regulations. I find $8B highly suspect, unless they’re planning to replace the solid wood beams with comparable old growth trees or something. It only cost $4B to rebuild the world trade center, and that was a total loss (unlike the cathedral, of which much still stands).
If you’re trying to rebuild Notre Dame, I imagine you’d try to re-create as much of the historical superstructure (including the myriad carvings) as possible. Artisans capable of doing that are few on the ground, painstakingly slow, and expensive. Yes, over time, more and more “trainees” would graduate to become full artisans in their own right, but we’re probably talking hundreds of people and decades of time.
And then there’d be the “modern” retrofits, all of which they’d probably try to make invisible to the average visitor, which would be needed to improve the safety and fire-protection of the building.
It would be stupidly expensive. I have no idea whether $8 Billion USD is a spitball or not, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they spent $250 Million USD a year (NPV) for the next forty years or so. That’s a tenner in 2019 USD.
Gee I wonder why:
Had it been insured you can be damn sure there would have been a fire suppression system of some sort – or they would have paid heavenly premiums.
Tonio with the win. Government incompetence for the loss.
Seems like the perfect opportunity to eliminate a useless agency.
Go see clips of Gordie Howe pummelling rookies and get back to me.
That reminds me of a story my dad told me. He was on some consulting job, and there was a kid from the client company working with him. The kid went to some ivy league school, and was a pretty good (ivy league) hockey player. He said he wanted to go into the NHL and got drafted by the Whalers. Anyway, one day he was out on the ice warming up, and Howe went past him, backwards, so fast he could feel the wind. He said, “Fuck it, I guess I better go to business school.”
To be fair, there are a shit load of interns and wannabe artists (some of whom will succeed) who would love to be offered $50K.
True. I should have clarified. Married people with kids, over thirty. The sort of people who would have to spread that after tax income awfully thin if they wanted to live and work in NYC. Not couch surfers.
Yes, that would be a stretch.
Damn if Chiquita Kruschev didn’t just say something I almost agree with:
Chiquita Kruschev quits Facebook, calls social media ‘a public health risk’
Of course, its not a public health risk, since its not actually a disease transmission vector.
Blind squirrel…acorn.
since its not actually a disease transmission vector
Hipster socialists, on the other hand…
“… its not actually a disease transmission vector.”
You haven’t been to Facebook lately, have you?
Someone should start a #deleterwitter hashtag. (Prolly already one anyway)
Social media sucks. But not for the reason Gulag Barbie thinks it does. It sucks because it’s full of idiots, like her.
Social media is obviously 90% bullshit, but I think there’s a very important upside in being able to transmit information so quickly (even by Internet standards).
Think about all the mainstream media lies that have been blown apart before they even started by people sharing actual facts on social media. Sure, it the truth may have come out anyway and could have spread through forums and blogs, but it’s a speed improvement.
I think the big tech companies are starting to realize this, and since they don’t want to be the ones to undermine the media monopoly (which the Left disproportionately benefits from) they are trying to clamp down on “unapproved” opinions spreading on their sites. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, namely whether some right-wingers or neutrals can create an unbiased alternative to Facebook and Twitter.
So what the hell do you do with a gator on your front porch? Are you allowed to shoot them?
No you aren’t allowed to shoot them. We have the same problem here. Call Wildlife and Fisheries, they will send out a nuisance gator control officer.
I cant even fish in the bayou anymore. The instant the bait hits the water a dozen of the bastards pop up. Good luck getting that bass you hooked to the shore or boat.
“No you aren’t allowed to shoot them.”
That’s fucked up.
I am ok with it. They damned near went extinct. We dont want to go back there. I like being able to see them. Their hides are very valuable, their meat is only meh. Of course, like other wild critters their numbers can start to be a problem.
I dont have the quote but LaSalle said when he explored louisiana that if gators were good natured you could cross any river or bayou by walking on their backs. The environs here can support more than I am comfortable with.
*A few years back a nuisance gator hunter removed a 17ft. long gator from a farm in Avoyelles parish. That ‘s a big, dangerous mofo. Apparently some cattle had gone missing.
Other critters brought back from near extinction that are a problem:
At every local fair around the Gulf Coast, there was always a stand selling gator tail nuggets. I thought they were okay.
I’m with you Suthen. I’ve killed more gators than I probably should have (my uncle would often bring me along on airboat hunting trips) and I do love tail meat fried up in butter but at this point in my life, I respect them too much to ever harm one unless it was an immediate danger. At this point, the only land animals I could kill in good conscience are feral hogs and perhaps nutria.
Can you shoot them in self-defense? If they are actively threatening you, your family or maybe even your livestock? Or do you have to call in a licensed hunter?
Yes, of course in the case of immediate danger. They wont usually bother adults except maybe one in the 15+ ft. range. For small children around the edge of the water they can be a problem. I had to run a guy off of my land once. He had two small children with him and they were splashing around the edge of the bayou while he fished. He wouldn’t listen to reason so…off you go buddy. i am not going to have children eaten by monsters on my land.
Can you feed it poison?
A few years ago the Sheriff busted a meth lab. They also found the guys freezer full of poached gator. He got more time for the gator poaching than he did for the meth.
The dream that Brett didn’t remember from last night was getting gang raped by JFK’s bastard, mutant children.
*vomits compulsively*
The Pepsi story immediately reminded me of this:
Or “The Man Who Sold The Moon”
Michelle Obama: still a bitch
Not gone enough.
Do you think she’s going to run for office someday? Living in DC, pretty much the only office she could run for is President. She absolutely has the arrogant entitlement to do the Hillary, but I just don’t know. I do think that if she announced tomorrow, she would be the instant frontrunner.
She could supplant non-voting DC Congressional Representative (non-voting) Eleanor Holmes Norton
Or go total clownshow and “run” as DC Shadow Senator, much as “official” IRA members used to run for House of Commons. Political theatre at its finest.
Like she would settle for anything less than President.
While I agree that she has a big ego, she’d hold that bullshit position for life (like Norton) and then have a microphone as something other than an ex first lady. Low-information voters will chose to believe that she’s an actual congresscritter but is somehow being denied her “legitimate” floor vote because RACISM!!1!
If she did run, it would be fun to show Lefties their own words about “lack of qualifications” when Trump ran for office.
Fucking the president does not qualify you to do anything.
You forgot [citation needed].
But she directed the nation’s school lunch program – hell, she probably saved millions of kids’ lives!
I thought she was some big time lawyer or something, I believe she was the bread winner before Barry became a senator.
She worked for some hospital. She was so vital they eliminated her job after she left. Obviously because she was such a valuable employee.
Let’s not forget: shortly after her husband became a Senator and they (coincidentally!) secured a big federal grant, they gave her (another coincidence!) a big promotion.
Michelle had an active law license for only 4 or 5 years. Then in 1993 her license became inactive and she went to work for a new Chicago non-profit as a fundraiser. The community organization she worked for got shitloads of cash as part of Clinton’s Ameri-Corp. Sounds like her and Barry did very little actual lawyering.
She’s too busy enjoying her new life as a political grifter.
“Hey, Hillary, hold my beer.”
No one important will notice; too busy laughing at Trump’s advice to water bomb Notre Dame. It was a big joke on network tv yesterday, but today I heard the French considered doing water bombs from helicopters, like you would a forest fire, and only ruled it out because of the updrafts.
