I was going to make a different analogy with Trump playing both the tar baby and Brer Rabbit after he’s caught, but that’s probably beyond the pale racist now. So I’ll use a more modern analogy. Trump is like the Roadrunner. He’s just going about his business, maybe well, maybe poorly, but basically minding his own, while suuupergeniuses concoct elaborate devices to entrap and destroy him. And somehow, at the end of each of each day, another anti-Trumper is sitting around bewildered and hurt, while Trump pops up to give the equivalent of a victory “meep” on Twitter, and runs off into the distance.
So here’s my favorite justification of why the Mueller report isn’t a total victory for Trump.
Mueller made sure to give his old friend Comey a little handjob in the report. Guys! Guys! You’ll never believe it! The White House Press Secretary was less than truthful about something! Poor Pie, just trying to do her job and fend off the Hat and Hair.
Somehow Sears’ creditors are just now figuring out that Eddie Lampert funneled all the assets to his real-estate company and left the company a hollow shell. I will hasten to add that I have no idea whether this is illegal, but it does seem like he tried to ditch these guys through bankruptcy after cutting the best of the company out for himself.
Huh. Radley Balko had me convinced that bite mark analysis was an ineffective pathology tool.
Roadrunners are badass cars!!!!!
Beep Beep: The Irreverent Plymouth Road Runner
Today on glibertarians.com, I learned…..
Yeah, Cuda is another cool old Plymouth.
Mopar had the coolest paint codes during that era too.
Made my day!
/Humbly bows…..
A friend had a GTO exactly like this…
Just cracking a tall can,
Sup Tres!!!¡
We rock!!!!!
Don’t know if you saw the message yesterday, but If you’re near the South Bay I will pay you to come inspect my new house (new to me house) system, It works ok, but I wouldn’t mind an expert opinion on its status.
I know you’re super busy with the new job, but if you’re in the area, ping me, athenaofprogtown at gmail
I’ll shoot you an email shortly
After reading the report a little bit more, most of the conclusions seem to be that Trump is too incompetent to have really colluded or obstructed, which sounds about right.
And it relies heavily on conclusions made by other investigations, simply assuming they are truth.
Yeah, I noticed that in the email hacking section I saw on Twitter. AFAIK the FBI has STILL never had access to the DNC server, so Mueller had to be relying on that previous private-company report. Unless they got some intel from the other side to prove it really was Russians.
According to the report it’s all just taken on faith from Crowd Strike.
That right there should have discredited this whole witch hunt…
I was great disappoint when Barr said that.
Assange stated that the emails did not come from Russia and also offered a 25K reward for info on Seth Rich’ murderer.
I suspect that when the powers that be go ahead and try to get the dirt from Assange about the leaks, team blue members will have a heart attack and demand he plead the fifth. they will then start up one of those funds to collect money for his defense, and Clinton/Obama goons will visit his lawyer to tell him to make sure he keeps quiet unless he is going to say the Russians did it…
I suspect more of an interrogation where the FBI is “forced” to shoot Assange due to some threat to their persons. Kind of like when questioning they were questioning a person linked to the Boston marathon bomber.
According to this article in the Intercept (and the indictment of 12 GRU officers) it was theoretically possible to show that the DNC server was hacked by Russians even without access to the server.
And – duh – the report just shows how incompetent Mueller and Co are. I’ll throw the FBI and the DoJ in there too. I mean you want to bag a president and this is your method? It’s beyond stupid.
I think Mueller’s primary job was to protect Hillary, Obama, and the intelligence community, and that’s just what he did. If they could get Trump on something, great. But that was a bonus, not the primary goal.
His primary job was to find a way to level obstruction charges on Trump so team blue could impeach and get him out of office. And that was to protect team blue, but especially Hillary and Barack, as well as the top people they put in charge of the weaponized bureaucracy Obama created ad the DOJ, FBI, and the intelligence community, from being investigated. Some incredible crimes were committed by the Obama admin – very likely at Obama’s order – that would require a swath of these people to do time behind bars.
You ought to (unless you have already) submit a comprehensive article on the WHOLE thing.
I might do so, but sourcing it might get me in trouble with the law….
You can’t have expected all the facts in only 448 pages?!
It’s a stupid take. Neither Trump nor anyone in his campaign tried to collude with Russians. What kind of competence or incompetence are you talking about when nobody was trying to collude in the first place?
