“You see, we have cured balding and pudginess in the Future!
Greetings Glibertarians. I bring you word from the Future! Sort of. Kind of. A bit. OK, I bring you a preview of the upcoming posts on this here site. You all have continued to be responsive to our my begging for material. And lo, it is good. I thank you all.
Monday – Bolt Guns are back. Brought to you by Animal. Nephilium introduces us to Viva. No, not the great album by Los Straitjackets. Just read it and see what he is talking about.
Tuesday – Ozymandias takes on Public Education. MLW sees if she can make it through another overly-woke episode of Charmed.
Wednesday – Hide ya brain, hide ya soul…SugarFree is Coming. And a very special appearance by the beloved Gojira, to round out the day.
Thursday – First, more mil-diorama from Yusef…er, Checker of Thermostats. Second, DOOM! by robc.
Friday – Q lets us have whatever is on his mind when he writes. Our favorite lady of the evening/economics pundit joins us as well…giving the Cryptids a night off.
Weekend – Beer, the Stars, Links. Previews. Hurrah! OMWC, mexican sharpshooter, Not Adhan and company will keep us amused.
The weekday links must flow! So I will be on the case, with Banjos and OMWC.
BONUS: Music Link – Having mentioned Los Straightjackets, I must link this song.
The comments are open, and belong to you!
Strong week of articles inbound: well done!
Also, fuck Man City.
Petrodollars at work. Oh well, maybe someone else will figure it out next year.
And the Man City fan I know bitches about Bayern’s spending.
Bayern’s not even in the top 10.
Isn’t Man City sort of the equivalent of the New York Mets of soccer? Man U being the Yankees in this analogy, of course.
Not since the UAE bought them.
Bundesliga teams can’t have that sort of ownership, Leverkusen and Wolfsburg excepted since the clubs were started a century ago for the company’s employees. It’s part of why RB Leipzig are so controversial.
Is that a legal thing or part of the clubs’ charter?
Yep. There are some things the “activist” fans need to get over and that is one of them. Monday games are another.
I believe it’s a DFB (the national federation) thing.
Speaking of petrodollars…
During the ERT drills this week, His excellency, the Consul General of the U.A.E. deigned to take selfies with us. I don’t feel quite as honored as he expected.
To be fair, you are just an impeccably dressed rat.
Yes, I can’t be expected to understand the glory that is the Emirati royal family.
Though to be fair, they do seem to be the most cluefull of all the Arab royalty.
I get the impression that’s a low bar to clear.
The paper towel?
Damn your nimble fingers!
It’s Neph, so I have a buck with a missing corner that it’s, “Viva la cerveza!”
Viva Las Vegas. Cool cars and rockabilly chicks.
Where is he?
Sonny has drug me into Sean Patrick in San Marcos. The house oatmeal stout will put lead in your pencil.
I’m around, was finally checking out Mutant Year Zero today. Not bad, doesn’t quite nail the X-Com feel I was hoping for though.
A youtube link that’s been up for almost a year and no comments? Straff’s kid’s electone concert had more traffic than that.
And “Not available in your country”.
What does Japan ban? I know Korea has an oddly prudish attitude towards pornography for a country that has kissbangs.
It says “The uploader has not made this video available in your country”. Don’t think it’s Japan banning it. Also, I don’t own this place.
Yeah, I have no idea what the relationship is between Alphabet and whatever the appropriate acronym is for the Nihon government. I do know that Alphabet are a bunch of lyin’ bastards.
I’ll have you know after YouTube offered its music subscription service large chunks of music video became unavailable in the US until they figured out the usage rights.
I had no AKB48 for at least six months…
I just assumed all the music links on Youtube were copyright infringement, but they only take them down when the owner complains. Or something.
I could never square that with the fact that I can find literally any song I ever wanted to.
At least on Japanese stuff there is a revenue sharing deal.
If you’re a child, it’s called Nikibi48. Adult? Chikubi96.
Yes please!
I feel dirty.
I know, right.
One of the lines in the beginning is the girls playing around and one yelling “hentai”!