How about the Department of Make Me a Sandwich Bitch. Make yourself one too Skelator
Elizabeth Nolan Brown for Secretary!
Marianne has a good three decades on Liz.
Stalin’s Approval Rating Among Russians Hits Record High – Poll
Russia Strong!
“I miss the Kaiser.”
“Then there was order.”
He did come up with an awesome roll
Especially if there’s au jus, or gravy to dip it in.
I agree and I love Kaiser rolls. I can’t seem to find them anywhere in California, though, so it’s been years since I’ve had one.
Must be the sourdough lobby out here keeping out competition.
Also, for some reason Oscar Mayer Ham ‘n’ Cheese Loaf sliced lunchmeat is illegal in California. That was always good on a Kaiser roll with lots of mayo when I was a kid.
I thought that was going to be the Bee.
No one alive today was there to see him.
They pulled the same crap in Peru.
Me: WTF are you doing? He’s a commie. He fucked everything up once already. What are you thinking?
Peruvian: We have two generations that weren’t there to see that. None of them remember.
Ukraine would like a word.
Apparently Assange was given the boot because photos of Ecuador’s socialist president living it up abroad were leaked to the internet. Moreno blames Wikileaks, Wikileaks denies it.
It’s funny, we’ve been hearing about the guy’s disgusting hygiene and slovenly habits all week… from Ecuadorian officials. Who, presumably, have an interest in painting the guy as a disgusting slob and an asshole. Who knows, maybe he is. But this sort of thing makes me heaps doubtful of their official line.
Heaps? Have you been talking to kiwis lately?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Lenin leaked it himself.
That and the multi-billion dollar loan from the IMF/World Bank (I forget which) to Ecuador announced the same day Assange was thrown out. Pure coincidence, right.
Even if everything were true, what kind of hygiene (and mental state) do you expect from a guy who lived in a single room for 7 years?
He had three rooms to himself (and he had the only key) and shared a kitchen. I presume one of those rooms was a bathroom.
They released footage of him today skateboarding inside and arguing with security guards. Regardless of your view of Wikileaks, he’s a grade A arrogant douchebag.
So what the hell do you do with a gator on your front porch? Are you allowed to shoot them?
Swat him with a broom.
I have a neighbor whose property borders the National Forest. She (foolishly) used to leave dog food on the porch. One day she had the kitchen door open and was at the sink when she heard a noise behind her. A bear had walked into the kitchen. Without thinking she grabbed a broom and started swatting at it shouting, “Out! Out! Get out of my kitchen”. The bear turned tail and ran. It was only afterword that she got the shakes, realizing what she had done.
Wasn’t me. I swear.
Prolly animal
Some of you might remember Dr Peter Ridd, who was fired from James Cook University for publicly disagreeing with a fellow professor, Dr Terry Hughes who makes a living from promoting the notion that the Great Barrier Reef is being destroyed by evil humans and that James Cook University needs lots of money from the government to keep that from happening.
Because James Cook University cares for their reputation as an institution that produces good quality research,
they investigated Dr Ridd’s claims and where they were warranted, improved their quality assurance procedures to correct the problems, and where they weren’t warranted publicized how their QA systems were already addressing his concernsthey instituted disciplinary proceedings against Dr Ridd and ordered him to keep quiet about them including forbidding him from even discussing them with his wife (for a one month period).The whole fiasco ended up in front of a judge two weeks ago, and he just issued his judgement. He ruled that for Dr Ridd had been unfairly terminated and that every sanction against him violated his employment contract. It’s a brutal (but entirely deserved) judgement. It’s the judicial equivalent of a curb stomping.
Some highlights:
Yep, total judicial smackdown. You don’t see those often, but when they happen they are so delicious.
I had a similar lawsuit against the medical center I worked at about twenty years ago, due to being personally screwed over in my position and compensation by the Chief Medical Officer, who was sleeping with a woman (a former Lakers cheerleader!), who ran a physician services group, who wanted to take over via hostile private contracting out, the hospital campus I was Medical Director of, and I was the only thing standing in the way of their nefarious plans. I won the case in an amazing smackdown by the judge against the hospital system. I ended up working there for many more years, and the guy sleeping with the Lakers cheerleader ended up in prison on unrelated bribery and corruption charges not long afterwards.
Come to think of it, it would really make a good article for this site. Perhaps I should write up my tale. It does feature an amazing set of real-life villains that would have made Ayn Rand proud. Would that be something that would fit within the guidelines for submission here?
Well, I for one, am very interested.
Also, do you mind looking at the Gabapentin discussion here? I find myself concerned with taking it after hearing about all the bad interactions people have experienced.
That sounds like a very interesting story, so definitely within the guidelines. I love a good story where the villains get screwed.
On a side note from a post a month or more back: I am very impressed that you have found the time to write as many books as you have with all of your other responsibilities, such as your regular job and posting on Glibs on a consistent basis. Where do you find the time? I take the better part of 3 months off in the winter and still have trouble getting my invoices out on time.
Thanks, it’s very kind of you to say. Coincidentally, I just finished editing the last chapter of my new textbook last night, so that’s finally done after about a year and a half. Hopefully the publisher will have it out by the fall. How do I find time? I like working on projects like that, so it’s like a hobby with me, and I spend most of my free time on it. I guess I’m lucky that I like working on things related to my job in my spare time. Other people ski, or like to watch TV, or ride horses, etc, I work on books and relevant writing for my medical specialty.
Congratulations. That’s great that you enjoy your work so much. I’m the same way with my job. I love doing the actual work, but don’t particularly like the management and office duties / paperwork.
I have a lawn care and landscaping business, so I guess I’m kind of a “plant doctor”. During the season I spend most of my weekends working at a medical complex I maintain mowing and doing landscape projects. It’s kind of my relaxing time to just do the work and not have to worry about all the other duties I have during the week. Outside of urgent care and renal dialysis, the complex is mostly vacant on the weekend, so it’s actually very peaceful and enjoyable. It’s usually just me and 1 or 2 other people working.
I have a lot of doctor clients and many of them seem to be into gardening / yard work as a hobby. I guess it’s a natural extension, just with different life forms.
My busy season is just starting in Wisconsin, so not too many late nights reading Glibs for me.
Congrats to you as well. And I totally agree about things like mowing being relaxing, there’s something really zen about it. When I was in college I did mowing for a school district one summer, where some other ‘real employee’ would go around on the riding mower and I’d hit the places he couldn’t reach with a push mower. Totally fun, you can let your mind wander all you want, and you can even sing out loud at the top of your lungs if you want and no one can hear you. We have a tiny lawn now that’s cut by the gardener each week so I can’t even do that, but I wouldn’t mind being able to get on a push mower for a bit again. Except the emptying of the clippings collection bag, that part sucked.
I still refer to the small mowers as push mowers, even though they have all been self-propelled for the last 20 years. Yeah, I love to just put on my headphones and just get into whatever it is I’m doing. Just put on the radio, a podcast, or some music and get into a zone. It is kind of a zen like experience, especially when you are fatigued but still in a groove getting stuff done.
Well, I better hit the hay. Got to be up in 4.5 hours. Have a good night.
It wasn’t long enough for you?
forbidding him from even discussing them with his wife
That’s where I say “fuck you”, call my lawyer while sitting in their office, and walk out.
