Good Afternoon, everyone. How are each and every one of ya? I’m a little bit down. Last year we inherited two old revolvers. I finally had them looked at, and neither one is in shooting condition. Both are also older than I thought. The .32 is a 1912 Colt. Unfortunately it needs a new barrel and some mechanical work. The guys at the gunshop were sorry that it had been used so well, because in better condition they would have tried to make me leave with a pile of cash instead of taking it home. They were still pleased to have met her. I also have a pre-1915 S&W M&P .38. It also needs some mechanical work before it will work again. They suggested I clean them up and take them to this other guy they know who likes working on old guns. So maybe I’ll do that.
Employment at 50 year high, Incarceration at 20 year low.
It turns out that super-moron Jacob Wohl was behind the ham-fisted sexual assault smears against Buttigieg.
…And this is why Trump is only my least-worst-option. $2,000,000,000,000 in infrastructure? For fuck’s sake. That should pay for a new bridge over every stretch of highway in America.
Jesus, did we learn nothing from the 90s? The economy is growing. Employment is at record highs. Why change any of the settings now?
So I guess your undead boyfriend will have to find a new way to show his love after “Vampire facials” leave a pair of recipients with HIV.
And with that, I’ll just throw this on there and try to pretend I didn’t blow that punchline.
“incarceration at 20-year low”
Wont someone thing about the prison worker’s jobs ?
“How are we supposed to run a state if we don’t have enough prison slave labor?” – Kamala Harris
Harris 2020!
The two claim to be right-wing, but no true conservative would knowingly smear someone with a falsehood.
But of course.
The No True Conservative Scotsman fallacy.
Oh great. John Bolton’s on the case (translated from the Spanish Language Miami Herald’s minute by minute coverage of Venezuela)
Also, at least 25 soldiers (apparently none of them high level) have noped the fuck out and applied for asylum in Brazil. Can’t really blame them. Brazillian Trump seems inclined to approve it.
That won’t help the coup’s perceived legitimacy at all will it? God I hate that Freddy Mercury mustached motherfucker.
“Protesters are run over by Maduro’s armoured vehicles as gunfire breaks out, sending civilians running for cover after Juan Guaido calls for military uprising, sparking clashes with pro-regime troops”
I look forward to a public square execution of that fat fucker.
I only wish Chomsky, Belafonte, and Penn were there with him.
Man. Look at that shit show.
How the hell is Wohl not either in prison or living under a bridge because he’s been sued into the poorhouse. It’s got to just be a matter of time.
Lots of donations from random liberals in hipster coffee shops.
He can live with Michael Avenatti.
All I ever remember about this kid was the weird press conference he gave where his totally-not-an-ambulance-chaser attorney stood there with his fly open the entire time.
That and something about hipster coffee shops.
Yeah, which means it’s a pain to try to hire new employees.
Tell that to my wife who has been unsuccessfully looking for work for 6 months
Has she considered truck driving?
This is why Jus’ Say’n doesn’t comment anymore
He’s still hanging around in the cesspit.
“incarceration at 20-year low”
Alternate headline: “Trump policies allow thousands of white supremacists to roam free!”
Vamire spa? Let’s put Bon Jovi on the case.
I know it’s been mentioned but it is an ongoing story. Venezuela in turmoil.
Yeah, but who is winning? Maduro and his Russian and Cuban allies, or Guaido?
Probably Maduro, because he still has most of the military (though a lot less of it than he had a week ago).
Unfortunately I think you’re right.
Yeah, if Guiado was planning on a spontaneous popular uprising, well, that’s not a good plan.
First you win the battle, then you win the war, then you get the toilet paper.
…and knowing is half the battle!
“If your enemy thinks you will take a piss, take a dump. When your enemy thinks you are taking a dump, take a piss.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I think this is a good time to remind everyone that they don’t have real socialism in Venezuela.
But what about Scandinavia? /proggie
it’s definitely a fight, the protestors/oppo appear to be getting more organized and the BNG (NOT the military) are engaging them with a LOT of teargas/LTL shotgun rounds. The sun’s livestream is near constant pops of gunfire.
great to keep going on the third monitor while working
and as I type that the Sun’s stream goes down.
it’s definitely not snuffed out no matter what maduro says
Honestly, the whole Wohl story just sounds too ham-fisted and idiotic to be real. I mean, the story last night had Wohl calling Buttigieg a “terminal threat” to the Trump presidency. Who uses language like that? And, really, doesn’t this play out perfectly for Buttigieg. It establishes him as the Democrat Trump is “scared of” and gets him a nice allotment of victim points. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a “meta-hoax” sponsored by the Buttigieg campaign.
I wold agree with you if I didn’t know who Jacob Wohl is.
If anyone is stupid enough to try and pull that off it’s him. Fuck, he’s done the same kind of thing before.
I just think Wohl is that stupid.
I wouldn’t be so fast to Booty judge.
