What? I’m on? I’m sorry. Let me get a clean pair of skivvies, I’m not quite ready yet…
So here is the column of bullshit from last week.
“If you live in the Midwest, where else do you want to live besides Chicago? You don’t want to live in Cincinnati or Cleveland or, you know, these armpits of America.” So declared Stephen Moore, the man Donald Trump wants to install on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, during a 2014 event held at a think tank called, yes, the Heartland Institute.
The crowd laughed.
Moore is an indefensible choice on many grounds. Even if he hadn’t shown himself to be extraordinarily misogynistic and have an ugly personal history, his track record on economics — always wrong, never admitting error or learning from it — is utterly disqualifying.
His remarks about the Midwest, however, highlight more than his unsuitability for the Fed. They also provide an illustration of something I’ve been noticing for a while: The thinly veiled contempt conservative elites feel for the middle-American voters they depend on.
This guy again? Stephen Moore. Stephen Moore? Stephen Moore! Motherfucking STEPHEN MOORE. How many moore of these columns are you going to dedicate to STEPHEN MOORE
Seriously, did he sleep with your wife or something?
This is not the story you usually hear. On the contrary, we’re inundated with claims that liberals feel disdain for the heartland. Even liberals themselves often buy into these claims, berate themselves for having been condescending and pledge to do better.
But what’s the source of that narrative? Look at where the belief that liberals don’t respect the heartland comes from, and it turns out that it has little to do with things Democrats actually say, let alone their policies. It is, instead, a story line pushed relentlessly by Fox News and other propaganda organizations, relying on out-of-context quotes and sheer fabrication.
Conservative contempt, by contrast, is real. Moore’s “armpit” line evidently didn’t shock his audience, probably because disparaging views about middle America are widespread among right-wing intellectuals and, more discreetly, right-wing politicians.
Hey dumbass. Everyone makes fun of Cleveland. It’s an easy target, plus people there cheerful and have pretty good humor about it.. Contrast this with Chicago where walking in the wrong neighborhood will get you shot by the locals, or some asshole says you have weed and the cops break down the door of your business looking for kickbacks and shooting my workers.
…and lets be real, I hate fucking cops. They think they can get everything for free…
…and he’s making me defend Cleveland. Christ, what an asshole…
Let’s be clear: There is a real economic and social crisis in what one recent analysis calls the “Eastern Heartland.” This region suffers from persistently low employment among working-age men and has seen a surge in mortality from alcohol, suicide and opioids — “deaths of despair,” in the phrase of Anne Case and Angus Deaton.
What lies behind this crisis? The view of most liberals, as far as I can tell, is that it reflects declining economic opportunity, changes in the economy that have favored metropolitan areas over rural communities. On this view, declining opportunity has led to social disruption, in the same way that the disappearance of urban industry undermined inner-city communities a half century ago.
Those industries didn’t disappear, they went to Texass.
Many conservatives, however, blame the victims. They attribute the heartland’s woes to a mysterious collapse in morality and family values that somehow hasn’t affected coastal cities. Moral collapse is the theme of books like Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart: The State of White America,” and of innumerable articles. One widely read essay in National Review went so far as to label the troubled Eastern Heartland “the white ghetto,” whose people are too indolent to move to where the jobs are.
So who, exactly, doesn’t respect middle America?
When it comes to politicians, of course, what they say is much less important than what they do. So what do the policy choices of liberal and conservative pols say about how they value the heartland? Some Democrats, notably Elizabeth Warren, have been offering real proposals to help rural areas. They’re probably not enough to reverse rural and small-town economic decline, which would be hard to do even with plenty of money and the best will in the world. But they would help.
his track record on economics — always wrong, never admitting error or learning from it — is utterly disqualifying.
His remarks about the Midwest, however, highlight more than his unsuitability for the Fed. They also provide an illustration of something I’ve been noticing for a while: The thinly veiled contempt conservative elites feel for the middle-American voters they depend on.
Damn that projection just about knocked me out of my chair.
they went to Texass.
