I’ve been stationed in a few places while in the service, and my favorite station was in Colorado. Most likely because I left there a few months after they passed that ridiculous magazine law.
This is my review of Wild Tonic Mango Ginger Kombucha
What? I’ll get to it.
What piqued my interest in this was the multiple County Sheriffs in Colorado that openly denounced the new “Red Flag” Law law that went into effect recently. While I was living there, the then local sheriff, Terry Maketa of El Paso County, declared the magazine law unenforceable and refused to even try. As for the new law, per the Colorado Springs Gazette:
The Democrat-sponsored law allows family, household members or law enforcement to petition a court for an “extreme risk protection order” (ERPO) to have guns seized from an owner if they believe he or she poses a threat to themselves or others.
The gun owner will be given legal counsel and a hearing within 14 days to determine if a longer-term order should be put in place for up to 364 days. The court can order a mental health evaluation, as well as mental health treatment.
The bill places the burden of proof on the gun owner to prove that he or she no longer poses a risk in order to get the firearms back.
The law allows courts to start accepting requests for ERPOs on Jan. 1. In the meantime, the state Police Office Standards Board, which is under Weiser’s office, along with chiefs of police, are working on policies for law enforcement in how to implement the law.
Let it be known that due process and presumption of innocence no longer exists.
So we’re going to play a game called, “Gun or Cellphone?” I scour the internet for creep-shots of people that might have a cellphone…or a handgun, but which one can it be? I leave it to you to decide…
Why would it matter? Unlike the Colorado legislature all of us here are aware that no law is just going to magically make the guns disappear, and are aware of the utter lack of statistical likelihood the person next to you is mentally insane insane enough to murder everyone in the room. We’re also much more aware if the FBI crime statistics that suggest the overwhelming number of murders with a firearm are handguns, so it seems more relevant. So lets play…

#1 Gun or Cellphone?

#2 Gun or Cellphone?

#3 Gun or Cellphone?

#4 Gun or Cellphone?

#5 Gun or cellphone?

#6 Gun or cellphone?

#7 Gun or cellphone?

#8 Gun or cellphone?

