Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is as AG Barr assigned an attorney to review the origins of the Russiagate hoax, also known as Spygate to some.
State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary’s notes from her interview of Christopher Steele are released showing that she discredited much of Steele’s information 10 days before the FBI obtained the first FISA on Carter Page.
Rosenstein calls Comey a “partisan pundit”.
The Chinese trade war is back on!
Buzzfeed attacking 14 year old Youtuber because they don’t like her comedy. And successfully gets her channel taken down.
This is a sweet story to wash out the taste of the last one.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
“The Chinese trade war is back on!”
They will blink soon, because their economy can’t take this. The commies fear nothing more than the anger of the masses that expect to get their share of the supposed boon the new age of communist crony capitalism wrought.
Emperor Jinping might not be able to afford to appear weak.
He runs a higher risk of angering the Chinese masses because he puts the economy in jeopardy than he does caving in to Trump. The Chinese leadership class, unlike ours, knows they have been able to keep the country on the path to prosperity because they know that like all good pirate ship leaders that while they are looting the gold coffers, they need to give the crew enough to keep them happy, or else. Granted, they are still a communist lot, and push-back from the people will only result in a crackdown, but such a move would completely derail China’s current strategic plans to becoming the world’s big power. Once the government returns to the hardcore communist tactics, the economic model China has been following is dead. And so is the Chinese leaderships dream of global power through economic (and then military) might.
Xi will cave and claim he won. because their plan to hope Trump fears a weakening economy with an election soon to come, is not going to deter Trump.
The problem is that he is still weak compared to the U.S. economy. He needs us far more than we need him, yet he acts and negotiates as if the opposite is true.
Fuck ’em. They put themselves between the devil and the deep blue sea.
They fucked up, they didn’t realize Trump is not like the standard American president who is a career politician.
I think they are starting to see that, and this is their final call to battle bluff. I suspect that when it goes south, it will really go south bad for the Chinese leaders.
They are used to America negotiating as though from a weaker position, when the reality is that America holds the overwhelmingly stronger position. Trump must be quite a shock to them.
Oh, he is. Not just t them. Trump is doing what Ronald Reagan did to the USSR, but doing it to everyone. After we had 3 or 4 successive presidents that belonged to the old political club where they had to bring something back to claim a win, and thus, were willing to take terrible deals for the US, Trump telling anyone he prefers a no-deal to a bad deal, has really fucked up others (including people in the US) bigtime. Xi can’t afford any kind of economic trouble, and a trade war will hurt the US economy but it will kill China’s economic future.
Meh I cannot tell what the level of control over the masses they have. It may be enough
Authoritarian regimes always look like they have control – until it suddenly collapses and everyone realizes there was no one outside the regime supporting it.
That can take a loong time…
Their control today is predicated on the unholy agreement that while China rapes everyone to get rich, the leadership makes sure to share their spoils with the masses. The Chinese leadership has managed to keep the people on their side because the people have seen a level of prosperity and growth that was unprecedented. The moment that is no longer the case – and have no doubt that a trade war with the US is going to end that quickly – they will be in trouble. Note that they are still communists and can crack down with force, but the second they do that, without the economic boon in place, the Chinese plans to rise to the top because it will accumulate economic might (and use that to grow its military might and reach) are dead.
Paper Tiger exposed.
I think they are a paper dragon. China is usually associated with the dragon while India is associated with the Tiger. But I could be wrong. I was wrong once, then caught myself and corrected it.
What about Tiger balm?
Don’t put that shit on your sack bacon-magic… IT BURNS!
Let’s not get too technical as we’re apt to do around here.
Perhaps I took for granted ‘Paper Tiger’ is a blanket, generic term not necessarily meant to be specific to any country.
As in ‘yo, what are you? A paper tiger? I barely cross checked you!’
I once went to a fight and a hockey game broke out…
“And what about a Paper Lion?”
-George Plimpton
I agree with Pie. One only needs to look at Venezuela to see how long the inept can hang onto power as long as enough sycophants go along. Until there are assassination attempts on the holders of power, the health of the economy is never higher than second place in their list of priorities.
UCS – this you tell to someone who grew up under such, and was there when it all fell apart?
I don’t know that he grew up under the system, I have no idea what his age is.
Also you never remember my birthday
30th of February?
You were born under the sign of Rac, which I don’t think corresponds to anything in the Gregorian calendar. I blame the Metric system.
That means you have skipped more than one of his eloquent articles that relate to his past. Maybe read some of the stuff we post up on this site.
Uffda. First we can’t post hooter pics right away. Now we have to read stuff?
You are worse than the anti-smokers with your creeping demands Swiss.
“Second Hand Commenting”
What are you talking about Swiss? Pie is some crazy foreigner. He can’t be expected to understand the larger meaning of things.
Pie should be thanking UCS for dropping some American Truth Bombs on his backward mind.
Is it me or did this escalate quickly? I mean we’ve hit metaphysical carpet-bombing in, what, four replies?
I am surprised that with this crowd it took that long…
Does he know what love is?
Sure, but his double vision makes it more challenging.
“Does he know what love is?”
Especially if he is not a pimp, because the love of a pimp is very different than that of a square….
Can’t find it now, but the tinfoil hat theory I read lately is that the Chinese are backing away from the table because of Biden’s popularity. They are hoping that if Biden wins, they will win big. Why? Because the Chicoms own Hunter Biden.
That would be troubling if I didn’t know that the Obama administration was completely scandal free and that therefore, there is nothing to worry about that.
I hate tariffs…that said, using it like a bludgeon to get others to play fair I will allow. *blows whistle motions for call on field to stand
For those that thought the Obama administration’s weaponized intelligence and justice bureaucracy only went rogue when they decided they needed to entrap the Trump team and trump to further rig the election for Clinton, check out how they lied when a FOIA request was filed in 2012 asking for information about the Clinton email server and the WH had them pretend this was not happening.
Well, if the media never mention it, is it really a scandal?
I know that the usual dnc operatives with bylines have successfully used this tactic to keep the unwashed masses in the dark WTF, but the problem is that after the last 2 1/2 years of lies and more criminal activity to get Trump, Trump now wants payback. The usual suspects can ignore the story all they want, but when the people in power start throwing the book at Obama’s people, not only will the story come out, but the people that have spent a long time pointing out that the media is just democrat operatives with bylines, will be doubly vindicated. of course, since their credibility is already gone, to the media this is not going to be a loss.
Users — and more importantly to YouTube, advertisers — have over the past year started to hold the platform accountable for enabling the exploitation of children and exposing them to disturbing content. But this video reveals an entirely different way the platform is harming kids: by letting them express extreme views in front of the entire world. This is what indoctrination looks like when it’s reflected back by the indoctrinated.
Do pearls turn into diamonds if you clutch them hard enough?
No, seriously, the left is lecturing everyone about using kids for propaganda purposes, with a straight face.
Yeah. Indoctrination it’s only ok if you leave the kids in a broken psychological state.
“Children! Children! Children are the Future!”
I knew you’d come through, O Great and Terrible Overlords!
Man, that’s either a remarkable lack of self-awareness or the ballsiest double-standard ever. I mean, what was the problem with this kid? Did her mother take her to a Congress Critter’s office to berate him?
You can do anything if you have no self-awareness and/or shame.
It’s entirely possible she did it largely on her own volition. 14-year-olds are capable of having and expressing political opinions. I watched that video. It didn’t seem like being coached or following a script she didn’t understand. Most of it sounded like a teenage 4channer.
“It’s entirely possible she did it largely on her own volition. ”
That would have them even more upset. Any 14-year old than will think for herself is a danger to them.
That’s not to excuse anything Soph says; but it is to say children often don’t understand the weight of the words they use.
Unless it’s about guns. Amirite, Buzzfeed?
How dare you question their motives? Have you no shame?
I don’t think so. What is that?
That’s something that you remove like shoes at the front door when you enter partisan reportage. Yeesh… you should know better than any of us, gaijin.
Greta Thunberg says hi
And wants a hug!
Know how feminists turn a blind eye on how women are treated in the Muslim world but praise burkini wearing women?
Same foul mind set is on display with progressives who tolerate the use of children will mental illness to further their climate change agenda….while fighting bullies on social media.
“progressives who tolerate the use of children will mental illness to further their climate change agenda“
Oh shit. I thought y’all were kidding about that
Yeah, the MSM conveniently left that detail out of their reporting on her.
It sure sounded like she understood exactly what she was saying.
Buzzfeed attacking 14 year old Youtuber because they don’t like her comedy. And successfully gets her channel taken down. – I heard from all the good thinking folk that she was alt right or manipulated or both.
Good rainy afternoon …
Good morning
I expect the democrats to now go into stall mode. They must be freaking out with the two first post you made Banjos (and top o’ the morning to ya!) outlining the criminal activity. They are now firmly in the cross-hairs and that there now is undeniable proof that it was an orchestrated attempt – led from the top to spy on/entrap the Trump team (and Trump himself so they could create a scandal right before the election to favor Hillary) – which not only failed, but then required them to manufacture a hoax about Russian collusion in order to attempt a coup (because Trump had been informed of the illegal activity by the NSA ‘s 2nd man whom team Obama then tried to destroy) to prevent Trump from outing the crimes. In the end they still failed, and now this should be even more of a shitshow considering the fact that when team blue realized Obama’s legacy was toast, so many people across the board decided to join the attempted coup to save him.
I hope for a savage reckoning, but the cynical side of me says we wont get more than a scapegoat or two. Wonder who gets the prime spot under the bus.
Some white dude, take that to the bank.
Rosenstein calls Comey a “partisan pundit”.
