The “more Protestant” part of TPTB would be Swissy, wouldn’t it?
It’s Good Friday, not Holey Thursday.
ZARDOZ is Anglican.
I would’ve taken him for a Baptist given the no sex thing.
Wouldn’t that have made him a shaker? I thought baptists were anti-booze?
Altight wall panels hung, first coat of flooring laid, next I have to put my caulking on and them see how my meat is doing getting smoked.
These euphemisms are getting too strange.
Thank you. I see Reuters took no time to push a poll about a 3 point drop in approval for Trump after the report went live.
Even the article reporting on the poll infers guilt.
Keep firing assholes!
Three points is within the margin of error of polling – even by the admission of the pollsters (and before the factors of push-polling are included)
They admit a 4 point margin of error
The one I saw says “plummets to lowest level of the year”.
I’m reminded of back when Apple used to post record profits every quarter immediately followed by the stock tanking.
Will the Democrats pounce on this poll?
Will STEVE SMITH shit in the woods?
Repost from previous thread.
I have checked the thermostat, and it didn’t help.
Since I put the m.2 SSD in, the computer has taken literal minutes to POST, then almost as much time to boot into the OS.
I mean waiting for the maching to post, I had to time get annoyed, wander into the kitchen, look in the fridge, check out the window, go back to the desk, get annoyed, pick up the laptop, close fifteen or so tabs with the trackpad, shut down the laptop, and get annoyed again.
This is not the performance people said there should be. It’s not even a sane delay. Any ideas on how to fix it?
I? I thought you said “we”.
What MB and and SSD. Are you running in AHCI in the bios?
ASUS TUF x299 mark 2
Intel 660p
And I have no idea.
You should check for that. SSDs for the most part should be set to AHCI.
Under Sata Controller
Set to [AHCI] when you want the SATA hard disk drives to. use the AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface). The AHCI
allows the onboard storage driver to enable advanced Serial
ATA features that increases storage performance on random workloads by allowing the drive to internally optimize the order of commands.
At least, thats my opinion on the matter.
Sorry not the SSDs themselves, the SATA controller firmware.
Is changing it going to cause any issues for a drive that has already been installed to?
Yep. Especially if you are set to RAID. However, i am not sure if this is what your issue is.
Remote T/S sucks on these problems.
I would search the interweb for “added 2nd SSD, slow POST”
Probably put you to tomshardware.com for an answer or insight
I dont know how to post links…so go here
It’s not a second SSD, it’s the only SSD in the machine. There are two regular spinning platter HDDs, and a DVD-RW attached to SATA ports.
I will still check the configuration next time.
The delay is before the option to enter setup, the post screen hasn’t appeared yet,
Which is your master boot? The SSD?
If you have fastboot enabled also, i would turn that off. I know it has problems.
I turned fastboot off early on before I’d even gotten to this stage, so that should still be off.
Let me DuckDuckGo that for ya.. 😉
More seriously – it looks like a known issue with the x299 chipset and ASUS based on the number of links.
This says that it is due to RAM detection logic (RAM Training) in the BIOS, which can be disabled if you’re sure of your DRAM settings.
Hope this helps.
*sigh* some tannerite for the squirrels too.
Performance of the drive after booting has completed is in line with expectations – quite fast and constrained more by the fact that the other drives and the network are slower than it.
Have you tried rebooting?
Have you tried turning if off and then back on again ?
Have you tried a 12 gauge?
I have poured over two grand into this box at this point.
I would hurt more destroying that than looking for more technical solutions.
Pig roast starts at 8am tomorrow.
Still missing: the pig.
I assume the neighbor who was supposed to buy the pig isn’t getting invited to the next roast?
Relevant – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pDPTr97JawQ
Mary-Louise Parker was so hot.
My dad is out pig hunting right now. He expects me to butcher it even though I’ve been in bed with the flu the last two days. I’ll send him down your way. Maybe then I can rise again on the third day.
Sorry 🙁
Maybe then I can rise again on the third day.
Maybe the pig will.
So I guess Putin’s strategy for world dominance is by installing TV personalities to the heads of their respective states and ruling by proxy.
Steve Smith is antisemitic.
Steve Smith is a self-hating Jew.