Once, I was road tripping on my bike and those exact girls all got off a bus out on rte 66. It prolly wasn’t those exact girls, but it’d be lacist to say they all look the same. They filled the mc d’s I was stealing wifi from. That’s a protip, btw, mc d’s all have wifi, so you can call home when there’s no reception out in the desert. Plus I like their fries and pies. Anyway, those girls were filled with joy and wonderment. I’ve never felt the way they seemed to. Especially not at a roadside Mc’donalds out in the desert.
Ever since “Have a Nice Day ” exists, I feel too guilty to enjoy AKB48,
I find that strange (not that I doubt it) because you can’t watch 2 minutes of Japanese TV without hearing a 3 to 30 second sample of some famous American pop song from the past 40 years – and I would bet my left testicle that no royalties are crossing anybody’s palm when that happens.
They seemed to have worked something out as after about six to eight months lots of J Pop came back as available in the US.
But as the article mentions they even managed to make ESPN cave.
Regardless of the situation anytime Schiff gets on air it should be prefaced by a note of all the lies he told during the Russian hoax
Schiff is right. Everybody knows you need to go through a couple of intermediaries for cover when you get foreign help.
It’s getting boring. I preferred the ridiculous stage of the hoax.
Speaking of woke Charmed, I caught an episode of woke Roswell reboot with the wife. Holy shit. So far over the top with the wokeness I think it’s even worse than Charmed.
Does the woke not bother people? Is it just Hollywood fellating themselves?
It certainly seems like at least half the country would be pissed. In woke Roswell we find out that the main character is a “biomedical scientist” who was working on an “experimental regenerative medicine study” but she had to move home to work in dad’s diner because the study lost funding because….
“Someone needs money for a wall.”
There’s enough wrong with this scenario that I imagine anyone with 1/4 of a functioning brain is irritated.
There would be a wrench embedded in my tv.
Why do you watch tv with a wrench in arm’s reach? That’s just weird man
What if something needs tightening?
People don’t do that?
Next thing I will hear will be “people don’t restore motorcycles in their kitchen.”
So I guess a Fijian war club would be over the top?
Asking for a friend, of course. Personally, I wouldn’t know what an Ula Tavatava.. I mean, one of those things look like…
Unwoke Roswell would have had the funding of her program cut because…..
“Someone needs money to relocate, educate and provide healthcare for people who choose to not go through a legal immigration process”
On the other hand, I am intrigued. Now I want to watch it in hopes that this is the level the show operates on all the time.
Oh man, am I going to have to do Roswell next?
Yes please. It sounds like very fertile ground.
People still watch TV? My wife watches it since it’s the only reason we still have TV. I cut off the cable, so we just have Amazon video, NetFlix, and Swing. But since she’s been away since Friday morning, the thing has not been turned on.
Hail Confoederatio Helvetica ?
I prefer Confœderatio Arial.
My freshman year in college, one of the guys in my dorm was obsessed with fonts. He was also an asshole. That is all.
You’re the guy who printed your term papers in Comic Sans, aren’t you?
Hardly. Times New Roman 12 point for maximizing pages/word.
On a dot matrix printer. That you had to rip off the tractor feed edges.
I would totally go back to tractor feed paper if they guaranteed a printer cartridge that didn’t dry out between uses. I don’t print much.
Color laser printer. I don’t print too much, but it works every time. It’s a bit pricey up front, but I’m still on the sample cartridges 5 years later. (minus black, which i had to replace once)
Here’s the model I own. I don’t remember paying that much for it, though.
Dan, is that you?!
I had a blessed freshman year. It was before consumer broadband. Before handheld cell phones but after car-mounted cell phones. When college kids could still be legitimate adults. There was a Mac salesguy, a PC salesguy, and a NeXT salesguy in my circle. Back when the difference between DD and HD floppys was a thing. When AIDS was a thing but easily overcome with condoms, which were given out for free.
The font fanatic literally slept through his second semester finals. I assume he flunked out and I never saw him again. He probably did well for himself, since he was a Photoshop master, back when only an elite had even heard of PS..