This guy (Rosenstein) has had his name drug through the Mud by both sides. It’d be nice to know the truth. Comey isn’t a partisan Hack. He’s an FBI hack.
Rosenstein is as complicit as Comey and Mueller (to name just a couple of asshats in a sea of asshats) are, but he was smart enough to keep himself completely above the desperate attempt at a coup against Trump by walking the line. Of all the top players players in serious trouble now – Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey, Mueller, and Lew, to name a few – Rosenstein was the one to play both sides to make sure he had cover. And he will throw any and all of the others under the bus to save his own skin in a heartbeat. That is why I suspect in the end he will either end up committing suicide (the usual Clinton double tap to the back of the head) or he will help with the prosecution of the others.
Why not both?
Would you say Rosenstein is more or less of an FBI hack than this guy?
*The story said the bike had blue and red flashing lights on it, so he looked completely legitimate.
He’s a Clinton hack. It’s remarkable how often he’s been there to fall on the grenade for Hillary.
1996 – Comey is deputy special counsel for the Senate committee investigating the Whitewater scandal – everyone except the Clintons are charged.
He’s also the lead prosecutor on the Khobar Towers bombing in which the CIA station chief in Riyadh, John O. Brennan, clearly should have been relieved of duty and fired for incompetence, but was promoted instead.
2002- Leads investigation into President Bill Clinton’s controversial pardon of Marc Rich. Turns out everything was just fine.
2003 – lead prosecutor of Martha Stewart for something.
2005-2013 – Paid off in the Private Sector at Lockeed Martin and Bridgewater Associates (who landed 17 17 contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department).
Then he got Hillary off the hook for emails.
He and his buddy Mueller (bag-man on Uranium One / looked the other way during Fast and Furious) have made careers out keeping the Clintons out of jail.
That will keep you busy for a long time.
Also, alive.
AG Barr assigned an attorney to review the origins of the Russiagate hoax, also known as Spygate to some.
We already know the origins. But I suspect that Team Blue will get increasingly hysterical as their house of cards collapses*.
*By collapses I am skeptical that anyone will be held accountable in a legal sense but I do hope that, at very least, their dirty laundry is aired out for all to see.
I don’t wanna see Strzok’s dirty laundry. Can’t imagine what skivvies go with that face.
I’m guessing something frilly with lots of lace.
So at what point does the FBI/CIA etc become evil again to Democrats, and holy to Republicans?
When the next President has a D after his name.
And then only if they are not doing whatever illegal shit said president with a (D) by his name asks them to do…
Did you read that story? The reporter did an impressive job throwing out “facts” that would make the casual reader to wonder why the hell anyone would investigate this stuff.
“Insufficient evidence”? Well I guess zero evidence is insufficient, so Snopes will rate that statement as “totes true”. And Papadopoulos did not tell anyone that the Russians stole emails. He said that he had been told that the Russians had dirt on Hillary. Then later that was turned into the lie that he knew about the email theft (which I don’t think has been proven yet that it was the Russians) hack.
The problem they have your holiness is that we now have evidence that various entities across the Obama government bureaucracy had determined that their sources were neither reliable nor providing any real intel. They then still went to the FISA court and pretended they had viable and confirmed intel of likely criminal activity so they could use that cover to try and entrap the Trump team. When that failed and Trump won, they decided to manufacture a false Russian collusion story they could then use to make Trump tip his hands in a way that would allow them to bring obstruction charges and pull off a coup. The shit they did to try and get someone – anyone – to make a bad move that would allow them to claim obstruction of justice was done, is going to cause a lot of people some real bad legal problems. Any other team red candidate would have caved. Trump is not only not caving, but he is now out for blood.
I often wondered why they left Session in place for so long, or chose not to declassify paperwork that would have put an end to the witchhunt, but the fact is that whomever was guiding the moves for team Trump knew Mueller’s job was to force them to do something that would allow him to bring obstruction of justice charges (the only collusion with foreign powers to influence our election were done by Clinton and Obama, after all) , and they didn’t bite. Appointing Barr was a genius move. I don’t like a lot of the guy’s views on things, but he is tenacious and has a history of showing that he will not tolerate abuse of power. The people behind this hoax and the attempted coup are screwed.
The people behind this hoax and the attempted coup are screwed.
In an ideal world they would be. We do not live in that world.
The difference here is that team red realizes that if they don’t come down hard on the perps that did this, no team red member will ever be POTUS again. And more importantly, that trump is the one calling the shots, and he is not at all politically motivated to back down. he wants payback.
“The difference here is that team red realizes that if they don’t come down hard on the perps that did this”
That would require basic self-awarness on the part if team red. I wager most team red politicans are as sentient as the seats they fill.
I suspect that enough of them have enough ambition that they will realize that they can’t let this go unchallenged. Some might even be challenging them because they believe it is the right thing to do to fight obtrusive and totalitarian government (Paul). Most will just go along, but enough of the key players are going to go along with the call from Trump for blood.
Team Red are a bunch of spineless shits. I expect nothing of real consequence.
Did you read that story?
Does anyone? ///jk
I agree with your assessment.
I heard nunchucks are legal now in Arizona. I found it strange news…
What would the nice people of the English police think of such barbarism? They have enough trouble already
They filed a report?
Adam Carolla’s “linesman’s dykes” story* comes to mind. I’m no martial artiste, but they would make a terrible weapon. Funny replies, at least.
*He did a bit on Leno about needing them to open the packaging on toys, and got a raft of hate mail because he obviously insulted co-guest Queen Latifah by calling her a Limin’ (obscure Jamaican slang) Dyke.
“Assault ratchet” LOL
Not sure the original post is even satire any more
Poor electrician.
I can understand stabbing someone with a screwdriver, or even a pair of pliers. But a file?
Stab? No, it’s more of a slashing weapon, though it’ll do more scarification than killing.
Those files with the interchangeable handle, the “tang” you shove into the handle? I could see stabbing someone with that.
Watch AZ AG’s mad nunchuck skills. ROFL.
huh, he didn’t hit himself in the nuts. That’s what I was expecting.
So… what are all the good bits on this Steve Bullock fellow ya’ll got runnin for president?
I blame joke fatigue. All of these ridiculous names are like when Captain Cook landed in Tahiti and his crew discovered Polynesian girls. The bounty be too plentiful.
Who? Never heard of ‘im.
YouTube’s kid problem is well-known. From disturbing auto-generated cartoons to parents who playact violence with their children for clicks to a network of users exploiting videos of children for sexual content, the company has consistently failed at protecting the young users who are its most valuable assets. But Soph’s popularity raises another, perhaps more difficult question, about whether YouTube has an obligation to protect such users from themselves — and one another.
Lobotomize her. For her own good.
Re-education camps, comrade. She will be cured of Wrongthink at the Ministry of Love.
” YouTube has an obligation to protect such users from themselves”
The only obligation YouTube has it’s to it’s shareholders, and thusly to it’s customers.
YouDidn’tReallyWantToSeeThatAnywaysTube doesn’t roll off the tongue.
Judge Smails: “I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.”
FBI’s Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
So you’re saying that the FBI is not beyond reproach, as I have been led to believe.
This is just Trump wrecking American institutions so he can become a dictator. Duh.
Former president ‘Pen-and-phone’ (Barry) and wannabe president ‘Pen-and-phone’ (Kamala) could not be reached for comment. And on Kamala Harris, she said recently that one of her first 100 day in office goals is to take executive action on guns if congress won’t act “because it’s necessary”. And leftists have the nerve to insinuate that Trump is dictatorial. “Because it’s necessary” does not grant the executive the authority to legislate, K.
Legislate? Hell, she thinks she can use executive orders to overturn the constitution.
I had a friend who when this went down at the beginning of Trump admin, said he was worried because Trump was attacking our institutions like the FBI. I was floored. He’s a good leftist, he shouldn’t trust the FBI.
Deep state conspiracy theories were all the rage in 70s movies.
But now that the Deep State is being used against the right person, how dare you suggest it even exists.
I heard the same from a guy at the bar one night. “The FBI and CIA are important and revered institutions to our country and to attack them like Trump has been is wrong and unprecedented”. I was so flabbergasted I kinda lost my composure and blurted out, “The CIA. The United States CIA. The CIA is a revered instution. Is that what you are telling me?” He just kinda stammered for a bit and then went on about respect for the rule of law and I tuned out.
What I later wished I had said is; the left has spent at least the last 50 years not trusting the FBI and out-right despising the CIA. Now all of a sudden they are “important institutions”? Fuck off.
The new asshole in charge, Wray or whatever the fuck his name is, is desperate to hide that fact from people thinking that that is the way to restore confidence. because you know, coming clean and admitting that he Obama admin weaponized the leadership and then used it to conduct all manner of criminal activities, for which these players will be held accountable to set an example, is just not the way to actually make the unwashed masses see that the system is not corrupt with one set of rules for the masses and another for the plebes.
And the least feminist nation in the world is… Denmark?
No wonder they are so happy.
Bethinks the Guardian’s “World” really means “Europe”.
Probably Western Europe, all the way down to the south of France.
The poll, conducted by the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project of – meh
I spent a week in Copenhagen; Danish girls are hot and slutty. I might just have to move there.
I dated Danish girl. Then it got stale.
Too much wienerbrød?
So did I. She was a total flake.
“What is a modern feminist?” muses Helene Frost Hansen
Easy answer Helen, it is Marxism with tits.
My Wife, who is currently on vacation, staying with her friends and their horses at a luxury ranch just because she wanted to and could afford to. Riding her horse, fly-fishing, eating and drinking as she sees fit, relaxing. That’s her brand of feminism!
