As the triple digit temperatures start, I have to continually answer the question, “We moved here, why exactly?” And as I see the asphalt melting and birds spontaneously bursting into flame as they try to fly, I wonder the same thing. What I don’t wonder about is the fun I have putting links out in front of some of the funniest, snarkiest, and most perverted people on the internet. And here they are, following the usual birthday list.

Happy birthday to the guy who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb; … .- — ..- . .-.. — — .-. … .; the guy who is in every goddam NY Times crossword; and my spirit animal for rumpled disheveledness.



I’m sure this report is objective and balanced.


Speaking of which, what was Einstein’s definition of insanity again?


Turnabout is unfair play. Shouldn’t this guy have been a white supremacist? It’s all so confusing.


This would matter if I gave the tiniest of fucks about the NRA. I don’t. It’s a shit organization if you’re a principled 2A advocate.


If SP and I hadn’t escaped Illinois, we’d be dealing with this. Not sure the heat here is an improvement…


Fifteen minutes are up?


Odds that this is propaganda? I’m seriously agnostic but leaning toward yes.


A solution to the Mexican/Central American immigration problem?


I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find that Team hacks are Team hacks.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


This seems like cultural appropriation.



Old Guy Music features electric blues played by easily the sweatiest guitarist ever. But it’s marvelous- Stevie Ray meets Haystacks Calhoun.