HM would judge booty.
Personally, I’m cynical enough at this point to believe this as a possibility.
Or, as Brett said, he’s just dumb as a f*cking stump and managed to learn nothing from the Jussi Smolett case.
If it were done in earnest I would have suggested he consult with the DNC before trying this, but I am not convinced it was done in earnest.
If this were done in earnest he may have just been Bunburying.
Supposedly Oscar Wilde was into intercrural sex.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a “meta-hoax” sponsored by the Buttigieg campaign.
Can’t rule it out, that’s for sure. I just don’t know if they are smart enough to try to immunize him against scandals, or set him up as a presumptive victim, by sponsoring an obviously bullshit fake accusation early in the game.
It doesnt really matter. I have a better chance of beating Trump than any of the Dems do. Record high employment, growth, etc and the DNC is running on crushing the economy and disenfranchising middle america. They are insane. They are going to lose lose lose and still wont be able to figure out why.
Suthen for Prez!
I look forward to the White House sponsored workshops on reloading.
Mandatory membership in the CMP for all! National constitutional carry law!
Walter Mondale 2020!
Walter Mondale 1984:
At least Americans had the good sense to reject that message rather soundly. I don’t have the same confidence any more.
I was in Australia in 1984, hated Reagan, and still thought this from the debates was hilarious:
Also, there was, and still is, very little chance Buttgeese could win the nomination.
Does HIV infection count as a stupid prize?
Aren’t they supposed to use the blood of virgins?
Well, they could have been “technical” virgins.
Or virgin heroin addicts.
If a chick has only taken it up the butt, isn’t she still a “technical” virgin?
What about guys? If a guy gets anal from a chick, she is still a virgin, but he isn’t? What about two guys? If a chick is a virgin if she only does anal, are gay dudes virgins basically forever?
So many questions . . . .
Here you go…
NSFW, obviously
Who was the young haemophiliac who died of AIDS in the early 90s?
Hitler? No, wait, wrong joke.
Ryan White.
Too bad it wasn’t Ryan Leaf.
BLEEEP don’t talk to me alright! Knock it off.
One of the Romanovs? Wait, which 90s?
Anastasia grunged in vain.
Tard Tuesday: Self-Explanatory
They keep taking my advice.
And despite the fact that Trump has denounced white supremacists, neo-nazis and KKKers on numerous occasions, and said the ‘very fine people’ comment about people protesting for and against removal of confederate statues, and explicitly not the tiki marchers, the MSM has continued to insist he’s never denounced them and said that the tiki gang were the very fine people. And since the DU crowd would never consider seeking out anything but the party line, the oft-repeated lies have now become the truth.
I blame FoxNews
Ummm, don’t you mean Faux News?
I believe it’s Dumb Fux.
He said, “on both sides”, so that means he’s only criticizing one side.
Always relevant:
Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell
14 June 1807
Parkland dude is Hispanic and apolitical. Pittsburgh dude hates Trump. I don’t even know the Poway dude. And Chancellorsville is still the same bs lie.
“Vampire facial” turned out to be far less interesting than I imagined.
Imagine how disappointed Pie is.
Watch the teeth!
Awesome song Brett
Chafed is right. And he knows about stuff like this.
Tard Tuesday: Climate Change Cthulhu – You’ll Want To Die First
So, an eco-survivalist? If you take their blathering seriously, its probably the only rational response.
Say what you will about the ELF, they took their arguments seriously.
Who will be eaten first?
“Good news: there is.”
There is the tell.
“it’s too late to stop climate change from devastating our world”
Oooopsie! Look for this guy Zing to get zinged. That is not how a scam works. It can never be too late. If you want the mark to hand over the cash doom has to be lurking just around the corner…lurking. Doom lurks, it never actually arrives. What a dummy.
What ever happened to that ‘climate scientist’ that told us it was too late, that the antarctic ice shelf was already collapsing? Haven’t heard from that silly fuck since, have we?
Same thing is going to happen to this moron.
“Unique” now means “I’ve read this a hundred times before”, I guess.
““we are about to play Russian Roulette with the entire human race with already two bullets loaded””
Open your eyes to the truth! It’s EXACTLY LIKE THIS (though minus one bullet):
…a guy formerly in advertising who had left his job to become a full-time environmental campaigner.
This is the “mortgage the house to invest in multi-level marketing opportunity” of the new millennium.
If by “climate induced societal collapse” they mean the climate alarmists ramming through the GND or something equally idiotic and fucking over the economy, then it is a danger.
Even a schmuck like me is familiar with some of the evidence Bendell sets out to prove his point. You only needed to step outside during the record-breaking heatwave last year to acknowledge that 17 of the 18 hottest years on the planet have occurred since 2000.
Don’t these people scream about temperatures not being the same thing as climate when people note how fucking cold the winters have been the past few years? I guess that’s only the case when it doesn’t support their catechism.