I’m not sure I’ve ever actually witnessed that. Obvious stares and even a mumble or two but not in earshot of anyone else, yes. But loud whistling? Not outside a movie from say the 70s or earlier.
Yeah, it seems to be dead meme, like getting drunk at a party and wearing a lampshade on your head.
*quietly puts lampshade back on lamp*
Yeah, totally outdated…
Equality Minister?
A more apropos story about husband/wife relations
He should take up the hammer throw.
This story is very close to the old joke:
Did he then fall off the ball washer?
Carl Spackler was unavailable for comment.
Bullock is coming to rescue the unwashed ignorati from the scourge of teh Dark Munnies. And Assault weapons.
If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to create a fake lefty Twitter account lambasting Bullock for equating “dark” with bad.
Sheriff Bullock is coming back to HBO on May 31st. Yay!
Louisiana rapper YoungBoy Never Broke Again (fka NBA YoungBoy) was targeted in a shooting outside Trump International Beach Resort in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida yesterday afternoon, police confirmed to The Associated Press. The incident occurred in the Miami-Dade County town before YoungBoy performed at Miami’s Rolling Loud Festival
Trump really is bad for black people…
Aspiring rapper seems a more dangerous occupation than test pilot.
Well, the aerospace engineers would rather not lose their expensive prototypes to crashes.
Rappers, on the other hand, actively try to kill each other.
This sort of thing happens all the time in Coachella, right?
“woman is shot dead by Texas cop in shocking video”
Cops should totes be the only people allowed to have guns. Like, 100%.
Speaking of authoritarianism in Trump’s America, I heard part of an interview with Kamala Harris the other day. Anybody who tries to tell me the Democrats want to save us from the slide into fascist dictatorism is liable to receive a blunt force brain trauma.
Kamala is terrible.
That is all.
Titty Tuesday will soon be banned for being alt-right.
I just assume there is one on each side.
Woman suffers stroke while getting oral sex
So, it was a mind-blowing encounter?
You could say he sexed her brains out.
He sure knows how to stroke a pussy!
He had her coming and going!
First she had a stroke. Then he had to stroke to finish himself off.
Didn’t read the story. I’m assuming the main thrust of the story is that they guy is now facing a rape charge because she couldn’t give consent after her stroke?
Do you think they would have the balls to do that?
Could’ve been food poisoning.
Raw clam?
I don’t usually put coroner’s reports on my resume, but…
*opera applause gif*
A buddy of mine had a heart attack during or after sex. He said his wife’s ego went through the roof knowing that she could fuck him to death.
Rosenstein: Comey has become ‘a partisan pundit’
On a holy crusade against Der Drumpenfuhrer.
More likely it is a desperate attempt to shape public opinion in a way that helps them with their current strategy of getting a democrat to win the 2020 election in the hopes that said democrat will then put an end to any attempt to get the criminals that were involved in the entrapment, spying, and coup attempt from facing justice to protect the democrats involved.
The headline says it all.
Methinks the author doesn’t believe them.
But Bill Nye hosted that popular kids show about science back in the 90’s so he must know what he’s talking about.
We need a Bill Nye/Mrs Frizzle showdown.
My money’s on Mr. Wizard.
Ah, Mr Wizard, back when a children’s science show host had no hesistation about calling kids stupid.
Zombie Mr. Wizard doesn’t really sell the science thing that well.
Bill Nye is annoying as fuck, but I’d still choose to hang out with him in a heartbeat over John Oliver.
The fact that John Oliver wasn’t beaten to death as a kid shows you how pussified England has become.
The Nye thing is cringe inducing. The warmista grifters might as well be hosting one of those ‘documentaries’ where they hunt for Bigfoot.
Don’t forget he wants to be able to imprison “climate deniers”. Dude is a wannabe tyrant.
It is all feelz and no logic. But that’s all legit because this entertainer is a science guy!
“When we release carbon, say by burning coal or driving an SUV, all of us pay for that in the form of things like fires, floods and crop failures,”
Don’t plants do better with higher CO2 levels? I really despise that smug, ignorant, limey prick.
It’s a balancing act with nutrients and sunlight, sort of like the fire-triangle of heat/oxygen/fuel. CO2 enrichment doesn’t help if there’s not enough light or fertilizer. Pretty sure it doesn’t hurt either, until we’re talking about a CO2 dominated atmosphere.
The poll, conducted by the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project
I read that as “Tribalism Project” first time by.
Boy, is my face red.
Potato/potatoe. It’s all right there in the name. Fuck off slaver!
Your autocorrect messed your comment up Brooks.
If you’re working 996 I’m not sure how you have time for “sex marathons”, but ok.
Calls for sex marathons? Calls for abstinence?
I am so confused.
A sex marathon is when you find a Kenyan guy to come over and screw your wife for hours while you stand nearby with a cup of water for when they get dehydrated.
Gud’un, Pope!
Alyssa Milano defends controversial sex strike in new op-ed: ‘Sometimes we need an extreme response’
It’s easy to not have sex when you’re in a padded cell.
Define “sex”.
Oh, so now you’re willing to talk abstinance.
Also: I fully support this. The quicker people of her stripe stop reproducing, the better.
Alyssa Milano Launches Line Of Purity Rings
Always with the grift.
Snopes rates this as mostly false.
I thought they were too busy fact checking The Babylon Bee
Ahem. Yes, yes they are.
“The best way to destroy conservative pro-lifers is by showing how well abstinence works to prevent pregnancies,”
Don’t conservative pro-lifers promote abstinence as a way to prevent pregnancies? I haz a confuze…
It’s the Babylon Bee.
Maybe Snopes isn’t wrong to be fact checking them. Their satire is too good.
“To our surprise, we discovered the Babylon Bee is in possession of an interdimensional portal to a universe composed entirely of Pure Satire.”
Ah, you can’t expect me to click on the link!
Who are the people who remotely care what a has-been TV actress has to say about anything?
People who agree with what she’s saying.
Yeah? Ok then.
“But the former child star”
That’s not entirely fair, she has a very successful acting and business career as an adult.
Count Potato; the The Hyperbole of Alyssa Milano.
P.S. I agree with you. I just wish she’d shut the hell up.
Uh, point of order, Alyssa: I deny that the GOP is waging a war on women, hence it is, in fact, deniable.
But I can still have sex with Eva Savealot, right?
Joseph Bernstein is just another example of a faux-righteous progressive puritanical, bullying shit head.
Live and let live you piece of shit.
Wrongpeople having wrongfun are VIOLENCE!
There is a such thing as negative attention though.
Meant as a reply to LH above. I’m going back to bed.
Good morning, everyone.
That Soph video is awesome and you can still still view it from clicking through the BF article. Thanks, Banjos.
Sounds like she’s reading a script written by someone else, or perhaps just could use some work on diction and timing (ie, rehearse that shiznat), but otherwise brilliant.
Can’t have the yoots resisting the indoctrination. Gotta shut that shit down.
Good morning, Tonio. And Banjos.
And all the rest of you people.
Who are you calling “You people”?
11:23 – “they seem to be saying that whatever the majority believe is willed into reality like a Tulpa.”
All is forgiven, Soph, you are my new favorite YouTuber.
Sounds like she’s reading a script written by someone else
Could you tell the difference between her reading a script written herself or by someone else? Now, is it possible she’s not a complete fucking moron like 90% of tutorial vid producers who clearly never occurred to them to script their production?
“Hey, I know what I’m talking about, I can just freestyle a 15min Blender tut.” Totes, and make sure to start with the default new file and mention removing the cube, please, I always need that part. Oh, I don’t, because having used blender more than a handful of times I saved my own startup file WITHOUT THE FUCKING CUBE (and my basic camera/light rig).
I’m just saying, seeing someone use a script on youtube could be confusing owning to the usual lack of any sort of organization and forethought applied to the majority of content.
What is it with the comments at The Hill? It’s infested with Democratic Underground babbling.
My guess is about 40% troo bleevur nutbags and 60% Soros troll farmers.
Words missing from this article: “Muslim”, “immigrant” and “refugee”.
They’re attacking Gay Muslim immigrants and refugees?
But in all seriousness immigration to the west is quite appealing to gay muslims, who often have the most to fear within muslim communities.
I thought there were no gays in those countries. The religious leadership running those shitholes has told me so….
Are you playing me Tonio???
Okay, so the total number of reports has increased at the same time that the number of reports of violence against lesbians has increased, and they themselves speak of increased willingness to report facilitated by #MeToo.
And their definition of violence includes “rejection” (whatever the fuck that means, like maybe not baking someone a cake). “Threats and defamation made up 17 percent each with physical assault on 13 percent,” so the worst case scenario (since the breakdown categories not exclusive) is that only 30% of these incidents are things that we would consider acts of violence as opposed to free speech.
None of this is meant to downplay actual gay bashing which is real.
And none of the #bangmetoo crap was meant to downplay actual rape but it did. These days my default position is that claim is false until otherwise shown.
Yeah, that ‘rejection’ thing really jumps out and gives the whole charade away.
Hold up. Does “rejection” mean not having a sexual pass reciprocated?
Hell, I could file a class action suit as a party of one if that were the case.
Seriously. Welcome to about half of my dating history.
My best serious guess is that this is probably a transgender thing, as in the person they have been flirting with walks away upon that revelation.
And that makes the person that walks away the bad guy?
To the woke crowd, it is a display of bigotry and transphobia.
I say it’s a perfectly valid response to finding out the individual was not to your tastes.
So can I tell the ladies that unless they put out when I ask they are transgressing, or is this only applicable when I approach them as a lesbian trapped in a man’s body?
Yes. That’s the world in which we now live. A world in which the first question is going to have to be “do you have normal, functioning {male|female} genitalia.”
