As the triple digit temperatures start, I have to continually answer the question, “We moved here, why exactly?” And as I see the asphalt melting and birds spontaneously bursting into flame as they try to fly, I wonder the same thing. What I don’t wonder about is the fun I have putting links out in front of some of the funniest, snarkiest, and most perverted people on the internet. And here they are, following the usual birthday list.
Happy birthday to the guy who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb; … .- — ..- . .-.. — — .-. … .; the guy who is in every goddam NY Times crossword; and my spirit animal for rumpled disheveledness.
I’m sure this report is objective and balanced.
Speaking of which, what was Einstein’s definition of insanity again?
Turnabout is unfair play. Shouldn’t this guy have been a white supremacist? It’s all so confusing.
This would matter if I gave the tiniest of fucks about the NRA. I don’t. It’s a shit organization if you’re a principled 2A advocate.
If SP and I hadn’t escaped Illinois, we’d be dealing with this. Not sure the heat here is an improvement…
Odds that this is propaganda? I’m seriously agnostic but leaning toward yes.
A solution to the Mexican/Central American immigration problem?
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find that Team hacks are Team hacks.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
This seems like cultural appropriation.
Old Guy Music features electric blues played by easily the sweatiest guitarist ever. But it’s marvelous- Stevie Ray meets Haystacks Calhoun.
“Rights group says Israel continues using lethal force against unarmed Palestinians”
Also, almost certainly bullshit.
I wouldn’t say “good” to that- these are, after all, human beings involved and there’s real suffering and hardship. But I loved the uncritical headlines for a report from a propaganda organization which is an arm of the very people actually responsible for that suffering and hardship.
They got money from me once in response to Parkland, but never again.
That was misplaced, obviously.
Scruffy Brooks.
” I don’t. It’s a shit organization if you’re a principled 2A advocate.”
Not reading the NYT article, but they do plenty of good work.
More so in the past than today. Turning the reins over to Oliver Fucking North is just the logical conclusion to the direction they’ve been heading in recent years. The Team Red worship and continual cop sucking have certainly repelled arms-carrying libertarians like me.
Political advocacy aside, they still do plenty of education, organize competitions, help people build gun ranges, etc.
Bitter clinger! Get him!
Yeah, I sent ’em a bunch of money and look how things have improved here in California?
Yeah, see, things would have been much, much worse had you not sent money. Now to get more things less worse, dig down, way down, into your pocket, let the moths out of your billfold, put some zeros on the end of that check.
Don’t wait, time is running out. Hillary is coming after your guns, via Bernie et al.
First thing Saturday morning seems a good time for a nut punch
Oklahoma police shoot 3 children while trying to arrest suspect.
Something very telling is that it doesn’t say anything about the suspect shooting first (or at all). Just says “gunfire broke out”, which more likely means the officers started panic shooting.
They were in legitimate fear for their lives from those children.
“What prompted the shooting is unclear, Arbeitman said. She said investigators weren’t sure if Smith fired at police. It wasn’t immediately clear if he was armed.”
It sounds like it.
Regardless, what kind of asshole just starts shooting a truck full of kids?
A panicky cop asshole
“We were taking fire” [/say cops] from an unarmed suspect?
I’m sure a Noor sized “slap” or “boom” will be surfacing in evidence soon.
The latest from the trial
Defense is done. Looks like the jury will get it Monday.
I’m starting to get a bad feeling about this.
I think they will get him on the lightest charge (manslaughter). Then he’ll get a very lenient sentence.
The jury will convict him of something out of fear that Black Lives Matter will riot if walks free.
*last was a joke.
“Odds that this is propaganda? I’m seriously agnostic but leaning toward yes.”
Funny, they don’t look British.
New Zealander pleads guilty, faces 14 years in prison for sharing mosque shooting video
Now, he ain’t gonna serve 14 years. Even in that dystopia he probably won’t serve 14 days. But still, this is fucking nuts.
“New Zealand’s Chief Censor David Shanks banned both the video and a manifesto written by the white supremacist accused of the attack, making it illegal to view, possess or distribute them.”