Missed an opportunity there. I would have gone with “However, the implied claim that JCU has integrity and a good reputation assumes facts not in evidence.”
That jumped out at me as well. Don’t talk to my wife? Fuck you.
This morning I had a Hat-and-Hair dream
Razorfist on the Assange arrest:
As is usually the case he has a good take.
I cant force myself to listen to that guy.
You have to get some alcohol in you first, otherwise, he’s quite annoying.
I can understand that, you have to be the type that enjoys a good rant and gets the pop culture references he throws out.
He is one of the very few folk I’ve ever encountered who share my dream of abolishing the FBI in its entirety.
Home from work, and no more work for the next week. Vacation has officially started. Life is good.
YAY! Ours starts on Thursday. Driving to Miami for Lubavitcher Pesach at SIL’s house. Any South Florida Glibs wanna help me avoid a week of Glaat Kosher food?
Flying out to Vegas tomorrow morning. I’ve already told work that I’ll have my phone with me, but no computer access. I left out the fact that I’ll probably be drinking all day, but I figure that’s implied by being in Vegas.
I hope the kosher food you’re subjected to is better then what I’ve had to suffer through at the girlfriend’s family gatherings. If you don’t get Cigar City in your neck of the woods, you should be able to find them (and Oskar Blues) down there, as well as a beer with one of the greatest names ever.
Heading to CT on Friday morning.
I will try not to gloat too much about my seder – MIL is from Louisville & Southern+Jewish is a good food combo, even when it’s kosher.
Neph, I just caught your Babylon 5 discussion in the last thread. I have your back my brother.
Did I see Chafed just bring up B5???
Bring some bacon to the seder?
No pulled pork?
Paging Q! I love technology! (Cyborg girl)
having subs turned on helps.
Think I’m still blocked by her on twitter – probably block bot because of someone else I follow.
It was fun until she started talking.
She’s *trying!*
And still cute.
She was right about them looking cartoonish, the old ones must have been smaller because she looked more attractive before.
G-d bless her.
Ok, boys and girls–the time is finally here. I just got to my hotel in Chicago. My flight out to Thailand is tomorrow evening. I can’t believe how cheap it was–$393 for a one-way ticket through Qatar Airlines (DOPE! Middle Eastern airlines are the best, with Emirates being the pinnacle). Said goodbye to my family which was hard. So it goes.
I feel bad that I’ve left you guys hanging on the end of my Sri Lanka trip. It was already done, but some of the commenters said that they wished it were longer so I decided to beef it up a bit.
I’ve been bouncing back and forth between houses, went to San Diego with the family, am starting a new online gig and moving to a new country all at once. And moving in with Lady for the first time. FUN! I The last task I need to complete for work was rejected so I have to do it over again. Hopefully I can get that done tonight/tomorrow/on the flight. I don’t like that I had to ask for an extension. To be fair, the project was completely nonsensical.
Did see a psych and I’m on some anti-anxiety meds, so we’re going to see how my body reacts to them. So far so good.
So. Bunch of shit going on all at once. Hope that everyone is doing well in all of their endeavors!
I wish you the best of luck Evan.
Thanks bud. I appreciate it.
Travel safe, and I hope you do well in Thailand.
Good luck, “31 years”!
Which meds?
Gabapentin. It had an immediate, IMMEDIATE effect. I can’t sort out the differences between 1) the med 2) placebo 3) the increased stress levels I have now cuz of life changes.
We just increased the dosage today after a good test run. I will make mental notes about its efficacy.
Anyone have any experience with this?
I had a family member on Gabapentin. Watch out for weight gain.
It was prescribed to me many years ago for a condition/syndrome known as brachioradial pruritus, an intractable form of itching along the forearms arising from neurological damage. If it hadn’t been for gabapentin (trade name Neurontin), I probably would’ve committed suicide — that was how bad the itching got. Even worse, when you scratched, it actually made the itch more powerful and added a layer of pain on top of it. You got to the point where you didn’t want to touch the forearm because of the pain but desperately wanted to scratch because of the itch.
I did a relatively small dosage — 300mg, three times a day. It really screwed around with my short-term memory and my ability to transcribe that to my long-term memory. My wife would come home from work some days and say “How was your day?,” and according to her, after about 10-15 seconds of me looking confused, I’d say “I don’t remember.”
Gabapentin probably saved my life, but for me, the side-effects were quite negative, and they’re still with me to this day. YMMV (in fact, I hope it does).
Keep a backup supply on hand. There are severe withdraw issues. Luckily, it is a very common drug for both humans and dogs.
Eh, I stopped cold turkey. I survived. I do remember that all my senses (particularly my vision) seemed to be turned up to 11 for the first 36 hours or so, and I was really irritable for around two to three days. I simply warned my wife in advance, and it was all good.
Gabapentin recently became a controlled med in Michigan, Kentucky, and possibly other states. The War on Drugs continues.
My husband’s on it for the lingering side-effects of his shingles. It does seem to make him a little more easily confused about what direction things are, and it looks like I’ll have to watch out when he stops it, but it seems pretty mild.
I’m on Gabapentin for neuropathy. I was told it was a pain med–never ever heard anything about it being for anxiety, or about any weight gain or forgetfulness.
I’ve been on it since October, and I’ve lost weight (trying to do so), at least as of January.
You forgot they told you it could make you forgetful?
I’ve never taken it myself, but people I know who have get very tired, so that could be the weight gain part, then again I take a few depressants and still suffer from insomnia.
I may have plateau-ed, but I’m still down over 30 since I started this…bullshit last July. Starting the Gabapentin in October didn’t seem to do anything being described here–I don’t think I’ve gained weight (although I do wonder–I don’t actively monitor it), I don’t think I’m any more forgetful than I have been these last few years. No depression that I know of.
If it works for you it works for. I know some of the things I’m on don’t work for everyone, but the interactions gabba has are still less understood than opioids, they came first for the guns kind of thing…
Well, considering it’s my first scrip, I’m more than a little shocked and worried about what I’m seeing here.
I was only told it was a sister to Lyrica, and I thought it would help with the neuropathy “tingling”. Turns out it’s helping with the “random shooting pains” part, and rather well, I think, but my doc is winding me down.
Don’t want to think about what will happen once I’m off it…
Well, like I said, random nerve pains (which nephropathy is) is one of it’s main uses.It’s more the way it’s been expanded in the last 5 years or so that leaves me wondering. As far as I know it’s not ‘addictive’ though, whatever that means.
I’m on it for peripheral neuropathy as well, for the tingling in my toes that’s a side effect of both my bone marrow cancer and my chemo. I’m on a really low dose though (100mg 3x/day) which my oncologist always seems disappointed that it continues to work effectively and he doesn’t have to increase the dose.
Addiction isn’t something that worries me. It’s the random shooting pains increasing back to pre-Gab levels once I stop.
Going form 300mg x3 to x2 has brought some of it back, and I am worried about what NOT taking it means for those pains.
C., mine is idiopathic right now. Neurologist (eye roll for that guy) said only thing(s) left to do are a biopsy (of what, he never said, and I wasn’t thinking to ask), or a spinal tap, which, NOPE!!
