When I was in my early 20s, working my first real job for the princely sum of $13.50/hr, I remember the day before the day before payday being the brokest day of the biweekly cycle. I guess the day before payday was easier because thanks to direct deposit, when you woke up in the morning you wouldn’t be broke anymore. But two days out, if you could see the bottom of the peanut butter jar, and you were down to bread heels, that meant that you had two days to regret all the drinks you’d bought for those tawdry, misleading tarts at the bar over the weekend. Or the new video game you’d bought. Anyhow, I looked at our checking account today and, although the balance still has three digits to the left of the dot, I thought, “oh shit, we’re broke”. Not, like, scrounging up a buck from the change in your car or couch to get to work and back broke. Not, like, ketchup on crackers broke. Just broke enough that it causes me anxiety.
Note: The newness of these links is also poor. I think you discussed all of them in the H&H post, but I can’t find any I like better.
Researchers create zombie pig brains. “This is not a living brain, but it is a cellularly active brain.” — So in other words, a politician
From the OMWC/Mexican Sharpshooter realm: While I admire this guy trying to fulfill his wife’s fantasy, I don’t think forcing some dude to bang her at gunpoint is cool. That’s a pretty aggressive cuck.
SMOD disappoints.
Whycome they don’t talk about the women running for President? Because more exposure is not going to aid Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren? h/t OMWC
In lieu of our usual musical selection, have pitcher Colin McHugh’s “moment of zen” from last night (updated)
From the pictures, they need firearms to convince people to join them.
Given the entirety of the circumstances, it would be difficult to perform.
There’s a reason they pay male pornstars. The ability to pop wood at will is not bestowed on everyone. Although I’m sure these days some blue pills are involved as well.
“APRIL 16–An Arizona couple is charged with luring a day laborer to their Phoenix home and forcing the man to have sex at gunpoint with the female suspect, an assault that the male suspect described as a “sexual fantasy scenario,” according to a criminal complaint.
According to investigators, the victim was picked up last Monday outside a Home Depot by Brenda Acuna-Aguero, 39, who said that she needed help moving items at her home.
The victim told cops that when he reached the residence, Acuna-Aguero “began to talk sexual to him” and said it “was her fantasy to have sex with a laborer and that she wanted to have sex with him.”
When the man declined to have sex, Acuna-Aguero’s husband Jorge Murrieta-Valenzuela, 45, entered the room carrying a rifle. Murrieta-Valenzuela, cops charge, placed the firearm against the victim’s chest and told him “that he was going to have sex with his wife or he would shoot him.””
outside a Home Depot
Pics needed.
They’re in the article.
No. No, they really aren’t.
Yeah, after seeing her pic I might just opt to eat the bullet.
eat the bullet
Erm, no. Implying I would rather be shot that have to bang that with your dick your holiness….
video unavailable
Cool Youtube video.
To be fair, it is better than the ones you post.
I post relevant videos. I don’t claim the music is good. 🙂
Thats true.
In fact, I’ve said that if the music makes everybody else recoil in horror, so much the better.
I’d venture to guess you are succeeding beyond your wildest expectations.
Also, kudos on not saying anything about the lack of an apostrophe in my previous comment. I laid the bait out there and you just walked by.
Worked for me.
You’ll get nothing and like it.
At the bar last night, we all thought that he should have given up his body to knock that hit down. By being a wuss, he took a chance that the batter was going to get a cheap seeing-eye hit.
Alls well that ends well.
If he knocks it down, he doesn’t get the double play.
Given the number of times that name shows up in these links, and the fact that it never comes up elsewhere, I’m convinced she hires the photographers herself.
I’m fairly certain that all of these instagram ladies are trading sexual favors with photographers/writers in order to get ink in the papers.
I don’t blame anyone as they are all acting rationally within their own spheres.
I would probably not be able to stop myself from enjoying some oral pleasure from her myself.
Not attractive
I remember the day before the day before payday being the brokest day of the biweekly cycle.
I remember having to really shift gears when I had a job that only paid once a month.
Payday – woohoo! look at all the monays!
Three weeks later – can we still make this Chef Boyardee Pizza if there are weevils in the flour?
Maybe we’ll re-think crashing your place for dinner.
I’m sure RC is a gracious host and would not hog the pizza with the big bug in it. I bet he would choose the piece that was the lesser of two weevils.
My father once opened a bag of flour to find it had tiny little bugs all throughout. He wrote a letter to the company thanking them for adding them, but suggested they be optional. The sent him a nice reply with coupons for tons of free stuff.
Mission accomplished, then.
I intentionally switched to monthly when I had control of that. All my bills are on a monthly cycle, so why not?
There’s a joke about cycles and in the red that someone clever could make.
The red ones go fasta!
Three weeks later – can we still make this Chef Boyardee Pizza if there are weevils in the flour?
I remember a kid in grade school who used to say all the time,
“Boy oh Boy-ar-dee, it’s time to take a pee.”
He was quite popular with the recess crowd.
Hanging out at a bar near O’Hare. Reading the comments about Notre Dame I posted something to FB which I’m just gonna drop right here.
‘I’m oddly emotional about this. It’s a gorgeous structure, but there’s more to it than that. It took 100 years (1160-1260) to build that cathedral. That was the absolute pinnacle of human achievement at that time. That was *it*. The best mankind could accomplish. We look at it 800 years later and still our jaws drop at its majesty. Imagine how someone back in the day would react to its bell towers and flying buttresses. It would’ve been literally magical to them that such a structure could exist, reaching up closer to God.
Notre Dame inspires each of us to create something–anything–that beautiful and representative of our finest efforts.
And now it’s wounded. And so am I.’
I agree it’s just an object but it does symbolize something important. Symbols are not the end-all-be-all, but it’s folly to act as if our primate brains don’t naturally attribute profound significance to them. The world won’t end if the pyramids are destroyed, but humanity will lose something important to all of us. I prefer to preserve those things to be able to visualize what humanity was able to accomplish in the past and use that in order to better ourselves. It’s like competing with an older brother. Sure he always beat me at everything when I was young, but I didn’t have to like it. It made me work harder to try to better him. Not in any malicious way; his success just made me want to try harder. And although he is undoubtably more successful than me in terms of money/stability/family/future, i have done and seen things that he will never have the opportunity to do or witness. (I am also debt free whereas he…is not.) That’s my winning in my own way.