That’s retarded. It was news. It’s history. Banning such things just leads to conspiracy theories (eg. Sandy Hook).
Chief Censor
Progressives collapse in collective petite morte.
The dumbest timeline
So it really is a clown world?
When lettuce farming robots shit in the fields do I still get ecoli?
I’m sure you’ll get e.coli regardless.
Tetanus, more likely.
*golf clap*
I think the most recent wave of immigrants are not Mexicans coming here for jobs. They’re Central and South Americans coming here to escape gang violence perpetuated by our futile WODs. Of course the people complaining loudest about immigration are also the most vociferous supports of the WODs. End prohibition.
End WOD? And let drugs win? That’s just crazy talk.
I’m about out of fucks to give when it comes to Palestinians. There probably hasn’t been a group of people in the planet more committed to self-destruction in the history of the Earth, except for Jim Jones and Heavens Gate.
I stopped caring on 9-11, when CNN had live video of a spontaneous Palestinian block party to celebrate the bombing. I’ve decided to give my fucks to other things.
CNN will be happy to tell you that you are just making this up, I’m sure.
Throw rocks at soldiers. Get shot. Get worked up into angry frenzy at funerals of those shot. Throw rocks at soldiers. Get shot…..
Over a quarter of a century ago you get over 90% of your demands and then walk away from peace negotiations. Why? Because then you’ll have to start the hard and boring work of governing simultaneously with losing all the free money to loot. I wonder when the Pali people turn on the memory of Arafat and his cronies.
The continued enthusiastic support of Hamas and other groups just further confirms peace will come to that region in only one way. 1) The Palis will do something incredibly stupid and horrible. 2)Israel waits for offshore winds. 3)A series of bright flashes and mushroom clouds. 4) Peace for several generations. 5)Process starts again.
In defense of Arafat, I think I recall reports being that he was all-in on the deal … before he realized that his people would murder him and march around displaying the corpse if he made any such deal.
And that was when there was still a living memory of a world where “Palestine” didn’t exist as a country and Palestinians were minorities in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan or Egypt…
Today the cultural memory over there is only that Israel and the US forced Palestinians to live in refugee camps by the hundreds of thousands for the last 50 years. I don’t see how anyone could bring peace to that.
I still think Israel screwed up by not responding to the collapse of those accords by annexing the west bank and Gaza and giving all non-citizens a couple of weeks to get their crap together and move out.
Re: the weather. We’re supposed to get anywhere from 2-6 inches of snow in the mitten. I’ve had it.
Who puts Kraft cheese in omelets?
Mrs. Kraft?
You are on fire this morning.
I just put grocery store brand shredded cheddar in mine. Not as good as Velveeta but was good.
“Twitter is now directly interfering in political elections by banning only some candidates access to the platform. In the US we have the Equal Time Rule for TV and radio, not sure what the UK has but this seems extremely dystopian.”
“Twitter has banned the Euro election campaign accounts of Ukip candidate Carl Benjamin and far-right extremist Tommy Robinson.
Ukip today refused to dump Benjamin after a video emerged of him using a variety of racial slurs.
Benjamin, a vlogger who calls himself “Sargon of Akkad”, had already been banned from Twitter in 2017 for violating the platform’s rules on targeted abuse.
And Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was permanently banned in March 2018 for violating its rules on “hateful conduct”.”
Afaik, Sargon got banned for exposing Anita Sarkeesian as a liar (who was Twitter’s Bias Response Team or whatever it was called).
I thought the “equal time” thing was long gone?
Sarkeesian is a first class grifter, I’ll give her that.
“Facebook has begun rating posts “FALSE” – such as a post saying cannabis has health benefits. Can we call this dystopian yet?”
“MORE ELECTION MEDDLING? Twitter Bans UKIP Campaign Account for Carl Benjamin, Better Known as Sargon of Akkad”
Saying that when you are in business you can’t have political opinions is dystopian.
There is a difference between censoring opinion and expressing opinion.