I like that typo.
Don’t think it was a typo
I assumed it was on purpose.
When you assume, you make an ass of U and me, darling.
When you exhume an ass, you assume.
In my defense, I had only one beer today.
The fuck is wrong with you?
I’m too tired to give a snarky response, so I’ll give a serious response.
Several days at the end of last week I slept poorly, not more than three or so hours. I hit an important milestone for a project at work, and won’t need to work weekends anymore. Last night I celebrated. I had a lot to drink. I spent today hungover. I had dinner with some friends, and a beer after dinner. I am very, very sleepy. I’m going to bed early… like now early.
Good for you! (except for the lack of sleep and hangover part) May sweet dreams of sexy redheads fill your slumber.
Unless your the etiquette guy, that costs extra.
Can I be the grammar guy?
*winks at OMWC*
If that’s what your into
Aw, honey, I probably wouldn’t survive the experience.
Perhaps thats for the best.
Indeed, I’m sure that some people in the heartland will take any effort to convince them that they’re being misled as just another example of liberal disrespect.
That’s a good way to prove them right.
The Philly/New England game really blew up. Just ended at 6-1.
The Revs have been the only consistently disappointing Boston-area team in the last couple of decades.
For a dirty whore, you really get it.
If there is one thing whores know it is people. So yeah. She gets it.
Where the sexy pics from?
On the front page? Search for Tiah Eckhardt
Depending on your browser search settings, could be NSFW
Huh. Maybe I won’t fall asleep right away when I go to bed.
And then you’ll sleep really deeply….
Thank you sir!
Wow, there’s an image of her completely naked in shadows, hair down and arching her back, that is truly breathtaking. A bit more SFW but still a knockout is her pouring breakfast cereal in white bra and panties.
Wow. Tiah has gotten a little chunky.
No, it’s because it’s obviously a joke. Everyone knows that New Jersey is America’s armpit.
I will give Krugnuts credit for one thing; he refrained form using the term “flyover states”. That had to about kill him.
I thought NJ was NYs nutsack.
I thought it was Albany
Indeed, I’m sure that some people in the heartland will take any effort to convince them that they’re being misled as just another example of liberal disrespect. But all Americans, wherever they live, deserve to be told the truth.
What’s The Matter With Kansas?
There’s nothing the matter with Kansas, darling. Other than the arrest warrant for 67 counts of prostitution, and 186 counts of drug possession I am currently wanted for, nothing wrong with Kansas at all.
*grabs popcorn, settles down to read, prepares for Region War*
Great response.
Back to gnawing on my fingers.
Yikes, McAvoy took a shot.
/waves Ohio flag
Go Jackets!
It’s been almost 90 days since Boston has had a sports championship! C’mon, have a heart.
It’s not like Cleveland’s going to go insane for a Columbus victory (unless it’s OSU). But I’ve got to cheer for my local team, except for the NBA. Fuck that noise (sorry Pie).
I… may be slightly spoiled.
I did see the ultimate troll job the other day, in a cemetery of all places. There’s a graveyard with a view to a moderately busy road. This person died, and paid for a tombstone that is visible from the road with a Steeler’s helmet and colors on it.
The Garden playing one of my guilty pleasure songs during the break in the action.
OK. I’m not a big tree-hugger, but smashing clocks on a bridge rail…over a river…not very earth conscious of those millennials.
Also, you need a better guilty pleasure.
Also a guilty pleasure, but Psy doesn’t have anything on this (NSFW)
Oh my. Lovely. (His might be actually be bigger)
That… isn’t terrible, for what it is.
Reminds me a little of these guys.
Wait, beside the tit pics which you don’t care for, why would you subject yourself to that
I dunno… because I like them?
That lacks the excellent bassline of Ain’t It Fun.
I figured there was more of a chance Rhywun might have heard that one.
Was that popular? Mind you, I am 100% disconnected from any music that has been popular in the last 15 years or so.
