Between the ERT drills and teaching night classes, I have very little time to make sense of the Celestial Order. Which is a shame, since there is probably something valuable to be found a few levels deeper than I am willing to go. To wit: this week Saturn (retrograde) is aligned with Mars, indicating the outbreak of hostilities. Where? Between who? The answers are there, but I don’t have time to figure them out. I think it’s unlikely to involve me, so I’m just going to head off to play fireman.
Good luck/good news for Taurus, as Mercury joins the Sun in its somewhat barnyard-smelling home. Venus in Aries brings the stereotypical springtime ardor to the forefront. The moon in Leo brings some instability, mood swings — but more on the oddly friendly than bitchy side of the spectrum (see the Moon in Aries, supra).
The cards say this week is going to start off strong. Really strong. Dominant. Possibly too dominant as we see people opposing you later. Also expect a piece of equipment to fail that will lessen your effectiveness. Some of the advancement will be lost, but not all of it — indications are for realized gains.
Taurus: King of Swords – Hard power, authority, judgment, command, law
Gemini: Ace of Wands – Creation, enterprise, invention, birth of a male child
Cancer: The Devil, reversed – Weakness, pettiness, blindness, fatality
Leo: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, self-confidence, will, disaster, pain.
Virgo: The Hierophant, reversed – Society, concord, over-kindness, weakness
Libra: 9 of Wands, reversed – Obstacles, adversity, calamity
Scorpio: 5 of Cups – Loss but something remains, inheritance, transmission, frustration in marriage
Sagittarius: 7 of Coins – Money, business, barter, investment, quarrels, ingenuity
Capricorn: Knight of Coins, reversed – inertia, idleness, stagnation, discouragement, carelessness
Aquarius: The Empress, reversed – Light, truth, the unraveling of involved matters, vacillation
Pisces: 9 of Cups, reversed – Truth, loyalty, liberty, mistakes, imperfection
Aries: The Chariot, reversed – Quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat
Leo: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, self-confidence, will, disaster, pain.
Well, feeling the last one, anyway.
Yeah, The Magician is an odd one. If the querent doesn’t pre-determine a card for themselves, it gets that role. Jodorowski puts it at the beginning of the deck representing potential, inexperience and a beginner/novice. Which doesn’t make a damn bit of sense but then again that’s typical for Jodorowski.
Yup. The very same one.
I didn’t know he was involved in any astrology, but it isn’t surprising knowing what he has put on film.
“Also expect a piece of equipment to fail that will lessen your effectiveness.”
So… Viagra?
Leo: The Magician – Skill, diplomacy, self-confidence, will, disaster, pain.
Man, that started out so well and then blew up at the end! Although I guess the last two could be inflicted upon others, though…
See, now that sounds pretty good.
Society, concord, over-kindness, weakness
Yeah, that’s a bunch of Bullshit right there.
It took way too long to get group policies working for firefox.
All I wanted to do was to disable a paricular nag screen. The setting to do that got taken out of the options screen and about:config by the devs, but was supposedly managable by policy. But for whatever reason firefox was ignoring policies.json, and I had to fight with the computer to get group policies working for the software just to shut off that damn nag screen.
But it’s done. And I succeeded.
I feel hollow.
Which nag screen?
The one that wants me to install a new update ever five minutes. If they weren’t so insistant on trying to make firefox look and act like chrome and reducing the ability for users to fix this mistake from the devs, I’d be more inclined to keep “Up to date”. I do have a patch cycle, and both work and home proxies, and additional precautions to prevent malicious code execution, so firefox “Updates” have grown associated with “making firefox worse”.
Gemini: Ace of Wands – Creation, enterprise, invention, birth of a male child
I don’t think I’m giving birth to any child….
Are you sure you’re not carrying any intestinal paracistes that might be expecting?
Visit any third-world countries lately? Like California?
Nope and nope. I haven’t even visited Albany.
If you do, don’t drink the water.
May your first child be a masculine child.
You didn’t mention you were going to a wedding.
King of Swords – Hard power, authority, judgment, command, law
I am the law!
Some Random Person: What did you get your wife for Mother’s Day?
Me: Nothing.
SRP: Nothing!?
Me: She’s not my mother.
I actually stole the line from my wife. I done chose good.
I always thought that is the way it should be.
*Rubs eyes*
I think you missed on Scorpio. It should read ‘a series of naps’.
It’s been rainy here so I’ve taken a nap. Not much better than cool rainy weather and two cuddly pets. Best sleep I’ve had in a while.