No. Not when it’s their platform. I understand that it’s despicable, but saying they can’t do this is the same as saying they can’t donate to a political campaign. You’re saying that they have no right to political opinions because they have Incorporated.
That’s the worst take I have ever read, because I’m not saying anything like that.
What does:
“There is a difference between censoring opinion and expressing opinion”
Mean then? In this case they are the same.
If they are banning candidates selectively, then they are choosing to provide services to particular candidates.
That seems like an in-kind donation at the very least.
“Vegas for Beto
Who is excited to see @BetoORourke in #LasVegas tomorrow at #UNLV? We can’t wait to continue the conversation with him. Retweet this Vegas!
12:35 AM – Apr 26, 2019 · Las Vegas, NV”
Here’s how it’s gonna go. We speak. You agree. Or we shut you down. Conversation!
The Saudis are a sick bunch of deranged barbaric inbreds.
It disgusts me that Canada and the USA stick by those assholes.
You could always spot the Saudis in La Jolla. They would be the only ones wearing leather trenchcoats in 95 degree weather.
They’d be gang banging camels if it wasn’t for the damn oil.
Yet you Easterners continue to burn their oil.
Yup. But we don’t exactly have a say in where we buy our oil it seems.
*Texas shakes its head sadly*
Fake news. It’s always 75 degrees in La Jolla.
“This video was shared with me that @TulsiGabbard tweeted and then apparently quickly deleted. I’m going to guess democratic leadership threatened her. Trump isn’t the threat, it’s the democratic party. Tulsi makes this clear.”
Gabbard is the only honest candidate they have, and they’re going to bury her.
She’s honest about one talking point but everything else she says is gibberish. That being said, would!
Definitely would.
Not so different from Trump in that regard.
So have you ever “experimented” with mushrooms, Son?
Look, Donnie Two Scoops has got some serious junk in his badonkadonk so cut me some slack already
She’s palpable and relatable. And cute.
Too bad she’s still a prog.
Still sane though. Well, saner in comparison to the current crop of nut jobs running.
I disagree with so much of what she says, but she hits dead center on my #1 issue: ending forever wars and stopping non-defensive intervention. The opposition to crony capitalism is also delightful.
If lightning killed all the other Team Blue candidates, the only way she’d get their nomination, I’d vote for her.
I dunno, having team blue in charge of court nominations is a dangerous game. I don’t like Trump but he’s done some solid shit at least in that regard.
Trump’s actual actions are far superior to Johnson/Welds PORPOSALS! And I voted for the pair of retards.
Trump is by far the most libertarian-ish president in my lifetime. That doesn’t make him good, but moving the needle in the right direction a tiny bit on a few issues is impressive; and the clown car of crazies Team Blue is putting out there has pushed me into voting for him in ’20.
I didn’t vote at all in ’16 since Johnson/Weld were execrable, Herself was Evil Incarnate and Trump was a sideshow freak.
Trump’s most enduring contribution to American political life may be that we finally starting devaluing the Presidency as national daddy. Oh, who am I kidding, one of the Dem women win the nomination and election and we are governed by Nurse Ratched for four years. We’d be longing for the simple status quo grafting of Hillary.
I completely agree.
Trump forced a lot of people to admit that it really doesn’t matter who the president shags and whether he has a potty mouth.
Just govern and quit apologizing.
I voted for Welded Johnson in ’16, but if I could have seen the future, I would have voted for Drumph. So far, I’m going to vote for him in 2020 unless he does something incredibly stupid and totalitarian.
The Democraps need to be punished good and hard for their frantic efforts to remove him from office. Also, the more they try and fail to destroy him, the more frantic they get in their efforts and rhetoric. They’re inadvertently revealing that behind the phony smiles and blustery talk about helping others, there’s just a lust for power. They have no solid principles other than that. I think it’s a good thing for this revelation to continue.
Maybe if the Democrats purge the socialist elements from their party, we can have an election someday that wouldn’t completely suck (hey, I’m an optimist… It’s what gets me through life).