Sometimes I wish I had a real Fraktur font with the proper German characters and ligatures.
I found one a few years ago. Don’t remember where and it didn’t carry over to my current computer, but it’s out there. And I think it had the proper ligatures for things like “ck” and “ch” too.
Yeah, but the ligatures are mapped to things like > and < – not good enough these days, where you can make a font that produces, say, the correct ligature for “ch” when you type “ch”.
I watched my buddy repeatedly hit on, and fail every time, a gal from CH starting first year year through graduation. She gave him every excuse in the book and he never got the message.
Don’t feel too bad for him since I think he is or was a Liberal MLA in Nova Scotia.
Rand Paul is still awesome and George Stephanopoulos is still an a**hole.
I’m fond of the way that now G.S. admits that the reason he grew his shitty beard was to cover his acne.
Is this the same Rand Paul who wants that shitty democrat woman from some deep blue state to win the 2020 POTUS election? Yeah, he’s still awesome, albeit in a very senlie and misguided sort of way. OH WAIT… that was the elder Paul, heh. Yeah, Rand has always been awesome. I’d vote for him for POTUS, but I doubt he’d win, I’d just prefer he stay in the Senate. Stephanopolous is just another DNC shill, like almost all of the mainstream media.
I’m a sea sponge.
Id think she’d be more after the ‘sea cucumber’, amirite ?
So we have her permission to take nothing she says seriously. Thanks for the clarification, hon.
I don’t take 12 years literally, cause it’s ridiculous. I make fun of her for it because there is no way that it isn’t ridiculous. IOW you have to take her at get word, cause it doesn’t make sense.
We’ve had 10-12 years before catastrophe for all of recorded history. The part that earns her ridicule is the part where she has not learned how stupid it is to be the voice of our generation that calls for crazy responses to that form of paranoia. I really don’t care what window of time she chose. I noticed none of the climate hucksters have made this list.
12 years is ridiculous. Her using it was, I think, meant to be taken literally. She’s trying to pull a motte-and-bailey now, saying that she obviously meant that in the coming decades climate change will cause dramatic changes in the world. But, that’s basically just saying that things in the future will be different than things in the present. When you say, “In 12 years the world (as we know it) will end, hence we should pass this omnibus bill of ridiculous legislation that will cripple our economy and cause real harm to actual people,” you’re clearly saying the first thing hoping that people will accept that as justification for the second thing. You’re trying to imply imminent catastrophe in order to panic people into not casting a critical eye over your proposals.
Which is why I cannot stand that motherfucker. She’s a con artist, she’s full of herself, and she’s a fuckin’ idiot. I don’t know this, but I suspect she’s not a good person. What is it they used to say about watching Obama debate? If the debate is a chessboard he’d be a pigeon landing on it and taking a shit, then strutting around victorious. Same thing applies here, I think, only she’s even cockier.
She’s a con artist, she’s full of herself, and she’s a fuckin’ idiot. I don’t know this, but I suspect she’s not a good person.
If this doesn’t describe Trump to a tee, I don’t know what does. Yet, Trump isn’t constantly agitating for the destruction of western civilization, so I’m less annoyed with his antics.
Trump is a salesman through and through. I know several people like that. They are always selling something. Part of Trump’s pitch has always been you could live like Trump– hot wife, big house, etc — if you buy what he was selling.
To me, AOC believes she has the answers. And they are simple and easy to see. So if you don’t agree with her, you are obviously don’t care about people and the environment like she does. Details are for other people.
I think that you’re right about a huge difference between the two. Trump’s stubbornness seems like an act or a bluff. AOC is a particularly toxic mix of condescending and a True Believer.
If somebody told me that Trump didn’t really give a shit about immigration and he used it because the wall polled well, it wouldn’t surprise me. If the same thing were said about AOC and climate change, I’d be shocked.
But she let those elementary school kids cry thinking it was true?
Yeah, that kind of redeems her.
Or, you know the D’s claiming Trump was working with Putin for a smart ass comment about Herself’s emails. The fact check there was a special counsel. How did that work out?