We all look up to our idols and try to emulate them. This also applies to music, art, sport, architecture, and everything else that preceded us. That gives our forebears’ accomplishments weight.
Mrs. Dean mentioned that the French PM was already talking about, not restoring it, but adding a modern steeple, etc. Her comment: “I guess rulers have always wanted to put their stamp on things. He’s just carrying on a long tradition of the people in charge being egotistical assholes”.
Maybe this time we do the roof in glass pyramids!
The steeple was already re-done once before.
Someone yesterday pointed out that St Paul’s in London of today is a complete redesign after the original church was burnt.
Or go all the way back to 6th century, when a basilica of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople burned, it was replaced by the best looking church ever built.
So nothing wrong in principle. In practice, Macron is no Wren or Jusitinian. He needs to keep away.
In practice,
Yeah, that’s what worries me. Will they redesign it as something inspirational or will it look like a DMV office?
Worse. They’ll hire “artists” to work on it.
“Woke Artists”
Something along the lines of Louvre glass pyramid is more likely.
Or take the chance to replace Synagoga with something less…you know…
French presidents do like to put their stamp on Paris.
IM Pei, possibly the most overrated architect of the last fifty years.
The guy openly confesses to be a pisstaker, just look at the name. No way he’s a real architect.
Frank “The Butcher” Gehry would like a word.
Baron Haussmann, call your office.
You make an incredibly good point. And, sadly, I think there’s an element of humanity that doesn’t want people to be inspired or impressed with the transcendent. They want humanity to look down to the ground, permanently chastened, never aspiring to something better. Don’t ask me what motivates such people. Really, I don’t know. But, it seems to be becoming more common.
“”The building was so overburdened with meaning that its burning feels like an act of liberation.” We talked to architects and historians about the significance of Notre Dame — and what should happen next”
its burning feels like an act of liberation
Just hanging a fucking crescent on it and put loudspeakers in the new steeple for the call to prayer already.
Sadly, That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
Just give it about 2 generations.
Commie shitweasels are shitweasely.
What disgusting little fucks RS employs
‘Moment of Zen’ is right! Holy shit!
Here’s a song from a guy who was once a pretty good pitcher, too!
I saw “Pollard” and immediately thought of Jim Pollard, forward of the Mpls Lakers in the early ’50s. At 6’5″ he backed up George Mikan at center when the need arose.
Pollards are good athletes. The Lakers were the big guns ’til the money came a-callin’.
I bought a t-shirt with that picture and “Pollard Throws No-hitter” at a GBV show.
The good news is that the memory problem was just a DIMM I hadn’t seated properly. So the problem was fixed easily enough.
The bad news is that Windows 7 is still borked.
I’m going to end up installing Windows 10 to the SSD when it arrives. Then spend the next three years hammering it into something in vague proximity to working, struggle to stop it from sending data back to MicroSoft that they don’t need, and still fail at both counts.
I was just thinking about your trivial computer problem.
I’m sitting here on a linux laptop, the desktop I just sank thousands of dollars into sitting idle because of complications from the upgrade.
It’s kinda on my mind.
Windows 10 at this point is better than 7. Why let a nickel hold up a dollar?
Because it’s not, it’s really not.
SMOD, SMOD, come back!!
Nothing left to cut. Minnesoda legislature thinking of spending $200K to make fishing a high school sport.
Uffda. I like fishing a lot, but I would never have the gall to expect other people to shell out money for me (or my kids) to go out on the lake.
Do rifle shooting next.
Trap shooting is the fastest growing HS sport in MN.
#2 is robotics teams. I see an opportunity for synergy.
I volunteered for a couple years. My ideas for armaments were met with great enthusiasm by the kids, but eye-rolls from the adults. Go figure.
Well, you might have suggested them for something other than math class.
*Note to law enforcement: my previous comment was a joke*
Crap. I hate that we live in a time where you have to write explanatory
Trap shooting
That’s pretty intolerant even if you don’t think they’re gay.
We already have high school trap teams.
I didn’t hear about them getting $$$ to start up, but now that I’m thinking about it, I’m sure they are probably also getting $$$ too.
I doubt it. Most minor sports and activities (lax, theater, robotics, etc.) are all self-funded.
My kid was on the HS team for 3 years. It was great, but it is true that boats become a challenge. When it was new there were a ton of volunteers, but it’s my understanding that is waning. Other activities manage without state money. It’s called booster clubs, kids.
The best part for the kids were the sponsors. Sweet discounts on equipment. My basement looks like Cabelas.
“The sport is growing fast but constrained by a shortage of boat captains and boat ramps” and fish.
I wonder what the Minnesoda High School League will do when the fishing team from the White Earth reservation shows up and instead of using rods, wins the state tourney by fishing “in their traditional manner” with nets?
Feh. That’s nothing compared to what happens when my people (from the White Trash reservation) show up and use their traditional manner (small explosives.)
Yeah, but a game warden might run your tribe in if he catches them.
The noble savages of the Ojibwe Nation get to gill net walleyes with society’s stamp of approval.
At least it doesn’t have a detrimental effect on the walleye population, huh Holiness?
Game wardens know not to fuck with werewolves.
Me at 4AM on Friday: Sweet, my OT is on this check, I’m going buy something I’ve been eyeing for awhile.
My wife later that morning:
*thumbs J Crew Catalog*
Reanimated pig brain tissue? hmm
Dangit. I can’t figure out which Home Depot that is.
Not the one down here in Mormon-land.
I think it would be closer to me.
Why build a wall when all they need to do is send more women like this one to lure dudes to their place where they will be forced to engage in bestiality with her?
all the drinks you’d bought for those tawdry, misleading tarts at the bar over the weekend
That’s why you flirt with the bartender instead.
Go easy on him – he went to FSU, poor fellow.