STEVE SMITH is George Soros?
That would be an everyone hating pseudo Jew.
So, my gf’s aunt is about to pass of cancer. The aunt is not a nice person. The gf does not like her, but has power of attorney and has been taking care of her and making arrangements for her care. The gf does not seem too broken up over this yet. What should I do for my gf when the aunt finally passes? Card? Flowers? Bourbon?
The fact that she doesn’t even like her makes it weird (to me). Zardoz need not respond.
Eat her ass.
The right meal for any occasion.
^This guy knows what’s up^
*scribbles down notes*
To be faaaaaaiiiiiiiiirrrrrr….
That’s your answer for everything.
Wait . . .the aunt or the girlfriend?
Not an unreasonable question.
This is how you get mouth cancer.
Have you tried asking the girlfriend what she wants?
Condolences always in order; rest might depend on gf being in aunt’s will and how much the legacy will be.
I love that when I click on the sasquatch/free cascadia image it reads out: A 501(C) (RAPE) ORGANIZATION.
*hits the bowl*
Happy Friday, shitheads.
It’s GOOD Friday, BTW. Only it wasn’t. I had to stay at one of my client’s sites, because the project manager wouldn’t let me go until 4PM. Venturing down to NOVA tomorrow to spend the night and visit friends on Sunday, the Easter egg day, or whatever. I plan to get drunk tomorrow night.
Damn, I thought weed is supposed ot mellow one out.
Also, your avatar is triggering me. My Indian in-laws bought me a bunch of Indian clothes, and then said I looked like Trudeau when I wore it. -.-;
Hey, I wanted to change my avatar months ago but I was told in no uncertain terms by several people here that I’m not allowed because it’s just that fucking awesome.
I, for one, am glad that message got thru to your drug addled brain.
*takes big gulp of beer while pouring a few fingers of whisky*
And you listened to these reprobates?
Poroshenko and Zelenskiy had a presidential debate in a stadium. Looks weird. To my surprise, Zelenskiy even spoke Ukrainian.
G-d must be pissed off I didn’t leave enough wine out for Elijah tonight, because we’ve got one helluva thunderstorm rolling through.
If I die remember I love all of you. Except that one of you. You know who you are. You know what you did.
Listen, you can hate me all you want, but it’s not going to change the fact that this is anime as God intended it.
No, this is.
(btw Lucoa is the Glib Anime mascot)
Most people rejected HM’s message.
They hated Heroic Mulatto because He told them the truth. (Ezekiel 23: 19-20)
What an ass
Woh oh here she comes
Watch out boys she’ll chew you up
Woh oh here she comes
She’s an ass eater….
Ted, if you can link a recording of those lyrics, I’ll never denigrate your links ever again.
But, I might still miss-use apostrophe’s.
Nelly Furtado could eat my ass. Just Sayin’.
How did I not know that was a thing? Looks awesome.
Also, I think he meant the whole fucking his wife thing, not the anime.
Also, best mecha anime:
1. Eureka Seven
17. Gundam
3,231,998: Evangelion. It’d be 3,231,997 spots higher without that scene from End of Evangelion.
Rest of the top 5 mecha anime, for the record, are Code Geass, Escaflowne, Full Metal Panic and Guren Lagann
wrong, so wrong.
That’s not even wrong.
The correct answer is Bubblegum Crisis, followed by Orguss 02.
Wow, someone actually likes Eureka Seven? I pushed through the first season, but I realized I hated every character way too much to even care what happened.
I won’t repent for the music links I post,
Could you at least give it up for Lent? That would at least give us a 40 day reprieve.
The weirdest beer ever.
Modelo Chelada Especial
Seriously, try it.
BTW, if you do. I’d suggest having a bottle of good vodka handy to top it up.
Mr. Smith; I applaud your stand for a free Cascadia. I am curious, what is your stance on a free Catalonia? Do those Dago’s deserve it?
I recall that pirate.
There is nothing stopping someone from optioning Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis trilogy if they so desired.
Someone tried,
Uh oh!
I would watch the hell out of that.
What would we do without the Guardian to racesplain everything to us?
A newspaper that hated Lincoln when he was alive?
George has defended this many times. The setting is based on medieval Europe directly with many real life analogues. Except Essos which is more Mideast/North Africa. It’s white because it’s European history based.
