It is now raining for the 2nd day in a row, and I am about to write my state legislator to see about a tax refund for this blatant violation of the Florida Code of Weather. This cloudation will not stand, man!
Dear New Zealand Lady: Because Fuck You, That’s Why! And also, it says right in our Constitution that the Right to keep and Bear arms shall not be infringed. Better a few dead here and there by murderous assholes than camps and gulags.
Warty nods approvingly
Hmmm… This is weird. And not Florida.
This is such bullshit. The governor of Florida had to sign an NDA to get briefed on electoral hacking in his own state. Fuck all of this. Fuck the FBI for putting that condition on him, and fuck the governor for signing and abiding by it.
Apparently, its a good day for the theme song.
“The governor of Florida had to sign an NDA to get briefed on electoral hacking in his own state. ”
There is no cannibalism in the Royal Navy.
Long pork is really sea chicken.
Who knew Florida Man was so classy?
“JUST IN: Florida man who raised over $22 million on GoFundMe in the “We The People Will Build the Wall” campaign used the money to pay for a ‘million dollar’ yacht and high-flying lifestyle.”
I am shocked.
It probably just means he spent the first million on drugs and hookers.
Still better and more of an economic stimulus than if the money had been given to the government to spend…
So he put it to better use than a silly, pointless wall? Good for him.
oooh. please tell me there’s a full article about this somewhere.
oh snap!
Hmm. I was reading the Daily Mail take on it (I know not much better than a random twitter handle) and some of the stuff coming from his accounts is bizarre.
Did he promise he’d build the whole wall? Because I think it’s going to be really entertaining when my parents have donated money to build a very pricey art installation piece of a hundred feet of steel wall on the Rio Grande and paid for a bunch of ancillary expenses for this shyster.
In that case, your parents can just say they’re patrons of fine art. Win-win!
That’s definitely how I’d be selling it if I got bamboozled “Well, I’m just a generous patron of performance art.”
apparently that is fake news.. possibly of the “actionable” sort.
Kiwi Lady,
You have some tough people in your nation, but you are becoming more sheeplike every year.
Our arms are none of your business, so sod off.
P.S. They are to keep the government from making us sheeplike.
TBF, she’s probably traumatized since she just revealed that she inadvertently watched the mosque shooting video.
What, was it labelled “cute kittens” or something? WhoTF lets videos autoplay on “their social media feeds” anyway?
They were lulled by the “Subscribe to PewDiePie” battle cry.
Or, you know, she’s just making shit up.
Well, when a mommy sheep and a daddy kiwi fall in love…
When an hyper-litigious attorney and a sheep fall in love…
Is this where the idea for goat yoga came form?
What is goa-
No, never mind.
What are ewe talking about?
When I want a foreign statist’s opinion on our constitutional rights, I’ll as….no, wait, I won’t ask, because her opinions mean absolutely nothing to me.
Fuck her xenophobia, too.
That’s OK. You’re not an American, so (a) you don’t need to and (b) I don’t need to worry about anything you say. I mean, you also don’t understand, I bet, why our government doesn’t throw people in jail for watching YouTube videos*, like yours.
*Although Obama, who I am sure you revere, did throw somebody in jail for posting a YouTube video, but at least he did it to cover up/distract from his own government’s utter incompetence, and not really as a restraint on free speech.
She may not NEED to understand the United States position on firearms, but she should try. Reading our history and some libertarian public policy stuff would help.
Also, Obama might have been distracting from illegal arming/funding of terror groups who happen to be opposed to Assad, not just incompetence.
PPS Do you speak Japanese? No? You’re welcome.
Very nice.
I feel like this needs an applause GIF. Or maybe even the nuke GIF, but that might be going a bit too far.
*bow’s deeply*
I think it’s fascinating that New Zealanders think that what they did was a brave and necessary thing to prevent terrorism, when in fact what they did was essentially a combination of the two worst ways to approach terrorism possible:
1) They appeased the terrorist by acceding to some of his demands.
2) They enacted a set of measures that increased the expectation value of the body-count of a terrorist attack. Though they made the work of terrorism slightly more onerous, its swamped by the fact that they made defense against terrorist attack much more difficult.
Isn’t this some sort of election interference/collusion? She’s the leader of a foreign country (just like Putin) and is hitting our airwaves to blather on about a political issue.
This is as much collusion as anything Putin ever did.
That’s different because shut up.
Yeah, only counts if it is a federal election year. Or is o.k if U.S. is doing it to another nation.
One of the points about this recent shooting in Kiwi-land which doesn’t seem to have been brought to light (and I was just in Sydney asking a few people there) is how did an Australian buy so many firearms so quickly in New Zealand? IIRC Kiwi-land still has some control on the purchase of firearms – so it seems that he got around the laws they already had in place.
“That includes getting enough exercise; treating other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol; having an active social life, and avoiding or curbing harmful habits such as smoking, overeating and drinking too much alcohol. Evidence is weak that some of these help preserve thinking skills, but they’re known to aid general health, the WHO says.”
So being a gym rat is healthier than being a bar fly? Wow, science is amazing.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to pick up some bourbon & vodka on the way home.
I always think of the people doing these types of studies as “Scienticians.”
Scientologist was already taken.
Poor kay loase dose?
Let’s play a game. It’s a guessing game. What does this quote reference?
1) Pro-life protesters at an abortion clinic
2) Meth-heads in Florida
3) Wild turkeys in suburban Boston
4) Biden campaign rally
Canada geese everywher
If you got a problem with Canada gooses then you got a problem with me! And I suggest you let that one marinate!
Even the gravy is tough!
Mrs. McMurrey is hot. That is all.
I see them in Harvard Square all the time.
As my wife says when someone gets chased by a goose or something on AFV (which my kids love to watch), “Why are you running? It’s a fucking bird! Kick it – what’s it going to do to you, flap its wings at you?
Your wife has never seen the eldritch horror that is the moth of aFucking Hate Bird, the Bird that Hates. They have teeth on their tongues, getting bitten by one of those things hurts.
Knock you over and peck you to death?
Aggressive Turkeys is a good band name.
I used to love this. Godzilla Leaves Nevada was the best one it ever produced.
Ooh, I got “Joyous Atmospheric Warlord.”