Dontcha talk bout Noles, buddy! *staggers, falls on floor*
We can’t all go to schools where the only good looking girls in the bar are behind it.
Brother, we didn’t even have those.
Best move on a mound since that pictcher tried to punch Coco Crisp.
The only thing that would have made that better would be if Crisp connected with Shields with the counterpunch.
Two Days Til Payday
But hopefully all my shit doesn’t get destroyed in Thunderstormageddon on Friday.
Today is payday for me.
Pimp’n ain’t easy but it is necessary?
Maybe ‘we’ did.
The words used to describe their campaigns routinely emphasize scandal and discord.
Your first question should be “Are those words accurate?” Until you answer that one, I am uninterested in whatever else you have to say.
Really? Are they completely clueless or just shameless?
The pitcher should have just leaned forward.
Equal parts of the lizard brain shouting “get your glove up!” and “get our face out of the way!”
haha what do I know I can’t even get my avatar picture oriented correctly
I think you’re right that it would have been faster and more efficient. Pitcher usually has even less time than the batter to locate and react to well-hit comebackers.
Agreed. In Ball Four, Jim Bouton remarked ‘when [a pitcher] throws behind the head of a batter, he’s serious. The batter’s impulse is to duck into the ball.’ I imagine it’s the same when a ball gets knocked towards a fielder’s head.
Yeah, true, but look at how the ball is tailing. He reacted to what he saw the instant it came off of the bat, but because it’s a lefty hitting a slice, the ball kept tailing into his face. It’s why the ball goes between his glove and his mouth. He initially puts his glove up to where he thinks it’s going off of the bat, but if you watch closely, you can see even his non-glove hand come up and the ball goes between his right hand and chin, narrowly missing as he does his Neo impression.
If I were a professional baseball player, which I’m not, ……
Glib HVAC folks I need some help. Our AC is only 2 years old. It’s cooling the house however the condenser unit kicks on and off multiple times before finally running for a cycle. I’m worried this is gonna cause some damage. Any thoughts?
Problem with the thermostat?
Gotta be the thermometer
Did you check the thermostat?
I’d start by checking the thermostat.
Did you check the thermostat?
Did I check the thermostat? Sorry had to say it. Yes all wires connected thermostat is powered on.
Where’s Yusef? He knows all about thermostats.
And vacuums.
Sounds like it could be short cycling. There are many possible causes, unfortunately.
But I would definitely start with the thermostat.
Did you check the thermostat?
When it kicks on – does the fan on the compressor start or just the compressor.
There is a starting capacitor for the fan that is a frequent failure point.
I hope I’m not too late, but, have you checked the thermostat?
How long are the cycles? Less than ten minutes means you have a leak and it’s shutting off on low pressure to save the compressor
Dammit. I missed. I’ll do better next time.
*thinks back to to LT_Fish asking about the math on kinetic orbital strikes*
Surely he didn’t… nah…
I forgot to account for the Obama’s ego in my calculations.
Besides, kinetic orbital strikes is a hell of lot easier than modifying the orbit of an asteroid. I nudged that thing 5 years ago.
JFC do I hate WaPo. FINE, I’ll disable adblock so I can watch your dumb video.
*disable adblock*
*start video*
*video is immediately covered by banner ad*
Because more exposure is not going to aid Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren?
I’d prefer that Harris and Warren refrain from exposing themselves.
Much like Hillary, I expect Warren’s popularity will be inversely proportional to her visibility. Warren, too early to say.
WarrenHarris, too early to say.Walmart vs. Target aka: Won’t anyone think about common sense machete control?
*he stole the machete from a Walmart.
Doesn’t Wal-Mart keep that sort of thing in a locked case?
He stole a hammer from target to open the walmart case. Obviously
What did he steal from a walmart so he could get to the hammer at target (pronounced with a french accent to make it all upper class)?
Nothing, that was his first stop after recieving the mission from the quest giver in the Home Depot parking lot.
Wait, was the “quest giver” also telling em he should go home with her to, erm, help do some chores?
That was one of the alternative missions offered.
Sounds like I need to start playing these kind of video games….
I would definitely take a gun to get me to boff that woman.
“Everybody dies sometime. I guess this is just my time.” *presses muzzle to forehead*
To each their own. Personally it would take a rifle to make me boff that woman.
” Personally it would take a rifle to make me boff that woman.”
A very large caliber, to be sure.
/Looks over Animal’s inventory/
Hey! Keep your eyes off of Animal’s inventory! Have you not been paying any attention to shit in this new #MeToo world?
“Library collections continue to promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence and the fact that they are physically taking up space in our libraries.”
Why do I think she’s not just pushing for a bigger budget to by more POC and chick books, but is actually looking forward to a good old-fashioned book-burning?
SMDH. They misspelled Western Civilization. You know the thing that led to human rights and prosperity.
I still have some thinking to do around this topic, but curious to hear what others think. I’m less interested in hearing that you don’t buy it, so don’t bother with those types of comments.
This is you future, America. Millennial harridans lecturing everyone else, completely certain of their rightness and unable to process any information that does not conform. President AOC is gonna be the soft option.
I’d be less concerned but you people are also keen to export it elsewhere.
” First They Came for the Books
A Critical Race Theory Librarian speaks out about the oppressive whiteness of books.”
‘Library collections continue to promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence …’
…and the fact that you can’t really see ink on black pages.
St. Paul has figured out how to clear that shelf space in their libraries.
*makes list of 10,000 books would like to have in personal library*
*rents large U-Haul*
Hey, Jimbo. Can I borrow your library card?
Anyhow, I looked at our checking account today and, although the balance still has three digits to the left of the dot, I thought, “oh shit, we’re broke”.
Twenty five months ago, we were holding on to the last $200 from my Roth IRA (the emergency fund of last resort) and our credit cards were maxed out. I hadn’t worked in 6 months and hadn’t started my new job yet, so no paycheck was expected for almost three weeks, we had moved recently enough that we still had a mostly empty cupboard, and my 7 month pregnant wife was overdue for a wellness check.