The dose you are on is still really low, gabapentin doses can go into the thousands. If it’s working OK I don’t know why the neurologist would want to taper you off, it’s not like there’s horrendous long-term issues with it like some meds.
Don’t be afraid of a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). They are quick and painless, and go into an area where it’s almost impossible to do damage with the needle. It’s sort of like sticking a needle into a horse’s tale at that point. Only takes a few minutes and reveals a lot of clinical information you can’t get any other way.
‘Spinal tap’ reminds me of that scene in The Exorcist where Regan was in the hospital writhing around in agony. Are you telling me that wasn’t accurate??
C.–It’s actually my pcp that wants to do so. He said it wasn’t meant to be a permanent med. Plus, it was a spinal doctor I went to for a (now known to be) unrelated back pain. He started it, and then handed it off to my doc. What it hasn’t done is anything for the tingling–is there something for that? But, for the random shooting pains it’s been pretty good, and taking less has brought them back somewhat.
Other than doing an EMG for me, the neurologist has mostly been a $ burn for me, and even my doc has said if I don’t want to go back to him, he’s fine with that. Of course, the idea of sticking a needle in my back is…well, what Rhywun mentioned about the Exorcist. Yeah, it’s in my mind, now. I’m not generally afraid of needles, but that concept bothers me.
But, If it’ll most likely help, I’ll probably go for it. Just not through the current neurologist.
Thought I had another question, but can’t think of it.
C–I remember: What would be biopsied in my situation? As in, to find the cause? I’m only familiar with it in the sense of tumors and such.
I actually can’t think of what the doc is talking about regarding a biopsy. You are correct that it should be for a specific site, and neuropathic pain is more diffuse than localized. Unless you have the symptoms only in one specific part of your body I can’t imagine what they’d be talking about.
Well, the symptoms are only in my feet. The tingling/shooting pains thing. I had an issue along side of it where…the follicles on my legs hurt. I’ve never found a way to adequately describe it, but it was a painful sensitivity that seemed to be in/come from the hair follicles. I told my docs it was akin to having wires growing out-as opposed to hair-that got irritated by just about anything, and, in turn, irritated the dermal area of the follicles. I don’t experience that any more, and I’m pretty sure the Gabapentin is the reason for that.
As to what would be biopsied for the feet issue…?
Anyway, thank you for the input you’re given here. If you have any further insight, I’d be very happy to hear it.
That was the devil causing that pain, not the procedure!
My uncle took Gabapentin, and he killed himself last year.
Just an anecdote, but maybe pay attention to any sudden changes in your personality.
Gabba is a muscle relaxant as well as a depressant, but also has neurological effects, it’s used most often for seizures and phantom nerve pain, and it’s use has been expanding over the last couple of years, it worries me more than opioids where we know exactly what reaction is taking place with those, where as gabba is a bit nebulous as to what psychological effects it may have. But then again, I’m not a legislator, so what do I know…
Wish we were still there to meet and greet. Good luck in Thailand!
I hate windows.
Win 7 was released in 2009. By then it was fairly standard to have USB input devices.
Guess what the Windows Repair utility does not load?
USB Drivers.
The Fricking BIOS on this motherboard recognizes the USB Mouse and keyboard! Why can’t Windows?
On my motherboard, there are certain USB ports that are recognized during boot/Windows Repair load for me (I’m on Win 7 still as well). And both are Razer devices (the keyboard usually needs drivers to load to work).
Well, if it’s certain ports, I haven’t found them… there are ten on the back and several on the front, and I’m at work now because I had to get after-hours patching done.
So do I…
A: fight Windows 7 to see if I can finish my existing plan?
B: Accept defeat and install Win10 in place?
C: Get an SSD drive to install Win10 in parallel and move the steam library since I might as well improve performance if I’m not going to be able to save the install?
D: Rip out the new hardware and put the old hardware back in?
I’d go with A, but I’d also download the motherboard manual while I’m doing after-hours patching to see if there’s a reference guide to a specific keyboard/mouse preferred USB port.
I’ve decided to hedge my bets.
I ordered an SSD, because why not. Even if I get it running on 7 again, a 2TB PCIe SSD won’t hurt any.
SSDs are sick, but you’ll see the most difference in stuff like load times for certain games and initial boot. The great thing is that SSDs are driving the price of HDs down so far you can get big ol’ 7200 RPM drives for a song, and for most storage purposes they’re perfectly good.
I loathed getting upgraded to 10*. Surprisingly, I do not hate it.
*huge fan of xp and 7
When I get my computer working a way I like it, I don’t like changing it. Especially with the number of annoyances I’ve seen and the phoning home I’ve heard of win10 doing.
If you’re still looking for input, I’d try A for a day and then go C. Storage is cheapy cheap even on SSD now, and the performance difference is absolutely astonishing. I’ve got an SSD with Win 10 and a few other things and then three HDs with most of the rest of my stuff. More and faster is better, of course, but you don’t need to convert everything to SSD to see performance benefits so long as the OS and pagefile is on the SSD.
Also, 10…well, 10 sucks, but it’s gotten better since its release, and I suspect we’re getting very close to the point where games are going to stop supporting 7.
Well, I ordered This SSD, because it was PCIe, 2TB, and not that expensive. Reviews didn’t have me concerned about the disk proper.
Ah, an M.2, eh? I’ve thought about picking one up and making it my boot drive, but I’ve heard that they don’t play well with other SSD drives.
If it helps, mine are the two that are at the top of the motherboard (next to the PS/2 ports) and in a labeled box with those ports. IIRC, this is on a Gigabyte motherboard. If I plug the keyboard/mouse into any of the other USB ports (of which there’s four in front, and around an additional six in the back) and the keyboard/mouse will work after Windows loads completely, but not before.
It’s an ASUS TUF X299 Mark 2
Lul. The downloaded manual is in color and easy to read.
The printed manual from the box is in black and white, whcih renders some elements muddy.
With the lag between printing a manual, and publishing one on a website, I use the printed manual as a reference to what revision of the motherboard I have, and that’s about it.
Look, at the time, I was sitting on the floor with the computer’s guts wide open trying to find where the power switch wires plugged in…
No judgement man. I’m usually building my new PC while my old one is still running. I am planning my next upgrade to be just a video card (and then using my old card, a new motherboard, CPU, and RAM to pass a system down to my nephews).
The BIOS recognized the keyboard and mouse just fine.
I think it’s a problem with USB 3 ports. Windows 7 only supports 2.0 natively.
The blue/teal ports should be 3.x. Look for black ports.
Those would be the two at the top of the tower. I don’t recall if I plugged the mouse into those to test them, I may not have.
Yeah, this is almost certainly the problem. The repair utility is from the original release of the OS, when USB 3.0 was in its infancy and reliable xHCI drivers didn’t exist yet. Blame the USB Forum for redefining the host controller interface with every release.
The fun things you learn when something just doesn’t go right.
The good news: The computer with new hardware boots to a linux live USB stick, so the motherboard and CPU are working.
The bad news: Linux only sees 48gb of RAM. One of my DIMMs is either not seated or bad.
The sad news: None of the USB ports seem to work to get Win7 Repair to recognize the mouse.
Because he speaks French.
C’est vrai
Erdogan can send a tweet in French, too.
Je ne sais quoi.
Screw that other Williamson – KDW is on fire!
