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Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Harry Truman Doris Day Red China Johnnie Ray South Pacific Walter Winchell Joe DiMaggio
*changes the radio station*
High fives Negroni.
*buys Negroni a negroni*
Billy Joel is just the LawnGuy Land Jimmie Buffet.
Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
Saw him in concert last week!
Doris Day
The giant monkey has a sad.
Was the site mourning Ms. Day earlier?
For Doris
OMWC stole all the fans from your computers to try and keep his wine from boiling?
It was the Russians. It’s always the Russians.
Were up and running? Good because I have something to tell you all. After wrestling for years with my identity, I came out to my family today. Tears were shed, but their acceptance made it much easier and I felt a load fall off my shoulders. Being born this way meant leading a double life as those around me looked so happy and filled with joy. Finally, I was able to tell my loved ones…”I think, no. I know I’m…” “Go ahead, Honey. We will love you no matter what.” Just rip off the band aid, I thought. “I’m a racist!”. I hugged my half breed child tightly as I began to bawl. Tough evening without Glib linx, but I think it will be good in the long run.
So you finally told your family you are white?
As long as you aren’t racist against Asians you’re golden.
I see what you did there.
I thought to be racist against Asians you had to be lacist?
For you
My new role model. Thank you so much.
“And so are you.”
A pandering, self-hating idiot?
But he strives to expiate his crimes by cooking meals for his wife’s boyfriend, who’s black.
I’m glad there’s nobody in the office to hear me laughing at this…
Did you go out and beat up some Koreans to celebrate?
That seems like the obvious and reasonable thing to do.
It doesn’t do any good. Koreans are too stubborn to have any sense beaten into them.
*speaking from hard won experience*
P.J. O’Rourke called them “The Irish of Asia“.
I’ve stolen that line ever since I read that. It is a perfect fit.
Drink too much, fight too much, blame all your problems on other people.
Just carry this picture with you.
Did you come out as fully glib, or merely hint that you were free-market friendly?
C’mon, I don’t want my curry poisoned.
Not a Wodehouse fan?
Fact beats fiction.
She seems nice.
Bolton Wanderers fall continues. They’ve just gone into administration which means they start next season -12. So they’ll be League Two by 2020.
D’oh! Way to knock a team when it’s down.
And I also assume there will be a player exodus over the summer.
I just got back from twice! yearly diversity training.
My takeaway? Just shut your mouth, Nick, and don’t talk to anybody lest they perceive it the wrong way.
I have a firm rule against any kind of physical contact with women at work, other than an introductory handshake. My workplace is at least 2/3 women, and I have a fair number of confidential/privileged conversations, so I can’t really do the “never meet alone with a woman” thing, but I can see why people would.
If I could get away with it, I’d do the no closed door meetings thing. Too many true believers who have no personal morals. Alas, even an open door policy (not that I have a door) is grounds for being pilloried here at [insert progressive tech company’s name here]
Maybe things are different in your industry, but what sort of physical contact would you have with anyone other than a handshake at work?
Pat on the back, touching someone’s arm to get their attention, a guiding touch as someone goes through a door, a high five, etc. I’m surprised, myself, at the level of casual physical contact in an office environment.
I’m guessing it’s a Southern thing.
We New Englanders are more reserved.
Good game out there!
I can’t help it if my buttocks are well-shaped and firm.
Breast cancer screenings are important.
You obviously have a night job at a strip clup. Let’s call it…. IDK… the Twerk Perk.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that there actually was sex in the Champagne Room (in Rhode Island, of course).
Foxy Lady been shut down again?
“Don’t worry honey, I still love you. I’ll make you a nice little room in the shed to sleep in and you can hug this dog any time you want!”
I’m not touching that mutt.
“My problem with this #SexStrike It feeds the narrative that women only have sex to satisfy men’s sexual needs. It ignores women’s sexuality. Women like sex too! It is not something we give to men to keep them happy! This pushes an outdated narrative, please stop it.”
“Michelle, please stop before you say something that ruins your credibility. Women may CLAIM to like sex, but you really don’t. You TOLERATE it under LIMITED circumstances and during limited time frames. That’s nature’s design. Please be honest now.”
“I can’t decide which tweet is more sad”
So which side are the puritans again?
There’s a reason the Shakers didn’t make it to another generation…
I do tend to agree with the comments that if you’ve never, ever met a woman who enjoys sex, you’re doing it wrong.
I’ve met a woman who thought that she didn’t like sex – but changed her mind.
And her name was Morgan Fairchild! Yeah, that’s the ticket!
** smooches!**
This one, from half of everybody’s favorite #Resistance/pyramid scheme scamming team.
“Hetero women don’t like sex” is just code for “I’m bad in bed and women know it””
Idiocracy was a documentary.
I made the comment right after I saw that movie. Funny thing is it was made by liberals trying to make fun of those other people they accused of dumbing everything down, and it is the liberal movement leading the way to the idiocracy. Maybe they should not have looked at books like “Brave New World” or “1984” as instruction manuals either, but here we are…
Lesbian sex might be allowed…
A golden opportunity for you guys to suss out the terfs. “Look, this is new for me and I haven’t had time for shots and surgery. Help a sister out…”
Women like sex too!
I thought that they thought that all sex is rape. I guess to them it is except when it isn’t.
Only if there’s a male penis involved. A female penis is acceptable (I think, if I try to suss out all the rules, I’ll wind up in a corner sobbing).
“Women like sex too!”
Really? A shocking revelation.
They sure as hell do before they get married… They they eat wedding cake and it kills their libido…
Maybe American women. Brazil women must be immune to wedding cake, because mine sure has not slowed down at all. If she wanted sex anymore, I’d never get any damn sleep, lol.
As long as we can stack the sandbags then discuss how to set up the tripod for the 30 Cal. Then we are friends.
Build pill boxes man… You can accessorize them with some nice flowers to provide camouflage. Adds property value!
More Americans Call For Breakup Of Dangerous, Powerful Monopoly: The Government
If only…
Take away the other guys stuff first.
Brilliant trolling…
Snopes is all over Babylon Bee when it lampoons lefties. Why not when it targets conservatives?
