Hello Glibs, it’s been awhile, but your old Master of Scaremonies the Cryptkeeper is here to provide my annual superfuntimestory of the bestest holiday on my calendar outside of Halloween – Texas Frightmare Weekend! This article is *at least* five times as long as it needs to be, because I know you’re reading this at work and I’m trying to give you an excuse to not get back to that for an extra 10 minutes. You’re welcome. Do keep reading, though – there’s lots of cursing, lame jokes, celebrity stories, and a 40k reference for my fellow hyper-nerds. Plus I had fun last year with our game of, “There are so many links, I wonder which one of them randomly goes to a weird porn site?” that I decided to play again this year. Happy hunting!
To begin with, this shit has gotten completely out of hand. They sold out of Saturday single day tickets (est. attendance this year of 35,000), and the fucking hotel rooms sold out at the main venue within two hours of going on sale. We were able to snag a room at the last second because they caught some dude reserving 20 rooms and trying to re-lease them out at a markup. Thankfully the dumbass advertised them on the Facebook meetup page for the event, so the organizer cancelled his block reservation & they opened the rooms back up. My wife received an automatic update and we jumped on one. True story: we got the last one, and it wound up being a handicapped room. It was YUUUGE. Like twice the size of a regular room. What’s a fucking cripple need with all that space? Don’t they need less space? It’s not like they’re prancing about or have friends that they can invite up or anything else requiring room. Even the shower was much larger. Don’t just take my word for it, here’s a photo. It’s so big you don’t even get the edge of the bed in frame.

Crip room
Now most, if not all of you, are probably mentally saying to me, “Gojira, we know that Texas Frightmare Weekend is always held on the first weekend of May. So why come this year, Dallas Fan Expo, the larger (50k+ attendance) pop culture, sci-fi, and comic book convention that used to be called Dallas Comic Con, moved its date to directly compete? Aren’t they targeting the same people?” Well astute reader, indeed that was the plan – of the FanExpo organizer. Here’s a little inside baseball for you, as was related to me by a buddy of mine involved in the whole sordid affair: FanExpo wanted to be the only game in town & approached the Texas Frightmare organizer, Loyd Cryer, about buying him out. He told them to fuck off and die in a fire (paraphrasing mine -ed). In what is possibly an act of pure spite, which is just my conjecture and in no way libelous, FanExpo moved their event to the same weekend. I think their big-shot corporate overlords thought that the nerdy public is one undifferentiated mass, and that being the larger event with more headline guests, they would draw interest and put a little bit of a beat-down on ol’ Texas Frightmare.
Turns out the Venn Diagram of people who are comic book and pop culture nerds, and people who are hardcore horror fans, does have overlap, but not nearly to the degree that the FanExpo jerks had hoped. I do fear, though, that this blatant act of separatism has resulted in some unfortunate battlelines being drawn and our two populations being given reason to resent and distrust one another. Thanks alot, FanExpo! If I ever see Jonathan Frakes on the street, I’ll fuckin’ kill him and leave a human turd on his forehead and a little note written on a cocktail napkin that says, “Defend Horror” written in his blood and pinned to his body with a little plastic sword along with some photos of those abused dogs from the SPCA commercials.
Interestingly, the above paragraph wasn’t just one long setup to a largely unfunny joke about murdering Will Riker. There really is a distinct difference between the two groups, and if you swing both ways, as I do [insert “Oh My!” George Takei gif], you notice it when surrounded entirely by one group or the other. By and large the horror crowd, where I spend more time, is more…enthusiastic…about ordering their lifestyle around their interests. They don’t just dye their hair, they have a shit-load of tats and piercings, dress somewhat raggedly, curse a lot more, drink a lot more, and are generally more “blue collar” types. They also skew distinctly more conservative. There are a lot more pro-2A shirts, and shirts making fun of liberals, at horror events, than shirts or patches with leftist slogans. Hell, I saw a couple of Confederate flag patches on vests this weekend, and nobody gave them a second glance. For all you aspies rushing to the comments to correct me that it’s actually the battle flag of Northern Virginia or whatever the hell, save yourselves the spittle-flecked outrage. When I say, “Confederate flag”, you damn well know what I’m talking about, so just simmer down and roll with it. If you promise not to be a ludicrous pendant, I’ll not purposefully replace the word “magazine” with “clip” in any future firearms articles I may write.
The thing is, I’m not sure why this is. This is a group of people who are obviously comfortable with, shall we say, non-traditional mores in terms of public behavior, modes of dress, etc., and yet they actually skew conservative. The sci-fi/comic crowd is overwhelmingly leftist, but they also are overwhelmingly just fat guys able to take off their blue TOS shirts at the end of the day and blend back into “regular” society. I can’t help but wonder why this is. I’m sure Ken Shultz has a theory that he’d like to expound on (just ribbing you in good nature, Ken). Joe Bob Briggs mentioned it during his panel, as well, so it’s not just me making shit up…this time.
So not as many photos this year, for which I apologize. If you haven’t read my past entries on this event, be warned: this is literally the only time of the year I take photos, so I cannot be assed to get good at it because I just don’t care. Anyway, even five years ago, when you purchased an autograph from a guest, it came with a selfie. Now every one of these greedy fucks charges an extra $10, except for a few who are cool.