12 years is an oddly specific amount of time for someone just speaking off the cuff and trying to say, “not that long from now, but not tomorrow”. You’d say “ten years” or even “a decade” or something like that. Let’s try it and see:
“Hey, boss, I’m sittin’ in traffic. I’m probably gonna be 37 minutes late.”
“That guy’s loaded. He’s probably worth, like, $47.2 billion.”
“How far you think that that tree is, Jim?” “Oh, 103 feet or so, Ted.”
It doesn’t work. No, this reads more like someone who has absolutely no idea what they were talking about when they went all-in on a statement, and now they have to try to pretend they were kidding the whole time. As the comments indicate, this is not a good way to support your Super Cereal Important Policy. Really, to me, this just proves that she’s a cocky grifter, a low-rent Obama. She and her supporters either don’t really believe what they’re saying, or believe strongly in the message but lack the capacity for any kind of critical analysis or the intellectual discipline to attempt to support it in fact, let alone the willingness to defend it in public debate.
lol, #FreeSpongebob from the replies
I enjoyed that one too. Someone has a good sense of humor.
Sea Sponges are more articulate than Gulag Barbie, just because they’re unable to speak.
Hey! What am I?!? Chopped liver, over here?!?
I thought you were mashed potatoes.
Yeah, are you constantly telling women, “Hey, my eye’s are up here?”
I don’t usually ban people for a one-off comment, but I’m reconsidering my position.
Damn. Swiss would just narrow his gaze.
C’mon, potato eyes? It’s not
thathorrible.Besides, I didn’t want to hurt his peelings.
He’s already pretty starchy as it is.
He hopped out of the frying pan right into the fryer.
I spent this week learning how to operate fire engines. They’re pretty simple, but the panels with all the chrome levers and gauges are impressive looking. I also developed my “command voice” for those assholes that didn’t want to clear the water out of hoses before repacking.
Did you pet the dalmation?
Alas, noDalmatian. I have a in-the-back-of-the-mind goal to somehow figure out a way of training dogs to detect rogue airborne molecular contamination emissions so I can be a handler. And put the dog in a cleanroom suit.
Not Adahn’s found footage?
Is this work-related or are you joining the local volunteer fire department?
Work. We have more square footage enclosed than either of the neighboring towns do, so their VFDs get confused when we do joint drills.
Time to drill with hose they didn’t drain the water out of.
I like the way you think!
I like quick fixes.
While having sex with my wife last night, I accidentally called her “Alyssa”. Awkward.
And her name is actually “Steve” ?
Ah, shit. I guess I misgendered her too. Did it again. *Shrugs*
…any port in a storm, brah
I’m dyslexic and not gay. NTTAWWT. I just confuse front hole and back hole.
As long as she’s not terribly bothered, that’s not s problem.
Sounds like fake news.
I was literally being ironic and sarcastic.
Don’t you mean “Aryssa”?
She’s Japanese; shouldn’t it be “Aryssa”?
I also called her that while banging her … weird.
I should’ve seen that coming…
That’s what SHE said.
From the part of Germany my relatives come from:
3 mysteriously killed by crossbow bolts at quiet German hotel
For those who can read German, you can read here and the related links….
(Oops, that shouldn’t have been a reply.)
If only they had sensible crossbow control.
Is it theoretically possible to have a mutual suicide with two crossbows?
“3 mysteriously killed by crossbow bolts at quiet German hotel”
Well, I guess that would keep the place quiet.
I thought Japanese made this easy for you with many female names ending in “beauty” or “child”.
Come to think of it just perfect for OMWC…
Tempestuous Latina temptresses torment your testicles.
It’s Friday already? This week flew by.
I mean, I’ve got a long list, but #14 wins the thread for me.
So, there’s apparently an app or filter or whatever for Snapchat that my wife got a hold of that will make you look like a man or a woman. She as a dude looks like her brother, which is freaky, but not a total surprise. They’re a distinctive family. Doubling down on woman made her look like an anime version of herself.