That’s not going to placate any of these people.
Good Vibrations is the best song ever recorded. Fight me.
Old Man Music.
Since it’s not even the best Beach Boys song, obviously you are wrong.
Pffft. Their second best song is Wouldn’t it be Nice
Are you smoking with Trigger Hippie? Their second best is Sloop John B.
*removes glove*
*slaps Mike S across the face*
Chip, it is the one who is challenged who decides the weapons.
Hmmm… It seems that I am at a disadvantage, then.
Fine. If Mike S deems that Achy Breaky Heart is the best song ever, then so be it.
That doesn’t sound fair, what if someone picks some weird ass weapon the other person never used?
That’s the point. It makes people think more before challenging people to a duel.
Achy Breaky Heart is an abomination unto humanity. If not for that fucking pile of dreck, Miley Cyrus would just be some redneck nobody ever heard of.
Chip, I challenge you to…JARTS!
JARTS! Nice.
We should have our orphans downrange to retrieve them for us.
Also, I love Miley Cyrus.
“If not for that fucking pile of dreck, Miley Cyrus would just be some redneck nobody ever heard of.”
That isn’t true. Dolly Parton is her godmother, Waylon Jennings taught her guitar, etc. Nashville is people who know people. Disney made her famous, but she’s still a great singer.
So, her dad got his break because of connections to Dolly. And did Waylon teach her guitar before or after Achy Breaky was a hit?
Miley was born about six month after that song was released.
Right. So, without her dad getting that hit song, do you honestly think we’d know who the hell she is?
Yes, because she has talent, and her family already had plenty of connections.
Jeezus, you Miley fanboy’s are something else. Fine, I’ll agree with you. It was her family connections that made her famous.
There’s hundreds of voices out there just as good (and better looking) whose names we will never know.
Beach Boys or Todd Rundgren?
Todd Rundgren is always the right answer.
I was thinking Marky Mark.
Dick Dale did it better
Better than Mozart’s Symphony No. 40?
Bach’s Brandenburg No. 3?
Liszt’s Preludes?
But, hey, speaking of classical music, what do the Glibs like?
I’m partial to Dvorak, myself.
I like Dvorak too but my jam is Bach organ stuff.
*raises eyebrow*
Get your minds out of the gutter. We’re being sophisticated here.
Depends. Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Handel’s Water Music…
I found it overrated. I stayed there once and it was pretty much a regular hotel.
Yeah, I know. The breakfast buffet had reconstituted powdered eggs. Gross, right?
I’ve stayed at several Four Seasons. Manele Bay on Lanai absolutely ruined me. Scottsdale was a “meh”, Boston was the best service I’ve had anywhere.
I’ve “souvenired” several chests of ice for our boat from the Lanai 4S. The local employees look the other way for anchored boats.
The hotel looks nice, but I prefer rum drinks in the cockpit with friend than any resort pool.
Dvorak is good. I like Chopin.
I have a very large dog named “Chopin”.
This and this.
Oh christ, we have classical music snobs here, too?
A simple NoDak like yourself just won’t understand high culture.
The only reason I listed those two is because I’ve actually played them. (trombone) (years ago) So, minor emotional attachment.
Now I feel like an ass. 😛
I have no musical talent, so I won’t pretend to understand.
Ha-ha. Don’t, it was only high school band. But I really loved playing classical music, and those two were two of my absolute favorites.
I really wish I would have stuck with it.
Never too late to pick something up.
AFAIK my dad had never had musical inclinations and he’s started learning guitar at age 65+/-.
Who let the NoDak rube in here?
Some weird guy who calls himself “Pope Jimbo” insisted I should stop by.
This is what happens when you do things like let the Irish in.
*tosses off bourbon, heads to the cupboard*
Bach, Mozart, Telemann, Vivaldi, and Handel, for starters.
Telemann is underrated. Or underappreciated maybe? I always enjoy his works when I hear them on the classical station, but have never sought them out for whatever reason.
Beethoven’s Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Ninth.
Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” and “An American in Paris”
“The Ring”, all 16 hour of it.
Gimme some time, I’ll come up with more.