Bruce Abbot is cool. He does not charge extra.
I will note that they didn’t have glowsticks available at the after party again this year. I think our little art project that I showed you all photos of in the 2017 entry put the kibosh on that for everybody. At least I hope that’s why there weren’t any. I’d love to believe that my one merry band of assholes managed to ruin something for tens of thousands of people. It’d put me right up there with John Dillinger.
Great guests though, and great panels. We had Jeffrey Combs, who given his wonderful Star Trek roles would have been just as at home at FanExpo, but he’s also done great work in horror. I’m a huge Jeffrey Combs fanboy, so this was a special treat for me. We had Meat Loaf, who fell off the fucking stage at his panel and broke his collarbone. Looks great for his age, though, really. Jenna Jameson, on the other hand, does not. Her ass looked like a fucking tray table. I wanted to set my drink on it, then smack her hard in the face and see if the drink fell off. It doesn’t show up in google image search, oddly enough. Trust me, I wanted to add a picture. Traci Lords has aged a bit better, and Cassandra Peterson (better known as Elvira) I’d still drill like an out of control oil rig. The big guns were Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, along with Sam’s brother Ted Raimi. Robert Englund, Lance Henrickson, Tom Savini, and various other regular guests were in the house, as well as…Lee Majors! Scott Ian and Charlie Benante of Anthrax were also present, and the corpse of Tim Curry. Along with many other assorted peoples who had roles in some sequels or other.
Seriously though, I just felt bad for Tim Curry. To get “his” autograph, you had to give his handlers the merch, then they’d mail it back to you later, signed. Yeah, sure pal, I totally believe that’s a legit signature that you can’t do in front of me because reasons. They wheeled him around for his photo ops, and he was just sitting there all stroked out. I’m poking fun, but really, I feel for the guy. If you saw him, you’d swear they were only keeping him alive in a high-tech chair out of fear that when he dies the psychic beacon that emanates from him that provides the only known fixed point by which to navigate the warp will blink out and the galaxy will be rent asunder by Chaos. He looked that bad. Plus I saw them sacrifice a few thousand psykers to get him through the second day. They did it in Convention Hall B.
The year started off with a screening of Re-Animator on Thursday night, with Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbot, and Barbara Crampton (who, like Elvira, is still super do-able despite being old) in attendance to do a panel. They also had Kathleen Kinmont from Bride of Re-Animator, but really who cares about her. She does reappear later in our narrative in a humorous role, so that’s something I suppose. In addition to their panel at the screening, they had a panel during the main convention.

The Re-Animator panel
The panel was great in that, rather than just tell stories, almost the whole thing focused on the craft of filmmaking, particularly low-budget film making in the 80s. Without going into great detail, they spoke about the long days on low-budget shoots (14-18 hrs per day, as principal photography had to be completed in 18 days), and about how big name actors can get away with being aloof, but working in the nooks and crannies, the only way to get a good performance is for the actors to be completely emotionally available to each other in order to create instant chemistry. They mentioned that, as they all were coming from theater backgrounds, they got together at Barbara’s apartment for a few weeks beforehand to rehearse, which is a big no-no if SAG finds out about it because it constitutes working without pay. Jeffrey mentioned that sometimes having fewer resources forces the director and editor to make tighter, better choices, because when given infinite time and money, some people go overboard and don’t know when enough is enough. He also mentioned that, back when you had to actually film on, you know, film, low-budget productions would purchase things called “ends”. These were the chopped off leftovers of film reels after standard budget films were done using the reels. They’d cut off what was left and sell it cheap. So it was a great way to accumulate film on a tight budget, but you’d only be able to do like 3 minutes on each one and it was annoying to have to work through. As for the audience questions, it’s bizarrely awkward to ask a question to a woman whose tits & bush you just saw, along with her about to get eaten out by a revenant holding its own severed head between her legs (if you haven’t seen Re-Animator, stop what you’re doing and watch it now. It’s better than any Marvel film by x1000).
The Lee Majors Q&A was a bit depressing. Due to the way television contracts were structured back then, he never saw a dime from any Steve Austin merchandise, and indeed claims to have had no idea so much of it was ever produced until he started doing conventions. He spoke about the old snobbery that shut out television stars from film productions, and told a funny anecdote about how he loved Bill Shatner when he worked with him, but that Shat had a tendency to, “die to the balcony”. He explained that it’s theater slang for wildly over-acting. He also talked about how Andre the Giant, when playing sasquatch on the show, pissed in the suit all the time, which was super gross, but was also the nicest guy in person you could ever hope to meet, which was super great.
Joe Bob Briggs did a good panel, and spoke about the state of trash cinema and its relative place in modern film production vs. where it was when he got started way back when. He and I chatted a bit about small towns in west Texas. He didn’t think I’d know a few of the places where he’d lived, but I went to college in Lubbock, and so we shared some fond memories of a shitty place that is populated entirely by people who fail out of that college. Another really nice guy. Honestly, the only person who has ever been a dick to us after all these years that we’ve been going was Billy Zane. I still think that, much like Georgia against Texas this past year, Alabama against Oklahoma in that Sugar Bowl a few years back, or Florida against Louisville a few years before that, he just didn’t want to be there and therefore that magically excuses shitty performances.
We bought a few stupid things, like a full-size xenomorph skull