Mueller knew that going in, because he was one of the people that committed the crimes at Obama/Clinton’s behest. His job was to find a way to level obstruction charges at Trump. He first got torpedoed when team blue demanded someone investigate Comey’s role in the whole email scandal (remember that back then they blamed him for Hillary losing) only to have the AG find the Sztrok/Page emails and go to him with those. it immediately gave value to the fact his entire team was literally comprised of team blue friends all involved in the collusion hoax or working to get Hillary to avoid facing the justice she should have from the email debacle. His second problem was not being able to turn any of the people he financially destroyed with false charges, because team trump simply refused to take the bait. Finally all went to shit when Barr took over. At that point the oversight was going to expose the fact that after all that time & money he was not able to find any proof of collusion and had been spending his time trying to goad Trump into doing something they could claim amounted to obstruction of justice.
Newest granddaughter born 5:50 this morning:) Went to see her before work, now celebrating with a few beers.
*high five*
Thanks:) Shit eating grin still there since rocking her this morning.
Congratulations! Sounds like everyone is doing well?
Yeap, mom and baby doing perfect:) She did natural childbirth in a tub in her hospital room. She said never again:) lol.
She’s definitely tougher than me. Gimme all the drugs!
I know right. I’d want the drugs even not having birth. Lol
Holy shit. ypu’re old ;O
and congrats!
I still have my good looks though:)
Woo hooo!!!!
Mazeltov! How many grandkids altogether now?
It’s a TRAP!
Thanks:) This is the 2nd one born to my eldest daughter but her husband has two from a previous marriage. We consider them our grandkids just as much so 4 total:) Youngest daughter is probably not having any so this may be it.
Did you ever think you’d be into fucking grandmas when you were younger?
How much younger? Lol.
Woot! I’ll prost her in about an hour.
Nice! All my best to you and the family!
Congrats to all involved!
Congratulations! A happy and long life to her!
Conga rats!
Thanks for all the congrats super glibs:)
Congrats, don’t let her bogart it!
Wil E. CNN
Nailed it, guys.
It’s appropriate to have that on a loop:)
That one makes me giggle every time.
I always loved when he went off a cliff but gravity didn’t hit him yet. He’d reach down and pat the ground with a paw to make sure he was suspended, then whip out an old blue umbrella before dropping straight down the long fall to the canyon floor
I wanna see a gif with a cartoon trump head on road runner’s body
I’m just not an artist type though 🙁
Careful, CNN might dox you.
Trump loves professional wrestling. His enemies think its real.
So does Stossel, if he knows what’s good for him.
So this happened today in the great state of Missouri: Missouri Committee Passes Bill to Take on Federal Gun Control: Past, Present and Future
This is the kind of spiral down you get when you started with the “Sanctuary Cities” – now both TEAMS can play that game…end result – the Law becomes less respected and more of an ass.
And of course both TEAMS will point and say “ITS DIFFERENT WHEN THEY DO IT!” (I admit a small, repeat small amount of agreement with the folks saying “I won’t infringe the Second Amendment”)
It’s tough for me to respect the law any less.
My counter-argument: if an official takes an oath to protect, defend, and uphold the constitution, it’s his/her duty to resist encroachments on it, even if emanating from the Feds. My issue is the pick-and-choose aspect.
Indeed – either you stand up and say “Sorry, Washington, that is an unconstitutional intrusion on our liberty” for everything…or nothing.
Agreed. Immigration laws, TRAP laws, and gun control laws all need to be pulled back and simplified, for exactly this reason.
Nailed it, Swiss.
I mostly agree, but I’ll make one comment about the difference between guns and immigration. If the root of sanctuary jurisdictions is in the path to uphold the constitution, then those jurisdictions are on much shakier grounds in the immigration fight because of the naturalization clause. Fedgov has a legit supremacy argument there. They’re on stronger ground with guns because of “shall not be infringed”. I don’t know how anybody could argue with a straight face that the fedgov can use supremacy to violate the plain text of the constitution without recourse from the sovereign statrs. FYTW notwithstanding.
Somebody has been paying attention in class…
Swiss FTW.
Nullification has always been a valid principle.
There is no reason a state has any less of the ability to declare a law unconstitutional than the Supremes or any other member of the checks and balances.
including jurors
This is the kind of spiral down you get when you started with the “Sanctuary Cities”
Actually, I think its been the law for awhile that the feds can’t require state and local cops to enforce federal laws. Which I think is the right thing.
The difference with sanctuary cities is that some of them, at least, go beyond passive non-enforcement of federal immigration law* all the way to active obstruction of federal law enforcement. Somewhere on that continuum a line needs to be drawn.
*And remember, SCOTUS say they are prohibited from passing any laws of their own on immigration.
Nice. I was pleasantly surprised to find out Idaho has a similar law. Found out reading about the Boundary county sheriff refusing to take bump stocks.
“Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer reports there was an executive order signed regarding bump stocks. To clarify any questions regarding this executive order, the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office will not accept bump stocks being dropped off, nor will be involved in the confiscation of bump stocks.