I haven’t found the appeal of that one yet. It just seems a bit too… Repetitive. Maybe I need to sit down and focus on it more.
Needs a naked Bo Derrick.
I tried watching a version of Der Ring des Nibelungen and I just couldn’t do it.
I HATED opera. Then PBS did a four-night production and I came away an fan of opera for life.
Also, Clair de Lune.
I like this one better.
I hear music in movies or whatever that I like but I have no idea what they are.
Thank you for providing this link as it is another song that I’ve always loves but had not idea what it was.
Jerry, Phil and Bob did.
Mahler. Mendelssohn. Mussorgsky. Really, it’s endless.
Finally someone gets to the good stuff, the Russian Romantics.
I’m going to put on some Rimsky-Korsakov.
I have my music-major older brother to thank for introducing me to so much.
Not Beethoven’s Seventh?
Will have to give it another try.
Between the four that I listed it’s hard to pick a favorite. Kind of like pie, I like whichever variety I’m eating at the time.
Add in Holst “The Planets”, Bach Toccata and Fugue”, B’s 7th and the “Good, Bad and the Ugly” Suite.
Yeah, I said it. Spaghetti westerns have some very good classical style music.
Semi-OT: Symphony musicians do not like to be referred as “Name Composer Here” Cover Bands.
The Planets is amazing.
Holst had a lot of other good stuff, specifically his Second Suite in F and First Suite in E Flat. They always make me picture a traditional English Christmas.
Rhapsody in Blue is one of the highlights of flying United.
Anything by Andres Segovia, but his interpretations of Bach are fucking awesome.
Classical music ?
Credence Clearwater
Three Dog Night
So it is said. So it is done.
My favorite of Three Dog isn’t actually their’s.
One of my favorites
OK, if you’re gonna go there. . .
Welp, I’ll be back in 17 minutes.
My tastes gravitate towards the Italian. I’ve been listening to a ton of Boccherini, Corelli, Albinoni, and of course Paganini (the absolute monster of violin). And I recently discovered Geminiani, another good one.
I also like opera – mainly Verdi – which I consider to be under the umbrella of classical music. La Traviata is probably my favorite of his.
I’m a big fan of Gilbert and Sullivan as well. Behind the clever, silly lyrics, there’s some great orchestral music. The two works of theirs that I listen to the most are also two the most underappreciated: The Grand Duke and Ruddigore.
… Although one of my favorite pieces of music ever is Mendelssohn’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Love Dvorak. But I’m very partial to Varese, Smetana, Janacek, and Grieg.
Not Bernard Herrmann’s The Storm Clouds Cantata?
I love his Hitch music. Not familiar with that particular movie.
I…wut?!!!11!? You must see both versions. If you’re strapped for time, go with the 1956 version. It is superior, but the 1934 version is wonderful, as well.
Somehow I missed that one. I love pretty much all the Hitch I’ve seen.
IIRC, the 1934 version is Peter Lorre’s first English-language role.
I think you’re right, Ted. He plays a wonderful greasy, creepy prick. (yes, yes, his strong suit)
Rhy, the ’56 version is considered one of Hitch’s very best. And I’m not a big Doris Day fan, but I really enjoyed her in it. Watch for it on TMC…it’s a very well spent 2-ish hours.
At least until some old Jimmy Stewart interview pops up online…
Watching Jimmy Stewart try to smack some sense into Day is great.
How unwoke…
Que sera, sera.
I don’t believe in such a thing as a best song ever. Every genre has a handful of titans and can be the best song ever for a particular moment or mood. Right now, this is my favorite blues performance:
I love listening to a talented dobro player.
Will Matt Welch be joining HotAir and the Bulwark?
Also Romney, Weld and Kristol talking about ethics is laughable.
“‘It would shake’: Flight attendant reveals the tell-tale sign passengers are joining the mile high club – and one hilarious encounter she will ALWAYS remember”
I’m pretty sure they have cameras in the bathrooms.
“Charlize Theron revealed that her 7-year-old child Jackson is transgender.”
She’s a 7-year-old child you stupid idiot.
“Charlize Theron revealed that
her 7-year-old child JacksonCharlize Theron istransgendera child abuser.”So what makes a 7 year-old “transgender” these days?