Same here, the only problem being one of my cuddly pets is 120lbs and aspires to be a lap dog. I have to jump in the bed and get the covers like I want them quick quick cuz once he gets in the bed there wont be any more adjusting.
Mine is 70 pounds, so I know what you mean.
Yanno, I’m trying to come up with which card would say that. Then again, if you told a client that they had a pleasant but not very exciting series of naps in their future, they might not think they had gotten their money’s worth.
I never understood the fortune telling thing. What I do get and what has stuck with me is the old saying “Everyone wants to know their future…until they do.”
I would be just fine with that forecast, but then I am generally a pretty boring guy. Hearing the future is ‘nothing exciting but especially no trouble on the way’ would make me happy.
$60 to have the Glibs logo put on a gun:
Daddy like…
I found it amusing that they have a package for the M&P Shield (a gun that costs $250) that costs $715.
I’m a little more reserved about muh gunz than ya’ll. Yeah, I do own several rifles, I just don’t advertise it online. Not sure why, but I don’t.
**ATF operative assigned to operation GLib has one more to add to his database**
Shouldn’t the government be looking into what’s causing this epidemic of boat accidents?
That’s the coast guards territory…
Since it’s inland, wouldn’t that be the Army Corps of Engineers?
I have no idea who would cover it. All that matters is there is too much government bloat. Although, the coast guard did investigate the duck boat accident that happened in the lake of the Ozarks last summer.
The NTSB Collided with an Army Corps of Engineers boat in a national wildlife refuge run by the Department of the Interior?
The EPA will be involved somehow
Of course. If the gun was loaded, or lubricated with hydrocarbon products, that’s an EPA-reportable uncontrolled chemical release to the environment.
Heh. I’ve never owned a hand gun, oddly enough. I keep looking at them, but haven’t bought one yet. I feel like the AR-15 is the perfect home defense weapon, and it totes looks cooler and more scarier. It just feels right to me. I got my first rifle at 10 years old, A Remington bolt action 22, and I still have it.
I am the opposite. The AR platform never felt right to me. I dont like a long gun with a pistol grip. I much prefer a traditional stock. English is a bit too straight for me but a straight-up pistol grip just doesnt feel natural.
Home defense means close quarters and nothing tops a shotgun for close quarters.
One thing I can tell you is that anyone tries coming through that door unannounced, they’re going to eat some .223 lead. And the chance of me not waking up is pretty much zero. I’m a light sleeper and it’s very quiet here, anything out of the ordinary wakes me up. If it’s not the wifey wanting sex, then there’s gonna be trouble.
Either way a guns coming out! Lol.
I keep a 12 gauge next to my bed with Brenneke slugs in it as a holdover from when I was more concerned about grizzlies than people coming through my door.
“So you’re saying this red stain used to be an intruder?”
Yeah, my 870 has 00 buck. Critical Defense.
Also, I live in Alaska so the law is on my side:
AS 11.81.335 says a person may use deadly force in self-defense when the person reasonably believes deadly force is necessary for self-defense against:
1. death;
2. serious physical injury;
3. kidnapping;
4. sexual assault in the first degree;
5. sexual assault in the second degree;
6. sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree; or
7. robbery in any degree.
(Note: Robbery requires the use of force or threat of immediate force in taking or attempting to take property from the presence or control of a person. Taking property from a person without any force or threat of force, like pickpocketing, is theft.)
However, I have zero desire to ever find myself in a situation where I am forced to exercise my rights.
Louisiana is the same except we dont have grizzlies.
Agree wholeheartedly with your last sentence.
I have, thank God, not been close to it when it comes to humans. But with bears, well, you’re a damn fool if you aren’t in some way able to protect yourself out in the bush. I think most human-bear shootings are the fault of the human. Leaving trash out, not being situationally aware, or refusing to deescalate a possible encounter are the big ones.
In Grizz country I have a simple rule of thumb. I know am number 2 on the food chain and I act like it.
I think Monday I’ll find out what format they need the art in, then I’ll send out the slide for my P365, since I won’t have my unrestricted carry permit until October.
I’m not much for engraving on a firearm. Sometimes it looks nice but I wouldn’t pay that much for it.
The only thing I just might have engraved on my home defense handgun would be “Smile – wait for flash” on the muzzle end. That always brings me joy.
For Mother’s Day, have a cover
Shit, I sent my wifey to Brazil for Mother’s Day. Now it’s Father’s Day too, cause I can drink beer all day.
Small scale ethics question.