Already linked. But,in any case, what could The Atlantic been thinking when they hired him? Fifteen years ago maybe, now he’s everything they aren’t.
Grilled polenta topped with chili and fried eggs.
La vida es buena.
I recently discovered the joys of polenta. Earlier this week, I had some regular ol’ tomato meat sauce over polenta with freshly grated Parmegiana Reggiano and found that it’s just as good as sauce over pasta. It’s even better if it’s leftover polenta that is sliced and pan-fried.
I remember making some kind of polenta dish with fried eggs as well. Might have had a grilled Italian sausage on the side.
Fancy grits.
Jacques Imo’s in New Orleans uses cold medallions of polenta to make Deep Fried Grits and they are yummy.
Jacques Imo is one of my favorites. Haven’t had a bad meal there yet. And if the line is too long, either get drunk waiting to get in or eat outside from one of the sidewalk chefs if there’s a show at the Maple Leaf.
#metoo Their fried merliton is a wondrous delight and is the only vegetable entree I’ve ever ordered anywhere.
This is Jamie, a bartender at the Maple Leaf and my chum since we were wee (he also played Caveman of the TV adaptation of The Preacher comic). When I’m in NOLA it’s Maple Leaf for music, Clancey’s for old fashioneds, Miss Mae’s for pool, and Johnny White’s or Molly’s for relaxing people watching.
Please tell me there was no parmesan in the polenta. Then I can get on board with what you’re throwing down.
nope, not for this dish.
I’m all in. In the ’90s, the dish that turned me on to griddled polenta was a dish of griddled polenta full of butter and parmesan, topped with a saute of wild mushrooms.
We may have made that once or twice for football Sunday.
OK, a few dozen times.
Grits and fried eggs with hot sauce is good, too.
Pretty much everything savory is improved with fried eggs.
Cornmeal is an excellent base starch.
I draw the line at hamburgers. A fried egg on a burger just seems odd to me.
Bernie gets it.
Yes… let the hate flow through you…
So once they get what they want and the US is no longer the richest country in the world we can stop, right?
No, they’re broken people. They only know “Progress”, and nothing is “enough”.
I need to stop clicking on Twatter links. Almost everyone one makes me want to start throwing things.
#Venezuela was working very well until
the US and Saudi Arabia lowered the price of oil in order to break the economy of that country. It was by US BIg Oil company’s design and deliberate effort.they ran out of other peoples money.You know, even if the original claim was true, is the poster arguing that higher oil prices are better? I guess you could make that argument if you thought fossil fuels were bad. But, if you thought that, why would you want Venezuela producing it?
Venezuela and Saudi Arabia have been members of OPEC since its founding. The US is emphatically not a member of OPEC. OPEC sets production levels as a result of unanimous vote.
I spent half the day playing masking tape bowling.
Please tell me you were getting paid while doing it.
You win this day.
Whelp, here’s hoping the people of Alberta do the right thing today — polls close in about two hours. After all that Premier Rachel Notley and her band of high-school miscreants have done to destroy Alberta’s economy, it’s payback time, big time.
And if by some miracle the NDP survive to wildly screw Albertans up the ass for another four years, then moving back there is the best thing I can do, and I’ll plunge into provincial politics with a vengeance. I hate socialists. All they know how to do is destroy.
Alberta’s having an election?
I agree, the NDP should have no one left in elected office in Alberta, and many should be prosecuted.
Good grief. That’s even more ridiculous than the nonsense these types use to block any development down here.
The entire edifice that the Trudeau Liberals have built is Kafkaesque. October (for the Federal election) can’t come soon enough.
So with cancellations and reschedulings, it turns out that there is one surviving member of the Coasters, and the band will be playing at the Car Show at Viva Las Vegas. For those interested, here’s a supposed Webcam for the resort. Based on the information that I’ve been able to find out, at least for next year, Viva Las Vegas guests will be ~77% of the hotel guests.
Reading that brought back a vague memory of going to a car show while I lived in Vegas…
Cars that were something like this? Those pictures were from Viva Las Vegas 2017.
Mostly muscle cars and sports cars, and it was indoors, and like 16 years ago…
It may have been the same event, this is the 22nd year of Viva Las Vegas. I’m guessing it started a lot smaller. But at least now, all the cars must be pre-1964 (unless they’re special, like the Adam West Batmobile). Bands playing at the Car Show this year include the Delta Bombers, the Reverend Horton Heat, and others.
Have fun! Love the Coasters.
A lovely early spring day. Blue sky, big puffy clouds and all the lawns are now emerald green. Opened a gate and “walked” the water down the ditch into the pump station. Korean bbq tacos and a couple of Belgian pilsners for a late lunch and now to ease into the evening. Ahhh.
Do I ever regret abandoning Reason and not donating to them anymore?
Yes, that’s mattress girl, apparently at some sort of east coast Reason function.
So…. not regretting it.
Wow. I believe Cathy Young actually wrote very critically about the mattress girl.
The one so traumatized about taking it up the butt that she did a really bad porno? That Mattress Girl?
Yes Reason actually wrote an article explaining how Mattress Girl’s story has been completely debunked.
Yes, that one.
Just two of the several articles that Cathy Young wrote about her:
She’s not aging well. And damn, Robby looks nervous.
She’s not aging well.
Yeah, that’s kind of a rough 56.
Well shit, he’s got his arm around a live nuke.
All things considered, I think I’d prefer the nuke.
I’m not seeing what function this is. But yeah, that’s not OK.
Must be one of those cocktail parties.
Want another one (maybe covered, I’ve not been around as much lately)? Nick wrote a piece on common ground with Jacobin. ENB says, “hold my beer”: (TW: TOS):
TL;DR but I noticed she nattered on about abortion a lot. Not to open that can of worms but IMHO there isn’t exactly an agreed-upon position there, not like she seems to think.
ENB doesn’t seem to understand that she’s not a libertarian.
The tonnage of what ENB doesn’t seem to understand could stun a team of oxen in its tracks.
Starting with how to make a sandwich
Bet she can change a car tire, though.
Maybe her a Robbie should hook up. He prolly doesn’t eat sandwiches.
Strange bedfellows…
Put up my Easter decorations. Hung 5 Easter egg twirly things from the ceiling around the house. I’m done. 5 minutes. Yay me. It will still get me points with my gf.
That’s one of them.
That’s it? That’s all it took? #chicksareeasy.
It’s because it’s a shiny pretty. (Ask me how I know.)
That’s it. Even a little effort gets appreciated. #patriarchy. ?
“Soft bigotry of low expectations” can actually work in your favor, if properly employed.
For bonus points, resist the urge to point out to her that you did it. Don’t even mention it.
Well, it’s either me, her, or a poltergeist.
We do not have a poltergeist.
And don’t give her a vacuum for Christmas…just sayin’.
I got away with giving a first rifle for Valentine’s day. It was actually well receieved.
WAAAYYY better than a vacuum.
Or a carbon monoxide detector for Valentine’s day.
Oh my.
I’m not even that tone deaf. Valentine’s Day gifts beyond cards, candy, and flowers should be sex toys.
Yikes. A rifle can be sexy. But…that?
Oh my.
I tried to think of it as “I don’t want you to die in your sleep”. That’s…loving….I guess.
Anyway, we’re not together anymore.
It’s a very…sensible…gift. From an uncle or your dad or someone.
