Brett just might have been carried off by a face eating bath saltzer. We can’t be sure. So I am throwing a few hasty links out, to keep the chance of mob action/rioting low…
Imma go call the FL State coppers, maybe there is a report or somesuch.
P.S. Muscle in middle of right shoulder blade got a nice bunch lidocaine shot into it…I have a small mound of steroids to take and a muscle relaxant for nighttime. I should be less ready to cowbutt the lot of ye. But don’t push it…
Covering em up with your arms is not topless. I am firm on that.
Nips or GTFO!
Given that we are talking about the 2019 model and not the 1994 model, I’m ok with that.
I dunno…she might be our generation’s Raquel Welch.
Seriously. Jen 1994. Jen 2019, 25 years later.
The woman barely ages.
J-Lo is pimping her summer tour – during which she will celebrate her 50th. She also still looks amazing – could pass for a little more than half her age.
I don’t remember there being a bunch of a-list 50 year old hotties running around back in the 70’s. I think they aged out in the early to mid 30’s.
I’m guessing they were significantly less plastic in those days, too.
She might pass on a professional photo shoot but she won’t pass at 6 am guaranteed.
She looks a lot better than Lindsay Lohan does at nearly 20 years older, so she’s at least got that going for her.
Wait…I found a good pic of Lindsay!
By the time she was 25, Lindsay Lohan looked like a fortysomething trailer park whore.
Sad 🙁
Why is that sad? I might have a chance with a celebrity that looks like a trailer park whore. Maybe with enough money, I could even talk her into doubling up on me
Apparently, we don’t speak the Queen’s English.
Just ‘cuz it’s a hand bra don’t make it not a bra.
Wait, Swiss is posting links about boobs?
Q will go off-topic in 30 minutes with a link about the state of Catalonia, I’m sure.
[golf clap] for the new guy
The room is spinning.
“Dena told Daily Star Online: “I have noticed that there are more adult virgins than ever before coming to Sheri’s so that they can lose their virginity to a prostitute and learn the proper ins-and-outs of sex.”
So misleading headline? a British Tabloid?!?!?!
Something here is amiss.
And you are agog? Or aghast?
I think he is accusing you of a Swiss amiss.
Don’t try to duck the question with clever word play.
*narrows gaze*
But is it as good as amile?
If someone asks you if you’re agog, you say yes!
But… I was supposed to be Magog.
Can I be aghast at your Magog house?
When I hear that “something is amiss” I assume they are referring to the Circle K.
I remember 10 years ago when she did a “topless” photo shoot for Maxim or Stuff or something like that. Is this what it’s like to feel old?
Not even close
Excellent. I’m going to binge drink when I get home anyway.
She did a nude photo shoot back in the ’90s, for Rolling Stone I think, but it was one of those ones where she’s lying on her stomach and it’s taken at an angle such that you could only see a bit of her butt.
Still, it was a great picture, as you can see by the fact that I remember it two decades later.
It’s magic.
That freshly-you-know-whatted look, too.
I can’t believe they make a bouncing six. How high do they go??
Also, “This video is not available.”
Well if they have a fancy dancing #6, I’m assuming they have a fancy #9 too for when you need to send a super sexy text to your special someone.
How far do they go? Probably 0 to 9. And public domain too!
Think of “Sesame Street is brought to you today by the number 6 and the letter H”.
Classics IV guitarist JR Cobb dies at 75
For those who don’t remember, Classics IV
Cobb would go on to front the Atlanta Rhythm Section and do a remake of “Spooky”.
I am a huge fan of ARS. One of three in the whole country I think.
You’re so into them?
I imagine so.
That’s me, you, and who else?
BTW, here’s the only song for this.
Yup. That’s the right stuff.
thanks for messing it up for me, Sharpie
Sure thing Tres!
“The settlement calls for the Ruszczyks to donate $US2m to a Minneapolis foundation aimed at addressing gun violence.”
You see it was the gun’s fault, not the poorly trained, jittery cop who fired across his partner’s personal space (thus endangering his partner) and killed an innocent bystander.
“The settlement calls for the Ruszczyks to donate $US2m to a Minneapolis foundation aimed at addressing gun violence.”
That’s messed up.
“Sorry our guy shot your daughter – here’s some money but you have to donate some of that back to some crony foundation here”
Yeah, what a slap to the face. Disgusting, really.
I thought that I read something about it being in there as some sort of tax dodge. It wasn’t about this case, but I thought that if the settlement says you *have* to donate so much to charity Y, then the whole contribution could escape paying a lot of taxes.