I just got back from the Asian Supermarket (I was mistaken when I called it the Asian Grocery, I was able to check the receipt this time). The store could be generously described as “cluttered” due to their effort to fit as much product into as little square footage as they can get away with. This extends all the way up to the registers (And beyond). While checking out, I sort of half-noticed the cashier put more into the bags tha I bought, but the last thing looked like an advertising flyer out of the corner of my eye, so I paid it no heed. When I got home, I found a package of noodles that I had not bought – still sealed, fresh out of the fridge section. I had everything I did buy, and checked the receipt, where I was not charged for the noodles. So either these had been bought by a previous customer and left behind, or taken off the order of a previous customer and not yet returned to the fridge. Either way it ended up in my bag by mistake. (Cashier’s mistake, customers aren’t allowed to bag their own purchases there). Given the probable price tag of the noodles, it might cost me more in gas and the store more in employee time then they’re worth if I went back to sort the issue out.
What would other glibs do in this extremely low-stakes situation? (i’m liable to not do anything).
Forget about it, they did…..
I’m guessing they can’t restock it. I know law’s here don’t allow grocery stores to restock returned items.
Sealed dry goods, yes,
Fresh produce and refrigerated things, no
“I’d like to return this banana, it was…er the wrong size”
You could always call them if it makes you feel better. They’ll just tell you to keep it. Pretty immaterial for them and you so not a big deal.
I’m not greatly bothered, knowing the actual price of the item. I’m just wondering how others react to such situations.
Less than $5 either way and I assume it’s not worth the effort to correct. More than $5 and it depends on the specifics.
If it was an expensive item, I would call. Up to them to come get it though since it was their fault. Otherwise, yeah I’d ignore it.
I think it’s $2.99
I’m more or less of a similar mindset.
I’m just trying to think of what counts as an expensive item.
Though some of the bottled sauces and cooking wines get over $20. Their live fish might also be that pricey, but that’s hard to accidentally end up with.
“There’s a trout flopping about in this bag.”
“You’re imagining things.”
Yeah. Just call Incase the other customer says something they will know he/she is being honest and will get their 2 dollars of noodles.
Sure it wasn’t intentional? There’s an Asian market that I go to that does that from time to time, particularly if I’m getting a bunch of stuff. Usually like a package of crackers or cookies, sometimes near or over the best by date.
I only spent $34, but I did pay in cash.
Just decide fast, those noodles won’t keep for long.
Best by August 17th 2019 according to the package.
Eat the noodles. Next time you are in there explain what happened and offer to pay for them. I had exactly the same thing happen to me with a small bag of onions. The cashier actually reviewed the surveillance tape to confirm (over a $2 bag of onions?) but then refused to let me pay. I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. It can pay to have a reputation as an honest person here.
As long as it was honest mistake, I wouldn’t do anything. Odds are you’ve been in the reverse situation.
Or give the cash equivalent to a food bank if it’s really eating at you.
An Asian store we shop at often (maybe always) sticks in a little food gift. True, we spent some serious money there but don’t go often, since we live in the wilderness. Enjoy the noodles.
I found a box of paper clips in a Walmart shopping cart in the parking lot. I kept them and still have all but two or three.
This is how libertopia dies, one paper clip at a time.
Outage outrage!
There’s no TV or internet all day. And now the Bruins are playing and I have to use my phone data to watch it.
Cal is up by 2.
The first period already cost me $26.
Crikey, it’s pouring down rain again. I think I’m gonna have to walk to the closest market and get some garbage bags and beer. I have to get some waterproof running shoes. I have the rain coat and shorts, I just don’t like getting my shoes wet.
*envisions Hyperiod tying garbage bags over his shoes as waterproofing*
Can’t get beer delivered?
Bevmo delivers….
Yep, Drizzly, but not on Sunday as far as I know. No matter, if I need more alcohol, the local deli is open on Sunday until 8PM.
Happy Mothers Day to all the mythical libertarian women.
I don’t know if she’s a lib but I like her attitude.
Rogers is a real piece of cheese alright. Good for her.
I still dont get the pro-Palestinian/Anti-Israel thing. I dont get the antisemitism thing at all. Every explanation I have gotten has been nonsense, gibberish and phony-baloney bullshit. Because reasons is about the sum of it.
What sins has Israel committed?
It exists. Seriously. That’s what it comes down to. In the eyes of the antisemites, Israel is an illegitimate afterglow of European colonialism.
Of course, they conveniently ignore all non-western adventurism.
And Chinese concentration camps. Hardly a peep about that. Even more puzzling is that those concentration camps are full of Muslims.
*Actual conversation I had some years ago with a proggie, paraphrased and condensed:
Them: “White people had no right to colonize the world that belonged to brown and black people”
Me: “They were killing, enslaving and eating each other hand over fist. In many ways it turned out for the best as we civilized the world much more than it was before.”