They answer “Are you a boy or a girl” with whichever doesn’t match their biology.
From that point on, there’s no takebacks unless the parent is sane.
A lunatic parent and an active imagination?
The thing I don’t get (okay, I do but…) is that transgendered kids wouldn’t likely be a surprise to the parents, as these people often make it out to be.
My niece only plays with dolls, books and kitchen stuff (even though her mom is super feminist and tries to get her to play with cars, etc.), and my son always makes motor noises and loves to play with cars, balls, tools, and his scooter thingie. They’re both 1.
I had no interest in stereotypical boy or girl toys. All I needed was a book and a quiet corner. And my Legos.
That goes without saying. Though I always thought of legos as more of a boy’s toy… though my sister would play occasionally, she was never as interested as my brother and I were.
You’re probably right. I only had 3 older brothers who were each weird in their own way so I didn’t see what girls were into.
“…and my Legos”
You are a superior carbon-based life-form.
Sure, but otoh, just because a girl is a “tomboy” or a boy is a “sissy” doesn’t mean they are transgendered.
I mean, wouldn’t the be what it is? If we’re using terms that mean anything? Gender is an outward expression, like being a tomboy or a sissy is acting outwardly as if you’re the opposite gender.
Really what most people are talking about are transsexuals, as you point out below.
Yes, but children grow out of things, and sexual dimorphism and gender expression change dramatically after puberty. It’s when those two are opposite that causes disphoria.
My niece only plays with dolls, books and kitchen stuff (even though her mom is super feminist and tries to get her to play with cars, etc.), and my son always makes motor noises and loves to play with cars, balls, tools, and his scooter thingie. They’re both 1.
It’s interesting observing my about to be 2 daughter. One minute she’s mothering a baby doll, the next she’s launching cars down the slide in a demolition derby.
I definitely see her attempts to mimic motherly behaviors, but I don’t know if that just because she spends all day with my wife. Some of her personality is definitely nature, because we have tried to nurture it out of her (fear of bugs, for example)
Slowly sipping on a New Belgium Doubel. Double De-lish.
Fuck. Gilmore’d.
Kids are a hoot. Mine has been giving us a lot of stress because of his eating, but I think we’ve finally reached a breaking point and are just going to accept he’s never going to gain weight like we’d like.
Its not that my son never expresses caregiving behavior (he likes to feed us), but I guess he’s very stereotypically male in his interests esp. regarding toys, and his niece is the same way. I spend a lot of time with my boy and I will admit I push him slightly in that direction… but it doesn’t take much effort.
I think we’ve finally reached a breaking point and are just going to accept he’s never going to gain weight like we’d like.
Same here. She was born in the 15th percentile of height and weight , and besides a phase from 6-9 months, she has been lean. She’s getting taller, but i don’t think she has cracked 25 lbs yet. She eats when she’s hungry and not a moment sooner. Today was a good day. Pancakes for dinner meant she was eating off of our plates after she finished her serving.
It’s weird dealing with a kid who isn’t food driven. Picky isn’t the right word, because she will try most everything eventually (eggs being the notable exception) , but some meals she’s happy with 3 blueberries and a cup of apple juice.
Ugh, tell me about it. My guy is the same way. He will eat anything, just not a lot of it, typically.
Ignorance. What makes someone transgender (what was previously called “transsexual”) is neurological dimorphism that isn’t established until puberty.
My five year old said he was a cat for about ten months. Then he grew out of it.
heh, one of my nieces (on the other side) thought she was a cat for a few years, then puberty hit… I don’t think she still pretends to be a cat anymore.
So, when did you get the whiskers surgically implanted?
Funny enough the cure for the cat thing was us getting a cat. Within a week we never heard about it again.
Your refusal to accept that your son is a cat is like so totes offensive. The Humane society should confiscate him and give him a cage in the animal shelter.
I had a post to post, but I won’t post that post.
Cage? I thought they just get a dumpster after being killed.
He identified as a cat, not a fetus.
Sometimes I wonder… if my mother had been woke, would she have put me on hormones because I had zero interest in boy-stuff? Because that kind of would have sucked, since I really like being a man.
I’ve wondered along those lines; are some number of these “trans” people just homosexual and being pushed into surgery because it’s the “in” thing? God, I hope not.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.