“Rancid Vaseline Recorder”
Expressly Pilgrim Power
Sounds horrible to me. They probably do Imagine Dragon covers.
Apparent Mumbo Jumbo
Nailed me.
Kill a few and see if aggression is a heritable trait.
Carry an umbrella and swing it if they come at you. You don’t even have to hit them. Unlike humans, they perceive the threat and back off.
Given they are migratory waterfowl I’m guessing that breaks some fedgov law.
Sorry citizen, you’ve got to take it.
Only if you hit them
How about if you just break the eggs in the nest before they hatch? That’s called “abortion” and is apparently legal if the creature is homo sapiens and not some fowl that fouls the sidewalks. (O.K. I know some homo sapiens do too and is tolerated in some barbarian cities.)
Here’s the BEST part of the link:
“We spoke to Boston Animal Control and they say they usually don’t deal with wild animals.”
When did Dog Catcher become Animal Control?
“So, you aren’t really Animal Control, are you?”
There’s a STEVE SMITH joke in there somewhere but I don’t have enough caffeine in me today.
The Atlantic has an article up about something I was previously only vaguely aware of, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and why it exists:
This to me raises another interesting wrinkle in the subject (in addition to the question of mandates and quarantines) that I had not previously considered: is it proper for the government to guarantee that vaccines will continue to be manufactured by putting their manufacturers beyond the reach of legal suit that might discourage their production? I lean towards yes, but would be interested to hear other opinions.
Sorry, that was meant to be a solo post. The web-site bugged out on me.
They should have contacted the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. They are in charge of wild animals. Like black bears on Cape Cod.
“Latest reports had the bear still heading towards Provincetown”
There’s the STEVE SMITH joke. Thanks.
“The state apparently set at least one bear trap baited with donuts ”
Sounds like a pig trap.
5) Capitol Hill interns the week after their party gets voted out?
I thought it was going to be “pedestrians of color”, so I was pleasantly surprised.
Boston Strong!
Apparently my back yard is on a turkey trail. They aren’t nearly as entertaining to watch as the various rodents.
“All the Single Mothers
A new study shows that single moms spend less time on housework and more time on leisure and sleeping compared to married moms. As a single mom, I’m not surprised.
Single mothers have more free time, spend fewer hours on housework, and sleep more than married mothers.
Count me in as a single mom who is not at all surprised.
Divorce, as it turns out, can bring freedom not only from a broken relationship but from the day-to-day grind that is the performance of motherdom. There is no need to be seen as constantly cooking, bathing, doing laundry, and cleaning up when no one is watching.
There’s also less need to spend a bunch of time nagging—not the kids, but their dad.
There’s not much point in putting on a play if there’s no audience.
How many women feel that the man they married self-advertised as a progressive partner only to be pretty darn retrograde when it came to divvying up labor once the kids came along? How many women feel that rather than pester their spouse and end up, at best, with a task half-done or done badly, they should just go ahead and arrange the play date/schedule the doctor’s appointment/make the lasagna themselves? How many of these women, like their husbands, also work full-time? ”
Wow. “I’m a lazy fuck who only put any effort into my house and kids because I see motherhood as a performance, and without an audience, well, fuck that.”
Or: Sluts are lazy slobs.
Why go half-ass in modeling poor behavior for your kids when you can go all the way?
My ex certainly has more free time since our separation. Granted, that’s because she only sees our daughter about once every three months or so, but that’s one anecdote in the articles favor I suppose.
There’s also less need to spend a bunch of time nagging—not the kids, but their dad.
Wow, I’m shocked that you’re divorced. I wonder if that guy realizes how lucky he is.
Being married for 20+ years, and having a SIL who is a single mom puts this into perspective. IMO, it’s not the man who is demanding perfection in the chores, it’s the woman. The man would be just has happy with a dirty floor or unfolded laundry. (Anyone been to a bachelor pad?) When a woman has to raise a kid on her own, she quickly realizes she doesn’t have the time or energy to live up to that standard, and then finds out the world won’t end if she doesn’t.
Yup. When my wife is running herself ragged doing housework, I have specifically told her to let some of it go. To me, there’s dirty and then there’s messy. Dirty is bad and breeds vermin. Messy is clean but not neat. I don’t care about messy. She’s the one putting so much pressure on herself.
Collecting is messy, hoarding is dirty. We collect…
When I started dating my wife I invited her to my apartment for dinner. After a while she looked around and said, “You know, you could have cleaned up a little.” I thought I had. She handles the cleaning now. She knew what she was getting into, she bought her ticket. I say let her clean.
We’re supposed to get some real rain in the next few days. Now I’m worried about Sonora Pass opening on time. It’s going to take a lot longer if we have to go over Carson Pass.
How many women feel that rather than pester their spouse and end up, at best, with a task half-done or done badly,
She’s apparently perfectly happy with half-done or done badly when she’s the one doing the chores. But when its her husband, no, unacceptable.
I found the right one when I offered to help with the chores and she said “NO! Go to the bar and have a beer. Be home in an hour.” I’m #3 for her so she at least knows it’s not worth fighting over.
She nags him because she cares!
Is this like how all those outspoken male feminists turn out to be creeps?
Toxic emasculinity.
“Uhm.. Mr. Nail, allow me to introduce Mr. Hammer.”
I like how she equates nagging her husband to work. lol.
“Emotional labor is so taxing!”
“Fuck all of this. Fuck the FBI for putting that condition on him, and fuck the governor for signing and abiding by it.”
^So much this.
What are they going to do if he breaks the NDA? Sue him? Welcome to sovereign immunity, assholes.
I thought that state sovreignity might come into play. I wonder if the NDA was to cover the state government’s ass, perhaps in addition to the feds’?
Looks like the NDA only prevents him from naming the two counties that were hacked.
Rhymes with Howard and Tom Peach?
I was gonna guess like, Jefferson and Pasco or two other places with minimal population or education levels. But I like yours.
No. Our problems in Broward are due to sheer incompetence on all levels of government, not malevolence.
You mean finding all those extra ballots that just happen to vote 90% for one party is just incompetence and not malevolence?
I know someone who works in Broward County gov’t. He would agree wholeheartedly.
