Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for…everyone including those with TDS as Mueller will release his report today and everyone will see what they want to see. The report will probably show that Mueller spent the last two years trying unsuccessfully to build a case for obstruction (which is nearly impossible to do without an underlying crime) as he knew from the start Russian Collusion was complete bullshit. When Barr came onto the scene, he put an end to the idiocy.
After the report has been released, the fallout from the intelligence community’s malfeasance begins.

Are you sure you weren’t trying to start it?
Man caught with 2 gas cans in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC.
Girl obsessed with Columbine, who was considered a threat, found dead.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
“After the report has been released, the fallout from the intelligence community’s malfeasance begins.”
Today is about damage control for team blue in the hopes they can keep the lies going and avoid anyone actually looking into the criminal activities of Obama’s administration’s top people.
You’re a hopeful dickens.
Agreed – the DNC / Media operatives will bury the “bad” news for their team and highlight the “good”. Low-information peeps and the TDS folks will gobble up the latter.
And then nothing will happen.
We are fucked as a country if there are no consequences. The criminal activities that were engaged in under Obama, if left unanswered, mean the end of government for the people. Team blue might not care about that since it has been their goal to do this all along, but team red douchebags at a minimum should realize what that means for them and understand this fight is existential. Of course, I suspect the lesson team red takes from this is that they need to become just as corrupt as team blue.
Did you just fall off the turnip truck?
/glib joke
Seriously though, call me jaded and cynical but this won’t change a thing. Yes, I think this country is fucked. I feel the worst for my kids. The oldest is only 12. They are the ones that will really feel the pain of all the changes to this country in the last decade or so.
I tell people all the time that this is the change Obama promised when he ran, and ask how they like it now. Most team blue people are all for it since it was being done by their guy, but some are grasping the implications of an unaccountable government bureaucracy that is encouraged to do more of this, not just against political opponents, but against any of the plebes that pisses them off. I am hoping that is what makes the difference.
That is a good talking point. I’ll use that when I can. Hopefully more folks will see where this is headed and will start making their voices heard. I do think some of this is simply the loudest voices getting their message out and they will feel pushback from the ‘silent majority’ (for lack of a better term). But as long as the federal government is allowed to exercise powers it was never given, nothing will change.
Just like Justin that jerk off.
Found guilty of FOUR ethics violations, author of one scandal and gaffe after another, AND all evidence seems to point he committed a serious crime by trying to influence a Justice Minister in the SNC-Lavalin affair.
Yet. There he stands. Talking like a snivelling shit in Parliament. Smirking.
And then nothing will happen.
Nah. They’ll nail a couple of low level cretins (Page and Strzok come to mind, maybe an indictment against Steele) and the key players will walk. The GOP needs at least a couple of scalps they can show for their troubles. It’s been uncovered that federal law enforcement is demonstrably corrupt. To walk away now with nothing will put them in the very difficult spot of explaining to their constituents why they should get their law-and-order boners up when the lawmen are crooked themselves. And the GOP in NOT going to stop getting their law-and-order boners up.
“It’s been uncovered that federal law enforcement is demonstrably corrupt.”
It will be really hard for these people to keep public confidence, and these institutions will not just be tainted but seen as rogue and nothing but a bunch of profiteers, if they don’t really hold the leadership accountable. If people like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and some other members in these senior positions get to get away with what they did, then our justice system is not just dead, but nobody should accept oversight of any type from them. This is how revolutions start….
This is really starting to look like one of those situations where you did something wrong and thought you’d get away with it, but something didn’t go as expected so you lie to cover it up. Only you messed up crucial details of the lie becauae that’s what happens when lying under pressure, and you have to keep telling bigger and bigger lies to keep your initial wrongdoing hidden. Then eventually, you screw up so badly the entire story unravels.
The dems are really hoping to run out the clock before that last part.
“This is really starting to look like one of those situations where you did something wrong and thought you’d get away with it, but something didn’t go as expected so you lie to cover it up.”
Starting to look? And you are being kind of lenient in your word choices. What the Obama admin was involved with was beyond wrong. It was downright criminal, but they really thought they had given it enough of a veneer of legitimacy that nobody would be able to prove otherwise unless they were allowed to dig real deep (and that was never going to happen with Hillary in charge). My take on this is that this whole thing is that this is but one of the many criminal enterprises from the Obama admin. That administration weaponized the US intel and justice apparatus in favor of team blue, and I suspect they were using this capability to do all sorts of banana republic shit we likely will never hear about.
If this is left unchallenged, or worse, the people desperately trying to provide cover for the criminal behavior manage to get away with it, we can kiss our republic goodbye.
If this is left unchallenged, or worse, the people desperately trying to provide cover for the criminal behavior manage to get away with it, we can kiss our republic goodbye.
IMO, the tipping point for the republic happened 70 years before I was born. We flew off the cliff in the 20s, hit the peak of the parabola in the 80s despite flying over the cavern for 60 years, and have been experiencing stomach churning freefall ever since. The question is only how far down the canyon floor is.
You can go back further, Lincoln during the Civil War, Some of Jackson’s antics before that. But honestly, the seeds of the failure of the Republic were sown as soon as we founded a Republic. Whether you want to call it ‘Original Sin’, Washington’s danger of factions, or just plain human bloody minded stupidity, humans will tend to act in their perceived immediate self interest at the expense of their long term well being and the well being of others. Freedom is wonderful, but it depends on responsibility and on a certain percentage of the populace remaining virtuous enough to forego immediate advantage.
I think you are right about Lincoln being the first major shift. The second, in my opinion, was the 1910s with the multitude of changes to the fundamental premise of the republic. Direct elections of senators, income tax, creation of the fed, etc. All these things, plus a few others, created the federal leviathan we see today.
Yep, and I think the 1920s was the last gasp attempt to salvage the republic, with FDR being the final nail in the coffin. Cool Cat Cal, IMO, was a bit too passive in the face of the second (third if you count the constitution itself) fundamental transformation of the country.
Yep. And the propaganda branch of Team Blue is on the job. That linked AP article is chock full of Democrat canards and talking points.
Well the truth just has a Democratic bias.
And good morning Banjos and thanks for the linx!
“A man was taken into custody in New York Wednesday night after entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying two canisters of gasoline, two bottles of lighter fluid and two butane lighters, authorities said.”
That sounds like attempted arson.
He was looking for a place to recreate the Notre Dame BBQ?
Copycats are so unoriginal.
Mimickers are so unimaginative.
Duplicatives are so uncreative
Apers are so inauthentic.
Repetition is wretched.
:Double vision intensifies:
Mirrors are so unsavory.
“Mirrors are so unsavory.”
And honest. Tell me about it.
Fucking biters, yo
Xeones? That you?
I miss Xeones.
When did you get so cynical? Maybe he was planning to invite the priest to a cook out.
Common fellas he just wanted to get gas for his car. What happened to innocent until proven stupid?
Who you calling ‘common’, dude?
This guy?
I don’t think ‘attempted arson’ is actually a crime unless they manage to pressure a plea deal.
Looks like it is:
That link doesn’t actually link to the law which indicates attempt as an offense. It’s listed, but the link for its entry just goes to regular arson.
Attempt is a separate offense, and is not differentiated into attempt to commit x or y, In new York it is section 110 of the code.
French Journalist: Two Churches in France Are Vandalized EVERY DAY and No One Gives a F*ck
It’s almost like a bit of graffiti and the burning down of a cultural icon are two different things.
Or the same thing on a different scale.
Fair enough.
two canisters of gasoline, two bottles of lighter fluid and two butane lighters,
Nobody needs more than 23 ounces of gas.
You don’t need seven gallons to kill a deer.
“A New Jersey man who was caught walking into New York’s famed St Patrick’s Cathedral with gas cans and lighter fluid is a PhD student who once wrote a passionate defense of Donald Trump after he was criticized by the French.
Marc Lamparello, 37, entered the Manhattan church with the two gallon cans of gasoline before being apprehended by security at around 8pm on Wednesday night.
He is a Boston College-educated philosophy professor who has lectured at Lehman College and also held several roles in the Catholic church.”
“once wrote a passionate defense of Donald Trump”
Now we see the real crime
Italian on Irish crimes are the worst.
What about the other way around?
Even worse than worst!
(((My people))) always found Irish v. Italian crimes to be an opportunity for advancement.
Your people? You mean Glibs? 🙂
Glibs arn’t people, we’re sockpuppets.
Shut up, Tulpa.
Canuck on Canuck crime no one cares about.
***Ethan was able save his mother from the animal by whacking the deer in the head with a slab of wood.***
The bush is no place for a Sheila.
I was expecting Ethan to tell the deer “That’s not a knoife” then pull out a machete and say “This is a knoife” before going to town on the damned thing…
At least they didn’t have a gun, which would have gone off and killed everyone in the area. The laws are working!
“Australia Man.”
I have a real awesome recipe for cranberry flavored deer lion, if they want something to serve the guests at the funeral…
Do we have to toe it?
No, but if you’re extra nice Q may toe a camel.
Your scientists were so focused on what they could, they didn’t stop to think of they should.
Not enough bouncy bikini models by the pool in that story. That is now the standard by which I judge Australia stories.
Good morning, Banjos!
Not sure what you’ve got up your sleeve for tomorrow, but today’s song is gonna be hard to top.
Girl obsessed with Columbine, who was considered a threat, found dead.
Still waiting for those ‘threats’. Looking more hinky all the time.
Inflammable means flammable!? What a country.
I thought that applied to Teacher’s Union members.
Hey, Top. Men. said they were credible. Credible. When Top. Men. have credible accusations that means anything which follows is not to be questioned.
Just like the credible Kavanaugh accusations.
Girl obsessed with Columbine, who was considered a threat, found dead.
The FBI saves the day yet again.
As soon as I hear about it and they were looking for a girl I told my wife that the shooting wasn’t going to happen. The shooter is never a woman.
Squeaky Fromme agrees.
The YouTube shooter was female
Minnesoda woman arches eyebrow while fondling .50 cal handgun
San Bernadino says “Hi!”
Yeah yeah, besides those things, when has a woman ever been the shooter?
Why do you want Annie Oakley to cry?