Yeah. We’re not together anymore.
Did he mysteriously die of carbon monoxide poisoning?
So, my wife asked for a Roomba for Christmas. We got one, and I explained to her that it wasn’t actually Rosie from the Jetsons and it wasn’t going to pick up all the blankets and decorative pillows and crap on the floor for us. This earned me a Look, but man, it was worth it.
They get downright creepy if you have them run in the middle of the night.
That’s how you end up pointing a gun at a Roomba.
Guy behind us has one of those lawn mower roombas. Looks like a little batmobile. Has a little light on it. Kind of freaked me out when I first noticed it.
I have the app on my phone, which means I can start it while I’m at the office and my wife is working from home. That’s always good for a laugh.
You know your wife is keeping track of all this stuff right? Lol
Easter is this Sunday? Forgot all about it.
Hey UCS, I don’t think l’anse de cerise translates to land of cherries. That would be pays de cerise. This is more like bay of cherries. Based on my college French, vaguely remembered.
I came up with “Cherry Cove.”
That’s probably better.
I do a lot of “that’s close enough” in my head when I’m talking to my relies in Normandy.
Ahem. “Rellies.” Effing autocorrect.
That’s a great name anyway.
Fruit sushi continues his march through Fox tonight. He did a bit on Kennedy. It wasn’t bad…
Cultural Appropriation Night. Really good pineapples were on sale at 89 cents each, so it’s pineapple fried rice tonight, Thai-style.
The only nice touch missing is the cilantro. Sigh… SP is almost perfect…
Chili Garlic Sauce in that?
Of course. And lime juice, aminos (sub for fish sauce), and palm sugar. Probably some bird chiles.
I think so. 😉
Colorful, too- orange bell pepper, slivered snap peas, quartered tomatoes, eggs, pineapple, cashews, onions, scallions, red chiles… some Trader Joe’s fake chicken for a protein boost.
For a second there I thought this was going to turn into a pizza thread.
Not a huge pineapple fan, but my wife shelled out something like $20 for a white pineapple when we were on the Big Island – that was really excellent. Not $20 good, but really good.
Wifey loved pineapple until pregnant with our first kid. During and ever since, she says it feels like it’s searing all of the flesh out of her mouth.
Must be sometime weird about pineapple. I know that fresh pineapple can’t be incorporated into jello desserts, only the canned stuff, because it prevents gelatin firming up.
No idea the mechanism on that.
Same with grapefruit preventing certain medications from being absorbed. WTF, grapefruit??
Don’t marinate meat in fresh pineapple either.
Or papaya
Papain used to be the active ingredient in Adolph’s (yeah, a marketing MBA needs to be fired) Meat Tenderizer. They switched to bromelain.
It’s great for roadkill.
Pineapple juice does not work as a refreshing beverage when hiking on a hot California day – at least not when it’s carried in an aluminum canteen. I think you could jump start a car with it though.
I know this because of a friend.
Are you sure you don’t want to edit that? She has bragged about her rusty tin can lid collection.
I’d like to go on record as saying SP is 100% perfect. You better get a tetnus shot OMWC.
My FIL’s guys, all Mexicans, love this:…7.0..0.111.3052.36j2……0….1…….0..0j0i13j0i8i13i30j33i10.N5nSfm09BVc#imgrc=FvW4iKQhJBMvTM
Well, shit, that’s not good
On the cilantro thing, it’s not a substitute for the fresh stuff, but I highly recommend getting a jar of cilantro chutney (also sold as coriander chutney) to have in the fridge in just such circumstances.
Dried cilantro is downright useless, but the chutney at least has the right flavor.
Indian food stores or online.
I love cilantro, but it’s banned from our house in any form, including culantro.
When WebDom is here, we outvote SP and make her a separate batch.
Wait, how is it banned? I know some people have genes that make them perceive a soapy taste in cilantro. Does that extend to the mere scent as well?
Yeah, she claims it pollutes the refrigerator.
So put it in the freezer, dumbass.
Eh, try the chutney for sure then. Nicely contained and easy for you to spoon a bit over your plate portion.
Pineapple is my favorite fruit by a pretty wide margin, though I only eat it raw or in yogurt.
No evening links tonight?
I am bereft.
I am beerfit.
Tonight I get to sit through roughly four hours of compliance training videos thanks to some C-suite malfeasance a few years back at the firm I work for. The woman narrating the presentations is spending about fifteen minutes per slide which each has an average of five bullet points. Listening to her droning makes me imagine she looks like Janet Reno for some reason. The program was mandated by a settlement with the feds, and we have to do this once a year. It is due tomorrow and I’m only about twenty minutes in.
Pray for me.
JFC. No fast forward? No mute it and wait for the ‘quiz’?
External speakers. And turn the physical volume down.
I hope you’re getting paid for that shit.
That’s really rough. We recently did company wide electric pallet-jack retraining because a fellow at some location, somewhere in the world rammed his into the store shelving and caused a giant domino knockdown of the dry-goods section. But 4 hours?!?
I think the government is hip to how stupid it would be to make the receptionist or some administrative lackey sit through federal contracting do’s and don’ts, so they crammed in some stuff about sexual harassment and race bias to make it more broadly applicable.
FFS that’s even worse.
If I make it through all of this without committing any self harm I’ll be amazed.
Do not go to Bob’s Burgers in Albuquerque, at least the one on Menaul.
1. One of the chicks in line in front of us was sporting a pretty good shiner. “I’m only hitting you because I love you.”
2. The gangbanger after us wearing all of the Raiders crap, including the backwards hat, gave me a look that said, ,”Fuck you whitey” when I said, ,”Excuse me, please” to grab a straw.
3. Their green chile cheesburger gave me the massive diarrhea shits
We call it “ghetto Bob’s”.
Seriously, the gangbanger dude made me regretful that I wasn’t concealed carrying.
I got a similar look last time I went to the local mall from a girl for holding the door open for her. Just read last week that a guy got assaulted and robbed at the main entrance of the same mall mid-day. Not even a bad area but our city is getting shittier as it continues to grow like crazy. Sucks to see it. I grew up here.
L.A. too. Maybe it’s the whole world? Or, it’s just how it feels to get old, I dunno…
Tuttle. There’s nothing at Westland anymore.
LIke Eastland and Northland and CIty Center…
In my youth, going to see a movie at Eastland was a big deal. That was a long time ago. I wouldn’t want to get out of the car in that neighborhood these days.
Oh, goody. That’s a minute away from where I live.
The number of goddamn panhandlers astonishes me. I don’t know whether I’ve been a glassy-eyed optimist all my life or if it’s seriously getting out of hand, but there are panhandlers on every off ramp that I commute through. And the tent camps are multiplying. WTF?
Welcome to the ranks of the blue states.
No kidding. Who votes for more of this horseshit? I guess the same sort of mouthbreathing retard who thinks “breadlines are a good thing” is solid economic philosophy.
We noticed that all of the panhandlers were physically-able people. It’s like, “Dude, show up at Home Depot in the morning and you can get all of the work that you want.” It’s that “work” thing that they’re opposed to.
Surprised to see that a larger number were chicks.
Women earn more panhandling than men. People are just more charitable towards them.
“We noticed that all of the panhandlers were physically-able people”
And a UBI totally won’t disincentivize healthy people from working.