Absolutely. A number of people have resigned from the transgender group in Britain’s NHS. One of the issues sited was homosexuals being pushed into reassignment surgery.
Had a patient this week becoming a woman for her lover who was a woman becoming a man. I is so confused.
I knew a guy who was getting a sex-change operation so he could become a lesbian.
Wait, whu. . .?
I knew one of those too. Ended up being one of the ugliest chicks I’ve ever seen.
Huh. So did I.
I saw a study that said 80-90% of teens who think they’re transgender desist and most end up being gay or lesbian. There are many videos on YouTube of young people who have gone about halfway through the process before deciding against it and are now pissed at the people who pushed them into getting mastectomies or whatever.
If we excluded all the gays, the bisexuals, the weird straight kids and the kids who say stupid stuff when they are young how many transgendered people would there actually be?
Also isn’t it very strange how “Ignore gender stereotypes!” and “Accept Gays!” mantras have very quickly transformed into “Hey maybe your kid is a tranny”?
The right isn’t that high, but it is still a serious issue.
um , rate
Maybe. That is an interesting thought.
For a short time I wished I was a girl, but mainly because I thought they had it easy… Also firmly in the glad-I’m-a-man club now.
It’s almost as if childhood is about figuring out how to be an adult.
So instead of being a gay man you would be what exactly? A transman or a transwomen? Nonbinary?
A basket-case, likely.
I absolutely think at least a good portion of the whole transmania is teens that are likely gay and are getting encouraged to take hormones instead. It’s one of the many fucked up things about this mass hysteria.
I wonder: until recently how “progressive” was it to insist that gays should have sex change operations?
To sum up: transgenderism is the gay genocide.
My daughter from ages 5-9 has gone from being pretty neutral on girl/boy things to being the girliest girl one’s ever seen, to being a tomboy today.
Man – son of man – buy the flame of ever-life
(yours to breathe and breath the pain of living)… living BE!
Here am I! Roll the stone away
from the dark into ever-day.
Very nice. Reset the narrative please.
Passing through west Virginia now on way to Myrtle Beach in a RV. Going through Indiana I found numerous weapons strewn about the state ready to unload on anyone at random.
Also learned that getting a trucking job, then being injured in an accident and suing is an effective plan for life according to IN billboards. Contact “The Hammer” for legal needs.
Visit to Ark Encounter is very impressive. Say what you will about Answers in Genisis theories they put together a good quality program.
Be sure to check under your chassis, these things are known to hitch rides on unsuspecting out of state vehicles with the intent to enter other states and commit mass murders.
*looks underneath like a kid on Xmas morning, and is disappointed*
To noted antisemite Steve Smith and my (((fellow))) glibs, chag semeach. Best Passover song ever:
It’s always a Good Friday with these ladies.
You won’t want to Passover looking at some tittays.
1 and done.
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Scott Atkins
Replying to @jdawsey1
This is why nobody but the @DNC circle jerk takes this seriously anymore. That front page is a disgrace but in its disgrace, many wake up. Thank God for @realDonaldTrump for waking millions of Americans up to the truth about the @washingtonpost
There are people out there that believe Nick Sandman’s face is more punchable than Eric Swalwell’s.
He actually has this pic on his Twitter profile. Caption contest.
Get a room!
It always pisses me off when he talks about his family.
As a dad… fuck off and go home to your family, you sick fuck.
“the best tasting part is the frontal lobe, it’s like you can feel their soul melting away between your teeth”
Who dis?
Know one knows, and fewer seem to care.
Ohhhh I forget the kid’s name already. And I didn’t know what Swalwell looked like.
Not possible.
Sounds like an alternate reality.
Swallowswell’s unibrow tells you everything you need to know.
Apparently Trump’s fundraising got a big bump after the report came out.
That was me. I am so tired of this progressive assault on our republic. Drain the swamp or blow it up.
I’ve never donated to political causes except the NRA and the Ron Paul campaign back in ’08, but damnit, I might throw some money to the Bad Orange Man in 2020. This is contingent on him not doing anything incredibly stupid and statist, but that threshold lowers as Team Blue gets more and more statist in their efforts to bring him down.