We did it to me. As a woman, I look like a brunette tranny Laura Linney impersonator. When we applied the man filter…
…nothing happened. And, somewhere in America, a radfem woke screaming from a nightmare of making sandwiches for a shadowy, bearded figure in gym shorts sitting on a throne of ammo cans.
They just need a deep dicking.
I was going to say, I wonder if that is actually an erotic dream.
Well, if the Internet is right, that’s the main mechanism at work. The more radical the feminist the more, at her core, she secretly wants to pamper a wealthy, middle-aged Tom Selleck.
Even my MIL wants to pet Tom Selleck’s mustache. /not a euphemism
I don’t know a woman over 50 who doesn’t feel some kinda way when Tom Selleck is on the screen. Quigley Down Under even hits my wife and her sister, and they’re not yet 40.
So the want Quigley, down under?
No, no. When they see him they feel all quigley down under.
I have a filter for pics of myself. I just open pics from ten years ago and I lose 30 lbs.
10 years ago I was 60+ lbs heavier.
When I was 35 I could have been a stunt double for Mel Gibson in “Braveheart” – but I thought I was too old for the dating scene and passed up more chances than I even had a right to be offered. Stupid youth.
When I was younger I was obsessed with trying to find age-enhancing software so I could see what I’d look like at 40. Youth is wasted on the young.
My sister did that with her daughter’s photo (age 7), and the daughter turned into her step-brother . . . 7 year old with a mustache.
BONUS: Music Link – Having mentioned Los Straightjackets, I must link this song.
That’s a good song.
You gonna have blue balls until 2021.
I’m thinking I won’t watch this one, either. The only Disney movies worth a damn are made by Pixar anyway.
True. Inside Out and Toy Story 3 were pretty good.
Was wreck it Ralph Pixar? Watched that with my daughter recently, it’s pretty funny.
Yeah, I think so. As a general rule, singing = Disney, no singing = Pixar.
-1 having a friend in me.
Grindr’s new motto?
The characters didn’t sing that, though. I guess I should’ve said “Disney = musical”.
Wreck It Ralph is not a Pixar movie, but is a Walt Disney Animation movie.
I fell asleep watching the first one, not really looking forward to the second.
Definitely. Although, Moana was good.
It was alright. A solid 2nd tier Disney movie. It was on par with Mulan or Pocahontas, IMO.
There were no princesses in the Lion King.
Yeah, if you aren’t balling your eyes out 10 minutes into up, something is RONG!!
My wife saw Up by herself after we’d gotten into a huge fight over the phone. I think we’d either just gotten engaged or it was maybe a month or two before we got engaged. She said she started sobbing during the intro and didn’t stop until the credits rolled.
Don’t take my Marvel movies away from me.
Upon tasting the Red Boat Fish Sauce, I wondered how much salt was in there.
According to the label its 1430 mg/Tablespoon.
Sodium in pure table salt? 2132 bg/Tablespoon.
So the sauce is 67% pure salt. Which makes sense given the historical usage replacing raw salt. I’ll have to see if replacing the salt in the recipe with 150% the volume of sauce makes it work.
Depends what kind of recipe it is. Fish sauce has a pretty strong flavor.
I’m aware of that.
Heh OK – just a friendly warning.
Ozymandias takes on Public Education.
Good to see that name pop up again! Also, great topic!
Thank God I have no idea how to use Photoshop. This would’ve been too tempting.
Yikes. Looks like Bretibart has their go-to pic of him now.
Mayor Pete is a helluva lot better looking than me. But I’m not running for President based on my identity. I’d say he’s fair game.
That’s one ugly orgasm face.
They don’t call ’em ‘vinegar strokes’ for nothing.
Happy mother’s day!
Anyone else make the mistake of beginning drinking at 4:00 and then have to have a 40 minute mother’s day call?
Nope when I drink heavily my mom is the last person I’d call. She falls behind ex-girlfriends from 15 years ago. That’s how long the drunk dial list is.
I started drinking during the mother’s day call.
My mother’s dead! Thanks a lot for triggering me!
(And my kids just text/Telegram me.)