I never want to be that broke again. We’re still broke, but in the paycheck to paycheck way. Mainly because we’re dumping gobs of money into paying off my law school loans. It’s still stressful, but not nearly to the level of back then.
School loans are evil.
I agree!
/Bernie Bot
Wanton Wednesday continues with squishy, bouncy and luscious ladies to arouse your licentiousness.
4 pleeze
I never once regretted that. But then I never had much problem with the “misleading” part.
(Chalk it up to Animal Magnetism.)
So Prince Edward Island will be having an election on Tuesday and the Liberals look to be tossed out and the Green Party might win?
Their leader is an advocate of this:
I’d cast my vote for Magnum PEI.
Too bad Swiss doesn’t seem to be around.
Someone wants the island to themselves.
You Know Which Other Scot wanted an island for themselves?
Alexander Selkirk?
The people advocating replacing GDP (admittedly a flawed metric) with those sort of metrics are inevitably trying to cover for the failures they know their policies will result in. Sure, economic growth isn’t the be-all and end-all of policy. But their are other metrics to measure other things. Aggregating it all into one measure of everything (with yourself deciding what the weights of which utterly unrelated factors will be) only obscures what is happening for each thing.
Because of the vast right-wing conspiracy that controls the MSM, duh.
Anyone want to explain why I can’t get into Larry Niven? I tried Ringworld and put it down because of my idiosyncratic disinterest in “adventure stories” where the story is just a sequence of folks traveling to a new place, seeing the sight, and moving on. That’s fine, I struggled with LotR, and barely got through Out of the Silent Planet. I won’t hold this against Niven.
But I read the Mote in God’s Eye a few years ago and Protector over the weekend, and they both left me really cold. Like.. they were fine, I guess, in the same way bland oatmeal is fine. But lots of really reasonable people really like Niven.
What am I missing here?
I haven’t read Niven in ages, and haven’t felt the need to pick up any of his books, so I couldn’t really say what my current reaction would be. Could be you aren’t really missing anything.
Because David Niven is more interesting?
Mote was very good. Not great, but very good. The sequels, including Protector… kinda boring. I’ve started Gripping Hand three times and never got more than a third of the way in.
That’s about the point where the plot gets *really* confusing. I like the first third, though.
Is it too over the top alien SF stuff? Mote is pretty much also “see the new culture, figure out how it ticks” book, from what I remember, with some action thrown in.
Only other entry point I can think of is Gil Hamilton of ARM stories, which are detective stories set in the early days of Known Universe, when humans were stuck in one system, there’s a clear distinction between people living on Earth, on colonies in orbit and crazy belters who mine asteroids for profit (oh, hi there, The Expanse, didn’t see you). Our protagonist works for an agency that battles organ smuggling, because transplant science got to a point where demand is outstripping supply, so unsavory types provide their own supply.
>Is it too over the top alien SF stuff
Nope. I like a good bit of over the top alien SF stuff.
I asked a meatbag friend about this as I posted this, and he thinks its because Niven makes all the errors assigned to hard sci-fi. 0 interpersonal variation between characters, adherence to technical accuracy to the detriment of storytelling instead of as a way to magnify it, a good understanding of the hard science but a complete lack of understanding of the soft sciences (e.g., ignoring why there can be infinite growth in utility even with a hard cap on the amount of matter in a system, which both Protector and Mote rely on to push the plot forward.) Basically, he seems to fall into all the potholes James SA Corey drives over.
So, he’s good at science but bad at fiction?
Well said. Have you ever considered a hobby that involves stringing together a bunch of words in a way that is intended to have emotional resonance?
No, but I have thought about telling lies for fun and profit. (h/t Larry Block)
It’s been a while, but I think in that case Gil Hamilton stories should be what you want. Small scale, personal, noir-ish Science Fiction with not a lot of tech talk behind it.
I’ll check it out.
If I may be so bold, try Roger Zelazny’s short story compilations, if you haven’t already. “A Rose for Ecclesiastes” is great, as is “The Doors of his face, the Lamps of his Mouth.” I loved those when younger and they held up nicely, maybe even got better, when I was older. The literary allusions had more resonance. I can never figure out why someone hasn’t turned more of his stuff into movies, a la Philip K. Dick.
Seems like Nine Princes in Amber would make for a great TV series today.
I was thinking the same thing, Fatty. It has miniseries tattooed on its ass.
Plus, the author actually fucking finished it.
I’d love to see the Amber series put on the screen.
I’d recommend The Legacy of Heorot with Pournelle and Barnes. Destiny’s Road is also good, technically part of that series but in reality it’s just a standalone novel. It kind of fits the “adventure” thing for a significant part of the novel, though. Integral Trees is excellent fun, but I guess it’s also is in the “adventure” mode.
** drops gloves **
Mote is the greatest science fiction book that was not written by St. Heinlein.
It might be the only book that when I finished I immediately went back to page 1 and re-read it.
Trump is a menace to humanity
The Trump administration also plans to end State Department oversight of the publication of computer code enabling 3-D printable guns. That would make it easier for people inside and outside the U.S. to make untraceable firearms at home and, like the change to gun-export authority, make guns more plentiful and difficult to regulate.
Democratic Representatives Eliot Engel and Norma Torres are proposing legislation to block the changes to oversight of weapons for export and 3-D printable guns. Congress should pass it without delay.
Trump wants to shift oversight of weapons exports from State to Commerce. This will cause the end of civilization, and murder on an unimaginable scale.
Also- GHOST GUNZ!!!!!!11
untraceable firearms
You can’t really trace firearms anyway. Just ask the Obama admin.
make guns more plentiful and difficult to regulate
The feds don’t have the authority to regulate guns in the first place.
Suck it, Pep.
(now please drop a point sometime Citeh. Please.)
So I take it you are a Manchester United Fan ;P
Everybody here knows I’m a Bayern fan.
Fuck Solskjaer.
Everybody here knows I’m a Bayern fan.
I didn’t know that.
I don’t even know what that means.
Soccer, its a game. Like hockey, except there is no ice, pads, Canadians, sticks and its played with a ball.
So it’s Russians beating the crap out of each other?