If I remember correctly I heard about it when some shyster got a settlement from a university and that was one of the ways he got to move money to his charities.
So my guess is that the victim’s family had that requirement put in.
Or I could be talking out of my ass.
Seems possible now that you mention it. Surprisingly, I don’t know anything about the tax consequences of receiving millions of dollars myself.
O am not a tax lawyer BUT.
If it it compensation for a loss it is not income of any kind so there should be no tax.
Probably some windfall tax of which I am not aware though.
Any portion of the settlement / judgment that is attributable to lost earnings, or other items that would have been taxed is taxed. It can get complex.
If there are millenials willing to travel and pay for the the privilege of just playing video games with a woman, I think I have an idea for a new business.
Last time I checked, Twitch Girls make about 15% more than Cam Girls.
….wait, wut?
That was just an apples-to-apples comparison of tips, paid subscriptions, and patrion-esque-content.
Both groups have side hustles. Cam Girls can just straight-up whore themselves. Twitch Girls can get alternative, legitimate revenue streams. Both of these provide more money/hour if the young lady already has an established Cam community, but you can’t do them unless you already have the community.
Well, you can do the whoring, but you make a boat-load more from a community member than from a rando. Lots safer too.
It always shocks me that anyone would pay to watch someone play video games.
It also shocks me that anyone pays to watch people throw/kick/hit a ball though.
lol. When I was ranting at Altar Boy #1 about the stupidity of him watching videos of people playing video games (with a bit of ‘Get Off My Lawn’ too), he shut me down pretty good by saying “it isn’t any stupider than watching sports.”
He has a point there I guess.
Enh, I watch “Let’s Play” videos for help, not entertainment.
Yes it is. The difference is the guys I watch play football do things I could never in a million years do.
watching some guy play a video game, Yeah I can play that video game. Maybe not quite as well as him but close enough that you’d never be able to tell from just watching.
That said, yeah there are a couple of sports that do fit in there like Bowling and for some people Golf
he difference is the guys I watch play football do things I could never in a million years do.
Things like kicking their pregnant girlfriend down flights of stairs? Or being arrested hiding in a car trunk after putting out a hit on their pregnant girlfriend?
Can I go OT now that I talked about a link?
I need to get an inexpensive GPS device. No set budget, just something that will keep me from being a “Local Man Found In State Park After Three Day Search and Rescue Operation” (or worse, Local BSA Leader…). So not top of the line.
I recommend FM 3-25
1) I plan on having laminated topo maps etc with me, because I always bring an analog backup for digital stuff.
2) Possibly due to dyslexia, I can’t orientate. Not for lack of trying. I’ve spent considerable amounts of time in my life trying to develop the skill, and I can’t get it to work.
Wrong-way Corrigan had similar problems.
BackCountry Navigator PRO app on your phone?
I’m currently playing with Gaia GPS, but I want something with a better battery life and waterproof.
“Local Man Found In State Park After Three Day Search and Rescue Operation”
Three days if your lucky. We’ve had a spat of, “remains found of hiker who went missing a year ago”
I carry enough spare calories with me to last more than a long weekend whenever I leave the house. #theJoyOfBeingFat.
Apparently you can rent a SPOT for $75 for 3 days, $15/day after that.
That’s pretty cool.
(probably a totally unhelpful answer)
Amazon has em for $149, but the service plan is $199/year
Yep, which is why I thought the rental option was intriguing.
I find the idea of those really cool – GPS positioning + satellite data connection = globally-effective panic button.
Download Backcountry Pro App to your phone. If you want an actual GPS unit check out Garmen. Helped me out a few times on back roads of KY and TN. Unfortunately I broke mine doing something stupid.
I had the 30x but this should meet your needs.
Just keep in mind detailed maps to download are proprietary and are gonna cost more.
I have the 30x coming in the mail from an unnamed retailer known for being very accommodating on returns.
And if there is a way to legally put cost-free maps on this device, I’m pretty confident I can figure out how to do it. But if not, I don’t mind paying for value received.
Like you I always have maps with me if getting list is a possibility. So while having topo maps on the device were nice, just having accurate coordinates to bump against the UTM grid on the map was all I really needed.
Pro tip: don’t be lazy and stick it in your back pocket while you traverse down a steep hill with loose rock:)
I have several. All Garmin. I’m assuming you want a full color map. I’ve been Using a Oregon 450 for years. Never had an issue with it. But I’m sure there are many newer versions/models. Looks like the newest models are under $500
I’ve got two Gekos with no mapping that I leave in my fishing vest to mark boat takeouts. It’ll get you back to your truck, if you don’t mind climbing mountains to do it. Paid < $30 for those, used. Depends on what you want.