If people have a question regarding bump stocks we recommend that they direct their questions to the ATF.
In fact, Idaho code 18-3315B prohibits any employee of the State or political subdivision to knowingly and willfully order the enforcement of a federal executive order or law on a firearm.”
I love Idaho.
Fuckin a
I learned a new term, it fits me well
Anti Anti Trump
Norm Podhoritz, as well as myself, didn’t vote for the Orange Bad Man, but finding ourselves defending his actions at every turn,
Or what about just plain old anti-idiotarian, what used to be known as a realist?
I remember reading an article in late 2015 that went something like “I hate Donald Trump. I hate the people that like Donald Trump. I hate the people that hate Donald Trump.” Still seems fine to me.
It’s alright if you love me,
It’s alright if you don’t…
I don’t have anyone, but I hate the left/commies more
Hate anyone
In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take human life, “I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed Communists.”
There’s two things I hate; People who despise other people based on their politics, and democratic socialists.
I don’t hate anybody because you don’t exist. You’re all Tulpa.
I didn’t vote for Trump, don’t plan to vote for Trump and make cartoons ridiculing the man, but this whole mess has made me have to defend him, it can get sickening sometimes. We The Internet thoroughly explores how I feel
I have been on that rant over at the original site all day. Quit being so damn stupid that I have to defend this idiot.
The internet is filled with so much salt right now.
Really? / Demon with Fang’s public defender.
Pretty accurate description of the controversy cycle we are in. The Democrats are in their secret lab right now coming up with an even dumber reason why Trump should be impeached.
Just wait till they try on the ACME rocket skates!
Huh. Radley Balko had me convinced that bite mark analysis was an ineffective pathology tool.
*Slowly backs away from Eastern Europe, garlic and crucifix in hand*
Hostel was a documentary.
Uffda. If that gal was a gynecologist, I’d hate to see what the proctologists look like in the Ukraine.
Maybe we found Mrs Dr Groovus Maximus. I miss him.
Ditto. I miss him too.
“But he seemed so nice.”
I sat on the bus yesterday with a woman who was that tatted up. I’m sure she was a fine human being, but all I could think of was WTF.
There is something amiss when you deliberately push the envelope like that. That person doesn’t want to “fit in” in even the most minimal way. That’s their right of course but I stay well clear of that kind of hot mess.
Beer number 3: Kostritzer Schwarzbier. Not bad. Not the best Black Lager I’ve had. Not sure if starting with a Porter and Stout is influencing my perception but I don’t thing so.
It all sounds good to me, blacks are tasty
What about dark beer?
I plan to have a Trappiste Rochefort later.
Sadly, I’m noticing a pattern where alcohol is triggering my migraines.
/sad trombone.
All kinds? Or just beer?
All kinds. Liquor, wine, beer, bourbon….
I even bought a Romanian wine the other day – Legend of Dracula.
Solely on the name – and the alleged cinnamon and spice overtones – because immature.
Weed is legal there. Maybe time to switch?
Been there, done that.
I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing with a big ‘fuck you’ until I can’t do it anymore.
Try mixing drugs with them until you find a good combination
The peer pressure around here is heavy.
I’ve heard oxy and whiskey is a dandy combination.
Rochefort is also one I rank below Chimay and St Bernardus.
Chimay is another I have in the fridge.
St. Sebastian Grand Reserve.
6, 8 or 10?
10 ftw.
I love Kostrizer. I think I first had it at the Essen Haus (throwback to last thread).
It’s pretty good from the tap in its home territory. I drank a swimming pool’s worth of it when I lived there.
I bet there’s just as much (or little) evidence to support Trump’s statement that Comey was really liked, yet that statement is presented as the gospel truth.
Also, what does it matter?
If your boss loves you, but your workers hate you, no problem. The other way around and you have a giant problem.
Also, if everyone loved Comey so much, where was the mass wave of principled resignations in protest of his firing?
No tenured civil servant resigns over principles.
The attitude is “Executives come and go, but we’re here to stay.” The removal of an appointed agency head gets a shrug from the rank and file, and we keep working. If they were hated, it gets a cheer, and we keep working.
Civil servants work?!? I’m going to need some proof.
Come by the office. In between meetings, emails, stupid paperwork, and posting on glibs, there is some work in the day. I’ll show you that.
Well, tonight is a perfect example of sterling government efficiency.
We had a change scheduled, a server migration to a different part of hte network to follow the whim of people who wanted to make their Unisys stock worth more before selling it.
Anyway, this was the second or third attempt at this migration after having to back it out due to the unisys product being made of fail. Because it’s a key peice of the application infrastructure we had a dozen people show up either to do work orbe testers to make sure it was working.