Or Elizabeth Topperwein for that matter.
+1 high capacity bathtub
And until they stop the over the top responses like shutting down hundreds of schools and massive ‘manhunts’ there will continue to be people doing this sort of thing. My guess (and that’s pretty much all it is) is that she was obsessed because she was an attention hound. Not much of a hot take I know…
“Pais flew on Monday from Miami — where she attended high school — to Colorado, where she immediately bought a shotgun and ammunition, said Dean Phillips, special agent in charge of the Denver FBI. It appears she bought the gun legally, officials said.”
Florida woman?
>>It appears she bought the gun legally
some common sense gun control would have stopped something or another.
How did she buy and clear a gun in a day or two not being a resident of said state?
I suspect she had at some point been resident of Colorado, and still had identification from there, if not some place of legal residency.
I would assume Colorado allows non-residents can buy long guns without a waiting period.
This. All perfectly legal under
FederalImperial and Colorado law.I don’t get why it matters as the weapon wasn’t used in a crime. All we know is that she said something that the FBI decided to hang on too. For all we know she killed herself after seeing her name all over the news.
Zardoz would probably say the gun is as evil as the love gun.
She committed suicide with two FBI caliber rounds to the back of the head. No investigating needed.
This sounds like Monday-morning quarterbacking, but I suspected she’d gone to CO to kill herself when I heard she’d bought a pump shotgun.
Cheap, easily obtainable at your location, and does the job.
Sometimes an idee-fixe has a really, really strong nexus to a place/geography, and it becomes the site at which to orchestrate one’s culminating act, so if she was truly disturbed and fixated on Columbine, then a trip to CO to end her life makes plenty of sense.
If you were going to kill yourself, you really should go ahead and spring for the Benelli M4 with a bump stock.
I still think that the FBI freaked out because they had been grooming her to be a “school shooter” that they could heroically stop at some point. Then her handlers realized she had bolted for CO on her own. They were scared shitless she would actually end up killing a bunch of kids and it would come out that they had been in contact with her for a long time.
One of the reasons, I’m sure they ransacked her place back in FL was to remove as much evidence of their previous contacts with her.
/adjusts tinfoil hat
I can actually buy that story…
Sadly, this makes a lot of sense. They were probably hoping to time it closer to the release of the Mueller report to draw off some heat – see we do some things right!
Honestly, it doesn’t take tin foil to come up with this story, just an ability to read the news and spot the repeated instances of the FBI prompting mentally unstable people to do this exact kind of thing over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Good morning and thanks for the links, Banjos. Can’t wait to hear more morons call for Trump’s head and call him a traitor once again today. kiff sighs
Mornin’, human nature is so sadly predictable. Very few people can admit they are wrong and an even smaller amount can admit they are wrong about something this big. These people will forever be brainwashed into believing Trump was working with the Russians. The media is worse than evil.
***And President Trump reportedly is readying an order to declassify five key buckets of documents on alleged FBI abuses.***
I’m experiencing schadenfreude-exhaustion. Gimme another bump.
They keep documents in a bucket? Makes me want to write a limerick about it.
Trump eyed the dread docs in their buckets…
Unable to parse their many whatsits…
The hair chose a pail,
The hat cheered him and wailed,
Donald joined and together they [redacted].
There will be fallout and it will be glorious. The IC isn’t stupid enough to allow half the country to mistrust them and potentially lose their spying apparatus. The only logical course of action is to go after the miscreants.
At least they are finally admitting that the two years and over $25 million the Mueller shitshow pissed away had nothing to do with investigating the fake Russia collusion line peddled to distract from the criminal enterprises ran in the Obama administration, and that the whole thing was a fishing expedition in desperate search for something to charge Trump with obstruction charges. Seriously, if this stuff doesn’t result in serious jail time for a lot of the top people involved, we have not only lost our country and are living in a banana republic, but can only expect this shit to get worse.
I can’t imagine that Trump won’t hit back now that the report is out.
I would love to see the FBI fuckos answer for this shit.
And Adam Schiff. He’s been out there for months saying the evidence is a slam dunk.
Adam Schiff’s main job has been to provide cover & legitimacy to an operation run by the US intelligence and justice apparatus that is still desperately trying to stage a coup, all so it can cover up the criminal activities that the previous administration engaged in around massive efforts to spy on enemies of team blue. He has not been alone in that function (lots of members of the usual dnc operative with bylines brigade are still at it as well).
Now that Mueller’s two year $25 million fishing expedition to find a way to slap Trump with obstruction charges and then get rid of him (and anyone else that would try to unmask the criminal activities of the Obama admin) has failed miserably, they are desperate to keep the charade going. if they can’t there will be consequences. If there are no consequences, we are doomed as a nation.
It would be so beautiful if Trump trapped all those fucksticks into screaming for the Unredacted Full Report which would them damn them to the noose.
I think that now that team blue’s effort to stage a coup against Trump are DOA, Trump is just waiting for the 2020 election to declassify a lot of shit that will show a level of criminal activity in the Obama admin that will stun people. Many were baffled why trump had not declassified this information back when, but the fact was that had he done so, Mueller would have immediately slapped him with obstruction charges, regardless of what the declassified documents proved/showed. We went through a two year Kabuki dance where team blue desperately wanted to find a way to bring obstruction of justice charges to bear, because the whole Russian collusion thing was a hoax and not provable in court.
As I said: team blue is desperate to hide all that went on, and failign to do so, to do as much damage control as possible, while still hoping they will find some way to topple Trump and then force the establishment cunts in team red to keep quiet, before Trump goes for them and gets them.
If the October surprise next year is a document dump showing that Nixon was just a piker compared to Obama, I’ll vote for Trump if only to reward him for the massive blue balls he must have endured to not prematurely ejaculate that information.
Actually, Trump wanted to release the documents last year, but was talked out of it (by Nunez I think) because they pointed out he would be giving Mueller his “obstruction” evidence if he did so. And have no doubt that the perps in this fiasco all hoped Trump would actually do the declassification thing so Mueller could finally get him.
I suspect that the reason he is still waiting on releasing this stuff has a lot to do with him also being coached to want to make sure Barr lays the groundwork to allow him to push for investigations into the criminal activities without releasing the documentation undermining that effort.
Trump and his people have out Alinskyed the Alinsky team, and this has got to be pissing them off. Especially since if they can’t stop Trump he will come after them (unlike some other establishment cunt from team red).
Oh man. Has to release the Hydra!
Not the Kraken?
That is what my girlfriends tell me when they feel feisty Swiss…
Go on…
I really hope the administration strikes back, but…I don’t know, I’m feeling pretty cynical about it all.
The press will bury it; or call it gaslighting or whatever. Question is, what will the DoJ do, if anything?
Good question, we’ll just have to see what they end up doing. eyes his bottle of whiskey
I think there are still a lot of Obama admin career bureaucrats that are sleepers and would love to cock block any investigations, but there are a shit ton of really pissed rank and file people at the DOJ, FBI, and in the US intel community that know they would have been sent to jail for the shit their bosses tried to pull (and likely would have been had something happened that would have necessitated their bosses deploy a fall guy), that want to see something happen that will prevent the crimes of the Obama administration to become the normal way things happen. That is why I still have hope this just doesn’t go nowhere and that people will end up being held accountable.
Quite a few of the top men might want to prevent this from going nowhere, but there are far more people in those agencies and organizations that have an axe to grind with these top men and what they did/are doing.
“Old news”
Most presidents are pretty leery of setting a predicament of “prosecuting the last administration is A-OK” because they all know that in about 4 to 6 years, they will be the “last administration.”
True, however, Trump is definitely not most presidents.
I wouldn’t bother with Obama — just the deep state bureaucrat flunkies.
I think he’ll declassify a bunch of things but the media will be largely mute about it or term it some sort of reckless vengeance.
“We’ve always known there was no collusion. The question has always been about obstruction.”
“Lori Loughlin’s fashion designer husband lied to his own parents about going to USC and forged tuition bills to encourage them to give him money – which he then pocketed”
“– which he then pocketed”
Isn’t that a given?
Sounds like he spent it
Bitchez, booze, and blow are expensive, yo!
Nice morals he has there.
I’m such a nerd next to these people. When my parents sent me to a private prep school because I was taking Ferris Bueller a little too literal, I felt guilty they were dishing out 18k (1991 CDN dollars – KEEP YOUR JOKES TO YOURSELVES) and felt at the very least I was going to make an effort. Which I did and I even managed to fool a university into accepting me!
That guy stole from his parents.
What’s funny about the Loonie?
Nothing. The Toonie, however, is hilarious.
The Leftist “journalists” on Twatter are calling for a boycott of Barr’s presser.
“How dare he put a spin on the Report first? WE wanna do that. And then WE can give you the highlights we want you to hear.”
Big talk. Not one of them will skip it.
Yeah I was thinking that the “journalists”, calling for it are probably not the ones who actually have to write up about it.
They may as well skip it. They’re going to make up half the shit they write anyways.
I think you mean “parrot JournoList 2.0 talking points. They’re not that creative.
They’ll just grab some tweets from Barr and the Press Secretary’s accounts about it and write about how it proves Trump is a traitor who thinks white supremacists are fine people and needs to be impeached.
Anyone who has watched a montage of videos showing them all using the same language knows this to be true.
“Jessica Alba is radiant as she opts for glowing make-up and an elegant black dress for L.A.’s Finest photo call”
Not sure if that works as daywear?
Thanks for the Demi Rose leopard print bikini link yesterday, that helped me get through the day.
de nada
Et tu Jessica? Ink on the inside of her wrist. Oh well, another youthful fantasy on the dustbin of history.
Investigators must determine, with neutrality, whether the bureau improperly colluded with paid agents of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign — Fusion GPS and its British operative, Christopher Steele — and then tried to hide those political ties and other evidence from the nation’s secret intelligence court.
For the likes of FBI castoffs James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok, or Obama-era intelligence bosses John Brennan and James Clapper, there will be the additional uncomfortable reality that the Russia collusion narrative that they so publicly weaved through testimony, TV appearances, for-profit books and leaks, turned out to be as unsubstantiated as the Loch Ness monster.