“couldn’t figure out how to build roads without the government.”
Yeah, because a road has never been built by a private entity. /derp
That’s the joke. Beeyootifully executed, no less.
From BB’s parody to God’s ears.
We may have stumbled out of the gate today, but Mammary Monday is charging in to the rescue!
No links to Doris Day nudz? I am disappoint.
Dude, she was 97!
But she wasn’t always 97.
Reliable photography is almost two centuries old now.
Thanks, Captain Literal.
You’re welcome, though it appears to be closer to 175 years for decent photography for people.
/one of these days you’ll understand.
You seem to think I was previously unaware of that. It was a joke, stop being such an autist.
Should I tell him, UCS?
Naw, leave everyone to their own misconceptions, so we can have this same conversation again later.
It helps to have a few scripts in the box
Rule 34
Are there any? She was pretty careful to keep her image squeaky clean.
I’d be shocked if you could even find “sexy” pictures of Doris.
Is that her? If It is, I am officially shocked…and aroused.
I guess it depends on your definition of “sexy”.
“I dont want mandatory vasectomies because I dont believe we should legislate peoples bodies, its a dangerous slippery slope. I used the example to point out the hypocrisy of always putting the responsibility, punishment, blame, or means of prevention, solely on women.”
“I don’t want to legislate people’s bodies, either. I want to protect the lives of unborn children, who, from the moment of conception, possess a distinct DNA from their parents.”
#EvanRachelWould? Has she been lurking here?
I don’t think anyone seriously thought you did, doesn’t make your statements any less stupid
we know stricter abortion laws do not prevent them
Now do guns.
solely on women
Don’t take reproductive advice from a woman named Evan, for starters.
Morning People. I’m glad the Guru has finished meditating.
So, war with Iran pending (that’s who it’ll be pinned on whether accurate or not)?
If this is really the case it seems like it would be huge news.
“The Chicago Cubs have banned a fan indefinitely from Wrigley Field after he was seen on camera making an offensive hand gesture at a game this week.”
That gesture is also the American Sign Language sign for “asshole”, as well as being the “made you look” game.
The fact that the Dem-Op-Media industrial complex has managed to convince people that that’s a white power symbol is a testament to just how fucked we are.
Same with Pepe the Frog.
Is he one of the ones they made gay?
Could he have been banned had he not been seen on camera? What if this scofflaw was making a furtive move?
The power they’ve ceded to a bunch of trolls on 4chan is disturbing. You just know the people in the organization that decided to ban this guy have used the exact same symbol thousands of times themselves over the course of their lives.
At least the White Sox gained a new fan.
We’ll take anything we can get…
See, it’s this irrational love of the White Sox that assures me you are, in fact, human like the rest of us.
Well, not like the rest of us. Definitely a cut or 1000 above the rest of us, but still….
Sounds racist.
The guy just circle-gamed the whole country. So he’s got a lot of arms to punch.
Feature, not bug.
I mean, who the hell wants to watch the Cubs?
I still don’t know how they ban someone they haven’t even identified. Are they simply going to deny admission to anyone who resembles this person?
I just assumed they had banned all white men who had hands.
Some music for this morning. We can all chill out.
I saw them at a dive bar (mentioned in previous discussion) just before Louisville enacted the bar smoking ban. I was literally (including staff and members of the band) the only person in the place not smoking. I made it a point to try to find someone else not smoking…everyone I watched eventually did.
It was the only place I know that closed because of the smoking ban. Once the clouds of smoke cleared, no one wanted to go there, it was too disgusting.
There were a couple of bars in the Cleveland area that still allowed smoking after the smoking ban. When you ordered your drink, they’d also hand you a little plastic cup with some water in the bottom. These were not the classiest locations.
This bar’s house “bourbon” was Kentucky Gentleman, which isn’t technically bourbon.
And isn’t technically good.
Maybe it is technically bourbon. But the fact that Russia banned it says everything you need to know.
This is wonderful:
Whiskey Reviewer: “The phrase ‘Kentucky Gentleman’ implies a certain Southern genteelness, and frankly, no one possessed with such grace and class would ever stoop to drinking anything resembling Kentucky Gentleman whiskey.”[
One such place here was a punk bar. The stage was a small stage surrounded by a chain link fence. There was no glassware (other than bottles) that I recall seeing any time I was there. I saw Vic (from the Slackers) play a solo show there, which has to have been the most ill-booked show ever.
It’s a blended whiskey.
Yeah, 51% bourbon and 49% grain alcohol.
It explains the next morning.
Hahahah, that’s the rail bourbon at our local pub. It’s a vivid reminder that the popularity of the cocktail skyrocketed during Prohibition as bartenders had to find ways to disguise the revolting taste of the shitty liquor they were forced to serve.
Some of my favorite hang-outs would put out the ashtrays for after-hours after most of the customers left. I can only assume they had an “agreement” with someone.
But smoke is so dangerous people now are worried about 3rd hand smoke! Seriously. When my wife was in grad school a dude in one of her classes was researching the levels and effects of motherfucking 3rd hand smoke. He was specifically looking at adsorption levels in bars years after the smoking ban went into effect.
JFC people.
I can’t even imagine giving a shit about that.
WTF is third hand smoke?
Its when the evil sin particles of smoke adsorb to surfaces (floors, walls, etc) and linger so they can insidiously infect you with demon cancer even years after last cigarette was smoked in that room.
The smoke that soaked into the walls by smokers in the past and is now leaching out and killing you while you sleep.
It’s when mutants hold the cigarette with the almost useless baby arm growing out of where their ear should be.
I believe that is called gripping hand smoke
No, that’s when it’s with a third arm growing out of an alien torso.
They Were Promised Coding Jobs in Appalachia. Now They Say It Was a Fraud.
I’m shocked, shocked do you hear…
government program screws people over… news at 11.
Learn to mine.
Learn to co…
The problem is, is that not everyone can code. I mean they can, but doing it well and keeping applications running smoothly for years is a totally different thing. If I had to guess, I’d guess that less than 10% of the people I graduated with who were in the Compsci program with emphasis on programming, have a job doing any type of programming today. In fact, I’d be surprised if more than 10% ever wrote a single line of code and got paid for it. Well, I mean that’s part of the problem, the other part is ‘government run program’.