I always vote third party when my vote doesn’t matter, simply as a matter of protest.
Since I’ve spent most elections living in either TX or NY, I vote third-party often.
That’s right Festus. Trumps policies will last as long as his presidency. Temporary. His SC picks are for keeps. It is the single most important thing a president does.
We want peace, love and happiness. No divisiveness!
“David D. Silva
20h20 hours ago
Replying to @Ventuckyspaz @James_R_Stover @TulsiGabbard
She’s the best candidate hands down. As much as I love Bermie we need more women and less old white men in office asap!”
Also. What wars has Trump started? He seems like Jesus next to previous Presidents.
“Lawmakers in Michigan city push for regulation of biased 911 calls in response to #LivingWhileBlack
Lawmakers in a Michigan city are considering a measure to criminalize the act of using a 911 call as a method of discrimination against people of color.
A summary of an ordinance under consideration in Grand Rapids, Mich., would make “it a criminal misdemeanor to racially profile people of color for participating in their lives” by reporting them for crimes when they have done nothing wrong.”
“Grand Rapids could make it illegal to call police on people of color for ‘participating in their lives’
The proposed ordinance puts a prohibition on any person denying another individual the enjoyment of civil rights, or for any person to discriminate against an individual in the exercise of civil rights because of actual or perceived color, race, religion or creed, sex, gender, identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genotype, age, marital status, medical condition, disability, height, weight, or source of lawful income.”
That’s going to work out great.
Yeah, I heard they’re gonna name it “Jussie’s Law.”
WTF does that jumble of word salad even mean?
You can call the cops on a cracka, everyone else gets the benefit of the doubt.
Wypipo bad.
Means tall cans up and walking down the middle of the thoroughfare in broad daylight. Same thing happens here every “Aboriginal Day”.
I didndunuthin!
I’m sure the people who support that law are perfectly OK with some frantic soccer mom calling 911 every time they see someone open-carrying a firearm even if they’re obviously doing mundane, non-murderous things like grocery shopping.
Sounds like someone wants to go to the court of appeals. File this under “dumb
Things the city commission does with too much time on its hands.”
“Shouldn’t this guy have been a white supremacist? ”
He’s not “really” black. / Black DNC race baiters.
If we can have white hispanics, why can’t we have white african?
In high school a friend of mine used to refer to herself as African-American because her grandmother was born in Egypt. They’re Greek. She used to say that the only Greek she ever learned from her was, “Fai skata, negro”, or “eat shit, negro”, because her grandmother was so racist she’d yell it out the car window if they passed a black guy on the street. It’s not very nice, but I do get a little chuckle thinking of a little old Greek lady clad head to toe in black, shaking her fist out the window of an old Mercedes station wagon as she confuses the shit out of passers-by.
I had a friend in graduate school who was from South Africa and had a green card. She was a above average looking blonde with a rapier wit. She loved telling people she was an African-American and watching their reaction.
I lost contact with her, but she is a US citizen now. I hope she has kept her African-American shtick going.
Silicone Saturday brings you sexy stratovolcanoes of staggering stature.
Didn’t click – did it include referring to it as ‘trafficking’?
No, just that lots of women decide fucking a Middle Eastern oil sheikh for $20,000 is preferable to $500 for a modeling shoot. And they’re probably right.
Huh… Wonder how I get in on that action?
Not much call for out-of-shape middle-aged white dudes in that line of work, I suppose…..
Maybe I can file some sort of sex or age discrimination suit to force them to pay me $20k for sex. ….
Oh no, voluntary transactions!
Nice song. Popa needs to mix in a salad, though. He looks ready for a coronary.
Funny little Stairway intro at the end.
Real name Ted (((Horowitz))). Who knew?
I like the giant flaming middle finger and the Hells Angels stickers.
He’s the real deal.
Great interview at Vintage Guitar
The outlaw biker club thing is not far removed from team politics, except instead of bike locks they just shoot you. No support stickers for me.
“We moved here, why exactly?”