NPR was saying it was a spear fishing attack.
Not super 1337 hax0rz by the ruuskies.
Imagine the outrage if Trump (or any president, really) said they “don’t understand why Brexit is taking so long. Why doesn’t the queen just order it to be done?”. Yet kiwi tits gets a total pass and is seen as some kind of international statesman rather than the sniveling cowardly cunt hiding behind armed security that she is.
The people who listen to her–the international ruling class including the US members–have the same incomprehension of why the Americans didn’t impose swift gun control measures. No risk for the NZ PM.
“Hmmm… This is weird. And not Florida.”
They do share a common boarder.
How much is the rent?
Just the one?
In honor of the birthday boy, this should have been the music link.
The Prime Minister said guns have a “practical purpose” in New Zealand but “that does not mean you need access to military-style semiautomatic weapons and assault rifles.”
“Australia experienced a massacre and changed their laws. New Zealand had its experience and changed its laws. To be honest, I do not understand the United States,” she said.
She then spearheaded a call for the world’s biggest internet platforms to remove extremist content online after a livestream of the suspected gunman’s attack was shared on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
Go fuck yourself.
“that does not mean you need access to military-style semiautomatic weapons and assault rifles.”
The Second Amendment also does not mean a citizen “needs” access to military-style weapons. It means citizens have a right to possess actual military-grade weapons. I suppose the distinction would be lost on a slaver like this fine example of a self-styled political “better”.
I always found it interesting that the statists say that we shouldn’t be allowed to have military-style weapons.
At the time the 2A was written, citizens often carried the same muskets that were used by modern (at the time) military forces. So yes, it was intended to give us the right to have the same kind of weapons that our military has. We should be able to buy a select-fire M4 carbine.
The Prime Minister said guns have a “practical purpose” in New Zealand but “that does not mean you need access to military-style semiautomatic weapons and assault rifles.”
“Australia experienced a massacre and changed their laws. New Zealand had its experience and changed its laws. To be honest, I do not understand the United States,” she said.
Our State and Federal gov’ts founding charters do not allow* said governments to prevent the private ownership of modern technology firearms.
*I mean, that of course doesn’t really stop them. 20+ thousand gun laws/regs/restrictions being what they are…
“SUVs gone wild: 190 mph speeds, wet bars and karaoke machines
It’s a tank-like, angular monstrosity that would be the vehicle of choice in a zombie apocalypse. And with a staggering $1.85 million starting price, the Karlmann King sport utility vehicle leaves the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, once the world’s most expensive SUV, in the dust.
Its unorthodox design was “inspired by diamond cutting and stealth fighter jets,” according to Karlmann King executives. Interior options include a personal safe, 4K TVs, a wet bar, karaoke machine, PlayStation 4 console, satellite phone connection, GPS tracker, sleeping seats with massage rollers, a refrigerator and coffee machine.”
Well, that’s hideous.
Unless they want to turn it into a Knight Rider reboot.
That would make it a hideous Knight Rider reboot.
Fine, fine. It can be a Batmobile.
I’m picturing a feminist version of KITT…
I’ll wait 2 months for the videos of billionaire oil sheikh teenagers/20somethings in Bahrain doing stupid things driving one of those.
Yeah, I’m just waiting for some oil sheikdom princeling with diplomatic immunity to do something stupid on the DC beltway and totally fucking get away with pushing a church van into a guardrail or something. Those guys make Maryland drivers look good. /NoVa Brat
Makes me think of Night Shift when Michael Keaton buys one of those ridiculously gaudy 1970s Stutzes
Michael Keaton as Bill Blazejowski. … Your wife? Chuck Lumley : Fiancée. Bill Blazejowski : Nice frame!
*Chuck grabs Bill’s tape recorder* This is Chuck telling Bill to SHUT UP!!!!
I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but none of those vehicles could remotely called beautiful. The only one that looks even modestly decent is the Jaguar.
And for $4 million, I’d much rather roll up in this.
But TUNDRA you said you’d get an old motorbike and sidecar. I already ordered my spiky Prussian helmet of Ebay!
You’re good.
I added a piano, though.
I have a complete Scorpion moped, a little musty, last licensed in ’98, I think. Inside for the last 20 years. As I like to think, “Ready for Restoration”
I’m trying to figure out a way of preserving the bass notes with that cutout, and I’m suspecting that piano isn’t actually in playable condition.
That’s a nice car.
Dusenberg’s is a fascinating story.
Started in St.Paul by two brothers. They had some amazing firsts in automotive engineering, but were better engineers than businessmen.
I think they are some of the most beautiful cars ever built.
If I had $4M to throw around, I’d just have the hookers take an uber over to my crib. Why do I need a car? Why would I ever leave my house?
You’d leave your house to come watch me play piano, damn it!
No way. I don’t want to see you get wrapped around the axle during your big recital/world tour.
Supercharged, DOHC straight-eight. DAYUM! THAT is a beautiful ride.
NZ has (had) the most liberal suppressor laws on the planet. don’t know if those were changed recently. i ponder this while suppressor shopping. also, why are gun mufflers triple the price of a car muffler but only 1/10th the material?
*ponders complexities of suppressor acquisition/ownership
*recalls Repubs tanking the silencer bill
*contempt for Repubs is refreshed
Part of it is government regulations, part of it is much higher machine tolerances.
Besides the paperwork hurdle current generation firearm sound suppressors use much more expensive materials and manufacturing methods. But, yeah, the paperwork aspect is unconstitutional in addition to being irrelevant (the percentage of crimes committed with suppressors is so miniscule you would have a difficult time even finding examples)
fuck the governor for signing and abiding by it.
Word. And I noticed a conspicuous lack of mention of all of the additional ballots that kept magically appearing.
Posting again since it was originally in moderation until the thread died.
Wanted to introduce myself quickly.
I am a long time lurker over at HyR, though I spent the most time there around 2012-2014. I made a single post in all of my lurking years.
I stopped going for a few years as I changed careers (from accounting to teaching high school math) and was not in front of a computer all day. Recently have gone back into finance (I’d love to someday share my story of the hell that is public education). Anyway, I started following HyR again and my god, is it a shitshow. Luckily I knew of the exodus and have been lurking here a few weeks. It’s been like finding a long lost friend.