Some Democrats, notably Andrew Cuomo, have been implementing actual proposals that are utterly destroying rural areas.
But he has good intentions. That’s what counts.
LOL he’s long since given up even pretending to have those.
“The thinly veiled contempt conservative elites feel for the middle-American voters they depend on.”
Progject much?
I’ll add that Krugnuts is a perfect example of a Yankee, which is less a geographical location and more a state of mind.
New York is a state of mind?
[N]ew York
Incidentally, I gave the Fifth Column another shot – I rage-quit(?) it a few months back, since Welch is such a fucking terrible apologist for Top Men – but I’m about halfway through and it’s pretty good.
Some eye-rolling on my part (e.g., Lake getting the vapors over the Trump campaign using the leaked Clinton e-mails to their advantage – as if the Clinton campaign wouldn’t have stooped to such a thing), but I’m enjoying it.
The story in the beginning of a drunken Moynihan getting roped in as a shabbos goy is great.
I love that podcast.
Not like in new york
Well, bless his heart!
Winston’s Mom tackles jobs no one else will perform.
Tackling is extra.
Tackle is included, actually. I just charged you extra for the live bait.
“This is why they keep calling everyone “far right”
The right barely moved and the left has gone off the rails”
“Far-left violence is #FacebookApproved. Redneck Revolt, a far-left militia group with 37 active cells distributed a training manual with sections on “kidnapping”, “executions”, “sabotage” and “terrorism”. Their Facebook account is still active. Why?”
To make fun of them?
On the contrary, we’re inundated with claims that liberals feel disdain for the heartland.
Yes, of course this is wrong, Krugabe. Liberals despise all of America, not just the heartland.
Krugeman knows the heartland/
Heartland, mate.
The real heartland.
Wait, mate?! when did this happen!? If it did I was drugged! I didn’t
builddo that!One more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhjWBMnIT-c
Look up 😉
Which one? Everything posted before mine is a different link.
Ok: I shouldn’t be arguing. Too much TD.
Seriously, why would anyone read Paul Krugman? That’s like willingly watching Morning Joe, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, or Sean Hannity. No wonder Winston’s mom jumps on me so often.
My Smith-College-attending friend thinks he’s just the smartest evah.
Pure partisan hackery. I can go to Fox and agree with half or so of their stuff. Listen to Jimmy Dore and agree with a lot. People like Krugman or Hannity are just worthless shills for their teams. If everything that happens can be spun in their favor, there’s no need to watch or read them at all. Just go through life and believe your team is the best. You don’t need affirmation for that.
On Realclearpolitics.com and their related sites I just ignore obvious partisan hacks, right and left, since it would be a waste of time. Krugnuts is a sure pass. Life is too short to waste even a minute on reading him.
Hmmm…sounds like one of those heartland hating people from a flyover state.
And keep fucking flying. The coast is that way.
*heavy swallow of bourbon*
I thought you were in a coastal state, where the people ask us things like if you can see Canada from Cleveland, or if Lake Erie is a salt water lake.
It’s a fucking model.
I wish having that model meant fucking…A dream of mine even, but nope.
Ships don’t make the man
Better Shirtlording.
LOL recently finished VOY (again).
I’m disappoint that the Jill Sobule version wasn’t used.
Same same. Would have been far better.
It’s only a model.
Aaaand the Firefox “fix” just broke. I guess I’ll try it again.
Has anyone tried the update they rolled out for their “developers”? Not what it’s called, but I can’t remember what they call it right now.
And the “fix” didn’t work. Anyone else? Bueller?
I fixed it by going to Chrome
Yeah, no way I’m going Chrome. I’ll get used to Brave before I do that.
I’ll use it until Firefox fixes itself.
I have to use it at work. So I am somewhat immune to its pain.
The Midwest does actually suck. Trust me, I spent most of my adult life there, so far. But it doesn’t suck for the reasons stated. It sucks because of the climate. You spend 6 months indoors, because it’s too fucking cold to go outside. The rest of the year, on the 3 days it’s nice enough to actually want to go outside, you’ll pay for it a day later from a category 5 tornado that destroys your home and kills you and all your neighbors.