Yeah, I figured that out after one semester of college and moved away from compsci.
Plus the market is glutted in a lot of the “easier” coding specializations, and the kind of education you’re getting in a bootcamp-style environment isn’t going to prepare you for the more in-demand jobs. Besides which, jobs don’t move to where the programmers are. It doesn’t matter how many coal miners learn Rails or .NET or whatever; nobody’s in a hurry to relocate their tech business to rural West Virginia.
Another thing is, to get a good developer gig, you have to be pretty damn aggressive just to get you foot in the door. Because in my experience, IT departments want people with experience to just come in and start being productive right away. Doesn’t matter how many degrees you have, they are looking for experience. How do you get experience if no one will hire you? One way is to do what I did, take a grunt level job working the help desk and wait for your opportunity to fix some bug to prove you can do it. ‘Fix this bug, so we can get it into production, can you do that?’. I did that and before long I was getting several hours of ‘bug fixing’ a week. About 2 years in, one of the programmers left and I got my opportunity. Never have looked back, that was nearly 20 years ago.
After I felt sufficiently confident from self-teaching, I walked into HR and said I wanted to be in
ITMIS. At the time I was something akin to a file clerk. They were like, “Sure.”, and one of the two or three coders that existed at the time took me under his wing. Also a couple decades ago.I also walked in the door with coding experience. Just not real world stuff I got paid for. But I knew the basics of programming, I taught myself before taking my first Compsci class. They were apparently impressed enough with my early attempts at ‘bug fixing’ to keep giving more programming tasks. And when the one guy left, I was a natural choice I think because I already knew the environment and the applications.
Yeah, same type of thing here. I did a lot of learning on my own outside of work and wound up taking a low-paying job at a local place that needed an entry-level developer who’d work for peanuts in exchange for some experience and pointers. Just kinda went from there, really. I don’t have a tech degree, and frankly when I hear recruiters open with, “I see you’ve got seven years of development experience and you’re the senior developer at your current job” and then follow later with, “Well, the client wants someone with a CS degree, so it’s probably going to be tough to get the salary you’re looking for,” I know it’s not my kind of place.
Honestly, the last few positions I took full time, all of them required a master degree. I don’t have one and I still got the job. They called it ‘experience in lieu of the degree as equivalent’.
For my first programming job they gave us a little test to take before the interview. It was a couple of super simple questions about variables (if A = 5 and B = A + 10, then what is the value of A + B), that sort of thing. Then they wanted you to write pseudocode for an extremely simple function, can’t remember exactly what it was but it involved a for loop. I thought it was kind of stupid, but I found out later that half of the people interviewing failed the test, including people with CS degrees.
When I was in college, back when dinosaurs still roamed Pangaea, I found that a lot of my fellow students were just plain lazy. They didn’t come to college to learn, they came to get a piece of paper which was going to magically transform their life, with very little actual working knowledge to back it up. I remember one lady who had been there like 12 years, taking one or two classes a semester. Took her 12 freaking years to complete a 4 year course. Took me just over 4 and I was working full time the entire time. She did it because she wanted to graduate magna cum laude. To her, that was the most important thing. Never mind that the stuff she was learning at the beginning was no longer even used in the industry. I pointed this out to her and she took terrible offense to it. Too many people are just lazy, dumb, and completely dishonest with themselves. Which is why they get stuck in a bad position in life and then blame everyone but their self. Well, that’s my rant of the day.
I thought it was kind of stupid, but I found out later that half of the people interviewing failed the test, including people with CS degrees.
*nods with knowing eyes*
I did some internship interviews when I was an engineer at [insert networking company here] , and the number of candidates who couldn’t get past the basic “did you pay attention in class” questions was horrifying. I also found that school prestige was a solid indicator of quality of interview and of quality of work. The MIT and Stanford kids were constantly overachieving and begging for more and harder work. The few I kept up with are now senior devs at top silicon Valley tech companies. The local student from the non-flagship branch of the state school took the entire summer to complete a 3 week project, and he was the standout interview from a pile of 50 resumes.
On the other side, I’ve been to interviews where they’ve been like, “That’s neat that you have a job and apparently piles and piles of actual sample code we could look at, but what we’d really like you to do is use this laptop to write a deep-copy algorithm for an unknown object while we watch you type and talk about you like you’re not here. We don’t actually do this ourselves, and some of us don’t actually know how you’d do this, but for some reason we think it’s a really good indicator of how you’ll perform on the job.”
The best interviews I’ve had (and given) were an in-person kind of traditional interview followed by either having the person walk us through code they wrote or being given a small project to be completed over the next day or two.
I interviewed with one company and about 2 minutes in, I realized the guy interviewing me had never worked in IT and knew jack shit about every day things that happen in IT. Every question he asked me was straight out of a Microsoft certification exam. At some point, I just said ‘You know that none of the things you are asking me about are about things you will ever do in a real world .NET shop? Like, ever?’. Dude was stunned to the point of being rendered speechless. He just sat there seeming to grasp for thoughts and couldn’t find any. I didn’t get the job, lol, neither did I want it any longer. The guy had absolutely zero business interviewing .NET dev candidates.
At one company where I actually had a pretty good interview even with some whiteboarding pseudocode we got to one point where the person who looked like he might be an intern started asking me how I’d go about doing various geometric calculations using JavaScript. Everyone kind of looked around confused. One guy actually muttered, “Do we ever actually do anything like that?” “No,” someone else said. So I was like, “Well, first, I’d search on the Internet for the formula, and then I’d probably see if someone on Stack Overflow has already done it.” This got me a few laughs. I went on to kind of blunder my way through it which wound up being more of a demonstration of my presentation and group speaking abilities than anything else.
They went with someone else, but it seemed to be positive feelings all around. They’ve since contacted me with other offers, but nothing quite fit.
In good news, there’s only one more episode of Game of Thrones. Some of the plot points have gotten so bad, even the girlfriend is laughing at them.