We’re in Crescent City for my mother’s 90th birthday. When the cake was brought out, the comment was, “there’s no candles on the cake, but your children are lit!”.
Uh, the lady is psycho. Don’t think I’d be laughing if I were him.
Right!? That door isn’t even all the way open and she’s off like a shot ready to kill. Either dude has been giving her cause to be suspicious or she’s straight-up nuts.
Or it’s fake.
Or it’s all staged.
I like a passionate girl. She did start laughing which is good.
I get all the drama I will ever need from the rest of life. Something that creates it at home from whole cloth? Hard pass with predjudice.
Here’s another fun mother’s day prank.
Mini review: Mount Gay Barbados Rum
On the label there is something about being established in 170x, blah blah, Haley’s comet bla bla.
Pouring a shot, the smell is exactly like organic II lab. Like, I’m already trashed, and I’m smelling shit that should not be consumed by humans. This is not ethanol. There are ketones and halogenated hydrocarbons here. How the fuck is this being sold as a beverage? I’m looking for something to reset my circadian rhythm and this shit is making me fear for my health. I am praying that my senses are fucked and I’m mistaken in what I’m sensing. Yeah, there are definitely ethers and ketones — there’s no way I can convince my drunk ass there aren’t. Fortunately, I know that a lot of Irish people survived drinking diethyl ether, so I’ll take the shot.
In a way, this is pretty good, in that it doesn’t taste like rotting sugar cane. It’s fairly dry, with the same ester cloud that one expects with rum. I will refrain from trying to communicate what this might taste like sober.
Jessie, you are an ass.
I go Zacapa 23 or Bacardi Silver. Not into the coconut suntan lotion rums.
I hope you don’t mean me: Jesse with no i, because it isn’t short for Jessica. Mount Gay is adequate, but I’d prefer the simple joys of a liter of Whaler’s dark rum from Trader Joes for 9.99
Mount Gay isn’t bad at all, especially as a mixer.
It’s your fault for putting it in your mouth after smelling it. In that price range, look for El Dorado 7, or 12yo. Splurge for the 15, or the 21.
I could see this happening.
Probably the least nutty combo the Dems could come up with.
Helps them with the demographics they need to get.
Biden’s numbers are higher with blacks than with whites. They’re just not into all that woke stuff the rest of the pack – including Harris – is offering up.
We noticed several ants crawling around our kitchen earlier this week. Last time I had to deal with ants was when I was a kid, my parents always seemed to battle them for a month every summer. I have to say any treatment has come a long way since then. I threw down some liquid bait on Friday, by night they had swarmed the bait. Haven’t seen an ant since.
That’s pretty good. I usually have to spray every crack all the way around the house with some good poison. It works, but it’s kind of a pain. Beats the hell out of those colored glass ant traps, that’s for sure.
“spray every crack all the way around the house”
I thought we were doing phrasing. It’s cool if we’re not, but just let me know ahead of time, okay?
I’ve lived in this house since 2014, and I’ve never seen a significant number of ants. It’s odd because there are tons of little gaps and spaces through which bugs enter (I’ve had issues with earwigs and even mice) and I’m in no way meticulous about sweeping up food crumbs… Yet I’ve never seen more than one ant. When I do, I kill it and wipe up the surrounding area because if they find food, they’ll leave a pheromone trail as they walk that signals other ants to come and help transport the food back to the nest.
Mix a little white sugar with some borax you’d use as a laundry booster. (I use a mortar and pestle for this.) Sprinkle lightly along their trails. Entire nest wiped out for pennies.
Not if I have 3 dogs …
I just put it where my pup can’t get it.
I started getting a bunch of roaches last fall – not summer, when I would expect. It finally dawned on me that that is the same time the family moved in below me with the out-of-control screaming and jumping elephant children. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that I would like maybe three roaches every summer for six years then suddenly a couple dozen in three months and gee I can’t wait for summer now.
I hate people. Not the Glibertariat.
(Well, mostly.)
I dunno. I’ve never been the “I hate people” type, but maybe my luck has finally run out. At least I have another criterium to add to the lengthy list of demands of my next residence.