However, to say the one place you do want to live there is Chicago? LOL. That’s like saying you have to live in hell, but you can make it better by adding more corruption, crime, and an even worse climate.
Nope, it’s a fucking fact. Chicago is the worst shithole I’ve ever had the misfortune to visit.
I guess I was referring to everything else you said in your rant.
You mean the climate stuff? Prove me wrong.
If you are too soft to go out for 6 months a year, that’s on you.
Reminds me of a work pal talking about growing up in Ft Peck.
I also prefer not to drive 6″ nails under my toenails.
There’s always one week in October every year when Chicago has nice weather. Other than that, nonstop awful. It’s either cold and overcast/drizzling/sleet or hot and ungodly humid.
If you knew the price I pay for living in sunny socal…
Well, I lived there for 5 years. But yeah, I know the price now, don’t have to guess.
What’s your definition of the Midwest? I’ve enjoyed Cleveland the time I’ve lived here, could deal with Green Bay, wouldn’t be unhappy in Kalamazoo, and could find several other locations I could probably deal with
Yes, Cleveland is a prime definition of a horrible climate. It’s the reason my brother, who worked there for 30 years, retired in Florida.
I have to question the sanity of anyone who moves to Florida because climate.
/person who doesn’t like insects or flopsweat
It is a good question. After spending the first half of my life in western NY and the second half in NYC, I would put western NY in the midwest. The culture is the same.
My first stab at a definition is “the other side of the Appalachians”. No idea what the western border is.
The question is where does Pennsylvania fit. It’s one of the most dichotomous states ever. Compare Philly and Pitt to anywhere between them, and they’re completely different.
That’s just urban versus rural. I don’t know Pittsburgh but if it’s anything like Buffalo, it’s “culture” FWIW is closer to Midwest than East Coast.
I’ve always had a problem with Ohio being included in the “Midwest”. Seems like it should be “Mideast” if anything.
So then what’s your definition of the Midwest? I’d say it’s Ohio to the Minnesota.
So the plains states are in the “west”? So we go from East to Midwest to West?
I prefer the more geological terms; Lake States, Plains States, Mountain States, etc…
Yeah, I have friends in places like Nebraska that see them as the Great Plains states.
Ohio was the midwest when Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri were the wild west (when Jesse James was running amok).
Do you include it with Kentucky then?
Anything south of Columbus is pretty much Kentucky.
/waves at the southern Ohio glibs
I have mostly given up on the idea of “the midwest”.
The plains states start at the Mississippi and go west to the mountains.
The mid-east is Indiana, lower Michigan, and Ohio (the rust belt).
Illinois is just a black hole.
This ^
Was that before or after Monster Garage?
I’ll just assume you are lumping taxes in under 3 of 3 of those topics.
Also a repost:
An old annoyance has reemerged; when I hit “reply” the entire page refreshes first. Anyone know if this is a WordPress thing or an Eyepiece thing? I remember it happening a while back, and I think changing from Monocle to Eyepiece fixed it.
I think it started again about the time that the WordPress weirdness happened a week or so ago.
There was a hiccup a week or two ago where a lot of us had to clear our Glibs cookies and/or do a hard reload of the page.
And I did that and it fixed the other nonsense, but not the reply=refresh glitch.
I dunno. I’ve been good since then.
Not I, said the trashcan. Eyepiece doesn’t screw with the reply button.
Also a repost, but this messed up my wife’s whole day: https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/05/04/rachel-held-evans-progressive-christian-author-who-challenged-evangelicals-dies/
Sake chick?
pretty sure that’s Marie Kondo
Here’s a link I’m sure will start a some ranting. It’s about how much to tip bartenders in the modern age. I’ll stand with Joel in this argument. For a standard drink, I’ll toss a single down, if I’m dropping $16 a cocktail, I’ll be tossing down several dollars depending on the work that went into the cocktail.