The process of meting out accountability has begun.
I’ll be over here, holding my breath.
Confident prediction:
Nobody will lose their job, pension or freedom over this.
Correction: most of America will lose some freedom over this, just nobody ‘connected’
How did she buy and clear a gun in a day or two not being a resident of said state?
Long gun.
Speakings of common sense gun control…
Bradley Welsh, ‘Trainspotting’ actor, shot dead in Scotland
“His death is being treated as suspicious and inquiries are continuing,” police said in a statement provided to CNN.
There was a Trainspotting 2?
Fentanyl Boogaloo?
Yes, and it was actually pretty good.
Wait, wait…wait. Somebody shot to death is “suspicious”?!?!! Now THAT is some mighty fine policing there, Lou.
Fake news. There are no guns in Scotland.
Not always. Seth Rich and Vince Foster’s deaths were in no way suspicious and you are crazy to suggest otherwise.
Half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population
Only half?
Used to be 100% of England was property of the King.
Fucking free market. So unequal.
Do they not know what the House Of Lords is??
How England Used to Vote
The other half is P’WND, DESTROYED or REKT.
80/20 split (Pareto) is and has been fairly common throughout everything.
.8*.8*.8 =.51
The power law also used to apply to size of breweries in the US, prior to the beer wars (I really need to get back to my series), I wonder how close it is to back? I decade ago, I calculated the US could handle about 10k breweries under the power law, I think we are up to 7k.
Yep, when a small cabal of the elites own over 50% of the land in some political jurisdiction, I think it should be divested from them into the hands of those who live and work the land.
I like the graphic display using the state outline. It really emphasizes the scale.
I bet that ownership figure includes property leased to others for 99-125 years or longer, and effectively no longer controlled.
They keep documents in a bucket? Makes me want to write a limerick about it.
Told them to suck it.
Facebook ‘unintentionally’ saved contacts of 1.5 million new users
>>unintentionally uploaded to Facebook
rriiiiight. I accidentally created a bit of code that did this. Never meant it to get out of beta!
They’re terribly sorry they keep having all these data integrity issues. But they’re committed to your privacy! Just trust them.
Did James “not wittingly” Clapper get a job at Facebook?
Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says She Feels More Palestinian in Congress Than Anywhere Else
“Even in Palestine when I’m visiting my grandmother, I’m more Amrikiin [American], to the Palestinians. But I’m more Palestinian in the halls of Congress than I am anywhere in the country, in the world. And that just tells you just the fact that they weren’t ready for us. They really weren’t,” she said.
So, she’s resigning since she is less American and unable to fulfil her oath to uphold the constitution?
A victimized minority wherever she goes.
Even the Palestinians think she’s an obnoxious c.
Something something, dual loyalty.
I’m not a genius or any of that sort, but shouldn’t she be trying to be more American than anything else while doing her job in Congress? Last I recall, she’s supposed to represent her district in America, not Palestine.
Minnesoda’s Kato Kaelin testified at Noor’s trial yesterday.
More goodness about the witness testimony
Also from this story, big problems for the Defense. Local police chief has issued a fatwah against cops showing up to the trial to sit in the court room. The Defense is not happy about that at all.
I have to say, that Chief Arradondo seems to be the first competent person to run the MPD for since the ’90s. The last couple were hired after extensive national searches to find candidates with all the right boxes checked.
Arradondo got the job when the last chief couldn’t be bothered to cut her vacation short to deal with the Noor shooting. He is a local guy who grew up here and seems like a fairly straight shooter.
The guys I know in the department like him a lot. Like you said, leadership there has been a joke forever.
Go figure that looking at the current employees and choosing a guy who has done a good job for 20+ years is a better hiring strategy than using a panel of “experts”.
Huh, just like the outcome of pretty much every executive search firm led beauty contest.
“seems like a fairly straight shooter”
” the boy’s statements were challenged by both prosecutors ”
Why the fuck was he brought to testify if no one thought he was credible?
I think you have to. If there is a witness to the crime and you don’t call him, the jury will wonder what is going on. Even if he is a knuckle head, you listen to him and then move on.
To discredit the case?
Torn from the headlines of Pornhub,
California mom, 41, will avoid jail for having sex with BOTH of her teenage daughters’ boyfriends, aged 14 and 15, after plying them with alcohol and cigars
Rape culture letting another rapist off the hook. I wonder how boys who were abused by their teachers can stand to live in this country. They must feel so unsafe.
Why can’t we teach woman not to RAPE?
Calfornia dad, 41, sentenced to life behind bars for having sex with BOTH of his teenage son’s girlfriends, aged 14 and 15, after plying them with alcohol and whatever girls would like instead of cigars.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Yeah, she got probation. No double standard at all.
She has a Lewinski fantasy.
“One of the victims said they had sex with the predator three times, the last time on October 5, 2017, but stopped the sordid meetings because of his guilt towards Lytle’s husband.”
That doesn’t sound like someone who believes they’re a victim.
I really don’t like that as a test because I remember back to that MSU molester guy (I forget his name). He had been molesting his friends’ daughter since she was a toddler, and she had no idea that it was violative. It only came out when her parents told her that he had been arrested for molesting other girls, and she said something like “is that bad? He does that to me, too.”
Which of course raises the question as to how much harm is experienced because the victim is instructed to experience it.
I personally was molested when I was five, but didn’t experience it as harmful — I even went back for more. It did however contribute to a somewhat atypical idea of appropriate behavior that did get me in trouble at school.
Keep it up and #himtoo will be a thing.
Talking about climate change in conservative places is hard. But we can’t afford not to
If Mississippi reflects on the deep, systemic inequalities its plantation economy created, perhaps it will see those inequalities are exacerbated by climate change
It’s only hard because you might end up exposed to the countervailing views by the people who live in those places.
Or have to deal with facts & logic, and not the usual appeals to emotion…
I know Ron Bailey had a really hard time when when talking about climate change in the conservative place defined as “Around OMWC.”
Why would they care if all those Nazis drowned?
If Mississippi reflects on the deep, systemic inequalities its plantation economy created, perhaps it will see those inequalities are exacerbated by climate change
Yep, that’ll definitely do it. Run with that.
His fiscal year 2020 executive budget recommendation allots for infrastructure improvements, but does not mention climate change once.
Sounds to me like infrastructure improvements will address some of the things she seems worried about. I guess her problem is it not saying the Holy Phrase “Climate Change”
Bull. Shit.
Hey, if climate change can cause fewer boners in England, it can do nearly anything.
found dead in Colorado from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound
With a shotgun?
The Cobain Method
So you are saying Courtney Love had her killed?
A big toe is all you need.
It can’t miss!
HIV used to cure ‘bubble boy’ disease
Pat, that’s happy news. What the fuck are you doing?
(Truly amazing story, though.)
I note they only corrected the marrow. So their germ line cells are still carrying the disease in their DNA and will pass it on.
John Travolta is gay, so he could just adopt.
Sounds great, but are there enough HIV+ dudes that are into baby fucking to cure all the infants that have this disease?
In Africa, yes. Well, it’s unclear if they’re into it, or they believed the witch that told them how to get cured of the HIVs.
It’s “Moors”!
Divorced dads respond to Michelle.
Rather classy from a woman who all it took for her to be finally – FINALLY! – proud of her country was the election of Barry.
She went high on this one.
Plus it’s a lazy, weak analogy. Of course, Colbert would laugh at it because he’s a cucked hack.
Just the classiest. I just want her to be irrelevant once again.
Pop culture won’t let that happen.
I can’t handle listening to her. He diction and obvious paper tiger faux-intellectual musings.
Blech. Trump is smarter than her. There I said it.
If she felt like running for office, she’d win going away. Fuck she could declare for the Presidency in 2020 and crush all the other bastards who are running.
I think the only thing stopping her, is she knows she doesn’t want to actually do the work of POTUS.
That’s the depressing part.
She’d likely win. At which point I’d disengage.
Neither did her husband. He wanted to be the President, not actually do the work of the President.
+1 mom jeans perpetually on vacation
…and crush all the other bastards who are running.
In a cage match?
After ripping off their limbs.
She’ll be irrelevant again after her second term.
All y’all’s responses reminded me one of many reasons why I drink.
I think she couldn’t get any traction except in the media – how is that working for Robert Francis O’Rourke?
Trump should offer to make her ambassador to Nigeria so she can get to work bringing back those girls.
The Cataclysmic Break That (Maybe) Occurred in 1950
Sixty-nine years ago, a new geological era may have begun on Earth.
“That idea might soon carry the weight of scientific fact.”
Ohh some new research results?
“Later this month, a committee of researchers from around the world will decide whether the Earth sprang into the Anthropocene,”
Ahh yes. The FU boundary it should be called.
I remember learning in science course how important voting is to decide the validity of theories.
Robert Conquest’s newly discovered 4th Law?
One of the things that has angered me the most is this whole “science by consensus” shit these cunts have come up with OMWC. Nothing is more anti-science than that approach to doing things.
OT: The Drug Song
Another Minnesota guy for you, Tundra. Stuart Davis used to play the Fine Line a lot. He got religion (see Dylan, Bob and Stevens, Cat), moved away, and got weird, but not good-weird (see Dylan, Bob and Stevens, Cat).
You might like a song called “8 day in the Lotus”
Barr should resign
After Attorney General William Barr releases his redacted version of the report from special counsel Robert Mueller on Thursday, he should resign. His blatant partisanship disqualifies him from continuing as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. Neither Congress nor the public will trust that he has been objective and fair in what he has decided to make public of the report, nor will they believe that he can handle any further issues surrounding wrongdoing by President Trump with integrity.
Let us consider the record of Barr in his short time as attorney general in this administration. After two years of constant attacks by Trump on the Justice Department and special counsel for investigating the possible collusion between the campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election, Barr could have been a breath of fresh air as an attorney general who would firmly stand up for the rule of law. Instead, he just joined in the attacks, calling for yet another investigation into FBI actions during the campaign and releasing a biased summary of the special counsel report.
Cast out the unbeliever.
We’ll keep putting people on this case until we get the charges we want.
Yeah, everyone knows how important it is to have a totally apolitical AG who scrupulously adheres to the Rule of Law.