The showrunners really did turn it into cliched and obvious shit. Maybe that’s what happens when you have only 6 episodes to wrap up all the story lines.
And spend 2 of them doing literally nothing but fan service dialog
In better news, people might stop talking about Game of Thrones.
^ this
The first three books are great. Then… yeah. The first three books are great.
I’m just hopeful everyone starts talking about Good Omens when it comes out in a couple of weeks. Gaiman is show running it in order to fulfill a death bed request from PTerry.
“Don’t you dare turn that fucking book into a TV series. It’s all I’ll be remembered for.”
“Sure thing, buddy. It’ll be the best damned series ever made.”
Have you seen the shit show Gaiman made out of American Gods?
He’s a great writer but I don’t think for one second his involvement in a show based on his own works is a guarantee for success.
I haven’t picked up the second season of American Gods yet, I did enjoy the first season though. That also ran into drama with actors dropping the show as well (not making excuses, just setting my own expectations).
Is the second season out? I liked the first enough to watch another season, but I think a lot of that might have been nostalgia for the book.
Yeah. The second season wrapped up a week or so ago. It had mixed reviews.
Sneaky Pete season 3 came out last Friday. That’s a fun show.
Most of my criticisms would be assauged if the they took all the events of the last two seasons and made it three seasons. It would make so much more sense. Also They could have saved the one dragon getting offed for last night which would than cause Danni to absolutely lose it. Episode three was just so bad. So irredeemably bad.
Not all of them of course but maybe 60% of them.
reddit.com/r/freefolk is on fire this morning
My favorite
Also good
Yeah, I’m over it. I just want to see how it ends. Scratch that–I just want to know how it ends. I’d be perfectly content with a brief synopsis posted on the Internet. I just feel like they started off so strong and then Tweedles Dee and Dum got bored and drove it into the ground. I mean, the most telling thing I think is that they actually turned money from HBO down to film an additional two episodes for the season. Supposedly they said, “No, we don’t need it, we can do it in six shows.” Based on the quality of the writing now that they don’t have Martin to lean on, I’m guessing what this really means is, “We don’t even know what to do with the six we’ve got, we’ll never be able to handle eight full episodes.”
I’m picking up shades of Battlestar Galactica and Lost here. I’m willing to bet that the last episode will tank the reputation of the series so badly that the prequel spinoff will go absolutely nowhere.
******* SPOILERS ******
act 1: introduce Golden Company
act 2: drop a wall on them
act 1: introduce Aria’s dire wolf as head of fearsome wolf army
act 2: /crickets chirping
make up their minds already with Chekhov’s gun. and is the Iron Bank a complete non-factor?
Allegedly Martin said that, to do the books justice, they’d need five more seasons. The problem is they only seemed to realize that at the end of Season 6.
Little fingers demise was botched, Euron was grossly underwritten, Dani development was rushed and episode three of this season was the most disappointing hour of television I’ve ever seen.
Euron the pirate ninja, he can make whole fleets teleport, and can appear whenever he hasn’t been on scene for more then 10 minutes to say cock or cunt. I was half expecting him to show up again in the keep.
They don’t care they rushed to end it. They have too little time to wrap anything up, and the stuff they are wrapping up even successfully was something that should have been stretched out for far longer. The show runners just want it to end to start other projects they’ve been given.
“Kamala Harris tried to lie on national TV about the effects of her truancy laws (“not one parent was sent to jail”). Good on @JakeTapper for calling her out!
This is an astounding, outright Trumpian level of blatant dishonesty from @KamalaHarris https://reason.com/2019/05/13/kamala-harris-truancy-law-lies/ …”
Except Trump had nothing to do with it.
Does anyone recall exclamations about “Obamian levels of blatant dishonesty” after Obama’s whoppers about the affordable care act?
Because I don’t.
What use is a story if we can’t use it to dump on Drumpf?
Just stop. You’re harshing the narrative. Fault always lies with the orange one. The latest and greatest one is about how we’re so done because China are ‘fighting back’ against Trump’s trade war. Jeebus Crikey on a stick, people. We have the patience of an amoeba. You sort of have to play the long game here. I’m not so much into a trade war at all. But if there really is one, China will lose, which is why I doubt they’ll actually fully engage in it for the long term.
So how long do I have to let Trump levy more taxes on me before we “own the chinks”?
Well, you can have a few personal chinks in your service, but you can’t own all 2 billion of them. That would be racist, or something.
I’m happy to see that she’s getting nailed in the replies about the non sequitur drive-by on Trump. Seriously, stop putting me in a position where I feel like I have to defend Trump. I do not enjoy moral ambiguity.
suspended for pointing out that gender dysphoria is listed under mental disorder in the DSM-5
best response:
I think what unnerves me the most, as a psych student in college, is the dual argument that Gender Dysphoria is not a mental disorder and that without treatment sufferers will commit suicide.
It’s called “Doublethink” comrade. Do you want to be unpersoned?
As a former psych grad student I’d advise him to keep his damn mouth shut and mouth off after he graduates.
I posted that the other day. Twitter has gone beyond full retard.
Also, you wouldn’t believe the attacks Jesse Singal has received for simply trying to write honestly about a complicated subject.
Mark my words, the trans activists will try to get control of the DSM to change it.
Just like they changed the definition of “Fascist” after 2009 to claim it is right wing.
So there is some sort of sex strike going on in protest of abortion laws. Maybe I’m wrong about this, but if someone was so committed to the pro-choice cause, enough so that they’d have a sex strike, is it likely they’d be in a relationship with someone who is pro-life? I mean, people on the left are getting divorced because their spouse doesn’t hate Trump enough.
It reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where the sheriff takes himself hostage.
They’re promoting abstinence – I don’t think they’ve really thought this through very clearly.
They should be getting pregnant solely to have an abortion. Take that, christfags!
Such divorces remind me of the divorces that took place in 1956 among Communist couples after Khruschev admitted that Stalin was perhaps not all that great.
Negroni, I’ve got bad news:
The Undie Run is under attack!
Yeah there’s been a flurry of emails and posters and other bullshit threatening kids who decide to do it anyway. Absolutely retarded.