Yeah, I’m not dropping more than a buck on anything that’s two ingredients or fewer.
That’s a good measure. Pretty much all the classic/pre-prohibtion cocktails I like are just that. I don’t think you need a special tip for a Manhattan or a Negroni.
(now I want a Negroni).
Drinking one now 🙂
And I’m asking myself what is the tip? It’s 3 ingredients, but it’s also dead simple to make. OTOH Campari ain’t cheap so it might merit a two-dollar tip.
You’re tipping the bartender for their skill in combining the ingredients (and/or in the hopes they’ll heavy-pour the next one), not on the cost of the ingredients.
You don’t need a fat tip for pouring some 25 year old scotch into a glass anymore than you need a fat tip for pouring a beer.
Negroni = $1. Dead simple.
$2 if they’re cute and/or I know them.
If they comp the drink, the tip goes up by the value of the drink.
/spent my younger days drinking way to much for $20 a night.
Oh, hell yes.
As a younger spud, it took me a little time to realize that an important part of getting comped something is tipping on what the bill would be, plus some extra.
Oh yes, I remember those days. In my Buffalo college days if you were a consistent tipper you could expect a free drink after a couple hours.
There was a whole group of us that started drinking at a local pub every Monday. The staff treated us as gods. We walked in and drinks were poured for us as we walked in. Then I became a regular at a dance club back in the day, which led to several entertaining stories.
I’m a Customer Emeritus at this place near Fenway; I (mis?)spent much of my twenties and early thirties there.
Even after all this time, I can walk in before a Sox game, the crowd 3-deep at the bar and I’ll hear one of the bartenders yell my name and see a pint glass being held out for me, without me saying a word.
That’s still pretty great.
That’s awesome, Slum. I mean, it’s terrible that you have to pretend to be a Red Sox fan to get excellent service, but good for you.
In 2004, when things were really insane and the line to get in was 50+ people deep, the owner (at the door) just gave me a head nod and told me to walk around back and come in through the kitchen.
That’s a power move.
Yeah… you’re right. I’m probably making it more complicated than it needs to be.
“You’re tipping the bartender for their skill in combining the ingredients (and/or in the hopes they’ll heavy-pour the next one), not on the cost of the ingredients.”
Your burger tips are great, but this is not right at all. You tip the bartender for making your drinking experience pleasurable. That includes their prep work (which is unseen by the customer), their attitude, their speed, their pour, their cleanliness, etc. Anybody can mix a decent drink. The other stuff is why I tip more.
^ this ^ I will will tip a pleasant bartender more than a grumpy-ass. Regardless of what they are pouring for me. Tips are supposed to be for good all-around service, not just technical expertise.
I spent far too much of my younger days in bars. So throwing down a $5 tip to start led to better drinks being poured the rest of the night.
Don’t misunderstand – I’m a heavy tipper by nature and custom; I have so many friends who do or have worked service jobs, I tip heavily. I understand both what is seen and unseen.
I’m just pushing back on the idea that you should automatically tip more because some or all of the ingredients are expensive – using Macallan 25 in a Blood And Sand vs. using Old Overholt in a Manhattan doesn’t mean I should tip you more for the former vs. the latter (though the former would obviously _cost_ more)
slumbrew: While I hate your Bruins love currently, I agree completely.
I’m not tipping heavier because I requested a more expensive whisk(e)y.
In my bar filled youth, I always found that building a rapport with the bartender, while being generous, but not lavish, with tips got the best results.
Bartender for years. Waiters get tips based on tab size. Why not bartenders? Maybe not 15% on a bottle of Dom, but that shouldn’t be a buck fifty either.
And as a bonus, Uncle Sam looks at total sales to see if you’ve declared enough.
Waiters get tips based on tab size
Until relatively recently, that excluded the alcohol, or at least the wine. I still push back on that, especially when I’m buying more expensive bottles.