^I like the redundancy of a dedicated GPS unit since phones are at the mercy of their bloatware.
Probably not exactly what you’re looking for, but also consider having one of these particularly if you are a BSA leader.
The stories I could tell about saving the shit of befuddled scoutmasters when I was random hiker/canoeist/kayaker….
I recommend downloading the detailed google maps for the area you plan on visiting. You can make them available offline and use as you would paper maps.
Leap is too modest to brag on his Congresswoman, so I will do it for him.
Omar may end up winning a Nobel Peace Prize for this tweet
Surely (((they))) will realize their inhumanity to the poor victims in Gaza when (((they))) read that.
I know anti-semetisim is her signature issue, but you’d think a handler would have tried to keep her off the topic of Israel.
She has nothing to lose. I’m sure her position also attracts lots of out-of-district donations, seats at fundraising dinners etc. You know, )))them(((.
Didn’t the Pali’s just shoot 600+ missiles into Israel? Fuck them. They should thank God every day I am not in charge over there because that is why they are still breathing.
Yep, and they were claiming that some of the dead palestinian civilians were killed by airstrikes when they were actually killed by faulty Hamas rockets.
Doesn’t Hamas use mostly Soviet-era rockets?
No, they ran out of those and assemble their own. They don’t have any guidance to speak of, they just need to “Hit Israel” and “get a lot in the air” to try to overwhelm Iron Dome.
These days I think they’re virtually all Iranian and/or “home-made”. (granted that means a whole different thing these days…Hamas and ISIS have figured out machining and mass production of these things like you wouldn’t believe – 3D printing components, etc).
His name, was Robert Paulson.
He might do anything for love, but he shouldn’t do that.
Was Hyperion’s wife watching that on TV?
He looks thinner than he did
“I have noticed that there are more adult virgins than ever before coming to Sheri’s so that they can lose their virginity to a prostitute and learn the proper ins-and-outs of sex.
Heh…And good for them, better late than never. Also, being taught by professionals is likely an advantage and what a better thing to learn while doing.
This is what happens when kids grow up constantly supervised. I bet the “Millenial Package” includes a coach to watch over them and tell them exactly what to do at each step. Also I bet they get a participation award at the end of the session whether the professional curled her toes or not.
Look kid… You aren’t very good at this. Have you thought about becoming a priest?
I dunno…. is it really possible to be “not very good at this”? I mean, I have encountered one real narcissist in my life, and she was “not very good at this” after the first couple of attempts (when she was channeling a porn star in an attempt to project an image of hotness). And even she was acceptable when she was interested in being acceptable.
I mean, all you gotta have is some horny and some empathy and you can probably figure out the rest pretty quickly.
Biden has a lock on the nom. this is shaping up to be the most entertaining election in my lifetime.
Out in the real world, I was pleased that Joe Biden finally announced his candidacy for president. There are a lot of good Democrats running, maybe too many, and I’d probably vote for any one of them over the present blot upon the Oval Office. The main things I want in a nominee, however, are twofold: (1) someone who can beat Trump, and (2) someone who would actually be a good/ great president. Biden qualifies on both counts. Also, the speech he gave announcing his run was kickass… and so, so true.
It doesn’t surprise me that GRRM is woke, but in all seriousness, it seems like almost every well known personality is a leftist.
There’s only a few notable exceptions, e.g. Clint Eastwood, Ted Nugent, and Penn Jillette, but if you put the names of every well known personality in the country into a hat and pulled out 100 of them, you’d probably get 99 leftists.
Is this actually true and if so, how did it get to that point?
It’s Time For Some Game Theory!
Actually, its just basic economic theory and sociology.
Economic theory: More people want into the industry than there are openings. This allows for the incumbents to discriminate.
Sociological theory: People don’t see themselves as members of racial or ethnic tribes anymore. But we do see ourselves as members of cultural tribes.
I LIED Game Theory: Weak preferences lead to strong segregation
Result: The incumbants, having at least a weak preference for working with people they get along with, lead to more drastic cultural homogeneity in their industry. This is true in lots of industries where people are lining up around the block to break in (VFX had this problem until it all went over seas, the Academy has this problem, etc)
The thing is that it seems like every major industry has seen this effect. Even entrepreneurship and venture capital, which in theory should be pretty laissez faire, is dominated by cultural leftists.