Just furthering the long slide of turning college into daycare
Even more lame if the kids listen to their parents.
Oh, and here I thought CSU was a college…you know…full of people 18 and older; sometimes referred to as “adults”.
Lol, if only
Okay, Ft Collins, that is a vote against.
ROBC: did you see this the other day:
Yes. The funny thing is that the article barely mentioned WH or Morpheus.
I like what Collins is doing, but he needs to back it up with wins.
For the last 11 years, we outcoached our talent level. Collins is going to have to coach at least to the new talent level or there won’t be any improvement.
There was also a dig at Paul Johnson.
Johnson wasn’t perfect, but he was having to fight with ADs for most of his tenure. And he had 1 more Orange Bowl win than any coach since Dodd.
Johnson record-wise was basically the same as O’Leary+1 really bad year. And I am not sure O’Leary wasn’t in decline after Friedgen left. He got out before he could bottom out.
What I want to see is a good defense that can actually win us some games and a creative multi set offense, like a modern version of Friedgen. With that and good recruiting, we wont step back (although I think 2020 is gonna be bad) and we can have some special highs.
I will miss the TO though, I loved it.
I wonder if anyone still streaks the Lawn at UVA anymore. I can remember, on more than one occasion, stumbling away from the Corner drunk on a warm night, stopping at the Rotunda steps to let my head stop spinning for a bit, and seeing good looking chicks stripping down and running off naked.
Tech Glibs, would this router be ok for a small business office?
If not, what would be recommended?
Should be just fine, assuming it’s not already overkill for the office.
Not if you need any actual security.
For simple business grade firewalls, Sophos and Sonicwall are acceptable. Firewalls.com is a good source.
I use Sophos along with their endpoint security solutions.
We currently have a Netgear WNR2000 v4, but it’s been acting funny – dropping internet connections and needing reboots.
“In The Divine Comedy, Dante reserved a special place in the Seventh Circle of Hell for people who charged usurious interest rates. Today we don’t need the hellfire, but we do need a national usury law that caps interest rates on credit cards and consumer loans at 15 percent.”
Comments are a mix of people who understand economics and leftists.
Five years after it goes into effect, Sanders will be pushing a law demanding cc companies issue cards to people who have poor credit histories (TBF: the approach of some loan & cc companies appears pretty stupid).
Did wonders for the housing market.
They can make up for it by charging, say, $8 per transaction. Merchants will just increase the prices of everything to make up for it. Or they can re-enable annual fees.
The best part will come when people can’t pay their taxes on their credit cards because they don’t have credit cards.
Oh great. Old man Sanders is at it again.
I read the other day that he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
It explains so much.
I mean, how else can you make it into your mid-40’s without ever having had a job, and still not be ashamed of it?
Is that 15% a hard cap or relative to prime?
Because if it’s a hard cap, it makes an already dumb idea into weapons grade stupid.
Especially when Bernie gets in office and prime hits 14%.
Prime hit 21.5% in 1981.
“Prime hit 21.5% in 1981.”
I blame big hair.
You mean 140%, don’t you?
Ooo, good point. Imagine if the prime rate got to 1980 levels. You could buy stuff on a credit card at a discount to everything else.
My grandfather didn’t understand why my aunt/uncle didn’t pay off her mortgage when she had the money to do it. He hated debt, so you pay it off when you have the extra money. But their mortgage rate was significantly less than the CD rate at the time.
I like not having debt too, but there are times when you take advantage of arbitrage.
I fully understand your grandfather’s position.
My instinct is to pay down the principle aggressively. But I keep having to remind myself that a 0% rate loan isn’t going to save any interest that way, and all other factors combined make it cheaper to leave that one on the defined schedule.
I do too, but one your mortgage is at, say 8%, and a CD is paying 18%, making extra payments is the wrong approach.
If we are talking a 1 or 2 percent spread, get rid of the damn debt. But a 10% spread is free money.
I know. But debt allergy isn’t itself driven by purely rational mathematics. This is why I have to consciously remind myself some times.
I’ve never seen a CD that got above 3%, and none of those in a while.
Mind you, I didn’t have money until this century.
Right, which is why there isn’t really an opportunity today to do that.
But my parents had 18% CDs, according to legend.
I also have the debt allergy, Ramsey-style. However, I may just slow-hoof the house payoff so that I can dump more into the market. 4.25% is piddly.
OTOH, having our primary house paid off by 40 would be awesome…
My trajectory is to be paid by 2024, eight years after I started. I only have three debts right now, the car (0%), the House (3.5%) and the credit card (?%, but too high and paid in full several times a month).
Sounds solid to me, UnCiv.
Being completely debt free has been something of a mirage, for me. Kind of my financial cold fusion, always just over the horizon. This time, by gum, we’re going to pay off the house, though. Probably in 4 years, Inshallah.
Yeah, only debt I’m carrying month to month now is the mortgage, and it’s under 4%. Instead of putting extra money against that, I’ve been dumping into investment accounts. At least the dollar cost averaging is working for me this month.
As long as you have the money that could pay off a mortgage somewhere where you can liquidate it and actually pay off the mortgage, I have no problem with arbitraging your mortgage interest against your investment earnings.
Even more than that: Although I share grandpa’s allergy to debt, I have diverted surplus cash to investments (mostly retirement accounts where I can’t get to it, even) my whole life. If I hadn’t, we’d own our house free and clear, but we would have missed out on tax shelters and not have much in the bank for retirement, so I’m good with it.
Its like the matching on my 401k.
I get 5% match on 6%. Even if I had a better use for the money, you can’t turn down an immediate 83% ROI.
Also, don’t forget to discount your mortgage interest to reflect the tax deduction. My net mortgage interest is somewhere in the 2.5 -3% range (fixed, natch). The spread on my 401(k) contributions (including employer match and the tax “deduction” for those) is pushing 10%.
But debt is still debt. If your cash flow dries up for any reason, the payments still have to be made. Ideally, you have enough liquid assets to keep from defaulting. Like everything financial, its not just math – there’s a risk aversion/values foundation that shouldn’t be overlooked. I’m trading a (small?) risk that diverting cash to an unavailable account will leave me exposed to default against the benefit of having a decent retirement.