I have a buddy that found himself in this situation, and the person involved couldn’t understand why not telling him this information before was kind of a deal breaker. Pointing out that in the real world, holding back any sort information that some people might not like – you are a crack ho, you are unable to do your finances, you only enjoy sex when bowel movements are involved, and so on – has consequences, seems to not sink in.
I dated in Bangkok. It wasn’t so bad.
The world is ALWAYS HM’s oyster.
I would hope it meant “Get out of my place of business Monsieur le Poofda!”
It’s how other states recognize your KY-issued rape license.
So, fun with statistics.
The Degree’d class gotta make a living, just like everybody else.
Always. Figures don’t lie, but liars sure can figure.
Pandemics, places, and populations: Evidence from the Black Death
How mad do you think those brainiacs were when Vox launched its website? I totes thought was going to be the EU version of Vox.
The Chinese trade war is back on!
MAGA! *waves tiny American flag*
But in all seriousness I hope this doesn’t hurt us like I think it might. And I heard Trump is floating (moar…) farm subsidies. Bad Trump.
What does China have America doesn’t?
It may hurt and be volatile but the American economy runs mighty deep so as to be able to withstand shocks I reckon.
China is the Zack Morris of countries economically.
China’s main assets are a billion more people and some deposits of rare earth metals.
A billion mouths to feed might not be 100% in the asset column.
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
Their biggest problem will be that they will by default be involved in a land war in Asia, since their sealift capacity is woefully inadequate for anything else.
Chesty Puller has a sad.
No one remembers the Frozen Chosin.
We were speaking strategically. I seem to recall that the endless swarm of PLA formations pushed us back from the north border of Korea to the DMZ. Sure, they paved the ground in bodies, but it worked.
If you had gone to a good school like MCRD San Diego (or even Parris Island) you would have learned that Chesty was maneuvering to shorten his supply lines and was ready to wait out the winter at Hungnam (where he could be supported by naval fire) and go back on the offensive in the spring.
But that pussy MacArthur ordered them to evacuate.
The self assessment of the USMC needs to be treated like the claims of the Mile Gloriosus. Finding the truth requires sifting out the aggrandizement.
“But that pussy MacArthur ordered them to evacuate.”
Wasn’t that MacArthur’s position? Didn’t it contribute to getting him removed from theater command?
A lot of people remember Frozen Chosin.
And all of your personal banking/financial data.
That’s not an advantage, the US Fedgov has that too.
Yeah, but the ChiComms can hold it out as a threat against US action, particularly military action. All those big data thefts in past years? The point is to arm up the PLA so that if things go hot, then suddenly your bank/investment accounts, payroll, utility payments, etc. start to fail across huge swaths of the population at home. Maybe it’s targeted at military/industrial families. Maybe it’s to make sure Publix and Walmart can’t pay or receive payment.
So what your saying is we should all be buying crypto?
It is not as if they have a particularly high regard for the lives of those people though.
A willingess to spend lives like water can be exploited as an asset. It’s not moral or noble, but it has a track record going back thousands of years.
I’m very disappointed no one talked about Zack Morris.
Fixed it for you.
…as opposed to what other country, exactly? Otherwise that’s a pretty non-unique thing to say.
I’m supposed to be mollified that when we finally can’t outrun our debt the effects will be global and not just local?
How many other countries have both the production capability and the consumer demand to re-adjust quickly after a major disruption?
You think we’re going to “re-adjust quickly” when we finally can’t run our con game anymore? The upcoming fiscal crisis is going to make the 30’s seem like a hallowed age of prosperity.
I do find it odd that on a forum that attracts those with a putative understanding of Austrian economics, sound money, and overall fiscal conservatism that such a statement would garner controversy.
I was taking issue with the “American” part, not the “feet of clay part” What part of the con game isn’t being played globally?
It would be like stressing that American water is wet.
But yes, relative to pretty much any other country, bad shit that happens to the US will be shorter-lasting than the same bad shit happening to a country that relies on the US as a demand source.
I am by no means saying you have it wrong HM, but the reality is that we are not the only idiots that have played this game. It seems to be the de facto way of doing business in practically every country these days. When it goes bad, it will go horribly bad because we will not be the only ones fucked. And that’s the point. every other player out there realizes that if (when) the US goes, the game is up for all of them.
Why Joe Biden needs Libertarians
No women in that group so the creepy is not a factor
Yes the one person running who had his hand deep in every foreign intervention we are in, and the drug war. Seems like a perfect fit. I expect Welds endorsement soon.
Nope. The Dems have shit the bed like Spud in Trainspotting when it comes to libertarian outreach. Unless you are a regular at the cocktail parties you are either going to abstain or vote for Trump. Everyone of their stated platform positions runs against stated libertarian goals.
There is a non-insignificant portion of people calling themselves libertarians for whom open borders trumps all. Of course they were going to vote pinko anyway. Biden isn’t going to win anyone over and likely Trump won’t either. The lines are drawn.
Hell, are there even any Dems running who aren’t for gun control, higher taxes, more regulations, and expanding government’s reach into health care? The best I can think of is that some will speak out against sending our military overseas.
Doing something about MJ is about the only thing he could promise. But he’d offer vague assurances about studies and a path to eventual decriminalization. Trump would then just reschedule MJ as his predecessor could have done all along.
Ah…so he should keep pushing free healthcare for illegals, gun control, disenfranchising the deplorable….he can’t fail.
“the large and decisive pool of voters who went Libertarian in 2016”
While that group largely overlaps with libertarians there were, as always, people who punch out the “L” chad just as a protest vote.
“it would be foolish not to pursue every avenue to capture them”
How refreshingly naïve. Because anything he could do appeal to actual libertarians would cost him a vote from his base (stay home, vote Green) for each libertarian vote he could potentially win. They don’t understand that we are serious about more freedom, lower taxes and less government.
I don’t think the we you are talking about is the we they are talking about. The only people they ever run into who call themselves libertarian are the phonies at cocktail parties and they are a lock for the establishment candidate anyway.
Remember when the dems sent field agents out to explore middle America so they could understand the people there? They really don’t know anyone who voted for Nixon.
RE: second paragraph – did anything ever come of that. I suspect the report was short, with the executive summary reading “they’re all deplorables and really hate us,” and that it was stamped Confidential and buried in a locked file cabinet
Sure, a gungrabbing neocon is exactly what libertarians want.
“I’ve become a devout follower of the Prophet Muhammad. Suffice to say, I’ve been having a fuck ton of fun. Of course, I get raped by my 40-year-old husband every so often and I have to worship a black cube to indirectly please an ancient Canaanite god — but at least I get to go to San Fran and stone the shit out of some gays, and the cops can’t do anything about it because California is a crypto-caliphate.”
Heh. And fuck Buzzfeed. This kid is ‘actually’ funny, unlike them.
She probably doesn’t come up with this on her own but Goddamn, I knew some bright and funny kids when I was that age. We didn’t have the tech but some of the things we came up with would blister the skin off Don Rickles.
You know, I can remember distinctly through my adolescent years chanting the mantra in my head, “Kids aren’t stupid” to make sure I remembered it when I got older and forgot everything else. When I was ten I “got” adult life. There was stuff I didn’t appreciate because of my lack of perspective, but that’s true now and always will be, for everyone; there are opinions and beliefs I have now that will change as I get older, I’m sure. That doesn’t mean that my current perspective isn’t valuable, and likewise, my perspective at, say, 14 was valuable, too.
So you agree that 16-year olds should be allowed to vote.
No, for a number of reasons. I’m saying that ideas should be evaluated on their own merits. An idea isn’t good or bad based on the age or identity of the person. So based red-pilled 14 year old’s ideas aren’t necessarily bad because she’s 14, just as that mentally ill Swedish girl’s ideas about environmentalism aren’t automatically good because she’s 12 or whatever.
She could have come up with most of it on her own.
There was an eight-year-old youtuber who often did political commentary, as was definitely speaking off the top of her head. I’d link to it, but I forgot her name.
It was probably LtCorbis…….Soph when she was 9
And she writes with her brother.
Baytown Police Lt. Steve Dorris said the officer, an 11-year veteran of the police department, opened fire after Turner grabbed the cop’s Taser and used it against him.
He still should not have shot her. But this will not draw sympathy from cop fellators.
He fucked up and let a pregnant woman take his taser. It’s just pathetic. It’s not like he was jumped or something.
^This. The elephant in the room.
I think it would be foolish to believe a word of that story. It sounds like bad actors all around.
My life in sex: ‘I would get up at 5am and masturbate for hours’
Yeah. I bet he “used to be a libertarian” too.
“Now I understand that porn is big business”
You thought the girls were getting naked for free?
I think Big Porn is having financial problems because there are so many people who are willing to get naked for free. A lot of people enjoy watching these “scabs” more than the professional pr0n. Hard to compete when your competition is giving it away.
when production quality is comperable, and professional product is rife with silicone and tattoos, well, why pay to get an inferior product?
If you go on Youtube, RedHeadRedemption explains the business model.
No thanks. It is like home brewing. A fun hobby you can engage in for hours of amusement. But, no matter how good your product is, the jump from hobby to professional product is too great a leap to make it worth while.
Hey, maybe I should start a new movement called Home Screwing. You could come to my store and purchase prepackaged kits to take home. Specialized equipment. Sanitizing products.
Will you also offer services to have people go there and show the amateurs how to do it right? I once had a business where I sold frogs that were expert cunnilingus masters. Sold them for big bucks. Then when the ladies called to tell me the frog was not performing I would go there and show the frog – one last time – how to do that work right…
Sometimes these are so obvious that you almost feel sorry for the poor drones that have to put word to page.