Say what you will about illegal immigration, but I’ve got an uncle who’s a contractor who told me that if he’s ever short on guys because somebody’s sick or he just needs more people for something, he just swings by Home Depot at around 6:00 AM and can find as many able-bodied workers as he needs.
And that is why neither Team is going “do” anything about immigration, reform-wise.
No worries. When the DemSocs crush the economy with “Medicare for All”, “Free College”, “UBI” and “Free Retirement” they’ll need a wall to keep people in.
One of my mom’s cousins got hit by a PETA sting about abuse of animals because the illegals he hired were such pieces of shit they were cutting cows’ tails off with garden shears. Not all are the best and brightest.
One of my friends hired illegals to do asbestos abatement under the table for he and his pregnant (!) wife’s house.
I don’t go over to their house anymore.
For sure. I’ve been acquainted with a number of “undocumented” people in the area over the years and it’s just like you’d expect. Everybody I’ve known has been alright: hard workers, generally, kind of all over the place in terms of intellect, some just here to make some money and go back home, others planning on getting legal and staying. But the more illegals we get in the area the more of these tenement-style flophouses spring up, and the more you get the kind of crime you’d expect when you’ve got poor, young, desperate men living in slums more or less on the lam. The worst thing is that MS-13 has exploded around here because they’ve got a growing population of people they can extort and recruit who won’t snitch because they don’t want to get deported or killed.
+500000 helpless women and children
There are benefits to a captive workforce, just not to the places they are housed in.
You take the shame out of begging, they do it shamelessly. I don’t know. It feels like a moral quandary, and not the sort of thing you can ever plug back up. Inure people to the idea that they can just hit up others for cash, how do you convince that wastrel that it’s better to go back to work? And I suppose it’s still promising that they can even still bank off the graciousness of others, that there’s still enough faith in the deserving poor to justify handing out a few bills to these cretins, but that can’t last. And I don’t know that seeing these lazy fuckwits have to find honest work is worth the social faithlessness that would eventuate their loss of roadside income, but I’d be lying if I don’t get a bit bloody-minded in thinking about it.
Hit me up on my gofundme to pay my electric bill.
I’ve noticed that they will not meet your eyes, which makes me think (hope) that there is still some microscopic measure of dignity left.
I guess I’m not optimistic.
When the gravy train runs out they can always start stealing…
I got stealin once, when I was 5…
You caught me again!
The situation that made me the angriest was in New Orleans. I was working in a place on Bourbon St. opposite the HUGE-ASS BEER walk-up window. Every morning around 10am, a car pulled up and dropped off a large lady and several children. The lady planted herself on the stoop next to the beer vendor and the kids went up and down the street tap-dancing. Once the kids had a dollar or so, they would bring it back to the lady. She pocketed most of it but every 30 minutes or so would get to her feet, schlep over to the window, and get a $1 HUGE-ASS BEER. All damn day!
Now that sounds like a retirement plan!
I have never been hit up by a Mexican or Chinese beggar. In the US, that is.
Puts some shame to any idea about the superiority of “Western culture.” It’s mostly youngish white cretins I see these days. The regulars, anyway. They have their stops staked out. Fuck. You. Fucking. Assholes.
When I was in Madison a couple months back, we visited an Asian grocer. On the way in the door we were hit up by a youngish (30?) sturdy black guy with, “Hey man, got a twenty?” The guy I was with breezed by, and said, “Sorry, just have a ten.”
Chutzpah award.
I’ve prolly told this story before, but when I was living in Vegas there was this same guy that would always be asking for money in the parking lot at the Von’s, one week he needed gas money to take his moms to the hospital, the next week it was his wife and so on, never accepted the offer of a ride or to go buy the gas for him. Dude never got a dime from me. The guy who came up to me and said ‘man, I had a hard week, I just want to buy a 40’ He got the money.
I’ve been hit up by a Chinese beggar in NYC but, to be fair, it was in the Bowery, bordering on Chinatown. The Hasidic mendicants in Brooklyn were quite shocking the first couple of times but one does get inured.
Well, Tampa bay is fucked
That’s pretty amazing – they were a juggernaut during the regular season, then swept in the first round.
Well, there goes that draft pick.
WTF happened? They were like unbeatable.
Columbus is awesome.
Bwah hah hah hah.
If I was a bitter ingrate, I’d bitch about how it’s about time, how management pissed away the first decade of the franchise, how Bob and Panarin will be gone next year …
But I think I’ll just enjoy another beer.
and hopefully see the Pens get swept, too.
Done 🙂
aaaaand there we go. Have a nice summer, Crosby. Get some rest.
Sweet zombie Cheebus. I may have to toss $10 on the Jackets to win the cup this year. Checking now it looks like they’re 8:1 odds to win.
/remembers the year I bet $10 on the Browns to win the Superbowl at 215:1 odds. They won 0 games that season.
I haven’t seen them at all except the odd game where they were playing the Rangers or Islanders. Did not know they were good.
I haven’t watched a live game for ages, but I’m going to be in Vegas, and I’m already planning on throwing some cash down on the Browns and the Indians, no reason not to include the Blue Jackets on the list. It’s not like $10 is going to cause me to lose the house.
Jackets played an almost perfect series. Stamkos knew they were fucked in game 2.
Good for them. Fun team to watch!
Babies Without Buttholes would be a good band name.
“Seven surgeries later, the couple left with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills.”
I’d have loaned them my drill for free. Actually, I wouldn’t even want it back.
Watch your step!
TW: don’t click if you’re getting ready to eat.
To the contrary, I’m pretty sure they’re drawing firm, well formed lines at the parks.
I don’t know, a poor person’s diet mixed with alcohol leads to the most explosive of shits, not the healthy firm ones. I know from experience dude.
Some people did something.
I really, really hate politics.
It’s so weird. I’ve never met a liberal or Progressive from New York, and I’ve never seen anything but those on television.
I think any New Yorkers to the right of Stalin (Rhywun excluded) left long ago.
Hey! I am not equal to or left of Stalin!
I think Q was talking about the City, not the state.
Long story short, the utter dominance of far-left hacks like Deblasio is more a reflection of machine-politics than of what “the masses” think. Plus, it rests on a very shaky foundation, the coalition of free-shit types and a smaller number of “true believers”. It will fall apart, when they run out of other people’s money.
The reason you don’t meet those people in real life is because they’re not as numerous as the media would have you believe.
To back you up, I’ve met three people in my life I would put as progressive true believers. All of whom would fail basic logic tests. They were very loud, and would try to bring up politics whenever they could. They would also get upset when I wouldn’t want to discuss politics at work.
In my circle of dyed-in-the-wool New Yorkers there are more business owners than true-blue progs. Granted, most of them aren’t from here and the one Hillary super-fan I know IS… but you get the picture. And other than her and one or two others who’ve since moved to proggier pastures like Portland, I’ve had little difficulty in ascertaining a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the leftist program in any of the others.
So you’re say you don’t know anyone who voted for Nixon?
Heh yeah, I’m not going to claim I know a representative cross-section of New Yorkers. But I’ve been here long enough to get a more accurate picture than the media portrays.
That the guy was named Slutman did make it a little happier though.
So, for the next trial tape, should I stick with cop stuff (I’ve never actually been arrested, but lots of weird encounters) or delve into other things?