So I own this now, I guess.
because I’m buddies with that vendor and he gave it to me for wholesale. There were some good costumes, but frankly the best ones were people who come every year, and I already took pictures of them and showed you all over the last couple of years. So below are some pics from this year, but not nearly as many. Karaoke on Sat. night was awful, like always, though everybody was in a good mood. Kathleen Kinmont showed up to rock out, but was wasted and happened to share an elevator with us back up to our floor. She was drunk enough that she didn’t stop singing or rocking out once off the stage – it went for the whole elevator ride. There were no infamous David Arquette episodes, however (fun fact: right before he got on stage that night, he bought me a beer at the bar. I didn’t know until later that he was supposed to have been on the wagon. Whoops). I’m also now turning it into an annual tradition to bum a smoke off of Lance Henrikson. Nice guy, but seriously, American Spirits? C’mon, Lance, I wanna see some fancy Hollywood cigarettes.
The year ended with the Sam & Ted Raimi with Bruce Campbell panel. It was really a treat. They’ve known each other since middle school, and told great stories about each other growing up. Sam busted Bruce’s chops constantly, and they told stories about all the things they did as they went around Detroit trying to scrounge up money to make Evil Dead. Sam Raimi has an annoyingly nasally voice, FYI. Anyway the highlight of the panel was, when half the room is raising their hand to ask a question, a particular person who was picked stood up and asked them their opinion on Mac and Me, a shitty 1988 E.T. knockoff. Now keep in mind, none of the panelists had a blessed thing to do with that abomination of a movie. Nothing. It was the non-sequitur from hell. They were so confused they didn’t even know what he was asking – Ted kept thinking he was asking about “mac and cheese”. The moderator even face-palmed and said under his breath but still audibly into the mike, “You get a chance to ask these guys a question and you ask about fucking Mac and Me?” and you could hear the exasperation in his voice. I mean it was bizarre. The questioner was booed down, and after the panel ended and I was waiting outside for my wife to use the restroom, Ted, Sam, and Bruce came out through that side hallway. They were still talking about that, making fun of the guy and wondering what the fuck he was talking about. Seriously, this is like getting to go back in time and pose a question to George Washington, and all you can come up with is asking him if he likes the new Prius body style.
So that was this years (mis)adventure. I was quasi-drunk for most of it and blew $1,500 in three days, but fuck it, that’s why I fight for $15. I look forward to updating you all on the event’s 15th iteration next year, if you don’t see me in the news for bombing FanExpo beforehand.

TWO evil elevator movies from the same director? You’re fucking telling me that you made one evil elevator movie, looked yourself in the mirror and said, “You know what? Ima do it again. The world needs another killer elevator movie.”

Me in front of a legit 73′ Oldsmobile Delta 88, from the film Evil Dead.

Somebody dressed as the bad guy from Army of Darkness

Here’s one you don’t see every convention: a guy dressed like Dr. Loomis. Though he still had that fucking Walking Dead baseball bat, so fuck him.

The “battle Delta”, the Delta 88 transformed for combat at the end of Army of Darkness

This person has cleverly turned a book into a monster. My wife tells me it has something to do with Harry Potter, and is therefore un-Christian.

I just thought it was funny that this guy was dressed like a fascist, his name for the karaoke was like “Lord Commander” or some shit like that, and he sang fucking Blondie.

I love the difference between horror cons and other cons. Here, for example, instead of ripped dudes in tight clothes saving the world, we have family-friendly comics with titles like, “Lets All Die!”

Randos in costume

Some dude dressed as the Creeper

This was a clever one. He’s dressed like Stephen King’s poor character from the movie Creepshow.

Clever Nightmare on Elm Street costume. More clever than the 1,000 Freddy’s walking around the convention, at any rate.

Remember when I did a series of film reviews that focused on the giallo genre? This guy gets it.

The Death Note guy was here the last few years, but the chick’s demon costume was super intricate and she ended up winning the contest on Friday night I believe. The most important thing is she was hot.

OK now this is what is wrong with the world. This is the side of the box of a Castle Greyskull re-issue toy. Notice that, unlike, say, the original Castle Greyskull box, the person shown enjoying it is not a 5 year old boy, but rather a 35 year old “man” with a shit-eating grin on his face and I FUCKING WANT THAT CASTLE GREYSKULL.

A little kid dressed as Nosferatu. I thought it was cute.

A shirt for little kids. If you don’t know what the Pork-Chop Express is, stop reading my fucking column.

Another great example of horror culture – a children’s book titled, “I Like To Eat Children”. And yes, I bought it for one of my nephews.

Another pretty well done costume

I thought this was clever – the guy made a medusa skull.

Remember when I mentioned in one of my film reviews about Anthropophagus, the giallo film about the crazy cannibal who at the end of the movie eats his own intestines? SOMEBODY MADE A FUCKING DOLL FOR THAT MOVIE HOLY SHIT

Weird nazi porn. “Deported Women of the SS Special Section” and “Gestapo’s Last Orgy”.

Shit, it’s better than concentration camp porn

This guy was the rarest thing of all at a convention – an original character. Sadly because it’s an original character I completely forgot it’s name and the youtube channel the people were trying to tell me to subscribe to where they upload their short films.