Chicago is supposed to get 8 inches of snow today. The last week of April. I can’t think of a much better reason, unless it’s “because it’s not Chicago”.
It snowed some here today but it’s turning to rain. Strange juxtaposition to see snow falling on green grass.
Is Chicago, is not Chicago
The lettuce picking robots are not going to make their robot parents proud. They had high hopes for them; surgeon robot, astronaut robot, hell even welder robot.
Better than being in robot jail.
When You see the robot devil, tell him I’m coming!
Could have ended up as a sybex machine
Stormy Daniels’ Sybex Machine
New H&H character?
I don’t want to hear about snow storms in the midwest. I’m psyching myself up to drive to Indianapolis tomorrow. I don’t mind driving in the rain, but I can do without snow.
“drive to Indianapolis tomorrow”
Picking up some fully-automatic child murder machines from roadside vendors?
No need; they issue them at the state border.
My wife picked me up a coffee this morning and ended up accidentally getting somebody else’s coffee. Decaf with 6 creams in it. What kind of self-hating person drinks that??!??
A pregnant woman?
Can’t you just make coffee at home?
Starbucks exists so that women can disguise their 5 dollar milkshake as a coffee.
That Pence guy- him so crazy
Vice President Mike Pence said he agrees with Joe Biden that the country is in a “battle for the soul,” but they thought the country was facing vastly different threats, the vice president said on Friday. He was among the featured speakers at the annual Leadership Forum for the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm, the Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), in Indianapolis.
“I heard the other day that another vice president actually said that we’re in a battle for the soul of our nation. And for once I agree with him. But not for the reason he thinks,” Pence said, referring to Biden’s remarks that “we are in a battle for the soul of this nation,” which were made in a video released as Biden announced his campaign for president.
“We are in a battle,” Pence continued. “We are in a battle for the soul of America, but it’s a battle between liberty and tyranny. As the president has said before, it’s a battle between independence and government control. And ultimately, it’s a battle between freedom and socialism.”
That’s crazy. Nobody wants to take away your freedom. They just want you to be free to understand how ignorant and unenlightened you are.
That’s funny because lots of them literally say that. True freedom is having the government pay for your stuff. True freedom is not having someone say things that you disagree with.
News from the outrage mines
A photo tweeted by the White House on First Lady Melania Trump’s birthday has raised many an eyebrow on social media.
The tweet that has generated more than 8,000 comments, simply says “Happy Birthday, @FLOTUS!” and is accompanied by a photo of Mrs. Trump sitting alone on the far end of a couch and staring into the distance, surrounded by an army of photographers and reporters in the Oval Office. Mrs. Trump turned 49 on Friday.
The photo has spawned numerous memes but also questions from some Twitter users about why the White House chose to share a photo in which the first lady looks “all alone” on her birthday.
“Where are her child and husband?” one tweet said in response to the photo.
Like, OMG!
I like her.
Don’t read the comments.
Pie has a better picture.
Also don’t read the comments. Well, do, because there’s a picture that some portly, bitter old man hateposted that improved my morning ever so slightly, but then never go to Twitter again.
Yea, I shouldn’t have. Apparently Melania is trashy because how dare she have a profession as a model before marrying a guy that gets elected president.
The left is obsessed with all things Trump.
“Where are her child and husband?”
*new photo comes out with child and husband*
“Look at Trump horning in to get his face in the news! It is her birthday, not his! This should be about her!”
Oh, fuck off.
Damn she’s a good lookin’ woman.
I wonder if it’s ever occurred to these people that she was a model because she enjoys looking put-together? Maybe she prefers looking glamorous and dramatic over wearing a rumpled pantsuit with dog hair on it crowding in with the rest of the family looking “candid” a la Olan Mills.
“I worry for sexology.
I’ve seen multiple things happen over the last few weeks that suggest social justice is about to take over.”
Just the last few weeks?
Here’s the best quote, QFT:
Regardless of whether they’re right or wrong, ideas that don’t work result in failure. That self-correcting effect takes a while, though, and a lot of bad can happen in the mean time. The best strategy, therefore, in dealing with this silly social justice nonsense is to treat it like the absurdity it is.