#9 Gun or cellphone?
I don’t have an answer key…
I should warn you about this kombucha—some of the offerings from this brand are 5.6% alcohol which means this MAY be good for stealth day drinking. Even though those are clearly labeled, the nannies at the Glibertarians.com legal department wished me to put up the following disclaimer: drink this at work at your own risk…
my local gun shop here in Fort Collins told me the first time I went there that they can’t sell me standard capacity magazines due to Colorado law, but their sister store in Cheyenne, WY would be happy to fill any needs I may have in that arena.
Amusingly, this information was provided apropos of nothing. I was there to buy a 1911 recoil spring and some .44 ammo.
The wife and I were recently discussing where we would be willing to move if work situation required it. The only place we both would be okay with is Ft Collins.
This town is awesome and we absolutely love it here. Come on over robc
Next time I’m out there, I’ll try to have some foresight and see if you wanna get a drink. I think July is possibly the next trip.
Right on. Would be an excuse to try one of the 20 breweries I haven’t been to yet
I zoomed in on the other open tabs but can’t quite read them. Tentacle porn, I assume.
That kid in the striped shirt in #1 is definitely holding a Liberator Ghost Gun! *blamblamblamblam*
#3 is a nice ass, not a cellphone
Dammit, Yusef! I saw her first!
Great minds, etc.
As a post graduate in Assology myself, I concur, doctors.
Second that
I’ll take #3. Thnx
I’ll frisk her. Just to be safe.
#6 has no form…definite gun
I’m not clear on what, exactly, is in that bottle.
Probiotic goo, mostly.
Hipster juice
So much this.
LOL. You win one internetz.
The Democrat-sponsored law allows family, household members or law enforcement to petition a court for an “extreme risk protection order” (ERPO) to have guns seized from an owner if they believe he or she poses a threat to themselves or others.
I think we all pose an “extreme risk” in the eyes of law enforcement. Let the seizures commence.
I’m looking forward to the first lawsuit challenging the law. Requiring the person deprived of a Constitutional right to meet the burden of proof, after an ex parte hearing no less, is obviously ass backwards.
Well, if they can call it a tax, they can treat it like tax court.
Problem solved!
There’s already a process in place if the person is a bona fide danger to themself (civil commitment) or others (criminal charges). Like everything else gun grabbers do, this is solely about making it easier to grab guns.
Let the seizures commence.
I think I’m having one right now.
So was it good?
Yeah, the review is kind of missing the, you know, review.
Its not
Thanks, I will stay away from it.
All cops are a threat to others, so they need to be disarmed first.
The Climate Cult,
You found the one article on Medium that isn’t derp. Good work.
The left are a cult, period. Climate change is just another blunt tool in their arsenal of bludgeons.
If I hit a reply button the site zips down to the bottom of the page and….
apparently posts my reply correctly.
Thats odd.
Doing the same thing for me.
Reset your cookies. WordPress did an update which apparently wasn’t tested for back-compatibility.
h/t Rhywun
Didn’t seem to do anything.
I’m on whatever the latest version of Firefox is, if that helps. Mebbe I should switch to Brave.
Try quitting, or “reload from origin” or whatever it’s called in your browser.
Oh my.
Yep, same here. Annoying…
Pretty much nails it.
Seagram’s heiress pleads guilty in NXIVM sex slave case
Spider-Man fan?
Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, bun bang! bang !bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! *click *click * click … damn, missed! *reloading… /cop
Speaking of beer like stuff. I mentioned this in another thread a couple days ago, but I think the thread was dead at that point. Anyone had the Modelo Chelada? I just saw it in the cooler and thought ‘never tried that’, so I grabbed a 24oz can. Poured it out in a glass and …. i’t red. OK. Took a drink… tomato juice? Yep. So I grabbed my bottle of Gray Goose and poured in a couple shots. That’s better…
Fuck Constellations Brands and their fake Mexican beer.
That is what Chelada is. I think Bud had one a few years back.
Or maybe that was Clamato.
You can get chelada with or without clam juice.
I feel sort of bad for having 3 straight posts, but morning walking is over and now I’m bored. It’s absolutely beautiful out here today. 72, sunny, very light breeze.
95 here, dammit. SP and I are going into town with the A/C blasting all the way.
Cold, windy, and rainy in Columbus. Supposed to be back into 70’s this week though.
95 here, dammit.
I think we punched through 70 for the first time, yesterday.
We’re still working on 70. Have hit 60 a couple times though. And we managed to go a week or so with the low above freezing. Spring!
Supposed to hit 70 here for the first time as well. Tilled the garden for the first time, too. After the winter I want to be outside, even do a little work but not too much.
Pace yourself! All work and no play makes Fourscore a dull boy. 🙂
It isn’t the work that makes me a dull boy, my wife is trying to wean me off this site. Don’t know why…
Glass house, slingshot, rock?
A gun control group has filed an IRS complaint against the National Rifle Association (NRA), calling for an investigation into whether the gun rights organization violated tax laws surrounding charitable organizations.
“The NRA is a purported charity and exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code and we write today to alert you to what we believe are activities that clearly fall outside of the NRA’s charitable purpose and mission,” Everytown for Gun Safety said in a letter attached to their complaint filed Thursday.