Stories like this just confirm that William Barr is doing a good job. He seems to be scaring the shit out of the right people.
That’s exactly what it is your holiness.
It was not coincidental that Mueller put an end to his 2 year old and costly fishing expedition to find some means of charging Trump with obstruction, just after Barr took the oath and the office…..
“Neither Democrats in Congress nor the public will trust that he has been objective and fair in what he has decided to make public of the report, nor will they believe that he can handle any further issues surrounding wrongdoing by President Trump with integrity.”
People I disagree with should resign.
Impeach. Resign. Genius. Nazi. Racist.
Some of the most over used words in the modern North American vernacular.
I think the whole point of the attacks on the DoJ is that it *wasn’t* standing up for the rule of law but was instead behaving in a blatantly partisan way. Demanding that the first AG to be critical of it resign is kind of a good indicator that the author doesn’t really care too much about the rule of law herself.
Again. To cite the SNC-Lavalin case here. It’s very much a story about the rule of law. It’s interesting to see how story like this flushes out who stands by the rule of law and who doesn’t.
Despite all the evidence so far, there are journalists who still defend Justin. Amazing stuff.
The troubling part is they tread the line of characterizing the rule of law as a ‘quaint notion’.
It shows in the open how they lack principles of any kind.
Barr’s been on the job for what, three days now?
How dare anyone scrutinize the FBI!
New census data show the Chicago area lost population for the fourth consecutive year, continuing a statewide trend of decline that could threaten future federal funding, economic prosperity and political representation for those left behind.
I, for one, am dumbfounded by this news.
Looks like Chicago has Detroit in their future.
My perspective on Chicago is limited to going there once five years ago for my friend’s wedding and then seeing pictures of the neighborhood where they recently bought a house; IOW, basically worthless. That said, I didn’t get the impression of a city on the verge of collapse exactly, but even in the nice parts of town I could see the edges fraying a little bit. But I think that Chicago’s role in the national and international economies gives it an advantage over places like Detroit or Pittsburgh.
Probably not Detroit. But it definitely could lose a lot of stature and have people remembering when it was one of the “places to be.” Of course, Chicago was also taking in a lot of Detroit refugees that had to get out of that metro area but didn’t want to live 2,000 miles away from family.
Not to worry, our crazy new laws, increasing regulation and higher taxes will fix all of that!
Indeed. The politicians must believe that if a person finds it hard to breathe, the best solution is to choke themselves.
Bad news – means there will be an exodus of locusts from the Chicago metro area, off to destroy another place.
My wife always tells me how much she loves Chicago. I tell her “but you don’t live there.”
But others familiar with the stag species are less surprised to hear of Wednesday’s attack.
Just another example of toxic, white-
maletail aggression.The poor bastard heard there was a stag party out behind the barn and decided he’d go have a few drinks, smoke a cigar or two and watch some pr0n movies.
As soon as he showed up, he realized it wasn’t that sort of stag party, but it was already too late. He was caught with his pants down.
Looks like another #1 seed will go down. Avs over the Flames.
But at least they are losing to an 8 and not a 16.
I guess the cheap shots at UVA don’t work as well anymore, but I am not going to stop.
Make all the cheap shots you want. With a national championship trophy, I find I suddenly no longer care.
Can I continue to make 41-38 football jokes?
Hey, how about beating VT this year, it really isn’t that hard to do, and everyone else in the Coastal would appreciate it.
Yes, you can. That still hurts 29 years later.
We had those fucks beaten last year and just blew it. If we can’t do it this year, at home, with our best team in a very long time and VT looking weak as hell, I’m just giving up.
Also 21 years ago. There are two 41-38 games. the 1998 game is one of my favorite games that no one knows about, including my favorite GT radio call of all time:
That game sucked too. Total collapse. Still don’t know how we lost that one. Talk about a shitty two weeks – the week after that choke job, Anthony Poindexter ripped his knee up against NCSU and that basically ended his career. Lost our best player and what would have been a Pro Bowl career for Dex went up in smoke.
I was listening to that one on internet radio while packing up to move from my Apartment to a Condo (the move was the next weekend, I think, but I was getting some stuff ready).
At some point I gave up and turned on the TV too watch DS9, but I didnt turn off the radio broadcast, so I heard the comeback starting.
“Still don’t know how we lost that one.”
Two words: Dez White.
And if you really want the details:
KICK), 11:44
Isn’t this a regular occurrence in hockey?
Playoffs seem to be a coin flip, which is weird for a 7 game series.
It is. I see the Caps and Preds move on, though.
Pretty much. Which makes it amazing.
UVA – like soccer finals or football – are one offs so flukes happen. These guys have to pull it off in a gruelling seven game series.
Soccer I don’t get. Champions League has a two-leg format until the format which becomes a one-off.
Even the World Cup final should be a two-legged affair but alas….time and broadcast rights and all that.
This year all these upsets have been very entertaining. Especially Tampa, that was insane. It really does feel like it’s anyone’s to win at this point.
It was a sweep. Not even seven games. That’s the crazy part.
and it was a sweep of a team that won 63 games this year! That’s even more ridiculous.
Columbus is a much better team than their season and seeding would suggest. Torts is a great coach, Foilgno is a great leader, Panarin is flat out scary and Bob is as exciting as a goalie can be. I would LOVE to see them make a deep run.
I thought CBJ would give Tampa a tough series, but a sweep is stunning.
I always liked Torts with the Rangers. Soft-ass players revolted on him and we ended up with fuckin’ Veeeeenyo and his PROH-cess.
BBBJ is better and the Rangers were enforcing criminal law. Torts are handled with litigation by private parties.
*blows whistle*
“Bad punning, Jarflax, 2 minutes!
I always enjoy time in the box but at my age I need more than 2 minutes for any high sticking.
And with that, the best of John Tortorella
This Tundra!
The 37-year-old man, whose identity will be released once he is formally charged
Uh huh…
“Democrat senator and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand’s family ties to the NXIVM sex cult are coming to light, raising serious questions about her relationship with the cult that she once denied knowing about.
Gillibrand’s father and stepmother, who are second cousins, were both heavily involved in the cult in the period shortly before they got married, according to eyewitness accounts from ex-NXIVM employees who spoke on the record to Big League Politics, and according to court documents proving that Gillibrand’s father Doug Rutnik was employed by NXIVM.
Gillibrand’s father served as a broker between NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere — whose initials were branded on his female sex slaves — and then-New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer to resolve Raniere’s financial problems with the state, according to ex-employee whistleblower Joseph O’Hara, whose revelations are printed below.
Gillibrand’s stepmother Gwenn Belcourt got “hooked” on the cult as did Bill Clinton’s close friend Richard Mays, according to the whistleblower. Nancy Salzman, the NXIVM president, acted as a personal “guru” for Gillibrand’s stepmother.
Ex-cult employee Frank Parlato — who exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women — is working with Big League Politics to uncover the deep longstanding links between Gillibrand, the Clintons, and NXIVM.”
I guess they were too old for Podesta.
The Pizzagate nuts are going to go ballistic.
Ever watch ‘Il Divo’?
Not out of the realm of possibility.
I regret not ever seeing him in concert. How many other people can make a legitimately metal song that includes the word “rainbow?”
So the Washington elites really do have masquerade ball orgies like in the movies?
raising serious questions about her relationship with the cult that she once denied knowing about.
Gillibrand’s father and stepmother, who are second cousins, were both heavily involved in the cult in the period shortly before they got married
I think Gillibrand is an amoral puppet, but Jesus h Christ. She was in her 20’s when her parent got divorced. I really have no clue what my folks did with most of their time after I moved out and it’s not unreasonable that she didn’t know either.
“Gillibrand sat with one of the front tables. Yeah the three front VIP tables were all brought by NXIVM and she was sitting with Nancy Salzman.”
She had at least a bit of an idea.
Fair enough.
Ex-cult employee Frank Parlato — who exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women — is working
with Big League Politics to uncover the deep longstanding links between Gillibrand, the Clintons, and NXIVM.on getting “suicided”Ten post-Mueller questions that could turn the tables on Russia collusion investigators
Someone is laboring under the delusion that the actual crimes committed will be prosecuted.
We Simply Do Not Accept That We Lost the Election
The Turkish version.
<a href="" target="_new"SCIENCE!
“Historic WPA mural featuring only white children removed from Oak Park school
A Depression-era mural depicting white children playing outside in the winter was removed from Percy Julian Middle School in Oak Park because school officials said it failed to represent the school’s diversity.
While some said the mural was upsetting to students of color who felt it excluded them from the school, a local historian likened the removal to a “modern-day book burning.”
Julian Principal Todd Fitzgerald announced the weekend removal in an email sent to school staff Monday.
“I have had students approach me pointing out that this picture does not represent our student body or the diversity of Oak Park,” Fitzgerald wrote. “We will be working with the Social Justice Club and our parent Diversity Committee to create a mural/canvas that better represents Julian Middle School.”
Cynthia Brito Millan, a coordinator for the middle school’s Social Justice Club, said the push to remove the mural began in February at a district school board meeting. Students expressed frustration about an atmosphere of exclusion for students of color — who make up 45 percent of the student body — and cited the mural as an example.
“This mural made students feel invisible because it doesn’t reflect the current student body,” Brito Millan said. “How can a student learn in a healthy environment when they don’t feel they are being seen?””
The Social Justice Club? Get the fuck outta here…
All of those paintings and portraits of Founding Fathers in our classroom made (((us))) feel excluded. Not a Hebe in the bunch.
Or was there?
Now just one minute…I thought (((you))) pulled the strings from the shadows?!
Alexander Hamilton has a
sadheavy sigh of relief and mops the flop sweat from his brow.On the other hand, the CSA had Judah Benjamin.
No bears, either.
Wait, what? People who are children today weren’t in a photograph from nearly a hundred years ago?! The poor things!
FFS, the past was different than the present. Get over it.
Cynthia Brito Millan, a coordinator for the middle school’s Social Justice Club, said the push to remove the mural began in February at a district school board meeting.
Liar. The push began at a Social Justice Club meeting either directly or indirectly instigated by you.
Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
Good grief, make a new mural that represents the present, but don’t remove the old one.
Can watch the Barr news conference live here:
Looks pretty crowded for an event being boycotted.
I do love how “journalists” are boycotting something. Uh – aren’t you just supposed to report on er, news?
Is that Ornstein in the back looking guilty as sin?
I’m having giggling fits – he’s sweating, he’s rocking from side to side, he looks like he got caught shitting in the dining room.
Good ol’ Norm, AEI’s token Marxist.
Nothin’, nothin’, and nothin’
Sweet Jesus, the questions!
How do you not leave the podium to start applying some beat-downs?
The reporters (and FUCK! I hate denigrating immutable physical characteristics) all look like the same petty, nebbishy assholes I spent my school years trying avoid. I can’t even with the two bespectacled ladies in the front row.
aaannd it looks like the DNC talking point will be: “Barr is protecting the president from obstruction charges”
I, for one, eagerly await the views of Julian Sanchez, libertarian analyst at Cato.
They ruined all our best names, like Bruce and Lance and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had!
And the biggest problem is that they’re not flaming enough.
Well, it’s about that time. Let the spin begin.
The questions at this press conference are based on severely disingenuous premises.
The priest who saved the relics at ND is something of a badass.
In his movie, I hope he’s played by Danny Glover and that he says “Je me fais vieux pour cette merde” just before running into the burning building.
Jean Reno or GTFO.
He’s French, let’s not get carried away. Most of the badasses in their genepool were wiped out in the Great War.
typing is hard.
And then this guy used up the rest:
(and I think I stole that joke from somebody here a long time ago, but it may have been over at CDR Salamander)
Has anyone pointed out yet another piece of hypocrisy by the media? They’re upset some conservatives jumped the gun and speculated a Muslim set fire to Notre-Dame.
Yet, isn’t that all they do whenever a shooting happens? That is, claim it was a ‘lone wolf’ or white dude before facts come in?
Another case of projection and ‘it’s ok when we do it because we hold the higher moral ground. Like Michelle.’
I still am curious as to how the cause of the fire was absolutely known when the fuckin’ thing was still burning.
No, I don’t think it was arson. I just find it laughable for people to go on television and scream, “THIS WAS NOT ARSON!!!!” when they don’t actually know yet how the fire started.
They didn’t know the cause.
But France is still having daily to weekly protests with the occassional riot, plus ongoing assaults from certain groups, so the powers that be wanted to attempt to avoid a flare up of violence. Thus they pop up while the fires still rage and insist it was not arson.
I can understand why French politicians do that. It’s much more pathetic when simpering jackasses like Shepherd Smith do that on American television.
Who’s Shepherd Smith?
however you spell it, Mr. Pedant
I honestly do not know who you are referencing, misspelled or correctly spelled.
The left’s favorite Fox News anchor.
My wife still watches Fox News and I saw him talking about Trump denying being involved in Wikileaks.
Followed by video of Trump saying how happy he was with the leaks and him asking for Russia to send Hillary’s emails.
Then Smith said “Apparently we live in a fact free world.”
I agree, but not in the way he thinks.
Cynthia Brito Millan, a coordinator for the middle school’s Social Justice Club
Nothing left to cut.
She’s a real peach.
Somebody else finally gets it…
Does that mean we should start barbecuing all those aborted fetuses?
Saturn, villain or role model?
I thought that only applied to the Irish?
Wasn’t that selling babies as food?
It was both.
Thot Thursday sez wet females welcome.
On the fence until 32. Then 42 coming in strong for the younger MILF contingent.
Serious journalism for serious people
Rep. Ilhan Omar is very brave. Her harasser, the president of the United States, is a coward and a bully.
Und so weiter.
Eating kids isn’t just natural — it’s sometimes the considerate thing to do.
Save the earth- eat a baby.
Another post from my current favorite Marxist nutjob.
Looks like the author of the piece doesn’t know that Žižek endorsed Trump in 2016.
When Marxists speak, assume the opposite is true.
He’s a psychologist wish is really just a glorified self help coach. He doesn’t even deserve to talk with the intellectual gods of philosophy.
Who would want to talk to philosophers?
Marxists entire worldview ignores observable human nature but Jordan Peterson is the one whole doesn’t dwell within reality. Sure…
This is sad: British actress Mya-Lecia Naylor, of ‘Cloud Atlas’ and ‘Almost Never,’ dies at 16
CoD – Child Actor Syndrome I’d wager.
You mean coke overdose, right?
Forgot the link
If you cannot treat people as individuals, then you cannot empathize.
That’s a good way to look at it. Most people no longer see others as people with different opinions. Anyone not on “my” team is a shitlord, Nazi, commie, etc.
So like everything else. It’s political.
The Alternate Reality Where Time Magazine Trolls Progs Exists
“And an alleged attempted rapist ”
That’s where I started laughing. His whole poker story he funny because It us just too easy to get under his skin. Thats the whole reason for trolling. as a kid I always was told not to let things get to me (older brother gave me a lot of practice). So it’s funny to see people get so bent out of shape.
You still cling so much to the lie that he’s an attempted rapist that you can’t stand it that others have moved on.
Wait, lemme try:
“Alleged Nazi zombie, Elie Mystal…”
That’s so fun! I’m gonna do it all the time!
Elie Mystal — two Harvard degrees, no law license.
(he failed C&F. He’s literally too skeevy for the other lawyers to let him into the club)
Jesus Christ that’s a low bar to be unable to roll over the top of.
In high school I was in Chorus and hung out with several black dudes, got to be friends with them. And they would bust on each other non-fucking stop. They’d be vicious. I mean, me and my white buddies would do the same, cause breakin’ balls is part of the male bonding experience. But it provoked me to realize why this is so; it teaches you to control your fucking temper, to not let petty shit provoke you into doing something that will get your head caved in or wind up in jail. As a culture we’ve turned away from it.
One of those counter-intuitive examples of seemingly being cruel to be kind.
For some reason in our 20s we came up with a game of surprising each other by punching each other in the balls as hard as we could. I have no idea why this started or why it lasted so long, but almost all of us spend the 2000s drunk, so that may have had something to do with it. At any rate, it had much the same effect. When your friends punch you in the nuts so hard tears come to your eyes as a joke, some dude bumping into you and scuffing your Pumas isn’t a big deal.
Wait till this phenomenon interacts with the phenomenon of girls who think they’re boys. Not to mention the phenomenon where you can’t suspend too many kids of the “wrong” color.
This morning I flipped on Hate Radio to try and divine exactly what the hell is going to go on today. All I can think of is: a more pathetic piece of theater I haven’t seen in quite a while. I know this is DC we’re talking about here, so this is likely relatively mild, but I couldn’t help thinking what empty lives most of these people have. If your life is consumed by this, what room is left for family, faith, personal improvement and knowledge? It also pisses me off to no end to think that we pay for all this; a drop in the ocean for sure, but I hate paying for useless stuff.
The media feeding frenzy is going to be embarrassing no matter the conclusion and the National Debt increases another few hundred million.
If your life is consumed by this, what room is left for family, faith, personal improvement and knowledge?
IMO, sheeple is a more accurate descriptor of these people who spend life obsessed with trivialities well outside their influence, not for people who aren’t woke to whatever conspiracies are out there.
This response is obligatory.
“DEVELOPING: Mueller did not conclude obstruction of justice against Trump due to difficulty proving intent: report”
“As opposed to what?”
In other words, we tried really hard but just couldn’t manufacture enough evidence to charge him.
Just listened to Barr’s presser. He’s doing all he can to keep team blue from hanging their hopes on some detail that would prove “Muh Obstruction!”. Bet they don’t and stick their hand on that hot stove again.
Mueller did not conclude obstruction of justice against Trump due to difficulty proving intent
That right there shows how dishonest Mueller is. Obstruction requires a wrongful act with intent of interfering with an investigation or the legal process. You don’t even get to intent without a wrongful act, and Mueller could not identify, as far as I know, a single wrongful act.
The honest thing to say would have been “we did not charge with obstruction because Trump committed no wrongful acts in connection with our investigation.” Instead, he invites you to assume Trump did break the law, but skated because Mueller can’t prove intent.
Its even more dishonest when you realize that, once you prove a wrongful act, that goes a long way, if not all the way, to proving intent.
If there was any chance they felt they could take this to court and have even a 20% chance of getting him impeached & then prosecuted, we would not be having the current Kabuki show. Mueller gave it his best. He never got anything he could use to file obstruction charges and knows if he lies about having that evidence, he will be in even bigger trouble than he is (someone will ask him eventually to explain why when he know – and likely knew even before they conveniently picked him for the investigation – and then he will have to admit what they were looking for was a chance to bag Trump on obstruction charges since the collusion crap is fake) already.
OT: Am I alone in finding The Black Mirror mostly an uneven series of Twilight Zone retreads? Like, it’s not bad for what it is, but it’s not doing anything that any other “weird fiction” serial has done over the past, oh, fifty years. It’s like Night Gallery with smartphones. I mention this because I’ve heard a few people in the office refer to it as if it’s this deeply thought-provoking work and my immediate reaction is to assume they’re a.) easily amused and b.) kind of dumb. No offense to anyone who feels the same, God knows I’ve seen every episode of Supernatural.
You expect originality in media?
The main attraction of Black Mirror to me is the criticism of obsessive tech worship. Technology has definitely been a net positive for humanity, but it’s interesting to see the flip side.
You’re right though, the concept is the same as the Twilight Zone. I still enjoy it in any case.
I found it hit and miss, but the wife enjoyed them all,
That’s the consensus in my house. My wife saw two episodes and loved them. I didn’t feel like my time was wasted, but I wasn’t blown away. Some were better than others. I like the one with what’s his name from Mad Men. The holiday special, I think.
Yeah, that was definitely one of the better ones. The USS Calister episode was really good, too. And Fifteen Million Merits. Those are probably my favorite three.
Men Against Fire was pretty good, too, but I think it could’ve been tighter. It also typifies the series’ utter lack of subtlety, for better or worse.
I think it’s mainly the cultural relevance. Showing a world gone made from obsessing over cell phones or Facebook while someone uses their phone to post on Facebook while watching the show causes some people to have Keanu Reeves “whoa” moments.