They need to be severely punished for the shit they have done in their frantic effort to destroy the Bad Orange Man.
Hell, you push me far enough and I’ll buy one of those fucking hats, and I’m not a baseball cap person at all.
I don’t think there’s anything short of Calvin Coolidge returning fron the grave that would cause me to throw money at politics, but the progs are pretty damn close to motivating me to vote next year.
I decided to vote for Trump after the Democrats defended MS13.
Donating and volunteering for Omar, Tlaib, AOC is how you get Orange Man back.
*Autocorrect thinks “Tlaib” is “Taliban”.
Hm. The way Semitic languages work, they could be based on the same root….
Paging Derpy to the MWR tent phone…
Now I’m seeing that Taliban is from a language that isn’t even Semitic.
Never mind.
Yes, but talib is a loanword from Arabic meaning “student”
Ah… the plot thickens.
I didn’t think Semitic languages worked on Friday night.
They do if they’re conjugated into Shabbos mode.
For once, it’s not wrong…
Maybe we should start GlibPAC.
Don’t tell me what to do.
Thanks to prompts from comments here, I just listened to:
Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture followed almost immediately by Iron Butterfly’s In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Ab out 36 minutes of wonderful.
I. fucking. love. this. place.
I just looked for one of my favorite pieces ever and came up with this. I have never seen this kind of presentation before; it’s amazing.
Vivaldi via Bach
Mesmerizing and a reminder that I’m completely illiterate in re music.
I got about as far as a painful rendition of Für Elise and realized I had reached my limit. It’s all lost.
It’s nice to know that the folks here have so much in common with me. Quite paradoxical for a bunch of individualists. I don’t think quite so many would enjoy classical music on your typical forum.
That was painfully mechanical. listen to a true pianist sometime.
The organ piece I linked above was pretty mechanical too – I’ve heard way better versions. I think both videos are more “educational” in nature.
I find the music machine videos fascinating. Classical music and watching the music emerge. (Without having to know how to read music.)
Hear is a sample.
That’s neat too.
Almost 5 minutes in. Thank you for this.
I haven’t read music for years. It was very fun to be able to follow along and get a refresher. What a fun video. Thanks, Rhy!
Looks like he has more – I have a feeling I’ll be checking out my other Bach favorites.
And I love that I was able to make someone’s day slightly better, even if was for only 17 minutes and 4 seconds.
Love you guys (no homo)
Goodnight Glibs, wherever you are.
Thanks, Hobbit.
JS Bach, Chaconne by Andres Segovia.
Bach wrote that piece after returning from a long trip to find that his wife had died. Sometime in 1718-20.
The old days were harsh.
I was just thinking the other day how I’d deal with my child dying, and I’m not sure I could. There are reasons why people were relatively more conservative then.
Possibly the greatest thing about living right now is that your loved ones usually stay alive till they’re old.
Definitely, although the lack of hardship seems to have all sorts of unfortunate effects on human psychology.
Unless they go at an early age. Harder to cope now I think.
It is probably harder to know people who have experienced it, and thus, know how to deal with that.
Yeah, plus it’s not seen as normal anymore. More allowance for navel gazing vs expectation of suck it up and carry on.
And I’ll just add; neither are new to me. I’ve listened to them both many times. But in close succession was…different. They are actually more similar than most would guess.
Or…I’m drunk.
*insert why not both .img*
Very good video. I’m only about halfway in, but he really explains it all well:
The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful
Please provide a two- or three-sentence summary when you’re done.
I know…20 minutes. But he touches on so many different topics/reasons.
I’ll try and give a quick summation
I watched 2 minutes.
Less variety in musical styles and instruments within and between songs? Less complexity basically.
That said, I watched Blurred Lines right after.
Hopefully the topless version.
Is there another version?
They got ripped off by Marvin Gaye’s relatives for that one big time.
Does it have anything to do with auto tune and uncommon pitches that sound like “singing” with a mouthful of marbles?
Start here, at 4:22
And then this part at 6:46
So he’s talking about “chart-topping songs of the last ten or twenty years”.
I.e. nothing I have ever listened to. I… guess… it’s useful to understand why it’s all garbage but I already knew that it’s all the same shit over and over again.