How did it come to pervade pretty much every field that produces individuals that attain national prominence? Plumbers, carpenters, electricians, and other trades rarely produce any nationally prominent individuals and tend to slant towards the right. But if your field is ‘scalable’, every major personality in your craft is likely a leftist
Those jobs you are talking about, the ones that require a college degree. Do you think the people dominating them are more, less, or about in line with the level of progressives graduating from college?
if (making up numbers) 75% of the folks graduating from college are likely to be weakly progressive, then 75% of the people “dominating” an industry are progressive.
College, among other things, selects for people with weak attachments to their birth location. Conservatives, generally, have a very strong attachment to their birth location. They stick around where their family is, while the progressives move to college. Then, when they are done with college, they go to the labor market that pays the most and is a cultural fit for them AKA cities.
Cities are, currently, economic powerhouses and rural areas aren’t.
The whole ‘attachment to birth location’ thing throws me. I’m decidedly not a prog, and I have zero attachment to my birth location. Hell I haven’t been to my birth state in nearly 20 years. I left the state I grew up in as soon as I could GTFO and was hell bent on never moving back there to the point that when I needed to move back to that region I moved to the state next door. So that connection doesn’t enter my mind.
But yeah, the college connection makes a lot more logical sense to me. Colleges are prog indoctrination camps, and scalable industries usually require a college degree. Entrepreneurship doesn’t require a college degree, but if you aren’t a prog you won’t get funding and have to bootstrap, so you won’t make headlines and become nationally prominent. And if you are successful you’ll eventually be kicked out of your company Papa Johns style so the progs can take over.
Likely due to 85 of those 100 names are either actors, athletes, or people in the media.
The ones who aren’t mostly learn to keep their mouths shut.
Is this actually true and if so, how did it get to that point?
My glib response would be that fantasy work lends itself to fantasy politics. It’s more complicated than that (see the other responses above), but it doesn’t surprise me that if you work all day bringing fiction “to life” you would start to buy into the idea that anything is possible.
I think what you’re talking about stems from Conquest’s Second Law: Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
Now, why does that happen? I think it ultimately stems from cultural pressure and relative incentives. The left has an entire class of people fundamentally devoted, as a career, to advancing leftism. And I don’t mean leftists who hold regular jobs and push their leftism in their careers. I mean the NGO field, where the cause and having the government support whatever their cause is how they get paid. And they’re more than happy to flatter someone who achieves success in another field as being smarter, more cultured, and more enlightened than their peers. As long as they support their cause. And eventually, that becomes the cultural norm within their particular community. So, for other successes, there’s a very real peer pressure to at least run counter to the narrative. So, you might be rich. But, if you want to be part of “society”, you’d better toe the lion. And what’s the downside? You’ve got yours. If anything, the bigger state gives you a leg up on some upstart.
At least, that’s what I suspect goes on.
They’ve been playing the long game. And obviously, winning it.
Long March…
Meanwhile libertarians are busy babbling about the Moment or waxing nostalgically about the 1960s or the 19th Century.
The problem with the NAP is it allows progs to come in, take over, and destroy from within.
The only recourse liberty-minded folks have is basically to run away and start anew.
But then the progs will eventually come in, take over, and destroy from within.
If liberty minded folks run out of space to run away and start anew to, the progs will eventually win. Unfortunately, they’ll then have destroyed everything.
Its a conundrum humanity will have to resolve if we’re to prevent our extinction.
My your an optimist…
And immigration….
Goddammit: “You’re an optimist”
I am actually and think we will resolve the conundrum, but I’m also a realist and as such I cannot deny the issue exists
This was true back when the insults were that you were “selfish” or “against equality” if you didn’t support the leftist agenda. Now, add in
“racist” and “white supremacist” and one can see why you might want to keep your mouth shut or be shunned.
I think the change in insults is just reflective of a more advanced stage of the process. They have enough control over the cultural sphere that they can push it relatively cheaply. But, when you have that much control over the cultural sphere, the easy work is done. The remaining targets are the people who don’t value your approval as much as some other goal (e.g. principles, religion). So, in addition to it being cheap, it’s necessary.
They’ve used “racist” for at least 45 years.
“reactionary” used to be in there… but that one died.
When I eventually make my billions, I feel a need to cultivate a libertarian nomenklatura to counter the progressive stranglehold on pop culture.
“. Also, the speech he gave announcing his run was kickass… and so, so true”
This is why we can’t have nice things
“(2) is optional”
That’s cute that he thinks he gets to chose two. There is only one person who is currently polling to beat Trump in the general.