I became that way about…2007.
I *think* it’s just a coincidence that I met OMWC that year.
No, no. He brings that characteristic out in people. I mean, he’s a friggin’ dick.
For someone who hates people, you’re awfully kind.
When you’re over the line as often as I am, you gotta suck up when given the chance.
Even saints eventually hit their limit.
I can put up with a lot of stuff but roaches are where I draw the line. If anybody brought roaches into my home in the numbers you are talking about there would be heads on stakes.
Well, GoT seems to be ending in a retarded fashion.
By season 6 I saw the writing on the wall. HBO series have a way of doing that. Boardwalk Empire did the same thing. Start off strong, fizzle and then plummet into a implausible puddle of mediocrity.
True Blood. I skipped the last two seasons.
Yeah, I bailed in S03 or 04.
And not to leave Showtime out of this – Dexter.
Because it was a firehouse favorite, I think I actually made it to the end of Dexter. But yeah, the last season or two went wonky.
I think this episode took guts.
I was quite pleased with this episode.
The foreshadowing is too obvious. I liked it when it wasn’t as obvious what was going to happen.
Brendan O’Neil interviewed Nigel Farage on his podcast. It was very interesting. Farage is a long way from the cartoon character he is made out to be in the Brexit debate.
Libertarian paradise relocated from Somalia to Idaho? Idaho appeals its regulatory code:
It looks like they’re going to be adding some of the regs back but this is a move in the right direction.
/New York
I swear there are still laws on the books here in MD that have been there since the state was founded in 1788. I think there’s some stuff in there about witches and fornication, consorting with de debil, all that stuff.
Sunset clauses and a part time Legislature. Unfortunately, what will happen is state agencies will submit blanket renewals instead of them actually going through regulations. That said, they’re aren’t many of them that cause a lot of heartburn.
Idaho is doomed
But California beats both of those states combined, with more than 21,300 people migrating from there to Idaho.
“The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, fucking up America, one state at a time.”
I thought Idaho was private.
It was noticed, what you did there.
Opened the pickled beets from the cellar tonight. Good news! No Botulism (yet).
I LOVE pickled beets. Maybe I should make some this year. It’s been a while.
It’s the best way to eat beets.
Roasted baby beets beg to differ.
That’s the second best way.
Because they are pickled, you should be fine. You want something acidic if you are water bath canning. I assume you’re water bath canning, as if you were doing pressure canning, you wouldn’t mention the botulism.
Has anyone noticed that the Reply button is EXTREMELY sensitive on mobile lately?
That’s the best way to sneak it a double post. I consider it a win when that happens.
Yep, and I’m still encountering the refresh page on reply issue. I just reinstalled Eyepiece hoping that it fixes it.
Something doesn’t seem right about this story.
I’m confused. Isn’t embarrassment and humiliation normal for Japanese comedy programs?
Fucking with a customer that is just waiting to eat is not normal. There must be more to this story.
Which Glib is visiting Japan?
Charisma Man?
Dammit. I think I might have to pick that up.
That’s great.
OT: Finished reading Dante’s Inferno a while ago; now I’m on Purgatorio.
Being that it’s based around Christian theology, why is there so much Greek mythology mixed in there? I’m not even religious much less an expert theologian, but wouldn’t that be some kind of sacrilege?
I’m not an expert in the field, but I think it comes both from a desire to bring ancient Greek and Roman culture into the fold (this was shortly before the Renaissance kicks off) and sort of continuing in the vein of St. Thomas Aquinas’s study of Aristotle, for instance.
Accurate description of GOT?
Doesn’t seem far off.
No idea what’s going on at the end of S06 there because I bailed in S02.
Ok, which one of you posted this?
39 min
I want season 8 to be the pallbearers at my funeral. So it can let me down one last time!!!
F’ing lurkers–That is an excellent Glibs screen name, and they’ve been depriving us of their presence.
Now, that’s just crazy, Playa.
I couldn’t help myself.
Why not just burn down Mother’s house?