It also entirely ignores that the planet is current in an ice age, unlike most of it’s long history. The geologic record shows that an ice free planet is the norm. Saying any recent period was the hottest ever on the planet is laughable.
Because you should know better and it is a lie.
The economy in the late 90’s did not collapse because the Fed or the Treasury or any other government agency changed something, it collapsed because way back in 1991 they changed something by cutting rates and setting off an inflationary bubble, primarily in the Stock Market with Dot Com stocks. As with all bubbles it eventually reaches the limits of it’s growth and then pops. How did they respond to the Bubble popping? Why they immediately inflated another bubble, this time in housing and what happened in 2008? Oh that is right, the bubble popped. How did they respond to the bubble popping? That’s right, they desperately tried to inflate yet another bubble only because of the damage caused by back to back inflationary bubbles it took nearly 8 years for it to actually begin inflating and now once again we find ourselves with an economy that looks really good when in reality is is incredibly sick and on the path to have yet another crash. There is a chance that this current bubble will last through the next election before it bursts but by 2022 at the latest the economy is going to be in worse shape than it was in 2010 and because Trump was dumb enough to try and claim credit for the bubble it is going to all be hung on him
Shhhhhh…. it will work this time. I promise.
Where is Trump inflating the bubble ?
He wants more quantitative easing. We already have a money bubble from previous QE and he wants to make it bigger. And the only way to take that money out of circulation is raising interest rates, so Trump wants to inflate the bubble and weaken the efforts to contain it at the same time.
I see.
I would like to know as well. I agree to the premise that gov’t commanded cheap money is bad long term, but what is the current bubble?
He did come out today for those monetary positions.
But they have not been enacted and my question was how he has been inflating a bubble.
Not how he proposes to do so in the future.
Trump isn’t inflating the bubble. He isn’t doing anything about the bubble either way because he is denying it’s existence for political expediency’s sake. Rather than admit that there is a bubble and try to take air out of it so that it is a soft deflation rather than a pop Trump is taking credit for the short term economic benefits of the rising side of the bubble.
This bubble has nothing to do with any currently serving politician it was necessary because of the combination of an inflationary monetary policy based on fiat currency and unsustainable government spending programs that were started back in the 60’s when people believed we would see 8 – 10% annual real GDP growth forever. As near as I can tell the series of bubbles was initiated between 1991 and 1993 by the Fed to get us out of the recession of the early 90’s. Internet stocks were the hot new thing at the time and no one knew how to value them so that is where all the new money went. 6 years later the Dot Com bubble burst.
In response as a specific policy initiative both the Fed and the Treasury between 2001 and 2003 enacted policies designed to create a housing bubble. No less than Paul Krugman wrote an article detailing and celebrating the plan. And we got that housing bubble. 6 years later it burst.
After that the government went on a debt financed spending spree creating a bubble in bonds as well as several other debt based bubbles but because of the general weakness of the economy and anti business practices of the sitting president it was not until his last 2 years in office that any of those policies began to cause any real bubble like activity so we had 6 years of stagnation before economic growth really began and we are now ~4 years into the newest bubble’s inflation and within the next 1 – 4 years this bubble is going to burst as well.
Rather than running out there and telling everyone this and that we need to be preparing for the coming crash Trump is claiming credit for the “hot economy” which is really little more than the bubbles inflating and so as a result he is going to own the crash. It won’t really be his fault but it is going to get hung on him.
You seem to be more knowledgeable than I so I bow to your knowledge.
Yet I say that Trumps economy seems to be more broad based than a bubble.
Broad based regulation reform plus tax reform across the board seems to me to eliminate a narrow bubble.
Barney Frank was the author for the housing bubble more so than any one other individual.
Bubbles do not only inflate the sector they are inflating.
Tech companies and workers were not the only ones doing well in the 90’s and construction and real estate were not the only ones doing well in the 00’s.
It is a variation of the standard Austrian Business cycle but one gone mad because the normal feedback mechanisms are disabled. Because of all of the new inflationary money entering the system it becomes impossible to determine which projects are actually profitable and which are not so bad ones are allowed to continue wasting resources and eventually this waste of resources outstrips our ability to paper it over with fiat money and investors face the hard truth that the assets are overvalued and that is when the crash happens.
You will always hear the financial media lament the wealth that was destroyed in the crash but that isn’t the real story. economic crashes never destroy wealth, they merely remove the illusion that the wealth ever existed in the first place. It was never real to be destroyed
I should probably refresh on ABCT so I can tell the other potato farmers I told them so when I’m laid off from my dream job after only a year.
They suggested I clean them up and take them to this other guy they know who likes working on old guns. So maybe I’ll do that.
Let us know how it goes.
But — and it’s a big but — there was no agreement on how to pay for such a wide-ranging and expensive proposal.
No agreement on how to pay? Odd, I thought it was “borrow/create non-existent money.”