Probably high as fuck and giggling all the while.
I’ve since quit masturbating
Proud Boy?
Sure, Jon…
Day 74 of NoFap
As I exited my vehicle to walk into work I caught scent of a female in heat 73.35 meters upwind. Because of the fog I couldn’t see her yet but judging by the scent she was mid twenties, and healthy. My ultra attunated hearing was able to pick up her gait, which put her at about 5’6”. My mind, free of the constraints of porn and indecent imagery, was able to calculate her weight based on the ripple in the testosterone continuum produced by her footsteps as she walked away from me.
Being that I was 10 minutes early for work, I made chase and followed her through the fog still without visual contact. I was like a pilot navigating the white abyss by instrument alone. I was trailing her about 130m behind when I sensed her phone vibrate in her purse through the pavement. Holding my ear to the ground I was able to faintly pick up on the conversation she was having with beta BF. Based on the annoyed tone in her voice I knew now was the time to strike.
I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my Vastus Medialus muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth.
As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place.
You’re welcome gentlemen
Harlan Ellison, is that you?
I have no porn and I must fap.
What good is a glass dildo?
They are easier to clean?
Dammit. I mixed up my Niven and Ellison.
How could you make that mistake, Ellison’s the Litigious asshole, and…
Oh you were talking about their work output.
I sentence myself to read The Last Dangerous Vision.
So you do save your essence for a reason! Do you have a newsletter that i might subscribe to?
I am late to the GoT debates if there are any but is it just me who finds it strange to get your troops in a line outside city walls when besiged?
“I know we spent a fortune on walls, which is why we can’t afford to let the enemy damage them. Men, get out there and stop the enemy from damaging our precious, precious walls.”
Game of Trump?
GoT has no clue about any actual military tactics. It is pretty annoying.
What do you mean? Sending in your light cavalry to charge against an army of the undead is perfect. Why would you let them use bows that they are known for using to harass and deplete the forces?
Quick question – have they worked out a method of slaying the undead via arrow?
Dragonglass (obsidian) arrowheads or flaming arrows. That’s what the archers on the walls were using to hold off the swarm as well.
I’m amazed how long the zombie series has continued after the demise of all the actual characters back in the first few seasons.
I read an article from a film historian explaining the history of cavalry charges in movies. From this perspective, the cavalry charge at the Battle of Winterfell was brilliant film making for setting up a set of expectations in the audience and then crushing those expectations with a non-traditional result. {a result that was absolutely predictable from a real military history point of view}
Sometimes you get the Seige of Vienna, sometimes you get the Battle of the Golden Spurs, even in its heyday, cavalry was not a magic bullet.
Into the Valley of Death…
Crimea was well past the heyday of cavalry.
Well most times cavalry did not charge in the dark without seeing the enemy far away from any support.
While still in range of artillery as well.
Cavalry charge worked much better in LotR when the rohrim came from the back into the siege army
The problem with me is my brain works and if i see something that makes no sense it takes me out of the scene… and then i dont enjoy it
I have the same issue with lots of Sci-Fi shows.
I am not as well versed in military history, so the Battle of Winterfell did not bother me as much as many other people.
Same here. My big issues are the armor and equipment, and to a lesser extent the combat. I’m willing to accept that stage combat is the way it is for a number of good reasons, but I personally find more authentic combat to be more interesting.
I liked the tactic of strafing perpendicular to the enemy lines. Very novel and unexpected.
FYI: I enjoyed the Legend of Dracula wine. Pretty darn good if you ask me.
Now if they can make a Vlad the Impaler.
No, that sticks out to me, too. Unless you were sallying to break the siege, which they clearly weren’t. I had slightly fewer problems with the most recent episode on that front, but it was still a pile of strange and bad choices in my opinion.
Martin at least read military history. Since the series outran the books, the battles (and little else) have made no sense.
They are hired to die for Cersei. They can’t do that hiding behind walls.
Dragon queen’s initial attack by dragon was at least a sound tactic.
Unfortunately she didn’t bother to repeat the maneuver. I suppose the idea is that in destroying the first ships, the Iron Fleet was demoralized and couldn’t aim.
I dont think mercenaries are that eager to die
You can’t spend your pay if you’re dead.
It’s not that strange, depending on what is outside the walls and who is in the army.
Pre Peloponnesian War hoplite armies would go out of their walls to fight. If they didn’t, the opposing army would trash all the hoplites’ farms. But hoplite fighting is strange. They had rules and traditions for fighting other hoplites.
Not necessarily. The troops could be used to attack with the support of artillery on the walls. But GoT often fails on medieval warfare tactics. The battle of Winterfell is a good example of atrociously bad tactics.
It wasn’t really a siege though. Dany’s army at that point isn’t very large and they were tired. KL thought the scorpions and the people held hostage in the Red Keep would keep the dragon away so the Golden Company could destroy the Unsullied/Dothraki remnants and the Northern rabble.
Anyway, I took it as them taking the opportunity to remove the possibility of a siege with what should’ve been a pretty straightforward victory. Even if it went badly for them, then they could fall back behind the wall, but before that, take out as many attackers as possible.
If you are going to be in Asheville in last May:
And a link on Birth of Porter for those of us who can’t be at above:
And two more porter links, on changing of the malt bill over time:
And I am done linking to beer history for today.
Whole Foods and Central Market in Austin used to carry a porter from St. Peter’s (UK) that was/is one of my all-time faves. Better than Sam Smith’s.
So, is Asheville a good time? I hear conflicting reports. Like, on the one hand, it’s the Proggiest Prog that ever Progged. On the other hand, it’s a beautiful part of the world and there’s a bunch of cool stuff to do, tons of good beer and food, music, stuff like that.
I have never been, but yes to all of that from what I have heard.
Pretty much. It’s a beautiful town, but most of the locals are repugnant people.
Is it “feces and needles on the streets” beautiful yet?
Let’s ask Seattle!!
Hmmm. It would appear that beauty is still an elusive little minx…
That describes where I live pretty well, come to think of it.
From what I’ve heard there’s a large number of ex-Clevelanders down there. The people that I know who have gone down there have enjoyed it.
Large number of ex-clevelanders…hmmm….
[cancels trip]
I’ve been thinking about taking the pop-up camper down there and spending a long weekend some time. We almost went last winter when we drove to Pigeon Forge, but we were meeting my in-laws and didn’t want to hold them up with a detour.
I like Asheville quite a bit; great views, mountains, and a walkable (all uphill) downtown.
I prefer Charleston though – better food, ocean, and more interesting streets.
I’m a big Savannah mark, but I’ve never been to Charleston. I hear good things. It’s gonna be tough to compete with a place with such relaxed open container laws, though. Also, counting Orlando and east Texas, Savannah is the most humid place I’ve ever been, and the only place I’ve been that was more humid than my ‘hood in, say, August.
I have enjoyed both Charleston and Savannah and, yes, the low country is extremely humid and has bugs from hell.
We honeymooned there in late June, and I swear to God, we left the hotel room and walked to a nearby graveyard, because apparently that’s what you do, and within maybe five minutes I was covered in moisture. I hesitate to say sweat because it was like 9:00 AM and maybe 72F, and I was wearing a short-sleeved linen shirt.
Many a memory of being outside for PT on Parris Island at 6 AM, sun not quite up yet, and being drenched just by standing in formation before we even did any exercises.
My people are a husky people, clearly built for northern climes, although I prefer the heat to the cold. So, when I say I sweat at the drop of a hat, I mean it. Even so, I was stunned. It was like being in a room with an industrial-size cold-air humidifier.
Charleston is best experienced in the Spring or Fall. Church St. Inn with a balcony overlooking Market Ave is my favorite place to stay. Take an Uber over to the the Isle of Palms to go swimming. Go to Patriot’s Point for the Yorktown carrier museum. Carriage rides for the history. King St. for upscale shopping. And the Unitarian Church graveyard is an amazing place – wild overgrown gravestones.
Haven’t done Savannah yet – but with the direct flights from my town it’s on the list.
Spent a week at Isle of Palms in 2003. We went into Charleston most nights for dinner and other activities. The ghost tours are amusing. If a US town is haunted, it is Charleston.
2001, not 2003.
It’s been ten years, but I really enjoyed Savannah. My wife and I went for our honeymoon back when we did fun things because we were young. Most of our leisure activities revolved around booze, but in between bars we walked around the historic area and found a lot of cool things to see. Of course there’s the houses, which really are beautiful. There are some larger parks which are really pretty, but there are also “squares”–block-square parks–that sort of dot the historic district. Lots of museums, shops, cafes, stuff like that. Good food, although the low country seems oddly averse to cayenne pepper. We got strange looks when we asked for hot sauce to put on our grits.
In retrospect, I think the thing I liked most about it is that it’s an easy place to just sort of walk around and explore. We never made it out to Tybee Island or anything, but we found plenty of stuff within walking distance of our place. Granted, we stayed on East Bay St., so we were right on the river in the center of the scenic bits, which helped. Honestly, I liked it so much I’d move there if I could.
I’ve been there. Strikes me as the kind of place that is great to visit for all the aforementioned reasons (beer, music, scenery) and a bad place to live for all the aforementioned (progtopia) reasons. I really enjoyed Highlander Brewery while I was there.
That’s pretty much every proggie land.
They shouldn’t be banning Soph but, that being said, the parents deserve some condemnation. Good luck getting admitted to college or getting a job with that sort of stuff out there. If she wants to get involved in politics when she’s older, fine.
You know who else got involved in politics when they were older…
Mike Gravel?
[golf clap mimed sideways]
James Woods?
Generalfeldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg?