Ash Predator. He’s the Predator, but with a ripped blue shirt, chainsaw hand, shotgun slung on his back, and a deadite-colored severed head of another predator.

Scott Ian of Anthrax making sure I know I’m not supposed to be taking a picture of him.

Two tattoo artists this year. The wife and I are seriously thinking of signing up for a flash next year, which is really all they do given the time constraints.

Randumb decoration on a table. Only at Texas Frightmare.

Look in the background – it’s advertising a movie called Velocipastor that we saw for free that Friday night about a priest who turns into a were-dinosaur and saves Chinese prostitutes. It…was…awesome.
“There are so many links, I wonder which one of them randomly goes to a weird porn site?”
I like this game. I’m going to play.
Not all of them?
That’s a nice big article Gojira, nice to see you, looks like fun
Thanks. Nice to be back for a bit.
You should drop in more often.
In the ten? twelve? whatever….years I have been at TOS and here there are a handful of discussions that have stuck with me and one you and I and some others had years ago at TOS is one of them.
That’s a very nice thing to share. Mind if I ask which one?
Oh God, we don’t want to dig that dead horse up and start whacking on it. Heh.
Fascinating! I’ve never really gotten into horror because my jump reflex is embarrassingly strong and sensitive. It makes me quite self-conscious while watching horror movies. That and my wife hates them.
I’ve pondered a bit on the geek v. other clique dichotomy. I was in the geek circles through high school and college, but I never got really deep into it. All my friends were obsessed with comic books and dragonball z, but they were never my thing. I mostly stuck to Star Trek and video games.
I think, opposite to your thought, that the geek culture tends to be much more all-consuming than most other cliques. The other cliques are like roles in a play. You may have piercings and tats, but on Monday, you’re sporting the suit and tie as you head to your I-banking job. OTOH, geeks are the same every day. Sure, cosplay is a thing, but at most the geeks are letting their hair down for a weekend in a place of comfort. They go into work the next day to a cubicle with a signed Captain Kirk poster, wearing their fake-retro Cowboy Bebop t-shirt that Amanda Tapping complimented at that one convention, and eat lunch out of their original series Battlestar Galactica lunch box.
And go to conventions full of little army men on tables
Thanks for reminder that I have about 30 stands of infantry and artillery to flock by Friday.
It’s funny you say that about your jump reflex, because I’m *the exact same way*. Oddly it means that the “worse” the director, the more I’m going to embarrass myself when watching it, because over-reliance on tired jump-scares is the hallmark of a shitty horror film. I have no idea why it is, but the standard, “Looking in a mirror while in the bathroom, looks down and washes face, looks back up now there’s a ghost in the mirror behind you” will make me jump even when I know it’s coming a mile out, but I can watch a person be flayed alive with needles slowly twisted into their eyeballs without flinching as long as it’s done without jumps. I have no idea why that is, and it is bizarre.
I have found that a healthy dose of being high as fuck helps with that problem quite a bit. Give it a try sometime.
Out of all the horror that I’ve watched (admittedly not much) the Saw series was the most enjoyable for me.
If you liked that, check out “The Green Inferno”. It’s a remake of venerable classic “Cannibal Holocaust”, by the same director as the first “Saw” film, and the hapless victims are do-gooder college leftists. Most satisfying.
Ever read Danse Macabre by Steven King?
Non fiction history of the genre, quite reading
Yep, some time ago. I need to go back and give it another read.
My wife reacts strongly to jump-scares and loves them for some reason. She hangs onto me and I have to tell her “please don’t hurt me!”
OT: This is my favorite time of year. It’s 65 and no humidity, there’s just enough of a breeze to waft smell of fresh cut grass, and the bats are circling overhead feasting on the bugs. I’d sleep out here if it wouldn’t piss my wife off.
I’m sick of 65 degrees, I want my heat, preferably hot, say 90?
Stick around for the weekend. Sunday is supposed to be 87 here.
That works if humidity is low and a nice breeze comes in
You lost me at low humidity. Within a few weeks, we get into “exterior glass begins to fog up” season.
I don’t get it, you like living in a swamp?
If I could dial down the summer humidity by 50% and replace DC with a less awful city, this would be an amazing place to live. Appalachian trail 30 minutes away, salt water an hour away, decent beaches 3 or 4 hours away. Four seasons. 6 minutes to a civil war battlefield that is now a giant nature preserve.
The only things that suck here are the humidity, the traffic, the cost of living, the people, and the ticks (but I repeat myself). The rest is pretty awesome.
Tell me about it.
It’s perfect right now in NYC. Low sixties, finally low humidity after days of rain.
We are already there. Two week streak of 3 days rain, 3 days sun cycles. They say watching grass grow is boring because there is no discernible difference from one hour to the next. Guess what….it isn’t boring at my house. Dammit, I only cut about an acre and a half these days but by the time I finish the last of it the first of it needs to be cut again.
It’s 100 here. Fuuuuuck.
But it’s a dry heat!
That’s the official Arizona State Motto.
Deal with, sucka!! Welcome to the desert
All kinds of pass. I’m not happy unless I can open my windows.
At least here it cools off at night and when you move the air (ride a motorcycle.) In PX, it feels like a giant hair dryer is pointed at you. Plus, we have the option of driving ten miles to the beach where it’s 15 degrees cooler.