Soccer, it’s a game. Like hockey, except…
…far more boring.
I think he meant:
Everybody here who give’s any shit’s about soccer know’s I’m a Bayern fan.
Pep is the second most overrated manager in Europe. The guy that beat him today is the most.
As I said to a friend on another board who’s a City fan, he could have coached Pep’s Bayern teams to runaway Bundesliga victories, and he would have been coaching them to lose.
It is nice to see how European Soccer fans are so much more sophisticated than vulgar American sports fans.
That was entertaining.
Be nice if an English-language channel would deign to show Liverpool instead of one of the fucking Manchesters.
/CL is dead to me this year
They’re on NBC Sports nearly every weekend. I would know, a guy at my gym is a Liverpool fan and keeps putting all the TV’s to the game every Sunday.
I meant Champions League – which for now is weekdays only and unless you’re one of the “popular” teams like Manchester or Real Madrid, it’s Spanish-only.
Well, Real Madrid is popular among Spanish speakers.
When Fox had it, between FS1, FS2, and the local Fox Sports (MSG+ for us, I think), it was the four England teams plus Real and Barça every fucking match day. Why do you think I complained about it so much?
It’s the same now except you either pay extra or watch it in Spanish. *shrug* What are you gonna do? They know their ratings.
Why did CL schedule two quarterfinals at the same time? I wanted to watch both. The 12:55 PM ET slot was fine in the fall.
From the comments of the “libraries are racist” tweet.
Reading is racist too.
Is that photograph supposed to make her look demonic? Cuz I’m frightened.
I haven’t seen an expression like that since I watched Anal Virgins 8. What a flick!
“White people own time”
““I get it. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I really don’t care now if my kids read Chaucer or Moby Dick. The ‘classics’ are all white men. I want them to interact with words, read books as a way of entering other worlds. High school English should be all current YA,” tweeted Shauna Ahern, writer and gluten-free lifestyle enthusiast.”
Please tell me that’s satire.
It isn’t funny. The Babylon Bee would have at least made it funny.
Well, I chuckled at the “gluten-free lifestyle enthusiast” bit.
I want them to interact with words, read books as a way of entering other worlds.
You do this by reading works of the best English speaking writers in (*gasp!*) an English speaking country.
It’s incredibly short-sighted – where does she think YA authors learn to write well? Other YA writers? I think not.
‘Worship of the Written Word Is a Tenet of White Supremacy’
The written word is a tenet of civilization.
And your writing that dreck is cultural appropriation of my Frankish/English/Italian heritage. I hereby demand you no longer infringe on my culture and revert back to literal word of mouth.
And, of course, there is not even the feeblest effort on the part of the Bloomberg editorial staff to let us know why the Trump administration has decided to shift responsibility from the State Dept to Commerce.
Why would they do that?
This is why your refusal to thread properly is so goddam irritating.
BREAKING: Ben Shapiro is Mexican
Maybe music from the NedCore scene
White wine spritzer
I bet Bob the Angry Flower is really angry today.
I think I need to go develop myself a case of hay fever. For the science, you know….
Uffda. Extrapolating from Jungle Fever and Yellow Fever, I’m assuming that you having a case of Hay Fever means you are going to be porking a bunch of cows?
Sure I can’t talk you into hanging out a Home Depot and having a nice normal interaction with another person?
From that picture in the article I am sure that having sex with that creature would qualify as bestiality. That’s why the guy needed the gun to make that poor migrant worker do the deed.
Google’s newshound algorithm outdoes itself
Billionaire Ray Dalio, manager of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater, recently shocked the world when he announced that “capitalism is failing” and that a “revolution” is coming.
There is no denying that global inequality is at unsustainable levels, and that interest-based economies are no longer fit for purpose (in many countries interest rates are too low to incentivise saving at all).
I believe that Islamic economics, with its 2.5% zakat wealth tax (and much lower taxes in other areas) might give us a clue on how to eliminate the worst social inequality. And with a prohibition of abusive high-interest businesses and the incentivisation away from interest-based savings accounts, it can reinvigorate the global economy. These are not just Islamic economic concepts; these are universalist traditional Abrahamic ethics, and a common sense way for us all to enjoy a truly free market.
Dalio’s words are perhaps more shocking because they violate one of the most sacred unwritten rules of the global rich: you’re not allowed to criticise capitalism if you have benefited hugely from it. Protest – or even displeasure – with the system is a luxury only the poor can afford.
Yes, yes, of course. Let’s switch to Islamonomics. That will fix everything.
“Rich people aren’t allowed to criticise capitalism.” How droll.
There’s no denying that global inequality is at unsustainable levels, huh?
Well you can’t argue with success. How many more decades do we have to watch the prosperity, wealth and happiness of the Islamic countries in the Mid East before we decide to emulate them?
Why are we allowing those countries to pull even further ahead of us in every area?
Yeah, they’re doing so well.
Could someone explain to me why income inequality is a bad thing? The fact that Bill Gates can take a bath in a bathtub carved out of a single chunk of gold impacts me how, exactly?
It’s because the wrong people are rich. In “equal” societies, the correct people are rich.
Because “poverty” keeps shrinking, so they needed something that will never go away.
Letting people do their own thing doesn’t concentrate power and control with the state, which is the first principle of the progressive totalitarian left.
So, people are too dumb to recognize that it’s being shared because it’s a funny joke, and go asking for the joke to be debunked.
*shakes head*
Marxists don’t have a sense of humor unless the joke is on the people in their gulags getting reamed/tortured/killed. that’s funny shit to them.
Snopes is a joke at this point.
I used to communicate with him (and his ex-wife Barbara) on the USENET group alt.folklore.urban. AFU was where I learned my healthy skepticism of “commonly known facts”.
BTW, his father was governor of South Dakota who appeared on Saturday Night Live as a guest host in their first or second season.
Leftists can’t
memesatire.Except they’re not
“The women running for president are qualified, talented, charismatic, hardworking”
IDK, Kamala Harris put in countless hours making sure innocent people couldn’t get the evidence that would exonerate them and fighting to keep them in jail.