The VIP Spa closed in September last year after an inspection by the New Mexico Department of Health and the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department, Barbers and Cosmetologists Board found unsafe practices that could have spread blood-borne infections, such as HIV, to clients.
How did this get past the CNN editors? This blurb implies the government is incompetent.
No, it says the inspectors *caught* them. It doesn’t mention how many times they *didn’t* catch them before that.
Hey, be fair. Maybe it was over too quickly for them to make a real judgement.
Or the facials got stuff in their eyes?
So I saw that burkini model in Sports Illustrated. I seriously think women bathers in the 1890s showed more skin. Interesting how soconism is okay as long as those icky bible thumpers and church ladies don’t express them.
As I mentioned before, I thought the whole point of the burkini was to prevent lustful stares and the temptation of men. Sexy poses in a magazine seems to defeat that purpose.
Better ban Sports Illustrated to be safe…
There’s probably already a fatwa against them.
That would be perfect. They wanted to be in bed with a rattlesnake? Have fun boys.
Not to mention it is skin tight, it might actually hide her skin but it still isn’t leaving much of anything to the imagination. I don’t really see how this is considered all that modest
I don’t really see how this is considered all that modest
Next you’ll be telling me that pasties aren’t modest.
Now all we need is a “naturist” to break barriers by posing for the swimsuit issue. No more durable and affordable suit than the birthday suit.
They did a body paint issue. I had to look really, really close to verify they were only wearing paint. Repeatedly. Back in the old Male Gaze days.
Well, yes, but the Muslims are so…exotic
Just looked at it.
SI you’re so woke. Now suck my dick.
SI is totally going for it now. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Features First-Ever Baptist Model In Floor-Length Denim Skirt
It was eye-opening for a young Hobbit when I first saw Baptist girls playing softball in skirts (with shorts on underneath).
I think I saw a woman jogging in a skirt/shorts thingymabob one time.
I’d much rather see them in yoga pants… Goddamn, one time this Asian MILF passed me in the park and I got to see her bouncing bootay for about 15 minutes before she went off on a different route than me.
I believe kulats were the the name.
I was trying to recall the name and all I could come up with was “culotte” which, I believe, is French for “panties”.
What scares me is the very real threat that Lefties are going to try to criminalize any criticism of Islamic customs. They’ve admitted that they don’t think hate speech is covered under the 1A, and their definition of hate speech is getting broader all the time.
SI used to run TV commercials calling the Swimsuit Issue “man’s favorite spectator sport.”
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘Our marriage started off well, then it was like a switch flipped in her head.’ Ex-husband of mother charged with killing five-year-old AJ Freund tells how prescription pills turned her into a monster”
So now they have to add “murdering offspring” to the list of possible side-effects?
Kinda makes a 4 hour erection sound not so bad, doesn’t it?
I’ve never thought a four hour erection sounded bad. Why, are they bad?
Well, yeah, but what if you have to go up to the chalkboard and write out a math problem?
Its the part where it turns necrotic and has to be removed that sucks. Although, I hear that’s not actually happened with anything but injecting cocaine directly into it.
“May lead to extremely late term abortion” is the proper terminology
“Charli XCX flashes a glimpse of her bra in a VERY sheer red patterned dress as she steps out in New York”
How does anyone even pronounce that?
You can’t fool me. That’s a man.
I pronounce it ewwww
Well, at least it isn’t Demi Moore again.
Demi Moore is good looking for her age. CP’s Demi, on the other hand…
Whoops! Rose! Demi Rose!
I knew Moore sounded right but not right…
Either 90-X or X-110.
How does anyone even pronounce that?
Mister Ex Cee Ex?
“Indonesia election: More than 270 election staff die counting votes
More than 270 election workers in Indonesia have died, mostly of fatigue-related illnesses caused by long hours of work counting millions of ballot papers by hand, an official says.
Arief Priyo Susanto, spokesman of the General Elections Commission (KPU), said 1,878 other staff had fallen ill.
Some seven million people were helping count and monitor the 17 April vote.
Staff were expected to work through the night in sweltering conditions, which took a hefty physical toll on many.”
Democracy dies in darkness.
How do we import this to Broward county?
Um.. ok.
This uprising in Venezuela might be a worst case scenario. I am deliberately not watching the news. If it turns into a bloodbath and Maduro keeps his position I see dark days ahead for us. Just what we need…another stupid military intervention with nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Let ’em slug it out on their own. They cheered on Chavez and elected him. Let them reap the fruits of their own labor FFS.
Agree completely. They voted for this, and now they’re getting it, good and hard.
Well… they voted for it the first time Chavez was elected. Not sure about the rest of the time.
This. It only matters who counts the votes.
No one knows if they voted for this or nor except those who counted the votes.
I don’t want military intervention either but I do feel for those who didn’t vote for Chavez/ Maduro.
Not all of them did and that is sad. Then Chavez eliminated checks In government and implemented state controlled media.