I have always felt a kind of intellectual loneliness. I’ve never quite fit in anywhere in terms of my worldview. It probably sounds silly, but I feel like I fit in here even though I’ve always been a passive participant. I hope that changes.
Anyway, it’s nice to finally actually say hi to ya’ll. Many of you have been a positive part of my life for years without ever knowing that I even fucking exist.
One last thing: Fuck Tottenham.
Welcome, Tulpa!
So what you are saying is that you miss Thicc Thursday.
Sure, Tulpa says it and HM is all fucking ears.
“Many of you have been a positive part of my life for years ”
We’re sorry. Welcome.
Net positive. There’s been some questionable things added to my life. Warty and SF come to mind.
I have always felt a kind of intellectual loneliness. I’ve never quite fit in anywhere in terms of my worldview.
The curse of both genius and the criminally insane.
For me, almost exclusively the latter.
Fuck off, Tulpa!
(And welcome!)
I’ve never quite fit in anywhere in terms of my worldview.
Assuming you’re talking about Palin’s Buttplug, exactly. Except the opposite.
Welcome to this side of the looking glass.
What’s your first article going to be about?
It took me 8 years to say hi. Ask me about an article in another 50 years. I might be ready.
But if I were to, and I’m not saying I will, I would write about my experience here in Tucson public edumacation. I “taught” high school math for a few years. Or maybe I really did teach and students “learned.” I’m still not sure.
So, what you’re saying is the topic will be about procrastination.
Ignore my post below, which I was typing at the same time as you. Glad to have you here. I’d be interested to read about your experiences.
Which school? Because if it’s Rincon, you have a lot of explaining to do with my cousins.
Cholla. I’m sorry for your cousins. I truly am. But at least it wasn’t Cholla.
It’s cool. None of them can influence public opinion, other than the one that works for KGUN 9.
KGUN9? That’s like violent rhetoric, man.
I used to watch for the milfy weather person (forget her name). Then she disappeared, and I rarely tune them in any more.
I’d love to read one about his (I know this pronoun is correct because there are no libertarian women) misadventures in public education.
You got a purty mouth, boy.
~~~Edit Faerie awaaaay~~~
Fuck off!
I can’t believe it took this long for Tulpa to show up.
Uffda. Just what we need, another Tulpa.
(welcome aboard, may doG have mercy on your soul)
Apparently, get woke…stay in business?
You got nothing but free publicity from the national media for weeks.
To be fair, she took up like 12 of those seats.
The owner, or Pie?
You’ve seen the security camera footage from the event, right?
Oh yes….
You still pulled a classless, faux-righteous cunt move by asking Sanders to leave.
I loathe progressives extra today.
Maybe it’s the rain.
Oh and by the way…
Why did you back out, Jimbo?
Well I didn’t have any matches. And I only had one stick. Then I thought that I had a big old log right in my pants. So I started rubbing the stick against the log and … well let’s just say that even if I hadn’t suddenly lost the urge to light something on fire, the building was too damp to ignite anyhow.
*instantly regrets instigating Jimbo*
“And the love spread far beyond our door…”
Yeah, that’s what is being spread.
I firmly support everyone doing whatever they wish with their property and living with the business consequences.
But that everyone would simply post their property clearly with their policies, good or bad, so I could thoughtfully patronize some and avoid others.
Get woke, go broke only really applies to large national businesses or chains that actually run the risk of alienating customers.
The Red Hen is a small boutique shop. They stand to gain far more by virtue signalling, as progs of the nation will now go out of their way to eat at ‘the restaurant that stood up to Trump’. They didn’t alienate any customers, they only attracted new ones. If they’d intended on becoming a national chain this would cost them, but at their current size there’s zero downside.
Maybe the only restaurant in town…
Jesus, the smug ignorant arrogance of that NZ chick.
Fuck off.
And I’m Canadian!
Problem is, there’s a rumor going around that our resident impetuous, fake-feminist, remedial douchebag is secretly planning a Federal gun ban and will announce it at some women’s conference next month.
I just want it to be known I will not comply if true.
I find it interesting CNN thinks I care what some politician in the farthest corner of the Earth thinks of American politics.
Easy there, Rufus. We don’t want you to bust out a seam or nothing.
I’m already on route to the seamstress in an ambulance!
Molson Labe, eh?
That is genius.
This is easily t-shirt worthy.
Well done.
“Some big news: I have been invited to testify before the House of Representatives subcommittee on civil rights and civil liberties at a hearing on white nationalism and hate crimes. Tune into CSPAN on Wednesday at 2 PM.”
What should they ask him?
How to change a tire?
I advise him to avoid his ‘to be sure’ shtick.
He’s done a decent job of avoiding that lately.
He’s been scared straight by the left.
Isn’t that exactly why they are asking him to testify. The politicians on the committee want to be sure of the problems.
As a man who cannot change a tire and eats fruit sushi, can you explain….
And then just, whatever.
Scary version? Robby is being asked to testify as a voice of reason.
But maybe because of this? (TW: TOS)
Robby seems excited about this. Like Chris Peterson.
(start at 4:36)
Well, he’s just an excitable boy.
What experience does he have that qualifies him to speak about white nationalism and hate crimes?
Writing blog posts?
He’ll say the right things on cue, just like every other barking seal.
*Shocked face*
We now have further evidence that the Obama White was in on the lies about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email use.
In late April we announced that E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, had admitted in writing and under oath that the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President.
Now we have obtained 44 pages of records from the State Department through court-ordered discovery revealing that the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records concerning Clinton’s use of an unsecure, non-government email system.
Months after the Obama White House involvement, the State Department responded to the FOIA requestor, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), falsely stating that no such records existed.
Our discovery is centered upon whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system and whether the State Department acted in bad faith in processing our FOIA request for communications from Clinton’s office. U.S District Court Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as E.W. Priestap, to be deposed or answer written questions under oath. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”
The State Department’s Office of Inspector General issued a report in January 2016 saying: “At the time the request was received, dozens of senior officials throughout the Department, including members of Secretary Clinton’s immediate staff, exchanged emails with the Secretary using the personal accounts she used to conduct official business.” Also, the IG “found evidence that [Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills] was informed of the request at the time it was received …”
The State Department produced records in response to court-ordered document requests that detail Obama White House involvement in the Clinton email FOIA request.