I would gush like a schoolgirl at meeting Jeffrey Combs, and I only know his ST material.
I did, and embarrassed myself. I very, very rarely “geek out” over actors, but he’s on the list.
edit: adding, I will almost never get multi-autographs, but I had to get one of him as Weyoun and Shran.
Not as Brunt? lol
I didn’t realize he was in the 1999 version of House on Haunted Hill. That was the first rated R movie I ever saw.
I think there are four of them.
Ah that guy, great actor, Schram losing his head probe thingy was hilarious!
Harlan Ellison,Dick Feynman
I guess I should finish, I would have geeked out meeting either man
Ditto Joe Bob – oh how I miss MonsterVision.
I actually picked up a MonsterVision t-shirt from his booth : D
I don’t watch horror movies anymore. My wife ruined it for me (she was 35 years in the mental health field). We were watching one and I was really glued to the TV and asked some question about the plot and she said “You know these people are all crazy, right? All of this stuff is just in their heads”
Then it hit me. Holy shit, she just explained away every horror movie ever made. Dammit.
Now they just bore me.
but that Shat had a tendency to, “die to the balcony”. He explained that it’s theater slang for wildly over-acting.
Huh. Really? No-one had noticed.
It’s because he was a Jew, is that what you’re trying to get me to say?!
No, Canadian, you fucking anti-semite!
I can’t be an anti-semite, I bought that concentration camp porn in the photos above! I love looking at naked Jewish women!
Want a link to Sarah Silverman’s bush?
For whatever reason, I have always found her to be extremely attractive. No accounting for taste I suppose.
I wouldn’t worry much about that. Five seconds after she opens her mouth that will boner will disappear like a snowflake in the Sahara.
She was adorable in that ST:VOY two-parter where they went to Earth.
Yep, perky boobs ftw
Voyager?! You’re dead to me.
Real talk yo: VOY sucked. It sucked hard. And it sucked for a full 7 seasons. Three words: devolved reptile sex.
As for your comment, Suthen, while your comment could also be turned into a crude BJ joke, as long as we’re talking about her politics, I long ago learned that if you can’t mentally separate what they spout on the talk show circuit from pure physical appearance, you might as well not find any celebrities attractive.
We have been over this before. I don’t find any celebrities attractive. I have worked with them. They have pretty fucked up personalities. That is for keeps, looks aint.
*I said that to my brother once. He responded “I don’t care if she is crazy or what she is going to look like in fifteen years. I want to fuck her now, then she can take her crazy and go.”
Oh, and the comment was meant to be a double entendre. You don’t have to turn it into a joke.
Paris and Janeway could have at least wondered about the fate of their little tadpoles at some point but no.
Fair enough, Suthen. Any time I say I find any celebrity attractive, I’m going the route of your brother. I’m only thinking about it for that roll in the hay. Afterwards, straight to voicemail until they give up.
Unless I got her preggers, then I’m taking her for 50% alimony.
*edited to say “Fair enough”, instead of “Far enough”. God I love having an edit button.
Forget the alimony. They will abort and then fly off to Tibet or Africa and adopt.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about that. I hate that the kids are being used as props in some dumbass charade of humanity being put on by these stars, but then again, being a rich prop that you can walk away from at 18 is probably better than being an orphan in whatever shit-hole country they came from.
“Five seconds after she opens her mouth that will boner will disappear like a snowflake in the Sahara.”
This is they type of commentary that has put the Glibs on the radar of the pundit Illuminati.
He was that good of an over-actor.
I remember seeing an interview with Shatner where he said he developed that style in honor of ??????, an earlier actor that he admired. I can’t remember who now but though Shatner did it better Adam West used the same style.
I’m daddy’s little ? pidgeon ?. Every time ? daddy comes to the park I ? cluck ? cluck ? cluck ? until daddy gives me his ? crumbies ?. Yeah! Yeah! I flock hard for ?? daddy ??so he feeds me ? like the dirty little ? pidgeon I am ?. I fly straight ⬇️down⬇️ to daddy’s ? lap and beg and ? beg until he brings out his thick, hearty ? loaf. I love to chirp and bob my ? head until daddy ? puts all his ?? crumbies in my mouth ? and I ? swallow them all like the hungry little ? chicky I am ?. Send this to ten other ? dirty little ? birdies or you’ll never get ?? daddy’s white ?crumbies ever ??? again! If you get 0 back: no ?? crumbies for you ??! 3 back: you’re a dirty little ? bird too ?! 5 back: you’re ?? daddy’s little ? and you get his ? whole ? loaf ?
You should go with us to this con sometime. I THINK YOU WOULD FIT RIGHT IN.
I’m game.
I won’t play HM, you can’t win…..
He was stating that he is the Platonic ideal of Game, as in, he spins so much game he’s just covered in bitches all the time. That original post of his I was responding to? That’s what pure game from the realm of Idea looks like when crudely transcribed by our limited technology.
I’m not stupid I’m a sarcastic asshole but thanks for playing….
I’d rather get fucked with ? than have to eat one.
So straff likes bbc in the butt. Good to know. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
My faith in humanity has been restored.
There is the HM we all know and love….wait….restored? You had faith in humanity?
I love all of God’s creatures.
Loving and having faith in are two very different things.
Like what kind of love?