As a frequent diner, it feels like tipping is getting a bit out of hand – 20% is the new baseline (why?), alcohol and tip are now part of the baseline for tipping, etc.
Obviously, that’s not the case everywhere, but that’s certainly happening here.
On the plus side, for bartenders, they usually get tipped out by the servers or all tips are pooled.
I don’t want to do away with tipping – it’s a valuable feedback mechanism – but it’s getting a bit out of hand, I think.
I think I see the problem. If you go to lower/mid priced ranged bar and order above top shelf, I get your point. If you go to a high priced joint, you should tip according to the price. It’s a gray area when you order top shelf in a dive bar. I wouldn’t do that anyways, so it doesn’t apply to me.
Out of curiosity:
You go to a midrange place, order a Grey Goose vodka martini (humor me) and they place it down and announce it’s $19.
What’s the tip?
Alternatively, a real-life example:
A roof-top bar (Danger, Will Robinson!) in Charleston. A Manhattan is ordered, Maker’s Mark is selected (no rye available – Danger, Will Robinson!).
Is then promptly shaken and served in a plastic cocktail glass, bright-red maraschino cherry added.
“Stop overcharging your customers.”
“Stop overcharging your customers.”
Heh, yeah. We had a bit of a laugh about it with the bartenders at Husk a few hours later. I know better – the better the view, the worst the product.
And to add some levity, this just popped up:
“There are five levels of drinking…”.
Depends on the criteria I mentioned above. In general? A couple bucks.
Correct – buck a drink. Extra-fancy, craft cocktail, mebbe 2-3 bucks. Maybe.
If I’m in a good cocktail bar and put myself in the bartenders hand, who makes something that hits all of my taste preferences, I’ll toss him a $5. But if you’re pouring me a pint off tap and are unhappy with $1 a pint, your complaints shouldn’t be directed towards me.
Yeah, get bent if you think you want more than $1 for pulling something off a tap.
I’ve had bartender friends tip just the change when served a “mixed” drink off one of those fancy snakes that can dispense something like 2-dozen cocktails (e.g., hit the button & get a ‘gin and tonic’).
I’m always entertained when the bartenders realize I was a part of their culture. Those who pour and make good cocktails get great tips, those who can’t even pour a beer well get the change as a tip.
To play devil’s advocate… the $1 tip has been a standard for decades. I’m not surprised they’re complaining, given inflation.
Also, I haven’t paid cash for drinks in years. Either me or someone else in my party runs a tab and we give a 15 or 20% tip at the end of the night, which is probably better than a buck a drink anyway.
There’s a couple local breweries where a 20% tip is less then the $1 a pint tip. But that may be a regional thing. There’s been a couple of breweries I’ve been to and pointed out that their automatic tip was less then what I would tip.
Around here, 15%-20% on a pure alcohol tab is most certainly more than a buck a drink. $5 drinks are a rarity.
Bartenders who sling beers and such make money on volume, so $1/drink is fine.
True craft bartenders deserve a larger tip, but they’re not really all that common.
I read the article, got to “blood oranges” and had a flashback to Huma and Hillary in a Harlem basement from 2 weeks ago. Got-dammit, thanks SF. *currently in fetal position calling for mommy*
I know this is late, but he only thing I’ll add is that I find it crazy that in the 20+ years I’ve been legally drinking the tip is now more than the drink used to cost.
SP is sick as a dog. So she’s upstairs and I’m eating Szechuan tomatoes and eggs, and downing some local ale.
Which local ale?
Oak Creek Nut Brown. Got some a few days ago when Grand Moff Serious Man and Kibby came over for dinner and I had a few left (they’re lightweights!). Also some nitro Guinness, but I probably won’t get to that.
That is one of my favorites.
It’s great shit, Mrs. Presky.
I hope SP feels better.
Thanks. I’m guessing tomorrow will be a lot better for her.
Last week ax handle and a half supervisor was deathly sick and I have to clean up after her. The virus tried to get me but aside from sneezing and a bit of the sniffles I managed to fight it off with my patented blend of beer and cigarettes. FESTUS STRONG!