“We call on the IRS to commence an investigation into whether (i) the NRA has violated the federal laws governing 501(c)(4) charitable organizations, and (ii) if so, consider what remedies are warranted, including potential revocation of the NRA’s 501(c)(4) status.”
Everytown filed the complaint following an article in The New Yorker on Wednesday that claimed that “a small group of N.R.A. executives, contractors, and venders has extracted hundreds of millions of dollars from the nonprofit’s budget, through gratuitous payments, sweetheart deals, and opaque financial arrangements.”
I would be delighted to see a stake driven through the heart of every “non profit” political activism group in existence. Put them all under the microscope.
Gun safety, my ass. Fuckin’ liars.
Except the NRA isn’t a charitable organization, it’s a social welfare organization. Not the same thing.
My wonderful daughter bought me a groupon for a local brewery. 2 flights, 2 pints and $10 in food. I’m on my way to share it with my brother for his b-day. I’ll be siting on the deck, enjoying a nice spring day, drinking beer with my best friend all afternoon. I hope all you Glibs have a similarly wonderful day.
We’d like a full report on this brewery.
“Share it with my brother for his b-day”
Enjoy the day, MikeS, brothers are the best. I miss mine but life goes on, only a little more lonely. H birthday to your bro, he’ll reciprocate and double the fun.
I’ll be siting on the deck, enjoying a nice spring day, drinking beer with my best friend all afternoon. I hope all you Glibs have a similarly wonderful day.
Dammit I missed morning lynx. I was busy building my perpetual motion machine.
Gun or cell phone? #3, I didn’t notice if she had anything in her hand.
5 out of 5 Glibs agree…..
Another shitty day in paradise, 60 degrees,clouds and wind but no rain.
Time to get some Beer,Cheers everyone, don’t melt, or freeze!
Laws for you, privileges for me.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, said Thursday that she owns a gun for personal safety reasons, adding that she believes in some changes to gun laws.
“I am a gun owner and I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do, for personal safety,” she told reporters in Iowa.
“For too long and still today we are being offered a false choice which suggests you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away,” she said.
She added that she supports “smart gun safety laws” such as universal background checks and renewing the assault weapons ban.
If we can keep the deplorables from getting guns in the first place, we won’t have to worry about taking them away.
Shorter Harris: ‘Gun owners are irresponsible. I should know. I am one.’
Shorter me: Fuck you lady.
She then went on to explain that law abiding people would not lose their right to bear arms, and that “If you like your gun, you can keep your gun.”
“Let it be known that due process and presumption of innocence no longer exists.”
That ship sailed long ago with Civil Asset Forfeiture.
True, but it’s a new SCOTUS. Some court watchers I know are shitting themselves because of Gorsuch’s “contempt” for precedent, ie that he actually interprets the Constitution as written instead of as convenient to progressives.
Almost done.
Side sauce: https://www.fifteenspatulas.com/cilantro-lime-dressing/
You are fired.
Yummy piglet.
I gave my firearms to a buddy before I broke up with my ex. It seemed like the right choice at the time since I was mostly not in a good place. I did not want anything that could put in me in jail from false accusations.
That was a smart precaution.
It ended up being unnecessary since the whole thing was pretty anti-climactic despite me being angrier than I’ve even been before or since. She left that day for another state and I packed up for a few days and never saw her again whens he came back to our place. Well worth the shipping cost and the FFL transfer fee to pick them up in a new state a few weeks later. Don’t need a DV charge showing up on my background checks. I’m 99.999% sure that nothing would have happened, but damn, she knew how to press my buttons.
*steps up to microphone, taps it*
Is this thing on?
I would like to amend something I wrote in my article on maximizing the value of your timber. I said before that you should hold a sealed bid auction of your timber and send invitations to any mill, timber buyer etc within 50 miles. I said your chances of getting good prices were better the closer they are because of the cost of hauling.
Make that 100 miles. Hell, make it every potential buyer in your state. A mill in Leesville (85 miles) just won a bid. I hope they dont lose money on it, but hey, I dont refuse checks.
What kind of wood? Firewood or wood used for furniture?
A jack-leg sawmill. I had never heard of them before.
Oh, in case no one knows that expression. It means, usually, a small operator who bought a saw and started a mill as a hobby and it kinda turns into how he makes a living.
Livin’ the dream.
We have birch and black spruce around here, which is mostly garbage wood and only good for burning.
Southern white pine here. The hills in Louisiana are the best timberland in the world. It produces high quality lumber faster than anywhere else. 30 years for top grade saw logs.
Do you ever get tree poachers? Apparently the courts take a VERY dim view of people who cut downs tress that belong to someone else.
It is a beautiful spring day here. I was having a great day and you have to mention timber thieves.
*face turns red*
In the past we have had some trouble with that. We had one plot that had loads of cedar on it. It was an old homestead that had cedars planted in the yard. Over the next hundred years or so they spread over about 20 acres. Mills pay a premium on good cedar for furniture and paneling. Of course there were the odd red oaks that would go missing (firewood) but I never worried much about them. The cedar pissed me off.