Moonbeam will vouch for her willingness to do whatever it takes.
That was Slick Willy Brown, not Moonbeam (AFAIK, but who knows).
Yeah, Moonbeam was banging Linda Ronstadt when she was still hot.
Interesting that Prince Edward Island joined Canada essentially because they bankrupted themselves on railroads.
More Islamonomics-
Most of us want a societal order where there isn’t a huge vacuum between the classes. Unfortunately, this gap keeps widening as “casino capitalism” and high interest consumer products entrench divisions.
To create societies where there is mutual respect and compassion, we need an environment of reconciliation between the elites and the masses. The only way to achieve this is through a wealth tax such as the payment of zakat – one of the pillars of Islam – and an effective tool in addressing our current issues. But first, to reform a failing capitalism, we need to fix two things: taxation and the interest rate system.
Kiss my ass, Mohammed.
There’s no inequality in the Muslim world?
Agree with the problems, disagree about the solutions.
this gap keeps widening as “casino capitalism” and high interest consumer products entrench divisions
WTF? How does having a smartphone entrench divisions?
Meh, I’ll leave it how I found it.
Someone noticed you!
I don’t know what any of that means.
*shakes fist at clouds*
I see sycophantic tweets like this all the time, so I brainfarted one at as a joke and the ‘celebrity’ took it as serious.
I don’t think they really took more than half a second. Fan engagement on social media is part of their job, and acknowledging comments doesn’t take any effort or brainpower. If they miss the fact that you’re one of us (a sarcastic ass) it’s because the joke blended in with real sycophancy.
I know, I got more a kick out of all the people who ‘liked it’, thems ain’t my followers thems the sycophants.
The way this laptop’s browser is configured, I can’t see the likes, forwards or whatevers.
Well in that case, congratulations are in order! In approximately 40 minutes I will be drinking a beer. I will be sure to give a little prost towards my south east.
“The women running for president are qualified, talented, charismatic, hardworking”
All wamen (thx, MLW!) are, by definition, “qualified, talented, charismatic and hardworking”. QED.
And yet I currently do not have either a sandwich or a beer in my hand.
Trigger warning for Swiss: Loads of bad puns
Turkey goes through SUV window on I-94 in western Minnesota
Broke. Anxious about money. Been there, done that. Never gonna go there again
The day I realized I don’t need or want any more sparkly things was my last day of broke and one of the happiest days of my life.
Long ago faded away was a Garfield cartoon clipped out and pinned to my fridge
It featured Jon anxiously tearing open a boxed delivery a holding up a giant cowboy hat that had whistles, bells, feathers and spinners on it. Garfield was watching that and said “ amazing the things people would rather have than money”
I had to get to The Rock before I found somebody I knew. Time Top 100 most Influential People 2019
Here’s a snippet on Michelle Obama as written by that lady from Destiny’s Child.
Her initiative Reach Higher, for example, encourages young people to complete their education past high school.
Woooooowwwwww. How would kids know about college if not for Michelle Obama?
“Her initiative Reach Higher, for example, encourages young people to complete their education past high school.”
No mention of the success rate, but she gets a participation trophy!
Results don’t matter. Stated intentions do.
I do need to interrogate my fears. I have that scheduled on Outlook for tomorrow.
Waterboarding, rubber hoses and sodium thiopental?
His orphans growing out of puberty.
Well, the classless bitch certainly interrogated Gabby Douglas on The Tonight Show.
Creepy little cultists
Michelle Obama
My only impression of her was the Massive Bitch snide comment she made to the young lady who won a gold medal in the Olympics.
TV Host to Olympic star: “What are you going to do now?”
Olympic star: “I’m gonna go to McDonalds”
Massive Bitch: “You should eat a plate of broccoli instead.”
Tell ya what, Massive Bitch, why don’t you eat a bag of dicks.
I don’t understand people who feel the need to rain on others’ moments of triumph.
It seems Sony is deciding to get woke on the sexuality in their video games (in other words goodbye Waifu or whatever its called):
Looks like it’s time to smash my two Sony flatscreens and put it on YouTube to make a point.
Just don’t buy from them in the future until they fix the mistake.
Agreed, the recent vids of people smashing their Gillette stuff that they had already paid for was just sad.
Dress as indian, break onto container ship and throw tvs into harbor.
Entertainment industry enaging in self-censorship after scandals over behavior of certain celebrities? Never seen that before.
Probably more detail than anyone needs about that woke university they’re building in Tulsa that was mentioned this morning.
To theGlib with AC issues, if your unit is 2 years old and short cycling, you have a leak, you’re also out of warranty. Find a good tech and have him fix the leak, don’t just top off the charge, way cheaper to do it right the first time…
Hey, Yusef, may I please beg for your expertise, too?
We have two zones, with separate thermostats. Both ancient digital thermostats were working. Replaced the thermostat downstairs with a programmable one, because electricity costs a fortune here. Blew the 3 amp fuse on the circuit board somehow during the process, replaced it and all was well. It still works.
Next day, replaced the upstairs thermostat with the same model, and now there is no power to that thermostat. [Edited to add: Turned off breakers, unplugged air handler unit, and removed fuse beforehand and reversed process afterward!] Put the old (previously working one) back on. Nope. No power to that connection at all. (Checked with a meter.)
Fuse is fine, all connections on the circuit board and transformer are secure, power in and out there (checked with meter). Downstairs unit still working fine.
I’m thinking that, obviously, something has gone haywire in the connection between the circuit board and where the wire comes out of the wall at the thermostat location. Is there something else I can check someplace before we start pulling the wire, or hiring someone to come mess with it?
Thank you in advance!
Are the two thermostats on a single circuit or separate circuits?
They’re both powered off the same 24V circuit but control separate compressors.
No, they open air dampers, only one compressor is needed, you need a barometric bypass however
Yeah! What Yusef said!
We have two compressors, one for upstairs, one for downstairs. This is Arizona.
They are both….
Wait, what he said.
Bingo! The stats you bought may not be compatible with a zone system, read the instructions, it may just be a dip switch,otoh, your transformer and circuit may not handle 2 stats at once, zone stats draw less power,
Hmm. I shall look at the old thermostats and see if they were zone thermostats.