And it isn’t entirely unavailable. Retirement accounts can be accessed, with a nasty penalty.
The new trump standard deduction makes the net mortgage interest = mortgage interest, at least for me.
Speaking of which… I read that pulling from a 401k won’t incur a penalty if you’re putting down on a house. I have enough to make a sizable dent in the 20% down payment on a house in the price range in which I’m interested. Does it make sense to do this? Should I just go with the first-time homebuyer perk and put down next to nothing? I’d save a couple grand in PMI but would still be earning on the investment.
Oops, I’d lose a couple grand on PMI
From quick googling:
You can take up to 10k out of an IRA for the purchase of a first home without penalty, HOWEVER, you do have to pay regular income tax on the withdrawal.
You can borrow up to 50k from a 401k (for any purpose) but must pay it back, with interest, within 5 years. If you change jobs, yuou have to pay it all back within about 60 days.
In other words, don’t do it.
I’d save a couple grand in PMI but would still be earning on the investment.
If you pull money out of your 401(k) to make a 20% downpayment, you won’t be earning on that money through your 401(k).
Pulling that money out of your 401(k) is either going to be as a loan (that you still have to pay back) or a hardship distribution (which is taxable and likely has a penalty). If you have a Roth or an IRA, they would be better sources, if you decide to go that route.
My instinct is to leave retirement accounts alone. Most people are grossly underfunded in retirement, and are shocked to learn how underfunded they are. It can get really ugly after you’ve been retired for 20 years or so.
Until shit happens and you miss a payment. You don’t expect shit to happen, but when it does that 0% loan you thought required no payment of interest suddenly requires payment of interest.
The two big shit hits the fan types of incidents that would cause that are in the category of job loss or hospitalization, which would also screw over the rest of my debt.
It’s not stupid if the goal is to nationalize Visa, MasterCard, and all the banks. And you know that’s their goal, despite the fact that they won’t come out and say it.
Then they will be able to starve those damn white-wing Republicans.
Why tolerate interest at all? The government should provide interest-free loans based on need. Also, those loans should be guaranteed by the government so if you default, no big deal.
Is that you, She Guevara?
Why would government want to give the citizens the same deal the government wants for itself? That would just create anarchy.
Gee, don’t tell Bernie about the Eight Circle: thieves, hypocrites, and corrupt politicians.
Dante was pretty much referring to Jews, Bernie. Are you sure this is what you want to go with?
“South African man arrested for eating at KFC free for a year by saying head office sent him to taste if they are up to standard.”
I like the cut of that guy’s jib.
Pretty cocky of him.
Worth it
I have to offer a contrarian opinion:
Game of Thrones last night was really, really good. The only storyline they got right these past two seasons was Dany’s rage building up. And Emilia Clarke nailed it.
This is coming from someone who loathed the last two episodes.
Dany rather suddenly turning into Mad Queen Targaryan and burning it all to the ground was kind of obvious and the storyline was too rushed for her to get there from where she started.
thats basically my only criticism from last night. Also Euron vs Jaime was retarded. But Euron was badly done from the start.
I agree. I believe the bit, and I thought Clarke played it well, but the pacing was so abrupt. It was always going to be predictable, but give it another episode to misdirect the audience by holding out hope that she might still keep it together or something.
Yeah that would’ve been way better, it was an awful decision shortening these seasons. But I felt like she had reason to lost it. Everyone hated her after she gave so much to try and save them.
Too rushed, but really the only one they took ANY time with this season.
to lose*
I felt bad for her. Had to run for half of her life, had to depend on her asshole abusive brother, got sold to a Dothraki war lord, then losing him and her unborn child, and then when it looks like she was going to have an easy win and take the Iron Throne, she lost two of her dragons and most of her allies in Westoros.
Her losing her shit was a foregone conclusion.
She’s a tragic figure, definitely. I think there’s maybe a little something there about how tyrants become tyrants. Not every one is the devil right out of the gate. There are terrible rulers who came to the position with plenty of baggage and the best of intentions.
That’s been the problem I’ve had with the past couple of season. They rushed a lot of shit and what you got was a heel turn that caught a lot of people off guard. We’ve invested a lot in these characters and to shit all over their character development does the series a great disservice.
And to think of it, Robert Baratheon despite being a drunkard was absolutely right about Dany.
Robert Baratheon was right about everything.
despite being a drunkard
You imply that drinking and clear thinking are incompatible. I must protest, sirrah.
I also thought it was good, perhaps the best this season. For people who have only watched the show, Dany’s transformation would definitely seem very sudden. But, from the books, she’s kind of been leading up to that for a pretty long time.
Turns out ol’ Bobby Baratheon had the right idea – should have hired a faceless man to kill her before she even got her dragons.
Those guys are too powerful as hire-able assassins. It would be better if they only killed if so moved by their god/philosophy. There’s no point to hiring anyone else in the entire map.
Cost? Availability?
Availability doesn’t seem to be an issue. Cost? Apparently as much as hiring a company of sell-swords. Your common peasant would never be able to, but a lord or king? Why bother with anything else?
Yeah, true. They’re pretty OP. But so is Dany and her dragon, which is basically the GoT equivalent of a nuke or WMD. I wonder if we might see a faceless man (or Arya using her skills) in the next episode to kill Dany.
Im more ok with the dragons, because they’ve been properly and logically unleashed. The faceless men just sit there cuz everyone’s too dumb to think of them.
That should be Arya’s REAL story line though — how using the faceless magic in an unauthorized way will lead to a horrifying mental breakdown.
That would make sense for her. And she’s been using it unauthorized basically the whole time. There actually should be a faceless man out there trying to kill her, since she fled and betrayed their orders a few seasons ago. But I doubt there’s time left for them to close up that plot point.
So, gentlefolks’ bets on final outcome? The way I see it, I’ve got the following as possibilities:
1. Arya Stark kills Dany and either dies in the process or rides off into the sunset, leaving Jon as king with one dragon and a civil war. (Most likely, I think)
2. Dany and Jon duke it out in a civil war and Arya kills the dragon.
3. Arya kills Dany, takes her face, kills the dragon, then, as Dany, takes the Unsullied and the other guys back across the sea, ceding the Iron Throne to Jon.