It had to be cancelled because for the paperwork for this particular evening, we were missing a signature from someone who had already approved this evening once but was required to give a second approval after everyone else approved, and no one was able to either reach them or get sign-off to continue anyway since we had one approval from them already.
We wasted an hour of time from a dozen people over it.
Uffda. UCS are you really going to sit there and try to pretend that govt workers are not the purest of citizens? That they don’t put the health of the nation above all else? Even if it means painful sacrifice for them?
That is NOT what I learned in 8th Grade Civics class. I will not sit by and let you malign Mrs. Jensen and her teaching!
Reading up on what needs to be done to regain some modicum of privacy on Windows 10, and the way that MicroSoft treats the issue as an arms race agains thte users, I am reminded of why I was disgusted with the product from the get-go. UI changes are one thing. I can bitch and complain and eventually beat the darn thing into some semblance of order. But when it’s a level of privacy intrustion that even derpbook is envious of, I can’t accept that.
Get Windows Shell and set it for W7, in my case W10 acts like 98, I like it
But nothing that can’t be turned off, right? Or no? I’ve turned off Cortana, the ad program..some other shit I can’t remember right now…
Wrong. Even turned off it sends data you told it not to.
And the updates constantly switch all those flags back to ‘on’
I’m sorry about the tone of that. I’m just agitated. (I’m back at work because my home computer is still borked and we have another after-hours task)
No worries. You can buy me a beer in May and beg me to forgive you.
I don’t beg.
And I’ll be in town June 1st.
I’ve not found an update turned anything back on, but maybe I’m not watching close enough.
But, if it’s sending when it’s not supposed to/hasn’t asked, that’s different. Although, honestly, I’ve kind of reserved myself to the fact that it doesn’t really matter. I’d rather not live in a cabin in the mountains, so I what do you do?
I was going to buy Spybot Anti-beacon to help curb that shit, in addition to going through the settings and scrubbing it.
I’ll check that out
I sold my soul to Microsoft in 2001, looks good on a resume, and free copies of software, that’s about it.
I don’t have any problems with MS. Some might even consider me a fanboy. I have a Surface 4 Pro that I love and I had 3 different Windows phones and loved them. It pissed me off to no end when I had to move to Android. As a mater of fact the very first thing I did was find a launcher that emulated the Windows Phone GUI. Made it much easier to handle.
I get people’s privacy concerns and want to hear about any possible solutions, but I think that privacy ship has mostly sailed a long time ago. Maybe that’s just the cynic in me.
As I said, I can cope with UI changes, but no one needs my browser history, or a record of what programs I ran when.
Our of all the gross things that Windows telemetry does, I’m pretty sure that tracking browser usage and history is one of them. If you’re especially concerned, you can either use an alternative browser or create a local user account that isn’t tied to a Microsoft account.
That’s the thing, from the information I’m seeing, neither of those makes a difference.
I’m pretty sure that tracking browser usage and history is not one of them.
Stupid fingers.
So, you’re saying even if I use Brave and Duck-Duck-Go, MS is tracking browser history?
I closed that tab at some point during the day. I’ll find it again, but right now I have to drive home again.
Our after hours work got cancelled because one person failed to sign off, and no one noticed until after everyone was assembled.
It came from this combined with article after article on Microsoft being data greedy. No, I did not pay to get the whole thing, so I may be off base.
This is the shit that pisses me off the most and why i have refused to upgrade my WIN7 home computer. I have no fucking desire to have Microsoft knowing what is going on with my computer unless I tell it so. Especially since I deal with a ton of stuff that could get my employers in real trouble (which means I will be in trouble).
My7 machine died, it was nice having both systems, Android is cool for what it does, but you have to watch it like hawk
You could run a pi-hole on your network with a windows telemetry block list.
That would keep it from phoning home.
Personally I just switched to linux as my daily driver, and a windows vm for gaming only.
If it’s easier to set up than the previous time I tried running DCHP on my linux server, I might use it for that.
Defense in depth is needed anyway.
If you can install a linux OS, you can install a pihole.
One to three commands of line to install the pihole services is all it takes to get it up and running on a pi.
Then you just tell your router to assign the pihole’s IP address as the DNS server for everything on the network.
It also can function as a DHCP server, but I let my router handle that.
Then you go to the web interface and add in a custom block list for things like windows 10 telemetry, more ad servers, etc.
Best analogy of the whole day.
Agreed. I will be dropping it liberally over the next few days.
Yep. It really does fit
Best analogy of the whole day.
Indeed. It was great.
+1 ACME Bat Man’s suit.
They all think they’re smart and smooth sailing like at the 35 second mark and then….SHTOINK!
