Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas!  And what a glorious morning it is for everyone as The New York Times obtained a decades worth of Trump’s tax returns revealing…what we all already know.  He literally wrote a book about it.  Good job guys.  I can’t help but believe that Trump releases these things himself to make the media look like idiots.

Good journalisming there, boys.


Seriously, in the same way with Obama’s birth certificate, I am starting to believe that Trump is letting the left build this up to where they make idiots out of themselves when it is released.


Contempt vote for AG Barr set for this morning for refusing to break the law by releasing grand jury information.  And he will face the same consequences as Holder.


9th Circuit gives win to Trump.


Florida Man arrested for telling the world he likes to eat ass.



Which one of you is this?


Homeless people are gross.


Salon trying to out-retard Vox.


69 year old North Carolina woman arrested in Florida with CBD oil, charges dropped after local news find out.


That’s all I for for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.