Them: “You dont have the right to do that just because you had rifles.”
Me, losing patience: “I dont give a fuck. They were savages. And by the way, we still have rifles. Want to behave like a savage? I will shoot your ass, right or no right.”
Them: *stews in silent, red faced anger*
Stupid fuckers.
Addendum: A few years later this same proggie told me in a tearful rage that all ISIS members should be terminated with prejudice. She had accidentally stumbled on a video of them murdering gays in some gruesome manner, I dont remember which. Crushing them with bulldozers? Lighting them afire? Tossing them off of a roof?
In any case seeing the savagery with their own eyes made her sing a different tune.
Pwned him. Nice.
Can I hate everyone here?
I’m not a fan of folks eating on trains, especially a full meal. It attracts bugs and rodents and folks refuse to clean up as well.
OTH, I’m not taking to Twitter about it. And if I did it wouldn’t be racially motivated.
You not only have the right you have the responsibility to hate everyone involved.
I hate everyone here, oh, you meant the article, forget what I just said.
No one likes a rat, but I have no issue with govt employees having to follow the rules. If only we could rat out cops on cell phones.
It’s OK, Plinker, we hate you too.
A society based on hate, I feel at home now.
99% on the side of the complainant. Eating on the train is fucking disgusting, I don’t care who their employer is or what their race is. Or what bullshit excuses their worthless union makes up for it.
Minus 1% for rushing to Tweet it.
Ekiben is delicious and a civilized way to enjoy train travel, along with canned highballs and a trolly dolly. Oh, US commuter trains? Never mind, carry on with the hate.
So giving your kid corn nuts or Doritos, which they breathe in your face and spill all over the place – civilized?
[C]rypto threatens to undermine the U.S. dollar and is only useful for criminal activities like money-laundering, drug-dealing, and tax evasion.
Don’t tell Chinese dissidents or other groups disfavored by authoritarian regimes that crypto serves no good purpose. Of course, the US is rapidly becoming one of those authoritarian regimes. If gun manufacturers ditched to crypto, how could the grabbers deny them access to financial services?
How exactly would one ban crypto currencies? I thought they were working on banning cash.
In a world of critical or supercritical data networks (many of which are tightly coupled and thus susceptible to cascade failures), banning cash is the ultimate stupid move. Just ask people in disaster zones or extended data or power outages how useful cash can be. For that matter, ask those at the bottom rungs of the economy how useful cash can be.
It’s disheartening to see how much our governments are willing to screw their own citizens over in order to obtain a marginal increase in control of their behaviour.
When a storm knocked out power to the city I lived in at the time a few years back for over a week, cash was the only means of conducting transactions. If we hadn’t had a few hundred bucks in cash lying around we wouldn’t have been able to buy anything at all.
Banning cash is a pipe dream
He’s suggesting making it illegal for Americans to purchase cryptos. Like with banning cash, its a scheme to ensure everything routes through a few chokepoints they can control.
You make exchanging the crypto currency into real currencies within your financial network’s scope illegal. Just like any other rule that you are pushing for global jurisdiction. Gambling, Illegal drugs, copyright, patents, bribery, structuring, money laundering.
People running the exchanges can’t get within the USA’s sphere of influence, remember the sports book CEO that was arrested changing planes?
You can then also be catch22 and claim that any gains need to be reported to the IRS on your tax return. Just like the proceeds from crime. yes it is illegal, but if you get away with it, you have to report the income.. See: Capone.
Or tax stamps for illegal marijuana.
OTOH, using this guy’s logic we can also ban Facebook and Twitter. It’s worth considering.
Just ban humans and the earth will become a paradise again
Stop giving them ideas.
They already have that idea.
I like being human so fuck that!
The BBC version was way better than the Canadian one.
They want to ban what they can’t control. God I hate those people.
The Holocaust makes me wet.
I think she used it in the sense of “somber” but with her who knows what the truth really is?
It is difficult to try and figure out what the hell she is saying. I hate polished politicians with their carefully crafted words, but I don’t have any love for ones which can’t articulate themselves either. I guess I just don’t like politicians. I’d rather see her lambasted for her stupid political beliefs than poorly worded statements.
I think she means that thinking about the Holocaust comforts her because she hates jews, and that all of the fake mumbo jumbo that came after that is cover. That’s based on her prior anti-semetic statements which seems to be her only platform. She’s a cunt.
The Empress, reversed – Light, truth, the unraveling of involved matters, vacillation.
Hmm. The cards know all!