Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas!  And what a glorious morning it is as Mnuchin refuses to hand over Trump’s tax returns and Barr refuses to hand over the full underacted Mueller report and the corresponding material to Congress as it would reveal grand jury information for ongoing cases.  I’m sure he will be sharing a jail cell with Eric Holder if found in contempt.


That’s a nutpunch.


Trump’s gives Tiger Woods Medal of Freedom, causing Krugnuts to say something stupid.


PA state senator records himself harassing an elderly woman quietly praying live on Periscope.  He had previously harassed teenage girls, offering money to dox them.



I don’t know what a gala is, but it looks retarded.


Not as retarded as this, though.


That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.