Maybe it’s my “don’t go in the basement” reaction. When people do things that are obviously stupid or risky and have easily predictable negative outcomes to move a story along, my disbelief goes right out the window. People implanting cellphones in their brains or whatever is obviously a stupid idea, so it doesn’t really do anything for me. Bill Shatner having to get on a plane even though he’s terrified of flying and then actually seeing something tearing apart the wing resonates with me as someone who is afraid of flying.
I guarantee that when the first head-phone is released, millions of people will rush to install one.
Oath of Fealty made it seem like a good idea.
The video screen is the retina of the mind’s eye.
Long live the new flesh.
If I were gay, I’d be gay for you.
Stupid, risky actions are pretty normal. Every single day I see people texting while driving, car swerving while their head bobs up and down looking at the screen.
For sure, but I don’t identify with those people. Horror IMO only works when the audience can imagine themselves in the role of the protagonist(s), and in most regards I’m an almost pathologically careful person. I carry an assisted-open knife in either pocket in case I’m in a car accident, have to cut myself free, and have one of my arms trapped or incapacitated.
What, you didn’t find the pig fucking episode to be deeply thought-provoking?
David Cameron guest-starred?
Brexit would possibly be going a bit better if he’d fucked over Teresa May before he left office.
That’s a good illustration of what bothers me about it. They just ask the viewer to strain the suspension of disbelief to the point of shattering it, for me at least.
I hated the first four episodes so much that I stopped watching it. Then i was talked into watching the Star Trek episode and was glad I quit.
It’s the most sex-negative thing I’ve seen since an Andrea Dworkin essay.
“It’s the most sex-negative thing I’ve seen since an Andrea Dworkin essay”
Interested in your interpretation. What makes you say this?
From memory —
One episode is about pig fucking.
In the million merits episode, there are eleventy billion TV channels, but only one devoted to porn. And that porn is all about degrading the woman and semi-raping her. The love interest is “forced” into becoming part of that channel and it destroys her relationships. It’s seen as something shameful.
The one with the eyeball recordings is all about sexual jealousy and the disconnect between people and their partners. They literally fuck while watching repeats of themselves fucking other people.
I can’t remember the fourth episode I watched.
Interesting take.
I thought the USS Callister episode was deeply fascinating. Though I think it had a different set of lessons than intended.
1. The real life lead female is going to fucking prison for murder. When the head of a giant software company is found dead of unknown causes in his apartment over christmas, the cops are going to investigate. And they are going to find her fingerprints all over that apartment. That she is a programmer and he died while jacked into the computer will only make it worse for her. So congrats digital copy of the lady, you get to roam that game for the next 5 years until they shut the server down, but the real meat-space you is going to rot in a cage.
2. Callister is a perfect example of a beta male/Incel. The fact is, he could have had the lead woman if he had been assertive, patient, and direct instead of being a creepy fuck. He’s tall, not terrible looking if a bit pudgy, unbelievably rich, and a guru in the woman’s area of expertise. He could have had her panties dropping within a month, two tops. But his passivity, allowing his partner to basically constantly cuck him was his undoing. It wasn’t as the show wanted to demonstrate about toxic masculinity, it was about a lack of masculinity.
3. Callister didn’t really do anything wrong. I still don’t by that those AIs rise to the level of sentience necessary to have moral agency. They aren’t people or even digital people in any real way.
i got a different read from that episode, which was “it’s OK to be awful to creepy geeks, because creepy geeks are secretly terrible people even if you can’t tell it, they deserve all the abuse you can give them.”
Maybe because you’re a creepy geek who’s secretly a terrible person?
Some of us creepy geeks are not terrible people.
Implying that there is anything secret about me!
Agreed that was the intended lesson.
I simply think there was more to it than they want to admit.
Mediocrity with high production values is still mediocrity.
Like, it’s not bad for what it is, but it’s not doing anything that any other “weird fiction” serial has done over the past, oh, fifty years.
Yes, but if they haven’t seen any of that a retread will be new (and potentially thought provoking) to them. Plus some people just relate better to settings more familiar to them (and most future fiction is more familiar than the past, as it’s usually just a reflection of the present).
“Arizonans bear the brunt of Washington’s failure to address our broken immigration system. We must secure the border with a comprehensive, smart, bipartisan approach – we’re calling on @DHSgov to send additional resources and staff to AZ ports.”
So you are saying you’re into black cock?
She’s got a nice rack and would be an excellent hate fuck.
Beyond that, she’s dumb as a post.
Into chicks as well, so very good 3 way potential there
Having met her in person, allow me a couple of observations:
(1) She’s even better looking in person.
(2) She’s smarter than she seems when she is performing for a large group or on camera.
Of course, she is still a dishonest proggy apparatchik.
Just more Prog anti-Semitism. Nothing to see here.
Wow. Definitely NOT Minnesota nice!
Uffda. I’m blaming the SE Asian refugees for this Somali shit.
The Hmong, Laotians, Cambodians and Vietnamese refugees we took in have assimilated pretty well and we thought the Somalis would be the same.
To quote Gomer: Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Today’s stumper: what could possibly explain the disparity in assimilation between Asian refugees and Somalis?
And while we’re on the subject…..why did Oriental become a taboo expression? It was much more descriptive than Asian, which in a technical geographic sense comprises many ethnicities that would not fall under Oriental.
The late 80s? Mid-90s? I don’t really remember, but I’d say by like ’95 “Oriental” was considered racist. “Rugs are Oriental, people are Asian” was the saying I think.
I tend to agree. I’m not sure why Oriental became un-PC. It refers to a geographic location just as Asian does, but it’s more specific. There isn’t a pejorative connotation to it. It *feels* older, and maybe there’s a British Empire context that is a little cringey, I guess. I don’t know, I don’t really see a problem with it, but I just say Asian out of habit. In my circle of friends there are two guy named Brad, and since one’s part Korean he’s always been Asian Brad to distinguish him from White Brad. Why not White Brad? I don’t know, I guess because AB is the only Asian in the group. Doesn’t bother him. I don’t think it would bother any of the rest of us to be prefixed White or Hispanic or Black.
But OK for ramen!
Oooh, Oriental was the best flavor! Followed closely by Shrimp, then Beef. I think either Maruchan or Nissin went a little nuts and did like a Cajun flavor that wasn’t bad, and a “spicy” variety that was alright. Not spicy enough, but decent.
Top Ramen changed the name to “soy.”
Top Ramen beef is in my rotation only because Aldi usually doesn’t have shrimp in stock. I’ll have to seek out the oriental flavor and try it.
I think I got scolded at Memphis State for using Oriental in ’94 (or ’95). I went home and asked my Korean wife if it was true that Oriental was a bad word.
She looked at me with her “wtf stupid thing is coming out of your mouth now” look (we were newly married back then, so that was a pretty common look) and said she didn’t think it was bad.
I remember telling the doubleplus goodthinker that she was full of beans the next day, but obviously, that didn’t shut down the movement to make Oriental a bad word.
I’ve been married almost 25 years and that’s still a common look.
I call it the “Your wife married an idiot” look.
My wife has resigned herself to the consequences of making a bad decision when she was still fresh off the boat.
Pretty much ignores anything coming out of my mouth for the most part now. Which works out perfectly for both of us.
what could possibly explain the disparity in assimilation between Asian refugees and Somalis?
I’ll guess “time.” I remember the Texas experience with Vietnamese who weren’t gonna assimilate. Twenty five or thirty years later… magic!
Richmond had a fair number of Vietnamese/Cambodian refugees in the ’80s when I was growing up. They didn’t really assimilate – seemed like they all lived in two apartment complexes on Horsepen Rd and kept to themselves – but they didn’t cause anyone any trouble, either.
And now look at their kids and grandkids. I’ll wager they haven’t kept to themselves.
Same in Rochester. The kids my age were already thoroughly assimilated.
Pho and iced coffee in every other shopping center!
I’m a fan of this development. Also, bhanh mi!
The Vietnamese who moved to my town assimilated quite rapidly. Couldn’t say how long it took for the larger enclaves elsewhere.
Personally, I think that gathering up a bunch of people from somewhere else into a concentrated community (but don’t call it a ghetto!) is one of the best ways to ensure they don’t assimilate very fast.
You need to stop inciting violence against Muslims.
Speaking of Minnesoda Muslims, looks like someone found a gem from old Twitter history.
Over/under on how long before Omar sues some US Official for “kidnapping” her from that Kenyan refugee camp and forcing her to come to Minneapolis?
Howsabout you “confront” the extensive Somali participation in the African slave trade, while you’re at it?
“This is a professional writer’s response to activists’ attempts to get an academic fired. He is straightforwardly arguing that people should not stand up to defend free speech when the speaker is saying something they disagree with. This is gross and beyond cartoonish.”
Member of Congress
As reports emerged that prosecutors planned to seek a jail sentence of four to 10 months for actress Felicity Huffman for her part in the college admissions scandal, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed the case as proof that the U.S. justice system was more a “class enforcement system” than anything else.
“Our country has a ‘justice’ system that criminalizes poverty [and] disproportionately targets race, yet routinely pardons large-scale crimes of wealth and privilege,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in response to an NBC report on the college admissions scandal.
“Moments like these tell us it’s less a justice system, and more a class enforcement system,” she said.
I suspect there is some person in the bowels of the United States Capitol who has been shepherding freshman Congresspersons through the orientation process for decades. I would like to find that person, pump him/her full of
truth serumalcohol, and hear her/his thoughts on Representative Ocasio-Cortez.I’m thinking of sending my congressional representatives a letter each week featuring some dumb thing she says and politely asking if they agree with the spokeswoman for the Democratic Party on this issue and intend to support legislation to further AOC’s objectives. These people need to wake up and realize she has become the face of their party.
It isn’t AOC, but here is a quote who worked with Omar in the Minnesoda state legislature.
TW: Powerline
Unsurprising. She is not culturally American, has no interest in being an American, and has loads of baggage from a messed up childhood in a truly dysfunctional culture. Best thing to happen is she gets her citizenship stripped for fraud and deported back to her native country, just like those ex-low level Nazis who lived most of their lives here (and frankly doing a better job of it than she is doing). Too fucking bad.