+1 Oprah visit will clear that infection right up.
Well if she wants a career in politics, those parents better get busy and marry her off to her brother.
Oh, I can see the FIRE suing to get her into a state school.
Not sure she’d be a good match for Liberty as I have no idea about her personal life, but that could be interesting.
I am equally appalled by kids being used to support politics I hate and politics I agree with.
I’m still thinking she did it largely on her own volition. A bunch of political youtubers were in High School when they started.
But the people linking to it and sharing it seem to be adults, which appalls me as much as if it was someone using her to make the video.
It’s not the politics that bothers me, it’s Gen-Z’s love for Sam Hyde-esque winkingly post-meta-para-quasi-ironic reactionism combined with smirking, self-satisfied ignorance. It’s just so, so tiresome.
Hiya Banjos!
Nice story about Mel and Anne. She was so beautiful.
I see that the Bouncing Souls are coming to Minneapolis in August. Anyone seen them live?
Yes, but it was about 20 years ago.
I saw them a couple years back, they were with Rancid and the Dropkick Murphys. Good show, still can play. I also saw them on one of the mid 90’s Warped tours, back when I recognized most of the bands on the line up. Social Distortion and Bad Religion are both touring this year as well.
Thanks for the recommendation to check out Carpenter Brut yesterday. Its good stuff. Goes in my library right next to Lazerhawk.
Hadn’t heard of them but I like what I hear. Thanks!
Fun fact, you can loop any snippet of any Lazerhawk song over any animated gif and it is instantly 1000% better.
Gunship is another favorite retrowave of mine
Also nice!
another track by them, from their first s/t album
(not HTMLing the link due to autoplay)
streaming radio with lots of good synthwave/retrowave stuff
See also, Waveshaper, Daniel Deluxe, Timecop1983
Will do!
When exactly does the pregnancy end? When the kid gets a driver’s license or graduates from high school?
When the mother dies.
If one truly believed in the values of Western civilization, they would do as the Romans did.
Through the authority of the patria potestas, a father could kill any of his children or grandchildren at any time for any reason. Even if they were adults with families of their own.
The Romans also outlawed abortion.
Western values come up short. Eastern values come up short. Southern values are sweaty and slow.
Clearly it’s time for Northern values to assert their rightful place as Superior Guiding Philosophy.
Kinsman, outlander, beast?
NA gets it.
Hotdish is as a barbaric and revolting cultural practice as public execution through crucifixion.
Sit tight. The Pontiff of the Prairie will be along shortly to handle the exorcism.
I thought he was in favor, I mean crosses for commies are cheaper than helicopter rides.
So, buff chicks in loincloths and fur boots?
*looks for sign-up sheet*
Just contact our VP in charge of membership.
I think you’ll like her.
I can’t even. Tater Tot hotdish sits alone atop of the mountain of the worlds culinary masterpieces.
Just FYI, both tater tots and corned beef hash are HUGE hits with the Chinese expat population here. I have also successfully introduced the Whataburger concept of bacon egg and tater tot burritos to the kitchen crew.
Hell is an eternity spent at a potluck in a Lutheran church’s basement with Lawrence Welk playing in the background.
For you, my dusky friend.
Lutheran church ladies are the sweetest people on the planet.
Be sure to try the lemon bars!
I love the fucking lemon bars, man. With the perfect crust and dusted with powdered sugar.
*dies happy*
That’s what makes it even worse!
“Wunnerful! Wunnerful”
*Lawrence Welk’s catchphrase for those not in the know
Tundra: I’ve got a recipe for lemon bars that I’ve yet to make (it’s for a witbier infused filling, with a shortbread crust). The recipe calls for over a dozen egg yolks, so if I do make it, I’ll be able to make an angel food cake too.
I don’t care what they say about you Tundra, you’re alright.
Fuck lemon bars!
Lutheran church ladies make hotdish that will curl your toes.
Tundra, MOST Lutheran church ladies are the sweetest people on the planet, but at our church there’s a beefy, butch, middle-aged, scowling woman who often runs the post-service coffee and snacks who is a severely unpleasant person to deal with. My wife and I can never remember her name so we dubbed her Brunhilda.
That’s all good and well, Chip. But, how are the lemon bars? Priorities, man!
What is it with you and bars, Mike?
You spent yesterday yammering on and on about dive bars. Now you are going on about lemon bars.
A bar is a bar is a bar.
hah….rarely serves lemon bars. It’s usually some cookies, muffins, and cheese with crackers.
A different, more pleasant lady recently served actual sandwiches, which were very good.
This right here,Huzzah!
Oh yah der hey!
I like it, let’s the kids know who’s boss.
They banned it when it became a tad too cavalier and traversed into infanticide if I recall correctly. This from a culture that was essentially indifferent to it.
Both robc and I have explained this before, it’s when the soul enters the body, which can be determined by the kid learning algebra.
I think legally, you need a receipt from the Chamber of Guf to prove a soul is there.
That seems kind of extreme.
my wife just suggested on Sunday that we should move to Vermont b/c it’s the most libertarian state and then i had to explain the last two years of gun control to her. and now this.
Equality Minister?
We all must be equally subservient to the state. We proles, that is.
this slightly elevates the temperature in the cold dark recesses of my steal heart:
“You could beg me kicking and screaming to stop disseminating the ideas I believe in, and it wouldn’t make a fucking difference,” Soph says at the end of “Be Not Afraid,” in a passage in which she seems to drop her shtick, if only for a moment. “Not only am I inoculated to that bullshit, most of Gen Z is too. Millennials grew up with MTV and nowadays watch Colbert. We, on the other hand, grew up with the internet, so we have no centralized source of information that controls what we think. We filter out the truth for ourselves; we’re not lazy. No one is brainwashing kids. Kids are simply learning from having free access to information, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
I watched the video. It was pretty well done.
I see my kids becoming less woke every day – perhaps she’s on to something.
In my school district, the middle-schoolers are issued Chromebooks in lieu of textbooks. They do everything online. Every class, every assignment. All day, every day.
The Bee is on fire:
Report: All Six Men Attracted To Feminists Deeply Affected By Sex Strike
Oh my. That’s gonna leave a mark.
Which one of you is working for the bee?
Not it. I’m not that funny.
Cool! Since i’m likely going there anyway.
Listen, you can’t outsmart the devil. If you are going there for liking pineapple pizza, you’re not going to get pineapple pizza.
Or you’re going to get nothing but pineapple pizza. I learned that from the Twilight Zone.
“Hey, this pizza can’t help me read all my books!”
Great Ep.
I had in mind the one where Mr. French is an angel to some dead low-life and gives him everything he wants.
This was my take on it, but the Bee makes the point much more eloquently than I can.
CATO’s amicus curiae in Pena
Can California condition the sale of semi-automatic handguns upon the incorporation of technology that doesn’t exist?
this is a fascinating brief because it discusses the mechanics of why microstamping is not feasible. Pena was distributed for SCOTUS conference of 4/12/2019.
Well, the second amendment says that California can’t even condition the sale of semi-automatic handguns upon the incorporation of technology that does exist.
Shall not be infringed.
Do you find the rote recitation of a few words to be convincing? Like incanting a spell?
Because without defining the first half of the sentence, your incantation doesn’t mean much.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,” A prefatory clause setting forth one of the purposes of the right set forth in the main clause. As a prefatory clause, does not limit the right set forth in the main clause.
“the right to keep and bear arms”: Each adult person has the right to own, possess, and carry weapons, including firearms.
Just to pick a bit… what does “bear” mean?
Does it have to be visibly borne? There were laws against concealment of arms in place at the time. Should those still be permissible? IE is it ok for open-carry only?
There were laws against carry in what we now call “sensitive places.” How expansive are those? Is the post office a “sensitive place?”
Some places has records in the courthouse of everyone who was able bodied and owned a gun. Is that something that any executive should be able to compile and keep tabs on, an if you are bearing an arm while not on this list, is that ok to prosecute?
What about when rights collide. Party A has a right to a fair trial by jury. Are the victims of his alleged crime allowed to stand around outside the courthouse, finger their AR’s, and stare down the jury as they enter and exit the courthouse?
Can a home owner exclude firearms from their own home? Can a group of contiguous homeowners enter into a covenant to make a block gun-free? Can they enforce that on a side-walk easement or road right-of-way easement? Can they write that into their deeds so that a developer can construct Slick Freddies Gun Free Burbclave and Quicklube?
Does it have to be visibly borne? There were laws against concealment of arms in place at the time.
No. Just because there were unconstitutional laws at the time doesn’t limit the scope of the amendment.
There were laws against carry in what we now call “sensitive places.”
See above. I seem to recall reading that there were no laws against bringing a gun into the White House, of all “sensitive places”, so I wonder how widespread those laws were.
What about when rights collide. Party A has a right to a fair trial by jury. Are the victims of his alleged crime allowed to stand around outside the courthouse, finger their AR’s, and stare down the jury as they enter and exit the courthouse?
Some places has records in the courthouse of everyone who was able bodied and owned a gun. Is that something that any executive should be able to compile and keep tabs on, an if you are bearing an arm while not on this list, is that ok to prosecute?
I see no reason why the local government shouldn’t have a list of the militia on hand. I don’t see any reason to believe that carrying a gun if you aren’t on this list would be a problem or a crime.
What about when rights collide. Party A has a right to a fair trial by jury. Are the victims of his alleged crime allowed to stand around outside the courthouse, finger their AR’s, and stare down the jury as they enter and exit the courthouse?
Your right to free speech doesn’t allow you to disrupt a courtroom. I don’t see how the right to keep and bear arms allows you to use them wrongfully, such as by interfering with the administration of justice by making implied threat.