I don’t like this analogy. I have a soft spot for Wile E. Coyote. Whycome you are comparing him to those anti-Trumpers. What have they done to earn the comparison to him?
Look closely at my avatar. I respect your WEC soft-spot. The difference is that HE actually was a genius who experienced 1000 lifetimes of bad karma in one, the anti-Trumpers just THINK they are geniuses who are smart enough to be new product testers for ACME Corp.
Yet he persisted.
Florida strawberry farmers using robots to pick fruit, control mildew
Cool, but there could be a downside.
Cool, but there could be a downside.
Sugar-free strawberries?
SF is a strawberry farmer?
The robot destroys functioning links?
That’s what I’m thinking.
Also, the water jet robot tractor that harvests lettuce
Gah. Fixed link: Downside.
I can see why you wouldn’t want to link to Gene Simmon’s movie career.
Time to shut these shitholes down maybe?
Wife mentioned that one or more of the ivies are coming to meet with prospective students here and was very surprised when I told her no way on hell would I do that to my kid. She had no idea how fucked up those schools have become.
For our fellow Canuckistani Glibs who care about the Alberta election results, Gord Tulk over at Small Dead Animals has provided his take on what went down on Tuesday, and some hints of things to come.
Okay, but do you have any context for those of us who are south of the border and heard about the election the day it happened and thus didn’t have much context beyond the crappy job Notley was doing?
Nah. I’m sure some worthy such as the good folks at the National Post will write a backgrounder/explainer in due time (probably the Saturday edition). Until then, you’ll just have to piece this stuff together yourselves. ;-)
Beta male goes on Joe Rogan and attempts to convince Joe there is no such thing as a beta male.
Adam ruins everything
The guy whos wrong about everything?
Some of his stuff is good, but he gets into trouble whenever he starts letting his personal opinions and biases get in the way. For instance, he doesn’t like cars, so he assumes that a transportation system based on cars is bad. Even though people have shown time and again that given a choice, they choose cars. Which he himself admits!
I’ve only ever seen him proudly displaying his personal opinions and biases. So that is the sample I based my opinion on.
What I found is that the guy cheats. He sets up a strawman of the position he’s arguing against and then cherry picks data to only support his case. Normally, he only pulls his schtick with an unprepared or friendly audience.
Sure, the human interaction is more complex than the dominance hierarchies PUAs push. That doesn’t mean the world is destined to fall at the feet of submissive, effeminate, followers.
People forget these things are meant to be rules of thumb. And are situational dependent. Like any other system that uses archetypes they work to an extent for recognizing behavior and being somewhat predictive of future behavior.
Kind of like the SAT.
And if Conover were arguing something like that, I’d have no problem with him. Hell, he could argue there’s only modest differences between alphas and betas and i’d probably agree with him. But that’s not what he does. He takes the cartoon version of the argument and saying that since it’s not true, there’s no evolutionary impetus for masculine competitiveness or aggression.
Did he run out of good guests?
No, he had Gabrielle Reece on recently.
Donald Trump is the Road Runner in this Looney Tunes CNN World
Well. The starter on my Explorer crapped out about… oh, late January, I guess. I finally got around to replacing it. I guess that means I should reward myself.
Reward yourself with what? Blow, Booze, and Bitchez? Cause that is some reward…
Bah. Get the Porsche running and THEN it’s celebration time.
“reward myself.”
264 Tweets?
I think that breaks a Special Olympics record.
What the fuck was that?
They need to write a new ‘Dummies’ book: Retard for Dummies.
I had to close the page quick before I replied back to him about being unwell and seeking professional help. I don’t need to get doxed.
276 now. last dozen or so all about Carter Page.
294, closing in on 300!
Top comment: “think you’ll hit 1000 by midnite?”
Modern journalism, everyone.
I guess I should not be surprised that the guy trying to replicate the Notre Dame BBQ at the NY St. patrick’s Cathedral we discussed this AM, was an academic. A philosophy professor….
Why does he look like Sad Beard?
Oh that’s a default NPC skin.
If there’s a philosopher-arsonist DLC they might update his appearance.
“Extremely out of character. He’s a brilliant professor. His writings — other professors can’t even understand his writings.”
Yeah, I bet dad.
“A school in Barcelona has reportedly removed 200 children’s books — including Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty — from its library over concerns about sexism.
According to Fox News and El Pais, the Tàber school, which is run by the Catalan government, has stated that 30 percent of its library books for children under the age of six were “toxic,” with a mere 10 percent being written from a “gender perspective.”
“Society is changing and is more aware of the issue of gender but this is not being reflected in stories,” said Anna Tutzo, one of the mothers who reviewed the books.