4. Tyrion kills Dany, Arya takes Dany’s face, don’t know what the dragon does, and the rest is as in #3.
I think it ends with Gendry on the throne and Jon going north to find tormund with the final shot of him finding a pile of body parts arranged by white walkers.
That or we zoom out to of kings landing with all the players in the throne room to an only child retarded bran sitting in his Colombus Ohio two bedroom he shares with his dad Ned Stark looking into a snow globe his dad bought him at trade convention in Des Moine Idaho. *Subverting expectations.
I like this ending best.
+1 Prayer to St Elsewhere
It’s Columbus, Ohio.
That’s the twist.
She pulls off the dragon’s face.
And then the faceless man pulls of her face.
5. Bran actually does something helpful
6. The folds in space-time that allow the armies to warp all over the world cause the end of the world
Really, what I think is going to happen is a civil war between Jon and Dany, with Sansa’s armies coming down to strike the decisive blow against the remainder of Dany’s armies, with Arya or Jon killing Dany. And Jon and Sansa/Arya getting married to try to heal the realm or Arya wearing Jon’s face and ruling in his stead while he goes back up to the other side of the wall to be with the wildlings.
I could also see Gendry on the throne. Dany or Jon have the risk of their kids ending up mad too, since they’re Targs.
The biggest question to me right now is what is going to happen to the dragon. They don’t have any scorpions left to take it out, and Dany’s gonna be protecting him. I mean that thing just took out a whole city basically by itself. I’m not sure how any single person (or even an army) could kill it, unless Dany herself does it. The peasants will never trust or support her voluntarily after she just murdered so many innocents. So I also doubt she ends up on the throne long-term.
I expect that there will be basically no closure to the storylines for Sansa, Bran, Sam, Bronn, all of House Martell, and Brienne.
I agree with that to a point. Jon might realize how awful the Targs are and that the Baratheon dynasty has a better chance
Chez Naptown the wife early in the season figured it was gonna be Gendry on the throne, or that Arya would kill Jon and take his place on the throne.
All that is way too imaginative for the showrunners. Arya kills Dany, and then Jon, a Targaryan, takes the dragon and the throne and uses his power to unite the kingdom and head off a civil war. Because that’s the quickest and easiest way to wrap it up, which seems to be the theme this season.
You’re probably right. They’ve started to take the “shortest distance between two points” strategy of storytelling.
Jon kills Dany, takes Drogon north and neither are seen again. He’ll feel too guilty to take the throne and I’m not sure how else you get rid of the dragon.
I think only Gendry and Sansa now could end up ruling. Gendry because he’s now officially Dany’s heir as a true Baratheon and lord of Storm’s End. Sansa because she’s Jon’s heir (though Dany could kill her first – Dany knows she’s the one who told the secret in the first place, so if Drogon gets there, she’s toast) and she’s likely got the support of whatever lords remain. maybe they get married.
Jon going north with the dragon ties up that rather enormous loose end pretty nicely.
So here’s a thought: there basically aren’t any armies left in the south, and if Dany’s dead there’s no reason for her army to stick around–and it would likely dissolve without her to lead it anyway–which leaves Sansa and Jon’s people as the only game left in town, really. What if Jon and the dragon hoof it beyond the wall to go live with the wildlings and Sansa takes the Iron Throne? I mean, she’s the most popular power in the north and there’s nobody left in the south to contest the claim.
Not technically true that there are no armies left in the South.
We don’t know who is in charge in Dorne right now, just that it is a Prince and he is still allied with Dany but their army is basically intact and while the knights of the vale were pretty bloodied in Winterfell the rest of the Arryn forces never left the Vale
Oh, I’d forgotten all about them, you’re right.
AH HA! Here we go: Tyrion and Sansa are still married. Tyrion is now the last living Lannister of note, right? Now THERE’S an ending! Tyrion and Sansa rule the Seven Kingdoms as co-regents.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Denver shoots down referendum to decriminalize vagrancy by a whopping 83%.
Say what you want about opium dens. At least they were indoors.
“government homeless shelters that don’t ask people to do anything for themselves”
There’s a really big one of those on the left coast. I think they refer to it as ‘Freeattle’ these days.
The coupon thing matches my experience. I once offered to buy a guy a sandwich because he said he was hungry. He picked on off the shelf in the store and then started asking for something to drink, a beer naturally. I said no, I’m not buying alcohol. By the end of the whole thing he put the sandwich back on the shelf and walked away. Another time I gave an apple to a guy who was begging for money. He looked like I tossed a live hand grenade at him.
When are we going to have some common sense Paul control in this country? And has anybody seen Leap recently?
Crazy postal worker in Mpls takes a pot shot at the Federal Reserve Building with a shotgun.
counterfeit bills bearing the likeness of former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul
So, not really counterfeit, but they will certainly bring the heat for them anyway.
a handgun with loaded magazines
They’re pretty expensive paperweights, otherwise.
So… just got an email from a recruiter and it includes the sentence “We are open to CTC and W2.” Anyone who speaks recruiter know what that is supposed to mean…?
CTC = Cock Touching Cock (aka “docking”)
W2 = Wet Watersports
*hits email reply button*
The More You Know
The less you want to leave the house?
I once had a client who had me build him a site to sell water trampolines and towables that he wanted at the url globalwatersports.com.
The client was totally naive about any other meanings. My partner and I couldn’t make eye contact during meetings with the client because if we did we’d have burst into laughter.
CTC= 1099.
Ie. You can be an employee or a contractor.
Dunno about CTC, but I assume W-2 refers to regular employment as opposed to a 1099 independent contractor.
Got it. Thanks
It’s going to be much amusing if Farage replaces May.
Nigel Farage Brexit Party surge
*crosses fingers, buys popcorn*
His rants against the EU are always fun to watch.
Nigel Farage is channelling Donald Trump’s brand of angry populism to help turn British politics on its head.
Is that really true, though? I’d suggest that it might be more accurate to say that Trump was channeling Farage.