Yes. For “old guys” like us it’s not so much a reason to change our ways, as it is scientific proof that those damn kids should get off our lawns.
Night, Glibs. I’m going to attempt to turn little orange, clay discs into powder tomorrow morning.
Have fun! I got my bar oil leak fixed so I’m going to use a little orange spinning disc to turn wood into powder. If the soil being delivered first isn’t a heap of soggy mud.
Fair winds and clear skies.
Me too. I forgot to put the lid on my jar of Tang.
The jokes write themselves.
Yet no guff for repping Total Gym?
It is sad . . . after Walker Texas Ranger he should be repping a revolver brand.
It’s so cute how woke Yahoo wants to be. Get in line, biyatch.
How in the hell do they even still manage to employ a “news” division? The only, single thing they can do right anymore is fantasy sports. Which they actually do very, very well.
Wow. ??? You’re really gonna make fun of a WAR ?⚔️? VET ?❓❔❓ My??man?SOCRATES?FOUGHT???and?SERVED⚔️⚔️⚔️in the⚔️PELOPONNESIAN WAR???in?POTIDAEA⚔️where?he?SAVED?my?homie?ALCIBIADES. ?Popular?ENDER?of??ALL??CONFLICT⚔️?between?SPARTA?and ATHENS???. ?NEWSFLASH?FELLAS?????. DO NOT ❌?❌? RIDICULE?my?HOMIE????
Curious lack of eggplant there.
I… I… actually enjoyed that. Heaven help me.
Happy Passover ? you Haggadah Hoes™️!! We may not ?♀️ be allowed to eat ?bread ?? but that ?? is KOSHE®️ as FuCk!!? When our ancest-whores ??were in Egypt ? and Phar-hoe Wouldn’t let us leave ??♂️, God sent the 1️⃣0️⃣ plagues to Pharaoh ?and the BREAD didn’t have time ? to rise, but your DICK WILL ????? Send this to 10 Seder Sluts! If you get 1️⃣ back ur gonna be dry as matzah ?? if you get 5 back ?elijah will finally cum and drink that wine ?? if you get 10 back you’re hot like the burning bush??? So say Dayenu u dirty dirty desert bitches ☀️? enjoy your 40 years searching for That Holy Land ????? And shove the entire Afikomen ?️♀️ up your ass!
How long before emoji becomes a fully functional script without needing insertions from other scripts?
When whatever generation comes after Generation Z happens.
With emojis plus some help from twitter-speak we have a pretty close approximation of Egyptian or Chinese written language from a few thousand years ago.
Ah, progress.
If I were Jewish, I’d know whether or not to be offended by that.
(((I’ll))) help. HM is nuts.
Gasping laughter for the last one.
Is this MFK but I want to tell all of them to piss off?
You could pee on them.
You had an interesting seder.
Bonjour. That’s French for “Hola”.
Fake news.
I feel bad for her. No stupid human tricks; just a disease.
Planted 3 new seedlings today.
Black spruce, white spruce and Douglas fir.
Johnny Appleseed was a serial rapist.
Great-great-great-grandfather of STEVE SMITH?
Yep. His other great great great grandfather rapist was Paul Bunyon. Named his cattle “Babe” and left puddles of cum all over Minnesota.
Nice. In about thirty years, you can be a proud papa.
Cuz only 2 minutes of that would be too little.
Good lord that’s awful. I didn’t know fisting a snare drum makes it wail.
This talk about dead kids and instrumental music ? got me thinking about this song and the homicidal rage it evokes in me.
Back to work. Just read the advice column in the Yomiuri. Lady says the she stuck her 80 year old mum in a nursing home. Mum asks, “How long do I have to stay here?”
Sad, yet amusing.
Isn’t it Saturday?
Best take: “This is what happens when every Jew has left your party.”
Any time anyone right of Stalin does anything which can remotely be contextualized as anti-whatever, it proves this right-of-Stalin FASCIST is anti-whatever, and whatever he says to defend himself is just lies.
A reliably antisemitic party does something pretty antisemitic, and we’re all just going to pretend their antisemitism wasn’t antisemitic because honestly who can tell with these goddamn Jews, am I right? Give these chiselers an inch, right?
Here’s one rescue breath for this thread. Is there a second?