The most common problem she found with the books was an association of masculinity with courage and competitiveness. “Also in violent situations, even though they are just small pranks, it is the boy who acts against the girl,” she said. “This sends a message about who can be violent and against whom.””
I guess they’d better remove all books before 1950.
Probably even their beloved Don Kee-o-tay!
It’s too bad, until this story SJW/PC madness was somewhat muted in the Mediterranean.
It’s a horrible plague. Worse than the other one. That thing that did something back in the day.
Did something to some people?
Her quip sounds stupider and dumber every day.
Moron that dolt.
Yeah, the three stooges are something else.
I never gave a second of consideration to what a fairy tale “means” or which characters I “identify with”. These people are fucking insane.
Get the Porsche running
I’m waiting for the Porsche-swallowing potholes to get filled in.
Are there really enough porsches to fill the potholes with?
Seriously, our street looks like it was shelled.
I started the Triumph last night just to rev it up and enjoy the sound. Someday I may actually get to drive it again.
One wink at a time.
Nice little Thursday afternoon tune.
You just need to purchase one of these…
That was meant to be a response to your above comment.
It would certainly entertain the neighbors!
Are you looking for a nut-punch 3,000 years in the making? No? Then avert your eyes:
Puppy Sacrifice Was Widespread During the Shang Dynasty
While not as bad as the child sacrifice of the Inca or the Baal worshipers, this ranks pretty high up there in the Historic Hall of Infamy. One more reason to be glad to be alive today than in the past.
This is from 2017:
My God. They sound diabolical. Like Planned Parenthood.
Bony clown removes mask.
I’m not sure she’s ever had a mask. Her and Pat Buchanan have been Chicken Littl’ing demographics since forever ago.
Coulter’s a retard with a talent for self-promotion. Beyond that she’s an empty shell.
She’s so fickle she gives blondes a bad name.
Beer 4: Sibling Revelry Red American Red Ale. Pretty tasty. Wife liked it as well. 5.5% 35 IBU. Would probably be decent session beer.
Beer 2, 25oz. Cobra, ice cold and 80 degrees outside, cheers!
“Lawyer Gloria Allred says she will hold a press conference today with the woman who says she had an on-and-off 13-year affair with Herman Cain. They’ll call for Cain to withdraw from consideration for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board.
Ginger White, who revealed so much in 2011 about her alleged 13-year affair with then-presidential hopeful Herman Cain, has a new angle: She says she will tell the US Senate intimate details of his anatomy if he doesn’t withdraw as Trump’s pick for a Fed Board seat.”
I already disbelieve her client.
You got to it before me.
I don’t think it’s her client in a legal sense. From what I understand, she’s not licensed currently.
She is now, but probably not for long. A friend of a friend says there are some pretty serious allegations, and she isn’t disputing the facts, only that they don’t matter.
summary of responses:
This week on Woke Justice.. blackmail, revenge porn, extortion!
What’s the argument? He shouldn’t get the job because some chick is a ho? Of all of the reasons that he should not get the job, that doesn’t sound like one.
It’s like Cinderella except with penis shape. If she can guess his penis shape, he loses a wife and a job.
I can actually see that as a future Disney movie.
They should play this just before the press conference:
Oh yeah, can’t let a black man have a nice desk job in finance, I know, we’ll say he’s an unbridled sex maniac – Literally every racists ever.
And technically she is a “White” woman so off to the gallows!
Did he ply her with reefers too?
Of course. If he was Asian it would have been opiates.
Who cares? The only reason the affair was relevant to his Presidential run is that he was running as social conservative. Exposing him as a hypocrite ruined his appeal to a big chunk of his supporters. But it has no relevance to this job.
So Herman was into a white woman? I’m betting that there are some US Senators that want to hear all the intimate details, particularly of his anatomy. I didn’t mention any SC Republicans
Land of the free
Port Authority cops nabbed a Georgia man and his wife at the George Washington Bridge with a cache of high-powered guns and thousands of rounds of ammo, police said Thursday.
Cops stopped Terry Gooden, 60, and his 57-year-old wife, Tonya, in their pick-up truck for having “a suspicious license” around 7 p.m. Tuesday on I-95 North heading towards the Bridge, a Port Authority spokesperson said.
But when cops took a deeper look, they noticed Terry was armed with a gun. They then searched the vehicle and found several more firearms, police said.
The arsenal of weapons included a rifle with a scope, three assault weapons, a handgun, several gun magazines and at least three boxes of ammo “with thousands of different caliber bullets,” a police source said.
Both Goodens were arrested and charged by Bergen County authorities with unlawful possession of weapons. Terry was also charged with impersonating a law enforcement officer.
A suspicious license plate. “Hey, dose guys are from one o’ dem hillbilly states.”