It is NOT like a square’s love.
I’m sensing a theme there.
I have a craving for Jell-O all of a sudden.
Gojira! Imiss having you around. I’m glad all is well.
My favorite line:
He also talked about how Andre the Giant, when playing sasquatch on the show, pissed in the suit all the time, which was super gross, but was also the nicest guy in person you could ever hope to meet, which was super great.
I would have loved to have a few dozen beers with him.
…blew $1,500 in three days…
I have never regretted spending money on cool experiences. That’s what it’s for!
Thanks for the nice words!
I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but one of my college profs directed Puppetmaster.
I’ve met the producer, Charles Band, quite a few times. In fact, he’s a regular at Texas Frightmare.
Story that ties in to Shatner: so about 10 years ago, Band did a little touring Halloween Horror Show that had a stop at an old theater down in Dallas. It was a variety show with clips from his films, some comedy, product hawking, etc. Well about 2/3 of the way through it, he tells us that he has a very special surprise: in the back of the audience was his old friend Bill Shatner (who apparently was staying overnight while doing some commercial shoot). So Shat gets up and tells this rambling story about how he was so depressed some years back, and he pulled himself out of his depression one evening sitting in a hotel room *by reminding himself how awesome he was*. His exact moment of self actualization, and I quote: “Wait…I have an Emmy!”
The best part was, every time he had a Shatner pause in his speaking, there was some dude in the back of the house who would yell, “ShatNER!” at the top of his lungs. And nobody told him to stop, or escorted him out, or anything – they just let it go on through the whole speech. Honestly, it was one of the more surreal experiences I’ve ever had.
Obligatory Shat
At least it wasn’t an ad for frozen peas.
Orson was another piece of work all right.
The best behind the scenes crazy actor story I ever heard is still Stephen Segal claiming he worked for the CIA and worked in time travel.
Texas Theater?
I forgot about that one.
True story: I took my son out to shoot pistols one day not long after that movie came out. We were plinking away when we heard some four wheelers approaching so we stopped shooting. Four of the redneckiest peckerwoods you ever saw came along, waved at us as they went by and disappeared into the woods. The last one in the caravan was a guy with a huge fat body and a tiny, pointy bald head. His hands were enormous…so much so that they completely swallowed up the handles on the bike.
My son and I waved back but our mouths were agape at the spectacle. After they passed we turned to each other and at the same time said..”That was pinhead, wasn’t it?”
Shoot to kill!
His head was too small a target and his body too thick. His bike was regular sized but he made it look like one of those tiny ones for a child. I didn’t have a large bore rifle. Shooting him with a mere .45acp would have just pissed him off.
Suthen Spawn and I still laugh about that fifteen or so years later.
An upstanding use of tax dollars
It’s a cowboy hat!
‘Sky Penis’ is a great band name.
Wanton Wednesday provides the horror show you need.
7 is dee-lightful.
Well, no duckfaces!
31 FTW
How could you leave VELOCIPASTOR to the end? That sounds amaaaaazingamaaaaazing, especially if you watch it drunk.
And wow, how petty of FanExpo to try to kill Frightmare by scheduling the same weekend. I guess it wasn’t exactly competing for the same group of attendees, but they were competing for hotel space so that’s pretty shitty.
Just looked up the trailer on youtube.
I posted that yesterday. It does look fun.
Not sure how my amazing got in there twice. But at least Velocipastor sounds like it deserves it.
Velocipastor? Dinosaur street tacos with pineapple?
No, silly, the velociraptor is driving the taco cart.
Hi Athena
Hey you!
I do fear, though, that this blatant act of separatism has resulted in some unfortunate battlelines being drawn and our two populations being given reason to resent and distrust one another.
Pony boy dies in a fire.
*sagely nods his head*
Damn, Twitter looks like afterbirth today. Anybody got a hanger?
Twitter IS afterrbirth, save yourself and quit
I’d miss stuff like this.
“Four Glibs prepare for a nite out”
Who’s gonna pave the roads in Alabama?
He writes for Salon.
No weed, messicans or ass sex…
Although, he’s not as dumb as this guy:
“Most staggering thing I have heard in a long while:
1. 85% of Gen Z use You Tube as their primary source of video
2. Less than 1 in 10 use cable TV as their primary source of video”
Although it’s like comparing the IQ of different houseplants.
Primary source of video what?
Holy God, that thread is filled to the brim with stupidity and intentional blindness.
While I’m thankful of the valiant efforts to confront the dipshits, I didn’t see a whole lot of pushback beyond, “nuh-uh!”
The purported libertarians there need a healthy dose of glib lovin’…or, whatever we got going on here.
Hey SP, remember this,
“I walk around in the summertime, sayin,
How about This heat,
I’m an asshole, ho Dee o Dee oh,
Very nicely done. The writing has flow and momentum, and an easy conversational tone. Sounds like fun.
“Florida woman charged with assault after admitting to throwing coconut at man outside strip club
Shonta Bolds, 36, was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Friday in Key West, police said. ”
We need common sense coconut and eyebrow control.
Was it a coconut bra? A coconut cup? Rr just a plain ol coconut.? That last one is unacceptable.
I’m more concerned about the eyebrows.
Holy cow! We should all be concerned. Very concerned.
There’s nothing wrong with them…her face just shrunk.