Just like Hillary’s polls in 2016. Did they learn nothing?
Dude is a fiction writer. Good to see he is staying in his lane.
Well there are some pretty convincing conspiracy theories that while the methods of the McCarthy commission were bad what they were investigating was spot on and that the SAG was little more than a front for the Communist Party of America which ensured that it was almost impossible for anyone who was not a leftist to find work in Hollywood
Maybe I’m crazy, but does it seem like AOC has burned out her fifteen min of Fame? Or is e playing ball with pelosi? I haven’t seen much from her lately, which is a shame.i was hoping she would primary all those red state Dems.
She’s savvy enough to settle down and ride this gravy train for the rest of her life. Can’t do that if she stays too extreme, but just enough to keep her name recognition up a bit.
She’ll be a permanent fixture in DC.
Modern version of Chuck Schumer. Anytime anything bad happens first thing Chuck did was book on the Sunday morning talk shows and explain how fedgov should fix it.
He still does. And he’s on the fucking local news all the time.
I know it! Why stop doing what is working for him.
Past favorites include plastic undetectable guns and cop killer bullets.
+1 Glock 7
Don’t forget 4 Loko!
Yeah, you don’t ever want to get between Moobs and a camera.
What Slum said. She’s still got the job, which means we haven’t heard the last of her.
If Trump really was a genius, he’d exploit this big schism in a key Dem voting bloc
Ever-finer distinctions of identity plus grievance-mongering is sure to lead to long-term success and happiness.
The multiplying pigeonholes thing is a never-ending rabbit-hole of their own making. It will bite them in the ass, sooner or later. E.g. it’s poised to destroy women’s sports – that might just be the first casualty.
The road is already littered with their casualties, they’ve just been memory-holed for the greater good.
A fun game to play at home is to count up all the BS foundations/organizations/NGO’s that the people in that story belong to. Nothing left to cut.
BTW, according to my kids a lot of the friction between our African immigrants and the native born blacks is because the immigrants are pretty snotty about never being slaves. For some reason that irritates the locals.
That’s pretty shitty. Then again the locals weren’t slaves either AND they are native born Americans so… It sounds more like Napoleon complex.
There is no way to sugar coat it, the Somalis here in Minnesoda have no shortage of confidence in their superiority to everyone else in the world.
We are lucky that they deign to even come here from their refugee camps. They are doing us a mighty favor.
…the Somalis here in Minnesoda have no shortage of confidence in their superiority to everyone else in the world
That’s a lot of confidence, considering Somalia doesn’t rank highly among world nations, or nations in Africa, or nations in East Africa, or even among nations in the horn of Africa. But I hear it’s a libertarian paradise, so it’s got one thing going for it at least. And qat, so I guess two things, maybe.
Their ancestors fought or were the conquerors/slavers. And so our country’s soft bigotry of low expectations and handouts offends their pride.
Sounds racist.
I assume quadroons and lighter leaves out the African immigrants?
Boer much?
I actually don’t have a problem with this. This is voluntary association at its finest. If schoolteachers or seamen can form CUs, why not other folks?
Jennifer Aniston goes topless to talk about aging
She’s aging like fine wine. And I doubt it is necessary for her to prop those up with her arm.
I’ll need too see some proof.
Photographic proof can be photoshoped. We’ll need to do an on-site inspection to truly suss this thing out.
American college grad among dead in Russian plane fire
His seat was 15F. There’s a seating map here (scroll down). Green means survived, yellow is injured, red is dead.
The second link:
Using the Chrome translator, one of the links at the top of the page under “Topics” is for the “Slap Championship”. I’m at least mildly curious.
Even in english, I have to read that in a russian accent
Did you actually click on the link?
Try this.
Allright- which of you lot are hanging around Virgina Tech ?
Its time for the Flathead Valley, Montana Crime Update !
2:30 p.m. A Kalispell man called because he was “drunk and tired.”
Which one of you lives in Kalispell?
You suppose the cat was his?
Maybe it was this guy from the previous blotter:
“5:41 p.m. A Kalispell man said one of his employees just went home for the day pretty drunk. He was concerned about his employee driving in such a condition.”
I imagined Kalispell real estate to be more affordable that – though that’s a really big 2 bedroom house.
Oh, the gun vault is sweet (picture 35)
I wish my area crime report read like that!
A little more pew-pew in your neck of the woods?
“Don’t worry so much. Try not to care what people think. And get into therapy a little earlier.”
I see.