Thank you!
Trump helped McConnell get a taste of trolling blood and now he likes it.
I laughed
That’s up there with the Trump campaign 404 page.
aOc hAyTz tEh FuRsT uHmEnDmUnT
I thought she said she was going to away. Dropping Twitter means we never have to hear from her again, RIGHT?
That would be awesome, which is why it’ll never happen.
Old Man:
I think I linked some Vicky Emerson the other day. I’ve been listening to her newest album and I think you will dig it. She reminds me a little of Seela.
I like her a lot. Love to see her live…
Nice recommendation, Tundra. She has a really nice voice.
Throw an eardrum toward Emily Haavik especially the song Apocalypse: https://emilyhaavik.bandcamp.com/track/apocalypse
Thanks, Nick!
Duluth lassie?
Yeah she is from Duluth. I think she works for KARE out of the cities as her day job now
Kim Kardashian, Future Criminal Justice Lawyer, Says She ‘Aced’ Her Most Recent Law Exam
Lots of snark in the comments, but I really admire what she’s doing, and why she’s doing it.
I don’t get the hate. Maybe it’s from attorneys who might have to face her in court?
She won’t have the “right” credentials.
Yup. The haters in the comments can go fuck themselves.
Same, if she really wants to go for it and she’s trying her damnest to improve and make something more of herself, more power to her. Dab on them haters.
I find the whole family odious in most respects – famous for being famous – but I have no issue whatsoever with this. She seems to have found a passion and has the means and drive to achieve what she wants. Given how many lawyers I know who talk about how little law school prepared them for actually practicing law, ‘reading law’ should be an option in more states.
Given how many lawyers I know who talk about how little law school prepared them for actually practicing law, ‘reading law’ should be an option in more states.
Agreed. Law school is a fucking government enforced scam. I would’ve learned more from spending the additional time at my day job (which happened to be exactly what I do for a living) rather than schlepping down to some class where a prof wanks on about esoteric bullshit regarding the history of property law.
This week in Tesla:
Tesla – Panasonic Relationship On The Rocks, Poses Risks
tl;dr Panasonic aired grievances, Elon responded in his usual pissy fashion. Hilarity ensues (and Panasonic stock went up…)
I went to work right out of high school for minimum wage. Lost my job at a time where I was already paying my rent two weeks at a time. I was unemployed for three months. On the day I was going to apply for food stamps(devastating decision), I got a phone call to come in for an interview at a different ambulance company. I went to work two days later. I swore to myself that I would never let myself get in that spot again. Sometimes I was more successful than others, but that harsh lesson change the course of my life.
Just caught this from last night’s thread. (Not a VD, but close enough.)
How is someone comfortable taking smiling selfies with a woman who lied about a consensual hookup, then went on to publicize her lie like a psychopath?
Did anyone figure out what that event is?
Reason NYC event.
Ah. I wonder why Mattress Girl showed up.
“Selfie or I scream rape”?
More seriously, it’s because her kind does not lose. At most their setbacks are of the “most of the gains didn’t last” kind.
It was a public place and they didn’t want to cause a scene by refusing? I can get why a lot of people wouldn’t oblige her but it wasn’t an endorsement of her views and I don’t think any harm was done.
Nah. Gillespie doubled down this morning.
Reason officially kowtows to pseudo rape victims, to the detriment of real rape victims everywhere.
Cathy Young wrote a whole article calling Sulkowicz a liar. Who initiated that photo? So bizarre.
I hope someone is listening to my hvac advice, it’s not cheap,
It’s worth every penny this site is paying you.
That’s funny, don’t melt this Summer……..
You’re advice is very valuable. It sends me straight to the phone book.
I’ll take that as a positive, I presume you don’t own a screwdriver
I own many. I’ve also done enough diy work in my lifetime that I’ve finally learned when to go to the phone book. When it comes to hvac, changing out the thermostat is about my limit.
Or not,
I have a Yusef here. Unless it’s really simple, he gets the call.
Even though I’ve paid him a lot over the years, he’s saved me far more.
OK, we’ll pay for the H and the AC but the V is right out.
If nothing else, we need a ‘Yusef Tall-Cans HVAC-advice’ Paypal account.
I’d contribute at least a 12-pack – I’ve bounced at least one set of questions off of you.
Come to think of it: is Yusef’s advice the only legit, “I need to go find a professional” advice here?
There’s brewing advice, cooking advice, a variety of computer/tech advice, but I think Yusef may be the only person we’d actually write a check to if he were nearby.
So you wouldn’t call Elspeth if you were going to be a criminal defendant?
But then she gets to post about what an asshole, shithead defendant you are (without naming you, obvs), and you just have to brazen it out.
I’m sorry you’re an asshole, shithead defendant. :-p
Gotta think all defendants are shithead assholes. How could you not be? You’ve been hard done by by an uncaring, rapacious system. They were out for blood and you were the luckless SOB they found. To hear my brother go on about his dead-to-rights DUI conviction makes me smile a little. What the fuck did you think would happen? Dude sits at the bar, orders a bunch of beers and shooters, drives home in his beater pickup at eleven or so at night. I’m sure he thought he was fine to drive. I probably would have, too. We’re both heavy drinkers. But that doesn’t get around the fact that you need representation in court, and he’s still steamed that he paid for his. Because he got convicted anyway. And without a doubt, I’m sure he was a shithead asshole in court.
Nah, a good friend was a public defender and lives about 5 blocks away. I also wouldn’t hit-up Elspeth with legit legal questions here; I’m fairly certain she couldn’t/wouldn’t answer anything other than the most superficial questions, for good reasons.
Elspeth is great, but I have Swiss on quick-dial. He’s fearsome.
If you’re near the South Bay I will pay you to come inspect my new house (new to me house) system, It works ok, but I wouldn’t mind an expert opinion on its status.