The etymology of the word is interesting.
I’d read before that “idiot” comes from a Greek word referring to someone who was too stupid or too ignorant to take part in the politics of the polis. Apparently “idiotes” means “private person”, implying that they’ve got all they can handle managing their own affairs.
I agree with this one sentence, if she would have stopped here.
I remember when I was a poor framing carpenter making $6.00 cash under the table in 1992.
I got busted for not wearing a seat belt, couldn’t afford the fine, got pulled over for speeding, found out my license was suspended for not paying the fine, and got my license revoked.
All of the time spent in traffic court and not having a license ended up costing me my job.
Admittedly I was spending a lot of my paycheck on beer, but something like that today would only hurt my feelings.
“yet routinely pardons large-scale crimes of wealth and privilege”
Non matter how badly she wants it to be true, these things are not crimes. Yet.
*checks in to see how much Mueller saturation there is*
*checks out*
Hey! Don’t show up just to bounce.
Yeah! Update us on your EDC search!
“For everyone out there dismissive of the idea that Trump might be legitimately upset about the Mueller investigation, how would you feel if a sweeping investigation was undertaken against you on the false premise that you were guilty of treason?”
This dude has the best weed.
The replies seem to be variations on a theme, e.g. “But it’s TRUMP!”
*i.e., rather
A student in Alaska was expelled, reports say, after she fought back against a group of boys who trapped her in a bathroom.
Last week, a group of boys at North Pole High School in Fairbanks reportedly went into the girls’ bathroom to protest the use of the boys’ restroom by a transgender student who is transitioning from female to male.
One girl who encountered the boys blocked from leaving the bathroom; she purportedly kneed one boy, who was then sent to the hospital.
The school district reported that seven boys were disciplined in connection with the incident.
Gaborik told Fox News, “The district does not encourage students or staff to use force against students, staff or visitors to school facilities. In general, we recommend students talk to school staff about any situations in which they feel unsafe. Students are encouraged to bring concerns about their safety to school staff. If a student is facing an imminent threat, the student’s response to the threat will be evaluated based on the facts and circumstances of the incident, district policies, and state law.”
Shelter in place. Turn the other cheek. Text your mother and tell her you love her.
Leaving aside the poor writing and nonexistent editing, is there anybody who couldn’t see this coming? I assume the ACLU will swoop in to file friend of the court briefs about how this unfairly inflicts stress and psychological damage on that poor transgender student, and society should be completely upended and reconfigured for the benefit of an infinitesimal sliver of the population.
Huh. Seems to me that six shitlords learned to check their privilege before they got sent to the hospital with crushed testicles.
On the other hand, the gal should have known that the school is going to be chock full of toxic masculinity. I mean, the school has “Pole” right in its name.
Kneeing a boy in the crotch for entering the girl’s bathroom? Ignoring everything else here, how could that possibly engender discipline?
I’d throw my kid a party and then put her in a private school if she did that.
Same. I have told my children over and over that I will never, ever punish them for protecting themselves, regardless of what the leech school administrators say.
Yep. I told my son if he initiates, it’s wrath of Dad time, but if he’s defending himself we spend the off day(s) fishing.
If my daughter knees a boy in the girls’ bathroom so hard that they call 911, she’s spending her suspension learning to ride her new pony.
That must have been some knee though.
Sounds like she’s got abs of steel. She probably lifted that poor bastard a couple inches off the ground. Now that’s marriage material right there. She’ll make some respectful, upstanding, and above all faithful young man very lucky one day.
It’s getting worse. There is a lawsuit pending against a large school district here. From what I can tell, chick decided she was a dude, was on the swim team and wanted to use the guy’s locker room. School created a special locker room for her, which of course meant that her crazy assed mother had to file a lawsuit. Of course the state human rights department has joined the suit.
And the kid is no longer in the district.
I’m officially bored with the whole thing.
The same state agency whose carpetbagger ex-journo head resigned in lieu of being
firedsuspended?The story.
Note the cameo by our favorite Omar-groomer Ellison.
The only thing dumber than the internet’s reaction to the Mueller report is Fox News’s reaction to it. The only thing dumber than Fox’s reaction to it is MSNBC’s. The only thing dumber than MSNBC’s is CNN’s. There is nothing dumber than CNN’s.
Jezebel says hold my Kombucha.
Jezebel doesn’t count. That’s like trying to read meaning into feces smeared on a wall.
You mean menstrual blood?
In Jezebel’s case, it’s the same thing.
Not all women bleed from their vaginas!
What about wamen?
For the brief period I listened to NPR this morning, it was apparent that the commentators were barely holding it together. Their voices were audibly cracking from the desperation.
There is nothing dumber than CNN’s.
You had me worried, for a minute.
I guarantee that when the first head-phone is released, millions of people will rush to install one.
Futurama covered that.
Eye phone
“Barr confirms the Russians hacked the DNC and Hillary’s emails, then gave them to Wikileaks . Then says nobody from the Trump campaign participated in illegally proliferating the information.”
Still, no idea they can prove it was the Russians.
Well, OBVIOUSLY it was the Russians, duh. I mean, the FBI was never allowed to examine the servers (which is not suspicious at all!) but the company the DNC hired to investigate pinkie promised that it was the Russians.
That company was founded by a Russian.
Well, OBVIOUSLY it was the Russians, duh. I mean, the FBI was never allowed to examine the servers (which is not suspicious at all!) but the company the DNC hired to investigate pinkie promised that it was the Russians.
The greatest spin as always has been the narrative of Russia interfering and ignoring the information presented by them.
Assange knows. He’s got some leverage still and he might need it.
Is anyone watching the Shrill TV show about Lindy West’s life? I can’t bring myself to hate watch it, but I do wonder if her obviously gay husband is featured in it.
Saw the preview for that a while back and I’ve never been so floored with disbelief in my life.
Didn’t know it existed. It figures that she would self glorify with her own tv show.
No, but it’s good to know our 17 intelligence agencies now have an alternative to water boarding.
Status: True
But if you had said a more humane alternative to water boarding your statement would have been judged to have been “false”
I’d never heard of her, so I looked herup.
She seems nice.
In other, completely-not-related to-people-leaving-Chicago-in-droves, news
Nearly 30 young people were arrested in downtown Chicago Wednesday night when fights broke out as hundreds of students and about 200 officers wound through bustling streets.
The large groups of young people, many of them high school students, moved through the Loop and the Near North Side, according to Chief of Patrol Fred Waller, speaking at the corner of State and Lake streets after 9 p.m. “The challenge is to keep the public safety,” he said.
A large group of students headed into the State/Lake Red Line station outside the Chicago Theatre about 10 p.m.
“Beat it, go home,” an officer said.
Earlier in the night, on the third day of spring break for Chicago Public Schools, a large group of teens gathered at Millennium Park. Police moved the teens out of the park after several fights broke out.
Jon Palak, 32, of Andersonville, sat outside of Sweetwater Tavern and Grille as a bunch of kids approached the North Michigan Avenue restaurant.
“We have no idea what happened,” Palak said.
For about a decade, Chicago police have periodically dealt with large crowds of teens who swarm the downtown area to spend time along the lakefront, Water Tower Place, Millennium Park or other spots when the weather starts to warm up.
Police have also had the challenging task of quelling disturbances that erupt among these crowds in an area of the city that’s home to its central business district and draws tourists from around the globe.
There’s often been cases when the crowds have proven to be a nuisance for the police with some teens getting into fights, vandalizing property and shoplifting or committing other crimes.
It’s baffling.
Is anyone watching the Shrill TV show about Lindy West’s life?
Seems unlikely.
“Late Night with Seth Meyers’ will go into overtime on Thursday, to dive into the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report earlier that day ”
Sounds like a winner.
Well, it is comedy.
Oh, this ought to be fun. An announcement on my club’s calendar:
I’m tempted to go. But, I’m not sure the rest of the club would be too happy with me asking…uncomfortable…questions.
If you cared about us at all you’d go and you’d record your questions and the answers thereto.
I’m thinking I will. I just don’t know how I’ll get it recorded.
USB stick recorder. Cheap and easy to conceal.
How much are those body cams the police are always forgetting to turn on?
Free speech is endangered by free speech.
My newsletter has:
New cocktail announcements
Taco Tuesday
Sunday Funday
No asshole guest speakers.
>>What can be done about the President’s daily battering of the press?
Oh you poor little dears.
They’re victims dude, VICTIMS…
What can be done about the President’s daily battering of the press?
Cheer him on until they straighten the fuck up?
Ask how the public can trust any news organization that puts L. Stahl on its “tech beat” when it become apparent during any story that she has no real idea how basic technology works.
I still grind my teeth thinking of her story in the late ’90s about how email could be “forged”. A tech guy showed her how easy it was to make an email client display Bill Clinton’s name in the “from” field. The tech guy also showed her how you could easily check the header info to see that it was blatantly false.
Didn’t matter, Stahl was ready to shut down the internet to prevent such fraudulent shit from happening.
As the press face the challenges of the digital revolution and an Administration known for its mantra of mainstream media as “fake news” and “the enemy of the people,” how will the First Amendment survive the onslaught of digital platforms and specialized websites?
Argument by non sequitur.
I’m tempted to go. But, I’m not sure the rest of the club would be too happy with me asking…uncomfortable…questions.
Go. Ask questions.
Post it to youtube.
Oh look! The spirit of Lonewacko lives on!
A couple I have in mind:
1. Which lie do you think did more damage to the public discourse, Alex Jones’ claim that the Sandy Hook killings were staged or your claim that the President of the United States gained his office through treason?
2. Did you guys fear for press freedom when Cheryl Atkinson’s computer was being hacked or when James Rosen was identified as a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage Act of 1917, or did you give gushing praise for the administration?
How shitlord of you.
That’s a lot of dead bunnies!
That’s okay, there will always be more. They breed like rabbits.
Here it is
448 pages, sure to be read and interpreted by cable news within 10 minutes.
I just jumped around for 30 seconds and came across an item grilling Orange about colluding with Russians at a chess match he didn’t attend. Good grief.