Sounds like any of my neighbors. What was the illegal part?
Didn’t you read where they busted the illegal firearms? Probable cause satisfied.
Why would he be carrying thousands of different calibers if he only had four guns? He must be an exotic ammo dealer.
With that rather limited load of equipment looks like he was gonna unload it on a buyer. Odds and ends of assorted stuff heading for a gun show somewhere.
Maybe thousands of 38/357/44/9mm. Yeah, I guess so. Bullets but I’m guessing loaded ammo but who knows?. LE are as bad as news people about their knowledge of complicated things.
Hi all!!
I got nuttin.
Hey KK! Enjoying the weather?
Yeah, I’m really looking forward to a devil’s anus summer.
I am going to hit up Elite on Saturday morning. I want to try to be there when they open, though I don’t think it’ll be too crowded on Easter Saturday. Let me know if you ever have plans to head over there on a weekend!
Is this in reference to your dating life request from a week or so ago?
LOL, no, but I suppose it could be. I developed a hardcore crush on this dude on Youtube because I don’t see any available men in front of my face at the moment.
Have you checked the incel sites? Lol. Please don’t!
Oh yeah, I’m 100% looking for a dude who can’t be bothered to wash his balls and still thinks he’s owed a good lay!
Next time, take out your dentures.
Let me introduce you to Spudalicious. He’s married, but fits that description perfectly.
I’m not going to ask.
Me neither, JB
Really bad technique. He needs to do something about the teeth.
Spud has fantasies as well. He’s a sick, sick man, and we all have to be extra nice to him.
Not currently. But sounds pretty good right now!
I mentioned last week I accepted a job offer. The background check finally finished and everything is all official. So I handed in my notice today.
It kind of sucked. When I did consulting, it was easy enough, the contract was the contract and if I was extended great, if not I had something lined up so it was part of the territory. The other 4 times in my actual professional career I was happy to see the back of the place. This job I actually like, and I like the people. The other job which fell into my lap is essentially too good to pass up both from a career standpoint and from a financial one to say no. So I feel kind of like an asshole as everyone has been great to me and treated me well. The whole next two weeks are going to be bittersweet.
Been there, it sucks. But there’s bigger and better things ahead.
Thank you. Yes there is. I’m looking forward to it, assuming I survive this weekend at the big kink con that we are finally putting on.
You take care of you first, all good things follow,
Did that when I left my job 2 jobs ago. The crazy thing is, when my previous job laid me off, the people from the job that I hated leaving, who had moved onto another organization kind of in a group, hired me on the spot without even an interview. I’m sure the old job’s folks will appreciate you just as much as you appreciate them.
Once you get all the kinks worked out and tie up the loose ends you’ll have it tied down and licked.
Considering I am about 2 hours away from practicing the rope performance for the big annual 3-day kink conference I’ve been helping with the last 9 months, that’s closer than you know.
Career? ::bitter laugh::
They’ll understand. I’ve only had one boss pull the “after everything I’ve done for you!”
He did nothing for me, and I made him look great, which explains his reaction.
I know some of you get annoyed when I point out media propaganda arguing so-called first responders should be a class above normal people, but local news tonight had an even more irritating report: naked propaganda on how we should all love 911 dispatchers.
From the twatter link above in the post:
At least she admits it wasn’t Russian collusion.
And she has the report right in front of her – its apparently 400 pages to say nothing. First, its like she never met a lawyer before. But second, they just literally cannot comprehend that Trump may not, in fact, have broken any laws. After nearly 2 years of a federal special prosecutor combing through every single goddam thing with an open-ended charter, Trump seems eerily . . . clean. Practically nobody could withstand that kind of prosecutorial attention and walk out free as a bird (unless, of course, they are a gay black actor with connections to the Clinton machine).
It seems so unlikely that anyone could withstand that, that I kinda see their point. We have spent generations building a system that should be able to incarcerate anybody at all at any time, Anybody, it seems, but Trump. How is that possible unless the fix was, in fact, in?
Simple, Trump never agreed to an “interview” with Mueller. That was probably their Ace in the hole all along, a perjury trap
I’ve heard that from TDSers. I asked “Is a defendant not taking the stand at trial considered ‘obstruction of justice? How about ‘taking the 5th?'” One response is that doing so is fine if you are an ordinary citizen who has pleaded not guilty but a prominent person, like the President, must answer and defend him or herself.
Guess what – the jury will deliberate in Nov. 2020 and decide the case.
oh! I do have a something…
I like the grip on my Ruger, but I kind of want a fancy grip. But I don’t want to make a change to it that will fuck with how it handles.
I’m thinking mother of pearl. My Pa has a milling machine, so he could fit it exactly to my and the gun’s specs.