Can a home owner exclude firearms from their own home? Can a group of contiguous homeowners enter into a covenant to make a block gun-free? Can they enforce that on a side-walk easement or road right-of-way easement? Can they write that into their deeds so that a developer can construct Slick Freddies Gun Free Burbclave and Quicklube?
Clicked too soon. On the last one:
Sure. The Second Amendment limits the government, not private individuals (or non-governmental associations). As to whether it can be enforced on an easement, I doubt it, since an easement allows the public free passage.
No. Just because there were unconstitutional laws at the time doesn’t limit the scope of the amendment.e amendment.
That would be news to noted gun grabber Scalia, who said
So the guy who wrote Heller thinks that you need to actually inspect the historical record to determine what the right is.
And just like Justice Breyer isn’t permitted to perform a 21st century rebalancing, neither are we pro-RKBA folks allowed to do so either.
Did people have the right (or more pointedly, did the people understand that they had the right) to carry concealed at the time of adoption of the 2nd? I don’t think they did (pretend I am linking to an article called Open Carry for All: Heller and Our Nineteenth-Century Second Amendment by Meltzer on the Yale Law Journal, but too many links=spam filter), unfortunately.
In any case, it is more complicated than in intonation of “Shall Not Be Infringed.”
Cocked up the formatting on that one pretty good…
Constitutional rights are enshrined with the scope they were understood to have when the people adopted them,
An interesting formulation, which would be more convincing if it were honored except in the breach. For example, if he were serious about that, then big chunks of the rest of that opinion wouldn’t be written the way they are, specifically the discussion on how current laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms were not to be questioned, even though there was no real analogue for those laws at the time the 2A was ratified, as far as I know.
Scalia is begging the question here, assuming that all laws in place at the time the BoR was passed were immune from it and constituted universally accepted limitations or exceptions to the BoR.
He is using this as a pretext for avoiding the obvious implication of applying the 2A as written, namely, that most gun control laws, including the NFA, would be struck down.
Thanks for the reply, I have just a few parting thoughts and then I won’t be able to check back.
1) He repudiates being a “fainthearted originalist,” but he was. He wouldn’t take his own logic to its logical conclusions even though he said he would. Fortunately, Thomas and Goresuch seem to have more of a stomach for that.
2) I think he had to put that in there to maintain his majority, and I think its bullshit too. I hope he did as well, and I hope he hoped that his systematic analysis (ie that the rights where what they were understood to be) would outlast his particular originalist analysis of what was and was not a part of the right.
3) While I love KISS, I don’t think it applies here, which was my original point. And more importantly, the 9 black-robed folks who set the rules don’t think it applies. I don’t think that rote recitations of “Shall Not Be Infringed” will protect our RKBAs nearly as much as generating and spreading both theoretical support for and historical support for the RKBA. Clayton Cramer has proved that this is both necessary and possible for lay-folks to do, if they are systemic and careful.
Yeah no shit. I’m leery of hanging a legal challenge on the grounds that the tech doesn’t exist. As if that’s ever stopped government (see pollution regulations).
Maybe, at long last, we’ve hit Peak Retard? Headline: The dangerous power of Trump’s ‘fairy tale’ nicknames
SleepyCreepyJoe doesn’t have much of a ring to it.
Yeah, it’s terrible. He should test-market “Handsy Joe”.
Bad Touch Biden
“BTB 2020”
The pins practically design themselves.
They are in a complete panic. They have no idea what to do. They were just sure they would get something on the guy but there is nothing to get. They keep conjuring increasingly absurd BS out of thin air completely oblivious as to how transparent they are. I am really loving watching them squirm. They are doomed but like good useful idiots they refuse to accept reality.
I could be wrong. Maybe Biden will gobble up all of the libertarian and conservative votes.
I called this one.
Sri Lankan police struggled to keep up this weekend with a series of mob attacks on mosques
Those Easter Worshipers sure are pissed.
No true Easter worshiper…
“struggled to keep up” or were told to stand down?
i’m guessing the govt views this populist retribution as a pressure release. and maybe the radical Muslim element will lose support. but we all know how this is going to end.
More like “shrugged and cleaned up”.
Hundreds of Christians Killed, Muslims Hardest Hit
You know, I knew the bare bones of recent Sri Lankan history, the war between the govt and the Tamils, but I was spurred to read up on it after the bombings to learn more…..and man, that’s one depressing, horrible story. Sometimes the knowledge of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man overwhelms me and plunges me into darkness and depression.
Huh. Imagine that.
This is from the Hill article about the FBI’s story on the Steele dossier falling apart:
So I’ve mentioned before how the supposed hacking timelines don’t match up, and if they are to be believed mean that the worst of the hacking happened right under Crowdstrike’s nose, weeks after they had set up their most sophisticated monitoring system available.
It seems far more likely that somebody with inside access was pulling the emails. And here we see Steele claiming the Russians had a plant in the DNC. A cynical person might point out that this would provide a good fallback position in case it was found out that the emails were not from an outside hacker, and were actually taken by somebody inside the DNC. It would also strongly imply that it was *known* by the people running Steele that the emails had been stolen by an insider.
An insider? Who coincidentally got killed in a botched robbery? Where nothing was stolen?
For whom Wikileaks offered a reward for information leading to the murderers while saying that their informants take significant risks. But that was obviously just Julian Assange trolling, right? You can’t trust him, because he’s unprincipled. So unprincipled that he would refuse to withhold an embarrassing photo of the Ecuadorian President, knowing it would probably get him kicked out of the embassy.
Also, Crowdstrike was founded by Dmitri Alperovitch, who was born in Moscow.
“It seems far more likely that somebody with inside access was pulling the emails.”
Based on the meta-data the transfers were too fast to be done from Russia.
The Russians have succeeded in placing an agent inside the DNC
Wait, if allegations that the Russians were trying to recruit an agent inside the Trump campaign were enough to set off wide-ranging surveillance, sting operations, and ultimately a criminal investigation, why wasn’t the DNC subjected to the same?
It is a mystery. A conundrum. An inscrutable enigma. We may never know.
I know, right? If I didn’t know better, I might suppose there was a strong desire to spy on the Trump campaign, and the dossier was just an excuse. But we know that the fine upstanding members of our intelligence services would never do that. It must be happenstance.
“DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and a top immigration official were ‘forced out of the Trump Administration for challenging a “secret plan” to arrest thousands of migrant parents and children in a blitz operation
The former heads of the Department of Homeland Security were removed last month after they halted a secret White House plan to launch a ‘10-city blitz operation’ that would have included the arrest and swift deportation of thousands of migrant families and children.
Kirstjen Nielsen, the former Homeland Security secretary, and Ronald Vitiello, who was acting director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), were ousted after they stood in the way of the plan, The Washington Post reported Monday.
The Post cited seven current and former officials with the department.”
““There was concern that it was being hastily put together, would be ineffective and might actually backfire by misdirecting resources away from critical border emergency response operations,” said one DHS official, who, like others, described the plan on the condition of anonymity.”
Anonymous citings?
So if they’re gone over that, the flash deportation is going ahead, right? And if it’s hasty without planning, it must have happened already? It’s been a month.
The Post
citedclaimed without corroboration that seven anonymous officials with the department . . .Yawn. And, as noted, if this was really a plan that people were fired for opposing, why hasn’t it happened yet?
And who seriously believes that a sweep like this would misdirect resources away from the border, unless such misdirection was done to sabotage immigration enforcement?
The sources need to keep their identities secret because they know people familiar with Trump’s thinking.
Or the author could have just said “I pulled this straight out of my ass last night in a dream.” Now that is how you do journalism.
Just got back from the doctors.
1) I’m finally off beta blockers. Thank the lord. Maybe cardio won’t make me want to put a gun in my mouth. Maybe.
2) Doc casually mentioned that the blood pressure meds I am just getting off can increase appetite. Fuck you doc. You could have mentioned that a year and a half ago when I started dieting. Or when you put me on them.
3) Talking with an MD about my exercise routine reminds me of when my 4 year old son was trying to help me troubleshoot my desktop computer based on his extensive understanding of how to turn on a tablet and log into netflix. When I mentioned that I’m limited by my ability to recover and have to lift less than I’d like, he suggested maybe focus one day on upper body and the next day on lower body. Thanks doc. Let me get right on that.
4) This “lift heavy things, put them down, repeat” thing just might be working. Nurse giving me an immunization booster in my shoulder: “You need to relax this muscle or else its going to hurt for a couple days.” Me “Nurse, that is what my shoulder is like when it is relaxed.”
Good news about the beta blockers at least. Also, congratulations on lifting results! It’s funny, I hit a plateau for quite a while and just recently broke it, and it was as if it happened overnight. It’s definitely easier to keep lifting heavy things when you see positive results.
Congrats man.
Happy to hear it, Leap!
Docs are overall pretty awful about diet and exercise. You have a much deeper understanding of both than the average MD, so it becomes kind of annoying when they tell you to eat more whole grains and exercise 30 minutes a day. *eye roll*
I’m trying to find a doc locally that is more dialed in. It’s not easy.
At least this guy will run any test I ask and knows that I know what I’m doing / asking for. He’s not quite a rubber stamp for me, but pretty close.
I had to practically beg my (marathon running) doc to order a T test. My argument that my lifting recovery seemed off was not compelling to him, so I said fine, I’m fatigued all the time. Apparently that is a better one.
I was disappointed that I fell in the normal range. Sure would like to get a little chemical help!
This guy literally just ordered a T test for me today at my request.
Also, there may be a clinic up your way that will write you a script based on reported symptoms instead of just a lab #. No first hand experience, but I’ve heard it mentioned once or twice as easy to work with.