Most of the non-commies left. As for the ones who supported Chavez, even in the very beginning, there is no excuse. They took a road that only goes one place. It went there yesterday, it goes there today, and it will go there tomorrow. We have seen a hundred others take that road. No matter how fast you drive you always end up in the same place.
No excuse and no sympathy from me. We do not need to send our troops down to that green hell to get shot at and pour money down yet another black hole. They dug their own hole despite all of the warnings and lessons of history, let ’em climb out on their own.
I still empathize with anyone who saw the writing and couldn’t get out.
Which is exactly what happens every time socialists are in charge.
“Margaret Thatcher was afraid of anal sex in the 1980s”
Maybe she had hemorrhoids
It’s Britain; she would have had hæmorrhoids.
Self-owned in less than 160 characters. Impressive.
Thatcher may have been a law and order authoritarian, but damn, it was awesome reading about how she destroyed the trade unions.
I was practically raised on English musical acts bitching and moaning about her. Sorry, losers – you failed to keep Britain poor.
The UK was a liberal wet dream pre-1979. Trade unions shutting down the country whenever they didn’t get what they wanted, their economy virtually nationalized, universal heath care and all the other Leftist wet dreams and seen with their own eyes that their country was slowly become a third world shit hole. But yet are currently voting for the same shit that made their country a joke before Thatcher.
Meh, Most women are.
Aren’t lots of guys afraid of anal sex?
Ted, begging for a pegging.
“Did you jump?”
“A little, at first.”
“just yelled at a prick with the audacity to wear a fucking make america great again hat in the middle of a jazz festival
i don’t understand how people can be so hateful i really don’t”
“Imagine screaming at a stranger in public because of a hat and thinking THEY’RE the hateful one.
You’re not cool, brave, dignified, or justified in doing this. You’re just a cunt.”
*hands natalieweiner a mirror*
Remember that a courageous gesture like yelling at someone for wearing a hat isn’t complete until you send a tweet informing everyone that you just courageously yelled at someone for wearing a hat.
The stated goal of the Frankfurt school in their combining of marxism and psychiatry was to learn how to produce useful idiots. People who, in their own words are “lacking in self-awareness, imagination and empathy”
Congratulations Natalie.
This guy put it to music.
i don’t understand how people can be so hateful i really don’t”
Look in the mirror.
You’re not cool, brave, dignified, or justified in doing this. You’re just a cunt.”
For a certain someone: video of tornado ripping thru a field in Romania.
“$2,000,000,000,000 in infrastructure? For fuck’s sake. That should pay for a new bridge over every stretch of highway in America.”
Or 3/4 mile of new subway in NYC.
Might pay for like 5 miles of high speed train in California!
They could finally finish JFK Airport
“Latest thought criminal in the Wokie crosshairs: R Crumb”
“Cancel Culture Comes for Counterculture Comics
Today it’s creators, not cops, who want to banish R. Crumb, onetime king of the comics underground.”
Ironically, didn’t he move to France to escape the censorship about his work?
You know, I think it’s time we start to protect our works of art and literature and start hiding them because these assholes are gonna come for it and burn it all to the ground.
And they being the insane progressive left.
I don’t see the ‘alt-right’ dong scary shit like this.
Or this:
She’s mental in the head.
A dangerous white person sounds fairly individualist, comrade. Perhaps you need to be re-educated.
She says all white people are racist, and goes to some length to explain she is white.
So we know SHE is a racist – and projecting.
“So you’re a white person, so I guess you’re a racist, right? Why should we listen to what some racist has to say, anyway?”
I wonder how long before they start re-naming streets and tearing this guy’s statues down.
I wonder the same thing. He was a Republican, Christian, gun owner.
Well, I bet that’s a healthy relationship.
As long as they use a safe word, it can be.
“Marriage is a tool of patriarchal oppression, right, which treats women as property or second class citizens. So why don’t you divorce your husband?”
I have a hard time feeling any sympathy for the guy who willingly married her.
Even Dworkin was married.
Stew on that for a minute.
To a gay guy, no less. It’s baffling.
In this day of poundmetoo, it is remarkable at how when Dworkin claimed she had been drugged and raped, even her closest disciples said “…are you sure that really happened?”
Oh not this scam artist again. “White people are all racist, but they can become less so if they buy my book and pay me to come give lectures.”
They’re buying, so she’s still selling.
Ultimately, I blame the parents of the students for raising such uncritical morons.
You one thing gives me a bit of hope about this whole woke thing. I can’t recall a cultural appropriation outrage recently, so maybe, just maybe this garbage will burn itself out.
Here you go:
Great. Just great. I was wrong.
I like the way it looks but I’m not mentally ill.
I actually make it a point to call it out in the comment section of the local paper whenever there is a rave restaurant review.
Yes, it’s trolling worthy of a middle schooler, but I’m surrounded by a State of Righteous SJW Progtards, so they need to eat their own shit every now and then.