Also, I think MoP looks better on chrome guns, and mine is black, so maybe I need to buy a chrome one, amirite?
Actual mother of pearl is somewhat fragile, I believe. And smooth/slick. Would not be my choice for a gun handle.
I wonder if there’s a faux MoP that looks just as nice but is more robust?
Nearly all of them are faux.
Mammoth grips or gtfo.
I like a bunch of these: https://wickedgrips.com/
The possibilities are endless. You can get lost looking at grips. Just remember that pretty is as pretty does. They have to work for your hands.
Diamond grill or GTFO
TV antenna in the back?
/Sunroof down, digging the scene….
Yeah. Go for it.
– General George Patton.
Ivory, man. Ivory. There are killer “ivory polymer” grips around, most made from warthog ivory. I have them on my Vaquero and my Smith 25-5.
Now that you bring up cheap NO whorehouses, I’m thinking mother of pearl is not enough.
*googles faux opal*
Oh yeah. That’s the business!
Don’t forget the platform shoes and fur boa.
I did shoot in heels and a dress that one time I had to go straight from the office to the range. Just forgot my boa that day.
I had no idea you were a drag queen.
I think you should go for these
How about “Gary Johnson – What’s an Aleppo?”
I’ll get something as a reward when I feel like my groupings are something to brag about
Maybe something from TEK Tactical?
As far as functionality, I really like LOK, Pachmyer, and Hogue.
But none of them are particularly snazzy.
Gah – neighbor the next block over is selling his house for $499k. And he got an offer within a week.
I paid waay less than that for my (smaller) house. EF thinking we should sell but I think it would be a sideways move considering the age and lack of major renovations to our house. ie – no additions or kitchen redos; even the concrete driveway is original. This house was a rental for ~25 years so the previous owners weren’t exactly throwing a lot of money at it.
Stick for a while longer, it may sell as a fixer upper for Profit!
Love the neighborhood: wouldn’t be able to afford anything else around here that I like. So I’ll probably piss some $$$ away at this place.
I’m getting some Tesla Powerwalls soon, but mostly so that CA and the Fed piss some money at me.
What a glorious spring day! Just finishing my second Mule. I may have added too much vodka…
Naah, no such thing,
I like Jameson so I recently asked for a Jameson Mule and it tastes like candy.
Do not recommend if you’re driving
Copper mug?
Damn straight.
My wife refuses to have one without the mug.
I just bought a potted jule mint plant specifically for mules. I got tired of buying fresh mint from the grocery store, using a few sprigs, and then having the rest go bad before I can use it.
Uffda. This has to be Peak Derp, doesn’t it?
*Suthen make sure to check out how Ileeana saves your country ass around the 5 minute mark.
GTFO. That chick who’s ditched Twitter because she didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself? That chick?
I’m not going to brain-damage myself by watching it but I’m looking forward to others tearing it apart.
I think all she really said was she was going to tweetface less on the weekends, or something.
Don’t really know. Really don’t care.
Hey there. My first week in Philly. It’s great. 10 minute walk to work and approximately 20 million excellent bars from toilet dive to upscale speakeasy type within a square half mile.
Paddy’s Pub?
Nice. Short commute would be wonderful; don’t care for bars at this point, though.
Jesus, that’s cringeworthy.
And I see Klein is maintaining her reputation for chasing the hot topic of the day, whatever it is.
I hope it’s just a web-cab trained on somewhere in Venezuela.
*cam, even
“The children in our community were so inspired to see this new class of politicians”
Yeah, sure they were, LOLOLOLOL
Update on the suckling pig…. my neighbor still hasn’t picked it up from the butcher yet. Cook time is 8am Saturday.
I think I’m going to have to inject a concentrated brine into the circulatory system and give this piggy CPR.
Or use something acidic, a marinade not a brine.
I have 2 bottles of naranja agria, and 2 bottles of mojo criollo. That’s going to get sorted out tomorrow.
“SP just can’t stay away from the…oddly charming Glibertariat. Or the rest of you.”
Well, I mean, how could anyone resist us? I keep having his Asian girl, she did it again today, telling me how handsome I am now. Not tempted at all. She has very nice legs, and she’a also more than a little crazy. If it were not for the crazy part, I might be tempted.
Assuming someone has posted Nerkish’s newest stuff here. https://youtu.be/_zUIPJ2cMOM
Still trying to get him to join up – he’d fit right in.
I posted this fount of knowledge movie from AOC last night, but I am doing it again in hopes that Suthen sees it and gets all excited about the prospect of getting help fixing up his shitty woods with the help of unionized kids from NYC and indigenous generational help. (around the 5 min mark)