Ik now you’re super busy with the new job, but if you’re in the area, ping me, athenaofprogtown at gmail
On CBS’ ‘The Good Fight’ and Incitement to Violence | ‘The One Where a N*zi Gets Punched’
We’re Nazis to the kind of people who take that stuff seriously. It’s funny that they don’t seem to realize that “Nazis” can hit back.
Team players always lack self-awareness. Have a friend who has spent the last two years excoriating Trump. Now he’s musing that, if the MN Congress woman were to be assassinated, he doubts the country would have the moral courage to call to account those who have been criticizing her relentlessly.
Their violence is speech, “Nazis” speech is violence and self-defense by “Nazis” is global genocide.
I guess it’s time for an AC article, brb
Hulu has a Louis CK series up, Horace and Pete, from 2016. I have to think they kept it stashed away since pound me too made being a degenerate slob in front of women a crime, but now it’s back up and it’s… low-budget, stilted, contrived, preachy, annoying, is filmed like a pilot for an 80s show that was never picked up, features a bunch of comedians who can’t act (CK, obviously, but also Nick Di Paolo and Kurt Metzger), plus, for some reason, Steve Buscemi and Alan Alda. And a bunch of others I don’t recognize who can’t act.
But I’m having fun.
CK goes for natural dialogue, mostly improv, but when you’re speaking into a lapel mic, there’s no vocal nuance. Or maybe there could be but CK didn’t have the budget to pay sound engineers to do levels, or didn’t care to or didn’t think he needed to. He didn’t do any retakes, that’s for sure. So responses that would normally be sotto voce to be polite, like when you’re being an attentive listener, end up running over the important dialogue. It’s very much like watching a play. Which might have been the point, I don’t know. CK seems up his own ass a lot of the time. Louis was great, though.
Alda and Buscemi are more than pulling their weight.
I didn’t see it yet, but I heard Laurie Metcalf was great in it.
If she’s the drunkard ersatz grandmother, she’s doing well.
She was the sister of Rosanne on Rosanne.
Never been a fan.
For the MN Glibs and any vacationing folks
I just read the MN 2019 fishing rules. If you’re headed out this summer bring a lawyer or have one on speed dial. There are changes in limits, changes in sizes, changes in dates when fish may be kept. Does not include the special places, Mille Lacs, Vermillion and a host of others with their own rules. Get a copy of the rules when you get your license.
Thanks., Fourscore. They better not fuck with my Mississippi.
Tucker’s relishing in his take down of Beto. It’s hard not to share his enjoyment.
Speaking of Beto takedowns, I’ve been enjoying the blowback to his self-pitying, self back-patting response when he was asked why didn’t donate so much to charity.
The sacrifices Beto is making for you people!
That was delicious.
This Bruins game has turned into a rollercoaster.
STAR WARS XVLLIVXVIIXπ%1: The Search for More Skywalkers
I liked the Playboy spoof. “Star Spats” with Luke Starfucker and Princess Orgasma.
There was a trailer?
Shows how shitty the franchise has become. I don’t care
Um, overlords, the night post didn’t post. Hello? Is anyone there?
Didn’t they say a few days back that there was a WordPress glitch causing things not to post on time?
Yeah, I just don’t know if there is anyone around to fix it.
SP came to the rescue. WP has been wonky since our little hiccup last week.
All praise be to SP.
I see a “forward” link; I, like a adult with dignity, refrained from instantly posting ‘First!’, and will read that whole wall of text.
“like a adult with dignity”
Uh, you do know what website you’re on, right?
I do, which is why I went with ‘a adult’.
Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were putting on airs.
I do have a tendency to put on airs and act real cool.
So they apparently found that 18 year old from Florida that flew to Colorado which caused the whole damn region to freak out and close the schools even though no crime was ever committed.
She’s dead.
Apparently of a self inflicted gunshot wound. No word on whether it was with the gun she reportedly bought after landing, or if it was one of those back of the head suicides.
Of the evening links ever go up I’ll post a story there if I find one
Blergh, haven’t been job-hunting in about 5 years, but I’m on the prowl. Thanks Japanese Jeebus all these jobs I’m looking at in Japan prefer people who are already here and I have stronger references this time.
Thought you were moving back?
I was strongly considering it, but then I realized I hadn’t really given Japan a fair shake (having lived in just a more remote part of it for 4 years) and also I realized moving back to my mom’s place for a year or two after living by myself for so long would probably not be the best. If I can’t find a job in the next couple weeks/months, I’ll be moving back though.
You moving away from Aomori?
Yeah, a lot of the places I’ve been seeing offers for are in Sendai Pref., Kochi Pref., and the Kantao region (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, etc.). Definitely wouldn’t mind visiting Aomori again though, especially during the Nebuta Festival.
Go to Tokyo and get an apartment in Kabukicho.
You talk a dangerous game and I’m mighty tempted.
Then later in the night you got all the ladies offering “massages” and some touts/pimps just casually about. Spending the whole New Year’s night there was mind-blowing.
So I’ve been thinking about it:
The prog Dem-Op-Media complex has been agitating for decades, but the turning point really was Obama’s election. People projected whatever desires about the world they had onto him, he successfully sold himself as a moderate and lots of (in retrospect, naive) people thought electing a black man would heal racial divisions.
It became obvious very quickly that it was all lies and he tore the country limb from limb in service of the Glorious Revolution. My question: was it all necessary to bring things to a breaking point; the inevitable climax of the progressive project? As much as I despise him, would things have been different if McCain had won; would it have pushed all this off or potentially pushed it underground? It’s pretty obvious that Trump is a reaction to the excesses of Obama, but what comes next? Do we have a reaction with an even more outlandish Lefty, the pendulum swinging more and more wildly until we all fall down? Or will the center somehow regain power? Should I stop asking so many questions?
They got everything they wanted: an untouchable president healing the racial divisions and taking us bravely into US 2.0!
Or not.
He was absurd from the beginning. Especially in hindsight, the Greek columns and receding seas really should have told us what we had. He was an actor playing a part.
Fuck him. I think he actually drove the dems further left, where no one really wants to go.
This right here. I hear from a bunch of lefty types that he was too moderate and conciliatory to those filthy disrupter ruthugglikkkans.
For the THICC worshipers.