Isn’t Judicial Watch a conservative organization and therefor a ‘wrong’ source? I follow the channel and I marvel at how much dirt that’s revealed not picked up by the mainstream press.
It is now raining for the 2nd day in a row
We’ve got tickets for ATL@STL coming up and would usually work in a day of canoeing in the Ozarks, but the rivers are too high. As much as I like St Louis, we don’t really get the huge high from great music, beer, and food that folk from blander places would; missing out on a day of quiet and cool floating will take the trip down a notch.
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose Jame Taylor
*stifles chortling laugh*
6m6 minutes ago
Replying to @CNNPolitics
“Dec 6, 2018 – “Beto O’Rourke should run for president,” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said Tuesday. “The hottest thing … He looks like Bobby Kennedy in 1968!” quote”
Is Matthews, like, a teenager or something?
What the heck?
No wonder he bombed on Jeopardy!
He’s got that tingle in his leg.
“The Navy’s probe into sky penis”
Navy’s probe
It’s long, hard and full of seamen?
I’ll be in the gang shower.
Probe conclusion: the pilot was being a dick.
In Soviet Russia, sky penis probes you.
compilation video of the “fuck you” boyfriend scenes from Snuff Box
This is the most beautiful rendition of our national anthem that I’ve heard in a long while.
I’m going to click through, but if it isn’t Rosanne Barr I’m going to be hurt.
I have a vague feeling you still won’t be disappointed.
Huh, it wasn’t Rosanne but still worth a click.
Oh, I think you’ll survive somehow.
Damnit. Not Roseanne.
You trolling me, bro?
Duck you HM, you got me again, you too jesse
National anthem? Why haven’t you woke to the fact the words were written by a slave holder who considered blacks to be a sub-human race?
Phila. Flyers are banning the “Star Spangled Banner” beginning next year. Anyone know if “Oh, Canada” was written by a white supremacist?
It’s more than 100 years old, so almost certainly yes. Ditch it anyway just to be sure.
Is this the Glib equivalent of getting rickrolled? Nicely played. I’ve had friends like you before.
Rick rolling is a harmless prank. HM’s links are a grabbag. Some will make you face-palm, some will make you think, and others will get you fired and put on an FBI watch list.
I just got a mass email from Nicholas Sarwark.
Did you hear about the Florida man who was arrested last week over a bumper sticker?
Seriously, a bumper sticker?
Some people might find the content of his bumper sticker objectionable. What we find objectionable is that someone was arrested for speech that was neither hateful nor inciting violence. If you’d like to learn more about this case, Reason magazine covers it in detail.
Yep, the head of the LP is ok with jailing people for “hateful” bumper stickers. Harry Browne he ain’t.
I’m pretty sure it was HM driving that truck, right?
It was more of a window decal, actually.
I thought it was just words smeared on the fender in fecal matter.
What we find objectionable is that someone was arrested for speech that was neither hateful nor inciting violence.
Implied: arresting someone for speech that is hateful or incites violence is totes cool.
Can’t someone be arrested for speech that incites violence?
Theoretically, maybe. In reality, I think its extraordinarily rare (if it happens at all). I think there needs to be some actual violence, for one thing.
IIRC the speech has to be specific and targeted.
Probably Okay: “The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers.”
Probably Not Okay: “We must kill specific lawyer Clarence Darrow now for saying we descended from monkeys! Who’s with me?”
“Someone tell Alyssa Milano’s husband to call me.”
Weird, she just retweeted Fruit Sushi.
Bridget Phetasy Retweeted
Robby SoaveVerified account @robbysoave · 52m52 minutes ago
Some big news: I have been invited to testify before the House of Representatives subcommittee on civil rights and civil liberties at a hearing on white nationalism and hate crimes. Tune into CSPAN on Wednesday at 2 PM.
Reading California Senate Bill 27, it is a signalling piece of legislation and would produce nothing about Trump (other than we made you give up tax returns) since it is restricted to 5 years. What garbage.
Don’t worry, New York is on the case. We’ll git ‘im yet.
Even better its just for ballot access. Imagine Trump refuses to provide and California denies ballot access.
It is fodder for both parties at that point. Dems scream he is hiding something even though 4 of the 5 years are as President and the year prior is pointless due to disclosures for running for office.
The Repubs claim disenfranchisement and label California an obvious usurper of fair elections.
We’re taking the route of shaking down his local business interests. It’s the New York way.
I’m now picturing The Donald looking in incomprehension as they try to explain to him what California wants and what they threaten him with.
Then half an hour later they give up and move onto New York.
“Ah, now this I get. This is business.”
Trump could refuse to file, campaign the fuck out of the state that he’s never going to win, gain sympathy votes in other states, and get a substatal number of write ins. All of which he could use to bash D’s for the next four years. Is he paying the CA legislature off?
Nah, he files, they reject his filing. He mails every
voterresident in the state a sticker to use to write his name in.He also uses this to make the Dems babbling about election security causing disenfranchisement look ridiculous.
The AFL-CIO is gonna learn ya some true socialism
This is why I should refresh before posting.
Well, in retrospect I was vague
My favorite response
Truly disgusting. Seize the means of production = steal.
“Elizabeth Warren has turned down an offer to hold a Fox News town hall. The news channel is a “hate-for-profit racket” that provides “cover,” she says, for the very thing she’s campaigning against: “corruption that’s rotting our government and hollowing out our middle class.””
She’s fine with hate-for-money-losing-signalling though.
I’m not working with those piece-of-shit scumbags! They’re hateful!
The comments…. ugh. Apparently Warren is sincere and principled.
A cowardly Indian? Run and hide from white eyes? Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse spinning in happy hunting ground.
“But enough about Bill Deblasio.”
And thus the revolution is born
OCASIO-CORTEZ: “For years of denial and years of abdication of leadership and responsibility, we finally are stepping into that void, taking our future for ourselves, and we will change this country and we will change the future to be more just because a logic that we are fighting against right now, this is not just about putting solar panels on our homes. We are fighting against a logic that says poisoning and giving communities cancer is ok if an oil company can post a q1 profit , and we are here to say no more.”