While presenting the award for Outstanding Artist, the cartoonist Ben Passmore, who is black, asserted that “comics is changing…and it’s not an accident.” He lamented the continued industry presence of “creeps” and “apologists,” then called out the godfather by name: “Shit’s not going to change on its own. You gotta keep on being annoying about it.…A while ago someone like R. Crumb would be ‘Outstanding.'”
The room erupted with both “ooohs” and booing. “A little while ago there’d be no boos,” Passmore responded. “I wouldn’t be up here, real talk, and yo—fuck that dude.” The crowd burst into applause.
translation: “How the fuck is this old dude that isn’t even producing new material anymore outselling me?”
Wouldn’t you know it, somewhere was there to livestream the event.
Today it’s creators, not cops, who want to banish R. Crumb, onetime king of the comics underground.
Oh look, Culture War is suddenly a thing to care for when a boomer ox gets gored. Fuck you collectively, TOS.
Let the Wokie win?
If these shits come for my beloved underground comix, there will be blood! Angelfood McSpade is my homegirl.
Update: We Now Have Only 12 Seconds Left Until Climate Change Destroys The Planet
*looks out window*
I guess Southern Arizona is what you get after a climate apocalypse. Not too surprising, really.
Sorry, Climate apocalypse. Need to get more coffee.
Actually, El Nino is going on, so it’s about 6 seconds.
(El Nino: Horrible for everywhere in the country but Florida, where it’s awesome).
El Nino produces wetter winters in AZ, and I believe cooler springs as well. When you live in the desert, a good wet winter is a godsend.
…other than the weed problem in the backyard.
I go through about 1 – 2 gallons of Roundup a week this time of year trying to keep the desert on its side of the line.
Bonus: if I let the desert grow up next to the wall around my yard, all kinds of critters can (and have) climbed in.
I would say that sounds a bit excessive, but then again I just boraxed the weeds in the alley behind my house.
It seems to take a couple-three applications to kill these fucking desert plants. Round-Up just doesn’t seem to do what it used to. Or these plants are tough as nails.
In Texas El Niño is awesome as well. Wetter and cooler.
That’s what I tell my wife.
And to think I just fired up the grill.
Yesterday morning there was frost on my car. Tonight my ac is on.
Weather changes.
Always kiss the floor you have Trump.
Trudeau is a compete and utter embarrassing asshat.
It just never ends with this fucken retard.
And same goes for Freeland and Morneau.
At this point, I’m at a loss for words. Divisive ideologues are running this country and making total asses of themselves.
Looks like we have somebody saying that the battle plan on the last GoT episode wasn’t so bad after all.
Caveat – I plan to start GoT sometime in the next few weeks, but haven’t watched a single ep yet.
The use of the Dothraki cavalry was just bad. Should have been trying to find the flanks and whittle the larger army down to size and use your mobility against a mostly infantry force.
The point is raised and argued against in the article, though.
Not having watched it, the article makes it sound like the good guys were trying to/needed to force a battle to avoid a siege.
So why do it at night, when the bad guys have all kinds of tactical advantages?
It was just stupid. And the plot decisions were stupid. Total letdown, story wise.
What do you mean? The enemy always has one point of weakness which will destroy a whole army: Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings. Battle: Los Angeles.
They were trying to force the location. They didn’t have control of the timing. That was all in the hands of the army of the dead.
So why do it at night
Because they don’t have LotR budget or WETA kind of time, and darkness covers a multitude of sins.
That is not the Dothraki way. It is known.
Don’t waste your time. There are plenty of tits on the internet. And dragon videos too.
Gun Control works
Nice own goal.
Doesn’t count because Venezuela doesn’t have nukes.
Usually that sparks the “guns won’t protect you from tanks, drones and bombs” argument.
Tell that to mid-east warlords.
Most gun grabbers seem to alternate between that one and “the only reason anyone would need to own an AR-15 is if they were going to singlehandledly take over the government, so nobody should be allowed to have one”.
Mohammed Noor verdict reached. Not announced yet.
Not guilty by reason of going home safely.
Former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor has been found guilty of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Australian woman Justine Ruszczyk Damond.
He was acquitted of second-degree murder.
Noor was immediately handcuffed and taken into custody. Sentencing is scheduled for June 9.
I am shocked. I thought the only possibility was the manslaughter.
This is gonna turn into a fucking racial circus, but I’m happy this motherfucker is going to jail.
I think even the race hustlers will shut the fuck up on this one.
I think being a cop completely negates Noor’s victim/intersectionality cred. People who would normally go to the mat for him will decide that as a cop he deserves what he gets.
So allegedly Maduro was on a plane on the tarmac headed for Havana and the Russians talked him out of it.
I’m assuming he still owes them some gold. Probably talked him into realizing that dead by polonium is still dead.
We really need to stay out of this one. But I fear that Bolton is furiously masturbating at the prospect of US involvement as we speak.