I’d be as sick as a dog if I could lick my own balls. Hell, that’d make me even sicker.
And hope SP feels better?
Well, Carlton’s off to a brilliant start. ?
I don’t have that one on FOX.
Watching the Pies – I hope they don’t pull another one of their routines where they put 4 quarters of effort into the first half….
Half-time. Apparently the Pies have decided to blow their load entirely in the first quarter. It’s almost like I’ve seen this show before.
So finally was able to schedule time to watch the big battle on GOT. Everything that was written about it was true. Too dark, shitty tactics blah blah blah. It was relentless and our poor little Doggo did not like it one bit.
I haven’t seen a minute of GoT and have no regrets.
I read the books and GOT is kind of a date night for me and Wifey. We work opposite shifts and she’s super busy all of the time. She leaves when I’m sleeping and we might see each other for twenty minutes or so when she gets home. It’s a big deal to her.
Good for you, man. Wasn’t judging, just not for me. You kids have fun,
No worries. Betwixt work and the horses we don’t get to cross paths much anymore. It’s a drag because I don’t socialize so other than Glibs this is my life now. All my old drinking buddies moved away and my golf pals too. I had to stop playing sports and bowling became too dear to keep at.
All my old drinking buddies either got married, moved away, or turned into leeching bums I had to cut off and disown.
Smells familiar. The married ones got distant and boring and the single ones that are left got insane. No, it’s three in the morning and I don’t want to free-base an eight-ball with you right now and babble about the good old days.
In my case it was more like “wanna do some lines and oh by the way can I borrow another 1,600 for this month’s rent”? Carrot and stick.
So Rhywun has met my elder brother…
Does he have a much younger druggie GF with a bunch of loser druggie friends of her own?
Oh, I imagine he is legion. Sits at home all day and chuckles about how he’s raping the Gov for disability payments. Called me a Nazi last we spoke.
“…another 1600…” suggests you lent it to them in The past. Do you have 1600 I can borrow? Wanna do some lines? I thought you had the blow? Got-dammit.
I’m watching Horace and Pete’s. It’s been very engaging, sad, and funny. I’ve just started episode 3.
Not familiar with that one. Quick run-down?
It’s Louis CK, Allan Alda, and Steve Buschemi, running an old dive bar in Brooklyn.
They are trying to prevent a sibling from selling the bar while life is happening around them. It’s difficult at times to watch as it goes from incredibly sad to really funny.
It’s done like a play.
I’m up very early today. I gave myself jet lag last night. Two martinis with dinner and my wife and I went to bed at 9:00.
Now I’m up at 2:30 and wide awake.
Welcome to my world. I get home around two or three and stay up far too late. Daylight? What the fuck is that?
I hear ya cluckin’, big chicken.
Slept early, should be asleep now. But not… 🙁
Sadface with toothpicks holding her eyelids open. I can’t sleep most of the time and when I do it’s lucid dreams. Some good, some very bad. Stupid brain won’t shut up and leave a man in peace.
I’m going to the Jewish bakery for some bagels and pastries. I’m never up this early to get them fresh from the oven.
Silver-linings and what not!
Exactly. I’m going to grab Sunday by the bagels.
I’m too impaired to drive but I did just set the coffee pot brewing for the sainted one. We both work a double shift on Sunday.
Happens to me, too. Just means you’re not a drunk for drinking at noon.
You’re “Gramping” with Mirfs. We understand.
Hit that motherfkin’ pre-church-gotta-press-my-pants-hope-I-dont-smell-like-stale-beer-THEME MUSIC
Slapping a guy across the face with rapenis is not cool, Dude.
Bagel’s and cinnamon buns purchased and consumed. Coffee cup one down. Let’s go get some work done in the yard.
Down pours all day…..let’s see… read some Glibs and have another cuppa instead.
Sounds a solid plan! I’m going to try to sleep now. Wish me luck, Gliberinos!
Austin is growing on me.