Hrmm… Spybot is now offering anti-virus. Is it any good? Are they still reputable?
So… no one knows?
I’m late to the game but wanted to recognize Banjos’ music link. I’ve long thought this is one of the best cover songs.
Our old pal Lucian K Truscott, IV is off his meds, again.
It’s hard to know who to be more disgusted with: the liberal media or the Democrats. They’re forming circular firing squads around the glass-topped anchor tables on MSNBC and CNN. They’re sniping at each other on op-ed pages. They’re posting unhinged, granular takedowns of their opponents on Facebook. They’re tweeting out quotes from decade-old speeches targeting each other for departures from liberal orthodoxy. They’re catching fellow Democrats for slips of the tongue, or use of the hands, or backroom misbehavior like — gasp! — yelling at a staffer!
Somebody will show up on MSNBC, or in a New York Times front page article, and they’ll attack somebody else. Every day Democrats throw garbage at each other. Every day, MSNBC finds a new “issue” to nitpick a Democrat for. Every day, the media machine grinds up another Democrat.
You know what the real shame is? They’re nitpicking the Democrats while Trump puts a torch to the whole damn house. Every day has to be Groundhog Day for him, too. Last time around, he flew around the country and told lies at his rallies as he watched the media peck at Hillary Clinton like ducks, exposing this “scandal” or that “failure.” He didn’t need campaign strategists like Steve Bannon. Hell, he didn’t even need the Russians. The Democratic Party “campaign strategists” flapping their jaws every night on the cable shows were doing the job for him. The New York Times didn’t use the word “lie” until Trump made his lame admission that Barack Obama was a United States citizen. Whoop-de-doo. Meanwhile, Trump’s entire campaign was a lie.
You want four more years of this shit? Four more years of Trump turning the White House into a criminal enterprise? Four more years of racism and gay-baiting and Muslim-hating, and demolition of democratic norms and government institutions and the rule of law? Go on another cable show, pen another op-ed, tweet out another rumor, trash another fellow Democrat.
Keep it up.
Circle the wagons! Bad Orange Man!
The Democrats don’t need the media to guarantee 4 more years of Trump. They’re doing plenty to make that happen on their own.
For real. If there’s any collusion in Trump’s favor it’s within the Democratic party.
Yeah, but the media is unwittingly doing their damnedest to make that happen. The entire elevation of Omar, Tlaib and She Guevera to “the new faces of the Democratic Party” status has been gold for Trump.
Wherever his grandfather is now, he must be just bursting with pride.
In light of today’s events, I’ve been ruminating over a piece I heard on NPR last week. In retrospect, I’m actually surprised they even ran it. The story was about how flagrantly China has been fucking over and infiltrating American businesses for the past decade, and it featured a segment describing the Obama administration’s response to the matter. They took great pains to dance around it, but it could most charitably be described as criminal negligence. Some of the details reported in the piece absolutely floored me. It’s funny (meaning strange, not ha ha) that our journalistic betters are foaming at the mouth over Russia spending $100K on dumb social media posts and falling ass backward into a couple of poorly secured email accounts while the previous administration’s actual crimes are dismissed as merely being the occasional pitfalls of realpolitik.
A friend of mine from high school who is kind of a big deal in foreign policy stuff was talking to me about how scary China is becoming. The biggest threat in her opinion was that they’ve been buying up shipping ports on the west coast for years via shipping companies that are effectively arms of the PLA.
Not familiar with that article, but I saw a piece the other day specifically about counterfeit Juuls and how Juul is trying to fight it, with apparently no interest from either the US or China. I assume it’s the same across many, many industries.
Having dealt with ZTE and Huawei in the past, I can attest that both are run like criminal enterprises. They thieve IP with no compunction at all.
They thieve IP with no compunction at all.
I thought we decided IP wasn’t really property at all, and that anyone should be free to appropriate and use it as they wish?
Electronics – even down to the smallest active or passive part – is rife with counterfeits. Fake 2SJ74s FETs, fake electrolytics,.. it kinds sucks for the DIY audio (and I imagine the HAM) community; or anyone doing repairs on old gear, etc.
I know of four different companies locally who thought that outsourcing the manufacturing of hardware to China would be a huge economic boost to their bottom line. Only later to find out that they all of a sudden ended up having direct competitors in China who were selling the same gear because they stole the IP and set up their own production line.
I had several other clients who insisted that firmware be loaded in the US for the same reason. They had suffered too much IP theft from the Chinese to ever want to do that again.
Set up a separate production line? I’ve heard of cases where the chinese plant simply produced more and sold those over order themselves.
Damn, their site’s search function actually works pretty well. Here’s the piece:
Still reading, but my immediate thought is “I din see nuffin”.
with a $1T under management in their sovereign wealth fund, i expect nothing less.
Nothing to see here, just a (no doubt proggy) lunatic punching a Russian Orthodox priest because Drumpf.
Luna Vachon monks?
My gut instinct is no, but then I don’t know much about the Russian Orthodox church, so I suppose I can’t rule it out completely.
The tl;dr of the report seems to be:
1. The Russians interfered in the election
2. The Russians interfered in the election because they expected a Trump victory to help them.
3. But there’s no evidence that Trump was involved, that he knew, or that he obstructed an investigation therein.
Great, now do US involvement in foreign elections.
“2. The Russians interfered in the election because they expected a Trump victory to help them.”
I wonder why they would think that?
I’m also confused because there were reports that they preferred the isolationist Bernie. Though when he got bounced, who knows what strategy they pivoted to.
From the report:
By February 2016, internal IRA [Note: Internet Research Agency, which is a Russian entity based in St. Petersburg] documents referred to support for the Trump campaign and opposition to candidate Clinton. For example, [REDACTED] directions to IRA [redacted] “Main Idea: Use any opportunity to criticize Hillary [Clinton] and the rest (except Trump and Sanders – we support them).
Apparently that’s actually a real document they found. In writing.
I’m not likely to get around to reading 448 pages, so thank you for finding it.
My assumption was always that it was always specifically about Hillary Clinton. A) Her zealous interventionism was bad for them, specifically regarding Syria. 2) Putin also had no use for her personally either. Anyone but her was likely their motto.
I wonder why they would think that?
No kidding. Hillary was already not only bought and paid for, but completely compromised. I don’t believe the Russians wanted anyone but Hillary to win, and their penny-ante “interference” with troll farms was just shit-stirring.
1 is a nothing-burger
2 is ridiculous given what we know about Hillary’s actions
3 will have the MSM completely consumed for the next year and half trying to manufacture some evidence while Orange cruises to victory
You really think Orange is going to “cruise to victory”? You’re way more confident than I.
If the Dems don’t go off the deep end, they’ll have a chance.
I think if they nominate the current poll front-runner (Biden) they win easily. He’s a boring pick and may not win the primaries, but that’s what I think.
Eh, dunno about that. Joe Biden’s only success beyond Delaware was via Chocolate Nixon’s coat tails. He attempted to run for president a few times and failed miserably. I think people have completely forgotten what a joke Joe Biden was before getting a lottery ticket from Obama in 2008.
the man plagiarzed Neil Kinnock, noted and perennial loser.
he’s not a brilliant strategist.
Biden has #metoo issues and hasn’t even announced yet. That leaves Grandpa. Trump will wipe the floor with that guy.
Biden would be in a real bind, and Trump would stick him with it good and hard: either repudiate the nutter wing of the party, or support it. Either option costs Biden votes and support.
Thing is, though, that they (like every election prognosticator before Nov 6 2016) thought Trump had absolutely no chance of being elected. They were just fucking with us because, hey, fucking with the US is what Russians do.
We need to hold out for Nadler’s interpretation. Ought to be fun.
I assume this will be the headline everywhere soon. Thing is, it doesn’t mean what it sounds like:
Trump thought presidency was over when told of Mueller’s appointment: ‘This is the end… I’m f—ed’
Even that orange bastard thought this would lead to his impeachment!!!11!!!
NY Post is running with the same misleading headline.
Kind of weird that Fox and the Post are doing it. I guess clicks are clicks.
Well you get to the article and then you read that it’s not actually what you thought.
Just kidding. No one reads the article.
Well, that’s it folks. The print media has had a pretty good run, but it’s time to pack it in and turn out the lights.
The media is making the Q anon crowd look sane.
It’s a white flower folks. And a Germanic country.
Nazis. Duh. It’s obvious.
I’d say that’s the week’s most unhinged thing yet.
But we still have two or three more days depending on when you mark the BOW
Hard-hitting stuff, there Jake.
I apologize for my comma abuse.
What does that mean?
He didn’t fire him so their confidence was correct, right?
It’s like next level stupid, making me question my intelligence because I can’t comprehend somebody else’s deep thoughts with Jack Handy.
Does the NYT employ anyone at all with an IQ above room temperature?
It’s the theme song for The Man In The High Tower! Obviously it’s a Nazi song!!!11!!!
/paraphrasing an actual response in the replies
That version is quite haunting.
It is. I really like it.
I agree it is not controversial. Just trying to apply logic to emotion. “Somewhere over the rainbow” was also playing. I guess someone could even find something controversial about that as well.
“tRump wants tornados to kill everyone!!!1!!1 #resist”
i’m going to find the best.. so far this one:
Replying to @maggieNYT
They should teach music history in your coding classes.
gotta admit love muh thrones..
Replying to @maggieNYT
was “The rains of castamere” not available?
So far I’m only on page six of the report, but they keep referring to the GRU hacking the DNC, and even stated that came from the DNC and their tech firm. How has that not been questioned yet? Who else can report a crime and then when the police ask for evidence can just say ‘trust me, my tech guy says it’s true’.
It’s all supposition. The hackers used techniques supposedly associated with Fancy Bear. Techniques common to just about all hackers, by the way. We know Fancy Bear is definitely associated with the Russian government (because trust us). Fancy Bear set up DCLeaks using untraceable bitcoin (like anybody with any sense would have done) anonymously, but it must have been them (because who else could it have been?)
Does the NYT employ anyone at all with an IQ above room temperature?
Frank Bruni, Michelle Goldberg, Tim Egan, Krugabe…..
I’ll say, “no.”