*backs out of room slowly*
Looks like we’re up to a round 2 dozen Dem candidates. This is going to get entertaining. Even better if we get them all on stage at the same time for the debates. (maybe a little Battle Royale action?)
Ha, somebody should put their heads over a Fornite video.
If they had a debate with all 24 and gave them each 30 seconds to answer a question, they could only ask 6 questions before it ran over an hour.
Oh well, what am I saying? If you give them 30 seconds they’ll all take 2 minutes. Any debate where everyone gets to answer a question would last all night.
They should set it up the way England sets up soccer teams. If the answer isn’t woke enough, they get relegated back to the Championship league.
Well, a lot of them could actually start in non-league as it is.
Is this finally the point where the mainstream media uses the term clown car?
The Team USA sled team beat Canada on Saturday 3-2 in overtime. It was a great game, as expected. Also, last week ESPN’s top 10 plays of the day featured sled hockey twice. Nice to see my sport getting a bit of attention.
Saw some of it on (I think) NBC Sports? They were about to go into overtime when it was pre-empted by an NHL game that was pre-empted from NBC by horsies. I think it was tape-delayed anyway. So… is it as exhausting as it looks?
I, too, saw a few minutes plus the highlights on ESPN. I was watching on a small screen and there was something I couldn’t discern. Each player has two blades/sticks (?) one in each hand. Can each blade/stick be used to play the puck or just one?
I watched this. It was great.
“Good Samaritan spends two weeks in a maximum security prison after woman whose car he helped fix falsely accused him of indecent assault
A Good Samaritan claims his life is in tatters after a woman who he helped falsely accused him of sexual assault.
Kenan Basic spent two weeks in a maximum security prison, lost his job and is now going through a divorce, after a 19-year-old woman made false accusations against him.
Mr Basic stopped to help the teenager in November last year after she crashed her car and pulled into a BP in Bankstown, in Sydney’s south-west.
The 36-year-old married father-of-one spent almost two hours helping the woman get her car back on the road.
CCTV captured the entire interaction and shows the pair chatting happily and even embracing before she drives away, Nine News reported.
The teenager is now facing a charge of knowingly making false or misleading statement and will appear in court next week.
Mr Basic said the incident has deterred him from stopping and helping a young woman ever again.”
They don’t name the bitch who set him up?
Of course not. That might deter victims from reporting their assaults in the future.
Well, if they publish her name that might discourage other women who haven’t been raped from coming forward.
She’s a Basic Bitch.
Christ, what a bitch!
Bet she gets off with a slap on the wrist. And how the fuck is that a crime that could land you in prison, anyway?
Yeah, any male who has unnecessary interactions with women is engaging in risky behavior these days.
A woman got a flat tire right outside my house last summer. 10 years ago I would have gone out to help her, just as I helped a couple of other women change flat tires. In today’s climate, I watched from my window as she called for a tow truck who ended up helping her put on her spare.
It’s just not worth the risk of a random unsupported claim of sexual assault.
Thanks, bitch
“CNN starting the news week off strong by posting one of their fanfics.”
“Imagine this: Trump narrowly loses — by 20-ish electoral votes — in 2020. He refuses to concede, insists there has been widespread election fraud and notes that Democrats (and the media) have been trying to steal from him since he was elected in 2016.”
“One of the dumber and least respected of the political pundits.” — Donald Trump
woops! Gilmored
Gramps ain’t got no time for yer shit
“Imagine if Democrats continued to insist Hillary is the elected president, Stacey Abrams is Georgia’s Governor, and Andrew Gillum is Florida’s. Oh wait, you don’t have to imagine.”
Holy copsucking, Batman! Just got an email from my son’s school district.
proper interaction with peace officers.
Molotov cocktail. The bottle needs to be durable, but not some much that it bounces instead of shattering.
When interacting with the King’s Men, it is best you keep a civil tongue in your mouth or they might run you through.
Look how far we’ve come!
Ten second lesson: “Hands Up. ‘Don’t Shoot'”
How about we teach “peace officers” how to interact properly with citizens!?
They think they do…
“Furtive Movement!” *Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Reload**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!**Blam!*
Hi mofos!
I was Googling a major national holiday in Turkey and found some pics of myself that I had never seen before.
I’m in this pic with Turkish coup-ster and former President Kenan Evren
And here I am rocking a sweet mullet
So, is this going to be like Kristen Gump, you’ve been smack in the middle of dozens of important world events?