Weird cop encounters.
Too late for anyone but RC to chime in, second ep rendering, poll closed. Nothing to see here citizen.
Hmmm, binge watching Letterkenny with much guffaws and the wife says, “I’m going to bed”. I sense disconnect…
Give it time. My wife wasn’t sure what to make of it in passing. Now she quotes it to me on a daily basis.
“To be fair…”
It’s a good thing I start vacation tomorrow, or I may have to be Callin in Twisted.
Vegas Glibs, hit me up at my handle at Google’s mail if you want to meet up at the Orleans or nearby bars for a pint. I think the girlfriend and I may be hitting Frankie’s Tiki Room tomorrow afternoon.
Playa taking shots a rape victims.
I’m looking out for him. She’ll ruin his life for Facebook likes and up twinkles.
Well, the up side to that is that no one will believe it was…him.
Being able to change a flat tire?
Racism in the age of Trump?
Is that Al Bundy’s adopted Colombian kid from Modern Family?
OK, I only got about 10-20 comments in, and I’m already regretting tonight.
comment 58. Looking for opinions.
Stick with the stories, you don’t interrogate yourself well, IMO,
You tell a good story, keep going,
Meh, I need some kind of framing device, otherwise it’s just me talking.
But, you said too late….
I mean, I like hearing your voice work, and I thought the interrogation was a fun/interesting mix.
Yeah, I said ‘too late’ like 45 minutes after this post, time stamps, how do they work!? (Just fuckin with ya)
*Begins to cry* That’s all I ever wanted to hear. But you’re the first to say it. #cryingemoji
No, he isn’t.
Are you questioning my lived experience, shitlord?!
Hey, ixnay on the onay….
I was just about to earn some
love respect admiration…eh, whatever.Wait, are you hitting on me? I mean that’s flattering and all but…what the hell is that! *runs away*
Oh, lighten up, Mary.
Great–I’m gonna have to start calling you ‘Broseph’, now.
Not, you, Rhy–that was unfortunate timing.
/unless you prefer it…
With a helping of commas, too.
I was making a self-reference that Digby could get, if he actually took advantage…of his perk…you perverts! I meant his special access his early contribution gave him.
Whaddya talking about? I actually subscrided to that (admittedly dead) channel! It’s on that little side list, and everything.
Ug, If I say it’s read left to right like Hebrew does that jog your memory?
And of course the channel is pretty dead, but it affords you a look back.
Damn. So that’s what I get for sticking around late on a weekday. Well thanks man.
It’s a tough slog. You’re fucked.
Yeah, I’m beginning to think so…
Hello! Donald and the Sanctuary Cities,
Good B rated Sci Fi from the 70s
Alright good night to all of you magnificent bastards. I’m out and probably won’t be back for a week. Enjoy my absence, or don’t. I don’t want to tell you what to do.
I got nothing
Good morning glibbies
Good morning Bucharnam!
Been yearning a bit for some early aughts pop-punk-altrock.
So Alberta has tossed out Jordan Peterson’s old childhood pal Rachel Notley out of office. Jason Kenney is only the second leader of the opposition to become premier, the other being Peter Lougheed.
It’s been an excellent night. Maybe a provincial government that isn’t actively partnering with environmentalists to subvert the energy sector can help get Alberta’s economy moving again. A guy can dream…
We ran out of Hopalong Cassidys to watch. Fuuuuuck.
Green Acres is still pretty damn funny.
Did you ever see the movie where William Boyd played a heroic Bolshevik?
No, I need to find that. We love Boyd, he has a weird creepiness about his good guy persona. And what a great entrepreneur.
Directed by Cecil B. DeMille no less.
Have you rewatched all of F Troop yet? That’s where I’d go.
Or, for drama, Have Gun, Will Travel. Still brilliant to watch.
I hated that show. Something about Ken Berry and Larry Storch really annoyed me.
Green Acres, after the first few episodes, went into a very surreal sort of comedy. It was delightful.
You won’t eat meat or watch F-Troop, I think you’re a masochist, That would explain why you let SP cut you with rust tin can lids.
Mr. Haney is an American Hero!
I’ll cop to being a Ken Berry fan. He was fantastic in Hello Down There and his performance on Mama’s Family was perfection.
Change your strings.
Oh FFS. Those are ridiculous.
Perfection with a nipple.
They’re bigger than her head – gah.
I didn’t click, but given history I’m inclined to agree with the gay man. You need help Q.
“Ridiculous”? Why, I’m a bit surprised, Chafed…
I always thought you hewed to the “More titty good. More titty for daddy” line of reasoning.
Not shaming, or anything. Just….surprised.
You know, I’m getting so set in my ways. Last night I had a dream with a girl about to sex me up, and I stopped her to discuss sex before marriage. That’s the first time I remember that happening.
Damn son we need to get you some ladies.
Unless you’re the local matchmaker, I don’t think you’ll be of much help. (would insert the Matchmaker song from Fiddler on the roof, but my internet is running too slow because I’m uploading a video for you
ungrateful pieces of shitguys.)I can give it a shot…
You know, everyone complains about their mom trying to set them up, and so I play along, then my mom gives up…then again their was that time she implied she thought I was gay…my life is all kinds of fucked up, if you read about my pre-teen love drama, her mom shortly after became out of nowhere my mom’s best friend, awkward!
HM’s wife/side piece/dream?
Anyone know why the website logs me out after, oh…2 weeks? Or, in the middle of a *@$^&! thread?
because you’re a LURKER! DUN DUN DUN!
Pffftt…..I can’t be a lurker if I’m actually contrib-OH….OK, I get it.
Serious answer – it’s a WordPress thing. “Remember Me” only works for two weeks. PITA, I know.
Even if you leave the tab open it kicks you out every few days.
Damn. Thanks, Rhy. I figured it was something like that, but I only use the shit–I don’t actually know it.
BTW, I just notice I shorten it to ‘Rhy’ a lot. Is that OK with you? Screen name, I know. Still, want to be neighborly (after the fact).
No prob, Dig.
PITA is right.
Altright folks, I’m gonna sleep now, damn evil shit. But Sir Digby, if’n you haven’t watched the short films on that page yet, avail yourself of them. Gnight.
will do
Cold fried chicken for breakfast with a couple sunny-side-up eggs and a hoggle of strong coffee is Wednesday morning Heaven. I hope all y’all are doing as well this morning.
Needs some hot sauce.
I split the difference and made a wasabi mayonnaise. I LOVE wasabi.
My computer is in a semi-functional state, I have to figure out which DIMM is not registering to the OS and why, and I’m at work instead of at home where the computer is, making that all the more difficult.
You have my sympathy. When I rebuild, I can’t stand to be interrupted; I need to block out 2 consecutive days for assembly, testing, and burn in. Also, I’m jealous of your new SSD; that’s an awesome size.
Earlier you mentioned being wary of water cooling. Corsair’s series of all-in-one water coolers are damn near fool-proof. I have the smaller model (H80) and am very happy with it. In quiet mode, it’s practically silent but when both fans are maxed (around 2500rpm) it sounds like an airplane spooling up for takeoff – the cooling properties are worth the noise (YMMV). I run a Plex media server, sending video to several different devices simultaneously and I like to game but my CPU never gets above 150°F.