Oh, we are way deep on this one and have been for some time. Overt military action is the only thing we haven’t done.
VERDICT: Noor guilty of 3rd degree murder and 2nd degree manslaughter.
Better than I expected. Although how you can be convicted of murder and manslaughter for a single killing is kind of a mystery.
At least he got….SOMETHING. No time to for your pish-posh!
Drinking: A tout le monde Megadeth Belgian saison by Unibroue.
Very good.
Unibroue is one of the nice gems from Quebec.
The bottles are almost as great as the beer. I still have Maudite and Le Fin Du Monde T-shirt.
A fan huh.
Count me as another Unibroue fan.
Personally, I prefer it when women wax their brows.
Moi aussi.
Le Fin du Mond is a grand beverage.
You are a wise man.
I don’t like absolutely everything Unibroue makes, but their hit rate is way higher than average, and even the stuff I don’t like can never be accused of being boring.
Honestly, whatever the Quebeki Budweiser is (Boreale?) is pretty darned good. Then again, I only had it on draft with good food, o that probably helped.
Boreale is not bad. McAuslan is very good – they own St. Ambroise.
At least I can get behind this.
Not the weird fetish for that abomination called poutine.
See, then you had to go and fuck it up.
Now admittedly, the gravy used isn’t in the same league as good southern sausage gravy when it comes to topping deep fried potatoes…
Neither gravy or potatoes are keto.
*gnaws on some bacon*
Seems like those would be mutually exclusive doesn’t it?
I wonder if the Sun will still rise in the East tomorrow.
I note that they were responding to a call of a possible sexual assault. So the person who rushed up their car could well have been the victim of the assault.
I imagine the dead woman slapped their car to warn them someone was coming up. Didn’t want to startle them by just appearing suddenly outside their window at night. Really, there’s no good way to approach officers at night, I guess. Best just to keep clear.
I think the slap was made up from the get go. Neither of the cops mentioned anything about a slap or a noise at the crime scene. It was first mentioned to investigators days later.
Totally agree. It kept getting more elaborate as time went on.
Important to remember that this happened in the safest neighborhood in the city. If you are on edge there, you are in the wrong fucking job.
Slap? I heard she set off a rasher of Black Cats and tossed it in the back of the cruiser while brandishing a toy handgun she’d taken the orange cap off of. And she was screaming N—ER COPS GET THE BULLET FIRST. And she was nine feet tall and tore a passing cyclist clean in half before either hero could react.
The $2 trillion infrastructure plan is over 25 years. In other words, it ain’t happenin’.
Trans woman kicking ass in women’s weightlifting:
Three world records in one day, quite a feat.
It would be quite a feat for a woman. For a man, not so much.
I have nothing against trans people, but it’s not as though other physical conditions don’t exclude people from competitive sports.
Yeah, it used to be that the physical condition of being a man excluded you from competing in women’s sports. Not anymore, though.
I think there is a dandy lawsuit waiting to be filed arguing that allowing MTF competitors in women’s sports is a violation of the anti-discrimination laws, based on the complete lack of any reference to “gender” in those laws. Under the law, there are no transgenders, just men and women.
You’re going to have to find a judge that’s willing to jump in that fire.
Maybe Willett.
I never expected even 10 years ago we’d be so far down the road to this madness. I guess I should have paid more attention to history.
I have a problem with people that want to force everyone else to participate in their delusion.
I have a problem with people that want to force everyone else
to participate in their delusion.It’s not a delusion. It’s neurological dimorphism. In humans, sexual dimorphism there is a bimodal distribution of traits, such that most men have some typically female traits and vice-versa. Transgender identity is a result of someone having has an oppositely sexed brain.
But how much is genuine dimorphism and how much attention seeking trend following and how much bad faith indoctrination by ideologically motivated parents and/or therapists?
Trick question, the answer is you’re a bigot.
Tell that to Twitter and you will be dragged, transphobe.
Which is why, as far as I can tell, most bona fide MTF’s aren’t SJW’s, and often get accused of being transphobes. Hence the term, “truescum”.
You’re going to have to explain what an oppositely sexed brain is. A belief that one is female does not change chromosomal identity.
I have no issue with homosexuality, transvestism, or other traits defined by behavior. The problem arises for me when people propose the compulsion of agreement with a factually untrue statement such as calling a male “female”.
“You’re going to have to explain what an oppositely sexed brain is.”
Perhaps that’s not the best language, since dimorphism doesn’t determine sex. Human brains can be sorted into two types, male and female. A person with a more female brain is going to be more likely to think and feel female and exhibit feminine behavior.
“A belief that one is female does not change chromosomal identity.”
No one is saying it does.
The critic raises a good point: if steroids are unacceptable in sports, why aren’t hormones?
Joe Rogan’s point. I certainly agree with him on these points.
The reason is a total mystery.
Feminist finally have true equality. What a great day.