For Five Bucks More Than a Nissan Leaf, You Can Get a Hellephant Instead
Pretty cool!
April 26th, 2019 at 3:55 pm
It belongs in a ’73 Dart. Preferably green but brown will do.
Truth. Thanks for posting.
Blown and injected Hemi? Hell yes!
It could use some 12″ wide chrome valve covers with spark plug holes in the middle, though.
Damn that’s sweet
I’m so hard right now.
This fucking woman…
“In a blistering op-ed published in The Washington Post Wednesday, she argued that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report “documents a serious crime against the American people” and that President Trump probably broke the law.
The former first lady, who famously had her subpoenaed emails destroyed with BleachBit and her BlackBerry phones smashed with a hammer, suggested that Congress should hold “substantive hearings” to investigate Trump’s alleged attempts to obstruct Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election.
During an interview with Time on Tuesday, Clinton ominously called the Mueller report a “roadmap” to impeachment and said the probe was just the “beginning.”
Said Clinton: “I think there is enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted, but because of the rule in the Justice Department that you can’t indict a sitting president, the whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the Congress.””
If I were Trump, I might just say “No reasonable prosecutor would ever come after me for obstruction.”
Self-awareness rating: Zero.
I think she’s aware, just utterly cynical and sociopathic.
That’s my take as well.
For sure, she knows good and God damn well she committed crimes that would send anyone else to jail. I think the difference is she thinks the law shouldn’t apply to her because she’s an Important Person. So I’m going to go megalomaniacal narcissist. Seems to be a common trait among the political classes.
I honestly don’t understand why the Dems are going to go down the path that will expose their dirty work. If they were smart they would STFU and never talk about 2016 again.
Hey guys, remember that time we fixed the primary for Hillary and she lost?
So, I have a theory about this. I think that the Dem strategy is to appease the radicals in the party and pull the yute vote by letting the Omars and the Ocasio-Cortezes take the spotlight and do their thing while grooming “serious” people like Harris to get through the nomination. Then, they’re just going to run as an anti-Trump vote. They’re going to hammer the message that Trump is a dangerous racist and misogynist fat cat while putting forward someone who isn’t as bad as the radical Socialists and burgeoning Taliban they’ve got in their ranks. In 2020, Kamala Harris is going to be the “reasonable” alternative for people who want to vote against Trump.
Nap, very plausible.
What they are counting on, though, is that the Repubs won’t ask their “pragmatic” candidate if they agree or disagree with the frothing radical socialists. And a Romney or a McCain wouldn’t do that. But Trump will, and I predict he won’t let it go.
If/when they are cornered and have to take a stand, I don’t know if there is a winning response. Piss off the nutters, who are perfectly willing to go after anyone who doesn’t recite their catachism even if the are a (D), or piss off the crucial middle/swing voters.
Well, I suspect Trump’s going to win after “losing” debates to a more woke Democrat, likely Harris, because frankly the Democrats can’t even agree on whether or not gender exists. And, if there really is a God, we’ll see the Democrats arguing among themselves during the primary debates about how much prison time someone who uses plastic bags should do and whether cisgenders should be allowed to use public bathrooms at all followed by a series of debates where Trump paints his opponent as being a bigoted authoritarian who hates Americans.
She’s aware, but not in the sense we use the term. I think at some deep, buried level she realizes that she’s done shit that would have easily gotten anyone else locked up, but her Brobdingnagian sense of entitlement buries that knowledge deep in the vodka-soaked recesses of her ossified brain.
This is a woman who ran a Presidential campaign on two planks: “I have a vagina,” and “It’s my turn, peasants!” and then, like AL Gore before her, became mentally unbalanced by her loss.
She still sees herself as I cynically refer to her: Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager Empress of Chappaqua. She really thinks she is a superior being, and not just some shrill alcoholic old harpy.
She’s totally aware. She also knows no one in the MSM is going to call her out for this.