Yup. I think I know that clinic. I may have to schedule a visit.
Keep in mind that the “normal” range is huge. If you’re at the bottom of it, you have low T.
“Nurse, my arm isn’t the only thing that’s swole, IYKWIMAITYD.”
I was on beta blockers for awhile (ages ago). Turned me into a zombie.
“I’m finally off beta blockers. Thank the lord. Maybe cardio won’t make me want to put a gun in my mouth. Maybe.”
Haha, I feel you. I’ve found that if I can just power through the first 15 minutes or so on sheer willpower, it gets easier after that.
“Italian volleyball team celebrates title by posing naked with trophy
A women’s volleyball team celebrated winning a title last week by posing naked with the trophy. ”
I want to believe
Tastefully done.
Safe storage; not just for the peasantry
The son of an Ohio State Trooper died on Mother’s day after accidentally shooting himself in the head with his father’s work-issued gun, authorities said.
Evan Sun, 4, died Sunday at approximately 12:52 p.m. after sustaining a single gunshot wound to the face, the Lucas County Coroners Office said.
Authorities believe that Evan found an “unsecured weapon” which belonged to his father who serves as an Ohio State Trooper. The firearm was used as a “back-up” weapon.
It’s horrible, no matter who it happens to, but all I hear is “only the police are qualified”.
+1 DEA agent
On a related note – I was pretty adamant about keeping firearms locked up while I had kids too young to be handling firearms under any circumstances. Now I have 1 who is shooting and 1 who is close to that age. Both can be expected to observe safe handling (including not fucking around with them except in appropriate settings like at a range.)
So, how did you all store your firearms with kids in the house, back before that horrible boat accident when you lost all your guns. When did you, or did you ever, decide that every single gun no longer needs to be locked up 24/7?
We’ve never locked ours up. We did keep the pistol on a high shelf out of reach of children, and no longer kept a loaded shotgun next to the bed. Now that my kids are older, I have drilled them endlessly on safe weapons handling. Both of them can recite the four rules of the range with no problem. I believe very strongly that treating firearms as taboo is the surest possible way to encourage a child to fool around with them when mom and dad aren’t around, so I have told them that they can ask me any questions about our firearms or anything else related to them. When my daughter wanted to see what holding the revolver felt like, I unloaded it and handed it to her. Since we’ve been talking about it for a long time now, she conducted herself maturely and properly while holding it.
No kids. The only time I have locked everything up is when we have had visitors with kids. Of any age – I don’t know if they are trained or not.
All the roscoes are in a locked steel cabinet. I’ve got a key on my key ring and another in a coffee cup on the top shelf of a closet in my office behind some boxes. I never open the cabinet with my kid on the same floor, because her ninja ass would be standing behind me watching me turn the key without my knowing it, and then she’d take my keys and be dragging an SKS across the living room floor before the day was over.
I will likely follow my dad’s routine. He kept most of his guns in a walk-in closet (he had a shit-ton of firearms) with a lock on the door, with the key set on the trim above it for added security. I think it was mostly to keep the dog out. Anyway, I do not think I will keep pistols hidden strategically throughout the house as he did, since my wife would probably lose her mind. He never said, “Hey, Bill, here’s the key to the arsenal, knock yourself out.” It was understood that I was not to touch his guns without his permission and physical presence, and in exchange he did not take any steps to prevent me from accessing them.
Growing up the gun cabinet was a sliding glass display case sort of thing in Dad’s bedroom. The ammo was locked in the lower part below the guns, but since the key was in the display case portion, the locked portion wasn’t exactly locked up. The ‘security’ was “Your ass will be blistered so bad you won’t be able to sit for a month” We also had firsthand knowledge of how dangerous a firearm could be because we were dragged out hunting with dad from age 5 or so.
Mine are getting to the age where its time to start doing more in the way of security. She doesn’t have that same first hand experience.
My dad’s gun case was in my bedroom. I didn’t know where the keys were. Mostly antique rifles he restored. Two handguns too, although I only knew about that years later. Friends would come over, notice the case, see the antique rifles, say “Cool” and never mention them again.
The only gun nuts are the gun grabbers.
This is my nightmare scenario. It’s why I keep all the guns locked up, and most of the knives, too. My daughter is turning 4 in a month and has this remarkable ability to immediately find the thing you least want her to have at any given moment. And then, when you ask her for it or, God forbid, reach to take it, she instinctively pulls it away and hides it behind her back. When I was young I distinctly remember my grandfather complaining because my aunt wouldn’t bring her young son over to visit unless he took his pistol out of the drawer and put it in a locked container. She didn’t handle it well, but I totally get it now. Kids are like cat burglar ninjas, man. My daughter, who struggles to write her name legibly, can climb onto the kitchen counter by hooking her big toe onto the edges of closed cabinets and get to stuff her mom can’t reach.
My mom used to find my 2 year old brother on top of the fridge like once a week for a while.
I came into our bedroom and saw her perched on top of the sink in the master bathroom brushing her teeth. She Jackie Channed her way up there somehow. I just told her not to tell her mom about it.
Yep. Four was the age my son and his friends started sneaking around the house playing spy and rifling through our dresser drawers when we were busy in the kitchen. He’s much older now. He and his friends are complete idiots.
Dem Hopefuls get the stache.
They look like my HS faculty now.
You went to 70’s porn school?
It was the 80s. They had all retired from porn by then.
“Was Shakespeare a dark-skinned Jewish woman? @ElizWinkler lays out a truly compelling case. #WeekendRead @TheAtlantic”
Narrator: It wasn’t truly compelling.
“Tia Keenan
May 12
As a mom I know my most important work is to model what I want my kid to be: confident, critical, resiliant, caring, altruistic. As a white mom I know my most important work is to model the white person I want him to be: dismantling whiteness, actively anti-racist and pro-Black.”
Orignal source:
Wypippo gots to die for us niggas to be made whole.
What a pathetic human being. At that point, why not just do the decent thing and off yourself to remove one more white person from the world?
But fuck those brown and yellow kids. Seriously though this is how you get white nationalist boys. You grow up being told your guilty, then the teenage rebel years come and the next thing you know your son is sorting a “molon Labe” cuttoff t-shirt and going to the local Young Republicans meeting.
Who wants a stress donkey for Christmas?
The future is made of soft.
Maybe they could put on some sort of show.
I’d take just a regular donkey. They seem like good pets, plus you can put them to work in the yard.
Best comment so far:
“We are concerned this child is ruining her life so we are going to try to ruin her life by writing about how awful she is.”
Looks like Soph has been making videos for years:
It is pretty wild that grown-ass adults are attacking a 14-year-old because they don’t like her politics. I mean, welcome to the Internet, but still, it’s tough to claim the moral high ground when you’re trying to shut down a kid’s YouTube channel.
The daughter of Duke Leto Atreides of Caladan and his Bene Gesserit concubine, Lady Jessica, Alia is the younger sister to Paul Atreides. During the events of Dune, Alia is born on the planet Arrakis in the year 10,191 A.G., eight months after her father’s death. Later known to her followers as St. Alia of the Knife, Alia is considered an Abomination by the Bene Gesserit because of the unique nature of her birth. In the later years of her regency, her enemies and victims among the Fremen call her Coan-Teen, “the female death spirit who walks without feet.”
Wow, there’s shadowban in action. I follow her and I haven’t seen ONE tweet of hers in weeks. I thought she’d gone offline when Assange was pulled out of the embassy.
Minneapolis cops crow about all the guns they’ve seized to the glowing praise of the local newspaper.
An entire story devoted to the good news that cops are grabbing a lot of guns recently and are on pace to set a record.
One paragraph about wreckers and kulaks.
I guess you just have to do those random searches right and everything is cool.
Uh oh, the Red Star editors let someone slip through:
research suggests can be effective when done right.
Since I suspect “effectiveness” is measured entirely by the number of guns seized, I suspect its effective even when done wrong.
“Tulsi Gabbard becomes the FIRST and ONLY Democratic Candidate to defend FREE SPEECH on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Bravo.”
I like her. Still won’t vote for her, though. She’s absolutely shit on gun rights.
whoa. full stop.
Key Points
Tulsi strongly supports a number of gun control measures, including:
A federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines
Requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks
Closing the gun-show loophole
Making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns
oh for fucks sake she doesn’t even know what she’s talking about. “comprehensive background checks” is the same fucking thing as “closing the gun-show loophole”. both mean extending the NICS check to non-FFL (read: private) sellers. “comprehensive” does not mean the state police checks another database they have lying around that has more information in it.
It’s like there’s a template on the DNC website that she copypasta’d her gun talking points from. For me, this is the poo in the punch bowl. Hard no. I don’t care how good she is on other stuff, if her opponent is for a strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment AND invading every single country on the globe AND raising taxes to pay for single-payer healthcare AND banning snack foods, I’m still voting against her.
She shit on gun rights and just about any domestic policy you care to name. She supported the Green New Deal. I don’t care how good she might be on foreign policy, those are two absolute show-stoppers for me.
she’ll make a great candidate.. in 2024.
I’m almost dismayed by her, because there’s a lot of domestic policy I disagree with her on, and she’s such a good candidate I can easily see her winning if she can get past the primaries.
Biden has the nom locked up.
if she can get past the primaries
Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Since she’s questioned the absolute need to go to war against the Rooskies right now, her own tribe has brought up the fact that she’s questioned whether everyone who doesn’t accept the progressive catechism in toto should dismissed as a deplorable barbarian. She’s persona non grata in her own tribe. Shame, though. I disagree with her on a huge number of issues, but actually have a modicum of respect for her.