(Cheers and Applause)
OCASIO-CORTEZ: “What we fighting against- what we fighting against is a logic that says it is ok to pay someone less than they need to live, and we are here to say no more.”
(Cheers and Applause)
OCASIO-CORTEZ: “What we are also fighting against is a logic that says we can extract enough off of human life and our environmental resources to the point of destroying our own humanity just to post profits. No more. We will not accept that anymore. We cannot accept that anymore.”
(Cheers and Applause)
So you’re fighting against logic…
There she goes being sarcastic again! LOL!
“and we are here to say no more.””
Then why you still talkin’, asshole?
Gosh, sounds like she’s never heard of the EPA, the minimum wage, food stamps, the EITC, or any of the dozens of other alphabet agencies “protecting” the “environment” and hundreds of billions of dollars in welfare we spend every year.
But, no surprise, really, from somebody who was entirely unacquainted with kitchen appliances until recently.
a q1 profit
Wtf? Q2-4 are a-ok, it’s just that evil Q1 profit? She sounds like she’s randomly repeating terms she overheard. What’s next? ‘Drug makers are boosting their EBITDA off the backs of the poor’ just rolls right off the tongue.
“…just to post profits…”
Words, what do they mean?
“Halle Berry goes full badass while in tactical training for #JohnWick3”
I hear that IRL she’s a bad person, but damn, she still does it for me.
Oddly, while you can’t really point out any physical flaws, she has just never had that . . . energy? chemistry? for me.
She is still smokin’ hot. Would. Would. Would.
Oh, most definitely.
I’m not making this up – when I was about 12 and finally got bold enough to look up nekkid ladies on the Internet when my parents weren’t home, one of the first things I did was print off a fake nude picture of Halle Berry. I stashed it under my mattress for… Aesthetic appreciation.
I remember being a young lad and watching Catwoman. Terrible movie, but Halle Berry in a tightsuit? HELL YES.
Never seen the movies, but which comedian (Bill Burr?) said “I can’t watch Angelina Jolie beat the shit out of 10 Navy SEALS anymore”.
Halle will shoot them in the head instead.
In my fantasy I give her such a tremendous orgasm that she hands over all her Taran Tactical guns.
Twitter diplomacy
Hesamoddin Ashena, Rouhani’s key advisor, took to Twitter after U.S. military experts suggested “Iran or its proxies” damaged four commercial ships off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sunday.
“You wanted a better deal with Iran. Looks like you are going to get a war instead. That’s what happens when you listen to the mustache. Good luck in 2020!” Ashena wrote in a tweet.
Ashena’s comments were also echoed by Iran’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hamid Baeidinejad, who warned the U.S. in an interview with Sky News on Tuesday.
“Don’t test us,” he said is the Iranian regime’s message to the Trump administration, noting that the Iranian military is “fully ready” for any conflict in the region.
“While we have renounced any escalation in the region, I would assure you that Iranian armed forces are fully ready for any eventuality in the region, so they should not try to test the determination of Iran to confront any escalation in the region,” he said.
Oh that’s funny, careful what you test for buddy…..
I’m always amused by the cheap, histrionic bluster of these third-raters. Its so . . . transparent.
Although the “That’s what happens when you listen to the mustache” was nicely done.
You wanted a better deal with Iran. Looks like you are going to get a war instead. That’s what happens when you listen to the mustache.
SugarFree, I think you have a solid copyright infringement case on your hands.
I am sure it will be the mother of all battles.
Since I’ve been busy as hell and not around lately, has there been any conversation about the AFL-CIO ripping off the mask and going full “seize the means of production”?
I guess when that whole “force people into your union against their wishes if they have even a tangential relationship with government work” thing didn’t work out, they pulled the pin on Operation Watermelon.
Whoa. I was thinking they are completely full of shit until I heard Dan the unshaven Marxist roofer and renown intellectual giant explain it to me.
I’m sold.
Question for the lawyers of Glibertarians:
I recently received a package sent via UPS to my address, but addressed to the previous owner. I recognized the sender as a debt collector and, knowing that the previous owners had substantial debts go in collections after they sold us this house, called the number of the package to inform the sender of their erroneous delivery.
On the call, a representative of the debt collections agency asked me to open the package so I could give them the control number on the letter contained within as they couldn’t locate the account based solely on the intended recipient’s name/address.
I did not open the package, because this seemed like a potential felony for opening someone else’s mail. My question is, if the sender asks you to open a package, is it still illegal? Also, does the crime only apply to USPS packages or any package delivered by common carrier?
You are too nice. Any old mail to my place either gets a Return to Sender or Not at this Address plastered on it.
So you voluntarily enact your labor for others, uncompensated. I may have to bring this up at the next meeting. We might have to suspend your monocle privileges for a week.
*looks out window at burn-barrel*
I tried the “Return to Sender” shtick. Apparently Canada Post ignores that because they don’t get their vig from returning it, so they just re-deliver it to me. Now I just shred anything that comes to the house that isn’t for me or the spousal unit.
This is not legal advice, because this is not my area of expertise and I’m not your lawyer and you’re not paying me. But 18 USC Chapter 83 (where the crime is listed) refers to the Postal Service, so I do not believe it applies to UPS/FedEx.
18 USC 1702
Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
I suspect private entities whose primary function is to deliver letters or packages would fall in the category of ‘..any letter or mail carrier…’
Shit, you are nicer to debt collectors than I am.
Maybe he expects to be doing business with them in the future and wants to start off on the right foot?
This is a collection agency. Its their job to track people down. Tell them to send you a pre-paid return for the package, and you’ll send it back to them and they can do what they want with it.
Don’t open it. It just makes you involved. Plus, its probably a bomb.
I thought anything you received in the mail was yours, regardless of where it was supposed to go. Anyone remember the old commercials from the…mid-late 70’s? An Eskimo received a fan in the mail, at his igloo of course, and kept it because that’s the rules.
Not that you want to keep it, but my point is I don’t think it’s illegal to open anything delivered to your address. IANAL
I haven’t found the video, but in reading more, that only applied to if it was shipped to you. Apparently there was a scam back then where people would just ship a product to someone, and then bill them for much more than the cost, claiming they had ordered it.