Personally, I think she’s going to run again and she will knee cap all 400 Dems in the primary and then lose again in the general to Trump.
She knows how to work machine politics. She just can’t fake being human enough to get anyone in gen pop to vote for her.
OK, I don’t think she will really run again, but whoever gets her support in the primary will win. Like I said, she got Bill elected because she knows how to use all the levers of party power.
She’ll play up how Trump and his supporters couldn’t stand the idea of a strong woman in the White House and so conspired with the Russians to steal the election. It doesn’t matter how far they go with the collusion story or the Mueller probe because anything that points back to her or the Dems generally will just be ignored, because their audience so desperately wants the narrative to be true that they’ll ignore anything that gets in the way. So, she’ll wind up as this noble hero passing the torch to whoever the Dem establishment decides should run. As I said upthread, my money’s on Harris now.
I also think it will be Harris. See twitter: “we need to get rid of old white men asap”. Harris is the obvious identity candidate.
Trump’s bizarre rhetoric
Authoritarian leaders raising suspicions about coups taking place against them is a hallmark of countries like Turkey and the Philippines, but it is not the sort of thing we’re accustomed to hearing in the United States.
What could possibly lead the man to think people were attempting to oust him from the government? Who said anything about forcing him from office? He’s delusional.
I’ve never heard talk of vast conspiracies against sitting Presidents before.
So Trump probably gets a C- on his libertarian purity test, but are they actually arguing that he’s more authoritarian than Mr. Pen-and-Phone?
It’s little digs like this that let the mainstream media get away with so much bullshit.
Well yeah. I mean, you remember his dystopian inaugural speech where he talked about dissolution of power in the federal government.
I do remember that… Isn’t that exactly how Hitler got started? Reducing the power of the national government and opposing socialistic welfare policies?
“5 Reasons Why We Need Hate Speech | We The Internet TV”
I tried to watch ‘Solo’ last night. I made it about 20 minutes before turning it off because it is stupid and ruins Han.
It was more tolerable than that Last Jedi abomination.
Haven’t seen it yet. We watched The Last Jedi last night. It had it’s moments but I was bored a lot of it. It was good when they were being original, not so much when they were rehashing scenes from the original. Was still better than Force Awakens. They’ll never be able recreate the magic of the original movie. A lot of that magic, if not most, of course was seeing cutting edge (at the time) special effects in the movie theater for the first time.
My theory about modern movies (and the main reason I don’t bother seeing them anymore) is that they almost make it more about the special effects than the plot, characters, or any other element of filmmaking. My ***opinion*** is that special effects should be like makeup on a girl – enhancing the beauty that’s already there, not something that obnoxiously calls attention to itself.
Everyone was ranting and raving and damn near shedding tears of joy over Avatar when it came out, but it just sounded like a rehashed story to me (American guy encounters foreign culture initially as an enemy but eventually fights on their side). The only response I ever got was “but the graphics were sooooo good!”
If you like purely visual experiences, that’s perfectly fine… But I can tolerate a lack of special effects if the rest of the movie is solid. I love old black and white movies.
Oh I agree. It’s all just noise now. But as a 13 year sitting the theater and seeing space fighters and light sabre duals, it was a visual treat. Just the opening scence with the Imperial Destroyer slowly moving in from above was like wow. Kids today have no idea how cool that was back then. Plus it was a fun story with classic archetypes. You can’t just recreate that and it be the same.
they almost make it more about the special effects than the plot, characters, or any other element of filmmaking
Two words: foreign markets. Sparkly special effects are a universal, if low, common denominator across cultures. The rest, not so much.
American guy encounters foreign culture initially as an enemy but eventually fights on their side
Dances With Smurfs
West Virginia version?
I like how the comments about Melania are so obsessed with her scantily clad modeling.
What a bitch. Body shaming all those feminists.
Running away to be a whore for half the ISIS army is a noble commitment to an ideal, but getting paid to be an object of desire for white men is totally unacceptable.
Are you saying black men don’t appreciate Melania? Because I find that very hard to believe.