Just April 23, 1985 in Turkey LOL
(BTW, the one with Evren was on the front page of Milliyet. *Breathes on fingernails, polishes them on shirt*)
MF. SF’ed the shit outta that
“Ilhan Omar: ‘If Israel Is So Innocent, Then Why Do They Insist On Being Jews?'”
So the other day at the range, my pistol got a bullet lodged in the slide after I took a shot (like, the next bullet, instead of pushing into the chamber, went too far and got into the open space created when the slide goes back during firing). It was near the end of the load in the magazine.
What’s that all about?
You may have limp-wristed it. Maybe needs cleaned. Maybe doesn’t like the ammo. It happens with autoloader. I wouldn’t worry about it unless it keeps happening. Just need to learn how to clear it.
I’d also suggest that KK intentionally take some limp wristed shots. See how the gun feels, expect the jam and practice clearing the pistol.
If you are nervous about it only load one round in the magazine and experiment. Better to get familiar with it when you are practicing.
Just the empty case or a fresh cartridge?
Bad round, limp wristing, dirty gun, wrong ammo…
I shot another ~50 rounds after that and it was fine. Threw me for a loop!
I’ve put about 500-700 rounds through it…is a cleaning due at this point?
You should be cleaning it whenever you finish day of shooting.
That might account for the malfunction.
Yeah, definitely. Happens to everyone.
I’d give it a good clean& lube. Here’s a good video on quickly clearing common malfunctions.
Yes, very much.
Also watch some videos on safely clearing jams.
I don’t clean after every day at the range but I definitely don’t go 500 rounds.
You mean those aren’t the same value?
I shoot 150 in about 50 minutes. It’s OK – it’s cheaper that way.
Oh, hell no. One, I have arthritis in my hands and two, I never go to the range with less than three guns. I probably go through 150-200 rounds.
So, Tamara Keel typically puts guns through the “2000 round challenge” and they do just fine.
The Humble Marksman has put tens of thousands of rounds through his race guns and only lubricates, not cleans.
I enjoy working with machines, so I clean my guns. However, according the log, my only malfunction on my CZ (failure to extract) came at round 1351 after a cleaning. It has run without error since.
On cleaning — if you don’t have these (they don’t seem to come in most cleaning kit) buy them. They are ridonkudonk cheap, and work wonderfully:
I haz a kit. I’ll have to look through it to see what kinda doodads are in there.
It looks like Ruger discontinued my model and took down all the info on it from their web site. Weird. A Youtuber had recommended their tech videos, but there’s nada on the SR9, not even archived material.
I hate it when manufacturers don’t admit they used to make something.
When I put Ruger SR9 manual into dudckduckgo, a link to a PDF came up.
I was looking for a specific video on their web site recommended by a Youtube dude. I like info straight from the horse’s mouth. But it’s gone. Boo.
“Hitler was incompetent and lazy—and his Nazi government was an absolute clown show”
You know who else Bill Deblasio is modeling his administration after?
Daniel Ortega?
“I learned from the master *swoon*.”
“Hitler was incompetent and lazy—and his Nazi government was an absolute clown show”
That doesn’t really put the rest of the world in a positive light, considering how much that regime managed the threaten it. Note to author: when you defeat an enemy, you want to make them look stronger than they were, not weaker.
Oh, I get it, just like Trump! Fascinating!
“Still did more than you … “
“Science says toxic masculinity — more than alcohol — leads to sexual assault.
Booze-filled, chaperone-free parties. Teasing that crossed the line under the influence of alcohol. Relatively shy young men who became “aggressive and even belligerent” when drinking. Whatever the behavior of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, it’s become clear that the circles he traveled in as a young man — both at prep school and later Yale University — were characterized by young men drinking, a lot. And by young women whose social interactions were fraught with danger.”
Thomas Dolby was never more apropos.
This makes no sense whatsoever. “Whatever the behavior of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh,” is a cop-out. If his behavior wasn’t predatory, the young women weren’t in any danger. It presumes that they were predatory, again, without any actual evidence to support the claim.
It’s their truth, Bill. Don’t you get it?
So, alcohol changes young men into aggressive, horny young men. But alcohol does NOT turn young women into receptive, horny young women.
Do I have that right?
Makes them weak, vulnerable and unable to make independent decisions.
So…the Patriarchy?
Um, so wait.
These researchers had a pool of men who admitted, either directly or indirectly to the researchers that they comitted sexual assault and no one thought to call the cops?
sounds like some pretty damned ethically flawed research to me.
Unless that is NONE of the men admitted to comitting any crimes whether directly or indirectly and the researchers just decided for themselves absent any evidence which reports qualified as assault. No there is no possibility of bias in that.