Should I know who that is?
Florida Woman.
Thank you. I didn’t recognize her.
Tomorrow’s news today.
I read her press office’s statement. Jeebus. It’s just a straight up lie about the criticism.
…and yet the (((community))) at large will continue to support the Dems by 40 point margins. You’d think we’d have learned by now.
You and I have. My wife has at least become skeptical. Progress comes in small steps.
I have a feeling that those who do so see her, and all the other anti-Semitic personnel that camp around the D’s,as outliers.
With the R’s, it would be/is endemic of the party, since everyone knows that the racists switched parties. That’s why they can’t pull that particular lever.
Plus, what are they gonna do, vote third party???
BTW, I hope the both of you know that my use of ‘they’ is not meant to be othering–I’m referring specifically to (((D voters))).
Well, Pelosi will do nothing. These anti-Semite Islamists are the natural allies of today’s far left controlled democrats.
The interesting thing will be to see how long it takes Jews to abandon the Democrats.
I still have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that so many people will placidly nod their heads as the media carries these people’s water while at the same time pouncing on anything that might be construed as bigoted or racist if it’s coming from a Republican or a conservative.
Recently you appear to have a thing for big breasts.
Yes, but, I try to hide it with coats, napkins.
Just an intersectional pic to blow the minds of US progs AND white supremacists.
Anyone still on have any experience with, or, helpful info on services like Dashlane (password protection/generation)?
Seems like a good idea, but, I’m skeptical on their security and efficacy.
There was a discussion some time ago about password generators/managers. As I recall (so take it with a grain of salt) it’s a good security measure but some providers have been hacked. There was nothing obvious to indicate those particular companies were vulnerable.
Yeah, not sure if I am remembering that discussion, but, it sounds glib-familiar. I figure that any type of online security will eventually be targeted and overcome in some form, so I am apprehensive about spending money for a service.
Thanks, though.
My passwords are managed by Apple. I’m not under any illusion that it – or any paid service – is any safer than the locks on my front door. Just keep an eye on your financial accounts; that’s what they’re after.
Does Apple offer a service for that? I have an ipad, but my ability to see anything positive about Apple is slow in getting here.
Of course, I’m not at all happy with Android/Googleplex.
Password generation & storage comes with. Up to you if you trust it.
Doomed to more dead thread humping. Sigh.
Dang. Just checked back, and missed this by almost an hour.
Are we back?
I feel like a junkie – constantly refreshing the page to see if it’s back up, then going to Discord, then coming back and refreshing some more.
Heh, glad I’m not the only one. I felt like I was having withdrawal symptoms.
Whew. Now I have something to do while sitting in the office waiting for tickets and people to respond to messages.
I resorted to poking around HyR for awhile. Saw a couple familiar names – you know who you are.
When the site is dead in the morning I just assume SP got a subpoena.
Where were we? I was in some sort of time warp from 5/12/2019 and couldn’t move forward. Thanks to whoever fixed this thing.
I was lost, thinking I’d hit the Twilight Zone and I felt very much alone, alone and afraid, thinking I’d missed the Apocalypse.
Rhywun made the last comment before it went down, so it’s HIS fault. 😉
And, you’re welcome. Now I’m going back to sleep.
Someone will be along with something for all y’all. Swiss, I think….
So you are saying it was the gays?
That escalated quickly.
damn happy people, screwing it up for the rest of us
Seriously, though, thank you so much for everything you do to keep this place running.
*hides in corner, crying softly*
Ok, NC Engravers got back to me, and he wants a .dxf
Is there somewhere that I can download the glibs logo, or should I just steal it from one of the pages?
If you can wait a couple hours, I can email you a large file.
I already converted it to a DXF. ? If you (or anyone else) would like it, email me at my handle followed by_jm at outlook.
Unless the founders would rather I didn’t do that? SP, let me know.
BREAKING: Genetics are real.
I think that second link qualifies as Black Man’s Kryptonite
TBH, the second link doesn’t do anything for me.
Okay, who broke things?
looks up thread, hits nonexistent delete button.