“No jail time for school bus driver who admitted to raping 14-year-old girl
WATERTOWN, New York — A judge handed down 10 years’ probation last week to a former New York school bus driver after he admitted to raping a 14-year-old girl.
Shane Piche, 26, will be registered as a Level 1 sex offender, according to the Waterford Daily Times. The judge reportedly said because he had no prior arrests and there was one victim, the sentence was appropriate.
Level 1 is considered the lowest risk level out of three, and Piche will not be included in online sex offender databases.
He pleaded guilty in February to raping a 14-year-old girl who he met through his job as a bus driver with the city’s school district, the newspaper reports.
Piche also was charged with unlawfully dealing with a child and endangering the welfare of a child after he allegedly gave the girl alcohol.
The Times reports Piche is required to pay $375 in court fees and surcharges, plus a $1,000 special sex offender registration fee.”
$1375 bucks, no jail time, no sex offender registration.
You can hit harder for a speeding ticket.
Registration, but not included in online sex offender databases. Not that I don’t disagree with your overall point.
Regardless, I’m thinking their has to be more to this story.
um, there
It’s a good thing he didn’t do something really bad like drink 4 beers and drive
Statutory I assume?
That is my assumption.
And he’s not even a member of the teacher’s union!
“Opinion: It’s time to talk about being white in America”
Because that’s not what you’ve been doing incessantly for years?
Opinion: it’s time for the Washington Post to STFU already
I’m pretty sure Trump wants them to keep talking.
Yeah. Sometimes I don’t know how much more “entertainment” I can take.
Opinion: It’s time to talk about what to do with the retards in media in America.
Bowls of antifreeze?
“…when you’re roiling in childish rage, the first thing you lose is your judgment, and then comes common sense. And finally you lose your mind and along with that, your freedom.”
Ellis is an honest liberal, which is why they hate him.
I see little to no evidence for this. right now there is about a 75% chance that a Boomer wins the Presidency in 2020, Mitch, a Boomer will still likely be running the Senate through at least 2026 and I suspect Pelosi (another Boomer) will be in charge of the Democratic side of the House equally as long.
On the flip side the oldest Millennials will be turning 40 in 2020.
As a practical matter we might get 1 or 2 terms of Gen X Presidency and a power split with millennials in the other branches of government but Gen X is never going to run the country the way the (so called and used totally ironically for the most part) Greatest Generation did in the 70’s – 80’s and the Boomers did in the 90’s – 10’s. The Boomers simply stayed in power too long
That stuck out at me too. I would not be surprised if there is never a Gen X president. Even Harris is arguably a boomer (b. 1964).
Generation X
The largest generations seem to best at voting themselves the riches.
I wound up with Dad’s Official Police 38 when he passed. There was something (the “hand”?) that is supposed to advance the cylinder that was worn. It took my local gunsmith over 6 months to track down the part.
That seems odd. I would have thought that would be an easy piece to find.
According to this site Dad’s revolver was made in 1927, five years before he was born.
Ah, Colts are harder to find parts for than Smiths
I am having a hell of a time finding a blue 6″ python barrel at a decent price.
If I’m not mistaken, that’s probably because the forcing cones were defective.
Yes. They were too hard and prone to cracking. Mine is cracked. I want to replace it and sell the damned thing. My gun budget is tight these days and that would give me the money to buy two guns I want…of the three I cant live without.
Winchester ’94 in 444 marlin (hard to find)
Ruger no. 1 in 25-06 (hard to find)
Smith and Wesson model 69 (medium frame 44mag, 5 shot)
I’m thinking you could get a Ruger No. 1 that takes another 06 parent case and re-barrel it.
I looked again. Found one for 1100.
Hipsters and their boutique calibers!
J/k don’t feed me to the gators.
Wow. Looks like Mr. Hands vs Orange man. Who’s going to #grabthatpussy.
Looks like the far lefties are going to be disappointed once again. All hail the unprincipled and corrupt Democratic establishment.
Apparently, beating Trump trumps principles. Who’d have guessed.
Hiya, Yusef.
*cracks a beer*
What’s crack-a-lacken’?
Hey Yusef.
Sitting in a Motel room,
gettin drunk, but not to soon,
bacon and eggs for dinner,
I got me a stove,
Tall Cans!
Heating, Verse, & Air Conditioning
*waves hi*
Woah. I’m not that drunk.
Catch up.
Oh. I hid old threads.
*sheepishly asks for bill*
Give it time, my friend, give it time.
Bah! The clarity for my new avatar is for shit. Back to the editing booth.
The clarity for all avatars is for shit, for me. Exhibit A: Straffinrun. What are in those Venn circles?
I didn’t have any trouble reading it using the zoom functionality in my browser.
Don’t ask what you don’t really want to know.
“If it’s in the sink, it’s dirty. You need to wash it before you put it on the drying towel with the clean dishes.”
“I don’t get it.”
Have my kids been to your house?