I thought the Royal SJWs were going to raise their kid genderless? Not even 1 day old, and they’re already calling him a “boy”. Sheesh!
Maybe what’s-her-name let what’s-his-name have his balls back and he finally said “enough of your balderdash”. Then he went outside and grilled a big fat steak.
More likely the Queen showed everyone her massive pair of balls and told them to knock it off with the genderless bullshit.
Great minds think alike.
More likely QE2 stepped in and said to Megan Markle something to the effect of “Ms. Markle, I think you may have overlooked the fact that your husband’s testicles are, in fact Crown Property. And your raising a member of the Royal Family to be ‘genderless’ is not something we deem fit to tolerate. You may go now.”
Y’all are probably right. That is exactly what she would do.
Well, the queen is badass:
I’m not a monarchist. But, I will say for Elizabeth that she gets it. She knows what her job is and what the crown is supposed to represent. If you’re going to have a monarch, she’s about as good at it as you’re going to get.
So leftist propaganda like the Twilight Zone is still leftist propaganda.
Huh so SJWs being busybodies is nothing new…
I love how the vaunted idea of judicial review is literally due to partisan bickering between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
Oops forgot link:
“I love how the vaunted idea of judicial review is literally due to partisan bickering between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.”
Well, the idea of j.r. going thru the Supreme Court is. Most of the founders, et al had a general idea of something akin to judicial review. Jefferson & Madison thought it would be done by the states. Others weren’t sure, but there was the idea that there needed to be some way to review laws for constitutionality.
This leads to the obvious problem of why would the federal government appoint judges who want to reduce its power or the fact that elected politicians need to chose and then approve of judges and would likely want to chose ones that agree with them.
So speaking of gender anyone notice the term “gender assigned at birth” as if describing a baby as a boy or girl is some arbitrary thing made up by obstetricians?
It’s deliberate – to delegitimize reality.
It’s disgusting because it’s pretending like all trans people are Middlesex, when they are not.
Damn that quoting is messed up.
I think I found STEVE SMITH’s favorite county!
All trannies are British?
Not all
It’s “sex assigned at birth”.
Which is actually nine months too late.
I don’t see how. They’re birth certificates, not pregnancy certificates.
But the sex was assigned when sperm met egg. The certificate merely recognizes biology.
Muscle in middle of right shoulder blade got a nice bunch lidocaine shot into it…I have a small mound of steroids to take and a muscle relaxant for nighttime.
I hope you feel better.
Dena told Daily Star Online: “However, many clients see our courtesans not just for sex.
“Some of them actually enjoy playing video games and MMORPG’s with our ladies as part of their session.
“So, I think that video games can be a great ice breaker for shy men seeing a prostitute for the first time.”
Sounds like a variation on stories I’ve heard of guys hiring prostitutes to have someone to talk to, which is weird but it’s their money.
Describing the image to Notaro, the “Friends” star says, “There was a version of an outfit that we did without a top, but I’m covering my breasticles.
Sad they’re covered, but I’ll take what I can get.
There’s many pictures out there of JA that reveal more than that one.
I know, but I’m taking everything I can get!
I looked up that Texas law about instructing kids in interacting with cops, and there’s actually some good stuff in there. Here are the requirements:
That’s all well and good, but what do the teachers actually say?
“I condemn the rocket attacks on innocent civilians and stand in support of Israel and peace.”
So you are saying you like it in the butt?
Aly Yakan
6h6 hours ago
Replying to @SenatorSinema
Israel and peace in one sentence is a joke. They are the reason for all of the tragedy that has been going on in Palestine for 10s of years. It’s really simple, if they hadn’t forcefully taken Palestine, none of this would be happening.
It’s like hitting your schoolmate, calling for a treaty, then crying to your teacher when they hit back and forgetting that you’re the one who hit first AND took 90% of their desk in the process.
“Sorry to interrupt this cozy grievance-fest, but it looks like dads work more hours overall.”
I’m working right now.
And commenting.
I’m awesome.
Two out of three ain’t bad.
Moral scolds.
I’m still surprised the woke bellyaching over South Park hasn’t been louder. Also, someone whining over the coarsening of our culture over fucking Twitter is hilarious.
Someone somewhere at sometime laughed at stuff I hold dear. Unacceptable. And you’re right. Twitter is a shitshow.
Twitter’s a dumpster fire and the dumpster is full of pig shit and week old skunk carcasses.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Dead to me.
Didn’t that show go off the air years ago?
It did in my house.
What. The. Fuck.