Do strip clubs in Florida generally have coconuts lying around? Was it just sitting out in the parking lot?
I’ll have to go back and rewatch Burn Notice to do some background checking on Key West Bars. I’m pretty sure Sam Axe visited them all over the course of the show.
A friend of mine pointed out that the actual Confederate flag is far more racist than the battle flag in that it is (or could be) much more easily construed as a political statement.
That white ladies like to be double teamed by Redskins while the Blue Man Group watches?
That made me laugh.
Same here. I knew I had read something that got a pretty hearty laugh from me, but I already had a comment in the works and was trying to finish the thread.
Blah blah blah–I forgot.
I think I might have found the worst asshole on Twitter.
“Please don’t police the bodies of pregnant people. To protect children against alcohol harm, take on the industry. Call for a ban on alcohol advertising. Campaign for a health tax on alcohol manufacture and distribution. Demand public parks and libraries next to bars.
Pregnant people are whole human beings, not baby incubators. Patriarchy demands that they be pure gestational vessels despite toxic environments and structural oppression, while absolving fathers of responsibility. If you want healthy babies, work for healthy societies.
If it bothers you to see a pregnant person drinking alcohol, does it bother you equally when your bros who are fathers are out drinking with you instead of being with their kids?”
Government crackdowns on the alcohol industry have always worked so well.
Fathers are absolved of responsibility for pregnant women? Don’t tell that to the untold numbers of fathers (or perhaps not even biological fathers) who are routinely getting fleeced for child support payments and face imprisonment if they are unable to pay.
So parents aren’t ever allowed to have a night off? Does this author have the same visceral reaction if a mother leaves the kids with the father or a babysitter so she can go to the spa and have some “me time”?
Because if the father drinks the baby could become brain damaged? #science !
Hey, bud. If you’re still around could you give me a tip or two on how you drown out the ear ringing from tinnitus? It went away for a few days but earlier this week it came back with a vengeance. The constant echoing ring in my ear every waking moment is starting to drive me batshit crazy. Also, my employer just unexpectedly changed it’s insurance carrier. So without trying to explain any litigious reasons for it beyond my capacity to understand I’m effectively without health insurance until the second week of June. So, I’m trying to ride it out without falling off my rocker. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
If it turns out that ‘background noise’ can help you with sleep, and you are in the market for something to provide such, I would humbly recommend this.
I don’t use it for tinnitus, just for background noise to help me day-sleep, and to have something for when I travel. However, like I said, if something like this would help, I give it my personal seal of approval.
Thanks for the tip.
If you go with that, I truly hope it gives you some relief. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like tinnitus, so I can’t comment much. Sorry that you’re dealing with that.
No worries. What bugs me the most is that it pretty much just appeared out of nowhere. Granted, I put my eardrums through hell in my youth but I haven’t put them in too much stress outside of random work conditions in years do I’m confused as to why this happening now out of the damn blue.
Neat. My alarm clock has 4 looping nature sounds. The looping drives me bonkers in addition to keeping me awake. I don’t know who they think they were fooling.
I would kinda prefer ‘nature sounds’, but this helps.
Trigger, I will add that the “ocean sounds” aren’t really that–they’re just higher-pitched versions of the color sounds. I mean, if you squint your ears, maybe.
/really like surf and beach sounds–as much as campfires and storms
I began playing blackscreen thunderstorm videos on YouTube at night to drown shit. It helps but it just isn’t enough to do the trick.
To me, that little sucker is loud. It does seem to have…’generous’ volume to it, and does have a pretty good range of sounds and tones. With it being portable, I figure it’ll be ideal for travel.
That said, take all this with a grain of salt, since I’m not using it for the same purpose. I’ve had it 2-3 weeks (when I was using an air purifier for years before), and I think it’s a great purchase.
I *love* nature sounds, but when they loop every 30 seconds it kind of defeats the purpose. But yeah, all the non-looping gizmos I’ve seen are “white noise” and that is not appealing to me. (Granted, I don’t have ear problems yet knock-on-wood, I just have difficulty falling asleep.)
An aside – I use a white-noise app on my phone to block out the raving panhandlers on my subway commute :/
Noise is your friend. I always have a fan running, even if it makes me cold. Even if it’s in a different room it helps somewhat. Play everything loud, drown out the noise. And, learn to live with it. Like I’ve said, I don’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t have it. Work is the one place where this is hardest to control, so find a noise and concentrate on it, let that noise become your focus. In places where you can, listen to something, anything, music, talk radio, a mechanical noise, anything to keep your mind off of it.
P Brooks’d my response. Check below…sorry.
Can confirm. I am deaf in one ear, with creeping tinnitus. I’ve tried a lot , and background noise (I like high frequency rain/surf/water) is the only thing that helps, a little. I stream it from my phone to a good speaker.
Note that in this person’s mind pregnancy is genderless, but the bad parents are father’s.