As a collections attorney (2 strikes!), I would never have someone who is not the debtor or debtor’s spouse open a piece of mail, as that is a potential FDCPA violation and could land the collector in hot water. That, however, would allow any action for you, only the previous owner. Get it back to them and have them pay for it.
As an aside, there was a time I was reviewing letters to send on new accounts and I had to tell the client to go back to the drawing board because the address they had was MY address, tough obviously not to me.
“they said it wasn’t okay, then they said it was okay again, and now it’s back to being cyberbullying and harassment
fucking homosexual RETARDS, how many years does it take to learn how to run a fucking company”
I like this kid.
“Sorry! That page does not exist!”
That was quick.
Yep. It was there before.
What was it?
Rest of her Twitter looks back
probably just deleted tweet
Re-post since this was meant to be a new thread, not a reply:
The Atlantic has an article up about something I was previously only vaguely aware of, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and why it exists:
This to me raises another interesting wrinkle in the subject (in addition to the question of mandates and quarantines) that I had not previously considered: is it proper for the government to guarantee that vaccines will continue to be manufactured by putting their manufacturers beyond the reach of legal suit that might discourage their production? I lean towards yes, but would be interested to hear other opinions.
On strictly utilitarian grounds, the VICP is a major win for rational governance. New vaccines are an incredible net positive. Fluky side effects are unpredictable, isolated, and catastrophic. That means that the benefit of the vaccine is enjoyed by the entire population and born by a small, basically randomly selected few. These fluky side effects are not the product of negligence or bad faith by the manufacturers – they are an unavoidable cost.
The old system put all the cost either on the fluky patient or on the manufacturer, and the manufacture’s responded rationally.
A risk pool, which is what VICP is, has much, much better incentives than escalating jury damages due to the underlying boots-on-the-ground reality.
But you are asking a deontological question, not a utilitarian question. And my answer, as usual, is “fuck deontologists. They would rather see babies die than feel conflicted about a confusing issue, so I don’t care.”
But could this not cause a rush to production? If there are no penalties? I’m thinking thalidomide
If the rules are defined well and adjudicated well? No.
If the rules are not defined well or adjudicated well? Yeah, sure.
Has it happened? Not that I know of. (PS Thalidomide wasn’t rushed, didn’t skirt FDA review, etc. Play the game of big numbers, and corner cases happen)
1. Fuck utilitarianism
2. moral hazard
3. see #1
This has the same problem as guatanteed student loans or government backed mortgages.
VICP has been going on for 3 decades. Show me a single instance of moral hazard leading to a single bad outcome.
any single corner case that occurred on a drug that wouldnt have been otherwise released.
All this can be handled via informed consent and contracts.
Such as?
No, it emphatically can not. It’s been tried. The system wasn’t able to keep the contracts and the system wasn’t able to hold people to their end of the bargain when they gave informed consent. Deontologically, its a perfect answer. “Just use contracts and informed consent.” We did. It didn’t work. You can double down on the deontologicism and say “Well, we didn’t try a TRUE
SCOTSMANcontact/informed consent.” Or you can realize that there are no rules that allow for this true purity in the real world and work in the realm of the possible instead of the realm of unicorns. (I’m sure you get the Mike Munger reference.)These fluky side effects are not the product of negligence or bad faith by the manufacturers – they are an unavoidable cost.
Not exactly. I think there are lower safety standards for vaccines than any other pharmaceutical. Not exactly bad faith, but the VICP provides the cover for running sloppy trials.
If a vaccine is required to given alongside other vaccines, there should be a new randomized controlled trial implemented for the effects of combining multiple vaccines in a single administration session. This is not done despite the increasing number of vaccines being administered at the same time, administered at a younger age, and a documented increasing frequency and seriousness of dangerous side effects in newer vaccines (these SAEs can easily be found in the prescribing information).
Vaccines are critical, but I would like to see a tightening up of clinical evidence regarding adverse events. Recent studies are now pointing to a mitochondrial defect present in ~5% of the population potentially causing severe reactions to certain combinations of vaccines. If eventually proven, this is something that could have been discovered with safeguards immediately placed if proper vetting had originally been done.
I would like to see that too, but in the 30 years VICP has been in place, can you point to a single bad outcome from these regs? (PS – it is possible, but i”m not convinced that the trials you talk about are actually any worse than the standard FDA trials, because the standard FDA trials are so bad not because they are so good.)
If you do know of one, I would very much like to learn more about it. My strong stand is predicated on 30 years of success, so if I’m wrong about that my argument needs to be revised.
I believe so. Read Hannah Poling’s case, the original published study if you can find it. The lead author is Jon Poling, who was a neurologist affiliated with Johns Hopkins and Hannah’s father. The case should have launched a thorough review of the combination of vaccines given and why it caused her immediate mental deterioration*. Instead the VICP provided a strong incentive for the companies to simply pay without due diligence. Jury awards would have provided that incentive and very likely prevented this from happening in children with similar genetics.
My thoughts are leaning towards this genetic combination is the cause in the studies we are seeing now that potentially link mitochondrial defects and issues with multiple vaccine administrations. It is very expensive to the run studies that provide evidence of that link in such a small percentage of the population (though not so small to those affected families), and the pharm companies have no incentive to do so.
*Note: this is a controversial case that involves the A-word. Remove that and every serious explanation I have read, even those that try to debunk Poling’s article, still agree that the vaccines caused some sort of unknown mental deterioration and it was very likely due to her genetics.
I have heard of the Poling case, but dismissed it out of hand because of.. you know. I’ll read it.
Thank you very much. Like lots of people say, its amazing what kind of info you can pull out of the men and
womenhere.Who am I kidding. Its a sausage party here, right?
No problem Leap. It’s definitely worth a read when you have time.
Sausage party
How did I know it was gonna be Lileks before I clicked? How?
Because I’m classy, daddy-o.
This has not been a good week for those of us working in the orphan drug space. The FDA can eat a bag of dicks.
Last year they approved a drug for a rare disease that only ~1500 people in the US have. Under the Orphan Drug Act, the drug company was supposed to have 5 years of exclusivity. This is because, if you’re spending 9 figures to get approval on a drug for a disease that only affects a few people, you’re going to want to, you know, make your money back. If you don’t, you’ve really got no reason to do it.