Farage may not look very charismatic – but I sure wish I could speech-ify as well as he can, plus the quick comebacks.
That time he was trolling the EU stooges with ‘You aren’t laughing now, are you?’, was classic.
To the extent people paid attention to or cared about the antics of their masters in Parliament around Brexit, Farage should win in a walk, based solely on the blithering idiocy and incompetence of all involved (at best; the other explanation is willful subversion of a voter mandate).
It was too easy a call when I said May was an EU puppet, installed specifically to stop Brexit, all the while pretending to make it appear she was Brexit’s savior. If she looked like a blithering idiot, it’s because it was intentional. Looks like Farage may yet get the last laugh. Let’s hope so, I really do mourn for our former allies.
Wow, that would be awesome.
This is the kind of hideous garbage I was afraid of when Notre Dame burned.
I’m not convinced that it isn’t satire.
It’s getting more and more hard to tell parody from real life these days, at first glance. We are living in a time of such deep, deep derp.
Think of the dumb shit that came out after the Twin Towers fell. The majority of the proposals are “high concept” and never intended to actually be built – kind of like pieces at a fashion show. I believe the end product will be something more traditional.
Very true. I’d be less worried if (a) it wasn’t the French government’s decision on what to do and (b) we weren’t living in the Derp Years.
So the greenhouse will support the homeless by simply existing? Or will the homeless have to learn to garden?
How long before its a compost pile in the middle of Paris’ oldest building?
What would even be the point of something like that?
What is it Suthen says?
Oh yeah, “faggy ass architects”
just convert it to a soup kitchen already.
and by soup kitchen, i mean gay homeless orgy.
Let’s see…. 2 oil tankers attacked in the Strait of Hormuz, Trump being a dipshit on trade….
I’m going to spend a few minutes thinking about some changes to my portfolio.
Trump being a dipshit on trade
I’m honestly not following this in any detail. Is there a reasonably unbiased source on what each side’s position in renegotiating the managed trade deal is?
He’s being a dipshit because he keeps slapping tariffs on China, and they’re retaliating. It’s causing the market to tank.
I’m not sure what he’s supposedly negotiating, but he needs to butt out.
I doubt he’s doing it just randomly. Its a negotiating tactic, and I can’t really evaluate it until I know why he’s deploying it now. There is a baseline managed trade deal, that is being renegotiated. Tariffs may be stupid, or they may be a decent tactic for changing something bad in the current managed trade deal.
They aren’t doing the best Job of explaining with they’re supposedly trying to do:
“There will be some sacrifice on the part of Americans, I grant you that. But also that sacrifice is pretty minimal compared to the sacrifices that our soldiers make overseas that are fallen heroes or laid to rest,” @SenTomCotton on trade war with China
Translation: Eat a shit sandwich or you hate our troops.
I’m usually able to do a pretty good job of timing my options trades around Trump’s behavior.
I dumped my UVXY calls this morning, and I have no idea where to go from here.
that sacrifice is pretty minimal compared to the sacrifices that our soldiers make overseas that are fallen heroes or laid to rest
That convinces me that either Cotton or Trump are stupid. Possibly both.
Cotton isn’t stupid. He just hates that he was born in the United States and not in North Korea, China or Cuba. He wants to love his country, but his county isn’t sufficiently authoritarian.
The FBI has uncovered a homegrown, jihadist compound in Macon County, Alabama.
The FBI‘s search warrant described the property as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” in a story first reported by Sinclair Broadcast Group. The land where the group gathered reportedly looked like an “abandoned dump,” and was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who allegedly trained children to commit school shootings in a similar terrorist breeding ground in New Mexico last year.
Wahhaj and four other alleged Islamic extremists were indicted on terrorism, kidnapping, and firearm violation charges earlier this year.
In an interview with Sinclair Broadcast Group, former FBI agent Tim Fuhrman warned of the increasing threats of domestic terror that “exists in every region of the United States and affects all walks of life.”
“Just because you’re in a small town or a small state does not mean you might not potentially have individuals engaged in the types of activities that would call into question threats to national security,” Fuhrman said.
How many of these are we up to now?
I’m waiting to hear how many dead kids they buried at this one.
“The FBI‘s search warrant described the property as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” ”
Are they sure it isn’t just crossfit?
If it were crossfit, everyone would’ve already been told about it. A lot.
The FBI has shown a remarkable ability to remain ignorant of what is obvious and widely known.
It’s funny because it’s true.
Either way it’s a cult.
Granted, I’ve only visited family, and then only in a few parts of the state, but Alabama does not immediately spring to mind when I think “homegrown jihadist compound”.
cheap land where you won’t be bothered, would be my thought on the why there.
Experience: I am a naked rollercoaster rider
And I like riding rollercoasters with a corn cob shoved up my ass but I don’t write articles about it.
so some dude’s sweaty dingleberry-ridden arse hairs are now touching the seat cushion?
you completely immerse yourself in the buzz
Read that as “fuzz” first time through and thought that they really weren’t doing naked roller coasting justice.
“Naked rollercoasting isn’t that different from riding clothed”
Exactly. So why do it?
To freak out the squares, man!
The Left Has Us Walking On Eggshells
It’s too bad that they gang up to destroy or hamstring the otherwise viable alternatives. See Gab, Dissenter, BitChute, Minds, and a host of others who have been screwed by big tech and payment processors.
I saw a piece on the news yesterday about Instagram banning anti-vaxxer activity. They interviewed some Instagram twit in a cube farm about the need to police the posting of information that has been repeatedly proven false. Curiously, there was no mention of policing discussions about Russian collusion by the Trump administration, but I’m guessing global warming deniers are up next.
Damn, I have a pinched nerve in my lower back. This is a condition that I suffered a lot from in my early 20s after falling off an ATV and landing right on the tail bone on pavement. It eventually went away after years of yoga practice. I think I’m going to have to go back to it. I suspect running on pavement to be the culprit. Despite working on my running style, I still wind up off work today because I cannot sit or stand in one position long enough to work. Seems the best thing I did was taking a long but casual pace walk. Oral corticosteroid and alleve is helping I think. This shit is very painful, damnit.