I tried to catch them once. I went and hid in the bushes half of the day. Around lunch I got hungry so I drove to Jena for fried chicken. When I got back someone had cut a cedar right where my truck had been parked that morning. Smart asses.
Oddly enough the stealing stopped after that.
*In louisiana the penalty for stealing timber is 3X the price of the timber. Guess who gets to determine the value.
The truth is I would probably go pretty easy on them. The average income in Catahoula parish is only 17K or so. There would be no honor in squashing someone trying to feed their family or pay a mortgage.
Wouldn’t a mill look askance at some random guy brining a single tree? I know nothing about this.
They all know each other. You cant do anything over there without everyone knowing about it. Hell, they know what you are up to before you do.
And they are gossipy as hell. Or as I sometimes joke ” This aint the first time I am the last one to find out about something I did.”
Ah yes, small town living. They know you’re going to fart before you do.
I lived in a sub 1000 person village off the road system and I was always amazed at the things I supposedly did.
Great article and pictures. Thanks.
I admit to being fascinated by your choice of locations for the beverage pics and the random things in the background. I kinda miss the kitchen counter, but having Glibs on the monitor was a nice touch.
Agreed. Keep it up Sharpy.
the random things in the background
You mean the tea kettle, grape tomatoes, and kitchen utensils?
But thanks fellas!
50 degrees and raining. Perfect Scotch weather!
Well, wifey is crying because her son bought her a ticket to come there for Mother’s Day. I just realized, I’m free for a few days! Celebration! JK, my wife is wonderful, I’m glad it’s only for a few days. Not to suggest I will not take advantage in some way…
You weren’t invited?
Nope, but I’ll assume that is because of the cost of another ticket and the fact I am not anyone’s mother.
And also assume that if I want to buy my own ticket, no one will mind.
Way to assume Hyperion’s gender, you cis shitlord!
My toxic masculinity is even apparent on the intertoobz.
Bachelor weekend!
For some of us, that’s every weekend.
I rarely get one but when I do I hit the town! Then get bored and come home early. Lol.
Yep. Although, I’m not sure I would want to be a full time bachelor again. The way things are today, probably a recipe to get a STD.
Dating is Hellword, especially for someone in their mid 30s. You aren’t missing anything.
“Dating is Hellword”
I actually disagree with you, I like it. I just don’t want a lifetime long STD.
We can agree on the STD thing.
Just got back from store picking up cookout food for tomorrow. Picked up a bottle of Chimay Grand Reserve and a bottle of Vermouth. The recent beer and martini discussions motivated those purchases:)
I very nearly bought that about 30 mins ago.
I have to drive to NOVA tomorrow. That includes no drinking, you know because of the driving part.
Hey Glib Overlords, can you get this site set up to receive BAT? Brave keeps telling me glibertarians.com is not yet verified, and I have some $7 or so in BAT I’d love to send your way.
You’d probably get all the BAT in the future, too, and I’d bet you’d get a fair chunk from most people who primarily hang out here and use Brave.
You keep your guano to yourself!
Broiled pork belly, rice fried in a little bacon fat with corn and toasted sesame seeds. A slaw of shredded carrots and sliced red onion, pickled jalapeños, marinating in rice wine vinegar with a splash of maple syrup and soy sauce. Smirnoff with fresh squeezed beet/ginger/apple/cucumber/orange juice from the local juice bar. Netflix. Changing the strings on my acoustic. It’s a good day.
I bet you didn’t even have to use your AK
Damn, that sounds frigging tasty.
That sounds good. As someone asked me yesterday, can you adopt me?
Sorry OBE, I cannot adopt you. Unless, of course you happen to be a hot 16 year old Korean girl.
Awwww yeah, Charlton Heston’s moobs will be on my teevee tonight!
I observed 4/20 with a trip to the range (did you know shooting a pistol is a great cure for menstrual cramps?), then something something vape.
I prefer Theodore Roberts
I had a good day at the range then went shopping for an EDC at my LGS’s. No decisions yet, except that the Sig P365 is in the lead, and I can’t find a CZ P-10S, but if the grip is similar to the C, It’s gonna be good. Also the CZ-75 compact feels like a much smaller gun than it looks like.
Just got back from a nice day on the slopes. First time this year cause I’ve been super busy with work, kids and coaching. Still tons of snow in the Sierra Nevada. Now it’s cocktail and sauna time.
Well, the gf’s aunt passed away. Please, no condolences or the such. I didn’t know her, but she was suffering stage 4 cancer and lived a life of being super nasty to everyone. Her own family aren’t too upset. The big thing now is the live in caretaker they hired from a legitimate service took a bunch of shit and fled the home. Then a crack pipe was found in the top of the trash can in the home.
*pours a healthy glass of bourbon*
For years my grandfather saved silver quarters, half dollars and dollars for my brother and I. He had a five gallon bucket full of them. My grandmother became ill and he had to hire an in-home caretaker. I ended up with only a small fraction of those coins. I have enough silver quarters to fill a quart jar.
What can you do? People are shits.
Actual monies and important documents were secured prior. She took some collectables, silverware, and other various household goods. Well, as far as has been accounted for since this morning.
I imagine the service carries insurance for just such an event.
I won’t even talk about the first person they tried to hire under the table…
LOL, this exact thing happened to me.