She still looks really good.
I appreciate her scantily clad modeling. I also like her thousand yard stare, which one person referred to as “squinting”.
I shunned the Ray Bans until I realized that my discount glare-reduction strategy is starting to make me look weathered. Crow’s feet are real, man.
I think she’s aware, just utterly cynical and sociopathic.
Totally not an authoritarian, though. Just a woman who wants the best for us, her child-like subjects.
I don’t think she like politics at all.
“New York is where I’d rather stay
I get allergic smelling hay
I just adore a penthouse view
Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue”
I think she’s running again. It’s possible that the hammer is about to drop and the optics of prosecuting a political opponent would be bad.
Oh, I was talking about Melania, not the wench.
Having now looked at that photo of Melania. I like it. She comes across as a self-possessed island of calm in a sea of confusion.
Something the shit flinging howler monkeys probably find infuriating, in and of itself.
Awesome legs, too.
I don’t think I put it well but I think she prefers looking glamorous, and that’s what you get out of that photo. It’s staged, she’s put together, and there’s a narrative. I don’t think she wants candid snapshots flying around the Internet.
She is highly talented, trained, and experienced at being around crowds and cameras. It shows. You don’t see the weird “candid” shots of her, like you do Hillary, Ocasio-Cortez, etc. because she knows what to do when the cameras are out.
I suppose I have put it off long enough. Time to go cut the grass.
Its spring, and euphemisms are in the air.
And my yard is too wet so I get to out it off until tomorrow…
Not a libertarian
1980 is calling…
Russian efforts to influence American public opinion are not confined only to periods around elections, FBI Director Chris Wray said Friday.
“It’s pretty much a 365-days-a-year threat. And that has absolutely continued,” Wray said.
The FBI chief said it consists of constant use of social media, with “fake news, propaganda, false personas, et cetera, to spin us up, pit us against each other, sow divisiveness and discord, and undermine Americans’ faith in democracy.”
That effort “was at full speed” during the 2018 midterm elections, he said. But the U.S. did not detect any material interference from Moscow during the midterms with either the election or the campaign infrastructure.
The Russians are going to bury us.
Has this guy ever been on the Internet before? Somebody get him a fainting couch before he finds out about 4chan.
I laughed too hard at this. Twitter is too much fun. No caption, so I’ll introduce this as problems with the captcha images you have to selectl
if you liked that one, try this one.
You could do sandwich maker with her and a panini press as well:)
Haha! Good one
That’s pretty funny.
I hate those fucking things.
The one below it in the comments made me chuckle as well.
The Viet Kong one is great
I managed to get a hike in before the heat really ramped up today. Even so, ball of sweat and sun-dazzled.
You only have one testicle?
You know who else had only one testicle?
The guy from Sons of Anarchy.
Nope. But I do know it wasn’t McGinty
My buddy who we called Captain Monoball?
True story, he suffered an episode of testicular torsion at age 13.
Sounds like cashews.
I feel ya, Old Man. Whenever I have moved from a hot to a cold climate or vice versa, its taken me a year to acclimate.
I believe that I have aged out of being able to acclimate back to a cold climate. I don’t plan to test this belief.
But who’s going to protect animal species from having their names exploited.
FFS. We have raised the most dour, humorless generation known to man.
It’s above all else boring. Why can’t moral scolds at least be interesting?
Because an essential element, it appears, of being a moral scold is humorlessness. And self-regard.
Alright, the two essential elements of being a moral scold are humorlessness and self-regard. And intolerance.
OK, the three essential elements . . .
Would absolutely fuck the fifth element.
You’re going to need a multipass.
Multi-ti-pass. I’ve jizzed for lesser words.
Well I mean…
Walking home again. Not so far. Maybe 10K.
Japanese police are using asset forfeiture in prostitution stings again?
You need one of these, Straff.
Shoot, he’s in Japan. There are gobs of unlocked bikes everywhere there. Straffin has gone native, though, and can’t bring himself to steal that shit.
Excellent old guy music.