A couple of months ago, Bernie started mouthing off about it because OMG the drug is expensive! (See above).
Last week, despite the orphan drug act, the FDA approved the same drug to do the same thing for the same disease for another company. They did it for a different indication (pediatric vs adult). It should be noted that there are allegedly about a dozen pediatric patients in the US for this disease, so obviously they’re betting on giving the first company competition and making the drug cheaper, because it’s going to be prescribed off-label.
Now the orphan drug space is going apeshit, because the FDA made a political decision on screwing over an orphan drug company, and everyone’s wondering if they’re next.
My 20 seconds of web searching didn’t turn this up. Do you have a link to a news story or the name of the drug by any chance?
Every story about it is basically “ugly pharma company rips off poor customers, gets their just desserts”
I don’t know how it’s possible to be in that business without rage-quitting when politicians pull this shit.
I’m not saying pharmaceutical executives are perfect little angels or something, but when you consider all the government bullshit that pharma companies have to go through, I think we should count it as a miracle that any new drugs get invented at all.
If our system only works when people at the top are perfect little angels, the system is broken.
It’s clearly capitalism’s fault. People with rare diseases would be far better off if we had universal healthcare like Britain.
*cough* Charlie Gard *cough*
Yep, that ends with monstrosities like the Liverpool Protocol:
” Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient”
If you are in the care of the NHS your chances of being a dying patient skyrocket
Good grief, I take one little four hour nap and there are already 40 comments.
The first link is funny. She doesn’t understand my ass. She and the rest of those shiweasels understand just fine, that is why they passed those laws. What I don’t understand is why the rest of the world is so eager to accept the yoke.
It’s extremely simple:
1) Free men own firearms
2) Slaves don’t.
I d0nt understand your ass either, and frankly, I don’t want to.
“She and the rest of those shiweasels understand just fine”
I’m not so sure. One, these are people living in countries where firearms are far less common than in the US. Two, they are two, or maybe three, generations into people who truly believe limiting gun rights generates safety.
Unfortunate name of the day: HMS Cockchafer. A river-faring gunboat in a series named after insects, because apparently when you are the Royal Navy at the height of the British Empire you don’t have to concern yourself with how ridiculous your names sound.
The British have never been overly concerned with absurd names.
Wow, with a last name like that his parents should have known better than to name him Richard.
And he absolutely went by Dick.
At the steel mill I worked at, I had to do new-employee environmental training. While filling out completion cards, I noticed one of the trainees was named “Richard Rash”.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you stiff upper lip.
Jackie Stewart ended up in a basement at Spa in ’66, they couldn’t find him…….
Yes a wreck euphemismists
Nah. He was just upside down in a ditch for 25 minutes with fuel leaking all around him. After that race, he insisted on keeping a spanner in the car he could use to remove the steering wheel.
Then Nikki Lauda at Nurburgring
I’m too busy eating cock-a-leekie soup and some neeps an’ tatties to click on your link.
I got some fancy Japanese salad neeps today.
I’ve always been partial to HMS Pansy. How do you walk into a bar on shore leave wearing *that* name on your hat?
Same way I talk about my car.
“Its compensating for my giant penis.”
“New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern ‘does not understand’ why US has failed to toughen gun laws”
Mind your own business you corpse of David Bowie looking authoritarian loser.
Because of people like her. That’s why.
Watching this: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism
MF looks like he’s about to keel over at any moment but was still as bright as ever.
Group Chats Are Making the Internet Fun Again
This is my group chat, they can all fuck off!
/ Yo, Glibs for life, word……
Tru dat
The next thing you know people will be talking to one another face to face in bars and at various public events. Sounds crazy I know…
They’re still running with that? Doesn’t that rag have lawyers to tell their writers to knock it off with the libel-stuff?
I have no idea what that’s referring to….
Sorry, it wasn’t nymag – just the UN. Same difference, right?
Some asshole stole my magnetic Glibertarian bumper sticker, SP gave it to me, I am bummed
Sucks. Must have triggered some snowflake..
Who would even get it? I really thought it was safe, I call random vandalism,
I was thinking cause it has libertarian in it. Could be random. People will steal anything not welded down.
Most folks I speak to have no clue that we exist, so I’m going random, we didn’t get keyed or anything
I keep having to get new Gadsden flag magnets for the FJ. I forget to take them off when I go through the car wash.
What assholes.
Agreed, however my actions speak louder than a bumper sticker, and I’m too old to give a fuck, so, Glibertarian? Yes…..
I think the culprit is right here in this room.
*eyes Pope Jimbo suspiciously*
Blame it on Bella.
I have a new article close to finishing but my motel room feels like a dungeon, a company paid dungeon, but too dark for the mood of the piece, soon……
Not a sex dungeon?
+1 Warty’s Dungeon
Well, isn’t this interesting:
One of the FBI honchos who was leaking to the press has been under a criminal investigation for months. By the same prosecutor Barr appointed to look into the fraudulent FISA warrants.
I know you all will *shocked* at this. The Houston shooting – the No Knock raid that killed a couple who never actually bought drugs from the undercover source.
Oh, that can’t be right, the police would never…Blam-blam-blam! Oh shit….
Anyone else like Nothing But Thieves?
Another good one
Excuse me a moment.
*sounds of puking from the bathroom*
I have Tucker on and just saw Beta on The View this morning undergoing a struggle session. For the love of God, don’t turn it on your TV.
I’m already watching it. Freaking cringe worthy.
Trump is gonna walk all over these spineless chumps.
Why in God’s Name are you watching The View? That’s a guaranteed IQ-dropper.
Sorry, just re-parsed your post. Tucker Carlson showed clips from The View? Has the man no sense of responsibility towards his audience?
I wanna know why they’re watching cable news of any kind. What the hell is wrong with you people?
My wife was completely repulsed by the whole creepy charade.
“Don’t worry Honey, in a year you will be asking ‘Beta who?’ but you will still be saying ‘President Trump’.”
Hmm. I was unable to post earlier. Let’s see if I can now.
Relevant content: The FBI, if still “investigating” — meaning it hasn’t come to trial, will NDA you for stuff as policy.
Libertarian moment?