Gojira, you magnificent bastard! Chafed and I have missed your articles and presence lo these many months. If you’re still on, see if you can make some more glibs appearances at night.
Sing it my brotha.
Soph on Alex Jones.
Starts around 23 minute mark.
I will reiterate, people using this child to espouse their beliefs are as bad or perhaps worse than if the parents were forcing the kid to do it. Don’t Use Kids For Politics.
Do we know that?
I don’t know but the possibility creeps me out enough that I’m not paying any attention to her. Now she’s on Alex Jones? Yeah, fuck that.
I don’t find this particularly creepy*. I do, however, wonder if she’ll end up changing her mind in the future, and become a has-been for those glomming on to her.
*It seems that plenty of glibs have stated they were well on their way to their current political standing when they were teens (anti-authoritarian, anti-big government, etc). Of course, they don’t appear to have had any kind of global platform for espousing their views.
I was completely apolitical until my thirties.
And then Joe Biden touched you?! Sing it to the rafters!
No, but it is why I am not ready to take seriously the political musings of a 14-year-old.
Yeah. That could turn into twin black holes.
I’m not saying any adult is doing anything with this kid, but adults linking it and using it to promote a political idea are as bad, if not worse than if the kid’s parents are putting them up to it.
I’ve been making a point of trying to surround myself with ambient noise whenever I can but the pitch always seems to be an octave higher than the sound around me. I know what you mean about focusing on something to distract yourself from it and that works to a certain extent. But given the fact that I am on vacation until Monday it can be a challenge to stay busy enough to accomplish that….and of course this happened soon before my first real vacation in two years…FML. I get that it’s something that you’ve learned to relatively cope with many years ago but it’s new to me and really starting to mess with my head.
*hits the bowl, sips a screwdriver. Impatiently awaiting the sweet relief of sleep*
Yeah I’ve had it so long I don’t put myself in situations where I can’t control the sound anymore. Turn on the TV or whatever. Turn the thermostat up or down to make sure the AC/Heater doesn’t stop running. That’s the worst. Your in a hotel room, the AC is running and drowning it out, you’re about fall asleep then the AC stops running it’s AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
^ so much what CPRM said. I was doing that very thing on my mini vay-cay at the end of April, and realized I needed something I could bring the next time. I’ve tried sound apps with various success, and don’t use them at home, so they seemed a waste. Not necessarily bad, but my phone and/or tablet is only so loud, and I didn’t really consider adding a speaker.
There’s a bunch of decent Bluetooth speakers out there. Very portable. To me, it’s not so much the volume as the pitch, but my tinnitus is high patched; YMMV.
my tinnitus is high pitch, but I’ve found evening it out with lower tones helps with the sleepy time
On my particular machine, I’ve found the fan settings more appealing than the color noises/ocean sounds. More variation in sounds plus my history of using an air purifier fan. Of course, different needs, and all.
Ha! I feel ya. Fuck it, sleep isn’t coming. I’m going to play some Red vs Blue on Netflix(it seems to have a lot of audio feedback plus I’ve grown to find the series endearing) and play Total War: Rome for a bit. I’m trying to capture Rome/become Imperator on the hard difficulty level using the Pontus faction. After about seventy-five years in I’ve basically conquered the Eastern Roman world from the southern Black Sea to about half of North Africa/Southern Mediterranean. I even killed off the SPQR and sacked the city of Rome twice in the hope that the three Roman factions would turn on each other now that there’s no Republic to keep them in line but twelve years later they’ve stayed untied as allies and keep fucking with me…bastards.
Glad to see you are back Gojira. Great article. I just need you to add a rating at the end.
^Second that request
Like 1-30 pieces of silver?! (Zero Hedge awaits your answer)
Wait….what? Like, “I give it three-and-a-half Iscariots”?
Exactly. Bible jokes, always popular on ALT-RIGHT-FRINGE-RACIST sites, such as this, tricknowlegied into a dig on to a dig of an actual ALT-RIGHT-FRINGE-RACIST site. That’s how we shitlord bro.
Extra Iscariots for
OK, are you an actual writer for Salon, CPRM? Or, should I call you “Communism Propaganda Re-education Machine”?!?
Zerohedge has nothing on these guys.
Quick–give up your nationality, so they don’t hate you!!
I was almost convinced, a day or two ago, that I wanted to visit the UK. All the talk of, “the people aren’t the news/gov’t/etc.”, still isn’t enough to convince me to even begin to plan that trip.
I’d still like to go to a rural area of Britain and look at some castles sometime. Wouldn’t set foot in London, but maybe there’s some of “old Britain” left elsewhere.
“We sought expert advice on the translation before broadcast and we believe the translation of ‘Yahudi’ as ‘Israeli’ in this documentary is both accurate and true to the speakers’ intentions,” the BBC spokesperson said.
No they don’t.
Ok, Sir Digby has showed up, that means it’s time I ghost him and post a music link.
And I was just about to paypal you….
I’m not hearing any music, so…
(Toss up between this and the Animaniacs version)
Oooohhh……Touche’, Gustave.
Nice to see the old guys participating in Floridian culture.
I know I’m way late with my comment, but fun article, Gojira.
However; there is no alt-text on the picture titled: Randos in costume. I want my money back.
Agreed. Fun read.